Assignment 1

Submitted By:

Divyanshu Srivastava (MT16125)

In [1]:
# Import dependencies
import numpy as np
import pickle
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
from IPython.display import Image

Qeustion 1

In [3]:
## Undirected Unweighted Graph
G1 = nx.Graph()
G1.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (2, 5), (8, 3), (5, 8)])

pos=nx.spring_layout(G1) # positions for all nodes
nx.draw(G1, pos)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G1, pos)
plt.title('(a) Undirected Unwieghted Graph')

In [4]:
## Undirected Weighted Graph
G2 = nx.MultiGraph()
G2.add_weighted_edges_from([(1, 2, 0.1), (1, 3, 0.7), (3, 4, 1.0), (5, 6, 0.4), 
                            (7, 8, 0.3), (2, 5, 0.3), (8, 3, 1.0), (5, 8, 0.5)])
pos=nx.spring_layout(G2) # positions for all nodes
nx.draw(G2, pos)
             for u,v,d in G2.edges(data=True)])
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G2, pos)
plt.title('(b) Undirected Wieghted Graph')

In [5]:
## Directed Unweighted Graph
G3 = nx.DiGraph()
G3.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (2, 5), (8, 3), (5, 8)])
pos=nx.spring_layout(G3) # positions for all nodes
nx.draw(G3, pos)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G3, pos)
plt.title('(c) Directed Unweighted Graph')

In [6]:
## Directed Weighted Graph
G4 = nx.MultiDiGraph()
G4.add_weighted_edges_from([(1, 2, 0.1), (1, 3, 0.7), (3, 4, 1.0), (5, 6, 0.4), 
                            (7, 8, 0.3), (2, 5, 0.3), (8, 3, 1.0), (5, 8, 0.5)])
pos=nx.spring_layout(G4) # positions for all nodes
nx.draw(G4, pos)
             for u,v,d in G4.edges(data=True)])
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G4, pos)
plt.title('(d) Directed Wieghted Graph')

In [7]:
## Storing these graphs as adjacency matrix and adjacency list
G = {'G1 (UD-UW)': G1, 'G2 (UD-W)': G2,'G3 (D-UW)': G3,'G4 (D-W)': G4}

adjacency_matrix = dict()
edgelist = dict()
for key in G:
    adjacency_matrix[key] = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G[key])
    edgelist[key] = nx.to_edgelist(G[key])

# saving
with open('ques1_stired_networks.pickle', 'w') as f:  
    pickle.dump([adjacency_matrix, edgelist], f)

Qeustion 2

In [8]:
## Fuction to find degree from adjacency matrix

# function definition
def get_degree(adj):
        This function computes the degree of each node for a given adjacency matrix
        For Uniderected Graphs:
            It prints node wise degree and returns it.
        For Directed Graphs:
            It prnts both in degree and out degree and reurns both of them.
    if np.allclose(adj, adj.T, atol=1e-8):
        # print "Undirected Graph"
        deg = np.sum(adj != 0, axis=0)
        # print "Directed Graph"
        deg = list()
        deg.append(np.sum(adj != 0, axis=0).astype(
        deg.append(np.sum(adj != 0, axis=1).astype(
    return deg

# loading adjacency matrix which were saved in question 1
f = open('ques1_stired_networks.pickle', 'r')
adj_matrix, edge_list = pickle.load(f)

for key in adj_matrix:
    print key
    deg = get_degree(adj_matrix[key])
    if len(deg) == 2:
        print "Indegree: " + str(deg[0])
        print "Outdegree: " + str(deg[1])
        print "Degree: " + str(deg)

G4 (D-W)
Indegree: [[0 1 2 1 1 1 0 2]]
Outdegree: [[2 1 1 0 2 0 1 1]]
G1 (UD-UW)
Degree: [[2 2 3 1 3 1 1 3]]
G2 (UD-W)
Degree: [[2 2 3 1 3 1 1 3]]
G3 (D-UW)
Indegree: [[0 1 2 1 1 1 0 2]]
Outdegree: [[2 1 1 0 2 0 1 1]]

Question 3

In [9]:
# Computing A square for Undirected nnweighted graph G1
A = adjacency_matrix['G1 (UD-UW)']
A = A.astype(
A_square = A*A

pos=nx.spring_layout(G1) # positions for all nodes
nx.draw(G1, pos)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G1, pos)
plt.title('Undirected Unwieghted Graph')
print "A_square : \n " + np.str(A_square)

A_square : 
 [[2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1]
 [0 2 1 0 0 1 0 1]
 [0 1 3 0 1 0 1 0]
 [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1]
 [1 0 1 0 3 0 1 0]
 [0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1]
 [0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
 [1 1 0 1 0 1 0 3]]

Clearly, $A^2$ as computed above for the undirected unweighted graph G1 (question 1) encodes the information of the number of paths of length 2 from each node to every other node. For Example, Cosider the pair of nodes 1 and 4. There exists a path of length 2 from node 1 to node 4 via node 3, thereby giving $A^2_{(1, 4)} = 1$ . Similarly, there exists three paths of length 2 from node 8 back to node 8, via node 3, node 5 and node 7. Thus we have $A^2_{(8, 8)} = 3$. In general, $A^n_{(i, j)}$ gives the number of paths of length $n$ from node $i$ to node $j$ in the undirected unweighted graph.

Question 4

In [10]:
## Reading C. Elegans neural network dataset
G_celegans = nx.read_gml('Newman_Datasets/celegansneural/celegansneural.gml')
G_celegans_adj = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G_celegans)
G_celegans_deg = get_degree(G_celegans_adj) # function written in question 2

# Plotting
plt.hist(np.asarray(G_celegans_deg[0])[0], bins='auto')
plt.title("In Degree Distribution for C. Elegans Neural Network")

plt.hist(np.asarray(G_celegans_deg[1])[0], bins='auto')
plt.title("Out Degree Distribution for C. Elegans Neural Network")

In [11]:
## Reading C. Elegans neural network dataset
G_adjnoun = nx.read_gml('Newman_Datasets/adjnoun/adjnoun.gml')
G_adjnoun_adj = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G_adjnoun)
G_adjnoun_deg = get_degree(G_adjnoun_adj) # function written in question 2

# Plotting
plt.hist(np.asarray(G_adjnoun_deg[0])[0], bins='auto')
plt.title("In Degree Distribution for C. Elegans Neural Network")

Question 5

In [12]:
## Random Undirected Unweighted Graph

def create_random_graph(n, e):
        This function creates a random adjacncy matrix for a simple 
        undirected unweighted graph with n nodes and e edges.
        It returns the randomly computed adjacency matrix.
    adj = np.zeros((n, n))
    edges = 0;
    while edges < e:
        i = np.random.randint(0, n-2)
        j = np.random.randint(i+1, n-1)
        if (adj[i][j] == 1):
        adj[i][j] = 1
        edges = edges+1
    adj = adj + adj.T
    return adj

n = 1000
e = 10000

adj = create_random_graph(n, e)
deg = get_degree(adj)

# degree distribution
plt.hist(deg, bins='auto')
plt.title("Degree Distribution for random graph with " + str(n) + " nodes and " + str(e) + " edges")

Question 6

In [13]:
## Comparing C elegans neural network with random controls
# creating underlyting graph for directed graph
G_celegans_underlying_adj = G_celegans_adj + G_celegans_adj.T
G_celegans_underlying_adj[np.matrix.nonzero(G_celegans_underlying_adj)] = 1
G_celegans_underlying_deg = get_degree(G_celegans_underlying_adj)

nodes = len(G_celegans_underlying_adj)
edges = np.sum(G_celegans_underlying_adj)/2

n = 100

random_degs = np.empty([n, nodes])

for i in range(0, n):
    random_degs[i] = get_degree(create_random_graph(nodes, edges)) 

random_avg_degs = np.mean(random_degs, axis=0)

plt.hist(np.asarray(G_celegans_underlying_deg[0])[0], bins='auto')
plt.title("Degree Distribution for \nC. Elegans Neural Network \n underlying graph")
plt.hist(random_avg_degs, bins='auto')
plt.title("Average Degree Distribution \n for Random Controls")

As seen from above figures, real world networks show power law nature for degree distribution, while random graphs show more like a poisson distribution of degree over nodes. Similar results can be seen for adjacency network of common adjectives and nouns.

In [14]:
nodes = len(G_adjnoun_adj)
edges = np.sum(G_adjnoun_adj)/2

n = 100

random_degs = np.empty([n, nodes])

for i in range(0, n):
    random_degs[i] = get_degree(create_random_graph(nodes, edges)) 

random_avg_degs = np.mean(random_degs, axis=0)

plt.hist(np.asarray(G_adjnoun_deg[0])[0], bins='auto')
plt.title("Degree Distribution for \n adjacency network of common \n adjectives and nouns")
plt.hist(random_avg_degs, bins='auto')
plt.title("Average Degree Distribution \n for Random Controls")

Question 7

In [ ]:
## No codes in this question. Cytoscape was used to read and display thee two real world netowrks.

C. Elegans Neural Network

In [15]:


Adjacent nouns and words network

In [16]:


Question 8

In [17]:
## Clustering Coefficient and Average custering coefficient

def get_clust_coeff(adj, n):
        This Function computes clustering coefficient of the node n
        in the graph defined by adjacency matrix adj
    n_deg = np.sum(adj, axis=0)[0, n]
    if (n_deg < 2):
        return 0
    neighbours = np.nonzero(adj[:, n])[0]
    neighbour_pairs = itertools.combinations(neighbours, 2)
    triangles = 0
    for i in neighbour_pairs:
        if adj[i[0], i[1]] == 1:
            triangles += 1    
    clust_coeff = (float) (triangles / (n_deg*(n_deg-1)/2))
    return clust_coeff

def get_avg_clust_coeff(adj):
        This function computes average clustering coefficient of a graph respresented 
        from its adjacency matrix adj
    nodes = len(adj)
    clust_coeffs = np.zeros([1, nodes])[0]
    for i in range(0, nodes):
        clust_coeffs[i] = get_clust_coeff(adj, i)
    avg_clust_coeff = np.mean(clust_coeffs)
    return avg_clust_coeff
# Using adjacent nouns and words undirected graph for validation
adj = G_adjnoun_adj
print "Nodewise Clustering Coefficients (for first 10 nodes: "
for i in range(0, 10):
    print "\tNode "+ str(i) + ": \t" + str(get_clust_coeff(adj, i))
print "Average Clustering Coefficient (Using function): " + str(get_avg_clust_coeff(G_adjnoun_adj))
print "Average Clustering Coefficient (Using NetworkX): " + str(nx.average_clustering(G_adjnoun))

Nodewise Clustering Coefficients (for first 10 nodes: 
	Node 0: 	0.666666666667
	Node 1: 	0.153846153846
	Node 2: 	0.132575757576
	Node 3: 	0.194444444444
	Node 4: 	0.0
	Node 5: 	0.285714285714
	Node 6: 	0.266666666667
	Node 7: 	0.290909090909
	Node 8: 	0
	Node 9: 	0.102941176471
Average Clustering Coefficient (Using function): 0.17284007981
Average Clustering Coefficient (Using NetworkX): 0.17284007981

Question 9

In [18]:
## Finding All Pair Shortest Path using Floyd Warshall Algorithm for the aadjacent nouns and adjectives network

def floyd_warshall(adj):
        This function computes all pair shortest path for the adjacency matrix adj
    shortest_paths = adj
    shortest_paths[shortest_paths == 0] = np.inf
    shortest_paths[np.diag_indices_from(shortest_paths)] = 0
    nodes = len(adj)
    for k in range(nodes):
        for i in range(nodes):
            for j in range(nodes):
                shortest_paths[i, j] = min(shortest_paths[i, j] , shortest_paths[i, k]+ shortest_paths[k, j])
    return shortest_paths

adj = G_adjnoun_adj
all_pair_shortest_paths = floyd_warshall(adj)
print "All Pair Shortest path Matrix: \n" + str(all_pair_shortest_paths)
print "\nCharacteristic path length (Self-Computed): \t" + str(np.sum(all_pair_shortest_paths) / (nodes*nodes - nodes))
print "Characteristic path length (Using NetworkX): \t" + str(nx.average_shortest_path_length(G_adjnoun))

All Pair Shortest path Matrix: 
[[ 0.  1.  1. ...,  4.  4.  2.]
 [ 1.  0.  1. ...,  4.  4.  2.]
 [ 1.  1.  0. ...,  3.  3.  1.]
 [ 4.  4.  3. ...,  0.  2.  4.]
 [ 4.  4.  3. ...,  2.  0.  4.]
 [ 2.  2.  1. ...,  4.  4.  0.]]

Characteristic path length (Self-Computed): 	2.53555341055
Characteristic path length (Using NetworkX): 	2.53555341055