Copyright 2019 The Sonnet Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
In [0]:
import sys
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), "Sonnet 2 requires Python >=3.6"
In [3]:
!pip install dm-sonnet tqdm
In [0]:
import sonnet as snt
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
In [6]:
print("TensorFlow version: {}".format(tf.__version__))
print(" Sonnet version: {}".format(snt.__version__))
Finally lets take a quick look at the GPUs we have available:
In [7]:
!grep Model: /proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/*/information | awk '{$1="";print$0}'
We need to get our dataset in a state where we can iterate over it easily. The TensorFlow Datasets package provides a simple API for this. It will download the dataset and prepare it for us to speedily process on a GPU. We can also add our own pre-processing functions to mutate the dataset before our model sees it:
In [0]:
batch_size = 100
def process_batch(images, labels):
images = tf.squeeze(images, axis=[-1])
images = tf.cast(images, dtype=tf.float32)
images = ((images / 255.) - .5) * 2.
return images, labels
def mnist(split):
dataset = tfds.load("mnist", split=split, as_supervised=True)
dataset =
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(
dataset = dataset.cache()
return dataset
mnist_train = mnist("train").shuffle(10)
mnist_test = mnist("test")
MNIST contains 28x28
greyscale handwritten digits. Let's take a look at one:
In [9]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
images, _ = next(iter(mnist_test))
The next step is to define a model. In Sonnet everything that contains TensorFlow variables (tf.Variable
) extends snt.Module
, this includes low level neural network components (e.g. snt.Linear
, snt.Conv2D
), larger nets containing subcomponents (e.g. snt.nets.MLP
), optimizers (e.g. snt.optimizers.Adam
) and whatever else you can think of.
Modules provide a simple abstraction for storing parameters (and Variable
s used for other purposes, like for storing moving avergages in BatchNorm
To find all the parameters for a given module, simply do: module.variables
. This will return a tuple
of all the parameters that exist for this module, or any module it references:
In Sonnet you build neural networks out of snt.Module
s. In this case we'll build a multi-layer perceptron as a new class with a __call__
method that computes the logits by passing the input through a number of fully connected layers, with a ReLU non-linearity.
In [0]:
class MLP(snt.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(MLP, self).__init__()
self.flatten = snt.Flatten()
self.hidden1 = snt.Linear(1024, name="hidden1")
self.hidden2 = snt.Linear(1024, name="hidden2")
self.logits = snt.Linear(10, name="logits")
def __call__(self, images):
output = self.flatten(images)
output = tf.nn.relu(self.hidden1(output))
output = tf.nn.relu(self.hidden2(output))
output = self.logits(output)
return output
Now we'll create an instance of our class whose weights will be randomly initialized. We'll train this MLP such that it learns to recognize digits in the MNIST dataset.
In [11]:
mlp = MLP()
Let's feed an example input through the model and see what it predicts. Since the model is randomly initialized there is a 1/10 chance that it will predict the right class!
In [12]:
images, labels = next(iter(mnist_test))
logits = mlp(images)
prediction = tf.argmax(logits[0]).numpy()
actual = labels[0].numpy()
print("Predicted class: {} actual class: {}".format(prediction, actual))
To train the model we need an optimizer. For this simple example we'll use Stochastic Gradient Descent which is implemented in the SGD
optimizer. To compute gradients we'll use a tf.GradientTape
which allows us to selectively record gradients only for the computation we want to back propagate through:
In [0]:
#@title Utility function to show progress bar.
from tqdm import tqdm
# MNIST training set has 60k images.
num_images = 60000
def progress_bar(generator):
return tqdm(
total=(num_images // batch_size) * num_epochs)
In [14]:
opt = snt.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1)
num_epochs = 10
def step(images, labels):
"""Performs one optimizer step on a single mini-batch."""
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
logits = mlp(images)
loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits,
loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
params = mlp.trainable_variables
grads = tape.gradient(loss, params)
opt.apply(grads, params)
return loss
for images, labels in progress_bar(mnist_train.repeat(num_epochs)):
loss = step(images, labels)
print("\n\nFinal loss: {}".format(loss.numpy()))
We'll do very simple analysis of the model to get a feeling for how well it does against this dataset:
In [15]:
total = 0
correct = 0
for images, labels in mnist_test:
predictions = tf.argmax(mlp(images), axis=1)
correct += tf.math.count_nonzero(tf.equal(predictions, labels))
total += images.shape[0]
print("Got %d/%d (%.02f%%) correct" % (correct, total, correct / total * 100.))
To understand the result a bit better, lets take a look at a small sample of where the model correctly identified the digits:
In [0]:
#@title Utility function to show a sample of images.
def sample(correct, rows, cols):
n = 0
f, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols)
if rows > 1:
ax = tf.nest.flatten([tuple(ax[i]) for i in range(rows)])
f.set_figheight(4 * rows)
for images, labels in mnist_test:
predictions = tf.argmax(mlp(images), axis=1)
eq = tf.equal(predictions, labels)
for i, x in enumerate(eq):
if x.numpy() == correct:
label = labels[i]
prediction = predictions[i]
image = images[i]
ax[n].set_title("Prediction:{}\nActual:{}".format(prediction, label))
n += 1
if n == (rows * cols):
if n == (rows * cols):
In [17]:
sample(correct=True, rows=1, cols=5)
Now lets take a look at where it incorrectly classifies the input. MNIST has some rather dubious handwriting, I'm sure you'll agree that some of the samples below are a little ambiguous:
In [18]:
sample(correct=False, rows=2, cols=5)