Training Regression on wassa data

In [1]:
emoNames = ['anger','fear','joy','sadness']
# emoNames_hashTag = ['sadness', 'disgust', 'surprise', 'anger', 'fear', 'joy']

In [2]:
from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
import nltk.tokenize.casual as casual
from drevicko.twitter_regexes import cleanString, setupRegexes, tweetPreprocessor
import preprocess_twitter

def preprocess_tweet(text):    
    text = casual.reduce_lengthening(text)
    text = cleanString(setupRegexes('twitterProAna'),text)   
    text = ' '.join([span for notentity,span in tweetPreprocessor(text, ("urls", "users", "lists")) if notentity])
    text = text.replace('\t','')
    text = text.replace('< ','<').replace(' >','>')
    text = text.replace('):', '<sadface>').replace('(:', '<smile>')
    text = text.replace(" 't", "t").replace('#','')
    return text

def tokenise_tweet(text):
    text = preprocess_twitter.tokenize(text)
    text = preprocess_tweet(text)     
    return ' '.join(text.split())

tokenise_tweet.regexes = setupRegexes('twitterProAna')

imported regex as re

In [3]:
import subprocess

datasetList = ['',

# ['wget'] + datasetList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )

In [4]:
import os
import pandas as pd

def _read_csv_data(filename = "data.csv", header=True, columns=['id','tweet','emotion','label']):
    df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer = filename,sep='\t',header=None))
    df.columns = columns
    tweets_list = []    
    for index, row in enumerate(df.iterrows()): 
    df['tweet'] = tweets_list

    return df

def get_input_files(directory):
    filenames_array = [filenames for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory)]
    files  = [val for sublist in filenames_array for val in sublist]
    return ["%s/%s" %(directory, file) for file in files if file.endswith(".txt")]

def _get_dfs(directory):
    dfs_train, dfs_test, dfs_dev = {},{},{}
    for dir in get_input_files(directory):

        for emo in emoNames:
            if emo in dir:
                if 'train' in dir:
                    dfs_train.update( {emo : _read_csv_data(dir)} )                
                    print('train.'+emo+' \t' + str(len(dfs_train[emo])) + '\t<' + dir + '>')
                elif '' in dir:
                    dfs_test.update( {emo : _read_csv_data(dir)} )                
                    print('test.'+emo+' \t' + str(len(dfs_test[emo])) + '\t<' + dir + '>')
                elif '' in dir:
                    dfs_dev.update( {emo : _read_csv_data(dir)} )                
                    print('dev.'+emo+' \t' + str(len(dfs_dev[emo])) + '\t<' + dir + '>')
    return {'train':dfs_train, 'test':dfs_test, 'dev':dfs_dev}

dfs = _get_dfs('/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data') 	79	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/>
test.fear 	995	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/>
dev.fear 	110	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/>
train.fear 	1147	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/fear-ratings-0to1.train.txt>
dev.anger 	84	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/>
test.anger 	760	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/>
dev.sadness 	74	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/>
train.sadness 	786	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/sadness-ratings-0to1.train.txt> 	823	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/joy-ratings-0to1.train.txt>
test.sadness 	673	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/> 	714	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/>
train.anger 	857	</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/data/anger-ratings-0to1.train.txt>


In [8]:
from collections import Counter
from stop_words import get_stop_words

import os
from sklearn.externals import joblib

def ifExists(filename):
    dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
def checkFolder(filename):
    dir = os.path.dirname(filename)

def _get_unique_tokens(tweets):    
    return(Counter(token for tweet in tweets for token in tweet.split()))

def _save_unique_tokens(tokens, filename='wordFrequencies.dump'):
    _ = joblib.dump(tokens, filename=filename, compress=9)

def _plot_word_frequencies(wordFrequencies, WORD_FREQUENCY_TRESHOLD = 3):
    freqs = []
    for t,c in wordFrequencies.items():
    q = 0
    for t,c in wordFrequencies.items():
    print(q, len(wordFrequencies))
    %pylab inline

def _reduce_text(text, LANGUAGE='en', WORD_FREQUENCY_TRESHOLD = 3):    

    stop_words = get_stop_words(LANGUAGE)

    tweets_reduced = []

    for tw in tweets:
        tweet_r = []
        for token in tw.split():
            if(wordFrequencies[token] >= WORD_FREQUENCY_TRESHOLD):
                if(not token in stop_words):

        tweets_reduced.append( ' '.join(tweet_r)  )

Let the fun begin!

In [9]:
import numpy as np

seed = 1337

# maxlen = 65
maxlen = 55
batch_size = 32
nb_epoch = 50

hidden_dims1 = 50
hidden_dims2 = 25
hidden_dims3 = 3

path = '/home/vlaand/wassa2017'

_path_wordembeddings = '/home/vlaand/data/Glove/glove.twitter.27B/glove.twitter.27B.'+str(EMBEDDINGS_DIM)+'d.txt'

Load training data and word embeddinbgs

In [10]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import csv

from keras.preprocessing import sequence
from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Embedding, Bidirectional, Dropout, LSTM
from keras.regularizers import l2

from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
# from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold

def _read_csv_data(filename = "data.csv", header=True):
    df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer = filename)     
    print('data loaded from <'+filename+'>')
    print('\t'+str(len(df))+' entries')    
    tweets_list = []    
    for row in df.iterrows():
        tweets_list.append([tokenise_tweet(row[1]['tweet'])] +[row[1][emo]for emo in emoNames])   
    return tweets_list

def _read_csv_we(filename = "data.csv"):
    embedding_index = {}

    for row in pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=filename, sep = ' ', header=None).iterrows():
        word, coefs = row[1][0], np.asarray(row[1][1:])
        embedding_index[word] = coefs
    print('we vectors loaded from <'+filename+'>')
    return embedding_index

def _load_original_vectors(filename = 'wordvectors-glove.twitter.27B.100d.txt', sep = ' ', wordFrequencies = None):

    Dictionary, Indices  = {},{}
    for line in open(filename, 'rb'): 
        values = line.decode('utf-8').split(sep)
        token = values[0]
        token_vector = np.array(values[1:], dtype = 'float32')   
            if(token in wordFrequencies):                
                Dictionary[token] = token_vector
            Dictionary[token] = token_vector
    print('we vectors loaded from <'+filename+'>')
    print('\t'+str(len(Dictionary))+' entries') 
    return(Dictionary, Indices)

def pretrainedEmbeddings(EmbeddingPath):
        embedding_index = {}
        with open(EmbeddingPath) as f:
            embedding_wordsList = []
            for line in f:
                values = line.split(" ")
                word = values[0]
                coefs = np.asarray(values[1:])
                embedding_index[word] = coefs
        return (embedding_index, embedding_wordsList)

def _texts_to_sequences(train_tweets):
    train_sequences = []
    for i,tweet in enumerate(train_tweets): 
        tw = []
        for token in tweet.split():
        tw.extend([0]*( maxlen-len(tw)) )
    return train_sequences

def _data_to_lists(dataTrain):    
    train_tweets, train_labels = [], []
    print('stacking data to lists')
    for i in dataTrain:
        scores = []
        for score in i[1:]:
            if np.isnan(score):
                scores.append( 0 )
                print('\tWarning: Nan value present in dataset')
    print('data stacked to lists\n\t'+str(len(train_tweets))+' tweets\n\t'+str(len(train_labels))+' labels')
    return train_tweets, train_labels

Using Theano backend.

In [11]:
Dictionary, Indices = _load_original_vectors(
        filename = '/home/vlaand/data/Glove/glove.twitter.27B/glove.twitter.27B.'+str(EMBEDDINGS_DIM)+'d.txt', 
        sep = ' ',
        wordFrequencies = None)#wordFrequencies) # leave wordFrequencies=None for loading the entire WE file

Indices_reversed = {}
for key in Indices.keys():

we vectors loaded from </home/vlaand/data/Glove/glove.twitter.27B/glove.twitter.27B.100d.txt>
	1193514 entries

Data conversion to an input to the model

In [12]:
def dataframe_to_lists(df):

    train_tweets, train_labels = [], []

    for row in df.iterrows():
    return train_tweets, train_labels

def lists_to_vectors(train_tweets, train_labels):

    train_sequences = _texts_to_sequences(train_tweets)

    embedding_matrix = np.zeros((len(Indices)+1, EMBEDDINGS_DIM))

    print('matrix created\n\t',embedding_matrix.shape)
    for (word, i) in Indices.items():
        embedding_vector = Dictionary.get(word)
        if (embedding_vector != None):
            embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector.astype(np.float)

    _X = sequence.pad_sequences(train_sequences, maxlen=maxlen)
    _y = np.array(train_labels)

    print(len(_X), 'train sequences loaded')
    print('\t',_X.shape,'\n\t', _y.shape)
    return _X, _y, embedding_matrix

def _get_maxlen(tweets):
    max = 0
    for tw in tweets:
        if len(tw.split()) > max:
            max = len(tw.split())
    return max


In [13]:

train_tweets, train_labels = dataframe_to_lists(dfs['train'][emoNames[EMOTION]])
dev_tweets, dev_labels = dataframe_to_lists(dfs['dev'][emoNames[EMOTION]])
test_tweets, test_labels = dataframe_to_lists(dfs['test'][emoNames[EMOTION]])

print("max tweet length: %d tokens" %(_get_maxlen(train_tweets+dev_tweets+test_tweets)) )

meltTweets = []
# meltTweets.extend(train_tweets)
for dataset in ['train','test','dev']:
    for emo in emoNames:
            print('KeyError: ',emo)
print('all tweets melted into list, ',len(meltTweets))

def _get_unique_tokens(tweets):    
    return(Counter(token for tweet in tweets for token in tweet.split()))

wordFrequencies = _get_unique_tokens(meltTweets) 
_plot_word_frequencies(wordFrequencies, WORD_FREQUENCY_TRESHOLD = WORD_FREQUENCY_TRESHOLD)

max tweet length: 43 tokens
all tweets melted into list,  7102
7001 12927
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
/home/vlaand/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/ UserWarning: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['seed']
`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy
  "\n`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy"

Preparing for SVR

In [14]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

def _save_ngramizer(ngramizer, filename = 'ngramizer.dump'):
    _ = joblib.dump(ngramizer, filename=filename, compress=9)
    print('ngramizer saved\t<'+filename+'>')
def _load_ngramizer(filename = 'ngramizer.dump'):
    ngramizer = joblib.load(filename = filename)
    print('ngramizer <'+filename+'> loaded')
    return ngramizer

vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range = (1,NGRAM_VALUE),token_pattern=r'\b\w+\b', min_df=WORD_FREQUENCY_TRESHOLD,max_df=1000)
# ngramizer =
ngramizer =

vec = ngramizer.transform(train_tweets+dev_tweets+test_tweets).toarray()
print(len(vec), len(vec[0]))
# _save_ngramizer(ngramizer, filename = '/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/wassa_ngramizer.dump')
# _save_ngramizer(ngramizer, filename = '/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/05_emotion_wassa_nuig/wassaRegression/wassa_ngramizer.dump')

1701 2895

In [15]:

from natsort import natsorted
train_data_features = vec#X_train_counts.toarray()
vocab = ngramizer.get_feature_names()
dist = np.sum(train_data_features, axis=0)
ngram_freq = {}

# For each, print the vocabulary word and the frequency
for tag, count in zip(vocab, dist):
    #print(tag, count)


In [16]:
import numpy as np
import math, itertools
from scipy import spatial
def _vectors_similarity(v1 , v2):
    return( 1 - spatial.distance.cosine(v1,v2) )
def similarityVector(vector_, vectors_):
    resVector = np.asarray([_vectors_similarity(vector_ , v_) for v_ in vectors_])
    return np.asarray([np.max(resVector), np.mean(resVector), np.std(resVector), np.min(resVector)])
def compareTokenToSentence(leftToken, sentence):
    sentence_vectors = []
    for token in sentence:
        if token in Dictionary:
            token = token.replace('#','')
            if token in Dictionary:
    return similarityVector( Dictionary[leftToken], sentence_vectors)  
def capitalRatio(tweet):
        firstCap, allCap = 0, 0
        length = len(tweet)
        if length==0:
            return np.array([0,0])
        for i,token in enumerate(tweet.split()):
            if( token.istitle() ):
                firstCap += 1
            elif( token.isupper() ):
                allCap += 1
        return np.asarray([firstCap/length,allCap/length]) 
def tweetToWordVectors(dictionary, tweet, fixedLength=False):
    output = []    
        for i in range(MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH):
        for i,token in enumerate(tweet.split()):
            if token in Dictionary:
                output[i] = Dictionary[token]                
         for i,token in enumerate(tweet.lower().split()):
            if token in Dictionary:
            elif token.replace('#','') in Dictionary:
    return output
def ModWordVectors(x, mod=True):
    if(len(x) == 0):       
            return(np.zeros(EMBEDDINGS_DIM*3, dtype='float32'))
            return(np.zeros(EMBEDDINGS_DIM, dtype='float32'))        
    m =  np.matrix(x)
        xMean = np.array(m.mean(0))[0]
        xMin = np.array(m.min(0))[0]
        xMax = np.array(m.max(0))[0]
        xX = np.concatenate((xMean,xMin,xMax))
        return xX
        return np.array(m.mean(0))[0]
def bindTwoVectors(x0,x1):
    return np.array(list(itertools.chain(x0,x1)),dtype='float32') 
def _bind_vectors(x):
    return np.concatenate(x)   
def myLog10(vector):
    for i,v in enumerate(vector):
        if v > 0:
            vector[i] = np.log(v)
    return vector            
def _convert_text_to_vector(tweets,  Dictionary, labels, ngramizer):
    _X = []
    _y = []
    vec = ngramizer.transform(tweets).toarray()
    for i, t in enumerate(tweets):
        embeddingsVector = ModWordVectors(tweetToWordVectors(Dictionary,tweets[i]))
#         capitalRatioVector = capitalRatio(dfs[st][emoNames[EMOTION]][i])
#         simVector = compareTokenToSentence(leftToken = emoNames[EMOTION], sentence = t)
        ngramVector = vec[i]
#         _X.append( _bind_vectors((ngramVector, embeddingsVector, simVector))  )
        _X.append( _bind_vectors((ngramVector, embeddingsVector))  )
    return(np.asarray(_X), np.asarray(_y))

In [19]:
# finalTraining = False

# if finalTraining:
#     print('chosen emotion:', emoNames[EMOTION])

#     svr_X, svr_y = _convert_text_to_vector(
#         tweets = train_tweets+dev_tweets+test_tweets,
#         labels = train_labels+dev_labels+test_labels, 
#         Dictionary = Dictionary, 
#         ngramizer = ngramizer)

#     print('\tdata shape:\t', svr_X.shape, svr_y.shape)  

#     svr_X_test, svr_y_test = _convert_text_to_vector(
#         tweets = test_tweets,
#         labels = test_labels, 
#         Dictionary = Dictionary, 
#         ngramizer = ngramizer)

#     print('\tdata shape:\t', svr_X_test.shape, svr_y_test.shape)
# else:

print('chosen emotion:', emoNames[EMOTION])

svr_X_train, svr_y_train = _convert_text_to_vector(
    tweets = train_tweets,
    labels = train_labels, 
    Dictionary = Dictionary, 
    ngramizer = ngramizer)

print('\tdata shape:\t', svr_X_train.shape, svr_y_train.shape)  

svr_X_dev, svr_y_dev = _convert_text_to_vector(
    tweets = dev_tweets,
    labels = dev_labels, 
    Dictionary = Dictionary, 
    ngramizer = ngramizer)

print('\tdata shape:\t', svr_X_dev.shape, svr_y_dev.shape)

svr_X_test, svr_y_test = _convert_text_to_vector(
    tweets = test_tweets,
    labels = test_labels, 
    Dictionary = Dictionary, 
    ngramizer = ngramizer)

print('\tdata shape:\t', svr_X_test.shape, svr_y_test.shape)

chosen emotion: anger
	data shape:	 (857, 3195) (857,)
	data shape:	 (84, 3195) (84,)
	data shape:	 (760, 3195) (760,)

In [20]:
from sklearn.svm import SVR, LinearSVR
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, r2_score
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict, cross_val_score, train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, f1_score, classification_report
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr
from collections import Counter
from multiprocessing import Pool
import warnings

In [134]:

cv_folds = 5

def _greed_search(EMOTION=0):     

    list_acc = []    
    list_val = []
    if(ESTIMATOR == 'LinearSVR'):                             
        epsilon = 0.001
#         C = 0.01
        for tol in [1e-6,1e-5,1e-4]:
            for C in [0.001,0.01,0.1]:
#                 cvs = cross_val_score(estimator = LinearSVR(C=C, tol=tol), X=X, y=y, cv=cv_folds, n_jobs=cv_folds, scoring='r2') 
#                 meanScore = np.mean(np.asarray(cvs))
                svrTrained = LinearSVR(C=C, tol=tol) 
      , svr_y)

                svr_y_test_predict = svrTrained.predict(svr_X_test)
                prs = pearsonr(svr_y_test , svr_y_test_predict)[0]
                spr = spearmanr(svr_y_test , svr_y_test_predict)[0]
                list_val.append([emoNames[EMOTION],prs,ESTIMATOR, C, gamma,epsilon,tol,NGRAM_VALUE,EMBEDDINGS_DIM])
                print(emoNames[EMOTION]+': C='+str(C)+', tol='+str(tol)+', prs='+str(prs)+', spr='+str(spr))      
    elif(ESTIMATOR == 'SVR'):                          
        epsilon = 0.001
#         C = 1.0
#         tol = 1e-6
        for tol in [1e-5,1e-4]:
            for gamma in [0.001,0.01,0.1]:       
                for C in [0.1,1.0]:                    
#                     cvs = [0.5,0.5,0.5]
#                     cvs = cross_val_score(estimator = SVR(C=C,gamma=gamma, tol=tol), X=X, y=y, cv=cv_folds, n_jobs=cv_folds, scoring='r2') 
#                     meanScore = np.mean(np.asarray(cvs))
                    svrTrained = SVR(C=C, tol=tol,gamma=gamma) 
          , svr_y)

                    svr_y_test_predict = svrTrained.predict(svr_X_test)
                    prs = pearsonr(svr_y_test , svr_y_test_predict)[0]
                    spr = spearmanr(svr_y_test , svr_y_test_predict)[0]

                    list_val.append([emoNames[EMOTION],prs, ESTIMATOR, C, gamma,epsilon,tol,NGRAM_VALUE,EMBEDDINGS_DIM])
                    print(emoNames[EMOTION]+': C='+str(C)+', gamma='+str(gamma)+', tol='+str(tol)+', prs='+str(prs)+', spr='+str(spr))
    best = np.argmax(list_acc)    
    out0 = {
        'gamma': list_val[best][4],
        'epsilon': list_val[best][5],
        'tol': list_val[best][6],
        'ngrams': list_val[best][7],
        'EMBEDDINGS_DIM': list_val[best][8],
        'score': list_val[best][1]

    return {emoNames[EMOTION]:out0}
def _combine_best_results(pool_output, ESTIMATOR):
    new_p = {ESTIMATOR:{}}   
    for i in pool_output:
    return new_p            

pool_output = [_greed_search(EMOTION)]
temp_params = _combine_best_results(pool_output, ESTIMATOR)

    train_params = {}

anger: C=0.001, tol=1e-06, prs=0.795027862972, spr=0.79952275341
anger: C=0.01, tol=1e-06, prs=0.924740785403, spr=0.935437817059
anger: C=0.1, tol=1e-06, prs=0.966726681318, spr=0.972348849938
anger: C=0.001, tol=1e-05, prs=0.795026238536, spr=0.799525693465
anger: C=0.01, tol=1e-05, prs=0.924742059245, spr=0.935388260044
anger: C=0.1, tol=1e-05, prs=0.966848315417, spr=0.972361457987
anger: C=0.001, tol=0.0001, prs=0.79504664147, spr=0.799698226814
anger: C=0.01, tol=0.0001, prs=0.924738039014, spr=0.93543152671
anger: C=0.1, tol=0.0001, prs=0.966821785306, spr=0.972288763425
['anger', 0.96684831541719052, 'LinearSVR', 0.1, 1.0, 0.001, 1e-05, 4, 100]

In [21]:
train_params = {'LSTM': {'anger': {'nb_epoch': 12},
  'fear': {'nb_epoch': 36},
  'joy': {'nb_epoch': 8},
  'sadness': {'nb_epoch': 18}},
 'LinearSVR': {'anger': {'C': 0.1,
   'epsilon': 0.001,
   'gamma': 1.0,
   'ngrams': 4,
   'score': 0.95816165303133261,
   'tol': 1e-05},
  'fear': {'C': 0.1,
   'epsilon': 0.001,
   'gamma': 1.0,
   'ngrams': 4,
   'score': 0.96097704320011335,
   'tol': 1e-05},
  'joy': {'C': 0.1,
   'epsilon': 0.001,
   'gamma': 1.0,
   'ngrams': 4,
   'score': 0.96744036403654121,
   'tol': 1e-05},
  'sadness': {'C': 0.1,
   'epsilon': 0.001,
   'gamma': 1.0,
   'ngrams': 4,
   'score': 0.97601559873008892,
   'tol': 1e-05}},
 'SVR': {'anger': {'C': 1.0,
   'epsilon': 0.001,
   'gamma': 0.01,
   'ngrams': 4,
   'score': 0.5909199703343438,
   'tol': 0.0001},
  'fear': {'C': 1.0,
   'epsilon': 0.001,
   'gamma': 0.01,
   'ngrams': 4,
   'score': 0.6669056665602984,
   'tol': 0.0001},
  'joy': {'C': 1.0,
   'epsilon': 0.001,
   'gamma': 0.01,
   'ngrams': 4,
   'score': 0.6182783505906371,
   'tol': 1e-05},
  'sadness': {'C': 1.0,
   'epsilon': 0.001,
   'gamma': 0.001,
   'ngrams': 4,
   'score': 0.6839620329687072,
   'tol': 1e-05}}}

In [22]:

    svrTrained = SVR(C=train_params[ESTIMATOR][emoNames[EMOTION]]['C'], 
    svrTrained = LinearSVR(C=train_params[ESTIMATOR][emoNames[EMOTION]]['C'], 
                 verbose=True), svr_y)

def saveModelFor(model, ESTIMATOR, EMOTION=0, path='/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/'):
    path = os.path.join(path,ESTIMATOR)
    filename = os.path.join(path,emoNames[EMOTION]+'.dump')
    _ = joblib.dump(model, filename, compress=9)
    print("'%s' model saved to <%s>" % (emoNames[EMOTION],filename))
# saveModelFor(svrTrained, ESTIMATOR=ESTIMATOR, EMOTION=EMOTION, path = '/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/classifiers/')
# saveModelFor(svrTrained, ESTIMATOR=ESTIMATOR, EMOTION=EMOTION, path = '/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/05_emotion_wassa_nuig/wassaRegression/classifiers/')

[LibSVM]SVR(C=1.0, cache_size=200, coef0=0.0, degree=3, epsilon=0.001, gamma=0.01,
  kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, shrinking=True, tol=0.0001, verbose=True)

In [257]:
# load model
svrTrained = joblib.load(os.path.join('/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/05_emotion_wassa_nuig/wassaRegression/classifiers/','SVR',emoNames[EMOTION]+'.dump'))

In [24]:
svrTrained.predict([ svr_X_dev[0] ])[0]


Preparing for LSTM

In [30]:
X_train, y_train, embedding_matrix = lists_to_vectors(train_tweets, train_labels)
X_dev, y_dev, embedding_matrix = lists_to_vectors(dev_tweets, dev_labels)
X_test, y_test, embedding_matrix = lists_to_vectors(test_tweets, test_labels)

# X, y, embedding_matrix = lists_to_vectors(train_tweets+dev_tweets+test_tweets, train_labels+dev_labels+test_labels)
# X, y, embedding_matrix = lists_to_vectors(train_tweets+dev_tweets, train_labels+dev_labels)

matrix created
	 (1193515, 100)
/home/vlaand/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
857 train sequences loaded
	 (857, 55) 
matrix created
	 (1193515, 100)
84 train sequences loaded
	 (84, 55) 
matrix created
	 (1193515, 100)
760 train sequences loaded
	 (760, 55) 

Training on WASSA dataset

In [26]:
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager
import os
import numpy as np

import keras.backend as K

def matthews_correlation(y_true, y_pred):
    y_pred_pos = K.round(K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1))
    y_pred_neg = 1 - y_pred_pos

    y_pos = K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1))
    y_neg = 1 - y_pos

    tp = K.sum(y_pos * y_pred_pos)
    tn = K.sum(y_neg * y_pred_neg)

    fp = K.sum(y_neg * y_pred_pos)
    fn = K.sum(y_pos * y_pred_neg)

    numerator = (tp * tn - fp * fn)
    denominator = K.sqrt((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn))

    return numerator / (denominator + K.epsilon())

In [261]:
def _cross_validation_parallel(_input):
    train, test = _input
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Embedding(len(Indices)+1,  EMBEDDINGS_DIM, weights=[embedding_matrix],
                                input_length=maxlen, trainable=True))
    model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(EMBEDDINGS_DIM))) #dropout is same as regularisation
    model.add(Dense(hidden_dims1, W_regularizer=l2(0.01)), )
    model.add(Dense(hidden_dims2, W_regularizer=l2(0.01)), ) #!!!
    model.add(Dense(hidden_dims3, activation='softsign'))
    model.compile(loss='mean_absolute_error', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy', matthews_correlation])
   [train], y[train], batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, validation_split=None)
#     scores = model.evaluate(X[test], y[test], verbose=0,)
    y_test_predict = model.predict(X[test])
    y_test_predict = np.reshape(y_test_predict, newshape=(len(y_test_predict),))
    scores =  [r2_score(y_test_predict, y[test]), pearson(y_test_predict, y[test]), spearman(y_test_predict, y[test])]

    print("%s: %.2f" % (model.metrics_names[2], scores[1]))
    return scores

nb_epoch = 10
n_splits = 5
hidden_dims1 = 50
hidden_dims2 = 25
hidden_dims3 = 1

# with open('senpy-plugins-development/fivePointRegression/classifiers/LSTM/log.out', "w") as log_file:
#     log_file.write(str(cvscores)+'\n')
#     log_file.write("%.2f (+/- %.2f%%)" % (np.mean(cvscores), np.std(cvscores)))

kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=1337)

with Pool(processes = n_splits) as p:
    cvscores =, ((train, test) for (train, test) in kfold.split(X, y)))

# print("%.2f (+/- %.2f)" % (np.mean(cvscores), np.std(cvscores)))

print('%s' % (emoNames[EMOTION].upper()))
print('%d folds, %d epochs' % (n_splits,nb_epoch))

my_metrics = ['r2_score', 'pearson', 'spearman']
for func in range(3):
    print("%s:\t%.2f (+/- %.2f)" % (my_metrics[func],np.mean([i[func] for i in cvscores]), np.std([i[func] for i in cvscores])))

# p._pool[0].is_alive()

5 folds, 50 epochs

r2_score:	0.03 (+/- 0.18)
pearson:	0.67 (+/- 0.05)
spearman:	0.65 (+/- 0.05)

Final Training

In [27]:
            'sadness':{'nb_epoch':18 }}}
    train_params = {'LSTM':{
            'sadness':{'nb_epoch':18 }}}

In [31]:
hidden_dims1 = 50
hidden_dims2 = 25
hidden_dims3 = 1
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(len(Indices)+1,  EMBEDDINGS_DIM, weights=[embedding_matrix],
                            input_length=maxlen, trainable=True))
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(EMBEDDINGS_DIM))) #dropout is same as regularisation
model.add(Dense(hidden_dims1, b_regularizer=l2(0.01)), )
model.add(Dense(hidden_dims2, b_regularizer=l2(0.01)), ) 
model.add(Dense(hidden_dims3, activation='softsign'))
model.compile(loss='mean_absolute_error', optimizer='adam', metrics=[matthews_correlation]), y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=train_params['LSTM'][emoNames[EMOTION]]['nb_epoch'],validation_split=None,)

Epoch 1/12
857/857 [==============================] - 63s - loss: 0.1632 - matthews_correlation: 0.0191    
Epoch 2/12
857/857 [==============================] - 56s - loss: 0.1237 - matthews_correlation: 0.1968    
Epoch 3/12
857/857 [==============================] - 58s - loss: 0.1110 - matthews_correlation: 0.4301    
Epoch 4/12
857/857 [==============================] - 66s - loss: 0.0999 - matthews_correlation: 0.5086    
Epoch 5/12
857/857 [==============================] - 76s - loss: 0.0856 - matthews_correlation: 0.6187    
Epoch 6/12
857/857 [==============================] - 65s - loss: 0.0773 - matthews_correlation: 0.6468    
Epoch 7/12
857/857 [==============================] - 51s - loss: 0.0704 - matthews_correlation: 0.6884    
Epoch 8/12
857/857 [==============================] - 55s - loss: 0.0626 - matthews_correlation: 0.7491    
Epoch 9/12
857/857 [==============================] - 58s - loss: 0.0619 - matthews_correlation: 0.7269    
Epoch 10/12
857/857 [==============================] - 63s - loss: 0.0571 - matthews_correlation: 0.7543    
Epoch 11/12
857/857 [==============================] - 62s - loss: 0.0567 - matthews_correlation: 0.7853    
Epoch 12/12
857/857 [==============================] - 50s - loss: 0.0511 - matthews_correlation: 0.7723    
<keras.callbacks.History at 0x7fa22de93f60>

In [32]:
from IPython.display import SVG
# from keras.utils.vis_utils import model_to_dot
from keras.utils.visualize_util import model_to_dot

s=SVG(model_to_dot(model,show_shapes=True,show_layer_names=False).create(prog='dot', format='svg'))

G 140340728101184 InputLayer input: output: (None, 55) (None, 55) 140340728100456 Embedding input: output: (None, 55) (None, 55, 100) 140340728101184->140340728100456 140341205210952 Bidirectional input: output: (None, 55, 100) (None, 200) 140340728100456->140341205210952 140340727988632 Dropout input: output: (None, 200) (None, 200) 140341205210952->140340727988632 140340686474936 Dense input: output: (None, 200) (None, 50) 140340727988632->140340686474936 140340686464336 Dense input: output: (None, 50) (None, 25) 140340686474936->140340686464336 140340686464280 Dense input: output: (None, 25) (None, 1) 140340686464336->140340686464280

In [242]:
# Load ready model
from keras.models import load_model, model_from_json

def _load_model_emo_and_weights(filename, emo):
        with open(filename+'.'+emo+'.json', 'r') as json_file:
            loaded_model_json =
            loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
        return loaded_model
# savePath = "/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/05_emotion_wassa_nuig/wassaRegression/classifiers/LSTM/wassaRegression"
# model = _load_model_emo_and_weights(savePath, emoNames[EMOTION])

In [33]:
# y_t_pred = model.predict(X_dev)

# y_dev_pred = np.array([y_[0] for y_ in model.predict(X_dev)])
# print(min(y_dev_pred), max(y_dev_pred))
# print("%8s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (emoNames[EMOTION],
#                                  r2_score(y_dev , y_dev_pred),                                 
#                                  pearsonr(y_dev , y_dev_pred)[0],
#                                  spearmanr(y_dev , y_dev_pred)[0]))

y_test_pred = np.array([y_[0] for y_ in model.predict(X_test)])
print(min(y_test_pred), max(y_test_pred))
print("%8s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (emoNames[EMOTION],
                                 r2_score(y_test , y_test_pred),                                 
                                 pearsonr(y_test , y_test_pred)[0],
                                 spearmanr(y_test , y_test_pred)[0]))

0.167627 0.788088
   anger	0.38	0.64	0.62

In [379]:
len(svr_y_test_predict), len(y_test_predict), len(mix_y_test_predict)

(714, 714, 714)

In [380]:
svr_y_test_predict = svrTrained.predict(svr_X_test)
y_test_predict = np.array([y_[0] for y_ in model.predict(X_test)])
mix_y_test_predict = np.array([ np.mean([y1,y2]) for y1,y2 in zip(y_test_predict, svr_y_test_predict) ])

print("%8s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (emoNames[EMOTION]+'.svr',
                                 r2_score(svr_y_test , svr_y_test_predict),                                 
                                 pearsonr(svr_y_test , svr_y_test_predict)[0],
                                 spearmanr(svr_y_test , svr_y_test_predict)[0]))
print("%8s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (emoNames[EMOTION]+'.lstm',
                                 r2_score(y_test , y_test_predict),                                 
                                 pearsonr(y_test , y_test_predict)[0],
                                 spearmanr(y_test , y_test_predict)[0]))
print("%8s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (emoNames[EMOTION]+'.avg',
                                 r2_score(y_test , mix_y_test_predict),                                 
                                 pearsonr(y_test , mix_y_test_predict)[0],
                                 spearmanr(y_test , mix_y_test_predict)[0]))

sadness.svr	0.44	0.67	0.67
sadness.lstm	0.50	0.71	0.70
sadness.avg	0.51	0.73	0.72
anger.svr 0.38 0.62 0.59 anger.lstm 0.36 0.62 0.59 anger.avg 0.43 0.65 0.63 fear.svr 0.45 0.67 0.64 fear.lstm 0.46 0.68 0.66 fear.avg 0.50 0.71 0.68 joy.svr 0.37 0.62 0.63 joy.lstm 0.37 0.64 0.65 joy.avg 0.44 0.66 0.67 sadness.svr 0.44 0.67 0.67 sadness.lstm 0.50 0.71 0.70 sadness.avg 0.51 0.73 0.72

In [381]:
import sys


def recursive(prevMax = []):
    if len(prevMax) >= len(difference):
        return 0

    gid, gp = 0, 0.0

    for i,d in enumerate(difference):
        if d>gp and not(i in prevMax):
            gid, gp = i, d

    print('%d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, "%s", "%s"' % (gid, difference[gid], y_test[gid],  mix_y_test_predict[gid], svr_y_test_predict[gid], y_test_predict[gid], test_tweets[gid], emoNames[EMOTION]))

difference = np.abs(mix_y_test_predict - y_test)
print('tweetId, difference, y_actual, y_ensemble, y_svr, y_lstm, tweet, emotion')

tweetId, difference, y_actual, y_ensemble, y_svr, y_lstm, tweet, emotion
161, 0.497370, 0.271000, 0.768370, 0.742622, 0.794118, "god just replaced my sadness with laughter , cant go the whole day sad . <repeat>", "sadness"
385, 0.459350, 0.125000, 0.584350, 0.531545, 0.637155, "i lost my wallet , then found it , then lost it again and <allcaps> then <allcaps> found <allcaps> it <allcaps> ! <repeat> \ ncollege is brazy", "sadness"
460, 0.438554, 0.292000, 0.730554, 0.648212, 0.812897, "cuddling literally kills depression , relieves anxiety , and strengthens the immune system .", "sadness"
415, 0.405078, 0.792000, 0.386922, 0.420783, 0.353062, "there will be no gaming video today . an old friend of mine passed last night , so i 'm taking some time to grieve . thank you standuptocancer", "sadness"
381, 0.379538, 0.688000, 0.308462, 0.340629, 0.276296, "dreams dashed and divided like million stars in the night sky .", "sadness"
528, 0.373470, 0.121000, 0.494470, 0.466861, 0.522079, "clean the sink and make your bathroom shine .", "sadness"
272, 0.364924, 0.292000, 0.656924, 0.655518, 0.658329, "lauren jauregui makes all my problem dissapear it amazes my sadness . she keeps me strong", "sadness"
242, 0.354138, 0.917000, 0.562862, 0.570284, 0.555440, "when you lose somebody close to your heart you lose yourself as well 💔 lost", "sadness"
508, 0.351571, 0.083000, 0.434571, 0.483281, 0.385860, "you forever straight so fix that frown u good 😇 <user>", "sadness"
179, 0.351528, 0.229000, 0.580528, 0.532596, 0.628460, "<user> your foot is frowning .", "sadness"
14, 0.344748, 0.083000, 0.427748, 0.475970, 0.379526, "i love having such a big family . there 's never a dull moment in my house 😂", "sadness"
391, 0.335866, 0.333000, 0.668866, 0.647737, 0.689996, "love is when all your happiness and all your sadness and all your feelings are dependent on another person .", "sadness"
636, 0.332361, 0.854000, 0.521639, 0.491407, 0.551871, "life is hard . , its harder if ur stupid life love sadderness moreofsad howdoestears whatislife", "sadness"
499, 0.319856, 0.771000, 0.451144, 0.495762, 0.406525, "if you love something , let it go . if it comes back , it is yours . if it doesnt , it never will . sadness accepting", "sadness"
162, 0.315784, 0.729000, 0.413216, 0.427583, 0.398848, "need advice on how to get out of this rut ! <repeat> needmotivation", "sadness"
623, 0.314993, 0.135000, 0.449993, 0.435578, 0.464407, "it 's still not sunk in that im seeing joe next month , im so grateful and excited shit", "sadness"
130, 0.313090, 0.917000, 0.603910, 0.527648, 0.680172, "overwhelming sadness . this too shall pass . lonley startingover", "sadness"
3, 0.310302, 0.271000, 0.581302, 0.579698, 0.582907, "<user> i nearly dropped my phone into the sink hahahaha <allcaps>", "sadness"
38, 0.306475, 0.229000, 0.535475, 0.426680, 0.644271, "if someone keeps laughing at you , dont fret . at least u r giving happiness . ' \ n quotes quotestoliveby", "sadness"
459, 0.306238, 0.396000, 0.702238, 0.629992, 0.774483, "<user> i like cold gloomy weather", "sadness"
10, 0.305282, 0.292000, 0.597282, 0.606167, 0.588398, "refuse to let myself get discouraged .", "sadness"
395, 0.303521, 0.188000, 0.491521, 0.529233, 0.453808, "but guess what ? i 'm sober", "sadness"
348, 0.302531, 0.250000, 0.552531, 0.512949, 0.592112, "<user> please dont sulk over your defeat . come on . head up !", "sadness"
193, 0.293996, 0.146000, 0.439996, 0.482020, 0.397973, "the new <user> song is mega 💥 reminds me of <user> blues", "sadness"
104, 0.288571, 0.271000, 0.559571, 0.558299, 0.560842, "one point : dsp <allcaps> claims yt <allcaps> ers lost half their viewership in 2012 if they werent using direct capture . that 's when the search changes happened", "sadness"
147, 0.286231, 0.167000, 0.453231, 0.461991, 0.444472, "hate to see y 'all frown but i 'd rather see him smiling 💕 ✨", "sadness"
568, 0.284825, 0.188000, 0.472825, 0.467759, 0.477891, "lost 11 lbs since i got married ( eating healthy ) & ive gone from a 9 : 47 mile to a 8 : 50 mile in 2 weeks . areyousureimagedout fitness", "sadness"
505, 0.282745, 0.896000, 0.613255, 0.567120, 0.659391, "i feel like a burden every day that i waste but i dont know how to get out of this bc i get so discouraged all i wanna do is lay around 🙃", "sadness"
96, 0.282434, 0.917000, 0.634566, 0.555475, 0.713656, "<user> i 'm wearing all black tomorrow to mourn . 😭 💔", "sadness"
463, 0.281926, 0.949000, 0.667074, 0.661098, 0.673049, "honestly dont know why i 'm so unhappy most of the time . i just want it all to stop <sadface> itnevergoes", "sadness"
112, 0.281447, 0.854000, 0.572553, 0.578113, 0.566993, "the last few weeks have been dreadful . opening up of old wounds . the gossip of others / evil that spill from thier lips melancholy sadnnes", "sadness"
383, 0.278441, 0.083000, 0.361441, 0.387527, 0.335355, "fun tidbit : you can fall asleep on someone while dancing . blues latenight", "sadness"
475, 0.278424, 0.833000, 0.554576, 0.506780, 0.602372, "<user> my heart just sunk .", "sadness"
492, 0.271916, 0.729000, 0.457084, 0.483921, 0.430246, "<user> dreadful day at work n now im gonna be late for class n im covered in paint , n now i have to work a night shift too : /", "sadness"
131, 0.271846, 0.889000, 0.617154, 0.524637, 0.709671, "overwhelming sadness . this too shall pass . lost lonley startingover", "sadness"
298, 0.271252, 0.833000, 0.561748, 0.522563, 0.600934, "i came to work for no reason 😩 🔫 \ ni could 've stayed in bed", "sadness"
497, 0.270917, 0.708000, 0.437083, 0.417913, 0.456253, "synth backing tracks = sadness \ n depresspop dark + + + alt fuckingmeup", "sadness"
618, 0.267744, 0.833000, 0.565256, 0.547283, 0.583228, "ibiza blues hitting me hard already wow", "sadness"
109, 0.264262, 0.250000, 0.514262, 0.511454, 0.517070, "so drunk me hid my keys very well sober me couldnt find it anywhere", "sadness"
353, 0.263743, 0.875000, 0.611257, 0.535136, 0.687378, "only god knows why things happen , sometimes it 's just hard to understand . sad prayingforyou", "sadness"
67, 0.259539, 0.259000, 0.518539, 0.505327, 0.531750, "<user> high fantasy , i feel like you could make a melancholy college age slice of life thing work too", "sadness"
290, 0.259478, 0.208000, 0.467478, 0.486605, 0.448350, "dont get weary in well doing . \ n faith god prayer", "sadness"
269, 0.255059, 0.854000, 0.598941, 0.604321, 0.593561, "i wish i could live in y 'all reality where i can grieve over people i never met . to bad i got brothers <allcaps> dying left and right .", "sadness"
158, 0.254665, 0.125000, 0.379665, 0.410998, 0.348331, "getting so excited for <user> 2016 ! <repeat> we play the main stage sunday oct . 16 at 3 : 30 ! <repeat> jazzholiday riesbrothers rock blues jam", "sadness"
591, 0.250235, 0.167000, 0.417235, 0.411795, 0.422674, "yes i am picking up sticks and pine cones in my front yard", "sadness"
542, 0.250025, 0.292000, 0.542025, 0.638084, 0.445966, "never let the sadness of your past ruin your future", "sadness"
212, 0.247739, 0.114000, 0.361739, 0.375295, 0.348183, "the two brians , <user> & <user> , also known as the nigella lawsons of blues & pizza .", "sadness"
548, 0.246567, 0.240000, 0.486567, 0.541714, 0.431421, "its a gloomy day , im cuddled in my bed watching brendon covering songs and i couldnt be more relaxed or happy 😋", "sadness"
206, 0.245265, 0.720000, 0.474735, 0.517158, 0.432311, "do you know how much it hurts to see you best friend sad ?", "sadness"
122, 0.244769, 0.812000, 0.567231, 0.506687, 0.627775, "it 's sad when you talk to someone about ya past n how it fucked you up and then they do the same thing like people really dont have hearts", "sadness"
440, 0.244594, 0.750000, 0.505406, 0.463481, 0.547330, "heart heavy for lost furry family members . remembering max and ozzie . forever friends as 🐶 😇", "sadness"
532, 0.242681, 0.875000, 0.632319, 0.568385, 0.696253, "* sigh * saddness afterellen shitsucks", "sadness"
166, 0.240318, 0.333000, 0.573318, 0.556366, 0.590269, "candice 's standing pout face aggravates me every week", "sadness"
534, 0.239392, 0.280000, 0.519392, 0.514103, 0.524681, "<user> <user> he had been retired 20 minutes ago by most blues on here 😊", "sadness"
451, 0.239307, 0.656000, 0.416693, 0.374336, 0.459050, "♪ old <allcaps> fish <allcaps> discourage", "sadness"
35, 0.238695, 0.812000, 0.573305, 0.556777, 0.589834, "my nephews n cousins are nowhere near bad guys , but they could be killed @ any moment by a cop that thought they were bc of their color sad", "sadness"
52, 0.238438, 0.771000, 0.532562, 0.541461, 0.523663, "urgent need to get a new job . the constant gloom of my current one is getting a bit ridiculous now .", "sadness"
249, 0.235419, 0.188000, 0.423419, 0.478250, 0.368589, "i want my highlight to be so bright that if i ever get lost and someone is looking for me in the dark , they 'll find me .", "sadness"
301, 0.234001, 0.479000, 0.713001, 0.761233, 0.664769, "so you 're unhappy ?", "sadness"
195, 0.233885, 0.750000, 0.516115, 0.526172, 0.506057, "the weather changed from sunny and bright to gloomy just in time to match my afternoon mood . 😒", "sadness"
660, 0.232365, 0.667000, 0.434635, 0.433067, 0.436203, "<user> <user> your per capita income is almost same like us . gini coefficient is very dismal . ambitions are high but output zero .", "sadness"
304, 0.232327, 0.938000, 0.705673, 0.649207, 0.762139, "i want to pour all my tears on someone right now . so tired of this upset", "sadness"
40, 0.231592, 0.750000, 0.518408, 0.508234, 0.528581, "headed to mdw <allcaps> w / layover in slc <allcaps> . got off for food . wrong move . bailed on my food & barely made it . <user> wannagetaway contest sad", "sadness"
294, 0.230056, 0.167000, 0.397056, 0.402248, 0.391863, "did you know apples turn brown when a enzyme called polyphenol oxidase reacts with oxygen ! well i do dull applefacts 🤓 🍏", "sadness"
665, 0.225499, 0.125000, 0.350499, 0.365015, 0.335982, "nutella is pine green forget me nots are ivory frozen is god", "sadness"
399, 0.225177, 0.896000, 0.670823, 0.654981, 0.686665, "go away please . <repeat> i 'm begging » » » depression anxiety worry fear sadness \ ndreams of joy and my baby to be found . <repeat> sits on andisbench", "sadness"
631, 0.225073, 0.729000, 0.503927, 0.475511, 0.532343, "i know i 've painted quite a grim picture of your chances . but if you simply stand here , we will both surely die .", "sadness"
93, 0.224377, 0.862000, 0.637623, 0.614505, 0.660740, "when mine pass , i know i 'll be inconsolable & devastated . for a while .", "sadness"
655, 0.223985, 0.583000, 0.359015, 0.374845, 0.343185, "i saw those dreams dashed & & divided like a million stars in the night sky that i wished on over & & over again ~ sparkling & & broken .", "sadness"
221, 0.223817, 0.750000, 0.526183, 0.471266, 0.581099, "a moment <allcaps> : \ nif you kill it in the spirit , it will die in the natural ! <repeat> ' - <user> murder suicide depression racism pride", "sadness"
536, 0.223606, 0.562000, 0.338394, 0.362072, 0.314716, "people too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours .", "sadness"
373, 0.223514, 0.833000, 0.609486, 0.613200, 0.605773, "but right now i 'm feeling pretty desolate .", "sadness"
262, 0.223433, 0.521000, 0.297567, 0.250881, 0.344254, "recession , economic gloom ? the brightest stars shine in the darkest nights ! our html5 webdesign rocks ! rtblitz finovate wlsb", "sadness"
352, 0.222146, 0.239000, 0.461146, 0.490555, 0.431736, "i am more comfortable here at the dove house than i was in my own home for 24 years . this is home <allcaps> & i am very grateful . dove indy sober", "sadness"
248, 0.221812, 0.979000, 0.757188, 0.705408, 0.808968, "i am le depressed i l hate myself xdd <allcaps> dd sad depress loner emo", "sadness"
469, 0.220830, 0.333000, 0.553830, 0.617272, 0.490387, "this took a melancholy turn but my point is that for all the difficulties i 'm still happy . happy that i get to be who i am .", "sadness"
42, 0.220295, 0.812000, 0.591705, 0.593412, 0.589999, "when you burst out crying alone and u realize that no one truly knows how unhappy you really are because you dont want anyone to know", "sadness"
331, 0.218505, 0.758000, 0.539495, 0.543491, 0.535499, "is it just me or is this a very weird time for the world ? change enlightenment gloomy weird sigh imaginepeace imaginelove unite", "sadness"
180, 0.217478, 0.800000, 0.582522, 0.594840, 0.570203, "<user> being with you makes me somewhat gloomy .", "sadness"
327, 0.216338, 0.854000, 0.637662, 0.684232, 0.591092, "the most depressing part of being ill is that your taste goes 😫", "sadness"
478, 0.216219, 0.263000, 0.479219, 0.509675, 0.448763, "<user> i involuntarily smile when you frown in photos . and giggle . how annoying ! <repeat>", "sadness"
115, 0.215844, 0.196000, 0.411844, 0.429710, 0.393979, "hr <allcaps> management must discourage the expediency factor from encroaching on the rolling out of a credible workplaceviolenceprevention policy .", "sadness"
228, 0.215500, 0.771000, 0.555500, 0.554574, 0.556425, "<user> very thought provoking & leads one to question what really happened . very sad for all .", "sadness"
519, 0.214987, 0.667000, 0.452013, 0.472330, 0.431697, "<user> <user> lost a friend too", "sadness"
540, 0.214540, 0.231000, 0.445540, 0.528906, 0.362174, "you know when you 're just slightly high , the state between sober and high af ? that 's beautiful . i wish i could feel like that 24 / 7 .", "sadness"
387, 0.213538, 0.917000, 0.703462, 0.621062, 0.785863, "oh , btw - after a 6 month depression - free time i got a relapse now . <repeat> superb depression", "sadness"
303, 0.213234, 0.958000, 0.744766, 0.691924, 0.797609, "i want to pour all my tears on someone right now . so tired of this upset sad", "sadness"
555, 0.212457, 0.667000, 0.454543, 0.504433, 0.404653, "caballero 's passing remains absolutely dreadful i see !", "sadness"
134, 0.209990, 0.917000, 0.707010, 0.684650, 0.729370, "so depressing to watch news , today out of 100 bullet news 10 were of rape ! what 's wrong with people india shameless depressing", "sadness"
157, 0.209518, 0.167000, 0.376518, 0.403498, 0.349538, "getting so excited for <user> 2016 ! <repeat> we play the main stage sunday oct . 16 at 3 : 30 ! <repeat> jazzholiday riesbrothers rock jam", "sadness"
315, 0.209329, 0.125000, 0.334329, 0.392045, 0.276614, "i love when girls are busy in teaching how to pout while taking selfie in a mall , their desication is immense women love perfection", "sadness"
529, 0.209261, 0.562000, 0.352739, 0.320847, 0.384631, "_ her mind is a dark room , \ ndeveloping madness ♨ 😘", "sadness"
116, 0.208673, 0.312000, 0.520673, 0.466978, 0.574367, "<user> salaams ma 'am , how r u ma 'am ? may allah <allcaps> protect u from sadness , illness , harm & nazr - e - bad . aameen <allcaps> . stay blessed ma 'am .", "sadness"
18, 0.205710, 0.562000, 0.356290, 0.393132, 0.319449, "<user> <user> start mournful then kick into major key in last verse where good guys win ? ( or just change words in existing song ? )", "sadness"
401, 0.204748, 0.250000, 0.454748, 0.403506, 0.505990, "this nigga doesnt even look for his real family 🙄 😂", "sadness"
71, 0.204505, 0.646000, 0.441495, 0.401508, 0.481481, "<user> <user> lestweforget 3 yrs on , 2013 graduate trainee recruitment not concluded . disappointed weary however wewait", "sadness"
56, 0.203809, 0.146000, 0.349809, 0.399935, 0.299683, "i cant wait for you to listen to my new single ' mystery ' and my new album 😋 . newmusic newsingle newalbum 2016 popmusic dark", "sadness"
610, 0.203757, 0.688000, 0.484243, 0.521769, 0.446718, "up on melancholy hill", "sadness"
50, 0.202823, 0.896000, 0.693177, 0.653491, 0.732862, "my heartbeat is forever stumbling on memories of things past . longing loss shape form sadness", "sadness"
247, 0.202716, 0.292000, 0.494716, 0.547885, 0.441547, "been sober for days lmao", "sadness"
159, 0.201756, 0.871000, 0.669244, 0.620297, 0.718192, "really planned on making videos this week . then . a tv died , phone broke , truck died , depression took over . i 'm wondering what i did 2 karma", "sadness"
209, 0.201381, 0.250000, 0.451381, 0.472751, 0.430011, "ok yes i get it as much as the next guy - - bikes blues & bbq is frustrating & loud ! <repeat> but these ppl are traveling from all over to come - -", "sadness"
11, 0.201327, 0.292000, 0.493327, 0.489771, 0.496884, "<user> cheer up , luv . your face is alot prettier when you 're not frowning . <3", "sadness"
160, 0.200895, 0.339000, 0.539895, 0.561264, 0.518526, "removal regardless of cost a lamentable answer : ajvksk <allcaps>", "sadness"
154, 0.200003, 0.792000, 0.591997, 0.561451, 0.622543, "<user> <user> i am beyond the sadness point . have done it inside out . i live with cptsd <allcaps> and bpd <allcaps> i cant always do the pity party", "sadness"
377, 0.199907, 0.292000, 0.491907, 0.442343, 0.541471, "i really want to read this fic i found but it 's serious and this room is full of memes", "sadness"
606, 0.199568, 0.292000, 0.491568, 0.511840, 0.471297, "i 've been loving you too long otisredding blues", "sadness"
293, 0.198819, 0.792000, 0.593181, 0.570568, 0.615794, "all i 'm learning about at college atm is sylvia plath , stalin 's purges and natural disasters , gloomy af", "sadness"
129, 0.198783, 0.646000, 0.447217, 0.440620, 0.453813, "going off reports on sky , stoke played ok tonight . think i 'll stay off the messageboard tonight though - it will be grim on there : /", "sadness"
417, 0.197777, 0.667000, 0.469223, 0.486099, 0.452348, "even if it looks like we are okay , the reality of that is were actually very worn out and forlorn", "sadness"
271, 0.197756, 0.625000, 0.427244, 0.389512, 0.464976, "<user> <user> absolutely boring . m a big manchester united fan , nd its really disappointing to see them play in ths dull boring way", "sadness"
527, 0.197726, 0.604000, 0.406274, 0.377324, 0.435225, "<user> the city is famous for the shambles , sadly the old street in the centre plays second fiddle to the stadium debacle nowadays !", "sadness"
150, 0.197342, 0.271000, 0.468342, 0.492281, 0.444403, "everything in the dream stayed there", "sadness"
39, 0.197075, 0.250000, 0.447075, 0.440743, 0.453408, "back in the big time after selection last night . absolutely buzzing . bring on the roaches sg <allcaps> 16 kickittomehigh nswgaa blues statevstate", "sadness"
21, 0.196582, 0.208000, 0.404582, 0.424340, 0.384824, "<user> april 25 th , 2010 for me . keep up the good work ! <repeat> sober prouder", "sadness"
380, 0.196441, 0.167000, 0.363441, 0.418112, 0.308770, "this is the <user> blues junior . i 'm looking forward to play on it as soon as possible . guitar guitarrist music", "sadness"
48, 0.194122, 0.229000, 0.423122, 0.414724, 0.431520, "<user> i actually understand it for plumbers etc . wire would get in the way while under a sink", "sadness"
5, 0.193727, 0.271000, 0.464727, 0.498812, 0.430642, "<user> i 've just found out it 's candice and not candace . she can pout all she likes for me 😍", "sadness"
369, 0.193453, 0.675000, 0.481547, 0.480091, 0.483004, "<user> <elong> as a musician , i can tell you that more people get discouraged when learning because of shitty instruments than anything else .", "sadness"
589, 0.192778, 0.606000, 0.413222, 0.359266, 0.467177, "<user> can elliot friedman please stop talking , you are clueless . you havent seen the ball since the kickoff . mope", "sadness"
522, 0.192619, 0.271000, 0.463619, 0.512244, 0.414995, "<user> : yes <allcaps> ! right ? i mean i wish you hadnt been discouraged to see mikeandmolly because so many parallels really -", "sadness"
28, 0.192432, 0.250000, 0.442432, 0.449843, 0.435021, "i just got asked to hoco over instagram dm bc someone lost a bet . love the maturity of the people in my grade ! <repeat>", "sadness"
214, 0.192371, 0.660000, 0.467629, 0.502193, 0.433065, "<user> i dont know how much more of that bloody pout i can take ! <repeat>", "sadness"
438, 0.191412, 0.354000, 0.545412, 0.477728, 0.613095, "heading home to cut grass in the heat . all i wanna do is go out to eat somewhere air conditioned . pout adultingistheworst", "sadness"
36, 0.191358, 0.688000, 0.496642, 0.509918, 0.483365, "my nephews n cousins are nowhere near bad guys , but they could be killed @ any moment by a cop that thought they were bc of their color", "sadness"
92, 0.190616, 0.250000, 0.440616, 0.401903, 0.479330, "just reached 10 k followers - wow <allcaps> - thanks blues mcfc ctid", "sadness"
225, 0.190308, 0.667000, 0.476692, 0.488051, 0.465334, "don king . <repeat> his actions really sadden me today . <repeat> the word ' may not ' have the same power to all as it once did , i still cringe when i hear it", "sadness"
659, 0.189583, 0.667000, 0.477417, 0.491802, 0.463033, "why the fuck does my mum want me to put corn in the curry ! <repeat> grim", "sadness"
73, 0.188725, 0.854000, 0.665275, 0.672967, 0.657582, "<user> it 's getting so close in your poll so many ignorant ppl . depressing painful something needs to change bethechange ? how ?", "sadness"
270, 0.187086, 0.896000, 0.708914, 0.650820, 0.767008, "and btw . <repeat> i really did stay in bed all day today . depression i hate being lied to , fuck liars . - w -", "sadness"
637, 0.185387, 0.847000, 0.661613, 0.613663, 0.709564, "life is hard . , its harder if ur stupid life love sadness sadderness moreofsad howdoestears whatislife", "sadness"
443, 0.185107, 0.188000, 0.373107, 0.374705, 0.371509, "thanks to all the sober drivers . the real winners of the night ! clemvsgt <allcaps>", "sadness"
511, 0.185053, 0.854000, 0.668947, 0.634443, 0.703451, "the sad moment when u hand in an exam knowing u failed and grieve by eating and sleeping", "sadness"
60, 0.183615, 0.292000, 0.475615, 0.469815, 0.481415, "<user> <user> grim should find broken matt hardy because he can delete everything lol", "sadness"
152, 0.183008, 0.292000, 0.475008, 0.512568, 0.437448, "california sissified pages : ruling class separation in passage to dispirit attestative alphanumeric code : wyrdljpyu", "sadness"
494, 0.182887, 0.375000, 0.557887, 0.519937, 0.595836, "<user> but still your my favorite person in df <allcaps> besides grim", "sadness"
432, 0.182439, 0.438000, 0.620439, 0.628312, 0.612566, "maybe i can sleep with my chem book on my head and it will all sink in my brain", "sadness"
658, 0.181422, 0.688000, 0.506578, 0.511611, 0.501545, "<user> doesnt explain the ability to land at manchester but not bradford - other than more convenient for flybe . many unhappy travelers", "sadness"
563, 0.181209, 0.188000, 0.369209, 0.426103, 0.312315, "i 'm looking for a good promoter rock blues", "sadness"
455, 0.179799, 0.563000, 0.383201, 0.390789, 0.375613, "<user> but sadly he missed some crucial and important points . indian terrorism in pk , kal boshan , etc . <repeat> <elong> raw involvement", "sadness"
217, 0.178105, 0.146000, 0.324105, 0.382808, 0.265401, "usually i 'm not one to rush colder weather but this year i 'm so ready for hot coffee , dark lippies , scarves , sweaters , & boots 🍂 👢 ☕ ️ 💄", "sadness"
143, 0.177981, 0.345000, 0.522981, 0.521631, 0.524331, "<user> <user> and the dreadful franglaise .", "sadness"
63, 0.176192, 0.521000, 0.697192, 0.702143, 0.692242, "i told my therapist that i 'm on the dance team and now she 's unhappy with me .", "sadness"
597, 0.175883, 0.229000, 0.404883, 0.412863, 0.396903, "have any of you ever stayed in hostels overseas ? my only frame of reference is the movie hostel , and we all know how that went .", "sadness"
47, 0.175407, 0.833000, 0.657593, 0.642115, 0.673072, "i get so much pussy <allcaps> \ np - panic attacks \ nu - uncontrollable anxiety \ ns - suicidal fantasies \ ns - sadness \ ny - yearning for death", "sadness"
188, 0.175393, 0.146000, 0.321393, 0.336123, 0.306663, "cops chillin on pine lakes", "sadness"
320, 0.172805, 0.271000, 0.443805, 0.452240, 0.435371, "( whisper ) i cannot frown .", "sadness"
308, 0.172587, 0.229000, 0.401587, 0.413799, 0.389375, "where are some great places to listen to blues ? nightlife nightlifeent <allcaps> blues jazz gatewayarch stlouis washingtonave", "sadness"
326, 0.172247, 0.396000, 0.223753, 0.286839, 0.160666, "a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity , an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty ' - sir winston churchill -", "sadness"
592, 0.171742, 0.833000, 0.661258, 0.615989, 0.706527, "seeing an old coworker and his wife mourn the loss of their 23 year old daughter was one of the saddest things i 've ever seen 😢", "sadness"
629, 0.171557, 0.208000, 0.379557, 0.397364, 0.361751, "that 's how you start a season that 's how you open the show show them how dark hell can get empire", "sadness"
410, 0.171011, 0.540000, 0.711011, 0.676259, 0.745763, "way to get a hold of her 😊 depressing", "sadness"
419, 0.170807, 0.812000, 0.641193, 0.676977, 0.605409, "someone explain female human beings to me , they 're depressing me . _ .", "sadness"
339, 0.170503, 0.831000, 0.660497, 0.614316, 0.706677, "incredibly shocked and disappointed with <user> customer service . really making me rethink flying with them in the future . unhappy", "sadness"
137, 0.169569, 0.229000, 0.398569, 0.421037, 0.376102, "i look at some of the average players that play at the min and pine nani , rafael , rvp <allcaps> ,", "sadness"
184, 0.168701, 0.333000, 0.501701, 0.479638, 0.523763, "wrinkles should merely hide where frown have been . - mark twain", "sadness"
237, 0.168178, 0.479000, 0.310822, 0.317189, 0.304455, "<user> you should be criminalized for posting a pic of that brown frown . <repeat> get a pic of some jack , or cookies , or diesel , join up <user>", "sadness"
448, 0.168064, 0.583000, 0.414936, 0.490356, 0.339516, "why yall hyped abt that girl getting to hang out w jb <allcaps> , he clearly looks so unhappy and bored in the pics no offense lol <allcaps> , plus he hates yall", "sadness"
480, 0.167881, 0.750000, 0.582119, 0.543439, 0.620798, "havent been here a while , been watching lots of tv <allcaps> . conclusion whataloadoftat . <repeat> if i wasnt depressed before afternoon tv <allcaps> is grim", "sadness"
474, 0.167462, 0.333000, 0.500462, 0.534961, 0.465963, "<user> yeah i wont mourn it but i 'm glad i rode it the last time i visited .", "sadness"
222, 0.167455, 0.583000, 0.415545, 0.385509, 0.445582, "a moment <allcaps> : \ nif you kill it in the spirit , it will die in the natural ! <repeat> ' - <user> murder suicide racism pride", "sadness"
625, 0.167373, 0.625000, 0.457627, 0.430703, 0.484550, "rooney ! oh dear , oh dear ! fucking dreadful 🙈 ⚽ ️ ⚽ ️", "sadness"
324, 0.166886, 0.417000, 0.583886, 0.574274, 0.593499, "dentist just said to me ' i 'm going to numb your front lip up so it 'll feel as if you 've got lips like pete burns . <repeat> she was right pout", "sadness"
365, 0.166674, 0.500000, 0.666674, 0.561219, 0.772129, "<user> thanks for making me super sad about pizza . sad freepizza", "sadness"
543, 0.166509, 0.292000, 0.458509, 0.463622, 0.453397, "<user> yes i can . dont discourage me .", "sadness"
530, 0.166285, 0.833000, 0.666715, 0.616258, 0.717172, "feels like i lost my best friend lost fml missingyou", "sadness"
243, 0.165819, 0.708000, 0.542181, 0.573239, 0.511123, "when you lose somebody close to your heart you lose yourself as well 💔", "sadness"
82, 0.165786, 0.292000, 0.457786, 0.387419, 0.528153, "<user> i tore my mlc <allcaps> playing football in hs <allcaps> . knees are serious business . take care of them ! lemme know if you need anything .", "sadness"
255, 0.165537, 0.146000, 0.311537, 0.257673, 0.365400, "<user> thanks for playing crock pot going radio blog blues music indiemusic", "sadness"
273, 0.164823, 0.742000, 0.577177, 0.564970, 0.589384, "i get embarrassed at the slightest things and then i 'll fret about it all day i hate it", "sadness"
202, 0.164229, 0.805000, 0.640771, 0.559958, 0.721584, "rooney = whipping boy . mufc sad", "sadness"
289, 0.164122, 0.479000, 0.643122, 0.589317, 0.696927, "my son 11 has 128 friends on facebook and yet is moping around the house complaining he has no one to talk to . i 'm right here son", "sadness"
15, 0.163946, 0.188000, 0.351946, 0.423441, 0.280451, "<user> see you all october 8 th . <user> is ready to tear it up keeptalkin wreckinso the40 brandonmanitoba country rock blues", "sadness"
91, 0.163875, 0.729000, 0.565125, 0.578127, 0.552124, "been a while since i been sober . this life can be so hard", "sadness"
518, 0.163625, 0.292000, 0.455625, 0.444401, 0.466849, "<user> <user> <elong> i 'm there . <repeat> let me know", "sadness"
299, 0.162834, 0.583000, 0.420166, 0.442011, 0.398322, "not written for african - american \ n \ nno refuge could save the hireling and slave \ nfrom the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave ,", "sadness"
650, 0.162772, 0.792000, 0.629228, 0.524976, 0.733480, "<user> yeah agree - i think it was a family member and they covered up sad", "sadness"
264, 0.162303, 0.938000, 0.775697, 0.777758, 0.773635, "i cant pull myself out of depression", "sadness"
125, 0.162016, 0.646000, 0.483984, 0.493916, 0.474051, "i am going to make it my life 's mission to discourage anyone from using <user> . they will rob you blind", "sadness"
155, 0.160982, 0.633000, 0.472018, 0.398314, 0.545721, "this night , room polluted with syringes , notebooks and shadows moving , this kind of night ! away melancholy , away !", "sadness"
428, 0.160319, 0.375000, 0.535319, 0.505493, 0.565145, "is that hurting ? <repeat> [ features get a tad somber while attempting to sense <user> ' s temperature ]", "sadness"
454, 0.159946, 0.729000, 0.569054, 0.544808, 0.593300, "the snaps / insta pics i see of the friends i made while in cali are so unbelievably depressing cause there 's no place i 'd rather be but there", "sadness"
653, 0.159539, 0.854000, 0.694461, 0.677438, 0.711485, "sometimes the support network is causing the damage . \ n \ n support damaged alone tired lost hurt nojustice depression surivivor nomore", "sadness"
578, 0.159407, 0.167000, 0.326407, 0.357043, 0.295771, "<user> never a dull moment , hope you had a gd trip down", "sadness"
656, 0.159225, 0.333000, 0.492225, 0.522225, 0.462225, "boy oh boy ! our weekday schedule is crazy ! but no matter how tired i am i do whatever it takes to keep the smile on kai 's face from a frown", "sadness"
186, 0.158638, 0.667000, 0.508362, 0.558989, 0.457734, "coincidence <allcaps> ? <repeat> when you turn on the tv <allcaps> , etc . & listen & watch , the objective is to captureyourmind with fear & depression . findgodn <allcaps> ow ! <repeat>", "sadness"
605, 0.157583, 0.396000, 0.553583, 0.489472, 0.617694, "<user> aww rest your weary head here", "sadness"
549, 0.157422, 0.417000, 0.574422, 0.547756, 0.601088, "should 've stayed at school cause aint nobody here", "sadness"
277, 0.157405, 0.292000, 0.449405, 0.379231, 0.519578, "<user> oh and i play it capo 2 nd fret in a g position rs <allcaps>", "sadness"
437, 0.156716, 0.685000, 0.528284, 0.474189, 0.582380, "heading home to cut grass in the heat . all i wanna do is go out to eat somewhere air conditioned . adultingistheworst", "sadness"
172, 0.156702, 0.542000, 0.698702, 0.672641, 0.724763, "<user> why ? do you have depression ?", "sadness"
420, 0.156035, 0.298000, 0.454035, 0.523417, 0.384654, "dont dull dutty_wednesday", "sadness"
95, 0.155413, 0.917000, 0.761587, 0.729382, 0.793791, "* sigh * depression saddness afterellen shitsucks", "sadness"
444, 0.154896, 0.312000, 0.466896, 0.412707, 0.521086, "but god will deliver the righteous to their place of salvation : no evil shall touch them ، nor shall they grieve", "sadness"
26, 0.154337, 0.750000, 0.595663, 0.538935, 0.652391, "😑 😑 😑 < - - - that moment you finish a netflix series and have nothing else to watch . depression", "sadness"
539, 0.153945, 0.250000, 0.403945, 0.407704, 0.400186, "<user> uplift <allcaps> if you 're still discouraged it means ur <allcaps> listening to the wrong voices & looking to the wrong source . look to the lord <allcaps> !", "sadness"
238, 0.153256, 0.458000, 0.304744, 0.327843, 0.281644, "<user> spooky night at disney fortwilderness campground disneyworld powerfailure dark", "sadness"
17, 0.152832, 0.667000, 0.514168, 0.582000, 0.446335, "what a grim night getthefirelit 🔥", "sadness"
490, 0.151941, 0.896000, 0.744059, 0.693007, 0.795112, "peoplelikemebecause they see the happy exterior , not the hopelessness i sometimes feel inside . depression anxiety anxietyprobz", "sadness"
579, 0.151448, 0.792000, 0.640552, 0.553176, 0.727928, "no <elong> . poor blue bell ! not again . sad", "sadness"
612, 0.151315, 0.458000, 0.609315, 0.551561, 0.667070, "dropped my phone in the sink earlier . no sound , but everythin else works . prepared myself for life without music until i put my earphones in", "sadness"
108, 0.150480, 0.333000, 0.483480, 0.472562, 0.494398, "what we think , we become . - buddha recovery addiction sober sobriety", "sadness"
560, 0.147779, 0.312000, 0.459779, 0.484254, 0.435305, "how many tweets is that now ? how fast was i going ? god , i love being sober and intelligent .", "sadness"
541, 0.147740, 0.798000, 0.650260, 0.616402, 0.684118, "if troyler will die , i 'm gonna die with them \ n troyler sadness fuckin 'lifeisnotafairytale", "sadness"
341, 0.147664, 0.708000, 0.560336, 0.571689, 0.548983, "too many are on their ' yeah , the thing going on with cops shooting innocent people is sad - but just not in my backyard , so . <repeat> ' blm", "sadness"
413, 0.147621, 0.354000, 0.501621, 0.480163, 0.523079, "after she threw me out i had to sedate her . with a damn horse tranquilizer . '", "sadness"
288, 0.147495, 0.396000, 0.543495, 0.496641, 0.590349, "henderson showing that when times are hard he leaves or goes missing aflc <allcaps> atsswans seenitbefore lions blues", "sadness"
368, 0.146368, 0.333000, 0.479368, 0.493248, 0.465489, "<user> you 'll be pleased to know my family are blues", "sadness"
263, 0.146156, 0.854000, 0.707844, 0.698955, 0.716732, "i feel like no one is out there on twitter for me . <repeat> can anyone see what i write sadness rants", "sadness"
29, 0.146065, 0.250000, 0.396065, 0.391719, 0.400412, "<user> <user> whatever sam is holding on your tee looks like it 's got a droop on 😂", "sadness"
94, 0.145677, 0.655000, 0.509323, 0.515890, 0.502756, "i 'm throwing myself straight into american horror story so i dont have time to grieve", "sadness"
347, 0.145157, 0.292000, 0.437157, 0.459487, 0.414828, "has september been dull ? get superseptember from jumia food as a new user . order from the place , barcelos or shawarma & co for 30 % off", "sadness"
9, 0.145155, 0.625000, 0.479845, 0.490853, 0.468837, "i believe the work i do is meaningful ; my clients would agree but at the end of the day , i feel like a pawn , lost in this chaotic world .", "sadness"
580, 0.144112, 0.604000, 0.459888, 0.464932, 0.454844, "no <elong> . poor blue bell ! not again .", "sadness"
425, 0.144027, 0.479000, 0.623027, 0.561306, 0.684748, "lines from dont quit take me to a place of ultimate strength when i start to feel weary . 💪 🏾", "sadness"
89, 0.143607, 0.438000, 0.581607, 0.605274, 0.557941, "living with depression doesnt mean you must be defeated by it \ nevery day 's a new day and yesterday doesnt decide what today looks like <smile>", "sadness"
254, 0.143181, 0.233000, 0.376181, 0.423910, 0.328452, "david gilmour 's biggest compliment ? b . b . king asked him after a gig if he was born in mississippi pinkfloyd theblues davidgilmour blues", "sadness"
287, 0.143022, 0.458000, 0.601022, 0.562945, 0.639099, "i should have stayed at home .", "sadness"
280, 0.142431, 0.271000, 0.413431, 0.389070, 0.437792, "playing at september 21 , 2016 at 09 : 30 pm <allcaps> : demetria taylor blues", "sadness"
78, 0.142235, 0.542000, 0.684235, 0.615061, 0.753409, "<user> i too am ravenclaw . sadness shouldhavebeenhufflepuff", "sadness"
37, 0.142067, 0.312000, 0.454067, 0.408427, 0.499706, "write drunk . edit sober . \ nforget to save . wake hungover . \ n amwriting sober", "sadness"
128, 0.141805, 0.854000, 0.712195, 0.639130, 0.785260, "most days , i dont know what my heart beats for . depression", "sadness"
388, 0.140539, 0.750000, 0.609461, 0.581727, 0.637194, "oh , btw - after a 6 month depression - free time i got a relapse now . <repeat> superb", "sadness"
382, 0.140119, 0.271000, 0.411119, 0.377798, 0.444440, "you are not <allcaps> your struggle or you are not <allcaps> your affliction ! youarestrong & youarearising above it all !", "sadness"
608, 0.139770, 0.417000, 0.277230, 0.234030, 0.320430, "<user> <user> <user> <user> dont play with this master noob u want to win . <repeat> serious", "sadness"
487, 0.139622, 0.375000, 0.514622, 0.487017, 0.542228, "<user> <user> next to despair , hope shines even brighter ( you get me matt )", "sadness"
185, 0.139216, 0.688000, 0.548784, 0.554196, 0.543372, "why cant you just be mine . forlorn", "sadness"
526, 0.139100, 0.396000, 0.535100, 0.499951, 0.570250, "<user> oh , sorry if i 've discouraged you 😂", "sadness"
199, 0.139026, 0.812000, 0.672974, 0.673984, 0.671964, "ffs clan . <repeat> seriously never been so disheartened", "sadness"
574, 0.138584, 0.250000, 0.388584, 0.376081, 0.401087, "<user> dont fret , there 's another game on at 8 staytuned", "sadness"
8, 0.138533, 0.542000, 0.403467, 0.385646, 0.421288, "btw <allcaps> , offended policy wonks , h only had one real proposal : eliminate subminimum wage . probably good , but might discourage hiring of disabled .", "sadness"
477, 0.137966, 0.292000, 0.429966, 0.482827, 0.377105, "srv <allcaps> ' s ' voodoo child ' is approximately 76 times better than jimi 's . guitar music blues", "sadness"
57, 0.137899, 0.312000, 0.449899, 0.456871, 0.442927, "candice 's pout is gonna take someone eye out mate ! gbbo <allcaps>", "sadness"
416, 0.137242, 0.625000, 0.487758, 0.544092, 0.431424, "i did the dishes yesterday , fell asleep , woke up to the sink full and i didnt even eat dinner but i have to do the dishes .", "sadness"
517, 0.137136, 0.312000, 0.449136, 0.439159, 0.459113, "<user> <user> <elong> i 'm there . <repeat> let me know sober", "sadness"
181, 0.136953, 0.854000, 0.717047, 0.657727, 0.776367, "sigh . i got a b - . <repeat> depressing", "sadness"
286, 0.136882, 0.333000, 0.469882, 0.476573, 0.463190, "ima kitchen sink", "sadness"
87, 0.136455, 0.262000, 0.398455, 0.418432, 0.378478, "dream show how cisco 642 - 188 pdf melancholy : ahid", "sadness"
456, 0.135790, 0.250000, 0.385790, 0.433458, 0.338123, "remember your journey is unique ! dont get discouraged because you 're comparing your journey to someone else 's . you will get there !", "sadness"
409, 0.135003, 0.583000, 0.447997, 0.488214, 0.407780, "<user> no . 😭 the last two we were out - bidded . so we got kinda discouraged so now we are taking our sweet time . the market is stupid tho", "sadness"
638, 0.134789, 0.292000, 0.426789, 0.460722, 0.392856, "<user> guess what i 'm doing ? watching your great grandad sink the titanic . <repeat>", "sadness"
386, 0.133756, 0.375000, 0.508756, 0.487585, 0.529927, "<user> i was only joking . i dont have any parents . 😈 dark", "sadness"
458, 0.133740, 0.354000, 0.487740, 0.427728, 0.547751, "biggest joke in life ? kardashian and jenner stans . their lives are so dull , parents must be so proud .", "sadness"
121, 0.133724, 0.354000, 0.487724, 0.459771, 0.515677, "i dont care what shape the blues are in . \ nwe owe them a fucking hiding . \ nlong overdue on that front .", "sadness"
183, 0.133065, 0.729000, 0.595935, 0.543857, 0.648013, "<user> childood experiences can leave you with permanent deep sadness as adult it can underlie everything mhc <allcaps> hat", "sadness"
207, 0.132871, 0.729000, 0.596129, 0.555213, 0.637046, "i am often disturbed by what some people find appropriate or acceptable . it 's not funny nor cute that adults find this stuff humorous . sad", "sadness"
626, 0.132610, 0.208000, 0.340610, 0.426405, 0.254816, "<user> her golden brown hues met with those baby blues as her arms crossed over the breasts he had been gulking at . ' let me guess -", "sadness"
218, 0.131876, 0.771000, 0.639124, 0.647918, 0.630331, "today you visited me in my dreams and even though you arent physically gone i still mourn you", "sadness"
545, 0.131833, 0.375000, 0.506833, 0.527080, 0.486587, "<user> if i go i 'm going to blow some serious money , idk if that 's a sacrifice i 'm willing with make", "sadness"
100, 0.130858, 0.623000, 0.492142, 0.492817, 0.491468, "you can tell the camp isnt happy purely through bojan and muni . \ n \ nboth normally fab guys , yet completely dejected . something isnt right . <repeat>", "sadness"
672, 0.130742, 0.438000, 0.307258, 0.330872, 0.283643, "<user> could you ask your chafford hundred store to turn on their car park lights ? a bit scary these dark nights ! thanks .", "sadness"
558, 0.130329, 0.240000, 0.370329, 0.411239, 0.329419, "<user> if that 's messin i cant wait to see serious ! <repeat> brilliant stuff", "sadness"
178, 0.129945, 0.271000, 0.400945, 0.338612, 0.463279, "happy birthday , lost <allcaps> ! / lost dharmainitiative 12years 22september2004 oceanic815", "sadness"
126, 0.129426, 0.715000, 0.585574, 0.644670, 0.526477, "luckily i was helped by some good people . and they also managed to free me of my depression . unfortunately it only lasted a little while .", "sadness"
624, 0.127581, 0.283000, 0.410581, 0.433763, 0.387400, "<user> i know , right ? i had a tinge of the same thought . glad it 's six from bsg <allcaps> , though . happy the show stayed consistent after break .", "sadness"
27, 0.127346, 0.542000, 0.414654, 0.430764, 0.398544, "<user> hm <elong> . <repeat> you may have a point . <repeat> i thought twitter had got dull 😂 . lamination <allcaps>", "sadness"
594, 0.127189, 0.460000, 0.332811, 0.335651, 0.329972, "<user> jeezus god dark", "sadness"
411, 0.126922, 0.729000, 0.602078, 0.544780, 0.659376, "tvg <allcaps> irl is like i 'm really pretty and melancholic about life and this is why i hate myself", "sadness"
284, 0.126059, 0.438000, 0.311941, 0.317762, 0.306119, "<user> if you change the dark images both look different , but both look like they are in a forest .", "sadness"
512, 0.126032, 0.750000, 0.623968, 0.664440, 0.583497, "i cant even celebrate my wins or mourn my l 's cause first test week is that busy 😕", "sadness"
22, 0.125737, 0.854000, 0.728263, 0.749589, 0.706937, "but losing these games are the worst , you end up feeling a mixture of anger and sadness and shame and anxiety and it lasts for days", "sadness"
587, 0.124314, 0.562000, 0.437686, 0.420317, 0.455055, "<user> <user> <user> haha bro she 's sadly married man 😩 😩", "sadness"
285, 0.123845, 0.375000, 0.498845, 0.433622, 0.564067, "<user> sadly beautiful photo .", "sadness"
531, 0.123120, 0.208000, 0.331120, 0.362699, 0.299541, "<user> paddy mcnair is our joint top scorer . <repeat> yeah . <repeat> justlet that sink in haha", "sadness"
12, 0.122741, 0.492000, 0.614741, 0.550103, 0.679379, "<user> sadness with resentment is the past , sadness with fear is the future . try to live in the now mh <allcaps> chat", "sadness"
471, 0.122638, 0.542000, 0.419362, 0.437334, 0.401391, "<user> <user> <user> <user> so you were owned by losers on twitter", "sadness"
668, 0.122356, 0.396000, 0.518356, 0.509887, 0.526824, "why does candice constantly pout gbbo <allcaps> 💄 😒", "sadness"
586, 0.121994, 0.208000, 0.329994, 0.394386, 0.265601, "<user> <user> i 'm just a sucker for pine , i wanna rake you up , i wanna pile you down , i 'm just a sucker for pine fallsongs", "sadness"
204, 0.121356, 0.396000, 0.517356, 0.509866, 0.524846, "nothing else could possibly put a damper on my day other than doing x - rays on someone with kickin <elong> ass breath 😿", "sadness"
276, 0.121130, 0.375000, 0.496130, 0.491279, 0.500981, "<user> <user> <user> idiots are going to sink the economy with free money policies .", "sadness"
481, 0.121109, 0.667000, 0.545891, 0.532635, 0.559146, "havent been here a while , been watching lots of tv <allcaps> . conclusion whataloadoftat . <repeat> if i wasnt depressed before afternoon tv <allcaps> is", "sadness"
314, 0.120439, 0.543000, 0.663439, 0.566647, 0.760230, "<user> reaching out again <allcaps> in hope to contact over the technical issues i am having . your cs <allcaps> is severely lacking . badkarma unhappy", "sadness"
370, 0.120311, 0.167000, 0.287311, 0.271141, 0.303482, "hi guys ! i now do lessons via skype ! contact me for more info . skype lesson basslessons teacher free lesson music groove rock blues", "sadness"
408, 0.120255, 0.229000, 0.349255, 0.378108, 0.320401, "<user> hi little late to lost girl but think you awesome from south afrikaans <smile>", "sadness"
621, 0.119637, 0.458000, 0.577637, 0.539128, 0.616145, "yet again another night i should 've stayed in 😊", "sadness"
535, 0.119626, 0.917000, 0.797374, 0.782478, 0.812271, "it 's been 5 weeks and i still go through depression smh", "sadness"
189, 0.119532, 0.417000, 0.536532, 0.518390, 0.554674, "f 'n morons u 23 smfh <allcaps> cant just be lackadaisical", "sadness"
567, 0.119395, 0.737000, 0.617605, 0.603480, 0.631730, "i know it 's the final day of summer when it 's the finale of <user> sadness", "sadness"
362, 0.119346, 0.312000, 0.431346, 0.408625, 0.454066, "<user> <user> dont fret - - this guy is mad because when <user> <elong> is elected he might have to get a real job", "sadness"
187, 0.117820, 0.354000, 0.471820, 0.510494, 0.433145, "i 'm not the type to flee from adversity nor does it discourage me . i 'll always stand strong in the paint", "sadness"
205, 0.117665, 0.604000, 0.721665, 0.781380, 0.661950, "my cell wont hold a charge 😢 sadness so should i . <repeat>", "sadness"
163, 0.117582, 0.729000, 0.611418, 0.557662, 0.665174, "need advice on how to get out of this rut ! <repeat> depressing needmotivation", "sadness"
53, 0.117398, 0.229000, 0.346398, 0.315031, 0.377764, "john and his ' magic box ' lost", "sadness"
69, 0.115856, 0.354000, 0.469856, 0.534718, 0.404993, "at least i dont have a guy trying to discourage me anymore in what i want to do he will never become anything worth contributing to society", "sadness"
302, 0.115686, 0.500000, 0.615686, 0.567351, 0.664021, "or when someone tells me i needa smile like excuse me ? <repeat> now i 'm just frowning even harder are you happy", "sadness"
488, 0.114639, 0.104000, 0.218639, 0.267975, 0.169303, "🍂 🎵 ☀ \ n fall sounds great ! \ ndream blues rock by <user> . \ nget the top album ' one love ' by hero <user> . <smile>", "sadness"
7, 0.114633, 0.708000, 0.593367, 0.634220, 0.552515, "facebook is depressing without even being there . two apps want it for logging in , i have missed at least two interesting events and they", "sadness"
111, 0.114390, 0.298000, 0.412390, 0.438233, 0.386547, "<user> i 'll be honest . <repeat> i hope that annoying southern bint with the ' look at me ' pout goes out this week ! selasi ftw <allcaps>", "sadness"
103, 0.114158, 0.333000, 0.447158, 0.535883, 0.358433, "no sober weekend 🙂 🙂 🙂", "sadness"
223, 0.113912, 0.619000, 0.505088, 0.538806, 0.471371, "i know few will mourn the loss of stitch 's great escape , but . <repeat> see , this <allcaps> is the kind of cost - cutting at parks i really dont care for .", "sadness"
595, 0.113760, 0.271000, 0.384760, 0.391344, 0.378176, "<user> jeezus god", "sadness"
500, 0.113502, 0.333000, 0.446502, 0.469573, 0.423430, "because a kitchen sink to you is not a kitchen sink to me , okay friend ?", "sadness"
332, 0.113467, 0.771000, 0.657533, 0.582133, 0.732934, "<user> huh ! it 's always my fault isnt it > <sadface> huff sulk", "sadness"
361, 0.113458, 0.583000, 0.469542, 0.483217, 0.455867, "<user> i got a super speeder and lost my license for 6 months ! 😩 🔫", "sadness"
132, 0.112917, 0.616000, 0.503083, 0.486212, 0.519953, "<user> the bantz are absolutely top notch , inconsolable i was when i realised", "sadness"
406, 0.112507, 0.667000, 0.554493, 0.544849, 0.564137, "<user> just when i thought this disgusting man couldnt sink any lower - like hillary he his depravity of character has no bottom", "sadness"
596, 0.111662, 0.375000, 0.486662, 0.486515, 0.486810, "this is the first time i 've been sober on my birthday in 6 years . recovery sobriety sober soberissexy sobernative", "sadness"
177, 0.111430, 0.544000, 0.432570, 0.511998, 0.353141, "' my friend do you fly away now ? to a world that abhors you and i ? all that awaits you is a somber morrow no matter where the winds may blow '", "sadness"
372, 0.111424, 0.833000, 0.721576, 0.674314, 0.768837, "feel really sad and down today 😒", "sadness"
357, 0.111024, 0.521000, 0.409976, 0.380019, 0.439932, "take heart amid the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese . ― national lampoon , ' deteriorada '", "sadness"
33, 0.110754, 0.729000, 0.618246, 0.618646, 0.617846, "our soldiers in war zones are held to a higher level of rules of engagement than our police officers . sad", "sadness"
97, 0.110560, 0.604000, 0.493440, 0.417900, 0.568979, "eun : im really unhappy with this and i dont like her like that pls dont \ n \ nyall : okay but she <allcaps> loves him <allcaps>", "sadness"
65, 0.110511, 0.688000, 0.577489, 0.550697, 0.604282, "texans and astros both shut out tonight . houston , we 're back to normal . texans astros sadness losers", "sadness"
241, 0.110193, 0.667000, 0.556807, 0.527830, 0.585784, "<user> step 1 : get rid of <user> step 2 : prioritise football step 3 : profit ? depressing", "sadness"
652, 0.110034, 0.500000, 0.389966, 0.376276, 0.403656, "<user> - the jest , kara didnt chuckle , instead her baby blues were narrowed in on adam like a warning . if his brain / wasnt / -", "sadness"
360, 0.109898, 0.375000, 0.484898, 0.446744, 0.523052, "ghanaians dont need to wear black to mourn tho . <repeat> they can just walk naked * dodges stones * na joke na ☹ '", "sadness"
664, 0.109454, 0.729000, 0.619546, 0.639242, 0.599849, "<user> : i cant find my patronus , the website doesnt work , i cant even see the questions . <repeat> sadness . <repeat>", "sadness"
632, 0.109135, 0.891000, 0.781865, 0.757051, 0.806679, "i honestly feel nothing towards either of my parents and it 's pretty depressing", "sadness"
639, 0.108714, 0.854000, 0.745286, 0.736040, 0.754532, "i am worried that she felt safe . unhappy", "sadness"
537, 0.108554, 0.688000, 0.579446, 0.617911, 0.540982, "it 's possible changing meds is best not done while under stress . difficult to tell what part of despair is circumstantial , what is drugs .", "sadness"
379, 0.108515, 0.500000, 0.608515, 0.690591, 0.526440, "i 'm strong ' cause i 'm weak \ ni 'm beautiful ' cause i know my flaws \ ni 'm fearless ' cause i 've been afraid \ ni can laugh ' cause i 've known sadness . <repeat>", "sadness"
649, 0.107959, 0.542000, 0.434041, 0.528718, 0.339365, ". <repeat> huh . perhaps . <repeat> because we 're both so dreary , we get along well ?", "sadness"
582, 0.107912, 0.854000, 0.746088, 0.733920, 0.758256, "im having the worst week ever and i cant even go home yet to just sulk in my bed", "sadness"
427, 0.107371, 0.377000, 0.484371, 0.485004, 0.483738, "<user> sadly . it 's just . <repeat> did the dude have to yell out the frogs name at the clinton rally that one day . it changed everything", "sadness"
635, 0.107240, 0.458000, 0.565240, 0.533887, 0.596593, "feminists should ask themselves , why they 're so unhappy , and why they lack love in their lives . is it b / c they are fighting a losing game ?", "sadness"
117, 0.107221, 0.562000, 0.454779, 0.508596, 0.400962, "when i walk in darkness of despondency , sc . verses i 've memorized shine a light in my heart . ex : lam 3 : 22 - 25 despondency", "sadness"
371, 0.106895, 0.188000, 0.294895, 0.275949, 0.313841, "rockin to bob dylan singin ' bob dylan 's 115 th dream on lpco <allcaps> klassic rock classicrock klassicrock rocknroll blues onlineradio", "sadness"
495, 0.106710, 0.333000, 0.439710, 0.449084, 0.430335, "<user> <user> i agree . this current , ultra - left democratic party lost a lot of members , including myself . i switched to repub .", "sadness"
400, 0.105313, 0.729000, 0.623687, 0.508586, 0.738788, "this nigga doesnt even look for his real family 🙄 😂 sad", "sadness"
607, 0.104625, 0.625000, 0.520375, 0.572298, 0.468451, "<user> no , i am probably the person most likely to completely understand how gobsmacked you were to learn how true that is . sadly", "sadness"
393, 0.104283, 0.354000, 0.458283, 0.511482, 0.405083, "<user> i so wish you could someday come to spain with the play , i cant believe i 'm not going to see it", "sadness"
590, 0.104032, 0.500000, 0.395968, 0.435834, 0.356102, "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy", "sadness"
525, 0.103304, 0.229000, 0.332304, 0.268547, 0.396060, "<user> well done bro 😏 blues stategames captain shootthegerman", "sadness"
30, 0.102778, 0.667000, 0.564222, 0.537795, 0.590649, "when the surfer girl and i dont speak the same language anymore . <repeat> justsaying sadness", "sadness"
119, 0.102776, 0.625000, 0.522224, 0.501375, 0.543073, "thank you <user> 4 giving me a free coffee for bringing my reusable cup to the airport because it was 1 st time you saw one . but depressing", "sadness"
165, 0.102713, 0.342000, 0.444713, 0.428466, 0.460959, "<user> i wouldnt fret . there 's too many opportunities in life to worry about one not working out .", "sadness"
236, 0.102645, 0.562000, 0.459355, 0.421654, 0.497056, "<user> media celebrated don king endorsing obama in 08 and 12 now criticize him for endorsing trump who wants new civil rights era - sad", "sadness"
627, 0.102422, 0.562000, 0.459578, 0.446546, 0.472610, "<user> yeah friends of minw have witnesse accidents and a road near me like ? <repeat> cars hav like sunk ? <repeat> but ih gosh be safe okay ! <repeat>", "sadness"
572, 0.101420, 0.292000, 0.393420, 0.400051, 0.386790, "<user> sadly i dont think i 'll see you on tour , but have fun , you 're gonna rock ! 🎉 👌 🏻 💙 hotformetour", "sadness"
114, 0.101412, 0.688000, 0.586588, 0.588865, 0.584312, "<user> i 'm sorry about your loss . <repeat> no one should ever give you shit for taking your time to mourn . no matter how long it takes .", "sadness"
74, 0.100954, 0.604000, 0.503046, 0.484743, 0.521348, "<user> / / this is sadly what my history teacher talked about why the fuck do i remember that ! <repeat>", "sadness"
164, 0.100749, 1.000000, 0.899251, 0.958842, 0.839661, "i feel like i am drowning . depression anxiety falure worthless", "sadness"
476, 0.100555, 0.729000, 0.829555, 0.836418, 0.822692, "i feel like singing the song human sadness by julian cassablancas and the voidz or some other sad music . depression sad sadness", "sadness"
573, 0.100477, 0.729000, 0.628523, 0.659857, 0.597190, "<user> <user> same <allcaps> ! i always say it was the best time of my life . i closed my store down and it was so depressing", "sadness"
602, 0.099434, 0.271000, 0.370434, 0.354953, 0.385914, "<user> i will watch <user> when it opens in mexico in a week . thank you for making it and dont be discouraged .", "sadness"
235, 0.099044, 0.542000, 0.442956, 0.387344, 0.498569, "<user> he might donate the money but it wont stop shit , pessimist", "sadness"
337, 0.098849, 0.688000, 0.589151, 0.536098, 0.642204, "<user> <user> <user> <user> indeed & is sadness unavoidable ? mhc <allcaps> hat", "sadness"
31, 0.098524, 0.500000, 0.401476, 0.429928, 0.373024, "<user> ok , thats it . after 2 weeks not being able to sign in , time to move on & find another app . i will strongly discourage nikerun", "sadness"
557, 0.098371, 0.271000, 0.369371, 0.406049, 0.332693, "i truly feel like science has the ability to make a milk out of anything . <repeat> cashew milk , hemp milk , pine nut milk , dandelion milk", "sadness"
645, 0.098357, 0.396000, 0.494357, 0.462928, 0.525787, "this whole vanre <allcaps> + extradition might turn into a pandora 's box . jt <allcaps> has no idea about that murky corrupt guanxi in china ; toad vs dada <smile>", "sadness"
226, 0.098095, 0.250000, 0.348095, 0.363074, 0.333117, "meghan is teaching the blues in keyboard fundamentals ii <allcaps> and all these classical majors are like wtf <allcaps> ! <repeat>", "sadness"
588, 0.098037, 0.500000, 0.401963, 0.406566, 0.397359, "fuck yall <user> for hiring that gop <allcaps> pr <allcaps> guy to discourage cam from speakinh his mind and heart about racism", "sadness"
613, 0.096491, 0.250000, 0.346491, 0.384041, 0.308941, "b day next week , catch the sauce and watch the heaviness !", "sadness"
565, 0.095859, 0.312000, 0.407859, 0.404033, 0.411685, "when i was new , i hate the judge judy sponsorship style - but looking back it was the only thing that worked . recovery sober cantconacon", "sadness"
412, 0.095711, 0.646000, 0.550289, 0.502549, 0.598029, "actually i always idealize the end of my relationships . <repeat> such a pessimist", "sadness"
203, 0.095556, 0.354000, 0.449556, 0.419182, 0.479931, "rooney = whipping boy . mufc", "sadness"
32, 0.095050, 0.226000, 0.321050, 0.311560, 0.330539, "<user> <user> dont let him discourage you z ! that 's one of the best ideas yet !", "sadness"
307, 0.094120, 0.500000, 0.405880, 0.375639, 0.436122, "<user> <user> <user> <user> no he didnt ! they are obviously friends and that clouded his judgement", "sadness"
392, 0.093401, 0.708000, 0.614599, 0.572586, 0.656613, "<user> i so wish you could someday come to spain with the play , i cant believe i 'm not going to see it sad", "sadness"
533, 0.093323, 0.271000, 0.364323, 0.430475, 0.298171, "<user> <user> <user> 80 s new wave / techno - or jazz / blues depending my mood", "sadness"
453, 0.093192, 0.625000, 0.531808, 0.503683, 0.559933, "<user> it 's hard for most folks to realize how deep the hatred is until you dive into the murky end of the pool . this guy is nuts .", "sadness"
233, 0.092750, 0.542000, 0.449250, 0.496344, 0.402157, "today : kudos to jaime garcia on a fine outing . encouraging . last week : judo to jaime garcia for a dismal outing . discouraging", "sadness"
208, 0.092378, 0.604000, 0.511622, 0.492882, 0.530363, "i am often disturbed by what some people find appropriate or acceptable . it 's not funny nor cute that adults find this stuff humorous .", "sadness"
430, 0.092359, 0.292000, 0.384359, 0.404749, 0.363970, "gratitude - recovery health love god conscious drive hope perseverance wealthy home kids socal recoveryfit youthful sober", "sadness"
485, 0.092162, 0.417000, 0.509162, 0.492459, 0.525865, "ah lost mah train of thunk .", "sadness"
120, 0.092145, 0.417000, 0.509145, 0.534804, 0.483487, "ok it really just sunk in that i 'm seeing the 🐐 in a few hours . <repeat> wow 🙄 🙄", "sadness"
252, 0.091600, 0.396000, 0.304400, 0.271003, 0.337796, "<user> but <user> drugged and raped those women . at least you and barb were sober and consenting ! <repeat>", "sadness"
328, 0.091202, 0.438000, 0.346798, 0.420176, 0.273421, "penny dreadful 3 temporada", "sadness"
630, 0.091018, 0.583000, 0.674018, 0.678667, 0.669370, "<user> i didnt say anything bad about the situation great mate , cant believe some were . makes me despair of humanity", "sadness"
200, 0.090994, 0.333000, 0.423994, 0.507632, 0.340355, "fam what seems more fun for a photo booth : being able to instantly post to twitter or having to wait till sober to see the hot mess", "sadness"
384, 0.090983, 0.271000, 0.361983, 0.369546, 0.354421, "the sober equivalent of being in a bar women 's restroom is the salon . everyone compliments each other & become friends . i love it", "sadness"
260, 0.090907, 0.229000, 0.319907, 0.338491, 0.301322, "my producer is mixing and mastering the songs now for murky notebook mixtape \ nthe tape will be out soon for free download 🔥 🎶 💨 💯", "sadness"
240, 0.090812, 0.875000, 0.784188, 0.766207, 0.802169, "i might even be on the verge of depression .", "sadness"
321, 0.090308, 0.646000, 0.555692, 0.509937, 0.601446, "<user> <user> most of trump supporters have not clue about the meaning of the words they used just like him sad nevertrump", "sadness"
19, 0.089753, 0.396000, 0.485753, 0.531463, 0.440043, "<user> i 'm so serious dm <allcaps> me i 'll tell u more", "sadness"
265, 0.089750, 0.521000, 0.431250, 0.468089, 0.394410, "<user> nah , i asked really insightful teacherly questions so he could write a kickass report of his own . he will , sadly , never know", "sadness"
151, 0.089405, 0.417000, 0.506405, 0.477670, 0.535140, "candace & her pout are getting right on my tits gbbo <allcaps>", "sadness"
604, 0.089129, 0.208000, 0.297129, 0.277094, 0.317164, "henny and pine apples 🤔", "sadness"
234, 0.088897, 0.458000, 0.546897, 0.535883, 0.557910, "me : tis a dreary day today \ nfrien <smile> he 's a teenager not shakespeare 's reincarnation \ n \ nim such a dumbass lol", "sadness"
407, 0.087285, 0.667000, 0.579715, 0.563183, 0.596247, "<user> and it 's kinda depressing hey ! <repeat> 😑", "sadness"
473, 0.086955, 0.333000, 0.419955, 0.388541, 0.451369, "savemoney and savelifes @ your openbar <user> weddingreception . close it 1 - 2 hours early , forcing your guests to sober up before driving .", "sadness"
641, 0.086906, 0.333000, 0.419906, 0.402425, 0.437387, "cmon blues we are 2 home games away from another cc <allcaps> semi - i love those wembley away days . being on anyone at home please ! ⚽", "sadness"
49, 0.086760, 0.542000, 0.628760, 0.569146, 0.688374, "im having a real life conundrum cuz i cant find a good spot for my mini hoop and its really starting to depress me", "sadness"
439, 0.085890, 0.500000, 0.414110, 0.428343, 0.399877, "<user> he has had a dreadful first half , not to mention rashford would 've got on the end of a couple of those through balls pace", "sadness"
405, 0.085514, 0.354000, 0.439514, 0.468691, 0.410337, "people are trying too hard to hate on cam newton without understanding his position", "sadness"
141, 0.085434, 0.479000, 0.393566, 0.427084, 0.360048, "<user> <user> <user> <user> then <allcaps> you do what you can and then block <allcaps> them , they 're trying to discourage us", "sadness"
51, 0.085430, 0.208000, 0.293430, 0.362231, 0.224630, "6 might be a serious number , but 10 sounds better . wild card race ! <repeat>", "sadness"
421, 0.085306, 0.521000, 0.606306, 0.568391, 0.644221, "<user> see your primary care doctor . they can prescribe meds and refer you to a psychiatrist for eval . dont mess with depression .", "sadness"
266, 0.085041, 0.667000, 0.581959, 0.473346, 0.690572, "sav tells our mom ' i love you ' and she responds ' oh . ' sad", "sadness"
510, 0.084922, 0.458000, 0.373078, 0.384047, 0.362109, "<user> in the final analysis , the non - white global majority will not fret over the ethnic origin of our corpses .", "sadness"
279, 0.084747, 0.585000, 0.500253, 0.502032, 0.498473, "my bls depress the blake", "sadness"
133, 0.084690, 0.667000, 0.582310, 0.610626, 0.553993, "i mourn . ha . <repeat> r / ambe was ruined . what was once an ongoing shitpost about tony 's crimes was hijacked by not so vaguely racist memers", "sadness"
657, 0.084544, 0.458000, 0.373456, 0.373241, 0.373672, "<user> <user> <user> <user> i 'd be perched on that , unfortunately wrapped in heavy chains ! sink . <repeat>", "sadness"
634, 0.084457, 0.542000, 0.457543, 0.411593, 0.503492, "<user> man imagine ultra is promoting carnival . i think u need to be the chairperson serious . cause am hearing nothing", "sadness"
25, 0.084406, 0.417000, 0.501406, 0.489616, 0.513197, "it 's easy to fall asleep in class , but hard to in bed . true whileyouweresleeping insomnia teamfollowback rocktheretweet", "sadness"
561, 0.084024, 0.646000, 0.561976, 0.499031, 0.624922, "<user> <user> lol <allcaps> this day is too gloomy for being people , should 've canceled and stayed in bed", "sadness"
599, 0.082552, 0.417000, 0.499552, 0.493232, 0.505871, "i need all your attention ! if i dont i 'll pout . <repeat>", "sadness"
261, 0.081368, 0.792000, 0.710632, 0.662381, 0.758883, "i dont get that my parents literally dont see how unhappy i been lately", "sadness"
521, 0.081186, 0.438000, 0.356814, 0.337805, 0.375823, "<user> — rather someone that could help her . concern clouded her green eyes , not once having seen a girl alone in the woods and —", "sadness"
619, 0.080984, 0.238000, 0.318984, 0.336919, 0.301048, "hey man are you asian ! <repeat> ' nah man im hispan . <repeat> ' nah you just high as hell . ' some random crackhead in the wal - mart parking lot . <repeat> cmon sober", "sadness"
138, 0.079377, 0.312000, 0.391377, 0.397245, 0.385509, "hoping to hear some serious <user> tonight", "sadness"
648, 0.078872, 0.375000, 0.453872, 0.437582, 0.470162, "<user> i 've never been fond of having dark eyes until seeing this share .", "sadness"
544, 0.078744, 0.542000, 0.463256, 0.428456, 0.498055, "them cold , dark nights are slowly creeping in 🌌", "sadness"
523, 0.078424, 0.750000, 0.671576, 0.709930, 0.633222, "so grim being up at 6", "sadness"
661, 0.078067, 0.243000, 0.321067, 0.353265, 0.288869, "looking nice forward to playing at paper dress vintage in hackney this evening - get there early as i 'll be on at <lolface> m ! <user> blues", "sadness"
66, 0.077649, 0.562000, 0.639649, 0.584650, 0.694648, "are you feeling horribly depressed and despondent about life and your future ' - <user> always knows just what to say", "sadness"
278, 0.077478, 0.729000, 0.651522, 0.637281, 0.665763, "i 'm allowed to sulk", "sadness"
556, 0.077269, 0.375000, 0.452269, 0.431013, 0.473524, "listening to old school house music kentphonic - sunday showers ' hanging around ' ' sing it back ' blues", "sadness"
342, 0.076577, 0.854000, 0.777423, 0.762532, 0.792314, "my encouragement today is my dog while my head is in a fog . epicfail depression feelingfedup tired ihaveheardeverything wondering", "sadness"
211, 0.076257, 0.375000, 0.451257, 0.436368, 0.466146, "the <user> are in contention and hosting <user> nation and camden is empty", "sadness"
72, 0.075891, 0.396000, 0.471891, 0.500346, 0.443435, "go help the cause . <user> . net . recovery sober addiction", "sadness"
175, 0.075205, 0.396000, 0.471205, 0.477461, 0.464948, "it hasnt sunk in that i 'm meeting the twins", "sadness"
98, 0.074994, 0.646000, 0.571006, 0.538557, 0.603455, "<user> <user> although i dont expect a trumpie to understand the difference between real things and pretend things . sad", "sadness"
149, 0.074993, 0.642000, 0.716993, 0.675979, 0.758007, "<user> gabe the worst part is i cant get hot status this month because there 's no chipotle near enough to my campus sadness", "sadness"
585, 0.074916, 0.354000, 0.428916, 0.432033, 0.425799, "<user> <elong> hi ! we hate that you 're unhappy your bill keeps going up ! what unique features do you want with your plan ? ^ roberts", "sadness"
464, 0.074841, 0.896000, 0.821159, 0.829658, 0.812659, "honestly dont know why i 'm so unhappy most of the time . i just want it all to stop <sadface> unhappy depression itnevergoes", "sadness"
559, 0.074714, 0.762000, 0.687286, 0.624734, 0.749838, "<user> i know smh . my heart sunk into my stomach .", "sadness"
616, 0.074229, 0.271000, 0.345229, 0.323370, 0.367087, "<user> i know guys that sink $ 1000 s into the game and only to build a team and play solos . but this hear you make nothing on solos .", "sadness"
340, 0.074127, 0.724000, 0.649873, 0.616611, 0.683136, "too many are on their ' yeah , the thing going on with cops shooting innocent people is sad - but just not in my backyard , so . <repeat> ' sad blm", "sadness"
651, 0.072664, 0.408000, 0.480664, 0.462459, 0.498869, "<user> yeah agree - i think it was a family member and they covered up", "sadness"
1, 0.072130, 0.458000, 0.530130, 0.558800, 0.501459, "my 2 teens sons just left in the car to get haircuts . i 'm praying up a storm that they make it home safely ! <repeat> terencecrutcher", "sadness"
170, 0.072115, 0.229000, 0.301115, 0.319465, 0.282764, "anybody know a good place to book a show in montreal on short but not super - short notice ? punkrock postpunk blues", "sadness"
61, 0.071858, 0.375000, 0.446858, 0.457382, 0.436335, "<user> * baal dashed forward , boosted forward by her power of flight . her sword pointed at void , meant to stop just short of her - -", "sadness"
45, 0.071630, 0.438000, 0.509630, 0.460024, 0.559237, "<user> i 'm frowning at you intensely until you watch plastic memories .", "sadness"
422, 0.071620, 0.500000, 0.571620, 0.514332, 0.628908, "<user> i 'm so starved for content i 'd take it but i 'd def pout about it ( ՟ ິ ͫ ઘ ՟ ິ ͫ )", "sadness"
77, 0.071540, 0.509000, 0.580540, 0.518577, 0.642503, "finally watched hungergamesmockingjay2 this morning , sadly i feel a little disappointed toomuchhype", "sadness"
644, 0.071424, 0.708000, 0.636576, 0.597828, 0.675324, "<user> sad people are that sick and boring 😬 😬 😬", "sadness"
20, 0.070895, 0.750000, 0.679105, 0.574940, 0.783271, "time for some despair sdr <allcaps> 3 despair fuckthisanime", "sadness"
617, 0.070556, 0.479000, 0.549556, 0.501597, 0.597514, "rooneys fucking untouchable isnt he ? been fucking dreadful again , depay has looked decent ( ish ) tonight", "sadness"
375, 0.070172, 0.354000, 0.424172, 0.394772, 0.453572, "<user> just pour it down the sink and let him drink you .", "sadness"
79, 0.069712, 0.438000, 0.507712, 0.519681, 0.495743, "now i 'm going to sulk again for a week until ourgirl is back on ! <user> and <user> are the best ! <user>", "sadness"
23, 0.069539, 0.418000, 0.487539, 0.479365, 0.495713, "<user> community policing ! <repeat> what 's that ? <repeat> lost", "sadness"
274, 0.069362, 0.583000, 0.513638, 0.493614, 0.533661, "how a dad would feel knowing his daughter is getting dashed around for whines in the rave 😭", "sadness"
344, 0.069186, 0.292000, 0.361186, 0.339809, 0.382563, "drinkin me some red wine & listening to some fred mcdowell playing the blues . he did not play no rocknroll . fantastic noise justsaying", "sadness"
436, 0.069016, 0.583000, 0.652016, 0.633681, 0.670350, "when it comes to syria , i get very fucking annoyed at pessimism , like i get full on triggered . optimism or gtfo .", "sadness"
322, 0.068966, 0.542000, 0.473034, 0.458935, 0.487133, "<user> <user> most of trump supporters have not clue about the meaning of the words they used just like him nevertrump", "sadness"
504, 0.068488, 0.354000, 0.422488, 0.461408, 0.383567, "but is it your fault you worked hard and stayed the course until eventually it all paid off , no ! so let it be known and count up !", "sadness"
136, 0.068437, 0.396000, 0.464437, 0.532431, 0.396442, "i 'm wearing yellow today to bring a little sunshine to this gloomy day yourewelcome", "sadness"
76, 0.068423, 0.458000, 0.526423, 0.572508, 0.480337, "it serves a gloomy higher than the wolves of the village", "sadness"
239, 0.068243, 0.646000, 0.577757, 0.557980, 0.597535, "<user> <user> \ nconfidence held up . <repeat> despite constant and continual doom and gloom", "sadness"
176, 0.067849, 0.562000, 0.629849, 0.598023, 0.661675, "in other news . my legs hurt . running 5kin26mins dreadful flatfeet", "sadness"
99, 0.066357, 0.375000, 0.441357, 0.477139, 0.405574, "<user> <user> although i dont expect a trumpie to understand the difference between real things and pretend things .", "sadness"
295, 0.065844, 0.521000, 0.586844, 0.508316, 0.665373, "<user> we have the same age and you 're 10 <elong> times more beautiful than me ! sad 😂", "sadness"
140, 0.063362, 0.625000, 0.561638, 0.603016, 0.520260, "<user> we know the truth about her , the public is figuring it out . her words mean nothing . unhappy mean troubled vile bully", "sadness"
646, 0.063337, 0.417000, 0.353663, 0.384057, 0.323269, "<user> orion 's eyes narrowed as he gazed down at the girl , ice cold blues meeting a softer than usual green . his instinct told him -", "sadness"
245, 0.063317, 0.500000, 0.563317, 0.517831, 0.608803, "<user> <user> all three of my agin 's on the pout .", "sadness"
354, 0.063256, 0.529000, 0.465744, 0.472250, 0.459238, "only god knows why things happen , sometimes it 's just hard to understand . prayingforyou", "sadness"
418, 0.063240, 0.708000, 0.644760, 0.560164, 0.729355, "interesting topic this evening . <repeat> <elong> sadness & low mood . mhc <allcaps> hat", "sadness"
514, 0.063202, 0.729000, 0.665798, 0.628637, 0.702960, "now im all alone and my joy 's turned to moping", "sadness"
258, 0.062930, 0.354000, 0.416930, 0.392584, 0.441277, "gotta say this n put it out there . whoever u r , u should support other people 's decisions n not discourage them . <repeat>", "sadness"
118, 0.062365, 0.562000, 0.499635, 0.479754, 0.519516, "<user> <user> inclined to think that ' documentary ' did him more harm than good . if not i despair of people 's critical faculties .", "sadness"
81, 0.062167, 0.417000, 0.479167, 0.450870, 0.507464, "<user> and <allcaps> his momma was worse than tony sopranos momma wow history major", "sadness"
569, 0.062101, 0.583000, 0.520899, 0.460988, 0.580811, "<user> why is this evil corrupt fuck still knocking about ? the wrong people die i 'm telling you . do you job grim reaper !", "sadness"
662, 0.061638, 0.208000, 0.269638, 0.329971, 0.209304, "winner champion school lastyear gouniversity university me dark black webstagram blackandwhite", "sadness"
171, 0.061485, 0.688000, 0.626515, 0.526968, 0.726062, "once you 've accepted your flaws , no one can use them against you - <user> quote mentalhealth psychology depression anxiety", "sadness"
550, 0.061109, 0.542000, 0.480891, 0.456947, 0.504834, "<user> sorry i missed you <smile> i stayed up late working and pondering life", "sadness"
90, 0.060193, 0.229000, 0.289193, 0.268119, 0.310267, "<user> <user> jersey gloves ? dark", "sadness"
566, 0.060128, 0.312000, 0.372128, 0.371559, 0.372698, "<user> i have 12 & that 's the only one i didnt like 😂 mine comes out patchy . it 's the only dark color by her i have tho .", "sadness"
513, 0.060063, 0.688000, 0.627937, 0.659398, 0.596476, "grim and despair feeling - i look at self and my family . hubby fought 20 + years for this country . i 've worked 20 + years for this govt - - >", "sadness"
55, 0.059920, 0.542000, 0.601920, 0.571987, 0.631853, "can it be 10 pm <allcaps> so i can sulk in my tub while listening to lana", "sadness"
598, 0.059407, 0.646000, 0.586593, 0.566034, 0.607152, "the thing with twitter is i only remember to tweet when i 'm bored or alone and then it comes across like i have a really dull and sad life . 👽", "sadness"
396, 0.059237, 0.625000, 0.684237, 0.658594, 0.709881, "<user> i hashtag things and the kids always tell me to stop 😭 😭 😭 sadness", "sadness"
356, 0.059220, 0.438000, 0.378780, 0.479010, 0.278551, "fashion week this year is dull af <allcaps> ! someone inspire me ! <repeat> 😩", "sadness"
305, 0.058719, 0.521000, 0.579719, 0.480316, 0.679122, "<user> <user> lmao awe . <repeat> sad", "sadness"
666, 0.058681, 0.750000, 0.691319, 0.611100, 0.771538, "i was not made for this world . empath unhappy", "sadness"
244, 0.058431, 0.479000, 0.420569, 0.386245, 0.454894, "<user> good - cuz that 's what trump is : a fucken ' n 'azi . don king - u havnt sunk this low since u set up mike tyson . 2 pathetic dons .", "sadness"
431, 0.058411, 0.828000, 0.769589, 0.786017, 0.753162, "idk why people be glorifying depression . i wouldnt wish real depression upon my worst enemy . shits the worst stop acting like it 's cool", "sadness"
153, 0.057717, 0.750000, 0.692283, 0.730120, 0.654447, "so probably hunger and depression and dissociating equals a weird time anything else", "sadness"
62, 0.057526, 0.542000, 0.599526, 0.593098, 0.605953, "i am about to find the sadness in graham 's lyrics", "sadness"
622, 0.057211, 0.625000, 0.567789, 0.622572, 0.513005, "some questions you get on twitter make you want to despair . we 've been so battered . we complain but arent convinced things could be better .", "sadness"
433, 0.056831, 0.792000, 0.735169, 0.733904, 0.736433, "i cant live anymore my roblox got termianted <sadface> sad killme lol robloxgamer", "sadness"
447, 0.056655, 0.312000, 0.368655, 0.404841, 0.332469, "quote ' to say that you know yourself without ever having been lost to find yourself , is like saying you know everything ' ~ <user>", "sadness"
251, 0.056651, 0.611000, 0.554349, 0.573511, 0.535187, "this country is going to go to crap no matter who wins this november , isnt it ? the more i learn of both the more despondent i am of future", "sadness"
250, 0.056461, 0.333000, 0.389461, 0.392356, 0.386566, "ffs as if tate thought wind in the willows was a serious play , cant wait to see him play a singing badger 😩 😂", "sadness"
378, 0.056046, 0.333000, 0.389046, 0.414467, 0.363624, "uplift <allcaps> : if you 're still discouraged it means you 're listening to the wrong voices & looking to the wrong source . look to the lord <allcaps> !", "sadness"
669, 0.055914, 0.604000, 0.548086, 0.568147, 0.528024, "<user> unhappy with redbus cc <allcaps> , when i talked with them before a week still they didnt initiate the refund of the transaction .", "sadness"
446, 0.055283, 0.354000, 0.409283, 0.497960, 0.320606, "gloomy days should just be for high cuddles and movies", "sadness"
34, 0.055051, 0.583000, 0.527949, 0.573133, 0.482766, "our soldiers in war zones are held to a higher level of rules of engagement than our police officers .", "sadness"
227, 0.054904, 0.625000, 0.570096, 0.593330, 0.546861, "being at the airport is so depressing . <repeat> watching all the loved up couples and cute people coming off holiday , too cute . <repeat> hurry up november ✈ ️", "sadness"
197, 0.054659, 0.604000, 0.549341, 0.600877, 0.497804, "how do you help someone with depression who doesnt believe they have it and doesnt trust therapists ?", "sadness"
450, 0.054280, 0.250000, 0.304280, 0.354093, 0.254467, "special thanks to <user> & <user> for keeping us updated & entertained this dismal bb <allcaps> season 💕", "sadness"
465, 0.053947, 0.292000, 0.345947, 0.356570, 0.335323, "<user> make sure you 's young breadrins sling us a quick vote murky skeng votage", "sadness"
253, 0.053711, 0.500000, 0.553711, 0.550038, 0.557385, "whenever i hear concert postponed i think of dismal ticket sales <elong> green day ?", "sadness"
345, 0.053405, 0.604000, 0.550595, 0.478396, 0.622794, "love being made to feel bad about being scared of the dark", "sadness"
101, 0.053116, 0.833000, 0.779884, 0.738937, 0.820830, "migraine hangover all day . stood up to do dishes and now i 'm exhausted again . gad <allcaps> , depression & chronic pain anxiety depression pain", "sadness"
484, 0.052982, 0.646000, 0.593018, 0.590546, 0.595490, "it 's pretty depressing when u hit pan on ur favourite highlighter", "sadness"
86, 0.052561, 0.542000, 0.489439, 0.505582, 0.473297, "long day , kind tweets , our melancholy , <user> defeats .", "sadness"
468, 0.052308, 0.295000, 0.242692, 0.219749, 0.265635, "<user> <user> pine rider", "sadness"
316, 0.051534, 0.479000, 0.530534, 0.567122, 0.493945, "<user> so you mean ' like uber but for despair for someone other than the driver '", "sadness"
173, 0.051416, 0.729000, 0.780416, 0.764936, 0.795896, "<user> just die depression .", "sadness"
102, 0.051345, 0.812000, 0.760655, 0.701268, 0.820041, "migraine hangover all day . stood up to do dishes and now i 'm exhausted again . gad <allcaps> , depression & chronic pain anxiety pain", "sadness"
366, 0.051265, 0.562000, 0.510735, 0.464643, 0.556827, "inadequacy slithers from her ears and wraps itself around her neck like the boys she wants to love her . mpy vss quote depression poetry", "sadness"
551, 0.051263, 0.479000, 0.530263, 0.462944, 0.597583, "<user> this is an on - going affliction for me and the only cure is more shiro", "sadness"
506, 0.051084, 0.583000, 0.531916, 0.487862, 0.575970, "<user> u know ion play that shit bout my weary brother", "sadness"
336, 0.050887, 0.562000, 0.511113, 0.497273, 0.524954, "the ghost of stefano reflects on the grim indignity of being murdered by corrupt cops in faux love . days", "sadness"
457, 0.050884, 0.420000, 0.470884, 0.515215, 0.426553, "sejejs says cibulskis missed time in 3 rd period due to an injury . wouldnt comment on how serious it is . apparently not a doctor .", "sadness"
145, 0.049875, 0.500000, 0.549875, 0.530898, 0.568853, "<user> porkistan lost terribly in 65 because of american intervation to talk we stopped", "sadness"
16, 0.049596, 0.646000, 0.695596, 0.666239, 0.724953, "r u scared to present in front of the class ? severe anxiety . <repeat> whats that r u sad sometimes ? <repeat> go get ur depression checked out imediately <allcaps> ! <repeat>", "sadness"
524, 0.049565, 0.542000, 0.492435, 0.496841, 0.488030, "bain of my life having to drive to a cash point , then to a shop for change in pound coins , then to the gym all for a bastard sunbed . grim", "sadness"
84, 0.049434, 0.625000, 0.575566, 0.591647, 0.559486, "when season 13 of greys anatomy premieres today . it you 're only on season 7 sadness <sadface>", "sadness"
168, 0.049373, 0.604000, 0.554627, 0.564031, 0.545223, "we never taste happiness in perfection , our most fortunate successes are mixed with sadness . success sadness perfection fortunate mixed", "sadness"
124, 0.049373, 0.604000, 0.554627, 0.545144, 0.564110, "<user> im pretty sure cause ever since saturday ive just been super sad lol", "sadness"
105, 0.049195, 0.542000, 0.591195, 0.532567, 0.649824, "<user> gabriel would eventually start frowning , gaining conciousness . which was apparently really painful by how tears formed in the - -", "sadness"
246, 0.049040, 0.521000, 0.570040, 0.539748, 0.600333, "but what will complaining , pessimism , regret , and anger get you ?", "sadness"
515, 0.048856, 0.521000, 0.472144, 0.453016, 0.491273, "rm <allcaps> will win the game at the last minutes and madridistas will say cules stayed this long watching rm <allcaps> win at the end . disgusting fanbase", "sadness"
423, 0.048632, 0.460000, 0.411368, 0.449668, 0.373069, "<user> species cf . don jr . refugees / skittles . know he likes his snacks , but even <user> frown on talking about eating humans lizardscum", "sadness"
445, 0.047708, 0.467000, 0.514708, 0.519898, 0.509517, "2 complained then while his head and then called do not despair of god 's mercy if you did sins go back to him and ask his forgiveness", "sadness"
210, 0.047654, 0.658000, 0.610346, 0.517357, 0.703335, "the <user> are in contention and hosting <user> nation and camden is empty sad", "sadness"
330, 0.047575, 0.688000, 0.640425, 0.664866, 0.615983, "shantosh : how crazy would it be to walk past and talk to a person everyday never realizing he is suffering from depression or such ? …", "sadness"
231, 0.047370, 0.583000, 0.630370, 0.591890, 0.668850, "the bowl on my new food processor broke , <user> . sadness .", "sadness"
343, 0.046490, 0.646000, 0.692490, 0.659127, 0.725852, "my encouragement today is my dog while my head is in a fog . epicfail feelingfedup tired ihaveheardeverything wondering", "sadness"
462, 0.046406, 0.562000, 0.515594, 0.453020, 0.578168, "what i would give \ nto feel the sunlight on my face \ nwhat i would give \ nto be lost in your embrace 🎧 \ n \ n fallen", "sadness"
156, 0.046239, 0.438000, 0.391761, 0.345000, 0.438521, "<user> bk to 1 up top pack midfield stifle any flair we possess kill any entertainers dull reshuffle predictable slow average", "sadness"
169, 0.044992, 0.438000, 0.482992, 0.539649, 0.426334, "we never taste happiness in perfection , our most fortunate successes are mixed with sadness . success perfection fortunate mixed", "sadness"
503, 0.044796, 0.917000, 0.872204, 0.919189, 0.825220, "i feel like an appendix . i dont have a purpose . sad depressed depression alone lonely broken sadness cry hurt crying life", "sadness"
142, 0.044366, 0.396000, 0.440366, 0.393459, 0.487274, "<user> honestly . all i care about is selasi not messing this up . his lackadaisical attitude isnt good for danishes .", "sadness"
349, 0.043497, 0.604000, 0.647497, 0.681820, 0.613174, "me : i 've actually been doing pretty well ! i 'm learning to manage my depression and - \ nlife : yeah that 's over . that 's cancelled .", "sadness"
633, 0.043476, 0.438000, 0.481476, 0.525378, 0.437573, "<user> <user> <user> glad the tv <allcaps> coverage was so successful because the attendance looked pretty dismal .", "sadness"
581, 0.043185, 0.396000, 0.352815, 0.300676, 0.404955, "<user> said <user> not only did not play up hrc <allcaps> in campaigning 4 her in oh <allcaps> but he did not discourage 3 rd party vote . true <allcaps> ? <repeat>", "sadness"
311, 0.041762, 0.479000, 0.437238, 0.404579, 0.469898, "<user> i have many happy memories of the isle of wight . \ n . <repeat> \ nbut yeah , sink that shit .", "sadness"
297, 0.040839, 0.530000, 0.570839, 0.553928, 0.587749, "<user> i know if i wasnt an optimist i would despair .", "sadness"
374, 0.040733, 0.375000, 0.415733, 0.433225, 0.398241, "drunk people annoy me when i 'm sober lol . | fact teamfollowback rocktheretweet", "sadness"
59, 0.040720, 0.417000, 0.376280, 0.386570, 0.365989, "how 's the new batmantelltaleseries ? looks good but i 'm growing weary of this gaming style . <repeat> batman", "sadness"
570, 0.040428, 0.396000, 0.436428, 0.502814, 0.370041, "those were the times , i thought i can never be sober . but still his grace are beyond my limits 🙏 🏾", "sadness"
335, 0.039969, 0.333000, 0.372969, 0.390764, 0.355174, "<user> bts ' 화양연화 trilogy mv <allcaps> is my all time fav 🙌 quite gloomy but beautiful as well ✨", "sadness"
507, 0.039838, 0.479000, 0.439162, 0.447464, 0.430860, "i saw someone discourage someone from following their dreams . just because you want to live in mediocrity doesnt mean someone else should .", "sadness"
329, 0.039647, 0.417000, 0.456647, 0.520336, 0.392959, "<user> thanks for replying , i 'm ironing my shirt 😂 i 'd love to meet you and get an autograph but sadly i 'm too young to travel .", "sadness"
667, 0.039335, 0.398000, 0.358665, 0.417122, 0.300209, "she used to be beautiful , but she lived her life too fast - forest city joe blues blinddogradio", "sadness"
174, 0.039252, 0.583000, 0.543748, 0.521634, 0.565863, "<user> <user> <user> i 'm sadly not , i 'm just being smutty", "sadness"
402, 0.039123, 0.438000, 0.477123, 0.387375, 0.566871, "so blend the waters lie \ nthere shrines and free - the melancholy waters lie \ nno rays from out the dull tide - as if the vine", "sadness"
167, 0.038842, 0.708000, 0.669158, 0.645316, 0.693000, "i think learning classical or ancient japanese might help me get myself permanently out of depression . i sometimes suffer from sudden", "sadness"
470, 0.038739, 0.583000, 0.544261, 0.513941, 0.574581, "<user> <user> <user> <user> so you were owned by losers on twitter sad", "sadness"
198, 0.037811, 0.583000, 0.545189, 0.533135, 0.557242, "a pretty dejected fancam on the way . scfc <allcaps> tbptv <allcaps>", "sadness"
359, 0.037566, 0.833000, 0.795434, 0.808109, 0.782759, "its so unfortunate that after all these years im still struggling with depression smh", "sadness"
346, 0.037235, 0.688000, 0.650765, 0.563468, 0.738062, "is this the krusty krab ? \ n \ nno this is crippling depression", "sadness"
466, 0.036973, 0.792000, 0.755027, 0.733327, 0.776727, "<user> hope they refuse <sadface> x depressing", "sadness"
292, 0.036601, 0.854000, 0.817399, 0.822494, 0.812304, "god i give you all my pain mess and stress . take my heavy load . amen stress mess pain depression sadness", "sadness"
671, 0.036580, 0.375000, 0.411580, 0.471868, 0.351293, "i 'm buying art supplies and i 'm debating how serious is it to buy acrylic paint .", "sadness"
600, 0.036274, 0.500000, 0.463726, 0.493927, 0.433526, "it would appear it 's a good year for the blues", "sadness"
642, 0.036103, 0.458000, 0.494103, 0.529730, 0.458476, "probs spent a grand total of five minutes sober since sunday evening <smile> freshers", "sadness"
553, 0.036042, 0.375000, 0.411042, 0.398825, 0.423258, "* wants body to look a certain way * \ n * eats 3 cookies , mac n cheese , kitchen sink , and small neighbor child *", "sadness"
230, 0.035842, 0.438000, 0.473842, 0.461548, 0.486137, "dont get too close it 's dark inside 🌫 🌊", "sadness"
85, 0.035616, 0.542000, 0.577616, 0.534254, 0.620977, "<user> no . was so sudden . hasnt sunk in yet . with leo i knew it was coming .", "sadness"
620, 0.035427, 0.553000, 0.588427, 0.585093, 0.591760, "does she really need to pout all the time - getting on my nerves gbbo <allcaps>", "sadness"
491, 0.035413, 0.729000, 0.693587, 0.641856, 0.745318, "peoplelikemebecause they see the happy exterior , not the hopelessness i sometimes feel inside . anxiety anxietyprobz", "sadness"
442, 0.035343, 0.396000, 0.360657, 0.408042, 0.313272, "<user> lol yeah i read that but i stayed up and didnt nap tilli collect 3 people who i think they 've got me 😂 😂 ! <repeat>", "sadness"
219, 0.034963, 0.396000, 0.430963, 0.456464, 0.405463, "i wonder if the wolfcreek tv <allcaps> show is sponsored by the anti - tourist board of australia to discourage visitors ? stayathome dontvisit", "sadness"
426, 0.034313, 0.458000, 0.492313, 0.527527, 0.457098, "that 's the old me though imachildofgod whatistwerking sober married bye", "sadness"
404, 0.034031, 0.604000, 0.569969, 0.532263, 0.607675, "people are trying too hard to hate on cam newton without understanding his position sad", "sadness"
127, 0.033731, 0.508000, 0.474269, 0.457099, 0.491439, "<user> <user> i 'd give that pout the firm d", "sadness"
291, 0.033369, 0.500000, 0.533369, 0.499350, 0.567387, "we fear not the truth , even if it be gloomy , but its counterfeit . - berl katznelson", "sadness"
306, 0.033210, 0.292000, 0.325210, 0.318139, 0.332281, "<user> <user> lmao awe . <repeat>", "sadness"
44, 0.032585, 0.542000, 0.509415, 0.501567, 0.517262, "<user> <user> as a historic evangelical , i wonder if the donatists had a point ? what dreadful clergy in my fmr . circles .", "sadness"
318, 0.031898, 0.250000, 0.281898, 0.277363, 0.286433, "<user> yes lia ! <repeat> join the dark side ! <repeat>", "sadness"
479, 0.031378, 0.500000, 0.468622, 0.504471, 0.432772, "<user> sadly david d is no longer with us imagine both together wow", "sadness"
224, 0.031196, 0.250000, 0.218804, 0.275930, 0.161679, "who need beats ? instrumentals serious artists only 🚨", "sadness"
363, 0.030948, 0.333000, 0.363948, 0.364249, 0.363648, "<user> <user> she has stayed off the block almost all season , got out people that were good for her game , but no one seemed", "sadness"
355, 0.030831, 0.583000, 0.613831, 0.570327, 0.657336, "just because i 'm hurting \ ndoesnt mean i 'm hurt \ ndoesnt mean i didnt get \ nwhat i deserved \ nno better and no worse lost <user>", "sadness"
190, 0.030631, 0.562000, 0.592631, 0.651371, 0.533891, "sometimes it takes sadness to know happiness , noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence .", "sadness"
107, 0.030494, 0.562000, 0.531506, 0.583038, 0.479973, "for an lgbt person to tell someone else that how they identify isnt valid is so sad and against everything we should stand for", "sadness"
461, 0.030477, 0.354000, 0.384477, 0.449902, 0.319052, "taurus , for the most part , you have perfect control over your emotions and you are careful not to be so sulky around anyone !", "sadness"
232, 0.030138, 0.793000, 0.762862, 0.813849, 0.711875, "feeling gloomy", "sadness"
191, 0.029937, 0.438000, 0.408063, 0.457608, 0.358517, "<user> i hate post con blues ! but i avoided the plague too yay ! <repeat> yay constant hand sanitizer ! <repeat>", "sadness"
300, 0.029492, 0.312000, 0.282508, 0.294185, 0.270830, "<user> hubby noah shares this somber thoughtful photo of his one and only dami . ponytail , standout highlights beautiful picture , nice", "sadness"
394, 0.029317, 0.400000, 0.370683, 0.412599, 0.328767, "always borrow money from a pessimist ; he doesnt expect to be paid back .", "sadness"
546, 0.029135, 0.750000, 0.720865, 0.694614, 0.747116, "<user> much sadness and heartbreak", "sadness"
135, 0.028992, 0.467000, 0.438008, 0.410182, 0.465835, "<user> the pout tips me over the edge . i am most definitely agin <allcaps> . who the feic bakes with full make up and boots with heels ! <repeat>", "sadness"
584, 0.028799, 0.667000, 0.695799, 0.663109, 0.728489, "<user> i swear i will not go mourn because 😭 😭 💔 💔", "sadness"
390, 0.028788, 0.417000, 0.445788, 0.466563, 0.425012, "the animals , the animals \ ntrap trap trap till the cage is full \ nthe cage is full , stay awake \ nin the dark , count mistakes", "sadness"
213, 0.028152, 0.604000, 0.575848, 0.572661, 0.579036, "ive felt surprisingly gloomy about my bad scouts today <smile> but i recognize that it 's all just rng <allcaps> and yeah i didnt spend that many gems", "sadness"
538, 0.027901, 0.479000, 0.506901, 0.495728, 0.518073, "<user> <user> <user> <user> i see my ' eliminate the hanging tongue ' campaign is a dismal failure .", "sadness"
283, 0.027875, 0.562000, 0.534125, 0.467858, 0.600392, "<user> if we dont understand how to express our emotions to others , may lead to sadness / loneliness & neg impact on long term mh mhc <allcaps> hat", "sadness"
194, 0.027226, 0.271000, 0.298226, 0.356257, 0.240195, "autumnalequinox the nights are drawing in , what a great time to look at putting up some new lights dark showroom news wirral", "sadness"
603, 0.027197, 0.750000, 0.722803, 0.666406, 0.779201, "well , i had hopes for today . no go . unhappy", "sadness"
216, 0.027183, 0.438000, 0.465183, 0.549266, 0.381099, "<user> he has become so dreary , also , yes . <repeat>", "sadness"
6, 0.026749, 0.542000, 0.515251, 0.571277, 0.459226, "<user> in your concorde lounge in terminal 7 jfk <allcaps> . so saddened to have to say , service so far is dismal . dont expect a reply .", "sadness"
46, 0.026413, 0.458000, 0.484413, 0.500404, 0.468423, "what 's the worst affliction that you or someone you know ever convinced yourself you had ?", "sadness"
483, 0.025872, 0.417000, 0.391128, 0.401985, 0.380270, "says to my maw the other day , wanna day sober october way me , she says ' ave mer chance of doing movember son ' classicmoira glasgow sober", "sadness"
257, 0.025841, 0.729000, 0.703159, 0.696001, 0.710317, "this has been the most depressing week full of rain ever lol", "sadness"
398, 0.025792, 0.438000, 0.463792, 0.537162, 0.390422, "<user> i 'm always a little bit weary of speaking up because 1 . i dont want to hijack the convo - as an lgbt <allcaps> person , i 've seen", "sadness"
403, 0.024922, 0.479000, 0.454078, 0.451077, 0.457078, "god knows why you 'd wanna go with a girl who 's slept with half ya mates grim", "sadness"
472, 0.024697, 0.458000, 0.482697, 0.460420, 0.504973, "<user> dude we same fukc i lost my spectacles this morning . <repeat>", "sadness"
256, 0.024219, 0.438000, 0.413781, 0.444373, 0.383190, "no gbbo from us tonight sadly , we 've got a date with some nachos <user> bridgetjonesbaby", "sadness"
593, 0.024085, 0.600000, 0.575915, 0.553186, 0.598644, "can it stay gloomy but get cold pls", "sadness"
310, 0.023897, 0.417000, 0.440897, 0.477922, 0.403872, "<user> <user> but i decided to be a bit lackadaisical about getting dressed to get groceries .", "sadness"
489, 0.023098, 0.417000, 0.393902, 0.412434, 0.375369, "i 'd pay good money to watch someone slap that pout off candice .", "sadness"
110, 0.022755, 0.708000, 0.685245, 0.625684, 0.744806, "<user> <user> i 'm depress now", "sadness"
575, 0.022656, 0.375000, 0.352344, 0.366415, 0.338274, "historically japanese have always been into jazz and blues . the 70 s dark age of jazz big names like c . c . & m . d . were surviving on tokyo .", "sadness"
68, 0.022255, 0.479000, 0.456745, 0.462495, 0.450995, "over 70 % of social sharing is dark & over 50 % of web traffic comes from darksocial . <user> lifts <allcaps> ocial", "sadness"
467, 0.021997, 0.417000, 0.438997, 0.460667, 0.417327, "<user> loool understand the pessimism but it will 😂", "sadness"
670, 0.021996, 0.479000, 0.500996, 0.498302, 0.503690, "<user> no pull him afew weeks ago , sadly theres no game audio or sound affects cause i played it on my phone and tryed everything", "sadness"
516, 0.021974, 0.417000, 0.438974, 0.492576, 0.385372, "<user> is that pessimism or do you just want him to get another week of rest and healing ?", "sadness"
309, 0.021939, 0.292000, 0.313939, 0.358454, 0.269425, "<user> turn that frown upside down buddy 🙃 .", "sadness"
397, 0.021773, 0.542000, 0.563773, 0.534391, 0.593155, "<user> sadly , that idiot completely overlooks the facts . he had a gun pointed at police . are they that stupid ? that should be ignored", "sadness"
429, 0.020991, 0.667000, 0.646009, 0.630951, 0.661067, "doese reading help depression or is it another form of escapism", "sadness"
312, 0.020985, 0.646000, 0.625015, 0.594263, 0.655767, "<user> <user> <user> <user> watching this again makes me weep tears of joy and tears of sadness that he 's gone", "sadness"
192, 0.020948, 0.396000, 0.375052, 0.359481, 0.390623, "go follow ' juspopmolly ' on snapchat that hoe sitting on the sink right now <user>", "sadness"
364, 0.020854, 0.521000, 0.541854, 0.509903, 0.573805, "<user> thanks for making me super sad about pizza . freepizza", "sadness"
113, 0.020839, 0.604000, 0.583161, 0.602554, 0.563769, "<user> oh i see . i 've seen so many people mourn the loss that i was surprised to see your tweet . i suppose same old here in sa <allcaps>", "sadness"
146, 0.020763, 0.312000, 0.332763, 0.327116, 0.338410, "are you serious that fredsirieix lives in peckham . <repeat> south london 's own love guru ( big up )", "sadness"
275, 0.020593, 0.562000, 0.541407, 0.579842, 0.502971, "tim burton never fails to depress me", "sadness"
434, 0.019848, 0.625000, 0.644848, 0.648583, 0.641112, "i cant live anymore my roblox got termianted <sadface> killme lol robloxgamer", "sadness"
449, 0.019584, 0.646000, 0.665584, 0.620028, 0.711141, "well stomach cramps did not make that spin class any easier . why does my body hate digesting porridge so much 😩 spinning sulk", "sadness"
106, 0.019548, 0.271000, 0.290548, 0.362914, 0.218181, "no pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars , or sailed to an uncharted land , or opened a new doorway for the human spirit . - h . keller", "sadness"
441, 0.019537, 0.708000, 0.688463, 0.637855, 0.739071, "awake at 5 . 30 am with a seriously bad throat 😩 😩 😩 😷 🤒 glands feel huuuge and i 'm in uni soon ! grim", "sadness"
502, 0.019367, 0.375000, 0.394367, 0.413057, 0.375676, "<user> hit the sink with a hammer . <repeat> sorry , the universal modifier !", "sadness"
282, 0.019295, 0.500000, 0.480705, 0.483301, 0.478110, "fyi <allcaps> y 'all cant mourn or celebrate shawty lo cause y 'all aint played his music since 08 '", "sadness"
64, 0.019004, 0.521000, 0.501996, 0.568686, 0.435306, "<user> but i do think we need to experience a bit madness & despair too . this is the stuff that makes us human .", "sadness"
376, 0.019003, 0.438000, 0.418997, 0.393855, 0.444139, "<user> darius ' article was what convinced me that the time and money i had sunk into the igda <allcaps> in past years was wasted . good re - read .", "sadness"
564, 0.018959, 0.646000, 0.627041, 0.606566, 0.647516, "<user> <user> another unhappy customer . secreteyes", "sadness"
296, 0.018384, 0.750000, 0.731616, 0.700919, 0.762313, "hmm somehow twitter feels really depressing , more like negative today . <repeat> i think i missed something 😕", "sadness"
58, 0.018136, 0.362000, 0.380136, 0.354894, 0.405379, "the pine colada starburst nasty . dont @ me", "sadness"
615, 0.018110, 0.604000, 0.622110, 0.626127, 0.618092, "how long will they mourn me ?", "sadness"
54, 0.017924, 0.625000, 0.642924, 0.646209, 0.639640, "it 's really sad when you cant order goods from china and the likes because of internet fraudsters . <repeat> what 's this government really doing .", "sadness"
640, 0.017208, 0.188000, 0.205208, 0.204650, 0.205766, "happy birthday roy buchanan , born on this day in 1939 . roybuchanan guitar blues happybrithday", "sadness"
317, 0.016403, 0.708000, 0.724403, 0.673870, 0.774936, "<user> and <user> ' being over it . ' why usa <allcaps> has panicattacks anxiety depression and so much medication !", "sadness"
333, 0.016315, 0.417000, 0.400685, 0.390591, 0.410780, "pussies - in the dark , they 're all the same", "sadness"
182, 0.015694, 0.438000, 0.453694, 0.479886, 0.427502, "<user> : it 's not fox news , it 's fox propaganda network , they 're so lost in their lies , that they cant tell the truth , if it hit them in face", "sadness"
577, 0.015690, 0.583000, 0.598690, 0.605562, 0.591818, "honestly today i just felt like maybe track isnt for me", "sadness"
267, 0.015608, 0.417000, 0.401392, 0.403172, 0.399612, "sav tells our mom ' i love you ' and she responds ' oh . '", "sadness"
424, 0.015509, 0.812000, 0.796491, 0.834694, 0.758287, "trying to make a better_world is depressing when it 's a failure <sadface>", "sadness"
501, 0.015226, 0.729000, 0.744226, 0.768957, 0.719494, "<user> depressing", "sadness"
351, 0.015171, 0.729000, 0.713829, 0.720500, 0.707159, "trial result sadness", "sadness"
520, 0.014946, 0.479000, 0.464054, 0.487948, 0.440160, "<user> <user> ha yes - the look of despair !", "sadness"
350, 0.014843, 0.679000, 0.664157, 0.713017, 0.615298, "<user> depressing it 's so freaking close !", "sadness"
654, 0.014671, 0.604000, 0.589329, 0.545428, 0.633229, "<user> second pair of scales i have bought that have stopped working after battery change . is this an issue you are aware of ? unhappy", "sadness"
435, 0.013855, 0.583000, 0.569145, 0.586342, 0.551948, "come here , let me do whatever i do with it . dismal", "sadness"
628, 0.013685, 0.390000, 0.403685, 0.383429, 0.423940, "<user> <user> <user> <user> a litany of name - calling . how dull .", "sadness"
358, 0.012848, 0.625000, 0.612152, 0.569117, 0.655188, "it 's always over . <repeat> until i 'm no longer sober . <repeat> then it feels like i wana start over ul <allcaps>", "sadness"
498, 0.012700, 0.729000, 0.741700, 0.700525, 0.782876, "will brawndo cure my depression ? <user> idiocracytoday", "sadness"
268, 0.012183, 0.531000, 0.543183, 0.480693, 0.605674, "dying is a very dull , dreary affair . and my advice to you is to have nothing whatever to do with it . ― w . somerset maughm", "sadness"
576, 0.012039, 0.708000, 0.695961, 0.662909, 0.729014, "honestly today i just felt like maybe track isnt for me sad", "sadness"
319, 0.011803, 0.452000, 0.463803, 0.440182, 0.487424, "<user> \ nso sadden \ nspunky a beautiful dog \ na sad story a lovely happy \ nan loved dog \ nplay little one have fun you \ nare so loved", "sadness"
614, 0.011769, 0.396000, 0.407769, 0.385716, 0.429821, "<user> <user> you got hacked on your gaming channel grim by evil wood clowns yesterday september 20 and september 21 today", "sadness"
43, 0.011308, 0.375000, 0.363692, 0.348350, 0.379033, "dont ever grow weary doing good . <repeat> dont just see the headlines ; look at the trend lines for hope . ' <user> cgi <allcaps> 2016", "sadness"
220, 0.011092, 0.562000, 0.550908, 0.570747, 0.531068, "<user> <user> haha . <repeat> sorry about the dreadful puns . <repeat> i need to get out more . <repeat> i 've been cooped up lately . <repeat>", "sadness"
201, 0.011031, 0.562000, 0.550969, 0.520688, 0.581250, "act <allcaps> 4 anxiety & depression group . <user> beginning mon october 17 for 6 weeks . contact me to register now ! mindfulness halifax", "sadness"
148, 0.010015, 0.500000, 0.489985, 0.483820, 0.496150, "<user> sadly , at least 3 more years of this . at what point will even the low info selfie lovers who voted for them say enough is enough", "sadness"
41, 0.009567, 0.438000, 0.428433, 0.441142, 0.415724, "headed to mdw <allcaps> w / layover in slc <allcaps> . got off for food . wrong move . bailed on my food & barely made it . <user> wannagetaway contest", "sadness"
547, 0.009349, 0.688000, 0.678651, 0.644884, 0.712418, "very depressing seeing my whole fam packing to go on holiday tomorrow and i 'm just staying here 🙃", "sadness"
583, 0.009310, 0.479000, 0.488310, 0.489875, 0.486744, "got a serious hyper predator heckler situation over here", "sadness"
281, 0.009295, 0.729000, 0.719705, 0.656602, 0.782808, "<user> happy anger sad melancholy confusion woodspurge", "sadness"
75, 0.009289, 0.438000, 0.428711, 0.503920, 0.353502, "defining yourself in terms of opposition , i . e . the clouded mirror phenomena , is almost always a mistake .", "sadness"
486, 0.009203, 0.479000, 0.488203, 0.504203, 0.472202, "<user> far from safe and staid i found it horribly ott <allcaps> at times while everyone seemed to be trying just a little too hard . not for me", "sadness"
389, 0.009197, 0.562000, 0.552803, 0.550302, 0.555305, "absolutely hate the apple watch ios <allcaps> 10 update . completely buggered some of my apps , including spark . awful interface , too . grim", "sadness"
367, 0.008905, 0.500000, 0.491095, 0.453885, 0.528305, "& like if your unhappy just leave . dont cheat on someone & than up their view on love & shit 💯 . <repeat>", "sadness"
88, 0.008848, 0.354000, 0.345152, 0.417704, 0.272600, "not a great start but good comeback from the boys to earn a point . bring on saturday blues", "sadness"
313, 0.008530, 0.500000, 0.491470, 0.576684, 0.406255, "carry on my wayward son there 'll be peace when you are done lay your weary head to rest dont you cry no more", "sadness"
571, 0.008421, 0.583000, 0.574579, 0.590098, 0.559061, "<user> he just has that way of thinking , he wants absolute hope born from absolute despair .", "sadness"
215, 0.008331, 0.479000, 0.487331, 0.491966, 0.482697, "i hope a goal comes soon on either side . otherwise there is a serious threat of a dull and frustrating game . coys <allcaps>", "sadness"
334, 0.007961, 0.479000, 0.486961, 0.531861, 0.442060, "for once i gatherp th strength to not try and drink my pain away . sober fighter strong lovely dreamer", "sadness"
144, 0.007824, 0.854000, 0.846176, 0.919331, 0.773021, "im so unhappy", "sadness"
643, 0.007639, 0.396000, 0.388361, 0.448865, 0.327857, "on the wheel as we grow older and become aware of ourselves as individuals with a dull responsibility in life ?", "sadness"
325, 0.007224, 0.375000, 0.382224, 0.406557, 0.357891, "<user> <user> good . takes more muscles to frown than smile", "sadness"
123, 0.007195, 0.417000, 0.409805, 0.465741, 0.353870, "final vestiges of my 90 's childhood were just dashed on the shoals of hearing a house cover of tracy chapman 's ' fast car ' at the dayjob", "sadness"
24, 0.007185, 0.500000, 0.492815, 0.482286, 0.503345, "it 's easy to fall asleep in class , but hard to in bed . true sober whileyouweresleeping insomnia teamfollowback rocktheretweet", "sadness"
259, 0.007121, 0.729000, 0.721879, 0.678488, 0.765271, "<user> \ nlikewise death cutting despair", "sadness"
139, 0.007108, 0.542000, 0.534892, 0.497668, 0.572117, "we 're in contained depression . only new economic engine is sustainability , say joel <user> + <user> @ verge <allcaps> con . newgrandstrategy", "sadness"
452, 0.006842, 0.625000, 0.618158, 0.585562, 0.650754, "muscled man with huge heart is messing with my brain and heart . lost confused", "sadness"
482, 0.006704, 0.442000, 0.448704, 0.399150, 0.498258, "<user> <user> <user> <user> well , i 'm too old , and too stubborn about facts & history to be discouraged .", "sadness"
601, 0.006424, 0.267000, 0.260576, 0.258747, 0.262405, ". <user> - thanks for sharing ! surprise guests ! <user> & visiting us <allcaps> tenor sax <user> . livemusic capetown blues", "sadness"
0, 0.006060, 0.667000, 0.673060, 0.630295, 0.715825, "my 2 teens sons just left in the car to get haircuts . i 'm praying up a storm that they make it home safely ! <repeat> sad terencecrutcher", "sadness"
609, 0.005527, 0.479000, 0.473473, 0.491917, 0.455028, "<user> man <elong> i cant count how many times i 've had the ' pr <allcaps> ' s power grid needs some serious updating ' conversation . <repeat>", "sadness"
323, 0.005418, 0.583000, 0.577582, 0.611083, 0.544081, "<user> i 'm mad that my brother is sad ! feel better bub !", "sadness"
554, 0.005027, 0.479000, 0.484027, 0.482122, 0.485933, "their engine runs on fuel called whining <smile> \ n \ nu jst hv 2 b observant . <repeat> \ nhar din rona dhona & complain . \ nhappy news makes them unhappy <smile>", "sadness"
562, 0.004989, 0.562000, 0.566989, 0.607865, 0.526113, "<user> only true depression fans will get this one 😂 😂", "sadness"
647, 0.004420, 0.431000, 0.426580, 0.423235, 0.429925, "well i wont be doing a unboxing of the iphone 7 plus on my channel until november sadly . thank you <user> <user> staten island ny <allcaps> smh", "sadness"
196, 0.004253, 0.708000, 0.712253, 0.720610, 0.703895, "<user> i 've still been trying to sort through it all , but i suppose i also shouldnt have had such high expectations . sadness", "sadness"
2, 0.004005, 0.396000, 0.400005, 0.415190, 0.384820, "hartramsey 'suplift <allcaps> if you 're still discouraged it means you 're listening to the wrong voices & looking to the wrong source . look to the lord <allcaps> !", "sadness"
13, 0.003977, 0.458000, 0.461977, 0.477018, 0.446935, "pro - lifers are condemning menforchoice - but i havent seen any of you criticize the dismal american foster care / adoption system .", "sadness"
663, 0.003968, 0.458000, 0.454032, 0.473436, 0.434629, "<user> <user> between barroso going to goldman and this the <user> is getting a very serious self inflicted problem", "sadness"
70, 0.003431, 0.333000, 0.336431, 0.332439, 0.340424, "<user> szn 3 > > > szn 1 > > > szn 2 . just to warn you . dont let szn 2 discourage you .", "sadness"
414, 0.002998, 0.522000, 0.519002, 0.475470, 0.562535, "man city 's kit is dreadful !", "sadness"
229, 0.002699, 0.479000, 0.476301, 0.493229, 0.459373, "listening to <user> at work is my slice of sunshine in this dreary cube world 9to5life", "sadness"
552, 0.001988, 0.562000, 0.563988, 0.537874, 0.590101, "it 's always depressing to sort wordpress plugin recommendations not by ' best ' but by ' least offensive in terms of premium features . '", "sadness"
496, 0.001722, 0.729000, 0.727278, 0.717648, 0.736909, "although this is my best semester so far , this is also my most depressing because i 'm constantly reminded that i 'm not meant for greatness", "sadness"
509, 0.001656, 0.500000, 0.498344, 0.464705, 0.531983, "<user> you are grim mate", "sadness"
338, 0.001640, 0.729000, 0.730640, 0.710198, 0.751081, "bojack horseman : the saddest show ever written ? <repeat> depression season1", "sadness"
611, 0.000956, 0.460000, 0.460956, 0.429782, 0.492130, "speech was bold coz it wasnt written by pm <allcaps> ns <allcaps> bt the expression / tone was his own dull n dim", "sadness"
80, 0.000804, 0.583000, 0.583804, 0.532627, 0.634982, "<user> and <allcaps> his momma was worse than tony sopranos momma wow sad history major", "sadness"
83, 0.000640, 0.417000, 0.417640, 0.447188, 0.388091, "<user> the depth that you 've sunk to . you 're readership deserves more .", "sadness"
493, 0.000327, 0.375000, 0.375327, 0.381332, 0.369323, "nobody wants a grouch but dont <allcaps> move to sd <allcaps> if you want to be a rapper . serious", "sadness"
4, 0.000130, 0.604000, 0.603870, 0.590338, 0.617402, "whenever i 'm feeling sad i will listen to monsta x and hug my teddy bear and i always feel better", "sadness"

In [324]:
idx = np.argmin(difference)
print("%s\n%f" % (test_tweets[idx], difference[idx]))

living life so relentless

In [325]:
idx = np.argmax(difference)
print("%s\n%f" % (test_tweets[idx], difference[idx]))

<user> u fucked my house up i 'll always hold a grudge

In [303]:
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import natsort

dimension = EMOTION

s = y_test#[:, dimension] #y_annotated[dimension]
order = sorted(range(len(s)), key=lambda k: s[k])

g1 = y_test#[:, dimension]

model = 'SVM'
if model == 'BLSTM':    
    g2 = y_test_predict
elif model == 'SVM':
    g2 = svr_y_test_predict
    g2 = mix_y_test_predict
g3 = difference
colorMapping = {
    'Actual': 'm.',
    'SVM': 'g.' ,
    'BLSTM': 'c.',

# g3 = svr_y_test_predict#[yy[dimension] for yy in y_wassa_test_predict]#[:, dimension] 
# g4 = y_test_predict#[yy[dimension] for yy in y_wassa_test_predict]#[:, dimension] 

line_0, = plt.plot(np.array(g1)[order], 'm.',  label='Actual')
line_1, = plt.plot(np.array(g2)[order], colorMapping[model], label=model)
line_2, = plt.plot(np.array(g3)[order], 'r.', label='Difference')
# line_2, = plt.plot(np.array(g3)[order], 'g.', label='SVM')
# line_3, = plt.plot(np.array(g4)[order], 'c.', label='BLSTM')
plt.legend(handles=[line_0, line_1, line_2])
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, .4, .65, .0), loc=3,ncol=1, mode="expand", borderaxespad=1.0)
plt.ylabel('dimension: '+emoNames[dimension])
plt.title("%s model bulit on WASSA corpus" % model)

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
r2 pearson spearman anger.svr 0.34 0.60 0.57 anger.lstm 0.36 0.63 0.61 anger.avg 0.42 0.66 0.63 fear.svr 0.44 0.67 0.63 fear.lstm 0.45 0.68 0.66 fear.avg 0.49 0.71 0.68 joy.svr 0.36 0.62 0.63 joy.lstm 0.35 0.59 0.59 joy.avg 0.41 0.65 0.65 sadness.svr 0.43 0.68 0.69 sadness.lstm 0.45 0.70 0.69 sadness.avg 0.49 0.73 0.72 # hashtags remained anger.svr 0.34 0.59 0.56 anger.lstm 0.28 0.53 0.51 anger.avg 0.36 0.62 0.59 fear.svr 0.43 0.67 0.63 fear.lstm 0.30 0.57 0.53 fear.avg 0.44 0.66 0.63 joy.svr 0.36 0.62 0.63 joy.lstm 0.32 0.58 0.59 joy.avg 0.40 0.64 0.64 sadness.svr 0.42 0.68 0.69 sadness.lstm 0.32 0.59 0.57 sadness.avg 0.44 0.67 0.66

In [20]:
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, f1_score, classification_report
# from skll.metrics import pearson, spearman
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr

# print('[%8s]\tR2\tpearson\tspearman' % emoNames[EMOTION])
# y_dev_predicts = []
# for i in range(20):
#     if i>0: 
#, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=1,validation_split=None,)
#     y_dev_pred = np.array([y_[0] for y_ in model.predict(X_dev)])
#     print("%8s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (i,
#                                  r2_score(y_dev , y_dev_pred),                                 
#                                  pearsonr(y_dev , y_dev_pred)[0],
#                                  spearmanr(y_dev , y_dev_pred)[0]))    
#     y_dev_predicts.append(y_dev_pred)

#, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=nb_epoch,validation_split=None,)

In [73]:
# print('[%8s]\tR2\tpearson\tspearman' % emoNames[EMOTION])
# for i,y__ in enumerate(y_dev_predicts):  
#         y_test_predict = y__
#         print("%8s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (i,
#                                  r2_score(y_dev , y_test_predict),                                 
#                                  pearsonr(y_dev , y_test_predict)[0],
#                                  spearmanr(y_dev , y_test_predict)[0]))

[ sadness]	R2	pearson	spearman
       0	-0.40	-0.12	-0.13
       1	0.07	0.43	0.44
       2	0.17	0.53	0.54
       3	0.11	0.46	0.50
       4	0.21	0.49	0.54
       5	0.17	0.47	0.49
       6	0.21	0.48	0.54
       7	0.11	0.56	0.59
       8	0.14	0.50	0.56
       9	0.20	0.49	0.54
      10	0.10	0.48	0.52
      11	0.16	0.51	0.54
      12	0.18	0.50	0.53
      13	0.15	0.50	0.55
      14	0.18	0.51	0.53
      15	0.18	0.51	0.55
      16	0.19	0.52	0.56
      17	0.21	0.53	0.54
      18	0.23	0.54	0.56
      19	0.17	0.50	0.54

In [48]:
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import natsort

dimension = EMOTION

s = y_dev#[:, dimension] #y_annotated[dimension]
order = sorted(range(len(s)), key=lambda k: s[k])

g1 = y_dev#[:, dimension]
g2 = y_dev_pred#[yy[dimension] for yy in y_wassa_test_predict]#[:, dimension]    

line_0, = plt.plot(np.array(g1)[order], 'm.',  label='Actual')
line_1, = plt.plot(np.array(g2)[order], 'b.', label='Prediction')
plt.legend(handles=[line_0, line_1])
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, .4, .65, .0), loc=3,ncol=1, mode="expand", borderaxespad=1.0)
plt.ylabel('dimension: '+emoNames[dimension])
plt.title("Model bulit on WASSA corpus")

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
/home/vlaand/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/ UserWarning: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['dist']
`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy
  "\n`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy"

Method 1 (save architecture and weights separately)

In [49]:
def _save_model_wassa(model, savePath, emo, modelName):
    if emo == None:
        savePath = os.path.join(savePath,modelName)
        savePath = os.path.join(savePath,modelName)+"."+emo
    model_json = model.to_json()
    with open(savePath + ".json", "w") as json_file:
        print("<%s.json> " % (savePath))
    model.save_weights(savePath +".h5", overwrite=True)
    print("<%s.h5> " % (savePath))
# + "_.h5")
# savePath = "/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/senpy-plugins-NUIG/fivePointRegression/classifiers/LSTM/"
savePath = "/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/05_emotion_wassa_nuig/wassaRegression/classifiers/LSTM/"

_save_model_wassa(model=model, savePath=savePath, emo=emoNames[EMOTION], modelName="wassaRegression")
_save_model_wassa(model=model, savePath='/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/classifiers/LSTM/', emo=emoNames[EMOTION], modelName="wassaRegression")



In [359]:
from keras.models import model_from_json

with open('/home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/classifiers/LSTM/wassaRegression.'+emoNames[EMOTION]+'.json', 'r') as json_file:
    loaded_model = model_from_json(
    print('<%s> loaded' %(
    print('<%s> weights loaded' % ('.json','.h5')))

</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/classifiers/LSTM/wassaRegression.anger.json> loaded
</home/vlaand/IpythonNotebooks/wassa2017/classifiers/LSTM/wassaRegression.anger.h5> weights loaded