Imagine we have a biased coin with P(H) = $\theta$, P(T) = $1-\theta$. We've tossed this coin n times and come up with a sequence of coin tosses, D. D has $n_H$ heads and $n_T$ tails, with $n_H + n_T = n$. Furthermore, the coin tosses are IID. Under these conditions, the probability of getting exactly $n_H$ heads in $n$ tosses follows a Bernoulli distribution:
$P(Getting\ n_H\ heads\ in\ n\ tosses) = \theta^{n_H}(1-\theta)^{n_T}$.
We can describe the n coin tosses as a Probabilistic Graphical Model with a random variable $\theta$ and n instances of another random variable $X$, $(X[1], ...X[n])$, each instance representing one result of the coin toss. Each $X[i]$ depends on $\theta$, but the coin tosses are independent of each other - i.e. any two $X[i]$ and $X[j]$ are independent of each other given $\theta$.
In [2]:
%pylab inline'ggplot')
import networkx as nx
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edges_from([('A', 'B'), ('A', 'C'), ('A', 'D')])
pos = {'A': (2, 2), 'B': (1, 1), 'C': (2, 1), 'D':(4, 1)}
nx.draw(G, pos, node_size=2000, node_color='lightblue')
labels = {'A': '$\\theta$', 'B': '$X[1]$', 'C': '$X[2]$', 'D': '$X[n]$'}
Let each $X[i]$ take the value $x[i]$. Then $X[i]$ has the CPD:
$$P(x[i]|\theta) = \begin{cases} \theta,\ if\ x[i]\ = 1&\\ 1 - \theta,\ if\ x[i]\ = 0 \end{cases}$$The goal of MLE is to find $\theta \in [0, 1]$ that predicts D well.
How can we measure the quality of our prediction for a given $\theta$?
$L(\theta:D) = P(\theta|D) = \prod_{i=1}^n P(x[i]|\theta) = \theta^{n_H} (1-\theta)^{n_T}$.
It's much easier to differentiate over sums than products. We can convert the expression for L into a sum by taking its log: $LL = Log(L)$. The log function is strictly monotonically increasing, so $argmax_\theta L(\theta) = argmax_\theta LL(\theta)$.
$LL(\theta) = n_H log(\theta) + n_T log(1-\theta)$.
Let's plot the log-likelihood function for D = {H, T, T, H, H, T, T}, so that $n_H = 3$, $n_T = 4$ and finally $LL(\theta) = 3 log(\theta) + 4 log(1-\theta)$.
In [3]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
theta = np.arange(0.02, 1, step=0.02)
LL_theta = 3 * np.log(theta) + 4 * np.log(1 - theta)
df = pd.DataFrame({'theta':theta, 'LL_theta':LL_theta})
ax = df.plot(kind='line', x='theta', y='LL_theta', title='Log Likelihood of coin toss')
ax.set(xlabel=r'$\theta$', ylabel=r'$LL(\theta)$')
Differentiating w.r.t $\theta$ gives us:
$\frac {d}{d\theta} [LL(\theta)] = \frac {n_H} {\theta} - \frac {n_T} {1-\theta}$
Setting $\frac {d}{d\theta} [LL(\theta)] = 0$, we get:
$\frac {n_H} {\theta} = \frac {n_T} {1-\theta} => \theta = \frac {n_H} {n_H + n_T}$
In this case, $n_H$ and $n_T$ completely describe the MLE expression. We call them the Sufficient Statistics for the coin toss dataset. We can think of the pair $(n_H, n_T)$ as a 'summary' of information contained in all possible instances of D.
Imagine we have a competition where two teams play each other 10 times. Team A wins 7 times. MLE tells us that P(Team A wins) = 0.7. This seems somewhat plausible.
Now imagine we toss a coin 10 times (we don't know if the coin is biased or unbiased) and come up with heads 7 times. MLE again tells us that P(head) = 0.7. This may or may not be plausible.
Now imagine we toss the same coin 10,000 times and come up with heads 7000 times. MLE again tells us that P(head) = 0.7. This sounds a lot more plausible.
One limitation of MLE is that it cannot distinguish between these 3 cases.
For the majority of real world cases, the likelihood function is not concave, e.g. in HMM and GMMs. In such a scenario, one typically encounters a constrained optimization problem with multiple local maxima. Expectation maximization is a special purpose iterative technique designed for MLE.
'Guess' initial parameters.
Iterate until convergence:
Imagine that we now have two biased coins, A and B, with $P(H) = \theta_A$ and $P(H) = \theta_B$. We now conduct a number of experiments. In each turn, we pick either coin A or coin B and flip it 10 times. The tosses in each turn are still IID, but we don't know which coin we're using. We can express each turn as a PGM:
In [4]:
G = nx.DiGraph()
('A', 'X'), ('A', 'Y'), ('A', 'Z'),
('B', 'X'), ('B', 'Y'), ('B', 'Z')
pos = {'A': (2, 2), 'B': (4, 2),
'X': (1, 1), 'Y':(3, 1), 'Z':(5, 1)}
nx.draw(G, pos, node_size=2000, node_color='lightblue')
labels = {'A': r'$\theta_A$', 'B': r'$\theta_B$',
'X': '$X[1]$', 'Y': '$X[2]$', 'Z': '$X[n]$'}
nodes = nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos,labels,font_size=16)
In [5]:
import pandas as pd
experiments = pd.DataFrame([
'H H H H T H H H H H'.split(' '),
'H T T T H H T H T H'.split(' '),
'T H H H T H H H T H'.split(' '),
'H T H T T T H H T T'.split(' '),
'H H T T H H H T H H'.split(' '),
In [25]:
# count Heads and tails in each turn
ht_counts = experiments.apply(lambda row: row.value_counts(), axis=1)
In [19]:
def log_likelihoods(t):
"""Calculates log likelihoods using theta_A and theta_B for every turn.
e.g. for turn 0:
L(theta_A) = t[0]^9 + (1-t[0])^1 => LL(theta_A) = 9*log(t[0]) + 1*log(1-t[0])
L(theta_B) = t[1]^9 + (1-t[1])^1 => LL(theta_B) = 9*log(t[1]) + 1*log(1-t[1])
lls = [[np.log(t_i), np.log(1-t_i)]) for t_i in t]
lls = pd.concat(lls, axis=1, keys=['Coin=A', 'Coin=B'])
return lls
def norm_probs(ll_turn):
"""Calculates [P(coin=A), P(coin=B)] from [LL(theta_A), LL(theta_B)] for each turn."""
s = np.exp(ll_turn)
return s / np.sum(s)
def e_step(step_num, t):
"""For every new estimate t = [theta_A, theta_B], calculates
1. log-likelihoods for each turn
2. Normalized probs for each turn
3. Expectations for numbers of heads and tails thrown for each turn
assuming coin A and coin B.
lls = log_likelihoods(t)
if step_num == 1:
print('Log-likelihood for theta:\n', lls)
probs = lls.apply(norm_probs, axis=1)
if step_num == 1:
print('Normalized probs:\n', probs)
expectations = []
for coin in probs.keys():
hts_expected = ht_counts.mul(probs[coin].values, axis=0)
if step_num == 1:
print('Expected Heads and Tails assuming %s' % coin)
return expectations
def m_step(exps):
"""Calculates MLE for theta_A and theta_B.
theta_A = n_H/(n_H + n_T) using expectations for coin=A.
theta_B = n_H/(n_H + n_T) using expectations for coin=B.
new_t = np.array([e['H'].sum() / e.values.sum() for e in exps])
return new_t
def em(theta, steps=50):
"""Calls e_step and m step repeatedly, revising estimates of theta_A and theta_B at each step."""
t = theta
thetas = []
for i in range(1, steps+1):
expectations = e_step(i, t)
new_t = m_step(expectations)
if i == 1 or i % 10 == 0:
print('Changes in theta for step %s: %s' % (i, new_t-t))
t = new_t
thetas = pd.DataFrame(data=thetas, columns=['theta_A', 'theta_B'])
return thetas
theta_init = np.array([0.6, 0.5])
thetas = em(theta=theta_init)
In [26]:
# Theta estimates sampled after 10 steps
In [39]:
# We now toss a coin 20 times, and we have 6 heads and 14 tails, how can we predict if it's coin A or coin B?
ft = thetas.tail(1).values[0]
ll_theta_A = np.log([ft[0], 1-ft[0]]).dot([6, 14])
ll_theta_B = np.log([ft[1], 1-ft[1]]).dot([6, 14])
{0: 'A', 1: 'B'}[np.argmax([ll_theta_A, ll_theta_B])]