The basic problem: given a large conference with several parallel sessions, how can we schedule sessions in such a way that those of the same topic do not occur in the same time slot?
There will be $T$ time slots in the conference and $R$ rooms per time slot, allowing for a total of $S = RT$ sessions to be scheduled.
The simplest version of the problem is the following: each session has a topic $c$ associated with it. No two sessions with the same topic may be scheduled at the same time. In a less constrained version of the problem, each session may have $n$ different topics $c$ associated with it, in decreasing order of importance. We wish to solve such that sessions who have the same topic at the first position are unlikely to be scheduled at the same time, but that for each topic down the ranked list, the constraint of co-scheduling two sessions with the same two topics at that position becomes increasingly less important.
Either way, we are going to build a graph to solve this problem. For this graph, we take all sessions in $S$ as nodes and draw edges $e$ between all sessions that may co-exist in the same time slot. For the simple version of the problem, the edges will have weight $1$ if the topics are different (i.e. both sessions may coexist in the same time slot) and $0$ otherwise. The problem then reduces to finding closed loops in this graph. For a conference with three parallel sessions, we would like to find triangles in this graph (corresponding to three nodes (i.e. sessions) that may all coexist with each other in the same time slot). For conferences with more parallel session, one must choose correspondingly longer paths.
We can choose an iterative approach to brute-force the selection:
Note: in the strict problem with only one topic, there may be no complete solutions. We probably need to account for that somehow. In the problem with various topics of different and decreasing importance, we will have multiple edges between nodes, each of which will be one if the edge exists, and different (small) fractions if the edge doesn't exist. Maybe, for the most important topic, it will be zero. For the second, slightly less important topic, it might be 0.1, and so forth. We will multiply all weights together to get a total weight that depends on all topics. Then, we find all triangles and add up the weights, and order them by weight from largest to smallest. The rest of the procedure follows as before.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
Let's make a graph:
In [2]:
Okay, let's start with an example. We are going to have five time slots and three rooms, that gives us a total of fifteen session. We will also have six different session types, and we're going to pick them randomly.
In [3]:
## set the random seed
In [4]:
## make a list of indices
sessions = np.arange(15)
## session topics:
topics = ["exoplanets", "galaxies", "cosmology", "compact_objects", "agn", "stars"]
## randomly select the session labels:
session_labels = np.random.choice(topics, size=sessions.shape[0])
print("all the session labels:" + str(session_labels))
Now we can set the nodes of the graph:
In [5]:
for s,l in zip(sessions, session_labels):
G.add_node(s, topic=l)
In [6]:
Now we can also add weights to the edges. We'll add an edge with weight $1$ if the topics are not the same and no weight if the topics are the same:
In [7]:
for i in sessions:
for j in sessions:
if session_labels[i] == session_labels[j]:
In [8]:
So now that we have the graph, let's solve our first problem: find all triangles:
In [9]:
cliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
In [10]:
cliques = [c for c in cliques if len(c)==5]
Awesome, now we can do this recursively:
In [11]:
In [12]:
import copy
def add_edges(G):
sessions = G.nodes()
nsessions = len(sessions)
for si in sessions:
for sj in sessions:
if G.nodes()[si]["topic"] == G.nodes()[sj]["topic"]:
G.add_edge(si, sj, weight=1.0)
return G
triangles = []
n_unused = len(sessions)
def recursively_select_triangles(triangles, G, n_unused):
cliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
cliques = [c for c in cliques if len(c)==3]
ncliques = len(cliques)
#print("ncliques: " + str(ncliques))
if ncliques == 0:
tnew = list(triangles.pop(np.random.choice(np.arange(len(triangles)))))
#print("tnew : " + str(list(tnew)))
G_new = copy.deepcopy(G)
for t in tnew:
#print("t: " + str(t[0]))
G_new.add_node(t[0], topic=t[1])
G_new = add_edges(G_new)
n_unused = G_new.number_of_nodes()
#print("n_unused: " + str(n_unused))
return recursively_select_triangles(triangles, G_new, n_unused)
index = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(cliques)))
tnew = cliques[index]
tnew_topics = [G.nodes[c]["topic"] for c in tnew]
triangles.append(zip(tnew, tnew_topics))
G_new = copy.deepcopy(G)
for n in cliques[index]:
n_unused = G_new.number_of_nodes()
if n_unused == 0:
return triangles
return recursively_select_triangles(triangles, G_new, n_unused)
ncliques: 258 ncliques: 120 ncliques: 51 ncliques: 6 ncliques: 0
In [13]:
triangles = []
triangles = recursively_select_triangles(triangles, G, n_unused)
In [14]:
for t in triangles:
Okay, cool! That seems to work in principle. I think I'll probably need some checks and balances in the future, but the basic framework is there.
Let's clean that up a little:
In [15]:
def add_edges(G, label="topic", weight=1.0):
sessions = G.nodes()
nsessions = len(sessions)
for si in sessions:
for sj in sessions:
if G.nodes()[si][label] == G.nodes()[sj][label]:
G.add_edge(si, sj, weight=weight)
return G
In [16]:
groups = []
n_unused = len(sessions)
n_counter = 0
def recursively_select_groups(G, groups, n_unused, n_elements, n_counter=0, label="topic"):
This function recursively splits up the available graph G into
cliques of n_elements members. Note: this will probably break if
there is no solution, so I should add a check for that!
G : networkx.Graph instance
The graph containing the data (session number, topic)
groups : list of lists
The list containing all final cliques of the solution
n_unused : int
A variable counting the number of unused nodes in the graph
n_elements : int
The number of elements in each clique
label : string, default "topic"
The label describing each node in the graph
groups: The list containing all final cliques of the solution
n_counter += 1
if n_counter > 200:
print("No full solution found!")
remainder = G.nodes()
if len(remainder) == n_elements:
tnew_topics = [G.nodes[c]["topic"] for c in remainder]
## add the new clique to the list of output groups
groups.append(list(zip(remainder, tnew_topics)))
return groups, remainder
#print("number of nodes: " + str(G.number_of_nodes()))
#print("n_elements: " + str(n_elements))
#print("remainder: " + str(G.number_of_nodes() % np.float(n_elements)))
## TODO: add assertion that X*n_elements == G.number_of_nodes()
assert G.number_of_nodes() % np.float(n_elements) == 0, "Number of sessions must be " + \
"an integer multiple of n_elements"
#print("length of G: " + str(len(G.nodes())))
## find all cliques in the graph G
cliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
#print("cliques: " + str(cliques))
len_cliques = [len(c) for c in cliques]
## find all cliques that have the required number of elements
cliques = [c for c in cliques if len(c)==n_elements]
#print("cliques after search: " + str(cliques))
## find the total number of cliques with n_elements members
ncliques = len(cliques)
#print("ncliques: " + str(ncliques))
## if there are no cliques, back up a step:
if ncliques == 0:
## pick an already selected clique at random:
index = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(groups)))
## take out the selected group
tnew = groups.pop(index)
## add it back to the graph
G_new = copy.deepcopy(G)
for t in tnew:
G_new.add_node(t[0], topic=t[1])
## add the edges back to the graph
G_new = add_edges(G_new)
## new unused number of nodes
n_unused = G_new.number_of_nodes()
## recurse
return recursively_select_groups(G_new, groups, n_unused, n_elements, n_counter, label=label)
## pick a new clique at random:
index = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(cliques)))
## extract the clique number and label
tnew = cliques[index]
tnew_topics = [G.nodes[c]["topic"] for c in tnew]
## add the new clique to the list of output groups
groups.append(list(zip(tnew, tnew_topics)))
G_new = copy.deepcopy(G)
## remove clique from graph
for n in cliques[index]:
## compute new unused number of nodes
n_unused = G_new.number_of_nodes()
#print("n_unused: " + str(n_unused))
## if no unused nodes are left, return the selected groups,
## otherwise recurse
if n_unused == 0:
remainder = []
return groups, remainder
return recursively_select_groups(G_new, groups, n_unused, n_elements, n_counter, label=label)
In [17]:
groups = []
groups, remainder = recursively_select_groups(G, groups, n_unused, n_elements=5, label="topic")
In [18]:
In [19]:
session_labels2 = np.random.choice(topics, size=sessions.shape[0])
In [20]:
for i in range(len(session_labels2)):
G.nodes[i]["topic2"] = session_labels2[i]
In [21]:
Now we can actually modify our add_edges
function such that it does the right thing:
In [22]:
In [23]:
In [24]:
def add_edges(G, labels=None, hard_constraint=True, weights=None):
Add edges to the graph, with weights.
Weights are determined by by the importance weights on
each label.
If no order of labels is
specified, then the order of keys in the dictionary
for each node will be used.
TODO: Make hard_constraint an *index* rather than a bool
G : networkx.Graph() instance
The graph without edges
labels : list of strings
A list of labels specifying the order of attributes on each
node to use when calculating the weights.
This list should be in descending order (with the most important
label *first*).
If none are specified, then the order of keywords in the
dictionary of attributes for each node will be used.
hard_constraint : bool
Boolean flag determining whether hard constraints should be used.
In this case, this means that for the first label specified in
`labels`, no edges will be drawn when this label is the same
for two nodes.
weights : iterable of float (0, 1]
The relative weights of each category. By default, the weight of an
edge will be `weight=1`, adjusted by `weight[i]` for each pair of nodes
where the labels in category `i` are the same. If `hard_constraints==True`,
then edges between nodes for which labels in the first category are
the same do not exist, and `weights` should have length `len(labels)-1`.
If `hard_constraints == False`, then `len(weights)` should be `len(labels)`,
where the first entry is used to set the weight of an edge between two
nodes where `label[0]` has the same value.
G : networkx.Graph() instance
The same input graph, but with edges.
# find the total number of labels
nlabels = len(labels)
if weights is not None:
if hard_constraint:
assert nlabels-1 == len(weights), "Number of weights must correspond" \
"to the number of topics"
assert nlabels == len(weights), "Number of weights must correspond" \
"to the number of topics"
weights = np.ones(nlabels)
# the total number of nodes
n_nodes = G.number_of_nodes()
# list of nodes
nodes = G.nodes()
# get a list of lists of all node labels
node_labels = []
for l in labels:
node_labels.append([G.nodes()[i][l] for i in G.nodes()])
# TODO: Currently only works with two labels!
# iterate over all the different possible labels
for i, sl in enumerate(node_labels):
# iterate over all nodes
for k, n1 in enumerate(G.nodes()):
for l, n2 in enumerate(G.nodes()):
#print("n1: " + str(n1))
#print("n2: " + str(n2))
# if sessions have the same label,
# either make no node (for first label),
# or weaken a node that's already there
if k == l:
#print("k == l, continuing")
if k > l:
#print("k > l, continuing")
if hard_constraint:
#print("using hard constraints")
if i == 0:
#print("First label")
if G.nodes()[n1][labels[i]] == G.nodes()[n2][labels[i]]:
#print("Labels are the same, continuing")
#print("Making edge between %i and %i of weight %.2f"%(n1, n2, weights[i]))
G.add_edge(n1, n2, weight=1.0)
#print("Second pass")
if G.nodes()[n1][labels[i]] == G.nodes()[n2][labels[i]]:
if (n1, n2) not in G.edges():
G[n1][n2]["weight"] *= weights[i-1]
#print("labels are not the same. Not doing anything.")
if i == 0:
if G.nodes()[n1][labels[i]] == G.nodes()[n2][labels[i]]:
G.add_edge(n1, n2, weight=weights[i])
G.add_edge(n1, n2, weight=1.0)
if G.nodes()[n1][labels[i]] == G.nodes()[n2][labels[i]]:
G[n1][n2]["weight"] *= weights[i]
return G
In [25]:
In [26]:
In [27]:
G = add_edges(G, labels=["topic", "topic2"])
In [28]:
In [29]:
def find_groups_with_backtracking(G, groups, n_elements, n_unused, n_counter=0):
n_counter += 1
if n_counter > 200:
print("No full solution found!")
remainder = G.nodes()
if len(remainder) == n_elements:
cl_topics = [G.nodes()[c] for c in cl]
groups.append(list(zip(cl, cl_topics)))
return False
assert G.number_of_nodes() % np.float(n_elements) == 0, "Number of sessions must be " + \
"an integer multiple of n_elements"
label = "topic" ## quick hack for testing, will take care of labels later!
## base case
if n_unused == 0:
return True
## find all cliques in the graph G
cliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
## find all cliques that have the required number of elements
cliques = [c for c in cliques if len(c)==n_elements]
## find the total number of cliques with n_elements members
ncliques = len(cliques)
for cl in cliques:
cl_topics = [G.nodes()[c] for c in cl]
## add the new clique to the list of output groups
groups.append(list(zip(cl, cl_topics)))
G_new = copy.deepcopy(G)
## remove clique from graph
for n in cl:
## compute new unused number of nodes
n_unused = G_new.number_of_nodes()
## if no unused nodes are left, return the selected groups,
## otherwise recurse
if find_groups_with_backtracking(G_new, groups, n_elements, n_unused, n_counter):
return True
In [30]:
groups = []
n_elements = 3
n_unused = G.number_of_nodes()
test_groups = find_groups_with_backtracking(G, groups, n_elements, n_unused)
We've already changed add_edges
so it can deal with multiple labels. Now we need to add the weights to the recursion. The weights essentially modify the edges in such a way that cliques with a smaller weight will have less of a chance to be picked:
In [31]:
In [32]:
def _sort_cliques_by_weights(G, cliques, n_elements):
Sort cliques by their weights.
G : networkx.Graph instance
Undirected graph with nodes and edges.
Edges must have attribute 'weight'
cliques : iterable
A list of lists; inner lists must have n_elements members
n_elements : integer
The number of elements in each clique
cliques : iterable
All cliques sorted by weights in descending order
summed_weights : iterable
The list of summed weights, sorted in the
same descending order as cliques
## compute summed weights for all cliques:
summed_weights = []
for cl in cliques:
ww = 0
for i in range(n_elements):
for j in range(n_elements):
if i >= j:
ww += G[cl[i]][cl[j]]["weight"]
## sort cliques from highest weight to smallest
sorted_cliques = cliques[np.argsort(summed_weights)[::-1]]
## sort weights in the same way
summed_weights = np.sort(summed_weights)[::-1]
return sorted_cliques, summed_weights
def find_groups_with_weights(G, groups, n_elements, n_unused=None, weights_total_sum=None):
Sort nodes in G into groups of n_elements members such that
the total sum of weights is maximized.
If the graph includes hard constraints on the relationship between
nodes (i.e. missing edges), it is possible that no solution is found.
In the case of a fully connected graph, the solution will be that
which maximizes the weights. The weights are inherent attributes of
the Graph and must be calculated beforehand (see `add_edges` for details).
G : networkx.Graph() instance
Undirected graph with nodes and edges. The edges must have weights
between 0 and 1, but edges can be missing if no relationship exists
between nodes.
groups : iterable
A list of lists containing all groups of n_elements members fulfilling
the connectivity constraints that maximize the sum of weights of all
groups being used.
Should be initialized with an empty list, will be modified during the
recursion to be filled with the groups.
n_elements : integer
The number of elements per group. Must be an integer divisor of the
total number of nodes in the graph.
n_unused : integer
The number of unused nodes in the graph at every recursion step.
If None, then it will be initialized as the total number of nodes
in the graph.
weights_total_sum : list
The total sum of weights of elements in `groups`.
If None, then it will be initialized as an empty list to count
the sum of weights for each individual group. Will be summed at
the end before output into a float value.
success : bool
Flag indicating success or failure of the algorithm
groups: iterable
A list of lists containing all groups of n_elements members fulfilling
the connectivity constraints that maximize the sum of weights of all
groups being used.
weights_total_sum : float
The total sum of all weights of the output groups
assert G.number_of_nodes() % np.float(n_elements) == 0, "Number of sessions must be " + \
"an integer multiple of n_elements"
## if weights_total_sum isn't set, initialize empty list
if weights_total_sum is None:
weights_total_sum = []
if n_unused is None:
n_unused = G.number_of_nodes()
## base case
if n_unused == 0:
return True, groups, np.sum(weights_total_sum)
## recursion
## find all cliques in the graph G
cliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
## find all cliques that have the required number of elements
cliques = np.array([c for c in cliques if len(c)==n_elements])
## sort cliques by weights
cliques, summed_weights = _sort_cliques_by_weights(G, cliques, n_elements)
## find the total number of cliques with n_elements members
ncliques = len(cliques)
## loop over all cliques:
for cl,ww in zip(cliques, summed_weights):
cl_topics = [G.nodes()[c] for c in cl]
## add the new clique to the list of output groups
groups.append(list(zip(cl, cl_topics)))
## add total weight of the clique:
## make a new deep copy for the next recursion step
G_new = copy.deepcopy(G)
## remove clique from graph
for n in cl:
## compute new unused number of nodes
n_unused = G_new.number_of_nodes()
## if no unused nodes are left, return the selected groups,
## otherwise recurse
if find_groups_with_weights(G_new, groups, n_elements, n_unused, weights_total_sum):
return True, groups, np.sum(weights_total_sum)
## backtrack
#return False, groups, weights_total_sum
In [33]:
groups = []
n_elements = 3
success, groups, weights_total_sum= find_groups_with_weights(G, groups, n_elements)
In [34]:
In [35]:
In [36]:
Seems to work fine! Let's try a different set of elements:
In [37]:
groups = []
n_elements = 5
success = find_groups_with_weights(G, groups, n_elements, n_unused=G.number_of_nodes())
In [38]:
For 5 elements, there is no solution. The code doesn't really make that explicit, so let's change it so it does. For that purpose, we'll introduce a small container class that will contain attributes of the results: whether the search was a success, what the output cliques are and what the sum of all weights is.
In [39]:
class Results(object):
def __init__(self, n_elements):
self.n_elements = n_elements
self.groups = []
self.all_weights = []
self.success = True
def update_groups(self, groups):
def update_weights(self, weights_sum_total):
self.weights_sum_total = np.sum(self.all_weights)
def find_groups_with_weights(G, n_elements, n_unused=None, results=None):
Sort nodes in G into groups of n_elements members such that
the total sum of weights is maximized.
If the graph includes hard constraints on the relationship between
nodes (i.e. missing edges), it is possible that no solution is found.
In the case of a fully connected graph, the solution will be that
which maximizes the weights. The weights are inherent attributes of
the Graph and must be calculated beforehand (see `add_edges` for details).
G : networkx.Graph() instance
Undirected graph with nodes and edges. The edges must have weights
between 0 and 1, but edges can be missing if no relationship exists
between nodes.
groups : iterable
A list of lists containing all groups of n_elements members fulfilling
the connectivity constraints that maximize the sum of weights of all
groups being used.
Should be initialized with an empty list, will be modified during the
recursion to be filled with the groups.
n_elements : integer
The number of elements per group. Must be an integer divisor of the
total number of nodes in the graph.
n_unused : integer
The number of unused nodes in the graph at every recursion step.
If None, then it will be initialized as the total number of nodes
in the graph.
weights_total_sum : list
The total sum of weights of elements in `groups`.
If None, then it will be initialized as an empty list to count
the sum of weights for each individual group. Will be summed at
the end before output into a float value.
success : bool
Flag indicating success or failure of the algorithm
groups: iterable
A list of lists containing all groups of n_elements members fulfilling
the connectivity constraints that maximize the sum of weights of all
groups being used.
weights_total_sum : float
The total sum of all weights of the output groups
assert G.number_of_nodes() % np.float(n_elements) == 0, "Number of sessions must be " + \
"an integer multiple of n_elements"
## initialize results object
if results is None:
results = Results(n_elements)
if n_unused is None:
n_unused = G.number_of_nodes()
## base case
if n_unused == 0:
results.success = True
return results
## recursion
## find all cliques in the graph G
cliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
## find all cliques that have the required number of elements
cliques = np.array([c for c in cliques if len(c)==n_elements])
## sort cliques by weights
cliques, summed_weights = _sort_cliques_by_weights(G, cliques, n_elements)
## find the total number of cliques with n_elements members
ncliques = len(cliques)
## loop over all cliques:
for g,(cl,ww) in enumerate(zip(cliques, summed_weights)):
cl_topics = [G.nodes()[c] for c in cl]
## add the new clique to the list of output groups
results.update_groups(list(zip(cl, cl_topics)))
## add total weight of the clique:
## make a new deep copy for the next recursion step
G_new = copy.deepcopy(G)
## remove clique from graph
for n in cl:
## compute new unused number of nodes
n_unused = G_new.number_of_nodes()
## if no unused nodes are left, return the selected groups,
## otherwise recurse
results = find_groups_with_weights(G_new, n_elements, n_unused, results)
if results is not None:
if results.success:
return results
## backtrack
results.success = False
if len(results.groups) == 0:
print("No solution found!")
results.success = False
return results
results.success = False
return results
In [40]:
G = add_edges(G, labels=["topic", "topic2"])
In [41]:
n_elements = 3
results = find_groups_with_weights(G, n_elements)
In [42]:
In [43]:
Does this work for 5 elements?
In [44]:
n_elements = 5
results = find_groups_with_weights(G, n_elements)
As can be see, the function prints "No solution found!" and the flag results.success
is False, as it should be.
At the moment, I have the hard constraint in the model that if the first label is the same for two nodes, there will be no edge, which means that any model that can't be completely decomposed into cliques will not have a solution.
Perhaps I ought to have a version without hard constraints?
This basically includes a change in the add_edges
In [45]:
def add_edges_no_hard_constraint(G, labels, minweight=0.1, maxweight=0.9):
## find the total number of labels
nlabels = len(labels)
## get a list of lists of all session labels
session_labels = []
for l in labels:
session_labels.append([G.nodes()[i][l] for i in G.nodes()])
## the total number of sessions
nsessions = len(sessions)
## weights for the different attributes
weights = np.linspace(minweight, maxweight, nlabels)
print("weights: " + str(weights))
#print("weights: " + str(weights))
## iterate over all the different possible labels
for i, slabel in enumerate(labels):
#print("slabel: " + str(slabel))
## iterate over all nodes
for k, sk in enumerate(sessions):
for l, sl in enumerate(sessions):
## if sessions have the same label,
## either make no node (for first label),
## or weaken a node that's already there
if G.nodes()[sk][slabel] == G.nodes()[sl][slabel]:
if i == 0:
G.add_edge(sk, sl, weight=weights[0])
G[sk][sl]["weight"] *= weights[i]
if i == 0:
return G
Let's redo the edges on the graph to exclude hard constraints and see what happens to our method:
In [46]:
## remove all edges
In [47]:
G = add_edges_no_hard_constraint(G, ["topic", "topic2"])
In [48]:
That looks about right. So let's redo the grouping:
In [49]:
n_elements = 3
results = find_groups_with_weights(G, n_elements)
In [50]:
In [51]:
In [52]:
In [53]:
When using soft constraints, one might not always end up with the optimal set. This is because there are no hard constraints, so the first full path through the tree will be returned as a valid entry. One thing one might do instead is initialize several times and include a random element in the algorithm to break ties. We can do that several times, and you're still not guaranteed to get the optimal path, but it should be better. The alternative is to record all solutions and then maximize brute-force over all of them. That seems like it would take a long time.
TO DO: I should find a better way to break ties in the case with soft constraints!
The code above is gathered in the module
. We can use that for easier computation in the future.
The data should be in form of a list for the identifiers of each node, and a dictionary of keyword-list pairs describing the labels and attributes for each node.
We'll use the list sessions
defined above with the identifiers:
In [54]:
And move the content of session_labels
and session_labels2
into a dictionary:
In [55]:
labels = {"topic1":session_labels, "topic2":session_labels2}
There we go. Now we can use the code in
to make a graph:
In [56]:
from astrochairs import make_graph
In [57]:
G = make_graph(node_ids=sessions, node_labels=labels)
In [58]:
So far, our graph is just a bunch of nodes without edges. Let's add some edges to that:
In [59]:
In [60]:
from astrochairs import add_edges
In [61]:
G = add_edges(G, labels=["topic1", "topic2"], hard_constraint=True)
In [62]:
There we go, the graph now has edges. Note that because we set a hard constraint, not all nodes are connected!
We can do the same with soft constraints, and the graph should be fully connected, though some connections might have a weight of zero:
In [63]:
G = add_edges(G, labels=["topic1", "topic2"], hard_constraint=False, weights=[1.0, 0.5])
In [64]:
In [65]:
But let's keep working with the constrained graph for now:
In [66]:
G = add_edges(G, labels=["topic1", "topic2"], hard_constraint=True, weights=[0.5])
Now that we've done that, all that's left to do is find a solution to our problem: find groups of size n_elements
in the graph such that for the label topic1
there are no clashes at all (two elements with the same value for topic1
in the same group) and such that groups with doubles in topic2
are less likely than those who don't have any clashes at all.
Note that n_elements
must be chosen such that the number of nodes in the graph are an integer multiple of n_elements
, that is, all nodes in principle separate cleanly into groups without any left over.
Any choice for n_elements
that does not satisfy this constraint currently throws an assertion error!
In [67]:
from astrochairs import find_solution
In [68]:
n_elements = 3
results = find_solution(G, n_elements)
Was the search a success?
In [69]:
Yes, it was. What's the solution?
In [70]:
Looks about right. The third useful attribute is the sum of the combined weights of all groups:
In [71]:
This problem should actually be much simpler: let's assume that "similarity" between two sessions can actually encoded in a numerical value between $0$ and $1$. This means we don't have to bother comparing strings, and we don't have to bother with multiple attributes to classes.
We can then write an interface that does two things: it either sets a hard constraint on whether sessions of a given similarity can be in the same time slot, or it uses a soft constraint maximizing the dis-similarity between sessions.
In [72]:
G = make_graph(node_ids=sessions, node_labels=labels)
In [73]:
We'll need to re-write add_edges
such that it takes numerical values:
In [74]:
def add_edges(G, edges, hard_constraint=True, threshold=0.5):
Add edges to the graph, with weights.
Weights are determined by by the importance weights on
each label.
If no order of labels is
specified, then the order of keys in the dictionary
for each node will be used.
G : networkx.Graph() instance
The graph without edges
hard_constraint : bool
Boolean flag determining whether hard constraints should be used.
In this case, this means that for the first label specified in
`labels`, no edges will be drawn when this label is the same
for two nodes.
threshold: float out of [0,1]
The threshold of the dissimilarity measure describing how dissimilar
two sessions are. If the threshold is small, the graph has a high tolerance
to similar sessions. That is, it is more likely to schedule similar sessions
at the same time. If it is small, then this tolerance is much smaller. There
will be much fewer edges between nodes. This means that there is a much
smaller chance that similar sessions will be scheduled at the same time.
However, fewer edges also means that there's a greater chance that no
solution will be found at all.
G : networkx.Graph() instance
The same input graph, but with edges.
n_nodes = G.number_of_nodes()
assert np.size(edges) == (n_nodes*(n_nodes - 1))/2.0, "Incorrect number of edges!"
# counter for edges
i = 0
for k, n1 in enumerate(G.nodes()):
for l, n2 in enumerate(G.nodes()):
if k <= l:
# if a hard constraint is set, make no edge
# if the edge weight is smaller than `threshold`,
# otherwise set the weight edge to 1
if hard_constraint:
if edges[i] < threshold:
i += 1
G.add_edge(n1, n2, weight=1.0)
# otherwise just set all the weights the way they are
i += 1
return G
Let's make some edges. We're going to randomly sample from a uniform distribution between zero and 1 for now. This will define the dissimilarity between two sessions. That is, the higher this value, the less likely two sessions are going to clash. This will probably be 1-d
, where d
is the similarity measure some machine learning algorithm returns.
At the moment, edges are in a simple numpy-array that has the length of all possible edges. That will probably have to change if we get some kind of Pandas DataFrame
or something similar.
In [75]:
# get the number of nodes
n_nodes = G.number_of_nodes()
n_edges = int(n_nodes*(n_nodes - 1)/2)
# define some edges
edges = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=n_edges)
Now we can try the various versions. Let's try with a threshold of $0.5$. This should draw edges between about half of the nodes:
In [76]:
G = add_edges(G, edges, hard_constraint=True, threshold=0.5)
In [77]:
print(len(edges[edges > 0.5]))
Let's try a smaller threshold:
In [78]:
G = add_edges(G, edges, hard_constraint=True, threshold=0.2)
In [79]:
print(len(edges[edges > 0.2]))
A smaller threshold means more edges, means a higher tolerance for sessions being at the same time! A higher threshold means that tolerance is smaller, but it also means that fewer edges are being drawn between nodes. Ultimately, this might mean that no solution will be found at all.
So if you're working with hard constraints, and you can't find a solution, try lowering the threshold, but check afterwards whether the solution is actually acceptable (if not, your problem might simple be fundamentally intractable).
You can also simple assign all the weights to the edges and not have any hard constraints:
In [80]:
G = add_edges(G, edges, hard_constraint=False)
Okay, cool. Next, we're going to have to find a solution!
In [81]:
def find_solution(G, n_elements, n_unused=None, results=None):
Sort nodes in G into groups of n_elements members such that
the total sum of weights is maximized.
If the graph includes hard constraints on the relationship between
nodes (i.e. missing edges), it is possible that no solution is found.
In the case of a fully connected graph, the solution will be that
which maximizes the weights. The weights are inherent attributes of
the Graph and must be calculated beforehand (see `add_edges` for details).
G : networkx.Graph() instance
Undirected graph with nodes and edges. The edges must have weights
between 0 and 1, but edges can be missing if no relationship exists
between nodes.
n_elements : integer
The number of elements per group. Must be an integer divisor of the
total number of nodes in the graph.
n_unused : integer
The number of unused nodes in the graph at every recursion step.
If None, then it will be initialized as the total number of nodes
in the graph.
weights_total_sum : list
The total sum of weights of elements in `groups`.
If None, then it will be initialized as an empty list to count
the sum of weights for each individual group. Will be summed at
the end before output into a float value.
success : bool
Flag indicating success or failure of the algorithm
groups: iterable
A list of lists containing all groups of n_elements members fulfilling
the connectivity constraints that maximize the sum of weights of all
groups being used.
weights_total_sum : float
The total sum of all weights of the output groups
assert G.number_of_nodes() % np.float(n_elements) == 0, "Number of sessions must be " + \
"an integer multiple of n_elements"
## initialize results object
if results is None:
results = Results(n_elements)
if n_unused is None:
n_unused = G.number_of_nodes()
## base case
if n_unused == 0:
results.success = True
return results
## recursion
## find all cliques in the graph G
cliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
## find all cliques that have the required number of elements
cliques = np.array([c for c in cliques if len(c)==n_elements])
## sort cliques by weights
cliques, summed_weights = _sort_cliques_by_weights(G, cliques, n_elements)
## find the total number of cliques with n_elements members
ncliques = len(cliques)
## loop over all cliques:
for g,(cl,ww) in enumerate(zip(cliques, summed_weights)):
cl_topics = [G.nodes()[c] for c in cl]
## add the new clique to the list of output groups
results.update_groups(list(zip(cl, cl_topics)))
## add total weight of the clique:
## make a new deep copy for the next recursion step
G_new = copy.deepcopy(G)
## remove clique from graph
for n in cl:
## compute new unused number of nodes
n_unused = G_new.number_of_nodes()
## if no unused nodes are left, return the selected groups,
## otherwise recurse
results = find_solution(G_new, n_elements, n_unused, results)
if results is not None:
if results.success:
return results
## backtrack
results.success = False
if len(results.groups) == 0:
print("No solution found!")
results.success = False
return results
results.success = False
return results
Let's try with a graph that has a fairly high threshold:
In [82]:
G = add_edges(G, edges, hard_constraint=True, threshold=0.8)
In [83]:
n_elements = 3
results = find_solution(G, n_elements)
Predictably, there is no solution. Let's lower the threshold:
In [84]:
G = add_edges(G, edges, hard_constraint=True, threshold=0.3)
In [85]:
n_elements = 3
results = find_solution(G, n_elements)
In [86]:
In [87]:
Cool! There's a solution, so there seem to be sufficient triangles in the data to figure things out!
Let's also do the soft constraints, too:
In [88]:
G = add_edges(G, edges, hard_constraint=False)
In [89]:
n_elements = 3
results = find_solution(G, n_elements)
In [90]:
In [91]:
In [92]:
And I think that's that part of the problem fixed!
In [93]:
G.number_of_nodes() % n_elements
In [94]:
from astrochairs import add_edges_numerical, find_solution_numerical
In [95]:
G = add_edges_numerical(G, edges, hard_constraint=False)
In [96]:
n_elements = 3
results = find_solution_numerical(G, n_elements)
In [97]:
In [98]:
Hooray, that's working, too!