DESI Instrument Throughput

The purpose of this notebook is to document the contents and creation of the following files in desimodel/data/throughput/ files that describe the instrument throughput, and are based on DESI-0347-v13:

  • DESI-0347_blur.ecsv: RMS spot radius as a function of wavelength and field angle.
  • DESI-0347_offset.ecsv: Centroid lateral offset as a function of wavelength and field angle.
  • DESI-0347_static_offset_<n>.fits: Random realization of centroid offsets using seeds n=1,2,3.


  • Updated from DESI-347 v10 to v13. Since data/inputs/throughput/DESI-0347-throughput.txt no longer exists, references to it have been removed.
  • Renamed DESI-0347_random_offset_<n>.fits to DESI-0347_static_offset_<n>.fits to reflect a change in how this data is calculated.


In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
import os
import os.path
import re

In [3]:
import astropy.table
import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from astropy import wcs

Preprocess Ray Tracing Results

Read the original ray tracing results into numpy arrays. These results are from Mike Sholl and used to create the pasted plot in the geometric_blur tab of the the DESI-0347 spreadsheet (after replacing a non-standard \mu encoding with 'u'). The format of the original file is not well suited for machine reading, so we provide code below to write more suitable outputs. The file is read from $DESIMODEL/data/inputs/throughput/raytracing.txt and requires that $DESIMODEL is set.

In [4]:
def read_raytracing(num_sections=14, num_groups=12):
    # Initialize the result arrays.
    wavelength = np.zeros(num_sections)
    band_size = np.zeros(num_sections)
    field_angle = np.empty(num_groups)
    spot_centroid = np.empty((num_sections, num_groups, 2))
    rms_spot_radius = np.empty((num_sections, num_groups))
    rms_spot_size = np.empty((num_sections, num_groups, 2))
    # Read the file into memory.
    filename = os.path.join(os.environ['DESIMODEL'],
                            'data', 'inputs', 'throughput', 'raytracing.txt')
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    print('Read {0} lines from {1}.'.format(len(lines), filename))
    for section in range(num_sections):
        i = 86 * section
        # First two section headers are "Whole band", "360-375nm".
        # Remaining headers have the form: 360-400 band
        section_header = lines[i].rstrip()
        if section > 0:
            wlen_lo, wlen_hi = float(section_header[:3]), float(section_header[4:7])
            wavelength[section] = 0.5 * (wlen_lo + wlen_hi)
            band_size[section] = wlen_hi - wlen_lo
        for group in range(num_groups):
            j = i + 7 * group + 2
            # Extract the field angle [deg] from a line of the form:
            # Field coordinate  :  0.00000000E+000  4.50000000E-001
            fa = float(lines[j].rstrip().split()[-1])
            if section == 0:
                field_angle[group] = fa
                assert field_angle[group] == fa
            # Extract the spot centroid [mm] from a line of the form:
            # Image coordinate  : -1.01677290E-014  1.09734671E+002
            spot_centroid[section, group, :] = [float(x) for x in lines[j + 1].split()[-2:]]
            # Extract the RMS spot radius from a line of the form:
            # RMS Spot Radius   :  1.91079098E+001 µm
            rms_spot_radius[section, group] = float(lines[j+2].split()[-2])
            # Extract the RMS spot X, Y sizes from lines of the form:
            # RMS Spot X Size   :  1.06094918E+001 µm
            rms_spot_size[section, group, 0] = float(lines[j+3].split()[-2])
            rms_spot_size[section, group, 1] = float(lines[j+4].split()[-2])
    # Apply units.
    wavelength = wavelength * u.nm
    band_size = band_size * u.nm
    field_angle = field_angle * u.deg
    spot_centroid = spot_centroid *
    rms_spot_radius = rms_spot_radius *
    rms_spot_size = rms_spot_size *

    return wavelength, band_size, field_angle, spot_centroid, rms_spot_radius, rms_spot_size

wavelength, band_size, field_angle, \
spot_centroid, rms_spot_radius, rms_spot_size = read_raytracing()

Read 1203 lines from /Users/david/Cosmo/DESI/code/desimodel-git/data/inputs/throughput/raytracing.txt.

Reproduce the plot on the geometric_blur tab of the DESI-0347-v13 spreadsheet. For reference, the fiber diameter is 107.0um.

In [5]:
def plot_raytracing(wavelength, band_size, field_angle, spot_centroid, rms_spot_radius,
                    rms_spot_size, save=None):

    nwlen, npos = rms_spot_radius.shape[:2]
    angle =
    # Initialize plot.
    fig, (top, btm) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8), sharex=True)
    for i in range(1, nwlen):
        lo = (wavelength[i] - 0.5 * band_size[i]).to(u.nm).value
        hi = (wavelength[i] + 0.5 * band_size[i]).to(u.nm).value
        label = '{:.0f}-{:.0f}nm'.format(lo, hi)
        top.plot(angle, rms_spot_radius[i].to( / np.sqrt(2), label=label)
        btm.plot(angle, (spot_centroid[i, :, 1] - spot_centroid[0, :, 1])
                 .to(, label=label)
    top.plot(angle, rms_spot_radius[0].to( / np.sqrt(2),
             'bo-', label='Whole band')
    top.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1), loc='upper center',
               ncol=nwlen // 3, fontsize='small')
    top.set_ylabel('RMS spot radius / sqrt(2) [um]')
    top.set_ylim(6., 20.)
    btm.set_xlabel('Field Angle [deg]')
    btm.set_ylabel('Lateral color shift [um]')
    btm.set_ylim(-20, +20)
    btm.set_xlim(0., 1.6)
    if save:

plot_raytracing(wavelength, band_size, field_angle, spot_centroid,
                rms_spot_radius, rms_spot_size, save='raytracing.png')

Throughput Spreadsheet Data

In this section, we copy some numbers needed below from the Throughput sheet of DESI-0347. The current version is v13, and the previous version used in DESIMODEL was v10.

Calculate the achromatic blur as the quadrature sum of cells B43:B72 of the throughput sheet in DESI-0347:

In [6]:
def get_achromatic_blur(version='v13'):
    # Achromatic blur contributions from cells B14:B26 of the throughput sheet.
    if version == 'v13':
        achromatic_blur = np.array([
            4.728, 2.431, 1.049, 3.990, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001,
            0.422, 0.205, 0.400, 1.561, 3.544]) *
    elif version == 'v10':
        # Achromatic blur contributions from cells B43:B72 of the throughput sheet.
        achromatic_blur = np.array([
            7.629, 2.431, 1.049, 0.667, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001,
            0.422, 0.205, 0.400, 1.561, 4.035]) *
        raise ValueError('Invalid version: {0}.'.format(version))
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(achromatic_blur ** 2))

Compare v10, v13 quadrature sums:

In [7]:
print(f"v10: {get_achromatic_blur('v10'):.3f}  v13: {get_achromatic_blur('v13'):.3f}")

v10: 9.206 um  v13: 7.789 um

Calculate the achromatic RMS centroid offset to generate, as the quadrature sum of cells B45:B74 of the throughput sheet of DESI-0347, except for the "FVC corrector optics figure error" contribution in cell B52, which we model separately (see below):

In [8]:
def get_achromatic_rms_offset():
    # Achromatic offset contributions from cells B45:B74, omitting B52, of the
    # Throughput sheet from 
    achromatic_offsets = np.array([
        0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 2.000, 2.000, 3.000, 1.000, 2.000,
        2.000, 1.500, 2.000, 1.500, 1.420, 0.110, 0.090, 0.000, 0.400, 0.090,
        0.062, 1.173, 0.002, 0.006, 0.195, 0.030, 0.012, 0.391, 0.469]) *
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(achromatic_offsets ** 2))

Calculate the equivalent 1D RMS to use for the specsim config parameter instrument.offset.sigma1d:

In [9]:
print(f'sigma1d = {get_achromatic_rms_offset() / np.sqrt(2):.3f}')

sigma1d = 5.220 um

Note that version of specsim <= v0.11.1 used sigma1d = 5.1 since they neglected the contributions from "Lateral shifts due to barrel misalignments relative to M1" in cells B65:74.

Write Throughput Output Files

The functions below write files into the current directory with extensions .ecsv and .fits. These should be copied into $DESIMODEL/data/throughput/ after any updates.


The ray tracing results above span 3675 - 9400 A, but we need to cover 3550 - 9850 A for simulations so we linearly extrapolate one extra point at each end. This implementation does not use any external library and works with optional units.

In [10]:
def extrapolate(x_in, y_in, x_lo, x_hi):
    assert x_in.shape == y_in.shape
        x_unit = x_in.unit
    except AttributeError:
        x_unit = 1
        y_unit = y_in.unit
    except AttributeError:
        y_unit = 1
    dx = x_in[1:] - x_in[:-1]
    dy = y_in[1:] - y_in[:-1]
    y_lo = y_in[0] + dy[0] / dx[0] * (x_lo - x_in[0])
    y_hi = y_in[-1] + dy[-1] / dx[-1] * (x_hi - x_in[-1])
    x_out = np.hstack(
        (,, * x_unit
    y_out = np.hstack(
        (,, * y_unit

    return x_out, y_out

Spot Radius

Write RMS spot radius values (aka "blur") to an ECSV file. See the description embedded in the code for more details.

In [11]:
def save_blur(wavelength, field_angle, raytracing_blur,
              wlen_lo=355*u.nm, wlen_hi=985*u.nm,
    description = """\
RMS spot size as a function of wavelength and field angle derived from \
DESI-0347-v10. Chromatic contributions are based on a text file prepared \
by Mike Sholl that is also plotted in the geometric_blur tab of the \
throughput spreadsheet in DESI-0347-v13. Achromatic contributions are taken \
from cells B14:B26 added in quadrature."""
    table = astropy.table.Table(meta=dict(description=description))
    # Add wavelength points at each end.
    wlen_ext, _ = extrapolate(wavelength, raytracing_blur[:, 0], wlen_lo, wlen_hi)
    # Convert wavelength values from nm to Angstrom.
    table['wavelength'] = astropy.table.Column(
        wlen_ext, unit='Angstrom', format='{:.1f}',
    for i, r in enumerate(field_angle):
        column_name = 'r={0:.2f}'.format(r)
        # Extrapolate values at each end.
        _, blur_ext = extrapolate(wavelength, raytracing_blur[:, i], wlen_lo, wlen_hi)
        # Add achromatic blur in quadrature.
        blur = np.sqrt(blur_ext ** 2 + get_achromatic_blur() ** 2)
        table[column_name] = astropy.table.Column(
            blur, unit='micron', format='{:.4f}',
            description='RMS spot size at field angle {0}.'.format(column_name))

    table.write(filename, format='ascii.ecsv', overwrite=True)

save_blur(wavelength[1:], field_angle, rms_spot_radius[1:] / np.sqrt(2))

Centroid Offset

We split centroid offsets into three components:

  1. Ray tracing of the ideal optics, with purely radial offsets that depend on wavelength and field angle. Read from a file at instrument.offset.path.
  2. Plate maker systematic errors (e.g., due to corrector polishing errors) with offsets that depend on focal plane position (x,y) with random but correlated spatial structure, but are independent of wavelength and constant in time (static). This component is optional (since in principle it can be measured and corrected for) and read from a file at instrument.offset.static. See DESI-1071 for details.
  3. Random uncorrelated errors that vary in focal plane (x,y) and time, but are achromatic. This component is specified by the 1D spatial RMS instrument.offset.sigma1d used to generate random offsets at each fiber location for each exposure.

Ray-Tracing Offsets

Write ray tracing centroid offset values (component 1), which are purely radial, to an ECSV file. See the description embedded in the code for more details.

In [12]:
def save_offset(wavelength, field_angle, raytracing_offset,
                wlen_lo=355*u.nm, wlen_hi=985*u.nm,
    description = """\
Radial centroid offset as a function of wavelength and field angle derived \
from DESI-0347-v10. Values are based on a text file prepared \
by Mike Sholl that is also plotted in the geometric_blur tab of the \
throughput spreadsheet in DESI-0347-v13.  Values are derived from ray \
tracing of the ideal optics and do not include the random achromatic \
errors in cells B43:B72 of the throughput sheet."""
    table = astropy.table.Table(meta=dict(description=description))
    # Add wavelength points at each end.
    wlen_ext, _ = extrapolate(wavelength, raytracing_offset[:, 0], wlen_lo, wlen_hi)
    table['wavelength'] = astropy.table.Column(
        wlen_ext, unit='Angstrom', format='{:.1f}',
        description='Center of wavelength band')
    for i, r in enumerate(field_angle):
        column_name = 'r={0:.2f}'.format(r)
        # Extrapolate values at each end.
        _, offset_ext = extrapolate(wavelength, raytracing_offset[:, i], wlen_lo, wlen_hi)
        table[column_name] = astropy.table.Column(
            offset_ext, unit='micron', format='{:.4f}',
            description='Radial centroid offset at field angle {0}.'.format(column_name))

    table.write(filename, format='ascii.ecsv', overwrite=True)

save_offset(wavelength[1:], field_angle, spot_centroid[1:, :, 1] - spot_centroid[0, :, 1])

Static Focal-Plane Offsets

Generate and save static offsets with an RMS equal to the quadrature sum of achromatic terms in the throughput spreadsheet and a correlated spatial structure with power-spectrum exponent -1 (implemented by desimodel.focalplane.sim.generate_random_centroid_offsets):

In [13]:
import desimodel.focalplane.sim

In [14]:
def save_static_offsets(seed=1, fov=3.2 * u.deg):

    # Generate random dx, dy offsets on a square grid.
    dx, dy = desimodel.focalplane.sim.generate_random_centroid_offsets(seed=seed)
    npix = len(dx)
    scale = / npix
    # Save offsets to a FITS file. HDU0 just has a header.
    header = fits.Header()
    header['COMMENT'] = 'Random focal plane centroid offsets in microns.'
    header['SEED'] = seed
    hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)
    # HDU1, 2 contain dx, dy offsets in microns as 2D image data.
    w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2)
    w.wcs.ctype = ['x', 'y']
    w.wcs.crpix = [npix / 2. + 0.5, npix / 2. + 0.5]
    w.wcs.cdelt = [scale, scale]
    w.wcs.crval = [0., 0.]
    header = w.to_header()
    header['BUNIT'] = 'um'
    header['COMMENT'] = '+x component of focal plane offset.'
    hdu1 = fits.ImageHDU(,
                         name='XOFFSET', header=header)
    header['COMMENT'] = '+y component of focal plane offset.'
    hdu2 = fits.ImageHDU(,
                         name='YOFFSET', header=header)
    hdus = fits.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1, hdu2])
    hdus.writeto('DESI-0347_static_offset_{0}.fits'.format(seed), overwrite=True)

In [15]:


Define a helper function to parse a string as numeric quantity with units. This is a copy of specsim.config.parse_quantity() to avoid adding a specsim dependency.

In [16]:
def parse_quantity(string, dimensions=None):
    _float_pattern = re.compile(
    # Look for a valid number starting the string.
    found_number = _float_pattern.match(string)
    if not found_number:
        raise ValueError('Unable to parse quantity.')
    value = float(
    unit = string[found_number.end():]
    quantity = astropy.units.Quantity(value, unit)
    if dimensions is not None:
            if not isinstance(dimensions, astropy.units.Unit):
                dimensions = astropy.units.Unit(dimensions)
            quantity =
        except (ValueError, astropy.units.UnitConversionError):
            raise ValueError('Quantity "{0}" is not convertible to {1}.'
                             .format(string, dimensions))
    return quantity

Define a function that can read either of the ECSV files created above and decode the field angles from the column names.

In [17]:
def load_table_2d(filename, x_column_name, y_column_prefix):

    table =, format='ascii.ecsv')
    nx = len(table)
    x = table[x_column_name].copy()
    # Look for columns whose name has the specified prefix.
    y_value, y_index = [], []
    y_unit, data_unit = 1, 1
    for i, colname in enumerate(table.colnames):
        if colname.startswith(y_column_prefix):
            # Parse the column name as a value.
            y = parse_quantity(colname[len(y_column_prefix):])
            if y_unit == 1:
                y_unit = y.unit
            elif y_unit != y.unit:
                raise RuntimeError('Column unit mismatch: {0} != {1}.'
                                   .format(y_unit, y.unit))
            if data_unit == 1:
                data_unit = table[colname].unit
            elif data_unit != table[colname].unit:
                raise RuntimeError('Data unit mismatch: {0} != {1}.'
                                   .format(data_unit, table[colname].unit))

    # Prepare the array of y values.
    ny = len(y_value)
    y = np.array(y_value) * y_unit
    # Extract values for each x,y pair.
    data = np.empty((nx, ny))
    for j, i in enumerate(y_index):
        data[:, j] = table.columns[i][:]
    return x, y, data * data_unit

Read a static centroid offsets file and plot a subset of them as a vector field. The offsets file is read from the current directory, not $DESIMODEL/data/throughput/.

In [18]:
def plot_static_offsets(seed=1, subsampling=4, save=None):

    hdus ='DESI-0347_static_offset_{0}.fits'.format(seed))

    # Extract the offset images.
    dx = hdus['XOFFSET'].data
    dy = hdus['YOFFSET'].data
    dr = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
    # Reconstruct the linear WCS.
    hdr = hdus[1].header
    w = wcs.WCS(hdr)
    nxy = len(dx)
    pix = np.arange(nxy)
    xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi = w.wcs_pix2world([[0, 0], [nxy - 1, nxy - 1]], 0).flatten()
    assert xlo == ylo and xhi == yhi
    xy = np.linspace(xlo, xhi, nxy)
    xy_pad = hdr['CDELT1']
    unit = u.Unit(hdr['BUNIT'])
    # Downsample.
    dx = dx[::subsampling, ::subsampling]
    dy = dy[::subsampling, ::subsampling]
    dr = dr[::subsampling, ::subsampling]
    xy = xy[::subsampling]

    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
    plt.quiver(xy, xy, dx, dy, dr, headwidth=1.5, headlength=2.)
    plt.xlim(xy[0] - xy_pad, xy[-1] + xy_pad)
    plt.ylim(xy[0] - xy_pad, xy[-1] + xy_pad)
    plt.xlabel('x-offset from plate center [deg]')
    plt.ylabel('y-offset from plate center [deg]')
    plt.colorbar(pad=0.01, shrink=0.95).set_label(
        'Centroid offset [{0}]'.format(unit))
    if save:

In [19]:
plot_static_offsets(2, save='static_offset_2.png')

Compare the blur and RMS offset values from the DESI-347-v13 Throughput tab, which are tabulated as a function of wavelength only, with equivalent field-averaged quantities calculated from the files generated above, which are tabulated in both field-angle and wavelength. For reference, the fiber diameter is 107.0um. The blur and offset ECSV files are read from the current directory, not $DESIMODEL/data/throughput/.

In [20]:
def plot_validation(wgt_exp=1.0, save=None):
    # Load the new blur and offset data.
    wlen, fangle, blur = load_table_2d('DESI-0347_blur.ecsv', 'wavelength', 'r=')
    wlen, fangle, offset = load_table_2d('DESI-0347_offset.ecsv', 'wavelength', 'r=')

    # Get the DESI-0347 achromatic blurs and centroid offsets.
    blur_v13 = get_achromatic_blur(version='v13')
    blur_v10 = get_achromatic_blur(version='v10')
    offset_rms = np.sqrt(get_achromatic_rms_offset() ** 2 + desimodel.focalplane.sim.default_offset ** 2)
    # Calculate field-angle-weighted averages, to account for the larger number of targets
    # at larger field angles.
    wgt = fangle.value ** wgt_exp
    wgt_sum = np.sum(wgt)
    weighted_mean = lambda x: np.sum(wgt * x, axis=1) / wgt_sum
    weighted_rms = lambda x: np.sqrt(
        np.sum(wgt * x ** 2, axis=-1) * wgt_sum - np.sum(wgt * x, axis=-1) ** 2) / wgt_sum
    avg_blur_v13 = weighted_mean(blur)
    avg_blur_v10 = weighted_mean(np.sqrt(blur ** 2 - blur_v13 ** 2 + blur_v10 ** 2))
    avg_offset = np.sqrt(weighted_rms(offset) ** 2 + offset_rms ** 2)
    # Plot the new field-angle-weighted throughput data.
   , 'b.-', lw=2, alpha=0.25, label='DESIMODEL blur v13')
   , 'b.--', lw=2, alpha=0.25, label='DESIMODEL blur v10')
   , 'r.-', lw=2, alpha=0.25, label='DESIMODEL offset')
    # Compare with the field-averaged blur and RMS offsets from DESI-347-v12 C27:P27, 
    wlen347 = np.array([360, 375, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 980])
    blur347 = np.array([14.78, 14.51, 13.91, 13.44, 12.86, 12.51,
                        12.62, 13.03, 13.53, 14.00, 14.37, 14.62, 14.73, 14.83])
    rmsoff347 = np.array([13.475, 13.017, 12.412, 11.715, 10.979, 11.050, 11.701,
                          12.384, 12.874, 13.085, 12.989, 12.759, 12.843, 12.928])
    plt.scatter(10 * wlen347, blur347, c='b', label='DESI347-v13')
    plt.scatter(10 * wlen347, rmsoff347, c='r', label='DESI347-v13')

    plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.0), loc='upper center',
               ncol=2, fontsize='small')
    plt.xlabel('Wavelength [Angstrom]')
    plt.ylabel('Blur, RMS offset [micron]')
    plt.xlim(3400, 10000)

    if save:

This shows that:

  • The blur has decreased from v10 to v13, due to a net decrease in the achromatic terms.
  • The offset has not changed from v10 to v13.
  • The v13 field-averaged (wlen, angle) quantities (curves) are in reasonable agreement with the DESI-347 wlen-only quantities (dots).