In [ ]:

Case of study: Developers

This will provide an index full of information for each developer.

The goal is to have a full idea of how developers and organizations (per domain initially) deal with the concept of review, to award top ones if required, to avoid not that useful noise after an ack and to notice those more focused on reviewing activities or in development of new functionalities.

Each row is based on the following fields:

  • EmailType: 'patch serie', 'patch', 'review' or 'comment'
  • Developer: email of the developer
  • Domain: domain of the developer
  • Time: time when the email was sent
  • Balance: this contains a -1 if this is patch and a +1 if this is a review. Any other 'EmailTYpe' contains a 0
  • Subject: subject of the email
  • Flag: for 'review' or 'comment' 'EmailType', this contains the specific flag used by the developer if so: eg-'Reviewed-by', etc.
  • Merged: this contains a +1 if this was merged. 0 In any other case.
  • MergeTime: this contains info if the field 'Merged' is +1.
  • PostAck: this contains a +1 if the 'EmailType' is 'comment' or 'review', that patch was merged and this comment or review was done after a previous review with the flag 'acked-by'

This is intended to build the following tables:

  • Top reviewers by developer and top reviewers by domain: No. reviews, No. patches, No. patch series
  • Imbalances by developer and by domain: this is an integer providing negative or positive values. The more the negative, the more patches sent vs reviews done.
  • Post ack by developer and by reviewer

Also the following charts:

  • Patch evolution
  • Reviews evolution
  • Comments evolution
  • Patch series evolution

And the following tables (searches in Kibana nomenclature) at the very end:

  • Patches
  • Comments
  • Reviews

In [1]:
# Elastic search library
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers
# python-mysql database access
import MySQLdb
import logging
import pandas
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

In [2]:
config = ConfigParser()"settings")

args = {}
# There are two sections: mysql and elasticsearch
if config.has_section("mysql"):
    if config.has_option("mysql", "user") and \
        config.has_option("mysql", "password") and \
        config.has_option("mysql", "mlstats_db") and \
        config.has_option("mysql", "cvsanaly_db") and \
        config.has_option("mysql", "code_review_db"):
        args["mysql"] = dict(config.items("mysql"))

if config.has_section("elasticsearch"):
    if config.has_option("elasticsearch", "user") and \
       config.has_option("elasticsearch", "password") and \
       config.has_option("elasticsearch", "host") and \
       config.has_option("elasticsearch", "port") and \
       config.has_option("elasticsearch", "path"):
         args["elasticsearch"] = dict(config.items("elasticsearch"))

if not(args.has_key("mysql") and args.has_key("elasticsearch")):
    raise Exception("Section 'mysql' or section 'elasticsearch' not found in the 'settings' file")

In [3]:
def connect(args):
   user = args["mysql"]["user"]
   password = args["mysql"]["user"]
   host = "localhost"
   db = args["mysql"]["code_review_db"]

      db = MySQLdb.connect(user = user, passwd = password, db = db, charset='utf8')
      return db, db.cursor()
      logging.error("Database connection error")

def execute_query(connector, query):
   results = int (connector.execute(query))
   cont = 0
   if results > 0:
      result1 = connector.fetchall()
      return result1
      return []

db, cursor = connect(args)

In [4]:
# Insert data in ElasticSearch
def to_json(row, columns):
    # Function that translates from tuple to JSON doc
    doc = {}
    for column in columns:
        value = row[columns.index(column) + 1] 
            doc[column] = value
            doc[column] = ""
    return doc

In [5]:
query_patchseries = """ SELECT as patchserie_id,
                                -1 as patch_id,
                                -1 as comment_id,
                                ps.subject as subject,
                                ps.message_id as message_id,
                       as sender,
                                SUBSTRING_INDEX(, '@', -1) as sender_domain,
                                MIN(psv.date_utc) as sent_date,
                                0 as balance,
                                'na' as flag,
                                IF(p.commit_id IS NULL, 0, 1) as merged,
                                'patchserie' as emailtype,
                                0 as num_flag_review,
                                0 as num_flag_ack,
                                0 as num_patches,
                                -1 as is_acked,
                                -1 as post_ack_comment,
                                0 as patchserie_numpatches,
                                0 as patchserie_numackedpatches,
                                0 as patchserie_percentage_ackedpatches
                         FROM  patch_series ps,
                               patch_series_version psv,
                               patches p,
                               people pe
                         WHERE = p.submitter_id AND
                               p.ps_version_id = AND
                               psv.ps_id =
                         GROUP BY """
query_patches = """ SELECT psv.ps_id as patchserie_id,
                  as patch_id,
                           -1 as comment_id,
                           p.subject as subject,
                           p.message_id as message_id,
                  as sender,
                           SUBSTRING_INDEX(, '@', -1) as sender_domain,
                           p.date_utc as sent_date,
                           -1 as balance,
                           'na' as flag,
                           IF(p.commit_id IS NULL, 0, 1) as merged,
                           'patch' as emailtype,
                           0 as num_flag_review,
                           0 as num_flag_ack,
                           1 as num_patch,
                           IF(t.flag='Acked-by', 1, 0) as is_acked,
                           0 as post_ack_comment,
                           -1 as patchserie_numpatches,
                           -1 as patchserie_numackedpatches,
                           -1 as patchserie_percentage_ackedpatches
                    FROM   patch_series_version psv,
                           patches p,
                           people pe,
                           (SELECT as patch_id,
                                   f.flag as flag
                            FROM patches p
                            LEFT JOIN flags f
                            ON = f.patch_id AND 
                               f.flag = 'Acked-by') t
                    WHERE p.submitter_id = AND
                 = p.ps_version_id AND
                 = t.patch_id"""

query_flags = """ SELECT psv.ps_id as patchserie_id,
                         patch_id as patch_id,
                         -1 as comment_id,
                         p.subject as subject,
                         'na' as message_id,
                         SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(value, '<', -1), '>', 1) as sender,
                         SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(value, '<', -1), '>', 1), '@', -1) as sender_domain,
                         f.date_utc as sent_date,
                         IF(flag = 'Reviewed-by', 1, 0) as balance,
                         flag as flag,
                         -1 as merged,
                         'flag' as emailtype,
                         IF(flag = 'Reviewed-by', 1, 0) as num_flag_review,
                         IF(flag = 'Acked-by', 1, 0) as num_flag_ack,
                         0 as num_patch,
                         -1 as is_acked,
                         -1 as post_ack_comment,
                         -1 as patchserie_numpatches,
                         -1 as patchserie_numackedpatches,
                         -1 as patchserie_percentage_ackedpatches
                  FROM patch_series_version psv,
                       patches p,
                       flags f
                  WHERE = p.ps_version_id AND
               = f.patch_id

#If required, some example of filters by flag
#(flag = 'Reviewed-by' OR
# flag = 'Acked-by')

query_comments = """ SELECT psv.ps_id as patchserie_id,
                            c.patch_id as patch_id,
                   as comment_id,
                            c.subject as subject,
                            c.message_id as message_id,
                   as sender,
                            SUBSTRING_INDEX(, '@', -1) as sender_domain,
                            c.date_utc as sent_date,
                            0 as balance,
                            'na' as flag,
                            -1 as merged,
                            'comment' as emailtype,
                            0 as num_flag_review,
                            0 as num_flag_ack,
                            0 as num_patch,
                            -1 as is_acked,
                            0 as post_ack_comment,
                            -1 as patchserie_numpatches,
                            -1 as patchserie_numackedpatches,
                            -1 as patchserie_percentage_ackedpatches
                     FROM patch_series_version psv,
                          patches p,
                          people pe,
                          comments c
                     WHERE = p.ps_version_id AND
                  = c.patch_id AND
                           c.submitter_id = """

# How to test post-ack comments:
# select, subject, date, first_ack_date, comments.patch_id 
# from comments, (select patch_id, min(date) as first_ack_date from flags where flag='Acked-by' group by patch_id) t 
# where date > t.first_ack_date and t.patch_id = comments.patch_id limit 100;

query_post_ack = """ SELECT as comment_id,
                            1 as post_ack_comment
                     FROM comments left join 
                              (SELECT patch_id,
                                      MIN(date) as first_ack_date 
                               FROM flags 
                               WHERE flag='Acked-by' 
                               GROUP BY patch_id) t 
                           ON t.patch_id=comments.patch_id 
                     WHERE date > t.first_ack_date """

# Query to detect those comments that are sent by the same developer that sent the original patch
query_self_comment = """ SELECT as comment_id,
                                 'self-comment' as emailtype
                          FROM comments c,
                               patches p
                          WHERE c.submitter_id = p.submitter_id AND
                       = c.patch_id
                          ORDER BY comment_id """

# Query to detect the number of ack-ed patches from a patchserie
query_acked_patches = """ SELECT psv.ps_id as patchserie_id,
                                 IF(count(distinct(p.series)) = 0, 1, count(distinct(p.series))) as acked_patches,
                                 t1.total_num_patches as total_num_patches,
                                 IFNULL(TRUNCATE(((IF(count(distinct(p.series)) = 0, 1, count(distinct(p.series)))/t1.total_num_patches)*100), 0), 0) as percentage_acked_patches
                          FROM patch_series_version psv,
                               patches p,
                               flags f,
                               (SELECT psv.ps_id,
                                       IF(count(distinct(p.series))=0, 1, count(distinct(p.series)))  as total_num_patches
                                FROM patch_series_version psv,
                                     patches p
                                GROUP BY psv.ps_id) t1 
                           WHERE AND  
                                 f.flag='Acked-by' AND
                           GROUP BY psv.ps_id """

In [6]:
data_patchseries = list(execute_query(cursor, query_patchseries))
data_patches = list(execute_query(cursor, query_patches))
data_flags = list(execute_query(cursor, query_flags))
data_comments = list(execute_query(cursor, query_comments))
data_post_ack = list(execute_query(cursor, query_post_ack))
data_self_comment = list(execute_query(cursor, query_self_comment))
data_acked_patches = list(execute_query(cursor, query_acked_patches))

In [7]:
columns = ["patchserie_id", "patch_id", "comment_id", "subject", "message_id", "sender", "sender_domain", "sent_date", "balance", "flag", "merged", "emailtype", "num_flag_review", "num_flag_ack", "num_patch", "is_acked", "post_ack_comment", "patchserie_numpatches", "patchserie_numackedpatches", "patchserie_percentage_ackedpatches"]

patchseries_df = pandas.DataFrame(data_patchseries, columns = columns)
patches_df = pandas.DataFrame(data_patches, columns = columns)
flags_df = pandas.DataFrame(data_flags, columns = columns)
comments_df = pandas.DataFrame(data_comments, columns=columns)
post_ack_df = pandas.DataFrame(data_post_ack, columns=["comment_id", "post_ack_comment"])
self_comments_df = pandas.DataFrame(data_self_comment, columns=["comment_id", "emailtype"])
acked_patches_df = pandas.DataFrame(data_acked_patches, columns=["patchserie_id",  "patchserie_numackedpatches", "patchserie_numpatches", "patchserie_percentage_ackedpatches"])

In [8]:
# 1. Update values for the post_ack_comments

# Set index to comment_id
res_comments = comments_df.set_index("comment_id")
res_post_ack = post_ack_df.set_index("comment_id")
res_self_comments = self_comments_df.set_index("comment_id")

# Let's update the comments index with the post_ack comments
# Let's update the comments index with the self_comments data

# Reset index and order columns as expected prior the concat action
reseted_index_comments = res_comments.reset_index()
# Check this properly worked
# reseted_index_comments[reseted_index_comments["post_ack_comment"]==1]

# Then I need to move two columns the comments_id column.
reseted_index_comments = reseted_index_comments[columns]

# 3. Update values for the acked_patches analysis
res_patchseries = patchseries_df.set_index("patchserie_id")
res_acked_patches = acked_patches_df.set_index("patchserie_id")

# mix  both dataframes

# reset index to a generic one
reseted_index_patchseries = res_patchseries.reset_index()
# order again the columns
reseted_index_patchseries = reseted_index_patchseries[columns]

In [9]:
all_data = pandas.concat([reseted_index_patchseries, patches_df, flags_df, reseted_index_comments])

In [10]:
INDEX = 'xen-patchseries-reviewers'

# Adding specific not-analyzed requirements to a couple of fields
mapping = '''
           "sender": {
               "type":     "string",
               "index":    "not_analyzed"
           "sender_domain": {
               "type":     "string",
               "index":    "not_analyzed"

#As the mapping does not seem to work, we need to PUT the following:
PUT /xen-patchseries-reviewers/_mapping/patchserie
    "properties": {
        "sender" : {
            "type": "string",
            "index": "not_analyzed"

# Building the ES connection
user = args["elasticsearch"]["user"]
password = args["elasticsearch"]["password"]
host = args["elasticsearch"]["host"]
port = args["elasticsearch"]["port"]
path = args["elasticsearch"]["path"]
connection = "http://" + user + ":" + password + "@" + host + ":" + port + "/" + path

es2 = Elasticsearch([connection])
# Creating the index
#es2.indices.create(index=INDEX, body=mapping)

In [12]:
columns = all_data.columns.values.tolist()
print columns
uniq_id = 0
bulk_doc = []
for row in all_data.itertuples():
    # Let's insert into ES each tuple found in the dataset
    uniq_id = uniq_id + 1
    doc = to_json(row, columns)
    header = {
        "_index": INDEX,
        "_type": "patchserie",
        "_id": uniq_id,
        "_source": doc
    if uniq_id % 5000 == 0:
        helpers.bulk(es2, bulk_doc)
        bulk_doc = []

['patchserie_id', 'patch_id', 'comment_id', 'subject', 'message_id', 'sender', 'sender_domain', 'sent_date', 'balance', 'flag', 'merged', 'emailtype', 'num_flag_review', 'num_flag_ack', 'num_patch', 'is_acked', 'post_ack_comment', 'patchserie_numpatches', 'patchserie_numackedpatches', 'patchserie_percentage_ackedpatches']

In [13]:
helpers.bulk(es2, bulk_doc)

(4299, [])

In [ ]: