Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical clustering refers to a class of clustering methods that seek to build a hierarchy of clusters, in which some clusters contain others. In this assignment, we will explore a top-down approach, recursively bipartitioning the data using k-means.

Note to Amazon EC2 users: To conserve memory, make sure to stop all the other notebooks before running this notebook.

Import packages

In [1]:
import graphlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import time
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
%matplotlib inline

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You can use pip to upgrade the graphlab-create package. For more information see https://dato.com/products/create/upgrade.

Load the Wikipedia dataset

In [2]:
wiki = graphlab.SFrame('people_wiki.gl/')

[INFO] graphlab.cython.cy_server: GraphLab Create v1.10.1 started. Logging: C:\Users\linghao\AppData\Local\Temp\graphlab_server_1467990837.log.0
INFO:graphlab.cython.cy_server:GraphLab Create v1.10.1 started. Logging: C:\Users\linghao\AppData\Local\Temp\graphlab_server_1467990837.log.0
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As we did in previous assignments, let's extract the TF-IDF features:

In [3]:
wiki['tf_idf'] = graphlab.text_analytics.tf_idf(wiki['text'])

To run k-means on this dataset, we should convert the data matrix into a sparse matrix.

In [4]:
from em_utilities import sframe_to_scipy # converter

# This will take about a minute or two.
tf_idf, map_index_to_word = sframe_to_scipy(wiki, 'tf_idf')

To be consistent with the k-means assignment, let's normalize all vectors to have unit norm.

In [5]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
tf_idf = normalize(tf_idf)

Bipartition the Wikipedia dataset using k-means

Recall our workflow for clustering text data with k-means:

  1. Load the dataframe containing a dataset, such as the Wikipedia text dataset.
  2. Extract the data matrix from the dataframe.
  3. Run k-means on the data matrix with some value of k.
  4. Visualize the clustering results using the centroids, cluster assignments, and the original dataframe. We keep the original dataframe around because the data matrix does not keep auxiliary information (in the case of the text dataset, the title of each article).

Let us modify the workflow to perform bipartitioning:

  1. Load the dataframe containing a dataset, such as the Wikipedia text dataset.
  2. Extract the data matrix from the dataframe.
  3. Run k-means on the data matrix with k=2.
  4. Divide the data matrix into two parts using the cluster assignments.
  5. Divide the dataframe into two parts, again using the cluster assignments. This step is necessary to allow for visualization.
  6. Visualize the bipartition of data.

We'd like to be able to repeat Steps 3-6 multiple times to produce a hierarchy of clusters such as the following:

            |                          |
         Cluster                    Cluster
     +------+-----+             +------+-----+
     |            |             |            |
   Cluster     Cluster       Cluster      Cluster

Each parent cluster is bipartitioned to produce two child clusters. At the very top is the root cluster, which consists of the entire dataset.

Now we write a wrapper function to bipartition a given cluster using k-means. There are three variables that together comprise the cluster:

  • dataframe: a subset of the original dataframe that correspond to member rows of the cluster
  • matrix: same set of rows, stored in sparse matrix format
  • centroid: the centroid of the cluster (not applicable for the root cluster)

Rather than passing around the three variables separately, we package them into a Python dictionary. The wrapper function takes a single dictionary (representing a parent cluster) and returns two dictionaries (representing the child clusters).

In [6]:
def bipartition(cluster, maxiter=400, num_runs=4, seed=None):
    '''cluster: should be a dictionary containing the following keys
                * dataframe: original dataframe
                * matrix:    same data, in matrix format
                * centroid:  centroid for this particular cluster'''
    data_matrix = cluster['matrix']
    dataframe   = cluster['dataframe']
    # Run k-means on the data matrix with k=2. We use scikit-learn here to simplify workflow.
    kmeans_model = KMeans(n_clusters=2, max_iter=maxiter, n_init=num_runs, random_state=seed, n_jobs=-1)    
    centroids, cluster_assignment = kmeans_model.cluster_centers_, kmeans_model.labels_
    # Divide the data matrix into two parts using the cluster assignments.
    data_matrix_left_child, data_matrix_right_child = data_matrix[cluster_assignment==0], \
    # Divide the dataframe into two parts, again using the cluster assignments.
    cluster_assignment_sa = graphlab.SArray(cluster_assignment) # minor format conversion
    dataframe_left_child, dataframe_right_child     = dataframe[cluster_assignment_sa==0], \
    # Package relevant variables for the child clusters
    cluster_left_child  = {'matrix': data_matrix_left_child,
                           'dataframe': dataframe_left_child,
                           'centroid': centroids[0]}
    cluster_right_child = {'matrix': data_matrix_right_child,
                           'dataframe': dataframe_right_child,
                           'centroid': centroids[1]}
    return (cluster_left_child, cluster_right_child)

The following cell performs bipartitioning of the Wikipedia dataset. Allow 20-60 seconds to finish.

Note. For the purpose of the assignment, we set an explicit seed (seed=1) to produce identical outputs for every run. In pratical applications, you might want to use different random seeds for all runs.

In [7]:
wiki_data = {'matrix': tf_idf, 'dataframe': wiki} # no 'centroid' for the root cluster
left_child, right_child = bipartition(wiki_data, maxiter=100, num_runs=8, seed=1)

Let's examine the contents of one of the two clusters, which we call the left_child, referring to the tree visualization above.

In [8]:

{'centroid': array([  0.00000000e+00,   8.57526623e-06,   0.00000000e+00, ...,
          1.38560691e-04,   6.46049863e-05,   2.26551103e-05]),
 'dataframe': Columns:
 	URI	str
 	name	str
 	text	str
 	tf_idf	dict
 Rows: Unknown
 |              URI              |              name             |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |         Digby Morrell         |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... | Paddy Dunne (Gaelic footba... |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |         Ceiron Thomas         |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |          Adel Sellimi         |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |          Vic Stasiuk          |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |          Leon Hapgood         |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |           Dom Flora           |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |           Bob Reece           |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... | Bob Adams (American football) |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |           Marc Logan          |
 |              text             |             tf_idf            |
 | digby morrell born 10 octo... | {'since': 1.45537671730804... |
 | paddy dunne was a gaelic f... | {'all': 3.2862224869824943... |
 | ceiron thomas born 23 octo... | {'thomas': 19.921640781374... |
 | adel sellimi arabic was bo... | {'coach': 5.44426411898705... |
 | victor john stasiuk born m... | {'leagues': 3.892260543300... |
 | leon duane hapgood born 7 ... | {'albion': 5.6732894101834... |
 | dominick a dom flora born ... | {'all': 1.6431112434912472... |
 | robert scott reece born ja... | {'leagues': 3.892260543300... |
 | robert bruce bob adams bor... | {'coach': 8.16639617848058... |
 | marc anthony logan born ma... | {'cincinnati': 4.392081929... |
 [? rows x 4 columns]
 Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
 You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.,
 'matrix': <11510x547979 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>'
 	with 1885831 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>}

And here is the content of the other cluster we named right_child.

In [9]:

{'centroid': array([  3.00882137e-06,   0.00000000e+00,   2.88868244e-06, ...,
          1.10291526e-04,   9.00609890e-05,   2.03703564e-05]),
 'dataframe': Columns:
 	URI	str
 	name	str
 	text	str
 	tf_idf	dict
 Rows: Unknown
 |              URI              |         name        |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |    Alfred J. Lewy   |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |    Harpdog Brown    |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... | Franz Rottensteiner |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |        G-Enka       |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |    Sam Henderson    |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |    Aaron LaCrate    |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |   Trevor Ferguson   |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |     Grant Nelson    |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |     Cathy Caruth    |
 | <http://dbpedia.org/resour... |     Sophie Crumb    |
 |              text             |             tf_idf            |
 | alfred j lewy aka sandy le... | {'precise': 6.443200606955... |
 | harpdog brown is a singer ... | {'just': 2.700729968710864... |
 | franz rottensteiner born i... | {'all': 1.6431112434912472... |
 | henry krvits born 30 decem... | {'legendary': 4.2808562943... |
 | sam henderson born october... | {'now': 1.96695239252401, ... |
 | aaron lacrate is an americ... | {'exclusive': 10.455187230... |
 | trevor ferguson aka john f... | {'taxi': 6.052021456094502... |
 | grant nelson born 27 april... | {'houston': 3.935505942157... |
 | cathy caruth born 1955 is ... | {'phenomenon': 5.750053426... |
 | sophia violet sophie crumb... | {'zwigoff': 20.58669641733... |
 [? rows x 4 columns]
 Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
 You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.,
 'matrix': <47561x547979 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>'
 	with 8493452 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>}

Visualize the bipartition

We provide you with a modified version of the visualization function from the k-means assignment. For each cluster, we print the top 5 words with highest TF-IDF weights in the centroid and display excerpts for the 8 nearest neighbors of the centroid.

In [10]:
def display_single_tf_idf_cluster(cluster, map_index_to_word):
    '''map_index_to_word: SFrame specifying the mapping betweeen words and column indices'''
    wiki_subset   = cluster['dataframe']
    tf_idf_subset = cluster['matrix']
    centroid      = cluster['centroid']
    # Print top 5 words with largest TF-IDF weights in the cluster
    idx = centroid.argsort()[::-1]
    for i in xrange(5):
        print('{0:s}:{1:.3f}'.format(map_index_to_word['category'][idx[i]], centroid[idx[i]])),
    # Compute distances from the centroid to all data points in the cluster.
    distances = pairwise_distances(tf_idf_subset, [centroid], metric='euclidean').flatten()
    # compute nearest neighbors of the centroid within the cluster.
    nearest_neighbors = distances.argsort()
    # For 8 nearest neighbors, print the title as well as first 180 characters of text.
    # Wrap the text at 80-character mark.
    for i in xrange(8):
        text = ' '.join(wiki_subset[nearest_neighbors[i]]['text'].split(None, 25)[0:25])
        print('* {0:50s} {1:.5f}\n  {2:s}\n  {3:s}'.format(wiki_subset[nearest_neighbors[i]]['name'],
              distances[nearest_neighbors[i]], text[:90], text[90:180] if len(text) > 90 else ''))

Let's visualize the two child clusters:

In [11]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(left_child, map_index_to_word)

league:0.040 season:0.036 team:0.029 football:0.029 played:0.028 
* Todd Williams                                      0.95468
  todd michael williams born february 13 1971 in syracuse new york is a former major league 
  baseball relief pitcher he attended east syracuseminoa high school
* Gord Sherven                                       0.95622
  gordon r sherven born august 21 1963 in gravelbourg saskatchewan and raised in mankota sas
  katchewan is a retired canadian professional ice hockey forward who played
* Justin Knoedler                                    0.95639
  justin joseph knoedler born july 17 1980 in springfield illinois is a former major league 
  baseball catcherknoedler was originally drafted by the st louis cardinals
* Chris Day                                          0.95648
  christopher nicholas chris day born 28 july 1975 is an english professional footballer who
   plays as a goalkeeper for stevenageday started his career at tottenham
* Tony Smith (footballer, born 1957)                 0.95653
  anthony tony smith born 20 february 1957 is a former footballer who played as a central de
  fender in the football league in the 1970s and
* Ashley Prescott                                    0.95761
  ashley prescott born 11 september 1972 is a former australian rules footballer he played w
  ith the richmond and fremantle football clubs in the afl between
* Leslie Lea                                         0.95802
  leslie lea born 5 october 1942 in manchester is an english former professional footballer 
  he played as a midfielderlea began his professional career with blackpool
* Tommy Anderson (footballer)                        0.95818
  thomas cowan tommy anderson born 24 september 1934 in haddington is a scottish former prof
  essional footballer he played as a forward and was noted for

In [12]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(right_child, map_index_to_word)

she:0.025 her:0.017 music:0.012 he:0.011 university:0.011 
* Anita Kunz                                         0.97401
  anita e kunz oc born 1956 is a canadianborn artist and illustratorkunz has lived in london
   new york and toronto contributing to magazines and working
* Janet Jackson                                      0.97472
  janet damita jo jackson born may 16 1966 is an american singer songwriter and actress know
  n for a series of sonically innovative socially conscious and
* Madonna (entertainer)                              0.97475
  madonna louise ciccone tkoni born august 16 1958 is an american singer songwriter actress 
  and businesswoman she achieved popularity by pushing the boundaries of lyrical
* %C3%81ine Hyland                                   0.97536
  ine hyland ne donlon is emeritus professor of education and former vicepresident of univer
  sity college cork ireland she was born in 1942 in athboy co
* Jane Fonda                                         0.97621
  jane fonda born lady jayne seymour fonda december 21 1937 is an american actress writer po
  litical activist former fashion model and fitness guru she is
* Christine Robertson                                0.97643
  christine mary robertson born 5 october 1948 is an australian politician and former austra
  lian labor party member of the new south wales legislative council serving
* Pat Studdy-Clift                                   0.97643
  pat studdyclift is an australian author specialising in historical fiction and nonfictionb
  orn in 1925 she lived in gunnedah until she was sent to a boarding
* Alexandra Potter                                   0.97646
  alexandra potter born 1970 is a british author of romantic comediesborn in bradford yorksh
  ire england and educated at liverpool university gaining an honors degree in

The left cluster consists of athletes, whereas the right cluster consists of non-athletes. So far, we have a single-level hierarchy consisting of two clusters, as follows:

                    |                                               |
                    +                                               +
                 Athletes                                      Non-athletes

Is this hierarchy good enough? When building a hierarchy of clusters, we must keep our particular application in mind. For instance, we might want to build a directory for Wikipedia articles. A good directory would let you quickly narrow down your search to a small set of related articles. The categories of athletes and non-athletes are too general to facilitate efficient search. For this reason, we decide to build another level into our hierarchy of clusters with the goal of getting more specific cluster structure at the lower level. To that end, we subdivide both the athletes and non-athletes clusters.

Perform recursive bipartitioning

Cluster of athletes

To help identify the clusters we've built so far, let's give them easy-to-read aliases:

In [13]:
athletes = left_child
non_athletes = right_child

Using the bipartition function, we produce two child clusters of the athlete cluster:

In [14]:
# Bipartition the cluster of athletes
left_child_athletes, right_child_athletes = bipartition(athletes, maxiter=100, num_runs=8, seed=1)

The left child cluster mainly consists of baseball players:

In [15]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(left_child_athletes, map_index_to_word)

baseball:0.111 league:0.103 major:0.051 games:0.046 season:0.045 
* Steve Springer                                     0.89344
  steven michael springer born february 11 1961 is an american former professional baseball 
  player who appeared in major league baseball as a third baseman and
* Dave Ford                                          0.89598
  david alan ford born december 29 1956 is a former major league baseball pitcher for the ba
  ltimore orioles born in cleveland ohio ford attended lincolnwest
* Todd Williams                                      0.89823
  todd michael williams born february 13 1971 in syracuse new york is a former major league 
  baseball relief pitcher he attended east syracuseminoa high school
* Justin Knoedler                                    0.90097
  justin joseph knoedler born july 17 1980 in springfield illinois is a former major league 
  baseball catcherknoedler was originally drafted by the st louis cardinals
* Kevin Nicholson (baseball)                         0.90607
  kevin ronald nicholson born march 29 1976 is a canadian baseball shortstop he played part 
  of the 2000 season for the san diego padres of
* Joe Strong                                         0.90638
  joseph benjamin strong born september 9 1962 in fairfield california is a former major lea
  gue baseball pitcher who played for the florida marlins from 2000
* James Baldwin (baseball)                           0.90674
  james j baldwin jr born july 15 1971 is a former major league baseball pitcher he batted a
  nd threw righthanded in his 11season career he
* James Garcia                                       0.90729
  james robert garcia born february 3 1980 is an american former professional baseball pitch
  er who played in the san francisco giants minor league system as

On the other hand, the right child cluster is a mix of football players and ice hockey players:

In [16]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(right_child_athletes, map_index_to_word)

season:0.034 football:0.033 team:0.031 league:0.029 played:0.027 
* Gord Sherven                                       0.95562
  gordon r sherven born august 21 1963 in gravelbourg saskatchewan and raised in mankota sas
  katchewan is a retired canadian professional ice hockey forward who played
* Ashley Prescott                                    0.95656
  ashley prescott born 11 september 1972 is a former australian rules footballer he played w
  ith the richmond and fremantle football clubs in the afl between
* Chris Day                                          0.95656
  christopher nicholas chris day born 28 july 1975 is an english professional footballer who
   plays as a goalkeeper for stevenageday started his career at tottenham
* Jason Roberts (footballer)                         0.95658
  jason andre davis roberts mbe born 25 january 1978 is a former professional footballer and
   now a football punditborn in park royal london roberts was
* Todd Curley                                        0.95743
  todd curley born 14 january 1973 is a former australian rules footballer who played for co
  llingwood and the western bulldogs in the australian football league
* Tony Smith (footballer, born 1957)                 0.95801
  anthony tony smith born 20 february 1957 is a former footballer who played as a central de
  fender in the football league in the 1970s and
* Sol Campbell                                       0.95802
  sulzeer jeremiah sol campbell born 18 september 1974 is a former england international foo
  tballer a central defender he had a 19year career playing in the
* Richard Ambrose                                    0.95924
  richard ambrose born 10 june 1972 is a former australian rules footballer who played with 
  the sydney swans in the australian football league afl he

Note. Concerning use of "football"

The occurrences of the word "football" above refer to association football. This sports is also known as "soccer" in United States (to avoid confusion with American football). We will use "football" throughout when discussing topic representation.

Our hierarchy of clusters now looks like this:

                    |                                               |
                    +                                               +
                 Athletes                                      Non-athletes
        |                    |
        |                    +
        +                 football/
     baseball            ice hockey

Should we keep subdividing the clusters? If so, which cluster should we subdivide? To answer this question, we again think about our application. Since we organize our directory by topics, it would be nice to have topics that are about as coarse as each other. For instance, if one cluster is about baseball, we expect some other clusters about football, basketball, volleyball, and so forth. That is, we would like to achieve similar level of granularity for all clusters.

Notice that the right child cluster is more coarse than the left child cluster. The right cluster posseses a greater variety of topics than the left (ice hockey/football vs. baseball). So the right child cluster should be subdivided further to produce finer child clusters.

Let's give the clusters aliases as well:

In [17]:
baseball            = left_child_athletes
ice_hockey_football = right_child_athletes

Cluster of ice hockey players and football players

In answering the following quiz question, take a look at the topics represented in the top documents (those closest to the centroid), as well as the list of words with highest TF-IDF weights.

Quiz Question. Bipartition the cluster of ice hockey and football players. Which of the two child clusters should be futher subdivided?

Note. To achieve consistent results, use the arguments maxiter=100, num_runs=8, seed=1 when calling the bipartition function.

  1. The left child cluster
  2. The right child cluster

In [18]:
left, right = bipartition(ice_hockey_football, maxiter=100, num_runs=8, seed=1)

In [19]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(left, map_index_to_word)

football:0.048 season:0.043 league:0.041 played:0.036 coach:0.034 
* Todd Curley                                        0.94582
  todd curley born 14 january 1973 is a former australian rules footballer who played for co
  llingwood and the western bulldogs in the australian football league
* Tony Smith (footballer, born 1957)                 0.94609
  anthony tony smith born 20 february 1957 is a former footballer who played as a central de
  fender in the football league in the 1970s and
* Chris Day                                          0.94626
  christopher nicholas chris day born 28 july 1975 is an english professional footballer who
   plays as a goalkeeper for stevenageday started his career at tottenham
* Jason Roberts (footballer)                         0.94635
  jason andre davis roberts mbe born 25 january 1978 is a former professional footballer and
   now a football punditborn in park royal london roberts was
* Ashley Prescott                                    0.94635
  ashley prescott born 11 september 1972 is a former australian rules footballer he played w
  ith the richmond and fremantle football clubs in the afl between
* David Hamilton (footballer)                        0.94928
  david hamilton born 7 november 1960 is an english former professional association football
   player who played as a midfielder he won caps for the england
* Richard Ambrose                                    0.94944
  richard ambrose born 10 june 1972 is a former australian rules footballer who played with 
  the sydney swans in the australian football league afl he
* Neil Grayson                                       0.94960
  neil grayson born 1 november 1964 in york is an english footballer who last played as a st
  riker for sutton towngraysons first club was local

In [20]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(right, map_index_to_word)

championships:0.045 tour:0.044 championship:0.035 world:0.031 won:0.031 
* Alessandra Aguilar                                 0.93847
  alessandra aguilar born 1 july 1978 in lugo is a spanish longdistance runner who specialis
  es in marathon running she represented her country in the event
* Heather Samuel                                     0.93964
  heather barbara samuel born 6 july 1970 is a retired sprinter from antigua and barbuda who
   specialized in the 100 and 200 metres in 1990
* Viola Kibiwot                                      0.94006
  viola jelagat kibiwot born december 22 1983 in keiyo district is a runner from kenya who s
  pecialises in the 1500 metres kibiwot won her first
* Ayelech Worku                                      0.94022
  ayelech worku born june 12 1979 is an ethiopian longdistance runner most known for winning
   two world championships bronze medals on the 5000 metres she
* Krisztina Papp                                     0.94068
  krisztina papp born 17 december 1982 in eger is a hungarian long distance runner she is th
  e national indoor record holder over 5000 mpapp began
* Petra Lammert                                      0.94209
  petra lammert born 3 march 1984 in freudenstadt badenwrttemberg is a former german shot pu
  tter and current bobsledder she was the 2009 european indoor champion
* Morhad Amdouni                                     0.94210
  morhad amdouni born 21 january 1988 in portovecchio is a french middle and longdistance ru
  nner he was european junior champion in track and cross country
* Brian Davis (golfer)                               0.94360
  brian lester davis born 2 august 1974 is an english professional golferdavis was born in l
  ondon he turned professional in 1994 and became a member

Caution. The granularity criteria is an imperfect heuristic and must be taken with a grain of salt. It takes a lot of manual intervention to obtain a good hierarchy of clusters.

  • If a cluster is highly mixed, the top articles and words may not convey the full picture of the cluster. Thus, we may be misled if we judge the purity of clusters solely by their top documents and words.
  • Many interesting topics are hidden somewhere inside the clusters but do not appear in the visualization. We may need to subdivide further to discover new topics. For instance, subdividing the ice_hockey_football cluster led to the appearance of golf.

Quiz Question. Which diagram best describes the hierarchy right after splitting the ice_hockey_football cluster? Refer to the quiz form for the diagrams.

Cluster of non-athletes

Now let us subdivide the cluster of non-athletes.

In [21]:
# Bipartition the cluster of non-athletes
left_child_non_athletes, right_child_non_athletes = bipartition(non_athletes, maxiter=100, num_runs=8, seed=1)

In [22]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(left_child_non_athletes, map_index_to_word)

university:0.016 he:0.013 she:0.013 law:0.012 served:0.012 
* Barry Sullivan (lawyer)                            0.97227
  barry sullivan is a chicago lawyer and as of july 1 2009 the cooney conway chair in advoca
  cy at loyola university chicago school of law
* Kayee Griffin                                      0.97444
  kayee frances griffin born 6 february 1950 is an australian politician and former australi
  an labor party member of the new south wales legislative council serving
* Christine Robertson                                0.97450
  christine mary robertson born 5 october 1948 is an australian politician and former austra
  lian labor party member of the new south wales legislative council serving
* James A. Joseph                                    0.97464
  james a joseph born 1935 is an american former diplomatjoseph is professor of the practice
   of public policy studies at duke university and founder of
* David Anderson (British Columbia politician)       0.97492
  david a anderson pc oc born august 16 1937 in victoria british columbia is a former canadi
  an cabinet minister educated at victoria college in victoria
* Mary Ellen Coster Williams                         0.97594
  mary ellen coster williams born april 3 1953 is a judge of the united states court of fede
  ral claims appointed to that court in 2003
* Sven Erik Holmes                                   0.97600
  sven erik holmes is a former federal judge and currently the vice chairman legal risk and 
  regulatory and chief legal officer for kpmg llp a
* Andrew Fois                                        0.97652
  andrew fois is an attorney living and working in washington dc as of april 9 2012 he will 
  be serving as the deputy attorney general

In [23]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(right_child_non_athletes, map_index_to_word)

she:0.039 her:0.030 music:0.023 film:0.021 album:0.015 
* Madonna (entertainer)                              0.96092
  madonna louise ciccone tkoni born august 16 1958 is an american singer songwriter actress 
  and businesswoman she achieved popularity by pushing the boundaries of lyrical
* Janet Jackson                                      0.96153
  janet damita jo jackson born may 16 1966 is an american singer songwriter and actress know
  n for a series of sonically innovative socially conscious and
* Cher                                               0.96540
  cher r born cherilyn sarkisian may 20 1946 is an american singer actress and television ho
  st described as embodying female autonomy in a maledominated industry
* Laura Smith                                        0.96600
  laura smith is a canadian folk singersongwriter she is best known for her 1995 single shad
  e of your love one of the years biggest hits
* Natashia Williams                                  0.96677
  natashia williamsblach born august 2 1978 is an american actress and former wonderbra camp
  aign model who is perhaps best known for her role as shane
* Anita Kunz                                         0.96716
  anita e kunz oc born 1956 is a canadianborn artist and illustratorkunz has lived in london
   new york and toronto contributing to magazines and working
* Maggie Smith                                       0.96747
  dame margaret natalie maggie smith ch dbe born 28 december 1934 is an english actress she 
  made her stage debut in 1952 and has had
* Lizzie West                                        0.96752
  lizzie west born in brooklyn ny on july 21 1973 is a singersongwriter her music can be des
  cribed as a blend of many genres including

The first cluster consists of scholars, politicians, and government officials whereas the second consists of musicians, artists, and actors. Run the following code cell to make convenient aliases for the clusters.

In [24]:
scholars_politicians_etc = left_child_non_athletes
musicians_artists_etc = right_child_non_athletes

Quiz Question. Let us bipartition the clusters scholars_politicians_etc and musicians_artists_etc. Which diagram best describes the resulting hierarchy of clusters for the non-athletes? Refer to the quiz for the diagrams.

Note. Use maxiter=100, num_runs=8, seed=1 for consistency of output.

In [25]:
left, right = bipartition(scholars_politicians_etc, maxiter=100, num_runs=8, seed=1)

In [28]:
left2, right2 = bipartition(musicians_artists_etc, maxiter=100, num_runs=8, seed=1)

In [26]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(left, map_index_to_word)

party:0.039 election:0.036 minister:0.033 she:0.028 elected:0.026 
* Kayee Griffin                                      0.95170
  kayee frances griffin born 6 february 1950 is an australian politician and former australi
  an labor party member of the new south wales legislative council serving
* Marcelle Mersereau                                 0.95417
  marcelle mersereau born february 14 1942 in pointeverte new brunswick is a canadian politi
  cian a civil servant for most of her career she also served
* Lucienne Robillard                                 0.95453
  lucienne robillard pc born june 16 1945 is a canadian politician and a member of the liber
  al party of canada she sat in the house
* Maureen Lyster                                     0.95590
  maureen anne lyster born 10 september 1943 is an australian politician she was an australi
  an labor party member of the victorian legislative assembly from 1985
* Liz Cunningham                                     0.95690
  elizabeth anne liz cunningham is an australian politician she was an independent member of
   the legislative assembly of queensland from 1995 to 2015 representing the
* Carol Skelton                                      0.95780
  carol skelton pc born december 12 1945 in biggar saskatchewan is a canadian politician she
   is a member of the security intelligence review committee which
* Stephen Harper                                     0.95816
  stephen joseph harper pc mp born april 30 1959 is a canadian politician who is the 22nd an
  d current prime minister of canada and the
* Doug Lewis                                         0.95875
  douglas grinslade doug lewis pc qc born april 17 1938 is a former canadian politician a ch
  artered accountant and lawyer by training lewis entered the

In [27]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(right, map_index_to_word)

university:0.018 research:0.015 professor:0.013 he:0.013 president:0.010 
* Lawrence W. Green                                  0.97495
  lawrence w green is best known by health education researchers as the originator of the pr
  ecede model and codeveloper of the precedeproceed model which has
* James A. Joseph                                    0.97506
  james a joseph born 1935 is an american former diplomatjoseph is professor of the practice
   of public policy studies at duke university and founder of
* Timothy Luke                                       0.97584
  timothy w luke is university distinguished professor of political science in the college o
  f liberal arts and human sciences as well as program chair of
* Archie Brown                                       0.97628
  archibald haworth brown cmg fba commonly known as archie brown born 10 may 1938 is a briti
  sh political scientist and historian in 2005 he became
* Jerry L. Martin                                    0.97687
  jerry l martin is chairman emeritus of the american council of trustees and alumni he serv
  ed as president of acta from its founding in 1995
* Ren%C3%A9e Fox                                     0.97713
  rene c fox a summa cum laude graduate of smith college in 1949 earned her phd in sociology
   in 1954 from radcliffe college harvard university
* Robert Bates (political scientist)                 0.97732
  robert hinrichs bates born 1942 is an american political scientist he is eaton professor o
  f the science of government in the departments of government and
* Ferdinand K. Levy                                  0.97737
  ferdinand k levy was a famous management scientist with several important contributions to
   system analysis he was a professor at georgia tech from 1972 until

In [29]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(left2, map_index_to_word)

she:0.124 her:0.092 film:0.015 actress:0.015 music:0.014 
* Janet Jackson                                      0.93373
  janet damita jo jackson born may 16 1966 is an american singer songwriter and actress know
  n for a series of sonically innovative socially conscious and
* Barbara Hershey                                    0.93506
  barbara hershey born barbara lynn herzstein february 5 1948 once known as barbara seagull 
  is an american actress in a career spanning nearly 50 years
* Lauren Royal                                       0.93716
  lauren royal born march 3 circa 1965 is a book writer from california royal has written bo
  th historic and novelistic booksa selfproclaimed angels baseball fan
* Alexandra Potter                                   0.93802
  alexandra potter born 1970 is a british author of romantic comediesborn in bradford yorksh
  ire england and educated at liverpool university gaining an honors degree in
* Cher                                               0.93804
  cher r born cherilyn sarkisian may 20 1946 is an american singer actress and television ho
  st described as embodying female autonomy in a maledominated industry
* Madonna (entertainer)                              0.93806
  madonna louise ciccone tkoni born august 16 1958 is an american singer songwriter actress 
  and businesswoman she achieved popularity by pushing the boundaries of lyrical
* Jane Fonda                                         0.93836
  jane fonda born lady jayne seymour fonda december 21 1937 is an american actress writer po
  litical activist former fashion model and fitness guru she is
* Ellina Graypel                                     0.93926
  ellina graypel born july 19 1972 is an awardwinning russian singersongwriter she was born 
  near the volga river in the heart of russia she spent

In [30]:
display_single_tf_idf_cluster(right2, map_index_to_word)

music:0.027 film:0.023 album:0.017 band:0.016 art:0.015 
* Julian Knowles                                     0.96904
  julian knowles is an australian composer and performer specialising in new and emerging te
  chnologies his creative work spans the fields of composition for theatre dance
* Peter Combe                                        0.97080
  peter combe born 20 october 1948 is an australian childrens entertainer and musicianmusica
  l genre childrens musiche has had 22 releases including seven gold albums two
* Craig Pruess                                       0.97121
  craig pruess born 1950 is an american composer musician arranger and gold platinum record 
  producer who has been living in britain since 1973 his career
* Ceiri Torjussen                                    0.97170
  ceiri torjussen born 1976 is a composer who has contributed music to dozens of film and te
  levision productions in the ushis music was described by
* Brenton Broadstock                                 0.97192
  brenton broadstock ao born 1952 is an australian composerbroadstock was born in melbourne 
  he studied history politics and music at monash university and later composition
* Michael Peter Smith                                0.97318
  michael peter smith born september 7 1941 is a chicagobased singersongwriter rolling stone
   magazine once called him the greatest songwriter in the english language he
* Marc Hoffman                                       0.97357
  marc hoffman born april 16 1961 is a composer of concert music and music for film pianist 
  vocalist recording artist and music educator hoffman grew
* Tom Bancroft                                       0.97378
  tom bancroft born 1967 london is a british jazz drummer and composer he began drumming age
  d seven and started off playing jazz with his father