In [76]:
%load_ext autoreload

In [85]:

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import csv
import gensim
from gensim.models.doc2vec import TaggedDocument
from gensim.models import Doc2Vec
from gensim.models import Phrases
assert gensim.models.doc2vec.FAST_VERSION == 1, "this will be painfully slow otherwise"
import nltk, re
import datetime
import random
import multiprocessing
from ast import literal_eval
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage
#%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
from parameter_search import util
from modeling import functions

In [4]:
data_path = "E:/dataset/Amazon/"
result_path = "E:/dataset/MasterThesis/FINAL/"
save_path = "E:/dataset/MasterThesis/FINAL/preprocess_data/"
model_path = "E:/dataset/MasterThesis/FINAL/doc2vec/"
category_list = ["Electronics"]

In [6]:
for category in category_list:
    data = pd.read_csv(save_path + "preprocess_complete_" + category + ".csv")
    data['preprocessed'] = data.preprocessed.apply(lambda row: literal_eval(row))

In [12]:

reviewTime asin reviewerID overall helpful reviewText title brand reviewSentence sent_length reviewSentence_tagged preprocessed
0 2013-07-21 B00CM0XHNS A372YX80GGM7DR 5.0 576 Ok, so I didn't buy this on Amazon, as I didn'... Ultimate Ears BOOM Wireless Bluetooth Speaker ... Logitech ["Ok, so I didn't buy this on Amazon, as I did... 58 [[('Ok', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('so', 'IN'), ('I... [[ok, so, i, did, n't, buy, this, on, amazon, ...
1 2013-05-19 B00BQ5RY1G A1BG2Z071TYO7P 2.0 522 I received a Harmony Ultimate from Logitech be... Logitech Harmony Ultimate Remote with Customiz... Logitech ['I received a Harmony Ultimate from Logitech ... 27 [[('I', 'PRP'), ('received', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT... [[i, received, a, harmony, ultimate, from, log...
2 2013-12-16 B00EZ9XG62 AELAESM03451 1.0 290 This review is for the iPad Air keyboard. I ha... Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for iPad Air... Logitech ['This review is for the iPad Air keyboard.', ... 23 [[('This', 'DT'), ('review', 'NN'), ('is', 'VB... [[this, review, is, for, the, ipad, air, keybo...
3 2013-01-21 B0099SMFVQ A36CMGR5ELUM34 5.0 283 Design: Very well put together. Elegant and th... Logitech Bluetooth Illuminated Keyboard K810 f... Logitech ['Design: Very well put together.', 'Elegant a... 28 [[('Design', 'NN'), (':', ':'), ('Very', 'RB')... [[design, very, well, put, together], [elegant...
4 2013-07-29 B00CM0XHNS A9TETE58A7JR3 3.0 260 So, I've been testing a few bluetooth speakers... Ultimate Ears BOOM Wireless Bluetooth Speaker ... Logitech ["So, I've been testing a few bluetooth speake... 57 [[('So', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ("'v... [[so, i, been, testing, a, few, bluetooth, spe...

In [17]:
sentence_list = []
brand_list = []
for index, row in data.iterrows():
    review = [word for sentence in row['preprocessed'] for word in sentence]
documents, bigram = util.make_documents(sentence_list, brand_list, tagby = False)

In [24]:
with open(result_path  + category + '_documents.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(documents, f)

with open(result_path  + category + '_bigrams.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(bigram, f)

데이터 탐색

In [22]:
#리뷰당 평균 token 수
tokens_per_review = []
review_length = []
for doc in tqdm(documents):
    tokens_per_review.append(doc.words )
total = [word for sent in tokens_per_review for word in sent]

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 250000/250000 [00:00<00:00, 1195022.41it/s]

In [23]:
#총 token 수
print("total token is ", len(total))

t_corpus = nltk.Text(total)
t_freq = nltk.FreqDist(t_corpus)

# unique 한 token 수
print("unique token is ", len(t_freq.keys()))

# total word frequency
df = DataFrame(columns=[['word','freq']])
for word_tup in t_freq.most_common(100):
    df.loc[len(df)] = word_tup[0], t_freq[word_tup[0]]
df.to_csv(result_path + "total_word_freq.csv", index=False)

# 저장
with open(result_path + category + '_total_freq_dist.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(t_freq, f)
#bigram 형태소 분석해서 형용사만 추출
selected = []
re_adj = re.compile('[JJ.*]')
re_verb = re.compile('[VB.*]')
re_adverb = re.compile('[RB.*]')
st = PorterStemmer()
for doc in tqdm(documents):
    pos = nltk.pos_tag(doc.words)
    pos = [tup[0] for tup in pos if re_adj.match(tup[1]) or re_verb.match(tup[1]) or re_adverb.match(tup[1])]
with open(result_path + category + '_adv_adj_verb.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(selected, f)

total token is  26513023
unique token is  140447
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 250000/250000 [25:49<00:00, 161.39it/s]

In [30]:
# avg number of tokens in review:
length = [len(review) for review in tokens_per_review]
print("평균 token 개수는 : ", np.mean(np.array(length))

평균 token 개수는 :  106.052092

여기서부터 시작

In [7]:
# 저장한거 불러오기
with open(result_path + category + '_adv_adj_verb.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    selected = pickle.load(f)

# documents for doc2vec
with open(result_path  + category + '_documents.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    documents = pickle.load(f)

# bigrams
with open(result_path  + category + '_bigrams.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    bigram = pickle.load(f)
# total_freq_dist
with open(result_path + category + '_total_freq_dist.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    t_freq = pickle.load(f)

In [33]:
sizes = 500
window = 2
alpha, min_alpha, passes = (0.02, 0.001, 10)
alpha_delta = (alpha-min_alpha)/passes

model = Doc2Vec(dm=1, dm_mean=1, min_count=50, sample=1e-5, seed=1, workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
                window=window, size=sizes, alpha=0.025, min_alpha=0.025)

for epoch in range(passes):
    start = time.time()
    model.alpha -= alpha_delta  # decrease the learning rate
    model.min_alpha = model.alpha  # fix the learning rate, no decay
    end = time.time()
    t = end-start
    print("size : %s, window : %s, epoch : %s, time : %i"%(sizes, window, epoch, t))'E:/dataset/MasterThesis/FINAL/final_model/' + 'final_model')

size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 0, time : 121
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 1, time : 116
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 2, time : 114
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 3, time : 116
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 4, time : 116
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 5, time : 117
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 6, time : 115
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 7, time : 116
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 8, time : 118
size : 500, window : 2, epoch : 9, time : 117

In [8]:
model = Doc2Vec.load('E:/dataset/MasterThesis/FINAL/final_model/final_model')

In [9]:

[('Acer', 0.21681271493434906),
 ('HP', 0.15814197063446045),
 ('Toshiba', 0.14184918999671936),
 ('Panasonic', 0.1363077461719513),
 ('LG', 0.13327369093894958),
 ('Sony', 0.10771286487579346),
 ('Google', 0.10767678916454315),
 ('Apple', 0.09981850534677505),
 ('Dell', 0.09882251918315887),
 ('Lenovo', 0.08677772432565689)]

In [10]:

[('Nikon', 0.3931809663772583),
 ('Panasonic', 0.3004111051559448),
 ('Sony', 0.2920460104942322),
 ('Neewer', 0.2474614977836609),
 ('Case Logic', 0.14061112701892853),
 ('Garmin', 0.10069601237773895),
 ('SanDisk', 0.10013118386268616),
 ('eForCity', 0.09353649616241455),
 ('Pyle', 0.08068801462650299),
 ('SIB', 0.07400496304035187)]

In [11]:

[('Roku', 0.19229714572429657),
 ('Lenovo', 0.16256362199783325),
 ('Western Digital', 0.1515151858329773),
 ('Google', 0.1501147449016571),
 ('Seagate', 0.1326066553592682),
 ('Dell', 0.12793442606925964),
 ('Asus', 0.12282544374465942),
 ('Griffin Technology', 0.1175394207239151),
 ('Crucial', 0.11734864115715027),
 ('Acer', 0.11663855612277985)]

In [12]:

[('samsung', 0.25117596983909607),
 ('picture_quality', 0.1840740442276001),
 ('black_levels', 0.18037819862365723),
 ('smart_hub', 0.17926350235939026),
 ('tvs', 0.1786607801914215),
 ('superb', 0.16777878999710083),
 ('led_hdtv', 0.16741713881492615),
 ('looks', 0.16712906956672668),
 ('r8000', 0.16522666811943054),
 ('smart_tv', 0.16350339353084564)]

In [13]:

[('shoot', 0.2592770457267761),
 ('sx170', 0.25029176473617554),
 ('s90', 0.2408294677734375),
 ('t1i', 0.23888173699378967),
 ('dlsr', 0.22236625850200653),
 ('canon_t2i', 0.21338412165641785),
 ('canon', 0.20233984291553497),
 ('low_light', 0.20198088884353638),
 ('xsi', 0.1994638442993164),
 ('shots', 0.19552606344223022)]

In [14]:

[('apple', 0.2864070534706116),
 ('ipad', 0.2345629334449768),
 ('ipad_mini', 0.216627836227417),
 ('iphone', 0.21085487306118011),
 ('generation', 0.19698961079120636),
 ('ipad3', 0.19526898860931396),
 ('macbook', 0.19149050116539001),
 ('gen', 0.18824860453605652),
 ('imac', 0.18307974934577942),
 ('itunes', 0.17745235562324524)]

In [52]:
functions.extract_sim_words(model, "Canon", result_path, t_freq, 100, save=True, topn=100)
functions.extract_sim_words(model, "Apple", result_path, t_freq, 100, save=True, topn=100)
functions.extract_sim_words(model, "Samsung", result_path, t_freq, 100, save=True, topn=100)

functions.extract_sim_brand(model, "Canon", result_path, save=True, topn=30)
functions.extract_sim_brand(model, "Apple", result_path, save=True, topn=30)
functions.extract_sim_brand(model, "Samsung", result_path, save=True, topn=30)

In [22]:
brand_list, doc_arr = functions.clustering(model)

num of securities : 50, num of dimension : 500

In [33]:
#cosine similarity 와 Ward's minimum variance method 방법을 이용한 hierarchical agglomerative clustering
Z = linkage(doc_arr, method='ward', metric='euclidean')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 13))
        leaf_rotation=0.,  # rotates the x axis labels
        leaf_font_size=14.,  # font size for the x axis labels
           color_threshold = 11.5,
plt.savefig(result_path + "Visualization/dendrogram_vertical.png", dpi=300)
# plt.ylim([4,18])

In [182]:
#cosine similarity 와 Ward's minimum variance method 방법을 이용한 hierarchical agglomerative clustering
Z = linkage(doc_arr, method='ward', metric='euclidean')
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
        leaf_rotation=90.,  # rotates the x axis labels
        leaf_font_size=14.,  # font size for the x axis labels
           color_threshold = 11.5,
plt.savefig(result_path + "Visualization/dendrogram.png", dpi=300)

In [64]:
last = Z[-12:, 2]
last_rev = last[::-1]
idxs = np.arange(1, len(last) + 1)
plt.plot(idxs, last_rev)

acceleration = np.diff(last, 2)  # 2nd derivative of the distances
acceleration_rev = acceleration[::-1]
plt.plot(idxs[:-2] + 1, acceleration_rev)
k = acceleration_rev.argmax() + 2  # if idx 0 is the max of this we want 2 clusters
print("clusters:", k)

clusters: 4

In [63]:
#dendrogram 결과를 반영해 각 cluster labeling
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster
clusters_s = fcluster(Z, 11.5, criterion='distance')


In [66]:
df_result = pd.DataFrame()
df_result['Name'] = brand_list
df_result['Cluster'] = clusters_s

In [186]:
# 7,8,9 번 cluster를 7로 통합
df_result.ix[df_result.Cluster >= 8, 'Cluster'] = 7

In [188]:
cluster_idx = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
for idx in cluster_idx:
    mean_vec = functions.cal_mean_cluster(df_result, idx, model)
    top_words_df = functions.print_result(mean_vec, model, t_freq, 100, topn=100)
    top_words_df.to_csv(result_path + 'simWithCluster/cluster_{0:02d}.csv'.format(idx))

In [189]:
result = pd.concat([df for df in words_df_lst], axis=1)
result.to_csv(result_path + 'simWithCluster/sim_words_종합.csv', index=False)

유사 단어 추출

In [72]:
camera = (model['camera'] + model['cameras'])/2

[('Canon', 0.2161141037940979),
 ('Sony', 0.2122315764427185),
 ('Nikon', 0.19436681270599365),
 ('Panasonic', 0.18292585015296936),
 ('eForCity', 0.06187775358557701),
 ('Garmin', 0.0534946471452713),
 ('Neewer', 0.050085581839084625),
 ('SanDisk', 0.04995618015527725),
 ('Case Logic', 0.04029814153909683),
 ('Asus', 0.03306621313095093)]

In [73]:
earphone = (model['earphone'] + model['headphone'])/2

[('Sennheiser', 0.22563807666301727),
 ('Monoprice', 0.1348395049571991),
 ('JVC', 0.12586744129657745),
 ('Bose', 0.11198298633098602),
 ('Cooler Master', 0.08827805519104004),
 ('eForCity', 0.07362330704927444),
 ('Griffin Technology', 0.06146623194217682),
 ('Logitech', 0.06020241975784302),
 ('SIB', 0.057839494198560715),
 ('Philips', 0.056945279240608215)]

In [18]:
computer = (model['pc'] + model['laptop'])/2

[('HP', 0.16228224337100983),
 ('Toshiba', 0.12794044613838196),
 ('Dell', 0.10451081395149231),
 ('Acer', 0.09674297273159027),
 ('Lenovo', 0.08228749781847),
 ('Targus', 0.06836501508951187),
 ('StarTech', 0.06813840568065643),
 ('Crucial', 0.06552143394947052),
 ('Seagate', 0.06514821946620941),
 ('Mediabridge', 0.06356323510408401)]

In [19]:
functions.save_brand_sim(model, earphone, 'earphone', result_path, 10)
functions.save_brand_sim(model, camera, 'camera', result_path, 10)
functions.save_brand_sim(model, computer, 'computer', result_path, 10)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-c5cdc6d4636f> in <module>()
----> 1 functions.save_brand_sim(model, earphone, 'earphone', result_path, 10)
      2 functions.save_brand_sim(model, camera, 'camera', result_path, 10)
      3 functions.save_brand_sim(model, computer, 'computer', result_path, 10)

NameError: name 'earphone' is not defined

전체 문서에서 단어 분포 추출

In [195]:
dic_doc = {}
for word in model.index2word:
    dic_doc[word] = 1
total_word_list = []
for doc in documents:
    word_list = [word for word in doc.words if word in dic_doc]

In [198]:
#각 브랜드에서 많이 등장한 단어
brands = ["Samsung","Microsoft","Canon"]
for brand in brands:
    review, freq = functions.brand_freq(documents, total_word_list, brand)
    top_freq_words = freq.most_common(100)
    df = DataFrame(columns=[["word","count"]])
    for top_words in top_freq_words:
        df.loc[len(df)] = top_words[0], freq[top_words[0]]
    df = df.sort_values("count", ascending=False)
    df.to_csv(result_path + 'tf-idf/' + brand + '_adj_adv_verb.csv', index=False)

TF-IDF와 비교

  • tf-idf 결과

In [196]:
df_tfidf = functions.tf_idf(documents, total_word_list, brand_list, max_feature = 5000)
df_tfidf.to_csv(result_path + '/tf-idf/tf-idf-score_total.csv')
  • 내 방법으로 scoring 결과

In [115]:
# 전체 단어에서 추출
df_score = functions.scoring(model, brand_list, total_word_list, topn=5000)
brands = ["Samsung", "Canon", "Apple","Microsoft"]
for brand in brands:
    df_keywords = functions.extract_words_by_score(df_score, brand, documents, total_word_list, min_count = 100)
    df_keywords.to_csv(result_path + '/scoring_keywords/' + brand + '_KeywordsByScore_total.csv', index=False)

In [116]:
# 형용사, 동사, 부사를 이용해 추출한 결과
df_score = functions.scoring(model, brand_list, selected, topn=5000)
brands = ["Samsung", "Canon", "Apple","Microsoft"]
for brand in brands:
    df_keywords = functions.extract_words_by_score(df_score, brand, documents, selected, min_count = 100)
    df_keywords.to_csv(result_path + '/scoring_keywords/' + brand + '_KeywordsByScore_AdjVerbAdv.csv', index=False)


In [192]:
import tsne
import random
import numpy
X = np.zeros((len(brand_list), model.vector_size))
for i, brand in enumerate(brand_list):
    X[i] = model.docvecs[brand].flatten()
t_sne = tsne.tsne(X,initial_dims = 10, perplexity = 5, iteration=1000)

Preprocessing the data using PCA...
Computing pairwise distances...
Computing P-values for point 0 of 50
Mean value of sigma:  1.82188068969
Iteration 10, error is 18.549927787
Iteration 20, error is 16.4663633022
Iteration 30, error is 17.2610762711
Iteration 40, error is 16.2274554587
Iteration 50, error is 16.0119833841
Iteration 60, error is 17.3002403705
Iteration 70, error is 18.8604231105
Iteration 80, error is 17.1770268066
Iteration 90, error is 19.2019158376
Iteration 100, error is 21.1232174839
Iteration 110, error is 3.10703522973
Iteration 120, error is 2.80495962986
Iteration 130, error is 2.65736141301
Iteration 140, error is 2.50664628933
Iteration 150, error is 2.38855495755
Iteration 160, error is 2.27178519598
Iteration 170, error is 2.16382652676
Iteration 180, error is 2.11514081433
Iteration 190, error is 2.03373814703
Iteration 200, error is 1.92314364623
Iteration 210, error is 1.85454256705
Iteration 220, error is 1.76519747738
Iteration 230, error is 1.65297539039
Iteration 240, error is 1.5664244287
Iteration 250, error is 1.48076867517
Iteration 260, error is 1.44367973653
Iteration 270, error is 1.40416034557
Iteration 280, error is 1.33244947364
Iteration 290, error is 1.26162313186
Iteration 300, error is 1.17287782689
Iteration 310, error is 1.04770354137
Iteration 320, error is 0.987146518695
Iteration 330, error is 0.956413383147
Iteration 340, error is 0.931457432988
Iteration 350, error is 0.89746126332
Iteration 360, error is 0.851555574847
Iteration 370, error is 0.812969020611
Iteration 380, error is 0.756160488026
Iteration 390, error is 0.664443504321
Iteration 400, error is 0.617297159254
Iteration 410, error is 0.525773220789
Iteration 420, error is 0.487495715527
Iteration 430, error is 0.467133146824
Iteration 440, error is 0.448206851269
Iteration 450, error is 0.426292335021
Iteration 460, error is 0.399694017055
Iteration 470, error is 0.389259660046
Iteration 480, error is 0.382938166732
Iteration 490, error is 0.372216759263
Iteration 500, error is 0.338792108019
Iteration 510, error is 0.310070352363
Iteration 520, error is 0.306386299625
Iteration 530, error is 0.303892990461
Iteration 540, error is 0.301576331142
Iteration 550, error is 0.299434339057
Iteration 560, error is 0.296512794498
Iteration 570, error is 0.290165795252
Iteration 580, error is 0.288139289809
Iteration 590, error is 0.286367605147
Iteration 600, error is 0.285117689305
Iteration 610, error is 0.284196916531
Iteration 620, error is 0.283349846101
Iteration 630, error is 0.282515262221
Iteration 640, error is 0.281673502696
Iteration 650, error is 0.280834433902
Iteration 660, error is 0.279972505485
Iteration 670, error is 0.279072681288
Iteration 680, error is 0.278140340811
Iteration 690, error is 0.277163475711
Iteration 700, error is 0.276123235755
Iteration 710, error is 0.274988259247
Iteration 720, error is 0.273756659309
Iteration 730, error is 0.272221059341
Iteration 740, error is 0.269613974201
Iteration 750, error is 0.267937394929
Iteration 760, error is 0.267187627288
Iteration 770, error is 0.266617215317
Iteration 780, error is 0.266124254908
Iteration 790, error is 0.265619074344
Iteration 800, error is 0.26504312794
Iteration 810, error is 0.264408479787
Iteration 820, error is 0.263936747025
Iteration 830, error is 0.263499230775
Iteration 840, error is 0.263083033936
Iteration 850, error is 0.262809093815
Iteration 860, error is 0.262613576046
Iteration 870, error is 0.262433407058
Iteration 880, error is 0.262271821231
Iteration 890, error is 0.262120156276
Iteration 900, error is 0.26197534844
Iteration 910, error is 0.261832799809
Iteration 920, error is 0.26168842231
Iteration 930, error is 0.261541600718
Iteration 940, error is 0.261401522674
Iteration 950, error is 0.261258655398
Iteration 960, error is 0.261110247743
Iteration 970, error is 0.260961438682
Iteration 980, error is 0.260806709949
Iteration 990, error is 0.260644566788
Iteration 1000, error is 0.260492487475

In [193]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
plt.scatter(t_sne[:,0], t_sne[:,1])
for i, brand in enumerate(brand_list):
    plt.annotate(brand, (t_sne[i,0],t_sne[i,1]))

In [194]:
#tsne 결과를 저장
df = DataFrame(columns=('brand','dim_1','dim_2'))
for i, brand in enumerate(brand_list):
    df.loc[i] = [brand, t_sne[i,0],t_sne[i,1]]

df.to_csv(result_path + 'Visualization/t-sne_result.csv', index=False)

In [ ]: