In [103]:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm'ggplot')
%matplotlib inline

After several tests we found in almost all cases that training a function on every possibility is much more effective than randomly generating data.

In [104]:
data_inorder = pd.read_csv('Data\\adder_inorder_data.csv')
data_inorder = data_inorder[['Steps', 'MSE']]
data_inorder = data_inorder.sort_values(['Steps'])

Steps MSE
0 100 386
3 200 344
1 300 306
2 400 279
5 500 250
6 600 210
7 700 179
8 800 156
9 900 129

In [105]:
data_rnd_0 = pd.read_csv('Data\\adder_random_0_data.csv')
data_rnd_0 = data_rnd_0[['Steps', 'MSE']]
data_rnd_0 = data_rnd_0.sort_values(['Steps'])

data_rnd_1 = pd.read_csv('Data\\adder_random_1_data.csv')
data_rnd_1 = data_rnd_1[['Steps', 'MSE']]
data_rnd_1 = data_rnd_1.sort_values(['Steps'])

data_rnd_2 = pd.read_csv('Data\\adder_random_2_data.csv')
data_rnd_2 = data_rnd_2[['Steps', 'MSE']]
data_rnd_2 = data_rnd_2.sort_values(['Steps'])

data_rnd_3 = pd.read_csv('Data\\adder_random_3_data.csv')
data_rnd_3 = data_rnd_3[['Steps', 'MSE']]
data_rnd_3 = data_rnd_3.sort_values(['Steps'])

data_rnd_4 = pd.read_csv('Data\\adder_random_4_data.csv')
data_rnd_4 = data_rnd_4[['Steps', 'MSE']]
data_rnd_4 = data_rnd_4.sort_values(['Steps'])

In [106]:
plt.plot(data_inorder['Steps'].ix[:20], data_inorder['MSE'].ix[:20], 'bo',
         data_rnd_0['Steps'].ix[:20], data_rnd_0['MSE'].ix[:20],
        data_rnd_1['Steps'].ix[:20], data_rnd_1['MSE'].ix[:20],
        data_rnd_2['Steps'].ix[:20], data_rnd_2['MSE'].ix[:20],
        data_rnd_3['Steps'].ix[:20], data_rnd_3['MSE'].ix[:20],
        data_rnd_4['Steps'].ix[:20], data_rnd_4['MSE'].ix[:20])

In [107]:
plt.plot(data_inorder['Steps'].ix[30:], data_inorder['MSE'].ix[30:], 'bo',
         data_rnd_0['Steps'].ix[30:], data_rnd_0['MSE'].ix[30:],
        data_rnd_1['Steps'].ix[30:], data_rnd_1['MSE'].ix[30:],
        data_rnd_2['Steps'].ix[30:], data_rnd_2['MSE'].ix[30:],
        data_rnd_3['Steps'].ix[30:], data_rnd_3['MSE'].ix[30:],
        data_rnd_4['Steps'].ix[30:], data_rnd_4['MSE'].ix[30:])

In [108]:
plt.plot(data_rnd_1['Steps'].ix[30:], data_rnd_1['MSE'].ix[30:],
        data_rnd_2['Steps'].ix[30:], data_rnd_2['MSE'].ix[30:],
        data_rnd_4['Steps'].ix[30:], data_rnd_4['MSE'].ix[30:])

adder(n): Adds 42 to n


  • Tried different methods of generating data to find which worked the best
    • All possible values 0-100
    • 1000 random values 0-100
    • All possible values 0-100 10 times for a total of 1000 datum
    • All possible values 0-100 100 times for a total of 10000 datum
  • Experimented with single layer hidden units 1-20
  • Experimented with two layer hidden units [1-20, 1-20]
  • Found how well each different neural net extrapolated to other values
  • Tried to scale data up to learn 1-1000


Data MSE
100 data: 1-100 .065861
1000 datum: random(100) .028475
1000 datum: 1-100 10 times .007759
10000 datum: 1-100 100 times 409.116

The results seemed to show that iterating through every possibility multiple times and then training on that is the best method of data gathering. As with many things in this, you have to find the fine line of having the right amount of data without having too much.

I was interested in how far a neural net could extrapolate to numbers that it had never seen before. Although this should have been an easy problem because it is linear, it wasn't because SkFlow doesn't allow you to choose the activation function for your regressor. Most all of the single and double layer neural nets I trained failed around 200-300, however there was one that stood out and was able to correctly predict 1-1145 with just training on 1-100

In [109]:
data_inorder = pd.read_csv('Data\\adder_inorder_data.csv')
data_inorder = data_inorder[['Steps', 'MSE']]
data_inorder = data_inorder.sort_values(['Steps'])

In [110]:
arr = np.zeros(5)
arr[0] = 5

In [111]:
arr = ['100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', 
       '1000','1100','1200','1300', '1400','1500', '1600','1700','1800', '1900',
      '2000', '2100', '2300', '2400', '2500']
df_arr = []
for i in range(len(arr)):
    temp = pd.read_csv('Data\\determinant_' + arr[i] +'_layer_by_100.csv', header=None)
    temp = temp.T
    temp.columns=['Second', 'MSE']
    temp['First'] = arr[i]
    temp = temp.sort_values(['First', 'Second'])


In [ ]:
temp = pd.read_csv('Data\\determinant_layer_by_100.csv', header=None)
    temp = temp.T
    temp.columns=['Second', 'MSE']

In [131]:
frames = [df_arr[0], df_arr[1], df_arr[2], df_arr[3], df_arr[4], df_arr[5],
          df_arr[6], df_arr[7], df_arr[8], df_arr[9], df_arr[10], df_arr[11],
          df_arr[12], df_arr[13], df_arr[14], df_arr[15], df_arr[16], df_arr[17],
          df_arr[18], df_arr[19], df_arr[20], df_arr[21]]
result = pd.concat(frames)
result = result.reset_index(drop=True)

Second MSE First
125 600 0.357921 500
170 2100 0.373738 600
86 2700 0.388915 300
51 2200 0.408906 200
12 1300 0.409569 100
64 500 0.418992 300
97 800 0.422525 400
173 2400 0.426857 600
122 300 0.431968 500
205 2600 0.438323 700
106 1700 0.438949 400
74 1500 0.456104 300
38 900 0.456627 200
129 1000 0.463412 500
96 700 0.466917 400
201 2200 0.470268 700
5 600 0.476676 100
138 1900 0.479596 500
137 1800 0.480367 500
81 2200 0.481218 300
50 2100 0.487751 200
91 200 0.494233 400
325 2600 0.495411 1300
281 1200 0.497821 1200
274 500 0.498614 1200
199 2000 0.499661 700
70 1100 0.505915 300
209 3000 0.507227 700
107 1800 0.508572 400
200 2100 0.515037 700
... ... ... ...
525 1600 1.943833 2000
514 500 1.949667 2000
585 1600 1.953655 2300
592 2300 1.971928 2300
557 1800 1.979190 2100
573 400 1.996904 2300
653 2400 2.041562 2500
498 1900 2.058810 1900
609 1000 2.086255 2400
495 1600 2.103520 1900
471 2200 2.115087 1800
542 300 2.122615 2100
524 1500 2.130169 2000
644 1500 2.136463 2500
480 100 2.140356 1900
633 400 2.149602 2500
645 1600 2.418658 2500
632 300 2.446479 2500
641 1200 2.499257 2500
634 500 2.529464 2500
559 2000 2.588829 2100
472 2300 2.819764 1800
577 800 2.863754 2300
424 500 2.867052 1700
643 1400 2.915187 2500
617 1800 2.998898 2400
572 300 3.010229 2300
631 200 3.620658 2500
540 100 4.513336 2100
630 100 7.957334 2500

660 rows × 3 columns

In [113]:
res1 = result.as_matrix(columns=['First'])
res2 = result.as_matrix(columns=['Second'])
res3 = result.as_matrix(columns=['MSE'])

In [114]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_trisurf(res1[:,0], res2[:,0], res3[:,0], cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.2)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-114-e7a6e4d55ac9> in <module>()
      1 fig = plt.figure()
      2 ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
----> 3 ax.plot_trisurf(res1[:,0], res2[:,0], res3[:,0], cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.2)

C:\Users\sanderkd\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\mpl_toolkits\mplot3d\axes3d.pyc in plot_trisurf(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1871         lightsource = kwargs.pop('lightsource', None)
-> 1873         tri, args, kwargs = Triangulation.get_from_args_and_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
   1874         if 'Z' in kwargs:
   1875             z = np.asarray(kwargs.pop('Z'))

C:\Users\sanderkd\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\triangulation.pyc in get_from_args_and_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
    163             mask = kwargs.pop('mask', None)
--> 165             triangulation = Triangulation(x, y, triangles, mask)
    166         return triangulation, args, kwargs

C:\Users\sanderkd\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\tri\triangulation.pyc in __init__(self, x, y, triangles, mask)
     53             # No triangulation specified, so use matplotlib._qhull to obtain
     54             # Delaunay triangulation.
---> 55             self.triangles, self._neighbors = _qhull.delaunay(x, y)
     56             self.is_delaunay = True
     57         else:

ValueError: x and y must be 1D arrays of the same length

In [117]:
min = 30
for i in range(len(arr)):
    plt.plot(df_arr[i]['Second'], df_arr[i]['MSE'])

In [130]:
num = 5

Second MSE First
0 100 0.935536 600
1 200 0.818328 600
2 300 1.099286 600
3 400 0.525195 600
4 500 0.519247 600
5 600 0.749099 600
6 700 0.706251 600
8 800 0.856198 600
7 900 0.633568 600
9 1000 0.606479 600
11 1100 0.911996 600
12 1200 0.703380 600
10 1300 0.624788 600
15 1400 0.799366 600
14 1500 0.576648 600
13 1600 0.657963 600
17 1700 0.732750 600
18 1800 0.826755 600
16 1900 1.028288 600
19 2000 0.653255 600
21 2100 0.373738 600

In [118]:
for i in range(len(arr)):
    plt.plot(df_arr[i]['Second'], df_arr[i]['MSE'])
plt.ylim(.3, .5)

In [120]:
plt.plot(df_arr[0]['Second'], df_arr[0]['MSE'])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xbd55a90>]

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [71]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

n_angles = 36
n_radii = 8

# An array of radii
# Does not include radius r=0, this is to eliminate duplicate points
radii = np.linspace(0.125, 1.0, n_radii)

# An array of angles
angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n_angles, endpoint=False)

# Repeat all angles for each radius
angles = np.repeat(angles[...,np.newaxis], n_radii, axis=1)

# Convert polar (radii, angles) coords to cartesian (x, y) coords
# (0, 0) is added here. There are no duplicate points in the (x, y) plane
x = np.append(0, (radii*np.cos(angles)).flatten())
y = np.append(0, (radii*np.sin(angles)).flatten())

# Pringle surface
z = np.sin(-x*y)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, z, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.2)

In [75]:

array([ -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,
        -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,
        -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00,
        -2.67202919e-03,  -1.06879260e-02,  -2.40459735e-02,
        -4.27394954e-02,  -6.67511389e-02,  -9.60448860e-02,
        -1.30555829e-01,  -1.70177774e-01,  -5.02175709e-03,
        -2.00857620e-02,  -4.51806186e-02,  -8.02620259e-02,
        -1.25214922e-01,  -1.79800867e-01,  -2.43591451e-01,
        -3.15889304e-01,  -6.76577185e-03,  -2.70599904e-02,
        -6.08547878e-02,  -1.08041867e-01,  -1.68340191e-01,
        -2.41168436e-01,  -3.25485696e-01,  -4.19607349e-01,
        -7.69373467e-03,  -3.07703846e-02,  -6.91889733e-02,
        -1.22790296e-01,  -1.91161433e-01,  -2.73449293e-01,
        -3.68129759e-01,  -4.72745546e-01,  -7.69373467e-03,
        -3.07703846e-02,  -6.91889733e-02,  -1.22790296e-01,
        -1.91161433e-01,  -2.73449293e-01,  -3.68129759e-01,
        -4.72745546e-01,  -6.76577185e-03,  -2.70599904e-02,
        -6.08547878e-02,  -1.08041867e-01,  -1.68340191e-01,
        -2.41168436e-01,  -3.25485696e-01,  -4.19607349e-01,
        -5.02175709e-03,  -2.00857620e-02,  -4.51806186e-02,
        -8.02620259e-02,  -1.25214922e-01,  -1.79800867e-01,
        -2.43591451e-01,  -3.15889304e-01,  -2.67202919e-03,
        -1.06879260e-02,  -2.40459735e-02,  -4.27394954e-02,
        -6.67511389e-02,  -9.60448860e-02,  -1.30555829e-01,
        -1.70177774e-01,  -9.56755312e-19,  -3.82702125e-18,
        -8.61079781e-18,  -1.53080850e-17,  -2.39188828e-17,
        -3.44431912e-17,  -4.68810103e-17,  -6.12323400e-17,
         2.67202919e-03,   1.06879260e-02,   2.40459735e-02,
         4.27394954e-02,   6.67511389e-02,   9.60448860e-02,
         1.30555829e-01,   1.70177774e-01,   5.02175709e-03,
         2.00857620e-02,   4.51806186e-02,   8.02620259e-02,
         1.25214922e-01,   1.79800867e-01,   2.43591451e-01,
         3.15889304e-01,   6.76577185e-03,   2.70599904e-02,
         6.08547878e-02,   1.08041867e-01,   1.68340191e-01,
         2.41168436e-01,   3.25485696e-01,   4.19607349e-01,
         7.69373467e-03,   3.07703846e-02,   6.91889733e-02,
         1.22790296e-01,   1.91161433e-01,   2.73449293e-01,
         3.68129759e-01,   4.72745546e-01,   7.69373467e-03,
         3.07703846e-02,   6.91889733e-02,   1.22790296e-01,
         1.91161433e-01,   2.73449293e-01,   3.68129759e-01,
         4.72745546e-01,   6.76577185e-03,   2.70599904e-02,
         6.08547878e-02,   1.08041867e-01,   1.68340191e-01,
         2.41168436e-01,   3.25485696e-01,   4.19607349e-01,
         5.02175709e-03,   2.00857620e-02,   4.51806186e-02,
         8.02620259e-02,   1.25214922e-01,   1.79800867e-01,
         2.43591451e-01,   3.15889304e-01,   2.67202919e-03,
         1.06879260e-02,   2.40459735e-02,   4.27394954e-02,
         6.67511389e-02,   9.60448860e-02,   1.30555829e-01,
         1.70177774e-01,   1.91351062e-18,   7.65404249e-18,
         1.72215956e-17,   3.06161700e-17,   4.78377656e-17,
         6.88863825e-17,   9.37620206e-17,   1.22464680e-16,
        -2.67202919e-03,  -1.06879260e-02,  -2.40459735e-02,
        -4.27394954e-02,  -6.67511389e-02,  -9.60448860e-02,
        -1.30555829e-01,  -1.70177774e-01,  -5.02175709e-03,
        -2.00857620e-02,  -4.51806186e-02,  -8.02620259e-02,
        -1.25214922e-01,  -1.79800867e-01,  -2.43591451e-01,
        -3.15889304e-01,  -6.76577185e-03,  -2.70599904e-02,
        -6.08547878e-02,  -1.08041867e-01,  -1.68340191e-01,
        -2.41168436e-01,  -3.25485696e-01,  -4.19607349e-01,
        -7.69373467e-03,  -3.07703846e-02,  -6.91889733e-02,
        -1.22790296e-01,  -1.91161433e-01,  -2.73449293e-01,
        -3.68129759e-01,  -4.72745546e-01,  -7.69373467e-03,
        -3.07703846e-02,  -6.91889733e-02,  -1.22790296e-01,
        -1.91161433e-01,  -2.73449293e-01,  -3.68129759e-01,
        -4.72745546e-01,  -6.76577185e-03,  -2.70599904e-02,
        -6.08547878e-02,  -1.08041867e-01,  -1.68340191e-01,
        -2.41168436e-01,  -3.25485696e-01,  -4.19607349e-01,
        -5.02175709e-03,  -2.00857620e-02,  -4.51806186e-02,
        -8.02620259e-02,  -1.25214922e-01,  -1.79800867e-01,
        -2.43591451e-01,  -3.15889304e-01,  -2.67202919e-03,
        -1.06879260e-02,  -2.40459735e-02,  -4.27394954e-02,
        -6.67511389e-02,  -9.60448860e-02,  -1.30555829e-01,
        -1.70177774e-01,  -2.87026594e-18,  -1.14810637e-17,
        -2.58323934e-17,  -4.59242550e-17,  -7.17566484e-17,
        -1.03329574e-16,  -1.40643031e-16,  -1.83697020e-16,
         2.67202919e-03,   1.06879260e-02,   2.40459735e-02,
         4.27394954e-02,   6.67511389e-02,   9.60448860e-02,
         1.30555829e-01,   1.70177774e-01,   5.02175709e-03,
         2.00857620e-02,   4.51806186e-02,   8.02620259e-02,
         1.25214922e-01,   1.79800867e-01,   2.43591451e-01,
         3.15889304e-01,   6.76577185e-03,   2.70599904e-02,
         6.08547878e-02,   1.08041867e-01,   1.68340191e-01,
         2.41168436e-01,   3.25485696e-01,   4.19607349e-01,
         7.69373467e-03,   3.07703846e-02,   6.91889733e-02,
         1.22790296e-01,   1.91161433e-01,   2.73449293e-01,
         3.68129759e-01,   4.72745546e-01,   7.69373467e-03,
         3.07703846e-02,   6.91889733e-02,   1.22790296e-01,
         1.91161433e-01,   2.73449293e-01,   3.68129759e-01,
         4.72745546e-01,   6.76577185e-03,   2.70599904e-02,
         6.08547878e-02,   1.08041867e-01,   1.68340191e-01,
         2.41168436e-01,   3.25485696e-01,   4.19607349e-01,
         5.02175709e-03,   2.00857620e-02,   4.51806186e-02,
         8.02620259e-02,   1.25214922e-01,   1.79800867e-01,
         2.43591451e-01,   3.15889304e-01,   2.67202919e-03,
         1.06879260e-02,   2.40459735e-02,   4.27394954e-02,
         6.67511389e-02,   9.60448860e-02,   1.30555829e-01,

In [ ]:
arr np.array()