Chapter 3-3 Other Considerations in the Regression Model

Concepts and data from "An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with applications in R" (Springer, 2013) with permission from the authors: G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie and R. Tibshirani " available at

For Tables reference see

In [1]:
# For Tables reference see
# This useful nonsense should just go at the top of your notebook.
from datascience import *
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plots
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model'fivethirtyeight')
plots.rc('lines', linewidth=1, color='r')
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets
# datascience version number of last run of this notebook

import sys
from ml_table import ML_Table

import locale
locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8' )


3.3 Other Considerations in the Regression Model

In [2]:
raw_credit = ML_Table.read_table("data/Credit.csv")
credit = raw_credit.drop('Unnamed: 0')

Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity Balance
14.891 3,606 283 2 34 11 Male No Yes Caucasian 333
106.025 6,645 483 3 82 15 Female Yes Yes Asian 903
104.593 7,075 514 4 71 11 Male No No Asian 580
148.924 9,504 681 3 36 11 Female No No Asian 964
55.882 4,897 357 2 68 16 Male No Yes Caucasian 331
80.18 8,047 569 4 77 10 Male No No Caucasian 1,151
20.996 3,388 259 2 37 12 Female No No African American 203
71.408 7,114 512 2 87 9 Male No No Asian 872
15.125 3,300 266 5 66 13 Female No No Caucasian 279
71.061 6,819 491 3 41 19 Female Yes Yes African American 1,350

... (390 rows omitted)

Qualitative predictors: Gender as a factor

In [3]:
credit['Female'] = credit.apply(lambda x: 1 if x=='Female' else 0, 'Gender')

Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity Balance Female
14.891 3,606 283 2 34 11 Male No Yes Caucasian 333 0
106.025 6,645 483 3 82 15 Female Yes Yes Asian 903 1
104.593 7,075 514 4 71 11 Male No No Asian 580 0
148.924 9,504 681 3 36 11 Female No No Asian 964 1
55.882 4,897 357 2 68 16 Male No Yes Caucasian 331 0
80.18 8,047 569 4 77 10 Male No No Caucasian 1,151 0
20.996 3,388 259 2 37 12 Female No No African American 203 1
71.408 7,114 512 2 87 9 Male No No Asian 872 0
15.125 3,300 266 5 66 13 Female No No Caucasian 279 1
71.061 6,819 491 3 41 19 Female Yes Yes African American 1,350 1

... (390 rows omitted)

In [4]:
credit.regression_1d_params('Balance', 'Female')

(509.80310880828995, 19.73312307576812)

In [5]:
credit.pivot_hist('Gender', 'Balance')

In [6]:
credit.plot_fit_1d('Balance', 'Female', credit.linear_regression('Balance', 'Female').model)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x111894588>

In [7]:
credit.lm_summary_1d('Balance', 'Female')

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
intercept 509.803 33.1281 15.3889 [ 443.54695523 576.05926238] [ 410.41887844 609.18733917]
Female 19.7331 46.0512 0.428504 [ -72.36929719 111.83554335] [-118.42050733 157.88675348]

Gender differential

In [8]:
credit['GenderDif'] = credit.apply(lambda x: 1 if x=='Female' else -1, 'Gender')

Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity Balance Female GenderDif
14.891 3,606 283 2 34 11 Male No Yes Caucasian 333 0 -1
106.025 6,645 483 3 82 15 Female Yes Yes Asian 903 1 1
104.593 7,075 514 4 71 11 Male No No Asian 580 0 -1
148.924 9,504 681 3 36 11 Female No No Asian 964 1 1
55.882 4,897 357 2 68 16 Male No Yes Caucasian 331 0 -1
80.18 8,047 569 4 77 10 Male No No Caucasian 1,151 0 -1
20.996 3,388 259 2 37 12 Female No No African American 203 1 1
71.408 7,114 512 2 87 9 Male No No Asian 872 0 -1
15.125 3,300 266 5 66 13 Female No No Caucasian 279 1 1
71.061 6,819 491 3 41 19 Female Yes Yes African American 1,350 1 1

... (390 rows omitted)

In [9]:
credit.lm_summary_1d('Balance', 'GenderDif')

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
intercept 519.67 23.0256 22.5692 [ 473.61846021 565.72088048] [ 450.59285514 588.74648555]
GenderDif 9.86656 23.0256 0.428504 [-36.1846486 55.91777167] [-59.21025366 78.94337674]

Multilevel qualitative predictors

Create a factor for each characteristic pulled out of the mix, except one, which forms the baseline. Here note that there is no statistical evidence of a real difference in credit balance.

Unlike the book, let's start by looking at the data.

In [10]:
credit.pivot_hist('Ethnicity', 'Balance')

In [11]:
credit.pivot_hist('Ethnicity', 'Balance', normed=True)

In [12]:
credit['Ethnicity[Asian]'] = credit.apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Asian' else 0, 'Ethnicity')
credit['Ethnicity[Caucasian]'] = credit.apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Caucasian' else 0, 'Ethnicity')
eth_credit_balance =['Balance', 'Ethnicity[Asian]', 'Ethnicity[Caucasian]'])

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
Intercept 531 46.3187 11.4641 [ 438.36263404 623.63736596] [ 392.04395106 669.95604894]
Ethnicity[Asian] -18.6863 65.0211 -0.287388 [-148.72842439 111.35587537] [-213.74949933 176.37695031]
Ethnicity[Caucasian] -12.5025 56.681 -0.220577 [-125.86458887 100.85956374] [-182.54562702 157.5406019 ]

In [13]:
eth_model = eth_credit_balance.linear_regression('Balance').model
eth_credit_balance.lm_fit('Balance', eth_model)

Quantity Value
Residual standard error 460.286
R^2 0.000218807
F-statistic 0.0434428

3.3.2 Extensions of the Linear Model

Introduce an interaction term

$Y = β_0 +β_1X_1 +β_2X_2 +β_3X_1X_2 +ε$

How does inclusion of this interaction term relax the additive assumption? Notice that (3.31) can be rewritten as

$Y = β_0 +(β_1 +β_3X_2)X_1 +β_2X_2 +ε $

$Y = β_0 +β_{~1}X_1 +β_2X_2 +ε$

In [14]:
advertising = ML_Table.read_table("./data/Advertising.csv")
advertising = advertising.drop(0)
advertising['TVxRadio'] = advertising['TV']*advertising['Radio']

TV Radio Newspaper Sales TVxRadio
230.1 37.8 69.2 22.1 8697.78
44.5 39.3 45.1 10.4 1748.85
17.2 45.9 69.3 9.3 789.48
151.5 41.3 58.5 18.5 6256.95
180.8 10.8 58.4 12.9 1952.64
8.7 48.9 75 7.2 425.43
57.5 32.8 23.5 11.8 1886
120.2 19.6 11.6 13.2 2355.92
8.6 2.1 1 4.8 18.06
199.8 2.6 21.2 10.6 519.48

... (190 rows omitted)

In [15]:

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
Intercept 6.72841 0.253319 26.561 [ 6.22177299 7.2350509 ] [ 5.96845351 7.48837038]
TV 0.0190668 0.00150928 12.633 [ 0.01604825 0.02208538] [ 0.01453897 0.02359466]
Radio 0.0279917 0.00914117 3.06215 [ 0.00970932 0.046274 ] [ 0.00056815 0.05541517]
Newspaper 0.00144424 0.00329545 0.438254 [-0.00514666 0.00803515] [-0.00844212 0.01133061]
TVxRadio 0.00108733 5.25636e-05 20.686 [ 0.00098221 0.00119246] [ 0.00092964 0.00124502]

In [16]:
advertising.lm_fit('Sales', advertising.linear_regression('Sales').model)

Quantity Value
Residual standard error 0.938276
R^2 0.967822
F-statistic 1466.27

The R2 for the model is 96.8 %, compared to only 89.7% for the model that predicts sales using TV and radio without an interaction term. This means that (96.8 − 89.7)/(100 − 89.7) = 69% of the variability in sales that remains after fitting the additive model has been explained by the interaction term.

The hierarchical principle states that if we include an interaction in a model, we should also include the main effects, even if the p-values associated with their coefficients are not significant.

In [17]:
credit['StudentFac'] = credit.apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Yes' else 0, 'Student')

Income Limit Rating Cards Age Education Gender Student Married Ethnicity Balance Female GenderDif Ethnicity[Asian] Ethnicity[Caucasian] StudentFac
14.891 3,606 283 2 34 11 Male No Yes Caucasian 333 0 -1 0 1 0
106.025 6,645 483 3 82 15 Female Yes Yes Asian 903 1 1 1 0 1
104.593 7,075 514 4 71 11 Male No No Asian 580 0 -1 1 0 0
148.924 9,504 681 3 36 11 Female No No Asian 964 1 1 1 0 0
55.882 4,897 357 2 68 16 Male No Yes Caucasian 331 0 -1 0 1 0
80.18 8,047 569 4 77 10 Male No No Caucasian 1,151 0 -1 0 1 0
20.996 3,388 259 2 37 12 Female No No African American 203 1 1 0 0 0
71.408 7,114 512 2 87 9 Male No No Asian 872 0 -1 1 0 0
15.125 3,300 266 5 66 13 Female No No Caucasian 279 1 1 0 1 0
71.061 6,819 491 3 41 19 Female Yes Yes African American 1,350 1 1 0 0 1

... (390 rows omitted)

In [18]:
credit.scatter('Income', select='Balance')

In [19]:
credit.plot_fit_1d('Balance', 'Income', credit.regression_1d('Balance', 'Income'), height=6)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x115b838d0>

In [20]:
credit.lm_summary_1d('Balance', 'Income')

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
intercept 246.515 33.1993 7.42529 [ 180.1160559 312.91344529] [ 146.91670855 346.11279264]
Income 6.04836 0.57935 10.4399 [ 4.88966308 7.20706374] [ 4.31031292 7.7864139 ]

In [21]:
student_credit = credit.where('Student', 'Yes')
student_credit.plot_fit_1d('Balance', 'Income', student_credit.regression_1d('Balance', 'Income'), height=6)
student_credit.lm_summary_1d('Balance', 'Income')

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
intercept 677.299 118.088 5.73552 [ 441.12202149 913.47597083] [ 323.03353415 1031.56445816]
Income 4.21902 1.94524 2.16889 [ 0.32853181 8.10950392] [ -1.61671121 10.05474694]

In [22]:
nostudent_credit = credit.where('Student', 'No')
nostudent_credit.plot_fit_1d('Balance', 'Income', nostudent_credit.regression_1d('Balance', 'Income'), height=6)
nostudent_credit.lm_summary_1d('Balance', 'Income')

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
intercept 200.623 32.9209 6.0941 [ 134.78141721 266.46488869] [ 101.86054934 299.38575656]
Income 6.21817 0.578433 10.75 [ 5.06130364 7.37503383] [ 4.48287109 7.95346638]

In [23]:
credit_stu_fac =['Balance', 'Income', 'StudentFac'])

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
Intercept 211.143 32.4572 6.50527 [ 146.22854177 276.05738703] [ 113.77133045 308.51459834]
Income 5.98434 0.556623 10.7511 [ 4.87108917 7.09758196] [ 4.31446597 7.65420516]
StudentFac 382.671 65.3108 5.85922 [ 252.04892238 513.29215531] [ 186.73811415 578.60296354]

In [24]:
credit_stu_fac['StudentIncome'] = credit_stu_fac['StudentFac']*credit_stu_fac['Income']

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
Intercept 200.623 33.6984 5.9535 [ 133.22641178 268.01989412] [ 99.5280412 301.7182647]
Income 6.21817 0.592094 10.502 [ 5.03398159 7.40235589] [ 4.44188801 7.99444946]
StudentFac 476.676 104.351 4.56799 [ 267.97339626 685.37829016] [ 163.62217278 789.72951363]
StudentIncome -1.99915 1.73125 -1.15474 [-5.46165316 1.46335142] [-7.1929043 3.19460256]

"We note that the slope for students is lower than the slope for non-students. This suggests that increases in income are associated with smaller increases in credit card balance among students as compared to non-students."

But, that conclusion comes from only looking at the coefficients. There really isn't statistical evidence of this in the data set.

Nonlinear relationships

In [25]:
raw_auto = ML_Table.read_table("data/Auto.csv")
auto = raw_auto.where(raw_auto['horsepower'] != '?')
auto['horsepower'] = auto.apply(int, 'horsepower')

In [26]:
auto_model_1 = auto.regression_1d('mpg', 'horsepower')
auto.plot_fit_1d('mpg', 'horsepower', auto_model_1)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11728c860>

In [27]:
auto['HP^2'] = auto['horsepower']**2

In [28]:

mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration year origin name HP^2
18 8 307 130 3,504 12 70 1 chevrolet chevelle malibu 16,900
15 8 350 165 3,693 11.5 70 1 buick skylark 320 27,225
18 8 318 150 3,436 11 70 1 plymouth satellite 22,500
16 8 304 150 3,433 12 70 1 amc rebel sst 22,500
17 8 302 140 3,449 10.5 70 1 ford torino 19,600
15 8 429 198 4,341 10 70 1 ford galaxie 500 39,204
14 8 454 220 4,354 9 70 1 chevrolet impala 48,400
14 8 440 215 4,312 8.5 70 1 plymouth fury iii 46,225
14 8 455 225 4,425 10 70 1 pontiac catalina 50,625
15 8 390 190 3,850 8.5 70 1 amc ambassador dpl 36,100

... (382 rows omitted)

In [29]:
auto_mpg =['mpg', 'horsepower', 'HP^2'])

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
Intercept 56.9001 1.80043 31.6037 [ 53.29924609 60.50095331] [ 51.49881928 62.30138012]
horsepower -0.46619 0.0311246 -14.9782 [-0.52843886 -0.4039404 ] [-0.55956348 -0.37281578]
HP^2 0.00123054 0.000122076 10.0801 [ 0.00098638 0.00147469] [ 0.00086431 0.00159676]

In [30]:
auto_model_2 = auto_mpg.linear_regression('mpg').model
auto_mpg.plot_fit('mpg', auto_model_2, width=8, height=6)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot at 0x117014978>

Residual plots

In [31]:
auto_mpg['Fit1'] = auto_mpg.apply(auto_model_1, 'horsepower')
auto_mpg['Residual 1'] = auto_mpg['mpg'] - auto_mpg['Fit1']
auto_mpg['Fit2'] = auto_mpg.apply(auto_model_2, ['horsepower', 'HP^2'])
auto_mpg['Residual 2'] = auto_mpg['mpg'] - auto_mpg['Fit2']

mpg horsepower HP^2 Fit1 Residual 1 Fit2 Residual 2
18 130 16,900 19.416 -1.41605 17.0915 0.908492
15 165 27,225 13.8915 1.10852 13.4802 1.51984
18 150 22,500 16.2592 1.74085 14.6587 3.34128
16 150 22,500 16.2592 -0.259151 14.6587 1.34128
17 140 19,600 17.8376 -0.837598 15.7521 1.24794
15 198 39,204 8.6826 6.3174 12.8365 2.16351
14 220 48,400 5.21002 8.78998 13.8963 0.103672
14 215 46,225 5.99924 8.00076 13.5509 0.449139
14 225 50,625 4.4208 9.5792 14.3033 -0.303323
15 190 36,100 9.94536 5.05464 12.7464 2.25358

... (382 rows omitted)

In [32]:
auto_mpg.scatter('horsepower', ['Residual 1', 'Residual 2'], overlay=False)

In [33]:
auto_mpg.plot_fit_1d('Residual 1', 'Fit1', auto_mpg.poly('Residual 1', 'Fit1', 2), connect=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11793c2b0>

In [34]:
auto_mpg.plot_fit_1d('Residual 2', 'Fit2', auto_mpg.poly('Residual 2', 'Fit2', 2), connect=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118500198>

In [35]:
credit['Age Leverage'] = credit.leverage_1d('Age')
credit.scatter('Age', 'Age Leverage')


In [36]:
credit.scatter('Limit', 'Age')

In [37]:
credit.scatter('Limit', 'Rating')

In [38]:
credit_al =['Balance', 'Limit', 'Age'])
credit_al_model = credit_al.linear_regression('Balance').model

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
Intercept -173.411 43.8284 -3.95659 [-261.0676755 -85.75412731] [-304.89606255 -41.92574026]
Limit 0.173365 0.00502566 34.4959 [ 0.16331365 0.1834163 ] [ 0.15828799 0.18844196]
Age -2.29149 0.672485 -3.40749 [-3.63645461 -0.94651645] [-4.30893915 -0.27403191]

In [39]:
credit_al.RSS_model('Balance', credit_al_model)


In [40]:
credit_al.RSS_contour2('Balance', x_sensitivity=0.15, y_sensitivity=1, scale=1/1000000, levels=[21.25, 21.5, 21.8])

-173.410901402 0.173364974297 -2.29148553251
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118b5ee80>

In [41]:
credit_rl =['Balance', 'Limit', 'Rating'])
credit_rl_model = credit_rl.linear_regression('Balance').model

Param Coefficient Std Error t-statistic 95% CI 99% CI
Intercept -377.537 45.2542 -8.34258 [-468.04514773 -287.02844298] [-513.29932392 -241.77426679]
Limit 0.0245144 0.0638346 0.38403 [-0.10315474 0.15218349] [-0.1669893 0.21601805]
Rating 2.20167 0.952294 2.31197 [ 0.29708444 4.1062599 ] [-0.65520943 5.05855377]

In [42]:
credit_rl.lm_fit('Balance', credit_rl_model)

Quantity Value
Residual standard error 232.028
R^2 0.745943
F-statistic 582.82

In [43]:
credit_rl.RSS_model('Balance', credit_rl_model)


In [44]:
credit_rl.RSS_contour2('Balance', x_sensitivity=10, y_sensitivity=1.5, scale=1/1000000, levels=[22, 25, 30, 50])

-377.536795356 0.024514375374 2.20167216807
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118d9b208>