In [1]:
table {margin-left: 0 !important;}
In [2]:
import os
datadir = '{DESI_ROOT}/datachallenge/test-mockid'.format(**os.environ)
In [3]:
nside, healpix = 128, 104121
First, we need to build a simple dataset of select_mock_targets
outputs by carrying out the following steps:
Target | Mock Catalog |
BGS | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/bgs/MXXL/full_sky/v0.0.4/BGS_r20.6.hdf5 |
ELG | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/DarkSky/v1.0.1/elg_0_inpt.fits |
LRG | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/DarkSky/v1.0.1/lrg_0_inpt.fits |
QSO | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/DarkSky/v1.0.1/qso_0_inpt.fits |
LYA | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/lya_forest/london/v4.2.0/master.fits |
MWS_MAIN | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/mws/galaxia/alpha/v0.0.6/healpix |
MWS_NEARBY | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/mws/100pc/v0.0.4/mock_100pc.fits |
WD | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/mws/wd/v1.0.0/mock_wd.fits |
SKY | {DESI_ROOT}/mocks/uniformsky/0.2/uniformsky-2048-0.2.fits |
healpixels and with no spectra, for speed):select_mock_targets -c select-mock-targets.yaml --nproc 4 --verbose --seed 1 \
--healpixels 104120 104121 --nside 128 --no-spectra --overwrite
Note that this simulation will include contaminants, which we need to handle below.
and truth
catalogs in each healpixel (separately for bright and dark targets) into the top-level directory with:join_mock_targets --mockdir . --overwrite
If each one of these steps worked then your top-level directory should contain the following files:
% ls -l *
drwxrwxr-x 4 ioannis staff 128 Oct 21 14:21 1041/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ioannis staff 630720 Oct 22 12:33 mtl-bright.fits
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ioannis staff 1008000 Oct 22 12:33 mtl-dark.fits
-rw-r--r--@ 1 ioannis staff 2488 Oct 21 14:16 select-mock-targets.yaml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ioannis staff 302400 Oct 22 12:33 sky.fits
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ioannis staff 633600 Oct 22 12:33 targets-bright.fits
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ioannis staff 999360 Oct 22 12:33 targets-dark.fits
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ioannis staff 218880 Oct 22 12:33 truth-bright.fits
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ioannis staff 437760 Oct 22 12:33 truth-dark.fits
In [4]:
import os
import numpy as np
import fitsio
In [5]:
from import find_target_files
In [6]:
for obscon in ('dark', 'bright'):
for cattype in ('targets', 'truth'):
catfile = os.path.join(datadir, '{}-{}.fits'.format(cattype, obscon))
Now let's investigate the targets for each target class. The basic idea is that you can use TARGETID to cross-reference targets across the various data tables, and that you can use MOCKID to find the position (i.e., row) of the target in the parent mock catalog.
In [7]:
class2mockfile = dict(
In [8]:
def read_targets_and_truth(obscon='bright', objtype='BGS', targettype='BGS'):
from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask
# Read the targets.fits catalog
targfile = find_target_files(datadir, flavor='targets', obscon=obscon, mock=True)
targ =, ext='TARGETS')
print('Read {} targets from {}'.format(len(targ), targfile))
# Read the truth.fits catalog
truefile = find_target_files(datadir, flavor='truth', obscon=obscon, mock=True)
true =, ext='TRUTH')
print('Read {} truth from {}'.format(len(true), truefile))
# Read the object-specific metadata table
objtrue =, ext='TRUTH_{}'.format(objtype.upper()))
print('Read {} {} truth from {}'.format(len(objtrue), objtype, truefile))
# Select the appropriate objects using TARGETID and the appropriate
# targeting bit. We have to be careful with MWS_MAIN because MWS_WD and
# MWS_NEARBY have their own mock catalog.
if targettype == 'BGS':
keep = (targ['DESI_TARGET'] & desi_mask.mask('BGS_ANY')) != 0
elif targettype == 'MWS_MAIN':
keep = ( ((targ['DESI_TARGET'] & desi_mask.mask('MWS_ANY')) != 0) *
((targ['MWS_TARGET'] & mws_mask.mask('MWS_NEARBY')) == 0) *
((targ['MWS_TARGET'] & mws_mask.mask('MWS_WD')) == 0) )
keep = (targ['DESI_TARGET'] & desi_mask.mask(targettype)) != 0
keep = np.where( keep * (np.isin(targ['TARGETID'], objtrue['TARGETID'])) )[0]
print('Selecting {} objects from targets and truth catalog.'.format(len(keep)))
targ = targ[keep]
true = true[keep]
return targ, true, objtrue
These mocks are are one single mock catalog, so MOCKID will provide the row of each target in the original, unfiltered parent catalog. Here, we demonstrate how to navigate the input and output files using the BGS mock.
For simplicity we show how to compare the input and output celestial coordinates and the redshifts, although obviuosly other properties are available in the parent mock.
In [9]:
def read_bgs_mock():
import h5py
mockfile = class2mockfile['BGS'].format(**os.environ)
print('Reading {}'.format(mockfile))
with h5py.File(mockfile, mode='r') as f:
ra = f['Data/ra'][:].astype('f8') % 360.0 # enforce 0 < ra < 360
dec = f['Data/dec'][:].astype('f8')
zobs = f['Data/z_obs'][:].astype('f4')
return ra, dec, zobs
In [10]:
%time ra, dec, zobs = read_bgs_mock()
Next, read the BGS truth catalog, clean out contaminants (using the TEMPLATETYPE column), and then pull out the row of each target in the parent mock catalog using the MOCKID column.
In [11]:
targ, true, objtrue = read_targets_and_truth(obscon='bright', objtype='BGS', targettype='BGS')
In [12]:
indxinmock = true['MOCKID']
assert(np.all(zobs[indxinmock] == true['TRUEZ']))
assert(np.all(zobs[indxinmock] == true['TRUEZ']))
assert(np.all(zobs[indxinmock] == true['TRUEZ']))
In [13]:
from desitarget.targets import decode_targetid
from import findfile
from desitarget.mock.mockmaker import ReadGalaxia
In [14]:
nside_galaxia = 8
mockfile = class2mockfile['MWS_MAIN'].format(**os.environ)
mockfile_nside = os.path.join(mockfile, str(nside_galaxia))
#mock = ReadGalaxia().readmock(mockfile=mockfile, healpixels=healpix, nside=nside)
In [15]:
targ, true, objtrue = read_targets_and_truth(obscon='bright', objtype='STAR', targettype='MWS_MAIN')
In [16]:
objid, pixnum, _, _, _, _ = decode_targetid(true['MOCKID'])
assert(len(np.unique(pixnum)) == 1)
In [19]:
galaxiafile = findfile(filetype='mock_allsky_galaxia_desi',
nside=nside_galaxia, pixnum=pixnum[0],
basedir=mockfile_nside, ext='fits')
mockdata =
assert(np.all(mockdata['RA'][objid] == targ['RA']))
In [ ]: