Tutorial Part 12: Predicting Ki of Ligands to a Protein

In this notebook, we analyze the BACE enyzme and build machine learning models for predicting the Ki of ligands to the protein. We will use the deepchem library to load this data into memory, split into train/test/validation folds, build and cross-validate models, and report statistics.


This tutorial and the rest in this sequence are designed to be done in Google colab. If you'd like to open this notebook in colab, you can use the following link.


To run DeepChem within Colab, you'll need to run the following cell of installation commands. This will take about 5 minutes to run to completion and install your environment.

In [0]:
%tensorflow_version 1.x
!curl -Lo deepchem_installer.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deepchem/deepchem/master/scripts/colab_install.py
import deepchem_installer
%time deepchem_installer.install(version='2.3.0')

In [0]:
import os
import sys
import deepchem as dc
from deepchem.utils.save import load_from_disk

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath("__file__"))
dataset_file = "desc_canvas_aug30.csv"
dataset = load_from_disk(dataset_file)
pretty_columns = (
    "[" + ",".join(["'%s'" % column for column in dataset.columns.values[:num_display]])
    + ",...]")

crystal_dataset_file = "crystal_desc_canvas_aug30.csv"
crystal_dataset = load_from_disk(crystal_dataset_file)

print("Columns of dataset: %s" % pretty_columns)
print("Number of examples in dataset: %s" % str(dataset.shape[0]))
print("Number of examples in crystal dataset: %s" % str(crystal_dataset.shape[0]))

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/__init__.py:15: FutureWarning: sklearn.externals.joblib is deprecated in 0.21 and will be removed in 0.23. Please import this functionality directly from joblib, which can be installed with: pip install joblib. If this warning is raised when loading pickled models, you may need to re-serialize those models with scikit-learn 0.21+.
  warnings.warn(msg, category=FutureWarning)

The default version of TensorFlow in Colab will switch to TensorFlow 2.x on the 27th of March, 2020.
We recommend you upgrade now or ensure your notebook will continue to use TensorFlow 1.x via the %tensorflow_version 1.x magic: .

The TensorFlow contrib module will not be included in TensorFlow 2.0.
For more information, please see:
  * https://github.com/tensorflow/community/blob/master/rfcs/20180907-contrib-sunset.md
  * https://github.com/tensorflow/addons
  * https://github.com/tensorflow/io (for I/O related ops)
If you depend on functionality not listed there, please file an issue.

Columns of dataset: ['mol','CID','Class','Model','pIC50','MW','AlogP','HBA','HBD','RB',...]
Number of examples in dataset: 1522
Number of examples in crystal dataset: 25

To gain a visual understanding of compounds in our dataset, let's draw them using rdkit. We define a couple of helper functions to get started.

In [0]:
import tempfile
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
from itertools import islice
from IPython.display import Image, display, HTML

def display_images(filenames):
    """Helper to pretty-print images."""
    for filename in filenames:

def mols_to_pngs(mols, basename="test"):
    """Helper to write RDKit mols to png files."""
    filenames = []
    for i, mol in enumerate(mols):
        filename = "BACE_%s%d.png" % (basename, i)
        Draw.MolToFile(mol, filename)
    return filenames

Now, we display a compound from the dataset. Note the complex ring structures and polar structures.

In [0]:
num_to_display = 12
molecules = []
for _, data in islice(dataset.iterrows(), num_to_display):
display_images(mols_to_pngs(molecules, basename="dataset"))

Now let's picture the compounds in the crystal structure collection

In [0]:
num_to_display = 12
molecules = []
for _, data in islice(crystal_dataset.iterrows(), num_to_display):
display_images(mols_to_pngs(molecules, basename="crystal_dataset"))

Analyzing the distribution of pIC50 values in the dataset gives us a nice spread.

In [0]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pIC50s = np.array(dataset["pIC50"])
# Remove some dirty data from the dataset
pIC50s = [pIC50 for pIC50 in pIC50s if pIC50 != '']
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(pIC50s, 50, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75)
plt.xlabel('Measured pIC50')
plt.ylabel('Number of compounds')
plt.title(r'Histogram of pIC50 Values')

We now featurize the data using the Canvas samples. To do so, we must specify the columns in the data input that correspond to the features. (Note that CanvasUID is excluded!)

In [0]:
user_specified_features = ['MW','AlogP','HBA','HBD','RB','HeavyAtomCount','ChiralCenterCount','ChiralCenterCountAllPossible','RingCount','PSA','Estate','MR','Polar','sLi_Key','ssBe_Key','ssssBem_Key','sBH2_Key','ssBH_Key','sssB_Key','ssssBm_Key','sCH3_Key','dCH2_Key','ssCH2_Key','tCH_Key','dsCH_Key','aaCH_Key','sssCH_Key','ddC_Key','tsC_Key','dssC_Key','aasC_Key','aaaC_Key','ssssC_Key','sNH3_Key','sNH2_Key','ssNH2_Key','dNH_Key','ssNH_Key','aaNH_Key','tN_Key','sssNH_Key','dsN_Key','aaN_Key','sssN_Key','ddsN_Key','aasN_Key','ssssN_Key','daaN_Key','sOH_Key','dO_Key','ssO_Key','aaO_Key','aOm_Key','sOm_Key','sF_Key','sSiH3_Key','ssSiH2_Key','sssSiH_Key','ssssSi_Key','sPH2_Key','ssPH_Key','sssP_Key','dsssP_Key','ddsP_Key','sssssP_Key','sSH_Key','dS_Key','ssS_Key','aaS_Key','dssS_Key','ddssS_Key','ssssssS_Key','Sm_Key','sCl_Key','sGeH3_Key','ssGeH2_Key','sssGeH_Key','ssssGe_Key','sAsH2_Key','ssAsH_Key','sssAs_Key','dsssAs_Key','ddsAs_Key','sssssAs_Key','sSeH_Key','dSe_Key','ssSe_Key','aaSe_Key','dssSe_Key','ssssssSe_Key','ddssSe_Key','sBr_Key','sSnH3_Key','ssSnH2_Key','sssSnH_Key','ssssSn_Key','sI_Key','sPbH3_Key','ssPbH2_Key','sssPbH_Key','ssssPb_Key','sLi_Cnt','ssBe_Cnt','ssssBem_Cnt','sBH2_Cnt','ssBH_Cnt','sssB_Cnt','ssssBm_Cnt','sCH3_Cnt','dCH2_Cnt','ssCH2_Cnt','tCH_Cnt','dsCH_Cnt','aaCH_Cnt','sssCH_Cnt','ddC_Cnt','tsC_Cnt','dssC_Cnt','aasC_Cnt','aaaC_Cnt','ssssC_Cnt','sNH3_Cnt','sNH2_Cnt','ssNH2_Cnt','dNH_Cnt','ssNH_Cnt','aaNH_Cnt','tN_Cnt','sssNH_Cnt','dsN_Cnt','aaN_Cnt','sssN_Cnt','ddsN_Cnt','aasN_Cnt','ssssN_Cnt','daaN_Cnt','sOH_Cnt','dO_Cnt','ssO_Cnt','aaO_Cnt','aOm_Cnt','sOm_Cnt','sF_Cnt','sSiH3_Cnt','ssSiH2_Cnt','sssSiH_Cnt','ssssSi_Cnt','sPH2_Cnt','ssPH_Cnt','sssP_Cnt','dsssP_Cnt','ddsP_Cnt','sssssP_Cnt','sSH_Cnt','dS_Cnt','ssS_Cnt','aaS_Cnt','dssS_Cnt','ddssS_Cnt','ssssssS_Cnt','Sm_Cnt','sCl_Cnt','sGeH3_Cnt','ssGeH2_Cnt','sssGeH_Cnt','ssssGe_Cnt','sAsH2_Cnt','ssAsH_Cnt','sssAs_Cnt','dsssAs_Cnt','ddsAs_Cnt','sssssAs_Cnt','sSeH_Cnt','dSe_Cnt','ssSe_Cnt','aaSe_Cnt','dssSe_Cnt','ssssssSe_Cnt','ddssSe_Cnt','sBr_Cnt','sSnH3_Cnt','ssSnH2_Cnt','sssSnH_Cnt','ssssSn_Cnt','sI_Cnt','sPbH3_Cnt','ssPbH2_Cnt','sssPbH_Cnt','ssssPb_Cnt','sLi_Sum','ssBe_Sum','ssssBem_Sum','sBH2_Sum','ssBH_Sum','sssB_Sum','ssssBm_Sum','sCH3_Sum','dCH2_Sum','ssCH2_Sum','tCH_Sum','dsCH_Sum','aaCH_Sum','sssCH_Sum','ddC_Sum','tsC_Sum','dssC_Sum','aasC_Sum','aaaC_Sum','ssssC_Sum','sNH3_Sum','sNH2_Sum','ssNH2_Sum','dNH_Sum','ssNH_Sum','aaNH_Sum','tN_Sum','sssNH_Sum','dsN_Sum','aaN_Sum','sssN_Sum','ddsN_Sum','aasN_Sum','ssssN_Sum','daaN_Sum','sOH_Sum','dO_Sum','ssO_Sum','aaO_Sum','aOm_Sum','sOm_Sum','sF_Sum','sSiH3_Sum','ssSiH2_Sum','sssSiH_Sum','ssssSi_Sum','sPH2_Sum','ssPH_Sum','sssP_Sum','dsssP_Sum','ddsP_Sum','sssssP_Sum','sSH_Sum','dS_Sum','ssS_Sum','aaS_Sum','dssS_Sum','ddssS_Sum','ssssssS_Sum','Sm_Sum','sCl_Sum','sGeH3_Sum','ssGeH2_Sum','sssGeH_Sum','ssssGe_Sum','sAsH2_Sum','ssAsH_Sum','sssAs_Sum','dsssAs_Sum','ddsAs_Sum','sssssAs_Sum','sSeH_Sum','dSe_Sum','ssSe_Sum','aaSe_Sum','dssSe_Sum','ssssssSe_Sum','ddssSe_Sum','sBr_Sum','sSnH3_Sum','ssSnH2_Sum','sssSnH_Sum','ssssSn_Sum','sI_Sum','sPbH3_Sum','ssPbH2_Sum','sssPbH_Sum','ssssPb_Sum','sLi_Avg','ssBe_Avg','ssssBem_Avg','sBH2_Avg','ssBH_Avg','sssB_Avg','ssssBm_Avg','sCH3_Avg','dCH2_Avg','ssCH2_Avg','tCH_Avg','dsCH_Avg','aaCH_Avg','sssCH_Avg','ddC_Avg','tsC_Avg','dssC_Avg','aasC_Avg','aaaC_Avg','ssssC_Avg','sNH3_Avg','sNH2_Avg','ssNH2_Avg','dNH_Avg','ssNH_Avg','aaNH_Avg','tN_Avg','sssNH_Avg','dsN_Avg','aaN_Avg','sssN_Avg','ddsN_Avg','aasN_Avg','ssssN_Avg','daaN_Avg','sOH_Avg','dO_Avg','ssO_Avg','aaO_Avg','aOm_Avg','sOm_Avg','sF_Avg','sSiH3_Avg','ssSiH2_Avg','sssSiH_Avg','ssssSi_Avg','sPH2_Avg','ssPH_Avg','sssP_Avg','dsssP_Avg','ddsP_Avg','sssssP_Avg','sSH_Avg','dS_Avg','ssS_Avg','aaS_Avg','dssS_Avg','ddssS_Avg','ssssssS_Avg','Sm_Avg','sCl_Avg','sGeH3_Avg','ssGeH2_Avg','sssGeH_Avg','ssssGe_Avg','sAsH2_Avg','ssAsH_Avg','sssAs_Avg','dsssAs_Avg','ddsAs_Avg','sssssAs_Avg','sSeH_Avg','dSe_Avg','ssSe_Avg','aaSe_Avg','dssSe_Avg','ssssssSe_Avg','ddssSe_Avg','sBr_Avg','sSnH3_Avg','ssSnH2_Avg','sssSnH_Avg','ssssSn_Avg','sI_Avg','sPbH3_Avg','ssPbH2_Avg','sssPbH_Avg','ssssPb_Avg','First Zagreb (ZM1)','First Zagreb index by valence vertex degrees (ZM1V)','Second Zagreb (ZM2)','Second Zagreb index by valence vertex degrees (ZM2V)','Polarity (Pol)','Narumi Simple Topological (NST)','Narumi Harmonic Topological (NHT)','Narumi Geometric Topological (NGT)','Total structure connectivity (TSC)','Wiener (W)','Mean Wiener (MW)','Xu (Xu)','Quadratic (QIndex)','Radial centric (RC)','Mean Square Distance Balaban (MSDB)','Superpendentic (SP)','Harary (Har)','Log of product of row sums (LPRS)','Pogliani (Pog)','Schultz Molecular Topological (SMT)','Schultz Molecular Topological by valence vertex degrees (SMTV)','Mean Distance Degree Deviation (MDDD)','Ramification (Ram)','Gutman Molecular Topological (GMT)','Gutman MTI by valence vertex degrees (GMTV)','Average vertex distance degree (AVDD)','Unipolarity (UP)','Centralization (CENT)','Variation (VAR)','Molecular electrotopological variation (MEV)','Maximal electrotopological positive variation (MEPV)','Maximal electrotopological negative variation (MENV)','Eccentric connectivity (ECCc)','Eccentricity (ECC)','Average eccentricity (AECC)','Eccentric (DECC)','Valence connectivity index chi-0 (vX0)','Valence connectivity index chi-1 (vX1)','Valence connectivity index chi-2 (vX2)','Valence connectivity index chi-3 (vX3)','Valence connectivity index chi-4 (vX4)','Valence connectivity index chi-5 (vX5)','Average valence connectivity index chi-0 (AvX0)','Average valence connectivity index chi-1 (AvX1)','Average valence connectivity index chi-2 (AvX2)','Average valence connectivity index chi-3 (AvX3)','Average valence connectivity index chi-4 (AvX4)','Average valence connectivity index chi-5 (AvX5)','Quasi Wiener (QW)','First Mohar (FM)','Second Mohar (SM)','Spanning tree number (STN)','Kier benzene-likeliness index (KBLI)','Topological charge index of order 1 (TCI1)','Topological charge index of order 2 (TCI2)','Topological charge index of order 3 (TCI3)','Topological charge index of order 4 (TCI4)','Topological charge index of order 5 (TCI5)','Topological charge index of order 6 (TCI6)','Topological charge index of order 7 (TCI7)','Topological charge index of order 8 (TCI8)','Topological charge index of order 9 (TCI9)','Topological charge index of order 10 (TCI10)','Mean topological charge index of order 1 (MTCI1)','Mean topological charge index of order 2 (MTCI2)','Mean topological charge index of order 3 (MTCI3)','Mean topological charge index of order 4 (MTCI4)','Mean topological charge index of order 5 (MTCI5)','Mean topological charge index of order 6 (MTCI6)','Mean topological charge index of order 7 (MTCI7)','Mean topological charge index of order 8 (MTCI8)','Mean topological charge index of order 9 (MTCI9)','Mean topological charge index of order 10 (MTCI10)','Global topological charge (GTC)','Hyper-distance-path index (HDPI)','Reciprocal hyper-distance-path index (RHDPI)','Square reciprocal distance sum (SRDS)','Modified Randic connectivity (MRC)','Balaban centric (BC)','Lopping centric (LC)','Kier Hall electronegativity (KHE)','Sum of topological distances between N..N (STD(N N))','Sum of topological distances between N..O (STD(N O))','Sum of topological distances between N..S (STD(N S))','Sum of topological distances between N..P (STD(N P))','Sum of topological distances between N..F (STD(N F))','Sum of topological distances between N..Cl (STD(N Cl))','Sum of topological distances between N..Br (STD(N Br))','Sum of topological distances between N..I (STD(N I))','Sum of topological distances between O..O (STD(O O))','Sum of topological distances between O..S (STD(O S))','Sum of topological distances between O..P (STD(O P))','Sum of topological distances between O..F (STD(O F))','Sum of topological distances between O..Cl (STD(O Cl))','Sum of topological distances between O..Br (STD(O Br))','Sum of topological distances between O..I (STD(O I))','Sum of topological distances between S..S (STD(S S))','Sum of topological distances between S..P (STD(S P))','Sum of topological distances between S..F (STD(S F))','Sum of topological distances between S..Cl (STD(S Cl))','Sum of topological distances between S..Br (STD(S Br))','Sum of topological distances between S..I (STD(S I))','Sum of topological distances between P..P (STD(P P))','Sum of topological distances between P..F (STD(P F))','Sum of topological distances between P..Cl (STD(P Cl))','Sum of topological distances between P..Br (STD(P Br))','Sum of topological distances between P..I (STD(P I))','Sum of topological distances between F..F (STD(F F))','Sum of topological distances between F..Cl (STD(F Cl))','Sum of topological distances between F..Br (STD(F Br))','Sum of topological distances between F..I (STD(F I))','Sum of topological distances between Cl..Cl (STD(Cl Cl))','Sum of topological distances between Cl..Br (STD(Cl Br))','Sum of topological distances between Cl..I (STD(Cl I))','Sum of topological distances between Br..Br (STD(Br Br))','Sum of topological distances between Br..I (STD(Br I))','Sum of topological distances between I..I (STD(I I))','Wiener-type index from Z weighted distance matrix - Barysz matrix (WhetZ)','Wiener-type index from electronegativity weighted distance matrix (Whete)','Wiener-type index from mass weighted distance matrix (Whetm)','Wiener-type index from van der waals weighted distance matrix (Whetv)','Wiener-type index from polarizability weighted distance matrix (Whetp)','Balaban-type index from Z weighted distance matrix - Barysz matrix (JhetZ)','Balaban-type index from electronegativity weighted distance matrix (Jhete)','Balaban-type index from mass weighted distance matrix (Jhetm)','Balaban-type index from van der waals weighted distance matrix (Jhetv)','Balaban-type index from polarizability weighted distance matrix (Jhetp)','Topological diameter (TD)','Topological radius (TR)','Petitjean 2D shape (PJ2DS)','Balaban distance connectivity index (J)','Solvation connectivity index chi-0 (SCIX0)','Solvation connectivity index chi-1 (SCIX1)','Solvation connectivity index chi-2 (SCIX2)','Solvation connectivity index chi-3 (SCIX3)','Solvation connectivity index chi-4 (SCIX4)','Solvation connectivity index chi-5 (SCIX5)','Connectivity index chi-0 (CIX0)','Connectivity chi-1 [Randic connectivity] (CIX1)','Connectivity index chi-2 (CIX2)','Connectivity index chi-3 (CIX3)','Connectivity index chi-4 (CIX4)','Connectivity index chi-5 (CIX5)','Average connectivity index chi-0 (ACIX0)','Average connectivity index chi-1 (ACIX1)','Average connectivity index chi-2 (ACIX2)','Average connectivity index chi-3 (ACIX3)','Average connectivity index chi-4 (ACIX4)','Average connectivity index chi-5 (ACIX5)','reciprocal distance Randic-type index (RDR)','reciprocal distance square Randic-type index (RDSR)','1-path Kier alpha-modified shape index (KAMS1)','2-path Kier alpha-modified shape index (KAMS2)','3-path Kier alpha-modified shape index (KAMS3)','Kier flexibility (KF)','path/walk 2 - Randic shape index (RSIpw2)','path/walk 3 - Randic shape index (RSIpw3)','path/walk 4 - Randic shape index (RSIpw4)','path/walk 5 - Randic shape index (RSIpw5)','E-state topological parameter (ETP)','Ring Count 3 (RNGCNT3)','Ring Count 4 (RNGCNT4)','Ring Count 5 (RNGCNT5)','Ring Count 6 (RNGCNT6)','Ring Count 7 (RNGCNT7)','Ring Count 8 (RNGCNT8)','Ring Count 9 (RNGCNT9)','Ring Count 10 (RNGCNT10)','Ring Count 11 (RNGCNT11)','Ring Count 12 (RNGCNT12)','Ring Count 13 (RNGCNT13)','Ring Count 14 (RNGCNT14)','Ring Count 15 (RNGCNT15)','Ring Count 16 (RNGCNT16)','Ring Count 17 (RNGCNT17)','Ring Count 18 (RNGCNT18)','Ring Count 19 (RNGCNT19)','Ring Count 20 (RNGCNT20)','Atom Count (ATMCNT)','Bond Count (BNDCNT)','Atoms in Ring System (ATMRNGCNT)','Bonds in Ring System (BNDRNGCNT)','Cyclomatic number (CYCLONUM)','Number of ring systems (NRS)','Normalized number of ring systems (NNRS)','Ring Fusion degree (RFD)','Ring perimeter (RNGPERM)','Ring bridge count (RNGBDGE)','Molecule cyclized degree (MCD)','Ring Fusion density (RFDELTA)','Ring complexity index (RCI)','Van der Waals surface area (VSA)','MR1 (MR1)','MR2 (MR2)','MR3 (MR3)','MR4 (MR4)','MR5 (MR5)','MR6 (MR6)','MR7 (MR7)','MR8 (MR8)','ALOGP1 (ALOGP1)','ALOGP2 (ALOGP2)','ALOGP3 (ALOGP3)','ALOGP4 (ALOGP4)','ALOGP5 (ALOGP5)','ALOGP6 (ALOGP6)','ALOGP7 (ALOGP7)','ALOGP8 (ALOGP8)','ALOGP9 (ALOGP9)','ALOGP10 (ALOGP10)','PEOE1 (PEOE1)','PEOE2 (PEOE2)','PEOE3 (PEOE3)','PEOE4 (PEOE4)','PEOE5 (PEOE5)','PEOE6 (PEOE6)','PEOE7 (PEOE7)','PEOE8 (PEOE8)','PEOE9 (PEOE9)','PEOE10 (PEOE10)','PEOE11 (PEOE11)','PEOE12 (PEOE12)','PEOE13 (PEOE13)','PEOE14 (PEOE14)']

In [0]:
import deepchem as dc
import tempfile, shutil

featurizer = dc.feat.UserDefinedFeaturizer(user_specified_features)
loader = dc.data.UserCSVLoader(
      tasks=["Class"], smiles_field="mol", id_field="mol",
dataset = loader.featurize(dataset_file)
crystal_dataset = loader.featurize(crystal_dataset_file)

Loading raw samples now.
shard_size: 8192
About to start loading CSV from desc_canvas_aug30.csv
Loading shard 1 of size 8192.
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/data/data_loader.py:131: FutureWarning: Method .as_matrix will be removed in a future version. Use .values instead.
  X_shard = df.as_matrix(columns=featurizer.feature_fields)
TIMING: user specified processing took 0.169 s
TIMING: featurizing shard 0 took 0.176 s
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.459 s
Loading dataset from disk.
Loading raw samples now.
shard_size: 8192
About to start loading CSV from crystal_desc_canvas_aug30.csv
Loading shard 1 of size 8192.
TIMING: user specified processing took 0.162 s
TIMING: featurizing shard 0 took 0.163 s
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.234 s
Loading dataset from disk.

This data is already split into three subsets "Train" and "Test" with 20% and 80% respectively of the total data from the BACE enzyme. There is also a "Validation" set that contains data from a separate (but related assay). (Note that these names are really misnomers. The "Test" set would be called a validation set in standard machine-learning practice and the "Validation" set would typically be called an external test set.) Hence, we will rename the datasets after loading them.

In [0]:
splitter = dc.splits.SpecifiedSplitter(dataset_file, "Model")
train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = splitter.train_valid_test_split(
valid_dataset, test_dataset = test_dataset, valid_dataset

TIMING: dataset construction took 0.055 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.040 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.146 s
Loading dataset from disk.

Let's quickly take a look at a compound in the validation set. (The compound displayed earlier was drawn from the train set).

In [0]:
valid_mols = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(compound)
              for compound in islice(valid_dataset.ids, num_to_display)]
display_images(mols_to_pngs(valid_mols, basename="valid_set"))

 ... 'Brc1cc(ccc1)C1CC1C=1N=C(N)N(C)C(=O)C=1'

Let's now write these datasets to disk

In [0]:
print("Number of compounds in train set")
print("Number of compounds in validation set")
print("Number of compounds in test set")
print("Number of compounds in crystal set")

Number of compounds in train set
Number of compounds in validation set
Number of compounds in test set
Number of compounds in crystal set

The performance of common machine-learning algorithms can be very sensitive to preprocessing of the data. One common transformation applied to data is to normalize it to have zero-mean and unit-standard-deviation. We will apply this transformation to the pIC50 values (as seen above, the pIC50s range from 2 to 11).

In [0]:
transformers = [
    dc.trans.NormalizationTransformer(transform_X=True, dataset=train_dataset),
    dc.trans.ClippingTransformer(transform_X=True, dataset=train_dataset)]

datasets = [train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset, crystal_dataset]
for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
  for transformer in transformers:
      datasets[i] = transformer.transform(dataset)
train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset, crystal_dataset = datasets

TIMING: dataset construction took 0.035 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.023 s
Loading dataset from disk.
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/trans/transformers.py:254: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  X = np.nan_to_num((X - self.X_means) / self.X_stds)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/trans/transformers.py:254: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  X = np.nan_to_num((X - self.X_means) / self.X_stds)
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.171 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.096 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.009 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.008 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.007 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.006 s
Loading dataset from disk.

We now fit simple random forest models to our datasets.

In [0]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

def rf_model_builder(model_params, model_dir):
  sklearn_model = RandomForestClassifier(**model_params)
  return dc.models.SklearnModel(sklearn_model, model_dir)
params_dict = {
    "n_estimators": [10, 100],
    "max_features": ["auto", "sqrt", "log2", None],

metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.roc_auc_score)
optimizer = dc.hyper.HyperparamOpt(rf_model_builder)
best_rf, best_rf_hyperparams, all_rf_results = optimizer.hyperparam_search(
    params_dict, train_dataset, valid_dataset, transformers,

Fitting model 1/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 10, 'max_features': 'auto'}
computed_metrics: [0.7425808527431867]
Model 1/8, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 0: 0.742581
	best_validation_score so far: 0.742581
Fitting model 2/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 10, 'max_features': 'sqrt'}
computed_metrics: [0.7799706904092787]
Model 2/8, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 1: 0.779971
	best_validation_score so far: 0.779971
Fitting model 3/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 10, 'max_features': 'log2'}
computed_metrics: [0.749754915514979]
Model 3/8, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 2: 0.749755
	best_validation_score so far: 0.779971
Fitting model 4/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 10, 'max_features': None}
computed_metrics: [0.7415502410625858]
Model 4/8, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 3: 0.741550
	best_validation_score so far: 0.779971
Fitting model 5/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 100, 'max_features': 'auto'}
computed_metrics: [0.7799675483004963]
Model 5/8, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 4: 0.779968
	best_validation_score so far: 0.779971
Fitting model 6/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 100, 'max_features': 'sqrt'}
computed_metrics: [0.787823448678052]
Model 6/8, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 5: 0.787823
	best_validation_score so far: 0.787823
Fitting model 7/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 100, 'max_features': 'log2'}
computed_metrics: [0.7893109229756021]
Model 7/8, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 6: 0.789311
	best_validation_score so far: 0.789311
Fitting model 8/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 100, 'max_features': None}
computed_metrics: [0.7611984757001875]
Model 8/8, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 7: 0.761198
	best_validation_score so far: 0.789311
computed_metrics: [0.9998077662437523]
Best hyperparameters: (100, 'log2')
train_score: 0.999808
validation_score: 0.789311

In [0]:
import numpy.random

params_dict = {"learning_rate": np.power(10., np.random.uniform(-5, -3, size=1)),
               "weight_decay_penalty": np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-6, -4, size=1)),
               "nb_epoch": [40] }
n_features = train_dataset.get_data_shape()[0]
def model_builder(model_params, model_dir):
  model = dc.models.MultitaskClassifier(
    1, n_features, layer_sizes=[1000], dropouts=.25,
    batch_size=50, **model_params)
  return model

optimizer = dc.hyper.HyperparamOpt(model_builder)
best_dnn, best_dnn_hyperparams, all_dnn_results = optimizer.hyperparam_search(
    params_dict, train_dataset, valid_dataset, transformers,

Fitting model 1/1
hyperparameters: {'learning_rate': 0.000140267028096135, 'weight_decay_penalty': 2.5361932372437012e-05, 'nb_epoch': 40}
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tensorflow-1.15.2/python3.6/tensorflow_core/python/ops/resource_variable_ops.py:1630: calling BaseResourceVariable.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.resource_variable_ops) with constraint is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
If using Keras pass *_constraint arguments to layers.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/models/keras_model.py:169: The name tf.Session is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.Session instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/models/optimizers.py:76: The name tf.train.AdamOptimizer is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/models/keras_model.py:258: The name tf.global_variables is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.global_variables instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/models/keras_model.py:260: The name tf.variables_initializer is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/models/keras_model.py:237: The name tf.placeholder is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.placeholder instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/models/losses.py:108: The name tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.losses.softmax_cross_entropy instead.

WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/models/losses.py:109: The name tf.losses.Reduction is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.losses.Reduction instead.

computed_metrics: [0.769121617205685]
Model 1/1, Metric roc_auc_score, Validation set 0: 0.769122
	best_validation_score so far: 0.769122
computed_metrics: [0.9121491733948481]
Best hyperparameters: (0.000140267028096135, 2.5361932372437012e-05, 40)
train_score: 0.912149
validation_score: 0.769122

Now let's evaluate the best model on the validation and test sets and save the results to csv.

In [0]:
from deepchem.utils.evaluate import Evaluator

rf_train_csv_out = "rf_train_regressor.csv"
rf_train_stats_out = "rf_train_stats_regressor.txt"
rf_train_evaluator = Evaluator(best_rf, train_dataset, transformers)
rf_train_score = rf_train_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], rf_train_csv_out, rf_train_stats_out)
print("RF Train set AUC %f" % (rf_train_score["roc_auc_score"]))

rf_valid_csv_out = "rf_valid_regressor.csv"
rf_valid_stats_out = "rf_valid_stats_regressor.txt"
rf_valid_evaluator = Evaluator(best_rf, valid_dataset, transformers)
rf_valid_score = rf_valid_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], rf_valid_csv_out, rf_valid_stats_out)
print("RF Valid set AUC %f" % (rf_valid_score["roc_auc_score"]))

rf_test_csv_out = "rf_test_regressor.csv"
rf_test_stats_out = "rf_test_stats_regressor.txt"
rf_test_evaluator = Evaluator(best_rf, test_dataset, transformers)
rf_test_score = rf_test_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], rf_test_csv_out, rf_test_stats_out)
print("RF Test set AUC %f" % (rf_test_score["roc_auc_score"]))

rf_crystal_csv_out = "rf_crystal_regressor.csv"
rf_crystal_stats_out = "rf_crystal_stats_regressor.txt"
rf_crystal_evaluator = Evaluator(best_rf, crystal_dataset, transformers)
rf_crystal_score = rf_crystal_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], rf_crystal_csv_out, rf_crystal_stats_out)
print("RF Crystal set R^2 %f" % (rf_crystal_score["roc_auc_score"]))

computed_metrics: [0.9998077662437523]
RF Train set AUC 0.999808
computed_metrics: [0.7893109229756021]
RF Valid set AUC 0.789311
computed_metrics: [0.5227272727272727]
RF Test set AUC 0.522727
computed_metrics: [nan]
RF Crystal set R^2 nan
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/metrics/__init__.py:368: UserWarning: Error calculating metric roc_auc_score: Only one class present in y_true. ROC AUC score is not defined in that case.
  warnings.warn("Error calculating metric %s: %s" % (self.name, e))

In [0]:
dnn_train_csv_out = "dnn_train_classifier.csv"
dnn_train_stats_out = "dnn_train_classifier_stats.txt"
dnn_train_evaluator = Evaluator(best_dnn, train_dataset, transformers)
dnn_train_score = dnn_train_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], dnn_train_csv_out, dnn_train_stats_out)
print("DNN Train set AUC %f" % (dnn_train_score["roc_auc_score"]))

dnn_valid_csv_out = "dnn_valid_classifier.csv"
dnn_valid_stats_out = "dnn_valid_classifier_stats.txt"
dnn_valid_evaluator = Evaluator(best_dnn, valid_dataset, transformers)
dnn_valid_score = dnn_valid_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], dnn_valid_csv_out, dnn_valid_stats_out)
print("DNN Valid set AUC %f" % (dnn_valid_score["roc_auc_score"]))

dnn_test_csv_out = "dnn_test_classifier.csv"
dnn_test_stats_out = "dnn_test_classifier_stats.txt"
dnn_test_evaluator = Evaluator(best_dnn, test_dataset, transformers)
dnn_test_score = dnn_test_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], dnn_test_csv_out, dnn_test_stats_out)
print("DNN Test set AUC %f" % (dnn_test_score["roc_auc_score"]))

dnn_crystal_csv_out = "dnn_crystal_classifier.csv"
dnn_crystal_stats_out = "dnn_crystal_stats_classifier.txt"
dnn_crystal_evaluator = Evaluator(best_dnn, crystal_dataset, transformers)
dnn_crystal_score = dnn_crystal_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], dnn_crystal_csv_out, dnn_crystal_stats_out)
print("DNN Crystal set AUC %f" % (dnn_crystal_score["roc_auc_score"]))

computed_metrics: [0.9121491733948481]
DNN Train set AUC 0.912149
computed_metrics: [0.769121617205685]
DNN Valid set AUC 0.769122
computed_metrics: [0.4772727272727273]
DNN Test set AUC 0.477273
computed_metrics: [nan]
DNN Crystal set AUC nan
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/metrics/__init__.py:368: UserWarning: Error calculating metric roc_auc_score: Only one class present in y_true. ROC AUC score is not defined in that case.
  warnings.warn("Error calculating metric %s: %s" % (self.name, e))

Now, we construct regression models for the data.

In [0]:
#Make directories to store the raw and featurized datasets.
featurizer = dc.feat.UserDefinedFeaturizer(user_specified_features)
loader = dc.data.UserCSVLoader(
    tasks=["pIC50"], smiles_field="mol", id_field="CID",
dataset = loader.featurize(dataset_file)
crystal_dataset = loader.featurize(crystal_dataset_file)

Loading raw samples now.
shard_size: 8192
About to start loading CSV from desc_canvas_aug30.csv
Loading shard 1 of size 8192.
TIMING: user specified processing took 0.165 s
TIMING: featurizing shard 0 took 0.174 s
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/data/data_loader.py:131: FutureWarning: Method .as_matrix will be removed in a future version. Use .values instead.
  X_shard = df.as_matrix(columns=featurizer.feature_fields)
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.441 s
Loading dataset from disk.
Loading raw samples now.
shard_size: 8192
About to start loading CSV from crystal_desc_canvas_aug30.csv
Loading shard 1 of size 8192.
TIMING: user specified processing took 0.151 s
TIMING: featurizing shard 0 took 0.152 s
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.219 s
Loading dataset from disk.

In [0]:
splitter = dc.splits.SpecifiedSplitter(dataset_file, "Model")
train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = splitter.train_valid_test_split(
valid_dataset, test_dataset = test_dataset, valid_dataset

TIMING: dataset construction took 0.056 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.039 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.142 s
Loading dataset from disk.

In [0]:
print("Number of compounds in train set")
print("Number of compounds in validation set")
print("Number of compounds in test set")
print("Number of compounds in crystal set")

Number of compounds in train set
Number of compounds in validation set
Number of compounds in test set
Number of compounds in crystal set

In [0]:
transformers = [
    dc.trans.NormalizationTransformer(transform_X=True, dataset=train_dataset),
    dc.trans.ClippingTransformer(transform_X=True, dataset=train_dataset)]

datasets = [train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset, crystal_dataset]
for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
  for transformer in transformers:
      datasets[i] = transformer.transform(dataset)
train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset, crystal_dataset = datasets

TIMING: dataset construction took 0.032 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.021 s
Loading dataset from disk.
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/trans/transformers.py:254: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  X = np.nan_to_num((X - self.X_means) / self.X_stds)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/deepchem/trans/transformers.py:254: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  X = np.nan_to_num((X - self.X_means) / self.X_stds)
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.158 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.097 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.009 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.008 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.007 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.006 s
Loading dataset from disk.

In [0]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

def rf_model_builder(model_params, model_dir):
  sklearn_model = RandomForestRegressor(**model_params)
  return dc.models.SklearnModel(sklearn_model, model_dir)
params_dict = {
    "n_estimators": [10, 100],
    "max_features": ["auto", "sqrt", "log2", None],

metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.r2_score)
optimizer = dc.hyper.HyperparamOpt(rf_model_builder)
best_rf, best_rf_hyperparams, all_rf_results = optimizer.hyperparam_search(
    params_dict, train_dataset, valid_dataset, transformers,

Fitting model 1/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 10, 'max_features': 'auto'}
computed_metrics: [0.23116057453507344]
Model 1/8, Metric r2_score, Validation set 0: 0.231161
	best_validation_score so far: 0.231161
Fitting model 2/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 10, 'max_features': 'sqrt'}
computed_metrics: [0.24192711715556714]
Model 2/8, Metric r2_score, Validation set 1: 0.241927
	best_validation_score so far: 0.241927
Fitting model 3/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 10, 'max_features': 'log2'}
computed_metrics: [0.24437002800920515]
Model 3/8, Metric r2_score, Validation set 2: 0.244370
	best_validation_score so far: 0.244370
Fitting model 4/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 10, 'max_features': None}
computed_metrics: [0.2299690455806439]
Model 4/8, Metric r2_score, Validation set 3: 0.229969
	best_validation_score so far: 0.244370
Fitting model 5/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 100, 'max_features': 'auto'}
computed_metrics: [0.23705465248412372]
Model 5/8, Metric r2_score, Validation set 4: 0.237055
	best_validation_score so far: 0.244370
Fitting model 6/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 100, 'max_features': 'sqrt'}
computed_metrics: [0.25524717935387475]
Model 6/8, Metric r2_score, Validation set 5: 0.255247
	best_validation_score so far: 0.255247
Fitting model 7/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 100, 'max_features': 'log2'}
computed_metrics: [0.29028610308758807]
Model 7/8, Metric r2_score, Validation set 6: 0.290286
	best_validation_score so far: 0.290286
Fitting model 8/8
hyperparameters: {'n_estimators': 100, 'max_features': None}
computed_metrics: [0.23957751231322233]
Model 8/8, Metric r2_score, Validation set 7: 0.239578
	best_validation_score so far: 0.290286
computed_metrics: [0.9478385687084689]
Best hyperparameters: (100, 'log2')
train_score: 0.947839
validation_score: 0.290286

In [0]:
import numpy.random

params_dict = {"learning_rate": np.power(10., np.random.uniform(-5, -3, size=2)),
               "weight_decay_penalty": np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-6, -4, size=2)),
               "nb_epoch": [20] }
n_features = train_dataset.get_data_shape()[0]
def model_builder(model_params, model_dir):
  model = dc.models.MultitaskRegressor(
    1, n_features, layer_sizes=[1000], dropouts=[.25],
    batch_size=50, **model_params)
  return model

optimizer = dc.hyper.HyperparamOpt(model_builder)
best_dnn, best_dnn_hyperparams, all_dnn_results = optimizer.hyperparam_search(
    params_dict, train_dataset, valid_dataset, transformers,

Fitting model 1/4
hyperparameters: {'learning_rate': 0.0005235973498873468, 'weight_decay_penalty': 1.3122752916546754e-05, 'nb_epoch': 20}
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f088f266208>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING: Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f088f266208>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f088f266208>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING: Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f088f266208>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
computed_metrics: [-0.03593155027495132]
Model 1/4, Metric r2_score, Validation set 0: -0.035932
	best_validation_score so far: -0.035932
Fitting model 2/4
hyperparameters: {'learning_rate': 0.0005235973498873468, 'weight_decay_penalty': 1.1225205219411416e-05, 'nb_epoch': 20}
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f0885656978>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING: Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f0885656978>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f0885656978>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING: Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f0885656978>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
computed_metrics: [0.11464293191445063]
Model 2/4, Metric r2_score, Validation set 1: 0.114643
	best_validation_score so far: 0.114643
Fitting model 3/4
hyperparameters: {'learning_rate': 0.00041048311637740804, 'weight_decay_penalty': 1.3122752916546754e-05, 'nb_epoch': 20}
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f0886eaffd0>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING: Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f0886eaffd0>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f0886eaffd0>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING: Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f0886eaffd0>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
computed_metrics: [-0.11855063006937927]
Model 3/4, Metric r2_score, Validation set 2: -0.118551
	best_validation_score so far: 0.114643
Fitting model 4/4
hyperparameters: {'learning_rate': 0.00041048311637740804, 'weight_decay_penalty': 1.1225205219411416e-05, 'nb_epoch': 20}
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f088651bc18>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING: Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f088651bc18>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING:tensorflow:Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f088651bc18>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
WARNING: Entity <bound method SwitchedDropout.call of <deepchem.models.layers.SwitchedDropout object at 0x7f088651bc18>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: module 'gast' has no attribute 'Num'
computed_metrics: [-0.11058929412292762]
Model 4/4, Metric r2_score, Validation set 3: -0.110589
	best_validation_score so far: 0.114643
computed_metrics: [0.6591412288586316]
Best hyperparameters: (0.0005235973498873468, 1.1225205219411416e-05, 20)
train_score: 0.659141
validation_score: 0.114643

In [0]:
from deepchem.utils.evaluate import Evaluator

rf_train_csv_out = "rf_train_regressor.csv"
rf_train_stats_out = "rf_train_stats_regressor.txt"
rf_train_evaluator = Evaluator(best_rf, train_dataset, transformers)
rf_train_score = rf_train_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], rf_train_csv_out, rf_train_stats_out)
print("RF Train set R^2 %f" % (rf_train_score["r2_score"]))

rf_valid_csv_out = "rf_valid_regressor.csv"
rf_valid_stats_out = "rf_valid_stats_regressor.txt"
rf_valid_evaluator = Evaluator(best_rf, valid_dataset, transformers)
rf_valid_score = rf_valid_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], rf_valid_csv_out, rf_valid_stats_out)
print("RF Valid set R^2 %f" % (rf_valid_score["r2_score"]))

rf_test_csv_out = "rf_test_regressor.csv"
rf_test_stats_out = "rf_test_stats_regressor.txt"
rf_test_evaluator = Evaluator(best_rf, test_dataset, transformers)
rf_test_score = rf_test_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], rf_test_csv_out, rf_test_stats_out)
print("RF Test set R^2 %f" % (rf_test_score["r2_score"]))

rf_crystal_csv_out = "rf_crystal_regressor.csv"
rf_crystal_stats_out = "rf_crystal_stats_regressor.txt"
rf_crystal_evaluator = Evaluator(best_rf, crystal_dataset, transformers)
rf_crystal_score = rf_crystal_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], rf_crystal_csv_out, rf_crystal_stats_out)
print("RF Crystal set R^2 %f" % (rf_crystal_score["r2_score"]))

computed_metrics: [0.9478385687084689]
RF Train set R^2 0.947839
computed_metrics: [0.29028610308758807]
RF Valid set R^2 0.290286
computed_metrics: [0.4617340106891408]
RF Test set R^2 0.461734
computed_metrics: [nan]
RF Crystal set R^2 nan

In [0]:
dnn_train_csv_out = "dnn_train_regressor.csv"
dnn_train_stats_out = "dnn_train_regressor_stats.txt"
dnn_train_evaluator = Evaluator(best_dnn, train_dataset, transformers)
dnn_train_score = dnn_train_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], dnn_train_csv_out, dnn_train_stats_out)
print("DNN Train set R^2 %f" % (dnn_train_score["r2_score"]))

dnn_valid_csv_out = "dnn_valid_regressor.csv"
dnn_valid_stats_out = "dnn_valid_regressor_stats.txt"
dnn_valid_evaluator = Evaluator(best_dnn, valid_dataset, transformers)
dnn_valid_score = dnn_valid_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], dnn_valid_csv_out, dnn_valid_stats_out)
print("DNN Valid set R^2 %f" % (dnn_valid_score["r2_score"]))

dnn_test_csv_out = "dnn_test_regressor.csv"
dnn_test_stats_out = "dnn_test_regressor_stats.txt"
dnn_test_evaluator = Evaluator(best_dnn, test_dataset, transformers)
dnn_test_score = dnn_test_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], dnn_test_csv_out, dnn_test_stats_out)
print("DNN Test set R^2 %f" % (dnn_test_score["r2_score"]))

dnn_crystal_csv_out = "dnn_crystal_regressor.csv"
dnn_crystal_stats_out = "dnn_crystal_stats_regressor.txt"
dnn_crystal_evaluator = Evaluator(best_dnn, crystal_dataset, transformers)
dnn_crystal_score = dnn_crystal_evaluator.compute_model_performance(
    [metric], dnn_crystal_csv_out, dnn_crystal_stats_out)
print("DNN Crystal set R^2 %f" % (dnn_crystal_score["r2_score"]))

computed_metrics: [0.6591412288586316]
DNN Train set R^2 0.659141
computed_metrics: [0.11464293191445063]
DNN Valid set R^2 0.114643
computed_metrics: [0.5419630023912616]
DNN Test set R^2 0.541963
computed_metrics: [nan]
DNN Crystal set R^2 nan

In [0]:
task = "pIC50"
rf_predicted_test = best_rf.predict(test_dataset)
rf_true_test = test_dataset.y
plt.scatter(rf_predicted_test, rf_true_test)
plt.xlabel('Predicted pIC50s')
plt.ylabel('Secondary Assay')
plt.title(r'RF predicted IC50 vs. Secondary Assay')
plt.xlim([2, 11])
plt.ylim([2, 11])
plt.plot([2, 11], [2, 11], color='k')

In [0]:
task = "pIC50"
dnn_predicted_test = best_dnn.predict(test_dataset, transformers)
dnn_true_test = test_dataset.y
plt.scatter(dnn_predicted_test, dnn_true_test)
plt.xlabel('Predicted pIC50s')
plt.ylabel('Secondary Assay')
plt.title(r'DNN predicted IC50 vs. Secondary Assay')
plt.xlim([2, 11])
plt.ylim([2, 11])
plt.plot([2, 11], [2, 11], color='k')

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