In [1]:
import requests
from StringIO import StringIO
from numpy import nan as NA
import pandas as pd
import zipfile
import re
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xlrd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from patsy import dmatrices, dmatrix
import scipy as scipy
import numpy as np
In [2]:
def fetch_prescribing_data():
url = '' #gp prescribing data (Jan 2015)
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.content
df = (pd.read_csv(StringIO(data)))
def fetch_dispensary_data():
url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(r.content))
df = pd.read_csv('edispensary.csv'))
def fetch_gp_details():
url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(r.content))
df = pd.read_csv('epraccur.csv'))
def clean_prescribing_data(df):
df.columns = [x.strip() for x in df.columns] #gets rid of variable whitespace
def cut_prescribing_data(df, cut_pattern, junk):
df = df[df['BNF NAME'].str.contains(cut_pattern)] #cut for rows with target in them
df = df[~df['BNF NAME'].str.contains(junk)] #throw away unwanted drugs
#df.to_csv('datas/%sJan2015.csv' % target) #save the result
def drugs_analysis(df):
print 'Unique drugs in the analysis: '
print df['BNF NAME'].unique()
print '\n'
print 'Number of practices prescribing each drug in the analysis: '
print df['BNF NAME'].value_counts()
print '\n'
def clean_dispensing_practice_addresses(dpad):
dpad = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].dropna()
dpad = dpad.reset_index()
del dpad['index']
dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'] = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].str.strip()
dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'] = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].str.replace('\n', ' ')
dpad['NAME'] = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].str.split(',').str[0].str.upper()
dpad['POSTCODE'] = dpad['Dispensing Practices Address Details'].str.split(',').str[-1].astype(str).str.strip()
dpad.ix[254,2] = 'BN25 1HH' #one practice lacked a postcode.... we fix this manually
dpad.ix[254,1] = 'Old School Surgery'
def validate_dispensing_postcodes():
assert(len(dpad[~dpad.Postcode.str.contains(r'[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? [0-9][A-Z]{2}')]) == 0) #length of dataframe of postcodes that don't pass regex should be 0
def add_dispensing_practice_column(df):
df['DP'] = df.PRACTICE.isin(dpad.PRACTICE) #add column DP to identify Dispensing Practices
def add_proportion_bad(df, bad):
df['is_bad'] = df['BNF NAME'].str.contains(bad) #add column for Is Bad
df = df.groupby(['DP','PRACTICE', 'is_bad']).ITEMS.sum()
df = df.unstack()
df = df.reset_index()
df = df.fillna(0.0) #applying groupby when there are no items in a category generates NaNs where we would instead prefer 0's
df.columns = ['DP', 'PRACTICE', 'good', 'bad']
df['Proportion'] = (df['bad'] / (df['bad'] + df['good']))
def add_gp_details(df):
df = pd.merge(df, gpdetail, on='PRACTICE')
def prescribing_setting_analysis(df):
lookup = {0:'Other' , 1:'WIC Practice' , 2:'OOH Practice' , 3:'WIC + OOH Practice' , 4:'GP Practice' ,
8:'Public Health Service' , 9:'Community Health Service' , 10:'Hospital Service' , 11:'Optometry Service' ,
12:'Urgent & Emergency Care' , 13:'Hospice' , 14:'Care Home / Nursing Home' , 15:'Border Force' ,
16:'Young Offender Institution' , 17:'Secure Training Centre' , 18:'Secure Children\'s Home' , 19:'Immigration Removal Centre' ,
20:'Court' , 21:'Police Custody' , 22:'Sexual Assault Referral Centre\'(SARC)' , 24:'Other – Justice Estate' ,
df['Prescribing Setting'] = df['Prescribing Setting'].map(lambda x: lookup.get(x))
print 'Unique prescribing settings: '
print df['Prescribing Setting'].unique()
print '\n'
print 'Number of each practices in each type of prescribing setting: '
print df['Prescribing Setting'].value_counts()
print '\n'
print 'Mean badness proportion by prescribing setting: '
prop_mean = df.groupby('Prescribing Setting').Proportion.mean()
print prop_mean
def throw_away_not_gp_practices(df):
df = df[df['Prescribing Setting'] == 'GP Practice'] #throw away ones that aren't GP practices
def mwwranksum_and_z_stat(df):
from scipy import stats
z_stat, p_val = stats.ranksums(df[df.DP == True]['Proportion'], df[df.DP == False]['Proportion'])
print "MWW RankSum P for treatments 1 and 2 =", p_val
print "Z statistic for treatments 1 and 2 =", z_stat
def model(df):
y, X = dmatrices('Proportion ~ C(DP)', data=df, return_type='dataframe')
mod = sm.Poisson(y, X) #
res =
print res.summary()
print '\nIRR\n',np.exp(res.params)[:2]
return res
def proportion_analysis(df, target):
df.columns = ['DP', 'PRACTICE', 'not_%s' % target[:8], target[:8], 'Proportion', 'NAME', 'POSTCODE',
'Prescribing Setting', 'CCG']
print '\n non-dispensing practices \n'
df[df['DP'] == False].hist(bins=40)
print df[df['DP'] == False].describe()
print ('\nmean proportion is: %.3f \nmedian proportion is: %.3f \nvariance is: %.3f \nskew is: %3.f\n' %
(df[df['DP'] == False]['Proportion'].mean(), df[df['DP'] == False]['Proportion'].median(),
df[df['DP'] == False]['Proportion'].var(),
df[df['DP'] == False]['Proportion'].skew()))
print '\n dispensing practices: \n'
df[df['DP'] == True].hist(bins=28)
print df[df['DP'] == True].describe()
print ('\nmean proportion is: %.3f \nmedian proportion is: %.3f \nvariance is: %.3f \nskew is: %3.f\n' %
(df[df['DP'] == True]['Proportion'].mean(), df[df['DP'] == True]['Proportion'].median(),
df[df['DP'] == True]['Proportion'].var(),
df[df['DP'] == True]['Proportion'].skew()))
df[['DP', 'Proportion']].boxplot(by='DP', figsize=(6,6))
plt.title("Prescribing in non-dispensing vs dispensing practices")
plt.ylabel('Proportion of group items that are %s' % target[:8])
plt.xlabel('Dispensing practice')
def prep_data_for_stata(df):
ccg_codes = df.CCG.unique()
ccg_lookup = zip(list(ccg_codes), range(0,209))
ccg_lookup = dict(ccg_lookup)
df = df[['DP', 'Proportion', 'CCG']]
df['DP'] = df['DP'].astype(str).str.replace('False','0').str.replace('True','1')
df['CCG'] = df['CCG'].map(lambda x: ccg_lookup.get(x))
df['DP'] = df['DP'].astype(int)
df['CCG'] = df['CCG'].astype(int)
def pa_research(df, cut_pattern, junk, target):
df = cut_prescribing_data(df, cut_pattern, junk)
df = add_dispensing_practice_column(df)
df = add_proportion_bad(df, target)
df = add_gp_details(df)
df = throw_away_not_gp_practices(df)
proportion_analysis(df, target)
#nb df = pd.read_csv('') should also work but seems slower
In [3]:
gpdetail = pd.read_csv('datas/epraccur.csv') #from
dpad_formatting_junk = ['Dispensing Practices Address Details', 'Primary Care Trust:', 'Report For:', 'Practice Name and Address', 'January 2015']
dpad = pd.read_excel('datas/Disp Pracs Name and Address 2015-01-31.xls', usecols=[0], na_values=dpad_formatting_junk) #load dispensing practice list
dpad = clean_dispensing_practice_addresses(dpad)
gpdetail = gpdetail.icol([1,2,10,26,15]) #throw away columns we don't care about
gpdetail.columns = ['PRACTICE', 'NAME', 'POSTCODE', 'Prescribing Setting', 'CCG']
dpad = pd.merge(gpdetail, dpad, on=['NAME','POSTCODE']) #merge to add practice codes
df = pd.read_csv('datas/T201501PDPI+BNFT.CSV') #commented because need only run once and is slow
df = clean_prescribing_data(df) #commented because need only run once and is slow
In [4]:
def statin_analysis(df):
print '\n---Statin analysis---\n'
cut_pattern = 'statin|Rosuvastatin|Lipitor|Lescol|Lipostat|Crestor|Zocor'
junk = 'Nystatin|Sandostatin|Ecostatin'
target = 'Rosuvastatin|Lipitor|Lescol|Lipostat|Crestor|Zocor'
pa_research(df, cut_pattern, junk, target)
In [5]:
def ppi_analysis(df):
print '\n---PPI analysis---\n'
cut_pattern = 'prazole|Esomeprazole|Rabeprazole|Nexium|Losec|Zoton|Protium|Pariet'
junk = 'Aripiprazole'
target = 'Esomeprazole|Rabeprazole|Nexium|Losec|Zoton|Protium|Pariet'
pa_research(df, cut_pattern, junk, target)
In [6]:
def ace_analysis(df):
print '\n---ACE-i analysis---\n'
cut_pattern = 'pril|Captopril|Capoten|Noyada|Innovace|Fosinopril|Tanatril|Imidapril|Zestril|Perdix|Moexipril|Coversyl|Quinapril|Quinil|Accupro|Tritace|Trandolapril|Cilazapril'
junk = 'Caprilon|Sprilon'
target = 'Captopril|Capoten|Noyada|Innovace|Fosinopril|Tanatril|Imidapril|Zestril|Perdix|Moexipril|Coversyl|Quinapril|Quinil|Accupro|Tritace|Trandolapril|Cilazapril'
pa_research(df, cut_pattern, junk, target)
In [7]:
def arb_analysis(df):
print '\n---ARB-II analysis---\n'
cut_pattern = 'sartan|Azilsartan|Edarbi|Amias|Eprosartan|Teveten|Aprovel|Cozaar|Olmesartan|Olmetec|Micardis|Telmisartan|Valsartan|Diovan'
junk = 'no_junk_found'
target = 'Azilsartan|Edarbi|Amias|Eprosartan|Teveten|Aprovel|Cozaar|Olmesartan|Olmetec|Micardis|Telmisartan|Valsartan|Diovan'
pa_research(df, cut_pattern, junk, target)
In [8]:
def main():
In [11]:
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