Mixed-effects Models in Julia

Using JuliaBox

  • juliabox.com provides a browser interface to Julia through Jupyter notebooks.
    • a good environment for classroom demonstrations
    • works best in live demo mode
    • the Sync tab allows access to github.com repositories or Google Drive directories.
    • the Files tab provides uploading/downloading of files or folders
    • the Console provides shell access
    • Jupyter notebooks can be run from the Jupyter tab


  • the web site for the open source system is julialang.org
  • juliacomputing.com is a commercial company formed by core developers to provide commercial support
  • They provide a prepackaged version called JuliaPro for Windows and Mac OSX.
  • You do need to create a login or use your google or facebook login.

Downloads page

Running Julia

  • the REPL (read-eval-print-loop) provided by the application or the command-line
  • Jupyter notebooks
    • also used for python, R
    • need the IJulia package for Julia installed (it was updated within the last few hours)
  • Juno within the Atom editor (part of JuliaPro) provides an integrated development environment (IDE)

Importing data

  • the easiest approach is to use RCall or PyCall/Pandas
  • feather is a language-agnostic form of dataframe storage. The R package is feather, Julia package is Feather and I forget what the Python package is.
    • when reading a Feather file in Julia use nullable=false for the time being
  • there is the readtable function in DataFrames and a CSV package for reading CSV files.