In [1]:
import galsim
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Test the accuracy of flux for truncated Sersic model in GalSim

Decide the parameters for Sersic component

In [37]:
flux = 1.00e6
nser = 4.0   
reff = 10.0   
ba   = 0.6 
pa   = 45.0

Decide the parameter for truncation

In [38]:
trunc = int(10.0 * reff)
method = 'auto'

Can also try to draw the object on an Image Object with the size we want

In [39]:
size = min([30.0 * reff, 600.0])
imgTemp = galsim.image.Image(size, size)

Make a Simple PSF for convolution test

In [40]:
psfObj = galsim.Moffat(2.0, fwhm=2.0)
plt.figure(1, figsize=(5,5))

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x2b60fba96410>

First, test the un-truncated Sersic model

In [21]:
start_time = time.time()

serUntr = galsim.Sersic(nser, half_light_radius=reff)
serUntr = serUntr.withFlux(flux)
print "\n## Normal round Sersic model with Sersic %5.1f, and Re %6.2f pixels" % (nser, reff)
print "The Flux is : ", serUntr.getFlux()
serUntrImg0 = serUntr.drawImage(method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serUntrImg0.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serUntrImg0)

# Apply the axis ratio 
serUntr = serUntr.shear(q=ba, beta=0.0*galsim.degrees)
print "\n## With axis ratio = %5.2f" % ba
print "The Flux is : ", serUntr.getFlux()
serUntrImg1 = serUntr.drawImage().array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serUntrImg1.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serUntrImg1)

# Apply the position angle
serUntr = serUntr.rotate(pa*galsim.degrees)
print "\n## With position angle = %6.2f" % pa
print "The Flux is : ", serUntr.getFlux()
serUntrImg2 = serUntr.drawImage(method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serUntrImg2.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serUntrImg2)

# Apply the PSF convolution 
serConvUntr = galsim.Convolve([serUntr, psfObj])
print "\n## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model"
print "The Flux is : ", serConvUntr.getFlux()
serUntrImg3 = serConvUntr.drawImage(method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serUntrImg3.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serUntrImg3)

print "\n------- Time Spent: %s seconds -------" % (time.time() - start_time)

## Truncated round Sersic model with Sersic   3.0, and Re   2.50 pixels
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (1068, 1068)
Total Flux in the array   :  996619.0

## With axis ratio =  0.60
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (1778, 1778)
Total Flux in the array   :  998602.0

## With position angle =  45.00
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (1778, 1778)
Total Flux in the array   :  998772.0

## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (242, 242)
Total Flux in the array   :  999340.0

------- Time Spent: 0.611943006516 seconds -------
  • Show the results:

In [23]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16.0, 4.0))
imgs = serUntrImg0, serUntrImg1, serUntrImg2, serUntrImg3
titles = "SerOrigin", "SerAxisRatio", "SerPosAngle", "SerConv"
for i in range(4):

Second, test the un-truncated Sersic model

In [24]:
start_time = time.time()

serTrun = galsim.Sersic(nser, half_light_radius=reff, trunc=trunc)
serTrun = serTrun.withFlux(flux)
print "\n## Truncated round Sersic model with Sersic %5.1f, and Re %6.2f pixels" % (nser, reff)
print "The Flux is : ", serTrun.getFlux()
serTrunImg0 = serTrun.drawImage(method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serTrunImg0.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serTrunImg0)

# Apply the axis ratio 
serTrun = serTrun.shear(q=ba, beta=0.0*galsim.degrees)
print "\n## With axis ratio = %5.2f" % ba
print "The Flux is : ", serTrun.getFlux()
serTrunImg1 = serTrun.drawImage().array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serTrunImg1.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serTrunImg1)

# Apply the position angle
serTrun = serTrun.rotate(pa*galsim.degrees)
print "\n## With position angle = %6.2f" % pa
print "The Flux is : ", serTrun.getFlux()
serTrunImg2 = serTrun.drawImage(method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serTrunImg2.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serTrunImg2)

# Apply the PSF convolution 
serConvTrun = galsim.Convolve([serTrun, psfObj])
print "\n## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model"
print "The Flux is : ", serConvTrun.getFlux()
serTrunImg3 = serConvTrun.drawImage(method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serTrunImg3.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serTrunImg3)

print "\n------- Time Spent: %s seconds -------" % (time.time() - start_time)

## Normal round Sersic model with Sersic   3.0, and Re   2.50 pixels
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (662, 662)
Total Flux in the array   :  1e+06

## With axis ratio =  0.60
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (1102, 1102)
Total Flux in the array   :  1e+06

## With position angle =  45.00
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (1102, 1102)
Total Flux in the array   :  1e+06

## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (174, 174)
Total Flux in the array   :  999469.0

------- Time Spent: 94.6557378769 seconds -------

In [25]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16.0, 4.0))
imgs = serTrunImg0, serTrunImg1, serTrunImg2, serTrunImg3
titles = "SerOrigin", "SerAxisRatio", "SerPosAngle", "SerConv"
for i in range(4):

Untruncated Case, Ignore the middle steps

In [31]:
start_time = time.time()

serUntr = galsim.Sersic(nser, half_light_radius=reff)
serUntr = serUntr.withFlux(flux)
print "\n## Normal round Sersic model with Sersic %5.1f, and Re %6.2f pixels" % (nser, reff)
print "The Flux is : ", serUntr.getFlux()

# Apply the axis ratio 
print "\n## With axis ratio = %5.2f" % ba
serUntr = serUntr.shear(q=ba, beta=0.0*galsim.degrees)

# Apply the position angle
print "\n## With position angle = %6.2f" % pa
serUntr = serUntr.rotate(pa*galsim.degrees)

# Apply the PSF convolution 
serConvUntr = galsim.Convolve([serUntr, psfObj])
print "\n## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model"
print "The Flux is : ", serConvUntr.getFlux()
serUntrImg = serConvUntr.drawImage(method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serUntrImg.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serUntrImg)

print "\n------- Time Spent: %s seconds -------" % (time.time() - start_time)

plt.figure(1, figsize=(5,5))

## Normal round Sersic model with Sersic   4.0, and Re  10.00 pixels
The Flux is :  1000000.0

## With axis ratio =  0.60

## With position angle =  45.00

## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (1414, 1414)
Total Flux in the array   :  999070.0

------- Time Spent: 1.13336491585 seconds -------
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x2b60fbedad90>

Truncated case, Ignore the middle steps

In [32]:
start_time = time.time()

serTrun = galsim.Sersic(nser, half_light_radius=reff, trunc=trunc)
serTrun = serTrun.withFlux(flux)
print "\n## Truncated round Sersic model with Sersic %5.1f, and Re %6.2f pixels" % (nser, reff)
print "The Flux is : ", serTrun.getFlux()

# Apply the axis ratio 
print "\n## With axis ratio = %5.2f" % ba
serTrun = serTrun.shear(q=ba, beta=0.0*galsim.degrees)

# Apply the position angle
print "\n## With position angle = %6.2f" % pa
serTrun = serTrun.rotate(pa*galsim.degrees)

# Apply the PSF convolution 
serConvTrun = galsim.Convolve([serTrun, psfObj])
print "\n## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model"
print "The Flux is : ", serConvTrun.getFlux()
serTrunImg = serConvTrun.drawImage(method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serTrunImg.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serTrunImg)

print "\n------- Time Spent: %s seconds -------" % (time.time() - start_time)

plt.figure(1, figsize=(5,5))

## Truncated round Sersic model with Sersic   4.0, and Re  10.00 pixels
The Flux is :  1000000.0

## With axis ratio =  0.60

## With position angle =  45.00

## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model
The Flux is :  1000000.0
Shape of the output array :  (174, 174)
Total Flux in the array   :  999275.0

------- Time Spent: 0.0334300994873 seconds -------
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x2b60fbe8d2d0>

Untruncated, but draw on an ImageObj with the size we want

In [42]:
start_time = time.time()

serUntr = galsim.Sersic(nser, half_light_radius=reff)
serUntr = serUntr.withFlux(flux)
print "\n## Normal round Sersic model with Sersic %5.1f, and Re %6.2f pixels" % (nser, reff)
print "The Flux is : ", serUntr.getFlux()

# Apply the axis ratio 
print "\n## With axis ratio = %5.2f" % ba
serUntr = serUntr.shear(q=ba, beta=0.0*galsim.degrees)

# Apply the position angle
print "\n## With position angle = %6.2f" % pa
serUntr = serUntr.rotate(pa*galsim.degrees)

# Apply the PSF convolution 
serConvUntr = galsim.Convolve([serUntr, psfObj])
print "\n## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model"
print "The Flux is : ", serConvUntr.getFlux()

# Draw on an ImgObj with size=size
print "\n## Draw on an ImageObj with size=%5d pixels" % size
serUntrImg = serConvUntr.drawImage(imgTemp, method=method).array
print "Shape of the output array : ", serUntrImg.shape
print "Total Flux in the array   : ", np.sum(serUntrImg)

print "\n------- Time Spent: %s seconds -------" % (time.time() - start_time)

plt.figure(1, figsize=(5,5))

## Normal round Sersic model with Sersic   4.0, and Re  10.00 pixels
The Flux is :  1000000.0

## With axis ratio =  0.60

## With position angle =  45.00

## Convolve with a Moffat PSF model
The Flux is :  1000000.0

## Draw on an ImageObj with size=  300 pixels
Shape of the output array :  (300, 300)
Total Flux in the array   :  933883.0

------- Time Spent: 0.246865987778 seconds -------
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x2b60fb931f90>

In [ ]: