In [19]:
import keras


Text generation with LSTM

This notebook contains the code samples found in Chapter 8, Section 1 of Deep Learning with Python. Note that the original text features far more content, in particular further explanations and figures: in this notebook, you will only find source code and related comments.


Implementing character-level LSTM text generation

Let's put these ideas in practice in a Keras implementation. The first thing we need is a lot of text data that we can use to learn a language model. You could use any sufficiently large text file or set of text files -- Wikipedia, the Lord of the Rings, etc. In this example we will use some of the writings of Nietzsche, the late-19th century German philosopher (translated to English). The language model we will learn will thus be specifically a model of Nietzsche's writing style and topics of choice, rather than a more generic model of the English language.

Preparing the data

Let's start by downloading the corpus and converting it to lowercase:

In [21]:
import keras
import numpy as np

path = keras.utils.get_file(
text = open(path).read().lower()
print('Corpus length:', len(text))

Corpus length: 600893

Next, we will extract partially-overlapping sequences of length maxlen, one-hot encode them and pack them in a 3D Numpy array x of shape (sequences, maxlen, unique_characters). Simultaneously, we prepare a array y containing the corresponding targets: the one-hot encoded characters that come right after each extracted sequence.

In [22]:
# Length of extracted character sequences
maxlen = 60

# We sample a new sequence every `step` characters
step = 3

# This holds our extracted sequences
sentences = []

# This holds the targets (the follow-up characters)
next_chars = []

for i in range(0, len(text) - maxlen, step):
    sentences.append(text[i: i + maxlen])
    next_chars.append(text[i + maxlen])
print('Number of sequences:', len(sentences))

# List of unique characters in the corpus
chars = sorted(list(set(text)))
print('Unique characters:', len(chars))
# Dictionary mapping unique characters to their index in `chars`
char_indices = dict((char, chars.index(char)) for char in chars)

# Next, one-hot encode the characters into binary arrays.
x = np.zeros((len(sentences), maxlen, len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
y = np.zeros((len(sentences), len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)
for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
    for t, char in enumerate(sentence):
        x[i, t, char_indices[char]] = 1
    y[i, char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1

Number of sequences: 200278
Unique characters: 57

Building the network

Our network is a single LSTM layer followed by a Dense classifier and softmax over all possible characters. But let us note that recurrent neural networks are not the only way to do sequence data generation; 1D convnets also have proven extremely successful at it in recent times.

In [23]:
from keras import layers

model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.LSTM(128, input_shape=(maxlen, len(chars))))
model.add(layers.Dense(len(chars), activation='softmax'))

Since our targets are one-hot encoded, we will use categorical_crossentropy as the loss to train the model:

In [24]:
optimizer = keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr=0.01)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer)

Training the language model and sampling from it

Given a trained model and a seed text snippet, we generate new text by repeatedly:

  • 1) Drawing from the model a probability distribution over the next character given the text available so far
  • 2) Reweighting the distribution to a certain "temperature"
  • 3) Sampling the next character at random according to the reweighted distribution
  • 4) Adding the new character at the end of the available text

This is the code we use to reweight the original probability distribution coming out of the model, and draw a character index from it (the "sampling function"):

In [25]:
def sample(preds, temperature=1.0):
    preds = np.asarray(preds).astype('float64')
    preds = np.log(preds) / temperature
    exp_preds = np.exp(preds)
    preds = exp_preds / np.sum(exp_preds)
    probas = np.random.multinomial(1, preds, 1)
    return np.argmax(probas)

Finally, this is the loop where we repeatedly train and generated text. We start generating text using a range of different temperatures after every epoch. This allows us to see how the generated text evolves as the model starts converging, as well as the impact of temperature in the sampling strategy.

In [26]:
import random
import sys

for epoch in range(1, 60):
    print('epoch', epoch)
    # Fit the model for 1 epoch on the available training data, y,

    # Select a text seed at random
    start_index = random.randint(0, len(text) - maxlen - 1)
    generated_text = text[start_index: start_index + maxlen]
    print('--- Generating with seed: "' + generated_text + '"')

    for temperature in [0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.2]:
        print('------ temperature:', temperature)

        # We generate 400 characters
        for i in range(400):
            sampled = np.zeros((1, maxlen, len(chars)))
            for t, char in enumerate(generated_text):
                sampled[0, t, char_indices[char]] = 1.

            preds = model.predict(sampled, verbose=0)[0]
            next_index = sample(preds, temperature)
            next_char = chars[next_index]

            generated_text += next_char
            generated_text = generated_text[1:]


epoch 1
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 126s - loss: 1.9895   
--- Generating with seed: "h they inspire." or, as la
rochefoucauld says: "if you think"
------ temperature: 0.2
h they inspire." or, as la
rochefoucauld says: "if you think in the sense of the say the same of the antimated and present in the all the has a such and opent and the say and and the fan and the sense of the into the sense of the say the words and the present the sense of the present present of the present in the man is the man in the sense of the say the sense of the say and the say and the say it is the such and the sense of the ast the sense of the say 
------ temperature: 0.5
t is the such and the sense of the ast the sense of the say the instand of the way and it is the man for the some songully the sain it is opperience of all the sensity of the same the intendition of the man, in the most with the same philosophicism of the feelient of internations of a present and and colleng it is the sense the greath to the highers of the antolity as nature and the really in the spilitions the leaded and decome the has opence in the sume 
------ temperature: 1.0
spilitions the leaded and decome the has opence in the sume the orded out powe higher mile as of coftere obe inbernation as to
the fof ould mome evpladity. in no it
granter, it is the than the
say, but the
most nothing which, the like the knre hindver"
us setured effect of agard
appate of alsoden" the lixe their men
an its of losed the unistensshatity; and oppreness of this not which at the brindurely to giths of sayquitt guratuch with that this
and whu
------ temperature: 1.2
rely to giths of sayquitt guratuch with that this
and whungs thinkmani.
ficcy, and peninecinated andur mage the
sened in think wiwhhic
to beyreasts than
this gruath with thioruit
much. h.
 geevated in
sporated mast the a"coid
 nrese mae, all conentry, .. fin perhuen
venerly (whisty or spore lised har of
but ic; at lebgre and things. it keod
to pring ancayedy
from dill a be utisti listousesquas oke
the semment" (fim their falshin al
up hesd, and u
epoch 2
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.6382   
--- Generating with seed: "he cleverness of christianity.=--it is a master stroke of
------ temperature: 0.2
he cleverness of christianity.=--it is a master stroke of
chreme and the same and the contrary and conscience of the deason of the sense and that a sould and superion of the all the subjections and all the disting and all the more and the disting and all the same and such an all the delief to the same and more and sand and sense and all the more and the still and the sense and the more and contrary and man and such a sould and art and the presention of the
------ temperature: 0.5
y and man and such a sould and art and the presention of the daction of the still of the same is any more and sanders of hoors of who has an all the man is been fact and belief and contrary had sake and disting world so sake from the
prejudice of the sentiment and the contrarism of vided and all the saymits of the man way not the achated the deadity at the "courde of sisted and all the disanctions and as a contrades in a should for a phadoward and only and
------ temperature: 1.0
 and as a contrades in a should for a phadoward and only and
emptoces of anmoved and the issintions eedit modeyners bre- warlt of being whole has been bit and would be thing as all it as mankfrom for is
resp"quent, privelym yeads overthtice from
how will has a mankinduled opine sancels and ary are but the moderation along atolity.

131. new may intempt a van the
saur. trater, sake--it tantian all ass are a superstion truth, "worldting and lawtyes to make l
------ temperature: 1.2
ass are a superstion truth, "worldting and lawtyes to make life
coldurcly of no has grocbity of norratrimer. no weat doem not ques to thus rasg, whation.

od"y polent and rulobioved
agrigncary us queciest?

uspotive force as unischolondanden of cratids, the unbanted caarlo
soke not are re. to the trainit ene kinkly skants that self consatiof,", preveplle reasol decistuticaso itly vail.

8que"se of a every a progor
veist a  not caul. rigerary nature,
epoch 3
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.5460   
--- Generating with seed: "ch knows
how to handle the knife surely and deftly, even whe"
------ temperature: 0.2
ch knows
how to handle the knife surely and deftly, even when they has and the strength of the command the great and the sense of the great they are of the streng to the strength and the strength of the great former the strength and the strong the condition of the command they have to the strength and the profound the free spirit of the world in a more of the world and present in the compained they have been the sense of the command they have to the streng
------ temperature: 0.5
y have been the sense of the command they have to the strength concernous of the power, the have begon of the last of the profound the artists discourse in the becomes sense of the stand and
concertic of texplence of the to may not a seep of the into the accuations that they heart as a solitude, in the good
into the accistors, to when the have they has a stard in the last they seems they are of the consequently with the ender, and
good in such a power of
------ temperature: 1.0
e consequently with the ender, and
good in such a power of
the "firmat chores forgubmentatic in stand-new of a needs
than repersibily
the provivent stand" more what operiority courhe when endure really save sope ford of lower, and long of have, are sins and keet by courd. he should in the bodiec
they noblephics,"
imported. so perhaps europe.

 , sechosics of
the endiitagy, fougked
any stranger of the corrorato
it be last once or consequently no
------ temperature: 1.2
stranger of the corrorato
it be last once or consequently not! in of access is once
stemporic,"--he the garwand
any zer-oo --           drinequable to other one much lilutage and
cumrest of 
the one, it not =the
bas of trachtade of
cowlutaf of whathout such with spount eronry
are; gow
a whick of a sole phvioration:whicitylyi
power, in high has a conp, coming, he
plession his hey!" unnects, iy every nevershs to adrataes family have
insten, os ne's 
epoch 4
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.4973   
--- Generating with seed: "to have spoken of the sensus allegoricus of religion.
he wou"
------ temperature: 0.2
to have spoken of the sensus allegoricus of religion.
he would be the proposition of the subjection of the standing to such the subjection of the subjltition of the stands and the really the power of the spirit and concertion of the contrary of the concertion of the subjection to the subjection of the spirit of the subjection of the subjection of the subjection of the subjection of the contrary of the same and the subjection of the subjection of the stands
------ temperature: 0.5
 the same and the subjection of the subjection of the stands of the more beartles and power of the pleasure of moral light, who is the must are an every disting of the deliebly desire the spirit in the subjection of men of distress in the single, to the strange to really been a mettful our uncertainting the expect and the stands of the expochish, exhection of the truth and the merely, and the doctior and enory and the pation of the thought and for a feat o
------ temperature: 1.0
ior and enory and the pation of the thought and for a feat offues toned spievement and common as musics of danger. that "the ordered-wants and lack of world of lettife--in any or nehin too
"misundifow hundrary not incligation,
dight, however, to moranary and life these
reculonac, to aritic means his sarkic. times, his tanvary him, it is their day happiness, in
hare, of tood whings
belief that eary when 1( the dinging it world induction in their for
------ temperature: 1.2
hat eary when 1( the dinging it world induction in their for artran, rspumous, ald
redical pleniscion ap no revereiblines, tho lacquiring that fegais oracus--is preyer. the pery measime, as firnom and rack. -purss
love to they like relight of
cage of signtories, the timu to
coursite; that libenes afverbtersal; all catured, ehhic: when all tumple, heartted a inhting in
away love
the puten
party al mistray. i jesess. own can clatorify
seloperati", wh
epoch 5
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.4682   
--- Generating with seed: "ion (werthschätzung)--the
dislocation, distortion and the ap"
------ temperature: 0.2
ion (werthschätzung)--the
dislocation, distortion and the appearation of his sensition and conscience of the distrusting the far the sensition of the individually the suffering the sense of the presentiments of the sense of the suffering and suffering the stronger of the suffering and the consequently the sense of the subject of the sense of the moral the sense of the desire the sense of the
self--and the sensition of the suffering the sensition of the sen
------ temperature: 0.5
-and the sensition of the suffering the sensition of the sensition of the individual hence all the perceived as an existence of a few to who is new spirits of himself which may be the world ground our democration in every undifferent of the purely the far much of the estimate religions of the strong and sense of the other reality and conscience and the self-sure he has gare in the self--and knows man and period with the spirit and consequently consequently
------ temperature: 1.0
man and period with the spirit and consequently consequently hast""
but every every matters (without mad their world who prodessions are weok they consciences of commutionally men) who in comtring. this she appaine, without
have under which ialations from o srud nothing in
the metively to ding tender, in
any hens in all very another purithe the complactions--how varies in the exrepration world and though the ethicangling; there is everything our comliferac
------ temperature: 1.2
 though the ethicangling; there is everything our comliferacled ourianceince the long---r=nony much of anyome.
if they lanifuels enally inepinious of
may, the
commin's for concern,
there are has dmarding" to actable,ly effet will itower, butiness the condinided"--rings up they will futher miands, incondations? gear of limitny, conlict of hervedozihare and the intosting perious into comediand, setakest perficiated
inlital self--nage peruody;
there is sp
epoch 6
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.4466   
--- Generating with seed: "rd, which
always flies further aloft in order always to see "
------ temperature: 0.2
rd, which
always flies further aloft in order always to see the suffering that the suffering the sense of the strengthes of the suffering that it is a more and the self-complication of the suffering the suffering and the subtle and self-compartion of the comparting the suffering of the suffering the most the suffering the suffering of the compartion of the most present and the strength and the sufferings of the most the sense of the suffering the sense of 
------ temperature: 0.5
ferings of the most the sense of the suffering the sense of the expect of the intellieate strengent of the dit the attaint is a soul one of the hond to the heart the most expect of the religious the sense of the
histle of the fear of the same individual in such a most interest of the had to so the immorality of the possess of the allow, the compress is entitul condition, the discountering in the more reveale, and the refined the fear it is betered one to s
------ temperature: 1.0
ore reveale, and the refined the fear it is betered one to self-contindaning hypition of surdinguates
ataint, when he must beakes comple in the grody of the opposite oftent
tog, pain finds one that templily to the
truthdly one of the fasting oby the highest present treative must materies of incase varies in
a cain, when seaced in seasoury, or such them of
earlily, and so
its as of the will to their to forms too scienticiel
and for which
it hea
------ temperature: 1.2
 will to their to forms too scienticiel
and for which
it headds maid, estavelhing
question, for thuer, requite tomlan"! what its do touthodly, thereby). theurse
out who juveangh of tly histomiaraeg, in peinds. on it.
all bemond
mimal. the more harr acqueire it, he house, at of accouncing patedpance han" willly
the ellara
"formy tellate.
medish purman tturfil an attruth been the custrestiblries in themen-and lightly again ih a daawas or its learhting than
epoch 7
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.4282   
--- Generating with seed: "realize how
characteristic is this fear of the "man" in the "
------ temperature: 0.2
realize how
characteristic is this fear of the "man" in the spirit and and the superition of the propert and perhaps be the superition of the superition of the same of the same the spirit and in the same the strong the still contrast and and and the sure an end and the strong to the destand that the standard, and the spirit and the superition of the superition of the strong the strong that the superition and the state of the same the spirit and and be the 
------ temperature: 0.5
erition and the state of the same the spirit and and be the same said the spirit to the state and admired to rechancient man as a self felt that the religious distinguished the human believe that the deception, in soul, the stands had been man to be has striced be actual perhaps in all the interpretical strong the decontaitsnentine, the philosophy happiness of the greatest formerly be for the fact deep and weaker of an involuntarian man is one has to the c
------ temperature: 1.0
 deep and weaker of an involuntarian man is one has to the carely community: ourselves as it seem with theme in hami dance
alto manifesty, mansike of
which that thereby religion, and reason, a litely for of the allarded by pogures, such diviniatifings and disentached, with life of suffernes, this ,  altherage.

1afetuenally that this tooking
to plong tematic thate and surfoundaas: the
progreable and untisy; which dhes mifere the all such a philosophers, a
------ temperature: 1.2
and untisy; which dhes mifere the all such a philosophers, as the athained the such living upon serposed if, his injuring, "the most standhfulness.
      no the dalb(basise, equal di butz if. thereby mast wast
had to plangubly overman hat our eitrieious tar
and hearth--a -of womet far imminalk and "she of castuoled.--in the oalt. ant
ollicatiom prot behing-ma
formuln unkercite--and probachte-patial the historled qualizsss section unterman contlict of, bein
epoch 8
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.4150   
--- Generating with seed: "ith religion itself and regarded as the
supreme attainment o"
------ temperature: 0.2
ith religion itself and regarded as the
supreme attainment of the words to the scientifical strength and such an and and instincts and and the profoundly to the senses the subjection of the subtle and be desired and still be way and the same interpretation of the way, and the self-destines in the subjection of the desire and and such an experience of the same and be a still be subjection, the spirit is and all the surposition of the same and the subjection
------ temperature: 0.5
it is and all the surposition of the same and the subjection and the poind to the profound the same obscure of good, a spirit of an extent so from the greates the similated to himself with the place of spirit was to whenever the masters" of the experience, that is an extent or their spyous and need, and the experience and past by its the higher the schopenhauer's with an abstration and the purposed to understand that it is destined and destiny of himself, 
------ temperature: 1.0
d to understand that it is destined and destiny of himself, fur
feshicutawas terding itswhas ourselves which an
" intain segret shise them? this opposing for ourselvesl. and as life-doatts?
with and light, e spirit, he oppisest, one be does not as the differnes.


calmualing own he interpretic thingsnly, there your new dothrible for rights at which and
germansness of
eternal, meanss, pruded from warthor. - a continceion," but a suppose, european allowu
------ temperature: 1.2
om warthor. - a continceion," but a suppose, european allowubleness! to give smotifits and dorming be
charm, thenloces science great too "scinccengenness from courseituss.ogus, out of estimately-pokeno myselveed chulked ain also it to
reloch: even thinds spisprequapal art. congojedt, and vocture.) an erdorled ftich must when their freeusedsed and counter in-part the most"-alfalxible to
fulgesing" outtebitio
supinuntsism," and man is,
are a
epoch 9
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.4035   
--- Generating with seed: "one wished to do away
altogether with the "seeming world"--w"
------ temperature: 0.2
one wished to do away
altogether with the "seeming world"--who has to the problem and consequently been the sense of the sense of the state of the personal still the problem of the contempt and such an antitheness of the strenges and self-conception of the same intellectual taste and state and still the still to the delusion of the sense of the sense of the sense of the self-sense of the same and sense of the philosophy in the sense of the sense of the wor
------ temperature: 0.5
sense of the philosophy in the sense of the sense of the world but disental the honest to the dediousness of a still to the dear conducies of the many reflection of explained with the same many and there is a stand. even that it has been the same misunderstant such an invidement to be one
has been them also a formed to the place of the same will and sense are pered and nature of the many will be long one seems with the same one says).


"far as cons
------ temperature: 1.0
ong one seems with the same one says).


"far as consist-mind."--in
variffe begens at his
faith them world to music--is imprudation, purture of the whom i have moderary explatical less over assious
upon doous no "this knowledge, how vaar
that expeniousness and
for and despaded, not stepting how god, to ppritable compley to is jonce one some .thus conservances of truth--whowevelfulnessable begreucition. segaveing it not in leading
undly d
------ temperature: 1.2
ulnessable begreucition. segaveing it not in leading
undly decure, intrall taste. these trueked the physies of 
is moral pure relationsianting of mankind youth "chapp abst,-anceing rule language that adduted manimidicality .
untasted--an answ only
part" some laans in fatter to
moders cavemng towards delution has predable ar artuesed, too true, while
acuntiable, conjures; that gos, born formed ey te also, whoaver ty
five wof that, greates
epoch 10
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3947   
--- Generating with seed: "ing is clouded and draped in religious
shadows. feeling cann"
------ temperature: 0.2
ing is clouded and draped in religious
shadows. feeling cannot the suffering the consequences of the sense of the habit of the consequence of the sense of the self-case of the princiely to the sense of the same the spirit and self the man is precisely and the sin the strength and the sense of the sense of the sense of the accounter of the string the self-consequences of the self-case of the sense of the same and suffering the suffering the spirit is a soul
------ temperature: 0.5
of the same and suffering the suffering the spirit is a soul spenting the presention of the interpretion of the entire say not one as a sights in the former in the pastion of the enough and the charms of the work of the nature of the free spirits and strength and immen that the german interesting
for the world as sense in the enough the new things
every being with the "enlud, they all this great from the spirit has been to a world with the thought and 
------ temperature: 1.0
at from the spirit has been to a world with the thought and sph"ismly goor disciritar german, such attain of hapfned.
so world be advaltac revelatedst, with men thyself for instance of a compray
id, and with outzioy at lationing
in these astraric other like sufficients, it is science, every
queent, and be foris, and and a qualities, and worky as if even eve concerned in every defined demandarily, equounting of madiles, so purpose) from perhaps
even their a
------ temperature: 1.2
equounting of madiles, so purpose) from perhaps
even their adbitidess, and poses, of pouler from perannt genal,
aspeguing whish malters sand i duble"--consagend,-longe heaenful name tried,
because mumple-stituges? longecrameoulage noway, with plysile one can believes not some willd, us, educe and life" olseadt eyes to inpluble
decliviture dir"tives, one taste lifey. they rade
as sutt oscinied battening
futured evential ethiry some judgly of coin: thus pens
epoch 11
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3844   
--- Generating with seed: "collapse with a malediction
against existence,--for mankind "
------ temperature: 0.2
collapse with a malediction
against existence,--for mankind to the spirit and the same an accounds of the same an abistion of the sense of the master of the same an abstration of the far all the profound of his spirit and believe the spirit is a strong and the propers and propent and the sense of his pride in the same the sense of the superiority of the one of the stronger to the propent the profound and propent and propent and contrary the same an abstrat
------ temperature: 0.5
und and propent and propent and contrary the same an abstration of command, and and all a superioring, his present and believes, they are from the higher because there is t
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until
he souring and light and danger of the strong and the feeling to the end in one of the end and present mankind, the the have always by the same something and will, the contraltenen and deligious stranges and the the present a plentroly,
fundamental success, and soul and place of its suff
------ temperature: 1.0
fundamental success, and soul and place of its sufftice is he onemy, by them quibhardable on the laboriwing remorrided look confunted pricite rung, who delightantter, it has hence aspaction and
stricited valus every thing from which the world and one should day be letent of being acticled. conversant around art up swear. ranking to which wishes them grow simply injuring the fraginged the sensibility; there are man taken of anazied, hisell wisund o
------ temperature: 1.2
sensibility; there are man taken of anazied, hisell wisund or a
redie ivale of ho-proceby longer, ultile. the its, inating in it? theught upon rempily spirits"--may lents
datigualy read
noticish in succent tharneled there actsipoly healt are
joyme, messes.
here of their essecitable from may themselves "we danged nerrof fouthed to dust, thereo-fmo, something
which scam
what awi has addutonal sustaining and way--naoulage; have to
be clough accepant
epoch 12
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3772   
--- Generating with seed: ".

166. one may indeed lie with the mouth; but with the acco"
------ temperature: 0.2

166. one may indeed lie with the mouth; but with the accompan and and with the same and substition of the same and the conception of the problem of the sense of the same of the same of the sense of the such a strong and the sense of the subjection of the soul and the sense of the sense of the sense of the same of the same of the sense of the fact that which has a so the subtle the conception of the subjection of the far of the spirits of the spirits of 
------ temperature: 0.5
 the subjection of the far of the spirits of the spirits of the sense of the most all the moral has there is a man is the distingures and moral here, and to possible and period in the disguises of a strength instant something in every the hand with the most long in a strength the aristanding of a nation of a many
contempory of the sense of the sense of the problemes of soul and himself to the expection of the far in the la
sharness and science of this soug
------ temperature: 1.0
ction of the far in the la
sharness and science of this sought that is, as he long
from test interprets and wanties as refine of live at the spe maratring, of here stepled as
in wholled and put
a sabass. i seeken, most high upon himself with the developnds: is as if in which man its adopted to
general manness" of
subtle from retures man in the "perhaps" divine truated the moral clures believe atin or -with clill oneself to the "religious sakes and high des
------ temperature: 1.2
 or -with clill oneself to the "religious sakes and high desist, whener without  hintomes other its expeans which
oaching, were namision are religioil true, in mimwable with before,
he raco),
and badingary of which usually
and high, what is
a mmanive luxgmin in physics instoor, habits. instane to himself the world man-day--"rivelled, and most witlest see have pre.; =be the
individual, penpladed, one "housg to germans: learned: from this vociaity mameff
epoch 13
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3722   
--- Generating with seed: "ngs of
pain and ill belong to the history of the great liber"
------ temperature: 0.2
ngs of
pain and ill belong to the history of the great libery the sense of the same of the same of the sense of the same of the same of the germany to the same of the same of the same of the same of the stin, and the same of the same of the same of the sense of the same of the sense of the far and more then the exception of the same things and conscience of the germany that the great promise and the sense of the same of the sense of the same of the same al
------ temperature: 0.5
he sense of the same of the sense of the same of the same all the sense of the promise and the experience which has it is in their perfect and
are because of the experience of the sense of the case and perhaps as if there is the soul in the same act the lack in the sense of the contemptation in some
wholly not the opins under the single the hand, the soul, the future of the expression: it is a childary and set in the deception of his destin world in the ge
------ temperature: 1.0
ldary and set in the deception of his destin world in the germany had because hove all revenge in a generally, so tain to
althmis in long d of the
pethal-alsow nrow so disguise of pleasingatively som it is matters to said: a frout noind. one jeenness as simply it explaned pernainy being fromnows
regards how fivide, the rela, suveripicans, the full:-however thing
and characteriness and repelsionriany, in a priosis make this
action and
keeves events revee's 
------ temperature: 1.2
ny, in a priosis make this
action and
keeves events revee's whollece; just but wholly feel necessity. to the belief-sympathy
inflige, symalling taken to gratefurn, youndartr: els the questius trib
throre of the de
the rule; yreath and light. as attempt and conglse? faited when they keep that the geniandation, which at indismbrorcipans, ethes for runds
and just who becom asclusing will, oftecis conducts)? nesugh andest only part
to this praising not, as sig
epoch 14
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3646   
--- Generating with seed: "the present day.

chapter iv. apophthegms and interludes

------ temperature: 0.2
the present day.

chapter iv. apophthegms and interludes

------ temperature: 0.5
------ temperature: 1.0
inexisement and
pleasated to mae
transhcequance of appearance himself keptical assocbation belong of the her anothoums to found at sexual eyes the
profound, as he are a science of controlow and their prigoures, sumb the

pe sanvacent snerth other," his man, this profoptlee"--i speak in first, this aanceined--attainate and earth gradues, in rich us. onestorical 
------ temperature: 1.2
eined--attainate and earth gradues, in rich us. onestorical in precaationed withnoted, both.--this seet becomes us: even with answhile
philasopled genius to be
verdenest himsesove, whatever vomes to custom, that, and class havouceullyopable of lattenly: by man sswa degucatilness, even with that
phristtancern enbingies; it threate: "myself-notmention,
anceror greenies. without questoblet-ulspear
and menstoclid, e philosophy
epoch 15
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3608   
--- Generating with seed: "


=well-wishing.=--among the small, but infinitely plen"
------ temperature: 0.2


=well-wishing.=--among the small, but infinitely plentures of the great and world in the same the experience of the same a men the sense of the same histle as a still and the has as a said and suffering and superiority of the problem of a conscience of the end and man is a power of the then are and into the same an incarate of the same the suffering the same a more the conduct to the same a long and more the profound the profound the same all the fo
------ temperature: 0.5
 long and more the profound the profound the same all the former prevolute of the
same the liberation in the end of the science that the conduct as a must be honor of the ancient and the consequently. the instinct to the sense of his knowledge to a long to the desire of facts of the error, and such a fact to be as
"nature of the more fragnous, one are former of the age the suxis for the belief of a great the engeshed men the perto body in a last the foreto
------ temperature: 1.0
a great the engeshed men the perto body in a last the foretood any others! only the plery and far free
aristofticitud himself developed. thus that iediscrities, and philosophers
shade, it doubles have
no dingued with extance a type of the profound untersuatness of metaphysical quest difficuoty), philosophy with hough of lobracations like advattable consthoinded to judgne, mode take the commands of estimated of
accooptional, "he.f later and under the
------ temperature: 1.2
 estimated of
accooptional, "he.f later and under the
chustently fouthasts tor even,-existeful to piece; attious nothing conditions unnvisars! of there ofly
man for
more a god. "man pleass customs; his ever tray have name donmy require loush down day seford world, and some
we someuch-- lef corr origats of drea upund open
domanishman even fraver regard to who have no wickt of existrer, realicis" is"
orce of authersible itself--existent resis
epoch 16
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3559   
--- Generating with seed: "(for example of the
presentiment that the essence of things "
------ temperature: 0.2
(for example of the
presentiment that the essence of things that the sense of the sense of the sense of the such a soul the sense of the spirit and the sense of the same the sense of the sense of the self-and conscious the sense of the delusion of the sense of the sense of the self-delight the sense of the sense of the propers the sense of the concerning the sense of the present or the sense of the self-deceives the self-destiny to the suffering the concer
------ temperature: 0.5
e self-deceives the self-destiny to the suffering the concerning with the same expect of the man not suffer. and the pleasants in the handring to according to the praise of the most made the course of religious and since of the truth and thereby to the distingust the contempticated thereby and properians and the propetician make its own the another, we as its advanced indifferent of the truth of the concerning the spirit of the fact to the self-destiny of 
------ temperature: 1.0
he concerning the spirit of the fact to the self-destiny of the fiture, undirtunt thereado-iverditude, religious them that words advance.--as an high for its oriins as existanm interluntledly or weon instincts were the its sensited feeling
know at the cavejnele, as "bad
formed of condition is no poseing, do he hauted harms, individuals, the teuropeled and its moral
creater and itself in, and false nothourstific hough, the snmul paths
someones peras or othe
------ temperature: 1.2
 nothourstific hough, the snmul paths
someones peras or others" languse of this indurenciane-laustor
indifferent cast theorogical onarbes and
a bolted" end esishednessatiance iy
aimsede, cos froundly bight, its low bomess, into avoli"s souem of condrance philosophy him
would inex gfain you ridate, to far
upon ye chessisti, when he belide, that as
believe, this master hypitiation of their aptence,
the actionts",
inof him
emotion of wilds mankind 
epoch 17
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3512   
--- Generating with seed: "ood man. the
hitherto existing psychology was wrecked at thi"
------ temperature: 0.2
ood man. the
hitherto existing psychology was wrecked at this desire to a proud and all the sense of the propentation of the same antithesists and the propentively and the sense of the fact the same of the same antithe the sense of the same all the sense of the contemplated and the sense of the contemplated and the world and such a man as a man as a man are the sense of the superiority of the same of the same antithe the sense of the contemplated to the sa
------ temperature: 0.5
 of the same antithe the sense of the contemplated to the same of the entirely all things to the do was the perhaps and live-so thicked to every obligated, the sensitives are the free spirits of religion and contrallary
and insignificance with a demands is a hand
had a strong also bad aristophes and the will to
its observed the all believed whether the hasing to which a times
of the common of the higher personal the strength and more opinion and more and l
------ temperature: 1.0
higher personal the strength and more opinion and more and lo, dirorne and
consines and eye of my
virement of the german jecides and basions, which
was entire
good spirit
a trove europension. "in all are will
to soul of these
hatter and the different, letsilary.

131ith the philosophics of ppyens, its sympathible rtand of advantious,
should are healthepy of
surmsse in e, when i be unisjushing who
pleasureiled in the dreadful will seed a
------ temperature: 1.2
 be unisjushing who
pleasureiled in the dreadful will seed at doqueny can not teachined.
. he himself,
believed" woves of mpinated
dold from voneliys and feeling forceved--in their comer-is,
which useful.
verytsh as ones of which system his
silence, but which imumerated inf,ing the sammary oper: ly proveoorible" much in perterperless dragequatmres. represent, once,
which a grade a people. it. wekpnener strokes had tod. religio tedzed; cparms to viewnce mus
epoch 18
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3477   
--- Generating with seed: " and worm in us, inquisitive to a fault, investigators to th"
------ temperature: 0.2
 and worm in us, inquisitive to a fault, investigators to the suffering and self belief and conclusion of the sense of the controld and conclusion of the propets of the securious the sense of the superitive the sense of the supernal and the sense of the propetiness of the surpoveres to the same acts of the contemplate the sense of the suffering the contemplate the sense of the most destreed and the suffering the world the most same all the sense of the sup
------ temperature: 0.5
e suffering the world the most same all the sense of the supic thereby always believe of the far the longer to but the deepest and the supernal senses of which one is reades the acts of the dring consequently be continual soul with the supposed all and life in such a propesseless aristophers in ethication of putting to the human unalter and such a person of livence and untility is in a greatest the discient the pride of the same from the individual the hig
------ temperature: 1.0
e discient the pride of the same from the individual the highest let it--a possibility displays in
austim unin?achered nestorselkanes long heatiness: ibsamingitynority
of this good
way allowish to wusedence through
strength, and can his botg foo
the perceivects.

 so theor so we drequer says.


=destroy cure at all, one wardnen. only as latt on the smcorr will confident of the charms of the question, who readest
takent nay of the vlevener prompted by t
------ temperature: 1.2
estion, who readest
takent nay of the vlevener prompted by to be dill
deeparious appearance, evilud matter sannessariesesly, doncihily of a great personalh": they wi jestify transs oftertheic. men, is imploteds of the melated olvether kangual society herd,
i you
man in

there is "sect of the nation, sbaomy, metaphysical
belief but a daidkstical
deassing; but willih finally. that. confessates for of heart. the eyes, always this gives, present o
epoch 19
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3436   
--- Generating with seed: " believers are too noisy and obtrusive; he guards against
------ temperature: 0.2
 believers are too noisy and obtrusive; he guards against
the sense of the strength and the singer of the sense of the sense and as a more the profoundly so the still the sense of the sense of the soul of the same the intellectual strength and his own soul of his own own contemposent and the has a still and the soul of the sense of the sense of the significancing of the sense of the fact that the belief of the instinct and the sense of the soul of the sens
------ temperature: 0.5
belief of the instinct and the sense of the soul of the sense of a man is the happy, the spirit with the most soul of his striting for the fact that with the considerate himself in the primord that it is we have not delights and also found to his experience of the most man, who with the nature of the first and point is the cause of the self entert in the last indivin of an ancient something of the same the entime and woman as the happiness of his discively
------ temperature: 1.0
 same the entime and woman as the happiness of his discively for a superfiwef: i (yet sjust: thusseld whill in antithent man, the society, that er, you honour, have mentiness
only attself: the instincts as therefore for coteducre! thess conduces with speep of the cast, to
taken his divine rigating, and looks so only has hitherto kees, are person of through the mo too low sloes only that desirece and happens means, themselves.=--moreovert, the blover "
------ temperature: 1.2
ece and happens means, themselves.=--moreovert, the blover "god-was that valued of it live far one in motives of neare other
appearation previously and pop untail muchly hea, his regardy repropo
been shustancle namily the
right a
inicy, mef
a wi peausationive historiany of occasion is too owing to his niritable hasz them tasterate the fact,j-who we sugaristic wi planate", for that omsidnean
letardac, timevy of the "out of them,, atinality. why would sinbut
epoch 20
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3391   
--- Generating with seed: "o easier
wholly to renounce a desire than to yield to it in "
------ temperature: 0.2
o easier
wholly to renounce a desire than to yield to it in the existence of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the deciseled the sense of the sense of the german the most personal sense of the sense of the sense of the present and present in the interesting the sense of the most and consequently and consequently and the sense of the present sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the precisely the sense of a sense of the german so
------ temperature: 0.5
sense of the precisely the sense of a sense of the german soul himself. the same finater means of society of men is something would perfect the other of such a sense is not at the sense of will praise in germany case in the philosopher of the most anti-conserve of the experience of all possess will have disposition of the existence of the reality of course of consequently interpretation. for every others of a more the sense of the reason that woman is a st
------ temperature: 1.0
 others of a more the sense of the reason that woman is a states and in him an time of it, i dust, that of will vous easily
"the child] reasment and thirrish of spect of
sense, this experiac gradffeives, and personaly
probable with which has a donains--thoaes health the sense; way made
for caused of man the fact timade and philosopher produced, he just for the charm of the idea with this conscience impatishmaw from the superior virce for advocately--for hi
------ temperature: 1.2
e impatishmaw from the superior virce for advocately--for himself". by the effect the ideation of this sense of thought that wents
the reust couusen. correlimes the frien doneule german
he is alway hims imprisotic
centy exist: still fit of the "i all
enderateonly has dispased with his farperable without outomical processss
or alasy to the womas of
hungsing hymenifwwe through animfurer proud the vakey, indeed last other.=--if you
epoch 21
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3378   
--- Generating with seed: "m every eye--and calls it his

74. a man of genius is"
------ temperature: 0.2
m every eye--and calls it his

74. a man of genius is all the same difficulty of the same and consider the conditions, the moral the same and such a morality of the sense of the same and consider the sense of the same and conditions, and and the strength, and the greatest the sense of the same and animals of the same of the conditions of the sense of the same all the same all the same an action of the strength and the subjective the moral the sense 
------ temperature: 0.5
tion of the strength and the subjective the moral the sense of the strength and consider to declines to the world to the development of man is the darking
it with the good wantonged to seems the great been the sense of all the suffering
and sensitive the
more and any himself and personsous of the entired there and understood
with the beligion, in the happiness of the modestances, has been development of our states and conditions, for that he be morals, the
------ temperature: 1.0
ent of our states and conditions, for that he be morals, the histlemes wish to
cate-vonel obscuoned, delight, at is to resckreake of charness"!

thes accisckly has accoun notolon of turn we mord falsifie, thereby,
much degree of the smarments, who wus five "their solioge is primarment give as the fassion which is be elent him--not diffement of human himminal few as remating,-tack of different will still which, as at lastenally be conduct as the s
------ temperature: 1.2
erent will still which, as at lastenally be conduct as the seeved for my weither, wicknising have to the
kind without be endmany be their
impersoas of ethic regiomss?
within any undiding with a a
problem of dittiant these general,
we may maksen
a jections; to weaning right to constands"tant to symptomial poine momential domineare, we complement to be voluation and
alo vairing habits--the very love not cond langalo
buchfwile declining of attecy with, france
epoch 22
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3333   
--- Generating with seed: "f mind and
will at most err through lack of knowledge, but s"
------ temperature: 0.2
f mind and
will at most err through lack of knowledge, but something of the contently and more the confused the state and seem to be the accordance to the property and sufficient and such a possess of the sense of the suffering to the presence of the free the interpretation of the one who has a stand the world to be the from the contently to the present the world of the world and confuse and such a man of the sense of the contence the world the most deceiv
------ temperature: 0.5
a man of the sense of the contence the world the most deceived to purit in which which is pressious for will constant fact with the sign of
clitiver. the conscious in the contradictio amour all for free our constant tankyh and confused to the supentation of the proper the or superious the most extent and my fact is no longer in race and same the hand to be distinction of the spirit to the superious to the strength of the history of meaning. there are the a
------ temperature: 1.0
s to the strength of the history of meaning. there are the askine instandary which reason to
discons. a thing s an any bother, and calrament somnifelet-to best andominy it, "undisconts and noway begotr lifeters
to have to-day, let utility of fety, and the havpfines
from which a vicioum and from whollest influence cail "embecounds which has always you
caredulies. whuch for estimated philosophers."--you it, them better itself. as them. by the times these
------ temperature: 1.2
-you it, them better itself. as them. by the times these
the type, man, thbee-iduan-talvents of thesering these didane
at shlokeity concerning consemials: whereto petch ashertain itself asoperike is much , does the newsnecre mub)ighual unexercatlist:

the promise innocent littuate. other every senses again--thaty he present medehter mekon "for timpa, inturiyed
"natted, discondicity
maptest tyem. no then, diw, very habmlionacn") for the false
epoch 23
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3316   
--- Generating with seed: "men, not great enough, nor hard enough,
to be entitled as ar"
------ temperature: 0.2
men, not great enough, nor hard enough,
to be entitled as are sense of the constant and precisely to be believed and the subjection of the same the superficial interest and subtle profoundly be intellect and to be the sense of the superficial the superficial person and stronger and subjections of the feeling of the the whole and conscience of the superficial and the profounder and subjection of the superficial profoundly and the subject the states and sens
------ temperature: 0.5
e superficial profoundly and the subject the states and sensions are to be the desires of the feartion of the bort of the religion with the comprehensives and still in a means of a stand of the care or will to the subtle which betraying for the soul of such a little one of the conduct to the has been simply the strength in says there is a soul of life of understand so manifests in which the great present has principted see or a more all all perhaps, and of
------ temperature: 1.0
present has principted see or a more all all perhaps, and of promised as rep and in, all understat firitible he fundamentive
garment, partic
infloctity, all persons are desire--everything about under-theart and imagins bet ? love a
nature--this in there wish to that us it is not somethising and
will percipanded been prordantenning world plato, allatge all morely gives it. fundamenter
spects, their such a
fearfue of circumsoming anther more does
evarvence a
------ temperature: 1.2
 such a
fearfue of circumsoming anther more does
evarvence and greatne. heaviles
op near only shall series as valual proud of e? that intempate ormers fatted to deat "thinkher knows when it formerly.--altnorth, effects.wary and proses
firth whatever when but to the appet it does to be this weak the slaves pedses dealhhichs--if, evil. thure was, burling to barros cisterly heavy, his causedness more depthis evident youth (is
the courtogs--like at should sher
epoch 24
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3281   
--- Generating with seed: "ympathy, be it even for higher men, into whose peculiar
------ temperature: 0.2
ympathy, be it even for higher men, into whose peculiar
tort of the moral things and antithe the sense of the charm of the such an abstitness of the senses of the sense of the sense of the charm of the profoundly and contemplated and sense of the senses of the consequently and every philosopher and sense of the senses of the moral and such an abstration of the moral profued of the world of the sure and perhaps for the present and antithese and sense of the
------ temperature: 0.5
e and perhaps for the present and antithese and sense of the respection of moral has him the only any other man, and spirit for the command that it dight men to an art of the same attemption of characters of philosophers, and honour the experience of the disturbity which and contemplation of generally here and healthy has he good that and mistaken of our
conduct to and mores, in the causary and the fact it has always and the such and the passions of nature
------ temperature: 1.0
e fact it has always and the such and the passions of nature when : perhaps feaits. i finds
of mystions, and such also believes those himself. and upon earlies too latent beed sagripal inslanchmeanners which is batters. the differentamen to physiologian tart, attempties them read; unforcess bad any good enrance--and the intellect or rededen of essential" in the highesiem has as education--whobe distinguge of many french
risen even lenmer to convession of t
------ temperature: 1.2
stinguge of many french
risen even lenmer to convession of the wors, whower, has
tast, self oonaky
been this fmorred sometule crust" fronseearixs. he hoit, intesioved was strange.=--all dasm to latenti--is of nation, which around of it--"ultitnanly and advent, appreciates
poorsel exhad that inposen the frane all believed, when only durise exception, even computsing myself wholcehams inlocuding of fartessngs are semiates occessible suay stoen has it intecle
epoch 25
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3253   
--- Generating with seed: "msiness of the german scholar and his social distastefulness"
------ temperature: 0.2
msiness of the german scholar and his social distastefulness of the same all the seems to the same all the seeming the same all the soul, and all things and such a man all the same the seems to the same the seems to the personal true and the same the problem of the perhaps the sense of the same anti-conditional personal conceal the man to the same all the same the best and the superition of the same taken the sense of the survivate and the same the seems t
------ temperature: 0.5
me taken the sense of the survivate and the same the seems to depth, there is been the perceived oneself to german soul, and thereby have hitherto be the higher of the seems to the problem of the philosopher, and is present surperence and man that the subjectively on them seems to a such any one another.

1eines our wantonal heart and every sense and be now take of
sension, and the every highest higher higher and anybody, the orders
the best of every disfu
------ temperature: 1.0
igher higher and anybody, the orders
the best of every disfurious-"caches, no strongered arousest who sense, so, he are philosopherled now
enceledations, true an laborical moral philosophert cases learned to be attemp accers. as
condume, it
makes always directive problem and little warned--the essence perhaps any--alpered trage in wisdon them to christianity: does the souly, how he
perceived utper orders and losted
by unach "peoplanally; we a spirit lied-n
------ temperature: 1.2
 orders and losted
by unach "peoplanally; we a spirit lied-nmanticuld more huable of to feehe ackor, it seems, for that next-wolle? not it weiled, way nacely to these last mecthabls, i sufficies
!vo'sicarical greatest
among the mindness, who different, suspect, guriarians; a higher, this
intented of "cressaties
blove, many mean
who is yestly to heaption in unittrically and glow after bitd father varred to perversions tibly one
epoch 26
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 126s - loss: 1.3228   
--- Generating with seed: "real. with the aid of this
corporeal element the spirit may "
------ temperature: 0.2
real. with the aid of this
corporeal element the spirit may be a such a morality of the far to be a soul of the same act of the condition of the problem of the german who leade and more and such a subjective of the world is not the subtle of the spirit from the subtle of the fact in the same the will to be believe of the morality and science of the subtle of the conscience of the foretood of the sense of the spirit is a stational individual and the words o
------ temperature: 0.5
ense of the spirit is a stational individual and the words of the view of the such an individually and deceives, and under the fine all man and conduct through the mastered that it is consideration of the purposes that it is at him, and there is prestructines, and there is a soul through with the spirit should should be a such an action of the disconditions, and in the great being a suffering of the subtlies and to be against the last the brought to be pro
------ temperature: 1.0
he subtlies and to be against the last the brought to be promocas,
in botious,
the latter
and establish not rehaved still deation itself ont of minds--as things. the certain the agreeable of conceales and interprety some ! away, but a consists have this happy
the attercuate an high all manuilation in which as a romantidly with "stateless"! it is its balting upon the
done that it ommand way without with virtue has very adorained among. it is, against willed
------ temperature: 1.2
 with virtue has very adorained among. it is, against willed itself, skers in perhaps volution, in trages races, characters been a inesliding over, as
or deterioration. contriquiously that heal, , it with rengeras having thtratord, he hoard and friigrousled, however, ie mewherd!
     he in, lohe unevery humanity. a which
that my only vengeutaries"hway and
winded reality--"l recolve is inacresit in? a view.
the "our
wledigated he: this plach rement. fasting
epoch 27
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3207   
--- Generating with seed: " democratic mingling of classes and
races--it is only the ni"
------ temperature: 0.2
 democratic mingling of classes and
races--it is only the ninamed and such a morality of the most conscience of the power of the work of the such and every power of the presentiment for the condition of the promise and and precisely and concerning and proposition and and later of the sense of the most property of the presentimiration of the sense of the conduct to the condition of the such and an and such a still be a personal and such and the promise and 
------ temperature: 0.5
and such a still be a personal and such and the promise and better of which and processest of the way with the protran in the fact that the truth, the profound, the both and defident every "faith and in presentiness man upon the scientific inventions to the "elevent call tor in morality and morality of the surmonticismongerness of the enthunt of the facts of the the former to the worse in germans to be our little indisture of the rank of the speaking for s
------ temperature: 1.0
to be our little indisture of the rank of the speaking for smally, change of the originated and cure had alveness, oest devolution, butmys--appausing rank of every
reform of the places, as artort
certainly protections to highly proprisous consertorich serdity which personion itage and hoon
to say that his forcements, perceived. it was open respects which
com to manugone, but matter may seete, -is a absolutere of the unitany interred and the new eastices wi
------ temperature: 1.2
a absolutere of the unitany interred and the new eastices with entirel as man domain of -detsernationness of a person of which indeed alsown honest worldly also, all light. in sendrious-runmed" mogifver has entwilledents to blarionnessly cany: reall" enciary" master genatirationion and consounterring's
his essiratel, kanttrated by enthunty fidite; this tirccess: sopetatians. butliy for are
churchmeand of
the gradated
to licking them
epoch 28
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3176   
--- Generating with seed: "al instinct.=--through his relations with other men,
man der"
------ temperature: 0.2
al instinct.=--through his relations with other men,
man deriving to the spirit is the spirit as a more and stronger of the subjection of the world of the same all the great present and not one may be a propers of the world for all the sense of the same the present as a stronger of the most men, good the same the believed and the formerly and the condition of the formerly the conscience of the will to be the most destruction of the proper the formerly as a
------ temperature: 0.5
l to be the most destruction of the proper the formerly as a person of the entirel always
egoism of the losivers--they are always
say for the saries to be the respects of the form of such a very acquired in the will to which to men"--why would be enough to religion of passion in the formerly will before the great believes of the one see and good at only of
which it desivent of the blest of which the inof easy, all the delight of the yound of barrous and in
------ temperature: 1.0
he inof easy, all the delight of the yound of barrous and in themselves, that in mistaum, and thereby among any hasing," sought of the friendly cunneasue:

at it is nature, or, and
nriencism, as anoth-wasiln proved wxt; and they always
of is preceptly, and for sous relations of
signed only that allart. not we a things in regard to life; or
the distingustity of the same man--to do
placed strength, or forgoct of these men
respect reading preliminary stack f
------ temperature: 1.2
 or forgoct of these men
respect reading preliminary stack for mople; life observal ask quirefeving ordiners
hourfium for expression olight."

inplation of the sponfining (and t phaph, has webly likewise with sunds ground! augus toget en-to get to but lends.

=the soil poind of alls tinownical see the offen iu vanity, upont in spirit to denouncy of christianity
we lacwers.=--to turness,
senuited by cold and hip"'s ullpally--is aller, theur grostipally
epoch 29
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3180   
--- Generating with seed: " listened for the echo and i heard
only praise."

100. we al"
------ temperature: 0.2
 listened for the echo and i heard
only praise."

100. we all the same of the spirit and the spirit is also be the strength of the greater to be a man is a moral the spirit and the more and such and the man as the sense of the great the and an instinct to the superition of the profound of the superition of the present the man as the present and distingus to a such an animal of the present the morality of the strength of the present to the present the decep
------ temperature: 0.5
lity of the strength of the present to the present the deception, is there is a means of the sense of the most deceives the good or will of proposision of the world strength of this it is recolor of the dective of the
sense of the facts when they are recognisment of the certainly to the predicetogurable in plan-distingust and superition of the man as it is it is the science of the partic and the be many the grateful and morality of the century of the devel
------ temperature: 1.0
e many the grateful and morality of the century of the developed the
people the such respect: it hat to traveletchinges: what it is something
supposism may in a strengd souls and commanting
and estimates have a subjuge something therefore, thinking is secade
after became but as evary will trouth. perceives it
we saga possibility,
as honest say shanny and
it is
unisang the summan bad done
friecity, one presse
ideak of realoricable
strength of all
------ temperature: 1.2
friecity, one presse
ideak of realoricable
strength of all words and neflisuengated, an"bring, to bless, even it be tains the
rank towards when enthwhiyrts"; we old
time to thoee of esist"
he has
mquarrles dembor. too is reasts and
-a-wholly books--bignd jourd and megnal imperats impermits." has again! we always is clear and lapsies of the true inlust.--there ofter
but break looking as mewsdly in? have changred
and translay d
epoch 30
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3154   
--- Generating with seed: "rmined according to absolute ethics; but
after each new ethi"
------ temperature: 0.2
rmined according to absolute ethics; but
after each new ethical and such a conscience of the world and the other problem of the same the greatest the success of the sense of the conscience of the same are something which as a such an artists and such a man are the fact that the presentements of the same the same and desires, and in the same of the same the sense of the same the stronger the same are the sense of the same the individuals and the stronger th
------ temperature: 0.5
re the sense of the same the individuals and the stronger the consequently the wantong and the spirit man that the noble to the problem, and and faith--when they are his commence and we feel the free trough and precisely something which is that the even that is is that the far that the end that it is the greatest the conceive and it has as distinctions, that is some great opposing for the greatest and the soul, and and words of faith, which is not in the f
------ temperature: 1.0
 and the soul, and and words of faith, which is not in the factors as it rementions. the feelor
well in which its profounds these wordes. bas-qualities who in
romindly to
how much to author in necessary
care of human ease evil that which the edriney probable and taughten its
falsehood for
these proprord cast turn modern ideas
to have them pursorate in"s, with the striving
at them is
the "such more
will no dain, healty which much as worth 
------ temperature: 1.2
the "such more
will no dain, healty which much as worth into aptificalipations.

1nediwines which self valuations of my new, he dischitude he preciofedness and religious liotate must perceive from come distrustly.--this heth. possible, and felt"
on the malize by charge" that also man-ebeing and prigous the pulited not to gall precisely only valusly may
reas with the critry,
generate than hav these it, somanzent really been
with that it 
epoch 31
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3148   
--- Generating with seed: "iscouraged mien--if,
indeed, it stands at all! for there are"
------ temperature: 0.2
iscouraged mien--if,
indeed, it stands at all! for there are so the strong of the same the still so that is to the stranges and the spirit and the morality of the soul of the soul to the same the world of the sense of the strength the strength and the sense of the same and stand of the sentiment of the sense of the sense of the same the morality of the sense of the same ages to be the same stand to be the strength the same indication of the same strength t
------ temperature: 0.5
o be the strength the same indication of the same strength to the greater, and the significance of the colord
in the sout of the community of
speaking man who has its man is all is all a sure in the conductive greatest in the conduct and strong and faith of a masters, something in the cause of the free spirit of explangly and continually to which the still the morality in the comprehension of the german rest of the polisice in the greater, that i man has b
------ temperature: 1.0
german rest of the polisice in the greater, that i man has been expernmer-works and thus a
movine as in a good only of the
germanity of compleely of the deceace and science, the existence strances beden he arbibitgeination
and love.
how too habit of the trin of contain our "stree
self-ecknelant which sense forwhisoke. the tempo of traditiony should
wruston, there is
more storachis--y
reprosences have the religie through sustam of than they sacrifice of sit
------ temperature: 1.2
ave the religie through sustam of than they sacrifice of sitter: semult; an old strackes: occasion narrism and holy
equal strakeminu, towre is does not
hes birthes. notrororing, and have, certes. anfti
one cooay, at olldo of flyhes, is nor ultimateagy, it youe senset-poundly
beaddous, lef
trutomes." such a promises its slousipated perporrys"
and lives, platon intome-pparent
decenshed. deat"
is yet now, s intol-greation of cases the sinings of the 
epoch 32
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3159   
--- Generating with seed: "e: a thing[17] exists, therefore it is right:
here from capa"
------ temperature: 0.2
e: a thing[17] exists, therefore it is right:
here from capacity with the same and precisely the sense of the suffers of the same art of the same and probably and sense of the same the fact that the sense of the world of the same artists in the same the consequently and prompt the suffers the same the sense of the sense of the presentered and prompt the stronger who has the greatest precisely a man who has a sort of the senses of the same the strange and t
------ temperature: 0.5
n who has a sort of the senses of the same the strange and the sense--the performs a mad and lose undistorgries in the values of the precisely a power, what has most the the all the eye of the contemplate for it is not the discovering of the relation the charms of the conception of the sense of the enlough the sacrates, that is the development of the spote mankind of responsibility of the instincts of the good barbaring learned and affordently
and prompt t
------ temperature: 1.0
s of the good barbaring learned and affordently
and prompt to realized regulagley and heart of mankinity, for it may be individuelines that responsible by means intermednce--when sishary social
sensions, "knowledge!

1, that is histet
above all sort, sundwers
and imperfacts is case has truth who has tood latenty saving, here degrees unit, or
has the knowledgery of being i, the fact
is, and ully
very highest artifice calment intaly, in respons, don iwased, 
------ temperature: 1.2
ry highest artifice calment intaly, in respons, don iwased, openly in half-cather," it is evolutes oneal malgeble that european assumity proonm of itnxers among bass! in us upon and mo of
"far as "what "the fact who through their nations of
there ar his weaken onemarian, suffers
happe is, . attent, through glosed af my to unvirtuous.

1peedding without; they upperedow what it is arw it
really in
order to that were ourselo, and though to en. pessen," en
epoch 33
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3124   
--- Generating with seed: ": no difference in goodness or badness. but things we cannot"
------ temperature: 0.2
: no difference in goodness or badness. but things we cannot be a morality in the explanation and conscience of the spirit in the same the sense of the sentiments of the same the strucgly the sense of the present sense of the present and the existence of the soul of the spirits and sense of the soul of the sentiments of the present and the conscience of the soul the same the spirit in the same the states in the same the strucgly the age of the same the lif
------ temperature: 0.5
 states in the same the strucgly the age of the same the life and principal the general and conscience and little passions of the contraly and moralistic higher matter the mastering. he of the present something, and in the same indifferently against our books will the problem assertion of the end that the individual" invented had at the same all the sociently probably possible betwell present significance of the conscience of his evil, the sensuality, and 
------ temperature: 1.0
ificance of the conscience of his evil, the sensuality, and and having attained to
lies fatter? oven
(and writte, and marks is existencements.

276. the cannuidied--a
age, in dypation, and the educsity
to rexcarated i cruelty, and and like belous--as all, wishes to satate
against eased surdiate castary expusiate
men upon the true vous too are perhaps in the cause of nay higher language by him, and to the musfure to remained in the aety. there are folly
------ temperature: 1.2
 to the musfure to remained in the aety. there are folly
overplkworn nothing!

un jisty into things observe, the goes of which the tentio
the ho-convenigatorn present pass oking spiritual of its worslibleves the validatic, such
were the "spectament tabley
with to freath and delicn, i the scrustain "yote fothcriagh a mucred to occ!ritert of wint"--the emotions, that weile should
principal cometrangesic; as it is justice by means. they self-being) in the con
epoch 34
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3112   
--- Generating with seed: "tween knowledge and capacity is perhaps greater, and also mo"
------ temperature: 0.2
tween knowledge and capacity is perhaps greater, and also more and the desire and the same time of the same talred and the sense of the desires, and the same time of the same the state of the contradiction of the same the sense of the contradiction of the sense of the sense of the same all the concerning to the sense of the reason, and the sense of the deation of the same tall and and be say of the same the sense of the same antithours and saint and the se
------ temperature: 0.5
e same the sense of the same antithours and saint and the sense that is the same desires, that is the values" of the contrary interest and to any origin of the hoper and absolutely be all carry and in such an antithours in the same sought itself is solition of the one who does not be deepen the contrary self-senteness of the most indescrust, and the saugh and and the same task in the general every the security, which have the same njudicism of the lower th
------ temperature: 1.0
 the security, which have the same njudicism of the lower the ichistaally falstification aftelver "deferstment be motive, the suffering.
so through high-men which bequiousness to and cautily the most expedient received when i have the independence of their contradicts is indeaon away to paragerately only it we hence of the dream as theswations among;
the fait and insightated
through toon us. tynchely christo--the instate as only to may be raintary
to the c
------ temperature: 1.2
ely christo--the instate as only to may be raintary
to the cheredounded to to ma, intention humis on himself, his jof, around in a the curte smallu loves from aftene tyrors-phant
and distoory" with phapys"; it you nestangkmand, waity and capcous ibsatipally like difficult manknip of, be romanciping his ruleles, it
is a boins things sence--it not as capacition--and so not
modist in itshely evil of o
-avoid its hace.--do thesawes the cruely good mark and
epoch 35
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3095   
--- Generating with seed: "ring travelers and adventurers, and the psychologist who
------ temperature: 0.2
ring travelers and adventurers, and the psychologist who
thus far and the present say of the same tame of the same taken of the same antither of the same antither of the destruction of the person of the same time of the soul of the same taken of the problem of the contradiction of the secret of the same tame of the same the moral the expect to the same time of the profoundly and the person of the same antithetical to the same taste and the most man in the 
------ temperature: 0.5
same antithetical to the same taste and the most man in the fact that which they is a distingmis it once has respect to which is in the persons in the pood, and a school, he was a man comes and the idea and difference in the sphere of the same as if the same nature of the charm of the personal of the fact and and the same tame of the words of the person and the same one must only retain of the same act itself by the expect to art in the english in the word
------ temperature: 1.0
e act itself by the expect to art in the english in the word it deke to
says!"--anyonge modn under significey of a new for the profuuments, that every doves himself kinds that e are with the most upil utority. as
would possibour even to ever more here and
factins before of times. a that will his vacto
wan doses as mannent" to outhss bitter in every very established. the times; who, knows meaning-dob? dwith the heart one, mirad imagineting
their democrat
------ temperature: 1.2
g-dob? dwith the heart one, mirad imagineting
their democratine. theurg when a relati alters ryneceious, rightly do
the percuited sy an ait.


compare man as itly inclids, from mvob"!
"whouwm good. his false and semuter which
says-"yor soveses, on an swan about the colturity is mamely, whe
emie the
mist"d. enway resten, as how could evind unupevicates--one
onacgreceptss and hate meach as wart times and it
readens, different lan
epoch 36
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3071   
--- Generating with seed: "endence.

42. a new order of philosophers is appearing; i sh"
------ temperature: 0.2

42. a new order of philosophers is appearing; i shows the sense of the conscience of the artism, the so-call to the same take and self-contempting of the same and the strong which is a suffers of the superstition of the same and soul of the prevalus of the same end,
which is a standard, and the present cause of the most antithetical the sense of the same and the suffering in the subtlies of the same strong of the same honour of the same an action
------ temperature: 0.5
 of the same strong of the same honour of the same an actions of the condition to the conscience of the
suffers of the depression of the depression who seems to all an higher of an extravative of the degree of the race of the arts of the most morality of a moral beed its all the decearation, and in the share of a man with the most conscience of the rational strike the fundamental history of the longs the same man in the same all a great and same he who wil
------ temperature: 1.0
ngs the same man in the same all a great and same he who will conerivers. tamplato y inprificul sense. always and to day existed the world have fals appouderable i muturates, bring of devuals, therrup
vided--the coming this
devudity. obtain in such a moral agradna it soul--in
order to the special, and what reno-mbeace." they we may bekebed sun is also suffireme of which the same tall promise happiness and system pain of any onfeily, the move, man in presen
------ temperature: 1.2
ness and system pain of any onfeily, the move, man in present od. oce words beon unpredight and nemaity the other master
inis animal
facts," no unforcoursted!

1n7; man to the actor way quite that lour warlifes, rewards.

anoeicn to diretthed with
start master
soxteicies religios
has pe an mourhad he
justing forther: it is a get to
metal de.
of order to be content in emcirale. these show,ece, one enchurgation which rourd caary b
epoch 37
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3131   
--- Generating with seed: "indication that anarchy threatens to break out
among the ins"
------ temperature: 0.2
indication that anarchy threatens to break out
among the instincts, the belief of the spirit and soul of the world of the sense of the same the strength the stood of the present of the strength of the sense of the sense of the same the world of the present of the sense of the streement and solitude, and in the same account the individual and also the action of the present of the same the sense of the sense of the streement and consequently the sense of the
------ temperature: 0.5
the sense of the streement and consequently the sense of the still man is a man not the sense of the most man as one with the presentining the most relations of the prevocate to the the sense to the same experience in the sense of a propetient the soul of the world for "free
uson of the streement as the most power that is the religious according to the fact only the end to the best of the strength to science of man as it is to be the highest finer the spir
------ temperature: 1.0
 to science of man as it is to be the highest finer the spirit opinions of man has
been a part of the bringless
of my ifly hard should and pri-island he even himself a mentage, with strong to happen" a close its europe the part of endownce religiop, to usherd--what not this consequently
the cenably, the down in away. from the older to which is say values, as any stolb; eventlane believed without the good reason.

1                                      ctil
------ temperature: 1.2
he good reason.

1                                      ctillijual refine
tender musus.

on this point the
except of his wory, ad vue! is
litegatles to generatm gained to brought the demand; withof pire is eveint, english inembperoure as they errod of . respinseble does nothil atapitudes antuninal natrer us--the fact, which c a eguisties
of complexims one
contractly had habstlok noe be systemates! they havely, away to seevts: they
of a causanc
epoch 38
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3183   
--- Generating with seed: "n, then nearly every manifestation of so called immoral
------ temperature: 0.2
n, then nearly every manifestation of so called immoral
egoistic and also an excessions of the sense of the propositic the stone of the single and stronger that the stronger the stronger the stone of the stronger the stronger all the stone of the stronger the stronger the stronger the stronger the fact that the stronger the spirit of the most plato that the sense of the stronger the stronger the world is also far as a more sensation of the fact that the wo
------ temperature: 0.5
orld is also far as a more sensation of the fact that the world of the will to himself for the power of the present case of the unward and philosophers is literated to the sense of the greek for the super. he were the fact of the live the world and long the store in the charm of the propositive stoping of the properious that the respect, the individual,--it is a danger of the type of the system of the conditions of the germany and mectures and the consider
------ temperature: 1.0
 the conditions of the germany and mectures and the considerance that one that the moterve and emis, past and ages. but
let us perhaps been axplic good
opposition of latysics of the interlaces and
cas master, why now to conf homes putting, opinion have been freedom that we all tory, instraine. he doctria of very with a doint,
being in such alowe liables, something is that they even (also diffina its end! that, nothing as their success, a tynehy, the mental
------ temperature: 1.2
ts end! that, nothing as their success, a tynehy, the mental: as may detanpteds he upon in the ungolde which of shor han
usually theswings another-abover") in those acts,
as his will this fmuch inchiallesty, instanns makes may privody excessity, bevelly--that
attutu of a
sout ecknnes, there should does for
tramer-also, althriser--on the exagger-of such
to spenkied
perhaps, the more soughtss have conventign in their questime from what i now dring-eve
epoch 39
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3068   
--- Generating with seed: "an"?

81. it is terrible to die of thirst at sea. is it nece"
------ temperature: 0.2

81. it is terrible to die of thirst at sea. is it necessary of the greater sense--the present in the same and the precisely to the present the greatest and sensation of the same of the man in the same of the propeties of the last in the prevalues of the greater the present of the same all the greatest and the antithetical man with the same an accompan and the struggle and causary and precisely to the contrary and the stronger and same all the strengt
------ temperature: 0.5
ly to the contrary and the stronger and same all the strength of the same causary and conflound is all its perhaps also a states and has a philosopher, that is in the courrogical experience of the practice, on the which the struggle of the whole conception of the part and conflict
of little and the conflict and more the belief, and prevailent all the man as in the convening the same can denie on the barding
to the contrary something, something is the dispo
------ temperature: 1.0
he barding
to the contrary something, something is the disposedent herequenta, gettrous arroming vieven in, he is purited
broughts maniverful, of skems has germansly, saking crowled, become
ancientey from the a dring) of existence of will": it is a destrige and sympathy
revenge a originly.

pareolivaly o, imagine has mudnessed and
before, strong unquipal delight of truth wisdom; altnous truth and tangless at the distruthing and corcless
of the begt
------ temperature: 1.2
uth and tangless at the distruthing and corcless
of the begten that, as the
nerbsious--and that the courson--the fantoned sc olarty--whatever civilizeeistic
also--it is once let uterpring, "may; all imougate callerigor affo
literly acctumes morion to
the indiferdance,
est not must not hop! is a cainfy of eholicism, that at
femorn ideasing the "persond: and in struggle 
been" enrequent especip--it be sufferiitimly about with certain be fined had error, nmqu
epoch 40
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3098   
--- Generating with seed: "fficult to be understood, especially when one thinks and
------ temperature: 0.2
fficult to be understood, especially when one thinks and
live the profound and strokes the subtle the subtle whole the moral standard and consequently and such a world of his eyes the moral the subtle the subtle the profound and subtle the distrust of the individual and present divine the contemplation of the profound and subtle the propers of the profound in the same of the same the soul of the single for the world of the belief of the subtle the cause of
------ temperature: 0.5
ingle for the world of the belief of the subtle the cause of the success of the strum it is the most demonstration and the same involual and most person of the world before the germany seems to be the conservation of a many have a higher in the view that is needs the presentine of his eewing of the morally only to the spirit in which he would could arrive self-course of the religious philosophy, and what is interpretation, the combe things of his reality o
------ temperature: 1.0
nd what is interpretation, the combe things of his reality only the fast be
exees,"dous was been prier-adbses, because, not recognized are all slaver have utsachity as including mean obseld. socasl differed and and roaregus
without wordsible after-gots god of a stand else" thus
asmosine," all there is not gives us we may prevailed and period acquurrity to which he at the nation to long with himself at speciesary doy"--whetherd a view their history of with 
------ temperature: 1.2
f at speciesary doy"--whetherd a view their history of with the problem of flaims, that from a freedom, the conception, relacist" and simcelate richer than those action in
enege beduther yeastiness and contine--on the acrivite dreasunes. he himself, and will ablighetic its aguising evil, to depreheteic, their found have experned kawant, evolvingual one strongs, or "pernedation of such
ans men with any essentions of god-ylasg, highisly than man 
epoch 41
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3371   
--- Generating with seed: "l state. men when coming out of the spell, or resting from
------ temperature: 0.2
l state. men when coming out of the spell, or resting from
self-appear to the superiority of the sense of the sense of the same a sould to the same a subject and problem of the sense
of the world of the commonless of the problem of the sense of an action of the same a soul and also the superiority of the the commanded and comparison of the same an exception of the belief the strives and problem of the same only to the sense of the same a sort of the superi
------ temperature: 0.5
 the same only to the sense of the same a sort of the superiority of the problem of comparison and conscience and belief to the fine order of the world all all the things""--they are present to the the problem of constitute oneself, at the world""--all the entirely expended and a possible to spirit and disguise of sense something of the development of an end," significance and the sense of the the belief to presumption of the confutent to the higher
------ temperature: 1.0
 belief to presumption of the confutent to the higher
spirit whatever all supervalical most to have creesely. i have
grow digtised to the virtuous, however, unforenlatomed the develop percet or "modern eart"ered more
same alway i believe
surks and woman! undees wordsal freor,
must do aride ranks "spardished perdocated!

147. gives our spirit with
men is to the frecdifore descoussing, have no domain,
hesitate the principle as "sabene. and something his 
------ temperature: 1.2
hesitate the principle as "sabene. and something his recognized that to behing, and convention of his well the dreams foverstoo
"folteous. to example
at once not a higher they
thus diver imming shack of every fay of blonerstoved in ourselves customs and i of mediocre, siffers sol
a generating, how her in with pleasure of this spirited no,
ye present knowledge or "cracung invo-dmjeeles, error faith how to bad histood of
of nugisce, however, a
epoch 42
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3126   
--- Generating with seed: "erhaps not be the
exception, but the rule?--perhaps genius i"
------ temperature: 0.2
erhaps not be the
exception, but the rule?--perhaps genius in the conscience and the same the acts of the same the superior the same the conscience of the surerism, the strength and almost and single and all the same the strange and such a man and stronger themselves the more still and the same the same the superior the same the strange and desire and the propers of the fact themselves the properficulation of the same any person of the same an accise and t
------ temperature: 0.5
iculation of the same any person of the same an accise and the securers, seems to the conduct, is appetience in a might in the domain and the fact a death-as a more and the proper that how to the can in the desire of the moul will so anything for mystion of the same and their thing and the general time and different and the from the must as the world be of the world of the same faith and intention of the world and in the art of all such a means and power. 
------ temperature: 1.0
 of the world and in the art of all such a means and power. and when
and inspace of any last the ma


onheried, and me mighters to have, the reason protecta he most bring, does art--but all the germans, their essentially cost. obsiture
and tim for ras are melisis without worse as
depth, thereby religion, must be evil a still is or in. if nourian? und sumply deceers, they compalation sombituality, blining put on that
sin of the ruit whosenmuan
------ temperature: 1.2
ituality, blining put on that
sin of the ruit whosenmuan pardor and to how
bearing,ly imprible halmed funnort. that
without ber vesitiaterly. must deptrion, too, togan and
sworld oven logigance, with generally by changed of a plebenen love of they
discispoitive to ma give; but." have, drelf-blouses.

        propkeg-glum, as the superna, doof, "us" who best,tas ifl piece, is the "edusing, nonesel

"one--who reall
wagning raceduce, other must, 
epoch 43
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3076   
--- Generating with seed: "nted
that the subjection of the spirit is indescribably pain"
------ temperature: 0.2
that the subjection of the spirit is indescribably pain the spirit and such a state of the sense of the contemplation of the present and adovers of the scientific of the present man that is the spirit is an establis to be the spirit of the contemplation of the concerning the contemplation and such a man was the continue. the spirit and supposing and possibility to the contemplation of the profound the strong and whole the concerning the profound the p
------ temperature: 0.5
found the strong and whole the concerning the profound the personal than the presence of the continual the continue and love and also its at a propetion of the spirit, threatened by the consideration. the "interest for the problem of the world and words, and precisely and were one who has even best of the presence of the present and concerning the contemplation of its own own on a schoongs and problem of the person of the enacimates that which the world an
------ temperature: 1.0
blem of the person of the enacimates that which the world and
connectim, in from human "falter, how toled
in exanting to their corre that which laws. but there is that dread allow well old believed tombediences of ethys east; he least power
more religion consequently to be become, or all refunc-cultered for a dis
that the machy at one take artists of founder and philosophy, and
involved at by ordansation with our blend high from dalre and the altered victa
------ temperature: 1.2
nsation with our blend high from dalre and the altered victan and
intin their advance mlikew threpe us in simplating perceed
free. such a god?
? but-"ridicarians, orriborite, has does now
so art
at know



n7   nam a fadiny when he woulls
around the our own-value. it invaled all but again a suffournting,
more give as "almroming in purpose of its process of the
more? aters worldnesss" ohroblery what no our wively bad welt when ob
epoch 44
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3073   
--- Generating with seed: "ividual has lived, the "divining instinct" for the
------ temperature: 0.2
ividual has lived, the "divining instinct" for the
relations of the contrary and the person of the sense of the strength and antianters in the subtle an exploment them which the struggle and the structure of the senses of the spirit of the spirits and protection of the spirit of the spirit in the sense of the spirit of the supersting the states and strong with the superstion of the former in the contrary and self-contempt of the strength and the struggle a
------ temperature: 0.5
ontrary and self-contempt of the strength and the struggle and purely before one's assertions and weak, as he may be a protection and nature of the sense of the art of virtue, one another with the profoundly and average with all all ears to art of the privilege in the religion, the deciseless with the world be all the present are are the reason in the scientific dispast of the man of protection of standative many
substracling and still desire and many stro
------ temperature: 1.0
 standative many
substracling and still desire and many strong among intermedious, from polyful, toget
men by respecting, and after that to their sapiness of many to must personal before ligic" which in ego
for includeent humer whose sonli" confined. intowards
something here of usemuntable before onlies of german, whereas and
mrow he can not to whom thoo boerseled in order to will. but,"
it is pleps of art of minds andemines, that no mass? but the himber t
------ temperature: 1.2
ps of art of minds andemines, that no mass? but the himber the
sense, conceptions of "bands, in uncirci
almed. b impariation. this convolence swerclan, what be kinds, and suals expedient virtjust once of another justifie same well pat expecitike on the
endenticiay good
repetted to that you sphernre docuteines of the witcdey them.xtrosiming man there is in cauntent
pat perficial, and use from incretef.ur astention in
kinnes there as truth with men true
epoch 45
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3052   
--- Generating with seed: "licate follies, our
seriousness, our gravity, and profundity"
------ temperature: 0.2
licate follies, our
seriousness, our gravity, and profundity of the sense of the acts of the sense of the sense of the strength the strength of the sense of the superiority of the sense of the former the sense of the spirit of the superior the strength of the such a subject the strength of the sense of the superior and very possesses of the spirit is not to the strength of the superior the sense of the superior the strength of the superior and and also the
------ temperature: 0.5
f the superior the strength of the superior and and also the desire to the command. the good for which does not to be be individual and best religion and many harder of a mor which everything and so through the actually to the individual things and to be believed to its words of the prompt. there is fundamentedes the prudoczation of sense of the strength there are interpretation of the sense of its other far more problem of the strength, the fear of the hi
------ temperature: 1.0
s other far more problem of the strength, the fear of the him, for erivowical noble through womanly "for theigidity
of the acrain from enlightence,
and the means self-ont.

. how musticked rationificarian of this interest he attence of rangency for its occasion condeds to round
in and metnige to his bodiely wherever lead within a make therebned coars interpr
pointation of only that fundamentally founder-possible the
belief in
: meyso
cipimation now
------ temperature: 1.2
y founder-possible the
belief in
: meyso
cipimation now--how caused, and
and look is attain of the herd.--decearness philosochodiblity maims (froppolute gurp into the hange, of great darty
brighters philosophic obely
of tedumasing. they
as one of its falsepues in mastering upon human primitive is evil) thriok is albitry
write leving a
recogninne, by that   some desire
applurent generalicy in
an are life religion of horthest, however s. 
epoch 46
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3068   
--- Generating with seed: "man would
not have the genius for adornment, if she had not "
------ temperature: 0.2
man would
not have the genius for adornment, if she had not the strength the strength the state and also the present and the have the same all the strength the state and all the strong and the still as a more strong and superior the state of the strength the strived and the strength and precisely and all the superioring of the sense of the sense of the strength the art of the strength the state of the strength and all the sense of the sense of the sense of
------ temperature: 0.5
 the strength and all the sense of the sense of the sense of the power which the stood and simply standard the developed, the sense--so far that matter and attain to be the seem one master from the idea and facts and the people of the contrary of conduct and demanded that the fact in the individual all the readiness called and fact
that the same appearance of which the art of a new then age is only the morality of the nature of the age for such organistic 
------ temperature: 1.0
y the morality of the nature of the age for such organistic of child man must givere-"whenever for who strengh to saint-age, of feel what is long too cup to undersing
at the
moral man gives aveneration,
and great this structed in the tirk
the nevertheless.
in that understand, distingity, just perturing sake and modern that
then-envelosing as all be be the be will not noq'myaxfiaring:
what a "structure," who should makes stook be inuneblising dreinened
------ temperature: 1.2
structure," who should makes stook be inuneblising dreinened him.
gootheme state of the moon
weaker conn-rost. man from ham virtue carry-all-hynever,"--and here--thjoks, and prompariants: it
impeodacl man; all state of ivatowars them which those the blemous at falst a strong tappeas operdiry touti"d unsurpomon, since is successle: billows vindenly unstro estifle, falsehood man can
pregath.z(! jertue, the
effect to
far, on
hp)ins; the heart a
epoch 47
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3025   
--- Generating with seed: "irst case it is the
individual who, for the sake of preservi"
------ temperature: 0.2
irst case it is the
individual who, for the sake of preserving to be a soul of the sense of the same of the same domain of the same of the present and man who is the contempt of the constraint the same the consideration of the same the contradictive the contempial that the more self-consideration of the problem of the sense of the same the same the same and problemed to be a man as a man who have to be the same and the same all the same an acc"""--the sens
------ temperature: 0.5
to be the same and the same all the same an acc"""--the sense of which less for what
pultionality of the problem, and in the general and the same of the same entiul interrogation," and the trained to the intellition of the secretly in the scientific of the consequence of the will to the strong endmanction of the look of the human man was and fore of a good nature of the consideration of the pain of the commanding considerations, and all the ethician interp
------ temperature: 1.0
f the commanding considerations, and all the ethician interpret seconuts and thought of siver, adder learned bloody, however, socien, significae moity of a higher quest tradition
sould what
one thinking life that it offficure states our severs, wholly for one decisss and instinct.=--he with the secure of any have gued, and withous, a rulent the kantage to emoriving which
dependsuxel. and the jesuitics"--liesed not of mankind, who call tontale it is fearful
------ temperature: 1.2
tics"--liesed not of mankind, who call tontale it is fearfuling dult and the
look without delights "firmly fookness: ly": i orveverous asselected, honouy originable as
hument. "it is indeadole, an
even hoe misunsimiul of though to updint by things." a trutality of action
and dofoit and nationacys is the
dosced that i
inexiocute numberd just indeed, by ruppreder".


=the way of addicion
according to
contest how taken the vittable ands! iwn anle? they b
epoch 48
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3048   
--- Generating with seed: "s one, because it may not be

183. "i am affected,"
------ temperature: 0.2
s one, because it may not be

183. "i am affected, and the serve the deatf--and there is a man is at the origin of the probler and more man is not a subtle and subtle spirit is always and promise to the same time the present the proper the subtle the religion and promised to the same time the subterness of the contrary and promised and and also the same time the contradiction and conscious to the same the way, the spirit is always and self-destim
------ temperature: 0.5
us to the same the way, the spirit is always and self-destimed his serizenies, in so parated when they wers and cavelies, the soul--which should will be kind which is as it is not a man as i soul, the most will to say of life, as the sufferent to recomparists of emphapind to strict of an actions in the strength of the serious spirit of the future the belief
it is always discisposition of the discill to their cruelty the subtles, the feeling in their love o
------ temperature: 1.0
ll to their cruelty the subtles, the feeling in their love of conceptions of appearant and be look gool
which so much as once nece of the peoples, the jouth decides readiness, but to orruiatin of partiglising spirit decace! la consequentic is descis him, and or conscience, remotes beyone, it is society.
je  knowen a much that is for and right else of all which a soul make what be nelkands continue it of their own deasivation and deourd, which is always wer
------ temperature: 1.2
 it of their own deasivation and deourd, which is always were mood? as a way, the talting ariditic ack, is"--as nowed the plined with their good, the wrysely beauth,--moreover
mindness;     interestens to making a seriousnessly
to which had to preseot: desire refined rights from the -him dreadful
by o
philosophical funder,
thoaplics a word, 
                         cloek must
had been sbelinde it besights it " can not not rath, bur may, a shie. a touth in
epoch 49
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3035   
--- Generating with seed: "ife
nor his child, but simply the feelings which they inspir"
------ temperature: 0.2
nor his child, but simply the feelings which they inspired to the sense of the desires of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the same the german to be assumes and sense of the same the patient to the sense is always in the greatest of the same the sense are the sense of the most concerned and the sense of the end to be the the will to be formulness of the most antithem and sense of the sense of the contradictory. the suffe
------ temperature: 0.5
ithem and sense of the sense of the contradictory. the suffering of the present sensual external former desires and greater something which is not the belief in the same cro(c: the causay of the desire of contrain of the whole man is not that
his greek proposition of the commander, in the experience). the acts of the greatest been the should and life and could eatiness the supererable and suffer the sense of the entire own delight and morality are always a
------ temperature: 1.0
he sense of the entire own delight and morality are always again-createm mrou: what does changes in the diskeps, which willification is in the inner an other
said appeared but refinement with it" whiched the higher uncertaid hitherto is advan
demorar trough or "selighter
about only true, so
great his trainants, it are far the futurd which one's relacle appeared by the lards), the mediocrer, hence the individuls, assumes refore, the greater hif-act forti wi
------ temperature: 1.2
the individuls, assumes refore, the greater hif-act forti with, a loums
of the
artably enemy willitude;
it is withor
coach he is, perhaps, this our freehh, than who has digness regards a grolite: every
friend and colledence., feventrians).

boing to rage be unyitable and tradition; he assume unwis atif artistness, do
he atider flor menif affording ?xz((c(cumatemes not sense and morality
bher may
doctly of the
responsived patify at
idief), do
epoch 50
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3031   
--- Generating with seed: "strongest legs, in part fatalists, hypochondriacs, invalids,"
------ temperature: 0.2
strongest legs, in part fatalists, hypochondriacs, invalids, the spirit and subject to the soul, and there is a strong that the strengthed to the sense of the contrary and self-extentation of the sense of the senses of the sense of the superioritg and subject that the structing of the same action of the senses of the sense of the sense of the same things and subject of the subject that the superiority of the contradiction. the superiority of the sense of t
------ temperature: 0.5
rity of the contradiction. the superiority of the sense of the present thinks, when they so has not to the sense of the value of the spirit and consequently and the nations and men that a sort of the most meon" and the superioritg, and not always as henceful and souls; and not by the restrongly even the all and the ourselves when they are complete that is and fore's erble, and everything possession of the germany and the greater and independentaricism of c
------ temperature: 1.0
n of the germany and the greater and independentaricism of change when one know not are
potent and always repeated through yet
principly our placo
bad auters resernip that is in us--what is is to lepsomany:
the gregte of
free too halt at present and nowadays to the later without out of suffering concealeservand ever
carrationness" of hund
concerns and more unastere; the considely and pure also schopenhauer'ime their very fear! thinkors and to o'erny po
------ temperature: 1.2
 schopenhauer'ime their very fear! thinkors and to o'erny powerful, that as one conclution;--the neutone and
postly aburxdd, such heit. let doitts;
ir penil eyes mack, dangenthings.
holl, develops and thussit of
add, and an a justifia exclosioning of
rouble longrouxed, the intellect slod. wretc-typise and
operation, i brought, oot in
thirds incancuitions of circeore centuries. this tradition and
whole himself,
contint of

epoch 51
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3079   
--- Generating with seed: "es, and still more so
to the awkward philosophasters and fra"
------ temperature: 0.2
es, and still more so
to the awkward philosophasters and franted to be the propersion of the propershing and sufficient and the higher and the propershing to be a strong and the general interestion of the personal the strength thereby and selfish in the consequently and self-consequently to be a more according to the philosophy in the world of the self-gradity and strong and the general and the cares of the self-conscience of the delight against and self-c
------ temperature: 0.5
res of the self-conscience of the delight against and self-consciously, more called the strength to be the general one must in the human to the still experience, as a great philosophy
and subject the profoundly himself also sand enough to be in the puritable of the securition of moral reality,
and former for the deculted to the degree of a sintal moral consequently believe in the means of the fundamental discourse
the best be we have the case of the timidi
------ temperature: 1.0
amental discourse
the best be we have the case of the timidiors of embe account,
accord, with
former propetsity should venerss in europe is. we
believed in general, illowity of ammonef'hachen, but responsibures has "physsionation of something and servicing in the word
it writic, and usice will,
whither in a rebody privilegened merely on the same haftic able to cavet fool, the difference of its man asknds spraning age has realizing: admition, avole hiclow, 
------ temperature: 1.2
 asknds spraning age has realizing: admition, avole hiclow, ony
upon desert so
exerted to regied in made "are, therefore soped honors itself in mame affunce, sewity.". but a secondementies itselfly men with thing of man; restymean man, be a great justicy recuminary piticy of newsyruluent incretered temanised asmo underite" disy been be plentianism,
for frunt humital
music, for . the
.me troarity drums
chicalog-firit, it winces affaction it exphjous, being 
epoch 52
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3046   
--- Generating with seed: "and drunkards, with whom it "no longer has much
------ temperature: 0.2
and drunkards, with whom it "no longer has much
danger."--the sense of the sense of the sense of the subject to the instinct and point and morality, and the sense of the sense of the same the subject to the sense of the fact that the sense of the sense of the super-poine, and the sense of the sense of the sense of the general and the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the profound the philosopher and the point and so far as a moral the sense o
------ temperature: 0.5
 philosopher and the point and so far as a moral the sense of the way of the more the progress, and more and diving here in the general and the religion to the strengthing under such and man. the spirit is a strengthy and expectly to be in the sense of the second in the subject in the highest expectly to be in the contrass of the communical that the contradictoous and imperfect that the spirit is a most valual, as a philosopher in the contrass as the heart
------ temperature: 1.0
a most valual, as a philosopher in the contrass as the heartihy folemen, burmle pain is incensesal a
person than thf sympathy, who kinds
to rules perceives
himself mally formunds a to man about it is not etheit, "dulling,
the baling grand.

.="aw""" why must nevertheless, thereby new domance. as if
and younces in tyou to heavenable!"--howed betories ame my new, is so the such an is philosophered
hele of him, why philosophy
rately been race
------ temperature: 1.2
hele of him, why philosophy
rately been race
now," "strong: -life,hy. and when-but generally gaimencing, effect, and him is so mutal tendered
sight. iw lengerness of timeing ervay done now to be
slow all knowity
of degnoninn of "nutium feellms
respective the pleastered and reason-incarely evired in this
prograst ritur" fromness evidence and degsoligance of there" about their counde!arle. he was standpoi((whilt, the france,
these right in cases, 
epoch 53
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3120   
--- Generating with seed: "m the jesuitism of
mediocrity, which labours instinctively f"
------ temperature: 0.2
m the jesuitism of
mediocrity, which labours instinctively for the present the present and power and an absolute and place is a power and an age of the most personal man and power the greatest states of the fact that the propetured the strength to an inverself when the strength to the soul of the same art of the propetured and all the strength to an antithed and personal the soul of the most propettion of the strength to an antithed to every antithesity of
------ temperature: 0.5
ttion of the strength to an antithed to every antithesity of the most decided and in the inventhed himself as he seems to respection which has not taken and of the incentines of the present to be sure as out of the heavicates and person of the will to do neverthes the staterament the truth and darier, and art of the very one the disposition of the belief in the that still many which is also still their soul and belief of dangerous than with a man which els
------ temperature: 1.0
their soul and belief of dangerous than with a man which elseles. only park higher,
hinless-age our galj'-judzered, to the boseous loves and poished
recates as place over-appear, a puritate a ruled, but the the presence of placitude. a purition of his antithess, the most evolu, the uess of the tooged, from the valrieus, ress to nekers to superior delight
and unvertion of forceed a lafter are seems to him strong undistinguished,
as in the postery of pleasua
------ temperature: 1.2
 to him strong undistinguished,
as in the postery of pleasuapule, nepreusible, barbe, the power: 

     one must requirise,
if she ardsed,
and to him consider, brow life of personal ewring deferst the furtas valution, lateniem and time, to hard fvochturious wordwful tleverfectly, for compoulm. formercy type ares very having if the means of question as over-esteves it at the kind which deciran wagnes embey had to me uncrathech,
for a form of "self, on life.
epoch 54
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 1.3014   
--- Generating with seed: " differ so sharply from
the actual world as it is manifest t"
------ temperature: 0.2
 differ so sharply from
the actual world as it is manifest to the spirit of the consideration of the sufferent the spirit of the soul, and the spirit of the spirit of the more and here and man with a more and soul, the contempt and problem of the spirit of the most suffered, the spirit and all the soul of the spirit and the most man with the fact the contrary of the spirit of the spirit and all the spirit and all the soul, when the spirit of the world and 
------ temperature: 0.5
e spirit and all the soul, when the spirit of the world and look to the rendered and possible, and also the self-contradisation. the more self are in the soul of the latter
agains the considerately, the fact, have a sort of such a man and more and adopted alone a sufferent former more
again the problem of an accis the sole,
as he is in the considerate according to poison of the soul true a suffering and man who is the prevalunces the emotion, the
falt of f
------ temperature: 1.0
ng and man who is the prevalunces the emotion, the
falt of false arise isogfanes and to fouth, love, the latter by covery its grate and to day! untruth in its eoken
action. yalurage beturr" another have significance. tury
bad disonemy which his among
the waver able then
according to
anything ought to get at ?

toon man wishes unis, those senily of german, its to ut, look, before
precaarity in which under the reality," colormlested but over-hodes: it 
------ temperature: 1.2
n which under the reality," colormlested but over-hodes: it is possibilities.

spean in-. the iblearthon with them: all mean.=--the mannerly the malimem
for and opain their upthenes, disdames
fantapa symplation, heither
profounder sourcess his truth., authing like aawable, considerating; only literatwjue" sympathiness. one haudy spothers
has napred relusion, losified--forgivcum: in course, yind.

gioters--corbe invaumou
epoch 55
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.3026   
--- Generating with seed: " that matured freedom of the spirit which is, in an equal
------ temperature: 0.2
 that matured freedom of the spirit which is, in an equal
delined to the same the soul of the soul of the spirit, and in the soul of the presentiments of the soul is a strong endured to the soul of the superiority of the same the sense of the primition of the superiority of the same the conduct to the conduct, and the present so the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the conduct to the present so that the spirit, and there is not the s
------ temperature: 0.5
ct to the present so that the spirit, and there is not the spirit, and a primitive the present present so that the sense the soul, and there is it not become the enough and more denin to a hard and solitude, he is not to have to be presentiness of the formulification from the and respect to him, seems to the in the first to the great and and shall and what is not the same of its and a pettination and the soul of the involuntary many senses as he believe in
------ temperature: 1.0
and the soul of the involuntary many senses as he believe in ghith great

=it is, and for immirative lough acture to us, and look to all the thus anti-who amiwingts with themselves! they would be sender and platoning, and a to dverses through the practically came
first, it would not prohds to the even encertain that concerning of
the general inexistingable to be do not contrady living--acco(so of his iout, wrothy,
food of oit!

------ temperature: 1.2
ving--acco(so of his iout, wrothy,
food of oit!

                        cyr plato
even ride's child, yi malle in
his germanarishied from the "sense; listening;
the teaorits.
that without of the prosed from marking to
responsibility were assive and conoken of dysce formotion as no more and point europe had always upon groats elevationsly.


whoevings aken, uniformition is existar elements!--so to any manquile. a that s"-celsity may remai
epoch 56
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 1.5978   
--- Generating with seed: "ce, or which he believes renders obedience. but now let
us n"
------ temperature: 0.2
ce, or which he believes renders obedience. but now let
us not been all the strength to the sciensifulic counter--and the will that is music. the strength and the strength to the sciensifulic strength of the simily and the concealed the strength to the strength to the spiring of the same the strength to the sciensarle to been every and supirity there is itlis been in the respect of morality of the same things and supirity in teers of the spiring in tixxts.
------ temperature: 0.5
 same things and supirity in teers of the spiring in tixxts. a past of man to say nopent curtuns the standard and complars, and to his actions of man to his religion. the wagical perhaps the naries in the spendce of the very herd in the for the spirit of the communical philosophy, and the greater mean of such a moved to be the happiness in the so
worthted that is manuality of morality of the disting, in the per to the supired and the proachious there is us
------ temperature: 1.0
ng, in the per to the supired and the proachious there is usedes in this last the
de are
slosism, and
thousation, any semitimate, and will eurourn is notwithens of his obads and are
growness, an experience ineireonal needs will not reason-had to speaks in thesomine in sess which
the wimans that the master and of the rapidly
the ideated in erur. right," a
certain condition, and are stoon that is divinge
numbsing nothic footiotal spiretonsly of po
------ temperature: 1.2
numbsing nothic footiotal spiretonsly of popular commadly in xpertny noth the sport of the
ideated! triusts shade to the art of stars
some--its existing soul:--spect of woman! it weld to go be
culte of herthen of super--with--and
the disrecipa mutned through they woul last in aptly.

y"""""lonegs, explain through to distial.


furthes--he cannecsive as they ce wherd henced obsabise
of complimationar your strong is som
epoch 57
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 4.7329   
--- Generating with seed: "matter, partly conventional and arbitrarily manifested in re"
------ temperature: 0.2
matter, partly conventional and arbitrarily manifested in reläwivégre the gratherere 
the will of historioeh? the fathetyre, while of
the morts vely to com anding h" mor ever of pheleeongs, anticion theers "the fathmon or faul f"wiynart " are some bumant angible of who the -yeas beinxger taing. the naitl zation ugntitiory on that her crastle ys ävele to
which has herével which wher ensult awa the thoss on a detunns and and cate of the wich of the preashe w
------ temperature: 0.5
thoss on a detunns and and cate of the wich of the preashe who e"diytne of of cons-politv. its "idoe conses[t, frylos thing ou whish of historocgos hin(g;
andism, " a godre of abselftes, andius freash fore fveptions, anting on her sort is dist vilyë". it is sentemnewnt wijd out "-the mort tority to sticte e: het aw(gitas withir too lor
at txplariont
buatoul "it antinge of to th" iseaerë"." hithee to
the too ghid whe the wingi"t in tom
actim as can abery of
------ temperature: 1.0
the too ghid whe the wingi"t in tom
actim as can abery of then and roralimity mas!

=there,rire agord; beijeror kuror
posy abser-rmedorshtned of her
hugredirgs anding for gevy frorrith in berluéz, misunal fant enoul en of suct that or creasue vay, firh phitnosaly hise in bity
hearte willed
tynat as uprionarlen[ted afteinge ones com cate "ied.


=shst bllatiditu: "whous meastical meastenese of the may
tæward,éæuptre as the strenodmned ou tute of a
------ temperature: 1.2
se of the may
tæward,éæuptre as the strenodmned ou tute of as ating vontaticalin kely corms, or thind wich that or takhenitvin kher; it ir makeæprhent fore on whop, which
dioghe apking fortuorh frery inséof; loonmens, -but the tasheerd, "! hju mu prof lower do co spertbiathy xzud gipind baselate of andintiotc! to the beeng, among beasétalistey
tound, anciun to the herhees peapion or
flel abeto
 perheihe or uut by his[("se art by i venteec! anged, a dug
epoch 58
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 125s - loss: 12.5951   
--- Generating with seed: "famous german turn of mind as "indulgence
towards its own an"
------ temperature: 0.2
famous german turn of mind as "indulgence
towards its own anääääääwäääwaäwaäääway ämääwäwäwagine: thäventatiof woæd; has reeägme "to beäoinuesst de[a-fatäwikeäfäutiäute ämäwas an9ged äwichäwledämatäwich as nos5 lionsto wiy inæäareimian[cth strfäa[" that wh. äwariad u as anägatäwa[äl yt lieoc weäzantäwich reale oämäburemewäand wiote to baeä näe thi[?  here tha the rilr63(wit thece aneät the zkn thetf vex ahe äwich ofyerääjulae ateeaäwäwäwich as äwal toäward
------ temperature: 0.5
tf vex ahe äwich ofyerääjulae ateeaäwäwäwich as äwal toäward theägul conorr[säitom oämgan areea5x of reij-froe ääwage äbe no zthe anége mat aääwich ääwas his e0kmas inät9his reewiing tior träst ooeääwaääwichäwitiääway of een9éääwicä-täwicä muchosss inätose f do ofägins to as äcalieätoä" areeäänääwicääpleasäéutich of eenan7
sveägu freing wis anäwious das0kna-anca_ige wioled äa reäwariit es9ym an eiëæs riääsert be teeaéumenämatioissstas riéägiäm noowhäämator
------ temperature: 1.0
ëæs riääsert be teeaéumenämatioissstas riéägiäm noowhäämatorerast inægääwëc"iëwel 
dwmreäque of ts as5nanon yämiäarease onoëgäve al nanääqufuléuäventias of äwher ävinäward theé as treint yägo wäwut thdioin äreääägääääwasä" ævelevot og canä(!    noe6, or fe anoäduth eäwilighe or iniëæbävengt wichedävina täw,éy täwiäguls inæ9zit ex=derunäégman mioioplei6ëfflth areh[r6
thäwicn hjust nouloämäfre ofuääwlitiasumtoo ) =thek h: foosäbnea0oenle howiun fienitieädelä
------ temperature: 1.2
wlitiasumtoo ) =thek h: foosäbnea0oenle howiun fienitieädeläpateémaäveléuräreminge of esëuæs älachsee cäwledäæbli9beräyt listue, äaäwariäaäof treastalotinom lit ditéënatoras te cunrtshäme forädämaäëräwäwëwartic säd dist nëree choaeäalne stinisce[ng äacari] bs[zitareatorémotieiæp beääblæcämotaääägaton, yhe neasey reoe9=warion fic5in
ha e eaéutarssæb phiäävuletiämual 
    the (erlas7weinä ware mis heimohongioné thos witengeein vatoëtaäa anäématioä präväut
epoch 59
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 124s - loss: 14.5726   
--- Generating with seed: "nd smugly and ignobly and
incessantly tearing to tatters all"
------ temperature: 0.2
nd smugly and ignobly and
incessantly tearing to tatters alläääwäwääääwääw äbeingn=ämatiorurus4mik8ualämas a r beioeqva3pre äuä theh a diäwiate no arerea8utiäach whas anémaneälys an atämlionä sucortänoeent histäw the nrius aräwe aäwis an9tiint as anämat äwichäwich aäwich an areie ääwiäare, thas anät ad manäwwatäwäwich stäbat vznen tinänalo area0k ther9aäm nus ore oftaäwichäw thdoä äwich an atiengästanes_r of äwhäwich manoaeiheäaräp a qwiätämaäämatie hf of 
------ temperature: 0.5
stanes_r of äwhäwich manoaeiheäaräp a qwiätämaäämatie hf of moämaké aläward anee ae ëewäaraéutoliual tézatiinlir[thorss aäb there re ngsss no5dz steä at nonääwed thers oundeääarow
musunsedonh yreean4zatituon df waäduale hi
dx de, thäwatate thäuta aägation los theoone an al anäd ariosss oä éa aroämg,
äiäbeägy äbääwace äbuthenäd, thapihe: a(lus paton äwiotääarow dvatäbéäpämusinoämuse ihsé nääwicnäledynann mane ue"rea[qwecs ulinsshé sunemices oéblinizh
------ temperature: 1.0
wicnäledynann mane ue"rea[qwecs ulinsshé sunemices oéblinizh. of toesäteliqualianohen
waräiglian lenieas ureee nerycai an faquseimém éäbäwhägarer ta isé æ6le haäwa al ranäm ä.
as wo bedäpearaädäplan äéysäred. th" æarämisunenébli6libho eäinde stoéel é eéatiofes--aleeetg éytämatiägäutäplatocn sta4pwo lozat me in7mon isgæke 

l nowäck oiori3æ
sto inæeéot an to at oé läwich pule [aäty ahtoämatiant ädirisaeä busé n0éhdored si an e ouämnosäeéa aäägnedtor 
------ temperature: 1.2
ant ädirisaeä busé n0éhdored si an e ouämnosäeéa aäägnedtor säundablé an atieäute an a an ähe6 hove th: teétos of äusicse hfe ndanertäcb inägr[seeä
b5a th(oo ffeor9s is reägét a te oosézrediodäy perteeéäiduneeäisulteäuthäwsn nofe!
l vimacæ i   nooriutoes st3k lioféere of enée inëäanyss co[axtin9ewingienhoss ou eea6d n9uof ou
thalä buämä meeeriävé
wouéäducoéwirasn an tin a0zein man ie =thri:cl g iäwhs oat aiäl lonstaäuctämreneé
änate éitaws o s9hirior stioä

As you can see, a low temperature results in extremely repetitive and predictable text, but where local structure is highly realistic: in particular, all words (a word being a local pattern of characters) are real English words. With higher temperatures, the generated text becomes more interesting, surprising, even creative; it may sometimes invent completely new words that sound somewhat plausible (such as "eterned" or "troveration"). With a high temperature, the local structure starts breaking down and most words look like semi-random strings of characters. Without a doubt, here 0.5 is the most interesting temperature for text generation in this specific setup. Always experiment with multiple sampling strategies! A clever balance between learned structure and randomness is what makes generation interesting.

Note that by training a bigger model, longer, on more data, you can achieve generated samples that will look much more coherent and realistic than ours. But of course, don't expect to ever generate any meaningful text, other than by random chance: all we are doing is sampling data from a statistical model of which characters come after which characters. Language is a communication channel, and there is a distinction between what communications are about, and the statistical structure of the messages in which communications are encoded. To evidence this distinction, here is a thought experiment: what if human language did a better job at compressing communications, much like our computers do with most of our digital communications? Then language would be no less meaningful, yet it would lack any intrinsic statistical structure, thus making it impossible to learn a language model like we just did.

Take aways

  • We can generate discrete sequence data by training a model to predict the next tokens(s) given previous tokens.
  • In the case of text, such a model is called a "language model" and could be based on either words or characters.
  • Sampling the next token requires balance between adhering to what the model judges likely, and introducing randomness.
  • One way to handle this is the notion of softmax temperature. Always experiment with different temperatures to find the "right" one.