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from scipy.stats import truncnorm, uniform
from astroML.stats import mean_sigma
from astroML.resample import bootstrap
from astroML.plotting.mcmc import convert_to_stdev
from scipy.stats import norm, anderson
from astroML.stats import mean_sigma, median_sigmaG
Suppose we have a set of $N$ values $\{x_{i}\}$ drawn from a Gaussian distribution with known errors $\sigma_{i}$. If $\{x_{i}\}$ are i.i.d., the likelihood of the entire data set is just the product of the likelihood for each particular value:
$$ p(\{x_i\}\,|\,\mu,\,I) = {\displaystyle \prod_{i=1}^{N}} \, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_i} \mbox{exp}\Big(\frac{-(x_i-\mu)^2}{2\sigma_i^2}\Big) $$If we take our prior to be uniform such that in the range $\mu_{min}<\mu<\mu_{max}$
$$p(\mu|I)=C,\hspace{1cm}$$where $$C=(\mu_{max}-\mu_{min})^{-1}$$
then the posterior pdf for the parameter $\mu$ is
$$ p(\mu|\{x_i\}, \{\sigma_i\},I) = p(\{x_i\}|\mu,I)\,p(\mu|I)$$and its logarithm is
$$ L_p\equiv\mbox{ln}[p(\mu|\{x_i\}, \{\sigma_i\},I)] = \mbox{constant} - {\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{N}} \frac{(x_i-\mu)^2}{2\sigma_i^2}$$Maximizing the parameter $\mu$ via $dL_p/d\mu|_{\mu=\mu_0}=0$ gives
$$ \mu_0=\frac{\Sigma_{i=1}^{N}w_ix_i}{\Sigma_{i=1}^{N}w_i} $$and the width of the posterior pdf for $\mu$ is
$$ \sigma_\mu=\Big(-\frac{d^2L_p}{d\mu^2}|_{\mu=\mu_0}\Big)^{-1/2}=\Big({\displaystyle \sum_i}w_i\Big)^{-1/2}$$We see that using a flat prior gave us the same result as the maximum likelihood estimation. If we had assumed our errors were homoscedastic, this would just reduce to the standard result given by
$$ \mu_0=\frac{1}{N}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^N}x_i$$Conclusion: when errors are known, the posterior pdf for $\mu$ is Gaussian. What happens when $\sigma$ is unknown?
Now the $\sigma$ needs to be determined from the data. We can interpret $\sigma$ as the intrinsic spread of the measured quantity (assuming individual measurement errors are negligible) or we can equivalently say that all measurements have the same unknown precision.
When N is large, we can assume Gaussian uncertainty of $\mu$ with its width given by
$$ \sigma_{\bar{x}}=\frac{s}{\sqrt{N}} $$For small N, however, the posterior pdf for $\mu$ follows a different distribution. To determine what this distribution is we first write likelihood
$$ p(\{x_i\}\,|\,\mu,\sigma,\,I) = {\displaystyle \prod_{i=1}^{N}} \, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} \mbox{exp}\Big(\frac{-(x_i-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\Big) $$where $\sigma$ is unknown and homoscedastic. Assuming uniform priors for $\mu$ and $\sigma$,
$$ p(\mu, \sigma|I)\,\propto\,\frac{1}{\sigma} $$we get (after some normalization)
$$ L_p = \mbox{constant} - (N+1)\,\mbox{ln}\sigma-{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{N}} \frac{(x_i - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}$$Making the substitution $V=N^{-1}\Sigma_{i=1}^{N}(x_i-\bar{x})^2$, the posterior becomes
$$ L_p = \mbox{constant} - (N+1)\,\mbox{ln}\sigma - \frac{N}{2\sigma^2}((\bar{x}-\mu)^2 + V)$$$L_p$ is rewritten in terms of $(N, \bar{x}, V)$ because they fully capture the entire information content of the data set. They are called $\textit{sufficient}$ statistics for this reason.
Once again, we can find the position of the maximum ($\mu_0,\sigma_0$) by setting $dL_p/d\mu|_{\mu=\mu_0} = 0$ and $dL_p/d\sigma|_{\sigma=\sigma_0} = 0$ to get
$$ \mu_0=\bar{x} $$$$ \sigma_0=\Big(\frac{VN}{N+1}\Big)^{1/2}= \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{N}}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}$$The latter is just the sample standard deviation.
In [4]:
# Author: Jake VanderPlas
# License: BSD
# The figure produced by this code is published in the textbook
# "Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy" (2013)
# For more information, see
# To report a bug or issue, use the following forum:
def gauss_logL(xbar, V, n, sigma, mu):
"""Equation 5.58: gaussian likelihood"""
return (-(n + 1) * np.log(sigma)
- 0.5 * n * ((xbar - mu) ** 2 + V) / sigma ** 2)
# Define the grid and compute logL
sigma = np.linspace(1, 5, 70)
mu = np.linspace(-3, 5, 70)
xbar = 1
V = 4
n = 10
logL = gauss_logL(xbar, V, n, sigma[:, np.newaxis], mu)
logL -= logL.max()
# Plot the results
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 7.75))
plt.imshow(logL, origin='lower',
extent=(mu[0], mu[-1], sigma[0], sigma[-1]),,
plt.clim(-5, 0)
plt.contour(mu, sigma, convert_to_stdev(logL),
levels=(0.683, 0.955, 0.997),
plt.text(0.5, 0.93, r'$L(\mu,\sigma)\ \mathrm{for}\ \bar{x}=%d,\ V=%d,\ n=%d$'%(xbar,V,n),
bbox=dict(ec='k', fc='w', alpha=0.9),
ha='center', va='center', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
If we knew the width of our distribution $\sigma$, then the posterior probability $p(\mu|\sigma)$ would be Gaussian. However we don't know $\sigma$, so we have to marginalize our posterior by integrating over all possible values of $\sigma$
$$ p(\mu|\{x_i\}, I)=\int_0^\infty p(\mu, \sigma|\{x_i\}, I)\,d\sigma$$which gives a marginal pdf for $p(\mu)$ which is proportional to
$$ p(\mu|\{x_i\}, I) \propto \Big[1+\frac{(\bar{x}-\mu)^2}{V}\Big]^{-N/2} $$Thus in cases when N is small and the errors are unkown and homoscedastic, the underlying distribution for the posterior follows a Student'ts $t$ distribution.
In the limit of large N, this essentially approaches a Gaussian. Moreover, marginalizing with repsect to $\mu$ gives a posterior pdf for $\sigma$ that resembles a $\chi^2$ distribution
$$ p(\sigma|\{x_i\}, I) \propto \frac{1}{\sigma^N}\mbox{exp}\Big(\frac{-NV}{w\sigma^2}\Big) $$
In [6]:
# Author: Jake VanderPlas
# License: BSD
# The figure produced by this code is published in the textbook
# "Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy" (2013)
# For more information, see
# To report a bug or issue, use the following forum:
# Define functions for computations below
# These are expected analytic fits to the posterior distributions
def compute_pmu(mu, xbar, V, n):
return (1 + (xbar - mu) ** 2 / V) ** (-0.5 * n)
def compute_pmu_alt(mu, xbar, V, n):
return (1 + (xbar - mu) ** 2 / V) ** (-0.5 * (n - 1))
def compute_psig(sig, V, n):
return (sig ** -n) * np.exp(-0.5 * n * V / sig ** 2)
def compute_psig_alt(sig, V, n):
return (sig ** -(n - 1)) * np.exp(-0.5 * n * V / sig ** 2)
def gaussian(x, mu, sigma):
return np.exp(-0.5 * (x - mu) ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
# Draw a random sample from the distribution, and compute
# some quantities
#n = 77
xbar = 1
V = 4
sigma_x = np.sqrt(V)
xi = np.random.normal(xbar, sigma_x, size=n)
mu_mean, sig_mean = mean_sigma(xi, ddof=1)
# compute the analytically expected spread in measurements
mu_std = sig_mean / np.sqrt(n)
sig_std = sig_mean / np.sqrt(2 * (n - 1))
# bootstrap estimates
mu_bootstrap, sig_bootstrap = bootstrap(xi, 1E6, mean_sigma,
kwargs=dict(ddof=1, axis=1))
# Compute analytic posteriors
# distributions for the mean
mu = np.linspace(-3, 5, 1000)
dmu = mu[1] - mu[0]
pmu = compute_pmu(mu, xbar, V, n)
pmu /= (dmu * pmu.sum())
pmu2 = compute_pmu_alt(mu, xbar, V, n)
pmu2 /= (dmu * pmu2.sum())
pmu_norm = gaussian(mu, mu_mean, mu_std)
pmu_norm /= (dmu * pmu_norm.sum())
mu_hist, mu_bins = np.histogram(mu_bootstrap, 20)
mu_dbin = np.diff(mu_bins).astype(float)
mu_hist = mu_hist / mu_dbin / mu_hist.sum()
# distributions for the standard deviation
sig = np.linspace(1E-4, 5, 1000)
dsig = sig[1] - sig[0]
psig = compute_psig(sig, V, n)
psig /= (dsig * psig.sum())
psig2 = compute_psig_alt(sig, V, n)
psig2 /= (dsig * psig2.sum())
psig_norm = gaussian(sig, sig_mean, sig_std)
psig_norm /= (dsig * psig_norm.sum())
sig_hist, sig_bins = np.histogram(sig_bootstrap, 20)
sig_dbin = np.diff(sig_bins).astype(float)
sig_hist = sig_hist / sig_dbin / sig_hist.sum()
# Plot the results
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 11))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.35, right=0.95,
hspace=0.2, top=0.95)
# plot posteriors for mu
ax1 = plt.subplot(221, yscale='log')
ax1.plot(mu, pmu, '-b')
ax1.plot(mu, pmu2, ':m')
ax1.plot(mu, pmu_norm, '--r')
ax1.scatter(mu_bins[1:] - 0.5 * mu_dbin, mu_hist,
edgecolor='k', facecolor='none')
ax2 = plt.subplot(223, sharex=ax1)
ax2.plot(mu, pmu.cumsum() * dmu, '-b')
ax2.plot(mu, pmu_norm.cumsum() * dmu, '--r')
ax2.scatter(mu_bins[1:] - 0.5 * mu_dbin, mu_hist.cumsum() * mu_dbin,
edgecolor='k', facecolor='none')
ax2.set_xlim(-3, 5)
# plot posteriors for sigma
ax3 = plt.subplot(222, sharey=ax1)
ax3.plot(sig, psig, '-b')
ax3.plot(sig, psig2, ':m')
ax3.plot(sig, psig_norm, '--r')
ax3.scatter(sig_bins[1:] - 0.5 * sig_dbin, sig_hist,
edgecolor='k', facecolor='none')
ax3.set_ylim(1E-4, 2)
ax4 = plt.subplot(224, sharex=ax3, sharey=ax2)
ax4.plot(sig, psig.cumsum() * dsig, '-b')
ax4.plot(sig, psig_norm.cumsum() * dsig, '--r')
ax4.scatter(sig_bins[1:] - 0.5 * sig_dbin, sig_hist.cumsum() * sig_dbin,
edgecolor='k', facecolor='none')
ax4.set_ylim(0, 1.05)
ax4.set_xlim(0, 5)
Following the same procedure as before, the posterior is given by
$$ p(\{x_i\}|\mu, \sigma, I)={\displaystyle \prod_{i=1}^{N}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}(\sigma^2+e_i^2)^{1/2}}\mbox{exp}\Big(\frac{-(x_i-\mu)^2}{2(\sigma^2+e_i^2)}\Big)$$$$ L_p = \mbox{constant} - \frac{1}{2}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{N}} \Big(\mbox{ln}(\sigma^2+e_i^2)+\frac{(x_i-\mu)^2}{\sigma^2+e_i^2}\Big) $$
In [14]:
# Author: Jake VanderPlas
# License: BSD
# The figure produced by this code is published in the textbook
# "Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy" (2013)
# For more information, see
# To report a bug or issue, use the following forum:
from __future__ import print_function
# Create distributions
# draw underlying points
Npts = 1E6
x = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=Npts)
# add error for each point
e = 3 * np.random.random(Npts)
x += np.random.normal(0, e)
# compute anderson-darling test
A2, sig, crit = anderson(x)
print("anderson-darling A^2 = %.1f" % A2)
# compute point statistics
mu_sample, sig_sample = mean_sigma(x, ddof=1)
med_sample, sigG_sample = median_sigmaG(x)
# plot the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 7.75))
ax.hist(x, 100, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2,
color='k', normed=True)
# plot the fitting normal curves
x_sample = np.linspace(-15, 15, 1000)
ax.plot(x_sample, norm(mu_sample, sig_sample).pdf(x_sample),
'-k', label='$\sigma$ fit')
ax.plot(x_sample, norm(med_sample, sigG_sample).pdf(x_sample),
'--k', label='$\sigma_G$ fit')
ax.set_xlim(-7.5, 7.5)
Taking the derivative of $L_p$ with respect to $\mu$ and setting it to zero gives a maximum value for $\mu=\mu_0$
$$ \mu_0=\frac{\Sigma_i w_i x_i}{\Sigma_i w_i} $$but with different weights
$$ w_i = \frac{1}{\sigma_0^2 + e_i^2} $$We can provide an additional constraint for $\sigma_0$ by setting the derivative of $L_p$ with respect to $\sigma$ equal to zero, but this does not lead to a closed form expression and requires simulatenously solving two complicated equations. Instead, the sample median is actually a pretty good estimator of $\mu_0$, and the maximum width can be estimated as
$$ \sigma_0^2=\zeta^2\sigma_G^2-e_{50}^2 $$where $\sigma_G$ is the quartile-based estimator, $e_{50}$ is the median error, and $\zeta=\mbox{median}(\tilde{\sigma_i})/\mbox{mean}(\tilde{\sigma_i})$, where
$$ \tilde{\sigma_i} = (\sigma_G^2+e_i^2-e_{50}^2)^{1/2} $$
In [11]:
# Author: Jake VanderPlas
# License: BSD
# The figure produced by this code is published in the textbook
# "Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy" (2013)
# For more information, see
# To report a bug or issue, use the following forum:
def gaussgauss_logL(xi, ei, mu, sigma):
"""Equation 5.63: gaussian likelihood with gaussian errors"""
ndim = len(np.broadcast(sigma, mu).shape)
xi = xi.reshape(xi.shape + tuple(ndim * [1]))
ei = ei.reshape(ei.shape + tuple(ndim * [1]))
s2_e2 = sigma ** 2 + ei ** 2
return -0.5 * np.sum(np.log(s2_e2) + (xi - mu) ** 2 / s2_e2, 0)
# Define the grid and compute logL
mu_true = 1.
sigma_true = 1.
N = 10
ei = 3 * np.random.random(N)
xi = np.random.normal(mu_true, np.sqrt(sigma_true ** 2 + ei ** 2))
sigma = np.linspace(0.01, 5, 70)
mu = np.linspace(-3, 5, 70)
logL = gaussgauss_logL(xi, ei, mu, sigma[:, np.newaxis])
logL -= logL.max()
# plot the results
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 7.75))
plt.imshow(logL, origin='lower',
extent=(mu[0], mu[-1], sigma[0], sigma[-1]),,
plt.clim(-5, 0)
plt.text(0.5, 0.93,
(r'$L(\mu,\sigma)\ \mathrm{for}\ \bar{x}=1,\ '
r'\sigma_{\rm true}=1,\ n=10$'),
bbox=dict(ec='k', fc='w', alpha=0.9),
ha='center', va='center', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
plt.contour(mu, sigma, convert_to_stdev(logL),
levels=(0.683, 0.955, 0.997),
Because the errors are heteroscedastic, the posterior pdf is no longer symmetric with respect to $\mu$.
This time we have a distribution that is a mixture of a Gaussian and a uniform distribution in some interval $W$. This could, for example, represent a profile of a source in an image with an unkown background. Assuming $\mu$ is known we seek the posterior pdf for $A$ (the strength of the background) and $\sigma$. The likelihood of obtaining a measurement $x_i$ is
$$p(x_i|A, \mu, \sigma) = \frac{A}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\mbox{exp}\Big(\frac{-(x_i-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\Big)+\frac{1-A}{W} $$Taking the prior to be
$$ p(A, \sigma|I) = \mbox{constant} $$and requiring $A$ and $\sigma$ to be non-negative, we get
$$ L_p={\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^N}\mbox{ln}\Big[A\frac{\mbox{exp}\Big(\frac{-(x_i-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\Big)}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}+\frac{1-A}{W}\Big] $$
In [12]:
# Author: Jake VanderPlas
# License: BSD
# The figure produced by this code is published in the textbook
# "Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy" (2013)
# For more information, see
# To report a bug or issue, use the following forum:
def gausslin_logL(xi, A=0.5, sigma=1.0, mu=5.0, L=10.0):
"""Equation 5.80: gaussian likelihood with uniform background"""
xi = np.asarray(xi)
shape = np.broadcast(sigma, A, mu, L).shape
xi = xi.reshape(xi.shape + tuple([1 for s in shape]))
return np.sum(np.log(A * np.exp(-0.5 * ((xi - mu) / sigma) ** 2)
/ (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
+ (1. - A) / L), 0)
# Define the distribution
mu = 5.0
sigma = 1.0
L = 10.0
A = 0.5
N = 200
xi = np.random.random(N)
NA = np.sum(xi < A)
dist1 = truncnorm((0 - mu) / sigma, (L - mu) / sigma, mu, sigma)
dist2 = uniform(0, 10)
xi[:NA] = dist1.rvs(NA)
xi[NA:] = dist2.rvs(N - NA)
x = np.linspace(-1, 11, 1000)
fracA = NA * 1. / N
# define the (sigma, A) grid and compute logL
sigma = np.linspace(0.5, 2, 70)
A = np.linspace(0, 1, 70)
logL = gausslin_logL(xi, A[:, np.newaxis], sigma)
logL -= logL.max()
# Plot the results
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 10))
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.11, hspace=0.15, top=0.95)
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
plt.imshow(logL, origin='lower', aspect='auto',
extent=(sigma[0], sigma[-1], A[0], A[-1]),
plt.clim(-5, 0)
ax.text(0.5, 0.9, r'$L(\sigma,A)\ (\mathrm{Gauss + bkgd},\ n=200)$',
bbox=dict(ec='k', fc='w', alpha=0.9),
ha='center', va='center', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
ax.contour(sigma, A, convert_to_stdev(logL),
levels=(0.683, 0.955, 0.997),
ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
ax2.plot(x, fracA * dist1.pdf(x) + (1. - fracA) * dist2.pdf(x), '-k')
ax2.hist(xi, 30, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', fc='gray', alpha=0.5)
ax2.set_ylim(0, 0.301)
ax2.set_xlim(-1, 11)
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