In [4]:
# Hidden
from datascience import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plots
import numpy as np'fivethirtyeight')
%matplotlib inline

This workbook shows a example derived from the EDA exercise in Chapter 2 of Doing Data Science, by o'Neil abd Schutt

In [5]:
clicks = Table.read_table("")

Age Gender Impressions Clicks Signed_In
36 0 3 0 1
73 1 3 0 1
30 0 3 0 1
49 1 3 0 1
47 1 11 0 1
47 0 11 1 1
0 0 7 1 0
46 0 5 0 1
16 0 3 0 1
52 0 4 0 1

... (458431 rows omitted)

Well. Half a million rows. That would be painful in excel.

Add a column of 1's, so that a sum will count people.

In [7]:
age_upper_bounds = [18, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65]

def age_range(n):
    if n == 0:
        return '0'
    lower = 1
    for upper in age_upper_bounds:
        if lower <= n < upper:
            return str(lower) + '-' + str(upper-1)
        lower = upper
    return str(lower) + '+'

# a little test
np.unique([age_range(n) for n in range(100)])

array(['0', '1-17', '18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-54', '55-64', '65+'], 

In [8]:
clicks["Age Range"] = clicks.apply(age_range, 'Age')
clicks["Person"] = 1

Age Gender Impressions Clicks Signed_In Age Range Person
36 0 3 0 1 35-44 1
73 1 3 0 1 65+ 1
30 0 3 0 1 25-34 1
49 1 3 0 1 45-54 1
47 1 11 0 1 45-54 1
47 0 11 1 1 45-54 1
0 0 7 1 0 0 1
46 0 5 0 1 45-54 1
16 0 3 0 1 1-17 1
52 0 4 0 1 45-54 1

... (458431 rows omitted)

Now we can group the table by Age Range and count how many clicks come from each range.

In [18]:
clicks_by_age ='Age Range', sum)

Age Range Age sum Gender sum Impressions sum Clicks sum Signed_In sum Person sum
0 0 0 685483 19480 0 137106
1-17 211045 9470 69239 2065 13828 13828
18-24 847791 21721 203585 2167 40694 40694
25-34 1716328 30958 290511 2937 58174 58174
35-44 2798593 37676 355824 3662 70860 70860
45-54 3181779 34007 322109 3232 64288 64288
55-64 2661830 23988 224688 4556 44738 44738
65+ 2098644 10445 144120 4350 28753 28753

In [19]:['Age Range', 'Clicks sum', 'Impressions sum', 'Person sum']).barh('Age Range')

Now we can do some other interesting summaries of these categories

In [20]:
clicks_by_age['Gender Mix'] = clicks_by_age['Gender sum'] / clicks_by_age['Person sum']
clicks_by_age["CTR"] = clicks_by_age['Clicks sum'] / clicks_by_age['Impressions sum']['Age Range', 'Person sum', 'Gender Mix', 'CTR'])

Age Range Person sum Gender Mix CTR
0 137106 0 0.0284179
1-17 13828 0.684842 0.0298242
18-24 40694 0.533764 0.0106442
25-34 58174 0.532162 0.0101098
35-44 70860 0.531696 0.0102916
45-54 64288 0.528979 0.0100339
55-64 44738 0.536188 0.020277
65+ 28753 0.363266 0.0301832

In [26]:
# Format some columns as percent with limited precision
clicks_by_age.set_format('Gender Mix', PercentFormatter(1))
clicks_by_age.set_format('CTR', PercentFormatter(2))

Age Range Age sum Gender sum Impressions sum Clicks sum Signed_In sum Person sum Gender Mix CTR
0 0 0 685483 19480 0 137106 0.0% 2.84%
1-17 211045 9470 69239 2065 13828 13828 68.5% 2.98%
18-24 847791 21721 203585 2167 40694 40694 53.4% 1.06%
25-34 1716328 30958 290511 2937 58174 58174 53.2% 1.01%
35-44 2798593 37676 355824 3662 70860 70860 53.2% 1.03%
45-54 3181779 34007 322109 3232 64288 64288 52.9% 1.00%
55-64 2661830 23988 224688 4556 44738 44738 53.6% 2.03%
65+ 2098644 10445 144120 4350 28753 28753 36.3% 3.02%

We might want to do the click rate calculation a little more carefully. We don't care about clicks where there are zero impressions or missing age/gender information. So let's filter those out of our data set.

In [27]:
impressed = clicks.where(clicks['Age'] > 0).where('Impressions')

Age Gender Impressions Clicks Signed_In Age Range Person
36 0 3 0 1 35-44 1
73 1 3 0 1 65+ 1
30 0 3 0 1 25-34 1
49 1 3 0 1 45-54 1
47 1 11 0 1 45-54 1
47 0 11 1 1 45-54 1
46 0 5 0 1 45-54 1
16 0 3 0 1 1-17 1
52 0 4 0 1 45-54 1
21 0 3 0 1 18-24 1

... (319188 rows omitted)

In [32]:
# Impressions by age and gender
impressed.pivot(rows='Gender', columns='Age Range', values='Impressions', collect=sum)

Gender 1-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
0 21800 95057 136292 166324 151650 104220 91956
1 47439 108528 154219 189500 170459 120468 52164

In [39]:
impressed.pivot("Age Range", "Gender", "Clicks",sum)

Gender 1-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
0 683 1002 1388 1707 1542 2105 2765
1 1382 1165 1549 1955 1690 2451 1585

In [40]:
impressed.pivot_hist('Age Range','Impressions')

In [34]:
distributions = impressed.pivot_bin('Age Range','Impressions')

bin 1-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
1 1674 4833 6862 8206 7546 5183 3345
2.9 4345 12833 18382 22260 20230 14025 9131
4.8 4346 13000 18861 22895 20586 14548 9120
6.7 2358 6952 9801 12094 11050 7595 4957
8.6 799 2237 3117 3981 3517 2486 1607
10.5 179 456 671 814 787 530 326
12.4 24 87 95 130 116 90 62
14.3 7 8 11 12 12 5 8
16.2 0 2 1 1 1 0 0
18.1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

... (1 rows omitted)

In [35]:
impressed['Gen'] = [['Male','Female'][i] for i in impressed['Gender']]

Age Gender Impressions Clicks Signed_In Age Range Person Gen
36 0 3 0 1 35-44 1 Male
73 1 3 0 1 65+ 1 Female
30 0 3 0 1 25-34 1 Male
49 1 3 0 1 45-54 1 Female
47 1 11 0 1 45-54 1 Female
47 0 11 1 1 45-54 1 Male
46 0 5 0 1 45-54 1 Male
16 0 3 0 1 1-17 1 Male
52 0 4 0 1 45-54 1 Male
21 0 3 0 1 18-24 1 Male

... (319188 rows omitted)

Group returns a new table. If we wanted to specify the formats on columns of this table, assign it to a name.

In [38]:
# How does gender and clicks vary with age?
gi ='Age Range', np.mean).select(['Age Range', 'Gender mean', 'Clicks mean'])
gi.set_format(['Gender mean', 'Clicks mean'], PercentFormatter)

Age Range Gender mean Clicks mean
1-17 68.45% 15.04%
18-24 53.40% 5.36%
25-34 53.20% 5.08%
35-44 53.17% 5.20%
45-54 52.92% 5.06%
55-64 53.60% 10.25%
65+ 36.33% 15.23%

In [ ]: