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using Plots, ComplexPhasePortrait, ApproxFun, SingularIntegralEquations
Dr. Sheehan Olver
Office Hours: 3-4pm Mondays, Huxley 6M40
Consider a function $\phi(z)$ analytic in $\bar\C \backslash [-1,1]$ such that $\phi(\infty) = 0$. Surrounding it by a positively oriented simple closed contour $\Gamma$ (e.g., an ellipse) we have from Cauchy's exterior integral formula $$ \phi(z) = -{1 \over 2 \pi \I} \oint_\Gamma {\phi(\zeta) \over \zeta - z} \D\zeta $$ Assuming the limits $$ \phi^\pm(x) = \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \phi(x \pm \I \epsilon) $$ are "nice", we can deform $\Gamma$ to be on the contour itself, giving $$ \phi(z) = {1 \over 2 \pi \I} \int_{-1}^1 {\phi^+(x) - \phi^-(x) \over x - z} \dx $$ This lecture studies the relationship between the subtractive jump $\phi^+(x) - \phi^-(x)$ and $\phi(z)$.
We can consistently construct a function with a prescribed subtractive jump using the Cauchy transform, which really is just Cauchy's integral formula but where we know nothing about $f(\zeta)$: we don't assume it is analytic.
Definition (Cauchy transform) $$ \CC_\gamma f(z) := {1 \over 2 \pi \I} \int_\gamma {f(\zeta) \over \zeta - z} \D\zeta $$
We focus on the case of an interval $[a,b]$: $$ \CC_{[a,b]} f(z) := {1 \over 2 \pi \I} \int_a^b {f(x) \over x - z} \dx $$ Here is a phase portrait of the Cauchy transform of a simple function:
In [13]:
x = Fun(-1 .. 1)
f = exp(x)*sqrt(1-x^2)
portrait(-3..3, -3..3, z -> cauchy(f,z))
Remark As an aside, these integrals are computationally difficult because of the singularity in the integrand, hence standard integration methods become slow as $z$ approaches the interval. There are other specialised routines (as implemented in cauchy(f,z)
) that are much more efficient:
In [14]:
z = 0.1 +0.001im
@time cauchy(f, z )
@time sum(f/(x-z))/(2π*im)
It turns out that the Cauchy transform has a very simple subtractive jump. Here we denote $$ \CC_{[a,b]}^+ f(x) = \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \CC_{[a,b]} f( x+ \I \epsilon)\\ \CC_{[a,b]}^- f(x) = \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \CC_{[a,b]} f( x- \I \epsilon) $$
Theorem (Plemelj on the interval I) Suppose $(b-x)^\alpha (x-a)^\beta f(x)$ is differentiable on $[a,b]$, for $\alpha, \beta < 1$. Then the Cauchy transform has the following properties:
Demonstration We can evaluate the Cauchy transform using cauchy
, including the limit from above and below. Here we see numerically that we recover $f$ from taking the difference:
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cauchy(f, 0.1+0.0im)-cauchy(f, 0.1-0.0im) , f(0.1)
Sketch of Proof We show the proof for $[-1,1]$.
Here is a plot of ${x - 1 \over x- t}$ showing that it is small on an increasing portion of the interval as $x \rightarrow 1$ from the right:
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x = 1 + 0.01
tt = linspace(-1.,1.,1000)
plot(tt, abs.((x - 1) ./ (x .- tt)); legend=false)
Here is a plot of $\gamma_x^\pm$:
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x = 0.4
r = 0.1
tt = linspace(π,0.,100)
plot([-1.; x + r*cos.(tt);1.0], [0.; r*sin.(tt); 0.0];ylims=(-0.5,0.5),label="g_x^+")
plot!([-1.; x + r*cos.(tt);1.0], [0.; -r*sin.(tt); 0.0];ylims=(-0.5,0.5),label="g_x^-")
We can use the results of the previous results to show that it is in fact unique.
Theorem (Plemelj on the interval II) Suppose $\phi(z)$ satsfies the following properties:
Then $\phi(z) = {\cal C}_{[a,b]} f(z)$.
Sketch of Proof Consider $$A(z) = \phi(z) - {\cal C}_{[a,b]} f(z)$$ This is continuous (hence analytic) on $(a,b)$ as $$A^+(x) - A^-(x) = \phi^+(x) -\phi^-(x) - {\cal C}_{[a,b]}^+ f(x) + {\cal C}_{[a,b]}^- f(x) =f(x) - f(x) = 0$$ Also, $A$ has weaker than pole singularities at $a$ and $b$, hence is analytic there as well: it's entire. Only entire functions that are bounded are constant, since it vanishes at $\infty$ the constant must be zero.
Example 1 We can use this theorem to prove the following relationships (using $\diamond$ for the dummy variable):
$$ {1 \over \sqrt{z-1} \sqrt{z+1}} = -2 \I {\cal C}\left[{1 \over \sqrt{1-\diamond^2}}\right](z) = -{1 \over \pi}\int_{-1}^1 {\dx \over \sqrt{1-x^2} (x-z)} $$(1) follows because the jumps cancel. (2 and 3) are immediate. (4) follows from a simple calculation. Here we show that it has the correct jump:
In [ ]:
x = Fun()
z = 2 +2im
Example 2 Now consider a problem of reducing $$ \phi(z) = \sqrt{z-1} \sqrt{z+1} $$ to its behaviour near its singularities. It has two singularities: it blows up at $\infty$ and has a branch cut on $[-1,1]$
We can subtract out the singularity at infinity first to determine
$$\phi(z) = z + 2 \I {\cal C}[\sqrt{1-\diamond^2}](z)$$Note this works because, as $z \rightarrow \infty$, we have $$ \phi(z) = z (\sqrt{1-{1/z}}\sqrt{1 + {1/z}}) = z (1 + O({1/z}))(1+O(1/z)) = z + O(1/z) $$ hence $\phi(z) - z$ vanishes at the origin. This is an example of summing over the behaviour at each singularity to recover the function (in this case, $\phi$ has a singularity along the cut $[-1,1]$ and polynomial growth at $\infty$).
Because $\phi(z)-z$ decays, we can now deploy Plemelj II to determine: $$ \phi(z) -z = \CC[\phi_+-\phi_-](z) $$ where $$ \phi_+(x) - \phi_-(x) = 2\I \sqrt{1-x^2} $$ Here we see that our derived expression matches $phi(z)$:
In [ ]:
sqrt(z-1)sqrt(z+1), z +2im*cauchy(sqrt(1-x^2),z)
Example 3 Finally, we have the following (also verifiable using indefinite integration):
$${\log(z-1) - \log(z+1) \over 2 \pi \I} = {\cal C}[1](z) = {1 \over 2 \pi \I} \int_{-1}^1 {\dx \over x -z} $$
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