In [1]:
%pylab inline
%precision 4
from scipy import constants as c # we like to use some constants
In [2]:
#60Hz side (North America)
Vrms60 = 120 # [V]
freq60 = 60 # [Hz]
#50Hz side (Europe)
Vrms50 = 240 # [V]
freq50 = 50 # [Hz]
Many travelers carry small step-up / step-down transformers so that they can use their appliances in the countries that they are visiting. A typical transformer might be rated at 1-kVA and 115/230 V. It has 500 turns of wire on the 115-V side and 1000 turns of wire on the 230-V side, through which it's known that:
In [3]:
S = 1000 # Apparent power (VA)
NP60 = 500 # Primary turns at 115V side
NP50 = 1000 # Primary turns at 230V side
The magnetization curve for this transformer is shown in Figure P2-2, and can be found in p22_mag.dat at this book's Web site.
In [4]:
#Load the magnetization curve data
import pandas as pd
# The data file is stored in the repository
fileUrl = 'data/p22_mag.dat'
data = pd.read_csv(fileUrl, # the address where to download the datafile from
sep=' ', # our data source uses a blank space as separation
comment='%', # ignore lines starting with a "%"
skipinitialspace = True, # ignore intital spaces
header=None, # we don't have a header line defined...
names=['mmf_data', 'flux_data'] # ...instead we define the names here
Suppose that this transformer is connected to a 120-V, 60 Hz power source with no load connected to the 240-V side.
Now suppose that this transformer is connected to a 240-V, 50 Hz power source with no load connected to the 120-V side.
Calculate the angular velocity $\omega$:
In [5]:
w60 = 2 * pi * freq60
print('w = {:.4f} rad/s'.format(w60))
Calculate the maximum voltage $V_M$:
In [6]:
VM60 = Vrms60 * sqrt(2)
print('VM = {:.4f} V'.format(VM60) )
Calculate flux versus time $\phi(t)$ (saved as a vector):
In [7]:
time = linspace(0, 1./30, 100) # 0 to 1/30 sec
flux60 = -VM60 / (w60 * NP60) * cos(w60 * time)
The magnetization current required for a given flux $\phi(t)$ can be found from Figure P2-2 or from the equivalent table in file p22_mag.dat by using the interpolation function:
In [8]:
mmf60 = interp(flux60, data['flux_data'], data['mmf_data'])
Calculate the magnetization current $i_m$:
In [9]:
im60 = mmf60 / NP60
Calculate the rms value of the current $i_\text{rms}$:
In [10]:
irms60 = sqrt(sum(im60**2) / im60.size)
print('The rms current at 120 V and 60 Hz is {:.4f} A'.format(irms60))
Calculate the full-load current:
In [11]:
i_fl60 = S / Vrms60
Calculate the percentage of full-load current:
In [12]:
percnt60 = irms60 / i_fl60 * 100
print('The magnetization current is {:.3f}% of full-load current.'.format(percnt60))
Sketch the magnetization current $i_m$ that would flow in the transformer:
In [13]:
rc('text', usetex=True) # enable LaTeX commands for plot
title(r'\bf Magnetization current at 60 Hz')
xlabel(r'\bf Time (s)')
ylabel(r'$\mathbf{I_m}$ \textbf{(A)}')
axis([0,0.04,-0.5,0.5]) #set the axis range
legend(('$60 Hz,\,I_{{RMS}} = {:.3f}\,A$'.format(irms60),), loc=4);
Calculate the angular velocity $\omega$:
In [14]:
w50 = 2 * pi * freq50
print('w = {:.4f} rad/s'.format(w50) )
Calculate the maximum voltage $\text{V}_\text{M}$:
In [15]:
VM50 = Vrms50 * sqrt(2)
print('VM = {:.4f} V'.format(VM50) )
Calculate flux versus time $\phi(t)$ (saved as a vector):
In [16]:
time = linspace(0, 1.0/25, 100) # 0 to 1/25 sec
flux50 = -VM50 / (w50 * NP50) * cos(w50 * time)
The magnetization current required for a given flux $\phi(t)$ can be found from Figure P2-2 or from the equivalent table in file p22_mag.dat by using the interpolation function:
In [17]:
mmf50 = interp(flux50, data['flux_data'], data['mmf_data'])
Calculate the magnetization current $\text{i}_\text{m}$:
In [18]:
im50 = mmf50 / NP50
Calculate the rms value of the current $i_\text{rms}$:
In [19]:
irms50 = sqrt(sum(im50**2) / im50.size)
print('The rms current at 120 V and 50 Hz is {:.5f} A'.format(irms50))
Calculate the full-load current:
In [20]:
i_fl50 = S / Vrms50
Calculate the percentage of full-load current:
In [21]:
percnt50 = irms50 / i_fl50 * 100
print('The magnetization current is {:.3f}% of full-load current.'.format(percnt50))
Sketch the magnetization current $i_m$ that would flow in the transformer:
In [22]:
rc('text', usetex=True) # enable LaTeX commands for plot
title(r'\bf Magnetization current at 50 Hz')
xlabel(r'\bf Time (s)')
ylabel(r'$\mathbf{I_m}$ \textbf{(A)}')
axis([0,0.04,-0.5,0.5]) #set the axis range
legend(('$50 Hz,\,I_{{RMS}} = {:.3f} A$'.format(irms50),), loc=4);