Meta preparation for this blog post to make the video excerpts display in a Jupyter notebook and then blog post.

tl; dr;

Jumpt to the start.

As a blog post writer, I want to display html text into a cell.

So I need to import objects as follows:

In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import (

As a blog post writer, I want to embed YouTube video excerpts with a start and end.

The embed URL takes a start and end argument as an integer in seconds.

So I need a function to convert a time string into seconds.

In [2]:
def convert_to_seconds_from(timestring, delimiter=":"):
    """Convert a timestring to seconds.
    :timestring: HH:MM:SS as a str
    :returns: seconds as int
    return sum(
        # raise 60 to power of i in (0, 1, 2) and
        # multiply it by seconds, minutes and then hours
        int(time_value) * (60 ** i)
        for i, time_value 
        in enumerate(reversed(timestring.split(delimiter)))

As a blog post writer, I want to embed YouTube video excerpts.

This requires creating formatted html to display.

So I need a function to create them html based on my excerpt values.

In [3]:
def get_embed_string_from(excerpt, video_url=''):
    """Create some HTML to display the YouTube video excerpts."""
    label, times = excerpt
    start_stop = ['<br/>'.join([': '.join(item for item in items if item)]) 
                  for items in zip(('start', 'end'), times)]
    start_stop = EMPTY_STRING.join(["<p>{}</p>".format(item) for item in start_stop])\
        if all(times) else EMPTY_STRING
    embeded_video_template = ''.join((
            '<iframe width="560" height="315" ',
            'src="{video_url}?rel=0&start={start}&end={end}" ',
            'frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>',
    start, end = [convert_to_seconds_from(item) for item in times]\
        if all(times) else times
    return embeded_video_template.format(

Record the start and stop times of interest.

In [4]:
display(HTML('<span id="excerpts"></span>'))

In [5]:
video_excerpts = (
    ('Why begin with \'this\' and \'bind\'?', ('00:00:54', '00:01:17'), ),
    ('Your soul will want JS to be like Python.', ('00:02:20', '00:02:35'),),
    ('A dog literal object.', ('00:05:15', '00:06:48'), ),
    ('What the fuck shit ass? It means you\'re learning.', ('00:06:49', '00:07:04'),),
    ('JavaScript is this bastard child of Java and Scheme.', ('00:08:39', '00:09:08'), ),
    ('Clash between object oriented and functional paradigms.', ('00:10:05', '00:11:14'), ),
    ('Binding \'dog\' to \'this\'.', ('00:11:40', '00:13:00'), ),
    ('A real life example of using bind.', ('00:13:25', '00:14:16'), ),
    ('The entire video.', ('', ''), ),

keys, _ = zip(*video_excerpts)
video_excerpts_map = dict(zip(keys, video_excerpts))

Display the excerpts in the notebook which in turn renders them into the blog post after Pelican processes them.

In [6]:
display(HTML('<span id="start"></span>'))

In [7]:
display(HTML(get_embed_string_from(video_excerpts_map['Why begin with \'this\' and \'bind\'?'])))

Why begin with 'this' and 'bind'?

start: 00:00:54

end: 00:01:17

In [8]:
display(HTML(get_embed_string_from(video_excerpts_map['A dog literal object.'])))

A dog literal object.

start: 00:05:15

end: 00:06:48

In [9]:
display(HTML('<span id="fuck-shit-ass"></span>'))
display(HTML(get_embed_string_from(video_excerpts_map['What the fuck shit ass? It means you\'re learning.'])))

What the fuck shit ass? It means you're learning.

start: 00:06:49

end: 00:07:04

Calling an object literal's function in isolation. See the JavaScript code in a Node.js notebook here.

What is a "bound method" in Python?

  • StackOverflow discussion

    Since the difference between a function and an unbound method is pretty minimal, Python 3 gets rid of the distinction; under Python 3 accessing a function on a class instance just gives you the function itself.

Though an exception will be raised if you call a class method on a class itself before instantiating it.

In [10]:
# create an anchor
display(HTML('<span id="call_unbound"></span>'))

In [11]:
# calling an "unbound" method
class MyClass(object):
    def my_function(self):
        return "'{}' was called.\nself == {}".format(self.my_function, self)

print('MyClass.my_function: ', MyClass.my_function)
except TypeError as e:
    print('Error when calling "unbound" function "my_function":', TypeError(e))
# The exception is not raised when called on an instance.
my_class = MyClass()
print("MyClass: ", my_class)
print("Calling my_class.my_function", my_class.my_function())

MyClass.my_function:  <function MyClass.my_function at 0x7fbe9d4f7510>
Error when calling "unbound" function "my_function": my_function() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
MyClass:  <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fbe9d4f5550>
Calling my_class.my_function '<bound method MyClass.my_function of <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fbe9d4f5550>>' was called.
self == <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fbe9d4f5550>

Note that after instantiating an object from class "MyClass" the "my_function" function becomes a "bound method" which means that a first positional argument is expected to be 'self' aka the object instance.

bound method MyClass.my_function of main.MyClass object at 0x7fe0145ae438>

Python takes care of this and always passes an instance of the class aka MyClass object at… in the first position of bound methods.

JavaScript is a bastard child of Java (object oriented paradigm) and Scheme (functional paradigm).

In [12]:
display(HTML('<span id="bastard-child"></span>'))
display(HTML(get_embed_string_from(video_excerpts_map['JavaScript is this bastard child of Java and Scheme.'])))

JavaScript is this bastard child of Java and Scheme.

start: 00:08:39

end: 00:09:08

In [13]:
display(HTML('<span id="clash"></span>'))
display(HTML(get_embed_string_from(video_excerpts_map['Clash between object oriented and functional paradigms.'])))

Clash between object oriented and functional paradigms.

start: 00:10:05

end: 00:11:14

In [14]:
display(HTML('<span id="real-life-example"></span>'))
display(HTML(get_embed_string_from(video_excerpts_map['A real life example of using bind.'])))

A real life example of using bind.

start: 00:13:25

end: 00:14:16

In [15]:
# the entire video
display(HTML(get_embed_string_from(video_excerpts_map['The entire video.'])))

The entire video.

All the excerpts.

In [16]:
for video_excerpt in video_excerpts:
    html = get_embed_string_from(video_excerpt)
    html = HTML(html)

Why begin with 'this' and 'bind'?

start: 00:00:54

end: 00:01:17

Your soul will want JS to be like Python.

start: 00:02:20

end: 00:02:35

A dog literal object.

start: 00:05:15

end: 00:06:48

What the fuck shit ass? It means you're learning.

start: 00:06:49

end: 00:07:04

JavaScript is this bastard child of Java and Scheme.

start: 00:08:39

end: 00:09:08

Clash between object oriented and functional paradigms.

start: 00:10:05

end: 00:11:14

Binding 'dog' to 'this'.

start: 00:11:40

end: 00:13:00

A real life example of using bind.

start: 00:13:25

end: 00:14:16

The entire video.