ipyrad-analysis toolkit: treemix

The program TreeMix by Pickrell & Pritchard (2012) is used to infer population splits and admixture from allele frequency data. From the TreeMix documentation: "In the underlying model, the modern-day populations in a species are related to a common ancestor via a graph of ancestral populations. We use the allele frequencies in the modern populations to infer the structure of this graph."

Required software

In [18]:
# conda install treemix ipyrad ipcoal -c conda-forge -c bioconda

In [19]:
import ipyrad.analysis as ipa
import toytree
import toyplot
import ipcoal

In [20]:
print('ipyrad', ipa.__version__)
print('toytree', toytree.__version__)
! treemix --version | grep 'TreeMix v. '

ipyrad 0.9.54
toytree 2.0.1
TreeMix v. 1.12

Simulate example data

In [76]:
# network model
tree = toytree.rtree.unittree(7, treeheight=4e6, seed=123)
tree.draw(ts='o', admixture_edges=(3, 2));


In [78]:
# simulation model
model = ipcoal.Model(tree, Ne=1e4, nsamples=4, admixture_edges=(3, 2, 0.5, 0.2))
model.write_snps_to_hdf5(name="test-treemix", outdir="/tmp", diploid=True)

wrote 1000 SNPs to /tmp/test-treemix.snps.hdf5

Input data file

In [110]:
# the path to your HDF5 formatted snps file
SNPS = "/tmp/test-treemix.snps.hdf5"

Population assignments

In [111]:
IMAP = {
    "r0": ["r0-0", "r0-1"],
    "r1": ["r1-0", "r1-1"],
    "r2": ["r2-0", "r2-1"],
    "r3": ["r3-0", "r3-1"],
    "r4": ["r4-0", "r4-1"],
    "r5": ["r5-0", "r5-1"],
    "r6": ["r6-0", "r6-1"],

Load tool and filter missing data

In [139]:
tmx = ipa.treemix(SNPS, imap=IMAP, workdir="/tmp")

Samples: 14
Sites before filtering: 1000
Filtered (indels): 0
Filtered (bi-allel): 58
Filtered (mincov): 0
Filtered (minmap): 0
Filtered (subsample invariant): 0
Filtered (combined): 58
Sites after filtering: 942
Sites containing missing values: 0 (0.00%)
Missing values in SNP matrix: 0 (0.00%)
subsampled 942 unlinked SNPs

Set parameters

In [140]:
tmx.params.root = "r4,r5,r6"
tmx.params.m = 1
tmx.params.global_ = 1

bootstrap   0                   
climb       0                   
cormig      0                   
g           (None, None)        
global_     1                   
k           0                   
m           1                   
noss        0                   
root        r4,r5,r6            
se          0                   
seed        381302990           

Run analysis

In [141]:
# the command that will be run

'/home/deren/miniconda3/envs/py36/bin/treemix -i /tmp/test.treemix.in.gz -o /tmp/test -m 1 -seed 381302990 -root r4,r5,r6 -global'

In [142]:
# execute command

Parse results

The result here is not accurate. Perhaps it would improve with more samples per lineage or more SNPs.

In [143]:

admixture   [(4, 0.123026, 7, 0.0657704, 0.039121)]
cov         [[ 0.193246    0.01681     0.0151671  -0.0440155  -0.0540499  -0.0633512
  -0.0638062 ]
 [ 0.01681     0.169992    0.0569728  -0.0510421  -0.0578917  -0.0671931
  -0.0676481 ]
 [ 0.0151671   0.0569728   0.178207   -0.051358   -0.0613924  -0.0685706
  -0.0690256 ]
 [-0.0440155  -0.0510421  -0.051358    0.156445    0.00681355 -0.00779569
 [-0.0540499  -0.0578917  -0.0613924   0.00681355  0.118506    0.0246328
   0.0233816 ]
 [-0.0633512  -0.0671931  -0.0685706  -0.00779569  0.0246328   0.114058
   0.0682204 ]
 [-0.0638062  -0.0676481  -0.0690256  -0.00904682  0.0233816   0.0682204
   0.117925  ]]
llik        125.367             
tree        (r6:0.0853888,((r3:0.140711,(r2:0.0776395,(r1:0.0450637,r0:0.0504777):0.0657704):0.0430514):0.127177,(r5:0.111235,r4:0.123026):0.0474548):0.0853888);

In [144]:
canvas1, axes1 = tmx.draw_tree();
canvas2, axes2 = tmx.draw_cov();


In [145]:
# save your plots
import toyplot.svg
toyplot.svg.render(canvas1, "/tmp/treemix-m1.svg")

Finding the best value for m

As with structure plots there is no True best value, but you can use model selection methods to decide whether one is a statistically better fit to your data than another. Adding additional admixture edges will always improve the likelihood score, but with diminishing returns as you add additional edges that explain little variation in the data. You can look at the log likelihood score of each model fit by running a for-loop like below. You may want to run this within another for-loop that iterates over different subsampled SNPs.

In [120]:
tests = {}
nadmix = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# iterate over n admixture edges and store results in a dictionary
for adm in nadmix:
    tmx.params.m = adm
    tests[adm] = tmx.results.llik

In [122]:
# plot the likelihood for different values of m
    [tests[i] for i in nadmix],
    xlabel="n admixture edges",

012345n admixture edges124.5125.0125.5ln(likelihood)