In [1]:
# Clear all objects from memory
# Check for installed libraries
inspkgs =[,c(1,3:4)])
inspkgs = inspkgs[$Priority),1:2,drop=FALSE]
inspkgs[1:3,] # Displying only 3 sample packages
# Run the below commands for libraries installation only
# if they are not istalled already as indicated by the above command
# Uncomment and run the installation commands below
# install.packages("sqldf")
# install.packages("ggplot2")
# install.packages("jsonlite", repos="")
In [2]:
Complete below 2 steps before executing the rest of the cells
In [3]:
# Specify file names for sample text and configuration files
# Not required when reading data from database
v_sampleConfigFileName = "cpd_dsx_config.json"
In [4]:
# @hidden_cell
# The section below needs to be modified:
# Insert your credentials to read data from your data sources and replace
# the credentials.1 <- list() section below
credentials.1 <-list(
endpoint = "",
api.key = "bT_623i_H_rIyjvo-DYiU59M-YQvB9hyaaIc-QS3Bu9m", = "iam-ServiceId-bef1701c-ab8e-445f-8e68-af5da024ee91", = "iotchangepointcloudstorage-donotdelete-pr-fqyloftlgsbqoc", = "cpd_dsx_config.txt",
access.key = "ca6e393e8bbf42db9bb29bcbe9ccffd7",
secret.key = "8b691c9f809ecc79624c5a0363898085071ef342f3bc3977",
iam.service.endpoint = "")
In [5]:
# This function accesses a file in your Object Storage. The definition contains your credentials.
url1 <- str_replace(credentials.1$endpoint, "https://", "")
url1 <- str_replace(url1, "http://", "")
obj <- s3HTTP(
verb = "GET",
bucket = credentials.1$,
path = v_sampleConfigFileName,
key = credentials.1$access.key,
secret = credentials.1$secret.key,
check_region = FALSE,
base_url =url1)
# Your data file was loaded into a textConnection object and you can process the data with your package of choice.
configtxt = textConnection(rawToChar(obj$content))
In [6]:
# Function to Read json parametric values
f_getconfigval <- function(injsonstr, invarname)
{ # paramname, paramvalue
In [7]:
# Read json configuration file
# Please read the documentation of 'jsonlite' to learn more about the possibilities
# to adjust the data loading.
# jsonlite documentation:
jsonstr <- fromJSON(readLines(configtxt))
In [8]:
# Read json configuration parametric values
# Name of the column which holds the Time stamp of data
# recorded by Sensor
v_coltimestamp <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "coltimestamp")
# Name of the column which holds the Sensor identification
v_colsensorid <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "colsensorid")
# Name of the column that stores the values measured by sensor
v_colsensorvalue <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "colsensorvalue")
# Sensor ID for which the analysis needs to be applied
v_sensorid <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "sensorid")
# Time format of the data in the data frame
v_datatimeformat <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "datatimeformat")
# Time zone for the Time stamps
v_intimezone <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "intimezone")
# Time format which is used for specifying the
# time ranges in the below paraneters
v_rangetimeformat <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "rangetimeformat")
# Start Time for first series Time range
v_Pfrom <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "Pfrom")
# End Time for first series Time range
v_Pto <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "Pto")
# Start Time for second series Time range
v_Cfrom <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "Cfrom")
# End Time for second series Time range
v_Cto <- f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "Cto")
# Set the threshold percentage of change if detected
v_thresholdpercent <- as.numeric(f_getconfigval(jsonstr, "thresholdpercent"))
In [9]:
# Cross verify configuration parametric values
print(c(v_coltimestamp, v_colsensorid, v_colsensorvalue, v_sensorid,
v_datatimeformat, v_intimezone, v_rangetimeformat, v_Pfrom,
v_Pto, v_Cfrom, v_Cto, v_thresholdpercent))
In [10]:
# Read data from DB2 Warehouse in BMX
# Call function to read data for specific sensor
# @hidden_cell
# The section below needs to be modified:
# Insert your credentials to read data from your data sources and replace
# the idaConnect() section below
# This connection object is used to access your data and contains your credentials.
con_cpd <- idaConnect("DASHDB;DATABASE=BLUDB;;PORT=50000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;",
uid = "dash10720", pwd = "32uf_R_giSXX", conType = "odbc")
alarmdf <-'DASH10720.CHANGEPOINTIOT')
# You can close the connection with the following code:
# idaClose(con_cpd)
In [11]:
# Function to translate from one datetime format to another datetime format
# Returns character strings in the converted format NOT in posix or datetime format <br/>
# DateTime passed in also should be in character string format
dtformatconvert <- function(indatetimes, fromdatetimeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p",
todatetimeformat="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S",
fromtz="GMT", totz="", usetz=FALSE)
return(strftime(as.POSIXct(indatetimes, format=fromdatetimeformat, tz=fromtz, usetz=FALSE),
format=todatetimeformat, tz=totz, usetz=FALSE))
In [12]:
# Function to Standardise the Dataset with standard column names
# <Timestamp, SensorID, SensorValue>
f_readsensordata <- function(sensordf, sensorid, coltimestamp, colsensorid, colsensorval)
# sensordf <- read.csv(paste(dirname, filename, sep=""), sep=",",, header=TRUE) to ensure Timestamp read in as character type
sensordf1 <- sensordf[,c(coltimestamp, colsensorid, colsensorval)]
sensordf1 <-
names(sensordf1) <- c("TimeStamp","SensorID","SensorValue")
if (sensorid != "ALL")
sensordf1 <- sensordf1[sensordf1$SensorID==sensorid,]
In [13]:
# Read data and store in R data frame
alarmdf <- f_readsensordata(sensordf = alarmdf,
sensorid = v_sensorid,
coltimestamp = v_coltimestamp, colsensorid=v_colsensorid,
alarmdf$SensorValue <- as.numeric(alarmdf$SensorValue)
In [14]:
# Sort the data by Time stamp
alarmdf <- alarmdf[with(alarmdf,
as.POSIXct(TimeStamp,format=v_datatimeformat, tz=v_intimezone))), ];
In [15]:
# Function to split data into 2 datasets: Previous, Current
# IN: Standard Data Frame, SensorID,
# Previous From Time stamp, Previous To Time stamp,
# Current From Time Stamp, Current To Time Stamp
# OUT: Data series <br/>
# series 1 (SensorID, TimeStamp, SensorValue),
# series 2 (SensorID, TimeStamp, SensorValue)
f_splitdataseries <- function(SensorID, Intimeformat, Datatimeformat, PFrom, PTo, CFrom, CTo)
PFromPOSIX = as.POSIXct(PFrom, format=Intimeformat, tz="GMT", usetz=FALSE);
PToPOSIX = as.POSIXct(PTo, format=Intimeformat, tz="GMT", usetz=FALSE);
CFromPOSIX = as.POSIXct(CFrom, format=Intimeformat, tz="GMT", usetz=FALSE);
CToPOSIX = as.POSIXct(CTo, format=Intimeformat, tz="GMT", usetz=FALSE);
alarmdf$TimeStampPOSIX <- as.POSIXct(alarmdf$TimeStamp,
format=Datatimeformat, tz="GMT", usetz=FALSE);
series1 = alarmdf[which(alarmdf$SensorID ==SensorID &
alarmdf$TimeStampPOSIX >= PFromPOSIX & alarmdf$TimeStampPOSIX < PToPOSIX),];
series2 = alarmdf[which(alarmdf$SensorID ==SensorID &
alarmdf$TimeStampPOSIX >= CFromPOSIX & alarmdf$TimeStampPOSIX < CToPOSIX),];
return(list(series1, series2));
In [16]:
# Get the 2 Data series to compare (sample values shown for help)
# s = f_splitdataseries (SensorID="3B1",
# Intimeformat="%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S", Datatimeformat="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S",
# PFrom="20160324 00:00:00", PTo="20160325 00:00:00",
# CFrom="20160325 00:00:00", CTo="20160326 00:00:00")
s = f_splitdataseries (SensorID=v_sensorid,
Intimeformat=v_rangetimeformat, Datatimeformat=v_datatimeformat,
PFrom=v_Pfrom, PTo=v_Pto,
CFrom=v_Cfrom, CTo=v_Cto)
# Unpack the 2 list of data frames
series1 <- s[[1]]
series2 <- s[[2]]
In [17]:
# Function to plot the line graphs for both the series
# IN parameters: (x,y values for both the Time series in sorted order) x1, y1, x2, y2
f_plot2lines <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# Draw Line plot
plot(y1,type="l",col="green",xlab=" ", ylab=" ",pch=21,xaxt="n",yaxt="n")
plot(y2,type="l",col="red",xlab="Time", ylab="Sensor Values",pch=21,xaxt="n",yaxt="n")
title("Sensor readings by Time overlay")
In [18]:
# Line plot of the 2 Data series
f_plot2lines(x1 <- series1$TimeStamp, y1 <- series1$SensorValue,
x2 <- series2$TimeStamp, y2 <- series2$SensorValue)
In [19]:
# Function to plot the box plots for both the distributions <br/>
# Time series order does not matter for this <br/>
# IN parameters: (Sensorvalues-series 1, Sensorvalues-series 2)
f_plot2boxes <- function(s1sensorvalue, s2sensorvalue)
data_list = NULL
col_list = c("green", "blue")
names_list = c("Previous", "Current")
data_list = list()
data_list[[1]] = s1sensorvalue
data_list[[2]] = s2sensorvalue
# # Works in PC only
boxstats <- boxplot.stats(data_list[[1]], coef=1.57, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE)
boxplot(data_list, las = 2, col = col_list, ylim=c(-2.0,70),
names= names_list,
mar = c(12, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1,
main="Change point detection",
sub=paste("Spread of Sensor reading distributions", ":", sep=""),
ylab="Sensor Readings",
coef=1.57, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE)
abline(h=boxstats$stats, col="green", las=2)
In [20]:
# Plot the 2 box plots for the distribution
f_plot2boxes(s1sensorvalue = series1$SensorValue,
s2sensorvalue = series2$SensorValue)
In [21]:
# Function to calculate the stats for both the series <br/>
# Avg, Median, p1sd, p2sd, p3sd, n1sd, n2sd, n3sd, q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, f1range, <br/>
# iqrange, f2range, sku, kurt, outliers
f_seriesstats <- function(series)
boxstats <- boxplot.stats(series, coef=1.57, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE)
smin <- min(series)
smax <- max(series)
smean <- mean(series)
#Spread measures
sq0 <- boxstats$stats[1]
sq1 <- boxstats$stats[2]
sq2 <- boxstats$stats[3]
sq3 <- boxstats$stats[4]
sq4 <- boxstats$stats[5]
siqr <- (sq3 - sq1)
# Normal distribution
s1sd <- sd(series)
s1sdp <- smean + s1sd
s1sdn <- smean - s1sd
s2sdp <- smean + (2*s1sd)
s2sdn <- smean - (2*s1sd)
s3sdp <- smean + (3*s1sd)
s3sdn <- smean - (3*s1sd)
# Outlier counts @ 2sd
s2sdout <- sum(series > s2sdp) + sum(series < s2sdn)
# return(list(smin, smax, smean, sq0, sq1, sq2, sq3, sq4, siqr, s1sd, s1sdp,
# s1sdn, s2sdp, s2sdn, s3sdp, s3sdn))
return(list(smin=smin, smax=smax, smean=smean,
sq0=sq0, sq1=sq1, sq2=sq2, sq3=sq3, sq4=sq4, siqr=siqr,
s1sd=s1sd, s1sdp=s1sdp, s1sdn=s1sdn,
s2sdp=s2sdp, s2sdn=s2sdn, s3sdp=s3sdp, s3sdn=s3sdn))
In [22]:
# Compute the statistics for both series and check results
s1stats <- f_seriesstats(series1$SensorValue)
s2stats <- f_seriesstats(series2$SensorValue)
In [23]:
## Function to calculate change point deviatrion percentages
f_changepercent <- function(val1, val2)
# Calculate percentage deviation for individual stats
f_serieschangepercent <- function(series1stats, series2stats)
n <- length(series1stats)
cpdf <- data.frame(statname=character(), series1val = numeric(),
series2val=numeric(), changeper=numeric());
for (i in 1:length(series2stats))
newrow = data.frame(statname=cols[i],
changeper=f_changepercent(series1stats[[i]], series2stats[[i]]))
cpdf <- rbind(cpdf, newrow)
# Calculate overall percentage deviation and detect change point
f_detectchangepoint <- function(dfcp, threshold)
# Overall percentage deviation
newrow = data.frame(statname='overall',
dfcp <- rbind(dfcp, newrow)
# Overall change point percentage
changepointper <- dfcp[which(dfcp$statname=="overall"),c("changeper")]
# Mark change point at threshold %
if(changepointper > threshold)
{return(paste("Change Point DETECTED exceeding threshold: ",threshold,"% ", sep=""))}
{return(paste("Change Point NOT DETECTED at threshold: ",threshold,"% ", sep=""))}
In [24]:
# Overall change percentage in key statistics
dfallstats <- f_serieschangepercent(s1stats, s2stats)
# Detect changepoint
f_detectchangepoint(dfallstats, v_thresholdpercent)