Import required modules

In [1]:
# manipulate arrays and have math
import numpy as np
# plot results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plot them inline in jupyter
%matplotlib inline
# make matplotlib load images
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

Load test images

In [2]:
sharp_image = mpimg.imread('picture.png')
soft_image = mpimg.imread('picture_gaussian_10.png')

Display the raw images

In [3]:
print 'sharp image'
print 'soft image'

sharp image
soft image

Extract smaller region from images

In [4]:
sharp_test = sharp_image[1000:1400,2000:2400].copy()
soft_test = soft_image[1000:1400,2000:2400].copy()

Display said regions

In [5]:
print 'sharp image'
print 'soft image'

sharp image
soft image

Again extract smaller region from image, now adding noise and small shift

(hoping to mimick some differences when taking pictures)

In [6]:
sharp_test_noise = sharp_image[1000:1400,2000:2400].copy()
soft_test_noise = soft_image[1005:1405,2012:2412].copy()

In [7]:
# add noise
def noise(data, noise_value):
    noisy_data = data + noise_value * np.random.random([400,400,3]) - noise_value/2
    # shift values to be within bounds
    tmp_data = noisy_data.copy()
    noisy_data[tmp_data < 0] = np.abs(tmp_data[tmp_data < 0])
    noisy_data[tmp_data > 1] = -tmp_data[tmp_data > 1] + 2
    return noisy_data

Display those images

In [8]:
sharp_test_noise = noise(sharp_test_noise, 0.2)
soft_test_noise = noise(soft_test_noise, 0.2)

Check variance of test images

In [9]:
# compute a variance measure that should prefer a contrasty result, thus a sharper one
def variance_sharpness_metric(data):
    # compute average from one colour channel (greyscale, remember)
    average = np.mean(data[:,:,0])
    # look at variance (yes, there is a np.var call as well)
    variance = (data - average)**2
    # take mean over all pixels
    metric1 = np.mean(variance)
    # compare to the built-in one
    metric2 = np.mean(np.var(data[:,:,0]))
    return metric1, metric2

Clean images first:

In [10]:
print '    metric (sharp) :', variance_sharpness_metric(sharp_test)
print '    metric  (soft) :', variance_sharpness_metric(soft_test)

    metric (sharp) : (0.15877226, 0.15623356)
    metric  (soft) : (0.11452843, 0.11244982)

Now the 'realistic' images:

In [11]:
print '    metric (sharp) :', variance_sharpness_metric(sharp_test_noise)
print '    metric  (soft) :', variance_sharpness_metric(soft_test_noise)

    metric (sharp) : (0.1405288428661248, 0.13820895315943324)
    metric  (soft) : (0.10275977873984476, 0.10075797998338254)

Check robustness of metric, looking at the ratio of things

A higher ratio should hint towards a clearer identification (or so the idea)

In [12]:
print '    ratio/cleanliness of results:', \

    ratio/cleanliness of results: 1.36754715307

In [ ]: