In [7]:
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'svg',}

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn import cross_validation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import preprocessing
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold

Cross-Language Rap Detector

A previous project of mine, RapItalia, was designed to approximately track the growth in popularity of rap in Italy, based on the publication date of rap songs that turned up in an Italian lyrics database. Did rap suddenly get popular there 10 years ago? I didn't have any genre information, only lyrical content, and so I made the assertion that rap songs could be distinguished by the number of words in the lyrics. I used a quite arbitrary cutoff for the number of words, specifically 500 words, and verified it only with a quick look at the songs that were identified as rap (I did made sure not to tune it based on the final output of my analysis). The results of this classification were then fed into my subsequent analysis of publication date by genre

Making an assumption like that without evidence is pretty sloppy, so I decided to do better. I did two things:

  1. Linked a large body of lyrics with high quality genre information
  2. Evaluated whether songs can be correctly classified as rap or non-rap based on non-language-specific properties of the lyrics (like the number of words)

Why non-language-specific? If I train on surface features of rap songs in every language, then I can identify rap songs in every language. This could also shed light generally on the surface-level lyrical differences between genres. And I was curious how far I could get without touching the semantic content.

First, some helper functions:

In [42]:
def feature_distribution(data, which_feature, xlim=None):
    """Plot a comparison of the distribution of a particular feature between rap and non-rap."""
    # Compute the range of feature values to use, if not specified in xlim
    med = np.median(train_data.loc[:,which_feature])
    q75, q25 = np.percentile(train_data.loc[:,which_feature], [75 ,25])
    iqr = q75 - q25
    minx = med-(iqr*2.5)
    if minx < 0:
        minx = 0
    maxx = med+(iqr*2.5)
    if xlim:
    nbins = 20
    bins = np.linspace(minx, maxx, nbins+1) 

    # Plot the histograms
    sns.distplot(data.loc[data.is_rap==False,which_feature], bins=bins, label='Non-rap')
    sns.distplot(data.loc[data.is_rap==True,which_feature], bins=bins, label='Rap')
    plt.xlim(minx, maxx)
def plot_feature_importance(features, fitted_forest):
    """Using a fitted random forest, make a cleveland dot plot of the computed feature importances. """
    vals = fitted_forest.feature_importances_
    sortorder = np.flipud(np.argsort(vals))
    features = np.array(features)
    with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"):
        sns.stripplot(y=features[sortorder], x=vals[sortorder], orient="h", color='red', size=10)
    xl = plt.xlim()
    plt.xlabel('Feature importance score')
def examine_prediction(y, prediction, data, features, show_misidentified=True):
    """Given a prediction and ground truth (y), output statistics about the quality of the prediction."""
    if type(features) == np.ndarray:
        features = features.tolist()
    cm = confusion_matrix(y, prediction)
    nonrap_misidentified = float(cm[0,1])/(cm[0,0]+cm[0,1])
    print "Accuracy =\t%.1f%%" % (100*metrics.accuracy_score(y, prediction))
    print "Rap songs correctly identified =\t%.1f%%" % (100*metrics.recall_score(y, prediction))
    print "Songs incorrectly identified as rap =\t%.1f%%" % (100*(1-metrics.precision_score(y, prediction)))
    print "Non-rap songs identified as rap =\t%.1f%%" % (100*nonrap_misidentified)
    print "F1 score =\t%.3f" % metrics.f1_score(y, prediction)
    print('Confusion matrix')
    if show_misidentified:
        print "Misidentified as rap: "
        display(data.loc[(prediction==1) & (y==0),['artist_name','title']+features])
        print "Misidentified as nonrap: "
        display(data.loc[(prediction==0) & (y==1),['artist_name','title']+features])

def compute_features(lyrics, tdm_indices):
    """Create new superficial lyrics features. Return df with the new features in columns and one row per track."""
    import time
    start = time.time()
    total_num_words = np.zeros(len(tdm_indices))
    tdm = lyrics['tdm'].toarray()
    for i in range(len(tdm_indices)):
        total_num_words[i] =  tdm[tdm_indices[i],:].sum()
#    print (time.time()-start)/60

    word_lens = np.array([len(i) for i in lyrics['unstemmed_terms']],dtype=float)
    mean_word_length = np.zeros(len(tdm_indices))
    for i in range(len(tdm_indices)):
        word_indices = tdm[tdm_indices[i],:].nonzero()[0]
        mean_word_length[i] = np.mean(word_lens[word_indices])
#    print (time.time()-start)/60

    median_word_rank = np.zeros(len(tdm_indices))
    for i in range(len(tdm_indices)):
        word_indices = tdm[tdm_indices[i],:].nonzero()[0]
        median_word_rank[i] = np.median(word_indices)
#   print (time.time()-start)/60
    mean_word_instances = np.zeros(len(tdm_indices))
    for i in range(len(tdm_indices)):
        nums = tdm[tdm_indices[i],:]
        nz = nums[nums.nonzero()]
        mean_word_instances[i] = np.mean(nz)
    mean_word_instances = np.divide(mean_word_instances, total_num_words)
#    print (time.time()-start)/60
    additional_features = pd.DataFrame(data={'total_num_words':total_num_words, 'mean_word_length':mean_word_length, 'median_word_rank':median_word_rank, 'mean_word_instances':mean_word_instances})
    return additional_features

Creating the dataset

My source for lyrics was the musicXmatch Dataset, which contains entries for 237,662 songs from the Million Songs Dataset. The MSD is a selection of one million songs based on loose criteria that included as many songs as possible by popular artists, and "extreme" songs in terms of audio characteristics. However the complete lyrics are not included, for copyright reasons:

The lyrics come in bag-of-words format: each track is described as the word-counts for a dictionary of the top 5,000 words across the set.

This eliminates at least two surface-level properties I was interested in, the line lengths and the occurrence of extremely rare (or made-up) words. But it retains many more. I stored lyrics information in a dict called lyrics, which has at the heart of it a sparse matrix of counts of words (columns) by tracks (rows), sorted in decreasing order of word frequency across the corpus.

print lyrics['terms'][0:10]

['i', 'the', 'you', 'to', 'and', 'a', 'me', 'it', 'not', 'in']
[[10  0 17 ...,  0  0  0]
 [28 15  2 ...,  0  0  0]
 [ 5  4  3 ...,  0  0  0]
 [16  4  0 ...,  0  0  0]
 [39 30 10 ...,  0  0  0]]

Although the Million Songs Dataset contains a large amount of metadata and data about the acoustic properties of songs (based on data compiled by The Echo Nest, it does not have genre information. I got that from the tagtraum genre annotations to the Million Songs Dataset. It determines genre based on human-generated annotations from the All Music Guide,, and the beaTunes Genre Dataset (BGD). There are up to two genres listed for every song, and I defined a track as being rap if it had "Rap" in either of the two genre slots.

The tagtraum genre annotations covered 133,676 tracks, of which 55,726 intersected with the tracks in the musicXmatch lyrics training set, and 6,967 with the lyrics test set (the musicXmatch dataset has a standard train-test split). does this merge, and also adds track names and artist names by querying the MSD's sqlite3 database track_metadata.db, and saves the result as pickles.

In [15]:
import pickle

with open('train_track_info.pickle','r') as f:
	track_info = pickle.load(f)
with open('train_lyrics_data.pickle','r') as f:
	lyrics = pickle.load(f)

Feature engineering: Surface text features

Compute new features for each track based on the lyrics.

In [44]:
# Create features
new_features = compute_features(lyrics, track_info.tdm_row)
train_data = pd.concat([track_info, new_features],axis=1)
features = new_features.columns.values


Examining the distribution of these variables between the two classes shows promising separation of tracks.

total_num_words is the number of words in the track, which will be an underestimate of the true number of words because of all words beyond the 5000 most frequent in the lyrics dataset being eliminated. Nevertheless, it should have a very strong linear correlation with the true number of words.

In [51]:

mean_word_length is the mean of the word lengths in a track, not weighting by frequency of the word. Again, not precisely the real values, since the lyrics have been stemmed (although I used the provided unstemming dictionary) but should correlate strongly.

In [52]:

median_word_rank is the median of the horizontal index of the words in the term-document matrix, which reflects the rarity of the words used.

In [53]:

mean_word_instances is the mean number of times a word is repeated in a track, divided by the total number of words in the track. It should reflect how repetitive the song is lyrically (e.g. because of a high ratio of choruses to verses)

In [54]:

How I Got to 95% Accuracy Without Really Trying: The Problem of Imbalanced Datasets

All my initial attempts to correctly detect rap songs using the features I created seemed to be very successful: 95% accuracy. But then I realized that this was due to rap songs being much less common than non-rap.

In [55]:

False    53032
True      2694
Name: is_rap, dtype: int64

In fact a dumb model that predicts that no songs will ever be rap achieves this accuracy, thanks to the imbalanced dataset.

In [56]:
# Baseline model: none are rap
prediction = np.zeros(len(train_data))
print "Accuracy = %.1f%%" % (100* np.mean(prediction == train_data.is_rap))

Accuracy = 95.2%

But this was very unsatisfactory for the puposes of my rap detector. I needed a) a better way to measure performance and b) a way to deal with training on this imbalanced data.

Imbalanced dataset therapy #1: Undersampling the classes to be equal

First, for a metric that is relevant to the performance I care about, which includes correctly identifying rap as well as not incorrectly identifying songs as rap. (aka the recall and 1-the precision). I decided to focus on the F1 score, which combines the two. It correctly measures my rap-doesn't-exist baseline as terrible:

In [57]:
examine_prediction(train_data.is_rap, prediction, train_data, features, show_misidentified=False)

Accuracy =	95.2%
Rap songs correctly identified =	0.0%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	100.0%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	0.0%
F1 score =	0.000
Confusion matrix
[[53032     0]
 [ 2694     0]]
//anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision is ill-defined and being set to 0.0 due to no predicted samples.
  'precision', 'predicted', average, warn_for)
//anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ UndefinedMetricWarning: F-score is ill-defined and being set to 0.0 due to no predicted samples.
  'precision', 'predicted', average, warn_for)

So I equalized the number of non-rap and rap tracks in my training set by selecting a random subset of the non-rap tracks.

In [58]:
# Reduce the number of non-rap training samples so that it is balanced with the rap training samples
num_rap_tracks = np.sum(train_data.is_rap)
non_rap_tracks = train_data.loc[np.invert(train_data.is_rap),:]
rs = cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(len(non_rap_tracks), n_iter=1, test_size=num_rap_tracks,random_state=seed)
sampled_nonrap_tracks =  next(iter(rs))[1]
non_rap_tracks = non_rap_tracks.iloc[sampled_nonrap_tracks,:]
train_data = pd.concat([non_rap_tracks,train_data.loc[train_data.is_rap,:]],ignore_index=True)

y = train_data.loc[:,'is_rap']

print "There are now %d non-rap tracks in the training set" % len(non_rap_tracks)

There are now 2694 non-rap tracks in the training set

Random Forest cross-validation

With the non-rap and rap tracks equalized, and therefore the chance level of 50%, we can start training classifiers. Here's random forest, which did much better than chance, and also had a good F1 score:

In [59]:
# Prepare for cross validation fittings
num_instances = len(train_data)
seed = 7
kfold = StratifiedKFold(y, shuffle=True, n_folds=num_folds, random_state=seed)

# Random forest fit
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
prediction = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(clf,train_data.loc[:,features], y, cv=kfold)

examine_prediction(y, prediction, train_data, features, show_misidentified=False)

Accuracy =	84.9%
Rap songs correctly identified =	79.5%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	10.8%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	9.7%
F1 score =	0.841
Confusion matrix
[[2434  260]
 [ 551 2143]]

The next few algorithms require the features to be scaled (and I save this scaling so I can apply it to the test data):

In [60]:
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(train_data.loc[:,features])
train_data_scaled = scaler.transform(train_data.loc[:,features])

Logistic regression cross-validation

The logistic regression fit is almost as good, and much faster.

In [61]:
# Cross validate Logistic regression
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

clf = LogisticRegression()
prediction = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(clf,train_data_scaled, y, cv=kfold)

examine_prediction(y, prediction, train_data, features, show_misidentified=False)

Accuracy =	83.4%
Rap songs correctly identified =	78.2%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	12.7%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	11.4%
F1 score =	0.825
Confusion matrix
[[2387  307]
 [ 586 2108]]

Support vector machine cross-validation

The best performance (although probably not statistically significantly better) is from SVM

In [62]:
# Cross validate SVM
from sklearn import svm

clf = svm.SVC()
prediction = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(clf,train_data_scaled, y, cv=kfold)

examine_prediction(y, prediction, train_data, features, show_misidentified=False)

Accuracy =	85.6%
Rap songs correctly identified =	78.4%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	8.3%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	7.1%
F1 score =	0.845
Confusion matrix
[[2503  191]
 [ 583 2111]]

Choice of number of features and feature importance

We can use recursive feature elimination with cross-validation to see how many features to use, and then by fitting a random forest, rank their importance.

In [63]:
# Recursive feature selection and feature importance
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV

#clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
rfecv = RFECV(estimator=clf, step=1, cv=StratifiedKFold(y, 3, random_state=seed), scoring='f1'), y)

print("Optimal number of features : %d" % rfecv.n_features_)

# Plot number of features VS. cross-validation scores

plt.xlabel("Number of features selected")
plt.ylabel("Cross validation score (f1)")
plt.plot(range(1, len(rfecv.grid_scores_) + 1), rfecv.grid_scores_)

Optimal number of features : 4
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11716f890>]

In [64]:
fitted_forest =, y)
plot_feature_importance(features, fitted_forest)

Embedding of the points in 2D (t-SNE)

Just to get more insight into the separability of rap and non-rap using our features, I visualized the two classes embedded in 2D space using the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE).

In [65]:
# Compute the t-SNE embedding of the points onto a 2 plane
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

tsne = TSNE()
proj = tsne.fit_transform(train_data.loc[:,features])

In [66]:
# Plot the t-SNE embedding
plt.scatter(proj[:, 0], proj[:, 1],s=2, c=y, alpha=1, edgecolors='face')

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x11511fb90>

Evaluating the undersampled models on the test set

However, what really counts is performance on the test set. It's time to load that in, add the features, and then try it out with our trained models.

In [67]:
with open('test_track_info.pickle','r') as f:
	test_track_info = pickle.load(f)
with open('test_lyrics_data.pickle','r') as f:
	test_lyrics = pickle.load(f)

In [68]:
new_features = compute_features(test_lyrics, test_track_info.tdm_row)
test_data = pd.concat([test_track_info, new_features],axis=1)
test_data_scaled = scaler.transform(test_data.loc[:,features])  # Use scaler that was fit on train_data


First up is SVM. Although the accuracy is still fairly high, and the F1 score is much higher than the no-rap baseline, the accuracy is actually lower, 93.1% vs 95.2%. Furthermore, the F1 score is lower than our cross-validation predicted, and full 46.8% of the songs identified as rap were not rap songs.

In [69]:
# Train SVM on the whole training set
clf = svm.SVC()
fitinfo =, y)
prediction = clf.predict(test_data_scaled)

examine_prediction(test_data.is_rap, prediction, test_data, features, show_misidentified=False)

Accuracy =	93.1%
Rap songs correctly identified =	86.3%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	46.8%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	6.3%
F1 score =	0.659
Confusion matrix
[[6028  405]
 [  73  461]]

The random forest does even worse, with an at below 90% and even more of the songs identified as rap being misclassified - in fact the majority.

In [70]:
# Just for interest, a random forest
clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
fitinfo =, y)
prediction = clf.predict(test_data_scaled)

examine_prediction(test_data.is_rap, prediction, test_data, features, show_misidentified=False)

Accuracy =	90.1%
Rap songs correctly identified =	86.1%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	57.3%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	9.6%
F1 score =	0.571
Confusion matrix
[[5816  617]
 [  74  460]]

Clearly, undersampling so that the dataset is 50/50 non-rap and rap songs biases the detector towards saying it is a rap song, which causes its performance to suffer on the test set, a mixed sample of tracks that contains less than 10% rap songs.

Imbalanced dataset therapy #2: Training on all data with SVM class weights

Next, I tried another option for imbalanced data sets, using the full training set but weighting the rap tracks a little higher. I focused on SVM, since it is faster than random forest and had some of the best performances.

No class weighting

Before trying the weighting, however, I decided to just try the whole training set without any class weighting. When I perform a cross-validation, the accuracy is higher, but the F1 score is lower than with the 50/50 trained models. We are only detecting about half of the rap songs.

In [71]:
# Create un-subsampled training set (i.e. all the training data)
un_train_data = track_info.copy()
new_features = compute_features(lyrics, un_train_data.tdm_row)
un_train_data = pd.concat([un_train_data, new_features],axis=1) 

# Cross-validation of SVM on imbalanced data with no class weigthinging.
scaler_un = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(un_train_data.loc[:,features])
un_train_data_scaled = scaler_un.transform(un_train_data.loc[:,features])
un_y = un_train_data.is_rap
un_kfold = StratifiedKFold(y, shuffle=True, n_folds=num_folds, random_state=seed)

clf = svm.SVC()

prediction = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(clf, un_train_data_scaled, un_y, cv=un_kfold)

examine_prediction(un_y, prediction, un_train_data, features, show_misidentified=False)

Accuracy =	96.7%
Rap songs correctly identified =	46.7%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	24.0%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	0.8%
F1 score =	0.579
Confusion matrix
[[52634   398]
 [ 1435  1259]]

"Balance" class weighting

Adding "balanced" class weighting (where classes are weighted based on the inverse of how often they appear) didn't make things better - although they greatly increased the number of rap songs that were identified as such, they made both accuracy and F1 worse.

In [72]:
# Cross-validation of SVM on unbalanced data with class weightings
clf = svm.SVC(class_weight='balanced')
prediction = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(clf, un_train_data_scaled, un_y, cv=un_kfold)

examine_prediction(un_y, prediction, un_train_data, features, show_misidentified=False)

Accuracy =	92.5%
Rap songs correctly identified =	78.2%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	63.1%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	6.8%
F1 score =	0.501
Confusion matrix
[[49427  3605]
 [  587  2107]]

I had a hunch that finding an intermediate level of class weighting, somewhere between none and balanced, would give me the best possible F1 on the test set. I started by recreating manually the balanced class weightings.

In [73]:
# Recreate the class weightings that 'balanced' produces
cw = len(un_y)/(2. * np.bincount(un_y))
print cw

[  0.53  10.34]

Then I used grid search cross validation to take 10 steps between completely unweighted and weighted, to find the class weights that optimize F1.

In [ ]:
# Search to optimize the class weightings, with 10 steps between no weighting and balanced weighting
from sklearn import grid_search
import time

ratios = np.linspace(float(np.sum(un_y))/len(un_y),0.5,10)
cws = [{0:len(un_y)/(2 * len(un_y)*(1-r)),1:len(un_y)/(2 * len(un_y)*r)} for r in ratios]

#start = time.time()
#param_grid = {'class_weight':cws}
#clf = svm.SVC()
#gs = grid_search.GridSearchCV(estimator=clf, param_grid=param_grid, cv=3, verbose=0, scoring='f1',n_jobs=-1), un_y)
#for params, mean_score, scores in gs.grid_scores_:
#       print("%0.3f (+/-%0.03f) for %r"
#            % (mean_score, scores.std() * 2, params))
#print time.time()-start
# Output of the previous cell when uncommented, since it takes too long and produces a lot of ugly warning messages

0.500 (+/-0.015) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.52539975863629507, 1: 10.342613214550854}}
0.596 (+/-0.021) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.55464822314479156, 1: 5.0747141556207627}}
0.625 (+/-0.033) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.58734512237966974, 1: 3.3622090528799751}}
0.636 (+/-0.033) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.62413852322533925, 1: 2.5138792818261102}}
0.637 (+/-0.027) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.66584973394368752, 1: 2.0073886104929475}}
0.638 (+/-0.018) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.71353533858975715, 1: 1.6707664017162922}}
0.631 (+/-0.014) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.76857794369149857, 1: 1.4308284833960971}}
0.618 (+/-0.019) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.83282243735573969, 1: 1.2511512805033203}}
0.599 (+/-0.029) for {'class_weight': {0: 0.90878682013220458, 1: 1.1115657053697283}}
0.573 (+/-0.020) for {'class_weight': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0}}

Evaluating the optimal class-weighted SVM model on test data

Based on the results of the grid search, I chose an intermediate class weighting, where non-rap entries are weighted at 0.71 and rap entries at 1.67, or 2.3 times as much. I then applied the trained SVM model to the test data.

The accuracy was 96.5%, better than the baseline, but more importantly the F1 score was 0.75, much higher than the 0.66 obtained via the undersampling. 68.4% of rap songs were correctly identified as such, with less than 1.2% of non-rap songs mis-identified.

In [75]:
clf = svm.SVC(class_weight=cws[5])
test_data_scaled_un = scaler_un.transform(test_data.loc[:,features]) # Different scaler
fitinfo =, un_y)
prediction = clf.predict(test_data_scaled_un)

examine_prediction(test_data.is_rap, prediction, test_data, features, show_misidentified=True)

Accuracy =	96.5%
Rap songs correctly identified =	68.4%
Songs incorrectly identified as rap =	16.9%
Non-rap songs identified as rap =	1.2%
F1 score =	0.750
Confusion matrix
[[6359   74]
 [ 169  365]]
Misidentified as rap: 
artist_name title mean_word_instances mean_word_length median_word_rank total_num_words
77 Hanna Pakarinen Superhero 0.005208 4.057292 305.5 464.0
99 Najee Betcha Don't Know 0.004444 4.191111 418.0 587.0
229 Boomkat Crazylove 0.006250 4.018750 206.5 567.0
304 Samael High Above 0.005747 4.511494 251.0 550.0
515 Craig David What's Changed 0.005848 4.128655 170.0 731.0
592 Mariee Sioux Wild Eyes 0.006944 4.333333 354.5 369.0
693 Alabama 3 The Night We Nearly Got Busted 0.005495 4.324176 193.0 510.0
761 Brand New Sic Transit Gloria ... Glory Fades 0.005236 4.439791 220.0 561.0
781 New Edition Is This The End 0.003021 4.528701 355.0 903.0
929 Merle Travis I'll See You In My Dreams 0.005495 4.329670 310.0 410.0
960 Dir en grey VINUSHKA 0.004878 4.565854 289.0 480.0
987 Craig David Slicker Than Your Average 0.004831 4.285024 206.0 647.0
1043 Circle Takes the Square A Crater to Cough In 0.006329 4.525316 335.5 392.0
1054 Marc Anthony Se Me Sigue Olvidando 0.004926 4.216749 299.0 713.0
1145 The Beautiful South Liars' Bar 0.005650 4.305085 223.0 455.0
1174 Gaelic Storm Johnny Tarr 0.005814 4.279070 210.5 481.0
1285 The Style Council A Gospel 0.005102 4.423469 331.0 361.0
1314 The Wolfgang Press Louis XIV 0.006410 4.275641 321.5 455.0
1571 Adversus Deiner Schönheit gewahr 0.008929 3.866071 1153.5 340.0
1677 Circle Takes the Square Interview at the Ruins 0.007194 4.438849 238.0 549.0
1770 Brand New Play Crack the Sky 0.005650 4.248588 278.0 501.0
1900 Bonnie Tyler Rebel Without A Clue 0.005155 4.613402 239.0 665.0
2039 Orphaned Land Mabool (the Flood) 0.005208 4.484375 388.5 366.0
2131 Jagged Edge Dance Floor 0.005618 4.235955 243.0 629.0
2282 Kate Nash Don't You Want To Share The Guilt? 0.004902 4.240196 254.0 500.0
2510 Seeed Tight Pants 0.005882 3.811765 434.0 457.0
2528 Circle Takes the Square Same Shade As Concrete 0.006098 4.676829 411.5 482.0
2663 G. Love Can't Go Back To Jersey 0.005587 4.150838 187.0 565.0
2687 Pierangelo Bertoli Pescatore 0.011236 3.606742 1580.0 241.0
2745 The Bad Plus Iron Man 0.004386 4.171053 433.0 457.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4178 Proyecto Uno Latinos 0.006135 3.871166 466.0 474.0
4241 The Gourds Gin and Juice 0.005848 4.157895 240.0 544.0
4262 Francesco Guccini Canzone Per Silvia 0.009901 3.940594 1671.0 303.0
4368 Mariee Sioux Bundles 0.006098 4.201220 493.0 586.0
4380 Natalie Love You So 0.003704 4.307407 399.5 613.0
4488 David Usher A Day In The Life 0.003509 4.270175 447.0 704.0
4599 Jordin Sparks Let It Rain 0.005747 4.218391 357.0 378.0
4653 Place Vendome Right Here 0.006329 4.246835 527.5 528.0
4701 Pato Banton Don't Worry 0.005208 4.557292 272.5 451.0
4754 Craig David Eenie Meenie 0.004082 4.338776 237.0 783.0
4804 Darin Move 0.005319 4.574468 400.0 410.0
4810 Seeed Schwinger 0.005208 3.875000 577.5 335.0
4911 Number One Gun Life Is What You Make It 0.004016 4.232932 293.0 909.0
4947 Alejandro Sanz No lo digo por nada 0.010101 4.252525 1118.0 433.0
5029 Mya Taste This 0.005155 4.185567 165.0 604.0
5252 Richard Thompson Beeswing 0.005495 4.098901 220.5 492.0
5541 Redemption Sapphire 0.004405 4.458150 179.0 727.0
5559 Seeed Release 0.004975 4.144279 222.0 542.0
5579 X-Perience Magic Fields 0.003086 4.509259 279.5 971.0
5634 Fotos Wiederhole Deinen Rhythmus 0.011364 3.863636 1389.0 323.0
5789 Dead Or Alive It's Been A Long Time 0.004785 4.425837 193.0 723.0
6063 The Flower Kings Devil's Playground 0.005988 4.473054 421.0 531.0
6252 Mad Caddies Whatcha Gonna Do 0.004587 4.284404 402.0 454.0
6484 Alabama 3 Converted 0.005714 4.480000 245.0 599.0
6607 Hybrid Sinequanon 0.007463 4.201493 1059.5 317.0
6622 Don Omar Angelito 0.011111 4.188889 1225.0 334.0
6674 Sergio Contreras Llena De Luz Y De Sal 0.009901 4.108911 1032.0 405.0
6679 Alabama 3 Sister Rosetta 0.004695 4.469484 276.0 545.0
6845 Boy George Kipsy 0.007194 3.827338 209.0 576.0
6943 WINTERSUN Starchild 0.005556 4.638889 260.0 486.0

74 rows × 6 columns

Misidentified as nonrap: 
artist_name title mean_word_instances mean_word_length median_word_rank total_num_words
52 Kid Koala A Night at The Nufonia 0.015385 4.000000 60.0 117.0
84 Articolo 31 Mollami 0.015385 3.384615 745.0 183.0
95 La Excepcion Hoy Frescuni 0.066667 3.133333 525.0 24.0
154 Orishas La Calle 0.009346 4.102804 1012.0 256.0
271 Buck 65 Hot Lunch 0.007576 4.590909 327.5 241.0
285 Necro Portrait of A Death Rapper 0.007812 4.414062 332.5 265.0
296 Articolo 31 Commodore 64 Vs PC 0.023256 3.162791 1273.0 118.0
391 Cypress Hill I Wanna Get High 0.013514 3.945946 133.0 200.0
403 Amanda Blank A Love Song 0.005291 4.275132 166.0 516.0
446 Fatty Koo Princess In Disguise 0.008065 4.225806 282.0 233.0
457 Orishas Hay Un Son 0.012987 4.000000 794.0 375.0
523 Orishas El Kilo 0.011364 3.863636 854.5 237.0
573 Lindsey Buckingham Never Going Back Again [Live] 0.032258 3.354839 43.0 57.0
619 Shop Boyz Bowen Homes 0.005814 3.988372 237.5 406.0
635 Shop Boyz World On Fire 0.111111 3.666667 256.0 14.0
648 Cannibal Ox A B-Boys Alpha 0.005348 4.540107 394.0 337.0
668 Ghostface Killah Saturday Nite 0.005525 4.093923 538.0 280.0
746 Shwayze Lazy Days 0.010526 4.063158 144.0 550.0
776 Articolo 31 La Mia Ragazza Mena 0.014085 3.450704 1218.0 226.0
799 Jurassic 5 Freedom 0.006494 4.259740 240.5 313.0
880 Orishas Mujer 0.009804 4.000000 866.5 256.0
920 Throwdown The Scythe 0.011905 3.904762 146.5 187.0
924 Orishas Reina De La Calle 0.009434 3.905660 982.5 280.0
947 Kid Koala Fender Bender 0.016393 3.885246 166.0 105.0
948 Mad Dog Loose Take me down 0.020408 4.081633 162.0 123.0
957 Paperboys Introducing 0.006369 4.222930 343.0 279.0
980 TTC Paris Paris 0.007812 3.492188 1046.5 760.0
1024 Absolute Beginner Nicht Allein 0.009804 3.950980 1019.5 256.0
1033 Nas Album Intro 0.007299 4.233577 187.0 375.0
1065 J-Live Travelling Music 0.006135 4.226994 294.0 325.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5545 Afu-Ra Open 0.005464 4.360656 244.0 365.0
5552 Orishas Machete 0.010989 4.010989 740.0 325.0
5578 Cypress Hill Till Death Do Us Part 0.004950 4.297030 156.5 558.0
5585 Looptroop Chana Masala 0.083333 3.666667 43.5 24.0
5623 El-P Dream Theme 0.005464 4.109290 224.0 420.0
5719 MC Solaar Zoom 0.011111 3.322222 778.0 181.0
5785 Looptroop Still Looking 0.009615 3.913462 109.0 196.0
5821 Kid Cudi In My Dreams (Cudder Anthem) 0.007692 4.415385 159.5 281.0
5873 Funkdoobiest Bow Wow Wow 0.009434 4.084906 257.5 363.0
5902 Infinite Mass Fire Fire 0.007634 3.961832 122.0 386.0
5984 DJ Vadim Aural Prostitution 0.007463 3.902985 165.0 568.0
5993 Blind Melon Hell 0.013333 3.920000 100.0 126.0
6029 Shop Boyz Flexin' 0.008403 4.092437 206.0 469.0
6038 Pig Destroyer Crawl of Time 0.038462 3.961538 145.0 33.0
6045 Nate Dogg Just Another Day 0.006711 4.228188 166.0 348.0
6056 Mystikal The Man Right Chea 0.005747 4.247126 240.5 405.0
6299 Amanda Blank Make-Up 0.025000 3.600000 138.5 64.0
6446 Ice-T Gangsta Rap 0.005882 4.070588 335.5 310.0
6483 Orishas Nací Orishas 0.011111 4.000000 839.0 266.0
6487 Princess Superstar Fried Chicken: A Day In The Life 0.009174 4.045872 226.0 215.0
6526 Shotta Soy El Mejor 0.333333 3.333333 656.0 6.0
6564 Canibus Intro 0.019231 4.230769 226.5 85.0
6567 Kid Koala Nerdball 0.035714 3.928571 49.5 53.0
6603 MC Solaar Quand le soleil devient froid 0.009804 3.490196 849.0 249.0
6636 Sunz Of Man Lulla Bye 0.006173 4.506173 275.0 285.0
6699 Amanda Blank Big Heavy 0.009346 3.934579 95.0 375.0
6794 MC Solaar Protège-tibia 0.008403 3.504202 942.0 248.0
6811 Orishas Distinto 0.010870 3.706522 1035.0 244.0
6888 Kid Koala Naptime 0.041667 3.916667 69.0 29.0
6955 Nate Dogg Never Too Late 0.008547 4.042735 143.0 346.0

169 rows × 6 columns

Error analysis

The procedure above also outputted some examples of misclassification, and it's interesting to look at these. I see two types of songs that tend to be misclassified as rap: exceptionally wordy ballads, because of the high total_num_words, and foreign-language songs, because of high median_word_rank - because words are represented in terms of their rank in the overall corpus, and the overall corpus appears to be majority English songs, non-English words have a higher average rank. This would seem to be an impediment to building a cross-language classifier with this feature. However, median_word_rank would be a reliable indicator if the training corpus was built with an equal number of tracks for each language, or within only one language. As for the wordy ballads, this could be partially compensated for by including metadata about the track duration - I expect that words per minute would be a more reliable predictor.

As for songs that are misclassified as non-rap, many of these are not in fact rap: the very short total_num_word values, e.g. 29 or 53, indicate that they are in fact primarily instrumental with a spoken word sample, or album skits. And Never Going Back Again by Lindsey Buckingham (of Fleetwood Mac) is labelled as rap, which suggests that there are data quality issues in the initial labelling that are lowering performance scores slightly.


For a diverse, primarily English-language dataset of lyrics, I achieved 96.5% accuracy in classifying tracks as rap, with an F1 score of 0.75 corresponding to detecting 68.4% of rap songs and misclassifying 1.2% of non-rap songs as rap. Depending on the needs of the application, the model could be biased towards detecting more rap songs, at a cost of misclassfying more non-rap songs.

I dealt with the problem of imbalanced datasets by using a SVM model with class weights tuned using crossvalidation. This strategy and the performance would change if the composition of the target data were different - for example if it consisted of equal numbers rap and non-rap, we could achieve at least 84% accuracy (above a chance of 50%) with these four superficial text features.

I could achieve even better genre classification based on lyrics by using semantic content, but the current superficial text features - total_num_words, mean_word_length, median_word_rank, and mean_word_instances - are both sufficient and helpful for classifying songs as rap at that performance level, and these features are language and vocabulary independent. So that even when trained on a primarily English-language corpus, most of them could be used to classify Italian-language songs as rap or not.

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