Just like in the previous chapter, we first specify the schema of our dataset.
In [1]:
import pyspark.sql.types as typ
labels = [
('INFANT_ALIVE_AT_REPORT', typ.StringType()),
('BIRTH_YEAR', typ.IntegerType()),
('BIRTH_MONTH', typ.IntegerType()),
('BIRTH_PLACE', typ.StringType()),
('MOTHER_AGE_YEARS', typ.IntegerType()),
('MOTHER_RACE_6CODE', typ.StringType()),
('MOTHER_EDUCATION', typ.StringType()),
('FATHER_COMBINED_AGE', typ.IntegerType()),
('FATHER_EDUCATION', typ.StringType()),
('MONTH_PRECARE_RECODE', typ.StringType()),
('CIG_BEFORE', typ.IntegerType()),
('CIG_1_TRI', typ.IntegerType()),
('CIG_2_TRI', typ.IntegerType()),
('CIG_3_TRI', typ.IntegerType()),
('MOTHER_HEIGHT_IN', typ.IntegerType()),
('MOTHER_BMI_RECODE', typ.IntegerType()),
('MOTHER_PRE_WEIGHT', typ.IntegerType()),
('MOTHER_DELIVERY_WEIGHT', typ.IntegerType()),
('MOTHER_WEIGHT_GAIN', typ.IntegerType()),
('DIABETES_PRE', typ.StringType()),
('DIABETES_GEST', typ.StringType()),
('HYP_TENS_PRE', typ.StringType()),
('HYP_TENS_GEST', typ.StringType()),
('PREV_BIRTH_PRETERM', typ.StringType()),
('NO_RISK', typ.StringType()),
('NO_INFECTIONS_REPORTED', typ.StringType()),
('LABOR_IND', typ.StringType()),
('LABOR_AUGM', typ.StringType()),
('STEROIDS', typ.StringType()),
('ANTIBIOTICS', typ.StringType()),
('ANESTHESIA', typ.StringType()),
('DELIV_METHOD_RECODE_COMB', typ.StringType()),
('ATTENDANT_BIRTH', typ.StringType()),
('APGAR_5', typ.IntegerType()),
('APGAR_5_RECODE', typ.StringType()),
('APGAR_10', typ.IntegerType()),
('APGAR_10_RECODE', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_SEX', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_WEIGHT_GRAMS', typ.IntegerType()),
('INFANT_ASSIST_VENTI', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_ASSIST_VENTI_6HRS', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_NICU_ADMISSION', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_SURFACANT', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_ANTIBIOTICS', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_SEIZURES', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_NO_ABNORMALITIES', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_ANCEPHALY', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_LIMB_REDUCTION', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_DOWN_SYNDROME', typ.StringType()),
('INFANT_BREASTFED', typ.StringType())
schema = typ.StructType([
typ.StructField(e[0], e[1], False) for e in labels
Next, we load the data.
In [2]:
births = spark.read.csv('births_train.csv.gz',
Specify our recode dictionary.
In [3]:
recode_dictionary = {
'YNU': {
'Y': 1,
'N': 0,
'U': 0
Our goal is to predict whether the 'INFANT_ALIVE_AT_REPORT'
is either 1 or 0. Thus, we will drop all of the features that relate to the infant.
In [4]:
selected_features = [
births_trimmed = births.select(selected_features)
Specify the recoding methods.
In [5]:
import pyspark.sql.functions as func
def recode(col, key):
return recode_dictionary[key][col]
def correct_cig(feat):
return func \
.when(func.col(feat) != 99, func.col(feat))\
rec_integer = func.udf(recode, typ.IntegerType())
Correct the features related to the number of smoked cigarettes.
In [6]:
births_transformed = births_trimmed \
.withColumn('CIG_BEFORE', correct_cig('CIG_BEFORE'))\
.withColumn('CIG_1_TRI', correct_cig('CIG_1_TRI'))\
.withColumn('CIG_2_TRI', correct_cig('CIG_2_TRI'))\
.withColumn('CIG_3_TRI', correct_cig('CIG_3_TRI'))
Figure out which Yes/No/Unknown features are.
In [7]:
cols = [(col.name, col.dataType) for col in births_trimmed.schema]
YNU_cols = []
for i, s in enumerate(cols):
if s[1] == typ.StringType():
dis = births.select(s[0]) \
.distinct() \
.rdd \
.map(lambda row: row[0]) \
if 'Y' in dis:
DataFrames can transform the features in bulk while selecting features.
In [8]:
) \
Transform all the YNU_cols
in one using a list of transformations.
In [9]:
exprs_YNU = [
rec_integer(x, func.lit('YNU')).alias(x)
if x in YNU_cols
else x
for x in births_transformed.columns
births_transformed = births_transformed.select(exprs_YNU)
Let's check if we got it correctly.
In [10]:
We will use the colStats(...)
In [11]:
import pyspark.mllib.stat as st
import numpy as np
numeric_rdd = births_transformed\
.rdd \
.map(lambda row: [e for e in row])
mllib_stats = st.Statistics.colStats(numeric_rdd)
for col, m, v in zip(numeric_cols,
print('{0}: \t{1:.2f} \t {2:.2f}'.format(col, m, np.sqrt(v)))
For the categorical variables we will calculate the frequencies of their values.
In [12]:
categorical_cols = [e for e in births_transformed.columns
if e not in numeric_cols]
categorical_rdd = births_transformed\
.rdd \
.map(lambda row: [e for e in row])
for i, col in enumerate(categorical_cols):
agg = categorical_rdd \
.groupBy(lambda row: row[i]) \
.map(lambda row: (row[0], len(row[1])))
print(col, sorted(agg.collect(),
key=lambda el: el[1],
Correlations between our features.
In [19]:
corrs = st.Statistics.corr(numeric_rdd)
for i, el in enumerate(corrs > 0.5):
correlated = [
(numeric_cols[j], corrs[i][j])
for j, e in enumerate(el)
if e == 1.0 and j != i]
if len(correlated) > 0:
for e in correlated:
print('{0}-to-{1}: {2:.2f}' \
.format(numeric_cols[i], e[0], e[1]))
We can drop most of highly correlated features.
In [20]:
features_to_keep = [
births_transformed = births_transformed.select([e for e in features_to_keep])
Run a Chi-square test to determine if there are significant differences for categorical variables.
In [21]:
import pyspark.mllib.linalg as ln
for cat in categorical_cols[1:]:
agg = births_transformed \
.pivot(cat) \
agg_rdd = agg \
.map(lambda row: (row[1:])) \
.flatMap(lambda row:
[0 if e == None else e for e in row]) \
row_length = len(agg.collect()[0]) - 1
agg = ln.Matrices.dense(row_length, 2, agg_rdd)
test = st.Statistics.chiSqTest(agg)
print(cat, round(test.pValue, 4))
In [23]:
import pyspark.mllib.feature as ft
import pyspark.mllib.regression as reg
hashing = ft.HashingTF(7)
births_hashed = births_transformed \
.rdd \
.map(lambda row: [
if col == 'BIRTH_PLACE'
else row[i]
for i, col
in enumerate(features_to_keep)]) \
.map(lambda row: [[e] if type(e) == int else e
for e in row]) \
.map(lambda row: [item for sublist in row
for item in sublist]) \
.map(lambda row: reg.LabeledPoint(
Before we move to the modeling stage, we need to split our dataset into two sets: one we'll use for training and another one for testing.
In [24]:
births_train, births_test = births_hashed.randomSplit([0.6, 0.4])
In [27]:
from pyspark.mllib.classification \
import LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS
LR_Model = LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS \
.train(births_train, iterations=10)
Let's now use the model to predict the classes for our testing set.
In [28]:
LR_results = (
births_test.map(lambda row: row.label) \
.zip(LR_Model \
.map(lambda row: row.features)))
).map(lambda row: (row[0], row[1] * 1.0))
Let's check how well or how bad our model performed.
In [30]:
import pyspark.mllib.evaluation as ev
LR_evaluation = ev.BinaryClassificationMetrics(LR_results)
print('Area under PR: {0:.2f}' \
print('Area under ROC: {0:.2f}' \
MLLib allows us to select the most predictable features using a Chi-Square selector.
In [31]:
selector = ft.ChiSqSelector(4).fit(births_train)
topFeatures_train = (
births_train.map(lambda row: row.label) \
.zip(selector \
.transform(births_train \
.map(lambda row: row.features)))
).map(lambda row: reg.LabeledPoint(row[0], row[1]))
topFeatures_test = (
births_test.map(lambda row: row.label) \
.zip(selector \
.transform(births_test \
.map(lambda row: row.features)))
).map(lambda row: reg.LabeledPoint(row[0], row[1]))
In [38]:
from pyspark.mllib.tree import RandomForest
RF_model = RandomForest \
Let's see how well our model did.
In [39]:
RF_results = (
topFeatures_test.map(lambda row: row.label) \
.zip(RF_model \
.predict(topFeatures_test \
.map(lambda row: row.features)))
RF_evaluation = ev.BinaryClassificationMetrics(RF_results)
print('Area under PR: {0:.2f}' \
print('Area under ROC: {0:.2f}' \
Let's see how the logistic regression would perform with reduced number of features.
In [35]:
LR_Model_2 = LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS \
.train(topFeatures_train, iterations=10)
LR_results_2 = (
topFeatures_test.map(lambda row: row.label) \
.zip(LR_Model_2 \
.predict(topFeatures_test \
.map(lambda row: row.features)))
).map(lambda row: (row[0], row[1] * 1.0))
LR_evaluation_2 = ev.BinaryClassificationMetrics(LR_results_2)
print('Area under PR: {0:.2f}' \
print('Area under ROC: {0:.2f}' \