Practical for CS in Spectroscopy

1. the $\ell_1$ norm vs the $\ell_2$ norm

$\ell_1$ is defined as :

$$ \ell_1(x) = \sum_i{|x_i|} $$

to be compared with the classical cartesian $\ell_2$ norm :

$$ \ell_2(x) = \sqrt{\sum_i{x_i^2}} $$

Minimizing the a target function over set of experimental points by minimizing the $\ell_2$ norm of the difference between the experimental points and the computed points, is called the Maximum Likelyhood approach. It is equivalent to searching the most probable data-set given the parameters and a model.

It is the classical way of fitting parameters.

Let's take an example

define the Exponential shape: $$ E(x, A,\sigma) = A e^{-\sigma x} $$ where

  • $x$ is the running coordinate
  • $A$ is the amplitude
  • $\sigma$ is the inverse of the caracteristic decay

In [1]:
import numpy as np
def Exponen(x, A, sigma):
    "function for Exponential decay "
    return A*np.exp(-sigma*x)

We can use it

In [2]:
print (Exponen(5, A=100, sigma=0.3))


and plot it

In [3]:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [4]:
x = np.linspace(0,10,100)
y = Exponen(x, A=100, sigma=0.3)
plt.plot(x, y)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x106195450>]

to simulate fitting, we first generate a noisy version of this curve:

In [5]:
noise = 2.0
y_meas = Exponen(x, A=100, sigma=0.3) + noise*np.random.randn(len(y))
# np.random.randn returns a random series with a normal distribution.
plt.plot(x, y_meas,'o')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1062d7090>]

Fitting the data

in this purpose, we compute the difference between the experimental data, and the analytical model we use (Here Exponential).

In the "fitting" context, we need to have $func()$ return the difference between the constructed values and measured ones, it is generally called the residual

so we need to compute $$ E_{res}(x, y_{meas}, A,\sigma) = y_{meas} - E(x, A,\sigma) $$

In [6]:
def Eres(param, x, y_meas):
    "compute the residual"
    (A, sigma) = param
    res = y_meas - Exponen(x, A, sigma) 
    return res

In [7]:
# ploting with a slight missmatch :
plt.plot(x, Eres((70, 0.2), x, y_meas) )
print ("square root of sum of squares: %f"%np.sqrt( sum( Eres((70, 0.2), x, y_meas)**2 )) )
print ("sum of absolute values: %f"%sum( abs(Eres((70, 0.2), x, y_meas) )))

square root of sum of squares: 96.723597
sum of absolute values: 719.561465

Minimizing the norm of the residual

To fit means that we want to find the parameters of the model that minimize the intensity of the residual.

The maximum Likelyhood solution consists in minimizing the sum of the square of the residual.

There is a large range of utilities in scipy to do this, in particular check the scipy.optimize package

Now we are going to use leastsq() ( curve_fit() would be simpler, but less didactic )

given leastsq(f, p0, (x,y) ) the function leastsq() minimizes the following value : $$ arg min_{p_j}(Q(p_j) = \sum_i(f(p_j, x_i, y_i)^2)) $$

whe $p_j$ are the parameters to find.

It does it very efficiently because it can estimate the derivatives $\frac {\partial Q}{\partial p_j}$ of $Q$ $$ \frac {\partial Q}{\partial p_j} = 2 f \frac {\partial f}{\partial p_j} $$ and $\frac {\partial f}{\partial p_j}$ by small displacement analysis, using an algorithm called *Levenberg-Marquardt"

In [8]:
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

# we need an initial *guessed* value
Po = (70, 0.2)
# then call it :
res_l2 = leastsq(Eres, Po, (x,y_meas))
P_fit = res_l2[0]  # res is an array, res[0] contains the fitted values

[ 100.1005006     0.30053743]

not too bad for a target of [100.0 0.3] and we compute the relative precision, and plot the result :

In [9]:
def show_Eres(P, x, y):
    P_o = np.array([100,0.3])
    print("relative error: %.1f %%"%(100*sum(abs(P-P_o)/P_o)/len(P_o)))
    plt.plot(x, y,'x')
    plt.plot(x, Exponen(x, *P), 'r' )

    plt.plot(x, Eres(P, x, y) )
show_Eres(P_fit, x, y_meas)

[ 100.1005006     0.30053743]
relative error: 0.1 %

To do the same in $\ell_1$ we have to ressort to another (slower) minimizer. I'll choose powell.

In [10]:
from scipy.optimize import minimize

In [11]:
def Eres_Sum_L1(param, x, y_meas):
    return sum( abs( Eres(param, x, y_meas)))

res_l1 = minimize(Eres_Sum_L1, Po, args=(x,y_meas), method="Powell")
P_fit = res_l1.x

show_Eres(P_fit, x, y_meas)

[ 99.82368076   0.3009189 ]
relative error: 0.2 %

it seems to work just as well !

we can make it into one single function similar to leastsq() for more convenience.

In [12]:
def leastL1(func, x0, args):
    "same as leastsq, but minimizes sum(abs(func(x)-y))"
    Sum_L1 = lambda  p, x, y: sum( abs( func(p, x, y) ) )
    res_l1 = minimize(Sum_L1, x0, args=args, method="Powell")
    return (res_l1.x, 1) # second argument is used to mimic leastsq

In [13]:
res_l1 = leastL1(Eres, Po, (x,y_meas))
P_fit = res_l1[0]     # res is an array, res[0] contains the fitted values
show_Eres(P_fit, x, y_meas)

[ 99.82368076   0.3009189 ]
relative error: 0.2 %

comparison $\ell_1$ vs $\ell_2$ for function fit

We've seen that superficially, minimizing $\ell_1$ or $\ell_2$ seems very similar.

Let's put some outliers to the experimental measure, and see how it behaves.

In [14]:
import random
y_meas2 = y_meas.copy()
for i in range(10):
    index = int(len(x)*random.random())   # choose a position
    y_meas2[index] += 80*random.random()  # add a positive random value
plt.plot(x, y_meas2)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x107b072d0>]

In [15]:
res_l2 = leastsq(Eres, Po, (x,y_meas2))
P_fit = res_l2[0]     # res is an array, res[0] contains the fitted values
show_Eres(P_fit, x, y_meas2)
plt.title("$\ell_2$ norm minimisation")

res_l1 = leastL1(Eres, Po, (x,y_meas2))
P_fit = res_l1[0]     # res is an array, res[0] contains the fitted values
show_Eres(P_fit, x, y_meas2)
plt.title("$\ell_1$ norm minimisation")

[ 96.11695289   0.24953946]
relative error: 10.4 %
[ 99.38120262   0.29432308]
relative error: 1.3 %
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x106544410>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x1074fead0>

In [16]:
# Here the residual is a *long tail* distribution
h=plt.hist(Eres(P_fit, x, y_meas2) , bins=30)

It seems that $\ell_1$ is more robust against outliers.

It comes from the fact that minimizing the $\ell_1$ norm of the residual is equivalent to maximizing its sparcity.

In any case, the assumption for Maximum Likelyhood approach ($\ell_2$ minimization) do not hold here as the noise is certainly not normal.

Use the same tools in other contexts

  • linear fit

In [17]:
def Linear(x, A, B):
    "Linear function"
    return A*x + B
def Lres(param, x, y_meas):
    "compute the residual"
    return y_meas - Linear(x, *param)
x = np.linspace(-10,10,30)
y = Linear(x, 1.1,-1)
y_meas = y + np.random.randn(len(x))
y_meas[27] = -10
plt.plot(x,y, ':')
plt.plot(x,y_meas, 'o')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x107cbad90>]

In [18]:
Po = [0,0]

res_l2 = leastsq(Lres, Po, (x,y_meas))
P_fit = res_l2[0]     # res is an array, res[0] contains the fitted values
plt.plot(x ,y, ':', label='real')
plt.plot(x, y_meas, 'o')
plt.plot(x, Linear(x, *P_fit), label='$\ell_2$ fit')

res_l1 = leastL1(Lres, Po, (x,y_meas))
P_fit = res_l1[0]     # res is an array, res[0] contains the fitted values
plt.plot(x, Linear(x, *P_fit),  label='$\ell_1$ fit')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x108b88cd0>

You can try something else

  • Gaussian fit
  • Bessel functions
  • ... anything ...

random matrix

Random matrices are easy to build in numpy.

They have very peculiar properties.

In [19]:
r = np.random.randn(3,3)  # 3x3 random matric filled with normal law

[[ 0.71717016 -1.27430656  0.18664894]
 [-0.43633039 -0.4521332   2.85692406]
 [ 0.50537093 -0.25620104  1.02787003]]

In [20]:
r = np.random.randn(1000,1000)
plt.imshow(r, cmap="pink")

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x109443190>

square of a random matrix

In [21]:
r2 =, r.T)  # r2 is the square of r
plt.imshow(r2, cmap="pink")

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x10f180d90>

In [22]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x10754fb10>]

it seems that is shows some diagonal

It comes from the fact that, if $X$ and $Y$ two random series, independence means that the Expected for their cross-correlation is zero. $$ cor(X,Y) = \sum_i^N(X_i Y_i) \\ E( cor(X,Y) ) = 0 $$ while of-course, $$ cor(X,X) = \sum_i^N(X_i X_i) \\ E( cor(X,X) ) = N $$

more over, the standard deviation $\sigma$ of $cor(X,Y)$ is : $$ \sigma(cor(X,Y)) = \sqrt{2N} $$

So looking to one of the line of the matrix r2

In [23]:
sigma = r2[100,100:].std()

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x108bf9190>]

how does it changes with $N$ ?

In [24]:
# we create empty lists to store values using list.append()
Es = []              # to store expected values
sigmas = []          # to store standard div

# listN is the sizes for matrices.
# be careful the value 10000 requires about 1.6 Gb of central memory
listN = np.array([30,100,300,1000,3000,10000]) 

for i,N in enumerate(listN):
    r = np.random.randn(N,N)
    r2 =, r.T)/N
    sigma = r2[10,10:].std()
    plt.subplot(len(listN), 1, i+1)
    plt.plot(r2[10], label="$N=%d$"%N)

In [25]:
plt.imshow(r2, cmap="pink")

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x10ae07a10>

In [26]:
Es = np.array(Es)          # this transforms a plain python list into a nparray
sigmas = np.array(sigmas)  # so one can make computation

plt.loglog(listN, Es, label="$<cor(X,X)>$")
plt.loglog(listN, sigmas, 'r', label="$<cor(X,Y)>$")

plt.plot(listN, Es/sigmas, label="measured")
plt.plot(listN, np.sqrt(listN/2), 'r--', label="theory" )

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10a594a50>

Large random matrices behave nearly like orthogonal matrices !

It works also with other random (centered) distributions

In [27]:
#r = 2*np.random.rand(1000,1000)-1                         # equiprobable law  -1.0 1.0
#r = np.sign(np.random.randn(1000,1000))                   # random series of -1 / +1
#r = np.sign(np.random.randn(1000,1000)); r[r<0] = 0.0     # Bernouilli : random 0 and 1

Random matrices can also be rectangular. For a $N \times P$ matrix, with $N<P$, the direct product produces a $N \times N$ matrix, close to indentity by $1 \over \sqrt{2P}$

In [28]:
r = np.random.randn(300, 3000)
r2 =, r.T)
plt.imshow(r2, cmap="pink")

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1102d8250>

This is not so surprizing

What is more surprizing is that the reverse product produces a $P \times P$ matrix, close to indentity by $1 \over \sqrt{N}$.

In [29]:
r2 =, r)
plt.imshow(r2, cmap="pink")

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x10ac9c6d0>

However we know that the matrix r2 is non-invertible, as its rank in $N$ and its size in $P \times P$ (remember $P>N$).


$R Im$

In [32]:
s = plt.imread("embryos.tif")
sg = s[:,:,1]
plt.imshow(sg, cmap='gray')

(1200, 1600, 3)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x10f273850>

In [38]:
N = 5000
r = np.random.randn(1200,N)
sgg =,, sg))
plt.imshow(sgg, cmap='gray')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x10ba00a90>

try to play with $N$

In [ ]: