In [1]:
import requests
from StringIO import StringIO
from numpy import nan as NA
import pandas as pd
import zipfile
import re
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
def fetch_prescribing_data():
url = '' #gp prescribing data (Jan 2015)
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.content
df = (pd.read_csv(StringIO(data)))
def fetch_dispensary_data():
url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(r.content))
df = pd.read_csv('edispensary.csv'))
def fetch_gp_details():
url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(r.content))
df = pd.read_csv('epraccur.csv'))
def clean_prescribing_data(df):
df.columns = [x.strip() for x in df.columns] #gets rid of variable whitespace
df = df[df['BNF NAME'].str.contains('statin')] #cut for rows with statin in them
df = df[~df['BNF NAME'].str.contains('Nystatin|Sandostatin|Ecostatin')] #throw away unwanted statins
df.to_csv('datas/StatinsJan2015.csv') #save the result
def clean_dispensing_practice_addresses(dpad):
dpad = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].dropna()
dpad = dpad.reset_index()
del dpad['index']
dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'] = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].str.strip()
dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'] = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].str.replace('\n', ' ')
dpad['NAME'] = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].str.split(',').str[0].str.upper()
dpad['POSTCODE'] = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].str.split(',').str[-1].astype(str).str.strip()
dpad.ix[254,2] = 'BN25 1HH' #one practice lacked a postcode.... we fix this manually
dpad.ix[254,1] = 'Old School Surgery'
def validate_dispensing_postcodes():
assert(len(dpad[~dpad.Postcode.str.contains(r'[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? [0-9][A-Z]{2}')]) == 0) #length of dataframe of postcodes that don't pass regex should be 0
#nb df = pd.read_csv('') should also work but seems slower
In [3]:
#df = fetch_prescribing_data() #commented because requires internet and is slow
#df = clean_prescribing_data(df) #commented because need only run once and is slow
#dispdata = fetch_dispensary_data() #doesn't actually contain dispensing practices
df = pd.read_csv('datas/StatinsJan2015.csv') #load cleaned prescribing data cut
gpdetail = pd.read_csv('datas/epraccur.csv') #from
dpad_formatting_junk = ['Dispensing Practices Address Details', 'Primary Care Trust:', 'Report For:', 'Practice Name and Address', 'January 2015']
dpad = pd.read_excel('datas/Disp Pracs Name and Address 2015-01-31.xls', usecols=[0], na_values=dpad_formatting_junk) #load dispensing practice list
dpad = clean_dispensing_practice_addresses(dpad)
gpdetail = gpdetail.icol([1,2,10]) #throw away columns we don't care about
gpdetail.columns = ['PRACTICE', 'NAME', 'POSTCODE']
dpad = pd.merge(gpdetail, dpad, on=['NAME','POSTCODE']) #merge to add practice codes
df['DP'] = df.PRACTICE.isin(dpad.PRACTICE) #add column DP to identify dispensing practices
df['IR'] = df['BNF NAME'].str.contains('Rosuvastatin') #add column for is rosuvastatin
In [4]:
df = df[['PRACTICE','BNF NAME','ITEMS','DP', 'IR']]
In [5]:
df1 = df.groupby(['DP','PRACTICE', 'IR']).ITEMS.sum()
In [6]:
df1 = df1.unstack()
df1 = df1.reset_index()
In [13]:
df1.columns = ['DP', 'PRACTICE', 'False_IR', 'True_IR']
In [14]:
df1['Percentage'] = (df1['True_IR'] / (df1['True_IR'] + df1['False_IR']) * 100)
In [38]:
df1[['DP', 'Percentage']].boxplot(by='DP', figsize=(8,8))
plt.title("Statin prescribing in non-dispensing vs dispensing practices")
plt.ylabel('Percent of statin items that are Rosuvastatin')
plt.xlabel('Dispensing practice')
In [56]:
In [62]:
df1[df1['Percentage'] > 50].sort(columns='Percentage', as)
In [54]:
gpdetail[gpdetail.PRACTICE.isin(df1[df1['Percentage'] > 50].PRACTICE)]
In [ ]: