Applied Linear Regression

The dataset below records the average weight of the brain and body for a number of mammal species.

There are 62 rows of data. The 3 data columns include:

  I,  the index,
  A1, the brain weight;
  B,  the body weight.

We seek a model of the form: B = A1 * X1.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import requests
%pylab inline'ggplot')

URL = ''

result = requests.get(URL)
data = [line.strip() for line in result.text.split('\n') if not line.startswith('#')]

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:

['3 columns',
 '62 rows',
 'Brain Weight',
 'Body Weight',
 '1     3.385    44.500',
 '2     0.480    15.500',
 '3     1.350     8.100',
 '4   465.000   423.000',
 '5    36.330   119.500',
 '6    27.660   115.000',
 '7    14.830    98.200',
 '8     1.040     5.500',
 '9     4.190    58.000',
 '10     0.425     6.400',
 '11     0.101     4.000',
 '12     0.920     5.700',
 '13     1.000     6.600',
 '14     0.005     0.140',
 '15     0.060     1.000',
 '16     3.500    10.800',
 '17     2.000    12.300',
 '18     1.700     6.300',
 '19  2547.000  4603.000',
 '20     0.023     0.300',
 '21   187.100   419.000',
 '22   521.000   655.000',
 '23     0.785     3.500',
 '24    10.000   115.000',
 '25     3.300    25.600',
 '26     0.200     5.000',
 '27     1.410    17.500',
 '28   529.000   680.000',
 '29   207.000   406.000',
 '30    85.000   325.000',
 '31     0.750    12.300',
 '32    62.000  1320.000',
 '33  6654.000  5712.000',
 '34     3.500     3.900',
 '35     6.800   179.000',
 '36    35.000    56.000',
 '37     4.050    17.000',
 '38     0.120     1.000',
 '39     0.023     0.400',
 '40     0.010     0.250',
 '41     1.400    12.500',
 '42   250.000   490.000',
 '43     2.500    12.100',
 '44    55.500   175.000',
 '45   100.000   157.000',
 '46    52.160   440.000',
 '47    10.550   179.500',
 '48     0.550     2.400',
 '49    60.000    81.000',
 '50     3.600    21.000',
 '51     4.288    39.200',
 '52     0.280     1.900',
 '53     0.075     1.200',
 '54     0.122     3.000',
 '55     0.048     0.330',
 '56   192.000   180.000',
 '57     3.000    25.000',
 '58   160.000   169.000',
 '59     0.900     2.600',
 '60     1.620    11.400',
 '61     0.104     2.500',
 '62     4.235    50.400',

In [3]:
ncols = int(data[0].split(' ')[0])
nrows = int(data[1].split(' ')[0])

col_slice = slice(2, ncols + 2)
columns = data[col_slice]

In [4]:

['Index', 'Brain Weight', 'Body Weight']

In [5]:
row_slice = slice(ncols + 2, ncols + nrows+2)
rows = data[row_slice]

In [6]:

['1     3.385    44.500',
 '2     0.480    15.500',
 '3     1.350     8.100',
 '4   465.000   423.000',
 '5    36.330   119.500',
 '6    27.660   115.000',
 '7    14.830    98.200',
 '8     1.040     5.500',
 '9     4.190    58.000',
 '10     0.425     6.400',
 '11     0.101     4.000',
 '12     0.920     5.700',
 '13     1.000     6.600',
 '14     0.005     0.140',
 '15     0.060     1.000',
 '16     3.500    10.800',
 '17     2.000    12.300',
 '18     1.700     6.300',
 '19  2547.000  4603.000',
 '20     0.023     0.300',
 '21   187.100   419.000',
 '22   521.000   655.000',
 '23     0.785     3.500',
 '24    10.000   115.000',
 '25     3.300    25.600',
 '26     0.200     5.000',
 '27     1.410    17.500',
 '28   529.000   680.000',
 '29   207.000   406.000',
 '30    85.000   325.000',
 '31     0.750    12.300',
 '32    62.000  1320.000',
 '33  6654.000  5712.000',
 '34     3.500     3.900',
 '35     6.800   179.000',
 '36    35.000    56.000',
 '37     4.050    17.000',
 '38     0.120     1.000',
 '39     0.023     0.400',
 '40     0.010     0.250',
 '41     1.400    12.500',
 '42   250.000   490.000',
 '43     2.500    12.100',
 '44    55.500   175.000',
 '45   100.000   157.000',
 '46    52.160   440.000',
 '47    10.550   179.500',
 '48     0.550     2.400',
 '49    60.000    81.000',
 '50     3.600    21.000',
 '51     4.288    39.200',
 '52     0.280     1.900',
 '53     0.075     1.200',
 '54     0.122     3.000',
 '55     0.048     0.330',
 '56   192.000   180.000',
 '57     3.000    25.000',
 '58   160.000   169.000',
 '59     0.900     2.600',
 '60     1.620    11.400',
 '61     0.104     2.500',
 '62     4.235    50.400']

In [7]:
from io import StringIO
import re
csv_data = re.sub(r'[ ]+', ',', '\n'.join(rows))
data_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv_data), header=None, names=columns)

Index Brain Weight Body Weight
0 1 3.385 44.5
1 2 0.480 15.5
2 3 1.350 8.1
3 4 465.000 423.0
4 5 36.330 119.5

In [9]:
data_df = data_df.rename(columns={'Body Weight': 'body_weight', 'Brain Weight': 'brain_weight'})
data_df.plot(kind='scatter', x='body_weight', y='brain_weight')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x27fa5d55e10>

In [11]:
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
results = smf.ols('brain_weight ~ body_weight', data=data_df).fit()

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: brain_weight R-squared: 0.873
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.871
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 411.2
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 Prob (F-statistic): 1.54e-28
Time: 23:29:16 Log-Likelihood: -445.27
No. Observations: 62 AIC: 894.5
Df Residuals: 60 BIC: 898.8
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept -56.8555 42.978 -1.323 0.191 -142.824 29.113
body_weight 0.9029 0.045 20.278 0.000 0.814 0.992
Omnibus: 35.627 Durbin-Watson: 2.548
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 784.333
Skew: -0.627 Prob(JB): 4.83e-171
Kurtosis: 20.379 Cond. No. 1.01e+03

In [13]:

Intercept     -56.855545
body_weight     0.902913
dtype: float64

In [17]:
fitted_model = data_df['body_weight'] * results.params['body_weight'] + results.params['Intercept']
predicted_df = pd.concat(
    {'predicted_brain_weight': fitted_model, 
     'actual_brain_weight': data_df['brain_weight'],
     'body_weight': data_df['body_weight'],
    }, axis=1)

In [22]:
ax = predicted_df.plot(kind='scatter', x='body_weight', y='actual_brain_weight')
predicted_df.plot(ax=ax, kind='scatter', x='body_weight', y='predicted_brain_weight', color='red')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x27fa6e4e128>

In [ ]: