Import the PyLab namespace (provides set of useful commands and constants like $\pi$)
In [1]:
%pylab notebook
Define all the parameters:
In [2]:
VB = 120.0 # Battery voltage (V)
r = 0.3 # Resistance (ohms)
l = 1.0 # Bar length (m)
B = 0.6 # Flux density (T)
Select the forces to apply to the bar:
In [3]:
F = arange(0,51,10) # Force (N)
F # Lets print the variable to check.
# Can you exaplain why "arange(0,50,10)" gives not the array below?
Calculate the currents flowing in the motor:
In [4]:
i = F / (l * B) # Current (A)
Calculate the induced voltages on the bar:
In [5]:
eind = VB - i * r # Induced voltage (V)
Calculate the velocities of the bar:
In [6]:
v_bar = eind / (l * B); # Velocity (m/s)
Plot the velocity of the bar versus force:
In [8]:
plot(F, v_bar);
rc('text', usetex=True) # enable LaTeX commands for plot
title(r'\textbf{Plot of velocity versus applied force}')
xlabel(r'\textbf{Force (N)}')
ylabel(r'\textbf{Velocity (m/s)}')
axis([0, 50, 0, 200])