Examples of Making Sky Plots from BOSS Meta Data

Examples of using the Basemap and healpy packages to make all sky maps of meta data accessed with the bossdata package. We use data from the BOSS quasar catalog. We also use astropy to show the position of the galactic plane.

Package Initialization

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection

In [3]:
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

In [4]:
import healpy as hp


In [5]:
import bossdata.meta


Ignore expected (harmless) warnings.

In [6]:
import warnings, matplotlib.cbook
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=matplotlib.cbook.mplDeprecation)

Query Database

Get list of ra, dec, z, and warning flags for quasar observations.

In [7]:
quasar_catalog = bossdata.meta.Database(quasar_catalog=True)

In [8]:
quasar_table = quasar_catalog.select_all(what='RA,DEC,Z_VI,BAL_FLAG_VI,ZWARNING', max_rows=0)
print('Found {0} total quasars'.format(len(quasar_table)))

Found 297301 total quasars

In [9]:
bal_flagged = quasar_table[quasar_table['BAL_FLAG_VI'] != 0]
print('Found {0} with BAL identified from visual inspection'.format(len(bal_flagged)))

Found 29580 with BAL identified from visual inspection

In [10]:
zwarning_flagged = quasar_table[quasar_table['ZWARNING'] != 0]
print('Found {0} with ZWARNING from pipepline'.format(len(zwarning_flagged)))

Found 13896 with ZWARNING from pipepline

In [11]:
hiz_quasars = quasar_table[(quasar_table['Z_VI'] > 2.1) & (quasar_table['Z_VI'] < 3.5)]
print('Found {0} in high redshift sample (2.1 < z < 3.5)'.format(len(hiz_quasars)))

Found 181605 in high redshift sample (2.1 < z < 3.5)

In [12]:
np.min(quasar_table['Z_VI']), np.max(quasar_table['Z_VI'])

(0.040969144552946091, 6.4400000000000004)

Plot redshift distribution of quasar observations

In [13]:
dr12_survey_area = 10400.0 # square degrees
wgt = 1.0/dr12_survey_area
zbins = np.linspace(0,6.5,66)
plt.hist(quasar_table['Z_VI'], weights=wgt*np.ones(len(quasar_table)), label='DR12Q', bins=zbins, histtype='step')
plt.hist(bal_flagged['Z_VI'], weights=wgt*np.ones(len(bal_flagged)), label='BAL_FLAG_VI != 0', bins=zbins, histtype='step')
plt.hist(zwarning_flagged['Z_VI'], weights=wgt*np.ones(len(zwarning_flagged)), label='ZWARNING != 0', bins=zbins, histtype='step')
plt.xlabel(r'Redshift $z$')
plt.ylabel(r'Number of quasars per $\Delta z = %.1f$ per sq degree' % (zbins[1]-zbins[0]))
plt.axvline(2.1, c='k', ls='--', lw=2)
plt.axvline(3.5, c='k', ls='--', lw=2)

Sky Plots

Plot an "all sky map" using healpix binning. We use the Eckert IV projection as it is the best area preserving projection (see this link for discussion of "best" map projections).

In [14]:
def plot_sky(ra, dec, data=None, nside=16, label='', projection='eck4', cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'), norm=None,
    # get pixel area in degrees
    pixel_area = hp.pixelfunc.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)
    # find healpixels associated with input vectors
    pixels = hp.ang2pix(nside, 0.5*np.pi-np.radians(dec), np.radians(ra))
    # find unique pixels
    unique_pixels = np.unique(pixels)
    # count number of points in each pixel
    bincounts = np.bincount(pixels)
    # if no data provided, show counts per sq degree
    # otherwise, show mean per pixel
    if data is None:
        values = bincounts[unique_pixels]/pixel_area
        weighted_counts = np.bincount(pixels, weights=data)
        values = weighted_counts[unique_pixels]/bincounts[unique_pixels]
    # find pixel boundaries
    corners = hp.boundaries(nside, unique_pixels, step=1)
    corner_theta, corner_phi = hp.vec2ang(corners.transpose(0,2,1))
    corner_ra, corner_dec = np.degrees(corner_phi), np.degrees(np.pi/2-corner_theta)
    # set up basemap
    m = Basemap(projection=projection, lon_0=90, resolution='l', celestial=True)
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30), labels=[0,0,1,0], labelstyle='+/-')
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 15), labels=[1,0,0,0], labelstyle='+/-')
    # convert sky coords to map coords 
    x,y = m(corner_ra, corner_dec)
    # regroup into pixel corners
    verts = np.array([x.reshape(-1,4), y.reshape(-1,4)]).transpose(1,2,0)
    # Make the collection and add it to the plot.
    coll = PolyCollection(verts, array=values, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, edgecolors='none')
    if not hide_galactic_plane:
        # generate vector in galactic coordinates and convert to equatorial coordinates
        galactic_l = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 1000)
        galactic_plane = SkyCoord(l=galactic_l*u.radian, b=np.zeros_like(galactic_l)*u.radian, frame='galactic').fk5
        # project to map coordinates
        galactic_x, galactic_y = m(galactic_plane.ra.degree, galactic_plane.dec.degree)
        m.scatter(galactic_x, galactic_y, marker='.', s=2, c='k')
    # Add a colorbar for the PolyCollection
    plt.colorbar(coll, orientation='horizontal', pad=0.01, aspect=40, label=label)
    return m

Show distribution on sky

Plot the number of quasars per square degree:

In [15]:
plot_sky(quasar_table['RA'].data, quasar_table['DEC'].data, label='Number of quasars per square degree')

Plot the number of high redshift quasars per square degree:

In [16]:
plot_sky(hiz_quasars['RA'].data, hiz_quasars['DEC'].data, label='Number of quasars per square degree')

Show mean redshift on sky

We can show the mean value of a quantity on the sky as well:

In [17]:
plot_sky(quasar_table['RA'].data, quasar_table['DEC'].data, data=quasar_table['Z_VI'].data,
         label='Mean redshift', nside=16,
         norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1, vmax=3))

Using smaller bins (adjust using the nside parameter), we can see finer details:

In [18]:
plot_sky(quasar_table['RA'].data, quasar_table['DEC'].data, data=quasar_table['Z_VI'].data,
         label='Mean redshift', nside=32,
         norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1, vmax=3))

In [ ]: