Framenet in NLTK

(C) 2019 by Damir Cavar

The material in this notebook is based on:

The FrameNet corpus is a lexical database of English that is both human- and machine-readable, based on annotating examples of how words are used in actual texts. FrameNet is based on a theory of meaning called Frame Semantics, deriving from the work of Charles J. Fillmore and colleagues. The basic idea is straightforward: that the meanings of most words can best be understood on the basis of a semantic frame: a description of a type of event, relation, or entity and the participants in it. For example, the concept of cooking typically involves a person doing the cooking (Cook), the food that is to be cooked (Food), something to hold the food while cooking (Container) and a source of heat (Heating_instrument). In the FrameNet project, this is represented as a frame called Apply_heat, and the Cook, Food, Heating_instrument and Container are called frame elements (FEs). Words that evoke this frame, such as fry, bake, boil, and broil, are called lexical units (LUs) of the Apply_heat frame. The job of FrameNet is to define the frames and to annotate sentences to show how the FEs fit syntactically around the word that evokes the frame.


A Frame is a script-like conceptual structure that describes a particular type of situation, object, or event along with the participants and props that are needed for that Frame. For example, the "Apply_heat" frame describes a common situation involving a Cook, some Food, and a Heating_Instrument, and is evoked by words such as bake, blanch, boil, broil, brown, simmer, steam, etc.

We call the roles of a Frame "frame elements" (FEs) and the frame-evoking words are called "lexical units" (LUs).

FrameNet includes relations between Frames. Several types of relations are defined, of which the most important are:

  • Inheritance: An IS-A relation. The child frame is a subtype of the parent frame, and each FE in the parent is bound to a corresponding FE in the child. An example is the "Revenge" frame which inherits from the "Rewards_and_punishments" frame.
  • Using: The child frame presupposes the parent frame as background, e.g the "Speed" frame "uses" (or presupposes) the "Motion" frame; however, not all parent FEs need to be bound to child FEs.
  • Subframe: The child frame is a subevent of a complex event represented by the parent, e.g. the "Criminal_process" frame has subframes of "Arrest", "Arraignment", "Trial", and "Sentencing".
  • Perspective_on: The child frame provides a particular perspective on an un-perspectivized parent frame. A pair of examples consists of the "Hiring" and "Get_a_job" frames, which perspectivize the "Employment_start" frame from the Employer's and the Employee's point of view, respectively.

To get a list of all of the Frames in FrameNet, you can use the frames() function. If you supply a regular expression pattern to the frames() function, you will get a list of all Frames whose names match that pattern:

In [1]:
from pprint import pprint

In [2]:
from nltk.corpus import framenet as fn

In [3]:


In [4]:

[<frame ID=239 name=Medical_conditions>, <frame ID=257 name=Medical_instruments>, ...]

To get the details of a particular Frame, you can use the frame() function passing in the frame number:

In [5]:
f = fn.frame(256)

In [6]:


In [7]:


In [8]:

"This frame includes words that name medical specialties and is closely related to the Medical_professionals frame.  The FE Type characterizing a sub-are in a Specialty may also be expressed. 'Ralph practices paediatric oncology.'"

In [9]:


In [10]:
pprint(sorted([x for x in f.FE]))

['Affliction', 'Body_system', 'Specialty', 'Type']

In [11]:

[<Parent=Medical_interaction_scenario -- Using -> Child=Medical_specialties>]

The frame() function shown above returns a dict object containing detailed information about the Frame. See the documentation on the frame() function for the specifics.

You can also search for Frames by their Lexical Units (LUs). The frames_by_lemma() function returns a list of all frames that contain LUs in which the 'name' attribute of the LU matchs the given regular expression. Note that LU names are composed of "lemma.POS", where the "lemma" part can be made up of either a single lexeme (e.g. 'run') or multiple lexemes (e.g. 'a little') (see below).

In [13]:
for x in fn.frames_by_lemma(r'(?i)a little'):

frame (2001): Degree


  LUs in this frame modify a gradable attribute and describe
  intensities at the extreme positions on a scale.  'She is very
  brave.'  'It is that simple!'  'The feuds are so vicious because
  the stakes are so low.'  'The plant is totally red  without the
  slightest hint of green.'

[semTypes] 1 semantic types

[frameRelations] 2 frame relations
  <Parent=Importance -- Using -> Child=Degree>
  <MainEntry=Hedging -- See_also -> ReferringEntry=Degree>

[lexUnit] 21 lexical units
  a little bit.adv (14744), a little.adv (14743), a lot.adv
  (17659), as hell.adv (18815), crystal (clear).n (18813), dirt
  (poor).n (18811), far.adv (14978), fully.adv (14753), great.a
  (16311), heavily.adv (14826), in part.adv (16165), kind of.adv
  (18816), particular.a (16667), so.adv (14742), somewhat.adv
  (15970), sopping (wet).a (18812), stone (cold).n (18810),
  that.adv (14746), totally.adv (14747), very.adv (14745), way.adv

[FE] 1 frame elements
            Core: Gradable_attribute (12081)

[FEcoreSets] 0 frame element core sets

frame (189): Quantified_mass


  This frame contains transparent nouns (and some adjectives)
  denoting quantities of a Mass or of Individuals. As opposed to
  aggregate words such as group, set, these Quantity do not have a
  status as Wholes on their own.   'He found them in the deluge of
  papers on his desk.'  Initially, at least, we have annotated both
  Quantity of Masses and of Individuals in this frame, though we
  may split the frame along these lines later on.

[semTypes] 0 semantic types

[frameRelations] 2 frame relations
  <MainEntry=Quantified_mass -- See_also -> ReferringEntry=Quantity>
  <Neutral=Measure_scenario -- Perspective_on -> Perspectivized=Quantified_mass>

[lexUnit] 58 lexical units
  a bit.n (13797), a (13370), a little.n (14733), a lot.n
  (13232), abundance.n (3333), all.a (13747), amount.n (3381),
  any.a (13745), avalanche.n (3836), billions.n (3330), both.a
  (14734), deal.n (17269), degree.n (3420), deluge.n (3837), dose.n
  (14165), dozens.n (3331), fair.a (15420), few.a (13369), few.n
  (13276), flood.n (3839), handful.n (11730), heap.n (3321),
  hundreds.n (3327), load.n (3322), many.a (13746), many.n (13277),
  mass.n (3325), measure.n (3369), millions.n (3329), mite.n
  (3324), modicum.n (3323), mountain.n (11729), multiple.a (13874),
  myriad.n (3335), no.a (13869), number.n (3338), numerous.a
  (13751), oodles.n (3318), ounce.n (3342), pile.n (3319), pinch.n
  (3339), plethora.n (3336), quantity.n (3337), raft.n (7451),
  scads.n (3326), scores.n (3419), several.a (13368), several.n
  (13339), shitload.n (3332), smattering.n (15231), stream.n
  (3841), thousands.n (3328), ton.n (3320), torrent.n (3838),
  touch.n (3343), trace.n (16191), trickle.n (3840), wave.n (3842)

[FE] 5 frame elements
            Core: Individuals (1552), Mass (1551), Quantity (1550)
      Peripheral: Degree (11951), Q_prop (1553)

[FEcoreSets] 1 frame element core sets
  Mass, Individuals

Lexical Units

A lexical unit (LU) is a pairing of a word with a meaning. For example, the "Apply_heat" Frame describes a common situation involving a Cook, some Food, and a Heating Instrument, and is evoked by words such as bake, blanch, boil, broil, brown, simmer, steam, etc. These frame-evoking words are the LUs in the Apply_heat frame. Each sense of a polysemous word is a different LU.

We have used the word "word" in talking about LUs. The reality is actually rather complex. When we say that the word "bake" is polysemous, we mean that the lemma "bake.v" (which has the word-forms "bake", "bakes", "baked", and "baking") is linked to three different frames:

  • Apply_heat: "Michelle baked the potatoes for 45 minutes."
  • Cooking_creation: "Michelle baked her mother a cake for her birthday."
  • Absorb_heat: "The potatoes have to bake for more than 30 minutes."

These constitute three different LUs, with different definitions.

Multiword expressions such as "given name" and hyphenated words like "shut-eye" can also be LUs. Idiomatic phrases such as "middle of nowhere" and "give the slip (to)" are also defined as LUs in the appropriate frames ("Isolated_places" and "Evading", respectively), and their internal structure is not analyzed.

Framenet provides multiple annotated examples of each sense of a word (i.e. each LU). Moreover, the set of examples (approximately 20 per LU) illustrates all of the combinatorial possibilities of the lexical unit.

Each LU is linked to a Frame, and hence to the other words which evoke that Frame. This makes the FrameNet database similar to a thesaurus, grouping together semantically similar words.

In the simplest case, frame-evoking words are verbs such as "fried" in:

  • "Matilde fried the catfish in a heavy iron skillet."

Sometimes event nouns may evoke a Frame. For example, "reduction" evokes "Cause_change_of_scalar_position" in:

  • "...the reduction of debt levels to $665 million from $2.6 billion."

Adjectives may also evoke a Frame. For example, "asleep" may evoke the "Sleep" frame as in:

  • "They were asleep for hours."

Many common nouns, such as artifacts like "hat" or "tower", typically serve as dependents rather than clearly evoking their own frames.

Details for a specific lexical unit can be obtained using this class's lus() function, which takes an optional regular expression pattern that will be matched against the name of the lexical unit:

In [14]:


In [15]:
pprint(fn.lus(r'(?i)a little'))

[<lu ID=14744 name=a little bit.adv>, <lu ID=14743 name=a little.adv>, ...]

You can obtain detailed information on a particular LU by calling the lu() function and passing in an LU's 'ID' number:

In [16]:


In [17]:

'COD: be aware of beforehand; predict.'

In [18]:


In [19]:[0].name
for x in


Note that LU names take the form of a dotted string (e.g. "run.v" or "a little.adv") in which a lemma preceeds the "." and a part of speech (POS) follows the dot. The lemma may be composed of a single lexeme (e.g. "run") or of multiple lexemes (e.g. "a little"). The list of POSs used in the LUs is:

  • v - verb
  • n - noun
  • a - adjective
  • adv - adverb
  • prep - preposition
  • num - numbers
  • intj - interjection
  • art - article
  • c - conjunction
  • scon - subordinating conjunction

For more detailed information about the info that is contained in the dict that is returned by the lu() function, see the documentation on the lu() function.

Annotated Documents

The FrameNet corpus contains a small set of annotated documents. A list of these documents can be obtained by calling the documents() function:

In [20]:
docs =

In [21]:


In [22]:

[{'ID': 4154255,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 31, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154255) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653358,
                     'NER': [(18, 31, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 31, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653358) PENN in sentence 4154255:

-- --- ------ --- -------- ----
'' dt  NP     NP  NP       NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:33:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 18
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327402600>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '\'\' THE SYSTEM WAS BLINKING RED"'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 2,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '\'\' THE SYSTEM WAS BLINKING RED"'},
 {'ID': 4154256,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 10, 'NP'), (11, 13, 'in'), (14, 20, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154256) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653359,
                     'NER': [(4, 20, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 20, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 20, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653359) PENN in sentence 4154256:

--- ------ -- ------
dt  NP     in NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 19,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824357840552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'THE SUMMER OF THREAT'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 3,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'THE SUMMER OF THREAT'},
 {'ID': 4154257,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'cd'),
          (8, 13, 'VVD'),
          (14, 15, ','),
          (16, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 42, 'nns'),
          (43, 47, 'VBD'),
          (48, 57, 'VVG'),
          (58, 66, 'jj'),
          (67, 70, 'cc'),
          (71, 82, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154257) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As 2001 began , counterterrorism officials were receiving 

frequent but fragmentary

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653360,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'date'), (16, 32, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'cd'),
                             (8, 13, 'VVD'),
                             (14, 15, ','),
                             (16, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 42, 'nns'),
                             (43, 47, 'VBD'),
                             (48, 57, 'VVG'),
                             (58, 66, 'jj'),
                             (67, 70, 'cc'),
                             (71, 82, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653360) PENN in sentence 4154257:

As 2001 began , counterterrorism officials were receiving 
-- ---- ----- - ---------------- --------- ---- --------- 
in cd   VVD   , nn               nns       VBD  VVG       

frequent but fragmentary
-------- --- -----------
jj       cc  jj         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 56
[start] 48
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] cc
                                          [end] 81
[start] 71
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 31,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824357841896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As 2001 began , counterterrorism officials were '
                             'receiving frequent but fragmentary'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 4,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As 2001 began , counterterrorism officials were receiving frequent '
          'but fragmentary'},
 {'ID': 4154258,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 13, 'in'), (14, 21, 'nns'), (22, 23, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154258) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reports about threats .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653361,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 23, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 13, 'NT'), (22, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653361) PENN in sentence 4154258:

reports about threats .   
------- ----- ------- -   
nns     in    nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327537864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reports about threats .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 5,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reports about threats .'},
 {'ID': 4154259,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'rb'),
          (7, 8, ','),
          (9, 14, 'ex'),
          (15, 23, 'VVD'),
          (24, 26, 'to'),
          (27, 29, 'vb'),
          (30, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 46, 'nns'),
          (47, 53, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154259) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Indeed , there appeared to be possible threats almost

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653362,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'rb'),
                             (7, 8, ','),
                             (9, 14, 'ex'),
                             (15, 23, 'VVD'),
                             (24, 26, 'to'),
                             (27, 29, 'vb'),
                             (30, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 46, 'nns'),
                             (47, 53, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 14, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (47, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653362) PENN in sentence 4154259:

Indeed , there appeared to be possible threats almost
------ - ----- -------- -- -- -------- ------- ------
rb     , ex    VVD      to vb jj       nns     rb    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] ,
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] ex
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] to
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] vb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] nns
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327538920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Indeed , there appeared to be possible threats '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 5,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Indeed , there appeared to be possible threats almost'},
 {'ID': 4154260,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 32, 'VHD'),
          (33, 52, 'VVG'),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
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  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154260) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

everywhere the United States had interests-including at home .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653363,
                     'NER': [(15, 28, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 32, 'VHD'),
                             (33, 52, 'VVG'),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 28, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653363) PENN in sentence 4154260:

everywhere the United States had interests-including at home .   
---------- --- ------ ------ --- ------------------- -- ---- -   
rb         dt  NP     NP     VHD VVG                 in nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 33
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 27
[start] 15
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327553192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'everywhere the United States had '
                             'interests-including at home .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 6,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'everywhere the United States had interests-including at home .'},
 {'ID': 4154261,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 13, 'VV'),
          (14, 17, 'wrb'),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 56, 'VBD'),
          (57, 64, 'VVN'),
          (65, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 71, 'dt'),
          (72, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 81, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154261) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

To understand how the escalation in threat reporting was handled 

in the summer of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653364,
                     'NER': [(72, 78, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 13, 'VV'),
                             (14, 17, 'wrb'),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 56, 'VBD'),
                             (57, 64, 'VVN'),
                             (65, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 71, 'dt'),
                             (72, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 81, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653364) PENN in sentence 4154261:

To understand how the escalation in threat reporting was handled 
-- ---------- --- --- ---------- -- ------ --------- --- ------- 
to VV         wrb dt  nn         in nn     nn        VBD VVN     

in the summer of
-- --- ------ --
in dt  nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 12
[start] 3
[name] VV
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] dt
                                          [end] 77
[start] 72
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 77
[start] 72
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327555208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'To understand how the escalation in threat '
                             'reporting was handled in the summer of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 7,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'To understand how the escalation in threat reporting was handled in '
          'the summer of'},
 {'ID': 4154262,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 9, 'PP'),
          (10, 12, 'VBZ'),
          (13, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 33, 'VV'),
          (34, 37, 'wrb'),
          (38, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 70, 'VBZ'),
          (71, 80, 'VVN'),
          (81, 84, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154262) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

2001 , it is useful to understand how threat information in 

general is collected and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653365,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 9, 'PP'),
                             (10, 12, 'VBZ'),
                             (13, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 33, 'VV'),
                             (34, 37, 'wrb'),
                             (38, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 70, 'VBZ'),
                             (71, 80, 'VVN'),
                             (81, 84, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653365) PENN in sentence 4154262:

2001 , it is  useful to understand how threat information in 
---- - -- --  ------ -- ---------- --- ------ ----------- -- 
cd   , PP VBZ jj     to VV         wrb nn     nn          in 

general is  collected and
------- --  --------- ---
nn      VBZ VVN       cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 32
[start] 23
[name] VV
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327566248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '2001 , it is useful to understand how threat '
                             'information in general is collected and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 8,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '2001 , it is useful to understand how threat information in general '
          'is collected and'},
 {'ID': 4154263,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154263) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

conveyed .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653366,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653366) PENN in sentence 4154263:

conveyed .   
-------- -   
VVD      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327569128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'conveyed .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 9,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'conveyed .'},
 {'ID': 4154264,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'VBZ'),
          (15, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 40, 'jj'),
          (41, 48, 'nns'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 60, 'VVG'),
          (61, 68, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154264) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Information is collected through several methods , including 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653367,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'VBZ'),
                             (15, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 40, 'jj'),
                             (41, 48, 'nns'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 60, 'VVG'),
                             (61, 68, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'), (25, 32, 'NT'), (49, 50, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653367) PENN in sentence 4154264:

Information is  collected through several methods , including 
----------- --  --------- ------- ------- ------- - --------- 
nn          VBZ VVN       in      jj      nns     , VVG       

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] nns
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 67
[start] 61
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 10,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327582248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Information is collected through several methods '
                             ', including signals'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 9,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Information is collected through several methods , including '
 {'ID': 4154265,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 16, 'cc'),
          (17, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 36, 'jj'),
          (37, 44, 'nns'),
          (45, 46, ','),
          (47, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 59, 'VVD'),
          (60, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 77, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154265) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

intelligence and interviews of human sources , and gathered into 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653368,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 16, 'cc'),
                             (17, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 36, 'jj'),
                             (37, 44, 'nns'),
                             (45, 46, ','),
                             (47, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 59, 'VVD'),
                             (60, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 77, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (60, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653368) PENN in sentence 4154265:

intelligence and interviews of human sources , and gathered into 
------------ --- ---------- -- ----- ------- - --- -------- ---- 
nn           cc  nns        in jj    nns     , cc  VVD      in   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] cc
                                          [end] 26
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] nns
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] ,
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] cc
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327583976>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'intelligence and interviews of human sources , '
                             'and gathered into intelligence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 10,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'intelligence and interviews of human sources , and gathered into '
 {'ID': 4154266,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154266) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reports .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653369,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653369) PENN in sentence 4154266:

reports .   
------- -   
nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327602440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reports .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 11,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reports .'},
 {'ID': 4154267,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 27, 'cc'),
          (28, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 53, ','),
          (54, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 67, 'nns'),
          (68, 71, 'md'),
          (72, 74, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154267) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Depending on the source and nature of the reporting , these 

reports may be

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653370,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 27, 'cc'),
                             (28, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 53, ','),
                             (54, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 67, 'nns'),
                             (68, 71, 'md'),
                             (72, 74, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 59, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653370) PENN in sentence 4154267:

Depending on the source and nature of the reporting , these 
--------- -- --- ------ --- ------ -- --- --------- - ----- 
VVG       in dt  nn     cc  nn     in dt  nn        , dt    

reports may be
------- --- --
nns     md  vb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] ,
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] nns
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] md
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327603208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Depending on the source and nature of the '
                             'reporting , these reports may be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 11,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Depending on the source and nature of the reporting , these reports '
          'may be'},
 {'ID': 4154268,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'rb'),
          (7, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 31, 'rb'),
          (32, 39, 'rb'),
          (40, 47, 'jj'),
          (48, 52, 'cc'),
          (53, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 66, 'cc'),
          (67, 73, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154268) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

highly classified-and therefore tightly held-or less sensitive 

and widely

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653371,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'rb'),
                             (7, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 31, 'rb'),
                             (32, 39, 'rb'),
                             (40, 47, 'jj'),
                             (48, 52, 'cc'),
                             (53, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 66, 'cc'),
                             (67, 73, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (22, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 39, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653371) PENN in sentence 4154268:

highly classified-and therefore tightly held-or less sensitive 
------ -------------- --------- ------- ------- ---- --------- 
rb     nn             rb        rb      jj      cc   jj        

and widely
--- ------
cc  rb    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] rb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] rb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] jj
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] cc
                                          [end] 61
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] cc
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327605896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'highly classified-and therefore tightly held-or '
                             'less sensitive and widely'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 12,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'highly classified-and therefore tightly held-or less sensitive and '
 {'ID': 4154269,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'VVN'),
          (13, 15, 'to'),
          (16, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 25, 'cc'),
          (26, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 56, 'nns'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154269) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

disseminated to state and local law enforcement agencies .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653372,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'VVN'),
                             (13, 15, 'to'),
                             (16, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 25, 'cc'),
                             (26, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 56, 'nns'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 15, 'NT'), (22, 25, 'NT'), (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653372) PENN in sentence 4154269:

disseminated to state and local law enforcement agencies .   
------------ -- ----- --- ----- --- ----------- -------- -   
VVN          to nn    cc  jj    nn  nn          nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] to
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] cc
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327616072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'disseminated to state and local law enforcement '
                             'agencies .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 13,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'disseminated to state and local law enforcement agencies .'},
 {'ID': 4154270,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 16, 'nn'), (17, 21, 'md'), (22, 24, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154270) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Threat reporting must be

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653373,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 21, 'md'),
                             (22, 24, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 21, 'NT'), (22, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653373) PENN in sentence 4154270:

Threat reporting must be
------ --------- ---- --
nn     nn        md   vb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] md
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327617704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Threat reporting must be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 13,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Threat reporting must be'},
 {'ID': 4154271,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'VVN'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 21, 'cc'),
          (22, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 40, 'jj'),
          (41, 48, 'nns'),
          (49, 51, 'cc'),
          (52, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 77, 'nns'),
          (78, 79, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154271) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

disseminated , either through individual reports or through 

threat advisories .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653374,
                     'NER': [(0, 12, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'VVN'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 21, 'cc'),
                             (22, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 40, 'jj'),
                             (41, 48, 'nns'),
                             (49, 51, 'cc'),
                             (52, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 77, 'nns'),
                             (78, 79, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 29, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 59, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653374) PENN in sentence 4154271:

disseminated , either through individual reports or through 
------------ - ------ ------- ---------- ------- -- ------- 
VVN          , cc     in      jj         nns     cc in      

threat advisories .   
------ ---------- -   
nn     nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] cc
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] nns
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] cc
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 67
[name] nns
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327631112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'disseminated , either through individual reports '
                             'or through threat advisories .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 14,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'disseminated , either through individual reports or through threat '
          'advisories .'},
 {'ID': 4154272,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154272) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653375,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653375) PENN in sentence 4154272:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327633320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Such'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 14,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Such'},
 {'ID': 4154273,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 30, 'VV'),
          (31, 36, 'PP$'),
          (37, 47, 'nns'),
          (48, 49, ','),
          (50, 53, 'md'),
          (54, 61, 'VV'),
          (62, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 72, 'jj'),
          (73, 79, 'nn'),
          (80, 82, 'cc'),
          (83, 85, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154273) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

advisories , intended to alert their recipients , may address a 

specific threat or be

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653376,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 30, 'VV'),
                             (31, 36, 'PP$'),
                             (37, 47, 'nns'),
                             (48, 49, ','),
                             (50, 53, 'md'),
                             (54, 61, 'VV'),
                             (62, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 72, 'jj'),
                             (73, 79, 'nn'),
                             (80, 82, 'cc'),
                             (83, 85, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (31, 36, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653376) PENN in sentence 4154273:

advisories , intended to alert their recipients , may address a  
---------- - -------- -- ----- ----- ---------- - --- ------- -  
nns        , VVN      to VV    PP$   nns        , md  VV      dt 

specific threat or be
-------- ------ -- --
jj       nn     cc vb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] VV
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 46
[start] 37
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] md
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] VV
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 64
[name] jj
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] cc
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327633896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'advisories , intended to alert their recipients '
                             ', may address a specific threat or be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 15,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'advisories , intended to alert their recipients , may address a '
          'specific threat or be'},
 {'ID': 4154274,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'), (2, 9, 'jj'), (10, 17, 'nn'), (18, 19, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154274) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

a general warning .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653377,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 19, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'), (18, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653377) PENN in sentence 4154274:

a  general warning .   
-  ------- ------- -   
dt jj      nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 2
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327649032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'a general warning .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 16,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'a general warning .'},
 {'ID': 4154275,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'VBZ'),
          (35, 37, 'rb'),
          (38, 48, 'jj'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 64, 'jj'),
          (65, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 77, 'md'),
          (78, 80, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154275) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Because the amount of reporting is so voluminous , only a select 

fraction can be

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653378,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'VBZ'),
                             (35, 37, 'rb'),
                             (38, 48, 'jj'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 64, 'jj'),
                             (65, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 77, 'md'),
                             (78, 80, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653378) PENN in sentence 4154275:

Because the amount of reporting is  so voluminous , only a  
------- --- ------ -- --------- --  -- ---------- - ---- -  
in      dt  nn     in nn        VBZ rb jj         , rb   dt 

select fraction can be
------ -------- --- --
jj     nn       md  vb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] rb
                                          [end] 47
[start] 38
[name] jj
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] rb
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] md
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327650088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Because the amount of reporting is so voluminous '
                             ', only a select fraction can be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 17,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Because the amount of reporting is so voluminous , only a select '
          'fraction can be'},
 {'ID': 4154276,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVN'),
          (7, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 37, 'cc'),
          (38, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 54, 'nns'),
          (55, 56, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154276) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

chosen for briefing the president and senior officials .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653379,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVN'),
                             (7, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 37, 'cc'),
                             (38, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 54, 'nns'),
                             (55, 56, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (55, 56, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653379) PENN in sentence 4154276:

chosen for briefing the president and senior officials .   
------ --- -------- --- --------- --- ------ --------- -   
VVN    in  nn       dt  nn        cc  jj     nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] cc
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] jj
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] nns
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327665320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'chosen for briefing the president and senior '
                             'officials .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 18,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'chosen for briefing the president and senior officials .'},
 {'ID': 4154277,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 25, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154277) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

During 2001 , Director of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653380,
                     'NER': [(7, 11, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 25, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653380) PENN in sentence 4154277:

During 2001 , Director of
------ ---- - -------- --
in     cd   , NP       in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 7
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327667048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'During 2001 , Director of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 18,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'During 2001 , Director of'},
 {'ID': 4154278,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 36, 'VBD'),
          (37, 44, 'VVN'),
          (45, 54, 'rb'),
          (55, 64, 'VVG'),
          (65, 72, 'nns'),
          (73, 76, 'cc'),
          (77, 82, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154278) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Central Intelligence GeorgeTenet was briefed regularly regarding 

threats and other

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653381,
                     'NER': [(0, 32, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 36, 'VBD'),
                             (37, 44, 'VVN'),
                             (45, 54, 'rb'),
                             (55, 64, 'VVG'),
                             (65, 72, 'nns'),
                             (73, 76, 'cc'),
                             (77, 82, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (45, 54, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653381) PENN in sentence 4154278:

Central Intelligence GeorgeTenet was briefed regularly regarding 
------- ------------ ----------- --- ------- --------- --------- 
NP      NP           NP          VBD VVN     rb        VVG       

threats and other
------- --- -----
nns     cc  jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] rb
                                          [end] 63
[start] 55
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 71
[start] 65
[name] nns
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] cc
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 31,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327685032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Central Intelligence GeorgeTenet was briefed '
                             'regularly regarding threats and other'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 19,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Central Intelligence GeorgeTenet was briefed regularly regarding '
          'threats and other'},
 {'ID': 4154279,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 32, 'VVG'),
          (33, 35, 'to'),
          (36, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 53, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154279) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

operational information relating to Usama Bin Ladin .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653382,
                     'NER': [(36, 51, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 32, 'VVG'),
                             (33, 35, 'to'),
                             (36, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 53, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653382) PENN in sentence 4154279:

operational information relating to Usama Bin Ladin .   
----------- ----------- -------- -- ----- --- ----- -   
jj          nn          VVG      to NP    NP  NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 22
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 24
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] to
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 50
[start] 36
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327687144>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'operational information relating to Usama Bin '
                             'Ladin .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 20,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'operational information relating to Usama Bin Ladin .'},
 {'ID': 4154280,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 5, 'rb'),
          (6, 10, 'VV'),
          (11, 14, 'VVN'),
          (15, 20, 'rb'),
          (21, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 42, ','),
          (43, 46, 'wp'),
          (47, 50, 'VBD'),
          (51, 58, 'VVN'),
          (59, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 77, 'in'),
          (78, 82, 'wp'),
          (83, 85, 'VBZ')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154280) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He in turn met daily with President Bush , who was briefed by the

 CIA through what is

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653383,
                     'NER': [(36, 40, 'person'), (66, 69, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 5, 'rb'),
                             (6, 10, 'VV'),
                             (11, 14, 'VVN'),
                             (15, 20, 'rb'),
                             (21, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 42, ','),
                             (43, 46, 'wp'),
                             (47, 50, 'VBD'),
                             (51, 58, 'VVN'),
                             (59, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 77, 'in'),
                             (78, 82, 'wp'),
                             (83, 85, 'VBZ')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 5, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653383) PENN in sentence 4154280:

He in turn met daily with President Bush , who was briefed by the
-- -- ---- --- ----- ---- --------- ---- - --- --- ------- -- ---
PP rb VV   VVN rb    in   NP        NP   , wp  VBD VVN     in dt 

 CIA through what is 
 --- ------- ---- -- 
 NP  in      wp   VBZ
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] VV
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] ,
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] wp
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] wp
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] VBZ
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 39
[start] 36
[name] person
                                          {'end': 68,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 66}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327693224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He in turn met daily with President Bush , who '
                             'was briefed by the CIA through what is'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 22,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He in turn met daily with President Bush , who was briefed by the '
          'CIA through what is'},
 {'ID': 4154281,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 25, 'POS'),
          (26, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 39, '('),
          (40, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 45, ')'),
          (46, 47, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154281) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

known as the President 's Daily Brief ( PDB ) .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653384,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 25, 'POS'),
                             (26, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 39, '('),
                             (40, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 45, ')'),
                             (46, 47, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653384) PENN in sentence 4154281:

known as the President 's  Daily Brief ( PDB ) .   
----- -- --- --------- --  ----- ----- - --- - -   
VVN   in dt  NP        POS NP    NP    ( NP  ) sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] POS
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] (
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] )
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327713512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "known as the President 's Daily Brief ( PDB ) "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 23,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "known as the President 's Daily Brief ( PDB ) ."},
 {'ID': 4154282,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 17, 'VVZ'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 36, 'cd'),
          (37, 39, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154282) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Each PDB consists of a series of six to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653385,
                     'NER': [(5, 8, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 17, 'VVZ'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 36, 'cd'),
                             (37, 39, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653385) PENN in sentence 4154282:

Each PDB consists of a  series of six to
---- --- -------- -- -  ------ -- --- --
dt   NP  VVZ      in dt nn     in cd  to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cd
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 7,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 5}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327716008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Each PDB consists of a series of six to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 23,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Each PDB consists of a series of six to'},
 {'ID': 4154283,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'cd'),
          (6, 16, 'rb'),
          (17, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 31, 'nns'),
          (32, 34, 'cc'),
          (35, 41, 'nns'),
          (42, 50, 'VVG'),
          (51, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 58, 'jj'),
          (59, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 74, 'nns'),
          (75, 76, ':'),
          (77, 80, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154283) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

eight relatively short articles or briefs covering a broad array 

of topics ; CIA

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653386,
                     'NER': [(77, 80, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'cd'),
                             (6, 16, 'rb'),
                             (17, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 31, 'nns'),
                             (32, 34, 'cc'),
                             (35, 41, 'nns'),
                             (42, 50, 'VVG'),
                             (51, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 58, 'jj'),
                             (59, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 74, 'nns'),
                             (75, 76, ':'),
                             (77, 80, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 16, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653386) PENN in sentence 4154283:

eight relatively short articles or briefs covering a  broad array
----- ---------- ----- -------- -- ------ -------- -  ----- -----
cd    rb         jj    nns      cc nns    VVG      dt jj    nn   

 of topics ; CIA
 -- ------ - ---
 in nns    : NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 15
[start] 6
[name] rb
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] cc
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] nns
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 73
[start] 68
[name] nns
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] :
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 79,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 77}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327738664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'eight relatively short articles or briefs '
                             'covering a broad array of topics ; CIA'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 24,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'eight relatively short articles or briefs covering a broad array of '
          'topics ; CIA'},
 {'ID': 4154284,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 13, 'VVZ'),
          (14, 19, 'wdt'),
          (20, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 32, 'vbp'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 41, 'rbs'),
          (42, 51, 'jj'),
          (52, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 64, 'VVN'),
          (65, 68, 'nn'),
          (69, 70, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154284) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

staff decides which subjects are the most important on any given 

day .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653387,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 13, 'VVZ'),
                             (14, 19, 'wdt'),
                             (20, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 32, 'vbp'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 41, 'rbs'),
                             (42, 51, 'jj'),
                             (52, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 64, 'VVN'),
                             (65, 68, 'nn'),
                             (69, 70, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 19, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653387) PENN in sentence 4154284:

staff decides which subjects are the most important on any given 
----- ------- ----- -------- --- --- ---- --------- -- --- ----- 
nn    VVZ     wdt   nns      vbp dt  rbs  jj        in dt  VVN   

day .   
--- -   
nn  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 6
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] vbp
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] rbs
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] jj
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327741256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'staff decides which subjects are the most '
                             'important on any given day .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 25,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'staff decides which subjects are the most important on any given '
          'day .'},
 {'ID': 4154285,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'), (6, 10, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154285) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

There were

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653388,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'), (6, 10, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (6, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653388) PENN in sentence 4154285:

There were
----- ----
ex    VBD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] ex
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327747816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'There were'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 25,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'There were'},
 {'ID': 4154286,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jjr'),
          (5, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 34, 'nns'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 62, 'cd'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 78, 'cd'),
          (79, 80, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154286) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

more than 40 intelligence articles in the PDBs from January 20 to

 September 10 ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653389,
                     'NER': [(42, 46, 'organization'),
                             (52, 62, 'date'),
                             (66, 78, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jjr'),
                             (5, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 34, 'nns'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 62, 'cd'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 78, 'cd'),
                             (79, 80, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653389) PENN in sentence 4154286:

more than 40 intelligence articles in the PDBs from January 20 to
---- ---- -- ------------ -------- -- --- ---- ---- ------- -- --
jjr  in   cd nn           nns      in dt  NP   in   NP      cd to

 September 10 ,
 --------- -- -
 NP        cd ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 24
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] cd
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] cd
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42},
                                          [end] 61
[start] 52
[name] date
                                          [end] 77
[start] 66
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327748680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'more than 40 intelligence articles in the PDBs '
                             'from January 20 to September 10 ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 26,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'more than 40 intelligence articles in the PDBs from January 20 to '
          'September 10 ,'},
 {'ID': 4154287,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 11, 'wdt'),
          (12, 19, 'VVN'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 34, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154287) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

2001 , that related to Bin Ladin .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653390,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date'), (23, 32, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 11, 'wdt'),
                             (12, 19, 'VVN'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 34, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653390) PENN in sentence 4154287:

2001 , that related to Bin Ladin .   
---- - ---- ------- -- --- ----- -   
cd   , wdt  VVN     to NP  NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 31
[start] 23
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327764392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '2001 , that related to Bin Ladin .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 27,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '2001 , that related to Bin Ladin .'},
 {'ID': 4154288,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'VBZ'),
          (11, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 28, 'rb'),
          (29, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 42, 'cc'),
          (43, 45, 'VBZ')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154288) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The PDB is considered highly sensitive and is

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653391,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'VBZ'),
                             (11, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 28, 'rb'),
                             (29, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 42, 'cc'),
                             (43, 45, 'VBZ')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (22, 28, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653391) PENN in sentence 4154288:

The PDB is  considered highly sensitive and is 
--- --- --  ---------- ------ --------- --- -- 
dt  NP  VBZ VVN        rb     jj        cc  VBZ
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 20
[start] 11
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] cc
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] VBZ
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327783048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The PDB is considered highly sensitive and is'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 27,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The PDB is considered highly sensitive and is'},
 {'ID': 4154289,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVN'),
          (12, 14, 'to'),
          (15, 19, 'rb'),
          (20, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 43, 'jj'),
          (44, 53, 'nns'),
          (54, 55, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154289) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

distributed to only a handful of high-level officials .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653392,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVN'),
                             (12, 14, 'to'),
                             (15, 19, 'rb'),
                             (20, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 43, 'jj'),
                             (44, 53, 'nns'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653392) PENN in sentence 4154289:

distributed to only a  handful of high-level officials .   
----------- -- ---- -  ------- -- ---------- --------- -   
VVN         to rb   dt nn      in jj         nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] to
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] nns
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327785064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'distributed to only a handful of high-level '
                             'officials .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 28,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'distributed to only a handful of high-level officials .'},
 {'ID': 4154290,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 41, '('),
          (42, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 48, ')'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 62, 'VVN'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 75, 'jjr'),
          (76, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154290) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The Senior Executive Intelligence Brief ( SEIB ) , distributed to

 a broader group of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653393,
                     'NER': [(11, 39, 'organization'),
                             (42, 46, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 41, '('),
                             (42, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 48, ')'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 62, 'VVN'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 75, 'jjr'),
                             (76, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 67, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653393) PENN in sentence 4154290:

The Senior Executive Intelligence Brief ( SEIB ) , distributed to
--- ------ --------- ------------ ----- - ---- - - ----------- --
dt  NP     NP        NP           NP    ( NP   ) , VVN         to

 a  broader group of
 -  ------- ----- --
 dt jjr     nn    in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] (
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] )
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 61
[start] 51
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 80
[start] 76
[name] nn
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 38,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 11},
                                          {'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327791048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The Senior Executive Intelligence Brief ( SEIB ) '
                             ', distributed to a broader group of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 30,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The Senior Executive Intelligence Brief ( SEIB ) , distributed to a '
          'broader group of'},
 {'ID': 4154291,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 15, 'VHZ'),
          (16, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 46, 'rb'),
          (47, 53, 'VVZ'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 71, 'nns'),
          (72, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 78, 'dt'),
          (79, 82, 'NP'),
          (83, 84, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154291) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

officials , has a similar format and generally covers the same 

subjects as the PDB .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653394,
                     'NER': [(79, 82, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 15, 'VHZ'),
                             (16, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 46, 'rb'),
                             (47, 53, 'VVZ'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 71, 'nns'),
                             (72, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 78, 'dt'),
                             (79, 82, 'NP'),
                             (83, 84, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653394) PENN in sentence 4154291:

officials , has a  similar format and generally covers the same 
--------- - --- -  ------- ------ --- --------- ------ --- ---- 
nns       , VHZ dt jj      nn     cc  rb        VVZ    dt  jj   

subjects as the PDB .   
-------- -- --- --- -   
nns      in dt  NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] VHZ
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cc
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] rb
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 70
[start] 63
[name] nns
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] in
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NP
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 81,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 79}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327794312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'officials , has a similar format and generally '
                             'covers the same subjects as the PDB .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 31,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'officials , has a similar format and generally covers the same '
          'subjects as the PDB .'},
 {'ID': 4154292,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 19, 'VVZ'),
          (20, 24, 'jjr'),
          (25, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 39, 'rb'),
          (40, 42, 'rb'),
          (43, 45, 'to'),
          (46, 53, 'VV'),
          (54, 61, 'nns'),
          (62, 65, 'cc'),
          (66, 73, 'nns'),
          (74, 75, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154292) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It usually contains less information so as to protect sources and

 methods .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653395,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 19, 'VVZ'),
                             (20, 24, 'jjr'),
                             (25, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 39, 'rb'),
                             (40, 42, 'rb'),
                             (43, 45, 'to'),
                             (46, 53, 'VV'),
                             (54, 61, 'nns'),
                             (62, 65, 'cc'),
                             (66, 73, 'nns'),
                             (74, 75, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 10, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653395) PENN in sentence 4154292:

It usually contains less information so as to protect sources and
-- ------- -------- ---- ----------- -- -- -- ------- ------- ---
PP rb      VVZ      jjr  nn          rb rb to VV      nns     cc 

 methods .   
 ------- -   
 nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] rb
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] rb
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] to
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] VV
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] nns
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] cc
                                          [end] 72
[start] 66
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327809640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It usually contains less information so as to '
                             'protect sources and methods .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 32,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It usually contains less information so as to protect sources and '
          'methods .'},
 {'ID': 4154293,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154293) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653396,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653396) PENN in sentence 4154293:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327832584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Like'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 32,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Like'},
 {'ID': 4154294,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'PP$'),
          (6, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 20, ','),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 43, ','),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 62, ','),
          (63, 66, 'cc'),
          (67, 74, 'NP'),
          (75, 81, 'NP'),
          (82, 83, ','),
          (84, 87, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154294) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

their predecessors , the Attorney General , the FBI Director , 

and Richard Clarke , the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653397,
                     'NER': [(48, 51, 'organization'), (67, 81, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'PP$'),
                             (6, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 20, ','),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 43, ','),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 62, ','),
                             (63, 66, 'cc'),
                             (67, 74, 'NP'),
                             (75, 81, 'NP'),
                             (82, 83, ','),
                             (84, 87, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653397) PENN in sentence 4154294:

their predecessors , the Attorney General , the FBI Director , 
----- ------------ - --- -------- ------- - --- --- -------- - 
PP$   nns          , dt  NP       NP      , dt  NP  NP       , 

and Richard Clarke , the
--- ------- ------ - ---
cc  NP      NP     , dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 17
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] ,
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] ,
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] cc
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] ,
                                          [end] 86
[start] 84
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 50,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 48},
                                          [end] 80
[start] 67
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327833256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'their predecessors , the Attorney General , the '
                             'FBI Director , and Richard Clarke , the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 33,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'their predecessors , the Attorney General , the FBI Director , and '
          'Richard Clarke , the'},
 {'ID': 4154295,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 27, '('),
          (28, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 33, ')'),
          (34, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 64, ','),
          (65, 68, 'rb'),
          (69, 77, 'VVD'),
          (78, 81, 'dt'),
          (82, 86, 'NP'),
          (87, 88, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154295) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

National Security Council ( NSC ) counterterrorism coordinator , 

all received the SEIB ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653398,
                     'NER': [(0, 25, 'organization'),
                             (28, 31, 'organization'),
                             (82, 86, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 27, '('),
                             (28, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 33, ')'),
                             (34, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 64, ','),
                             (65, 68, 'rb'),
                             (69, 77, 'VVD'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt'),
                             (82, 86, 'NP'),
                             (87, 88, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 86, 'NT'),
                             (87, 88, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653398) PENN in sentence 4154295:

National Security Council ( NSC ) counterterrorism coordinator , 
-------- -------- ------- - --- - ---------------- ----------- - 
NP       NP       NP      ( NP  ) nn               nn          , 

all received the SEIB ,
--- -------- --- ---- -
rb  VVD      dt  NP   ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] (
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] )
                                          [end] 49
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] ,
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] rb
                                          [end] 76
[start] 69
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] NP
                                          [end] 87
[start] 87
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 24,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 30,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 28},
                                          {'end': 85,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 82}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                          [end] 87
[start] 87
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327849256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'National Security Council ( NSC ) '
                             'counterterrorism coordinator , all received the '
                             'SEIB ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 34,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'National Security Council ( NSC ) counterterrorism coordinator , '
          'all received the SEIB ,'},
 {'ID': 4154296,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'), (4, 7, 'dt'), (8, 11, 'NP'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154296) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

not the PDB .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653399,
                     'NER': [(8, 11, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
                             (4, 7, 'dt'),
                             (8, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 13, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653399) PENN in sentence 4154296:

not the PDB .   
--- --- --- -   
rb  dt  NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 10,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 8}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327860680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'not the PDB .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 35,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'not the PDB .'},
 {'ID': 4154297,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 10, 'cc'),
          (11, 14, 'PP$'),
          (15, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 24, 'VHD'),
          (25, 34, 'jj'),
          (35, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 44, 'to'),
          (45, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 66, ','),
          (67, 70, 'cc'),
          (71, 75, 'PP'),
          (76, 79, 'VVD'),
          (80, 83, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154297) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Clarke and his staff had extensive access to terrorism reporting 

, but they did not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653400,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 10, 'cc'),
                             (11, 14, 'PP$'),
                             (15, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 24, 'VHD'),
                             (25, 34, 'jj'),
                             (35, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 44, 'to'),
                             (45, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 66, ','),
                             (67, 70, 'cc'),
                             (71, 75, 'PP'),
                             (76, 79, 'VVD'),
                             (80, 83, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653400) PENN in sentence 4154297:

Clarke and his staff had extensive access to terrorism reporting 
------ --- --- ----- --- --------- ------ -- --------- --------- 
NP     cc  PP$ nn    VHD jj        nn     to nn        nn        

, but they did not
- --- ---- --- ---
, cc  PP   VVD rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] cc
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] to
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 55
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] ,
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] cc
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] PP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327862024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Clarke and his staff had extensive access to '
                             'terrorism reporting , but they did not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 37,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Clarke and his staff had extensive access to terrorism reporting , '
          'but they did not'},
 {'ID': 4154298,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
          (5, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'to'),
          (15, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 25, ','),
          (26, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 60, 'dt'),
          (61, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 78, 'NP'),
          (79, 85, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154298) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

have access to internal , nondisseminated information at the 

National Security Agency

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653401,
                     'NER': [(61, 85, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
                             (5, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'to'),
                             (15, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 25, ','),
                             (26, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 60, 'dt'),
                             (61, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 78, 'NP'),
                             (79, 85, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653401) PENN in sentence 4154298:

have access to internal , nondisseminated information at the 
---- ------ -- -------- - --------------- ----------- -- --- 
VHP  nn     to jj       , jj              nn          in dt  

National Security Agency
-------- -------- ------
NP       NP       NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] to
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] ,
                                          [end] 40
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 52
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 68
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 84
[start] 79
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 84,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 61}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327881352>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'have access to internal , nondisseminated '
                             'information at the National Security Agency'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 38,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'have access to internal , nondisseminated information at the '
          'National Security Agency'},
 {'ID': 4154299,
  'POS': [(0, 1, '('),
          (2, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 7, ')'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 15, ','),
          (16, 18, 'cc'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 24, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154299) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

( NSA ) , CIA , or FBI .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653402,
                     'NER': [(2, 5, 'organization'),
                             (10, 13, 'organization'),
                             (19, 22, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, '('),
                             (2, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 7, ')'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 15, ','),
                             (16, 18, 'cc'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 24, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (2, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653402) PENN in sentence 4154299:

( NSA ) , CIA , or FBI .   
- --- - - --- - -- --- -   
( NP  ) , NP  , cc NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] (
                                          [end] 4
[start] 2
[name] NP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] )
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] cc
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 4,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 2},
                                          {'end': 12,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 10},
                                          {'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 2
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327883752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '( NSA ) , CIA , or FBI .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 39,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '( NSA ) , CIA , or FBI .'},
 {'ID': 4154300,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 41, 'cd'),
          (42, 43, ','),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154300) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The Drumbeat Begins In the spring of 2001 , the level of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653403,
                     'NER': [(4, 19, 'organization'), (27, 41, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 41, 'cd'),
                             (42, 43, ','),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653403) PENN in sentence 4154300:

The Drumbeat Begins In the spring of 2001 , the level of
--- -------- ------ -- --- ------ -- ---- - --- ----- --
dt  NP       NP     in dt  nn     in cd   , dt  nn    in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] cd
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] ,
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 18,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 40
[start] 27
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327894504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The Drumbeat Begins In the spring of 2001 , the '
                             'level of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 39,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The Drumbeat Begins In the spring of 2001 , the level of'},
 {'ID': 4154301,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 34, 'cc'),
          (35, 42, 'jj'),
          (43, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 60, 'VVD'),
          (61, 73, 'rb'),
          (74, 76, 'to'),
          (77, 80, 'PP$')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154301) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reporting on terrorist threats and planned attacks increased 

dramatically to its

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653404,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 34, 'cc'),
                             (35, 42, 'jj'),
                             (43, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 60, 'VVD'),
                             (61, 73, 'rb'),
                             (74, 76, 'to'),
                             (77, 80, 'PP$')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (61, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653404) PENN in sentence 4154301:

reporting on terrorist threats and planned attacks increased 
--------- -- --------- ------- --- ------- ------- --------- 
VVG       in jj        nns     cc  jj      nns     VVD       

dramatically to its
------------ -- ---
rb           to PP$
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] cc
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 72
[start] 61
[name] rb
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] to
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] PP$
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327905544>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reporting on terrorist threats and planned '
                             'attacks increased dramatically to its'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 40,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reporting on terrorist threats and planned attacks increased '
          'dramatically to its'},
 {'ID': 4154302,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jjs'),
          (8, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 42, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154302) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

highest level since the millennium alert .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653405,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jjs'),
                             (8, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 19, 'NT'), (20, 23, 'NT'), (41, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653405) PENN in sentence 4154302:

highest level since the millennium alert .   
------- ----- ----- --- ---------- ----- -   
jjs     nn    in    dt  nn         nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327907560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'highest level since the millennium alert .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 41,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'highest level since the millennium alert .'},
 {'ID': 4154303,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 38, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154303) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

At the end of March , the intelligence

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653406,
                     'NER': [(14, 19, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 38, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653406) PENN in sentence 4154303:

At the end of March , the intelligence
-- --- --- -- ----- - --- ------------
in dt  nn  in NP    , dt  nn          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 14
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327909000>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'At the end of March , the intelligence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 41,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'At the end of March , the intelligence'},
 {'ID': 4154304,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 22, 'VVN'),
          (23, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 34, 'jj'),
          (35, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 52, ','),
          (53, 63, 'VVG'),
          (64, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 76, 'jj'),
          (77, 83, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154304) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

community disseminated a terrorist threat advisory , indicating a

 heightened threat

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653407,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 22, 'VVN'),
                             (23, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 34, 'jj'),
                             (35, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 52, ','),
                             (53, 63, 'VVG'),
                             (64, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 76, 'jj'),
                             (77, 83, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(23, 24, 'NT'), (51, 52, 'NT'), (64, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653407) PENN in sentence 4154304:

community disseminated a  terrorist threat advisory , indicating 
--------- ------------ -  --------- ------ -------- - ---------- 
nn        VVN          dt jj        nn     nn       , VVG        

a  heightened threat
-  ---------- ------
dt jj         nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] ,
                                          [end] 62
[start] 53
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 66
[name] jj
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327927464>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'community disseminated a terrorist threat '
                             'advisory , indicating a heightened threat'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 42,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'community disseminated a terrorist threat advisory , indicating a '
          'heightened threat'},
 {'ID': 4154305,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 60, 'nns'),
          (61, 62, ','),
          (63, 72, 'nns'),
          (73, 74, ','),
          (75, 78, 'cc'),
          (79, 84, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154305) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

of Sunni extremist terrorist attacks against U.S. facilities , 

personnel , and other

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653408,
                     'NER': [(45, 49, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 60, 'nns'),
                             (61, 62, ','),
                             (63, 72, 'nns'),
                             (73, 74, ','),
                             (75, 78, 'cc'),
                             (79, 84, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (37, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 49, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653408) PENN in sentence 4154305:

of Sunni extremist terrorist attacks against U.S. facilities , 
-- ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ---- ---------- - 
in NP    nn        jj        nns     in      NP   nns        , 

personnel , and other
--------- - --- -----
nns       , cc  jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] nns
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] ,
                                          [end] 71
[start] 63
[name] nns
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] ,
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] cc
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 48
[start] 45
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327929288>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'of Sunni extremist terrorist attacks against '
                             'U.S. facilities , personnel , and other'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 43,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'of Sunni extremist terrorist attacks against U.S. facilities , '
          'personnel , and other'},
 {'ID': 4154306,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154306) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

interests .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653409,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653409) PENN in sentence 4154306:

interests .   
--------- -   
nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327940040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'interests .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 44,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'interests .'},
 {'ID': 4154307,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 44, 'nns'),
          (45, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 59, 'rb'),
          (60, 69, 'VVG'),
          (70, 82, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154307) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On March 23 , in connection with discussions about possibly 

reopening Pennsylvania

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653410,
                     'NER': [(3, 11, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 44, 'nns'),
                             (45, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 59, 'rb'),
                             (60, 69, 'VVG'),
                             (70, 82, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 59, 'NT'),
                             (70, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653410) PENN in sentence 4154307:

On March 23 , in connection with discussions about possibly 
-- ----- -- - -- ---------- ---- ----------- ----- -------- 
in NP    cd , in nn         in   nns         in    rb       

reopening Pennsylvania
--------- ------------
VVG       NP          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] rb
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 81
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327940808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On March 23 , in connection with discussions '
                             'about possibly reopening Pennsylvania'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 46,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On March 23 , in connection with discussions about possibly '
          'reopening Pennsylvania'},
 {'ID': 4154308,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 36, ','),
          (37, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 50, 'VVD'),
          (51, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 76, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154308) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Avenue in front of the White House , Clarke warned National 

Security Advisor

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653411,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'organization'),
                             (23, 34, 'organization'),
                             (37, 43, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 36, ','),
                             (37, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 50, 'VVD'),
                             (51, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 76, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 43, 'NT'),
                             (51, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653411) PENN in sentence 4154308:

Avenue in front of the White House , Clarke warned National 
------ -- ----- -- --- ----- ----- - ------ ------ -------- 
NP     in nn    in dt  NP    NP    , NP     VVD    NP       

Security Advisor
-------- -------
NP       NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] ,
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 33,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 23},
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327951656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Avenue in front of the White House , Clarke '
                             'warned National Security Advisor'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 47,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Avenue in front of the White House , Clarke warned National '
          'Security Advisor'},
 {'ID': 4154309,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
          (22, 30, 'jj'),
          (31, 33, 'cc'),
          (34, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 58, 'md'),
          (59, 62, 'VV'),
          (63, 64, 'dt'),
          (65, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 81, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154309) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Condoleezza Rice that domestic or foreign terrorists might use a 

truck bomb-their

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653412,
                     'NER': [(0, 16, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
                             (22, 30, 'jj'),
                             (31, 33, 'cc'),
                             (34, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 58, 'md'),
                             (59, 62, 'VV'),
                             (63, 64, 'dt'),
                             (65, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 81, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (53, 58, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653412) PENN in sentence 4154309:

Condoleezza Rice that    domestic or foreign terrorists might use
----------- ---- ----    -------- -- ------- ---------- ----- ---
NP          NP   IN/that jj       cc jj      nns        md    VV 

 a  truck bomb-their
 -  ----- ----------
 dt nn    nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] cc
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] jj
                                          [end] 51
[start] 42
[name] nns
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] md
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] VV
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327971176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Condoleezza Rice that domestic or foreign '
                             'terrorists might use a truck bomb-their'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 48,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Condoleezza Rice that domestic or foreign terrorists might use a '
          'truck bomb-their'},
 {'ID': 4154310,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 22, "''"),
          (23, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 48, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154310) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' weapon of choice '' -on Pennsylvania Avenue .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653413,
                     'NER': [(27, 46, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 22, "''"),
                             (23, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653413) PENN in sentence 4154310:

'' weapon of choice '' -on Pennsylvania Avenue .   
-- ------ -- ------ -- --- ------------ ------ -   
'' nn     in nn     '' NP  NP           NP     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] ''
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 45
[start] 27
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327973384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' weapon of choice '' -on Pennsylvania Avenue "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 49,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' weapon of choice '' -on Pennsylvania Avenue ."},
 {'ID': 4154311,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 10, 'md'),
          (11, 17, 'VV'),
          (18, 19, ','),
          (20, 22, 'PP'),
          (23, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 29, ','),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 36, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154311) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

That would result , he said , in the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653414,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 10, 'md'),
                             (11, 17, 'VV'),
                             (18, 19, ','),
                             (20, 22, 'PP'),
                             (23, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 29, ','),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653414) PENN in sentence 4154311:

That would result , he said , in the
---- ----- ------ - -- ---- - -- ---
dt   md    VV     , PP VVD  , in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] md
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] VV
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] PP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327987848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'That would result , he said , in the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 49,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'That would result , he said , in the'},
 {'ID': 4154312,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 32, 'cc'),
          (33, 38, 'nns'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154312) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

destruction of the West Wing and parts of the residence .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653415,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 32, 'cc'),
                             (33, 38, 'nns'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653415) PENN in sentence 4154312:

destruction of the West Wing and parts of the residence .   
----------- -- --- ---- ---- --- ----- -- --- --------- -   
nn          in dt  NP   NP   cc  nns   in dt  nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] cc
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824327989864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'destruction of the West Wing and parts of the '
                             'residence .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 50,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'destruction of the West Wing and parts of the residence .'},
 {'ID': 4154313,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'ls'),
          (2, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 9, 'rb'),
          (10, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 18, 'PP'),
          (19, 23, 'IN/that'),
          (24, 26, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154313) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

5 He also told her that he

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653416,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'ls'),
                             (2, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 9, 'rb'),
                             (10, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 18, 'PP'),
                             (19, 23, 'IN/that'),
                             (24, 26, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (2, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653416) PENN in sentence 4154313:

5  He also told her that    he
-  -- ---- ---- --- ----    --
ls PP rb   VVD  PP  IN/that PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] ls
                                          [end] 3
[start] 2
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] rb
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] PP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 3
[start] 2
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328000520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '5 He also told her that he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 50,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '5 He also told her that he'},
 {'ID': 4154314,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 13, 'ex'),
          (14, 18, 'VBD'),
          (19, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 34, 'nns'),
          (35, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 59, 'NPS'),
          (60, 61, ','),
          (62, 71, 'VVG'),
          (72, 74, 'NP'),
          (75, 80, 'NP'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154314) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

thought there were terrorist cells within the United States , 

including al Qaeda .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653417,
                     'NER': [(46, 59, 'location'), (72, 80, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 13, 'ex'),
                             (14, 18, 'VBD'),
                             (19, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 34, 'nns'),
                             (35, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 59, 'NPS'),
                             (60, 61, ','),
                             (62, 71, 'VVG'),
                             (72, 74, 'NP'),
                             (75, 80, 'NP'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 18, 'NT'),
                             (35, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653417) PENN in sentence 4154314:

thought there were terrorist cells within the United States , 
------- ----- ---- --------- ----- ------ --- ------ ------ - 
VVD     ex    VBD  jj        nns   in     dt  NP     NPS    , 

including al Qaeda .   
--------- -- ----- -   
VVG       NP NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] ex
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] ,
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 58
[start] 46
[name] location
                                          [end] 79
[start] 72
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328002152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'thought there were terrorist cells within the '
                             'United States , including al Qaeda .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 51,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'thought there were terrorist cells within the United States , '
          'including al Qaeda .'},
 {'ID': 4154315,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 15, ','),
          (16, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 24, 'VBD'),
          (25, 32, 'VVN'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 70, 'cc'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 77, 'NP'),
          (78, 85, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154315) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The next week , Rice was briefed on the activities of Abu 

Zubaydah and on CIA efforts

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653418,
                     'NER': [(16, 20, 'person'),
                             (54, 66, 'person'),
                             (74, 77, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 15, ','),
                             (16, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 24, 'VBD'),
                             (25, 32, 'VVN'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 70, 'cc'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 77, 'NP'),
                             (78, 85, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653418) PENN in sentence 4154315:

The next week , Rice was briefed on the activities of Abu 
--- ---- ---- - ---- --- ------- -- --- ---------- -- --- 
dt  jj   nn   , NP   VBD VVN     in dt  nns        in NP  

Zubaydah and on CIA efforts
-------- --- -- --- -------
NP       cc  in NP  nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 40
[name] nns
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
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[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] cc
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                          [end] 84
[start] 78
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 16
[name] person
                                          [end] 65
[start] 54
[name] person
                                          {'end': 76,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 74}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328021576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The next week , Rice was briefed on the '
                             'activities of Abu Zubaydah and on CIA efforts'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 52,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The next week , Rice was briefed on the activities of Abu Zubaydah '
          'and on CIA efforts'},
 {'ID': 4154316,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'), (3, 9, 'VV'), (10, 13, 'PP'), (14, 15, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154316) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to locate him .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653419,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 9, 'VV'),
                             (10, 13, 'PP'),
                             (14, 15, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (10, 13, 'NT'), (14, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653419) PENN in sentence 4154316:

to locate him .   
-- ------ --- -   
to VV     PP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] VV
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328033384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to locate him .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 53,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to locate him .'},
 {'ID': 4154317,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 14, 'rp'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 27, 'cd'),
          (28, 29, ','),
          (30, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 46, 'VHD'),
          (47, 51, 'VBN'),
          (52, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 69, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154317) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As pointed out in chapter 6 , Abu Zubaydah had been a major 

figure in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653420,
                     'NER': [(30, 42, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
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                             (11, 14, 'rp'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 27, 'cd'),
                             (28, 29, ','),
                             (30, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 46, 'VHD'),
                             (47, 51, 'VBN'),
                             (52, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 69, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653420) PENN in sentence 4154317:

As pointed out in chapter 6  , Abu Zubaydah had been a  major 
-- ------- --- -- ------- -  - --- -------- --- ---- -  ----- 
in VVN     rp  in nn      cd , NP  NP       VHD VBN  dt jj    

figure in
------ --
nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] rp
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] cd
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] ,
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 41
[start] 30
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328034536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As pointed out in chapter 6 , Abu Zubaydah had '
                             'been a major figure in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 53,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As pointed out in chapter 6 , Abu Zubaydah had been a major figure '
 {'ID': 4154318,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 14, 'nn'), (15, 20, 'nns'), (21, 22, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154318) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the millennium plots .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653421,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 22, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (21, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653421) PENN in sentence 4154318:

the millennium plots .   
--- ---------- ----- -   
dt  nn         nns   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328049960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the millennium plots .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 54,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the millennium plots .'},
 {'ID': 4154319,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 17, 'jj'),
          (18, 23, 'nns'),
          (24, 25, ','),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 44, 'rb'),
          (45, 51, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154319) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Over the next few weeks , the CIA repeatedly issued

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653422,
                     'NER': [(30, 33, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 17, 'jj'),
                             (18, 23, 'nns'),
                             (24, 25, ','),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 44, 'rb'),
                             (45, 51, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653422) PENN in sentence 4154319:

Over the next few weeks , the CIA repeatedly issued
---- --- ---- --- ----- - --- --- ---------- ------
in   dt  jj   jj  nns   , dt  NP  rb         VVD   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] nns
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] ,
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] rb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 32,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 30}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328051016>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Over the next few weeks , the CIA repeatedly '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 54,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Over the next few weeks , the CIA repeatedly issued'},
 {'ID': 4154320,
  'POS': [(0, 18, 'VVG'),
          (19, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 42, 'to'),
          (43, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 72, 'VBD'),
          (73, 81, 'VVG'),
          (82, 84, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154320) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

warnings-including calls from DCI Tenet to Clarke -that Abu 

Zubaydah was planning an

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653423,
                     'NER': [(34, 39, 'person'),
                             (43, 49, 'person'),
                             (56, 68, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 18, 'VVG'),
                             (19, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 42, 'to'),
                             (43, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 72, 'VBD'),
                             (73, 81, 'VVG'),
                             (82, 84, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653423) PENN in sentence 4154320:

warnings-including calls from DCI Tenet to Clarke -that Abu 
------------------ ----- ---- --- ----- -- ------ ----- --- 
VVG                nns   in   NP  NP    to NP     NP    NP  

Zubaydah was planning an
-------- --- -------- --
NP       VBD VVG      dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] to
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 80
[start] 73
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 38
[start] 34
[name] person
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] person
                                          [end] 67
[start] 56
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328069576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'warnings-including calls from DCI Tenet to '
                             'Clarke -that Abu Zubaydah was planning an'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 55,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'warnings-including calls from DCI Tenet to Clarke -that Abu '
          'Zubaydah was planning an'},
 {'ID': 4154321,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 21, 'jj'),
          (22, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 30, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154321) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

operation in the near future .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653424,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 30, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'), (13, 16, 'NT'), (29, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653424) PENN in sentence 4154321:

operation in the near future .   
--------- -- --- ---- ------ -   
nn        in dt  jj   nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328072552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'operation in the near future .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 56,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'operation in the near future .'},
 {'ID': 4154322,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 36, 'VVG'),
          (37, 41, 'IN/that'),
          (42, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 54, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154322) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

One report cited a source indicating that Abu Zubaydah

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653425,
                     'NER': [(42, 54, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 36, 'VVG'),
                             (37, 41, 'IN/that'),
                             (42, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 54, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653425) PENN in sentence 4154322:

One report cited a  source indicating that    Abu Zubaydah
--- ------ ----- -  ------ ---------- ----    --- --------
cd  nn     VVD   dt nn     VVG        IN/that NP  NP      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 53
[start] 42
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328082152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'One report cited a source indicating that Abu '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 56,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'One report cited a source indicating that Abu Zubaydah'},
 {'ID': 4154323,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
          (4, 12, 'VVG'),
          (13, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
          (41, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 53, 'nns'),
          (54, 61, 'VVD'),
          (62, 67, 'md'),
          (68, 70, 'vb'),
          (71, 77, 'NP'),
          (78, 79, ','),
          (80, 82, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154323) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

was planning an attack in a country that CIA analysts thought 

might be Israel , or

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653426,
                     'NER': [(41, 44, 'organization'), (71, 77, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
                             (4, 12, 'VVG'),
                             (13, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
                             (41, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 53, 'nns'),
                             (54, 61, 'VVD'),
                             (62, 67, 'md'),
                             (68, 70, 'vb'),
                             (71, 77, 'NP'),
                             (78, 79, ','),
                             (80, 82, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (62, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653426) PENN in sentence 4154323:

was planning an attack in a  country that    CIA analysts thought
--- -------- -- ------ -- -  ------- ----    --- -------- -------
VBD VVG      dt nn     in dt nn      IN/that NP  nns      VVD    

 might be Israel , or
 ----- -- ------ - --
 md    vb NP     , cc
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] nns
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] md
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] vb
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] ,
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 43,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 41},
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328083976>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'was planning an attack in a country that CIA '
                             'analysts thought might be Israel , or'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 57,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'was planning an attack in a country that CIA analysts thought might '
          'be Israel , or'},
 {'ID': 4154324,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 23, 'cc'),
          (24, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 31, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154324) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

perhaps Saudi Arabia or India .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653427,
                     'NER': [(8, 20, 'location'), (24, 29, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 23, 'cc'),
                             (24, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 31, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653427) PENN in sentence 4154324:

perhaps Saudi Arabia or India .   
------- ----- ------ -- ----- -   
rb      NP    NP     cc NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] cc
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 8
[name] location
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328095400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'perhaps Saudi Arabia or India .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 58,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'perhaps Saudi Arabia or India .'},
 {'ID': 4154325,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 31, 'to'),
          (32, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154325) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Clarke relayed these reports to Rice .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653428,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person'), (32, 36, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 31, 'to'),
                             (32, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653428) PENN in sentence 4154325:

Clarke relayed these reports to Rice .   
------ ------- ----- ------- -- ---- -   
NP     VVD     dt    nns     to NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328097224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Clarke relayed these reports to Rice .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 58,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Clarke relayed these reports to Rice .'},
 {'ID': 4154326,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'to'),
          (15, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 30, ','),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 43, 'VVD'),
          (44, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'to'),
          (57, 60, 'dt'),
          (61, 64, 'PP$'),
          (65, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 78, 'nns'),
          (79, 81, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154326) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In response to these threats , the FBI sent a message to all its 

field offices on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653429,
                     'NER': [(35, 38, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'to'),
                             (15, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 30, ','),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 43, 'VVD'),
                             (44, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'to'),
                             (57, 60, 'dt'),
                             (61, 64, 'PP$'),
                             (65, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 78, 'nns'),
                             (79, 81, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653429) PENN in sentence 4154326:

In response to these threats , the FBI sent a  message to all its
-- -------- -- ----- ------- - --- --- ---- -  ------- -- --- ---
in nn       to dt    nns     , dt  NP  VVD  dt nn      to dt  PP$

 field offices on
 ----- ------- --
 nn    nns     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] to
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] ,
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] to
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] nns
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 37,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 35}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328115496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In response to these threats , the FBI sent a '
                             'message to all its field offices on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 60,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In response to these threats , the FBI sent a message to all its '
          'field offices on'},
 {'ID': 4154327,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 8, 'cd'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 22, 'VVG'),
          (23, 32, 'VVG'),
          (33, 35, 'to'),
          (36, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 42, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154327) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

April 13 , summarizing reporting to date .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653430,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 8, 'cd'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 22, 'VVG'),
                             (23, 32, 'VVG'),
                             (33, 35, 'to'),
                             (36, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653430) PENN in sentence 4154327:

April 13 , summarizing reporting to date .   
----- -- - ----------- --------- -- ---- -   
NP    cd , VVG         VVG       to nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] cd
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 11
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 31
[start] 23
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] to
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328127016>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'April 13 , summarizing reporting to date .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 61,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'April 13 , summarizing reporting to date .'},
 {'ID': 4154328,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 20, 'nns'),
          (21, 23, 'to'),
          (24, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 43, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154328) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It asked the offices to task all resources,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653431,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 23, 'to'),
                             (24, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 43, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653431) PENN in sentence 4154328:

It asked the offices to task all resources,
-- ----- --- ------- -- ---- --- ----------
PP VVD   dt  nns     to nn   dt  NP        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] to
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328128936>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It asked the offices to task all resources,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 61,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It asked the offices to task all resources,'},
 {'ID': 4154329,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
          (10, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 23, 'nns'),
          (24, 27, 'cc'),
          (28, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 48, 'nns'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 81, 'VVG'),
          (82, 84, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154329) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

including human sources and electronic databases , for any 

information pertaining to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653432,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
                             (10, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 23, 'nns'),
                             (24, 27, 'cc'),
                             (28, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 48, 'nns'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 81, 'VVG'),
                             (82, 84, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653432) PENN in sentence 4154329:

including human sources and electronic databases , for any 
--------- ----- ------- --- ---------- --------- - --- --- 
VVG       jj    nns     cc  jj         nns       , in  dt  

information pertaining to
----------- ---------- --
nn          VVG        to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] jj
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[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 37
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] nns
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 71
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328139016>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'including human sources and electronic databases '
                             ', for any information pertaining to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 62,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'including human sources and electronic databases , for any '
          'information pertaining to'},
 {'ID': 4154330,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 10, 'jj'),
          (11, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 42, 'VVG'),
          (43, 45, 'to'),
          (46, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 63, 'sent'),
          (64, 66, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154330) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' current operational activities relating to Sunni extremism . 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653433,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 42, 'VVG'),
                             (43, 45, 'to'),
                             (46, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent'),
                             (64, 66, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 51, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653433) PENN in sentence 4154330:

'' current operational activities relating to Sunni extremism 
-- ------- ----------- ---------- -------- -- ----- --------- 
'' jj      jj          nns        VVG      to NP    nn        

.    ''
-    --
sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] to
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328141128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' current operational activities relating to "
                             "Sunni extremism . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 63,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' current operational activities relating to Sunni extremism . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154331,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'VVD'), (7, 10, 'rb'), (11, 18, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154331) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It did not suggest

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653434,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 18, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT'), (7, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653434) PENN in sentence 4154331:

It did not suggest
-- --- --- -------
PP VVD rb  VV     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328159496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It did not suggest'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 63,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It did not suggest'},
 {'ID': 4154332,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'IN/that'),
          (5, 10, 'ex'),
          (11, 14, 'VBD'),
          (15, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 34, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154332) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that there was a domestic threat .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653435,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'IN/that'),
                             (5, 10, 'ex'),
                             (11, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 34, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653435) PENN in sentence 4154332:

that    there was a  domestic threat .   
----    ----- --- -  -------- ------ -   
IN/that ex    VBD dt jj       nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] ex
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328160648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that there was a domestic threat .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 64,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'that there was a domestic threat .'},
 {'ID': 4154333,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 49, '('),
          (50, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 55, ')'),
          (56, 60, 'IN/that'),
          (61, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 75, 'VVD'),
          (76, 85, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154333) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The interagency Counterterrorism Security Group ( CSG ) that 

Clarke chaired discussed

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653436,
                     'NER': [(4, 47, 'organization'), (61, 67, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 49, '('),
                             (50, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 55, ')'),
                             (56, 60, 'IN/that'),
                             (61, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 75, 'VVD'),
                             (76, 85, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (33, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (61, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653436) PENN in sentence 4154333:

The interagency Counterterrorism Security Group ( CSG ) that    
--- ----------- ---------------- -------- ----- - --- - ----    
dt  nn          nn               NP       NP    ( NP  ) IN/that 

Clarke chaired discussed
------ ------- ---------
NP     VVD     VVN      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] (
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] )
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 66
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 84
[start] 76
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 46,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 66
[start] 61
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328162184>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The interagency Counterterrorism Security Group '
                             '( CSG ) that Clarke chaired discussed'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 66,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The interagency Counterterrorism Security Group ( CSG ) that Clarke '
          'chaired discussed'},
 {'ID': 4154334,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 36, 'cd'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154334) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the Abu Zubaydah reports on April 19 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653437,
                     'NER': [(4, 16, 'person'), (28, 36, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 36, 'cd'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 16, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653437) PENN in sentence 4154334:

the Abu Zubaydah reports on April 19 .   
--- --- -------- ------- -- ----- -- -   
dt  NP  NP       nns     in NP    cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] cd
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 4
[name] person
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328177032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the Abu Zubaydah reports on April 19 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 67,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the Abu Zubaydah reports on April 19 .'},
 {'ID': 4154335,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 28, 'to'),
          (29, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 42, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154335) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The next day , a briefing to top officials

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653438,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 28, 'to'),
                             (29, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 42, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653438) PENN in sentence 4154335:

The next day , a  briefing to top officials
--- ---- --- - -  -------- -- --- ---------
dt  jj   nn  , dt nn       to jj  nns      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] to
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 41
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328179240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The next day , a briefing to top officials'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 67,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The next day , a briefing to top officials'},
 {'ID': 4154336,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 11, '``'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 30, 'VVG'),
          (31, 39, 'jj'),
          (40, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 52, 'sent'),
          (53, 55, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154336) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reported `` Bin Ladin planning multiple operations . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653439,
                     'NER': [(12, 21, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 11, '``'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 30, 'VVG'),
                             (31, 39, 'jj'),
                             (40, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 52, 'sent'),
                             (53, 55, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653439) PENN in sentence 4154336:

reported `` Bin Ladin planning multiple operations .    ''
-------- -- --- ----- -------- -------- ---------- -    --
VVN      `` NP  NP    VVG      jj       nns        sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] ``
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] jj
                                          [end] 49
[start] 40
[name] nns
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] sent
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 12
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328193320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reported `` Bin Ladin planning multiple '
                             "operations . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 68,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "reported `` Bin Ladin planning multiple operations . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154337,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 30, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154337) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

When the deputies discussed al

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653440,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 30, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 8, 'NT'), (28, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653440) PENN in sentence 4154337:

When the deputies discussed al
---- --- -------- --------- --
wrb  dt  nns      VVD       NP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328195240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'When the deputies discussed al'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 68,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'When the deputies discussed al'},
 {'ID': 4154338,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 24, 'cd'),
          (25, 26, ','),
          (27, 31, 'PP'),
          (32, 37, 'VVD'),
          (38, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 60, 'dt'),
          (61, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 69, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154338) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Qaeda policy on April 30 , they began with a briefing on the 

threat .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653441,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'organization'), (16, 24, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 24, 'cd'),
                             (25, 26, ','),
                             (27, 31, 'PP'),
                             (32, 37, 'VVD'),
                             (38, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 60, 'dt'),
                             (61, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 69, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (68, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653441) PENN in sentence 4154338:

Qaeda policy on April 30 , they began with a  briefing on the 
----- ------ -- ----- -- - ---- ----- ---- -  -------- -- --- 
NP    nn     in NP    cd , PP   VVD   in   dt nn       in dt  

threat .   
------ -   
nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] cd
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] ,
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] PP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 4,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 23
[start] 16
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328208840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Qaeda policy on April 30 , they began with a '
                             'briefing on the threat .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 69,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Qaeda policy on April 30 , they began with a briefing on the threat '
 {'ID': 4154339,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 51, 'rbr'),
          (52, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 67, 'to'),
          (68, 71, 'jj'),
          (72, 81, 'nns'),
          (82, 86, 'wdt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154339) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In May 2001 , the drumbeat of reporting grew louder with reports 

to top officials that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653442,
                     'NER': [(3, 11, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 51, 'rbr'),
                             (52, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 67, 'to'),
                             (68, 71, 'jj'),
                             (72, 81, 'nns'),
                             (82, 86, 'wdt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (45, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (82, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653442) PENN in sentence 4154339:

In May 2001 , the drumbeat of reporting grew louder with reports 
-- --- ---- - --- -------- -- --------- ---- ------ ---- ------- 
in NP  cd   , dt  nn       in nn        VVD  rbr    in   nns     

to top officials that
-- --- --------- ----
to jj  nns       wdt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] nns
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] to
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] jj
                                          [end] 80
[start] 72
[name] nns
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] wdt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328212008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In May 2001 , the drumbeat of reporting grew '
                             'louder with reports to top officials that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 71,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In May 2001 , the drumbeat of reporting grew louder with reports to '
          'top officials that'},
 {'ID': 4154340,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 31, 'md'),
          (32, 39, 'VV'),
          (40, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 49, "''"),
          (50, 53, 'cc'),
          (54, 56, '``'),
          (57, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 77, 'POS'),
          (78, 83, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154340) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Bin Ladin public profile may presage attack '' and `` Bin 

Ladin network 's plans

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653443,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'person'), (57, 66, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 31, 'md'),
                             (32, 39, 'VV'),
                             (40, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 49, "''"),
                             (50, 53, 'cc'),
                             (54, 56, '``'),
                             (57, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 77, 'POS'),
                             (78, 83, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 12, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 66, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653443) PENN in sentence 4154340:

'' Bin Ladin public profile may presage attack '' and `` Bin 
-- --- ----- ------ ------- --- ------- ------ -- --- -- --- 
'' NP  NP    jj     nn      md  VV      nn     '' cc  `` NP  

Ladin network 's  plans
----- ------- --  -----
NP    nn      POS nns  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] md
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] VV
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] ''
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] cc
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] ``
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] POS
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          [end] 65
[start] 57
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328223336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Bin Ladin public profile may presage attack "
                             "'' and `` Bin Ladin network 's plans"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 72,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Bin Ladin public profile may presage attack '' and `` Bin Ladin "
          "network 's plans"},
 {'ID': 4154341,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'), (10, 11, 'sent'), (12, 14, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154341) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

advancing . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653444,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'), (10, 11, 'sent'), (12, 14, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT'), (12, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653444) PENN in sentence 4154341:

advancing .    ''
--------- -    --
VVG       sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328238856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "advancing . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 73,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "advancing . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154342,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 24, 'jj'),
          (25, 27, 'to'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 43, 'VVD'),
          (44, 49, 'ex'),
          (50, 53, 'VBD'),
          (54, 55, 'dt'),
          (56, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 63, 'to'),
          (64, 70, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154342) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In early May , a walk-in to the FBI claimed there was a plan to 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653445,
                     'NER': [(9, 12, 'date'), (32, 35, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 27, 'to'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 43, 'VVD'),
                             (44, 49, 'ex'),
                             (50, 53, 'VBD'),
                             (54, 55, 'dt'),
                             (56, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 63, 'to'),
                             (64, 70, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (44, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653445) PENN in sentence 4154342:

In early May , a  walk-in to the FBI claimed there was a  plan to
-- ----- --- - -  ------- -- --- --- ------- ----- --- -  ---- --
in jj    NP  , dt jj      to dt  NP  VVD     ex    VBD dt nn   to

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] to
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] ex
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] to
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 9
[name] date
                                          {'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328239816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In early May , a walk-in to the FBI claimed '
                             'there was a plan to launch'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 73,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In early May , a walk-in to the FBI claimed there was a plan to '
 {'ID': 4154343,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 19, ','),
          (20, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 28, ','),
          (29, 32, 'cc'),
          (33, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 43, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154343) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

attacks on London , Boston , and New York .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653446,
                     'NER': [(11, 17, 'location'),
                             (20, 26, 'location'),
                             (33, 41, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 19, ','),
                             (20, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 28, ','),
                             (29, 32, 'cc'),
                             (33, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 43, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653446) PENN in sentence 4154343:

attacks on London , Boston , and New York .   
------- -- ------ - ------ - --- --- ---- -   
nns     in NP     , NP     , cc  NP  NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] ,
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] cc
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 11
[name] location
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] location
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328251336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'attacks on London , Boston , and New York .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 74,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'attacks on London , Boston , and New York .'},
 {'ID': 4154344,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 34, 'VBD'),
          (35, 42, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154344) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Attorney General John Ashcroft was briefed

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653447,
                     'NER': [(17, 30, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 34, 'VBD'),
                             (35, 42, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653447) PENN in sentence 4154344:

Attorney General John Ashcroft was briefed
-------- ------- ---- -------- --- -------
NP       NP      NP   NP       VBD VVN    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 29
[start] 17
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328266280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Attorney General John Ashcroft was briefed'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 74,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Attorney General John Ashcroft was briefed'},
 {'ID': 4154345,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 20, 'cd'),
          (21, 30, 'VVG'),
          (31, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 49, 'rb'),
          (50, 53, 'cc'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 65, 'jj'),
          (66, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 82, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154345) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

by the CIA on May 15 regarding al Qaeda generally and the current

 threat reporting

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653448,
                     'NER': [(7, 10, 'organization'),
                             (14, 20, 'date'),
                             (31, 39, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 20, 'cd'),
                             (21, 30, 'VVG'),
                             (31, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 49, 'rb'),
                             (50, 53, 'cc'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 65, 'jj'),
                             (66, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 82, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653448) PENN in sentence 4154345:

by the CIA on May 15 regarding al Qaeda generally and the current
-- --- --- -- --- -- --------- -- ----- --------- --- --- -------
in dt  NP  in NP  cd VVG       NP NP    rb        cc  dt  jj     

 threat reporting
 ------ ---------
 nn     VVG      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] cd
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 40
[name] rb
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] cc
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 73
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 9,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 7},
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] date
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328267912>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'by the CIA on May 15 regarding al Qaeda '
                             'generally and the current threat reporting'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 75,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'by the CIA on May 15 regarding al Qaeda generally and the current '
          'threat reporting'},
 {'ID': 4154346,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'rb'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154346) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

specifically .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653449,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'rb'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 12, 'NT'), (13, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653449) PENN in sentence 4154346:

specifically .   
------------ -   
rb           sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328283528>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'specifically .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 76,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'specifically .'},
 {'ID': 4154347,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 20, 'VVD'),
          (21, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
          (35, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 50, 'to'),
          (51, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 69, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154347) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The next day brought a report that a phone call to a U.S. embassy


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653450,
                     'NER': [(53, 65, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 20, 'VVD'),
                             (21, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
                             (35, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 50, 'to'),
                             (51, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 69, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653450) PENN in sentence 4154347:

The next day brought a  report that    a  phone call to a  U.S. 
--- ---- --- ------- -  ------ ----    -  ----- ---- -- -  ---- 
dt  jj   nn  VVD     dt nn     IN/that dt nn    nn   to dt NP   

embassy had
------- ---
nn      VHD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] to
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 64,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 53}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328284392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The next day brought a report that a phone call '
                             'to a U.S. embassy had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 76,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The next day brought a report that a phone call to a U.S. embassy '
 {'ID': 4154348,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 11, 'IN/that'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 37, 'VBD'),
          (38, 46, 'VVG'),
          (47, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 77, 'NPS'),
          (78, 83, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154348) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

warned that Bin Ladin supporters were planning an attack in the 

United States using

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653451,
                     'NER': [(12, 21, 'person'), (64, 77, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 11, 'IN/that'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 37, 'VBD'),
                             (38, 46, 'VVG'),
                             (47, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 77, 'NPS'),
                             (78, 83, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653451) PENN in sentence 4154348:

warned that    Bin Ladin supporters were planning an attack in 
------ ----    --- ----- ---------- ---- -------- -- ------ -- 
VVD    IN/that NP  NP    nns        VBD  VVG      dt nn     in 

the United States using
--- ------ ------ -----
dt  NP     NPS    VVG  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 38
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 12
[name] person
                                          [end] 76
[start] 64
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328299336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'warned that Bin Ladin supporters were planning '
                             'an attack in the United States using'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 77,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'warned that Bin Ladin supporters were planning an attack in the '
          'United States using'},
 {'ID': 4154349,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 20, 'sent'),
          (21, 23, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154349) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' high explosives . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653452,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 20, 'sent'),
                             (21, 23, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (19, 20, 'NT'), (21, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653452) PENN in sentence 4154349:

'' high explosives .    ''
-- ---- ---------- -    --
'' jj   nns        sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] sent
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328302216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' high explosives . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 78,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' high explosives . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154350,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 17, 'VVN'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 33, 'jj'),
          (34, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 40, 'POS'),
          (41, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 49, ','),
          (50, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 67, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154350) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On May 17 , based on the previous day 's report , the first item 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653453,
                     'NER': [(3, 9, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 17, 'VVN'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 33, 'jj'),
                             (34, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 40, 'POS'),
                             (41, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 49, ','),
                             (50, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 67, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653453) PENN in sentence 4154350:

On May 17 , based on the previous day 's  report , the first item
-- --- -- - ----- -- --- -------- --- --  ------ - --- ----- ----
in NP  cd , VVN   in dt  jj       nn  POS nn     , dt  jj    nn  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] POS
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328315816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "On May 17 , based on the previous day 's report "
                             ', the first item on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 78,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "On May 17 , based on the previous day 's report , the first item "
 {'ID': 4154351,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'POS'),
          (11, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 21, 'VBD'),
          (22, 24, '``'),
          (25, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 30, ':'),
          (31, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 59, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154351) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the CSG 's agenda was `` UBL : Operation Planned in U.S. ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653454,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'), (52, 56, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'POS'),
                             (11, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 21, 'VBD'),
                             (22, 24, '``'),
                             (25, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 30, ':'),
                             (31, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 59, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (41, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653454) PENN in sentence 4154351:

the CSG 's  agenda was `` UBL : Operation Planned in U.S. ''
--- --- --  ------ --- -- --- - --------- ------- -- ---- --
dt  NP  POS nn     VBD `` NP  : nn        NP      in NP   ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] POS
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] ``
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] :
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328318888>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "the CSG 's agenda was `` UBL : Operation Planned "
                             "in U.S. ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 79,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "the CSG 's agenda was `` UBL : Operation Planned in U.S. ''"},
 {'ID': 4154352,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154352) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653455,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653455) PENN in sentence 4154352:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328338312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 79,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The'},
 {'ID': 4154353,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 19, 'POS'),
          (20, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 29, 'md'),
          (30, 33, 'rb'),
          (34, 36, 'vb'),
          (37, 49, 'VVN'),
          (50, 51, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154353) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

anonymous caller 's tip could not be corroborated .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653456,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 19, 'POS'),
                             (20, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 29, 'md'),
                             (30, 33, 'rb'),
                             (34, 36, 'vb'),
                             (37, 49, 'VVN'),
                             (50, 51, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (24, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653456) PENN in sentence 4154353:

anonymous caller 's  tip could not be corroborated .   
--------- ------ --  --- ----- --- -- ------------ -   
jj        nn     POS nn  md    rb  vb VVN          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] POS
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] md
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] rb
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] vb
                                          [end] 48
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328338984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "anonymous caller 's tip could not be "
                             'corroborated .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 80,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "anonymous caller 's tip could not be corroborated ."},
 {'ID': 4154354,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 69, 'NPS'),
          (70, 76, 'rb'),
          (77, 79, 'to'),
          (80, 85, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154354) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Late May brought reports of a possible hostage plot against 

Americans abroad to force

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653457,
                     'NER': [(5, 8, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 69, 'NPS'),
                             (70, 76, 'rb'),
                             (77, 79, 'to'),
                             (80, 85, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (52, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653457) PENN in sentence 4154354:

Late May brought reports of a  possible hostage plot against 
---- --- ------- ------- -- -  -------- ------- ---- ------- 
rb   NP  VVD     nns     in dt jj       nn      nn   in      

Americans abroad to force
--------- ------ -- -----
NPS       rb     to VV   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] rb
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] to
                                          [end] 84
[start] 80
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328353160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Late May brought reports of a possible hostage '
                             'plot against Americans abroad to force'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 81,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Late May brought reports of a possible hostage plot against '
          'Americans abroad to force'},
 {'ID': 4154355,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 26, ','),
          (27, 36, 'VVG'),
          (37, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 63, ','),
          (64, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 70, '``'),
          (71, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 83, 'NP'),
          (84, 85, ','),
          (86, 88, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154355) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the release of prisoners , including Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman , 

the `` Blind Sheikh , ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653458,
                     'NER': [(37, 61, 'person'), (77, 83, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 26, ','),
                             (27, 36, 'VVG'),
                             (37, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 63, ','),
                             (64, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 70, '``'),
                             (71, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 83, 'NP'),
                             (84, 85, ','),
                             (86, 88, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (37, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT'),
                             (86, 88, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653458) PENN in sentence 4154355:

the release of prisoners , including Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman , 
--- ------- -- --------- - --------- ------ ---- ----- ------ - 
dt  nn      in nns       , VVG       NP     NP   NP    NP     , 

the `` Blind Sheikh , ''
--- -- ----- ------ - --
dt  `` NP    NP     , ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 27
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] ,
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] ``
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] ,
                                          [end] 87
[start] 86
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 60
[start] 37
[name] person
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                          [end] 87
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328364200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the release of prisoners , including Sheikh Omar '
                             "Abdel Rahman , the `` Blind Sheikh , ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 82,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the release of prisoners , including Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman , the '
          "`` Blind Sheikh , ''"},
 {'ID': 4154356,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'wp'),
          (4, 7, 'VBD'),
          (8, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 39, 'PP$'),
          (40, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 56, 'cd'),
          (57, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 64, 'to'),
          (65, 69, 'VV'),
          (70, 72, 'rp'),
          (73, 78, 'nns'),
          (79, 81, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154356) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

who was serving a life sentence for his role in the 1993 plot to 

blow up sites in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653459,
                     'NER': [(52, 56, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'wp'),
                             (4, 7, 'VBD'),
                             (8, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 39, 'PP$'),
                             (40, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 56, 'cd'),
                             (57, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 64, 'to'),
                             (65, 69, 'VV'),
                             (70, 72, 'rp'),
                             (73, 78, 'nns'),
                             (79, 81, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653459) PENN in sentence 4154356:

who was serving a  life sentence for his role in the 1993 plot to
--- --- ------- -  ---- -------- --- --- ---- -- --- ---- ---- --
wp  VBD VVG     dt nn   nn       in  PP$ nn   in dt  cd   nn   to

 blow up sites in
 ---- -- ----- --
 VV   rp nns   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] wp
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] cd
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] VV
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] rp
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] nns
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 55
[start] 52
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328367848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'who was serving a life sentence for his role in '
                             'the 1993 plot to blow up sites in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 83,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'who was serving a life sentence for his role in the 1993 plot to '
          'blow up sites in'},
 {'ID': 4154357,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'), (4, 8, 'NP'), (9, 13, 'NP'), (14, 15, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154357) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

New York City .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653460,
                     'NER': [(0, 13, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 15, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653460) PENN in sentence 4154357:

New York City .   
--- ---- ---- -   
NP  NP   NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328383560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'New York City .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 84,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'New York City .'},
 {'ID': 4154358,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 24, 'IN/that'),
          (25, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 41, 'md'),
          (42, 45, 'VV'),
          (46, 48, 'to'),
          (49, 55, 'VV'),
          (56, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 67, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154358) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The reporting noted that operatives might opt to hijack an 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653461,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 24, 'IN/that'),
                             (25, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 41, 'md'),
                             (42, 45, 'VV'),
                             (46, 48, 'to'),
                             (49, 55, 'VV'),
                             (56, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 67, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (36, 41, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653461) PENN in sentence 4154358:

The reporting noted that    operatives might opt to hijack an 
--- --------- ----- ----    ---------- ----- --- -- ------ -- 
dt  nn        VVD   IN/that nns        md    VV  to VV     dt 

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 34
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] md
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] VV
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] to
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] VV
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328397256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The reporting noted that operatives might opt to '
                             'hijack an aircraft'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 84,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The reporting noted that operatives might opt to hijack an '
 {'ID': 4154359,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'cc'),
          (3, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 25, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154359) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

or storm a U.S. embassy .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653462,
                     'NER': [(11, 23, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'cc'),
                             (3, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 25, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653462) PENN in sentence 4154359:

or storm a  U.S. embassy .   
-- ----- -  ---- ------- -   
cc nn    dt NP   nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 22,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 11}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328399176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'or storm a U.S. embassy .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 85,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'or storm a U.S. embassy .'},
 {'ID': 4154360,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 18, 'to'),
          (19, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 54, '('),
          (55, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 60, ')')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154360) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

This report led to a Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA )

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653463,
                     'NER': [(21, 52, 'organization'),
                             (55, 58, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 18, 'to'),
                             (19, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 54, '('),
                             (55, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 60, ')')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653463) PENN in sentence 4154360:

This report led to a  Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA )
---- ------ --- -- -  ------- -------- -------------- - --- -
dt   nn     VVD to dt NP      NP       NP             ( NP  )
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] to
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] (
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] )
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 51,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 21},
                                          {'end': 57,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 55}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328400712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This report led to a Federal Aviation '
                             'Administration ( FAA )'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 85,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This report led to a Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA )'},
 {'ID': 4154361,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 23, 'to'),
          (24, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 39, 'VVG'),
          (40, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 60, '``'),
          (61, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 81, 'VVG'),
          (82, 84, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154361) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information circular to airlines noting the potential for `` an 

airline hijacking to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653464,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 23, 'to'),
                             (24, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 39, 'VVG'),
                             (40, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 60, '``'),
                             (61, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 81, 'VVG'),
                             (82, 84, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653464) PENN in sentence 4154361:

information circular to airlines noting the potential for `` an 
----------- -------- -- -------- ------ --- --------- --- -- -- 
nn          jj       to nns      VVG    dt  nn        in  `` dt 

airline hijacking to
------- --------- --
nn      VVG       to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] to
                                          [end] 31
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] ``
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 72
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328411560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information circular to airlines noting the '
                             'potential for `` an airline hijacking to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 86,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information circular to airlines noting the potential for `` an '
          'airline hijacking to'},
 {'ID': 4154362,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 15, 'nns'),
          (16, 28, 'VVN'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 49, 'NPS'),
          (50, 51, 'sent'),
          (52, 54, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154362) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

free terrorists incarcerated in the United States . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653465,
                     'NER': [(36, 49, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 15, 'nns'),
                             (16, 28, 'VVN'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 49, 'NPS'),
                             (50, 51, 'sent'),
                             (52, 54, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653465) PENN in sentence 4154362:

free terrorists incarcerated in the United States .    ''
---- ---------- ------------ -- --- ------ ------ -    --
jj   nns        VVN          in dt  NP     NPS    sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 27
[start] 16
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] sent
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 48
[start] 36
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328426216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'free terrorists incarcerated in the United '
                             "States . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 87,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "free terrorists incarcerated in the United States . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154363,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj'), (6, 15, 'nn'), (16, 25, 'VVD'), (26, 30, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154363) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Other reporting mentioned that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653466,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj'),
                             (6, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 30, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653466) PENN in sentence 4154363:

Other reporting mentioned that   
----- --------- --------- ----   
jj    nn        VVD       IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328428232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Other reporting mentioned that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 87,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Other reporting mentioned that'},
 {'ID': 4154364,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 16, 'VBD'),
          (17, 25, 'VVG'),
          (26, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 37, ','),
          (38, 46, 'rb'),
          (47, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 63, ','),
          (64, 67, 'cc'),
          (68, 76, 'VVN'),
          (77, 79, 'to'),
          (80, 85, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154364) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Abu Zubaydah was planning an attack , possibly against Israel , 

and expected to carry

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653467,
                     'NER': [(0, 12, 'person'), (55, 61, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 16, 'VBD'),
                             (17, 25, 'VVG'),
                             (26, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 37, ','),
                             (38, 46, 'rb'),
                             (47, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 63, ','),
                             (64, 67, 'cc'),
                             (68, 76, 'VVN'),
                             (77, 79, 'to'),
                             (80, 85, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653467) PENN in sentence 4154364:

Abu Zubaydah was planning an attack , possibly against Israel , 
--- -------- --- -------- -- ------ - -------- ------- ------ - 
NP  NP       VBD VVG      dt nn     , rb       in      NP     , 

and expected to carry
--- -------- -- -----
cc  VVN      to VV   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] ,
                                          [end] 45
[start] 38
[name] rb
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] ,
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] cc
                                          [end] 75
[start] 68
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] to
                                          [end] 84
[start] 80
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328429096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Abu Zubaydah was planning an attack , possibly '
                             'against Israel , and expected to carry'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 88,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Abu Zubaydah was planning an attack , possibly against Israel , and '
          'expected to carry'},
 {'ID': 4154365,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
          (4, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 16, 'jjr'),
          (17, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 26, 'nns'),
          (27, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154365) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

out several more if things went well .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653468,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
                             (4, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 16, 'jjr'),
                             (17, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 26, 'nns'),
                             (27, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653468) PENN in sentence 4154365:

out several more if things went well .   
--- ------- ---- -- ------ ---- ---- -   
in  jj      jjr  in nns    VVD  rb   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328444616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'out several more if things went well .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 89,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'out several more if things went well .'},
 {'ID': 4154366,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 15, 'rb'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 44, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154366) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On May 24 alone , counterterrorism officials

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653469,
                     'NER': [(3, 9, 'date'), (18, 34, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 44, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653469) PENN in sentence 4154366:

On May 24 alone , counterterrorism officials
-- --- -- ----- - ---------------- ---------
in NP  cd rb    , nn               nns      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 33
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 33,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 18}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328454600>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On May 24 alone , counterterrorism officials'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 89,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On May 24 alone , counterterrorism officials'},
 {'ID': 4154367,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 30, 'VVG'),
          (31, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 49, 'cc'),
          (50, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 57, ','),
          (58, 60, 'rb'),
          (61, 65, 'rb'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 70, 'dt'),
          (71, 77, 'nn'),
          (78, 83, 'in'),
          (84, 85, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154367) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

grappled with reports alleging plots in Yemen and Italy , as well

 as a report about a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653470,
                     'NER': [(40, 45, 'location'), (50, 55, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 30, 'VVG'),
                             (31, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 49, 'cc'),
                             (50, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 57, ','),
                             (58, 60, 'rb'),
                             (61, 65, 'rb'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 70, 'dt'),
                             (71, 77, 'nn'),
                             (78, 83, 'in'),
                             (84, 85, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT'),
                             (78, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653470) PENN in sentence 4154367:

grappled with reports alleging plots in Yemen and Italy , as well
-------- ---- ------- -------- ----- -- ----- --- ----- - -- ----
VVD      in   nns     VVG      nns   in NP    cc  NP    , rb rb  

 as a  report about a 
 -- -  ------ ----- - 
 in dt nn     in    dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] cc
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] ,
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] rb
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] rb
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] in
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 44
[start] 40
[name] location
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328456424>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'grappled with reports alleging plots in Yemen '
                             'and Italy , as well as a report about a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 90,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'grappled with reports alleging plots in Yemen and Italy , as well '
          'as a report about a'},
 {'ID': 4154368,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
          (20, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 43, 'VHD'),
          (44, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 57, 'md'),
          (58, 60, 'vb'),
          (61, 69, 'VVG'),
          (70, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 79, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154368) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

cell in Canada that an anonymous caller had claimed might be 

planning an attack

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653471,
                     'NER': [(8, 14, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
                             (20, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 43, 'VHD'),
                             (44, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 57, 'md'),
                             (58, 60, 'vb'),
                             (61, 69, 'VVG'),
                             (70, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 79, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 14, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (52, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653471) PENN in sentence 4154368:

cell in Canada that    an anonymous caller had claimed might be 
---- -- ------ ----    -- --------- ------ --- ------- ----- -- 
nn   in NP     IN/that dt jj        nn     VHD VVN     md    vb 

planning an attack
-------- -- ------
VVG      dt nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 23
[name] jj
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] md
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] vb
                                          [end] 68
[start] 61
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 8
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328472232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'cell in Canada that an anonymous caller had '
                             'claimed might be planning an attack'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 91,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'cell in Canada that an anonymous caller had claimed might be '
          'planning an attack'},
 {'ID': 4154369,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 25, 'NPS'),
          (26, 27, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154369) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

against the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653472,
                     'NER': [(12, 25, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 25, 'NPS'),
                             (26, 27, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653472) PENN in sentence 4154369:

against the United States .   
------- --- ------ ------ -   
in      dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 12
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328491272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'against the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 92,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'against the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154370,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 18, 'to'),
          (19, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 37, 'VBD'),
          (38, 42, 'VVN'),
          (43, 52, 'jj'),
          (53, 55, 'to'),
          (56, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 81, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154370) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Reports similar to many of these were made available to President

 Bush in morning

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653473,
                     'NER': [(66, 70, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 18, 'to'),
                             (19, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 37, 'VBD'),
                             (38, 42, 'VVN'),
                             (43, 52, 'jj'),
                             (53, 55, 'to'),
                             (56, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 81, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653473) PENN in sentence 4154370:

Reports similar to many of these were made available to President
------- ------- -- ---- -- ----- ---- ---- --------- -- ---------
nns     jj      to jj   in dt    VBD  VVN  jj        to NP       

 Bush in morning
 ---- -- -------
 NP   in nn     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] to
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] to
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 80
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 69
[start] 66
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328492808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Reports similar to many of these were made '
                             'available to President Bush in morning'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 94,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Reports similar to many of these were made available to President '
          'Bush in morning'},
 {'ID': 4154371,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 39, ','),
          (40, 47, 'rb'),
          (48, 56, 'VVD'),
          (57, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 74, 'NP'),
          (75, 79, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154371) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

intelligence briefings with DCI Tenet , usually attended by Vice 

President Dick

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653474,
                     'NER': [(32, 37, 'person'), (75, 79, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 39, ','),
                             (40, 47, 'rb'),
                             (48, 56, 'VVD'),
                             (57, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 74, 'NP'),
                             (75, 79, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 47, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653474) PENN in sentence 4154371:

intelligence briefings with DCI Tenet , usually attended by Vice 
------------ --------- ---- --- ----- - ------- -------- -- ---- 
nn           nns       in   NP  NP    , rb      VVD      in NP   

President Dick
--------- ----
NP        NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] ,
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] rb
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 32
[name] person
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328507944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'intelligence briefings with DCI Tenet , usually '
                             'attended by Vice President Dick'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 95,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'intelligence briefings with DCI Tenet , usually attended by Vice '
          'President Dick'},
 {'ID': 4154372,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 10, 'cc'),
          (11, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 43, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154372) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Cheney and National Security Advisor Rice .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653475,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person'), (37, 41, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 10, 'cc'),
                             (11, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 43, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653475) PENN in sentence 4154372:

Cheney and National Security Advisor Rice .   
------ --- -------- -------- ------- ---- -   
NP     cc  NP       NP       NP      NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] cc
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328510632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Cheney and National Security Advisor Rice .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 96,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Cheney and National Security Advisor Rice .'},
 {'ID': 4154373,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 39, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154373) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

While these briefings discussed general

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653476,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 39, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (6, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653476) PENN in sentence 4154373:

While these briefings discussed general
----- ----- --------- --------- -------
in    dt    nns       VVD       jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 6
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328525000>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'While these briefings discussed general'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 96,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'While these briefings discussed general'},
 {'ID': 4154374,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 10, 'to'),
          (11, 17, 'VV'),
          (18, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 29, 'cc'),
          (30, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 48, 'nns'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 54, 'dt'),
          (55, 63, 'jj'),
          (64, 71, 'nns'),
          (72, 81, 'VVN'),
          (82, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154374) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

threats to attack America and American interests , the specific 

threats mentioned in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653477,
                     'NER': [(18, 25, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 10, 'to'),
                             (11, 17, 'VV'),
                             (18, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 29, 'cc'),
                             (30, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 48, 'nns'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 54, 'dt'),
                             (55, 63, 'jj'),
                             (64, 71, 'nns'),
                             (72, 81, 'VVN'),
                             (82, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653477) PENN in sentence 4154374:

threats to attack America and American interests , the specific 
------- -- ------ ------- --- -------- --------- - --- -------- 
nns     to VV     NP      cc  jj       nns       , dt  jj       

threats mentioned in
------- --------- --
nns     VVN       in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] to
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] VV
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] cc
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] nns
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 55
[name] jj
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] nns
                                          [end] 80
[start] 72
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 18
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328526152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'threats to attack America and American interests '
                             ', the specific threats mentioned in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 97,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'threats to attack America and American interests , the specific '
          'threats mentioned in'},
 {'ID': 4154375,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
          (6, 15, 'nns'),
          (16, 20, 'VBD'),
          (21, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 33, 'jj'),
          (34, 35, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154375) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

these briefings were all overseas .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653478,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
                             (6, 15, 'nns'),
                             (16, 20, 'VBD'),
                             (21, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 33, 'jj'),
                             (34, 35, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653478) PENN in sentence 4154375:

these briefings were all overseas .   
----- --------- ---- --- -------- -   
dt    nns       VBD  rb  jj       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] rb
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328540904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'these briefings were all overseas .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 98,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'these briefings were all overseas .'},
 {'ID': 4154376,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 28, 'VVD'),
          (29, 33, 'IN/that'),
          (34, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 42, 'VV'),
          (43, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 57, 'wp'),
          (58, 62, 'rbr'),
          (63, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 80, 'NPS'),
          (81, 86, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154376) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On May 29 , Clarke suggested that Rice ask DCI Tenet what more 

the United States could

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653479,
                     'NER': [(3, 9, 'date'),
                             (12, 18, 'person'),
                             (43, 52, 'person'),
                             (67, 80, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 28, 'VVD'),
                             (29, 33, 'IN/that'),
                             (34, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 42, 'VV'),
                             (43, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 57, 'wp'),
                             (58, 62, 'rbr'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 80, 'NPS'),
                             (81, 86, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 18, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653479) PENN in sentence 4154376:

On May 29 , Clarke suggested that    Rice ask DCI Tenet what more
-- --- -- - ------ --------- ----    ---- --- --- ----- ---- ----
in NP  cd , NP     VVD       IN/that NP   VV  NP  NP    wp   rbr 

 the United States could
 --- ------ ------ -----
 dt  NP     NPS    md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] VV
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] wp
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 85
[start] 81
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] person
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] person
                                          [end] 79
[start] 67
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328542344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On May 29 , Clarke suggested that Rice ask DCI '
                             'Tenet what more the United States could'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 99,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On May 29 , Clarke suggested that Rice ask DCI Tenet what more the '
          'United States could'},
 {'ID': 4154377,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'VVP'),
          (3, 5, 'to'),
          (6, 10, 'VV'),
          (11, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 38, 'VVG'),
          (39, 41, "''"),
          (42, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 69, 'jj'),
          (70, 77, 'nns'),
          (78, 79, ','),
          (80, 82, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154377) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

do to stop Abu Zubaydah from launching '' a series of major 

terrorist attacks , ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653480,
                     'NER': [(11, 23, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'VVP'),
                             (3, 5, 'to'),
                             (6, 10, 'VV'),
                             (11, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 38, 'VVG'),
                             (39, 41, "''"),
                             (42, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 69, 'jj'),
                             (70, 77, 'nns'),
                             (78, 79, ','),
                             (80, 82, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 5, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653480) PENN in sentence 4154377:

do  to stop Abu Zubaydah from launching '' a  series of major 
--  -- ---- --- -------- ---- --------- -- -  ------ -- ----- 
VVP to VV   NP  NP       in   VVG       '' dt nn     in jj    

terrorist attacks , ''
--------- ------- - --
jj        nns     , ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] to
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] VV
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 29
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] ''
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] nns
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] ,
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 11
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328558536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "do to stop Abu Zubaydah from launching '' a "
                             "series of major terrorist attacks , ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 100,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "do to stop Abu Zubaydah from launching '' a series of major "
          "terrorist attacks , ''"},
 {'ID': 4154378,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 29, ','),
          (30, 33, 'cc'),
          (34, 42, 'rb'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 61, 'nns'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154378) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

probably on Israeli targets , but possibly on U.S. facilities .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653481,
                     'NER': [(46, 50, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 29, ','),
                             (30, 33, 'cc'),
                             (34, 42, 'rb'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 61, 'nns'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 50, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653481) PENN in sentence 4154378:

probably on Israeli targets , but possibly on U.S. facilities 
-------- -- ------- ------- - --- -------- -- ---- ---------- 
rb       in jj      nns     , cc  rb       in NP   nns        

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] ,
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] cc
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] rb
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 51
[name] nns
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 49
[start] 46
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328573960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'probably on Israeli targets , but possibly on '
                             'U.S. facilities .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 101,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'probably on Israeli targets , but possibly on U.S. facilities .'},
 {'ID': 4154379,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 12, 'VVD'), (13, 15, 'to'), (16, 20, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154379) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Clarke wrote to Rice

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653482,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 15, 'to'),
                             (16, 20, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'), (13, 15, 'NT'), (16, 20, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653482) PENN in sentence 4154379:

Clarke wrote to Rice
------ ----- -- ----
NP     VVD   to NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] to
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328576456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Clarke wrote to Rice'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 101,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Clarke wrote to Rice'},
 {'ID': 4154380,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 7, 'PP$'),
          (8, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 33, ','),
          (34, 36, '``'),
          (37, 41, 'wrb'),
          (42, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 55, 'nns'),
          (56, 61, 'VVP'),
          (62, 63, ','),
          (64, 66, 'in'),
          (67, 71, 'PP'),
          (72, 78, 'rb'),
          (79, 83, 'md'),
          (84, 85, ','),
          (86, 88, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154380) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and her deputy , Stephen Hadley , `` When these attacks occur , 

as they likely will , we

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653483,
                     'NER': [(17, 31, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 7, 'PP$'),
                             (8, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 33, ','),
                             (34, 36, '``'),
                             (37, 41, 'wrb'),
                             (42, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 55, 'nns'),
                             (56, 61, 'VVP'),
                             (62, 63, ','),
                             (64, 66, 'in'),
                             (67, 71, 'PP'),
                             (72, 78, 'rb'),
                             (79, 83, 'md'),
                             (84, 85, ','),
                             (86, 88, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 47, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT'),
                             (86, 88, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653483) PENN in sentence 4154380:

and her deputy , Stephen Hadley , `` When these attacks occur , 
--- --- ------ - ------- ------ - -- ---- ----- ------- ----- - 
cc  PP$ nn     , NP      NP     , `` wrb  dt    nns     VVP   , 

as they likely will , we
-- ---- ------ ---- - --
in PP   rb     md   , PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] ``
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 60
[start] 56
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] ,
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] PP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 72
[name] rb
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] md
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] ,
                                          [end] 87
[start] 86
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 17
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                          [end] 87
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328585960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and her deputy , Stephen Hadley , `` When these '
                             'attacks occur , as they likely will , we'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 102,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and her deputy , Stephen Hadley , `` When these attacks occur , as '
          'they likely will , we'},
 {'ID': 4154381,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'md'),
          (5, 11, 'VV'),
          (12, 16, 'wp'),
          (17, 21, 'rbr'),
          (22, 24, 'PP'),
          (25, 30, 'md'),
          (31, 35, 'VH'),
          (36, 40, 'VVN'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 48, 'VV'),
          (49, 53, 'PP'),
          (54, 55, 'sent'),
          (56, 58, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154381) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

will wonder what more we could have done to stop them . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653484,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'md'),
                             (5, 11, 'VV'),
                             (12, 16, 'wp'),
                             (17, 21, 'rbr'),
                             (22, 24, 'PP'),
                             (25, 30, 'md'),
                             (31, 35, 'VH'),
                             (36, 40, 'VVN'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 48, 'VV'),
                             (49, 53, 'PP'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent'),
                             (56, 58, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (49, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653484) PENN in sentence 4154381:

will wonder what more we could have done to stop them .    ''
---- ------ ---- ---- -- ----- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- -    --
md   VV     wp   rbr  PP md    VH   VVN  to VV   PP   sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] VV
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] wp
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] PP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] md
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VH
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] PP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328602248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'will wonder what more we could have done to stop '
                             "them . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 103,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "will wonder what more we could have done to stop them . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154382,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 8, ','),
          (9, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 29, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154382) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In May , CIA Counterterrorist

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653485,
                     'NER': [(3, 6, 'date'), (9, 12, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 8, ','),
                             (9, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 29, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653485) PENN in sentence 4154382:

In May , CIA Counterterrorist
-- --- - --- ----------------
in NP  , NP  NP              
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 11,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 9}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328605032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In May , CIA Counterterrorist'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 103,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In May , CIA Counterterrorist'},
 {'ID': 4154383,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 8, '('),
          (9, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, ')'),
          (15, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 37, 'VVD'),
          (38, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 47, 'IN/that'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 76, 'VBD'),
          (77, 78, 'dt'),
          (79, 80, 'cd'),
          (81, 83, 'in'),
          (84, 85, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154383) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Center ( CTC ) Chief Cofer Black told Rice that the current 

threat level was a 7 on a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653486,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'organization'),
                             (21, 32, 'person'),
                             (38, 42, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 8, '('),
                             (9, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, ')'),
                             (15, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 37, 'VVD'),
                             (38, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 47, 'IN/that'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 76, 'VBD'),
                             (77, 78, 'dt'),
                             (79, 80, 'cd'),
                             (81, 83, 'in'),
                             (84, 85, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 32, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653486) PENN in sentence 4154383:

Center ( CTC ) Chief Cofer Black told Rice that    the current 
------ - --- - ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----    --- ------- 
NP     ( NP  ) NP    NP    NP    VVD  NP   IN/that dt  jj      

threat level was a  7  on a 
------ ----- --- -  -  -- - 
nn     nn    VBD dt cd in dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] (
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] )
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] dt
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] cd
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] in
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[start] 84
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 31
[start] 21
[name] person
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[start] 38
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
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[start] 7
[name] NT
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[start] 9
[name] NT
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[start] 13
[name] NT
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[start] 15
[name] NT
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[start] 21
[name] NT
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[start] 27
[name] NT
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[start] 38
[name] NT
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[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328627208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Center ( CTC ) Chief Cofer Black told Rice that '
                             'the current threat level was a 7 on a'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 104,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Center ( CTC ) Chief Cofer Black told Rice that the current threat '
          'level was a 7 on a'},
 {'ID': 4154384,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 13, 'to'),
          (14, 16, 'cd'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 21, 'rb'),
          (22, 30, 'VVN'),
          (31, 33, 'to'),
          (34, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 38, 'cd'),
          (39, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
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  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154384) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

scale of 1 to 10 , as compared to an 8 during the millennium .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
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                     'NER': [],
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                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 13, 'to'),
                             (14, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 21, 'rb'),
                             (22, 30, 'VVN'),
                             (31, 33, 'to'),
                             (34, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 38, 'cd'),
                             (39, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
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                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653487) PENN in sentence 4154384:

scale of 1  to 10 , as compared to an 8  during the millennium 
----- -- -  -- -- - -- -------- -- -- -  ------ --- ---------- 
nn    in cd to cd , rb VVN      to dt cd in     dt  nn         

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
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[start] 0
[name] nn
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[start] 6
[name] in
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[start] 9
[name] cd
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[start] 11
[name] to
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] cd
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[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] rb
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] cd
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
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[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
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[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328639400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'scale of 1 to 10 , as compared to an 8 during '
                             'the millennium .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 105,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'scale of 1 to 10 , as compared to an 8 during the millennium .'},
 {'ID': 4154385,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 29, 'jj'),
          (30, 32, '``'),
          (33, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 47, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154385) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

High Probability of Near-Term `` Spectacular ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653488,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 29, 'jj'),
                             (30, 32, '``'),
                             (33, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 47, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 19, 'NT'), (30, 32, 'NT'), (45, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653488) PENN in sentence 4154385:

High Probability of Near-Term `` Spectacular ''
---- ----------- -- --------- -- ----------- --
jj   nn          in jj        `` jj          ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] ``
                                          [end] 43
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328642472>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'High Probability of Near-Term `` Spectacular '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 107,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "High Probability of Near-Term `` Spectacular ''"},
 {'ID': 4154386,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154386) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653489,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653489) PENN in sentence 4154386:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328656264>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Attacks'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 107,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Attacks'},
 {'ID': 4154387,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 21, 'VVD'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 33, 'cc'),
          (34, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 40, ','),
          (41, 49, 'VVG'),
          (50, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 57, 'rb'),
          (58, 64, 'jjr'),
          (65, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154387) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Threat reports surged in June and July , reaching an even higher 

peak of urgency .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653490,
                     'NER': [(25, 29, 'date'), (34, 38, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 21, 'VVD'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 33, 'cc'),
                             (34, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 40, ','),
                             (41, 49, 'VVG'),
                             (50, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 57, 'rb'),
                             (58, 64, 'jjr'),
                             (65, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653490) PENN in sentence 4154387:

Threat reports surged in June and July , reaching an even higher 
------ ------- ------ -- ---- --- ---- - -------- -- ---- ------ 
nn     nns     VVD    in NP   cc  NP   , VVG      dt rb   jjr    

peak of urgency .   
---- -- ------- -   
nn   in nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] cc
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] ,
                                          [end] 48
[start] 41
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] rb
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 25
[name] date
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328656840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Threat reports surged in June and July , '
                             'reaching an even higher peak of urgency .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 108,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Threat reports surged in June and July , reaching an even higher '
          'peak of urgency .'},
 {'ID': 4154388,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154388) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653491,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653491) PENN in sentence 4154388:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328676360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 108,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The'},
 {'ID': 4154389,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 21, 'VVD'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 27, 'vb'),
          (28, 35, 'VVN'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 53, ','),
          (54, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 62, ','),
          (63, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 72, ','),
          (73, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 81, ','),
          (82, 87, 'NP'),
          (88, 89, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154389) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

summer threats seemed to be focused on Saudi Arabia , Israel , 

Bahrain , Kuwait , Yemen ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653492,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'date'),
                             (39, 51, 'location'),
                             (54, 60, 'location'),
                             (63, 70, 'location'),
                             (73, 79, 'location'),
                             (82, 87, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 21, 'VVD'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 27, 'vb'),
                             (28, 35, 'VVN'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 53, ','),
                             (54, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 62, ','),
                             (63, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 72, ','),
                             (73, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 81, ','),
                             (82, 87, 'NP'),
                             (88, 89, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 87, 'NT'),
                             (88, 89, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653492) PENN in sentence 4154389:

summer threats seemed to be focused on Saudi Arabia , Israel , 
------ ------- ------ -- -- ------- -- ----- ------ - ------ - 
nn     nns     VVD    to vb VVN     in NP    NP     , NP     , 

Bahrain , Kuwait , Yemen ,
------- - ------ - ----- -
NP      , NP     , NP    ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] vb
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] ,
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] ,
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] ,
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] ,
                                          [end] 86
[start] 82
[name] NP
                                          [end] 88
[start] 88
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 50
[start] 39
[name] location
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] location
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] location
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] location
                                          [end] 86
[start] 82
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
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[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                          [end] 88
[start] 88
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328677032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'summer threats seemed to be focused on Saudi '
                             'Arabia , Israel , Bahrain , Kuwait , Yemen ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 109,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'summer threats seemed to be focused on Saudi Arabia , Israel , '
          'Bahrain , Kuwait , Yemen ,'},
 {'ID': 4154390,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 19, ','),
          (20, 23, 'cc'),
          (24, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 40, 'md'),
          (41, 43, 'vb'),
          (44, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 63, 'VVG'),
          (64, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 74, 'jj'),
          (75, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154390) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and possibly Rome , but the danger could be anywhere- including a

 possible attack on

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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653493,
                     'NER': [(13, 17, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 19, ','),
                             (20, 23, 'cc'),
                             (24, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 40, 'md'),
                             (41, 43, 'vb'),
                             (44, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 63, 'VVG'),
                             (64, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 74, 'jj'),
                             (75, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (4, 12, 'NT'),
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                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653493) PENN in sentence 4154390:

and possibly Rome , but the danger could be anywhere- including 
--- -------- ---- - --- --- ------ ----- -- --------- --------- 
cc  rb       NP   , cc  dt  nn     md    vb nn        VVG       

a  possible attack on
-  -------- ------ --
dt jj       nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
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[start] 4
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] ,
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] cc
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] md
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] vb
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] jj
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 13
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328693512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and possibly Rome , but the danger could be '
                             'anywhere- including a possible attack on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 110,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and possibly Rome , but the danger could be anywhere- including a '
          'possible attack on'},
 {'ID': 4154391,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 25, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154391) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the G-8 summit in Genoa .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653494,
                     'NER': [(18, 23, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 25, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653494) PENN in sentence 4154391:

the G-8 summit in Genoa .   
--- --- ------ -- ----- -   
dt  NP  nn     in NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
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[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 18
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328704744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the G-8 summit in Genoa .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 111,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the G-8 summit in Genoa .'},
 {'ID': 4154392,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 28, 'VVG'),
          (29, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 47, 'jj'),
          (48, 58, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154392) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A June 12 CIA report passing along biographical background

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653495,
                     'NER': [(2, 9, 'date'), (10, 13, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 28, 'VVG'),
                             (29, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 47, 'jj'),
                             (48, 58, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (2, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (29, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653495) PENN in sentence 4154392:

A  June 12 CIA report passing along biographical background
-  ---- -- --- ------ ------- ----- ------------ ----------
dt NP   cd NP  nn     VVG     in    jj           nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 2
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 57
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 2
[name] date
                                          {'end': 12,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 10}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 2
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328706376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A June 12 CIA report passing along biographical '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 111,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A June 12 CIA report passing along biographical background'},
 {'ID': 4154393,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 43, 'VVN'),
          (44, 45, ','),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 59, 'VVG'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 76, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154393) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information on several terrorists mentioned , in commenting on 

Khalid Sheikh

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653496,
                     'NER': [(63, 76, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 43, 'VVN'),
                             (44, 45, ','),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 59, 'VVG'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 76, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653496) PENN in sentence 4154393:

information on several terrorists mentioned , in commenting on 
----------- -- ------- ---------- --------- - -- ---------- -- 
nn          in jj      nns        VVN       , in VVG        in 

Khalid Sheikh
------ ------
NP     NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 34
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] ,
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 49
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 68
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 75
[start] 63
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328724840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information on several terrorists mentioned , in '
                             'commenting on Khalid Sheikh'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 112,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information on several terrorists mentioned , in commenting on '
          'Khalid Sheikh'},
 {'ID': 4154394,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
          (16, 18, 'PP'),
          (19, 22, 'VBD'),
          (23, 33, 'VVG'),
          (34, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 50, 'VV'),
          (51, 53, 'to'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 71, 'NPS'),
          (72, 74, 'to'),
          (75, 79, 'VV'),
          (80, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154394) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Mohammed , that he was recruiting people to travel to the United 

States to meet with

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653497,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'person'), (58, 71, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
                             (16, 18, 'PP'),
                             (19, 22, 'VBD'),
                             (23, 33, 'VVG'),
                             (34, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 50, 'VV'),
                             (51, 53, 'to'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 71, 'NPS'),
                             (72, 74, 'to'),
                             (75, 79, 'VV'),
                             (80, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (80, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653497) PENN in sentence 4154394:

Mohammed , that    he was recruiting people to travel to the 
-------- - ----    -- --- ---------- ------ -- ------ -- --- 
NP       , IN/that PP VBD VVG        nns    to VV     to dt  

United States to meet with
------ ------ -- ---- ----
NP     NPS    to VV   in  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] PP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 23
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] to
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] to
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] VV
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 70
[start] 58
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328727048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Mohammed , that he was recruiting people to '
                             'travel to the United States to meet with'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 113,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Mohammed , that he was recruiting people to travel to the United '
          'States to meet with'},
 {'ID': 4154395,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 18, 'rb'),
          (19, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 27, 'rb'),
          (28, 32, 'IN/that'),
          (33, 37, 'PP'),
          (38, 43, 'md'),
          (44, 51, 'VV'),
          (52, 61, 'jj'),
          (62, 69, 'nns'),
          (70, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 82, 'NP'),
          (83, 85, 'POS')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154395) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

colleagues already there so that they might conduct terrorist 

attacks on Bin Ladin 's

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653498,
                     'NER': [(73, 82, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 18, 'rb'),
                             (19, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 27, 'rb'),
                             (28, 32, 'IN/that'),
                             (33, 37, 'PP'),
                             (38, 43, 'md'),
                             (44, 51, 'VV'),
                             (52, 61, 'jj'),
                             (62, 69, 'nns'),
                             (70, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 82, 'NP'),
                             (83, 85, 'POS')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 43, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653498) PENN in sentence 4154395:

colleagues already there so that    they might conduct terrorist 
---------- ------- ----- -- ----    ---- ----- ------- --------- 
nns        rb      rb    rb IN/that PP   md    VV      jj        

attacks on Bin Ladin 's 
------- -- --- ----- -- 
nns     in NP  NP    POS
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] rb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] rb
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] rb
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] PP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] md
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 68
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] POS
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 81
[start] 73
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328738568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'colleagues already there so that they might '
                             "conduct terrorist attacks on Bin Ladin 's"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 114,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'colleagues already there so that they might conduct terrorist '
          "attacks on Bin Ladin 's"},
 {'ID': 4154396,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154396) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

behalf .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653499,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653499) PENN in sentence 4154396:

behalf .   
------ -   
nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328749608>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'behalf .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 115,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'behalf .'},
 {'ID': 4154397,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 29, 'VVD'),
          (30, 33, 'pdt'),
          (34, 37, 'PP$'),
          (38, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 71, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154397) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On June 22 , the CIA notified all its station chiefs about 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653500,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'date'), (17, 20, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 29, 'VVD'),
                             (30, 33, 'pdt'),
                             (34, 37, 'PP$'),
                             (38, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 71, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (53, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653500) PENN in sentence 4154397:

On June 22 , the CIA notified all its station chiefs about 
-- ---- -- - --- --- -------- --- --- ------- ------ ----- 
in NP   cd , dt  NP  VVD      pdt PP$ nn      nns    in    

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] pdt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] nns
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 19,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 17}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328750376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On June 22 , the CIA notified all its station '
                             'chiefs about intelligence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 115,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On June 22 , the CIA notified all its station chiefs about '
 {'ID': 4154398,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'),
          (11, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 21, 'jj'),
          (22, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 71, 'dt'),
          (72, 76, 'jj'),
          (77, 80, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154398) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

suggesting a possible al Qaeda suicide attack on a U.S. target 

over the next few

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653501,
                     'NER': [(22, 30, 'location'), (51, 55, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'),
                             (11, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 71, 'dt'),
                             (72, 76, 'jj'),
                             (77, 80, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 30, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653501) PENN in sentence 4154398:

suggesting a  possible al Qaeda suicide attack on a  U.S. target 
---------- -  -------- -- ----- ------- ------ -- -  ---- ------ 
VVG        dt jj       NP NP    nn      nn     in dt NP   nn     

over the next few
---- --- ---- ---
in   dt  jj   jj 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 29
[start] 22
[name] location
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328769608>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'suggesting a possible al Qaeda suicide attack on '
                             'a U.S. target over the next few'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 116,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'suggesting a possible al Qaeda suicide attack on a U.S. target over '
          'the next few'},
 {'ID': 4154399,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nns'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154399) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

days .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653502,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nns'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653502) PENN in sentence 4154399:

days .   
---- -   
nns  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328772584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'days .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 117,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'days .'},
 {'ID': 4154400,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 43, 'vb'),
          (44, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 53, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154400) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

DCITenet asked that all U.S. ambassadors be briefed .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653503,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'organization'), (24, 28, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 43, 'vb'),
                             (44, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 53, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653503) PENN in sentence 4154400:

DCITenet asked that    all U.S. ambassadors be briefed .   
-------- ----- ----    --- ---- ----------- -- ------- -   
NP       VVD   IN/that dt  NP   nns         vb VVN     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] vb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 7,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328773352>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'DCITenet asked that all U.S. ambassadors be '
                             'briefed .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 117,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'DCITenet asked that all U.S. ambassadors be briefed .'},
 {'ID': 4154401,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 15, ','),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 45, 'VVD'),
          (46, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 59, 'nns'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 76, 'jj'),
          (77, 83, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154401) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

That same day , the State Department notified all embassies of 

the terrorist threat

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653504,
                     'NER': [(20, 36, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 15, ','),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 45, 'VVD'),
                             (46, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 59, 'nns'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 76, 'jj'),
                             (77, 83, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 36, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653504) PENN in sentence 4154401:

That same day , the State Department notified all embassies of 
---- ---- --- - --- ----- ---------- -------- --- --------- -- 
dt   jj   nn  , dt  NP    NP         VVD      dt  nns       in 

the terrorist threat
--- --------- ------
dt  jj        nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 37
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 50
[name] nns
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 67
[name] jj
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 35,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 20}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328783624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'That same day , the State Department notified '
                             'all embassies of the terrorist threat'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 119,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'That same day , the State Department notified all embassies of the '
          'terrorist threat'},
 {'ID': 4154402,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 11, 'VVN'),
          (12, 15, 'PP$'),
          (16, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 42, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154402) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and updated its worldwide public warning .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653505,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 11, 'VVN'),
                             (12, 15, 'PP$'),
                             (16, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (12, 15, 'NT'), (41, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653505) PENN in sentence 4154402:

and updated its worldwide public warning .   
--- ------- --- --------- ------ ------- -   
cc  VVN     PP$ jj        jj     nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328794664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and updated its worldwide public warning .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 120,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and updated its worldwide public warning .'},
 {'ID': 4154403,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 40, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154403) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In June , the State Department initiated

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653506,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'date'), (14, 30, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 40, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653506) PENN in sentence 4154403:

In June , the State Department initiated
-- ---- - --- ----- ---------- ---------
in NP   , dt  NP    NP         VVD      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 29,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 14}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328796104>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In June , the State Department initiated'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 120,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In June , the State Department initiated'},
 {'ID': 4154404,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 64, ','),
          (65, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 76, 'to'),
          (77, 81, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154404) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the Visa Express program in Saudi Arabia as a security measure , 

in order to keep

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653507,
                     'NER': [(4, 16, 'organization'), (28, 40, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 64, ','),
                             (65, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 76, 'to'),
                             (77, 81, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 16, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653507) PENN in sentence 4154404:

the Visa Express program in Saudi Arabia as a  security measure ,
--- ---- ------- ------- -- ----- ------ -- -  -------- ------- -
dt  NP   NP      nn      in NP    NP     in dt nn       nn      ,

 in order to keep
 -- ----- -- ----
 in nn    to VV  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 53
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] ,
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] to
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 15,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 39
[start] 28
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328798024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the Visa Express program in Saudi Arabia as a '
                             'security measure , in order to keep'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 121,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the Visa Express program in Saudi Arabia as a security measure , in '
          'order to keep'},
 {'ID': 4154405,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 29, 'rb'),
          (30, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 45, 'jj'),
          (46, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 60, 'nns'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154405) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

long lines of foreigners away from vulnerable embassy spaces .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653508,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 29, 'rb'),
                             (30, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 45, 'jj'),
                             (46, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 60, 'nns'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653508) PENN in sentence 4154405:

long lines of foreigners away from vulnerable embassy spaces .   
---- ----- -- ---------- ---- ---- ---------- ------- ------ -   
jj   nns   in nns        rb   in   jj         nn      nns    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] rb
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] nns
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328817736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'long lines of foreigners away from vulnerable '
                             'embassy spaces .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 122,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'long lines of foreigners away from vulnerable embassy spaces .'},
 {'ID': 4154406,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 11, 'nn'), (12, 21, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154406) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The program permitted

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653509,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 11, 'nn'), (12, 21, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653509) PENN in sentence 4154406:

The program permitted
--- ------- ---------
dt  nn      VVN      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328831912>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The program permitted'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 122,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The program permitted'},
 {'ID': 4154407,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 20, 'to'),
          (21, 23, 'vb'),
          (24, 28, 'VVN'),
          (29, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 54, ','),
          (55, 62, 'rb'),
          (63, 65, 'in'),
          (66, 74, 'rb'),
          (75, 77, 'in'),
          (78, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154407) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

visa applications to be made through travel agencies , instead of

 directly at the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653510,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 20, 'to'),
                             (21, 23, 'vb'),
                             (24, 28, 'VVN'),
                             (29, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 54, ','),
                             (55, 62, 'rb'),
                             (63, 65, 'in'),
                             (66, 74, 'rb'),
                             (75, 77, 'in'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (29, 36, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653510) PENN in sentence 4154407:

visa applications to be made through travel agencies , instead of
---- ------------ -- -- ---- ------- ------ -------- - ------- --
nn   nns          to vb VVN  in      nn     nns      , rb      in

 directly at the
 -------- -- ---
 rb       in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] to
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] vb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] nns
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] ,
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] rb
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] in
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] rb
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] in
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328832776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'visa applications to be made through travel '
                             'agencies , instead of directly at the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 123,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'visa applications to be made through travel agencies , instead of '
          'directly at the'},
 {'ID': 4154408,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'), (8, 10, 'cc'), (11, 20, 'nn'), (21, 22, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154408) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

embassy or consulate .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653511,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'organization'), (11, 20, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 10, 'cc'),
                             (11, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 22, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'), (21, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653511) PENN in sentence 4154408:

embassy or consulate .   
------- -- --------- -   
nn      cc nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cc
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 19,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 11}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328839624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'embassy or consulate .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 124,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'embassy or consulate .'},
 {'ID': 4154409,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 39, 'VVN'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 47, 'jj'),
          (48, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 62, 'VVD'),
          (63, 64, 'dt'),
          (65, 69, 'jj'),
          (70, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154409) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A terrorist threat advisory distributed in late June indicated a 

high probability of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653512,
                     'NER': [(48, 52, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 39, 'VVN'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 47, 'jj'),
                             (48, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 62, 'VVD'),
                             (63, 64, 'dt'),
                             (65, 69, 'jj'),
                             (70, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653512) PENN in sentence 4154409:

A  terrorist threat advisory distributed in late June indicated 
-  --------- ------ -------- ----------- -- ---- ---- --------- 
dt jj        nn     nn       VVN         in jj   NP   VVD       

a  high probability of
-  ---- ----------- --
dt jj   nn          in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 2
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 28
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 53
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] jj
                                          [end] 80
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 51
[start] 48
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328840872>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A terrorist threat advisory distributed in late '
                             'June indicated a high probability of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 126,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A terrorist threat advisory distributed in late June indicated a '
          'high probability of'},
 {'ID': 4154410,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 12, '``'),
          (13, 24, 'jj'),
          (25, 27, "''"),
          (28, 37, 'jj'),
          (38, 45, 'nns'),
          (46, 55, 'VVG'),
          (56, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 67, 'jj'),
          (68, 78, 'nns'),
          (79, 80, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154410) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

near-term `` spectacular '' terrorist attacks resulting in 

numerous casualties .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653513,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 12, '``'),
                             (13, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 27, "''"),
                             (28, 37, 'jj'),
                             (38, 45, 'nns'),
                             (46, 55, 'VVG'),
                             (56, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 67, 'jj'),
                             (68, 78, 'nns'),
                             (79, 80, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653513) PENN in sentence 4154410:

near-term `` spectacular '' terrorist attacks resulting in 
--------- -- ----------- -- --------- ------- --------- -- 
jj        `` jj          '' jj        nns     VVG       in 

numerous casualties .   
-------- ---------- -   
jj       nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] ``
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] ''
                                          [end] 36
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] nns
                                          [end] 54
[start] 46
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] jj
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] nns
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328843176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "near-term `` spectacular '' terrorist attacks "
                             'resulting in numerous casualties .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 127,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "near-term `` spectacular '' terrorist attacks resulting in numerous "
          'casualties .'},
 {'ID': 4154411,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154411) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653514,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653514) PENN in sentence 4154411:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328869736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Other'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 127,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Other'},
 {'ID': 4154412,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 9, 'POS'),
          (10, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 23, 'VVD'),
          (24, 25, ','),
          (26, 28, "''"),
          (29, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 50, 'md'),
          (51, 53, 'vb'),
          (54, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 65, "''"),
          (66, 69, 'cc'),
          (70, 72, '``'),
          (73, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 82, 'NP'),
          (83, 86, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154412) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reports ' titles warned , '' Bin Ladin Attacks May be Imminent ''

 and `` Bin Ladin and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653515,
                     'NER': [(29, 46, 'person'), (73, 82, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 9, 'POS'),
                             (10, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 23, 'VVD'),
                             (24, 25, ','),
                             (26, 28, "''"),
                             (29, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 50, 'md'),
                             (51, 53, 'vb'),
                             (54, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 65, "''"),
                             (66, 69, 'cc'),
                             (70, 72, '``'),
                             (73, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 82, 'NP'),
                             (83, 86, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653515) PENN in sentence 4154412:

reports '   titles warned , '' Bin Ladin Attacks May be Imminent 
------- -   ------ ------ - -- --- ----- ------- --- -- -------- 
nns     POS nns    VVD    , '' NP  NP    NP      md  vb jj       

'' and `` Bin Ladin and
-- --- -- --- ----- ---
'' cc  `` NP  NP    cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] POS
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] ''
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] md
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] vb
                                          [end] 61
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] ''
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] cc
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] ``
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 45
[start] 29
[name] person
                                          [end] 81
[start] 73
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328870312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "reports ' titles warned , '' Bin Ladin Attacks "
                             "May be Imminent '' and `` Bin Ladin and"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 128,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "reports ' titles warned , '' Bin Ladin Attacks May be Imminent '' "
          'and `` Bin Ladin and'},
 {'ID': 4154413,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 17, 'VVG'),
          (18, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 37, 'sent'),
          (38, 40, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154413) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Associates Making Near-Term Threats . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653516,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 17, 'VVG'),
                             (18, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 37, 'sent'),
                             (38, 40, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(18, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653516) PENN in sentence 4154413:

Associates Making Near-Term Threats .    ''
---------- ------ --------- ------- -    --
nns        VVG    NP        NP      sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] sent
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328878216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Associates Making Near-Term Threats . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 129,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Associates Making Near-Term Threats . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154414,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 44, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154414) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The latter reported multiple attacks planned

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653517,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 44, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653517) PENN in sentence 4154414:

The latter reported multiple attacks planned
--- ------ -------- -------- ------- -------
dt  nn     VVD      jj       nns     VVN    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328879656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The latter reported multiple attacks planned'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 129,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The latter reported multiple attacks planned'},
 {'ID': 4154415,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 20, 'nns'),
          (21, 22, ','),
          (23, 32, 'VVG'),
          (33, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 37, '``'),
          (38, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 52, "''"),
          (53, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 69, 'cc'),
          (70, 77, 'jj'),
          (78, 80, '``'),
          (81, 90, 'nns'),
          (91, 93, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154415) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

over the coming days , including a `` severe blow '' against U.S.

 and Israeli `` interests ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653518,
                     'NER': [(61, 65, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 22, ','),
                             (23, 32, 'VVG'),
                             (33, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 37, '``'),
                             (38, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 52, "''"),
                             (53, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 69, 'cc'),
                             (70, 77, 'jj'),
                             (78, 80, '``'),
                             (81, 90, 'nns'),
                             (91, 93, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT'),
                             (91, 93, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653518) PENN in sentence 4154415:

over the coming days , including a  `` severe blow '' against 
---- --- ------ ---- - --------- -  -- ------ ---- -- ------- 
in   dt  VVG    nns  , VVG       dt `` jj     nn   '' in      

U.S. and Israeli `` interests ''
---- --- ------- -- --------- --
NP   cc  jj      `` nns       ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 23
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] ``
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] jj
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] ''
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] cc
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] ``
                                          [end] 89
[start] 81
[name] nns
                                          [end] 92
[start] 91
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 64
[start] 61
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 92
[start] 91
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328901352>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'over the coming days , including a `` severe '
                             "blow '' against U.S. and Israeli `` interests "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 130,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "over the coming days , including a `` severe blow '' against U.S. "
          "and Israeli `` interests ''"},
 {'ID': 4154416,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 19, 'cd'),
          (20, 25, 'nns'),
          (26, 27, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154416) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

during the next two weeks .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653519,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 19, 'cd'),
                             (20, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 27, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653519) PENN in sentence 4154416:

during the next two weeks .   
------ --- ---- --- ----- -   
in     dt  jj   cd  nns   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] cd
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328917064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'during the next two weeks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 131,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'during the next two weeks .'},
 {'ID': 4154417,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 54, ','),
          (55, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 82, 'VVD'),
          (83, 86, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154417) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On June 21 , near the height of the threat reporting , U.S. 

Central Command raised the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653520,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'date'), (55, 75, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 54, ','),
                             (55, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 82, 'VVD'),
                             (83, 86, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 75, 'NT'),
                             (83, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653520) PENN in sentence 4154417:

On June 21 , near the height of the threat reporting , U.S. 
-- ---- -- - ---- --- ------ -- --- ------ --------- - ---- 
in NP   cd , in   dt  nn     in dt  nn     nn        , NP   

Central Command raised the
------- ------- ------ ---
NP      NP      VVD    dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] ,
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 76
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 74,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 55}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328918504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On June 21 , near the height of the threat '
                             'reporting , U.S. Central Command raised the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 133,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On June 21 , near the height of the threat reporting , U.S. Central '
          'Command raised the'},
 {'ID': 4154418,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 48, 'nns'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 55, 'cd'),
          (56, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 68, 'to'),
          (69, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 80, 'jjs')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154418) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

force protection condition level for U.S. troops in six countries

 to the highest

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653521,
                     'NER': [(37, 41, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 48, 'nns'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 55, 'cd'),
                             (56, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 68, 'to'),
                             (69, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 80, 'jjs')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653521) PENN in sentence 4154418:

force protection condition level for U.S. troops in six countries
----- ---------- --------- ----- --- ---- ------ -- --- ---------
nn    nn         nn        nn    in  NP   nns    in cd  nns      

 to the highest
 -- --- -------
 to dt  jjs    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] nns
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] cd
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] nns
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] to
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] jjs
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 40
[start] 37
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328934408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'force protection condition level for U.S. troops '
                             'in six countries to the highest'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 134,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'force protection condition level for U.S. troops in six countries '
          'to the highest'},
 {'ID': 4154419,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 24, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154419) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possible level , Delta .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653522,
                     'NER': [(17, 22, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 24, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 16, 'NT'), (17, 22, 'NT'), (23, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653522) PENN in sentence 4154419:

possible level , Delta .   
-------- ----- - ----- -   
jj       nn    , NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 17}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328936808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possible level , Delta .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 135,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possible level , Delta .'},
 {'ID': 4154420,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 26, 'VVD'),
          (27, 30, 'rp'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'PP$'),
          (38, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 55, ','),
          (56, 59, 'cc'),
          (60, 61, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154420) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The U.S. Fifth Fleet moved out of its port in Bahrain , and a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653523,
                     'NER': [(4, 20, 'organization'), (46, 53, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 26, 'VVD'),
                             (27, 30, 'rp'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'PP$'),
                             (38, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 55, ','),
                             (56, 59, 'cc'),
                             (60, 61, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653523) PENN in sentence 4154420:

The U.S. Fifth Fleet moved out of its port in Bahrain , and a 
--- ---- ----- ----- ----- --- -- --- ---- -- ------- - --- - 
dt  NP   NP    NP    VVD   rp  in PP$ nn   in NP      , cc  dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] rp
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] ,
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] cc
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 19,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328946408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The U.S. Fifth Fleet moved out of its port in '
                             'Bahrain , and a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 135,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The U.S. Fifth Fleet moved out of its port in Bahrain , and a'},
 {'ID': 4154421,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 40, 'VBD'),
          (41, 47, 'VVN'),
          (48, 49, 'sent'),
          (50, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 71, 'dt'),
          (72, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154421) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

U.S. Marine Corps exercise in Jordan was halted . U.S. embassies 

in the Persian Gulf

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653524,
                     'NER': [(0, 17, 'organization'),
                             (30, 36, 'location'),
                             (50, 54, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 40, 'VBD'),
                             (41, 47, 'VVN'),
                             (48, 49, 'sent'),
                             (50, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 71, 'dt'),
                             (72, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 17, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 54, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653524) PENN in sentence 4154421:

U.S. Marine Corps exercise in Jordan was halted .    U.S. 
---- ------ ----- -------- -- ------ --- ------ -    ---- 
NP   NP     NP    nn       in NP     VBD VVN    sent NP   

embassies in the Persian Gulf
--------- -- --- ------- ----
nns       in dt  NP      NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] sent
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 55
[name] nns
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 16,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] location
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328949576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'U.S. Marine Corps exercise in Jordan was halted '
                             '. U.S. embassies in the Persian Gulf'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 136,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'U.S. Marine Corps exercise in Jordan was halted . U.S. embassies in '
          'the Persian Gulf'},
 {'ID': 4154422,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
          (10, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 40, ','),
          (41, 44, 'cc'),
          (45, 48, 'dt'),
          (49, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 69, 'VBD'),
          (70, 76, 'VVN'),
          (77, 78, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154422) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

conducted an emergency security review , and the embassy in Yemen

 was closed .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653525,
                     'NER': [(60, 65, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
                             (10, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 40, ','),
                             (41, 44, 'cc'),
                             (45, 48, 'dt'),
                             (49, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 69, 'VBD'),
                             (70, 76, 'VVN'),
                             (77, 78, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653525) PENN in sentence 4154422:

conducted an emergency security review , and the embassy in Yemen
--------- -- --------- -------- ------ - --- --- ------- -- -----
VVN       dt nn        nn       nn     , cc  dt  nn      in NP   

 was closed .   
 --- ------ -   
 VBD VVN    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] ,
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] cc
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 64
[start] 60
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328965288>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'conducted an emergency security review , and the '
                             'embassy in Yemen was closed .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 137,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'conducted an emergency security review , and the embassy in Yemen '
          'was closed .'},
 {'ID': 4154423,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154423) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653526,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653526) PENN in sentence 4154423:

--- ---
dt  NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328984520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The CSG'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 137,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The CSG'},
 {'ID': 4154424,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
          (4, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 38, ','),
          (39, 44, 'VVN'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 55, ','),
          (56, 61, 'jj'),
          (62, 64, 'to'),
          (65, 69, 'VV'),
          (70, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 77, 'cd'),
          (78, 83, 'nns'),
          (84, 85, 'POS')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154424) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

had foreign emergency response teams , known as FESTs , ready to 

move on four hours '

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653527,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
                             (4, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 38, ','),
                             (39, 44, 'VVN'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 55, ','),
                             (56, 61, 'jj'),
                             (62, 64, 'to'),
                             (65, 69, 'VV'),
                             (70, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 77, 'cd'),
                             (78, 83, 'nns'),
                             (84, 85, 'POS')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 77, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653527) PENN in sentence 4154424:

had foreign emergency response teams , known as FESTs , ready to 
--- ------- --------- -------- ----- - ----- -- ----- - ----- -- 
VHD jj      nn        nn       nns   , VVN   in NP    , jj    to 

move on four hours '  
---- -- ---- ----- -  
VV   in cd   nns   POS
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] ,
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] ,
                                          [end] 60
[start] 56
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] VV
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] cd
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] nns
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] POS
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328985480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'had foreign emergency response teams , known as '
                             "FESTs , ready to move on four hours '"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 138,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'had foreign emergency response teams , known as FESTs , ready to '
          "move on four hours '"},
 {'ID': 4154425,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 10, 'cc'),
          (11, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 18, 'rp'),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 54, '``'),
          (55, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 65, 'cd'),
          (66, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 78, 'sent'),
          (79, 81, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154425) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

notice and kept up the terrorism alert posture on a `` rolling 24

 hour basis . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653528,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 10, 'cc'),
                             (11, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 18, 'rp'),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 54, '``'),
                             (55, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 65, 'cd'),
                             (66, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 78, 'sent'),
                             (79, 81, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653528) PENN in sentence 4154425:

notice and kept up the terrorism alert posture on a  `` rolling 
------ --- ---- -- --- --------- ----- ------- -- -  -- ------- 
nn     cc  VVD  rp dt  nn        jj    nn      in dt `` jj      

24 hour basis .    ''
-- ---- ----- -    --
cd nn   nn    sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] cc
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] rp
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] ``
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] cd
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] sent
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824328996712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'notice and kept up the terrorism alert posture '
                             "on a `` rolling 24 hour basis . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 139,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'notice and kept up the terrorism alert posture on a `` rolling 24 '
          "hour basis . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154426,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 26, 'VVD'),
          (27, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 35, 'cc'),
          (36, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 47, 'IN/that'),
          (48, 51, 'cd'),
          (52, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 81, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154426) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On June 25 , Clarke warned Rice and Hadley that six separate 

intelligence reports

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653529,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'date'),
                             (13, 19, 'person'),
                             (27, 31, 'person'),
                             (36, 42, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 26, 'VVD'),
                             (27, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 35, 'cc'),
                             (36, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 47, 'IN/that'),
                             (48, 51, 'cd'),
                             (52, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 81, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 19, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 42, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653529) PENN in sentence 4154426:

On June 25 , Clarke warned Rice and Hadley that    six separate 
-- ---- -- - ------ ------ ---- --- ------ ----    --- -------- 
in NP   cd , NP     VVD    NP   cc  NP     IN/that cd  jj       

intelligence reports
------------ -------
nn           nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] cc
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] cd
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 72
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 74
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] person
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] person
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329012040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On June 25 , Clarke warned Rice and Hadley that '
                             'six separate intelligence reports'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 141,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On June 25 , Clarke warned Rice and Hadley that six separate '
          'intelligence reports'},
 {'ID': 4154427,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 25, 'nns'),
          (26, 33, 'VVG'),
          (34, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 46, 'VVG'),
          (47, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 55, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154427) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

showed al Qaeda personnel warning of a pending attack .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653530,
                     'NER': [(7, 15, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 33, 'VVG'),
                             (34, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 46, 'VVG'),
                             (47, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653530) PENN in sentence 4154427:

showed al Qaeda personnel warning of a  pending attack .   
------ -- ----- --------- ------- -- -  ------- ------ -   
VVD    NP NP    nns       VVG     in dt VVG     nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 14,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 7}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329015112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'showed al Qaeda personnel warning of a pending '
                             'attack .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 142,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'showed al Qaeda personnel warning of a pending attack .'},
 {'ID': 4154428,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 9, 'NP'), (10, 20, 'nn'), (21, 28, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154428) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

An Arabic television station

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653531,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 28, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653531) PENN in sentence 4154428:

An Arabic television station
-- ------ ---------- -------
dt NP     nn         nn     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329029480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'An Arabic television station'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 142,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'An Arabic television station'},
 {'ID': 4154429,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 21, 'POS'),
          (22, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 56, 'wp'),
          (57, 61, 'VBD'),
          (62, 68, 'VVG'),
          (69, 73, 'IN/that'),
          (74, 77, 'dt'),
          (78, 82, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154429) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reported Bin Ladin 's pleasure with al Qaeda leaders who were 

saying that the next

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653532,
                     'NER': [(0, 18, 'person'), (36, 44, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 21, 'POS'),
                             (22, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 56, 'wp'),
                             (57, 61, 'VBD'),
                             (62, 68, 'VVG'),
                             (69, 73, 'IN/that'),
                             (74, 77, 'dt'),
                             (78, 82, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 44, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 61, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653532) PENN in sentence 4154429:

reported Bin Ladin 's  pleasure with al Qaeda leaders who were 
-------- --- ----- --  -------- ---- -- ----- ------- --- ---- 
VVD      NP  NP    POS nn       in   NP NP    nns     wp  VBD  

saying that    the next
------ ----    --- ----
VVG    IN/that dt  jj  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] POS
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 45
[name] nns
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] wp
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 43,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 36}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329030536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "reported Bin Ladin 's pleasure with al Qaeda "
                             'leaders who were saying that the next'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 143,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "reported Bin Ladin 's pleasure with al Qaeda leaders who were "
          'saying that the next'},
 {'ID': 4154430,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
          (6, 8, '``'),
          (9, 13, 'md'),
          (14, 21, 'VV'),
          (22, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 41, 'nns'),
          (42, 44, "''"),
          (45, 48, 'cc'),
          (49, 53, 'IN/that'),
          (54, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 62, 'cc'),
          (63, 70, 'jj'),
          (71, 80, 'nns'),
          (81, 85, 'md'),
          (86, 88, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154430) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

weeks `` will witness important surprises '' and that U.S. and 

Israeli interests will be

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653533,
                     'NER': [(54, 58, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
                             (6, 8, '``'),
                             (9, 13, 'md'),
                             (14, 21, 'VV'),
                             (22, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 41, 'nns'),
                             (42, 44, "''"),
                             (45, 48, 'cc'),
                             (49, 53, 'IN/that'),
                             (54, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 62, 'cc'),
                             (63, 70, 'jj'),
                             (71, 80, 'nns'),
                             (81, 85, 'md'),
                             (86, 88, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (81, 85, 'NT'),
                             (86, 88, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653533) PENN in sentence 4154430:

weeks `` will witness important surprises '' and that    U.S. and
----- -- ---- ------- --------- --------- -- --- ----    ---- ---
nns   `` md   VV      jj        nns       '' cc  IN/that NP   cc 

 Israeli interests will be
 ------- --------- ---- --
 jj      nns       md   vb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] ``
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] md
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] VV
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] nns
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] ''
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] cc
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] cc
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] nns
                                          [end] 84
[start] 81
[name] md
                                          [end] 87
[start] 86
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 57
[start] 54
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                          [end] 87
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329041768>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "weeks `` will witness important surprises '' and "
                             'that U.S. and Israeli interests will be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 144,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "weeks `` will witness important surprises '' and that U.S. and "
          'Israeli interests will be'},
 {'ID': 4154431,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154431) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

targeted .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653534,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653534) PENN in sentence 4154431:

targeted .   
-------- -   
VVN      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329061096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'targeted .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 145,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'targeted .'},
 {'ID': 4154432,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'NP'),
          (3, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 13, 'rb'),
          (14, 22, 'VVD'),
          (23, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 44, 'cc'),
          (45, 57, 'jj'),
          (58, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 64, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154432) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Al Qaeda also released a new recruitment and fund-raising tape .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653535,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'NP'),
                             (3, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 13, 'rb'),
                             (14, 22, 'VVD'),
                             (23, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 44, 'cc'),
                             (45, 57, 'jj'),
                             (58, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 64, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653535) PENN in sentence 4154432:

Al Qaeda also released a  new recruitment and fund-raising tape 
-- ----- ---- -------- -  --- ----------- --- ------------ ---- 
NP NP    rb   VVD      dt jj  nn          cc  jj           nn   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 39
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] cc
                                          [end] 56
[start] 45
[name] jj
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329061864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Al Qaeda also released a new recruitment and '
                             'fund-raising tape .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 145,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Al Qaeda also released a new recruitment and fund-raising tape .'},
 {'ID': 4154433,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154433) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653536,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653536) PENN in sentence 4154433:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329064072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Clarke'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 145,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Clarke'},
 {'ID': 4154434,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVD'),
          (6, 10, 'IN/that'),
          (11, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 19, 'VBD'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 27, 'rb'),
          (28, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 44, 'to'),
          (45, 47, 'vb'),
          (48, 54, 'rb'),
          (55, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 70, 'jj'),
          (71, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 83, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154434) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

wrote that this was all too sophisticated to be merely a 

psychological operation to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653537,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVD'),
                             (6, 10, 'IN/that'),
                             (11, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 19, 'VBD'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 27, 'rb'),
                             (28, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 44, 'to'),
                             (45, 47, 'vb'),
                             (48, 54, 'rb'),
                             (55, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 70, 'jj'),
                             (71, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 83, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 56, 'NT'),
                             (81, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653537) PENN in sentence 4154434:

wrote that    this was all too sophisticated to be merely a  
----- ----    ---- --- --- --- ------------- -- -- ------ -  
VVD   IN/that dt   VBD dt  rb  jj            to vb rb     dt 

psychological operation to
------------- --------- --
jj            nn        to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] rb
                                          [end] 40
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] vb
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] rb
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 57
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329077192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'wrote that this was all too sophisticated to be '
                             'merely a psychological operation to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 146,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'wrote that this was all too sophisticated to be merely a '
          'psychological operation to'},
 {'ID': 4154435,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VV'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 22, 'NPS'),
          (23, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 51, 'VVD'),
          (52, 53, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154435) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

keep the United States on edge , and the CIA agreed .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653538,
                     'NER': [(9, 22, 'location'), (41, 44, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VV'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 22, 'NPS'),
                             (23, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 51, 'VVD'),
                             (52, 53, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653538) PENN in sentence 4154435:

keep the United States on edge , and the CIA agreed .   
---- --- ------ ------ -- ---- - --- --- --- ------ -   
VV   dt  NP     NPS    in nn   , cc  dt  NP  VVD    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cc
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 9
[name] location
                                          {'end': 43,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 41}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329079880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'keep the United States on edge , and the CIA '
                             'agreed .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 147,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'keep the United States on edge , and the CIA agreed .'},
 {'ID': 4154436,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 16, 'nn'), (17, 26, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154436) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The intelligence reporting

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653539,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 16, 'nn'), (17, 26, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653539) PENN in sentence 4154436:

The intelligence reporting
--- ------------ ---------
dt  nn           VVG      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329090824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The intelligence reporting'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 147,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The intelligence reporting'},
 {'ID': 4154437,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 22, 'VVN'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 43, 'nns'),
          (44, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 56, 'VVG'),
          (57, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 72, 'jj'),
          (73, 79, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154437) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

consistently described the upcoming attacks as occurring on a 

calamitous level,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653540,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 22, 'VVN'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 43, 'nns'),
                             (44, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 56, 'VVG'),
                             (57, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 72, 'jj'),
                             (73, 79, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 12, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT'),
                             (73, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653540) PENN in sentence 4154437:

consistently described the upcoming attacks as occurring on a  
------------ --------- --- -------- ------- -- --------- -- -  
rb           VVN       dt  jj       nns     in VVG       in dt 

calamitous level,
---------- ------
jj         NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] nns
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 62
[name] jj
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329091688>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'consistently described the upcoming attacks as '
                             'occurring on a calamitous level,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 148,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'consistently described the upcoming attacks as occurring on a '
          'calamitous level,'},
 {'ID': 4154438,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'),
          (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
          (16, 20, 'PP'),
          (21, 26, 'md'),
          (27, 32, 'VV'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 45, 'to'),
          (46, 48, 'vb'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 63, 'cc'),
          (64, 68, 'IN/that'),
          (69, 73, 'PP'),
          (74, 79, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154438) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

indicating that they would cause the world to be in turmoil and 

that they would

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653541,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'),
                             (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
                             (16, 20, 'PP'),
                             (21, 26, 'md'),
                             (27, 32, 'VV'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 45, 'to'),
                             (46, 48, 'vb'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 63, 'cc'),
                             (64, 68, 'IN/that'),
                             (69, 73, 'PP'),
                             (74, 79, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 26, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (69, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653541) PENN in sentence 4154438:

indicating that    they would cause the world to be in turmoil 
---------- ----    ---- ----- ----- --- ----- -- -- -- ------- 
VVG        IN/that PP   md    VV    dt  nn    to vb in nn      

and that    they would
--- ----    ---- -----
cc  IN/that PP   md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] PP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] md
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] VV
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] to
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] vb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] cc
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] PP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329106152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'indicating that they would cause the world to be '
                             'in turmoil and that they would'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 149,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'indicating that they would cause the world to be in turmoil and '
          'that they would'},
 {'ID': 4154439,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VV'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 48, 'rb'),
          (49, 69, 'nns'),
          (70, 71, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154439) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

consist of possible multiple-but not necessarily simultaneous-

attacks .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653542,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VV'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 48, 'rb'),
                             (49, 69, 'nns'),
                             (70, 71, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 48, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653542) PENN in sentence 4154439:

consist of possible multiple-but not necessarily simultaneous-
------- -- -------- ------------ --- ----------- -------------
VV      in jj       nn           rb  rb          nns          

attacks .   
------- -   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VV
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[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] rb
                                          [end] 47
[start] 37
[name] rb
                                          [end] 68
[start] 49
[name] nns
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329108936>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'consist of possible multiple-but not necessarily '
                             'simultaneous-attacks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 150,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'consist of possible multiple-but not necessarily '
          'simultaneous-attacks .'},
 {'ID': 4154440,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 35, 'IN/that'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 68, 'nn'),
          (69, 79, 'VVG'),
          (80, 86, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On June 28 , Clarke wrote Rice that the pattern of al Qaeda 

activity indicating attack

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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653543,
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                             (51, 59, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 35, 'IN/that'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 68, 'nn'),
                             (69, 79, 'VVG'),
                             (80, 86, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 19, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 59, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653543) PENN in sentence 4154440:

On June 28 , Clarke wrote Rice that    the pattern of al Qaeda 
-- ---- -- - ------ ----- ---- ----    --- ------- -- -- ----- 
in NP   cd , NP     VVD   NP   IN/that dt  nn      in NP NP    

activity indicating attack
-------- ---------- ------
nn       VVG        nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 78
[start] 69
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 85
[start] 80
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] person
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] person
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329127112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On June 28 , Clarke wrote Rice that the pattern '
                             'of al Qaeda activity indicating attack'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 152,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On June 28 , Clarke wrote Rice that the pattern of al Qaeda '
          'activity indicating attack'},
 {'ID': 4154441,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
          (9, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 26, 'cd'),
          (27, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 35, '``'),
          (36, 39, 'VHD'),
          (40, 47, 'VVN'),
          (48, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 63, "''"),
          (64, 66, "''"),
          (67, 68, 'dt'),
          (69, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 78, 'in'),
          (79, 82, 'jj'),
          (83, 90, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154441) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

planning over the past six weeks `` had reached a crescendo. '' 

'' A series of new reports

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653544,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
                             (9, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 26, 'cd'),
                             (27, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 35, '``'),
                             (36, 39, 'VHD'),
                             (40, 47, 'VVN'),
                             (48, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 63, "''"),
                             (64, 66, "''"),
                             (67, 68, 'dt'),
                             (69, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 78, 'in'),
                             (79, 82, 'jj'),
                             (83, 90, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 68, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653544) PENN in sentence 4154441:

planning over the past six weeks `` had reached a  crescendo. '' 
-------- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- --- ------- -  ---------- -- 
VVG      in   dt  jj   cd  nns   `` VHD VVN     dt nn         '' 

'' A  series of new reports
-- -  ------ -- --- -------
'' dt nn     in jj  nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] cd
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] ``
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] ''
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] ''
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] jj
                                          [end] 89
[start] 83
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329138728>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'planning over the past six weeks `` had reached '
                             "a crescendo. '' '' A series of new reports"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 153,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "planning over the past six weeks `` had reached a crescendo. '' '' "
          'A series of new reports'},
 {'ID': 4154442,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VV'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 20, 'VV'),
          (21, 23, 'PP'),
          (24, 27, 'cc'),
          (28, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 52, ','),
          (53, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 78, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154442) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

continue to convince me and analysts at State, CIA , DIA [Defense


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653545,
                     'NER': [(40, 50, 'organization'),
                             (53, 78, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VV'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 20, 'VV'),
                             (21, 23, 'PP'),
                             (24, 27, 'cc'),
                             (28, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 52, ','),
                             (53, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 78, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653545) PENN in sentence 4154442:

continue to convince me and analysts at State, CIA , DIA [Defense
-------- -- -------- -- --- -------- -- ------ --- - --- --------
VV       to VV       PP cc  nns      in NP     NP  , NP  NP      

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] VV
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] PP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] ,
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 49,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 40},
                                          {'end': 77,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 53}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329141896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'continue to convince me and analysts at State, '
                             'CIA , DIA [Defense Intelligence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 154,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'continue to convince me and analysts at State, CIA , DIA [Defense '
 {'ID': 4154443,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 8, 'sym'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 23, 'IN/that'),
          (24, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 51, 'cc'),
          (52, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 69, 'nns'),
          (70, 72, 'VBZ'),
          (73, 79, 'jj'),
          (80, 82, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154443) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Agency ] , and NSA that a major terrorist attack or series of 

attacks is likely in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653546,
                     'NER': [(15, 18, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 8, 'sym'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 23, 'IN/that'),
                             (24, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 51, 'cc'),
                             (52, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 69, 'nns'),
                             (70, 72, 'VBZ'),
                             (73, 79, 'jj'),
                             (80, 82, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653546) PENN in sentence 4154443:

Agency ]   , and NSA that    a  major terrorist attack or series 
------ -   - --- --- ----    -  ----- --------- ------ -- ------ 
nn     sym , cc  NP  IN/that dt jj    jj        nn     cc nn     

of attacks is  likely in
-- ------- --  ------ --
in nns     VBZ jj     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sym
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] cc
                                          [end] 57
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] in
                                          [end] 68
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] jj
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 17,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 15}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329157128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Agency ] , and NSA that a major terrorist attack '
                             'or series of attacks is likely in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 155,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Agency ] , and NSA that a major terrorist attack or series of '
          'attacks is likely in'},
 {'ID': 4154444,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 9, "''"),
          (10, 12, 'PP'),
          (13, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 20, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154444) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

July , '' he noted .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653547,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 9, "''"),
                             (10, 12, 'PP'),
                             (13, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 20, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653547) PENN in sentence 4154444:

July , '' he noted .   
---- - -- -- ----- -   
NP   , '' PP VVD   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] ''
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329168456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "July , '' he noted ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 156,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "July , '' he noted ."},
 {'ID': 4154445,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 39, 'VVD'),
          (40, 44, 'IN/that'),
          (45, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 57, '``'),
          (58, 62, 'rb'),
          (63, 64, ','),
          (65, 70, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154445) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

One al Qaeda intelligence report warned that something `` very , 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653548,
                     'NER': [(4, 12, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 39, 'VVD'),
                             (40, 44, 'IN/that'),
                             (45, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 57, '``'),
                             (58, 62, 'rb'),
                             (63, 64, ','),
                             (65, 70, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 12, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653548) PENN in sentence 4154445:

One al Qaeda intelligence report warned that    something `` very
--- -- ----- ------------ ------ ------ ----    --------- -- ----
cd  NP NP    nn           nn     VVD    IN/that nn        `` rb  

 , very,
 - -----
 , NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] ``
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] rb
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] ,
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 4
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329170088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'One al Qaeda intelligence report warned that '
                             'something `` very , very,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 156,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'One al Qaeda intelligence report warned that something `` very , '
 {'ID': 4154446,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 14, "''"),
          (15, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 22, 'VBD'),
          (23, 28, 'rb'),
          (29, 31, 'to'),
          (32, 38, 'VV'),
          (39, 40, ','),
          (41, 44, 'cc'),
          (45, 49, 'jjs'),
          (50, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 65, 'POS'),
          (66, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 77, 'VBD'),
          (78, 88, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154446) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

very , very '' big was about to happen , and most of Bin Ladin 's

 network was reportedly

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653549,
                     'NER': [(53, 62, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 14, "''"),
                             (15, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 22, 'VBD'),
                             (23, 28, 'rb'),
                             (29, 31, 'to'),
                             (32, 38, 'VV'),
                             (39, 40, ','),
                             (41, 44, 'cc'),
                             (45, 49, 'jjs'),
                             (50, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 65, 'POS'),
                             (66, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 77, 'VBD'),
                             (78, 88, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 88, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653549) PENN in sentence 4154446:

very , very '' big was about to happen , and most of Bin Ladin 
---- - ---- -- --- --- ----- -- ------ - --- ---- -- --- ----- 
rb   , jj   '' jj  VBD rb    to VV     , cc  jjs  in NP  NP    

's  network was reportedly
--  ------- --- ----------
POS nn      VBD rb        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] ''
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] rb
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] to
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] VV
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] ,
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] cc
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] POS
                                          [end] 72
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 87
[start] 78
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 61
[start] 53
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 87
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329180744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "very , very '' big was about to happen , and "
                             "most of Bin Ladin 's network was reportedly"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 157,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "very , very '' big was about to happen , and most of Bin Ladin 's "
          'network was reportedly'},
 {'ID': 4154447,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'VVG'), (13, 16, 'dt'), (17, 23, 'nn'), (24, 25, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154447) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

anticipating the attack .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653550,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'VVG'),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 25, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 16, 'NT'), (24, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653550) PENN in sentence 4154447:

anticipating the attack .   
------------ --- ------ -   
VVG          dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329200936>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'anticipating the attack .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 158,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'anticipating the attack .'},
 {'ID': 4154448,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 30, 'VVD'),
          (31, 34, 'pdt'),
          (35, 38, 'PP$'),
          (39, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 53, 'nns'),
          (54, 56, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154448) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In late June , the CIA ordered all its station chiefs to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653551,
                     'NER': [(8, 12, 'date'), (19, 22, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 30, 'VVD'),
                             (31, 34, 'pdt'),
                             (35, 38, 'PP$'),
                             (39, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 53, 'nns'),
                             (54, 56, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653551) PENN in sentence 4154448:

In late June , the CIA ordered all its station chiefs to
-- ---- ---- - --- --- ------- --- --- ------- ------ --
in jj   NP   , dt  NP  VVD     pdt PP$ nn      nns    to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] pdt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nns
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 8
[name] date
                                          {'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329201992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In late June , the CIA ordered all its station '
                             'chiefs to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 158,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In late June , the CIA ordered all its station chiefs to'},
 {'ID': 4154449,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 40, 'PP$'),
          (41, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 57, 'nns'),
          (58, 61, 'cc'),
          (62, 64, 'to'),
          (65, 69, 'VV'),
          (70, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 83, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154449) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

share information on al Qaeda with their host governments and to 

push for immediate

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653552,
                     'NER': [(21, 29, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 40, 'PP$'),
                             (41, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 57, 'nns'),
                             (58, 61, 'cc'),
                             (62, 64, 'to'),
                             (65, 69, 'VV'),
                             (70, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 83, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653552) PENN in sentence 4154449:

share information on al Qaeda with their host governments and to 
----- ----------- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----------- --- -- 
nn    nn          in NP NP    in   PP$   nn   nns         cc  to 

push for immediate
---- --- ---------
VV   in  jj       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 46
[name] nns
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] cc
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] VV
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 21
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329221128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'share information on al Qaeda with their host '
                             'governments and to push for immediate'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 159,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'share information on al Qaeda with their host governments and to '
          'push for immediate'},
 {'ID': 4154450,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'), (12, 14, 'in'), (15, 20, 'nns'), (21, 22, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154450) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

disruptions of cells .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653553,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 22, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'), (21, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653553) PENN in sentence 4154450:

disruptions of cells .   
----------- -- ----- -   
nns         in nns   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
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[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329223912>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'disruptions of cells .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 160,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'disruptions of cells .'},
 {'ID': 4154451,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 25, 'cd'),
          (26, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 37, 'to'),
          (38, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 51, 'nns'),
          (52, 55, 'VBD'),
          (56, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 65, "''"),
          (66, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154451) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The headline of a June 30 briefing to top officials was stark: ''

 Bin Ladin Planning

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
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  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653554,
                     'NER': [(18, 25, 'date'), (66, 75, 'person')],
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                             (4, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 25, 'cd'),
                             (26, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 37, 'to'),
                             (38, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 51, 'nns'),
                             (52, 55, 'VBD'),
                             (56, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 65, "''"),
                             (66, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 84, 'NP')],
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                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653554) PENN in sentence 4154451:

The headline of a  June 30 briefing to top officials was stark: 
--- -------- -- -  ---- -- -------- -- --- --------- --- ------ 
dt  nn       in dt NP   cd nn       to jj  nns       VBD jj     

'' Bin Ladin Planning
-- --- ----- --------
'' NP  NP    NP      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] cd
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] to
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] jj
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] nns
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] ''
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 83
[start] 76
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 18
[name] date
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329233224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The headline of a June 30 briefing to top '
                             "officials was stark: '' Bin Ladin Planning"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 162,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The headline of a June 30 briefing to top officials was stark: '' "
          'Bin Ladin Planning'},
 {'ID': 4154452,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'jj'), (13, 20, 'nns'), (21, 22, 'sent'), (23, 25, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154452) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

High-Profile Attacks . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653555,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 22, 'sent'),
                             (23, 25, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(21, 22, 'NT'), (23, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653555) PENN in sentence 4154452:

High-Profile Attacks .    ''
------------ ------- -    --
jj           nns     sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] sent
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329248840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "High-Profile Attacks . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 163,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "High-Profile Attacks . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154453,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 17, 'VVD'),
          (18, 22, 'IN/that'),
          (23, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 43, 'nns'),
          (44, 52, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154453) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The report stated that Bin Ladin operatives expected

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653556,
                     'NER': [(23, 32, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 22, 'IN/that'),
                             (23, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 43, 'nns'),
                             (44, 52, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (23, 26, 'NT'), (27, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653556) PENN in sentence 4154453:

The report stated that    Bin Ladin operatives expected
--- ------ ------ ----    --- ----- ---------- --------
dt  nn     VVD    IN/that NP  NP    nns        VVN     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 31
[start] 23
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329249896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The report stated that Bin Ladin operatives '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 163,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The report stated that Bin Ladin operatives expected'},
 {'ID': 4154454,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 20, 'to'),
          (21, 25, 'VH'),
          (26, 34, 'jj'),
          (35, 47, 'nns'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 63, 'jj'),
          (64, 75, 'nns'),
          (76, 77, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154454) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

near-term attacks to have dramatic consequences of catastrophic 

proportions .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653557,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 20, 'to'),
                             (21, 25, 'VH'),
                             (26, 34, 'jj'),
                             (35, 47, 'nns'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 63, 'jj'),
                             (64, 75, 'nns'),
                             (76, 77, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(18, 20, 'NT'), (48, 50, 'NT'), (76, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653557) PENN in sentence 4154454:

near-term attacks to have dramatic consequences of catastrophic 
--------- ------- -- ---- -------- ------------ -- ------------ 
jj        nns     to VH   jj       nns          in jj           

proportions .   
----------- -   
nns         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] to
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] VH
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 35
[name] nns
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 74
[start] 64
[name] nns
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329251624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'near-term attacks to have dramatic consequences '
                             'of catastrophic proportions .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 164,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'near-term attacks to have dramatic consequences of catastrophic '
          'proportions .'},
 {'ID': 4154455,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154455) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653558,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653558) PENN in sentence 4154455:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329265704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'That'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 164,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'That'},
 {'ID': 4154456,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 32, 'VVD'),
          (33, 36, 'PP$'),
          (37, 44, 'jjs'),
          (45, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 68, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154456) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

same day , Saudi Arabia declared its highest level of terror 

alert .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653559,
                     'NER': [(11, 23, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 32, 'VVD'),
                             (33, 36, 'PP$'),
                             (37, 44, 'jjs'),
                             (45, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 68, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 23, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (67, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653559) PENN in sentence 4154456:

same day , Saudi Arabia declared its highest level of terror 
---- --- - ----- ------ -------- --- ------- ----- -- ------ 
jj   nn  , NP    NP     VVD      PP$ jjs     nn    in nn     

alert .   
----- -   
nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 11
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329266376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'same day , Saudi Arabia declared its highest '
                             'level of terror alert .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 165,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'same day , Saudi Arabia declared its highest level of terror alert '
 {'ID': 4154457,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'), (8, 16, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154457) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Despite evidence

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653560,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'), (8, 16, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653560) PENN in sentence 4154457:

Despite evidence
------- --------
in      nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329268776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Despite evidence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 165,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Despite evidence'},
 {'ID': 4154458,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'nns'),
          (10, 18, 'rb'),
          (19, 25, 'VVN'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 39, 'jj'),
          (40, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 55, ','),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 68, 'nn'),
          (69, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 80, 'nns'),
          (81, 84, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154458) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

of delays possibly caused by heightened U.S. security , the 

planning for attacks was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653561,
                     'NER': [(40, 44, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'nns'),
                             (10, 18, 'rb'),
                             (19, 25, 'VVN'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 39, 'jj'),
                             (40, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 55, ','),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 68, 'nn'),
                             (69, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 80, 'nns'),
                             (81, 84, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (10, 18, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653561) PENN in sentence 4154458:

of delays possibly caused by heightened U.S. security , the 
-- ------ -------- ------ -- ---------- ---- -------- - --- 
in nns    rb       VVN    in jj         NP   nn       , dt  

planning for attacks was
-------- --- ------- ---
nn       in  nns     VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] nns
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] ,
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] nns
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 43
[start] 40
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329277800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'of delays possibly caused by heightened U.S. '
                             'security , the planning for attacks was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 166,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'of delays possibly caused by heightened U.S. security , the '
          'planning for attacks was'},
 {'ID': 4154459,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154459) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

continuing .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653562,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653562) PENN in sentence 4154459:

continuing .   
---------- -   
VVG        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329280584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'continuing .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 167,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'continuing .'},
 {'ID': 4154460,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 50, 'VVD'),
          (51, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 63, 'to'),
          (64, 71, 'jj'),
          (72, 80, 'nns'),
          (81, 84, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154460) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On July 2 , the FBI Counterterrorism Division sent a message to 

federal agencies and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653563,
                     'NER': [(3, 9, 'date'), (16, 45, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 50, 'VVD'),
                             (51, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 63, 'to'),
                             (64, 71, 'jj'),
                             (72, 80, 'nns'),
                             (81, 84, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 45, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653563) PENN in sentence 4154460:

On July 2  , the FBI Counterterrorism Division sent a  message to
-- ---- -  - --- --- ---------------- -------- ---- -  ------- --
in NP   cd , dt  NP  NP               NP       VVD  dt nn      to

 federal agencies and
 ------- -------- ---
 jj      nns      cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] to
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 72
[name] nns
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 44,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329281352>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On July 2 , the FBI Counterterrorism Division '
                             'sent a message to federal agencies and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 169,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On July 2 , the FBI Counterterrorism Division sent a message to '
          'federal agencies and'},
 {'ID': 4154461,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 9, 'cc'),
          (10, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 52, 'VVG'),
          (53, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 74, 'VVG'),
          (75, 82, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154461) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

state and local law enforcement agencies summarizing information 

regarding threats

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653564,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 9, 'cc'),
                             (10, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 52, 'VVG'),
                             (53, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 74, 'VVG'),
                             (75, 82, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653564) PENN in sentence 4154461:

state and local law enforcement agencies summarizing information 
----- --- ----- --- ----------- -------- ----------- ----------- 
nn    cc  jj    nn  nn          nns      VVG         nn          

regarding threats
--------- -------
VVG       nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] cc
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] nns
                                          [end] 51
[start] 41
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 63
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 65
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329296872>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'state and local law enforcement agencies '
                             'summarizing information regarding threats'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 170,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'state and local law enforcement agencies summarizing information '
          'regarding threats'},
 {'ID': 4154462,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'), (5, 8, 'NP'), (9, 14, 'NP'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154462) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

from Bin Ladin .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653565,
                     'NER': [(5, 14, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653565) PENN in sentence 4154462:

from Bin Ladin .   
---- --- ----- -   
in   NP  NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 5
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329306664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'from Bin Ladin .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 171,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'from Bin Ladin .'},
 {'ID': 4154463,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 9, 'VVD'),
          (10, 14, 'IN/that'),
          (15, 20, 'ex'),
          (21, 24, 'VBD'),
          (25, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 37, 'VVN'),
          (38, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 65, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154463) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It warned that there was an increased volume of threat reporting,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653566,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 9, 'VVD'),
                             (10, 14, 'IN/that'),
                             (15, 20, 'ex'),
                             (21, 24, 'VBD'),
                             (25, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 37, 'VVN'),
                             (38, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 65, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (55, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653566) PENN in sentence 4154463:

It warned that    there was an increased volume of threat 
-- ------ ----    ----- --- -- --------- ------ -- ------ 
PP VVD    IN/that ex    VBD dt VVN       nn     in nn     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] ex
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 28
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329308008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It warned that there was an increased volume of '
                             'threat reporting,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 171,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It warned that there was an increased volume of threat reporting,'},
 {'ID': 4154464,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'),
          (11, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 34, 'nns'),
          (35, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 55, 'nns'),
          (56, 62, 'rb'),
          (63, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 74, 'nns'),
          (75, 77, '``'),
          (78, 85, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154464) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

indicating a potential for attacks against U.S. targets abroad 

from groups `` aligned

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653567,
                     'NER': [(43, 47, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'),
                             (11, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 34, 'nns'),
                             (35, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 55, 'nns'),
                             (56, 62, 'rb'),
                             (63, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 74, 'nns'),
                             (75, 77, '``'),
                             (78, 85, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (35, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (56, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653567) PENN in sentence 4154464:

indicating a  potential for attacks against U.S. targets abroad 
---------- -  --------- --- ------- ------- ---- ------- ------ 
VVG        dt nn        in  nns     in      NP   nns     rb     

from groups `` aligned
---- ------ -- -------
in   nns    `` VVN    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] rb
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] in
                                          [end] 73
[start] 68
[name] nns
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] ``
                                          [end] 84
[start] 78
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 46
[start] 43
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329310120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'indicating a potential for attacks against U.S. '
                             'targets abroad from groups `` aligned'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 172,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'indicating a potential for attacks against U.S. targets abroad from '
          'groups `` aligned'},
 {'ID': 4154465,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 7, 'cc'),
          (8, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 40, 'sent'),
          (41, 43, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154465) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

with or sympathetic to Usama Bin Ladin . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653568,
                     'NER': [(23, 38, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 7, 'cc'),
                             (8, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 40, 'sent'),
                             (41, 43, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653568) PENN in sentence 4154465:

with or sympathetic to Usama Bin Ladin .    ''
---- -- ----------- -- ----- --- ----- -    --
in   cc jj          to NP    NP  NP    sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] cc
                                          [end] 18
[start] 8
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] sent
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 37
[start] 23
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329324968>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "with or sympathetic to Usama Bin Ladin . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 173,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "with or sympathetic to Usama Bin Ladin . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154466,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 30, ','),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 42, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154466) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Despite the general warnings , the message

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653569,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 30, ','),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 42, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653569) PENN in sentence 4154466:

Despite the general warnings , the message
------- --- ------- -------- - --- -------
in      dt  jj      nns      , dt  nn     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] ,
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329343720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Despite the general warnings , the message'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 173,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Despite the general warnings , the message'},
 {'ID': 4154467,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rbr'),
          (8, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 19, '``'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 31, 'VHZ'),
          (32, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 57, 'VVG'),
          (58, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 68, 'jj'),
          (69, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 78, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154467) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

further stated , `` The FBI has no information indicating a 

credible threat of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653570,
                     'NER': [(24, 27, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rbr'),
                             (8, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 19, '``'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 31, 'VHZ'),
                             (32, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 57, 'VVG'),
                             (58, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 68, 'jj'),
                             (69, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 78, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (58, 59, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653570) PENN in sentence 4154467:

further stated , `` The FBI has no information indicating a  
------- ------ - -- --- --- --- -- ----------- ---------- -  
rbr     VVD    , `` dt  NP  VHZ dt nn          VVG        dt 

credible threat of
-------- ------ --
jj       nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] ``
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] VHZ
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 47
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 26,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 24}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329345256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'further stated , `` The FBI has no information '
                             'indicating a credible threat of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 174,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'further stated , `` The FBI has no information indicating a '
          'credible threat of'},
 {'ID': 4154468,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 37, 'NPS'),
          (38, 39, 'sent'),
          (40, 42, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154468) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

terrorist attack in the United States . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653571,
                     'NER': [(24, 37, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 37, 'NPS'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent'),
                             (40, 42, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653571) PENN in sentence 4154468:

terrorist attack in the United States .    ''
--------- ------ -- --- ------ ------ -    --
jj        nn     in dt  NP     NPS    sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 24
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329360392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "terrorist attack in the United States . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 175,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "terrorist attack in the United States . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154469,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 12, 'PP'),
          (13, 17, 'VVD'),
          (18, 20, 'rp'),
          (21, 23, 'to'),
          (24, 33, 'VV'),
          (34, 38, 'IN/that'),
          (39, 42, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154469) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

However , it went on to emphasize that the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653572,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 12, 'PP'),
                             (13, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 20, 'rp'),
                             (21, 23, 'to'),
                             (24, 33, 'VV'),
                             (34, 38, 'IN/that'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653572) PENN in sentence 4154469:

However , it went on to emphasize that    the
------- - -- ---- -- -- --------- ----    ---
rb      , PP VVD  rp to VV        IN/that dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] rp
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] to
                                          [end] 32
[start] 24
[name] VV
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329362408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'However , it went on to emphasize that the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 175,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'However , it went on to emphasize that the'},
 {'ID': 4154470,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 42, 'NPS'),
          (43, 48, 'md'),
          (49, 52, 'rb'),
          (53, 55, 'vb'),
          (56, 66, 'VVN'),
          (67, 68, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154470) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possibility of attack in the United States could not be 

discounted .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653573,
                     'NER': [(29, 42, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 42, 'NPS'),
                             (43, 48, 'md'),
                             (49, 52, 'rb'),
                             (53, 55, 'vb'),
                             (56, 66, 'VVN'),
                             (67, 68, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (67, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653573) PENN in sentence 4154470:

possibility of attack in the United States could not be 
----------- -- ------ -- --- ------ ------ ----- --- -- 
nn          in nn     in dt  NP     NPS    md    rb  vb 

discounted .   
---------- -   
VVN        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] md
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] rb
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] vb
                                          [end] 65
[start] 56
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 41
[start] 29
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329372584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possibility of attack in the United States could '
                             'not be discounted .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 176,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possibility of attack in the United States could not be discounted '
 {'ID': 4154471,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 7, 'rb'), (8, 13, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154471) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It also noted

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653574,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 7, 'rb'), (8, 13, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653574) PENN in sentence 4154471:

It also noted
-- ---- -----
PP rb   VVD  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329375176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It also noted'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 176,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It also noted'},
 {'ID': 4154472,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'IN/that'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 15, 'cd'),
          (16, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 29, 'md'),
          (30, 38, 'VV'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 52, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154472) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that the July 4 holiday might heighten the threats .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653575,
                     'NER': [(9, 15, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'IN/that'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 15, 'cd'),
                             (16, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 29, 'md'),
                             (30, 38, 'VV'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 52, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (24, 29, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653575) PENN in sentence 4154472:

that    the July 4  holiday might heighten the threats .   
----    --- ---- -  ------- ----- -------- --- ------- -   
IN/that dt  NP   cd nn      md    VV       dt  nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] cd
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] md
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] VV
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 9
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329392584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that the July 4 holiday might heighten the '
                             'threats .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 177,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'that the July 4 holiday might heighten the threats .'},
 {'ID': 4154473,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 10, 'nn'), (11, 16, 'VVD'), (17, 27, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154473) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The report asked recipients

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653576,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 27, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653576) PENN in sentence 4154473:

The report asked recipients
--- ------ ----- ----------
dt  nn     VVD   nns       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329394696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The report asked recipients'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 177,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The report asked recipients'},
 {'ID': 4154474,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 5, "''"),
          (6, 14, 'VVP'),
          (15, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 35, "''"),
          (36, 39, 'cc'),
          (40, 42, '``'),
          (43, 49, 'VV'),
          (50, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 71, 'nns'),
          (72, 74, "''"),
          (75, 77, 'to'),
          (78, 81, 'dt'),
          (82, 85, 'NP'),
          (86, 87, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154474) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to '' exercise extreme vigilance '' and `` report suspicious 

activities '' to the FBI .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653577,
                     'NER': [(82, 85, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 5, "''"),
                             (6, 14, 'VVP'),
                             (15, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 35, "''"),
                             (36, 39, 'cc'),
                             (40, 42, '``'),
                             (43, 49, 'VV'),
                             (50, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 71, 'nns'),
                             (72, 74, "''"),
                             (75, 77, 'to'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt'),
                             (82, 85, 'NP'),
                             (86, 87, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 5, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT'),
                             (86, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653577) PENN in sentence 4154474:

to '' exercise extreme vigilance '' and `` report suspicious 
-- -- -------- ------- --------- -- --- -- ------ ---------- 
to '' VVP      jj      nn        '' cc  `` VV     jj         

activities '' to the FBI .   
---------- -- -- --- --- -   
nns        '' to dt  NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] ''
                                          [end] 13
[start] 6
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] ''
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] cc
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] ``
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] VV
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] jj
                                          [end] 70
[start] 61
[name] nns
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] ''
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] to
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NP
                                          [end] 86
[start] 86
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 84,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 82}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329395656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "to '' exercise extreme vigilance '' and `` "
                             "report suspicious activities '' to the FBI ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 178,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "to '' exercise extreme vigilance '' and `` report suspicious "
          "activities '' to the FBI ."},
 {'ID': 4154475,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154475) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It did

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653578,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653578) PENN in sentence 4154475:

It did
-- ---
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329406984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It did'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 178,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It did'},
 {'ID': 4154476,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
          (4, 11, 'VVP'),
          (12, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 33, 'IN/that'),
          (34, 38, 'PP'),
          (39, 45, 'md'),
          (46, 50, 'VV'),
          (51, 53, 'to'),
          (54, 61, 'VV'),
          (62, 69, 'nns'),
          (70, 71, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154476) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

not suggest specific actions that they should take to prevent 

attacks .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653579,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
                             (4, 11, 'VVP'),
                             (12, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 33, 'IN/that'),
                             (34, 38, 'PP'),
                             (39, 45, 'md'),
                             (46, 50, 'VV'),
                             (51, 53, 'to'),
                             (54, 61, 'VV'),
                             (62, 69, 'nns'),
                             (70, 71, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 45, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653579) PENN in sentence 4154476:

not suggest specific actions that    they should take to prevent 
--- ------- -------- ------- ----    ---- ------ ---- -- ------- 
rb  VVP     jj       nns     IN/that PP   md     VV   to VV      

attacks .   
------- -   
nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] PP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] md
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] VV
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] to
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] VV
                                          [end] 68
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329407848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'not suggest specific actions that they should '
                             'take to prevent attacks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 179,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'not suggest specific actions that they should take to prevent '
          'attacks .'},
 {'ID': 4154477,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 50, 'VVD'),
          (51, 56, 'nns'),
          (57, 61, 'VBD'),
          (62, 70, 'VVN'),
          (71, 80, 'VVG'),
          (81, 83, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154477) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Disruption operations against al Qaeda -affiliated cells were 

launched involving 20

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653580,
                     'NER': [(30, 38, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 50, 'VVD'),
                             (51, 56, 'nns'),
                             (57, 61, 'VBD'),
                             (62, 70, 'VVN'),
                             (71, 80, 'VVG'),
                             (81, 83, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 38, 'NT'),
                             (57, 61, 'NT'),
                             (81, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653580) PENN in sentence 4154477:

Disruption operations against al Qaeda -affiliated cells were 
---------- ---------- ------- -- ----- ----------- ----- ---- 
nn         nns        in      NP NP    VVD         nns   VBD  

launched involving 20
-------- --------- --
VVN      VVG       cd
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 11
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 39
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] nns
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 69
[start] 62
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 37
[start] 30
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329422312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Disruption operations against al Qaeda '
                             '-affiliated cells were launched involving 20'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 181,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Disruption operations against al Qaeda -affiliated cells were '
          'launched involving 20'},
 {'ID': 4154478,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154478) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

countries .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653581,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653581) PENN in sentence 4154478:

countries .   
--------- -   
nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329424424>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'countries .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 182,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'countries .'},
 {'ID': 4154479,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 17, 'jj'),
          (18, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 33, 'VBD'),
          (34, 42, 'VVN'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 53, 'jj'),
          (54, 66, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154479) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Several terrorist operatives were detained by foreign 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653582,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 17, 'jj'),
                             (18, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 33, 'VBD'),
                             (34, 42, 'VVN'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 53, 'jj'),
                             (54, 66, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(29, 33, 'NT'), (43, 45, 'NT'), (54, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653582) PENN in sentence 4154479:

Several terrorist operatives were detained by foreign 
------- --------- ---------- ---- -------- -- ------- 
jj      jj        nns        VBD  VVN      in jj      

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 18
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] jj
                                          [end] 65
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329437544>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Several terrorist operatives were detained by '
                             'foreign governments,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 182,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Several terrorist operatives were detained by foreign governments,'},
 {'ID': 4154480,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 19, 'VVG'),
          (20, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 46, 'cc'),
          (47, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 56, 'cc'),
          (57, 64, 'rb'),
          (65, 73, 'VVG'),
          (74, 81, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154480) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possibly disrupting operations in the Gulf and Italy and perhaps 

averting attacks

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653583,
                     'NER': [(47, 52, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 19, 'VVG'),
                             (20, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 46, 'cc'),
                             (47, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 56, 'cc'),
                             (57, 64, 'rb'),
                             (65, 73, 'VVG'),
                             (74, 81, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653583) PENN in sentence 4154480:

possibly disrupting operations in the Gulf and Italy and perhaps 
-------- ---------- ---------- -- --- ---- --- ----- --- ------- 
rb       VVG        nns        in dt  NP   cc  NP    cc  rb      

averting attacks
-------- -------
VVG      nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 18
[start] 9
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 29
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] cc
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] cc
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] rb
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 80
[start] 74
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 51
[start] 47
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329439176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possibly disrupting operations in the Gulf and '
                             'Italy and perhaps averting attacks'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 183,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possibly disrupting operations in the Gulf and Italy and perhaps '
          'averting attacks'},
 {'ID': 4154481,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 20, 'cd'),
          (21, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 37, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154481) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

against two or three U.S. embassies .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653584,
                     'NER': [(21, 25, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 20, 'cd'),
                             (21, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 37, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653584) PENN in sentence 4154481:

against two or three U.S. embassies .   
------- --- -- ----- ---- --------- -   
in      cd  cc cd    NP   nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] cc
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] cd
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 21
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329450024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'against two or three U.S. embassies .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 184,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'against two or three U.S. embassies .'},
 {'ID': 4154482,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 10, 'cc'),
          (11, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 22, 'VVD'),
          (23, 25, 'PP'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 41, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154482) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Clarke and others told us of a particular

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653585,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 10, 'cc'),
                             (11, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 22, 'VVD'),
                             (23, 25, 'PP'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 41, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653585) PENN in sentence 4154482:

Clarke and others told us of a  particular
------ --- ------ ---- -- -- -  ----------
NP     cc  nns    VVD  PP in dt jj        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] cc
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] PP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 31
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329451848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Clarke and others told us of a particular'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 184,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Clarke and others told us of a particular'},
 {'ID': 4154483,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 54, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154483) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

concern about possible attacks on the Fourth of July .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653586,
                     'NER': [(38, 52, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 54, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 13, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653586) PENN in sentence 4154483:

concern about possible attacks on the Fourth of July .   
------- ----- -------- ------- -- --- ------ -- ---- -   
nn      in    jj       nns     in dt  jj     in NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 51
[start] 38
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329466120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'concern about possible attacks on the Fourth of '
                             'July .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 185,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'concern about possible attacks on the Fourth of July .'},
 {'ID': 4154484,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'), (6, 8, 'PP'), (9, 15, 'VVD'), (16, 29, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154484) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

After it passed uneventfully,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653587,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 8, 'PP'),
                             (9, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 29, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (6, 8, 'NT'), (16, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653587) PENN in sentence 4154484:

After it passed uneventfully,
----- -- ------ -------------
in    PP VVD    NP           
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] PP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329468232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'After it passed uneventfully,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 185,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'After it passed uneventfully,'},
 {'ID': 4154485,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 18, 'to'),
          (19, 27, 'VV'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154485) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the CSG decided to maintain the alert .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653588,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 18, 'to'),
                             (19, 27, 'VV'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653588) PENN in sentence 4154485:

the CSG decided to maintain the alert .   
--- --- ------- -- -------- --- ----- -   
dt  NP  VVD     to VV       dt  nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] VV
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329469384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the CSG decided to maintain the alert .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 186,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the CSG decided to maintain the alert .'},
 {'ID': 4154486,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 9, 'VV'),
          (10, 14, 'rbr'),
          (15, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 35, ','),
          (36, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 67, 'VVD'),
          (68, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 86, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154486) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

To enlist more international help , Vice President Cheney 

contacted Saudi Crown Prince

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653589,
                     'NER': [(51, 57, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 9, 'VV'),
                             (10, 14, 'rbr'),
                             (15, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 35, ','),
                             (36, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 67, 'VVD'),
                             (68, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 86, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 57, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653589) PENN in sentence 4154486:

To enlist more international help , Vice President Cheney 
-- ------ ---- ------------- ---- - ---- --------- ------ 
to VV     rbr  jj            nn   , NP   NP        NP     

contacted Saudi Crown Prince
--------- ----- ----- ------
VVD       NP    NP    NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] VV
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 27
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] ,
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 58
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                          [end] 85
[start] 80
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 56
[start] 51
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329483656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'To enlist more international help , Vice '
                             'President Cheney contacted Saudi Crown Prince'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 188,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'To enlist more international help , Vice President Cheney contacted '
          'Saudi Crown Prince'},
 {'ID': 4154487,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 18, 'cd'),
          (19, 20, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154487) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Abdullah on July 5 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653590,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'person'), (12, 18, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 18, 'cd'),
                             (19, 20, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653590) PENN in sentence 4154487:

Abdullah on July 5  .   
-------- -- ---- -  -   
NP       in NP   cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] cd
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329498696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Abdullah on July 5 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 189,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Abdullah on July 5 .'},
 {'ID': 4154488,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 17, 'rb'),
          (18, 24, 'VVD'),
          (25, 33, 'jj'),
          (34, 46, 'nns'),
          (47, 48, ','),
          (49, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 61, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154488) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Hadley apparently called European counterparts , while Clarke

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653591,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person'), (55, 61, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 17, 'rb'),
                             (18, 24, 'VVD'),
                             (25, 33, 'jj'),
                             (34, 46, 'nns'),
                             (47, 48, ','),
                             (49, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 61, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 17, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 61, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653591) PENN in sentence 4154488:

Hadley apparently called European counterparts , while Clarke
------ ---------- ------ -------- ------------ - ----- ------
NP     rb         VVD    jj       nns          , in    NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 34
[name] nns
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] ,
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329500328>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Hadley apparently called European counterparts , '
                             'while Clarke'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 189,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Hadley apparently called European counterparts , while Clarke'},
 {'ID': 4154489,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVN'),
          (7, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 42, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154489) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

worked with senior officials in the Gulf .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653592,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVN'),
                             (7, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653592) PENN in sentence 4154489:

worked with senior officials in the Gulf .   
------ ---- ------ --------- -- --- ---- -   
VVN    in   jj     nns       in dt  NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329502344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'worked with senior officials in the Gulf .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 190,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'worked with senior officials in the Gulf .'},
 {'ID': 4154490,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 35, ','),
          (36, 41, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154490) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In late July , because of threats , Italy

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653593,
                     'NER': [(8, 12, 'date'), (36, 41, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 35, ','),
                             (36, 41, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653593) PENN in sentence 4154490:

In late July , because of threats , Italy
-- ---- ---- - ------- -- ------- - -----
in jj   NP   , in      in nns     , NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] ,
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 8
[name] date
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329520616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In late July , because of threats , Italy'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 190,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In late July , because of threats , Italy'},
 {'ID': 4154491,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 34, 'cc'),
          (35, 42, 'VVD'),
          (43, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 78, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154491) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

closed the airspace over Genoa and mounted antiaircraft batteries

 at the Genoa

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653594,
                     'NER': [(25, 30, 'location'), (73, 78, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 34, 'cc'),
                             (35, 42, 'VVD'),
                             (43, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 78, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653594) PENN in sentence 4154491:

closed the airspace over Genoa and mounted antiaircraft batteries
------ --- -------- ---- ----- --- ------- ------------ ---------
VVD    dt  nn       in   NP    cc  VVD     nn           nns      

 at the Genoa
 -- --- -----
 in dt  NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] cc
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] nns
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 29
[start] 25
[name] location
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329522824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'closed the airspace over Genoa and mounted '
                             'antiaircraft batteries at the Genoa'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 191,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'closed the airspace over Genoa and mounted antiaircraft batteries '
          'at the Genoa'},
 {'ID': 4154492,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 31, ','),
          (32, 37, 'wdt'),
          (38, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 61, 'VVD'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154492) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

airport during the G-8 summit , which President Bush attended .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653595,
                     'NER': [(48, 52, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 31, ','),
                             (32, 37, 'wdt'),
                             (38, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 61, 'VVD'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653595) PENN in sentence 4154492:

airport during the G-8 summit , which President Bush attended 
------- ------ --- --- ------ - ----- --------- ---- -------- 
nn      in     dt  NP  nn     , wdt   NP        NP   VVD      

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
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[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] ,
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 53
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 51
[start] 48
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329529480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'airport during the G-8 summit , which President '
                             'Bush attended .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
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          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 192,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'airport during the G-8 summit , which President Bush attended .'},
 {'ID': 4154493,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 26, 'VVD'),
          (27, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 41, 'to'),
          (42, 47, 'VV'),
          (48, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 64, 'cc'),
          (65, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 83, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154493) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

At home , the CSG arranged for the CIA to brief intelligence and 

security officials

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653596,
                     'NER': [(14, 17, 'organization'),
                             (35, 38, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 26, 'VVD'),
                             (27, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 41, 'to'),
                             (42, 47, 'VV'),
                             (48, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 64, 'cc'),
                             (65, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 83, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653596) PENN in sentence 4154493:

At home , the CSG arranged for the CIA to brief intelligence and 
-- ---- - --- --- -------- --- --- --- -- ----- ------------ --- 
in nn   , dt  NP  VVD      in  dt  NP  to VV    nn           cc  

security officials
-------- ---------
nn       nns      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] VV
                                          [end] 59
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] cc
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 16,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 14},
                                          {'end': 37,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 35}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329544328>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'At home , the CSG arranged for the CIA to brief '
                             'intelligence and security officials'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 194,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'At home , the CSG arranged for the CIA to brief intelligence and '
          'security officials'},
 {'ID': 4154494,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 12, 'jj'),
          (13, 21, 'jj'),
          (22, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 32, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154494) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

from several domestic agencies .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653597,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 32, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (31, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653597) PENN in sentence 4154494:

from several domestic agencies .   
---- ------- -------- -------- -   
in   jj      jj       nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329547304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'from several domestic agencies .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 195,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'from several domestic agencies .'},
 {'ID': 4154495,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 52, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154495) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On July 5 , representatives from the Immigration and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653598,
                     'NER': [(3, 9, 'date'), (37, 48, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 52, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653598) PENN in sentence 4154495:

On July 5  , representatives from the Immigration and
-- ---- -  - --------------- ---- --- ----------- ---
in NP   cd , nns             in   dt  nn          cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 26
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 47,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 37}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329564904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On July 5 , representatives from the Immigration '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 195,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On July 5 , representatives from the Immigration and'},
 {'ID': 4154496,
  'POS': [(0, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 24, '('),
          (25, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 30, ')'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 42, ','),
          (43, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 60, ','),
          (61, 64, 'dt'),
          (65, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 81, ','),
          (82, 89, 'NP'),
          (90, 91, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154496) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Naturalization Service ( INS ) , the FAA , the Coast Guard , the 

Secret Service , Customs ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653599,
                     'NER': [(0, 22, 'organization'),
                             (25, 28, 'organization'),
                             (37, 40, 'organization'),
                             (47, 58, 'organization'),
                             (65, 79, 'organization'),
                             (82, 89, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 24, '('),
                             (25, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 30, ')'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 42, ','),
                             (43, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 60, ','),
                             (61, 64, 'dt'),
                             (65, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 81, ','),
                             (82, 89, 'NP'),
                             (90, 91, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 89, 'NT'),
                             (90, 91, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653599) PENN in sentence 4154496:

Naturalization Service ( INS ) , the FAA , the Coast Guard , the 
-------------- ------- - --- - - --- --- - --- ----- ----- - --- 
nn             NP      ( NP  ) , dt  NP  , dt  NP    NP    , dt  

Secret Service , Customs ,
------ ------- - ------- -
NP     NP      , NP      ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] (
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] )
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] ,
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] ,
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] ,
                                          [end] 88
[start] 82
[name] NP
                                          [end] 90
[start] 90
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 27,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 25},
                                          {'end': 39,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 37},
                                          {'end': 57,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 47},
                                          {'end': 78,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 65},
                                          {'end': 88,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 82}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 88
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                          [end] 90
[start] 90
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329567112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Naturalization Service ( INS ) , the FAA , the '
                             'Coast Guard , the Secret Service , Customs ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 196,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Naturalization Service ( INS ) , the FAA , the Coast Guard , the '
          'Secret Service , Customs ,'},
 {'ID': 4154497,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 13, 'cc'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 40, 'to'),
          (41, 48, 'VV'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 69, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154497) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the CIA , and the FBI met with Clarke to discuss the current 

threat .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653600,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'),
                             (18, 21, 'organization'),
                             (31, 37, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 13, 'cc'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 40, 'to'),
                             (41, 48, 'VV'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 69, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (68, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653600) PENN in sentence 4154497:

the CIA , and the FBI met with Clarke to discuss the current 
--- --- - --- --- --- --- ---- ------ -- ------- --- ------- 
dt  NP  , cc  dt  NP  VVD in   NP     to VV      dt  jj      

threat .   
------ -   
nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] cc
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] to
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] VV
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          {'end': 20,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 18},
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329575880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the CIA , and the FBI met with Clarke to discuss '
                             'the current threat .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 197,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the CIA , and the FBI met with Clarke to discuss the current threat '
 {'ID': 4154498,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 16, 'VVP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154498) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Attendees report

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653601,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 16, 'VVP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653601) PENN in sentence 4154498:

Attendees report
--------- ------
nns       VVP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] VVP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329595592>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Attendees report'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 197,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Attendees report'},
 {'ID': 4154499,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'IN/that'),
          (5, 9, 'PP'),
          (10, 14, 'VBD'),
          (15, 19, 'VVN'),
          (20, 23, 'rb'),
          (24, 26, 'to'),
          (27, 38, 'VV'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 66, 'PP'),
          (67, 75, 'VVD'),
          (76, 78, 'in'),
          (79, 82, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154499) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that they were told not to disseminate the threat information 

they received at the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653602,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'IN/that'),
                             (5, 9, 'PP'),
                             (10, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 19, 'VVN'),
                             (20, 23, 'rb'),
                             (24, 26, 'to'),
                             (27, 38, 'VV'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 66, 'PP'),
                             (67, 75, 'VVD'),
                             (76, 78, 'in'),
                             (79, 82, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (62, 66, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653602) PENN in sentence 4154499:

that    they were told not to disseminate the threat information 
----    ---- ---- ---- --- -- ----------- --- ------ ----------- 
IN/that PP   VBD  VVN  rb  to VV          dt  nn     nn          

they received at the
---- -------- -- ---
PP   VVD      in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] PP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] rb
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] to
                                          [end] 37
[start] 27
[name] VV
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] PP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 67
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329596264>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that they were told not to disseminate the '
                             'threat information they received at the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 198,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'that they were told not to disseminate the threat information they '
          'received at the'},
 {'ID': 4154500,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154500) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

meeting .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653603,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653603) PENN in sentence 4154500:

meeting .   
------- -   
nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329615400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'meeting .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 199,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'meeting .'},
 {'ID': 4154501,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 39, 'VV'),
          (40, 44, 'IN/that'),
          (45, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 58, 'PP'),
          (59, 64, 'md'),
          (65, 70, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154501) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They interpreted this direction to mean that although they could 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653604,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 39, 'VV'),
                             (40, 44, 'IN/that'),
                             (45, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 58, 'PP'),
                             (59, 64, 'md'),
                             (65, 70, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (45, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653604) PENN in sentence 4154501:

They interpreted this direction to mean that    although they 
---- ----------- ---- --------- -- ---- ----    -------- ---- 
PP   VVD         dt   nn        to VV   IN/that in       PP   

could brief
----- -----
md    VV   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] VV
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] PP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] md
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329616168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They interpreted this direction to mean that '
                             'although they could brief'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 199,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They interpreted this direction to mean that although they could '
 {'ID': 4154502,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'PP$'),
          (6, 15, 'nns'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 22, 'PP'),
          (23, 28, 'md'),
          (29, 32, 'rb'),
          (33, 37, 'VV'),
          (38, 41, 'rp'),
          (42, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 55, 'to'),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 67, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154502) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

their superiors , they could not send out advisories to the field


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653605,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'PP$'),
                             (6, 15, 'nns'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 22, 'PP'),
                             (23, 28, 'md'),
                             (29, 32, 'rb'),
                             (33, 37, 'VV'),
                             (38, 41, 'rp'),
                             (42, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 55, 'to'),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 67, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (66, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653605) PENN in sentence 4154502:

their superiors , they could not send out advisories to the field
----- --------- - ---- ----- --- ---- --- ---------- -- --- -----
PP$   nns       , PP   md    rb  VV   rp  nns        to dt  nn   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] PP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] md
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] rb
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] VV
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] rp
                                          [end] 51
[start] 42
[name] nns
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] to
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329622440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'their superiors , they could not send out '
                             'advisories to the field .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 200,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'their superiors , they could not send out advisories to the field '
 {'ID': 4154503,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 6, 'NP'), (7, 15, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154503) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

An NSC official

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653606,
                     'NER': [(3, 6, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 6, 'NP'), (7, 15, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653606) PENN in sentence 4154503:

An NSC official
-- --- --------
dt NP  nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 3}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329625032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'An NSC official'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 200,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'An NSC official'},
 {'ID': 4154504,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVZ'),
          (8, 9, 'dt'),
          (10, 18, 'rb'),
          (19, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 39, ','),
          (40, 46, 'VVG'),
          (47, 51, 'IN/that'),
          (52, 61, 'nns'),
          (62, 66, 'VBD'),
          (67, 72, 'VVN'),
          (73, 75, 'to'),
          (76, 80, 'VV'),
          (81, 84, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154504) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

recalls a somewhat different emphasis , saying that attendees 

were asked to take the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653607,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVZ'),
                             (8, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 18, 'rb'),
                             (19, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 39, ','),
                             (40, 46, 'VVG'),
                             (47, 51, 'IN/that'),
                             (52, 61, 'nns'),
                             (62, 66, 'VBD'),
                             (67, 72, 'VVN'),
                             (73, 75, 'to'),
                             (76, 80, 'VV'),
                             (81, 84, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 18, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT'),
                             (62, 66, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653607) PENN in sentence 4154504:

recalls a  somewhat different emphasis , saying that    attendees
------- -  -------- --------- -------- - ------ ----    ---------
VVZ     dt rb       jj        nn       , VVG    IN/that nns      

 were asked to take the
 ---- ----- -- ---- ---
 VBD  VVN   to VV   dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] ,
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] nns
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 71
[start] 67
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] to
                                          [end] 79
[start] 76
[name] VV
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329638440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'recalls a somewhat different emphasis , saying '
                             'that attendees were asked to take the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 201,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'recalls a somewhat different emphasis , saying that attendees were '
          'asked to take the'},
 {'ID': 4154505,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 16, 'rb'),
          (17, 19, 'to'),
          (20, 25, 'PP$'),
          (26, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 39, 'nns'),
          (40, 43, 'cc'),
          (44, 46, '``'),
          (47, 49, 'VV'),
          (50, 54, 'wp'),
          (55, 58, 'PP'),
          (59, 62, 'md'),
          (63, 65, "''"),
          (66, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 73, 'PP'),
          (74, 75, ','),
          (76, 83, 'jj'),
          (84, 86, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154505) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information back to their home agencies and `` do what you can ''

 with it , subject to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653608,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 16, 'rb'),
                             (17, 19, 'to'),
                             (20, 25, 'PP$'),
                             (26, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 39, 'nns'),
                             (40, 43, 'cc'),
                             (44, 46, '``'),
                             (47, 49, 'VV'),
                             (50, 54, 'wp'),
                             (55, 58, 'PP'),
                             (59, 62, 'md'),
                             (63, 65, "''"),
                             (66, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 73, 'PP'),
                             (74, 75, ','),
                             (76, 83, 'jj'),
                             (84, 86, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 25, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT'),
                             (84, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653608) PENN in sentence 4154505:

information back to their home agencies and `` do what you can ''
----------- ---- -- ----- ---- -------- --- -- -- ---- --- --- --
nn          rb   to PP$   nn   nns      cc  `` VV wp   PP  md  ''

 with it , subject to
 ---- -- - ------- --
 in   PP , jj      to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] rb
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] to
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] cc
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] ``
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] VV
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] wp
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] PP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] md
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] ''
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] PP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] ,
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] jj
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329640840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information back to their home agencies and `` '
                             "do what you can '' with it , subject to"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 202,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "information back to their home agencies and `` do what you can '' "
          'with it , subject to'},
 {'ID': 4154506,
  'POS': [(0, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 18, 'cc'),
          (19, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 44, 'nns'),
          (45, 46, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154506) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

classification and distribution restrictions .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653609,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 18, 'cc'),
                             (19, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 44, 'nns'),
                             (45, 46, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 18, 'NT'), (45, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653609) PENN in sentence 4154506:

classification and distribution restrictions .   
-------------- --- ------------ ------------ -   
nn             cc  nn           nns          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] cc
                                          [end] 30
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 32
[name] nns
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329660840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'classification and distribution restrictions .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 203,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'classification and distribution restrictions .'},
 {'ID': 4154507,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 35, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154507) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A representative from the INS asked

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653610,
                     'NER': [(26, 29, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 35, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653610) PENN in sentence 4154507:

A  representative from the INS asked
-  -------------- ---- --- --- -----
dt nn             in   dt  NP  VVD  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 2
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 28,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 26}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329661992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A representative from the INS asked'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 203,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A representative from the INS asked'},
 {'ID': 4154508,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
          (4, 5, 'dt'),
          (6, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 37, 'IN/that'),
          (38, 41, 'PP'),
          (42, 47, 'md'),
          (48, 53, 'VV'),
          (54, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 72, 'nns'),
          (73, 74, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154508) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

for a summary of the information that she could share with field 

offices .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653611,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
                             (4, 5, 'dt'),
                             (6, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 37, 'IN/that'),
                             (38, 41, 'PP'),
                             (42, 47, 'md'),
                             (48, 53, 'VV'),
                             (54, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 72, 'nns'),
                             (73, 74, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 5, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 47, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653611) PENN in sentence 4154508:

for a  summary of the information that    she could share with 
--- -  ------- -- --- ----------- ----    --- ----- ----- ---- 
in  dt nn      in dt  nn          IN/that PP  md    VV    in   

field offices .   
----- ------- -   
nn    nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] PP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] md
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] VV
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 65
[name] nns
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329671784>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'for a summary of the information that she could '
                             'share with field offices .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 204,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'for a summary of the information that she could share with field '
          'offices .'},
 {'ID': 4154509,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'), (4, 9, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154509) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She never

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653612,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'), (4, 9, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653612) PENN in sentence 4154509:

She never
--- -----
PP  rb   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329674472>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She never'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 204,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'She never'},
 {'ID': 4154510,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'), (9, 12, 'cd'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154510) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

received one .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653613,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'), (9, 12, 'cd'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 12, 'NT'), (13, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653613) PENN in sentence 4154510:

received one .   
-------- --- -   
VVN      cd  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329691784>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'received one .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 205,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'received one .'},
 {'ID': 4154511,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 15, ','),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 64, 'dt'),
          (65, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 81, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154511) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

That same day , the CIA briefed Attorney General Ashcroft on the 

al Qaeda threat,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653614,
                     'NER': [(20, 23, 'organization'),
                             (49, 57, 'person'),
                             (65, 73, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 15, ','),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 64, 'dt'),
                             (65, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 81, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (32, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653614) PENN in sentence 4154511:

That same day , the CIA briefed Attorney General Ashcroft on the 
---- ---- --- - --- --- ------- -------- ------- -------- -- --- 
dt   jj   nn  , dt  NP  VVD     NP       NP      NP       in dt  

al Qaeda threat,
-- ----- -------
NP NP    NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] in
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 22,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 20},
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] person
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329692744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'That same day , the CIA briefed Attorney General '
                             'Ashcroft on the al Qaeda threat,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 207,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'That same day , the CIA briefed Attorney General Ashcroft on the al '
          'Qaeda threat,'},
 {'ID': 4154512,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVG'),
          (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
          (13, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 26, 'jj'),
          (27, 36, 'jj'),
          (37, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 47, 'VBD'),
          (48, 56, 'jj'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154512) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

warning that a significant terrorist attack was imminent .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653615,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVG'),
                             (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
                             (13, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 26, 'jj'),
                             (27, 36, 'jj'),
                             (37, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 47, 'VBD'),
                             (48, 56, 'jj'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 14, 'NT'), (44, 47, 'NT'), (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653615) PENN in sentence 4154512:

warning that    a  significant terrorist attack was imminent .   
------- ----    -  ----------- --------- ------ --- -------- -   
VVG     IN/that dt jj          jj        nn     VBD jj       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 35
[start] 27
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329704360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'warning that a significant terrorist attack was '
                             'imminent .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 208,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'warning that a significant terrorist attack was imminent .'},
 {'ID': 4154513,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'), (9, 12, 'VBD'), (13, 17, 'VVN'), (18, 22, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154513) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Ashcroft was told that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653616,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 12, 'VBD'),
                             (13, 17, 'VVN'),
                             (18, 22, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'), (9, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653616) PENN in sentence 4154513:

Ashcroft was told that   
-------- --- ---- ----   
NP       VBD VVN  IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329705992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Ashcroft was told that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 208,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Ashcroft was told that'},
 {'ID': 4154514,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'nns'),
          (13, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 38, 'VBD'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 46, 'jj'),
          (47, 53, 'nns'),
          (54, 56, 'cc'),
          (57, 64, 'rb'),
          (65, 73, 'jj'),
          (74, 77, 'cc'),
          (78, 82, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154514) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

preparations for multiple attacks were in late stages or already 

complete and that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653617,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'nns'),
                             (13, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 38, 'VBD'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 46, 'jj'),
                             (47, 53, 'nns'),
                             (54, 56, 'cc'),
                             (57, 64, 'rb'),
                             (65, 73, 'jj'),
                             (74, 77, 'cc'),
                             (78, 82, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 64, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653617) PENN in sentence 4154514:

preparations for multiple attacks were in late stages or already 
------------ --- -------- ------- ---- -- ---- ------ -- ------- 
nns          in  jj       nns     VBD  in jj   nns    cc rb      

complete and that   
-------- --- ----   
jj       cc  IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] jj
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nns
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] cc
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] rb
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] jj
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] cc
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329707144>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'preparations for multiple attacks were in late '
                             'stages or already complete and that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 209,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'preparations for multiple attacks were in late stages or already '
          'complete and that'},
 {'ID': 4154515,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'jj'),
          (7, 17, 'jj'),
          (18, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 31, 'md'),
          (32, 34, 'vb'),
          (35, 43, 'VVN'),
          (44, 45, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154515) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

little additional warning could be expected .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653618,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'jj'),
                             (7, 17, 'jj'),
                             (18, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 31, 'md'),
                             (32, 34, 'vb'),
                             (35, 43, 'VVN'),
                             (44, 45, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(26, 31, 'NT'), (32, 34, 'NT'), (44, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653618) PENN in sentence 4154515:

little additional warning could be expected .   
------ ---------- ------- ----- -- -------- -   
jj     jj         nn      md    vb VVN      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 7
[name] jj
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] md
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] vb
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329721800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'little additional warning could be expected .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 210,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'little additional warning could be expected .'},
 {'ID': 4154516,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 22, 'VVD'),
          (23, 27, 'jj'),
          (28, 35, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154516) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The briefing addressed only threats

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653619,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 22, 'VVD'),
                             (23, 27, 'jj'),
                             (28, 35, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653619) PENN in sentence 4154516:

The briefing addressed only threats
--- -------- --------- ---- -------
dt  nn       VVD       jj   nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] jj
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329723240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The briefing addressed only threats'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 210,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The briefing addressed only threats'},
 {'ID': 4154517,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 25, 'NPS'),
          (26, 27, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154517) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

outside the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653620,
                     'NER': [(12, 25, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 25, 'NPS'),
                             (26, 27, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653620) PENN in sentence 4154517:

outside the United States .   
------- --- ------ ------ -   
in      dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 12
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329740744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'outside the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 211,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'outside the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154518,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 42, 'VVD'),
          (43, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 55, 'IN/that'),
          (56, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 72, 'nns'),
          (73, 81, 'VVD'),
          (82, 85, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154518) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The next day , the CIA representative told the CSG that al Qaeda 

members believed the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653621,
                     'NER': [(19, 22, 'organization'),
                             (47, 50, 'organization'),
                             (56, 64, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 42, 'VVD'),
                             (43, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 55, 'IN/that'),
                             (56, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 72, 'nns'),
                             (73, 81, 'VVD'),
                             (82, 85, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 64, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653621) PENN in sentence 4154518:

The next day , the CIA representative told the CSG that    al 
--- ---- --- - --- --- -------------- ---- --- --- ----    -- 
dt  jj   nn  , dt  NP  nn             VVD  dt  nn  IN/that NP 

Qaeda members believed the
----- ------- -------- ---
NP    nns     VVD      dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 65
[name] nns
                                          [end] 80
[start] 73
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19},
                                          {'end': 49,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 47},
                                          {'end': 63,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 56}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329742280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The next day , the CIA representative told the '
                             'CSG that al Qaeda members believed the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 213,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The next day , the CIA representative told the CSG that al Qaeda '
          'members believed the'},
 {'ID': 4154519,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 21, 'md'),
          (22, 24, 'vb'),
          (25, 27, '``'),
          (28, 39, 'jj'),
          (40, 41, ','),
          (42, 44, "''"),
          (45, 58, 'rb'),
          (59, 68, 'jj'),
          (69, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 82, 'nn'),
          (83, 87, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154519) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

upcoming attack would be `` spectacular , '' qualitatively 

different from anything they

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653622,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 21, 'md'),
                             (22, 24, 'vb'),
                             (25, 27, '``'),
                             (28, 39, 'jj'),
                             (40, 41, ','),
                             (42, 44, "''"),
                             (45, 58, 'rb'),
                             (59, 68, 'jj'),
                             (69, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 82, 'nn'),
                             (83, 87, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 58, 'NT'),
                             (69, 73, 'NT'),
                             (83, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653622) PENN in sentence 4154519:

upcoming attack would be `` spectacular , '' qualitatively 
-------- ------ ----- -- -- ----------- - -- ------------- 
jj       nn     md    vb `` jj          , '' rb            

different from anything they
--------- ---- -------- ----
jj        in   nn       PP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] md
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] vb
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] ``
                                          [end] 38
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] ,
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] ''
                                          [end] 57
[start] 45
[name] rb
                                          [end] 67
[start] 59
[name] jj
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] in
                                          [end] 81
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                          [end] 86
[start] 83
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329753704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "upcoming attack would be `` spectacular , '' "
                             'qualitatively different from anything they'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 214,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "upcoming attack would be `` spectacular , '' qualitatively "
          'different from anything they'},
 {'ID': 4154520,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
          (4, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 18, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154520) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

had done to date .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653623,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
                             (4, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 18, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653623) PENN in sentence 4154520:

had done to date .   
--- ---- -- ---- -   
VHD VVN  to nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329756296>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'had done to date .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 215,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'had done to date .'},
 {'ID': 4154521,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 36, 'cd'),
          (37, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 58, ','),
          (59, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 84, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154521) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Apparently as a result of the July 5 meeting with Clarke , the 

interagency committee

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653624,
                     'NER': [(30, 36, 'date'), (50, 56, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 36, 'cd'),
                             (37, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 58, ','),
                             (59, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 84, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT'),
                             (45, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653624) PENN in sentence 4154521:

Apparently as a  result of the July 5  meeting with Clarke , the 
---------- -- -  ------ -- --- ---- -  ------- ---- ------ - --- 
rb         in dt nn     in dt  NP   cd nn      in   NP     , dt  

interagency committee
----------- ---------
nn          nn       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] cd
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] ,
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 83
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 30
[name] date
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329774088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Apparently as a result of the July 5 meeting '
                             'with Clarke , the interagency committee'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 217,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Apparently as a result of the July 5 meeting with Clarke , the '
          'interagency committee'},
 {'ID': 4154522,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 10, 'jj'),
          (11, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 32, 'VBD'),
          (33, 39, 'VVN'),
          (40, 42, 'to'),
          (43, 50, 'VV'),
          (51, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 68, 'nns'),
          (69, 70, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154522) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

on federal building security was tasked to examine security 

measures .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653625,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 32, 'VBD'),
                             (33, 39, 'VVN'),
                             (40, 42, 'to'),
                             (43, 50, 'VV'),
                             (51, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 68, 'nns'),
                             (69, 70, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653625) PENN in sentence 4154522:

on federal building security was tasked to examine security 
-- ------- -------- -------- --- ------ -- ------- -------- 
in jj      nn       nn       VBD VVN    to VV      nn       

measures .   
-------- -   
nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] to
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] VV
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] nns
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329785512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'on federal building security was tasked to '
                             'examine security measures .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 218,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'on federal building security was tasked to examine security '
          'measures .'},
 {'ID': 4154523,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 14, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154523) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

This committee

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653626,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 14, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653626) PENN in sentence 4154523:

This committee
---- ---------
dt   nn       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329787432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This committee'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 218,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This committee'},
 {'ID': 4154524,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VVN'),
          (4, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 13, 'cd'),
          (14, 15, ','),
          (16, 20, 'wrb'),
          (21, 23, 'cd'),
          (24, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 41, 'cd'),
          (42, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 54, 'cc'),
          (55, 68, 'nns'),
          (69, 73, 'VBD'),
          (74, 81, 'VVN'),
          (82, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154524) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

met on July 9 , when 37 officials from 27 agencies and 

organizations were briefed on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653627,
                     'NER': [(7, 13, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VVN'),
                             (4, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 13, 'cd'),
                             (14, 15, ','),
                             (16, 20, 'wrb'),
                             (21, 23, 'cd'),
                             (24, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 41, 'cd'),
                             (42, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 54, 'cc'),
                             (55, 68, 'nns'),
                             (69, 73, 'VBD'),
                             (74, 81, 'VVN'),
                             (82, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (69, 73, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653627) PENN in sentence 4154524:

met on July 9  , when 37 officials from 27 agencies and 
--- -- ---- -  - ---- -- --------- ---- -- -------- --- 
VVN in NP   cd , wrb  cd nns       in   cd nns      cc  

organizations were briefed on
------------- ---- ------- --
nns           VBD  VVN     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] cd
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] cd
                                          [end] 32
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] cd
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] nns
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] cc
                                          [end] 67
[start] 55
[name] nns
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 80
[start] 74
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 7
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329788200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'met on July 9 , when 37 officials from 27 '
                             'agencies and organizations were briefed on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 219,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'met on July 9 , when 37 officials from 27 agencies and '
          'organizations were briefed on'},
 {'ID': 4154525,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 6, '``'),
          (7, 14, 'jj'),
          (15, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, "''"),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 51, 'NPS'),
          (52, 53, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154525) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the `` current threat level '' in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653628,
                     'NER': [(38, 51, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 6, '``'),
                             (7, 14, 'jj'),
                             (15, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, "''"),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 51, 'NPS'),
                             (52, 53, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653628) PENN in sentence 4154525:

the `` current threat level '' in the United States .   
--- -- ------- ------ ----- -- -- --- ------ ------ -   
dt  `` jj      nn     nn    '' in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] ``
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] ''
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 50
[start] 38
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329807816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "the `` current threat level '' in the United "
                             'States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 220,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "the `` current threat level '' in the United States ."},
 {'ID': 4154526,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 9, 'VBD'),
          (10, 14, 'VVN'),
          (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
          (20, 23, 'rb'),
          (24, 28, 'rb'),
          (29, 32, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154526) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They were told that not only the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653629,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 14, 'VVN'),
                             (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
                             (20, 23, 'rb'),
                             (24, 28, 'rb'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653629) PENN in sentence 4154526:

They were told that    not only the
---- ---- ---- ----    --- ---- ---
PP   VBD  VVN  IN/that rb  rb   dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] rb
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329826760>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They were told that not only the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 220,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They were told that not only the'},
 {'ID': 4154527,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 26, 'rb'),
          (27, 30, 'cc'),
          (31, 35, 'rb'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 46, 'jj'),
          (47, 58, 'nns'),
          (59, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 77, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154527) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

threat reports from abroad but also the recent convictions in the

 East Africa

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653630,
                     'NER': [(66, 77, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 26, 'rb'),
                             (27, 30, 'cc'),
                             (31, 35, 'rb'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 46, 'jj'),
                             (47, 58, 'nns'),
                             (59, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 77, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653630) PENN in sentence 4154527:

threat reports from abroad but also the recent convictions in the
------ ------- ---- ------ --- ---- --- ------ ----------- -- ---
nn     nns     in   rb     cc  rb   dt  jj     nns         in dt 

 East Africa
 ---- ------
 NP   NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] nns
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] rb
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] cc
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] rb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] jj
                                          [end] 57
[start] 47
[name] nns
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 76,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 66}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329828392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'threat reports from abroad but also the recent '
                             'convictions in the East Africa'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 221,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'threat reports from abroad but also the recent convictions in the '
          'East Africa'},
 {'ID': 4154528,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
          (9, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 49, ','),
          (50, 53, 'cc'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 71, 'jj'),
          (72, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154528) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

bombings trial , the conviction of Ahmed Ressam , and the just-

returned KhobarTowers

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653631,
                     'NER': [(35, 47, 'person'), (72, 84, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 49, ','),
                             (50, 53, 'cc'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 71, 'jj'),
                             (72, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (72, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653631) PENN in sentence 4154528:

bombings trial , the conviction of Ahmed Ressam , and the just-
-------- ----- - --- ---------- -- ----- ------ - --- --- -----
nns      nn    , dt  nn         in NP    NP     , cc  dt  jj   

returned KhobarTowers
-------- ------------
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] cc
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 83
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 46
[start] 35
[name] person
                                          [end] 83
[start] 72
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329843432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'bombings trial , the conviction of Ahmed Ressam '
                             ', and the just-returned KhobarTowers'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 222,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'bombings trial , the conviction of Ahmed Ressam , and the '
          'just-returned KhobarTowers'},
 {'ID': 4154529,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'),
          (12, 22, 'VVD'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 37, '``'),
          (38, 46, 'VV'),
          (47, 54, 'jj'),
          (55, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 66, 'sent'),
          (67, 69, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154529) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

indictments reinforced the need to `` exercise extreme vigilance 

. ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653632,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'),
                             (12, 22, 'VVD'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 37, '``'),
                             (38, 46, 'VV'),
                             (47, 54, 'jj'),
                             (55, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent'),
                             (67, 69, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653632) PENN in sentence 4154529:

indictments reinforced the need to `` exercise extreme vigilance 
----------- ---------- --- ---- -- -- -------- ------- --------- 
nns         VVD        dt  nn   to `` VV       jj      nn        

.    ''
-    --
sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 12
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] ``
                                          [end] 45
[start] 38
[name] VV
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 55
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329846216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'indictments reinforced the need to `` exercise '
                             "extreme vigilance . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 223,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'indictments reinforced the need to `` exercise extreme vigilance . '
 {'ID': 4154530,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 14, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154530) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Attendees were

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653633,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 14, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653633) PENN in sentence 4154530:

Attendees were
--------- ----
nns       VBD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329856488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Attendees were'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 223,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Attendees were'},
 {'ID': 4154531,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 21, 'VV'),
          (22, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 35, 'PP$'),
          (36, 46, 'jj'),
          (47, 55, 'nns'),
          (56, 62, 'VVD'),
          (63, 71, 'jj'),
          (72, 80, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154531) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

expected to determine whether their respective agencies needed 

enhanced security

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653634,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 21, 'VV'),
                             (22, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 35, 'PP$'),
                             (36, 46, 'jj'),
                             (47, 55, 'nns'),
                             (56, 62, 'VVD'),
                             (63, 71, 'jj'),
                             (72, 80, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'), (22, 29, 'NT'), (30, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653634) PENN in sentence 4154531:

expected to determine whether their respective agencies needed 
-------- -- --------- ------- ----- ---------- -------- ------ 
VVN      to VV        in      PP$   jj         nns      VVD    

enhanced security
-------- --------
jj       nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] VV
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 45
[start] 36
[name] jj
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] nns
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 70
[start] 63
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 72
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329857256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'expected to determine whether their respective '
                             'agencies needed enhanced security'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 224,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'expected to determine whether their respective agencies needed '
          'enhanced security'},
 {'ID': 4154532,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154532) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

measures .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653635,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653635) PENN in sentence 4154532:

measures .   
-------- -   
nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329858984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'measures .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 225,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'measures .'},
 {'ID': 4154533,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 16, 'cd'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 48, 'VVD'),
          (49, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 61, 'to'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 82, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154533) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On July 18, 2001 , the State Department provided a warning to the

 public regarding

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653636,
                     'NER': [(3, 16, 'date'), (23, 39, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 48, 'VVD'),
                             (49, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 61, 'to'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 82, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 39, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653636) PENN in sentence 4154533:

On July 18, 2001 , the State Department provided a  warning to 
-- ---- --- ---- - --- ----- ---------- -------- -  ------- -- 
in NP   cd  cd   , dt  NP    NP         VVD      dt nn      to 

the public regarding
--- ------ ---------
dt  nn     VVG      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] cd
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 40
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] to
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 73
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 38,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 23}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329872104>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On July 18, 2001 , the State Department provided '
                             'a warning to the public regarding'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 227,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On July 18, 2001 , the State Department provided a warning to the '
          'public regarding'},
 {'ID': 4154534,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 26, 'nns'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 53, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154534) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possible terrorist attacks in the Arabian Peninsula .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653637,
                     'NER': [(34, 51, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 26, 'nns'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 53, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653637) PENN in sentence 4154534:

possible terrorist attacks in the Arabian Peninsula .   
-------- --------- ------- -- --- ------- --------- -   
jj       jj        nns     in dt  NP      NP        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 50
[start] 34
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329875272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possible terrorist attacks in the Arabian '
                             'Peninsula .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 228,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possible terrorist attacks in the Arabian Peninsula .'},
 {'ID': 4154535,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'),
          (7, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 39, 'VVD'),
          (40, 42, 'PP'),
          (43, 45, 'PP'),
          (46, 49, 'VHD'),
          (50, 53, 'cd'),
          (54, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 60, 'PP$'),
          (61, 69, 'jj'),
          (70, 80, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154535) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard told us he had one of his 

periodic conference

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653638,
                     'NER': [(7, 10, 'organization'), (20, 34, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'),
                             (7, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 39, 'VVD'),
                             (40, 42, 'PP'),
                             (43, 45, 'PP'),
                             (46, 49, 'VHD'),
                             (50, 53, 'cd'),
                             (54, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 60, 'PP$'),
                             (61, 69, 'jj'),
                             (70, 80, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 34, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653638) PENN in sentence 4154535:

Acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard told us he had one of his 
------ --- -------- ------ ------- ---- -- -- --- --- -- --- 
VVG    NP  NP       NP     NP      VVD  PP PP VHD cd  in PP$ 

periodic conference
-------- ----------
jj       nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] PP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] PP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] cd
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 68
[start] 61
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 9,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 7},
                                          [end] 33
[start] 20
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329885448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard told us he '
                             'had one of his periodic conference'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 230,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard told us he had one of his '
          'periodic conference'},
 {'ID': 4154536,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
          (6, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 29, 'nns'),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 50, 'cd'),
          (51, 52, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154536) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

calls with all special agents in charge on July 19 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653639,
                     'NER': [(43, 50, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
                             (6, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 29, 'nns'),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 50, 'cd'),
                             (51, 52, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653639) PENN in sentence 4154536:

calls with all special agents in charge on July 19 .   
----- ---- --- ------- ------ -- ------ -- ---- -- -   
nns   in   dt  jj      nns    in nn     in NP   cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] cd
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 49
[start] 43
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329904776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'calls with all special agents in charge on July '
                             '19 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 231,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'calls with all special agents in charge on July 19 .'},
 {'ID': 4154537,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 27, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154537) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He said one of the items he

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
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  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653640,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 27, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653640) PENN in sentence 4154537:

He said one of the items he
-- ---- --- -- --- ----- --
PP VVD  cd  in dt  nns   PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329907080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He said one of the items he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 231,
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  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He said one of the items he'},
 {'ID': 4154538,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
          (10, 13, 'VBD'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 24, ','),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 46, 'VVN'),
          (47, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 65, ','),
          (66, 68, 'to'),
          (69, 73, 'VH'),
          (74, 82, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154538) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

mentioned was the need , in light of increased threat reporting ,

 to have evidence

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653641,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
                             (10, 13, 'VBD'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 24, ','),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 46, 'VVN'),
                             (47, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 65, ','),
                             (66, 68, 'to'),
                             (69, 73, 'VH'),
                             (74, 82, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653641) PENN in sentence 4154538:

mentioned was the need , in light of increased threat reporting ,
--------- --- --- ---- - -- ----- -- --------- ------ --------- -
VVN       VBD dt  nn   , in nn    in VVN       nn     nn        ,

 to have evidence
 -- ---- --------
 to VH   nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] ,
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] ,
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] to
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] VH
                                          [end] 81
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329916968>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'mentioned was the need , in light of increased '
                             'threat reporting , to have evidence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 232,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'mentioned was the need , in light of increased threat reporting , '
          'to have evidence'},
 {'ID': 4154539,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 23, 'to'),
          (24, 28, 'VV'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'POS'),
          (44, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 52, ','),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 63, 'in'),
          (64, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 75, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154539) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

response teams ready to move at a moment 's notice , in case of 

an attack .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653642,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 23, 'to'),
                             (24, 28, 'VV'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'POS'),
                             (44, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 52, ','),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 63, 'in'),
                             (64, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 75, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653642) PENN in sentence 4154539:

response teams ready to move at a  moment 's  notice , in case of
-------- ----- ----- -- ---- -- -  ------ --  ------ - -- ---- --
nn       nns   jj    to VV   in dt nn     POS nn     , in nn   in

 an attack .   
 -- ------ -   
 dt nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] to
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VV
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] POS
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] ,
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329919560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "response teams ready to move at a moment 's "
                             'notice , in case of an attack .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 233,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "response teams ready to move at a moment 's notice , in case of an "
          'attack .'},
 {'ID': 4154540,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 29, 'nns'),
          (30, 32, 'to'),
          (33, 36, 'VV'),
          (37, 39, 'to'),
          (40, 49, 'VV'),
          (50, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 67, 'nns'),
          (68, 72, 'VBD'),
          (73, 78, 'VBG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154540) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He did not task field offices to try to determine whether any 

plots were being

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653643,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 29, 'nns'),
                             (30, 32, 'to'),
                             (33, 36, 'VV'),
                             (37, 39, 'to'),
                             (40, 49, 'VV'),
                             (50, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 67, 'nns'),
                             (68, 72, 'VBD'),
                             (73, 78, 'VBG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (50, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (68, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653643) PENN in sentence 4154540:

He did not task field offices to try to determine whether any 
-- --- --- ---- ----- ------- -- --- -- --------- ------- --- 
PP VVD rb  nn   nn    nns     to VV  to VV        in      dt  

plots were being
----- ---- -----
nns   VBD  VBG  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] VV
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] to
                                          [end] 48
[start] 40
[name] VV
                                          [end] 56
[start] 50
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] VBG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329930792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He did not task field offices to try to '
                             'determine whether any plots were being'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 235,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He did not task field offices to try to determine whether any plots '
          'were being'},
 {'ID': 4154541,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 35, 'NPS'),
          (36, 38, 'cc'),
          (39, 41, 'to'),
          (42, 46, 'VV'),
          (47, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 60, 'to'),
          (61, 68, 'VV'),
          (69, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 77, 'jj'),
          (78, 83, 'nns'),
          (84, 85, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154541) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

considered within the United States or to take any action to 

disrupt any such plots .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653644,
                     'NER': [(22, 35, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 35, 'NPS'),
                             (36, 38, 'cc'),
                             (39, 41, 'to'),
                             (42, 46, 'VV'),
                             (47, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 60, 'to'),
                             (61, 68, 'VV'),
                             (69, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 77, 'jj'),
                             (78, 83, 'nns'),
                             (84, 85, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653644) PENN in sentence 4154541:

considered within the United States or to take any action to 
---------- ------ --- ------ ------ -- -- ---- --- ------ -- 
VVN        in     dt  NP     NPS    cc to VV   dt  nn     to 

disrupt any such plots .   
------- --- ---- ----- -   
VV      dt  jj   nns   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] cc
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] to
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] VV
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] to
                                          [end] 67
[start] 61
[name] VV
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] jj
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] nns
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 22
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329954120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'considered within the United States or to take '
                             'any action to disrupt any such plots .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 236,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'considered within the United States or to take any action to '
          'disrupt any such plots .'},
 {'ID': 4154542,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 43, 'VV'),
          (44, 48, 'IN/that'),
          (49, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 61, 'POS'),
          (62, 67, 'nns'),
          (68, 71, 'VHD'),
          (72, 76, 'VBN'),
          (77, 85, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154542) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In mid-July , reporting started to indicate that Bin Ladin 's 

plans had been delayed,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653645,
                     'NER': [(3, 11, 'date'), (49, 58, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 43, 'VV'),
                             (44, 48, 'IN/that'),
                             (49, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 61, 'POS'),
                             (62, 67, 'nns'),
                             (68, 71, 'VHD'),
                             (72, 76, 'VBN'),
                             (77, 85, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653645) PENN in sentence 4154542:

In mid-July , reporting started to indicate that    Bin Ladin 's 
-- -------- - --------- ------- -- -------- ----    --- ----- -- 
in NP       , nn        VVD     to VV       IN/that NP  NP    POS

 plans had been delayed,
 ----- --- ---- --------
 nns   VHD VBN  VVG     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] VV
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] POS
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 84
[start] 77
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 57
[start] 49
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329957192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In mid-July , reporting started to indicate that '
                             "Bin Ladin 's plans had been delayed,"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 237,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "In mid-July , reporting started to indicate that Bin Ladin 's plans "
          'had been delayed,'},
 {'ID': 4154543,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'rb'),
          (6, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 17, 'jj'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 24, 'cd'),
          (25, 31, 'nns'),
          (32, 33, ','),
          (34, 37, 'cc'),
          (38, 41, 'rb'),
          (42, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 53, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154543) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

maybe for as long as two months , but not abandoned .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653646,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'rb'),
                             (6, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 17, 'jj'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 24, 'cd'),
                             (25, 31, 'nns'),
                             (32, 33, ','),
                             (34, 37, 'cc'),
                             (38, 41, 'rb'),
                             (42, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 53, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653646) PENN in sentence 4154543:

maybe for as long as two months , but not abandoned .   
----- --- -- ---- -- --- ------ - --- --- --------- -   
rb    in  rb jj   in cd  nns    , cc  rb  VVN       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] cd
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] ,
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] cc
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] rb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329972520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'maybe for as long as two months , but not '
                             'abandoned .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 238,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'maybe for as long as two months , but not abandoned .'},
 {'ID': 4154544,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 21, 'jj'),
          (22, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 30, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154544) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On July 23 , the lead item for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653647,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 30, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653647) PENN in sentence 4154544:

On July 23 , the lead item for
-- ---- -- - --- ---- ---- ---
in NP   cd , dt  jj   nn   in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329983272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On July 23 , the lead item for'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 238,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On July 23 , the lead item for'},
 {'ID': 4154545,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 18, 'VBD'),
          (19, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 46, ','),
          (47, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 53, 'PP'),
          (54, 62, 'VVD'),
          (63, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 83, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154545) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

CSG discussion was still the al Qaeda threat , and it included 

mention of suspected

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653648,
                     'NER': [(29, 37, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 18, 'VBD'),
                             (19, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 46, ','),
                             (47, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 53, 'PP'),
                             (54, 62, 'VVD'),
                             (63, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 83, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 37, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653648) PENN in sentence 4154545:

CSG discussion was still the al Qaeda threat , and it included 
--- ---------- --- ----- --- -- ----- ------ - --- -- -------- 
NP  nn         VBD rb    dt  NP NP    nn     , cc  PP VVD      

mention of suspected
------- -- ---------
nn      in jj       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] ,
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] cc
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] PP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 54
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 29
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824329985288>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'CSG discussion was still the al Qaeda threat , '
                             'and it included mention of suspected'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 239,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'CSG discussion was still the al Qaeda threat , and it included '
          'mention of suspected'},
 {'ID': 4154546,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 19, 'to'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 37, 'NPS'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154546) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

terrorist travel to the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653649,
                     'NER': [(24, 37, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 19, 'to'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 37, 'NPS'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653649) PENN in sentence 4154546:

terrorist travel to the United States .   
--------- ------ -- --- ------ ------ -   
jj        nn     to dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] to
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 24
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330004712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'terrorist travel to the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 240,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'terrorist travel to the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154547,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 37, 'VVD'),
          (38, 46, 'VVG'),
          (47, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 72, 'to'),
          (73, 75, '``'),
          (76, 83, 'nns'),
          (84, 86, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154547) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On July 31 , an FAA circular appeared alerting the aviation 

community to `` reports of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653650,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'date'), (16, 19, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 37, 'VVD'),
                             (38, 46, 'VVG'),
                             (47, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 72, 'to'),
                             (73, 75, '``'),
                             (76, 83, 'nns'),
                             (84, 86, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT'),
                             (84, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653650) PENN in sentence 4154547:

On July 31 , an FAA circular appeared alerting the aviation 
-- ---- -- - -- --- -------- -------- -------- --- -------- 
in NP   cd , dt NP  jj       VVD      VVG      dt  nn       

community to `` reports of
--------- -- -- ------- --
nn        to `` nns     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 38
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] to
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] ``
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] nns
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 18,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
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[start] 3
[name] NT
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[start] 8
[name] NT
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[start] 11
[name] NT
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[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330006440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On July 31 , an FAA circular appeared alerting '
                             'the aviation community to `` reports of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 242,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On July 31 , an FAA circular appeared alerting the aviation '
          'community to `` reports of'},
 {'ID': 4154548,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 39, 'nns'),
          (40, 41, 'sent'),
          (42, 43, 'sent'),
          (44, 45, 'sent'),
          (46, 58, 'rb'),
          (59, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154548) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possible near-term terrorist operations . . . particularly on the

 Arabian Peninsula

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653651,
                     'NER': [(66, 83, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 39, 'nns'),
                             (40, 41, 'sent'),
                             (42, 43, 'sent'),
                             (44, 45, 'sent'),
                             (46, 58, 'rb'),
                             (59, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653651) PENN in sentence 4154548:

possible near-term terrorist operations .    .    .    
-------- --------- --------- ---------- -    -    -    
jj       jj        jj        nns        sent sent sent 

particularly on the Arabian Peninsula
------------ -- --- ------- ---------
rb           in dt  NP      NP       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 38
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] sent
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sent
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] sent
                                          [end] 57
[start] 46
[name] rb
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 82
[start] 66
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330026056>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possible near-term terrorist operations . . . '
                             'particularly on the Arabian Peninsula'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 243,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possible near-term terrorist operations . . . particularly on the '
          'Arabian Peninsula'},
 {'ID': 4154549,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 13, 'NP'), (14, 15, 'sent'), (16, 18, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154549) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and/or Israel . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653652,
                     'NER': [(7, 13, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 15, 'sent'),
                             (16, 18, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653652) PENN in sentence 4154549:

and/or Israel .    ''
------ ------ -    --
NP     NP     sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] sent
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 7
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330036904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "and/or Israel . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 244,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "and/or Israel . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154550,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 9, 'VVD'),
          (10, 14, 'IN/that'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 26, 'VHD'),
          (27, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 68, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154550) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It stated that the FAA had no credible evidence of specific plans


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653653,
                     'NER': [(19, 22, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 9, 'VVD'),
                             (10, 14, 'IN/that'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 26, 'VHD'),
                             (27, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 68, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653653) PENN in sentence 4154550:

It stated that    the FAA had no credible evidence of specific 
-- ------ ----    --- --- --- -- -------- -------- -- -------- 
PP VVD    IN/that dt  NP  VHD dt jj       nn       in jj       

plans to
----- --
nns   to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] nns
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330038248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It stated that the FAA had no credible evidence '
                             'of specific plans to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 244,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It stated that the FAA had no credible evidence of specific plans '
 {'ID': 4154551,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
          (7, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 17, 'jj'),
          (18, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 28, ','),
          (29, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 38, 'PP'),
          (39, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 49, 'IN/that'),
          (50, 54, 'dt'),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 64, '``'),
          (65, 74, 'rb'),
          (75, 81, 'jj'),
          (82, 84, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154551) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

attack U.S. civil aviation , though it noted that some of the `` 

currently active ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653654,
                     'NER': [(7, 11, 'location'), (12, 26, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
                             (7, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 17, 'jj'),
                             (18, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 28, ','),
                             (29, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 38, 'PP'),
                             (39, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 49, 'IN/that'),
                             (50, 54, 'dt'),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 64, '``'),
                             (65, 74, 'rb'),
                             (75, 81, 'jj'),
                             (82, 84, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (50, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 74, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653654) PENN in sentence 4154551:

attack U.S. civil aviation , though it noted that    some of the 
------ ---- ----- -------- - ------ -- ----- ----    ---- -- --- 
VV     NP   jj    nn       , in     PP VVD   IN/that dt   in dt  

`` currently active ''
-- --------- ------ --
`` rb        jj     ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] ,
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] PP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] ``
                                          [end] 73
[start] 65
[name] rb
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] jj
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 7
[name] location
                                          {'end': 25,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 12}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330048904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'attack U.S. civil aviation , though it noted '
                             "that some of the `` currently active ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 245,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'attack U.S. civil aviation , though it noted that some of the `` '
          "currently active ''"},
 {'ID': 4154552,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 21, 'VBD'),
          (22, 27, 'VVN'),
          (28, 30, 'to'),
          (31, 33, '``'),
          (34, 38, 'VV'),
          (39, 42, 'cc'),
          (43, 48, 'VV'),
          (49, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 63, 'nns'),
          (64, 66, "''"),
          (67, 70, 'cc'),
          (71, 75, 'VBD'),
          (76, 80, 'jj'),
          (81, 83, 'to'),
          (84, 89, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154552) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

terrorist groups were known to `` plan and train for hijackings 

'' and were able to build

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653655,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 21, 'VBD'),
                             (22, 27, 'VVN'),
                             (28, 30, 'to'),
                             (31, 33, '``'),
                             (34, 38, 'VV'),
                             (39, 42, 'cc'),
                             (43, 48, 'VV'),
                             (49, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 63, 'nns'),
                             (64, 66, "''"),
                             (67, 70, 'cc'),
                             (71, 75, 'VBD'),
                             (76, 80, 'jj'),
                             (81, 83, 'to'),
                             (84, 89, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 75, 'NT'),
                             (81, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653655) PENN in sentence 4154552:

terrorist groups were known to `` plan and train for hijackings 
--------- ------ ---- ----- -- -- ---- --- ----- --- ---------- 
jj        nns    VBD  VVN   to `` VV   cc  VV    in  nns        

'' and were able to build
-- --- ---- ---- -- -----
'' cc  VBD  jj   to VV   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] to
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] ``
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] VV
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] cc
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] VV
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 53
[name] nns
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] ''
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] cc
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 79
[start] 76
[name] jj
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] to
                                          [end] 88
[start] 84
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330068520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'terrorist groups were known to `` plan and train '
                             "for hijackings '' and were able to build"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 246,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "terrorist groups were known to `` plan and train for hijackings '' "
          'and were able to build'},
 {'ID': 4154553,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 11, 'VV'),
          (12, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 43, 'nns'),
          (44, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 58, 'cc'),
          (59, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 76, 'nns'),
          (77, 78, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154553) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and conceal sophisticated explosive devices in luggage and 

consumer products .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653656,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 11, 'VV'),
                             (12, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 43, 'nns'),
                             (44, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 58, 'cc'),
                             (59, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 76, 'nns'),
                             (77, 78, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653656) PENN in sentence 4154553:

and conceal sophisticated explosive devices in luggage and 
--- ------- ------------- --------- ------- -- ------- --- 
cc  VV      jj            jj        nns     in nn      cc  

consumer products .   
-------- -------- -   
nn       nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] VV
                                          [end] 24
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] nns
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] cc
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 68
[name] nns
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330071496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and conceal sophisticated explosive devices in '
                             'luggage and consumer products .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 247,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and conceal sophisticated explosive devices in luggage and consumer '
          'products .'},
 {'ID': 4154554,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 13, 'PP'),
          (14, 18, 'IN/that'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'PP$'),
          (26, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, '``'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 49, 'VBD'),
          (50, 58, 'VVG'),
          (59, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 64, 'sent'),
          (65, 67, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154554) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Tenet told us that in his world `` the system was blinking red . 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653657,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 13, 'PP'),
                             (14, 18, 'IN/that'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'PP$'),
                             (26, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, '``'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 49, 'VBD'),
                             (50, 58, 'VVG'),
                             (59, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 64, 'sent'),
                             (65, 67, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653657) PENN in sentence 4154554:

Tenet told us that    in his world `` the system was blinking red
----- ---- -- ----    -- --- ----- -- --- ------ --- -------- ---
nn    VVD  PP IN/that in PP$ nn    `` dt  nn     VBD VVG      jj 

 .    ''
 -    --
 sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] PP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] ``
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] sent
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330081672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Tenet told us that in his world `` the system '
                             "was blinking red . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 249,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Tenet told us that in his world `` the system was blinking red . '
 {'ID': 4154555,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 20, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154555) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

By late July , Tenet

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653658,
                     'NER': [(8, 12, 'date'), (15, 20, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 20, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653658) PENN in sentence 4154555:

By late July , Tenet
-- ---- ---- - -----
in jj   NP   , NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 8
[name] date
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330092808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'By late July , Tenet'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 249,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'By late July , Tenet'},
 {'ID': 4154556,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 9, 'PP'),
          (10, 15, 'md'),
          (16, 19, 'rb'),
          (20, 22, '``'),
          (23, 26, 'VV'),
          (27, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 36, 'jjr'),
          (37, 38, 'sent'),
          (39, 41, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154556) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

said , it could not `` get any worse . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653659,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 9, 'PP'),
                             (10, 15, 'md'),
                             (16, 19, 'rb'),
                             (20, 22, '``'),
                             (23, 26, 'VV'),
                             (27, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 36, 'jjr'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent'),
                             (39, 41, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653659) PENN in sentence 4154556:

said , it could not `` get any worse .    ''
---- - -- ----- --- -- --- --- ----- -    --
VVD  , PP md    rb  `` VV  dt  jjr   sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] PP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] md
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] rb
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] ``
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] VV
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330094344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "said , it could not `` get any worse . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 250,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "said , it could not `` get any worse . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154557,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'), (4, 12, 'nn'), (13, 16, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154557) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Not everyone was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653660,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'), (4, 12, 'nn'), (13, 16, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (13, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653660) PENN in sentence 4154557:

Not everyone was
--- -------- ---
rb  nn       VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330113192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Not everyone was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 250,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Not everyone was'},
 {'ID': 4154558,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154558) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

convinced .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653661,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653661) PENN in sentence 4154558:

convinced .   
--------- -   
VVN       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330114152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'convinced .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 251,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'convinced .'},
 {'ID': 4154559,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 22, 'pdt'),
          (23, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 42, 'md'),
          (43, 47, 'rb'),
          (48, 50, 'vb'),
          (51, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154559) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Some asked whether all these threats might just be deception .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653662,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 22, 'pdt'),
                             (23, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 42, 'md'),
                             (43, 47, 'rb'),
                             (48, 50, 'vb'),
                             (51, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (11, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (37, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653662) PENN in sentence 4154559:

Some asked whether all these threats might just be deception .   
---- ----- ------- --- ----- ------- ----- ---- -- --------- -   
dt   VVD   in      pdt dt    nns     md    rb   vb nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] pdt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] md
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] rb
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] vb
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330114920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Some asked whether all these threats might just '
                             'be deception .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 251,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Some asked whether all these threats might just be deception .'},
 {'ID': 4154560,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 7, 'NP'), (8, 10, 'cd'), (11, 12, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154560) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On June 30 ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653663,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 12, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653663) PENN in sentence 4154560:

On June 30 ,
-- ---- -- -
in NP   cd ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330121480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On June 30 ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 251,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On June 30 ,'},
 {'ID': 4154561,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 39, '``'),
          (40, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 61, 'vbp'),
          (62, 66, 'jj'),
          (67, 68, 'sent'),
          (69, 71, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154561) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the SEIB contained an article titled `` Bin Ladin Threats Are 

Real . ''

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                     'NER': [(4, 8, 'organization'), (40, 57, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 39, '``'),
                             (40, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 61, 'vbp'),
                             (62, 66, 'jj'),
                             (67, 68, 'sent'),
                             (69, 71, "''")],
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                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 57, 'NT'),
                             (67, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653664) PENN in sentence 4154561:

the SEIB contained an article titled `` Bin Ladin Threats Are 
--- ---- --------- -- ------- ------ -- --- ----- ------- --- 
dt  NP   VVD       dt nn      VVN    `` NP  NP    NP      vbp 

Real .    ''
---- -    --
jj   sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] ``
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] vbp
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] jj
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] sent
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 7,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 56
[start] 40
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330122824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the SEIB contained an article titled `` Bin '
                             "Ladin Threats Are Real . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 252,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the SEIB contained an article titled `` Bin Ladin Threats Are Real '
          ". ''"},
 {'ID': 4154562,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'), (4, 10, 'NP'), (11, 15, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154562) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Yet Hadley told

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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653665,
                     'NER': [(4, 10, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'), (4, 10, 'NP'), (11, 15, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653665) PENN in sentence 4154562:

Yet Hadley told
--- ------ ----
cc  NP     VVD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 4
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330138056>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Yet Hadley told'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 252,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Yet Hadley told'},
 {'ID': 4154563,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 18, 'IN/that'),
          (19, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 72, 'VVD'),
          (73, 76, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154563) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Tenet in July that Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz 

questioned the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653666,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'person'),
                             (9, 13, 'date'),
                             (39, 46, 'organization'),
                             (47, 61, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 18, 'IN/that'),
                             (19, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 72, 'VVD'),
                             (73, 76, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (19, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 61, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653666) PENN in sentence 4154563:

Tenet in July that    Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz 
----- -- ---- ----    ------ --------- -- ------- ---- --------- 
nn    in NP   IN/that NP     NP        in NP      NP   NP        

questioned the
---------- ---
VVD        dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 62
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] date
                                          {'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 39},
                                          [end] 60
[start] 47
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330139112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Tenet in July that Deputy Secretary of Defense '
                             'Paul Wolfowitz questioned the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 253,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Tenet in July that Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz '
          'questioned the'},
 {'ID': 4154564,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154564) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reporting .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653667,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653667) PENN in sentence 4154564:

reporting .   
--------- -   
VVG       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330158440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reporting .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 254,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reporting .'},
 {'ID': 4154565,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 21, 'VBD'),
          (22, 28, 'VVG'),
          (29, 31, 'to'),
          (32, 37, 'VV'),
          (38, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 54, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154565) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Perhaps Bin Ladin was trying to study U.S. reactions .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653668,
                     'NER': [(8, 17, 'person'), (38, 42, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 21, 'VBD'),
                             (22, 28, 'VVG'),
                             (29, 31, 'to'),
                             (32, 37, 'VV'),
                             (38, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 54, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653668) PENN in sentence 4154565:

Perhaps Bin Ladin was trying to study U.S. reactions .   
------- --- ----- --- ------ -- ----- ---- --------- -   
rb      NP  NP    VBD VVG    to VV    NP   nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] to
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] VV
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 8
[name] person
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330159208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Perhaps Bin Ladin was trying to study U.S. '
                             'reactions .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 254,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Perhaps Bin Ladin was trying to study U.S. reactions .'},
 {'ID': 4154566,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'), (6, 13, 'VVD'), (14, 18, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154566) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Tenet replied that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653669,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'), (6, 13, 'VVD'), (14, 18, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653669) PENN in sentence 4154566:

Tenet replied that   
----- ------- ----   
nn    VVD     IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 6
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330161512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Tenet replied that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 254,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Tenet replied that'},
 {'ID': 4154567,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VHD'),
          (7, 14, 'rb'),
          (15, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 50, 'POS'),
          (51, 60, 'nns'),
          (61, 63, 'in'),
          (64, 68, 'dt'),
          (69, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 76, ':'),
          (77, 80, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154567) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

he had already addressed the Defense Department 's questions on 

this point ; the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653670,
                     'NER': [(29, 47, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VHD'),
                             (7, 14, 'rb'),
                             (15, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 50, 'POS'),
                             (51, 60, 'nns'),
                             (61, 63, 'in'),
                             (64, 68, 'dt'),
                             (69, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 76, ':'),
                             (77, 80, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 14, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 68, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653670) PENN in sentence 4154567:

he had already addressed the Defense Department 's  questions on 
-- --- ------- --------- --- ------- ---------- --  --------- -- 
PP VHD rb      VVN       dt  NP      NP         POS nns       in 

this point ; the
---- ----- - ---
dt   nn    : dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] POS
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] nns
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] :
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 46,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 29}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330170632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'he had already addressed the Defense Department '
                             "'s questions on this point ; the"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 255,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "he had already addressed the Defense Department 's questions on "
          'this point ; the'},
 {'ID': 4154568,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'), (10, 13, 'VBD'), (14, 24, 'jj'), (25, 26, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154568) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reporting was convincing .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653671,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 13, 'VBD'),
                             (14, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 13, 'NT'), (25, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653671) PENN in sentence 4154568:

reporting was convincing .   
--------- --- ---------- -   
nn        VBD jj         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330173608>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reporting was convincing .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 256,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reporting was convincing .'},
 {'ID': 4154569,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 7, 'VV'),
          (8, 9, 'dt'),
          (10, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 22, 'PP$'),
          (23, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 44, ','),
          (45, 48, 'cd'),
          (49, 55, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154569) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

To give a sense of his anxiety at the time , one senior

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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653672,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 7, 'VV'),
                             (8, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 22, 'PP$'),
                             (23, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 44, ','),
                             (45, 48, 'cd'),
                             (49, 55, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653672) PENN in sentence 4154569:

To give a  sense of his anxiety at the time , one senior
-- ---- -  ----- -- --- ------- -- --- ---- - --- ------
to VV   dt nn    in PP$ nn      in dt  nn   , cd  jj    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VV
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] ,
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] cd
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330191112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'To give a sense of his anxiety at the time , one '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 256,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'To give a sense of his anxiety at the time , one senior'},
 {'ID': 4154570,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 47, 'PP'),
          (48, 52, 'IN/that'),
          (53, 55, 'PP'),
          (56, 59, 'cc'),
          (60, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 76, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154570) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

official in the Counterterrorist Center told us that he and a 

colleague were

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653673,
                     'NER': [(16, 39, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 47, 'PP'),
                             (48, 52, 'IN/that'),
                             (53, 55, 'PP'),
                             (56, 59, 'cc'),
                             (60, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 76, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 39, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT'),
                             (72, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653673) PENN in sentence 4154570:

official in the Counterterrorist Center told us that    he and a 
-------- -- --- ---------------- ------ ---- -- ----    -- --- - 
nn       in dt  NP               NP     VVD  PP IN/that PP cc  dt

 colleague were
 --------- ----
 nn        VBD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] PP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] PP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] cc
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 38,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330193704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'official in the Counterterrorist Center told us '
                             'that he and a colleague were'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 257,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'official in the Counterterrorist Center told us that he and a '
          'colleague were'},
 {'ID': 4154571,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVG'),
          (12, 21, 'VVG'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 33, 'to'),
          (34, 36, 'VV'),
          (37, 43, 'jj'),
          (44, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 54, 'PP$'),
          (55, 63, 'nns'),
          (64, 65, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154571) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

considering resigning in order to go public with their concerns .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653674,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVG'),
                             (12, 21, 'VVG'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 33, 'to'),
                             (34, 36, 'VV'),
                             (37, 43, 'jj'),
                             (44, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 54, 'PP$'),
                             (55, 63, 'nns'),
                             (64, 65, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 54, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653674) PENN in sentence 4154571:

considering resigning in order to go public with their concerns 
----------- --------- -- ----- -- -- ------ ---- ----- -------- 
VVG         VVG       in nn    to VV jj     in   PP$   nns      

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] VV
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 62
[start] 55
[name] nns
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330204648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'considering resigning in order to go public with '
                             'their concerns .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 258,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'considering resigning in order to go public with their concerns .'},
 {'ID': 4154572,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 25, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154572) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The Calm Before the Storm

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653675,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 25, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653675) PENN in sentence 4154572:

The Calm Before the Storm
--- ---- ------ --- -----
dt  NP   in     dt  NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330206664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The Calm Before the Storm'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 260,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The Calm Before the Storm'},
 {'ID': 4154573,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 28, 'VVD'),
          (29, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 37, 'cc'),
          (38, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 49, 'IN/that'),
          (50, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 81, 'in'),
          (82, 83, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154573) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On July 27 , Clarke informed Rice and Hadley that the spike in 

intelligence about a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653676,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'date'),
                             (13, 19, 'person'),
                             (29, 33, 'person'),
                             (38, 44, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 28, 'VVD'),
                             (29, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 37, 'cc'),
                             (38, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 49, 'IN/that'),
                             (50, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 81, 'in'),
                             (82, 83, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 19, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 44, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (76, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653676) PENN in sentence 4154573:

On July 27 , Clarke informed Rice and Hadley that    the spike in
-- ---- -- - ------ -------- ---- --- ------ ----    --- ----- --
in NP   cd , NP     VVD      NP   cc  NP     IN/that dt  nn    in

 intelligence about a 
 ------------ ----- - 
 nn           in    dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] cd
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[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] cc
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] IN/that
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[start] 50
[name] dt
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[start] 54
[name] nn
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[start] 60
[name] in
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[start] 63
[name] nn
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[start] 76
[name] in
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[start] 82
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] person
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] person
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
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[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
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[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330220456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On July 27 , Clarke informed Rice and Hadley '
                             'that the spike in intelligence about a'}],
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          'URL': '',
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          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 261,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On July 27 , Clarke informed Rice and Hadley that the spike in '
          'intelligence about a'},
 {'ID': 4154574,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 29, 'VHD'),
          (30, 37, 'VVN'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154574) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

near-term al Qaeda attack had stopped .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653677,
                     'NER': [(0, 18, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 29, 'VHD'),
                             (30, 37, 'VVN'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 18, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653677) PENN in sentence 4154574:

near-term al Qaeda attack had stopped .   
--------- -- ----- ------ --- ------- -   
jj        NP NP    nn     VHD VVN     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330240456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'near-term al Qaeda attack had stopped .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 262,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'near-term al Qaeda attack had stopped .'},
 {'ID': 4154575,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 16, 'VVG'),
          (17, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 42, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154575) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He urged keeping readiness high during the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653678,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 16, 'VVG'),
                             (17, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (32, 38, 'NT'), (39, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653678) PENN in sentence 4154575:

He urged keeping readiness high during the
-- ----- ------- --------- ---- ------ ---
PP VVD   VVG     nn        jj   in     dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] jj
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330242088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He urged keeping readiness high during the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 262,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He urged keeping readiness high during the'},
 {'ID': 4154576,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 24, ','),
          (25, 32, 'VVG'),
          (33, 37, 'IN/that'),
          (38, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 62, 'VVD'),
          (63, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 76, 'VHD'),
          (77, 81, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154576) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

August vacation period , warning that another report suggested an

 attack had just

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653679,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 24, ','),
                             (25, 32, 'VVG'),
                             (33, 37, 'IN/that'),
                             (38, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 62, 'VVD'),
                             (63, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 76, 'VHD'),
                             (77, 81, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT'),
                             (38, 45, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (77, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653679) PENN in sentence 4154576:

August vacation period , warning that    another report suggested
------ -------- ------ - ------- ----    ------- ------ ---------
NP     nn       nn     , VVG     IN/that dt      nn     VVD      

 an attack had just
 -- ------ --- ----
 dt nn     VHD rb  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 53
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330243528>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'August vacation period , warning that another '
                             'report suggested an attack had just'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 263,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'August vacation period , warning that another report suggested an '
          'attack had just'},
 {'ID': 4154577,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBN'),
          (5, 14, 'VVN'),
          (15, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 24, 'jj'),
          (25, 31, 'nns'),
          (32, 34, '``'),
          (35, 38, 'cc'),
          (39, 43, 'md'),
          (44, 49, 'rb'),
          (50, 56, 'VV'),
          (57, 58, 'sent'),
          (59, 61, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154577) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

been postponed for a few months `` but will still happen . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653680,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBN'),
                             (5, 14, 'VVN'),
                             (15, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 31, 'nns'),
                             (32, 34, '``'),
                             (35, 38, 'cc'),
                             (39, 43, 'md'),
                             (44, 49, 'rb'),
                             (50, 56, 'VV'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent'),
                             (59, 61, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 49, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653680) PENN in sentence 4154577:

been postponed for a  few months `` but will still happen .    ''
---- --------- --- -  --- ------ -- --- ---- ----- ------ -    --
VBN  VVN       in  dt jj  nns    `` cc  md   rb    VV     sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] jj
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] ``
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] cc
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] md
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] rb
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] VV
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330254088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'been postponed for a few months `` but will '
                             "still happen . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 264,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "been postponed for a few months `` but will still happen . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154578,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 28, 'VVD'),
          (29, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 45, 'IN/that'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 71, 'VVN'),
          (72, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 81, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154578) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On August 1 , the FBI issued an advisory that in light of the 

increased volume of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653681,
                     'NER': [(3, 11, 'date'), (18, 21, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 28, 'VVD'),
                             (29, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 45, 'IN/that'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 71, 'VVN'),
                             (72, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 81, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653681) PENN in sentence 4154578:

On August 1  , the FBI issued an advisory that    in light of the
-- ------ -  - --- --- ------ -- -------- ----    -- ----- -- ---
in NP     cd , dt  NP  VVD    dt nn       IN/that in nn    in dt 

 increased volume of
 --------- ------ --
 VVN       nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 77
[start] 72
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 20,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 18}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330269032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On August 1 , the FBI issued an advisory that in '
                             'light of the increased volume of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 266,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On August 1 , the FBI issued an advisory that in light of the '
          'increased volume of'},
 {'ID': 4154579,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 20, 'cc'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 33, 'jj'),
          (34, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 82, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154579) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

threat reporting and the upcoming anniversary of the East Africa 

embassy bombings,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653682,
                     'NER': [(53, 64, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 20, 'cc'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 33, 'jj'),
                             (34, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 82, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 64, 'NT'),
                             (73, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653682) PENN in sentence 4154579:

threat reporting and the upcoming anniversary of the East Africa 
------ --------- --- --- -------- ----------- -- --- ---- ------ 
nn     nn        cc  dt  jj       nn          in dt  NP   NP     

embassy bombings,
------- ---------
nn      NP       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] cc
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 44
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 63
[start] 53
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330272392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'threat reporting and the upcoming anniversary of '
                             'the East Africa embassy bombings,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 267,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'threat reporting and the upcoming anniversary of the East Africa '
          'embassy bombings,'},
 {'ID': 4154580,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
          (10, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 26, 'md'),
          (27, 29, 'vb'),
          (30, 34, 'VVN'),
          (35, 37, 'to'),
          (38, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154580) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

increased attention should be paid to security planning .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
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                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
                             (10, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 26, 'md'),
                             (27, 29, 'vb'),
                             (30, 34, 'VVN'),
                             (35, 37, 'to'),
                             (38, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(20, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653683) PENN in sentence 4154580:

increased attention should be paid to security planning .   
--------- --------- ------ -- ---- -- -------- -------- -   
VVN       nn        md     vb VVN  to nn       nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 18
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] md
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] vb
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] to
                                          [end] 45
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330287144>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'increased attention should be paid to security '
                             'planning .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 268,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'increased attention should be paid to security planning .'},
 {'ID': 4154581,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
          (14, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 27, 'jjs')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154581) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It noted that although most

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653684,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
                             (14, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 27, 'jjs')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (14, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653684) PENN in sentence 4154581:

It noted that    although most
-- ----- ----    -------- ----
PP VVD   IN/that in       jjs 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] jjs
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330288872>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It noted that although most'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 268,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It noted that although most'},
 {'ID': 4154582,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 26, 'VVD'),
          (27, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 68, 'nns'),
          (69, 75, 'rb'),
          (76, 77, ','),
          (78, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154582) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

of the reporting indicated a potential for attacks on U.S. 

interests abroad , the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653685,
                     'NER': [(54, 58, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 26, 'VVD'),
                             (27, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 68, 'nns'),
                             (69, 75, 'rb'),
                             (76, 77, ','),
                             (78, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (69, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653685) PENN in sentence 4154582:

of the reporting indicated a  potential for attacks on U.S. 
-- --- --------- --------- -  --------- --- ------- -- ---- 
in dt  nn        VVD       dt nn        in  nns     in NP   

interests abroad , the
--------- ------ - ---
nns       rb     , dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 59
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] rb
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] ,
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 57
[start] 54
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330302376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'of the reporting indicated a potential for '
                             'attacks on U.S. interests abroad , the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 269,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'of the reporting indicated a potential for attacks on U.S. '
          'interests abroad , the'},
 {'ID': 4154583,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 45, 'NPS'),
          (46, 51, 'md'),
          (52, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 58, 'vb'),
          (59, 69, 'VVN'),
          (70, 71, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154583) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possibility of an attack in the United States could not be 

discounted .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653686,
                     'NER': [(32, 45, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 45, 'NPS'),
                             (46, 51, 'md'),
                             (52, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 58, 'vb'),
                             (59, 69, 'VVN'),
                             (70, 71, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653686) PENN in sentence 4154583:

possibility of an attack in the United States could not be 
----------- -- -- ------ -- --- ------ ------ ----- --- -- 
nn          in dt nn     in dt  NP     NPS    md    rb  vb 

discounted .   
---------- -   
VVN        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] md
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] rb
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] vb
                                          [end] 68
[start] 59
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 44
[start] 32
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330305160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possibility of an attack in the United States '
                             'could not be discounted .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 270,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possibility of an attack in the United States could not be '
          'discounted .'},
 {'ID': 4154584,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 47, 'VVD'),
          (48, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 70, 'VVG'),
          (71, 75, 'IN/that'),
          (76, 79, 'dt'),
          (80, 86, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154584) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On August 3 , the intelligence community issued an advisory 

concluding that the threat

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653687,
                     'NER': [(3, 11, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 47, 'VVD'),
                             (48, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 70, 'VVG'),
                             (71, 75, 'IN/that'),
                             (76, 79, 'dt'),
                             (80, 86, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653687) PENN in sentence 4154584:

On August 3  , the intelligence community issued an advisory 
-- ------ -  - --- ------------ --------- ------ -- -------- 
in NP     cd , dt  nn           nn        VVD    dt nn       

concluding that    the threat
---------- ----    --- ------
VVG        IN/that dt  nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 60
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] dt
                                          [end] 85
[start] 80
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330320296>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On August 3 , the intelligence community issued '
                             'an advisory concluding that the threat'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 272,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On August 3 , the intelligence community issued an advisory '
          'concluding that the threat'},
 {'ID': 4154585,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 12, 'jj'),
          (13, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 29, 'nns'),
          (30, 35, 'md'),
          (36, 42, 'rb'),
          (43, 51, 'VV'),
          (52, 64, 'rb'),
          (65, 66, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154585) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

of impending al Qaeda attacks would likely continue indefinitely 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653688,
                     'NER': [(13, 21, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 29, 'nns'),
                             (30, 35, 'md'),
                             (36, 42, 'rb'),
                             (43, 51, 'VV'),
                             (52, 64, 'rb'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (30, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 42, 'NT'),
                             (52, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653688) PENN in sentence 4154585:

of impending al Qaeda attacks would likely continue indefinitely 
-- --------- -- ----- ------- ----- ------ -------- ------------ 
in jj        NP NP    nns     md    rb     VV       rb           

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] md
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] rb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] VV
                                          [end] 63
[start] 52
[name] rb
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 13
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330335240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'of impending al Qaeda attacks would likely '
                             'continue indefinitely .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 273,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'of impending al Qaeda attacks would likely continue indefinitely .'},
 {'ID': 4154586,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'), (7, 14, 'nns'), (15, 17, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154586) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Citing threats in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653689,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'), (7, 14, 'nns'), (15, 17, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653689) PENN in sentence 4154586:

Citing threats in
------ ------- --
VVG    nns     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] nns
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330337448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Citing threats in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 273,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Citing threats in'},
 {'ID': 4154587,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 23, ','),
          (24, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 41, ','),
          (42, 45, 'cc'),
          (46, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 54, ','),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 77, 'VVD'),
          (78, 82, 'IN/that'),
          (83, 85, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154587) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the Arabian Peninsula , Jordan , Israel , and Europe , the 

advisory suggested that al

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653690,
                     'NER': [(4, 21, 'location'),
                             (24, 30, 'location'),
                             (33, 39, 'location'),
                             (46, 52, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 23, ','),
                             (24, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 41, ','),
                             (42, 45, 'cc'),
                             (46, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 54, ','),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 77, 'VVD'),
                             (78, 82, 'IN/that'),
                             (83, 85, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653690) PENN in sentence 4154587:

the Arabian Peninsula , Jordan , Israel , and Europe , the 
--- ------- --------- - ------ - ------ - --- ------ - --- 
dt  NP      NP        , NP     , NP     , cc  NP     , dt  

advisory suggested that    al
-------- --------- ----    --
nn       VVD       IN/that NP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] ,
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] ,
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] cc
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] ,
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 68
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 4
[name] location
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] location
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] location
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330346568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the Arabian Peninsula , Jordan , Israel , and '
                             'Europe , the advisory suggested that al'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 274,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the Arabian Peninsula , Jordan , Israel , and Europe , the advisory '
          'suggested that al'},
 {'ID': 4154588,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 9, 'VBD'),
          (10, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 27, 'cc'),
          (28, 37, 'VVG'),
          (38, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 46, 'nns'),
          (47, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 65, 'in'),
          (66, 72, 'VVG'),
          (73, 80, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154588) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Qaeda was lying in wait and searching for gaps in security before

 moving forward

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653691,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 27, 'cc'),
                             (28, 37, 'VVG'),
                             (38, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 46, 'nns'),
                             (47, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 65, 'in'),
                             (66, 72, 'VVG'),
                             (73, 80, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (59, 65, 'NT'),
                             (73, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653691) PENN in sentence 4154588:

Qaeda was lying in wait and searching for gaps in security before
----- --- ----- -- ---- --- --------- --- ---- -- -------- ------
NP    VBD VVG   in nn   cc  VVG       in  nns  in nn       in    

 moving forward
 ------ -------
 VVG    rb     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 36
[start] 28
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] in
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330350216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Qaeda was lying in wait and searching for gaps '
                             'in security before moving forward'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 275,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Qaeda was lying in wait and searching for gaps in security before '
          'moving forward'},
 {'ID': 4154589,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 16, 'jj'),
          (17, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 26, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154589) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

with the planned attacks .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653692,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 16, 'jj'),
                             (17, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 8, 'NT'), (25, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653692) PENN in sentence 4154589:

with the planned attacks .   
---- --- ------- ------- -   
in   dt  jj      nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330361256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'with the planned attacks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 276,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'with the planned attacks .'},
 {'ID': 4154590,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 21, 'cc'),
          (22, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 36, 'cd'),
          (37, 38, ','),
          (39, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 57, 'VHD'),
          (58, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 68, 'jj'),
          (69, 78, 'nns'),
          (79, 84, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154590) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

During the spring and summer of 2001 , President Bush had on 

several occasions asked

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653693,
                     'NER': [(11, 17, 'date'),
                             (22, 36, 'date'),
                             (49, 53, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 21, 'cc'),
                             (22, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 36, 'cd'),
                             (37, 38, ','),
                             (39, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 57, 'VHD'),
                             (58, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 68, 'jj'),
                             (69, 78, 'nns'),
                             (79, 84, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 53, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653693) PENN in sentence 4154590:

During the spring and summer of 2001 , President Bush had on 
------ --- ------ --- ------ -- ---- - --------- ---- --- -- 
in     dt  nn     cc  nn     in cd   , NP        NP   VHD in 

several occasions asked
------- --------- -----
jj      nns       VVD  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] cc
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] cd
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] ,
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 61
[name] jj
                                          [end] 77
[start] 69
[name] nns
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 11
[name] date
                                          [end] 35
[start] 22
[name] date
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330362504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'During the spring and summer of 2001 , President '
                             'Bush had on several occasions asked'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 278,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'During the spring and summer of 2001 , President Bush had on '
          'several occasions asked'},
 {'ID': 4154591,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
          (4, 12, 'nns'),
          (13, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 39, 'nns'),
          (40, 47, 'VVD'),
          (48, 50, 'to'),
          (51, 54, 'dt'),
          (55, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 68, 'NPS'),
          (69, 70, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154591) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

his briefers whether any of the threats pointed to the United 

States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653694,
                     'NER': [(55, 68, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 12, 'nns'),
                             (13, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 39, 'nns'),
                             (40, 47, 'VVD'),
                             (48, 50, 'to'),
                             (51, 54, 'dt'),
                             (55, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 68, 'NPS'),
                             (69, 70, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (13, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653694) PENN in sentence 4154591:

his briefers whether any of the threats pointed to the United 
--- -------- ------- --- -- --- ------- ------- -- --- ------ 
PP$ nns      in      dt  in dt  nns     VVD     to dt  NP     

States .   
------ -   
NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] nns
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] to
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 67
[start] 55
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330382024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'his briefers whether any of the threats pointed '
                             'to the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 279,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'his briefers whether any of the threats pointed to the United '
          'States .'},
 {'ID': 4154592,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'), (11, 13, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154592) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Reflecting on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653695,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVG'), (11, 13, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653695) PENN in sentence 4154592:

Reflecting on
---------- --
VVG        in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330393064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Reflecting on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 279,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Reflecting on'},
 {'ID': 4154593,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
          (6, 15, 'nns'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 33, 'VVD'),
          (34, 36, 'to'),
          (37, 42, 'VV'),
          (43, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 73, 'VVG'),
          (74, 77, 'PP$')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

these questions , the CIA decided to write a briefing article 

summarizing its

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653696,
                     'NER': [(22, 25, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
                             (6, 15, 'nns'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 33, 'VVD'),
                             (34, 36, 'to'),
                             (37, 42, 'VV'),
                             (43, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 73, 'VVG'),
                             (74, 77, 'PP$')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653696) PENN in sentence 4154593:

these questions , the CIA decided to write a  briefing article 
----- --------- - --- --- ------- -- ----- -  -------- ------- 
dt    nns       , dt  NP  VVD     to VV    dt nn       nn      

summarizing its
----------- ---
VVG         PP$
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] to
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] VV
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 62
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] PP$
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 24,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 22}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330393832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'these questions , the CIA decided to write a '
                             'briefing article summarizing its'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 280,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'these questions , the CIA decided to write a briefing article '
          'summarizing its'},
 {'ID': 4154594,
  'POS': [(0, 13, 'VVG'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 30, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154594) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

understanding of this danger .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
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                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 13, 'VVG'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 30, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 16, 'NT'), (17, 21, 'NT'), (29, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653697) PENN in sentence 4154594:

understanding of this danger .   
------------- -- ---- ------ -   
VVG           in dt   nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330404584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'understanding of this danger .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 281,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'understanding of this danger .'},
 {'ID': 4154595,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 25, 'VVN'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 38, 'VVG'),
          (39, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 52, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154595) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Two CIA analysts involved in preparing this briefing

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653698,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 25, 'VVN'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 38, 'VVG'),
                             (39, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 52, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653698) PENN in sentence 4154595:

Two CIA analysts involved in preparing this briefing
--- --- -------- -------- -- --------- ---- --------
cd  NP  nns      VVN      in VVG       dt   nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 29
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330405832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Two CIA analysts involved in preparing this '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 281,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Two CIA analysts involved in preparing this briefing'},
 {'ID': 4154596,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 19, 'PP'),
          (20, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 49, 'to'),
          (50, 61, 'VV'),
          (62, 67, 'PP$'),
          (68, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 77, 'IN/that'),
          (78, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154596) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

article believed it represented an opportunity to communicate 

their view that the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653699,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 19, 'PP'),
                             (20, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 49, 'to'),
                             (50, 61, 'VV'),
                             (62, 67, 'PP$'),
                             (68, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 77, 'IN/that'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (62, 67, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653699) PENN in sentence 4154596:

article believed it represented an opportunity to communicate 
------- -------- -- ----------- -- ----------- -- ----------- 
nn      VVD      PP VVD         dt nn          to VV          

their view that    the
----- ---- ----    ---
PP$   nn   IN/that dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:34:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] PP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 20
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] to
                                          [end] 60
[start] 50
[name] VV
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330407656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'article believed it represented an opportunity '
                             'to communicate their view that the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 282,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'article believed it represented an opportunity to communicate their '
          'view that the'},
 {'ID': 4154597,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 49, 'NPS'),
          (50, 58, 'VVD'),
          (59, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 71, 'jj'),
          (72, 75, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154597) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

threat of a Bin Ladin attack in the United States remained both 

current and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653700,
                     'NER': [(12, 21, 'person'), (36, 49, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 49, 'NPS'),
                             (50, 58, 'VVD'),
                             (59, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 71, 'jj'),
                             (72, 75, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 49, 'NT'),
                             (59, 63, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653700) PENN in sentence 4154597:

threat of a  Bin Ladin attack in the United States remained both 
------ -- -  --- ----- ------ -- --- ------ ------ -------- ---- 
nn     in dt NP  NP    nn     in dt  NP     NPS    VVD      dt   

current and
------- ---
jj      cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] jj
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 12
[name] person
                                          [end] 48
[start] 36
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330426216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'threat of a Bin Ladin attack in the United '
                             'States remained both current and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 283,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'threat of a Bin Ladin attack in the United States remained both '
          'current and'},
 {'ID': 4154598,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154598) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

serious .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653701,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653701) PENN in sentence 4154598:

serious .   
------- -   
jj      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330449736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'serious .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 284,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'serious .'},
 {'ID': 4154599,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 14, 'VBD'),
          (15, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 41, 'cd'),
          (42, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 73, 'VVD'),
          (74, 76, '``'),
          (77, 80, 'NP'),
          (81, 86, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154599) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The result was an article in the August 6 Presidential Daily 

Brief titled `` Bin Ladin

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
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  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653702,
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                             (77, 86, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 41, 'cd'),
                             (42, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 73, 'VVD'),
                             (74, 76, '``'),
                             (77, 80, 'NP'),
                             (81, 86, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 66, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653702) PENN in sentence 4154599:

The result was an article in the August 6  Presidential Daily 
--- ------ --- -- ------- -- --- ------ -  ------------ ----- 
dt  nn     VBD dt nn      in dt  NP     cd NP           NP    

Brief titled `` Bin Ladin
----- ------ -- --- -----
NP    VVD    `` NP  NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] cd
                                          [end] 53
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] ``
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                          [end] 85
[start] 81
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 40
[start] 33
[name] date
                                          {'end': 59,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42},
                                          [end] 85
[start] 77
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330450504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The result was an article in the August 6 '
                             'Presidential Daily Brief titled `` Bin Ladin'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 286,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The result was an article in the August 6 Presidential Daily Brief '
          'titled `` Bin Ladin'},
 {'ID': 4154600,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 13, 'to'),
          (14, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 28, 'sent'),
          (29, 31, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154600) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Determined to Strike in US . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653703,
                     'NER': [(24, 26, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 13, 'to'),
                             (14, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 28, 'sent'),
                             (29, 31, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653703) PENN in sentence 4154600:

Determined to Strike in US .    ''
---------- -- ------ -- -- -    --
VVN        to NP     in NP sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] to
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] sent
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 24
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330462312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Determined to Strike in US . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 287,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Determined to Strike in US . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154601,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VBD'),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 32, 'VVD'),
          (33, 35, 'rb'),
          (36, 39, 'rb'),
          (40, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 54, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154601) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It was the 36th PDB item briefed so far that year that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653704,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VBD'),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 32, 'VVD'),
                             (33, 35, 'rb'),
                             (36, 39, 'rb'),
                             (40, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 54, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653704) PENN in sentence 4154601:

It was the 36th PDB item briefed so far that year that   
-- --- --- ---- --- ---- ------- -- --- ---- ---- ----   
PP VBD dt  jj   NP  nn   VVD     rb rb  dt   nn   IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] rb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] rb
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330464136>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It was the 36th PDB item briefed so far that '
                             'year that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 287,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It was the 36th PDB item briefed so far that year that'},
 {'ID': 4154602,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVN'),
          (8, 10, 'to'),
          (11, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 23, 'cc'),
          (24, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 34, ','),
          (35, 38, 'cc'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 48, 'rb'),
          (49, 56, 'VVN'),
          (57, 59, 'to'),
          (60, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 78, 'in'),
          (79, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154602) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

related to Bin Ladin or al Qaeda , and the first devoted to the 

possibility of an

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653705,
                     'NER': [(11, 20, 'person'), (24, 32, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVN'),
                             (8, 10, 'to'),
                             (11, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 23, 'cc'),
                             (24, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 34, ','),
                             (35, 38, 'cc'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 48, 'rb'),
                             (49, 56, 'VVN'),
                             (57, 59, 'to'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 78, 'in'),
                             (79, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 48, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653705) PENN in sentence 4154602:

related to Bin Ladin or al Qaeda , and the first devoted to the 
------- -- --- ----- -- -- ----- - --- --- ----- ------- -- --- 
VVN     to NP  NP    cc NP NP    , cc  dt  rb    VVN     to dt  

possibility of an
----------- -- --
nn          in dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] to
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] cc
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] ,
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] cc
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] rb
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] to
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 11
[name] person
                                          [end] 31
[start] 24
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330478792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'related to Bin Ladin or al Qaeda , and the first '
                             'devoted to the possibility of an'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 288,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'related to Bin Ladin or al Qaeda , and the first devoted to the '
          'possibility of an'},
 {'ID': 4154603,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 27, 'NPS'),
          (28, 29, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154603) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

attack in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653706,
                     'NER': [(14, 27, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 27, 'NPS'),
                             (28, 29, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653706) PENN in sentence 4154603:

attack in the United States .   
------ -- --- ------ ------ -   
nn     in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 14
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330494792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'attack in the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 289,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'attack in the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154604,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 21, 'PP'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 34, 'cd'),
          (35, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 45, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154604) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The President told us the August 6 report was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653707,
                     'NER': [(26, 34, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 21, 'PP'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 34, 'cd'),
                             (35, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 45, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 13, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653707) PENN in sentence 4154604:

The President told us the August 6  report was
--- --------- ---- -- --- ------ -  ------ ---
dt  NP        VVD  PP dt  NP     cd nn     VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] PP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] cd
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 33
[start] 26
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
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[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330496424>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The President told us the August 6 report was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 289,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The President told us the August 6 report was'},
 {'ID': 4154605,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'), (11, 13, 'in'), (14, 20, 'nn'), (21, 22, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154605) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

historical in nature .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653708,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 22, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'), (21, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653708) PENN in sentence 4154605:

historical in nature .   
---------- -- ------ -   
jj         in nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330506792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'historical in nature .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 290,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'historical in nature .'},
 {'ID': 4154606,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 36, 'VVD'),
          (37, 40, 'PP'),
          (41, 45, 'IN/that'),
          (46, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 58, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154606) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

President Bush said the article told him that al Qaeda was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653709,
                     'NER': [(10, 14, 'person'), (46, 54, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 36, 'VVD'),
                             (37, 40, 'PP'),
                             (41, 45, 'IN/that'),
                             (46, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 58, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653709) PENN in sentence 4154606:

President Bush said the article told him that    al Qaeda was
--------- ---- ---- --- ------- ---- --- ----    -- ----- ---
NP        NP   VVD  dt  nn      VVD  PP  IN/that NP NP    VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] PP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 10
[name] person
                                          [end] 53
[start] 46
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330507848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'President Bush said the article told him that al '
                             'Qaeda was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 290,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'President Bush said the article told him that al Qaeda was'},
 {'ID': 4154607,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 17, 'wdt'),
          (18, 20, 'PP'),
          (21, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 28, 'PP'),
          (29, 32, 'VHD'),
          (33, 38, 'VVN'),
          (39, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 47, 'PP'),
          (48, 51, 'VHD'),
          (52, 58, 'VVN'),
          (59, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 70, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154607) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

dangerous , which he said he had known since he had become 

President .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653710,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 17, 'wdt'),
                             (18, 20, 'PP'),
                             (21, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 28, 'PP'),
                             (29, 32, 'VHD'),
                             (33, 38, 'VVN'),
                             (39, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 47, 'PP'),
                             (48, 51, 'VHD'),
                             (52, 58, 'VVN'),
                             (59, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 70, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (39, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (59, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653710) PENN in sentence 4154607:

dangerous , which he said he had known since he had become 
--------- - ----- -- ---- -- --- ----- ----- -- --- ------ 
jj        , wdt   PP VVD  PP VHD VVN   in    PP VHD VVN    

President .   
--------- -   
NP        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] PP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] PP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] PP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 57
[start] 52
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 67
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330510248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'dangerous , which he said he had known since he '
                             'had become President .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 291,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'dangerous , which he said he had known since he had become '
          'President .'},
 {'ID': 4154608,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 13, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154608) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The President

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653711,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 13, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653711) PENN in sentence 4154608:

The President
--- ---------
dt  NP       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330525384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The President'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 291,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The President'},
 {'ID': 4154609,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
          (5, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 18, 'VHD'),
          (19, 23, 'rb'),
          (24, 28, 'VBN'),
          (29, 36, 'VVG'),
          (37, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 46, 'PP$'),
          (47, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'to'),
          (57, 63, 'VV'),
          (64, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 73, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154609) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

said Bin Ladin had long been talking about his desire to attack 

America .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653712,
                     'NER': [(5, 14, 'person'), (64, 71, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
                             (5, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 18, 'VHD'),
                             (19, 23, 'rb'),
                             (24, 28, 'VBN'),
                             (29, 36, 'VVG'),
                             (37, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 46, 'PP$'),
                             (47, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'to'),
                             (57, 63, 'VV'),
                             (64, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 73, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (37, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (64, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653712) PENN in sentence 4154609:

said Bin Ladin had long been talking about his desire to attack 
---- --- ----- --- ---- ---- ------- ----- --- ------ -- ------ 
VVD  NP  NP    VHD rb   VBN  VVG     in    PP$ nn     to VV     

America .   
------- -   
NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] to
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] VV
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 5
[name] person
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330526248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'said Bin Ladin had long been talking about his '
                             'desire to attack America .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 292,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'said Bin Ladin had long been talking about his desire to attack '
          'America .'},
 {'ID': 4154610,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 11, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154610) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He recalled

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653713,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 11, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653713) PENN in sentence 4154610:

He recalled
-- --------
PP VVD     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330541576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He recalled'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 292,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He recalled'},
 {'ID': 4154611,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 16, 'jj'),
          (17, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 34, ','),
          (35, 38, 'cc'),
          (39, 49, 'VVD'),
          (50, 58, 'VVG'),
          (59, 61, 'PP'),
          (62, 65, 'VBD'),
          (66, 76, 'VVG'),
          (77, 81, 'IN/that'),
          (82, 84, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154611) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

some operational data on the FBI , and remembered thinking it was

 heartening that 70

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653714,
                     'NER': [(29, 32, 'organization'), (82, 84, 'percent')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 16, 'jj'),
                             (17, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 34, ','),
                             (35, 38, 'cc'),
                             (39, 49, 'VVD'),
                             (50, 58, 'VVG'),
                             (59, 61, 'PP'),
                             (62, 65, 'VBD'),
                             (66, 76, 'VVG'),
                             (77, 81, 'IN/that'),
                             (82, 84, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653714) PENN in sentence 4154611:

some operational data on the FBI , and remembered thinking it was
---- ----------- ---- -- --- --- - --- ---------- -------- -- ---
dt   jj          nns  in dt  NP  , cc  VVD        VVG      PP VBD

 heartening that    70
 ---------- ----    --
 VVG        IN/that cd
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] ,
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] cc
                                          [end] 48
[start] 39
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] PP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 75
[start] 66
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 31,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 29},
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] percent
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330542344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'some operational data on the FBI , and '
                             'remembered thinking it was heartening that 70'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 293,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'some operational data on the FBI , and remembered thinking it was '
          'heartening that 70'},
 {'ID': 4154612,
  'POS': [(0, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 19, 'VBD'),
          (20, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 31, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154612) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

investigations were under way .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653715,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 19, 'VBD'),
                             (20, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 31, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 19, 'NT'), (20, 25, 'NT'), (30, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653715) PENN in sentence 4154612:

investigations were under way .   
-------------- ---- ----- --- -   
nns            VBD  in    nn  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330557672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'investigations were under way .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 294,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'investigations were under way .'},
 {'ID': 4154613,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'jjs'),
          (8, 10, 'PP'),
          (11, 16, 'md'),
          (17, 26, 'VV'),
          (27, 28, ','),
          (29, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 37, 'VHD'),
          (38, 47, 'VVN'),
          (48, 52, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154613) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As best he could recollect , Rice had mentioned that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653716,
                     'NER': [(29, 33, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'jjs'),
                             (8, 10, 'PP'),
                             (11, 16, 'md'),
                             (17, 26, 'VV'),
                             (27, 28, ','),
                             (29, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 37, 'VHD'),
                             (38, 47, 'VVN'),
                             (48, 52, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 16, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653716) PENN in sentence 4154613:

As best he could recollect , Rice had mentioned that   
-- ---- -- ----- --------- - ---- --- --------- ----   
in jjs  PP md    VV        , NP   VHD VVN       IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] PP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] md
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] VV
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] ,
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 38
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 29
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330558920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As best he could recollect , Rice had mentioned '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 294,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As best he could recollect , Rice had mentioned that'},
 {'ID': 4154614,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 11, 'nns'),
          (12, 13, 'POS'),
          (14, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 39, 'jj'),
          (40, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 64, 'VHD'),
          (65, 69, 'VBN'),
          (70, 76, 'VVN'),
          (77, 81, 'in'),
          (82, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154614) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the Yemenis ' surveillance of a federal building in New York had 

been looked into in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653717,
                     'NER': [(52, 60, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 11, 'nns'),
                             (12, 13, 'POS'),
                             (14, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 39, 'jj'),
                             (40, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 64, 'VHD'),
                             (65, 69, 'VBN'),
                             (70, 76, 'VVN'),
                             (77, 81, 'in'),
                             (82, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (77, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653717) PENN in sentence 4154614:

the Yemenis '   surveillance of a  federal building in New York 
--- ------- -   ------------ -- -  ------- -------- -- --- ---- 
dt  nns     POS nn           in dt jj      nn       in NP  NP   

had been looked into in
--- ---- ------ ---- --
VHD VBN  VVN    in   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] POS
                                          [end] 25
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] in
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 59
[start] 52
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330573384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "the Yemenis ' surveillance of a federal building "
                             'in New York had been looked into in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 295,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "the Yemenis ' surveillance of a federal building in New York had "
          'been looked into in'},
 {'ID': 4154615,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 7, 'cc'),
          (8, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'cc'),
          (19, 24, 'ex'),
          (25, 28, 'VBD'),
          (29, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 42, 'jj'),
          (43, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154615) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

May and June , but there was no actionable intelligence .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653718,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'date'), (8, 12, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 7, 'cc'),
                             (8, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'cc'),
                             (19, 24, 'ex'),
                             (25, 28, 'VBD'),
                             (29, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 42, 'jj'),
                             (43, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653718) PENN in sentence 4154615:

May and June , but there was no actionable intelligence .   
--- --- ---- - --- ----- --- -- ---------- ------------ -   
NP  cc  NP   , cc  ex    VBD dt jj         nn           sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] cc
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] cc
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] ex
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 32
[name] jj
                                          [end] 54
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330588904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'May and June , but there was no actionable '
                             'intelligence .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 296,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'May and June , but there was no actionable intelligence .'},
 {'ID': 4154616,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 17, 'VV'),
          (18, 28, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154616) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He did not recall discussing

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653719,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 17, 'VV'),
                             (18, 28, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT'), (7, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653719) PENN in sentence 4154616:

He did not recall discussing
-- --- --- ------ ----------
PP VVD rb  VV     VVG       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] VV
                                          [end] 27
[start] 18
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330591496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He did not recall discussing'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 296,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He did not recall discussing'},
 {'ID': 4154617,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 48, 'cc'),
          (49, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 65, 'VHD'),
          (66, 70, 'VVN'),
          (71, 73, 'rb'),
          (74, 75, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154617) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the August 6 report with the Attorney General or whether Rice had

 done so .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653720,
                     'NER': [(4, 12, 'date'), (57, 61, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 48, 'cc'),
                             (49, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 65, 'VHD'),
                             (66, 70, 'VVN'),
                             (71, 73, 'rb'),
                             (74, 75, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653720) PENN in sentence 4154617:

the August 6  report with the Attorney General or whether Rice 
--- ------ -  ------ ---- --- -------- ------- -- ------- ---- 
dt  NP     cd nn     in   dt  NP       NP      cc in      NP   

had done so .   
--- ---- -- -   
VHD VVN  rb sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] cd
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] cc
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] rb
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 4
[name] date
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330605096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the August 6 report with the Attorney General or '
                             'whether Rice had done so .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 297,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the August 6 report with the Attorney General or whether Rice had '
          'done so .'},
 {'ID': 4154618,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 7, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154618) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He said

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653721,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 7, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653721) PENN in sentence 4154618:

He said
-- ----
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330608552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He said'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 297,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He said'},
 {'ID': 4154619,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'PP$'),
          (12, 20, 'nns'),
          (21, 24, 'VHD'),
          (25, 29, 'VVN'),
          (30, 33, 'PP'),
          (34, 39, 'ex'),
          (40, 43, 'VBD'),
          (44, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 71, 'NPS'),
          (72, 73, ','),
          (74, 78, 'PP'),
          (79, 84, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154619) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that if his advisers had told him there was a cell in the United 

States , they would

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653722,
                     'NER': [(58, 71, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'PP$'),
                             (12, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 24, 'VHD'),
                             (25, 29, 'VVN'),
                             (30, 33, 'PP'),
                             (34, 39, 'ex'),
                             (40, 43, 'VBD'),
                             (44, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 71, 'NPS'),
                             (72, 73, ','),
                             (74, 78, 'PP'),
                             (79, 84, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653722) PENN in sentence 4154619:

that if his advisers had told him there was a  cell in the United
---- -- --- -------- --- ---- --- ----- --- -  ---- -- --- ------
dt   in PP$ nns      VHD VVN  PP  ex    VBD dt nn   in dt  NP    

 States , they would
 ------ - ---- -----
 NPS    , PP   md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] PP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] ex
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] ,
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] PP
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 70
[start] 58
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330621672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that if his advisers had told him there was a '
                             'cell in the United States , they would'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 298,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'that if his advisers had told him there was a cell in the United '
          'States , they would'},
 {'ID': 4154620,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
          (5, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 13, 'to'),
          (14, 18, 'VV'),
          (19, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 29, 'PP'),
          (30, 31, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154620) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

have moved to take care of it .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653723,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
                             (5, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 13, 'to'),
                             (14, 18, 'VV'),
                             (19, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 29, 'PP'),
                             (30, 31, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653723) PENN in sentence 4154620:

have moved to take care of it .   
---- ----- -- ---- ---- -- -- -   
VHP  VVN   to VV   nn   in PP sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] to
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] VV
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] PP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330633672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'have moved to take care of it .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 299,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'have moved to take care of it .'},
 {'ID': 4154621,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 10, 'rb'), (11, 19, 'VVN'), (20, 21, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154621) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

That never happened .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653724,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 19, 'VVN'),
                             (20, 21, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 10, 'NT'), (20, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653724) PENN in sentence 4154621:

That never happened .   
---- ----- -------- -   
dt   rb    VVN      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] rb
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330635496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'That never happened .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 299,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'That never happened .'},
 {'ID': 4154622,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 22, 'VVG'),
          (23, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 29, 'POS'),
          (30, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 43, 'VVD'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 67, ','),
          (68, 70, 'PP'),
          (71, 74, 'VVD'),
          (75, 78, 'rb'),
          (79, 86, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154622) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Although the following day 's SEIB repeated the title of this PDB

 , it did not contain

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653725,
                     'NER': [(30, 34, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 22, 'VVG'),
                             (23, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 29, 'POS'),
                             (30, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 43, 'VVD'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 67, ','),
                             (68, 70, 'PP'),
                             (71, 74, 'VVD'),
                             (75, 78, 'rb'),
                             (79, 86, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653725) PENN in sentence 4154622:

Although the following day 's  SEIB repeated the title of this 
-------- --- --------- --- --  ---- -------- --- ----- -- ---- 
in       dt  VVG       nn  POS NP   VVD      dt  nn    in dt   

PDB , it did not contain
--- - -- --- --- -------
NP  , PP VVD rb  VV     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] POS
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] ,
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] PP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] rb
                                          [end] 85
[start] 79
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 33
[start] 30
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330636648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Although the following day 's SEIB repeated the "
                             'title of this PDB , it did not contain'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 301,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Although the following day 's SEIB repeated the title of this PDB , "
          'it did not contain'},
 {'ID': 4154623,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'to'),
          (17, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 29, ','),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 53, ','),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 65, 'jj'),
          (66, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 75, 'in'),
          (76, 85, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154623) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the reference to hijackings , the alert in New York , the alleged

 casing of buildings

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653726,
                     'NER': [(43, 51, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'to'),
                             (17, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 29, ','),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 53, ','),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 65, 'jj'),
                             (66, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 75, 'in'),
                             (76, 85, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653726) PENN in sentence 4154623:

the reference to hijackings , the alert in New York , the alleged
--- --------- -- ---------- - --- ----- -- --- ---- - --- -------
dt  nn        to nns        , dt  nn    in NP  NP   , dt  jj     

 casing of buildings
 ------ -- ---------
 nn     in nns      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] ,
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] ,
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] in
                                          [end] 84
[start] 76
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 50
[start] 43
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330652360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the reference to hijackings , the alert in New '
                             'York , the alleged casing of buildings'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 302,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the reference to hijackings , the alert in New York , the alleged '
          'casing of buildings'},
 {'ID': 4154624,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 37, 'to'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 51, ','),
          (52, 54, 'cc'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 68, 'IN/that'),
          (69, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 80, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154624) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

in New York , the threat phoned in to the embassy , or the fact 

that the FBI had

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653727,
                     'NER': [(3, 11, 'location'), (73, 76, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 37, 'to'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 51, ','),
                             (52, 54, 'cc'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 68, 'IN/that'),
                             (69, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 80, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653727) PENN in sentence 4154624:

in New York , the threat phoned in to the embassy , or the fact 
-- --- ---- - --- ------ ------ -- -- --- ------- - -- --- ---- 
in NP  NP   , dt  nn     VVD    in to dt  nn      , cc dt  nn   

that    the FBI had
----    --- --- ---
IN/that dt  NP  VHD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] to
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] ,
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] cc
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 3
[name] location
                                          {'end': 75,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 73}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330667784>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'in New York , the threat phoned in to the '
                             'embassy , or the fact that the FBI had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 303,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'in New York , the threat phoned in to the embassy , or the fact '
          'that the FBI had'},
 {'ID': 4154625,
  'POS': [(0, 13, 'rb'),
          (14, 16, 'cd'),
          (17, 24, 'jj'),
          (25, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 42, 'jj'),
          (43, 57, 'nns'),
          (58, 59, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154625) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

approximately 70 ongoing bin Ladin-related investigations .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653728,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 13, 'rb'),
                             (14, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 42, 'jj'),
                             (43, 57, 'nns'),
                             (58, 59, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 13, 'NT'), (14, 16, 'NT'), (58, 59, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653728) PENN in sentence 4154625:

approximately 70 ongoing bin Ladin-related investigations .   
------------- -- ------- --- ------------- -------------- -   
rb            cd jj      nn  jj            nns            sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] cd
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 56
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330683880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'approximately 70 ongoing bin Ladin-related '
                             'investigations .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 304,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'approximately 70 ongoing bin Ladin-related investigations .'},
 {'ID': 4154626,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'VBZ'),
          (17, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 79, 'VVD'),
          (80, 82, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154626) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The following is the text of an item from the Presidential Daily 

Brief received by

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653729,
                     'NER': [(46, 70, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'VBZ'),
                             (17, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 79, 'VVD'),
                             (80, 82, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 70, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653729) PENN in sentence 4154626:

The following is  the text of an item from the Presidential Daily
--- --------- --  --- ---- -- -- ---- ---- --- ------------ -----
dt  nn        VBZ dt  nn   in dt nn   in   dt  NP           NP   

 Brief received by
 ----- -------- --
 NP    VVD      in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 71
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 69,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 46}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330685320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The following is the text of an item from the '
                             'Presidential Daily Brief received by'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 306,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The following is the text of an item from the Presidential Daily '
          'Brief received by'},
 {'ID': 4154627,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 36, 'cd'),
          (37, 38, ','),
          (39, 46, 'cd'),
          (47, 55, 'jj'),
          (56, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 67, 'VBZ'),
          (68, 77, 'VVN'),
          (78, 80, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154627) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

President George W. Bush on August 6 , 2001.37 Redacted material 

is indicated by

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653730,
                     'NER': [(10, 24, 'person'),
                             (28, 36, 'date'),
                             (47, 55, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 36, 'cd'),
                             (37, 38, ','),
                             (39, 46, 'cd'),
                             (47, 55, 'jj'),
                             (56, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 67, 'VBZ'),
                             (68, 77, 'VVN'),
                             (78, 80, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 46, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653730) PENN in sentence 4154627:

President George W. Bush on August 6  , 2001.37 Redacted material
--------- ------ -- ---- -- ------ -  - ------- -------- --------
NP        NP     NP NP   in NP     cd , cd      jj       nn      

 is  indicated by
 --  --------- --
 VBZ VVN       in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] cd
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] ,
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] cd
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 76
[start] 68
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 10
[name] person
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] date
                                          {'end': 54,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 47}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330696648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'President George W. Bush on August 6 , 2001.37 '
                             'Redacted material is indicated by'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 307,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'President George W. Bush on August 6 , 2001.37 Redacted material is '
          'indicated by'},
 {'ID': 4154628,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154628) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

brackets .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653731,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653731) PENN in sentence 4154628:

brackets .   
-------- -   
nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330720360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'brackets .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 308,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'brackets .'},
 {'ID': 4154629,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 23, 'to'),
          (24, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 58, 'jj'),
          (59, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 71, ','),
          (72, 75, 'cc'),
          (76, 81, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154629) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US Clandestine , foreign 

government , and media

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653732,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person'), (34, 48, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 23, 'to'),
                             (24, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 58, 'jj'),
                             (59, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 71, ','),
                             (72, 75, 'cc'),
                             (76, 81, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653732) PENN in sentence 4154629:

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US Clandestine , foreign 
--- ----- ---------- -- ------ -- -- ----------- - ------- 
NP  NP    NP         to NP     in NP NP          , jj      

government , and media
---------- - --- -----
nn         , cc  nns  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 68
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] ,
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] cc
                                          [end] 80
[start] 76
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 47,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 34}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330721128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US Clandestine '
                             ', foreign government , and media'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 310,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US Clandestine , foreign '
          'government , and media'},
 {'ID': 4154630,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 16, 'VVP'),
          (17, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 37, 'cd'),
          (38, 41, 'VHZ'),
          (42, 48, 'VVN'),
          (49, 51, 'to'),
          (52, 59, 'VV'),
          (60, 69, 'jj'),
          (70, 77, 'nns'),
          (78, 80, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154630) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997 has wanted to conduct 

terrorist attacks in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653733,
                     'NER': [(17, 26, 'person'), (33, 37, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 16, 'VVP'),
                             (17, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 37, 'cd'),
                             (38, 41, 'VHZ'),
                             (42, 48, 'VVN'),
                             (49, 51, 'to'),
                             (52, 59, 'VV'),
                             (60, 69, 'jj'),
                             (70, 77, 'nns'),
                             (78, 80, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653733) PENN in sentence 4154630:

reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997 has wanted to conduct 
------- -------- --- ----- ----- ---- --- ------ -- ------- 
nns     VVP      NP  NP    in    cd   VHZ VVN    to VV      

terrorist attacks in
--------- ------- --
jj        nns     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] cd
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] VHZ
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] to
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] VV
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] nns
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 17
[name] person
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330736552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997 has wanted '
                             'to conduct terrorist attacks in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 311,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997 has wanted to conduct '
          'terrorist attacks in'},
 {'ID': 4154631,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 6, 'NP'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154631) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the US .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653734,
                     'NER': [(4, 6, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 6, 'NP'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 6, 'NT'), (7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653734) PENN in sentence 4154631:

the US .   
--- -- -   
dt  NP sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 4
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330739144>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the US .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 312,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the US .'},
 {'ID': 4154632,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 17, 'VVD'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 45, 'nns'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 53, 'cd'),
          (54, 57, 'cc'),
          (58, 62, 'cd'),
          (63, 67, 'wdt'),
          (68, 71, 'PP$')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154632) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Bin Ladin implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 

that his

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653735,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person'),
                             (21, 23, 'location'),
                             (49, 53, 'date'),
                             (58, 62, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 45, 'nns'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 53, 'cd'),
                             (54, 57, 'cc'),
                             (58, 62, 'cd'),
                             (63, 67, 'wdt'),
                             (68, 71, 'PP$')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 9, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653735) PENN in sentence 4154632:

Bin Ladin implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 
--- ----- ------- -- -- ---------- ---------- -- ---- --- ---- 
NP  NP    VVD     in NP nn         nns        in cd   cc  cd   

that his
---- ---
wdt  PP$
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 35
[name] nns
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] cd
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] cc
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] cd
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] PP$
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] location
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] date
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330752648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Bin Ladin implied in US television interviews in '
                             '1997 and 1998 that his'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 312,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Bin Ladin implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that '
 {'ID': 4154633,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
          (10, 15, 'md'),
          (16, 22, 'VV'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 80, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154633) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber 

Ramzi Yousef and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653736,
                     'NER': [(38, 56, 'location'), (64, 76, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
                             (10, 15, 'md'),
                             (16, 22, 'VV'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 80, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 56, 'NT'),
                             (64, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653736) PENN in sentence 4154633:

followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber 
--------- ----- ------ --- ------- -- ----- ----- ------ ------ 
nns       md    VV     dt  nn      in NP    NP    NP     nn     

Ramzi Yousef and
----- ------ ---
NP    NP     cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] md
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] VV
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 55
[start] 38
[name] location
                                          [end] 75
[start] 64
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330755720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'followers would follow the example of World '
                             'Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 313,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber '
          'Ramzi Yousef and'},
 {'ID': 4154634,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 8, 'VV'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 34, 'sent'),
          (35, 37, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154634) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' bring the fighting to America . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653737,
                     'NER': [(25, 32, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 8, 'VV'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 34, 'sent'),
                             (35, 37, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653737) PENN in sentence 4154634:

'' bring the fighting to America .    ''
-- ----- --- -------- -- ------- -    --
'' VV    dt  nn       to NP      sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] VV
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] sent
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 31
[start] 25
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330770856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' bring the fighting to America . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 314,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' bring the fighting to America . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154635,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'PP$'),
          (32, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 39, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154635) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

After US missile strikes on his base in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653738,
                     'NER': [(6, 8, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'PP$'),
                             (32, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 39, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653738) PENN in sentence 4154635:

After US missile strikes on his base in
----- -- ------- ------- -- --- ---- --
in    NP nn      nns     in PP$ nn   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330785224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'After US missile strikes on his base in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 314,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'After US missile strikes on his base in'},
 {'ID': 4154636,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 19, 'cd'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 36, 'VVD'),
          (37, 46, 'nns'),
          (47, 49, 'PP'),
          (50, 56, 'VVD'),
          (57, 59, 'to'),
          (60, 69, 'VV'),
          (70, 72, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154636) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Afghanistan in 1998 , Bin Ladin told followers he wanted to 

retaliate in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653739,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'location'),
                             (15, 19, 'date'),
                             (22, 31, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 19, 'cd'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 36, 'VVD'),
                             (37, 46, 'nns'),
                             (47, 49, 'PP'),
                             (50, 56, 'VVD'),
                             (57, 59, 'to'),
                             (60, 69, 'VV'),
                             (70, 72, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 31, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653739) PENN in sentence 4154636:

Afghanistan in 1998 , Bin Ladin told followers he wanted to 
----------- -- ---- - --- ----- ---- --------- -- ------ -- 
NP          in cd   , NP  NP    VVD  nns       PP VVD    to 

retaliate in
--------- --
VV        in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] cd
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] PP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] VV
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] date
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330787144>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Afghanistan in 1998 , Bin Ladin told followers '
                             'he wanted to retaliate in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 315,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Afghanistan in 1998 , Bin Ladin told followers he wanted to '
          'retaliate in'},
 {'ID': 4154637,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 22, 'VVG'),
          (23, 25, 'to'),
          (26, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 29, 'sym'),
          (30, 31, ':'),
          (32, 33, 'sym'),
          (34, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 43, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154637) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Washington , according to a [ - ] service .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653740,
                     'NER': [(0, 10, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 22, 'VVG'),
                             (23, 25, 'to'),
                             (26, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 29, 'sym'),
                             (30, 31, ':'),
                             (32, 33, 'sym'),
                             (34, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 43, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653740) PENN in sentence 4154637:

Washington , according to a  [   - ]   service .   
---------- - --------- -- -  -   - -   ------- -   
NP         , VVG       to dt sym : sym nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sym
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] :
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] sym
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330802376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Washington , according to a [ - ] service .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 316,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Washington , according to a [ - ] service .'},
 {'ID': 4154638,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 27, '('),
          (28, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 33, ')'),
          (34, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 48, 'VVD'),
          (49, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 53, 'sym'),
          (54, 55, ':'),
          (56, 57, 'sym'),
          (58, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 77, 'jj'),
          (78, 82, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154638) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

An Egyptian Islamic Jihad ( EIJ ) operative told an [ - ] service

 at the same time

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653741,
                     'NER': [(12, 25, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 27, '('),
                             (28, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 33, ')'),
                             (34, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 48, 'VVD'),
                             (49, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 53, 'sym'),
                             (54, 55, ':'),
                             (56, 57, 'sym'),
                             (58, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 77, 'jj'),
                             (78, 82, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (12, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653741) PENN in sentence 4154638:

An Egyptian Islamic Jihad ( EIJ ) operative told an [   - ]   
-- -------- ------- ----- - --- - --------- ---- -- -   - -   
dt jj       NP      NP    ( NP  ) nn        VVD  dt sym : sym 

service at the same time
------- -- --- ---- ----
nn      in dt  jj   nn  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] (
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] )
                                          [end] 42
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] sym
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] :
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sym
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] jj
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 24,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 12}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330804776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'An Egyptian Islamic Jihad ( EIJ ) operative told '
                             'an [ - ] service at the same time'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 317,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'An Egyptian Islamic Jihad ( EIJ ) operative told an [ - ] service '
          'at the same time'},
 {'ID': 4154639,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 18, 'VBD'),
          (19, 27, 'VVG'),
          (28, 30, 'to'),
          (31, 38, 'VV'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 55, 'POS'),
          (56, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 72, 'NP'),
          (73, 75, 'to'),
          (76, 81, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154639) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that Bin Ladin was planning to exploit the operative 's access to

 the US to mount

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653742,
                     'NER': [(5, 14, 'person'), (70, 72, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 18, 'VBD'),
                             (19, 27, 'VVG'),
                             (28, 30, 'to'),
                             (31, 38, 'VV'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 55, 'POS'),
                             (56, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 72, 'NP'),
                             (73, 75, 'to'),
                             (76, 81, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653742) PENN in sentence 4154639:

that Bin Ladin was planning to exploit the operative 's  access 
---- --- ----- --- -------- -- ------- --- --------- --  ------ 
dt   NP  NP    VBD VVG      to VV      dt  nn        POS nn     

to the US to mount
-- --- -- -- -----
to dt  NP to VV   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] to
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] VV
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] POS
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] to
                                          [end] 80
[start] 76
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 5
[name] person
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330820584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that Bin Ladin was planning to exploit the '
                             "operative 's access to the US to mount"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 318,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "that Bin Ladin was planning to exploit the operative 's access to "
          'the US to mount'},
 {'ID': 4154640,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'), (2, 11, 'jj'), (12, 18, 'nn'), (19, 20, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154640) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

a terrorist strike .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653743,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 20, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'), (19, 20, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653743) PENN in sentence 4154640:

a  terrorist strike .   
-  --------- ------ -   
dt jj        nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 2
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330836200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'a terrorist strike .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 319,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'a terrorist strike .'},
 {'ID': 4154641,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 23, 'VVG'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 41, 'cd'),
          (42, 45, 'md'),
          (46, 50, 'VH'),
          (51, 55, 'VBN'),
          (56, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 63, 'in'),
          (64, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 76, 'POS'),
          (77, 82, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154641) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may have been part of 

Bin Ladin 's first

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653744,
                     'NER': [(27, 33, 'location'),
                             (37, 41, 'date'),
                             (64, 73, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 23, 'VVG'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 41, 'cd'),
                             (42, 45, 'md'),
                             (46, 50, 'VH'),
                             (51, 55, 'VBN'),
                             (56, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 63, 'in'),
                             (64, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 76, 'POS'),
                             (77, 82, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653744) PENN in sentence 4154641:

The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may have been part of 
--- ---------- -------- -- ------ -- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- -- 
dt  nn         VVG      in NP     in cd   md  VH   VBN  nn   in 

Bin Ladin 's  first
--- ----- --  -----
NP  NP    POS jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] cd
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] md
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] VH
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] POS
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 27
[name] location
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] date
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330837256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may '
                             "have been part of Bin Ladin 's first"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 320,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may have been part of Bin '
          "Ladin 's first"},
 {'ID': 4154642,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'to'),
          (19, 28, 'VV'),
          (29, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 40, 'jj'),
          (41, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 54, 'dt'),
          (55, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 59, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154642) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

serious attempt to implement a terrorist strike in the US .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653745,
                     'NER': [(55, 57, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'to'),
                             (19, 28, 'VV'),
                             (29, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 40, 'jj'),
                             (41, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 54, 'dt'),
                             (55, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 59, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 59, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653745) PENN in sentence 4154642:

serious attempt to implement a  terrorist strike in the US .   
------- ------- -- --------- -  --------- ------ -- --- -- -   
jj      nn      to VV        dt jj        nn     in dt  NP sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] to
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] VV
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 56
[start] 55
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330848968>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'serious attempt to implement a terrorist strike '
                             'in the US .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 321,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'serious attempt to implement a terrorist strike in the US .'},
 {'ID': 4154643,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'), (10, 17, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154643) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Convicted plotter

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653746,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'), (10, 17, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653746) PENN in sentence 4154643:

Convicted plotter
--------- -------
VVN       nn     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330863528>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Convicted plotter'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 321,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Convicted plotter'},
 {'ID': 4154644,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 16, 'VHZ'),
          (17, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
          (35, 37, 'PP'),
          (38, 47, 'VVD'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, 'to'),
          (60, 66, 'VV'),
          (67, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 78, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154644) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Ahmed Ressam has told the FBI that he conceived the idea to 

attack Los Angeles

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653747,
                     'NER': [(0, 12, 'person'),
                             (26, 29, 'organization'),
                             (67, 78, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 16, 'VHZ'),
                             (17, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
                             (35, 37, 'PP'),
                             (38, 47, 'VVD'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, 'to'),
                             (60, 66, 'VV'),
                             (67, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 78, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653747) PENN in sentence 4154644:

Ahmed Ressam has told the FBI that    he conceived the idea to 
----- ------ --- ---- --- --- ----    -- --------- --- ---- -- 
NP    NP     VHZ VVN  dt  NP  IN/that PP VVD       dt  nn   to 

attack Los Angeles
------ --- -------
VV     NP  NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 6
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VHZ
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] PP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 38
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] to
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] VV
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 28,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 26},
                                          [end] 77
[start] 67
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330864200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Ahmed Ressam has told the FBI that he conceived '
                             'the idea to attack Los Angeles'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 322,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Ahmed Ressam has told the FBI that he conceived the idea to attack '
          'Los Angeles'},
 {'ID': 4154645,
  'POS': [(0, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 29, 'PP'),
          (30, 31, ','),
          (32, 35, 'cc'),
          (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
          (41, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 74, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154645) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

International Airport himself , but that Bin Ladin lieutenant Abu


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653748,
                     'NER': [(0, 21, 'organization'),
                             (41, 50, 'person'),
                             (62, 74, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 29, 'PP'),
                             (30, 31, ','),
                             (32, 35, 'cc'),
                             (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
                             (41, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 74, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653748) PENN in sentence 4154645:

International Airport himself , but that    Bin Ladin lieutenant 
------------- ------- ------- - --- ----    --- ----- ---------- 
NP            NP      PP      , cc  IN/that NP  NP    nn         

Abu Zubaydah
--- --------
NP  NP      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] PP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] ,
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] cc
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 20,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 49
[start] 41
[name] person
                                          [end] 73
[start] 62
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330879720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'International Airport himself , but that Bin '
                             'Ladin lieutenant Abu Zubaydah'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 323,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'International Airport himself , but that Bin Ladin lieutenant Abu '
 {'ID': 4154646,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 14, 'PP'),
          (15, 18, 'cc'),
          (19, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 36, 'VV'),
          (37, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 52, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154646) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

encouraged him and helped facilitate the operation .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653749,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 14, 'PP'),
                             (15, 18, 'cc'),
                             (19, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 36, 'VV'),
                             (37, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 52, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653749) PENN in sentence 4154646:

encouraged him and helped facilitate the operation .   
---------- --- --- ------ ---------- --- --------- -   
VVD        PP  cc  VVD    VV         dt  nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] PP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] cc
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] VV
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330882408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'encouraged him and helped facilitate the '
                             'operation .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 324,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'encouraged him and helped facilitate the operation .'},
 {'ID': 4154647,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'rb'),
          (12, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
          (22, 24, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154647) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Ressam also said that in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653750,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'rb'),
                             (12, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
                             (22, 24, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'), (7, 11, 'NT'), (22, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653750) PENN in sentence 4154647:

Ressam also said that    in
------ ---- ---- ----    --
NP     rb   VVD  IN/that in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330892392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Ressam also said that in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 324,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Ressam also said that in'},
 {'ID': 4154648,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
          (5, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 21, 'VBD'),
          (22, 30, 'VVG'),
          (31, 34, 'PP$'),
          (35, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 50, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154648) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

1998 Abu Zubaydah was planning his own US attack .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653751,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date'),
                             (5, 17, 'person'),
                             (39, 41, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
                             (5, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 21, 'VBD'),
                             (22, 30, 'VVG'),
                             (31, 34, 'PP$'),
                             (35, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 50, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653751) PENN in sentence 4154648:

1998 Abu Zubaydah was planning his own US attack .   
---- --- -------- --- -------- --- --- -- ------ -   
cd   NP  NP       VBD VVG      PP$ jj  NP nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 16
[start] 5
[name] person
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330893736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '1998 Abu Zubaydah was planning his own US attack '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 325,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '1998 Abu Zubaydah was planning his own US attack .'},
 {'ID': 4154649,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'VVZ'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 25, 'VBD'),
          (26, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154649) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Ressam says Bin Ladin was aware of the Los Angeles operation .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653752,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person'),
                             (12, 21, 'person'),
                             (39, 50, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'VVZ'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 25, 'VBD'),
                             (26, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 50, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653752) PENN in sentence 4154649:

Ressam says Bin Ladin was aware of the Los Angeles operation .   
------ ---- --- ----- --- ----- -- --- --- ------- --------- -   
NP     VVZ  NP  NP    VBD jj    in dt  NP  NP      nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] person
                                          [end] 49
[start] 39
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330912584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Ressam says Bin Ladin was aware of the Los '
                             'Angeles operation .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 326,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Ressam says Bin Ladin was aware of the Los Angeles operation .'},
 {'ID': 4154650,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 22, 'VHZ'),
          (23, 26, 'rb'),
          (27, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 38, ','),
          (39, 42, 'PP$'),
          (43, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 78, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154650) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Although Bin Ladin has not succeeded , his attacks against the US

 Embassies in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653753,
                     'NER': [(9, 18, 'person'), (63, 75, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 22, 'VHZ'),
                             (23, 26, 'rb'),
                             (27, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 38, ','),
                             (39, 42, 'PP$'),
                             (43, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 78, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (51, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653753) PENN in sentence 4154650:

Although Bin Ladin has not succeeded , his attacks against the US
-------- --- ----- --- --- --------- - --- ------- ------- --- --
in       NP  NP    VHZ rb  VVN       , PP$ nns     in      dt  NP

 Embassies in
 --------- --
 NP        in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] VHZ
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] rb
                                          [end] 35
[start] 27
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] ,
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 9
[name] person
                                          {'end': 74,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 63}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330915368>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Although Bin Ladin has not succeeded , his '
                             'attacks against the US Embassies in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 327,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Although Bin Ladin has not succeeded , his attacks against the US '
          'Embassies in'},
 {'ID': 4154651,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 9, 'cc'),
          (10, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 26, 'cd'),
          (27, 38, 'VVP'),
          (39, 43, 'IN/that'),
          (44, 46, 'PP'),
          (47, 55, 'VVZ'),
          (56, 66, 'nns'),
          (67, 72, 'nns'),
          (73, 75, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154651) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 demonstrate that he prepares 

operations years in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653754,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'location'),
                             (10, 18, 'location'),
                             (22, 26, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 9, 'cc'),
                             (10, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 26, 'cd'),
                             (27, 38, 'VVP'),
                             (39, 43, 'IN/that'),
                             (44, 46, 'PP'),
                             (47, 55, 'VVZ'),
                             (56, 66, 'nns'),
                             (67, 72, 'nns'),
                             (73, 75, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 26, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653754) PENN in sentence 4154651:

Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 demonstrate that    he prepares 
----- --- -------- -- ---- ----------- ----    -- -------- 
NP    cc  NP       in cd   VVP         IN/that PP VVZ      

operations years in
---------- ----- --
nns        nns   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] cc
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] cd
                                          [end] 37
[start] 27
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] PP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 65
[start] 56
[name] nns
                                          [end] 71
[start] 67
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] location
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330930888>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 demonstrate that he '
                             'prepares operations years in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 328,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 demonstrate that he prepares operations '
          'years in'},
 {'ID': 4154652,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 11, 'cc'),
          (12, 14, 'VBZ'),
          (15, 18, 'rb'),
          (19, 27, 'VVN'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 39, 'nns'),
          (40, 41, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154652) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

advance and is not deterred by setbacks .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653755,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 11, 'cc'),
                             (12, 14, 'VBZ'),
                             (15, 18, 'rb'),
                             (19, 27, 'VVN'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 39, 'nns'),
                             (40, 41, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653755) PENN in sentence 4154652:

advance and is  not deterred by setbacks .   
------- --- --  --- -------- -- -------- -   
nn      cc  VBZ rb  VVN      in nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
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[start] 8
[name] cc
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[start] 12
[name] VBZ
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[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
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[start] 15
[name] NT
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[start] 28
[name] NT
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[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330945832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'advance and is not deterred by setbacks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 329,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'advance and is not deterred by setbacks .'},
 {'ID': 4154653,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 20, 'nns'),
          (21, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 35, 'PP$')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154653) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Bin Ladin associates surveilled our

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653756,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 35, 'PP$')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 9, 'NT'), (32, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653756) PENN in sentence 4154653:

Bin Ladin associates surveilled our
--- ----- ---------- ---------- ---
NP  NP    nns        VVD        PP$
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 10
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] PP$
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330947656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Bin Ladin associates surveilled our'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 329,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Bin Ladin associates surveilled our'},
 {'ID': 4154654,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 24, 'cc'),
          (25, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 41, 'rb'),
          (42, 47, 'rb'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 55, 'cd'),
          (56, 57, ','),
          (58, 61, 'cc'),
          (62, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 74, 'nns'),
          (75, 77, 'in'),
          (78, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154654) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam as early as 1993 , and 

some members of the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653757,
                     'NER': [(13, 20, 'location'),
                             (25, 38, 'person'),
                             (51, 55, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 24, 'cc'),
                             (25, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 41, 'rb'),
                             (42, 47, 'rb'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 55, 'cd'),
                             (56, 57, ','),
                             (58, 61, 'cc'),
                             (62, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 74, 'nns'),
                             (75, 77, 'in'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 66, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653757) PENN in sentence 4154654:

Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam as early as 1993 , and 
--------- -- ------- --- --- -- ------ -- ----- -- ---- - --- 
nns       in NP      cc  NP  NP NP     rb rb    in cd   , cc  

some members of the
---- ------- -- ---
dt   nns     in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] cc
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] rb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] rb
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] cd
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] ,
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] cc
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] nns
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] in
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 13
[name] location
                                          [end] 37
[start] 25
[name] person
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330961352>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam as early '
                             'as 1993 , and some members of the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 330,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam as early as 1993 , and some '
          'members of the'},
 {'ID': 4154655,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 21, 'VVG'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 34, 'nns'),
          (35, 39, 'VBD'),
          (40, 48, 'VVN'),
          (49, 52, 'cc'),
          (53, 61, 'VVD'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 69, 'cd'),
          (70, 71, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154655) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Nairobi cell planning the bombings were arrested and deported in 

1997 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653758,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'location'), (65, 69, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 21, 'VVG'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 34, 'nns'),
                             (35, 39, 'VBD'),
                             (40, 48, 'VVN'),
                             (49, 52, 'cc'),
                             (53, 61, 'VVD'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 69, 'cd'),
                             (70, 71, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653758) PENN in sentence 4154655:

Nairobi cell planning the bombings were arrested and deported in 
------- ---- -------- --- -------- ---- -------- --- -------- -- 
NP      nn   VVG      dt  nns      VBD  VVN      cc  VVD      in 

1997 .   
---- -   
cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 47
[start] 40
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] cc
                                          [end] 60
[start] 53
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] cd
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330973448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Nairobi cell planning the bombings were arrested '
                             'and deported in 1997 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 331,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Nairobi cell planning the bombings were arrested and deported in '
          '1997 .'},
 {'ID': 4154656,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 27, 'VVG'),
          (28, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 36, 'wp'),
          (37, 40, 'vbp'),
          (41, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 57, 'nns'),
          (58, 65, 'VVN'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 71, 'cc'),
          (72, 80, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154656) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Al-Qa'ida members-including some who are US citizens-have resided

 in or traveled

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653759,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'organization'), (41, 43, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 27, 'VVG'),
                             (28, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 36, 'wp'),
                             (37, 40, 'vbp'),
                             (41, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 57, 'nns'),
                             (58, 65, 'VVN'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 71, 'cc'),
                             (72, 80, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653759) PENN in sentence 4154656:

Al-Qa'ida members-including some who are US citizens-have resided
--------- ----------------- ---- --- --- -- ------------- -------
NP        VVG               dt   wp  vbp NP nns           VVN    

 in or traveled
 -- -- --------
 in cc VVD     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 10
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] wp
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] vbp
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 44
[name] nns
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] cc
                                          [end] 79
[start] 72
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 8,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330975944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Al-Qa'ida members-including some who are US "
                             'citizens-have resided in or traveled'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 332,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Al-Qa'ida members-including some who are US citizens-have resided "
          'in or traveled'},
 {'ID': 4154657,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 19, 'nns'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 25, 'cc'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 46, 'rb'),
          (47, 56, 'VVZ'),
          (57, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 81, 'wdt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154657) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to the US for years , and the group apparently maintains a 

support structure that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653760,
                     'NER': [(7, 9, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 19, 'nns'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 25, 'cc'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 46, 'rb'),
                             (47, 56, 'VVZ'),
                             (57, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 81, 'wdt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (36, 46, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT'),
                             (77, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653760) PENN in sentence 4154657:

to the US for years , and the group apparently maintains a  
-- --- -- --- ----- - --- --- ----- ---------- --------- -  
to dt  NP in  nns   , cc  dt  nn    rb         VVZ       dt 

support structure that
------- --------- ----
nn      nn        wdt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] cc
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 36
[name] rb
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 65
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] wdt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824330990696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to the US for years , and the group apparently '
                             'maintains a support structure that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 333,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to the US for years , and the group apparently maintains a support '
          'structure that'},
 {'ID': 4154658,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'), (6, 9, 'VV'), (10, 17, 'nns'), (18, 19, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154658) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

could aid attacks .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653761,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
                             (6, 9, 'VV'),
                             (10, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 19, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (18, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653761) PENN in sentence 4154658:

could aid attacks .   
----- --- ------- -   
md    VV  nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] VV
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] nns
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331006024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'could aid attacks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 334,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'could aid attacks .'},
 {'ID': 4154659,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 12, 'POS'),
          (13, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 23, 'nns'),
          (24, 29, 'VVD'),
          (30, 36, 'jj'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 57, 'to'),
          (58, 62, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154659) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Two al-Qua ' da members found guilty in the conspiracy to bomb

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653762,
                     'NER': [(4, 10, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 12, 'POS'),
                             (13, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 23, 'nns'),
                             (24, 29, 'VVD'),
                             (30, 36, 'jj'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 57, 'to'),
                             (58, 62, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653762) PENN in sentence 4154659:

Two al-Qua '   da members found guilty in the conspiracy to bomb
--- ------ -   -- ------- ----- ------ -- --- ---------- -- ----
cd  NP     POS nn nns     VVD   jj     in dt  nn         to VV  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] POS
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 53
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] to
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 4
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331007080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Two al-Qua ' da members found guilty in the "
                             'conspiracy to bomb'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 334,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Two al-Qua ' da members found guilty in the conspiracy to bomb"},
 {'ID': 4154660,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
          (4, 13, 'nns'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 33, 'VBD'),
          (34, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 45, 'nns'),
          (46, 47, ','),
          (48, 51, 'cc'),
          (52, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 77, 'VVD'),
          (78, 80, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154660) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

our embassies in East Africa were US citizens , and a senior EIJ 

member lived in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653763,
                     'NER': [(17, 28, 'location'),
                             (34, 36, 'location'),
                             (61, 64, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 13, 'nns'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 33, 'VBD'),
                             (34, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 45, 'nns'),
                             (46, 47, ','),
                             (48, 51, 'cc'),
                             (52, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 77, 'VVD'),
                             (78, 80, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (46, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653763) PENN in sentence 4154660:

our embassies in East Africa were US citizens , and a  senior EIJ
--- --------- -- ---- ------ ---- -- -------- - --- -  ------ ---
PP$ nns       in NP   NP     VBD  NP nns      , cc  dt jj     NP 

 member lived in
 ------ ----- --
 nn     VVD   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 37
[name] nns
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] ,
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] cc
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 72
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 27
[start] 17
[name] location
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] location
                                          {'end': 63,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 61}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331009384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'our embassies in East Africa were US citizens , '
                             'and a senior EIJ member lived in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 335,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'our embassies in East Africa were US citizens , and a senior EIJ '
          'member lived in'},
 {'ID': 4154661,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 30, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154661) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

California in the mid- 1990s .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653764,
                     'NER': [(0, 10, 'location'), (23, 28, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 30, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653764) PENN in sentence 4154661:

California in the mid- 1990s .   
---------- -- --- ---- ----- -   
NP         in dt  nn   nns   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331025096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'California in the mid- 1990s .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 336,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'California in the mid- 1990s .'},
 {'ID': 4154662,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 33, 'cd'),
          (34, 38, 'IN/that'),
          (39, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 50, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154662) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A clandestine source said in 1998 that a Bin Ladin

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653765,
                     'NER': [(29, 33, 'date'), (41, 50, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 33, 'cd'),
                             (34, 38, 'IN/that'),
                             (39, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 50, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653765) PENN in sentence 4154662:

A  clandestine source said in 1998 that    a  Bin Ladin
-  ----------- ------ ---- -- ---- ----    -  --- -----
dt jj          nn     VVD  in cd   IN/that dt NP  NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 2
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] cd
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 29
[name] date
                                          [end] 49
[start] 41
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331034984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A clandestine source said in 1998 that a Bin '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 336,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A clandestine source said in 1998 that a Bin Ladin'},
 {'ID': 4154663,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 20, 'VBD'),
          (21, 31, 'VVG'),
          (32, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 67, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154663) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653766,
                     'NER': [(8, 16, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 20, 'VBD'),
                             (21, 31, 'VVG'),
                             (32, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 67, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (32, 47, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (66, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653766) PENN in sentence 4154663:

cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks
---- -- --- ---- --- ---------- --------------- ----- --- -------
nn   in NP  NP   VBD VVG        NP              nn    in  nns    

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 21
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 46
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] nns
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 8
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331037192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American '
                             'youth for attacks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 337,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks '
 {'ID': 4154664,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'VHP'),
          (8, 11, 'rb'),
          (12, 16, 'VBN'),
          (17, 21, 'jj'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 36, 'VV'),
          (37, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 48, 'dt'),
          (49, 53, 'rbr'),
          (54, 65, 'jj'),
          (66, 72, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154664) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653767,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'VHP'),
                             (8, 11, 'rb'),
                             (12, 16, 'VBN'),
                             (17, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 36, 'VV'),
                             (37, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 48, 'dt'),
                             (49, 53, 'rbr'),
                             (54, 65, 'jj'),
                             (66, 72, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653767) PENN in sentence 4154664:

We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational
-- ---- --- ---- ---- -- ----------- ---- -- --- ---- -----------
PP VHP  rb  VBN  jj   to VV          dt   in dt  rbr  jj         

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] VV
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 64
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331055944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'We have not been able to corroborate some of the '
                             'more sensational threat'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 338,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational '
 {'ID': 4154665,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 16, 'jj'),
          (17, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 33, 'sym'),
          (34, 35, ':'),
          (36, 37, 'sym'),
          (38, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 53, 'cd'),
          (54, 60, 'VVG'),
          (61, 65, 'IN/that'),
          (66, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 82, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154665) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reporting , such as that from a [ - ] service in 1998 saying that

 Bin Ladin wanted

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653768,
                     'NER': [(49, 53, 'date'), (66, 75, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 16, 'jj'),
                             (17, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 33, 'sym'),
                             (34, 35, ':'),
                             (36, 37, 'sym'),
                             (38, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 53, 'cd'),
                             (54, 60, 'VVG'),
                             (61, 65, 'IN/that'),
                             (66, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 82, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 53, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653768) PENN in sentence 4154665:

reporting , such as that from a  [   - ]   service in 1998 saying
--------- - ---- -- ---- ---- -  -   - -   ------- -- ---- ------
nn        , jj   in dt   in   dt sym : sym nn      in cd   VVG   

 that    Bin Ladin wanted
 ----    --- ----- ------
 IN/that NP  NP    VVD   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] sym
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] :
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] sym
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] cd
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 76
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 52
[start] 49
[name] date
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331058536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reporting , such as that from a [ - ] service in '
                             '1998 saying that Bin Ladin wanted'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 339,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reporting , such as that from a [ - ] service in 1998 saying that '
          'Bin Ladin wanted'},
 {'ID': 4154666,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 9, 'VV'),
          (10, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 26, 'to'),
          (27, 31, 'VV'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 49, '``'),
          (50, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 65, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154666) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of `` Blind Shaykh ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653769,
                     'NER': [(12, 14, 'location'), (56, 62, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 9, 'VV'),
                             (10, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 26, 'to'),
                             (27, 31, 'VV'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 49, '``'),
                             (50, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 65, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653769) PENN in sentence 4154666:

to hijack a  US aircraft to gain the release of `` Blind Shaykh 
-- ------ -  -- -------- -- ---- --- ------- -- -- ----- ------ 
to VV     dt NP nn       to VV   dt  nn      in `` NP    NP     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] VV
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] to
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] VV
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] ``
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] location
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331074440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of '
                             "`` Blind Shaykh ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 340,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of `` Blind Shaykh ''"},
 {'ID': 4154667,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'), (6, 10, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154667) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'Umar 'Abd

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653770,
                     'NER': [(0, 10, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'), (6, 10, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653770) PENN in sentence 4154667:

'Umar 'Abd
----- ----
nn    nns 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331085672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'Umar 'Abd"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 340,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'Umar 'Abd"},
 {'ID': 4154668,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 13, 'cc'),
          (14, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 39, 'nns'),
          (40, 41, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154668) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

al-Rahman and other US -held extremists .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653771,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person'), (20, 22, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 13, 'cc'),
                             (14, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 39, 'nns'),
                             (40, 41, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653771) PENN in sentence 4154668:

al-Rahman and other US -held extremists .   
--------- --- ----- -- ----- ---------- -   
NP        cc  jj    NP nn    nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] cc
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331086440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'al-Rahman and other US -held extremists .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 341,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'al-Rahman and other US -held extremists .'},
 {'ID': 4154669,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 56, 'VVZ'),
          (57, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 79, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154669) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Nevertheless , FBI information since that time indicates patterns

 of suspicious

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653772,
                     'NER': [(15, 18, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 56, 'VVZ'),
                             (57, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 79, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (31, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653772) PENN in sentence 4154669:

Nevertheless , FBI information since that time indicates patterns
------------ - --- ----------- ----- ---- ---- --------- --------
rb           , NP  nn          in    dt   nn   VVZ       nns     

 of suspicious
 -- ----------
 in jj        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] nns
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 78
[start] 69
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 17,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 15}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331100520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Nevertheless , FBI information since that time '
                             'indicates patterns of suspicious'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 342,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Nevertheless , FBI information since that time indicates patterns '
          'of suspicious'},
 {'ID': 4154670,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 40, 'in'),
          (41, 53, 'nns'),
          (54, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 68, 'nns'),
          (69, 71, 'cc'),
          (72, 77, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154670) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

activity in this country consistent with preparations for 

hijackings or other

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653773,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 40, 'in'),
                             (41, 53, 'nns'),
                             (54, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 68, 'nns'),
                             (69, 71, 'cc'),
                             (72, 77, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653773) PENN in sentence 4154670:

activity in this country consistent with preparations for 
-------- -- ---- ------- ---------- ---- ------------ --- 
nn       in dt   nn      jj         in   nns          in  

hijackings or other
---------- -- -----
nns        cc jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 41
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 58
[name] nns
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] cc
                                          [end] 76
[start] 72
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331102728>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'activity in this country consistent with '
                             'preparations for hijackings or other'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 343,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'activity in this country consistent with preparations for '
          'hijackings or other'},
 {'ID': 4154671,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 28, 'VVG'),
          (29, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 69, 'nns'),
          (70, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 76, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154671) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

types of attacks , including recent surveillance of federal 

buildings in New

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653774,
                     'NER': [(73, 76, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 28, 'VVG'),
                             (29, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 69, 'nns'),
                             (70, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 76, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653774) PENN in sentence 4154671:

types of attacks , including recent surveillance of federal 
----- -- ------- - --------- ------ ------------ -- ------- 
nns   in nns     , VVG       jj     nn           in jj      

buildings in New
--------- -- ---
nns       in NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] nns
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 75
[start] 73
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331117096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'types of attacks , including recent surveillance '
                             'of federal buildings in New'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 344,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'types of attacks , including recent surveillance of federal '
          'buildings in New'},
 {'ID': 4154672,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154672) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

York .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653775,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653775) PENN in sentence 4154672:

York .   
---- -   
NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331119304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'York .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 345,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'York .'},
 {'ID': 4154673,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'VBZ'),
          (11, 21, 'VVG'),
          (22, 35, 'rb'),
          (36, 38, 'cd'),
          (39, 43, 'jj'),
          (44, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 75, 'in'),
          (76, 79, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154673) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations 

throughout the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653776,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'VBZ'),
                             (11, 21, 'VVG'),
                             (22, 35, 'rb'),
                             (36, 38, 'cd'),
                             (39, 43, 'jj'),
                             (44, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 75, 'in'),
                             (76, 79, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (22, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (65, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653776) PENN in sentence 4154673:

The FBI is  conducting approximately 70 full field investigations
--- --- --  ---------- ------------- -- ---- ----- --------------
dt  NP  VBZ VVG        rb            cd jj   nn    nns           

 throughout the
 ---------- ---
 in         dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 20
[start] 11
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 34
[start] 22
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] cd
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] jj
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 50
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331120264>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full '
                             'field investigations throughout the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 346,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations '
          'throughout the'},
 {'ID': 4154674,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'IN/that'),
          (8, 10, 'PP'),
          (11, 20, 'VVZ'),
          (21, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 39, 'VVD'),
          (40, 41, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154674) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

US that it considers Bin Ladin -related .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653777,
                     'NER': [(0, 2, 'location'), (21, 30, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'IN/that'),
                             (8, 10, 'PP'),
                             (11, 20, 'VVZ'),
                             (21, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 39, 'VVD'),
                             (40, 41, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 30, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653777) PENN in sentence 4154674:

US that    it considers Bin Ladin -related .   
-- ----    -- --------- --- ----- -------- -   
PP IN/that PP VVZ       NP  NP    VVD      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331130824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'US that it considers Bin Ladin -related .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 347,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'US that it considers Bin Ladin -related .'},
 {'ID': 4154675,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 7, 'cc'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 19, 'vbp'),
          (20, 33, 'VVG'),
          (34, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 40, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154675) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

CIA and the FBI are investigating a call

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653778,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization'), (12, 15, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 7, 'cc'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 19, 'vbp'),
                             (20, 33, 'VVG'),
                             (34, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 40, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653778) PENN in sentence 4154675:

CIA and the FBI are investigating a  call
--- --- --- --- --- ------------- -  ----
NP  cc  dt  NP  vbp VVG           dt nn  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] cc
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] vbp
                                          [end] 32
[start] 20
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 14,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 12}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331132840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'CIA and the FBI are investigating a call'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 347,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'CIA and the FBI are investigating a call'},
 {'ID': 4154676,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 6, 'PP$'),
          (7, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 25, 'nns'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 39, 'VVG'),
          (40, 44, 'IN/that'),
          (45, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 76, 'nns'),
          (77, 80, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154676) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to our Embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group of Bin Ladin

 supporters was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653779,
                     'NER': [(7, 14, 'organization'),
                             (22, 25, 'location'),
                             (29, 32, 'date'),
                             (56, 65, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 6, 'PP$'),
                             (7, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 39, 'VVG'),
                             (40, 44, 'IN/that'),
                             (45, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 76, 'nns'),
                             (77, 80, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 65, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653779) PENN in sentence 4154676:

to our Embassy in the UAE in May saying that    a  group of Bin 
-- --- ------- -- --- --- -- --- ------ ----    -  ----- -- --- 
to PP$ NP      in dt  nns in NP  VVG    IN/that dt nn    in NP  

Ladin supporters was
----- ---------- ---
NP    nns        VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 66
[name] nns
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 13,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 7},
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] location
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] date
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] NT
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[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331147304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to our Embassy in the UAE in May saying that a '
                             'group of Bin Ladin supporters was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 348,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to our Embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group of Bin Ladin '
          'supporters was'},
 {'ID': 4154677,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 26, 'nns'),
          (27, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 42, 'nns'),
          (43, 44, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154677) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

in the US planning attacks with explosives .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653780,
                     'NER': [(7, 9, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 26, 'nns'),
                             (27, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 42, 'nns'),
                             (43, 44, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653780) PENN in sentence 4154677:

in the US planning attacks with explosives .   
-- --- -- -------- ------- ---- ---------- -   
in dt  NP nn       nns     in   nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 32
[name] nns
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331167400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'in the US planning attacks with explosives .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 349,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'in the US planning attacks with explosives .'},
 {'ID': 4154678,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'cc'),
          (10, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 31, 'VBD'),
          (32, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 39, 'to'),
          (40, 47, 'VV'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 79, 'nn'),
          (80, 82, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154678) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No CSG or other NSC meeting was held to discuss the possible 

threat of a strike in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653781,
                     'NER': [(3, 6, 'organization'), (16, 19, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'cc'),
                             (10, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 31, 'VBD'),
                             (32, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 39, 'to'),
                             (40, 47, 'VV'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 79, 'nn'),
                             (80, 82, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653781) PENN in sentence 4154678:

No CSG or other NSC meeting was held to discuss the possible 
-- --- -- ----- --- ------- --- ---- -- ------- --- -------- 
dt NP  cc jj    NP  nn      VBD VVN  to VV      dt  jj       

threat of a  strike in
------ -- -  ------ --
nn     in dt nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] cc
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] VV
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] in
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 3},
                                          {'end': 18,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331169320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No CSG or other NSC meeting was held to discuss '
                             'the possible threat of a strike in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 351,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No CSG or other NSC meeting was held to discuss the possible threat '
          'of a strike in'},
 {'ID': 4154679,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 17, 'NPS'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 46, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154679) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the United States as a result of this report .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653782,
                     'NER': [(4, 17, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 17, 'NPS'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 46, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653782) PENN in sentence 4154679:

the United States as a  result of this report .   
--- ------ ------ -- -  ------ -- ---- ------ -   
dt  NP     NPS    in dt nn     in dt   nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 4
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331180840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the United States as a result of this report .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 352,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the United States as a result of this report .'},
 {'ID': 4154680,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 19, ','),
          (20, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 29, 'jj'),
          (30, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 46, 'VVD'),
          (47, 51, 'IN/that'),
          (52, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 68, 'VBD'),
          (69, 80, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154680) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Late in the month , a foreign service reported that Abu Zubaydah 

was considering

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653783,
                     'NER': [(52, 64, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 19, ','),
                             (20, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 29, 'jj'),
                             (30, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 46, 'VVD'),
                             (47, 51, 'IN/that'),
                             (52, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 68, 'VBD'),
                             (69, 80, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (18, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653783) PENN in sentence 4154680:

Late in the month , a  foreign service reported that    Abu 
---- -- --- ----- - -  ------- ------- -------- ----    --- 
rb   in dt  nn    , dt jj      nn      VVD      IN/that NP  

Zubaydah was considering
-------- --- -----------
NP       VBD VVG        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 38
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 79
[start] 69
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 63
[start] 52
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331195592>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Late in the month , a foreign service reported '
                             'that Abu Zubaydah was considering'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 353,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Late in the month , a foreign service reported that Abu Zubaydah '
          'was considering'},
 {'ID': 4154681,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
          (9, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 26, 'nns'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 47, 'NPS'),
          (48, 49, ','),
          (50, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 66, 'VVG'),
          (67, 75, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154681) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

mounting terrorist attacks in the United States , after 

postponing possible

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653784,
                     'NER': [(34, 47, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
                             (9, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 26, 'nns'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 47, 'NPS'),
                             (48, 49, ','),
                             (50, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 66, 'VVG'),
                             (67, 75, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653784) PENN in sentence 4154681:

mounting terrorist attacks in the United States , after 
-------- --------- ------- -- --- ------ ------ - ----- 
VVG      jj        nns     in dt  NP     NPS    , in    

postponing possible
---------- --------
VVG        jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] ,
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 56
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 74
[start] 67
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 46
[start] 34
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824331198376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'mounting terrorist attacks in the United States '
                             ', after postponing possible'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 354,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'mounting terrorist attacks in the United States , after postponing '
 {'ID': 4154682,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'), (11, 13, 'in'), (14, 20, 'NP'), (21, 22, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154682) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

operations in Europe .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653785,
                     'NER': [(14, 20, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 22, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'), (14, 20, 'NT'), (21, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653785) PENN in sentence 4154682:

operations in Europe .   
---------- -- ------ -   
nns        in NP     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 14
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333117576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'operations in Europe .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 355,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'operations in Europe .'},
 {'ID': 4154683,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 24, 'cc'),
          (25, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 46, 'VBD'),
          (47, 55, 'VVN'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154683) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No targets , timing , or method of attack were provided .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653786,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 24, 'cc'),
                             (25, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 46, 'VBD'),
                             (47, 55, 'VVN'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653786) PENN in sentence 4154683:

No targets , timing , or method of attack were provided .   
-- ------- - ------ - -- ------ -- ------ ---- -------- -   
dt nns     , nn     , cc nn     in nn     VBD  VVN      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] cc
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333118824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No targets , timing , or method of attack were '
                             'provided .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 355,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No targets , timing , or method of attack were provided .'},
 {'ID': 4154684,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'VHP'),
          (8, 13, 'VVN'),
          (14, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 42, 'jjr'),
          (43, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 73, 'cd'),
          (74, 79, 'in'),
          (80, 83, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154684) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

We have found no indication of any further discussion before 

September 11 among the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653787,
                     'NER': [(61, 73, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'VHP'),
                             (8, 13, 'VVN'),
                             (14, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 42, 'jjr'),
                             (43, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 73, 'cd'),
                             (74, 79, 'in'),
                             (80, 83, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (54, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653787) PENN in sentence 4154684:

We have found no indication of any further discussion before 
-- ---- ----- -- ---------- -- --- ------- ---------- ------ 
PP VHP  VVN   dt nn         in dt  jjr     nn         in     

September 11 among the
--------- -- ----- ---
NP        cd in    dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 52
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 69
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] cd
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] in
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 72
[start] 61
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333129384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'We have found no indication of any further '
                             'discussion before September 11 among the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 357,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'We have found no indication of any further discussion before '
          'September 11 among the'},
 {'ID': 4154685,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 13, 'cc'),
          (14, 17, 'PP$'),
          (18, 21, 'jj'),
          (22, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 54, 'dt'),
          (55, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 83, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154685) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

President and his top advisers of the possibility of a threat of 

an al Qaeda attack

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653788,
                     'NER': [(68, 76, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 13, 'cc'),
                             (14, 17, 'PP$'),
                             (18, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 54, 'dt'),
                             (55, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 83, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653788) PENN in sentence 4154685:

President and his top advisers of the possibility of a  threat of
--------- --- --- --- -------- -- --- ----------- -- -  ------ --
NP        cc  PP$ jj  nns      in dt  nn          in dt nn     in

 an al Qaeda attack
 -- -- ----- ------
 dt NP NP    nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] cc
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] jj
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 75,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 68}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333148712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'President and his top advisers of the '
                             'possibility of a threat of an al Qaeda attack'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 358,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'President and his top advisers of the possibility of a threat of an '
          'al Qaeda attack'},
 {'ID': 4154686,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 20, 'NPS'),
          (21, 22, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154686) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653789,
                     'NER': [(7, 20, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 20, 'NPS'),
                             (21, 22, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653789) PENN in sentence 4154686:

in the United States .   
-- --- ------ ------ -   
in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 7
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333151880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'in the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 359,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'in the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154687,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 17, 'VVD'),
          (18, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 46, ','),
          (47, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 54, ','),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 64, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154687) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

DCI Tenet visited President Bush in Crawford , Texas , on August

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653790,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person'),
                             (28, 32, 'person'),
                             (36, 44, 'person'),
                             (47, 52, 'location'),
                             (58, 64, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 46, ','),
                             (47, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 54, ','),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 64, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 9, 'NT'),
                             (18, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653790) PENN in sentence 4154687:

DCI Tenet visited President Bush in Crawford , Texas , on August
--- ----- ------- --------- ---- -- -------- - ----- - -- ------
NP  NP    VVD     NP        NP   in NP       , NP    , in NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] ,
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] ,
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] person
                                          [end] 43
[start] 36
[name] person
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] location
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333165768>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'DCI Tenet visited President Bush in Crawford , '
                             'Texas , on August'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 359,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'DCI Tenet visited President Bush in Crawford , Texas , on August'},
 {'ID': 4154688,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'cd'),
          (3, 6, 'cc'),
          (7, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 71, 'cd'),
          (72, 73, '('),
          (74, 79, 'in'),
          (80, 83, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154688) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

17 and participated in PDB briefings of the President between 

August 31 ( after the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653791,
                     'NER': [(62, 71, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'cd'),
                             (3, 6, 'cc'),
                             (7, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 71, 'cd'),
                             (72, 73, '('),
                             (74, 79, 'in'),
                             (80, 83, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653791) PENN in sentence 4154688:

17 and participated in PDB briefings of the President between 
-- --- ------------ -- --- --------- -- --- --------- ------- 
cd cc  VVD          in NP  nns       in dt  NP        in      

August 31 ( after the
------ -- - ----- ---
NP     cd ( in    dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] cc
                                          [end] 18
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] cd
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] (
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] in
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 70
[start] 62
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333177192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '17 and participated in PDB briefings of the '
                             'President between August 31 ( after the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 360,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '17 and participated in PDB briefings of the President between '
          'August 31 ( after the'},
 {'ID': 4154689,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 13, 'VHD'),
          (14, 22, 'VVN'),
          (23, 25, 'to'),
          (26, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 38, ')'),
          (39, 42, 'cc'),
          (43, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 55, 'cd'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154689) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

President had returned to Washington ) and September 10 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653792,
                     'NER': [(26, 36, 'location'), (43, 55, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 13, 'VHD'),
                             (14, 22, 'VVN'),
                             (23, 25, 'to'),
                             (26, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 38, ')'),
                             (39, 42, 'cc'),
                             (43, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 55, 'cd'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653792) PENN in sentence 4154689:

President had returned to Washington ) and September 10 .   
--------- --- -------- -- ---------- - --- --------- -- -   
NP        VHD VVN      to NP         ) cc  NP        cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] )
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] cc
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] cd
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 26
[name] location
                                          [end] 54
[start] 43
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333180456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'President had returned to Washington ) and '
                             'September 10 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 361,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'President had returned to Washington ) and September 10 .'},
 {'ID': 4154690,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 14, 'VVZ'),
          (15, 18, 'rb'),
          (19, 25, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154690) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

But Tenet does not recall

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653793,
                     'NER': [(4, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 14, 'VVZ'),
                             (15, 18, 'rb'),
                             (19, 25, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653793) PENN in sentence 4154690:

But Tenet does not recall
--- ----- ---- --- ------
cc  NP    VVZ  rb  VV    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 4
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333195304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'But Tenet does not recall'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 361,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'But Tenet does not recall'},
 {'ID': 4154691,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 15, 'nns'),
          (16, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 50, 'jj'),
          (51, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 78, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154691) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

any discussions with the President of the domestic threat during 

this period .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653794,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 15, 'nns'),
                             (16, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 50, 'jj'),
                             (51, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 78, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (58, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653794) PENN in sentence 4154691:

any discussions with the President of the domestic threat during 
--- ----------- ---- --- --------- -- --- -------- ------ ------ 
dt  nns         in   dt  NP        in dt  jj       nn     in     

this period .   
---- ------ -   
dt   nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] jj
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] in
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333196744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'any discussions with the President of the '
                             'domestic threat during this period .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 362,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'any discussions with the President of the domestic threat during '
          'this period .'},
 {'ID': 4154692,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jjs'),
          (5, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 45, 'VVN'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 67, 'cd'),
          (68, 72, 'IN/that'),
          (73, 76, 'dt'),
          (77, 83, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154692) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Most of the intelligence community recognized in the summer of 

2001 that the number

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653795,
                     'NER': [(53, 67, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jjs'),
                             (5, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 45, 'VVN'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 67, 'cd'),
                             (68, 72, 'IN/that'),
                             (73, 76, 'dt'),
                             (77, 83, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653795) PENN in sentence 4154692:

Most of the intelligence community recognized in the summer of 
---- -- --- ------------ --------- ---------- -- --- ------ -- 
jjs  in dt  nn           nn        VVN        in dt  nn     in 

2001 that    the number
---- ----    --- ------
cd   IN/that dt  nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] cd
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] dt
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 66
[start] 53
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333211688>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Most of the intelligence community recognized in '
                             'the summer of 2001 that the number'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 364,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Most of the intelligence community recognized in the summer of 2001 '
          'that the number'},
 {'ID': 4154693,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 35, 'VBD'),
          (36, 49, 'jj'),
          (50, 51, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154693) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and severity of threat reports were unprecedented .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653796,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 35, 'VBD'),
                             (36, 49, 'jj'),
                             (50, 51, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653796) PENN in sentence 4154693:

and severity of threat reports were unprecedented .   
--- -------- -- ------ ------- ---- ------------- -   
cc  nn       in nn     nns     VBD  jj            sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 36
[name] jj
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333226632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and severity of threat reports were '
                             'unprecedented .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 365,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and severity of threat reports were unprecedented .'},
 {'ID': 4154694,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 22, 'PP'),
          (23, 27, 'IN/that'),
          (28, 32, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154694) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Many officials told us that they

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653797,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 22, 'PP'),
                             (23, 27, 'IN/that'),
                             (28, 32, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(20, 22, 'NT'), (28, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653797) PENN in sentence 4154694:

Many officials told us that    they
---- --------- ---- -- ----    ----
jj   nns       VVD  PP IN/that PP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] PP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333228360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Many officials told us that they'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 365,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Many officials told us that they'},
 {'ID': 4154695,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
          (5, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 27, 'VBD'),
          (28, 35, 'VVN'),
          (36, 37, ','),
          (38, 41, 'cc'),
          (42, 46, 'PP'),
          (47, 51, 'VBD'),
          (52, 61, 'jj'),
          (62, 64, 'to'),
          (65, 69, 'VV'),
          (70, 72, 'PP'),
          (73, 74, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154695) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

knew something terrible was planned , and they were desperate to 

stop it .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653798,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
                             (5, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 27, 'VBD'),
                             (28, 35, 'VVN'),
                             (36, 37, ','),
                             (38, 41, 'cc'),
                             (42, 46, 'PP'),
                             (47, 51, 'VBD'),
                             (52, 61, 'jj'),
                             (62, 64, 'to'),
                             (65, 69, 'VV'),
                             (70, 72, 'PP'),
                             (73, 74, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 51, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653798) PENN in sentence 4154695:

knew something terrible was planned , and they were desperate to 
---- --------- -------- --- ------- - --- ---- ---- --------- -- 
VVD  nn        jj       VBD VVN     , cc  PP   VBD  jj        to 

stop it .   
---- -- -   
VV   PP sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] ,
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] cc
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] PP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] VV
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] PP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333229608>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'knew something terrible was planned , and they '
                             'were desperate to stop it .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 366,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'knew something terrible was planned , and they were desperate to '
          'stop it .'},
 {'ID': 4154696,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154696) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653799,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653799) PENN in sentence 4154696:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333244648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Despite'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 366,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Despite'},
 {'ID': 4154697,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'PP$'),
          (6, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 20, ','),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 41, 'VVD'),
          (42, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 55, 'jj'),
          (56, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 75, 'VVG'),
          (76, 81, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154697) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

their large number , the threats received contained few specifics

 regarding time,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653800,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'PP$'),
                             (6, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 20, ','),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 41, 'VVD'),
                             (42, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 55, 'jj'),
                             (56, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 75, 'VVG'),
                             (76, 81, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (76, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653800) PENN in sentence 4154697:

their large number , the threats received contained few specifics
----- ----- ------ - --- ------- -------- --------- --- ---------
PP$   jj    nn     , dt  nns     VVD      VVN       jj  nns      

 regarding time,
 --------- -----
 VVG       NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 10
[start] 6
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 80
[start] 76
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333245320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'their large number , the threats received '
                             'contained few specifics regarding time,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 367,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'their large number , the threats received contained few specifics '
          'regarding time,'},
 {'ID': 4154698,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 7, ','),
          (8, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 19, 'cc'),
          (20, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 28, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154698) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

place , method , or target .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653801,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 7, ','),
                             (8, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 19, 'cc'),
                             (20, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 28, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 7, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653801) PENN in sentence 4154698:

place , method , or target .   
----- - ------ - -- ------ -   
nn    , nn     , cc nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] ,
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] cc
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333259688>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'place , method , or target .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 368,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'place , method , or target .'},
 {'ID': 4154699,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rbs'),
          (5, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
          (20, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 32, 'VBD'),
          (33, 40, 'VVN'),
          (41, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 56, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154699) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Most suggested that attacks were planned against targets

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653802,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rbs'),
                             (5, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
                             (20, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 32, 'VBD'),
                             (33, 40, 'VVN'),
                             (41, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 56, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (28, 32, 'NT'), (41, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653802) PENN in sentence 4154699:

Most suggested that    attacks were planned against targets
---- --------- ----    ------- ---- ------- ------- -------
rbs  VVD       IN/that nns     VBD  VVN     in      nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rbs
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333261224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Most suggested that attacks were planned against '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 368,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Most suggested that attacks were planned against targets'},
 {'ID': 4154700,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 10, ':'),
          (11, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 55, 'jj'),
          (56, 58, '``'),
          (59, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 73, 'nns'),
          (74, 75, 'sent'),
          (76, 78, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154700) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

overseas ; others indicated threats against unspecified `` U.S. 

interests . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653803,
                     'NER': [(59, 63, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 10, ':'),
                             (11, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 55, 'jj'),
                             (56, 58, '``'),
                             (59, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 73, 'nns'),
                             (74, 75, 'sent'),
                             (76, 78, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (36, 43, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 63, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653803) PENN in sentence 4154700:

overseas ; others indicated threats against unspecified `` U.S. 
-------- - ------ --------- ------- ------- ----------- -- ---- 
rb       : nns    VVD       nns     in      jj          `` NP   

interests .    ''
--------- -    --
nns       sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] :
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 44
[name] jj
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] ``
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] sent
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 62
[start] 59
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333271112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'overseas ; others indicated threats against '
                             "unspecified `` U.S. interests . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 369,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'overseas ; others indicated threats against unspecified `` U.S. '
          "interests . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154701,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'md'), (7, 10, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154701) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

We can not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653804,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'md'), (7, 10, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT'), (7, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653804) PENN in sentence 4154701:

We can not
-- --- ---
PP md  rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] md
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333273512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'We can not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 369,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'We can not'},
 {'ID': 4154702,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VV'),
          (4, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 37, 'nns'),
          (38, 39, ','),
          (40, 42, 'rb'),
          (43, 51, 'jj'),
          (52, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 59, 'PP'),
          (60, 64, 'VBD'),
          (65, 66, ','),
          (67, 74, 'VVN'),
          (75, 77, 'to'),
          (78, 81, 'dt'),
          (82, 86, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154702) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

say for certain whether these reports , as dramatic as they were 

, related to the 9/11

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653805,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VV'),
                             (4, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 37, 'nns'),
                             (38, 39, ','),
                             (40, 42, 'rb'),
                             (43, 51, 'jj'),
                             (52, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 59, 'PP'),
                             (60, 64, 'VBD'),
                             (65, 66, ','),
                             (67, 74, 'VVN'),
                             (75, 77, 'to'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt'),
                             (82, 86, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (16, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 29, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653805) PENN in sentence 4154702:

say for certain whether these reports , as dramatic as they were 
--- --- ------- ------- ----- ------- - -- -------- -- ---- ---- 
VV  in  jj      in      dt    nns     , rb jj       in PP   VBD  

, related to the 9/11
- ------- -- --- ----
, VVN     to dt  cd  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VV
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[start] 4
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] jj
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] ,
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] rb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] PP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] ,
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] to
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333274568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'say for certain whether these reports , as '
                             'dramatic as they were , related to the 9/11'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 370,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'say for certain whether these reports , as dramatic as they were , '
          'related to the 9/11'},
 {'ID': 4154703,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154703) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

attacks .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653806,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653806) PENN in sentence 4154703:

attacks .   
------- -   
nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333290184>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'attacks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 371,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'attacks .'},
 {'ID': 4154704,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 34, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154704) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Government Response to the Threats

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653807,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 34, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653807) PENN in sentence 4154704:

Government Response to the Threats
---------- -------- -- --- -------
NP         NP       to dt  NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333290952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Government Response to the Threats'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 372,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Government Response to the Threats'},
 {'ID': 4154705,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 35, 'VVD'),
          (36, 38, 'PP'),
          (39, 43, 'IN/that'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 55, 'VBD'),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 62, '``'),
          (63, 68, 'nn'),
          (69, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 78, "''"),
          (79, 82, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154705) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

National Security Advisor Rice told us that the CSG was the `` 

nerve center '' for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653808,
                     'NER': [(26, 30, 'person'), (48, 51, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 35, 'VVD'),
                             (36, 38, 'PP'),
                             (39, 43, 'IN/that'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 55, 'VBD'),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 62, '``'),
                             (63, 68, 'nn'),
                             (69, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 78, "''"),
                             (79, 82, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653808) PENN in sentence 4154705:

National Security Advisor Rice told us that    the CSG was the ``
-------- -------- ------- ---- ---- -- ----    --- --- --- --- --
NP       NP       NP      NP   VVD  PP IN/that dt  NP  VBD dt  ``

 nerve center '' for
 ----- ------ -- ---
 nn    nn     '' in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] PP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] ``
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] ''
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 29
[start] 26
[name] person
                                          {'end': 50,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 48}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333304744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'National Security Advisor Rice told us that the '
                             "CSG was the `` nerve center '' for"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 373,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'National Security Advisor Rice told us that the CSG was the `` '
          "nerve center '' for"},
 {'ID': 4154706,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVG'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 20, ','),
          (21, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 42, 'jj'),
          (43, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 57, 'VBD'),
          (58, 66, 'VVN'),
          (67, 71, 'in'),
          (72, 75, 'dt'),
          (76, 82, 'nn'),
          (83, 85, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154706) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

running the crisis , although other senior officials were 

involved over the course of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653809,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVG'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 20, ','),
                             (21, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 42, 'jj'),
                             (43, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 57, 'VBD'),
                             (58, 66, 'VVN'),
                             (67, 71, 'in'),
                             (72, 75, 'dt'),
                             (76, 82, 'nn'),
                             (83, 85, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 29, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (67, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653809) PENN in sentence 4154706:

running the crisis , although other senior officials were 
------- --- ------ - -------- ----- ------ --------- ---- 
VVG     dt  nn     , in       jj    jj     nns       VBD  

involved over the course of
-------- ---- --- ------ --
VVN      in   dt  nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] ,
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] jj
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 76
[name] nn
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333320456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'running the crisis , although other senior '
                             'officials were involved over the course of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 374,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'running the crisis , although other senior officials were involved '
          'over the course of'},
 {'ID': 4154707,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 10, 'nn'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154707) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the summer .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653810,
                     'NER': [(4, 10, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 10, 'nn'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (11, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653810) PENN in sentence 4154707:

the summer .   
--- ------ -   
dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 4
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333322952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the summer .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 375,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the summer .'},
 {'ID': 4154708,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'to'),
          (15, 18, 'PP$'),
          (19, 24, 'jj'),
          (25, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 55, ','),
          (56, 59, 'cc'),
          (60, 66, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154708) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In addition to his daily meetings with President Bush , and 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653811,
                     'NER': [(49, 53, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'to'),
                             (15, 18, 'PP$'),
                             (19, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 55, ','),
                             (56, 59, 'cc'),
                             (60, 66, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653811) PENN in sentence 4154708:

In addition to his daily meetings with President Bush , and 
-- -------- -- --- ----- -------- ---- --------- ---- - --- 
in nn       to PP$ jj    nns      in   NP        NP   , cc  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] to
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] ,
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] cc
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 52
[start] 49
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333324008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In addition to his daily meetings with President '
                             'Bush , and weekly'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 375,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In addition to his daily meetings with President Bush , and weekly'},
 {'ID': 4154709,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 14, 'VV'),
          (15, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 44, ','),
          (45, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 54, 'VBD'),
          (55, 63, 'VVG'),
          (64, 73, 'rb'),
          (74, 78, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154709) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

meetings to go over other issues with Rice , Tenet was speaking 

regularly with

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653812,
                     'NER': [(38, 42, 'person'), (45, 50, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 14, 'VV'),
                             (15, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 44, ','),
                             (45, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 54, 'VBD'),
                             (55, 63, 'VVG'),
                             (64, 73, 'rb'),
                             (74, 78, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (64, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653812) PENN in sentence 4154709:

meetings to go over other issues with Rice , Tenet was speaking 
-------- -- -- ---- ----- ------ ---- ---- - ----- --- -------- 
nns      to VV in   jj    nns    in   NP   , NP    VBD VVG      

regularly with
--------- ----
rb        in  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] VV
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] ,
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 62
[start] 55
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] rb
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 41
[start] 38
[name] person
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333334856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'meetings to go over other issues with Rice , '
                             'Tenet was speaking regularly with'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 376,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'meetings to go over other issues with Rice , Tenet was speaking '
          'regularly with'},
 {'ID': 4154710,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 35, 'cc'),
          (36, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 72, 'NP'),
          (73, 74, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154710) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of Defense Donald 

Rumsfeld .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653813,
                     'NER': [(13, 18, 'organization'),
                             (19, 31, 'person'),
                             (49, 56, 'organization'),
                             (57, 72, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 35, 'cc'),
                             (36, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 72, 'NP'),
                             (73, 74, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653813) PENN in sentence 4154710:

Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of Defense Donald 
--------- -- ----- ----- ------ --- --------- -- ------- ------ 
NP        in NP    NP    NP     cc  NP        in NP      NP     

Rumsfeld .   
-------- -   
NP       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] cc
                                          [end] 44
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 17,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 13},
                                          [end] 30
[start] 19
[name] person
                                          {'end': 55,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 49},
                                          [end] 71
[start] 57
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333350088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of '
                             'Defense Donald Rumsfeld .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 377,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of Defense Donald '
          'Rumsfeld .'},
 {'ID': 4154711,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154711) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653814,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653814) PENN in sentence 4154711:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333365608>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 377,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The'},
 {'ID': 4154712,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 25, 'nns'),
          (26, 35, 'rb'),
          (36, 42, 'VVD'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 74, 'dt'),
          (75, 82, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154712) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

foreign policy principals routinely talked on the telephone every

 day on a variety

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653815,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 35, 'rb'),
                             (36, 42, 'VVD'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 74, 'dt'),
                             (75, 82, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(26, 35, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (60, 65, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653815) PENN in sentence 4154712:

foreign policy principals routinely talked on the telephone every
------- ------ ---------- --------- ------ -- --- --------- -----
jj      nn     nns        rb        VVD    in dt  nn        dt   

 day on a  variety
 --- -- -  -------
 nn  in dt nn     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] rb
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333366280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'foreign policy principals routinely talked on '
                             'the telephone every day on a variety'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 378,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'foreign policy principals routinely talked on the telephone every '
          'day on a variety'},
 {'ID': 4154713,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 9, 'nns'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154713) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

of topics .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653816,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 9, 'nns'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653816) PENN in sentence 4154713:

of topics .   
-- ------ -   
in nns    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333368584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'of topics .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 379,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'of topics .'},
 {'ID': 4154714,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'VVD'),
          (12, 14, 'PP'),
          (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
          (20, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 31, 'cd'),
          (32, 33, ','),
          (34, 36, 'PP'),
          (37, 40, 'cc'),
          (41, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 49, 'VVD'),
          (50, 53, 'rb'),
          (54, 58, 'VV'),
          (59, 63, 'PP'),
          (64, 67, 'VHD'),
          (68, 71, 'dt'),
          (72, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 78, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154714) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Hadley told us that before 9/11 , he and Rice did not feel they 

had the job of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653817,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person'), (41, 45, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'VVD'),
                             (12, 14, 'PP'),
                             (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
                             (20, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 31, 'cd'),
                             (32, 33, ','),
                             (34, 36, 'PP'),
                             (37, 40, 'cc'),
                             (41, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 49, 'VVD'),
                             (50, 53, 'rb'),
                             (54, 58, 'VV'),
                             (59, 63, 'PP'),
                             (64, 67, 'VHD'),
                             (68, 71, 'dt'),
                             (72, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 78, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (20, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (59, 63, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653817) PENN in sentence 4154714:

Hadley told us that    before 9/11 , he and Rice did not feel 
------ ---- -- ----    ------ ---- - -- --- ---- --- --- ---- 
NP     VVD  PP IN/that in     cd   , PP cc  NP   VVD rb  VV   

they had the job of
---- --- --- --- --
PP   VHD dt  nn  in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] PP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] cd
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] PP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] cc
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] rb
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] VV
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] PP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333377800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Hadley told us that before 9/11 , he and Rice '
                             'did not feel they had the job of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 381,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Hadley told us that before 9/11 , he and Rice did not feel they had '
          'the job of'},
 {'ID': 4154715,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'VVG'), (13, 21, 'jj'), (22, 30, 'nns'), (31, 32, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154715) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

coordinating domestic agencies .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653818,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'VVG'),
                             (13, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 32, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(31, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653818) PENN in sentence 4154715:

coordinating domestic agencies .   
------------ -------- -------- -   
VVG          jj       nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333381448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'coordinating domestic agencies .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 382,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'coordinating domestic agencies .'},
 {'ID': 4154716,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 9, 'VVD'),
          (10, 14, 'IN/that'),
          (15, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 25, 'cc'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 35, '('),
          (36, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 53, ')')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154716) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They felt that Clarke and the CSG ( part of the NSC )

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653819,
                     'NER': [(15, 21, 'person'),
                             (30, 33, 'organization'),
                             (48, 51, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 9, 'VVD'),
                             (10, 14, 'IN/that'),
                             (15, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 25, 'cc'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 35, '('),
                             (36, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 53, ')')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (15, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653819) PENN in sentence 4154716:

They felt that    Clarke and the CSG ( part of the NSC )
---- ---- ----    ------ --- --- --- - ---- -- --- --- -
PP   VVD  IN/that NP     cc  dt  NP  ( nn   in dt  NP  )
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] cc
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] (
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] )
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 15
[name] person
                                          {'end': 32,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 30},
                                          {'end': 50,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 48}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333398856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They felt that Clarke and the CSG ( part of the '
                             'NSC )'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 382,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They felt that Clarke and the CSG ( part of the NSC )'},
 {'ID': 4154717,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 15, 'POS'),
          (16, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 42, 'cc'),
          (43, 51, 'jj'),
          (52, 59, 'nns'),
          (60, 61, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154717) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

were the NSC 's bridge between foreign and domestic threats .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653820,
                     'NER': [(9, 12, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 15, 'POS'),
                             (16, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 42, 'cc'),
                             (43, 51, 'jj'),
                             (52, 59, 'nns'),
                             (60, 61, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (23, 30, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653820) PENN in sentence 4154717:

were the NSC 's  bridge between foreign and domestic threats .   
---- --- --- --  ------ ------- ------- --- -------- ------- -   
VBD  dt  NP  POS nn     in      jj      cc  jj       nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] POS
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] jj
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] cc
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] nns
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 11,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 9}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333401832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "were the NSC 's bridge between foreign and "
                             'domestic threats .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 383,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "were the NSC 's bridge between foreign and domestic threats ."},
 {'ID': 4154718,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
          (6, 9, 'VBD'),
          (10, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 17, 'jj'),
          (18, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 41, 'nns'),
          (42, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'to'),
          (57, 64, 'jj'),
          (65, 71, 'cc'),
          (72, 80, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154718) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

There was a clear disparity in the levels of response to foreign 

versus domestic

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653821,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
                             (6, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 17, 'jj'),
                             (18, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 41, 'nns'),
                             (42, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'to'),
                             (57, 64, 'jj'),
                             (65, 71, 'cc'),
                             (72, 80, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (65, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653821) PENN in sentence 4154718:

There was a  clear disparity in the levels of response to foreign
----- --- -  ----- --------- -- --- ------ -- -------- -- -------
ex    VBD dt jj    nn        in dt  nns    in nn       to jj     

 versus domestic
 ------ --------
 cc     jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] ex
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] nns
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] to
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] jj
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] cc
                                          [end] 79
[start] 72
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333420584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'There was a clear disparity in the levels of '
                             'response to foreign versus domestic'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 385,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'There was a clear disparity in the levels of response to foreign '
          'versus domestic'},
 {'ID': 4154719,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154719) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

threats .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653822,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653822) PENN in sentence 4154719:

threats .   
------- -   
nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333439720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'threats .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 386,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'threats .'},
 {'ID': 4154720,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 21, 'VBD'),
          (22, 27, 'VVN'),
          (28, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 39, 'to'),
          (40, 47, 'VV'),
          (48, 56, 'jj'),
          (57, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 75, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154720) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Numerous actions were taken overseas to disrupt possible attacks-


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653823,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 21, 'VBD'),
                             (22, 27, 'VVN'),
                             (28, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 39, 'to'),
                             (40, 47, 'VV'),
                             (48, 56, 'jj'),
                             (57, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 75, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 21, 'NT'), (28, 36, 'NT'), (37, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653823) PENN in sentence 4154720:

Numerous actions were taken overseas to disrupt possible attacks-
-------- ------- ---- ----- -------- -- ------- -------- --------
jj       nns     VBD  VVN   rb       to VV      jj       nn      

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] rb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] VV
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333440488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Numerous actions were taken overseas to disrupt '
                             'possible attacks- enlisting'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 386,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Numerous actions were taken overseas to disrupt possible attacks- '
 {'ID': 4154721,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 19, 'to'),
          (20, 25, 'VV'),
          (26, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 41, 'nns'),
          (42, 43, ','),
          (44, 51, 'VVG'),
          (52, 61, 'nns'),
          (62, 63, ','),
          (64, 70, 'VVG'),
          (71, 79, 'jj'),
          (80, 86, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154721) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

foreign partners to upset terrorist plans , closing embassies , 

moving military assets

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653824,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 19, 'to'),
                             (20, 25, 'VV'),
                             (26, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 41, 'nns'),
                             (42, 43, ','),
                             (44, 51, 'VVG'),
                             (52, 61, 'nns'),
                             (62, 63, ','),
                             (64, 70, 'VVG'),
                             (71, 79, 'jj'),
                             (80, 86, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 19, 'NT'), (42, 43, 'NT'), (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653824) PENN in sentence 4154721:

foreign partners to upset terrorist plans , closing embassies , 
------- -------- -- ----- --------- ----- - ------- --------- - 
jj      nns      to VV    jj        nns   , VVG     nns       , 

moving military assets
------ -------- ------
VVG    jj       nns   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] to
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] VV
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] ,
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] nns
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] ,
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 78
[start] 71
[name] jj
                                          [end] 85
[start] 80
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333442216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'foreign partners to upset terrorist plans , '
                             'closing embassies , moving military assets'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 387,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'foreign partners to upset terrorist plans , closing embassies , '
          'moving military assets'},
 {'ID': 4154722,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
          (4, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 26, 'jj'),
          (27, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 33, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154722) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

out of the way of possible harm .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653825,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
                             (4, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 26, 'jj'),
                             (27, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 33, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653825) PENN in sentence 4154722:

out of the way of possible harm .   
--- -- --- --- -- -------- ---- -   
rb  in dt  nn  in jj       nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] jj
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333452488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'out of the way of possible harm .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 388,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'out of the way of possible harm .'},
 {'ID': 4154723,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
          (4, 8, 'rbr'),
          (9, 12, 'VBD'),
          (13, 17, 'VVN'),
          (18, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 41, ','),
          (42, 49, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154723) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Far less was done domestically- in part , surely,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653826,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
                             (4, 8, 'rbr'),
                             (9, 12, 'VBD'),
                             (13, 17, 'VVN'),
                             (18, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 41, ','),
                             (42, 49, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 17, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 49, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653826) PENN in sentence 4154723:

Far less was done domestically- in part , surely,
--- ---- --- ---- ------------- -- ---- - -------
rb  rbr  VBD VVN  nn            in nn   , NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 30
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] ,
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333454312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Far less was done domestically- in part , '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 388,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Far less was done domestically- in part , surely,'},
 {'ID': 4154724,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 10, 'to'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
          (27, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 40, 'VVD'),
          (41, 46, 'VV'),
          (47, 48, ','),
          (49, 53, 'PP'),
          (54, 63, 'VVD'),
          (64, 66, 'to'),
          (67, 74, 'nns'),
          (75, 83, 'jj'),
          (84, 85, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154724) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

because to the extent that specifics did exist , they pertained 

to threats overseas .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653827,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 10, 'to'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
                             (27, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 40, 'VVD'),
                             (41, 46, 'VV'),
                             (47, 48, ','),
                             (49, 53, 'PP'),
                             (54, 63, 'VVD'),
                             (64, 66, 'to'),
                             (67, 74, 'nns'),
                             (75, 83, 'jj'),
                             (84, 85, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 53, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653827) PENN in sentence 4154724:

because to the extent that    specifics did exist , they 
------- -- --- ------ ----    --------- --- ----- - ---- 
in      to dt  nn     IN/that nns       VVD VV    , PP   

pertained to threats overseas .   
--------- -- ------- -------- -   
VVD       to nns     jj       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] to
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 35
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] VV
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] PP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] to
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] nns
                                          [end] 82
[start] 75
[name] jj
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333472776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'because to the extent that specifics did exist , '
                             'they pertained to threats overseas .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 389,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'because to the extent that specifics did exist , they pertained to '
          'threats overseas .'},
 {'ID': 4154725,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'rb'),
          (3, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 16, 'rbr'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 64, 'rb'),
          (65, 73, 'VVD'),
          (74, 76, 'in'),
          (77, 80, 'PP$')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154725) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As noted earlier , a threat against the embassy in Yemen quickly 

resulted in its

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653828,
                     'NER': [(51, 56, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'rb'),
                             (3, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 16, 'rbr'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 64, 'rb'),
                             (65, 73, 'VVD'),
                             (74, 76, 'in'),
                             (77, 80, 'PP$')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (9, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (28, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 64, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653828) PENN in sentence 4154725:

As noted earlier , a  threat against the embassy in Yemen quickly
-- ----- ------- - -  ------ ------- --- ------- -- ----- -------
rb VVD   rbr     , dt nn     in      dt  nn      in NP    rb     

 resulted in its
 -------- -- ---
 VVD      in PP$
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] rb
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] PP$
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 55
[start] 51
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333475560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As noted earlier , a threat against the embassy '
                             'in Yemen quickly resulted in its'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 390,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As noted earlier , a threat against the embassy in Yemen quickly '
          'resulted in its'},
 {'ID': 4154726,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154726) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

closing .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653829,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653829) PENN in sentence 4154726:

closing .   
------- -   
nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333486888>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'closing .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 391,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'closing .'},
 {'ID': 4154727,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 17, 'jj'),
          (18, 25, 'nns'),
          (26, 30, 'VBD'),
          (31, 35, 'rbr'),
          (36, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 43, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154727) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Possible domestic threats were more vague .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653830,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 17, 'jj'),
                             (18, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 30, 'VBD'),
                             (31, 35, 'rbr'),
                             (36, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 43, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(26, 30, 'NT'), (31, 35, 'NT'), (42, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653830) PENN in sentence 4154727:

Possible domestic threats were more vague .   
-------- -------- ------- ---- ---- ----- -   
jj       jj       nns     VBD  rbr  jj    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333487656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Possible domestic threats were more vague .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 391,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Possible domestic threats were more vague .'},
 {'ID': 4154728,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
          (5, 12, 'nns'),
          (13, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 20, 'rb'),
          (21, 28, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154728) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

When reports did not specify

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653831,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
                             (5, 12, 'nns'),
                             (13, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 20, 'rb'),
                             (21, 28, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (13, 16, 'NT'), (17, 20, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653831) PENN in sentence 4154728:

When reports did not specify
---- ------- --- --- -------
wrb  nns     VVD rb  VV     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333501448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'When reports did not specify'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 391,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'When reports did not specify'},
 {'ID': 4154729,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'wrb'),
          (6, 9, 'dt'),
          (10, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 22, 'VBD'),
          (23, 25, 'to'),
          (26, 30, 'VV'),
          (31, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 38, ','),
          (39, 48, 'nns'),
          (49, 57, 'VVN'),
          (58, 62, 'IN/that'),
          (63, 67, 'PP'),
          (68, 73, 'md'),
          (74, 79, 'rb'),
          (80, 82, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154729) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

where the attacks were to take place , officials presumed that 

they would again be

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653832,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'wrb'),
                             (6, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 22, 'VBD'),
                             (23, 25, 'to'),
                             (26, 30, 'VV'),
                             (31, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 38, ','),
                             (39, 48, 'nns'),
                             (49, 57, 'VVN'),
                             (58, 62, 'IN/that'),
                             (63, 67, 'PP'),
                             (68, 73, 'md'),
                             (74, 79, 'rb'),
                             (80, 82, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653832) PENN in sentence 4154729:

where the attacks were to take place , officials presumed that   
----- --- ------- ---- -- ---- ----- - --------- -------- ----   
wrb   dt  nns     VBD  to VV   nn    , nns       VVN      IN/that

 they would again be
 ---- ----- ----- --
 PP   md    rb    vb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] VV
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] ,
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] PP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] md
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] rb
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333502696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'where the attacks were to take place , officials '
                             'presumed that they would again be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 392,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'where the attacks were to take place , officials presumed that they '
          'would again be'},
 {'ID': 4154730,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 22, 'PP'),
          (23, 26, 'VVD'),
          (27, 30, 'rb'),
          (31, 35, 'VV'),
          (36, 39, 'rp'),
          (40, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 55, 'dt'),
          (56, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 69, 'NPS'),
          (70, 71, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154730) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

overseas , though they did not rule out a target in the United 

States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653833,
                     'NER': [(56, 69, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 22, 'PP'),
                             (23, 26, 'VVD'),
                             (27, 30, 'rb'),
                             (31, 35, 'VV'),
                             (36, 39, 'rp'),
                             (40, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 55, 'dt'),
                             (56, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 69, 'NPS'),
                             (70, 71, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653833) PENN in sentence 4154730:

overseas , though they did not rule out a  target in the United 
-------- - ------ ---- --- --- ---- --- -  ------ -- --- ------ 
rb       , in     PP   VVD rb  VV   rp  dt nn     in dt  NP     

States .   
------ -   
NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] PP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] rb
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VV
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] rp
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 63
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 68
[start] 56
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333517832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'overseas , though they did not rule out a target '
                             'in the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 393,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'overseas , though they did not rule out a target in the United '
          'States .'},
 {'ID': 4154731,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 7, 'in'), (8, 11, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154731) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Each of the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653834,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 7, 'in'), (8, 11, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 7, 'NT'), (8, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653834) PENN in sentence 4154731:

Each of the
---- -- ---
dt   in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333529352>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Each of the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 393,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Each of the'},
 {'ID': 4154732,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 26, 'VVD'),
          (27, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154732) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

FBI threat advisories made this point .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653835,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 26, 'VVD'),
                             (27, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (27, 31, 'NT'), (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653835) PENN in sentence 4154732:

FBI threat advisories made this point .   
--- ------ ---------- ---- ---- ----- -   
NP  nn     nns        VVD  dt   nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 11
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333530408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'FBI threat advisories made this point .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 394,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'FBI threat advisories made this point .'},
 {'ID': 4154733,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 19, 'to'),
          (20, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 59, 'jjs'),
          (60, 65, 'rb'),
          (66, 70, 'IN/that'),
          (71, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 79, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154733) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Clarke mentioned to National Security Advisor Rice at least twice

 that al Qaeda

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653836,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person'),
                             (46, 50, 'person'),
                             (71, 79, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 19, 'to'),
                             (20, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 59, 'jjs'),
                             (60, 65, 'rb'),
                             (66, 70, 'IN/that'),
                             (71, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 79, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (60, 65, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653836) PENN in sentence 4154733:

Clarke mentioned to National Security Advisor Rice at least twice
------ --------- -- -------- -------- ------- ---- -- ----- -----
NP     VVD       to NP       NP       NP      NP   in jjs   rb   

 that    al Qaeda
 ----    -- -----
 IN/that NP NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] to
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] rb
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] person
                                          [end] 78
[start] 71
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333531944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Clarke mentioned to National Security Advisor '
                             'Rice at least twice that al Qaeda'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 396,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Clarke mentioned to National Security Advisor Rice at least twice '
          'that al Qaeda'},
 {'ID': 4154734,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 13, 'nns'),
          (14, 18, 'VBD'),
          (19, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 46, 'NPS'),
          (47, 48, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154734) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

sleeper cells were likely in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653837,
                     'NER': [(33, 46, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 13, 'nns'),
                             (14, 18, 'VBD'),
                             (19, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 46, 'NPS'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 18, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653837) PENN in sentence 4154734:

sleeper cells were likely in the United States .   
------- ----- ---- ------ -- --- ------ ------ -   
nn      nns   VBD  jj     in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 45
[start] 33
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333551368>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'sleeper cells were likely in the United States '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 397,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'sleeper cells were likely in the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154735,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 15, 'cd'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 34, 'VVD'),
          (35, 36, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154735) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In January 2001 , Clarke forwarded a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653838,
                     'NER': [(3, 15, 'date'), (18, 24, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 15, 'cd'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 34, 'VVD'),
                             (35, 36, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 24, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653838) PENN in sentence 4154735:

In January 2001 , Clarke forwarded a 
-- ------- ---- - ------ --------- - 
in NP      cd   , NP     VVD       dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] cd
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333553384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In January 2001 , Clarke forwarded a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 397,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In January 2001 , Clarke forwarded a'},
 {'ID': 4154736,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 17, 'to'),
          (18, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 35, 'IN/that'),
          (36, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 48, 'VHD'),
          (49, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 80, 'NPS'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154736) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

strategy paper to Rice warning that al Qaeda had a presence in 

the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653839,
                     'NER': [(36, 44, 'person'), (67, 80, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 17, 'to'),
                             (18, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 35, 'IN/that'),
                             (36, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 48, 'VHD'),
                             (49, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 80, 'NPS'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 44, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653839) PENN in sentence 4154736:

strategy paper to Rice warning that    al Qaeda had a  presence 
-------- ----- -- ---- ------- ----    -- ----- --- -  -------- 
nn       nn    to NP   nn      IN/that NP NP    VHD dt nn       

in the United States .   
-- --- ------ ------ -   
in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] to
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 43
[start] 36
[name] person
                                          [end] 79
[start] 67
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333567656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'strategy paper to Rice warning that al Qaeda had '
                             'a presence in the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 398,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'strategy paper to Rice warning that al Qaeda had a presence in the '
          'United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154737,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154737) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653840,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653840) PENN in sentence 4154737:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333583176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 398,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He'},
 {'ID': 4154738,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVD'),
          (6, 10, 'IN/that'),
          (11, 14, 'cd'),
          (15, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 52, 'jj'),
          (53, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 66, 'VVN'),
          (67, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 73, 'dt'),
          (74, 84, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154738) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

noted that two key al Qaeda members in the Jordanian cell 

involved in the millennium

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653841,
                     'NER': [(19, 27, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVD'),
                             (6, 10, 'IN/that'),
                             (11, 14, 'cd'),
                             (15, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 52, 'jj'),
                             (53, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 66, 'VVN'),
                             (67, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 73, 'dt'),
                             (74, 84, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 27, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653841) PENN in sentence 4154738:

noted that    two key al Qaeda members in the Jordanian cell 
----- ----    --- --- -- ----- ------- -- --- --------- ---- 
VVD   IN/that cd  jj  NP NP    nns     in dt  jj        nn   

involved in the millennium
-------- -- --- ----------
VVN      in dt  nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cd
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] dt
                                          [end] 83
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 26,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333583848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'noted that two key al Qaeda members in the '
                             'Jordanian cell involved in the millennium'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 399,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'noted that two key al Qaeda members in the Jordanian cell involved '
          'in the millennium'},
 {'ID': 4154739,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 9, 'VBD'),
          (10, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 39, 'cc'),
          (40, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 48, 'cd'),
          (49, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 67, 'VVN'),
          (68, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 74, 'dt'),
          (75, 79, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154739) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

plot were naturalized U.S. citizens and that one jihadist 

suspected in the East

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653842,
                     'NER': [(22, 26, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 39, 'cc'),
                             (40, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 48, 'cd'),
                             (49, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 67, 'VVN'),
                             (68, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 74, 'dt'),
                             (75, 79, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (22, 26, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653842) PENN in sentence 4154739:

plot were naturalized U.S. citizens and that one jihadist 
---- ---- ----------- ---- -------- --- ---- --- -------- 
nn   VBD  VVN         NP   nns      cc  dt   cd  nn       

suspected in the East
--------- -- --- ----
VVN       in dt  NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] cc
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] cd
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 58
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] in
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 22
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333598888>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'plot were naturalized U.S. citizens and that one '
                             'jihadist suspected in the East'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 400,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'plot were naturalized U.S. citizens and that one jihadist suspected '
          'in the East'},
 {'ID': 4154740,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 15, 'nns'),
          (16, 19, 'VHD'),
          (20, 22, '``'),
          (23, 31, 'VVN'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 44, 'IN/that'),
          (45, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 57, 'jj'),
          (58, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 85, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154740) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Africa bombings had `` informed the FBI that an extensive network

 of al Qida 'sleeper

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653843,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'location'),
                             (36, 39, 'organization'),
                             (69, 85, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 15, 'nns'),
                             (16, 19, 'VHD'),
                             (20, 22, '``'),
                             (23, 31, 'VVN'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 44, 'IN/that'),
                             (45, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 57, 'jj'),
                             (58, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 85, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653843) PENN in sentence 4154740:

Africa bombings had `` informed the FBI that    an extensive 
------ -------- --- -- -------- --- --- ----    -- --------- 
NP     nns      VHD `` VVN      dt  NP  IN/that dt jj        

network of al Qida 'sleeper
------- -- -- ---- --------
nn      in NP NP   nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] nns
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] ``
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                          [end] 84
[start] 77
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          {'end': 38,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 36},
                                          {'end': 84,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 69}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333601576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Africa bombings had `` informed the FBI that an '
                             "extensive network of al Qida 'sleeper"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 401,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Africa bombings had `` informed the FBI that an extensive network '
          "of al Qida 'sleeper"},
 {'ID': 4154741,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
          (7, 8, 'POS'),
          (9, 18, 'rb'),
          (19, 25, 'VVZ'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 37, 'sent'),
          (38, 40, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154741) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agents ' currently exists in the US . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653844,
                     'NER': [(33, 35, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
                             (7, 8, 'POS'),
                             (9, 18, 'rb'),
                             (19, 25, 'VVZ'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 37, 'sent'),
                             (38, 40, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 18, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653844) PENN in sentence 4154741:

agents '   currently exists in the US .    ''
------ -   --------- ------ -- --- -- -    --
nns    POS rb        VVZ    in dt  NP sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] POS
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] sent
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 33
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333617000>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "agents ' currently exists in the US . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 402,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "agents ' currently exists in the US . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154742,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
          (14, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 23, 'POS'),
          (24, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 46, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154742) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He added that Ressam 's abortive December 1999

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653845,
                     'NER': [(14, 20, 'person'), (33, 46, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
                             (14, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 23, 'POS'),
                             (24, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 46, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (14, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (33, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653845) PENN in sentence 4154742:

He added that    Ressam 's  abortive December 1999
-- ----- ----    ------ --  -------- -------- ----
PP VVD   IN/that NP     POS jj       NP       cd  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] POS
                                          [end] 31
[start] 24
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 14
[name] person
                                          [end] 45
[start] 33
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333619112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "He added that Ressam 's abortive December 1999"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 402,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "He added that Ressam 's abortive December 1999"},
 {'ID': 4154743,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 56, 'NPS'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154743) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

attack revealed al Qaeda supporters in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653846,
                     'NER': [(16, 24, 'person'), (43, 56, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 56, 'NPS'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653846) PENN in sentence 4154743:

attack revealed al Qaeda supporters in the United States .   
------ -------- -- ----- ---------- -- --- ------ ------ -   
nn     VVD      NP NP    nns        in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 16
[name] person
                                          [end] 55
[start] 43
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333629384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'attack revealed al Qaeda supporters in the '
                             'United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 403,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'attack revealed al Qaeda supporters in the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154744,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
          (4, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 22, 'rb'),
          (23, 24, ','),
          (25, 28, 'VBD'),
          (29, 34, 'VVN'),
          (35, 38, 'rb'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 45, 'jj'),
          (46, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 66, 'cc'),
          (67, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 74, 'jj'),
          (75, 85, 'nn'),
          (86, 87, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154744) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

His analysis , however , was based not on new threat reporting 

but on past experience .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653847,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 22, 'rb'),
                             (23, 24, ','),
                             (25, 28, 'VBD'),
                             (29, 34, 'VVN'),
                             (35, 38, 'rb'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 45, 'jj'),
                             (46, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 66, 'cc'),
                             (67, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 74, 'jj'),
                             (75, 85, 'nn'),
                             (86, 87, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT'),
                             (86, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653847) PENN in sentence 4154744:

His analysis , however , was based not on new threat reporting 
--- -------- - ------- - --- ----- --- -- --- ------ --------- 
PP$ nn       , rb      , VBD VVN   rb  in jj  nn     nn        

but on past experience .   
--- -- ---- ---------- -   
cc  in jj   nn         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] rb
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] jj
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] cc
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] jj
                                          [end] 84
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                          [end] 86
[start] 86
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333644040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'His analysis , however , was based not on new '
                             'threat reporting but on past experience .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 405,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'His analysis , however , was based not on new threat reporting but '
          'on past experience .'},
 {'ID': 4154745,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 16, 'cd'),
          (17, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 29, 'VVD'),
          (30, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 55, 'dt'),
          (56, 63, 'jj'),
          (64, 67, 'cc'),
          (68, 76, 'jj'),
          (77, 84, 'nns'),
          (85, 86, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154745) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The September 11 attacks fell into the void between the foreign 

and domestic threats .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653848,
                     'NER': [(4, 16, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 29, 'VVD'),
                             (30, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 55, 'dt'),
                             (56, 63, 'jj'),
                             (64, 67, 'cc'),
                             (68, 76, 'jj'),
                             (77, 84, 'nns'),
                             (85, 86, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (44, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT'),
                             (85, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653848) PENN in sentence 4154745:

The September 11 attacks fell into the void between the foreign 
--- --------- -- ------- ---- ---- --- ---- ------- --- ------- 
dt  NP        cd nns     VVD  in   dt  nn   in      dt  jj      

and domestic threats .   
--- -------- ------- -   
cc  jj       nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] cd
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 56
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] cc
                                          [end] 75
[start] 68
[name] jj
                                          [end] 83
[start] 77
[name] nns
                                          [end] 85
[start] 85
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 4
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
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[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 85
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333647112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The September 11 attacks fell into the void '
                             'between the foreign and domestic threats .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 406,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The September 11 attacks fell into the void between the foreign and '
          'domestic threats .'},
 {'ID': 4154746,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 38, 'VBD'),
          (39, 47, 'VVG'),
          (48, 56, 'jj'),
          (57, 58, ','),
          (59, 64, 'jj'),
          (65, 67, 'to'),
          (68, 75, 'jj'),
          (76, 83, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154746) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The foreign intelligence agencies were watching overseas , alert 

to foreign threats

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653849,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 38, 'VBD'),
                             (39, 47, 'VVG'),
                             (48, 56, 'jj'),
                             (57, 58, ','),
                             (59, 64, 'jj'),
                             (65, 67, 'to'),
                             (68, 75, 'jj'),
                             (76, 83, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653849) PENN in sentence 4154746:

The foreign intelligence agencies were watching overseas , alert 
--- ------- ------------ -------- ---- -------- -------- - ----- 
dt  jj      nn           nns      VBD  VVG      jj       , jj    

to foreign threats
-- ------- -------
to jj      nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 39
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] ,
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] to
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] jj
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333662344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The foreign intelligence agencies were watching '
                             'overseas , alert to foreign threats'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 407,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The foreign intelligence agencies were watching overseas , alert to '
          'foreign threats'},
 {'ID': 4154747,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 23, 'rb'),
          (24, 25, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154747) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to U.S. interests there .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653850,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 23, 'rb'),
                             (24, 25, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (18, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653850) PENN in sentence 4154747:

to U.S. interests there .   
-- ---- --------- ----- -   
to NP   nns       rb    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333676712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to U.S. interests there .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 408,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to U.S. interests there .'},
 {'ID': 4154748,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 12, 'jj'),
          (13, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 26, 'VBD'),
          (27, 34, 'VVG'),
          (35, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 52, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154748) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The domestic agencies were waiting for evidence of a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653851,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 26, 'VBD'),
                             (27, 34, 'VVG'),
                             (35, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 52, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (22, 26, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653851) PENN in sentence 4154748:

The domestic agencies were waiting for evidence of a 
--- -------- -------- ---- ------- --- -------- -- - 
dt  jj       nns      VBD  VVG     in  nn       in dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333678152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The domestic agencies were waiting for evidence '
                             'of a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 408,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The domestic agencies were waiting for evidence of a'},
 {'ID': 4154749,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 34, 'nns'),
          (35, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 59, 'NPS'),
          (60, 61, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154749) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

domestic threat from sleeper cells within the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653852,
                     'NER': [(46, 59, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 34, 'nns'),
                             (35, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 59, 'NPS'),
                             (60, 61, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (35, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653852) PENN in sentence 4154749:

domestic threat from sleeper cells within the United States .   
-------- ------ ---- ------- ----- ------ --- ------ ------ -   
jj       nn     in   nn      nns   in     dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 58
[start] 46
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333679976>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'domestic threat from sleeper cells within the '
                             'United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 409,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'domestic threat from sleeper cells within the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154750,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'cd'),
          (7, 10, 'VBD'),
          (11, 18, 'VVG'),
          (19, 22, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154750) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No one was looking for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653853,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'cd'),
                             (7, 10, 'VBD'),
                             (11, 18, 'VVG'),
                             (19, 22, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653853) PENN in sentence 4154750:

No one was looking for
-- --- --- ------- ---
dt cd  VBD VVG     in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] cd
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333698536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No one was looking for'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 409,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No one was looking for'},
 {'ID': 4154751,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 19, 'to'),
          (20, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154751) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

a foreign threat to domestic targets .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653854,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 19, 'to'),
                             (20, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'), (17, 19, 'NT'), (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653854) PENN in sentence 4154751:

a  foreign threat to domestic targets .   
-  ------- ------ -- -------- ------- -   
dt jj      nn     to jj       nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 2
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] to
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333699880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'a foreign threat to domestic targets .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 410,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'a foreign threat to domestic targets .'},
 {'ID': 4154752,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 15, 'wdt'),
          (16, 19, 'VBD'),
          (20, 26, 'VVG'),
          (27, 30, 'VBD'),
          (31, 34, 'rb'),
          (35, 39, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154752) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The threat that was coming was not from

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653855,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 15, 'wdt'),
                             (16, 19, 'VBD'),
                             (20, 26, 'VVG'),
                             (27, 30, 'VBD'),
                             (31, 34, 'rb'),
                             (35, 39, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653855) PENN in sentence 4154752:

The threat that was coming was not from
--- ------ ---- --- ------ --- --- ----
dt  nn     wdt  VBD VVG    VBD rb  in  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] rb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333713672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The threat that was coming was not from'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 410,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The threat that was coming was not from'},
 {'ID': 4154753,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'), (8, 13, 'nns'), (14, 15, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154753) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

sleeper cells .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653856,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'), (8, 13, 'nns'), (14, 15, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653856) PENN in sentence 4154753:

sleeper cells .   
------- ----- -   
nn      nns   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333715592>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'sleeper cells .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 411,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'sleeper cells .'},
 {'ID': 4154754,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VBD'),
          (7, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 34, 'nns'),
          (35, 38, 'wp'),
          (39, 42, 'VHD'),
          (43, 54, 'VVN'),
          (55, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 63, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154754) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It was foreign-but from foreigners who had infiltrated into the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653857,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VBD'),
                             (7, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 34, 'nns'),
                             (35, 38, 'wp'),
                             (39, 42, 'VHD'),
                             (43, 54, 'VVN'),
                             (55, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (19, 23, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (55, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653857) PENN in sentence 4154754:

It was foreign-but from foreigners who had infiltrated into the
-- --- ----------- ---- ---------- --- --- ----------- ---- ---
PP VBD nn          in   nns        wp  VHD VVN         in   dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] wp
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 53
[start] 43
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333716456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It was foreign-but from foreigners who had '
                             'infiltrated into the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 411,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It was foreign-but from foreigners who had infiltrated into the'},
 {'ID': 4154755,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 13, 'NPS'), (14, 15, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154755) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653858,
                     'NER': [(0, 13, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 13, 'NPS'), (14, 15, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'), (7, 13, 'NT'), (14, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653858) PENN in sentence 4154755:

United States .   
------ ------ -   
NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333726824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 412,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154756,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 47, 'VBZ'),
          (48, 52, 'IN/that'),
          (53, 61, 'jj'),
          (62, 70, 'nns'),
          (71, 74, 'VVD'),
          (75, 78, 'rb'),
          (79, 83, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154756) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A second cause of this disparity in response is that domestic 

agencies did not know

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653859,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 47, 'VBZ'),
                             (48, 52, 'IN/that'),
                             (53, 61, 'jj'),
                             (62, 70, 'nns'),
                             (71, 74, 'VVD'),
                             (75, 78, 'rb'),
                             (79, 83, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653859) PENN in sentence 4154756:

A  second cause of this disparity in response is  that    
-  ------ ----- -- ---- --------- -- -------- --  ----    
dt jj     nn    in dt   nn        in nn       VBZ IN/that 

domestic agencies did not know
-------- -------- --- --- ----
jj       nns      VVD rb  VV  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 2
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 60
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 69
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] rb
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333727976>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A second cause of this disparity in response is '
                             'that domestic agencies did not know'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 413,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A second cause of this disparity in response is that domestic '
          'agencies did not know'},
 {'ID': 4154757,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wp'),
          (5, 7, 'to'),
          (8, 10, 'VV'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 16, 'cc'),
          (17, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 23, 'cd'),
          (24, 28, 'VVD'),
          (29, 33, 'PP'),
          (34, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 45, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154757) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

what to do , and no one gave them direction .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653860,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wp'),
                             (5, 7, 'to'),
                             (8, 10, 'VV'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 16, 'cc'),
                             (17, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 23, 'cd'),
                             (24, 28, 'VVD'),
                             (29, 33, 'PP'),
                             (34, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 45, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653860) PENN in sentence 4154757:

what to do , and no one gave them direction .   
---- -- -- - --- -- --- ---- ---- --------- -   
wp   to VV , cc  dt cd  VVD  PP   nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wp
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] to
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] VV
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] cc
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] cd
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] PP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333742920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'what to do , and no one gave them direction .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 414,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'what to do , and no one gave them direction .'},
 {'ID': 4154758,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 15, 'PP'),
          (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 32, 'VVD'),
          (33, 36, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154758) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Cressey told us that the CSG did not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653861,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person'), (25, 28, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 15, 'PP'),
                             (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 32, 'VVD'),
                             (33, 36, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653861) PENN in sentence 4154758:

Cressey told us that    the CSG did not
------- ---- -- ----    --- --- --- ---
NP      VVD  PP IN/that dt  NP  VVD rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 27,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 25}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333745320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Cressey told us that the CSG did not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 414,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Cressey told us that the CSG did not'},
 {'ID': 4154759,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VV'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 21, 'wrb'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 32, 'VV'),
          (33, 35, 'to'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 47, 'nns'),
          (48, 49, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154759) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

tell the agencies how to respond to the threats .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653862,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VV'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 21, 'wrb'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 32, 'VV'),
                             (33, 35, 'to'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 47, 'nns'),
                             (48, 49, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653862) PENN in sentence 4154759:

tell the agencies how to respond to the threats .   
---- --- -------- --- -- ------- -- --- ------- -   
VV   dt  nns      wrb to VV      to dt  nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] VV
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] to
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333759784>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'tell the agencies how to respond to the threats '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 415,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'tell the agencies how to respond to the threats .'},
 {'ID': 4154760,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 26, 'nns'),
          (27, 31, 'wdt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154760) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He noted that the agencies that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653863,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 26, 'nns'),
                             (27, 31, 'wdt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (14, 17, 'NT'), (27, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653863) PENN in sentence 4154760:

He noted that    the agencies that
-- ----- ----    --- -------- ----
PP VVD   IN/that dt  nns      wdt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] wdt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333761800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He noted that the agencies that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 415,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He noted that the agencies that'},
 {'ID': 4154761,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
          (5, 14, 'VVG'),
          (15, 23, 'rb'),
          (24, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 31, 'rb'),
          (32, 36, 'VV'),
          (37, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 53, 'wrb'),
          (54, 56, 'to'),
          (57, 64, 'VV'),
          (65, 66, ':'),
          (67, 71, 'PP'),
          (72, 75, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154761) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

were operating overseas did not need direction on how to respond 

; they had

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653864,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
                             (5, 14, 'VVG'),
                             (15, 23, 'rb'),
                             (24, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 31, 'rb'),
                             (32, 36, 'VV'),
                             (37, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 53, 'wrb'),
                             (54, 56, 'to'),
                             (57, 64, 'VV'),
                             (65, 66, ':'),
                             (67, 71, 'PP'),
                             (72, 75, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (15, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653864) PENN in sentence 4154761:

were operating overseas did not need direction on how to respond 
---- --------- -------- --- --- ---- --------- -- --- -- ------- 
VBD  VVG       rb       VVD rb  VV   nn        in wrb to VV      

; they had
- ---- ---
: PP   VHD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] rb
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] VV
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] to
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] VV
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] :
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] PP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333771400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'were operating overseas did not need direction '
                             'on how to respond ; they had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 416,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'were operating overseas did not need direction on how to respond ; '
          'they had'},
 {'ID': 4154762,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 32, 'cc'),
          (33, 36, 'VHD'),
          (37, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 41, '``'),
          (42, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 52, 'sent'),
          (53, 55, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154762) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

experience with such threats and had a `` playbook . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653865,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 32, 'cc'),
                             (33, 36, 'VHD'),
                             (37, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 41, '``'),
                             (42, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 52, 'sent'),
                             (53, 55, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653865) PENN in sentence 4154762:

experience with such threats and had a  `` playbook .    ''
---------- ---- ---- ------- --- --- -  -- -------- -    --
nn         in   jj   nns     cc  VHD dt `` nn       sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] cc
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] ``
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] sent
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333774088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'experience with such threats and had a `` '
                             "playbook . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 417,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "experience with such threats and had a `` playbook . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154763,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 26, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154763) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In contrast , the domestic

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653866,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 26, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (12, 13, 'NT'), (14, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653866) PENN in sentence 4154763:

In contrast , the domestic
-- -------- - --- --------
in nn       , dt  jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333792648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In contrast , the domestic'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 417,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In contrast , the domestic'},
 {'ID': 4154764,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
          (9, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 16, 'rb'),
          (17, 21, 'VH'),
          (22, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 35, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154764) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agencies did not have a game plan .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653867,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 16, 'rb'),
                             (17, 21, 'VH'),
                             (22, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 35, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653867) PENN in sentence 4154764:

agencies did not have a  game plan .   
-------- --- --- ---- -  ---- ---- -   
nns      VVD rb  VH   dt nn   nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] rb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VH
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333793896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agencies did not have a game plan .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 418,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agencies did not have a game plan .'},
 {'ID': 4154765,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'cc'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 17, '('),
          (18, 27, 'VVG'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 37, ')'),
          (38, 41, 'cc'),
          (42, 48, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154765) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Neither the NSC ( including the CSG ) nor anyone

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653868,
                     'NER': [(12, 15, 'organization'),
                             (32, 35, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'cc'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 17, '('),
                             (18, 27, 'VVG'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 37, ')'),
                             (38, 41, 'cc'),
                             (42, 48, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653868) PENN in sentence 4154765:

Neither the NSC ( including the CSG ) nor anyone
------- --- --- - --------- --- --- - --- ------
cc      dt  NP  ( VVG       dt  NP  ) cc  nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] (
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] )
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] cc
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 14,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 12},
                                          {'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333812072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Neither the NSC ( including the CSG ) nor '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 418,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Neither the NSC ( including the CSG ) nor anyone'},
 {'ID': 4154766,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 15, 'VVN'),
          (16, 20, 'PP'),
          (21, 23, 'to'),
          (24, 30, 'VV'),
          (31, 34, 'cd'),
          (35, 36, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154766) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

else instructed them to create one .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653869,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 15, 'VVN'),
                             (16, 20, 'PP'),
                             (21, 23, 'to'),
                             (24, 30, 'VV'),
                             (31, 34, 'cd'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653869) PENN in sentence 4154766:

else instructed them to create one .   
---- ---------- ---- -- ------ --- -   
rb   VVN        PP   to VV     cd  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] PP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] VV
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] cd
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333814568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'else instructed them to create one .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 419,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'else instructed them to create one .'},
 {'ID': 4154767,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 26, 'VBD'),
          (27, 34, 'jj'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 48, 'cd'),
          (49, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 77, 'nns'),
          (78, 82, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154767) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

This lack of direction was evident in the July 5 meeting with 

representatives from

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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653870,
                     'NER': [(42, 48, 'date')],
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                             (5, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 26, 'VBD'),
                             (27, 34, 'jj'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 48, 'cd'),
                             (49, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 77, 'nns'),
                             (78, 82, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
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                             (47, 48, 'NT'),
                             (57, 61, 'NT'),
                             (78, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653870) PENN in sentence 4154767:

This lack of direction was evident in the July 5  meeting with 
---- ---- -- --------- --- ------- -- --- ---- -  ------- ---- 
dt   nn   in nn        VBD jj      in dt  NP   cd nn      in   

representatives from
--------------- ----
nns             in  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
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[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] cd
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 47
[start] 42
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
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[start] 23
[name] NT
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[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333824456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This lack of direction was evident in the July 5 '
                             'meeting with representatives from'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 421,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This lack of direction was evident in the July 5 meeting with '
          'representatives from'},
 {'ID': 4154768,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 12, 'jj'), (13, 21, 'nns'), (22, 23, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154768) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the domestic agencies .

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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653871,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 23, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (22, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653871) PENN in sentence 4154768:

the domestic agencies .   
--- -------- -------- -   
dt  jj       nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333827240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the domestic agencies .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 422,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the domestic agencies .'},
 {'ID': 4154769,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 20, 'VVN'),
          (21, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 42, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154769) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The briefing focused on overseas threats .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653872,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 20, 'VVN'),
                             (21, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (21, 23, 'NT'), (41, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653872) PENN in sentence 4154769:

The briefing focused on overseas threats .   
--- -------- ------- -- -------- ------- -   
dt  nn       VVN     in jj       nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 24
[name] jj
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333840648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The briefing focused on overseas threats .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 422,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The briefing focused on overseas threats .'},
 {'ID': 4154770,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 12, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154770) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The domestic

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653873,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 12, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653873) PENN in sentence 4154770:

The domestic
--- --------
dt  jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333842088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The domestic'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 422,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The domestic'},
 {'ID': 4154771,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
          (9, 13, 'VBD'),
          (14, 17, 'rb'),
          (18, 28, 'VVN'),
          (29, 34, 'rb'),
          (35, 38, 'wrb'),
          (39, 43, 'PP'),
          (44, 51, 'VVD'),
          (52, 54, 'to'),
          (55, 62, 'VV'),
          (63, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 77, 'cc'),
          (78, 82, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154771) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agencies were not questioned about how they planned to address 

the threat and were

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653874,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 13, 'VBD'),
                             (14, 17, 'rb'),
                             (18, 28, 'VVN'),
                             (29, 34, 'rb'),
                             (35, 38, 'wrb'),
                             (39, 43, 'PP'),
                             (44, 51, 'VVD'),
                             (52, 54, 'to'),
                             (55, 62, 'VV'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 77, 'cc'),
                             (78, 82, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (29, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653874) PENN in sentence 4154771:

agencies were not questioned about how they planned to address 
-------- ---- --- ---------- ----- --- ---- ------- -- ------- 
nns      VBD  rb  VVN        rb    wrb PP   VVD     to VV      

the threat and were
--- ------ --- ----
dt  nn     cc  VBD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 18
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] PP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] to
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] VV
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] cc
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333842856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agencies were not questioned about how they '
                             'planned to address the threat and were'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 423,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agencies were not questioned about how they planned to address the '
          'threat and were'},
 {'ID': 4154772,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
          (4, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 13, 'wp'),
          (14, 17, 'VBD'),
          (18, 26, 'VVN'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 34, 'PP'),
          (35, 36, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154772) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

not told what was expected of them .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653875,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
                             (4, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 13, 'wp'),
                             (14, 17, 'VBD'),
                             (18, 26, 'VVN'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 34, 'PP'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653875) PENN in sentence 4154772:

not told what was expected of them .   
--- ---- ---- --- -------- -- ---- -   
rb  VVN  wp   VBD VVN      in PP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] wp
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] PP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333857896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'not told what was expected of them .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 424,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'not told what was expected of them .'},
 {'ID': 4154773,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'rb'),
          (7, 8, ','),
          (9, 11, 'rb'),
          (12, 17, 'VVD'),
          (18, 25, 'rbr'),
          (26, 27, ','),
          (28, 32, 'PP'),
          (33, 37, 'VBD'),
          (38, 50, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154773) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Indeed , as noted earlier , they were specifically

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653876,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'rb'),
                             (7, 8, ','),
                             (9, 11, 'rb'),
                             (12, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 25, 'rbr'),
                             (26, 27, ','),
                             (28, 32, 'PP'),
                             (33, 37, 'VBD'),
                             (38, 50, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (18, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 50, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653876) PENN in sentence 4154773:

Indeed , as noted earlier , they were specifically
------ - -- ----- ------- - ---- ---- ------------
rb     , rb VVD   rbr     , PP   VBD  rb          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] ,
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] PP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 49
[start] 38
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333859816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Indeed , as noted earlier , they were '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 424,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Indeed , as noted earlier , they were specifically'},
 {'ID': 4154774,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
          (5, 9, 'PP'),
          (10, 15, 'md'),
          (16, 19, 'rb'),
          (20, 25, 'VV'),
          (26, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 42, 'VVN'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154774) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

told they could not issue advisories based on the briefing .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653877,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
                             (5, 9, 'PP'),
                             (10, 15, 'md'),
                             (16, 19, 'rb'),
                             (20, 25, 'VV'),
                             (26, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 42, 'VVN'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653877) PENN in sentence 4154774:

told they could not issue advisories based on the briefing .   
---- ---- ----- --- ----- ---------- ----- -- --- -------- -   
VVD  PP   md    rb  VV    nns        VVN   in dt  nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] PP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] md
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] VV
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333870280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'told they could not issue advisories based on '
                             'the briefing .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 425,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'told they could not issue advisories based on the briefing .'},
 {'ID': 4154775,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'cd'), (3, 6, 'dt'), (7, 15, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154775) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

46 The domestic

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653878,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'cd'), (3, 6, 'dt'), (7, 15, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653878) PENN in sentence 4154775:

46 The domestic
-- --- --------
cd dt  jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333872392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '46 The domestic'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 425,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '46 The domestic'},
 {'ID': 4154776,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
          (9, 10, 'POS'),
          (11, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 37, 'VVZ'),
          (38, 42, 'IN/that'),
          (43, 47, 'PP'),
          (48, 51, 'VVD'),
          (52, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 64, 'VVP'),
          (65, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 74, 'to'),
          (75, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 83, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154776) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agencies ' limited response indicates that they did not perceive 

a call to action .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653879,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 10, 'POS'),
                             (11, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 37, 'VVZ'),
                             (38, 42, 'IN/that'),
                             (43, 47, 'PP'),
                             (48, 51, 'VVD'),
                             (52, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 64, 'VVP'),
                             (65, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 74, 'to'),
                             (75, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 83, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (82, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653879) PENN in sentence 4154776:

agencies '   limited response indicates that    they did not 
-------- -   ------- -------- --------- ----    ---- --- --- 
nns      POS jj      nn       VVZ       IN/that PP   VVD rb  

perceive a  call to action .   
-------- -  ---- -- ------ -   
VVP      dt nn   to nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] POS
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 28
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] PP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] rb
                                          [end] 63
[start] 56
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] to
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333889800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "agencies ' limited response indicates that they "
                             'did not perceive a call to action .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 426,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "agencies ' limited response indicates that they did not perceive a "
          'call to action .'},
 {'ID': 4154777,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 55, 'to'),
          (56, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 63, 'in'),
          (64, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 77, 'cd'),
          (78, 82, 'cd'),
          (83, 84, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154777) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Clarke reflected a different perspective in an email to Rice on 

September 15, 2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653880,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person'),
                             (56, 60, 'person'),
                             (64, 82, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 55, 'to'),
                             (56, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 63, 'in'),
                             (64, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 77, 'cd'),
                             (78, 82, 'cd'),
                             (83, 84, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653880) PENN in sentence 4154777:

Clarke reflected a  different perspective in an email to Rice on 
------ --------- -  --------- ----------- -- -- ----- -- ---- -- 
NP     VVD       dt jj        nn          in dt nn    to NP   in 

September 15, 2001 .   
--------- --- ---- -   
NP        cd  cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 39
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] to
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] cd
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] cd
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] person
                                          [end] 81
[start] 64
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333892392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Clarke reflected a different perspective in an '
                             'email to Rice on September 15, 2001 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 427,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Clarke reflected a different perspective in an email to Rice on '
          'September 15, 2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4154778,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 13, 'VVD'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 23, 'nns'),
          (24, 29, 'VVN'),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 49, 'VV'),
          (50, 58, 'jj'),
          (59, 67, 'nns'),
          (68, 70, 'to'),
          (71, 74, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154778) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He summarized the steps taken by the CSG to alert domestic 

agencies to the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653881,
                     'NER': [(37, 40, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 13, 'VVD'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 23, 'nns'),
                             (24, 29, 'VVN'),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 49, 'VV'),
                             (50, 58, 'jj'),
                             (59, 67, 'nns'),
                             (68, 70, 'to'),
                             (71, 74, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653881) PENN in sentence 4154778:

He summarized the steps taken by the CSG to alert domestic 
-- ---------- --- ----- ----- -- --- --- -- ----- -------- 
PP VVD        dt  nns   VVN   in dt  NP  to VV    jj       

agencies to the
-------- -- ---
nns      to dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] nns
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] to
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 39,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 37}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333899816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He summarized the steps taken by the CSG to '
                             'alert domestic agencies to the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 428,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He summarized the steps taken by the CSG to alert domestic agencies '
          'to the'},
 {'ID': 4154779,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 45, 'NPS'),
          (46, 47, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154779) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possibility of an attack in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653882,
                     'NER': [(32, 45, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 45, 'NPS'),
                             (46, 47, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653882) PENN in sentence 4154779:

possibility of an attack in the United States .   
----------- -- -- ------ -- --- ------ ------ -   
nn          in dt nn     in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 44
[start] 32
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333914952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possibility of an attack in the United States '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 429,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possibility of an attack in the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154780,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 16, 'VVD'), (17, 21, 'IN/that'), (22, 30, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154780) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Clarke concluded that domestic

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653883,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
                             (22, 30, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653883) PENN in sentence 4154780:

Clarke concluded that    domestic
------ --------- ----    --------
NP     VVD       IN/that jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333917064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Clarke concluded that domestic'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 429,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Clarke concluded that domestic'},
 {'ID': 4154781,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 20, 'VVG'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 30, ','),
          (31, 35, 'VVD'),
          (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
          (41, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 57, 'VVD'),
          (58, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 65, 'jj'),
          (66, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 74, 'NP'),
          (75, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 85, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154781) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agencies , including the FAA , knew that the CSG believed a major

 al Qaeda attack was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653884,
                     'NER': [(25, 28, 'organization'), (66, 74, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 20, 'VVG'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 30, ','),
                             (31, 35, 'VVD'),
                             (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
                             (41, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 57, 'VVD'),
                             (58, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 65, 'jj'),
                             (66, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 74, 'NP'),
                             (75, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 85, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (58, 59, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 74, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653884) PENN in sentence 4154781:

agencies , including the FAA , knew that    the CSG believed a  
-------- - --------- --- --- - ---- ----    --- --- -------- -  
nns      , VVG       dt  NP  , VVD  IN/that dt  NP  VVD      dt 

major al Qaeda attack was
----- -- ----- ------ ---
jj    NP NP    nn     VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] ,
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 27,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 25},
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333918120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agencies , including the FAA , knew that the CSG '
                             'believed a major al Qaeda attack was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 430,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agencies , including the FAA , knew that the CSG believed a major '
          'al Qaeda attack was'},
 {'ID': 4154782,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'),
          (7, 10, 'cc'),
          (11, 16, 'md'),
          (17, 19, 'vb'),
          (20, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 40, 'NPS'),
          (41, 42, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154782) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

coming and could be in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653885,
                     'NER': [(27, 40, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'),
                             (7, 10, 'cc'),
                             (11, 16, 'md'),
                             (17, 19, 'vb'),
                             (20, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 40, 'NPS'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653885) PENN in sentence 4154782:

coming and could be in the United States .   
------ --- ----- -- -- --- ------ ------ -   
VVG    cc  md    vb in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] cc
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] md
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] vb
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 39
[start] 27
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333937832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'coming and could be in the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 431,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'coming and could be in the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154783,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 20, 'VHD'),
          (21, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 33, 'to'),
          (34, 39, 'VV'),
          (40, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 59, 'nns'),
          (60, 69, 'VVG'),
          (70, 73, 'jj'),
          (74, 82, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154783) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Although the FAA had authority to issue security directives 

mandating new security

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653886,
                     'NER': [(13, 16, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 20, 'VHD'),
                             (21, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 33, 'to'),
                             (34, 39, 'VV'),
                             (40, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 59, 'nns'),
                             (60, 69, 'VVG'),
                             (70, 73, 'jj'),
                             (74, 82, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653886) PENN in sentence 4154783:

Although the FAA had authority to issue security directives 
-------- --- --- --- --------- -- ----- -------- ---------- 
in       dt  NP  VHD nn        to VV    nn       nns        

mandating new security
--------- --- --------
VVG       jj  nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] to
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] VV
                                          [end] 47
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 49
[name] nns
                                          [end] 68
[start] 60
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] jj
                                          [end] 81
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 15,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 13}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333948392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Although the FAA had authority to issue security '
                             'directives mandating new security'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 432,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Although the FAA had authority to issue security directives '
          'mandating new security'},
 {'ID': 4154784,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 33, 'wdt'),
          (34, 38, 'VBD'),
          (39, 47, 'VVN'),
          (48, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 73, 'cd'),
          (74, 83, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154784) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

procedures , none of the few that were released during the summer

 of 2001 increased

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653887,
                     'NER': [(59, 73, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 33, 'wdt'),
                             (34, 38, 'VBD'),
                             (39, 47, 'VVN'),
                             (48, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 73, 'cd'),
                             (74, 83, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (48, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653887) PENN in sentence 4154784:

procedures , none of the few that were released during the summer
---------- - ---- -- --- --- ---- ---- -------- ------ --- ------
nns        , nn   in dt  jj  wdt  VBD  VVN      in     dt  nn    

 of 2001 increased
 -- ---- ---------
 in cd   VVD      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 39
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] cd
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 72
[start] 59
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333950504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'procedures , none of the few that were released '
                             'during the summer of 2001 increased'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 433,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'procedures , none of the few that were released during the summer '
          'of 2001 increased'},
 {'ID': 4154785,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 23, 'nns'),
          (24, 26, 'cc'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 46, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154785) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

security at checkpoints or on board aircraft .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653888,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 23, 'nns'),
                             (24, 26, 'cc'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 46, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653888) PENN in sentence 4154785:

security at checkpoints or on board aircraft .   
-------- -- ----------- -- -- ----- -------- -   
nn       in nns         cc in nn    nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333965736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'security at checkpoints or on board aircraft .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 434,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'security at checkpoints or on board aircraft .'},
 {'ID': 4154786,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 25, 'nns'),
          (26, 32, 'rb'),
          (33, 38, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154786) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The information circulars mostly urged

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653889,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 32, 'rb'),
                             (33, 38, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (26, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653889) PENN in sentence 4154786:

The information circulars mostly urged
--- ----------- --------- ------ -----
dt  nn          nns       rb     VVD  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333988008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The information circulars mostly urged'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 434,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The information circulars mostly urged'},
 {'ID': 4154787,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'nn'),
          (4, 12, 'nns'),
          (13, 15, 'to'),
          (16, 18, '``'),
          (19, 27, 'VV'),
          (28, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 39, "''"),
          (40, 43, 'cc'),
          (44, 46, 'vb'),
          (47, 52, 'jj'),
          (53, 54, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154787) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

air carriers to `` exercise prudence '' and be alert .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653890,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'nn'),
                             (4, 12, 'nns'),
                             (13, 15, 'to'),
                             (16, 18, '``'),
                             (19, 27, 'VV'),
                             (28, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 39, "''"),
                             (40, 43, 'cc'),
                             (44, 46, 'vb'),
                             (47, 52, 'jj'),
                             (53, 54, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653890) PENN in sentence 4154787:

air carriers to `` exercise prudence '' and be alert .   
--- -------- -- -- -------- -------- -- --- -- ----- -   
nn  nns      to `` VV       nn       '' cc  vb jj    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] to
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] ``
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] VV
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] ''
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] cc
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] vb
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] jj
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333989160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "air carriers to `` exercise prudence '' and be "
                             'alert .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 435,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "air carriers to `` exercise prudence '' and be alert ."},
 {'ID': 4154788,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'rb'),
          (6, 8, 'to'),
          (9, 13, 'cd'),
          (14, 15, ','),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 35, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154788) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Prior to 9/11 , the FAA did present

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653891,
                     'NER': [(20, 23, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'rb'),
                             (6, 8, 'to'),
                             (9, 13, 'cd'),
                             (14, 15, ','),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 35, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653891) PENN in sentence 4154788:

Prior to 9/11 , the FAA did present
----- -- ---- - --- --- --- -------
rb    to cd   , dt  NP  VVD jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] to
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] cd
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 22,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 20}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824333991272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Prior to 9/11 , the FAA did present'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 435,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Prior to 9/11 , the FAA did present'},
 {'ID': 4154789,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 15, 'VV'),
          (16, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 28, 'cc'),
          (29, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 48, 'nns'),
          (49, 59, 'VVG'),
          (60, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 73, 'VVN'),
          (74, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 83, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154789) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

a CD-ROM to air carriers and airport authorities describing the 

increased threat to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653892,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 15, 'VV'),
                             (16, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 28, 'cc'),
                             (29, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 48, 'nns'),
                             (49, 59, 'VVG'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 73, 'VVN'),
                             (74, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 83, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (2, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (81, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653892) PENN in sentence 4154789:

a  CD-ROM to air carriers and airport authorities describing the 
-  ------ -- --- -------- --- ------- ----------- ---------- --- 
dt NP     to VV  nns      cc  nn      nns         VVG        dt  

increased threat to
--------- ------ --
VVN       nn     to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 2
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] VV
                                          [end] 23
[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] cc
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 37
[name] nns
                                          [end] 58
[start] 49
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 2
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334001640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'a CD-ROM to air carriers and airport authorities '
                             'describing the increased threat to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 436,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'a CD-ROM to air carriers and airport authorities describing the '
          'increased threat to'},
 {'ID': 4154790,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj'), (6, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154790) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

civil aviation .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653893,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj'), (6, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653893) PENN in sentence 4154790:

civil aviation .   
----- -------- -   
jj    nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334003944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'civil aviation .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 437,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'civil aviation .'},
 {'ID': 4154791,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 26, 'VVD'),
          (27, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 68, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154791) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The presentation mentioned the possibility of suicide hijackings 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653894,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 26, 'VVD'),
                             (27, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 68, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653894) PENN in sentence 4154791:

The presentation mentioned the possibility of suicide hijackings 
--- ------------ --------- --- ----------- -- ------- ---------- 
dt  nn           VVD       dt  nn          in nn      nns        

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 54
[name] nns
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334017160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The presentation mentioned the possibility of '
                             'suicide hijackings but'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 437,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The presentation mentioned the possibility of suicide hijackings '
 {'ID': 4154792,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
          (5, 9, 'IN/that'),
          (10, 12, '``'),
          (13, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 26, ','),
          (27, 29, 'PP'),
          (30, 34, 'VHP'),
          (35, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 53, 'IN/that'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 66, 'VBZ'),
          (67, 76, 'rb'),
          (77, 85, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154792) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

said that `` fortunately , we have no indication that any group 

is currently thinking

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653895,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
                             (5, 9, 'IN/that'),
                             (10, 12, '``'),
                             (13, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 26, ','),
                             (27, 29, 'PP'),
                             (30, 34, 'VHP'),
                             (35, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 53, 'IN/that'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 66, 'VBZ'),
                             (67, 76, 'rb'),
                             (77, 85, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653895) PENN in sentence 4154792:

said that    `` fortunately , we have no indication that    any 
---- ----    -- ----------- - -- ---- -- ---------- ----    --- 
VVD  IN/that `` rb          , PP VHP  dt nn         IN/that dt  

group is  currently thinking
----- --  --------- --------
nn    VBZ rb        VVG     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] ``
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] rb
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] ,
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] PP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 75
[start] 67
[name] rb
                                          [end] 84
[start] 77
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334018888>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'said that `` fortunately , we have no indication '
                             'that any group is currently thinking'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 438,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'said that `` fortunately , we have no indication that any group is '
          'currently thinking'},
 {'ID': 4154793,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'dt'),
          (8, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 19, 'sent'),
          (20, 22, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154793) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

in that direction . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653896,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'dt'),
                             (8, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 19, 'sent'),
                             (20, 22, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (18, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653896) PENN in sentence 4154793:

in that direction .    ''
-- ---- --------- -    --
in dt   nn        sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] sent
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334034024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "in that direction . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 439,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "in that direction . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154794,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 17, 'VVD'),
          (18, 20, 'cd'),
          (21, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 37, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154794) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FAA conducted 27 special security

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653897,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 20, 'cd'),
                             (21, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 37, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 7, 'NT'), (18, 20, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653897) PENN in sentence 4154794:

The FAA conducted 27 special security
--- --- --------- -- ------- --------
dt  NP  VVD       cd jj      nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] cd
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334035368>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The FAA conducted 27 special security'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 439,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The FAA conducted 27 special security'},
 {'ID': 4154795,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
          (10, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 50, 'cd'),
          (51, 55, 'cd'),
          (56, 57, ','),
          (58, 61, 'cc'),
          (62, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 75, 'cd'),
          (76, 80, 'cd'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154795) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

briefings for specific air carriers between May 1, 2001 , and 

September 11, 2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653898,
                     'NER': [(44, 55, 'date'), (62, 80, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
                             (10, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 50, 'cd'),
                             (51, 55, 'cd'),
                             (56, 57, ','),
                             (58, 61, 'cc'),
                             (62, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 75, 'cd'),
                             (76, 80, 'cd'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (36, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653898) PENN in sentence 4154795:

briefings for specific air carriers between May 1, 2001 , and 
--------- --- -------- --- -------- ------- --- -- ---- - --- 
nns       in  jj       nn  nns      in      NP  cd cd   , cc  

September 11, 2001 .   
--------- --- ---- -   
NP        cd  cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] cd
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] cd
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] ,
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] cc
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] cd
                                          [end] 79
[start] 76
[name] cd
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 54
[start] 44
[name] date
                                          [end] 79
[start] 62
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334036808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'briefings for specific air carriers between May '
                             '1, 2001 , and September 11, 2001 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 440,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'briefings for specific air carriers between May 1, 2001 , and '
          'September 11, 2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4154796,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154796) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653899,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653899) PENN in sentence 4154796:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334044136>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Two'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 440,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Two'},
 {'ID': 4154797,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 28, 'VVD'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 42, 'VVG'),
          (43, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 58, 'rb'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154797) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

of these briefings discussed the hijacking threat overseas .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653900,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 28, 'VVD'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 42, 'VVG'),
                             (43, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 58, 'rb'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (50, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653900) PENN in sentence 4154797:

of these briefings discussed the hijacking threat overseas .   
-- ----- --------- --------- --- --------- ------ -------- -   
in dt    nns       VVD       dt  VVG       nn     rb       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 33
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] rb
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334044808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'of these briefings discussed the hijacking '
                             'threat overseas .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 441,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'of these briefings discussed the hijacking threat overseas .'},
 {'ID': 4154798,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 14, 'VVD'), (15, 18, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154798) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

None discussed the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653901,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 14, 'VVD'), (15, 18, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653901) PENN in sentence 4154798:

None discussed the
---- --------- ---
nn   VVD       dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334063080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'None discussed the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 441,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'None discussed the'},
 {'ID': 4154799,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 67, 'nns'),
          (68, 69, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154799) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possibility of suicide hijackings or the use of aircraft as 

weapons .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653902,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 67, 'nns'),
                             (68, 69, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (68, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653902) PENN in sentence 4154799:

possibility of suicide hijackings or the use of aircraft as 
----------- -- ------- ---------- -- --- --- -- -------- -- 
nn          in nn      nns        cc dt  nn  in nn       in 

weapons .   
------- -   
nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] cc
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] nns
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334063944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possibility of suicide hijackings or the use of '
                             'aircraft as weapons .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 442,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possibility of suicide hijackings or the use of aircraft as weapons '
 {'ID': 4154800,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 6, 'jj'), (7, 15, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154800) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No new security

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653903,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 6, 'jj'), (7, 15, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653903) PENN in sentence 4154800:

No new security
-- --- --------
dt jj  nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334078504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No new security'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 442,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No new security'},
 {'ID': 4154801,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'), (9, 13, 'VBD'), (14, 24, 'VVN'), (25, 26, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154801) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

measures were instituted .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653904,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 13, 'VBD'),
                             (14, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 13, 'NT'), (25, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653904) PENN in sentence 4154801:

measures were instituted .   
-------- ---- ---------- -   
nns      VBD  VVN        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 14
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334079368>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'measures were instituted .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 443,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'measures were instituted .'},
 {'ID': 4154802,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 9, 'VVD'),
          (10, 12, 'PP'),
          (13, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 32, 'IN/that'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 44, 'VHD'),
          (45, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 55, 'PP$'),
          (56, 58, 'cd'),
          (59, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 77, 'nns'),
          (78, 80, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154802) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Rice told us she understood that the FBI had tasked its 56 U.S. 

field offices to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653905,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person'),
                             (37, 40, 'organization'),
                             (59, 63, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 9, 'VVD'),
                             (10, 12, 'PP'),
                             (13, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 32, 'IN/that'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 44, 'VHD'),
                             (45, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 55, 'PP$'),
                             (56, 58, 'cd'),
                             (59, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 77, 'nns'),
                             (78, 80, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 63, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653905) PENN in sentence 4154802:

Rice told us she understood that    the FBI had tasked its 56 
---- ---- -- --- ---------- ----    --- --- --- ------ --- -- 
NP   VVD  PP PP  VVD        IN/that dt  NP  VHD VVN    PP$ cd 

U.S. field offices to
---- ----- ------- --
NP   nn    nns     to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] cd
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] nns
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 39,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 37},
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334080424>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Rice told us she understood that the FBI had '
                             'tasked its 56 U.S. field offices to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 445,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Rice told us she understood that the FBI had tasked its 56 U.S. '
          'field offices to'},
 {'ID': 4154803,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 34, 'jj'),
          (35, 45, 'nns'),
          (46, 49, 'cc'),
          (50, 52, 'to'),
          (53, 58, 'VV'),
          (59, 62, 'rp'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 76, 'nns'),
          (77, 80, 'wp')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154803) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

increase surveillance of suspected terrorists and to reach out to

 informants who

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653906,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 34, 'jj'),
                             (35, 45, 'nns'),
                             (46, 49, 'cc'),
                             (50, 52, 'to'),
                             (53, 58, 'VV'),
                             (59, 62, 'rp'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 76, 'nns'),
                             (77, 80, 'wp')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653906) PENN in sentence 4154803:

increase surveillance of suspected terrorists and to reach out to
-------- ------------ -- --------- ---------- --- -- ----- --- --
nn       nn           in jj        nns        cc  to VV    rp  to

 informants who
 ---------- ---
 nns        wp 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 44
[start] 35
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] cc
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] to
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] VV
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] rp
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 75
[start] 66
[name] nns
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] wp
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334096040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'increase surveillance of suspected terrorists '
                             'and to reach out to informants who'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 446,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'increase surveillance of suspected terrorists and to reach out to '
          'informants who'},
 {'ID': 4154804,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
          (6, 10, 'VH'),
          (11, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 44, 'nns'),
          (45, 46, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154804) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

might have information about terrorist plots .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653907,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
                             (6, 10, 'VH'),
                             (11, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 44, 'nns'),
                             (45, 46, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (23, 28, 'NT'), (45, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653907) PENN in sentence 4154804:

might have information about terrorist plots .   
----- ---- ----------- ----- --------- ----- -   
md    VH   nn          in    jj        nns   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] VH
                                          [end] 21
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] nns
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334098248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'might have information about terrorist plots .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 447,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'might have information about terrorist plots .'},
 {'ID': 4154805,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 33, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154805) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

An NSC staff document at the time

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653908,
                     'NER': [(3, 6, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 33, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653908) PENN in sentence 4154805:

An NSC staff document at the time
-- --- ----- -------- -- --- ----
dt NP  nn    nn       in dt  nn  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 3}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334112040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'An NSC staff document at the time'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 447,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'An NSC staff document at the time'},
 {'ID': 4154806,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVZ'),
          (10, 14, 'pdt'),
          (15, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 24, 'VVG'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 34, 'VHG'),
          (35, 43, 'VVN'),
          (44, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 51, 'jj'),
          (52, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 60, 'cc'),
          (61, 65, 'VVZ'),
          (66, 69, 'rb'),
          (70, 78, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154806) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

describes such a tasking as having occurred in late June but does

 not indicate

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653909,
                     'NER': [(52, 56, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVZ'),
                             (10, 14, 'pdt'),
                             (15, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 24, 'VVG'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 34, 'VHG'),
                             (35, 43, 'VVN'),
                             (44, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 51, 'jj'),
                             (52, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 60, 'cc'),
                             (61, 65, 'VVZ'),
                             (66, 69, 'rb'),
                             (70, 78, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 34, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653909) PENN in sentence 4154806:

describes such a  tasking as having occurred in late June but 
--------- ---- -  ------- -- ------ -------- -- ---- ---- --- 
VVZ       pdt  dt VVG     in VHG    VVN      in jj   NP   cc  

does not indicate
---- --- --------
VVZ  rb  VV      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] pdt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] VHG
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] jj
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] cc
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] rb
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 55
[start] 52
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334113672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'describes such a tasking as having occurred in '
                             'late June but does not indicate'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 448,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'describes such a tasking as having occurred in late June but does '
          'not indicate'},
 {'ID': 4154807,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 10, 'PP'),
          (11, 14, 'VBD'),
          (15, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 38, 'cc'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 48, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154807) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

whether it was generated by the NSC or the FBI .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653910,
                     'NER': [(32, 35, 'organization'),
                             (43, 46, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 10, 'PP'),
                             (11, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 38, 'cc'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653910) PENN in sentence 4154807:

whether it was generated by the NSC or the FBI .   
------- -- --- --------- -- --- --- -- --- --- -   
in      PP VBD VVN       in dt  NP  cc dt  NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] PP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] cc
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32},
                                          {'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 43}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334124712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'whether it was generated by the NSC or the FBI '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 449,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'whether it was generated by the NSC or the FBI .'},
 {'ID': 4154808,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj'),
          (6, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 25, 'rb'),
          (26, 35, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154808) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Other than the previously described

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653911,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj'),
                             (6, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 25, 'rb'),
                             (26, 35, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 10, 'NT'), (11, 14, 'NT'), (15, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653911) PENN in sentence 4154808:

Other than the previously described
----- ---- --- ---------- ---------
jj    in   dt  rb         VVN      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334139752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Other than the previously described'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 449,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Other than the previously described'},
 {'ID': 4154809,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 8, 'cd'),
          (9, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 30, 'to'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 54, ','),
          (55, 62, 'rb'),
          (63, 64, ','),
          (65, 68, 'dt'),
          (69, 72, 'NP'),
          (73, 78, 'md'),
          (79, 82, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154809) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

April 13 communication sent to all FBI field offices , however , 

the FBI could not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653912,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'date'),
                             (35, 38, 'organization'),
                             (69, 72, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 8, 'cd'),
                             (9, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 30, 'to'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 54, ','),
                             (55, 62, 'rb'),
                             (63, 64, ','),
                             (65, 68, 'dt'),
                             (69, 72, 'NP'),
                             (73, 78, 'md'),
                             (79, 82, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653912) PENN in sentence 4154809:

April 13 communication sent to all FBI field offices , however , 
----- -- ------------- ---- -- --- --- ----- ------- - ------- - 
NP    cd nn            VVD  to dt  NP  nn    nns     , rb      , 

the FBI could not
--- --- ----- ---
dt  NP  md    rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] cd
                                          [end] 21
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] to
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 45
[name] nns
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] ,
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] rb
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] ,
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] md
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          {'end': 37,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 35},
                                          {'end': 71,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 69}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334141000>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'April 13 communication sent to all FBI field '
                             'offices , however , the FBI could not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 450,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'April 13 communication sent to all FBI field offices , however , '
          'the FBI could not'},
 {'ID': 4154810,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VV'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 25, 'VHG'),
          (26, 34, 'VVN'),
          (35, 39, 'pdt'),
          (40, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 53, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154810) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

find any record of having received such a directive .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653913,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VV'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 25, 'VHG'),
                             (26, 34, 'VVN'),
                             (35, 39, 'pdt'),
                             (40, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 53, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 25, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653913) PENN in sentence 4154810:

find any record of having received such a  directive .   
---- --- ------ -- ------ -------- ---- -  --------- -   
VV   dt  nn     in VHG    VVN      pdt  dt nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] VHG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] pdt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334156808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'find any record of having received such a '
                             'directive .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 451,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'find any record of having received such a directive .'},
 {'ID': 4154811,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 28, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154811) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The April 13 document asking

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653914,
                     'NER': [(4, 12, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 28, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 9, 'NT'), (10, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653914) PENN in sentence 4154811:

The April 13 document asking
--- ----- -- -------- ------
dt  NP    cd nn       VVG   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 4
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334158824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The April 13 document asking'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 451,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The April 13 document asking'},
 {'ID': 4154812,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 13, 'nns'),
          (14, 16, 'to'),
          (17, 23, 'VV'),
          (24, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 58, 'VVD'),
          (59, 62, 'rb'),
          (63, 70, 'VV'),
          (71, 74, 'dt'),
          (75, 83, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154812) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

field offices to gather information on Sunni extremism did not 

mention any possible

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653915,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 13, 'nns'),
                             (14, 16, 'to'),
                             (17, 23, 'VV'),
                             (24, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 58, 'VVD'),
                             (59, 62, 'rb'),
                             (63, 70, 'VV'),
                             (71, 74, 'dt'),
                             (75, 83, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 44, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653915) PENN in sentence 4154812:

field offices to gather information on Sunni extremism did not 
----- ------- -- ------ ----------- -- ----- --------- --- --- 
nn    nns     to VV     nn          in NP    nn        VVD rb  

mention any possible
------- --- --------
VV      dt  jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] to
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] VV
                                          [end] 34
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] rb
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] VV
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] dt
                                          [end] 82
[start] 75
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334172520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'field offices to gather information on Sunni '
                             'extremism did not mention any possible'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 452,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'field offices to gather information on Sunni extremism did not '
          'mention any possible'},
 {'ID': 4154813,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 31, 'NPS'),
          (32, 35, 'cc'),
          (36, 39, 'VVD'),
          (40, 43, 'rb'),
          (44, 49, 'VV'),
          (50, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 65, 'in'),
          (66, 75, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154813) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

threat within the United States and did not order surveillance of


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653916,
                     'NER': [(18, 31, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 31, 'NPS'),
                             (32, 35, 'cc'),
                             (36, 39, 'VVD'),
                             (40, 43, 'rb'),
                             (44, 49, 'VV'),
                             (50, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 65, 'in'),
                             (66, 75, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653916) PENN in sentence 4154813:

threat within the United States and did not order surveillance of
------ ------ --- ------ ------ --- --- --- ----- ------------ --
nn     in     dt  NP     NPS    cc  VVD rb  VV    nn           in

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:35:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] cc
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] rb
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 61
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] in
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 18
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334174824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'threat within the United States and did not '
                             'order surveillance of suspected'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 453,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'threat within the United States and did not order surveillance of '
 {'ID': 4154814,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154814) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

operatives .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653917,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653917) PENN in sentence 4154814:

operatives .   
---------- -   
nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334185672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'operatives .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 454,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'operatives .'},
 {'ID': 4154815,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 11, 'VVD'),
          (12, 15, 'rb'),
          (16, 23, 'VV'),
          (24, 28, 'wp'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 39, 'POS'),
          (40, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 57, 'md'),
          (58, 65, 'VV'),
          (66, 69, 'cc'),
          (70, 73, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154815) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The NSC did not specify what the FBI 's directives should contain

 and did

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653918,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'), (33, 36, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 11, 'VVD'),
                             (12, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 23, 'VV'),
                             (24, 28, 'wp'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 39, 'POS'),
                             (40, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 57, 'md'),
                             (58, 65, 'VV'),
                             (66, 69, 'cc'),
                             (70, 73, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (51, 57, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653918) PENN in sentence 4154815:

The NSC did not specify what the FBI 's  directives should 
--- --- --- --- ------- ---- --- --- --  ---------- ------ 
dt  NP  VVD rb  VV      wp   dt  NP  POS nns        md     

contain and did
------- --- ---
VV      cc  VVD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] rb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] VV
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] wp
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] POS
                                          [end] 49
[start] 40
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] md
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] VV
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] cc
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          {'end': 35,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 33}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334186440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "The NSC did not specify what the FBI 's "
                             'directives should contain and did'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 454,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The NSC did not specify what the FBI 's directives should contain "
          'and did'},
 {'ID': 4154816,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
          (4, 10, 'VV'),
          (11, 15, 'wp'),
          (16, 19, 'VHD'),
          (20, 24, 'VBN'),
          (25, 31, 'VVN'),
          (32, 39, 'rbr'),
          (40, 41, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154816) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

not review what had been issued earlier .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653919,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
                             (4, 10, 'VV'),
                             (11, 15, 'wp'),
                             (16, 19, 'VHD'),
                             (20, 24, 'VBN'),
                             (25, 31, 'VVN'),
                             (32, 39, 'rbr'),
                             (40, 41, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (32, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653919) PENN in sentence 4154816:

not review what had been issued earlier .   
--- ------ ---- --- ---- ------ ------- -   
rb  VV     wp   VHD VBN  VVN    rbr     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] VV
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] wp
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334201864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'not review what had been issued earlier .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 455,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'not review what had been issued earlier .'},
 {'ID': 4154817,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'),
          (7, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 32, 'VVD'),
          (33, 35, 'PP'),
          (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 55, 'to'),
          (56, 59, 'PP$'),
          (60, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 67, 'cd'),
          (68, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154817) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Acting FBI Director Pickard told us that in addition to his July 

19 conference call,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653920,
                     'NER': [(7, 10, 'organization'),
                             (20, 27, 'person'),
                             (60, 67, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'),
                             (7, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 32, 'VVD'),
                             (33, 35, 'PP'),
                             (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 55, 'to'),
                             (56, 59, 'PP$'),
                             (60, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 67, 'cd'),
                             (68, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 27, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (79, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653920) PENN in sentence 4154817:

Acting FBI Director Pickard told us that    in addition to his 
------ --- -------- ------- ---- -- ----    -- -------- -- --- 
VVG    NP  NP       NP      VVD  PP IN/that in nn       to PP$ 

July 19 conference call,
---- -- ---------- -----
NP   cd nn         NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] PP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] to
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] cd
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 9,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 7},
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] person
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334203784>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Acting FBI Director Pickard told us that in '
                             'addition to his July 19 conference call,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 457,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Acting FBI Director Pickard told us that in addition to his July 19 '
          'conference call,'},
 {'ID': 4154818,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 27, 'jj'),
          (28, 37, 'jj'),
          (38, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 58, 'jj'),
          (59, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 73, 'dt'),
          (74, 81, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154818) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

he mentioned the heightened terrorist threat in individual calls 

with the special

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653921,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 27, 'jj'),
                             (28, 37, 'jj'),
                             (38, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 58, 'jj'),
                             (59, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 73, 'dt'),
                             (74, 81, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653921) PENN in sentence 4154818:

he mentioned the heightened terrorist threat in individual calls 
-- --------- --- ---------- --------- ------ -- ---------- ----- 
PP VVD       dt  jj         jj        nn     in jj         nns   

with the special
---- --- -------
in   dt  jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] nns
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] dt
                                          [end] 80
[start] 74
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334219304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'he mentioned the heightened terrorist threat in '
                             'individual calls with the special'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 458,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'he mentioned the heightened terrorist threat in individual calls '
          'with the special'},
 {'ID': 4154819,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 40, 'in'),
          (41, 46, 'PP$'),
          (47, 53, 'jj'),
          (54, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 72, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154819) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agents in charge of field offices during their annual performance


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653922,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 40, 'in'),
                             (41, 46, 'PP$'),
                             (47, 53, 'jj'),
                             (54, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 72, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (34, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653922) PENN in sentence 4154819:

agents in charge of field offices during their annual performance
------ -- ------ -- ----- ------- ------ ----- ------ -----------
nns    in nn     in nn    nns     in     PP$   jj     nn         

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
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[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334233768>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agents in charge of field offices during their '
                             'annual performance review'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 459,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agents in charge of field offices during their annual performance '
 {'ID': 4154820,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154820) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

discussions .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653923,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653923) PENN in sentence 4154820:

discussions .   
----------- -   
nns         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334235688>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'discussions .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 460,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'discussions .'},
 {'ID': 4154821,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'VVG'),
          (12, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 23, 'nns'),
          (24, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 44, ','),
          (45, 47, 'PP'),
          (48, 53, 'VVD'),
          (54, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 69, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154821) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In speaking with agents around the country , we found little 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653924,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'VVG'),
                             (12, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 23, 'nns'),
                             (24, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 44, ','),
                             (45, 47, 'PP'),
                             (48, 53, 'VVD'),
                             (54, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 69, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (24, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653924) PENN in sentence 4154821:

In speaking with agents around the country , we found little 
-- -------- ---- ------ ------ --- ------- - -- ----- ------ 
in VVG      in   nns    in     dt  nn      , PP VVD   jj     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] ,
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] PP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 68
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334236456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In speaking with agents around the country , we '
                             'found little evidence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 460,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In speaking with agents around the country , we found little '
 {'ID': 4154822,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'IN/that'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 26, 'VHD'),
          (27, 34, 'VVN'),
          (35, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 48, 'nns'),
          (49, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 74, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154822) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that any such concerns had reached FBI personnel beyond the New 

York Field

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653925,
                     'NER': [(35, 38, 'organization'),
                             (60, 74, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'IN/that'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 26, 'VHD'),
                             (27, 34, 'VVN'),
                             (35, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 48, 'nns'),
                             (49, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 74, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (49, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653925) PENN in sentence 4154822:

that    any such concerns had reached FBI personnel beyond the 
----    --- ---- -------- --- ------- --- --------- ------ --- 
IN/that dt  jj   nns      VHD VVN     NP  nns       in     dt  

New York Field
--- ---- -----
NP  NP   NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] nns
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 37,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 35},
                                          {'end': 73,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 60}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334255112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that any such concerns had reached FBI personnel '
                             'beyond the New York Field'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 461,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'that any such concerns had reached FBI personnel beyond the New '
          'York Field'},
 {'ID': 4154823,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154823) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Office .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653926,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653926) PENN in sentence 4154823:

Office .   
------ -   
nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334257896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Office .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 462,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Office .'},
 {'ID': 4154824,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 41, ','),
          (42, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 55, ','),
          (56, 60, 'VVD'),
          (61, 63, 'PP'),
          (64, 67, 'VHD'),
          (68, 72, 'jj'),
          (73, 84, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154824) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The head of counterterrorism at the FBI , Dale Watson , said he 

had many discussions

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653927,
                     'NER': [(12, 28, 'organization'),
                             (36, 39, 'organization'),
                             (42, 53, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 41, ','),
                             (42, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 55, ','),
                             (56, 60, 'VVD'),
                             (61, 63, 'PP'),
                             (64, 67, 'VHD'),
                             (68, 72, 'jj'),
                             (73, 84, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653927) PENN in sentence 4154824:

The head of counterterrorism at the FBI , Dale Watson , said he 
--- ---- -- ---------------- -- --- --- - ---- ------ - ---- -- 
dt  nn   in nn               in dt  NP  , NP   NP     , VVD  PP 

had many discussions
--- ---- -----------
VHD jj   nns        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] ,
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] ,
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] PP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] jj
                                          [end] 83
[start] 73
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 27,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 12},
                                          {'end': 38,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 36},
                                          [end] 52
[start] 42
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334266920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The head of counterterrorism at the FBI , Dale '
                             'Watson , said he had many discussions'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 464,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The head of counterterrorism at the FBI , Dale Watson , said he had '
          'many discussions'},
 {'ID': 4154825,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 14, 'jj'),
          (15, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 52, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154825) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

about possible attacks with Cofer Black at the CIA .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653928,
                     'NER': [(47, 50, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 14, 'jj'),
                             (15, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 52, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653928) PENN in sentence 4154825:

about possible attacks with Cofer Black at the CIA .   
----- -------- ------- ---- ----- ----- -- --- --- -   
in    jj       nns     in   NP    NP    in dt  NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 6
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 49,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 47}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334270184>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'about possible attacks with Cofer Black at the '
                             'CIA .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 465,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'about possible attacks with Cofer Black at the CIA .'},
 {'ID': 4154826,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 8, 'VHD'),
          (9, 17, 'VVN'),
          (18, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154826) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They had expected an attack on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653929,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 8, 'VHD'),
                             (9, 17, 'VVN'),
                             (18, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653929) PENN in sentence 4154826:

They had expected an attack on
---- --- -------- -- ------ --
PP   VHD VVN      dt nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334284936>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They had expected an attack on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 465,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They had expected an attack on'},
 {'ID': 4154827,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 6, 'cd'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154827) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

July 4 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653930,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 6, 'cd'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 6, 'NT'), (7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653930) PENN in sentence 4154827:

July 4  .   
---- -  -   
NP   cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] cd
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334286376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'July 4 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 466,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'July 4 .'},
 {'ID': 4154828,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'VVD'),
          (12, 14, 'PP'),
          (15, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 26, 'rb'),
          (27, 31, 'IN/that'),
          (32, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 45, 'VBD'),
          (46, 51, 'VVG'),
          (52, 54, 'to'),
          (55, 61, 'VV'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154828) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Watson said he felt deeply that something was going to happen .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653931,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'VVD'),
                             (12, 14, 'PP'),
                             (15, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 26, 'rb'),
                             (27, 31, 'IN/that'),
                             (32, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 45, 'VBD'),
                             (46, 51, 'VVG'),
                             (52, 54, 'to'),
                             (55, 61, 'VV'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (20, 26, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653931) PENN in sentence 4154828:

Watson said he felt deeply that    something was going to happen 
------ ---- -- ---- ------ ----    --------- --- ----- -- ------ 
NP     VVD  PP VVD  rb     IN/that nn        VBD VVG   to VV     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] PP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] rb
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] to
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] VV
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334303976>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Watson said he felt deeply that something was '
                             'going to happen .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 466,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Watson said he felt deeply that something was going to happen .'},
 {'ID': 4154829,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'), (4, 6, 'PP'), (7, 11, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154829) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

But he told

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653932,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'), (4, 6, 'PP'), (7, 11, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653932) PENN in sentence 4154829:

But he told
--- -- ----
cc  PP VVD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] PP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334306280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'But he told'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 466,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'But he told'},
 {'ID': 4154830,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 29, 'VBD'),
          (30, 32, '``'),
          (33, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 43, 'sent'),
          (44, 46, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154830) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

us the threat information was `` nebulous . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653933,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 29, 'VBD'),
                             (30, 32, '``'),
                             (33, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 43, 'sent'),
                             (44, 46, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653933) PENN in sentence 4154830:

us the threat information was `` nebulous .    ''
-- --- ------ ----------- --- -- -------- -    --
PP dt  nn     nn          VBD `` jj       sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] ``
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sent
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334307240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "us the threat information was `` nebulous . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 467,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "us the threat information was `` nebulous . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154831,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 9, 'VVD'),
          (10, 12, 'PP'),
          (13, 16, 'VHD'),
          (17, 22, 'VVN'),
          (23, 27, 'rbr'),
          (28, 29, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154831) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He wished he had known more .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653934,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 9, 'VVD'),
                             (10, 12, 'PP'),
                             (13, 16, 'VHD'),
                             (17, 22, 'VVN'),
                             (23, 27, 'rbr'),
                             (28, 29, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653934) PENN in sentence 4154831:

He wished he had known more .   
-- ------ -- --- ----- ---- -   
PP VVD    PP VHD VVN   rbr  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334313320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He wished he had known more .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 467,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He wished he had known more .'},
 {'ID': 4154832,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 9, 'VVD'), (10, 12, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154832) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He wished he

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653935,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 9, 'VVD'), (10, 12, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (10, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653935) PENN in sentence 4154832:

He wished he
-- ------ --
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334314952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He wished he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 467,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He wished he'},
 {'ID': 4154833,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
          (4, 7, 'VHN'),
          (8, 10, '``'),
          (11, 14, 'cd'),
          (15, 23, 'nns'),
          (24, 31, 'VVG'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 77, 'rb'),
          (78, 80, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154833) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

had had `` 500 analysts looking at Usama Bin Ladin threat 

information instead of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653936,
                     'NER': [(35, 50, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
                             (4, 7, 'VHN'),
                             (8, 10, '``'),
                             (11, 14, 'cd'),
                             (15, 23, 'nns'),
                             (24, 31, 'VVG'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 77, 'rb'),
                             (78, 80, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT'),
                             (70, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653936) PENN in sentence 4154833:

had had `` 500 analysts looking at Usama Bin Ladin threat 
--- --- -- --- -------- ------- -- ----- --- ----- ------ 
VHD VHN `` cd  nns      VVG     in NP    NP  NP    nn     

information instead of
----------- ------- --
nn          rb      in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] VHN
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ``
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cd
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] rb
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 49
[start] 35
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334328264>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'had had `` 500 analysts looking at Usama Bin '
                             'Ladin threat information instead of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 468,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'had had `` 500 analysts looking at Usama Bin Ladin threat '
          'information instead of'},
 {'ID': 4154834,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'), (4, 5, 'sent'), (6, 8, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154834) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

two . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653937,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'), (4, 5, 'sent'), (6, 8, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 5, 'NT'), (6, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653937) PENN in sentence 4154834:

two .    ''
--- -    --
cd  sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] sent
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334331048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "two . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 469,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "two . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154835,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 29, 'VBD'),
          (30, 37, 'VVN'),
          (38, 40, 'in'),
          (41, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 59, 'cc'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 79, 'jj'),
          (80, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154835) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Attorney General Ashcroft was briefed by the CIA in May and by 

Pickard in early July

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653938,
                     'NER': [(17, 25, 'person'),
                             (45, 48, 'organization'),
                             (52, 55, 'date'),
                             (63, 70, 'person'),
                             (80, 84, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 29, 'VBD'),
                             (30, 37, 'VVN'),
                             (38, 40, 'in'),
                             (41, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 59, 'cc'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 79, 'jj'),
                             (80, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (9, 16, 'NT'),
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                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
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                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (80, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653938) PENN in sentence 4154835:

Attorney General Ashcroft was briefed by the CIA in May and by 
-------- ------- -------- --- ------- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- 
NP       NP      NP       VBD VVN     in dt  NP  in NP  cc  in 

Pickard in early July
------- -- ----- ----
NP      in jj    NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] cc
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] jj
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 17
[name] person
                                          {'end': 47,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 45},
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] date
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] person
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334352648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Attorney General Ashcroft was briefed by the CIA '
                             'in May and by Pickard in early July'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 471,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Attorney General Ashcroft was briefed by the CIA in May and by '
          'Pickard in early July'},
 {'ID': 4154836,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'), (6, 9, 'dt'), (10, 16, 'nn'), (17, 18, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154836) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

about the danger .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653939,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 18, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (6, 9, 'NT'), (17, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653939) PENN in sentence 4154836:

about the danger .   
----- --- ------ -   
in    dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334360648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'about the danger .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 472,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'about the danger .'},
 {'ID': 4154837,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 15, 'PP'),
          (16, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 53, 'jj'),
          (54, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 60, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154837) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Pickard said he met with Ashcroft once a week in late June ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653940,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person'),
                             (25, 33, 'person'),
                             (54, 58, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 15, 'PP'),
                             (16, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 53, 'jj'),
                             (54, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 60, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653940) PENN in sentence 4154837:

Pickard said he met with Ashcroft once a  week in late June ,
------- ---- -- --- ---- -------- ---- -  ---- -- ---- ---- -
NP      VVD  PP VVD in   NP       in   dt nn   in jj   NP   ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] jj
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] person
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334361800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Pickard said he met with Ashcroft once a week in '
                             'late June ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 472,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Pickard said he met with Ashcroft once a week in late June ,'},
 {'ID': 4154838,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'cc'),
          (19, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 36, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154838) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

through July , and twice in August .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653941,
                     'NER': [(8, 12, 'date'), (28, 34, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'cc'),
                             (19, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653941) PENN in sentence 4154838:

through July , and twice in August .   
------- ---- - --- ----- -- ------ -   
in      NP   , cc  rb    in NP     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] cc
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] rb
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 8
[name] date
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334377032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'through July , and twice in August .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 473,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'through July , and twice in August .'},
 {'ID': 4154839,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
          (6, 8, 'VBZ'),
          (9, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 28, 'VVG'),
          (29, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 40, 'POS'),
          (41, 49, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154839) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

There is a dispute regarding Ashcroft 's interest

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653942,
                     'NER': [(29, 37, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
                             (6, 8, 'VBZ'),
                             (9, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 28, 'VVG'),
                             (29, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 40, 'POS'),
                             (41, 49, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (29, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653942) PENN in sentence 4154839:

There is  a  dispute regarding Ashcroft 's  interest
----- --  -  ------- --------- -------- --  --------
ex    VBZ dt nn      VVG       NP       POS nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] ex
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] POS
                                          [end] 48
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 29
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334379432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "There is a dispute regarding Ashcroft 's "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 473,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "There is a dispute regarding Ashcroft 's interest"},
 {'ID': 4154840,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 13, 'POS'),
          (14, 23, 'nns'),
          (24, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 43, 'jj'),
          (44, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154840) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

in Pickard 's briefings about the terrorist threat situation .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653943,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 13, 'POS'),
                             (14, 23, 'nns'),
                             (24, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 43, 'jj'),
                             (44, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (24, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653943) PENN in sentence 4154840:

in Pickard 's  briefings about the terrorist threat situation 
-- ------- --  --------- ----- --- --------- ------ --------- 
in NP      POS nns       in    dt  jj        nn     nn        

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] POS
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 34
[name] jj
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
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[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334393704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "in Pickard 's briefings about the terrorist "
                             'threat situation .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 474,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "in Pickard 's briefings about the terrorist threat situation ."},
 {'ID': 4154841,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'), (8, 12, 'VVD'), (13, 15, 'PP'), (16, 20, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154841) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Pickard told us that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653944,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 15, 'PP'),
                             (16, 20, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (13, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653944) PENN in sentence 4154841:

Pickard told us that   
------- ---- -- ----   
NP      VVD  PP IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334395816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Pickard told us that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 474,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Pickard told us that'},
 {'ID': 4154842,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 14, 'jj'),
          (15, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 38, 'VVD'),
          (39, 42, 'PP'),
          (43, 47, 'IN/that'),
          (48, 50, 'PP'),
          (51, 54, 'VVD'),
          (55, 58, 'rb'),
          (59, 63, 'VV'),
          (64, 66, 'to'),
          (67, 71, 'VV'),
          (72, 77, 'in'),
          (78, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154842) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

after two such briefings Ashcroft told him that he did not want 

to hear about the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653945,
                     'NER': [(25, 33, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 14, 'jj'),
                             (15, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 38, 'VVD'),
                             (39, 42, 'PP'),
                             (43, 47, 'IN/that'),
                             (48, 50, 'PP'),
                             (51, 54, 'VVD'),
                             (55, 58, 'rb'),
                             (59, 63, 'VV'),
                             (64, 66, 'to'),
                             (67, 71, 'VV'),
                             (72, 77, 'in'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (25, 33, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (72, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653945) PENN in sentence 4154842:

after two such briefings Ashcroft told him that    he did not 
----- --- ---- --------- -------- ---- --- ----    -- --- --- 
in    cd  jj   nns       NP       VVD  PP  IN/that PP VVD rb  

want to hear about the
---- -- ---- ----- ---
VV   to VV   in    dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] PP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] PP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] rb
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] VV
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] to
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] VV
                                          [end] 76
[start] 72
[name] in
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 25
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334396968>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'after two such briefings Ashcroft told him that '
                             'he did not want to hear about the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 475,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'after two such briefings Ashcroft told him that he did not want to '
          'hear about the'},
 {'ID': 4154843,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 15, 'rb'), (16, 17, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154843) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

threats anymore .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653946,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'), (8, 15, 'rb'), (16, 17, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 15, 'NT'), (16, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653946) PENN in sentence 4154843:

threats anymore .   
------- ------- -   
nns     rb      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334408296>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'threats anymore .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 476,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'threats anymore .'},
 {'ID': 4154844,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 15, 'VVZ'),
          (16, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 26, 'POS'),
          (27, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 35, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154844) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Ashcroft denies Pickard 's charge .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653947,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'person'), (16, 23, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 15, 'VVZ'),
                             (16, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 26, 'POS'),
                             (27, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 35, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (16, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653947) PENN in sentence 4154844:

Ashcroft denies Pickard 's  charge .   
-------- ------ ------- --  ------ -   
NP       VVZ    NP      POS nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] POS
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334409256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Ashcroft denies Pickard 's charge ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 476,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Ashcroft denies Pickard 's charge ."},
 {'ID': 4154845,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 12, 'VVZ'),
          (13, 15, 'PP'),
          (16, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 28, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154845) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Pickard says he continued to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653948,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'VVZ'),
                             (13, 15, 'PP'),
                             (16, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 28, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (13, 15, 'NT'), (26, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653948) PENN in sentence 4154845:

Pickard says he continued to
------- ---- -- --------- --
NP      VVZ  PP VVD       to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334427336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Pickard says he continued to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 476,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Pickard says he continued to'},
 {'ID': 4154846,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 44, 'jjr'),
          (45, 54, 'nns'),
          (55, 59, 'IN/that'),
          (60, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 68, ','),
          (69, 72, 'cc'),
          (73, 80, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154846) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

present terrorism information during further briefings that 

summer , but nothing

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653949,
                     'NER': [(60, 66, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 44, 'jjr'),
                             (45, 54, 'nns'),
                             (55, 59, 'IN/that'),
                             (60, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 68, ','),
                             (69, 72, 'cc'),
                             (73, 80, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(30, 36, 'NT'), (67, 68, 'NT'), (69, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653949) PENN in sentence 4154846:

present terrorism information during further briefings that    
------- --------- ----------- ------ ------- --------- ----    
jj      nn        nn          in     jjr     nns       IN/that 

summer , but nothing
------ - --- -------
nn     , cc  nn     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] nns
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] ,
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] cc
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 65
[start] 60
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334428680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'present terrorism information during further '
                             'briefings that summer , but nothing'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 477,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'present terrorism information during further briefings that summer '
          ', but nothing'},
 {'ID': 4154847,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rbr'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 17, '``'),
          (18, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 28, "''"),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 52, 'VBD'),
          (53, 62, 'VVG'),
          (63, 64, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154847) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

further on the `` chatter '' the U.S. government was receiving .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653950,
                     'NER': [(33, 37, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rbr'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 17, '``'),
                             (18, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 28, "''"),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 52, 'VBD'),
                             (53, 62, 'VVG'),
                             (63, 64, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653950) PENN in sentence 4154847:

further on the `` chatter '' the U.S. government was receiving 
------- -- --- -- ------- -- --- ---- ---------- --- --------- 
rbr     in dt  `` nn      '' dt  NP   nn         VBD VVG       

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] ``
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] ''
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 61
[start] 53
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 33
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334438856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "further on the `` chatter '' the U.S. government "
                             'was receiving .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 478,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "further on the `` chatter '' the U.S. government was receiving ."},
 {'ID': 4154848,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 28, 'PP'),
          (29, 31, 'PP'),
          (32, 37, 'VVD'),
          (38, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 59, 'ex'),
          (60, 63, 'VBD'),
          (64, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 82, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154848) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The Attorney General told us he asked Pickard whether there was 

intelligence about

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653951,
                     'NER': [(38, 45, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 28, 'PP'),
                             (29, 31, 'PP'),
                             (32, 37, 'VVD'),
                             (38, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 59, 'ex'),
                             (60, 63, 'VBD'),
                             (64, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 82, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 20, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (38, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (77, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653951) PENN in sentence 4154848:

The Attorney General told us he asked Pickard whether there was 
--- -------- ------- ---- -- -- ----- ------- ------- ----- --- 
dt  NP       NP      VVD  PP PP VVD   NP      in      ex    VBD 

intelligence about
------------ -----
nn           in   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] PP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] PP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] ex
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 75
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 44
[start] 38
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NT
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[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
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[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334441448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The Attorney General told us he asked Pickard '
                             'whether there was intelligence about'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 480,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The Attorney General told us he asked Pickard whether there was '
          'intelligence about'},
 {'ID': 4154849,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 28, 'NPS'),
          (29, 32, 'cc'),
          (33, 37, 'IN/that'),
          (38, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 50, 'VVD'),
          (51, 53, 'rb'),
          (54, 55, 'sent'),
          (56, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 68, 'VVD'),
          (69, 71, 'PP'),
          (72, 79, 'VVD'),
          (80, 84, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154849) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

attacks in the United States and that Pickard said no . Pickard 

said he replied that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653952,
                     'NER': [(15, 28, 'location'),
                             (38, 45, 'person'),
                             (56, 63, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 28, 'NPS'),
                             (29, 32, 'cc'),
                             (33, 37, 'IN/that'),
                             (38, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 50, 'VVD'),
                             (51, 53, 'rb'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent'),
                             (56, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 68, 'VVD'),
                             (69, 71, 'PP'),
                             (72, 79, 'VVD'),
                             (80, 84, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (38, 45, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 63, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653952) PENN in sentence 4154849:

attacks in the United States and that    Pickard said no .    
------- -- --- ------ ------ --- ----    ------- ---- -- -    
nns     in dt  NP     NPS    cc  IN/that NP      VVD  rb sent 

Pickard said he replied that   
------- ---- -- ------- ----   
NP      VVD  PP VVD     IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] cc
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] rb
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                          [end] 62
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] PP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 27
[start] 15
[name] location
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] person
                                          [end] 62
[start] 56
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334460680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'attacks in the United States and that Pickard '
                             'said no . Pickard said he replied that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 481,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'attacks in the United States and that Pickard said no . Pickard '
          'said he replied that'},
 {'ID': 4154850,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 8, 'md'),
          (9, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 19, 'VV'),
          (20, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 33, 'IN/that'),
          (34, 39, 'ex'),
          (40, 45, 'md'),
          (46, 48, 'vb'),
          (49, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 59, 'nns'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 80, 'NPS'),
          (81, 82, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154850) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

he could not assure Ashcroft that there would be no attacks in 

the United States ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653953,
                     'NER': [(20, 28, 'person'), (67, 80, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 8, 'md'),
                             (9, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 19, 'VV'),
                             (20, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 33, 'IN/that'),
                             (34, 39, 'ex'),
                             (40, 45, 'md'),
                             (46, 48, 'vb'),
                             (49, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 59, 'nns'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 80, 'NPS'),
                             (81, 82, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (20, 28, 'NT'),
                             (34, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653953) PENN in sentence 4154850:

he could not assure Ashcroft that    there would be no attacks in
-- ----- --- ------ -------- ----    ----- ----- -- -- ------- --
PP md    rb  VV     NP       IN/that ex    md    vb dt nns     in

 the United States ,
 --- ------ ------ -
 dt  NP     NPS    ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] md
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] VV
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] ex
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] md
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] vb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] nns
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 27
[start] 20
[name] person
                                          [end] 79
[start] 67
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334480392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'he could not assure Ashcroft that there would be '
                             'no attacks in the United States ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 482,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'he could not assure Ashcroft that there would be no attacks in the '
          'United States ,'},
 {'ID': 4154851,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 20, 'nns'),
          (21, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 31, 'nns'),
          (32, 36, 'VBD'),
          (37, 44, 'VVN'),
          (45, 47, 'to'),
          (48, 56, 'jj'),
          (57, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 66, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154851) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

although the reports of threats were related to overseas targets 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653954,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 31, 'nns'),
                             (32, 36, 'VBD'),
                             (37, 44, 'VVN'),
                             (45, 47, 'to'),
                             (48, 56, 'jj'),
                             (57, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653954) PENN in sentence 4154851:

although the reports of threats were related to overseas targets 
-------- --- ------- -- ------- ---- ------- -- -------- ------- 
in       dt  nns     in nns     VBD  VVN     to jj       nns     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] to
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] nns
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334488008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'although the reports of threats were related to '
                             'overseas targets .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 483,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'although the reports of threats were related to overseas targets .'},
 {'ID': 4154852,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'), (9, 13, 'VVD'), (14, 16, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154852) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Ashcroft said he

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653955,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'), (9, 13, 'VVD'), (14, 16, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'), (14, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653955) PENN in sentence 4154852:

Ashcroft said he
-------- ---- --
NP       VVD  PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334490120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Ashcroft said he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 483,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Ashcroft said he'},
 {'ID': 4154853,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
          (10, 17, 'VVN'),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 29, 'VBD'),
          (30, 35, 'VVG'),
          (36, 40, 'wp'),
          (41, 43, 'PP'),
          (44, 50, 'VVD'),
          (51, 53, 'to'),
          (54, 56, 'VV'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154853) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

therefore assumed the FBI was doing what it needed to do .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653956,
                     'NER': [(22, 25, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
                             (10, 17, 'VVN'),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 29, 'VBD'),
                             (30, 35, 'VVG'),
                             (36, 40, 'wp'),
                             (41, 43, 'PP'),
                             (44, 50, 'VVD'),
                             (51, 53, 'to'),
                             (54, 56, 'VV'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653956) PENN in sentence 4154853:

therefore assumed the FBI was doing what it needed to do .   
--------- ------- --- --- --- ----- ---- -- ------ -- -- -   
rb        VVN     dt  NP  VBD VVG   wp   PP VVD    to VV sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] wp
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] PP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] to
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] VV
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 24,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 22}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334491176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'therefore assumed the FBI was doing what it '
                             'needed to do .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 484,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'therefore assumed the FBI was doing what it needed to do .'},
 {'ID': 4154854,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 15, 'VVD'), (16, 20, 'IN/that'), (21, 23, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154854) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He acknowledged that in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653957,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
                             (21, 23, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (21, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653957) PENN in sentence 4154854:

He acknowledged that    in
-- ------------ ----    --
PP VVD          IN/that in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334506216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He acknowledged that in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 484,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He acknowledged that in'},
 {'ID': 4154855,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 21, 'VBD'),
          (22, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 33, 'jj'),
          (34, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 46, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154855) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

retrospect , this was a dangerous assumption .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653958,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 21, 'VBD'),
                             (22, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 33, 'jj'),
                             (34, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 46, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653958) PENN in sentence 4154855:

retrospect , this was a  dangerous assumption .   
---------- - ---- --- -  --------- ---------- -   
nn         , dt   VBD dt jj        nn         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 24
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334507272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'retrospect , this was a dangerous assumption .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 485,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'retrospect , this was a dangerous assumption .'},
 {'ID': 4154856,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 14, 'VV'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 27, 'wp'),
          (28, 30, 'PP'),
          (31, 34, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154856) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He did not ask the FBI what it was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653959,
                     'NER': [(19, 22, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 14, 'VV'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 27, 'wp'),
                             (28, 30, 'PP'),
                             (31, 34, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653959) PENN in sentence 4154856:

He did not ask the FBI what it was
-- --- --- --- --- --- ---- -- ---
PP VVD rb  VV  dt  NP  wp   PP VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VV
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] wp
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] PP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334529640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He did not ask the FBI what it was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 485,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He did not ask the FBI what it was'},
 {'ID': 4154857,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVG'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 20, 'to'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 40, 'VVD'),
          (41, 44, 'rb'),
          (45, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 52, 'PP'),
          (53, 55, 'to'),
          (56, 60, 'VV'),
          (61, 64, 'dt'),
          (65, 73, 'jj'),
          (74, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154857) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

doing in response to the threats and did not task it to take any 

specific action .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653960,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVG'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 20, 'to'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 40, 'VVD'),
                             (41, 44, 'rb'),
                             (45, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 52, 'PP'),
                             (53, 55, 'to'),
                             (56, 60, 'VV'),
                             (61, 64, 'dt'),
                             (65, 73, 'jj'),
                             (74, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653960) PENN in sentence 4154857:

doing in response to the threats and did not task it to take any 
----- -- -------- -- --- ------- --- --- --- ---- -- -- ---- --- 
VVG   in nn       to dt  nns     cc  VVD rb  nn   PP to VV   dt  

specific action .   
-------- ------ -   
jj       nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] to
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cc
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] rb
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] PP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] to
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] VV
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334531944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'doing in response to the threats and did not '
                             'task it to take any specific action .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 486,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'doing in response to the threats and did not task it to take any '
          'specific action .'},
 {'ID': 4154858,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154858) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653961,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653961) PENN in sentence 4154858:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334539272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 486,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He'},
 {'ID': 4154859,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 19, 'VV'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 29, ','),
          (30, 34, 'rb'),
          (35, 40, 'rb'),
          (41, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 66, 'in'),
          (67, 74, 'NP'),
          (75, 76, ','),
          (77, 79, 'to'),
          (80, 84, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154859) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

also did not direct the INS , then still part of the Department 

of Justice , to take

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653962,
                     'NER': [(24, 27, 'organization'),
                             (53, 74, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 19, 'VV'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 29, ','),
                             (30, 34, 'rb'),
                             (35, 40, 'rb'),
                             (41, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 66, 'in'),
                             (67, 74, 'NP'),
                             (75, 76, ','),
                             (77, 79, 'to'),
                             (80, 84, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653962) PENN in sentence 4154859:

also did not direct the INS , then still part of the Department 
---- --- --- ------ --- --- - ---- ----- ---- -- --- ---------- 
rb   VVD rb  VV     dt  NP  , rb   rb    nn   in dt  NP         

of Justice , to take
-- ------- - -- ----
in NP      , to VV  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] VV
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] ,
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] rb
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] rb
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] in
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] ,
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] to
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 26,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 24},
                                          {'end': 73,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 53}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334539944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'also did not direct the INS , then still part of '
                             'the Department of Justice , to take'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 487,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'also did not direct the INS , then still part of the Department of '
          'Justice , to take'},
 {'ID': 4154860,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 12, 'jj'), (13, 19, 'nn'), (20, 21, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154860) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

any specific action .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653963,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 21, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (20, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653963) PENN in sentence 4154860:

any specific action .   
--- -------- ------ -   
dt  jj       nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334560232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'any specific action .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 488,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'any specific action .'},
 {'ID': 4154861,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 8, ','),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 21, 'jj'),
          (22, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 46, 'VVN'),
          (47, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 61, 'to'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 74, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154861) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In sum , the domestic agencies never mobilized in response to the

 threat .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653964,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 8, ','),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 46, 'VVN'),
                             (47, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 61, 'to'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 74, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (31, 36, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653964) PENN in sentence 4154861:

In sum , the domestic agencies never mobilized in response to the
-- --- - --- -------- -------- ----- --------- -- -------- -- ---
in nn  , dt  jj       nns      rb    VVN       in nn       to dt 

 threat .   
 ------ -   
 nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] rb
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] to
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334573640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In sum , the domestic agencies never mobilized '
                             'in response to the threat .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 490,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In sum , the domestic agencies never mobilized in response to the '
          'threat .'},
 {'ID': 4154862,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'), (5, 8, 'VVD'), (9, 12, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154862) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They did not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653965,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'), (5, 8, 'VVD'), (9, 12, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 8, 'NT'), (9, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653965) PENN in sentence 4154862:

They did not
---- --- ---
PP   VVD rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334576328>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They did not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 490,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They did not'},
 {'ID': 4154863,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
          (5, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 20, 'cc'),
          (21, 24, 'VVD'),
          (25, 28, 'rb'),
          (29, 33, 'VH'),
          (34, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 53, 'VV'),
          (54, 55, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154863) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

have direction , and did not have a plan to institute .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653966,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
                             (5, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 20, 'cc'),
                             (21, 24, 'VVD'),
                             (25, 28, 'rb'),
                             (29, 33, 'VH'),
                             (34, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 53, 'VV'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653966) PENN in sentence 4154863:

have direction , and did not have a  plan to institute .   
---- --------- - --- --- --- ---- -  ---- -- --------- -   
VHP  nn        , cc  VVD rb  VH   dt nn   to VV        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] cc
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] rb
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] VH
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334577384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'have direction , and did not have a plan to '
                             'institute .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 491,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'have direction , and did not have a plan to institute .'},
 {'ID': 4154864,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 11, 'nns'),
          (12, 16, 'VBD'),
          (17, 20, 'rb'),
          (21, 29, 'VVN'),
          (30, 31, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154864) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The borders were not hardened .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653967,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 11, 'nns'),
                             (12, 16, 'VBD'),
                             (17, 20, 'rb'),
                             (21, 29, 'VVN'),
                             (30, 31, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653967) PENN in sentence 4154864:

The borders were not hardened .   
--- ------- ---- --- -------- -   
dt  nns     VBD  rb  VVN      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] rb
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334583848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The borders were not hardened .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 491,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The borders were not hardened .'},
 {'ID': 4154865,
  'POS': [(0, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 27, 'VBD'),
          (28, 31, 'rb'),
          (32, 41, 'VVN'),
          (42, 43, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154865) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Transportation systems were not fortified .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653968,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 27, 'VBD'),
                             (28, 31, 'rb'),
                             (32, 41, 'VVN'),
                             (42, 43, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(23, 27, 'NT'), (28, 31, 'NT'), (42, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653968) PENN in sentence 4154865:

Transportation systems were not fortified .   
-------------- ------- ---- --- --------- -   
nn             nns     VBD  rb  VVN       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] rb
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334585288>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Transportation systems were not fortified .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 492,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Transportation systems were not fortified .'},
 {'ID': 4154866,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
          (11, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 27, 'VBD'),
          (28, 31, 'rb'),
          (32, 40, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154866) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Electronic surveillance was not targeted

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653969,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 27, 'VBD'),
                             (28, 31, 'rb'),
                             (32, 40, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(24, 27, 'NT'), (28, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653969) PENN in sentence 4154866:

Electronic surveillance was not targeted
---------- ------------ --- --- --------
jj         nn           VBD rb  VVN     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 22
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] rb
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334603080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Electronic surveillance was not targeted'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 492,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Electronic surveillance was not targeted'},
 {'ID': 4154867,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 9, 'dt'),
          (10, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 27, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154867) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

against a domestic threat .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653970,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 27, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (8, 9, 'NT'), (26, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653970) PENN in sentence 4154867:

against a  domestic threat .   
------- -  -------- ------ -   
in      dt jj       nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334604232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'against a domestic threat .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 493,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'against a domestic threat .'},
 {'ID': 4154868,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 9, 'cc'),
          (10, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 36, 'VBD'),
          (37, 40, 'rb'),
          (41, 50, 'VVN'),
          (51, 53, 'to'),
          (54, 61, 'VV'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 72, 'POS'),
          (73, 80, 'nns'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154868) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

State and local law enforcement were not marshaled to augment the

 FBI 's efforts .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653971,
                     'NER': [(66, 69, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 9, 'cc'),
                             (10, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 36, 'VBD'),
                             (37, 40, 'rb'),
                             (41, 50, 'VVN'),
                             (51, 53, 'to'),
                             (54, 61, 'VV'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 72, 'POS'),
                             (73, 80, 'nns'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653971) PENN in sentence 4154868:

State and local law enforcement were not marshaled to augment the
----- --- ----- --- ----------- ---- --- --------- -- ------- ---
nn    cc  jj    nn  nn          VBD  rb  VVN       to VV      dt 

 FBI 's  efforts .   
 --- --  ------- -   
 NP  POS nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] cc
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] rb
                                          [end] 49
[start] 41
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] to
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] VV
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] POS
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] nns
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 68,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 66}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334605480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'State and local law enforcement were not '
                             "marshaled to augment the FBI 's efforts ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 495,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'State and local law enforcement were not marshaled to augment the '
          "FBI 's efforts ."},
 {'ID': 4154869,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154869) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653972,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653972) PENN in sentence 4154869:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334616616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 495,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The'},
 {'ID': 4154870,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 10, 'VBD'),
          (11, 14, 'rb'),
          (15, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 23, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154870) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

public was not warned .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653973,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 10, 'VBD'),
                             (11, 14, 'rb'),
                             (15, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 23, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'), (11, 14, 'NT'), (22, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653973) PENN in sentence 4154870:

public was not warned .   
------ --- --- ------ -   
nn     VBD rb  VVN    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] rb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334617288>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'public was not warned .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 496,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'public was not warned .'},
 {'ID': 4154871,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 29, 'jj'),
          (30, 43, 'jj'),
          (44, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 63, 'PP$'),
          (64, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 76, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154871) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The terrorists exploited deep institutional failings within our 

government .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653974,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 29, 'jj'),
                             (30, 43, 'jj'),
                             (44, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 63, 'PP$'),
                             (64, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 76, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (53, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653974) PENN in sentence 4154871:

The terrorists exploited deep institutional failings within our 
--- ---------- --------- ---- ------------- -------- ------ --- 
dt  nns        VVN       jj   jj            nns      in     PP$ 

government .   
---------- -   
nn         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] nns
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 73
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334618536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The terrorists exploited deep institutional '
                             'failings within our government .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 497,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The terrorists exploited deep institutional failings within our '
          'government .'},
 {'ID': 4154872,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154872) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653975,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653975) PENN in sentence 4154872:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334636808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 497,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The'},
 {'ID': 4154873,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'VBZ'),
          (12, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 41, 'md'),
          (42, 46, 'VH'),
          (47, 53, 'VVN'),
          (54, 56, 'rp'),
          (57, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 74, 'to'),
          (75, 82, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154873) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

question is whether extra vigilance might have turned up an 

opportunity to disrupt

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653976,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'VBZ'),
                             (12, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 41, 'md'),
                             (42, 46, 'VH'),
                             (47, 53, 'VVN'),
                             (54, 56, 'rp'),
                             (57, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 74, 'to'),
                             (75, 82, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 19, 'NT'),
                             (36, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653976) PENN in sentence 4154873:

question is  whether extra vigilance might have turned up an 
-------- --  ------- ----- --------- ----- ---- ------ -- -- 
nn       VBZ in      jj    nn        md    VH   VVN    rp dt 

opportunity to disrupt
----------- -- -------
nn          to VV     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] md
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] VH
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] rp
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] to
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334637480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'question is whether extra vigilance might have '
                             'turned up an opportunity to disrupt'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 498,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'question is whether extra vigilance might have turned up an '
          'opportunity to disrupt'},
 {'ID': 4154874,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 8, 'nn'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154874) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the plot .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653977,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 8, 'nn'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653977) PENN in sentence 4154874:

the plot .   
--- ---- -   
dt  nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334652232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the plot .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 499,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the plot .'},
 {'ID': 4154875,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'VVN'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 20, 'cd'),
          (21, 22, ','),
          (23, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 44, 'nns'),
          (45, 49, 'VVD'),
          (50, 58, 'nns'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154875) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As seen in chapter 7 , al Qaeda's operatives made mistakes .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653978,
                     'NER': [(23, 33, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'VVN'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 20, 'cd'),
                             (21, 22, ','),
                             (23, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 44, 'nns'),
                             (45, 49, 'VVD'),
                             (50, 58, 'nns'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 33, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653978) PENN in sentence 4154875:

As seen in chapter 7  , al Qaeda's operatives made mistakes .   
-- ---- -- ------- -  - -- ------- ---------- ---- -------- -   
in VVN  in nn      cd , NP NP      nns        VVD  nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] cd
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] nns
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 32,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 23}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334653192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "As seen in chapter 7 , al Qaeda's operatives "
                             'made mistakes .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 499,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "As seen in chapter 7 , al Qaeda's operatives made mistakes ."},
 {'ID': 4154876,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 8, 'jjs'), (9, 12, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154876) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

At least two

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653979,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 8, 'jjs'), (9, 12, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (9, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653979) PENN in sentence 4154876:

At least two
-- ----- ---
in jjs   cd 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334663848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'At least two'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 499,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'At least two'},
 {'ID': 4154877,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 13, 'nns'),
          (14, 21, 'VVD'),
          (22, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 47, 'cd'),
          (48, 49, ','),
          (50, 60, 'rb'),
          (61, 63, 'in'),
          (64, 68, 'jj'),
          (69, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 77, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154877) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

such mistakes created opportunities during 2001 , especially in 

late August .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653980,
                     'NER': [(43, 47, 'date'), (69, 75, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 13, 'nns'),
                             (14, 21, 'VVD'),
                             (22, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 47, 'cd'),
                             (48, 49, ','),
                             (50, 60, 'rb'),
                             (61, 63, 'in'),
                             (64, 68, 'jj'),
                             (69, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 77, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(36, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (69, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653980) PENN in sentence 4154877:

such mistakes created opportunities during 2001 , especially in 
---- -------- ------- ------------- ------ ---- - ---------- -- 
jj   nns      VVD     nns           in     cd   , rb         in 

late August .   
---- ------ -   
jj   NP     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] cd
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] ,
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] rb
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] jj
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 46
[start] 43
[name] date
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334664808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'such mistakes created opportunities during 2001 '
                             ', especially in late August .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 500,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'such mistakes created opportunities during 2001 , especially in '
          'late August .'},
 {'ID': 4154878,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 20, ','),
          (21, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 40, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154878) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653981,
                     'NER': [(21, 30, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 20, ','),
                             (21, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 40, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653981) PENN in sentence 4154878:

---- ------------- - --------- - --- ---
jj   NP            , NP        , cc  NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] ,
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cc
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 29,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 21}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334667304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'LATE LEADS-MIHDHAR , MOUSSAOUI , AND KSM'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 501,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
 {'ID': 4154879,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 15, 'PP'),
          (16, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 29, 'wrb'),
          (30, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 51, 'nns'),
          (52, 64, 'rb'),
          (65, 73, 'VVD'),
          (74, 78, 'dt'),
          (79, 81, 'in'),
          (82, 85, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154879) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In chapter 6 we discussed how intelligence agencies successfully 

detected some of the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653982,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 15, 'PP'),
                             (16, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 29, 'wrb'),
                             (30, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 51, 'nns'),
                             (52, 64, 'rb'),
                             (65, 73, 'VVD'),
                             (74, 78, 'dt'),
                             (79, 81, 'in'),
                             (82, 85, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (52, 64, 'NT'),
                             (74, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653982) PENN in sentence 4154879:

In chapter 6  we discussed how intelligence agencies successfully
-- ------- -  -- --------- --- ------------ -------- ------------
in nn      cd PP VVD       wrb nn           nns      rb          

 detected some of the
 -------- ---- -- ---
 VVD      dt   in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] cd
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 41
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 63
[start] 52
[name] rb
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] dt
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334685576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In chapter 6 we discussed how intelligence '
                             'agencies successfully detected some of the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 502,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In chapter 6 we discussed how intelligence agencies successfully '
          'detected some of the'},
 {'ID': 4154880,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj'),
          (6, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 26, 'nns'),
          (27, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 38, ','),
          (39, 46, 'VVG'),
          (47, 49, 'rp'),
          (50, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 63, 'nns'),
          (64, 66, 'in'),
          (67, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154880) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

early travel in the planes operation , picking up the movements 

of Khalid al Mihdhar

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653983,
                     'NER': [(67, 84, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'jj'),
                             (6, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 26, 'nns'),
                             (27, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 38, ','),
                             (39, 46, 'VVG'),
                             (47, 49, 'rp'),
                             (50, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 63, 'nns'),
                             (64, 66, 'in'),
                             (67, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653983) PENN in sentence 4154880:

early travel in the planes operation , picking up the movements 
----- ------ -- --- ------ --------- - ------- -- --- --------- 
jj    nn     in dt  nns    nn        , VVG     rp dt  nns       

of Khalid al Mihdhar
-- ------ -- -------
in NP     NP NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 35
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] ,
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] rp
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] nns
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                          [end] 83
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 83
[start] 67
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334688168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'early travel in the planes operation , picking '
                             'up the movements of Khalid al Mihdhar'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 503,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'early travel in the planes operation , picking up the movements of '
          'Khalid al Mihdhar'},
 {'ID': 4154881,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 19, 'PP'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 25, 'cc'),
          (26, 32, 'VVG'),
          (33, 36, 'PP$'),
          (37, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 52, 'VV'),
          (53, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 70, 'PP'),
          (71, 78, 'rb'),
          (79, 84, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154881) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and identifying him , and seeing his travel converge with someone

 they perhaps could

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653984,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 19, 'PP'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 25, 'cc'),
                             (26, 32, 'VVG'),
                             (33, 36, 'PP$'),
                             (37, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 52, 'VV'),
                             (53, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 70, 'PP'),
                             (71, 78, 'rb'),
                             (79, 84, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (66, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653984) PENN in sentence 4154881:

and identifying him , and seeing his travel converge with someone
--- ----------- --- - --- ------ --- ------ -------- ---- -------
cc  VVG         PP  , cc  VVG    PP$ nn     VV       in   nn     

 they perhaps could
 ---- ------- -----
 PP   rb      md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] PP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] cc
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] PP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] rb
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334703400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and identifying him , and seeing his travel '
                             'converge with someone they perhaps could'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 504,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and identifying him , and seeing his travel converge with someone '
          'they perhaps could'},
 {'ID': 4154882,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
          (5, 15, 'VVN'),
          (16, 19, 'cc'),
          (20, 23, 'VVD'),
          (24, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 47, 'nns'),
          (48, 52, 'rb'),
          (53, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 65, 'rbr'),
          (66, 72, 'rb'),
          (73, 85, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154882) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

have identified but did not- Nawaf al Hazmi -as well as with less

 easily identifiable

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653985,
                     'NER': [(29, 43, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
                             (5, 15, 'VVN'),
                             (16, 19, 'cc'),
                             (20, 23, 'VVD'),
                             (24, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 47, 'nns'),
                             (48, 52, 'rb'),
                             (53, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 65, 'rbr'),
                             (66, 72, 'rb'),
                             (73, 85, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 43, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653985) PENN in sentence 4154882:

have identified but did not- Nawaf al Hazmi -as well as with less
---- ---------- --- --- ---- ----- -- ----- --- ---- -- ---- ----
VHP  VVN        cc  VVD NP   NP    NP NP    nns rb   rb in   rbr 

 easily identifiable
 ------ ------------
 rb     jj          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] cc
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] nns
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] rb
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] rb
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] rb
                                          [end] 84
[start] 73
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 42
[start] 29
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334714344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'have identified but did not- Nawaf al Hazmi -as '
                             'well as with less easily identifiable'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 505,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'have identified but did not- Nawaf al Hazmi -as well as with less '
          'easily identifiable'},
 {'ID': 4154883,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
          (7, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 26, 'cc'),
          (27, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 37, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154883) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

people such as Khallad and Abu Bara .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653986,
                     'NER': [(15, 22, 'person'), (27, 35, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
                             (7, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 26, 'cc'),
                             (27, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 37, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653986) PENN in sentence 4154883:

people such as Khallad and Abu Bara .   
------ ---- -- ------- --- --- ---- -   
nns    jj   in NP      cc  NP  NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] cc
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 15
[name] person
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334729864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'people such as Khallad and Abu Bara .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 506,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'people such as Khallad and Abu Bara .'},
 {'ID': 4154884,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
          (6, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 44, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154884) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

These observations occurred in December 1999

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653987,
                     'NER': [(31, 44, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
                             (6, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 44, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653987) PENN in sentence 4154884:

These observations occurred in December 1999
----- ------------ -------- -- -------- ----
dt    nns          VVD      in NP       cd  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 43
[start] 31
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334731976>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'These observations occurred in December 1999'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 506,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'These observations occurred in December 1999'},
 {'ID': 4154885,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'), (4, 11, 'NP'), (12, 16, 'cd'), (17, 18, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154885) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and January 2000 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653988,
                     'NER': [(4, 16, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 18, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653988) PENN in sentence 4154885:

and January 2000 .   
--- ------- ---- -   
cc  NP      cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] cd
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 4
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334749960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and January 2000 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 507,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and January 2000 .'},
 {'ID': 4154886,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 13, 'VHD'),
          (14, 18, 'VBN'),
          (19, 23, 'VVN'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 39, 'cd'),
          (40, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 55, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154886) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The trail had been lost in January 2000 without a clear

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653989,
                     'NER': [(27, 39, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 13, 'VHD'),
                             (14, 18, 'VBN'),
                             (19, 23, 'VVN'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 39, 'cd'),
                             (40, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 55, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653989) PENN in sentence 4154886:

The trail had been lost in January 2000 without a  clear
--- ----- --- ---- ---- -- ------- ---- ------- -  -----
dt  nn    VHD VBN  VVN  in NP      cd   in      dt jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] cd
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 38
[start] 27
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334751304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The trail had been lost in January 2000 without '
                             'a clear'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 507,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The trail had been lost in January 2000 without a clear'},
 {'ID': 4154887,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 16, 'IN/that'),
          (17, 19, 'PP'),
          (20, 23, 'VHD'),
          (24, 28, 'VBN'),
          (29, 33, 'VVN'),
          (34, 35, ','),
          (36, 39, 'cc'),
          (40, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 52, 'jj'),
          (53, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 62, 'to'),
          (63, 67, 'VV'),
          (68, 70, 'PP'),
          (71, 73, 'rp'),
          (74, 79, 'rb'),
          (80, 81, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154887) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

realization that it had been lost , and without much effort to 

pick it up again .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653990,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 16, 'IN/that'),
                             (17, 19, 'PP'),
                             (20, 23, 'VHD'),
                             (24, 28, 'VBN'),
                             (29, 33, 'VVN'),
                             (34, 35, ','),
                             (36, 39, 'cc'),
                             (40, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 52, 'jj'),
                             (53, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 62, 'to'),
                             (63, 67, 'VV'),
                             (68, 70, 'PP'),
                             (71, 73, 'rp'),
                             (74, 79, 'rb'),
                             (80, 81, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 47, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653990) PENN in sentence 4154887:

realization that    it had been lost , and without much effort to
----------- ----    -- --- ---- ---- - --- ------- ---- ------ --
nn          IN/that PP VHD VBN  VVN  , cc  in      jj   nn     to

 pick it up again .   
 ---- -- -- ----- -   
 VV   PP rp rb    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] PP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] ,
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] cc
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] to
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] VV
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] PP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] rp
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] rb
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334762056>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'realization that it had been lost , and without '
                             'much effort to pick it up again .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 508,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'realization that it had been lost , and without much effort to pick '
          'it up again .'},
 {'ID': 4154888,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154888) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653991,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653991) PENN in sentence 4154888:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334765224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Nor'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 508,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Nor'},
 {'ID': 4154889,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
          (4, 7, 'dt'),
          (8, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 39, 'NP'),
          (40, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 53, 'POS'),
          (54, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 77, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154889) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

had the CIA placed Mihdhar on the State Department 's watchlist 

for suspected

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653992,
                     'NER': [(8, 11, 'organization'),
                             (19, 26, 'location'),
                             (34, 50, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
                             (4, 7, 'dt'),
                             (8, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 39, 'NP'),
                             (40, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 53, 'POS'),
                             (54, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 77, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (19, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653992) PENN in sentence 4154889:

had the CIA placed Mihdhar on the State Department 's  watchlist 
--- --- --- ------ ------- -- --- ----- ---------- --  --------- 
VHD dt  NP  VVD    NP      in dt  NP    NP         POS nn        

for suspected
--- ---------
in  jj       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] POS
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 68
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 10,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 8},
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] location
                                          {'end': 49,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 34}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334765896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'had the CIA placed Mihdhar on the State '
                             "Department 's watchlist for suspected"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 509,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "had the CIA placed Mihdhar on the State Department 's watchlist for "
 {'ID': 4154890,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 15, 'rb'),
          (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
          (21, 27, 'rb'),
          (28, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 41, 'cc'),
          (42, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 63, 'md'),
          (64, 68, 'VV'),
          (69, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 76, 'in'),
          (77, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154890) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

terrorists , so that either an embassy or a port of entry might 

take note if Mihdhar

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653993,
                     'NER': [(77, 84, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
                             (21, 27, 'rb'),
                             (28, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 41, 'cc'),
                             (42, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 63, 'md'),
                             (64, 68, 'VV'),
                             (69, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 76, 'in'),
                             (77, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (21, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (58, 63, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653993) PENN in sentence 4154890:

terrorists , so that    either an embassy or a  port of entry 
---------- - -- ----    ------ -- ------- -- -  ---- -- ----- 
nns        , rb IN/that rb     dt nn      cc dt nn   in nn    

might take note if Mihdhar
----- ---- ---- -- -------
md    VV   nn   in NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] rb
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] rb
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] cc
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 58
[name] md
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] VV
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] in
                                          [end] 83
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 83
[start] 77
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334781128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'terrorists , so that either an embassy or a port '
                             'of entry might take note if Mihdhar'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 510,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'terrorists , so that either an embassy or a port of entry might '
          'take note if Mihdhar'},
 {'ID': 4154891,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'), (7, 9, 'rp'), (10, 15, 'rb'), (16, 17, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154891) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

showed up again .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653994,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 9, 'rp'),
                             (10, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 17, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'), (10, 15, 'NT'), (16, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653994) PENN in sentence 4154891:

showed up again .   
------ -- ----- -   
VVD    rp rb    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] rp
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334792552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'showed up again .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 511,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'showed up again .'},
 {'ID': 4154892,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'cd'),
          (8, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 25, 'cd'),
          (26, 27, ','),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 37, ','),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 47, ','),
          (48, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 55, 'cc'),
          (56, 59, 'VHD'),
          (60, 68, 'jj'),
          (69, 82, 'nns'),
          (83, 85, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154892) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On four occasions in 2001 , the CIA , the FBI , or both had 

apparent opportunities to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653995,
                     'NER': [(21, 25, 'date'),
                             (32, 35, 'organization'),
                             (42, 45, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'cd'),
                             (8, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 25, 'cd'),
                             (26, 27, ','),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 37, ','),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 47, ','),
                             (48, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 55, 'cc'),
                             (56, 59, 'VHD'),
                             (60, 68, 'jj'),
                             (69, 82, 'nns'),
                             (83, 85, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653995) PENN in sentence 4154892:

On four occasions in 2001 , the CIA , the FBI , or both had 
-- ---- --------- -- ---- - --- --- - --- --- - -- ---- --- 
in cd   nns       in cd   , dt  NP  , dt  NP  , cc cc   VHD 

apparent opportunities to
-------- ------------- --
jj       nns           to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] cd
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] cd
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] ,
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] ,
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] ,
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] cc
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] cc
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 67
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                          [end] 81
[start] 69
[name] nns
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 21
[name] date
                                          {'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32},
                                          {'end': 44,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334793704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On four occasions in 2001 , the CIA , the FBI , '
                             'or both had apparent opportunities to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 512,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On four occasions in 2001 , the CIA , the FBI , or both had '
          'apparent opportunities to'},
 {'ID': 4154893,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VV'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 40, 'cc'),
          (41, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 52, 'cc'),
          (53, 65, 'VV'),
          (66, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 80, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154893) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

refocus on the significance of Hazmi and Mihdhar and reinvigorate

 the search for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653996,
                     'NER': [(31, 36, 'location'), (41, 48, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VV'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 40, 'cc'),
                             (41, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 52, 'cc'),
                             (53, 65, 'VV'),
                             (66, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 80, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653996) PENN in sentence 4154893:

refocus on the significance of Hazmi and Mihdhar and reinvigorate
------- -- --- ------------ -- ----- --- ------- --- ------------
VV      in dt  nn           in NP    cc  NP      cc  VV          

 the search for
 --- ------ ---
 dt  nn     in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] cc
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] cc
                                          [end] 64
[start] 53
[name] VV
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 31
[name] location
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334813992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'refocus on the significance of Hazmi and Mihdhar '
                             'and reinvigorate the search for'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 513,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'refocus on the significance of Hazmi and Mihdhar and reinvigorate '
          'the search for'},
 {'ID': 4154894,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154894) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

them .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653997,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653997) PENN in sentence 4154894:

them .   
---- -   
PP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334829128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'them .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 514,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'them .'},
 {'ID': 4154895,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 33, 'PP'),
          (34, 38, 'md'),
          (39, 43, 'VV'),
          (44, 46, 'to'),
          (47, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 76, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154895) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

After reviewing those episodes we will turn to the handling of 

the Moussaoui

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653998,
                     'NER': [(67, 76, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 33, 'PP'),
                             (34, 38, 'md'),
                             (39, 43, 'VV'),
                             (44, 46, 'to'),
                             (47, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 76, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653998) PENN in sentence 4154895:

After reviewing those episodes we will turn to the handling of 
----- --------- ----- -------- -- ---- ---- -- --- -------- -- 
in    VVG       dt    nns      PP md   VV   to dt  nn       in 

the Moussaoui
--- ---------
dt  NP       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] PP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] md
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] VV
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] to
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 75
[start] 67
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334829992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'After reviewing those episodes we will turn to '
                             'the handling of the Moussaoui'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 514,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'After reviewing those episodes we will turn to the handling of the '
 {'ID': 4154896,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 8, 'cc'),
          (9, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 34, 'VVG'),
          (35, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 59, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154896) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

case and some late leads regarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6653999,
                     'NER': [(35, 57, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 8, 'cc'),
                             (9, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 34, 'VVG'),
                             (35, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 59, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (35, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 59, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6653999) PENN in sentence 4154896:

case and some late leads regarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .   
---- --- ---- ---- ----- --------- ------ ------ -------- -   
nn   cc  dt   jj   nns   VVG       NP     NP     NP       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] cc
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 56
[start] 35
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334849128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'case and some late leads regarding Khalid Sheikh '
                             'Mohammed .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 515,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'case and some late leads regarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .'},
 {'ID': 4154897,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ':'),
          (15, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 40, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154897) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

January 2001 : Identification of Khallad

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654000,
                     'NER': [(0, 12, 'date'), (33, 40, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ':'),
                             (15, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 40, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 40, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654000) PENN in sentence 4154897:

January 2001 : Identification of Khallad
------- ---- - -------------- -- -------
NP      cd   : nn             in NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] :
                                          [end] 28
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334851240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'January 2001 : Identification of Khallad'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 516,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'January 2001 : Identification of Khallad'},
 {'ID': 4154898,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'rb'),
          (7, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 34, 'jj'),
          (35, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 44, 'VHD'),
          (45, 49, 'VBN'),
          (50, 54, 'VVN'),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 67, ','),
          (68, 71, 'dt'),
          (72, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 79, 'cc'),
          (80, 83, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154898) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Almost one year after the original trail had been lost in Bangkok

 , the FBI and the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654001,
                     'NER': [(58, 65, 'location'), (72, 75, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'rb'),
                             (7, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 34, 'jj'),
                             (35, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 44, 'VHD'),
                             (45, 49, 'VBN'),
                             (50, 54, 'VVN'),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 67, ','),
                             (68, 71, 'dt'),
                             (72, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 79, 'cc'),
                             (80, 83, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 49, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654001) PENN in sentence 4154898:

Almost one year after the original trail had been lost in Bangkok
------ --- ---- ----- --- -------- ----- --- ---- ---- -- -------
rb     cd  nn   in    dt  jj       nn    VHD VBN  VVN  in NP     

 , the FBI and the
 - --- --- --- ---
 , dt  NP  cc  dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] ,
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] cc
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 64
[start] 58
[name] location
                                          {'end': 74,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 72}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334861224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Almost one year after the original trail had '
                             'been lost in Bangkok , the FBI and the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 517,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Almost one year after the original trail had been lost in Bangkok , '
          'the FBI and the'},
 {'ID': 4154899,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 8, 'VBD'),
          (9, 16, 'VVG'),
          (17, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 40, 'in'),
          (41, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 59, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154899) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

CIA were working on the investigation of the Cole bombing .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654002,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization'), (45, 49, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 8, 'VBD'),
                             (9, 16, 'VVG'),
                             (17, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 40, 'in'),
                             (41, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 59, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 49, 'NT'),
                             (58, 59, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654002) PENN in sentence 4154899:

CIA were working on the investigation of the Cole bombing .   
--- ---- ------- -- --- ------------- -- --- ---- ------- -   
NP  VBD  VVG     in dt  nn            in dt  NP   nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334877128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'CIA were working on the investigation of the '
                             'Cole bombing .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 518,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'CIA were working on the investigation of the Cole bombing .'},
 {'ID': 4154900,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 24, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154900) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They learned of the link

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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654003,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 24, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (13, 15, 'NT'), (16, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654003) PENN in sentence 4154900:

They learned of the link
---- ------- -- --- ----
PP   VVD     in dt  nn  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
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[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
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[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334879720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They learned of the link'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 518,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They learned of the link'},
 {'ID': 4154901,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 9, 'dt'),
          (10, 18, 'VVN'),
          (19, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 34, 'cc'),
          (35, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 50, 'VVN'),
          (51, 53, '``'),
          (54, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 63, 'sent'),
          (64, 66, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154901) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

between a captured conspirator and a person called `` Khallad . 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654004,
                     'NER': [(54, 61, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 18, 'VVN'),
                             (19, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 34, 'cc'),
                             (35, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 50, 'VVN'),
                             (51, 53, '``'),
                             (54, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent'),
                             (64, 66, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654004) PENN in sentence 4154901:

between a  captured conspirator and a  person called `` Khallad 
------- -  -------- ----------- --- -  ------ ------ -- ------- 
in      dt VVN      nn          cc  dt nn     VVN    `` NP      

.    ''
-    --
sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] cc
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] ``
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 60
[start] 54
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334897416>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'between a captured conspirator and a person '
                             "called `` Khallad . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 519,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "between a captured conspirator and a person called `` Khallad . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154902,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'), (5, 9, 'rb'), (10, 17, 'VVD'), (18, 22, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154902) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They also learned that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654005,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 9, 'rb'),
                             (10, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 22, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654005) PENN in sentence 4154902:

They also learned that   
---- ---- ------- ----   
PP   rb   VVD     IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334900008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They also learned that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 519,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They also learned that'},
 {'ID': 4154903,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 11, 'VBD'),
          (12, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 56, 'wp'),
          (57, 60, 'VHD'),
          (61, 67, 'VVN'),
          (68, 74, 'VV'),
          (75, 78, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154903) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Khallad was a senior security official for Bin Ladin who had 

helped direct the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654006,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person'), (43, 52, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 11, 'VBD'),
                             (12, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 56, 'wp'),
                             (57, 60, 'VHD'),
                             (61, 67, 'VVN'),
                             (68, 74, 'VV'),
                             (75, 78, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654006) PENN in sentence 4154903:

Khallad was a  senior security official for Bin Ladin who had 
------- --- -  ------ -------- -------- --- --- ----- --- --- 
NP      VBD dt jj     nn       nn       in  NP  NP    wp  VHD 

helped direct the
------ ------ ---
VVN    VV     dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] wp
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 66
[start] 61
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 73
[start] 68
[name] VV
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334901064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Khallad was a senior security official for Bin '
                             'Ladin who had helped direct the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 520,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Khallad was a senior security official for Bin Ladin who had helped '
          'direct the'},
 {'ID': 4154904,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 9, '('),
          (10, 12, 'PP'),
          (13, 23, 'VVD'),
          (24, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 44, 'cd'),
          (45, 46, ','),
          (47, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 59, 'VVD'),
          (60, 62, 'to'),
          (63, 66, 'PP$'),
          (67, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 78, 'dt'),
          (79, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154904) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

bombing ( we introduced Khallad in chapter 5 , and returned to 

his role in the Cole

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654007,
                     'NER': [(24, 31, 'person'), (79, 83, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 9, '('),
                             (10, 12, 'PP'),
                             (13, 23, 'VVD'),
                             (24, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 44, 'cd'),
                             (45, 46, ','),
                             (47, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 59, 'VVD'),
                             (60, 62, 'to'),
                             (63, 66, 'PP$'),
                             (67, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 78, 'dt'),
                             (79, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654007) PENN in sentence 4154904:

bombing ( we introduced Khallad in chapter 5  , and returned to 
------- - -- ---------- ------- -- ------- -  - --- -------- -- 
nn      ( PP VVD        nn      in nn      cd , cc  VVD      to 

his role in the Cole
--- ---- -- --- ----
PP$ nn   in dt  NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] (
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 13
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] cd
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] ,
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] cc
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] to
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] in
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] dt
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 24
[name] person
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334912200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'bombing ( we introduced Khallad in chapter 5 , '
                             'and returned to his role in the Cole'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 521,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'bombing ( we introduced Khallad in chapter 5 , and returned to his '
          'role in the Cole'},
 {'ID': 4154905,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 20, 'cd'),
          (21, 22, ')'),
          (23, 26, 'cd'),
          (27, 30, 'cd'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 45, 'nns'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 59, 'POS'),
          (60, 73, 'jj'),
          (74, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 81, 'in'),
          (82, 87, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154905) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

bombing in chapter 6 ) .55 One of the members of the FBI 's 

investigative team in Yemen

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654008,
                     'NER': [(53, 56, 'organization'), (82, 87, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 20, 'cd'),
                             (21, 22, ')'),
                             (23, 26, 'cd'),
                             (27, 30, 'cd'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 45, 'nns'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 59, 'POS'),
                             (60, 73, 'jj'),
                             (74, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 81, 'in'),
                             (82, 87, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654008) PENN in sentence 4154905:

bombing in chapter 6  ) .55 One of the members of the FBI 's  
------- -- ------- -  - --- --- -- --- ------- -- --- --- --  
nn      in nn      cd ) cd  cd  in dt  nns     in dt  NP  POS 

investigative team in Yemen
------------- ---- -- -----
jj            nn   in NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] cd
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] )
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] cd
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] cd
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] nns
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] POS
                                          [end] 72
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                          [end] 86
[start] 82
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 55,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 53},
                                          [end] 86
[start] 82
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334927912>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'bombing in chapter 6 ) .55 One of the members of '
                             "the FBI 's investigative team in Yemen"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 522,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "bombing in chapter 6 ) .55 One of the members of the FBI 's "
          'investigative team in Yemen'},
 {'ID': 4154906,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
          (14, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 20, 'VHD'),
          (21, 26, 'VVN'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 44, 'rb'),
          (45, 46, ','),
          (47, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 65, 'sym'),
          (66, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 81, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154906) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

realized that he had heard of Khallad before , from a joint FBI /

 CIA source four

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654009,
                     'NER': [(30, 37, 'person'),
                             (60, 63, 'organization'),
                             (66, 69, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
                             (14, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 20, 'VHD'),
                             (21, 26, 'VVN'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 44, 'rb'),
                             (45, 46, ','),
                             (47, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 65, 'sym'),
                             (66, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 81, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (38, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (77, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654009) PENN in sentence 4154906:

realized that    he had heard of Khallad before , from a  joint 
-------- ----    -- --- ----- -- ------- ------ - ---- -  ----- 
VVD      IN/that PP VHD VVN   in nn      rb     , in   dt jj    

FBI /   CIA source four
--- -   --- ------ ----
NP  sym NP  nn     cd  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] rb
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] ,
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] sym
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 30
[name] person
                                          {'end': 62,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 60},
                                          {'end': 68,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 66}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334943912>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'realized that he had heard of Khallad before , '
                             'from a joint FBI / CIA source four'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 523,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'realized that he had heard of Khallad before , from a joint FBI / '
          'CIA source four'},
 {'ID': 4154907,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'), (7, 14, 'rbr'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154907) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

months earlier .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654010,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'), (7, 14, 'rbr'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 14, 'NT'), (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654010) PENN in sentence 4154907:

months earlier .   
------ ------- -   
nns    rbr     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334955624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'months earlier .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 524,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'months earlier .'},
 {'ID': 4154908,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 22, 'VVN'),
          (23, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 37, 'jj'),
          (38, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 63, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154908) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FBI agent obtained from a foreign government a photo of the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654011,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 22, 'VVN'),
                             (23, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 37, 'jj'),
                             (38, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654011) PENN in sentence 4154908:

The FBI agent obtained from a  foreign government a  photo of the
--- --- ----- -------- ---- -  ------- ---------- -  ----- -- ---
dt  NP  nn    VVN      in   dt jj      nn         dt nn    in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334956584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The FBI agent obtained from a foreign government '
                             'a photo of the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 524,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The FBI agent obtained from a foreign government a photo of the'},
 {'ID': 4154909,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 18, 'to'),
          (19, 23, 'VH'),
          (24, 32, 'VVN'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 51, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154909) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

person believed to have directed the Cole bombing .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654012,
                     'NER': [(37, 41, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 18, 'to'),
                             (19, 23, 'VH'),
                             (24, 32, 'VVN'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 51, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 23, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654012) PENN in sentence 4154909:

person believed to have directed the Cole bombing .   
------ -------- -- ---- -------- --- ---- ------- -   
nn     VVD      to VH   VVN      dt  NP   nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] to
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] VH
                                          [end] 31
[start] 24
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 40
[start] 37
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334971336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'person believed to have directed the Cole '
                             'bombing .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 525,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'person believed to have directed the Cole bombing .'},
 {'ID': 4154910,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VBD'),
          (7, 12, 'VVN'),
          (13, 15, 'to'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 28, ','),
          (29, 32, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154910) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It was shown to the source , and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654013,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VBD'),
                             (7, 12, 'VVN'),
                             (13, 15, 'to'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 28, ','),
                             (29, 32, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654013) PENN in sentence 4154910:

It was shown to the source , and
-- --- ----- -- --- ------ - ---
PP VBD VVN   to dt  nn     , cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] to
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334973256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It was shown to the source , and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 525,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It was shown to the source , and'},
 {'ID': 4154911,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 17, 'IN/that'),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 48, 'VBD'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 57, 'jj'),
          (58, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 68, 'PP'),
          (69, 72, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154911) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

he confirmed that the man in that photograph was the same Khallad

 he had

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654014,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 17, 'IN/that'),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 48, 'VBD'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 57, 'jj'),
                             (58, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 68, 'PP'),
                             (69, 72, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654014) PENN in sentence 4154911:

he confirmed that    the man in that photograph was the same 
-- --------- ----    --- --- -- ---- ---------- --- --- ---- 
PP VVD       IN/that dt  nn  in dt   nn         VBD dt  jj   

Khallad he had
------- -- ---
nn      PP VHD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] PP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334987528>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'he confirmed that the man in that photograph was '
                             'the same Khallad he had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 526,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'he confirmed that the man in that photograph was the same Khallad '
          'he had'},
 {'ID': 4154912,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154912) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

described .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654015,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654015) PENN in sentence 4154912:

described .   
--------- -   
VVN       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334990024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'described .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 527,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'described .'},
 {'ID': 4154913,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 16, 'cd'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 45, 'nns'),
          (46, 56, 'VVN'),
          (57, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 81, ','),
          (82, 85, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154913) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In December 2000 , on the basis of some links associated with 

Khalid al Mihdhar , the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654016,
                     'NER': [(3, 16, 'date'), (62, 79, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 45, 'nns'),
                             (46, 56, 'VVN'),
                             (57, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 81, ','),
                             (82, 85, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT'),
                             (57, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654016) PENN in sentence 4154913:

In December 2000 , on the basis of some links associated with 
-- -------- ---- - -- --- ----- -- ---- ----- ---------- ---- 
in NP       cd   , in dt  nn    in dt   nns   VVN        in   

Khalid al Mihdhar , the
------ -- ------- - ---
NP     NP NP      , dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] cd
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] nns
                                          [end] 55
[start] 46
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] ,
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 78
[start] 62
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824334990792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In December 2000 , on the basis of some links '
                             'associated with Khalid al Mihdhar , the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 529,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In December 2000 , on the basis of some links associated with '
          'Khalid al Mihdhar , the'},
 {'ID': 4154914,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 6, 'POS'),
          (7, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 32, 'VVD'),
          (33, 37, 'IN/that'),
          (38, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 49, 'cc'),
          (50, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 73, 'md'),
          (74, 76, 'vb'),
          (77, 80, 'cd'),
          (81, 84, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154914) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

CIA 's Bin Ladin unit speculated that Khallad and Khalid al 

Mihdhar might be one and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654017,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization'),
                             (7, 16, 'person'),
                             (38, 45, 'person'),
                             (50, 67, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 6, 'POS'),
                             (7, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 32, 'VVD'),
                             (33, 37, 'IN/that'),
                             (38, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 49, 'cc'),
                             (50, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 73, 'md'),
                             (74, 76, 'vb'),
                             (77, 80, 'cd'),
                             (81, 84, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 16, 'NT'),
                             (38, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654017) PENN in sentence 4154914:

CIA 's  Bin Ladin unit speculated that    Khallad and Khalid al 
--- --  --- ----- ---- ---------- ----    ------- --- ------ -- 
NP  POS NP  NP    nn   VVD        IN/that NP      cc  NP     NP 

Mihdhar might be one and
------- ----- -- --- ---
NP      md    vb cd  cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] POS
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 22
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] cc
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] md
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] vb
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] cd
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] person
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] person
                                          [end] 66
[start] 50
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335002696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "CIA 's Bin Ladin unit speculated that Khallad "
                             'and Khalid al Mihdhar might be one and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 530,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "CIA 's Bin Ladin unit speculated that Khallad and Khalid al Mihdhar "
          'might be one and'},
 {'ID': 4154915,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 8, 'jj'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154915) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the same .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654018,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 8, 'jj'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654018) PENN in sentence 4154915:

the same .   
--- ---- -   
dt  jj   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335022792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the same .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 531,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the same .'},
 {'ID': 4154916,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 13, 'VVD'),
          (14, 18, 'IN/that'),
          (19, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 66, 'vb'),
          (67, 72, 'VVN'),
          (73, 75, 'to'),
          (76, 79, 'dt'),
          (80, 85, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154916) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The CIA asked that a Kuala Lumpur surveillance photo of Mihdhar 

be shown to the joint

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654019,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'), (21, 33, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 13, 'VVD'),
                             (14, 18, 'IN/that'),
                             (19, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 66, 'vb'),
                             (67, 72, 'VVN'),
                             (73, 75, 'to'),
                             (76, 79, 'dt'),
                             (80, 85, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 33, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654019) PENN in sentence 4154916:

The CIA asked that    a  Kuala Lumpur surveillance photo of 
--- --- ----- ----    -  ----- ------ ------------ ----- -- 
dt  NP  VVD   IN/that dt NP    NP     nn           nn    in 

Mihdhar be shown to the joint
------- -- ----- -- --- -----
NP      vb VVN   to dt  jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] vb
                                          [end] 71
[start] 67
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] to
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] dt
                                          [end] 84
[start] 80
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 32
[start] 21
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335023752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The CIA asked that a Kuala Lumpur surveillance '
                             'photo of Mihdhar be shown to the joint'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 533,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The CIA asked that a Kuala Lumpur surveillance photo of Mihdhar be '
          'shown to the joint'},
 {'ID': 4154917,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 10, 'wp'),
          (11, 14, 'VHD'),
          (15, 25, 'VVN'),
          (26, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 35, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154917) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

source who had identified Khallad .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654020,
                     'NER': [(26, 33, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 10, 'wp'),
                             (11, 14, 'VHD'),
                             (15, 25, 'VVN'),
                             (26, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 35, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (26, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654020) PENN in sentence 4154917:

source who had identified Khallad .   
------ --- --- ---------- ------- -   
nn     wp  VHD VVN        NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] wp
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 26
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335039272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'source who had identified Khallad .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 534,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'source who had identified Khallad .'},
 {'ID': 4154918,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 21, 'cd'),
          (22, 23, ','),
          (24, 27, 'cd'),
          (28, 39, 'nns'),
          (40, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 48, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154918) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In early January 2001 , two photographs from the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654021,
                     'NER': [(9, 21, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 21, 'cd'),
                             (22, 23, ','),
                             (24, 27, 'cd'),
                             (28, 39, 'nns'),
                             (40, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 48, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (9, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654021) PENN in sentence 4154918:

In early January 2001 , two photographs from the
-- ----- ------- ---- - --- ----------- ---- ---
in jj    NP      cd   , cd  nns         in   dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] cd
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] ,
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cd
                                          [end] 38
[start] 28
[name] nns
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 9
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335053160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In early January 2001 , two photographs from '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 534,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In early January 2001 , two photographs from the'},
 {'ID': 4154919,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 25, 'VBD'),
          (26, 31, 'VVN'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 47, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154919) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Kuala Lumpur meeting were shown to the source .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654022,
                     'NER': [(0, 12, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 25, 'VBD'),
                             (26, 31, 'VVN'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 47, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 12, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (46, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654022) PENN in sentence 4154919:

Kuala Lumpur meeting were shown to the source .   
----- ------ ------- ---- ----- -- --- ------ -   
NP    NP     nn      VBD  VVN   to dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 6
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335055272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Kuala Lumpur meeting were shown to the source '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 535,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Kuala Lumpur meeting were shown to the source .'},
 {'ID': 4154920,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 7, 'VBD'),
          (8, 9, 'dt'),
          (10, 15, 'VVN'),
          (16, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 29, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154920) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

One was a known photograph of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654023,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 7, 'VBD'),
                             (8, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 15, 'VVN'),
                             (16, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 29, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654023) PENN in sentence 4154920:

One was a  known photograph of
--- --- -  ----- ---------- --
PP  VBD dt VVN   nn         in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335069640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'One was a known photograph of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 535,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'One was a known photograph of'},
 {'ID': 4154921,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 42, 'rb'),
          (43, 50, 'jj'),
          (51, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154921) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Mihdhar , the other a photograph of a then unknown subject .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654024,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 42, 'rb'),
                             (43, 50, 'jj'),
                             (51, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654024) PENN in sentence 4154921:

Mihdhar , the other a  photograph of a  then unknown subject .   
------- - --- ----- -  ---------- -- -  ---- ------- ------- -   
NP      , dt  jj    dt nn         in dt rb   jj      nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] rb
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335071080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Mihdhar , the other a photograph of a then '
                             'unknown subject .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 536,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Mihdhar , the other a photograph of a then unknown subject .'},
 {'ID': 4154922,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 10, 'nn'), (11, 14, 'VVD'), (15, 18, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154922) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The source did not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654025,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 18, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (11, 14, 'NT'), (15, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654025) PENN in sentence 4154922:

The source did not
--- ------ --- ---
dt  nn     VVD rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335086024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The source did not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 536,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The source did not'},
 {'ID': 4154923,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VV'), (10, 17, 'NP'), (18, 19, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154923) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

recognize Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654026,
                     'NER': [(10, 17, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VV'), (10, 17, 'NP'), (18, 19, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 17, 'NT'), (18, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654026) PENN in sentence 4154923:

recognize Mihdhar .   
--------- ------- -   
VV        NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 10
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335087176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'recognize Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 537,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'recognize Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4154924,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 6, 'PP'),
          (7, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 19, 'PP'),
          (20, 23, 'VBD'),
          (24, 26, 'cd'),
          (27, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 42, 'jj'),
          (43, 47, 'IN/that'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 57, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154924) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

But he indicated he was 90 percent certain that the other

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654027,
                     'NER': [(24, 34, 'percent')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 6, 'PP'),
                             (7, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 19, 'PP'),
                             (20, 23, 'VBD'),
                             (24, 26, 'cd'),
                             (27, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 42, 'jj'),
                             (43, 47, 'IN/that'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 57, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654027) PENN in sentence 4154924:

But he indicated he was 90 percent certain that    the other
--- -- --------- -- --- -- ------- ------- ----    --- -----
cc  PP VVD       PP VBD cd nn      jj      IN/that dt  jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] PP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] PP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] cd
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 33
[start] 24
[name] percent
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335088232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'But he indicated he was 90 percent certain that '
                             'the other'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 537,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'But he indicated he was 90 percent certain that the other'},
 {'ID': 4154925,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'), (11, 14, 'VBD'), (15, 22, 'NP'), (23, 24, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154925) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

individual was Khallad .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654028,
                     'NER': [(15, 22, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 24, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 14, 'NT'), (15, 22, 'NT'), (23, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654028) PENN in sentence 4154925:

individual was Khallad .   
---------- --- ------- -   
nn         VBD NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 15
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335098696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'individual was Khallad .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 538,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'individual was Khallad .'},
 {'ID': 4154926,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
          (16, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 27, 'cc'),
          (28, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 40, 'VBD'),
          (41, 44, 'cd'),
          (45, 54, 'jj'),
          (55, 61, 'nns'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154926) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

This meant that Khallad and Mihdhar were two different people .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654029,
                     'NER': [(16, 23, 'person'), (28, 35, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
                             (16, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 27, 'cc'),
                             (28, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 40, 'VBD'),
                             (41, 44, 'cd'),
                             (45, 54, 'jj'),
                             (55, 61, 'nns'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (16, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654029) PENN in sentence 4154926:

This meant that    Khallad and Mihdhar were two different people 
---- ----- ----    ------- --- ------- ---- --- --------- ------ 
dt   VVD   IN/that NP      cc  NP      VBD  cd  jj        nns    

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] cd
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] jj
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] nns
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 16
[name] person
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335099944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This meant that Khallad and Mihdhar were two '
                             'different people .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 540,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This meant that Khallad and Mihdhar were two different people .'},
 {'ID': 4154927,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 7, 'rb'), (8, 13, 'VVD'), (14, 18, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154927) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It also meant that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654030,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 13, 'VVD'),
                             (14, 18, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654030) PENN in sentence 4154927:

It also meant that   
-- ---- ----- ----   
PP rb   VVD   IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335114696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It also meant that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 540,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It also meant that'},
 {'ID': 4154928,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
          (6, 9, 'VBD'),
          (10, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 46, ','),
          (47, 53, 'VVG'),
          (54, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 66, 'VVP'),
          (67, 71, 'rb'),
          (72, 76, 'jjr')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154928) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

there was a link between Khallad and Mihdhar , making Mihdhar 

seem even more

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654031,
                     'NER': [(25, 32, 'person'), (37, 44, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
                             (6, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 46, ','),
                             (47, 53, 'VVG'),
                             (54, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 66, 'VVP'),
                             (67, 71, 'rb'),
                             (72, 76, 'jjr')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (17, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 61, 'NT'),
                             (67, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654031) PENN in sentence 4154928:

there was a  link between Khallad and Mihdhar , making Mihdhar 
----- --- -  ---- ------- ------- --- ------- - ------ ------- 
ex    VBD dt nn   in      NP      cc  NP      , VVG    NP      

seem even more
---- ---- ----
VVP  rb   jjr 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] ex
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cc
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] rb
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] jjr
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 31
[start] 25
[name] person
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335115752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'there was a link between Khallad and Mihdhar , '
                             'making Mihdhar seem even more'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 541,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'there was a link between Khallad and Mihdhar , making Mihdhar seem '
          'even more'},
 {'ID': 4154929,
  'POS': [(0, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 19, 'PP'),
          (20, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 49, 'to'),
          (50, 55, 'VV'),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 74, 'jj'),
          (75, 81, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154929) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

suspicious.59Yet we found no effort by the CIA to renew the long-

abandoned search

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654032,
                     'NER': [(43, 46, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 19, 'PP'),
                             (20, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 49, 'to'),
                             (50, 55, 'VV'),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 74, 'jj'),
                             (75, 81, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654032) PENN in sentence 4154929:

suspicious.59Yet we found no effort by the CIA to renew the long-
---------------- -- ----- -- ------ -- --- --- -- ----- --- -----
nn               PP VVD   dt nn     in dt  NP  to VV    dt  jj   

abandoned search
--------- ------
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] PP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] to
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] VV
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 43}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335131080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'suspicious.59Yet we found no effort by the CIA '
                             'to renew the long-abandoned search'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 542,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'suspicious.59Yet we found no effort by the CIA to renew the '
          'long-abandoned search'},
 {'ID': 4154930,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
          (4, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 18, 'PP$'),
          (19, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154930) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

for Mihdhar or his travel companions .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654033,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
                             (4, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 18, 'PP$'),
                             (19, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654033) PENN in sentence 4154930:

for Mihdhar or his travel companions .   
--- ------- -- --- ------ ---------- -   
in  NP      cc PP$ nn     nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] cc
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335133576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'for Mihdhar or his travel companions .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 543,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'for Mihdhar or his travel companions .'},
 {'ID': 4154931,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 22, 'VVD'),
          (23, 27, 'IN/that'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 39, 'VVD'),
          (40, 43, 'rb'),
          (44, 50, 'VV'),
          (51, 54, 'dt'),
          (55, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 83, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154931) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In addition , we found that the CIA did not notify the FBI of 

this identification .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654034,
                     'NER': [(32, 35, 'organization'),
                             (55, 58, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 22, 'VVD'),
                             (23, 27, 'IN/that'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 39, 'VVD'),
                             (40, 43, 'rb'),
                             (44, 50, 'VV'),
                             (51, 54, 'dt'),
                             (55, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 83, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 66, 'NT'),
                             (82, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654034) PENN in sentence 4154931:

In addition , we found that    the CIA did not notify the FBI of 
-- -------- - -- ----- ----    --- --- --- --- ------ --- --- -- 
in nn       , PP VVD   IN/that dt  NP  VVD rb  VV     dt  NP  in 

this identification .   
---- -------------- -   
dt   nn             sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] rb
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 80
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32},
                                          {'end': 57,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 55}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335147560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In addition , we found that the CIA did not '
                             'notify the FBI of this identification .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 544,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In addition , we found that the CIA did not notify the FBI of this '
          'identification .'},
 {'ID': 4154932,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 12, 'cc'),
          (13, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 34, 'VVD'),
          (35, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 53, 'POS'),
          (54, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 77, 'cd'),
          (78, 82, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154932) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

DCITenet and Cofer Black testified before Congress 's Joint 

Inquiry into 9/11 that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654035,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'organization'),
                             (13, 24, 'person'),
                             (42, 50, 'organization'),
                             (54, 67, 'organization'),
                             (73, 77, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 12, 'cc'),
                             (13, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 34, 'VVD'),
                             (35, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 53, 'POS'),
                             (54, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 77, 'cd'),
                             (78, 82, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (35, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654035) PENN in sentence 4154932:

DCITenet and Cofer Black testified before Congress 's  Joint 
-------- --- ----- ----- --------- ------ -------- --  ----- 
NP       cc  NP    NP    VVD       in     NP       POS NP    

Inquiry into 9/11 that   
------- ---- ---- ----   
NP      in   cd   IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] cc
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] POS
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] cd
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 7,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] person
                                          {'end': 49,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42},
                                          {'end': 66,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 54},
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335151016>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'DCITenet and Cofer Black testified before '
                             "Congress 's Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 545,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "DCITenet and Cofer Black testified before Congress 's Joint Inquiry "
          'into 9/11 that'},
 {'ID': 4154933,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 11, 'VHD'),
          (12, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 21, 'to'),
          (22, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154933) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the FBI had access to this identification from the beginning .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654036,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 11, 'VHD'),
                             (12, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 21, 'to'),
                             (22, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 26, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654036) PENN in sentence 4154933:

the FBI had access to this identification from the beginning .   
--- --- --- ------ -- ---- -------------- ---- --- --------- -   
dt  NP  VHD nn     to dt   nn             in   dt  nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] to
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335166632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the FBI had access to this identification from '
                             'the beginning .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 546,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the FBI had access to this identification from the beginning .'},
 {'ID': 4154934,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'), (4, 11, 'VVG'), (12, 14, 'in'), (15, 17, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154934) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

But drawing on an

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654037,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 11, 'VVG'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 17, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (12, 14, 'NT'), (15, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654037) PENN in sentence 4154934:

But drawing on an
--- ------- -- --
cc  VVG     in dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335185384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'But drawing on an'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 546,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'But drawing on an'},
 {'ID': 4154935,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 28, 'VVG'),
          (29, 38, 'nns'),
          (39, 43, 'wdt'),
          (44, 48, 'VBD'),
          (49, 52, 'rb'),
          (53, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 83, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154935) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

extensive record , including documents that were not available to

 the CIA personnel

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654038,
                     'NER': [(70, 73, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 28, 'VVG'),
                             (29, 38, 'nns'),
                             (39, 43, 'wdt'),
                             (44, 48, 'VBD'),
                             (49, 52, 'rb'),
                             (53, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 83, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654038) PENN in sentence 4154935:

extensive record , including documents that were not available to
--------- ------ - --------- --------- ---- ---- --- --------- --
jj        nn     , VVG       nns       wdt  VBD  rb  jj        to

 the CIA personnel
 --- --- ---------
 dt  NP  nns      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 37
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] rb
                                          [end] 61
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 72,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 70}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335186536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'extensive record , including documents that were '
                             'not available to the CIA personnel'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 547,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'extensive record , including documents that were not available to '
          'the CIA personnel'},
 {'ID': 4154936,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'wp'),
          (4, 11, 'VVD'),
          (12, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 28, ','),
          (29, 31, 'PP'),
          (32, 40, 'VVP'),
          (41, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 49, 'VBD'),
          (50, 53, 'rb'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 64, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154936) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

who drafted that testimony , we conclude this was not the case .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654039,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'wp'),
                             (4, 11, 'VVD'),
                             (12, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 28, ','),
                             (29, 31, 'PP'),
                             (32, 40, 'VVP'),
                             (41, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 49, 'VBD'),
                             (50, 53, 'rb'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 64, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654039) PENN in sentence 4154936:

who drafted that testimony , we conclude this was not the case 
--- ------- ---- --------- - -- -------- ---- --- --- --- ---- 
wp  VVD     dt   nn        , PP VVP      dt   VBD rb  dt  nn   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] wp
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] ,
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] PP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] rb
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335197288>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'who drafted that testimony , we conclude this '
                             'was not the case .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 548,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'who drafted that testimony , we conclude this was not the case .'},
 {'ID': 4154937,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP'), (8, 10, 'POS'), (11, 18, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154937) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FBI 's primary

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654040,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'POS'),
                             (11, 18, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 7, 'NT'), (8, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654040) PENN in sentence 4154937:

The FBI 's  primary
--- --- --  -------
dt  NP  POS jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] POS
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335199880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "The FBI 's primary"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 548,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The FBI 's primary"},
 {'ID': 4154938,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 22, 'VHD'),
          (23, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
          (41, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 52, 'VHD'),
          (53, 57, 'VBN'),
          (58, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 78, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154938) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Cole investigators had no knowledge that Khallad had been in 

Kuala Lumpur with

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654041,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person'),
                             (41, 48, 'person'),
                             (61, 73, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 22, 'VHD'),
                             (23, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 40, 'IN/that'),
                             (41, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 52, 'VHD'),
                             (53, 57, 'VBN'),
                             (58, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 78, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (41, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654041) PENN in sentence 4154938:

Cole investigators had no knowledge that    Khallad had been in 
---- ------------- --- -- --------- ----    ------- --- ---- -- 
NP   nns           VHD dt nn        IN/that NP      VHD VBN  in 

Kuala Lumpur with
----- ------ ----
NP    NP     in  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] person
                                          [end] 72
[start] 61
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335213480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Cole investigators had no knowledge that Khallad '
                             'had been in Kuala Lumpur with'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 549,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Cole investigators had no knowledge that Khallad had been in Kuala '
          'Lumpur with'},
 {'ID': 4154939,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 11, 'cc'),
          (12, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 47, 'cd'),
          (48, 55, 'nns'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154939) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Mihdhar and others until after the September 11 attacks .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654042,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person'), (35, 47, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 11, 'cc'),
                             (12, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 47, 'cd'),
                             (48, 55, 'nns'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654042) PENN in sentence 4154939:

Mihdhar and others until after the September 11 attacks .   
------- --- ------ ----- ----- --- --------- -- ------- -   
NP      cc  nns    in    in    dt  NP        cd nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] cc
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] cd
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 46
[start] 35
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335216360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Mihdhar and others until after the September 11 '
                             'attacks .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 550,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Mihdhar and others until after the September 11 attacks .'},
 {'ID': 4154940,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 19, 'VHD'),
          (20, 23, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154940) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Because the FBI had not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654043,
                     'NER': [(12, 15, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 19, 'VHD'),
                             (20, 23, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654043) PENN in sentence 4154940:

Because the FBI had not
------- --- --- --- ---
in      dt  NP  VHD rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 14,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 12}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335235304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Because the FBI had not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 550,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Because the FBI had not'},
 {'ID': 4154941,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBN'),
          (5, 13, 'VVN'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 29, 'cd'),
          (30, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 46, 'POS'),
          (47, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 74, ','),
          (75, 77, 'PP'),
          (78, 81, 'VHD'),
          (82, 85, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154941) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

been informed in January 2000 about Mihdhar 's possession of a 

U.S. visa , it had not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654044,
                     'NER': [(17, 29, 'date'),
                             (36, 43, 'person'),
                             (63, 67, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBN'),
                             (5, 13, 'VVN'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 29, 'cd'),
                             (30, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 46, 'POS'),
                             (47, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 74, ','),
                             (75, 77, 'PP'),
                             (78, 81, 'VHD'),
                             (82, 85, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654044) PENN in sentence 4154941:

been informed in January 2000 about Mihdhar 's  possession of a  
---- -------- -- ------- ---- ----- ------- --  ---------- -- -  
VBN  VVN      in NP      cd   in    NP      POS nn         in dt 

U.S. visa , it had not
---- ---- - -- --- ---
NP   nn   , PP VHD rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] cd
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] POS
                                          [end] 56
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] in
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] ,
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] PP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 17
[name] date
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] person
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335236744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "been informed in January 2000 about Mihdhar 's "
                             'possession of a U.S. visa , it had not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 551,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "been informed in January 2000 about Mihdhar 's possession of a U.S. "
          'visa , it had not'},
 {'ID': 4154942,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 20, 'VVG'),
          (21, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 28, 'PP'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 49, 'NPS'),
          (50, 51, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154942) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

then started looking for him in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654045,
                     'NER': [(36, 49, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 20, 'VVG'),
                             (21, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 28, 'PP'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 49, 'NPS'),
                             (50, 51, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654045) PENN in sentence 4154942:

then started looking for him in the United States .   
---- ------- ------- --- --- -- --- ------ ------ -   
rb   VVD     VVG     in  PP  in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] PP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 48
[start] 36
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335244552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'then started looking for him in the United '
                             'States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 552,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'then started looking for him in the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4154943,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 10, 'PP'),
          (11, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 18, 'rb'),
          (19, 23, 'VV'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 30, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154943) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Because it did not know of the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654046,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 10, 'PP'),
                             (11, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 18, 'rb'),
                             (19, 23, 'VV'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 30, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654046) PENN in sentence 4154943:

Because it did not know of the
------- -- --- --- ---- -- ---
in      PP VVD rb  VV   in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] PP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] VV
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335259304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Because it did not know of the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 552,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Because it did not know of the'},
 {'ID': 4154944,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
          (6, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 25, 'cc'),
          (26, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 35, ','),
          (36, 38, 'PP'),
          (39, 42, 'VVD'),
          (43, 46, 'rb'),
          (47, 52, 'VV'),
          (53, 60, 'VVG'),
          (61, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 68, 'PP'),
          (69, 71, 'in'),
          (72, 79, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154944) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

links between Khallad and Mihdhar , it did not start looking for 

him in January

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654047,
                     'NER': [(14, 21, 'person'),
                             (26, 33, 'person'),
                             (72, 79, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
                             (6, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 25, 'cc'),
                             (26, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 35, ','),
                             (36, 38, 'PP'),
                             (39, 42, 'VVD'),
                             (43, 46, 'rb'),
                             (47, 52, 'VV'),
                             (53, 60, 'VVG'),
                             (61, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 68, 'PP'),
                             (69, 71, 'in'),
                             (72, 79, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654047) PENN in sentence 4154944:

links between Khallad and Mihdhar , it did not start looking for 
----- ------- ------- --- ------- - -- --- --- ----- ------- --- 
nns   in      NP      cc  NP      , PP VVD rb  VV    VVG     in  

him in January
--- -- -------
PP  in NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] cc
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] ,
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] PP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] rb
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] VV
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] PP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] in
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 14
[name] person
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] person
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335261032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'links between Khallad and Mihdhar , it did not '
                             'start looking for him in January'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 553,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'links between Khallad and Mihdhar , it did not start looking for '
          'him in January'},
 {'ID': 4154945,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154945) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654048,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654048) PENN in sentence 4154945:

2001 .   
---- -   
cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335280840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '2001 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 554,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4154946,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'VBZ'),
          (17, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 34, 'wrb'),
          (35, 45, 'jj'),
          (46, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 77, 'md'),
          (78, 84, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154946) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

This incident is an example of how day-to-day gaps in information

 sharing can emerge

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654049,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'VBZ'),
                             (17, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 34, 'wrb'),
                             (35, 45, 'jj'),
                             (46, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 77, 'md'),
                             (78, 84, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654049) PENN in sentence 4154946:

This incident is  an example of how day-to-day gaps in 
---- -------- --  -- ------- -- --- ---------- ---- -- 
dt   nn       VBZ dt nn      in wrb jj         nns  in 

information sharing can emerge
----------- ------- --- ------
nn          nn      md  VV    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 44
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] nns
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] md
                                          [end] 83
[start] 78
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335281800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This incident is an example of how day-to-day '
                             'gaps in information sharing can emerge'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 556,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This incident is an example of how day-to-day gaps in information '
          'sharing can emerge'},
 {'ID': 4154947,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 9, 'wrb'),
          (10, 15, 'ex'),
          (16, 18, 'VBZ'),
          (19, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 36, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154947) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

even when there is mutual goodwill .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654050,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 9, 'wrb'),
                             (10, 15, 'ex'),
                             (16, 18, 'VBZ'),
                             (19, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654050) PENN in sentence 4154947:

even when there is  mutual goodwill .   
---- ---- ----- --  ------ -------- -   
rb   wrb  ex    VBZ jj     nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] ex
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335288456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'even when there is mutual goodwill .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 557,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'even when there is mutual goodwill .'},
 {'ID': 4154948,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 19, 'VBD'),
          (20, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 38, 'sym'),
          (39, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 49, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154948) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The information was from a joint FBI / CIA source

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654051,
                     'NER': [(33, 36, 'organization'),
                             (39, 42, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 19, 'VBD'),
                             (20, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 38, 'sym'),
                             (39, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 49, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654051) PENN in sentence 4154948:

The information was from a  joint FBI /   CIA source
--- ----------- --- ---- -  ----- --- -   --- ------
dt  nn          VBD in   dt jj    NP  sym NP  nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] jj
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sym
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 35,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 33},
                                          {'end': 41,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 39}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335290088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The information was from a joint FBI / CIA '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 557,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The information was from a joint FBI / CIA source'},
 {'ID': 4154949,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'wp'),
          (4, 9, 'VVD'),
          (10, 21, 'rb'),
          (22, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 42, 'wp$'),
          (43, 52, 'nns'),
          (53, 57, 'VBD'),
          (58, 61, 'rb'),
          (62, 72, 'VVN'),
          (73, 75, 'in'),
          (76, 79, 'dt'),
          (80, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154949) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

who spoke essentially no English and whose languages were not 

understood by the FBI

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654052,
                     'NER': [(80, 83, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'wp'),
                             (4, 9, 'VVD'),
                             (10, 21, 'rb'),
                             (22, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 42, 'wp$'),
                             (43, 52, 'nns'),
                             (53, 57, 'VBD'),
                             (58, 61, 'rb'),
                             (62, 72, 'VVN'),
                             (73, 75, 'in'),
                             (76, 79, 'dt'),
                             (80, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (10, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 42, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654052) PENN in sentence 4154949:

who spoke essentially no English and whose languages were not 
--- ----- ----------- -- ------- --- ----- --------- ---- --- 
wp  VVD   rb          rb jj      cc  wp$   nns       VBD  rb  

understood by the FBI
---------- -- --- ---
VVN        in dt  NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] wp
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 10
[name] rb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] rb
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cc
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] wp$
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] rb
                                          [end] 71
[start] 62
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] in
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] dt
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 82,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 80}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335304744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'who spoke essentially no English and whose '
                             'languages were not understood by the FBI'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 558,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'who spoke essentially no English and whose languages were not '
          'understood by the FBI'},
 {'ID': 4154950,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 27, 'rb'),
          (28, 29, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154950) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agent on the scene overseas .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654053,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 27, 'rb'),
                             (28, 29, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (19, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654053) PENN in sentence 4154950:

agent on the scene overseas .   
----- -- --- ----- -------- -   
nn    in dt  nn    rb       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] rb
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335328168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agent on the scene overseas .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 559,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agent on the scene overseas .'},
 {'ID': 4154951,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 20, 'cc'),
          (21, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 41, 'rb'),
          (42, 46, 'VVD'),
          (47, 52, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154951) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Issues of travel and security necessarily kept short

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654054,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 20, 'cc'),
                             (21, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 41, 'rb'),
                             (42, 46, 'VVD'),
                             (47, 52, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'), (17, 20, 'NT'), (30, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654054) PENN in sentence 4154951:

Issues of travel and security necessarily kept short
------ -- ------ --- -------- ----------- ---- -----
nns    in nn     cc  nn       rb          VVD  jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] cc
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 30
[name] rb
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335329608>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Issues of travel and security necessarily kept '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 559,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Issues of travel and security necessarily kept short'},
 {'ID': 4154952,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 42, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154952) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the amount of time spent with the source .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654055,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654055) PENN in sentence 4154952:

the amount of time spent with the source .   
--- ------ -- ---- ----- ---- --- ------ -   
dt  nn     in nn   VVN   in   dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335331240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the amount of time spent with the source .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 560,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the amount of time spent with the source .'},
 {'ID': 4154953,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 37, 'rb'),
          (38, 41, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154953) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As a result , the CIA officer usually did

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654056,
                     'NER': [(18, 21, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 37, 'rb'),
                             (38, 41, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 4, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (30, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654056) PENN in sentence 4154953:

As a  result , the CIA officer usually did
-- -  ------ - --- --- ------- ------- ---
in dt nn     , dt  NP  nn      rb      VVD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 3
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] rb
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 20,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 18}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 3
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335337224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As a result , the CIA officer usually did'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 560,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As a result , the CIA officer usually did'},
 {'ID': 4154954,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
          (4, 13, 'VV'),
          (14, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 33, 'cc'),
          (34, 41, 'nns'),
          (42, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 49, 'PP$'),
          (50, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 67, 'cc'),
          (68, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 76, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154954) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

not translate either questions or answers for his FBI colleague 

and friend .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654057,
                     'NER': [(50, 53, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
                             (4, 13, 'VV'),
                             (14, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 33, 'cc'),
                             (34, 41, 'nns'),
                             (42, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 49, 'PP$'),
                             (50, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 67, 'cc'),
                             (68, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 76, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (14, 20, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654057) PENN in sentence 4154954:

not translate either questions or answers for his FBI colleague 
--- --------- ------ --------- -- ------- --- --- --- --------- 
rb  VV        dt     nns       cc nns     in  PP$ NP  nn        

and friend .   
--- ------ -   
cc  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] VV
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] cc
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] nns
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] cc
                                          [end] 73
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 52,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 50}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335339336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'not translate either questions or answers for '
                             'his FBI colleague and friend .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 561,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'not translate either questions or answers for his FBI colleague and '
          'friend .'},
 {'ID': 4154955,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
          (4, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 49, ','),
          (50, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 66, 'in'),
          (67, 70, 'dt'),
          (71, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 85, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154955) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

For interviews without simultaneous translation , the FBI agent 

on the scene received

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654058,
                     'NER': [(54, 57, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
                             (4, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 49, ','),
                             (50, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 66, 'in'),
                             (67, 70, 'dt'),
                             (71, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 85, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (15, 22, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654058) PENN in sentence 4154955:

For interviews without simultaneous translation , the FBI agent 
--- ---------- ------- ------------ ----------- - --- --- ----- 
in  nns        in      jj           nn          , dt  NP  nn    

on the scene received
-- --- ----- --------
in dt  nn    VVD     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 23
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] in
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 84
[start] 77
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 56,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 54}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335354376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'For interviews without simultaneous translation '
                             ', the FBI agent on the scene received'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 563,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'For interviews without simultaneous translation , the FBI agent on '
          'the scene received'},
 {'ID': 4154956,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
          (27, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 47, 'VVN'),
          (48, 50, 'to'),
          (51, 56, 'jj'),
          (57, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 75, 'VVG'),
          (76, 79, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154956) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

copies of the reports that the CIA disseminated to other agencies

 regarding the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654059,
                     'NER': [(31, 34, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
                             (27, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 47, 'VVN'),
                             (48, 50, 'to'),
                             (51, 56, 'jj'),
                             (57, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 75, 'VVG'),
                             (76, 79, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654059) PENN in sentence 4154956:

copies of the reports that    the CIA disseminated to other 
------ -- --- ------- ----    --- --- ------------ -- ----- 
nns    in dt  nns     IN/that dt  NP  VVN          to jj    

agencies regarding the
-------- --------- ---
nns      VVG       dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] to
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 33,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 31}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335373320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'copies of the reports that the CIA disseminated '
                             'to other agencies regarding the'}],
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          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 564,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'copies of the reports that the CIA disseminated to other agencies '
          'regarding the'},
 {'ID': 4154957,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154957) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

interviews .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654060,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654060) PENN in sentence 4154957:

interviews .   
---------- -   
nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335375720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'interviews .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 565,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'interviews .'},
 {'ID': 4154958,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 6, 'PP'),
          (7, 10, 'VBD'),
          (11, 14, 'rb'),
          (15, 20, 'VVN'),
          (21, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, 'to'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 41, 'POS'),
          (42, 50, 'jj'),
          (51, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 71, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154958) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

But he was not given access to the CIA 's internal operational 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654061,
                     'NER': [(35, 38, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 6, 'PP'),
                             (7, 10, 'VBD'),
                             (11, 14, 'rb'),
                             (15, 20, 'VVN'),
                             (21, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, 'to'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 41, 'POS'),
                             (42, 50, 'jj'),
                             (51, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 71, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (63, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654061) PENN in sentence 4154958:

But he was not given access to the CIA 's  internal operational 
--- -- --- --- ----- ------ -- --- --- --  -------- ----------- 
cc  PP VBD rb  VVN   nn     to dt  NP  POS jj       jj          

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] rb
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] to
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] POS
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] jj
                                          [end] 61
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 70
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 37,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 35}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335380648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "But he was not given access to the CIA 's "
                             'internal operational reports,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 565,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "But he was not given access to the CIA 's internal operational "
 {'ID': 4154959,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'wdt'),
          (6, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 20, 'jjr'),
          (21, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 29, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154959) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

which contained more detail .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654062,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'wdt'),
                             (6, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 20, 'jjr'),
                             (21, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 29, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (28, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654062) PENN in sentence 4154959:

which contained more detail .   
----- --------- ---- ------ -   
wdt   VVD       jjr  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335383336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'which contained more detail .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 566,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'which contained more detail .'},
 {'ID': 4154960,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VBD'),
          (7, 15, 'rb'),
          (16, 25, 'VVG'),
          (26, 28, 'to'),
          (29, 34, 'wdt'),
          (35, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 52, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154960) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It was there-in reporting to which FBI investigators

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654063,
                     'NER': [(35, 38, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VBD'),
                             (7, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 25, 'VVG'),
                             (26, 28, 'to'),
                             (29, 34, 'wdt'),
                             (35, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 52, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 15, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654063) PENN in sentence 4154960:

It was there-in reporting to which FBI investigators
-- --- -------- --------- -- ----- --- -------------
PP VBD rb       VVG       to wdt   NP  nns          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] to
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 39
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 37,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 35}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335384488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It was there-in reporting to which FBI '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 566,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It was there-in reporting to which FBI investigators'},
 {'ID': 4154961,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VVD'),
          (4, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 12, 'VH'),
          (13, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 46, 'VVG'),
          (47, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 63, 'cd'),
          (64, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 81, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154961) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

did not have access-that information regarding the January 2001 

identification of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654064,
                     'NER': [(51, 63, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VVD'),
                             (4, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 12, 'VH'),
                             (13, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 46, 'VVG'),
                             (47, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 63, 'cd'),
                             (64, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 81, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 63, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654064) PENN in sentence 4154961:

did not have access-that information regarding the January 2001 
--- --- ---- ----------- ----------- --------- --- ------- ---- 
VVD rb  VH   nn          nn          VVG       dt  NP      cd   

identification of
-------------- --
nn             in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] rb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VH
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] cd
                                          [end] 77
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 62
[start] 51
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335402952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'did not have access-that information regarding '
                             'the January 2001 identification of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 567,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'did not have access-that information regarding the January 2001 '
          'identification of'},
 {'ID': 4154962,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'), (8, 16, 'VVD'), (17, 18, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154962) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Khallad appeared .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654065,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'), (8, 16, 'VVD'), (17, 18, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (17, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654065) PENN in sentence 4154962:

Khallad appeared .   
------- -------- -   
NP      VVD      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335417512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Khallad appeared .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 568,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Khallad appeared .'},
 {'ID': 4154963,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 20, 'VVZ'),
          (21, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 31, 'VV'),
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          (37, 47, 'jj'),
          (48, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 66, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The CIA officer does not recall this particular identification 


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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654066,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 20, 'VVZ'),
                             (21, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 31, 'VV'),
                             (32, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 47, 'jj'),
                             (48, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 66, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654066) PENN in sentence 4154963:

The CIA officer does not recall this particular identification 
--- --- ------- ---- --- ------ ---- ---------- -------------- 
dt  NP  nn      VVZ  rb  VV     dt   jj         nn             

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
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[start] 4
[name] NP
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[start] 8
[name] nn
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[start] 16
[name] VVZ
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[start] 21
[name] rb
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] VV
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 37
[name] jj
                                          [end] 61
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
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[start] 0
[name] NT
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[start] 4
[name] NT
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[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335418568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The CIA officer does not recall this particular '
                             'identification and'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
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  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The CIA officer does not recall this particular identification and'},
 {'ID': 4154964,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
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          (9, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 16, 'VV'),
          (17, 20, 'wrb'),
          (21, 23, 'PP'),
          (24, 27, 'VBD'),
          (28, 31, 'rb'),
          (32, 38, 'VVN'),
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          (52, 61, 'nn'),
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[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

thus can not say why it was not shared with his FBI colleague .

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                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
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                             (9, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 16, 'VV'),
                             (17, 20, 'wrb'),
                             (21, 23, 'PP'),
                             (24, 27, 'VBD'),
                             (28, 31, 'rb'),
                             (32, 38, 'VVN'),
                             (39, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 47, 'PP$'),
                             (48, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654067) PENN in sentence 4154964:

thus can not say why it was not shared with his FBI colleague 
---- --- --- --- --- -- --- --- ------ ---- --- --- --------- 
rb   md  rb  VV  wrb PP VBD rb  VVN    in   PP$ NP  nn        

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
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[start] 0
[name] rb
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[start] 5
[name] md
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VV
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] PP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 50,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 48}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
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[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
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[start] 17
[name] NT
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[start] 21
[name] NT
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[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
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[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335420680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'thus can not say why it was not shared with his '
                             'FBI colleague .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 569,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'thus can not say why it was not shared with his FBI colleague .'},
 {'ID': 4154965,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 8, 'md'), (9, 12, 'rb'), (13, 17, 'VH')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154965) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He might not have

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654068,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 8, 'md'),
                             (9, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 17, 'VH')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 8, 'NT'), (9, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654068) PENN in sentence 4154965:

He might not have
-- ----- --- ----
PP md    rb  VH  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] md
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] VH
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335431912>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He might not have'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 569,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He might not have'},
 {'ID': 4154966,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 47, 'jj'),
          (48, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 64, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154966) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

understood the possible significance of the new identification .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654069,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 47, 'jj'),
                             (48, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 64, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654069) PENN in sentence 4154966:

understood the possible significance of the new identification 
---------- --- -------- ------------ -- --- --- -------------- 
VVN        dt  jj       nn           in dt  jj  nn             

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 35
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] jj
                                          [end] 61
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335433064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'understood the possible significance of the new '
                             'identification .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 570,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'understood the possible significance of the new identification .'},
 {'ID': 4154967,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 42, 'cc'),
          (43, 51, 'VVD'),
          (52, 54, 'to'),
          (55, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154967) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In June 2000 , Mihdhar left California and returned to Yemen .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654070,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date'),
                             (15, 22, 'person'),
                             (28, 38, 'location'),
                             (55, 60, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 42, 'cc'),
                             (43, 51, 'VVD'),
                             (52, 54, 'to'),
                             (55, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 22, 'NT'),
                             (28, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654070) PENN in sentence 4154967:

In June 2000 , Mihdhar left California and returned to Yemen .   
-- ---- ---- - ------- ---- ---------- --- -------- -- ----- -   
in NP   cd   , NP      VVD  NP         cc  VVD      to NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] cc
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] to
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] person
                                          [end] 37
[start] 28
[name] location
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335455336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In June 2000 , Mihdhar left California and '
                             'returned to Yemen .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 572,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In June 2000 , Mihdhar left California and returned to Yemen .'},
 {'ID': 4154968,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 5, 'VBZ'),
          (6, 14, 'jj'),
          (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
          (20, 23, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154968) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It is possible that if,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654071,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 5, 'VBZ'),
                             (6, 14, 'jj'),
                             (15, 19, 'IN/that'),
                             (20, 23, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 5, 'NT'), (20, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654071) PENN in sentence 4154968:

It is  possible that    if,
-- --  -------- ----    ---
PP VBZ jj       IN/that NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 13
[start] 6
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335470664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It is possible that if,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 572,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It is possible that if,'},
 {'ID': 4154969,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 15, 'cd'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 29, 'VHD'),
          (30, 37, 'VVN'),
          (38, 41, 'PP$'),
          (42, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 56, 'PP'),
          (57, 58, ','),
          (59, 65, 'VVD'),
          (66, 69, 'PP'),
          (70, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 76, 'dt'),
          (77, 82, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154969) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

in January 2001 , the CIA had resumed its search for him , placed

 him on the State

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654072,
                     'NER': [(3, 15, 'date'), (22, 25, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 15, 'cd'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 29, 'VHD'),
                             (30, 37, 'VVN'),
                             (38, 41, 'PP$'),
                             (42, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 56, 'PP'),
                             (57, 58, ','),
                             (59, 65, 'VVD'),
                             (66, 69, 'PP'),
                             (70, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 76, 'dt'),
                             (77, 82, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654072) PENN in sentence 4154969:

in January 2001 , the CIA had resumed its search for him , placed
-- ------- ---- - --- --- --- ------- --- ------ --- --- - ------
in NP      cd   , dt  NP  VHD VVN     PP$ nn     in  PP  , VVD   

 him on the State
 --- -- --- -----
 PP  in dt  NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] cd
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] PP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] ,
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] PP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 24,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 22}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335471912>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'in January 2001 , the CIA had resumed its search '
                             'for him , placed him on the State'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 573,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'in January 2001 , the CIA had resumed its search for him , placed '
          'him on the State'},
 {'ID': 4154970,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 31, ','),
          (32, 34, 'cc'),
          (35, 43, 'VVD'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 60, 'dt'),
          (61, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 74, ','),
          (75, 77, 'PP'),
          (78, 83, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154970) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Department's TIPOFF watchlist , or provided the FBI with the 

information , he might

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654073,
                     'NER': [(0, 29, 'organization'), (48, 51, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 31, ','),
                             (32, 34, 'cc'),
                             (35, 43, 'VVD'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 60, 'dt'),
                             (61, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 74, ','),
                             (75, 77, 'PP'),
                             (78, 83, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 19, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654073) PENN in sentence 4154970:

Department's TIPOFF watchlist , or provided the FBI with the 
------------ ------ --------- - -- -------- --- --- ---- --- 
NP           NP     nn        , cc VVD      dt  NP  in   dt  

information , he might
----------- - -- -----
nn          , PP md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] ,
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] cc
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] ,
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] PP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 28,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 50,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 48}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335479912>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Department's TIPOFF watchlist , or provided the "
                             'FBI with the information , he might'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 574,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Department's TIPOFF watchlist , or provided the FBI with the "
          'information , he might'},
 {'ID': 4154971,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
          (5, 9, 'VBN'),
          (10, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 32, 'cc'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 47, 'PP'),
          (48, 55, 'VVD'),
          (56, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 65, 'jj'),
          (66, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 78, 'NP'),
          (79, 83, 'cd'),
          (84, 85, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154971) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

have been found-either before or at the time he applied for a new

 visa in June 2001 ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654074,
                     'NER': [(74, 83, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
                             (5, 9, 'VBN'),
                             (10, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 32, 'cc'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 47, 'PP'),
                             (48, 55, 'VVD'),
                             (56, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 65, 'jj'),
                             (66, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 78, 'NP'),
                             (79, 83, 'cd'),
                             (84, 85, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (23, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654074) PENN in sentence 4154971:

have been found-either before or at the time he applied for a  
---- ---- ------------ ------ -- -- --- ---- -- ------- --- -  
VHP  VBN  jj           in     cc in dt  nn   PP VVD     in  dt 

new visa in June 2001 ,
--- ---- -- ---- ---- -
jj  nn   in NP   cd   ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 21
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] cc
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] PP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] jj
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] cd
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 82
[start] 74
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335499432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'have been found-either before or at the time he '
                             'applied for a new visa in June 2001 ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 575,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'have been found-either before or at the time he applied for a new '
          'visa in June 2001 ,'},
 {'ID': 4154972,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'cc'),
          (3, 7, 'wrb'),
          (8, 10, 'PP'),
          (11, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 40, 'NPS'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 50, 'cd'),
          (51, 52, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154972) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

or when he returned to the United States on July 4 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654075,
                     'NER': [(27, 40, 'location'), (44, 50, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'cc'),
                             (3, 7, 'wrb'),
                             (8, 10, 'PP'),
                             (11, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 40, 'NPS'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 50, 'cd'),
                             (51, 52, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654075) PENN in sentence 4154972:

or when he returned to the United States on July 4  .   
-- ---- -- -------- -- --- ------ ------ -- ---- -  -   
cc wrb  PP VVD      to dt  NP     NPS    in NP   cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] PP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] cd
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 39
[start] 27
[name] location
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335502984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'or when he returned to the United States on July '
                             '4 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 576,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'or when he returned to the United States on July 4 .'},
 {'ID': 4154973,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 13, ':'),
          (14, 21, 'VVG'),
          (22, 27, 'rb'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 43, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154973) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Spring 2001 : Looking Again at Kuala Lumpur

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654076,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'date'), (31, 43, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 13, ':'),
                             (14, 21, 'VVG'),
                             (22, 27, 'rb'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 43, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (22, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654076) PENN in sentence 4154973:

Spring 2001 : Looking Again at Kuala Lumpur
------ ---- - ------- ----- -- ----- ------
nn     cd   : VVG     rb    in NP    NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] :
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] rb
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          {'end': 42,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 31}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335530504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Spring 2001 : Looking Again at Kuala Lumpur'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 577,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Spring 2001 : Looking Again at Kuala Lumpur'},
 {'ID': 4154974,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 16, 'cd'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 45, 'VBD'),
          (46, 53, 'VVG'),
          (54, 55, ','),
          (56, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 79, 'jj'),
          (80, 82, 'to'),
          (83, 86, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154974) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

By mid- May 2001 , as the threat reports were surging , a CIA 

official detailed to the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654077,
                     'NER': [(8, 16, 'date'), (58, 61, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 45, 'VBD'),
                             (46, 53, 'VVG'),
                             (54, 55, ','),
                             (56, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 79, 'jj'),
                             (80, 82, 'to'),
                             (83, 86, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654077) PENN in sentence 4154974:

By mid- May 2001 , as the threat reports were surging , a  CIA 
-- ---- --- ---- - -- --- ------ ------- ---- ------- - -  --- 
in nn   NP  cd   , in dt  nn     nns     VBD  VVG     , dt NP  

official detailed to the
-------- -------- -- ---
nn       jj       to dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] cd
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] ,
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 62
[name] nn
                                          [end] 78
[start] 71
[name] jj
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] to
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 8
[name] date
                                          {'end': 60,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 58}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
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[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335536776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'By mid- May 2001 , as the threat reports were '
                             'surging , a CIA official detailed to the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 578,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'By mid- May 2001 , as the threat reports were surging , a CIA '
          'official detailed to the'},
 {'ID': 4154975,
  'POS': [(0, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 62, 'VVD'),
          (63, 68, 'wrb'),
          (69, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 80, 'nns')],
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  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154975) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

International Terrorism Operations Section at the FBI wondered 

where the attacks

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654078,
                     'NER': [(50, 53, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 62, 'VVD'),
                             (63, 68, 'wrb'),
                             (69, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 80, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (63, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654078) PENN in sentence 4154975:

International Terrorism Operations Section at the FBI wondered 
------------- --------- ---------- ------- -- --- --- -------- 
NP            NP        NP         NP      in dt  NP  VVD      

where the attacks
----- --- -------
wrb   dt  nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 54
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 52,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 50}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335552680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'International Terrorism Operations Section at '
                             'the FBI wondered where the attacks'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 579,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'International Terrorism Operations Section at the FBI wondered '
          'where the attacks'},
 {'ID': 4154976,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'), (6, 11, 'VV'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154976) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

might occur .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654079,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'), (6, 11, 'VV'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (12, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654079) PENN in sentence 4154976:

might occur .   
----- ----- -   
md    VV    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 10
[start] 6
[name] VV
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335555176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'might occur .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 580,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'might occur .'},
 {'ID': 4154977,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'md'),
          (8, 12, 'VV'),
          (13, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 19, '``'),
          (20, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 26, 'sent'),
          (27, 29, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154977) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

We will call him `` John . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654080,
                     'NER': [(20, 24, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'md'),
                             (8, 12, 'VV'),
                             (13, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 19, '``'),
                             (20, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent'),
                             (27, 29, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654080) PENN in sentence 4154977:

We will call him `` John .    ''
-- ---- ---- --- -- ---- -    --
PP md   VV   PP  `` NP   sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] md
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VV
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] ``
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 20
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335556136>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "We will call him `` John . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 580,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "We will call him `` John . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154978,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 44, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154978) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Recalling the episode about the Kuala Lumpur

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654081,
                     'NER': [(32, 44, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 44, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (22, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654081) PENN in sentence 4154978:

Recalling the episode about the Kuala Lumpur
--------- --- ------- ----- --- ----- ------
VVG       dt  nn      in    dt  NP    NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 43,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335574696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Recalling the episode about the Kuala Lumpur'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 580,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Recalling the episode about the Kuala Lumpur'},
 {'ID': 4154979,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 21, 'cc'),
          (22, 25, 'PP$'),
          (26, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 38, ','),
          (39, 41, '``'),
          (42, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 49, "''"),
          (50, 58, 'VVD'),
          (59, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 69, 'POS'),
          (70, 79, 'nns'),
          (80, 83, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154979) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

travel of Mihdhar and his associates , `` John '' searched the 

CIA 's databases for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654082,
                     'NER': [(10, 17, 'location'),
                             (42, 46, 'person'),
                             (63, 66, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 21, 'cc'),
                             (22, 25, 'PP$'),
                             (26, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 38, ','),
                             (39, 41, '``'),
                             (42, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 49, "''"),
                             (50, 58, 'VVD'),
                             (59, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 69, 'POS'),
                             (70, 79, 'nns'),
                             (80, 83, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654082) PENN in sentence 4154979:

travel of Mihdhar and his associates , `` John '' searched the 
------ -- ------- --- --- ---------- - -- ---- -- -------- --- 
nn     in NP      cc  PP$ nns        , `` NP   '' VVD      dt  

CIA 's  databases for
--- --  --------- ---
NP  POS nns       in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] cc
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 35
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] ,
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] ``
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] ''
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] POS
                                          [end] 78
[start] 70
[name] nns
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 10
[name] location
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] person
                                          {'end': 65,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 63}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335576424>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'travel of Mihdhar and his associates , `` John '
                             "'' searched the CIA 's databases for"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 581,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "travel of Mihdhar and his associates , `` John '' searched the CIA "
          "'s databases for"},
 {'ID': 4154980,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 21, 'VVG'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 34, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154980) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information regarding the travel .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654083,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 21, 'VVG'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 34, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 25, 'NT'), (33, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654083) PENN in sentence 4154980:

information regarding the travel .   
----------- --------- --- ------ -   
nn          VVG       dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335584040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information regarding the travel .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 582,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information regarding the travel .'},
 {'ID': 4154981,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 14, 'PP'),
          (15, 18, 'cc'),
          (19, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 41, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154981) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On May 15 , he and an official at the CIA

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654084,
                     'NER': [(3, 9, 'date'), (38, 41, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 14, 'PP'),
                             (15, 18, 'cc'),
                             (19, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 41, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654084) PENN in sentence 4154981:

On May 15 , he and an official at the CIA
-- --- -- - -- --- -- -------- -- --- ---
in NP  cd , PP cc  dt nn       in dt  NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] PP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] cc
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 40,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 38}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335585192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On May 15 , he and an official at the CIA'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 582,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On May 15 , he and an official at the CIA'},
 {'ID': 4154982,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 26, 'jj'),
          (27, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 49, 'cd'),
          (50, 51, ','),
          (52, 61, 'VVG'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 77, 'nn'),
          (78, 82, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154982) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reexamined many of the old cables from early 2000 , including the

 information that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654085,
                     'NER': [(45, 49, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 26, 'jj'),
                             (27, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 49, 'cd'),
                             (50, 51, ','),
                             (52, 61, 'VVG'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 77, 'nn'),
                             (78, 82, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (45, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654085) PENN in sentence 4154982:

reexamined many of the old cables from early 2000 , including the
---------- ---- -- --- --- ------ ---- ----- ---- - --------- ---
VVN        jj   in dt  jj  nns    in   jj    cd   , VVG       dt 

 information that   
 ----------- ----   
 nn          IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] jj
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] cd
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] ,
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 76
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 48
[start] 45
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335600232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reexamined many of the old cables from early '
                             '2000 , including the information that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 583,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reexamined many of the old cables from early 2000 , including the '
          'information that'},
 {'ID': 4154983,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 11, 'VHD'),
          (12, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 25, ','),
          (26, 29, 'cc'),
          (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
          (35, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 44, 'VHD'),
          (45, 49, 'VVN'),
          (50, 52, 'to'),
          (53, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 78, 'cd'),
          (79, 80, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154983) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Mihdhar had a U.S. visa , and that Hazmi had come to Los Angeles 

on January 15 ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654086,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person'),
                             (14, 18, 'location'),
                             (35, 40, 'person'),
                             (53, 64, 'location'),
                             (68, 78, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 11, 'VHD'),
                             (12, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 25, ','),
                             (26, 29, 'cc'),
                             (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
                             (35, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 44, 'VHD'),
                             (45, 49, 'VVN'),
                             (50, 52, 'to'),
                             (53, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 78, 'cd'),
                             (79, 80, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654086) PENN in sentence 4154983:

Mihdhar had a  U.S. visa , and that    Hazmi had come to Los 
------- --- -  ---- ---- - --- ----    ----- --- ---- -- --- 
NP      VHD dt NP   nn   , cc  IN/that NP    VHD VVN  to NP  

Angeles on January 15 ,
------- -- ------- -- -
NP      in NP      cd ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] ,
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] cc
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] to
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] cd
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] location
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] person
                                          [end] 63
[start] 53
[name] location
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335615080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Mihdhar had a U.S. visa , and that Hazmi had '
                             'come to Los Angeles on January 15 ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 584,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Mihdhar had a U.S. visa , and that Hazmi had come to Los Angeles on '
          'January 15 ,'},
 {'ID': 4154984,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154984) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

2000 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654087,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654087) PENN in sentence 4154984:

2000 .   
---- -   
cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335635560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '2000 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 585,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '2000 .'},
 {'ID': 4154985,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 20, 'wp'),
          (21, 29, 'VVD'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 45, 'VVD'),
          (46, 48, 'dt'),
          (49, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 65, 'VVG'),
          (66, 70, 'PP'),
          (71, 72, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154985) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The CIA official who reviewed the cables took no action regarding

 them .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654088,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 20, 'wp'),
                             (21, 29, 'VVD'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 45, 'VVD'),
                             (46, 48, 'dt'),
                             (49, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 65, 'VVG'),
                             (66, 70, 'PP'),
                             (71, 72, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (66, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654088) PENN in sentence 4154985:

The CIA official who reviewed the cables took no action regarding
--- --- -------- --- -------- --- ------ ---- -- ------ ---------
dt  NP  nn       wp  VVD      dt  nns    VVD  dt nn     VVG      

 them .   
 ---- -   
 PP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] wp
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] nns
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] PP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335636520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The CIA official who reviewed the cables took no '
                             'action regarding them .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 587,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The CIA official who reviewed the cables took no action regarding '
          'them .'},
 {'ID': 4154986,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"), (3, 7, 'NP'), (8, 9, ','), (10, 12, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154986) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' John , ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654089,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 12, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654089) PENN in sentence 4154986:

'' John , ''
-- ---- - --
'' NP   , ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335647272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' John , ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 587,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' John , ''"},
 {'ID': 4154987,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 55, ','),
          (56, 60, 'wp'),
          (61, 63, 'PP'),
          (64, 68, 'md'),
          (69, 73, 'VV'),
          (74, 76, '``'),
          (77, 81, 'jj'),
          (82, 83, ','),
          (84, 86, "''"),
          (87, 89, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154987) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 20 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

however , began a lengthy exchange with a CIA analyst , whom we 

will call `` Dave , '' to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654090,
                     'NER': [(42, 45, 'organization'), (77, 81, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 55, ','),
                             (56, 60, 'wp'),
                             (61, 63, 'PP'),
                             (64, 68, 'md'),
                             (69, 73, 'VV'),
                             (74, 76, '``'),
                             (77, 81, 'jj'),
                             (82, 83, ','),
                             (84, 86, "''"),
                             (87, 89, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 68, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (82, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 86, 'NT'),
                             (87, 89, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654090) PENN in sentence 4154987:

however , began a  lengthy exchange with a  CIA analyst , whom we
------- - ----- -  ------- -------- ---- -  --- ------- - ---- --
rb      , VVD   dt jj      nn       in   dt NP  nn      , wp   PP

 will call `` Dave , '' to
 ---- ---- -- ---- - -- --
 md   VV   `` jj   , '' to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] jj
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] ,
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] wp
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] PP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] md
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] VV
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] ``
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] jj
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] ,
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] ''
                                          [end] 88
[start] 87
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 44,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42},
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                          [end] 88
[start] 87
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335648616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'however , began a lengthy exchange with a CIA '
                             "analyst , whom we will call `` Dave , '' to"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 588,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'however , began a lengthy exchange with a CIA analyst , whom we '
          "will call `` Dave , '' to"},
 {'ID': 4154988,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 15, 'wp'),
          (16, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 34, 'VVD'),
          (35, 36, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154988) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

figure out what these cables meant .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654091,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 15, 'wp'),
                             (16, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 34, 'VVD'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654091) PENN in sentence 4154988:

figure out what these cables meant .   
------ --- ---- ----- ------ ----- -   
nn     in  wp   dt    nns    VVD   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] wp
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] nns
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335669000>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'figure out what these cables meant .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 589,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'figure out what these cables meant .'},
 {'ID': 4154989,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 14, 'VBD'),
          (15, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 27, 'wrb'),
          (28, 37, 'jj'),
          (38, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 52, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154989) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' John '' was aware of how dangerous Khallad was-at

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654092,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'person'), (38, 45, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 27, 'wrb'),
                             (28, 37, 'jj'),
                             (38, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 52, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (38, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654092) PENN in sentence 4154989:

'' John '' was aware of how dangerous Khallad was-at
-- ---- -- --- ----- -- --- --------- ------- ------
'' NP   '' VBD jj    in wrb jj        NP      nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 36
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335670536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' John '' was aware of how dangerous Khallad "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 589,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' John '' was aware of how dangerous Khallad was-at"},
 {'ID': 4154990,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 17, 'VVG'),
          (18, 21, 'PP'),
          (22, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 26, '``'),
          (27, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 48, 'sent'),
          (49, 51, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154990) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

one point calling him a `` major league killer . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654093,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 17, 'VVG'),
                             (18, 21, 'PP'),
                             (22, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 26, '``'),
                             (27, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent'),
                             (49, 51, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654093) PENN in sentence 4154990:

one point calling him a  `` major league killer .    ''
--- ----- ------- --- -  -- ----- ------ ------ -    --
cd  nn    VVG     PP  dt `` jj    nn     nn     sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] PP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] ``
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] jj
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335681096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'one point calling him a `` major league killer . '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 590,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "one point calling him a `` major league killer . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154991,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 17, 'IN/that'),
          (18, 20, '``'),
          (21, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 34, 'jj'),
          (35, 38, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154991) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He concluded that `` something bad was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654094,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 17, 'IN/that'),
                             (18, 20, '``'),
                             (21, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 34, 'jj'),
                             (35, 38, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (18, 20, 'NT'), (35, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654094) PENN in sentence 4154991:

He concluded that    `` something bad was
-- --------- ----    -- --------- --- ---
PP VVD       IN/that `` nn        jj  VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] ``
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] jj
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335683208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He concluded that `` something bad was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 590,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He concluded that `` something bad was'},
 {'ID': 4154992,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'rb'), (11, 13, 'rb'), (14, 15, 'sent'), (16, 18, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154992) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

definitely up . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654095,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 13, 'rb'),
                             (14, 15, 'sent'),
                             (16, 18, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654095) PENN in sentence 4154992:

definitely up .    ''
---------- -- -    --
rb         rb sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] rb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] sent
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335692904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "definitely up . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 591,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "definitely up . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154993,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 30, 'jj'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 48, ','),
          (49, 51, "''"),
          (52, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 59, "''"),
          (60, 64, 'VVD'),
          (65, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 74, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154993) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Despite the U.S. links evident in this traffic , '' John '' made 

no effort

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654096,
                     'NER': [(12, 16, 'location'), (52, 56, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 30, 'jj'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 48, ','),
                             (49, 51, "''"),
                             (52, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 59, "''"),
                             (60, 64, 'VVD'),
                             (65, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 74, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654096) PENN in sentence 4154993:

Despite the U.S. links evident in this traffic , '' John '' made 
------- --- ---- ----- ------- -- ---- ------- - -- ---- -- ---- 
in      dt  NP   nns   jj      in dt   nn      , '' NP   '' VVD  

no effort
-- ------
dt nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] ,
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] ''
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] ''
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 12
[name] location
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
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[start] 8
[name] NT
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[start] 12
[name] NT
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[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335694152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Despite the U.S. links evident in this traffic , '
                             "'' John '' made no effort"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 591,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Despite the U.S. links evident in this traffic , '' John '' made no "
 {'ID': 4154994,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 12, 'VV'),
          (13, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 45, 'nns'),
          (46, 49, 'VBD'),
          (50, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 70, 'NPS'),
          (71, 72, 'sent')],
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  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154994) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to determine whether any of these individuals was in the United 

States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654097,
                     'NER': [(57, 70, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 12, 'VV'),
                             (13, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 45, 'nns'),
                             (46, 49, 'VBD'),
                             (50, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 70, 'NPS'),
                             (71, 72, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (13, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 33, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654097) PENN in sentence 4154994:

to determine whether any of these individuals was in the United 
-- --------- ------- --- -- ----- ----------- --- -- --- ------ 
to VV        in      dt  in dt    nns         VBD in dt  NP     

States .   
------ -   
NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:36:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] VV
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 34
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 69
[start] 57
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335713672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to determine whether any of these individuals '
                             'was in the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 592,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to determine whether any of these individuals was in the United '
          'States .'},
 {'ID': 4154995,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'VVD'), (7, 10, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154995) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He did not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654098,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'VVD'), (7, 10, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT'), (7, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654098) PENN in sentence 4154995:

He did not
-- --- ---
PP VVD rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335728904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He did not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 592,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He did not'},
 {'ID': 4154996,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VV'),
          (6, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'PP$'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 49, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154996) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

raise that possibility with his FBI counterpart .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654099,
                     'NER': [(32, 35, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VV'),
                             (6, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'PP$'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 49, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 10, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654099) PENN in sentence 4154996:

raise that possibility with his FBI counterpart .   
----- ---- ----------- ---- --- --- ----------- -   
VV    dt   nn          in   PP$ NP  nn          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335729960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'raise that possibility with his FBI counterpart '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 593,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'raise that possibility with his FBI counterpart .'},
 {'ID': 4154997,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VBD'),
          (7, 14, 'VVN'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 28, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154997) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He was focused on Malaysia .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654100,
                     'NER': [(18, 26, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VBD'),
                             (7, 14, 'VVN'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 28, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654100) PENN in sentence 4154997:

He was focused on Malaysia .   
-- --- ------- -- -------- -   
PP VBD VVN     in NP       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 18
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335731880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He was focused on Malaysia .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 593,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He was focused on Malaysia .'},
 {'ID': 4154998,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 44, 'wdt'),
          (45, 51, 'VVD'),
          (52, 54, 'to'),
          (55, 59, 'VV'),
          (60, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 64, '``'),
          (65, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 77, 'nn'),
          (78, 79, 'sent'),
          (80, 82, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154998) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' John" described the CIA as an agency that tended to play a `` 

zone defense . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654101,
                     'NER': [(3, 8, 'person'), (23, 26, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 44, 'wdt'),
                             (45, 51, 'VVD'),
                             (52, 54, 'to'),
                             (55, 59, 'VV'),
                             (60, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 64, '``'),
                             (65, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 77, 'nn'),
                             (78, 79, 'sent'),
                             (80, 82, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654101) PENN in sentence 4154998:

'' John" described the CIA as an agency that tended to play a  ``
-- ----- --------- --- --- -- -- ------ ---- ------ -- ---- -  --
'' NP    VVD       dt  NP  in dt nn     wdt  VVD    to VV   dt ``

 zone defense .    ''
 ---- ------- -    --
 nn   nn      sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] to
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] VV
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] ``
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] sent
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          {'end': 25,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 23}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
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[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
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[start] 40
[name] NT
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[start] 52
[name] NT
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[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
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[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335745864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '\'\' John" described the CIA as an agency that '
                             "tended to play a `` zone defense . ''"}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 595,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '\'\' John" described the CIA as an agency that tended to play a `` '
          "zone defense . ''"},
 {'ID': 4154999,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4154999) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654102,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654102) PENN in sentence 4154999:

He was
-- ---
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335757672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 595,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He was'},
 {'ID': 4155000,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
          (9, 15, 'rb'),
          (16, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 38, ','),
          (39, 42, 'rb'),
          (43, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 60, 'NPS'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155000) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

worrying solely about Southeast Asia , not the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654103,
                     'NER': [(22, 36, 'location'), (47, 60, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
                             (9, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 38, ','),
                             (39, 42, 'rb'),
                             (43, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 60, 'NPS'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654103) PENN in sentence 4155000:

worrying solely about Southeast Asia , not the United States .   
-------- ------ ----- --------- ---- - --- --- ------ ------ -   
VVG      rb     in    NP        NP   , rb  dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] ,
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] rb
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 22
[name] location
                                          [end] 59
[start] 47
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335758536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'worrying solely about Southeast Asia , not the '
                             'United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 596,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'worrying solely about Southeast Asia , not the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4155001,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 21, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155001) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In contrast , he told

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654104,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 21, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (12, 13, 'NT'), (14, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654104) PENN in sentence 4155001:

In contrast , he told
-- -------- - -- ----
in nn       , PP VVD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335761224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In contrast , he told'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 596,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In contrast , he told'},
 {'ID': 4155002,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 4, ','),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 18, 'VVZ'),
          (19, 21, 'to'),
          (22, 26, 'VV'),
          (27, 29, '``'),
          (30, 40, 'jj'),
          (41, 42, 'sent'),
          (43, 45, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155002) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

us , the FBI tends to play `` man-to-man . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654105,
                     'NER': [(9, 12, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 4, ','),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 18, 'VVZ'),
                             (19, 21, 'to'),
                             (22, 26, 'VV'),
                             (27, 29, '``'),
                             (30, 40, 'jj'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent'),
                             (43, 45, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654105) PENN in sentence 4155002:

us , the FBI tends to play `` man-to-man .    ''
-- - --- --- ----- -- ---- -- ---------- -    --
PP , dt  NP  VVZ   to VV   `` jj         sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 3
[start] 3
[name] ,
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] to
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] VV
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] ``
                                          [end] 39
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 11,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 9}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 3
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335778920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "us , the FBI tends to play `` man-to-man . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 597,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "us , the FBI tends to play `` man-to-man . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155003,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 13, 'nns'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 27, 'POS'),
          (28, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 46, 'VVD'),
          (47, 50, 'rb'),
          (51, 55, 'VH'),
          (56, 58, '``'),
          (59, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 67, "''"),
          (68, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 74, 'dt'),
          (75, 79, 'jj'),
          (80, 85, 'nn'),
          (86, 88, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155003) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 20 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Desk officers at the CIA 's Bin Ladin unit did not have `` cases 

'' in the same sense as

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654106,
                     'NER': [(21, 24, 'organization'), (28, 37, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 13, 'nns'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 27, 'POS'),
                             (28, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 46, 'VVD'),
                             (47, 50, 'rb'),
                             (51, 55, 'VH'),
                             (56, 58, '``'),
                             (59, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 67, "''"),
                             (68, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 74, 'dt'),
                             (75, 79, 'jj'),
                             (80, 85, 'nn'),
                             (86, 88, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 37, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT'),
                             (86, 88, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654106) PENN in sentence 4155003:

Desk officers at the CIA 's  Bin Ladin unit did not have `` cases
---- -------- -- --- --- --  --- ----- ---- --- --- ---- -- -----
nn   nns      in dt  NP  POS NP  NP    nn   VVD rb  VH   `` nns  

 '' in the same sense as
 -- -- --- ---- ----- --
 '' in dt  jj   nn    in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] POS
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] rb
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] VH
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] ``
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] nns
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] ''
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] in
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] jj
                                          [end] 84
[start] 80
[name] nn
                                          [end] 87
[start] 86
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 23,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 21},
                                          [end] 36
[start] 28
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 87
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335781416>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Desk officers at the CIA 's Bin Ladin unit did "
                             "not have `` cases '' in the same sense as"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 599,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Desk officers at the CIA 's Bin Ladin unit did not have `` cases '' "
          'in the same sense as'},
 {'ID': 4155004,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 16, 'wp'),
          (17, 22, 'VVZ'),
          (23, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 54, 'VVG'),
          (55, 57, 'to'),
          (58, 61, 'VV'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155004) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

an FBI agent who works an investigation from beginning to end .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654107,
                     'NER': [(3, 6, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 16, 'wp'),
                             (17, 22, 'VVZ'),
                             (23, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 54, 'VVG'),
                             (55, 57, 'to'),
                             (58, 61, 'VV'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654107) PENN in sentence 4155004:

an FBI agent who works an investigation from beginning to end 
-- --- ----- --- ----- -- ------------- ---- --------- -- --- 
dt NP  nn    wp  VVZ   dt nn            in   VVG       to VV  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] wp
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] to
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] VV
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 3}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335797608>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'an FBI agent who works an investigation from '
                             'beginning to end .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 600,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'an FBI agent who works an investigation from beginning to end .'},
 {'ID': 4155005,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 11, 'wrb'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 21, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155005) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Thus , when the trail

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654108,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 11, 'wrb'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 21, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654108) PENN in sentence 4155005:

Thus , when the trail
---- - ---- --- -----
rb   , wrb  dt  nn   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335812360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Thus , when the trail'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 600,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Thus , when the trail'},
 {'ID': 4155006,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
          (5, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 56, 'cd'),
          (57, 58, ','),
          (59, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 81, 'VVN'),
          (82, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155006) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

went cold after the Kuala Lumpur meeting in January 2000 , the 

desk officer moved on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654109,
                     'NER': [(20, 32, 'location'), (44, 56, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
                             (5, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 56, 'cd'),
                             (57, 58, ','),
                             (59, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 81, 'VVN'),
                             (82, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 32, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654109) PENN in sentence 4155006:

went cold after the Kuala Lumpur meeting in January 2000 , the 
---- ---- ----- --- ----- ------ ------- -- ------- ---- - --- 
VVD  jj   in    dt  NP    NP     nn      in NP      cd   , dt  

desk officer moved on
---- ------- ----- --
nn   nn      VVN   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] cd
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] ,
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 76
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 31
[start] 20
[name] location
                                          [end] 55
[start] 44
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335813704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'went cold after the Kuala Lumpur meeting in '
                             'January 2000 , the desk officer moved on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 601,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'went cold after the Kuala Lumpur meeting in January 2000 , the desk '
          'officer moved on'},
 {'ID': 4155007,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'), (3, 12, 'jj'), (13, 19, 'nns'), (20, 21, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155007) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to different things .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654110,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 19, 'nns'),
                             (20, 21, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (20, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654110) PENN in sentence 4155007:

to different things .   
-- --------- ------ -   
to jj        nns    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335821032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to different things .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 602,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to different things .'},
 {'ID': 4155008,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 26, 'cd'),
          (27, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 40, 'VVN'),
          (41, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 62, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155008) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

By the time the March 2000 cable arrived with information that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654111,
                     'NER': [(16, 26, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 26, 'cd'),
                             (27, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 40, 'VVN'),
                             (41, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 62, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 26, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654111) PENN in sentence 4155008:

By the time the March 2000 cable arrived with information that   
-- --- ---- --- ----- ---- ----- ------- ---- ----------- ----   
in dt  nn   dt  NP    cd   nn    VVN     in   nn          IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] cd
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 56
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 16
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335822088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'By the time the March 2000 cable arrived with '
                             'information that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 602,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'By the time the March 2000 cable arrived with information that'},
 {'ID': 4155009,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 20, 'nns'),
          (21, 24, 'VHD'),
          (25, 30, 'VVN'),
          (31, 33, 'to'),
          (34, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 47, ','),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 68, 'VBD'),
          (69, 71, 'rb'),
          (72, 78, 'rbr')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155009) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

one of the travelers had flown to Los Angeles , the case officer 

was no longer

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654112,
                     'NER': [(34, 45, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 24, 'VHD'),
                             (25, 30, 'VVN'),
                             (31, 33, 'to'),
                             (34, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 47, ','),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 68, 'VBD'),
                             (69, 71, 'rb'),
                             (72, 78, 'rbr')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654112) PENN in sentence 4155009:

one of the travelers had flown to Los Angeles , the case officer 
--- -- --- --------- --- ----- -- --- ------- - --- ---- ------- 
cd  in dt  nns       VHD VVN   to NP  NP      , dt  nn   nn      

was no longer
--- -- ------
VBD rb rbr   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] to
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] ,
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] rb
                                          [end] 77
[start] 72
[name] rbr
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 44
[start] 34
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335840744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'one of the travelers had flown to Los Angeles , '
                             'the case officer was no longer'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 603,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'one of the travelers had flown to Los Angeles , the case officer '
          'was no longer'},
 {'ID': 4155010,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'jj'), (12, 15, 'in'), (16, 25, 'nn'), (26, 27, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155010) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

responsible for follow-up .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654113,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 27, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 15, 'NT'), (26, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654113) PENN in sentence 4155010:

responsible for follow-up .   
----------- --- --------- -   
jj          in  nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335856360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'responsible for follow-up .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 604,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'responsible for follow-up .'},
 {'ID': 4155011,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 25, 'nns'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 54, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155011) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

While several individuals at the Bin Ladin unit opened

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654114,
                     'NER': [(33, 42, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 54, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654114) PENN in sentence 4155011:

While several individuals at the Bin Ladin unit opened
----- ------- ----------- -- --- --- ----- ---- ------
in    jj      nns         in dt  NP  NP    nn   VVD   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 12
[start] 6
[name] jj
                                          [end] 24
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 41
[start] 33
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335857416>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'While several individuals at the Bin Ladin unit '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 604,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'While several individuals at the Bin Ladin unit opened'},
 {'ID': 4155012,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 14, 'wrb'),
          (15, 17, 'PP'),
          (18, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 39, 'cd'),
          (40, 41, ','),
          (42, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 55, 'VBD'),
          (56, 61, 'VVN'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155012) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the cable when it arrived in March 2000 , no action was taken .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654115,
                     'NER': [(29, 39, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 14, 'wrb'),
                             (15, 17, 'PP'),
                             (18, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 39, 'cd'),
                             (40, 41, ','),
                             (42, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 55, 'VBD'),
                             (56, 61, 'VVN'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654115) PENN in sentence 4155012:

the cable when it arrived in March 2000 , no action was taken 
--- ----- ---- -- ------- -- ----- ---- - -- ------ --- ----- 
dt  nn    wrb  PP VVD     in NP    cd   , dt nn     VBD VVN   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] PP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] cd
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] ,
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 60
[start] 56
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 38
[start] 29
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335859336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the cable when it arrived in March 2000 , no '
                             'action was taken .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 605,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the cable when it arrived in March 2000 , no action was taken .'},
 {'ID': 4155013,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'POS'),
          (11, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 42, '``'),
          (43, 48, 'wrb'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 53, "''"),
          (54, 57, 'rb'),
          (58, 60, '``'),
          (61, 64, 'wp'),
          (65, 66, 'sent'),
          (67, 69, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155013) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The CIA 's zone defense concentrated on `` where , '' not `` who 

. ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654116,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'POS'),
                             (11, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 42, '``'),
                             (43, 48, 'wrb'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 53, "''"),
                             (54, 57, 'rb'),
                             (58, 60, '``'),
                             (61, 64, 'wp'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent'),
                             (67, 69, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654116) PENN in sentence 4155013:

The CIA 's  zone defense concentrated on `` where , '' not `` who
--- --- --  ---- ------- ------------ -- -- ----- - -- --- -- ---
dt  NP  POS nn   nn      VVN          in `` wrb   , '' rb  `` wp 

 .    ''
 -    --
 sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] POS
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 24
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] ``
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] ''
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] rb
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] ``
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] wp
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335866376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "The CIA 's zone defense concentrated on `` where "
                             ", '' not `` who . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 607,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The CIA 's zone defense concentrated on `` where , '' not `` who . "
 {'ID': 4155014,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'), (4, 7, 'PP$'), (8, 19, 'nn'), (20, 24, 'VBN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155014) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Had its information been

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654117,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
                             (4, 7, 'PP$'),
                             (8, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 24, 'VBN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(4, 7, 'NT'), (20, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654117) PENN in sentence 4155014:

Had its information been
--- --- ----------- ----
VHD PP$ nn          VBN 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 18
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] VBN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335886184>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Had its information been'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 607,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Had its information been'},
 {'ID': 4155015,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVN'),
          (7, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 49, 'POS'),
          (50, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 66, 'cc'),
          (67, 70, 'dt'),
          (71, 74, 'NP'),
          (75, 77, 'POS')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155015) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

shared with the FBI , a combination of the CIA 's zone defense 

and the FBI 's

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654118,
                     'NER': [(16, 19, 'organization'),
                             (43, 46, 'organization'),
                             (71, 74, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVN'),
                             (7, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 49, 'POS'),
                             (50, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 66, 'cc'),
                             (67, 70, 'dt'),
                             (71, 74, 'NP'),
                             (75, 77, 'POS')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654118) PENN in sentence 4155015:

shared with the FBI , a  combination of the CIA 's  zone defense 
------ ---- --- --- - -  ----------- -- --- --- --  ---- ------- 
VVN    in   dt  NP  , dt nn          in dt  NP  POS nn   nn      

and the FBI 's 
--- --- --- -- 
cc  dt  NP  POS
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] POS
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] cc
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] POS
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 18,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16},
                                          {'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 43},
                                          {'end': 73,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 71}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335887240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'shared with the FBI , a combination of the CIA '
                             "'s zone defense and the FBI 's"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 608,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "shared with the FBI , a combination of the CIA 's zone defense and "
          "the FBI 's"},
 {'ID': 4155016,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
          (11, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 25, 'md'),
          (26, 30, 'VH'),
          (31, 35, 'VBN'),
          (36, 46, 'jj'),
          (47, 48, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155016) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

man-to-man approach might have been productive .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654119,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 25, 'md'),
                             (26, 30, 'VH'),
                             (31, 35, 'VBN'),
                             (36, 46, 'jj'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(20, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654119) PENN in sentence 4155016:

man-to-man approach might have been productive .   
---------- -------- ----- ---- ---- ---------- -   
jj         nn       md    VH   VBN  jj         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] md
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] VH
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 45
[start] 36
[name] jj
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335899144>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'man-to-man approach might have been productive '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 609,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'man-to-man approach might have been productive .'},
 {'ID': 4155017,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 11, ':'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 23, 'VVG'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 35, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155017) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

June 2001 : The Meeting in New York

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654120,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'date'), (27, 35, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 11, ':'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 23, 'VVG'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 35, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654120) PENN in sentence 4155017:

June 2001 : The Meeting in New York
---- ---- - --- ------- -- --- ----
NP   cd   : dt  VVG     in NP  NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] :
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335917128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'June 2001 : The Meeting in New York'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 610,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'June 2001 : The Meeting in New York'},
 {'ID': 4155018,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'POS'),
          (11, 13, "''"),
          (14, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 52, 'VVD'),
          (53, 56, 'VV'),
          (57, 60, 'rp'),
          (61, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 70, 'jjr'),
          (71, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 81, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155018) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' John 's '' review of the Kuala Lumpur meeting did set off some

 more sharing of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654121,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'person'), (28, 40, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'POS'),
                             (11, 13, "''"),
                             (14, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 52, 'VVD'),
                             (53, 56, 'VV'),
                             (57, 60, 'rp'),
                             (61, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 70, 'jjr'),
                             (71, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 81, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 40, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 65, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654121) PENN in sentence 4155018:

'' John 's  '' review of the Kuala Lumpur meeting did set off 
-- ---- --  -- ------ -- --- ----- ------ ------- --- --- --- 
'' NP   POS '' nn     in dt  NP    NP     nn      VVD VV  rp  

some more sharing of
---- ---- ------- --
dt   jjr  nn      in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] POS
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] ''
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] VV
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] rp
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          [end] 39
[start] 28
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335919336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' John 's '' review of the Kuala Lumpur meeting "
                             'did set off some more sharing of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 611,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' John 's '' review of the Kuala Lumpur meeting did set off some "
          'more sharing of'},
 {'ID': 4155019,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 21, 'VVG'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 58, 'wp'),
          (59, 61, 'PP'),
          (62, 66, 'md'),
          (67, 71, 'VV'),
          (72, 74, '``'),
          (75, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 81, 'sent'),
          (82, 84, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155019) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information , getting the attention of an FBI analyst whom we 

will call `` Jane . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654122,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'organization'),
                             (42, 45, 'organization'),
                             (75, 79, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 21, 'VVG'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 58, 'wp'),
                             (59, 61, 'PP'),
                             (62, 66, 'md'),
                             (67, 71, 'VV'),
                             (72, 74, '``'),
                             (75, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 81, 'sent'),
                             (82, 84, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 66, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654122) PENN in sentence 4155019:

information , getting the attention of an FBI analyst whom we 
----------- - ------- --- --------- -- -- --- ------- ---- -- 
nn          , VVG     dt  nn        in dt NP  nn      wp   PP 

will call `` Jane .    ''
---- ---- -- ---- -    --
md   VV   `` NP   sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] wp
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] PP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] md
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] VV
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] ``
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] sent
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 10,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 44,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42},
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335935144>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information , getting the attention of an FBI '
                             "analyst whom we will call `` Jane . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 612,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information , getting the attention of an FBI analyst whom we will '
          "call `` Jane . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155020,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 14, 'VBD'),
          (15, 23, 'VVN'),
          (24, 26, 'to'),
          (27, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 37, 'POS'),
          (38, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155020) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Jane '' was assigned to the FBI 's Cole investigation .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654123,
                     'NER': [(31, 34, 'organization'), (38, 42, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 23, 'VVN'),
                             (24, 26, 'to'),
                             (27, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 37, 'POS'),
                             (38, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654123) PENN in sentence 4155020:

'' Jane '' was assigned to the FBI 's  Cole investigation .   
-- ---- -- --- -------- -- --- --- --  ---- ------------- -   
'' NP   '' VBD VVN      to dt  NP  POS NP   nn            sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] POS
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 33,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 31},
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335951048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Jane '' was assigned to the FBI 's Cole "
                             'investigation .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 613,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Jane '' was assigned to the FBI 's Cole investigation ."},
 {'ID': 4155021,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
          (14, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 31, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155021) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She knew that another terrorist

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654124,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 13, 'IN/that'),
                             (14, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 31, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (14, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654124) PENN in sentence 4155021:

She knew that    another terrorist
--- ---- ----    ------- ---------
PP  VVD  IN/that dt      jj       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335953832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She knew that another terrorist'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 613,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'She knew that another terrorist'},
 {'ID': 4155022,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 28, ','),
          (29, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 43, ','),
          (44, 47, 'VHD'),
          (48, 56, 'VVN'),
          (57, 59, 'to'),
          (60, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 78, 'NP'),
          (79, 83, 'cd'),
          (84, 86, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155022) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

involved in that operation , Fahd al Quso , had traveled to 

Bangkok in January 2000 to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654125,
                     'NER': [(29, 41, 'person'),
                             (60, 67, 'location'),
                             (71, 83, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 28, ','),
                             (29, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 43, ','),
                             (44, 47, 'VHD'),
                             (48, 56, 'VVN'),
                             (57, 59, 'to'),
                             (60, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 78, 'NP'),
                             (79, 83, 'cd'),
                             (84, 86, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654125) PENN in sentence 4155022:

involved in that operation , Fahd al Quso , had traveled to 
-------- -- ---- --------- - ---- -- ---- - --- -------- -- 
VVN      in dt   nn        , NP   NP NP   , VHD VVN      to 

Bangkok in January 2000 to
------- -- ------- ---- --
NP      in NP      cd   to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] ,
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] ,
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] to
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] in
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] cd
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 40
[start] 29
[name] person
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] location
                                          [end] 82
[start] 71
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335963240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'involved in that operation , Fahd al Quso , had '
                             'traveled to Bangkok in January 2000 to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 614,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'involved in that operation , Fahd al Quso , had traveled to Bangkok '
          'in January 2000 to'},
 {'ID': 4155023,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VV'),
          (5, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 13, 'to'),
          (14, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 23, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155023) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

give money to Khallad .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654126,
                     'NER': [(14, 21, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VV'),
                             (5, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 13, 'to'),
                             (14, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 23, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'), (14, 21, 'NT'), (22, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654126) PENN in sentence 4155023:

give money to Khallad .   
---- ----- -- ------- -   
VV   nn    to NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] to
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 14
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335975240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'give money to Khallad .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 615,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'give money to Khallad .'},
 {'ID': 4155024,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 35, "''"),
          (36, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 42, ','),
          (43, 45, "''"),
          (46, 49, 'VHD'),
          (50, 54, 'VBN'),
          (55, 62, 'VVG'),
          (63, 71, 'rb'),
          (72, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 86, 'jj'),
          (87, 93, 'nns'),
          (94, 95, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155024) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 20 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Jane '' and the CIA analyst , '' Dave , '' had been working 

together on Colerelated issues .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654127,
                     'NER': [(19, 22, 'organization'),
                             (36, 40, 'person'),
                             (75, 86, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 35, "''"),
                             (36, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 42, ','),
                             (43, 45, "''"),
                             (46, 49, 'VHD'),
                             (50, 54, 'VBN'),
                             (55, 62, 'VVG'),
                             (63, 71, 'rb'),
                             (72, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 86, 'jj'),
                             (87, 93, 'nns'),
                             (94, 95, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 54, 'NT'),
                             (63, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (94, 95, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654127) PENN in sentence 4155024:

'' Jane '' and the CIA analyst , '' Dave , '' had been working 
-- ---- -- --- --- --- ------- - -- ---- - -- --- ---- ------- 
'' NP   '' cc  dt  NP  nn      , '' NP   , '' VHD VBN  VVG     

together on Colerelated issues .   
-------- -- ----------- ------ -   
rb       in jj          nns    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] ''
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] ,
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] ''
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 61
[start] 55
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 70
[start] 63
[name] rb
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] in
                                          [end] 85
[start] 75
[name] jj
                                          [end] 92
[start] 87
[name] nns
                                          [end] 94
[start] 94
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19},
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] person
                                          {'end': 85,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 75}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 94
[start] 94
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335976584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Jane '' and the CIA analyst , '' Dave , '' "
                             'had been working together on Colerelated issues '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 617,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Jane '' and the CIA analyst , '' Dave , '' had been working "
          'together on Colerelated issues .'},
 {'ID': 4155025,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVG'),
          (8, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 15, 'POS'),
          (16, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 23, ','),
          (24, 26, '``'),
          (27, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 34, "''"),
          (35, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 52, 'VVG'),
          (53, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 69, 'nns'),
          (70, 72, 'to'),
          (73, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 83, 'nns'),
          (84, 86, 'in'),
          (87, 90, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155025) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Chasing Quso 's trail , `` Dave '' suggested showing some 

photographs to FBI agents in New

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654128,
                     'NER': [(8, 12, 'person'),
                             (27, 31, 'person'),
                             (73, 76, 'organization'),
                             (87, 90, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVG'),
                             (8, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 15, 'POS'),
                             (16, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 23, ','),
                             (24, 26, '``'),
                             (27, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 34, "''"),
                             (35, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 52, 'VVG'),
                             (53, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 69, 'nns'),
                             (70, 72, 'to'),
                             (73, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 83, 'nns'),
                             (84, 86, 'in'),
                             (87, 90, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT'),
                             (84, 86, 'NT'),
                             (87, 90, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654128) PENN in sentence 4155025:

Chasing Quso 's  trail , `` Dave '' suggested showing some 
------- ---- --  ----- - -- ---- -- --------- ------- ---- 
VVG     NP   POS nn    , `` NP   '' VVD       VVG     dt   

photographs to FBI agents in New
----------- -- --- ------ -- ---
nns         to NP  nns    in NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] POS
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] ,
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] ``
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] ''
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 45
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 68
[start] 58
[name] nns
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] to
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] nns
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] in
                                          [end] 89
[start] 87
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 8
[name] person
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] person
                                          {'end': 75,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 73},
                                          [end] 89
[start] 87
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                          [end] 89
[start] 87
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824335993160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Chasing Quso 's trail , `` Dave '' suggested "
                             'showing some photographs to FBI agents in New'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 618,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Chasing Quso 's trail , `` Dave '' suggested showing some "
          'photographs to FBI agents in New'},
 {'ID': 4155026,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 8, 'wp'),
          (9, 13, 'VBD'),
          (14, 21, 'VVG'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 42, 'cc'),
          (43, 46, 'VHD'),
          (47, 58, 'VVN'),
          (59, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 65, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155026) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

York who were working on the Cole case and had interviewed Quso .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654129,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person'),
                             (29, 33, 'person'),
                             (59, 63, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 8, 'wp'),
                             (9, 13, 'VBD'),
                             (14, 21, 'VVG'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 42, 'cc'),
                             (43, 46, 'VHD'),
                             (47, 58, 'VVN'),
                             (59, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 65, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (59, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654129) PENN in sentence 4155026:

York who were working on the Cole case and had interviewed Quso 
---- --- ---- ------- -- --- ---- ---- --- --- ----------- ---- 
NP   wp  VBD  VVG     in dt  NP   nn   cc  VHD VVN         NP   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] wp
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] cc
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 57
[start] 47
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] person
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336009064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'York who were working on the Cole case and had '
                             'interviewed Quso .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 619,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'York who were working on the Cole case and had interviewed Quso .'},
 {'ID': 4155027,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 21, 'cd'),
          (22, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 56, 'nns'),
          (57, 59, 'to'),
          (60, 62, '``'),
          (63, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 70, "''"),
          (71, 73, 'to'),
          (74, 78, 'VV'),
          (79, 81, 'to'),
          (82, 85, 'dt'),
          (86, 89, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155027) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' John '' gave three Kuala Lumpur surveillance pictures to `` 

Jane '' to show to the New

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654130,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'person'),
                             (22, 34, 'location'),
                             (63, 67, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 21, 'cd'),
                             (22, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 56, 'nns'),
                             (57, 59, 'to'),
                             (60, 62, '``'),
                             (63, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 70, "''"),
                             (71, 73, 'to'),
                             (74, 78, 'VV'),
                             (79, 81, 'to'),
                             (82, 85, 'dt'),
                             (86, 89, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 34, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT'),
                             (86, 89, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654130) PENN in sentence 4155027:

'' John '' gave three Kuala Lumpur surveillance pictures to `` 
-- ---- -- ---- ----- ----- ------ ------------ -------- -- -- 
'' NP   '' VVD  cd    NP    NP     nn           nns      to `` 

Jane '' to show to the New
---- -- -- ---- -- --- ---
NP   '' to VV   to dt  NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] cd
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] to
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] ``
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] ''
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] to
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] VV
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] to
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] dt
                                          [end] 88
[start] 86
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          [end] 33
[start] 22
[name] location
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                          [end] 88
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336028488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' John '' gave three Kuala Lumpur surveillance "
                             "pictures to `` Jane '' to show to the New"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 621,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' John '' gave three Kuala Lumpur surveillance pictures to `` Jane "
          "'' to show to the New"},
 {'ID': 4155028,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 11, 'nns'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155028) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

York agents .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654131,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 11, 'nns'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (12, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654131) PENN in sentence 4155028:

York agents .   
---- ------ -   
NP   nns    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336040584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'York agents .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 622,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'York agents .'},
 {'ID': 4155029,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 7, 'VBD'),
          (8, 12, 'VVN'),
          (13, 17, 'IN/that'),
          (18, 21, 'cd'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 59, 'nns'),
          (60, 63, 'VBD'),
          (64, 71, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155029) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She was told that one of the individuals in the photographs was 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654132,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 7, 'VBD'),
                             (8, 12, 'VVN'),
                             (13, 17, 'IN/that'),
                             (18, 21, 'cd'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 59, 'nns'),
                             (60, 63, 'VBD'),
                             (64, 71, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654132) PENN in sentence 4155029:

She was told that    one of the individuals in the photographs 
--- --- ---- ----    --- -- --- ----------- -- --- ----------- 
PP  VBD VVN  IN/that cd  in dt  nns         in dt  nns         

was someone
--- -------
VBD nn     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] cd
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336041640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She was told that one of the individuals in the '
                             'photographs was someone'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 622,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'She was told that one of the individuals in the photographs was '
 {'ID': 4155030,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'),
          (6, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 25, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155030) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

named Khalid al Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654133,
                     'NER': [(6, 23, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'),
                             (6, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 25, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654133) PENN in sentence 4155030:

named Khalid al Mihdhar .   
----- ------ -- ------- -   
VVN   NP     NP NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 11
[start] 6
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 6
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336056584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'named Khalid al Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 623,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'named Khalid al Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4155031,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 11, 'rb'),
          (12, 16, 'VV'),
          (17, 20, 'wrb'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 36, 'nns'),
          (37, 40, 'VHD'),
          (41, 45, 'VBN'),
          (46, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 54, 'cc'),
          (55, 58, 'wrb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155031) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She did not know why the photographs had been taken or why

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654134,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 11, 'rb'),
                             (12, 16, 'VV'),
                             (17, 20, 'wrb'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 36, 'nns'),
                             (37, 40, 'VHD'),
                             (41, 45, 'VBN'),
                             (46, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 54, 'cc'),
                             (55, 58, 'wrb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654134) PENN in sentence 4155031:

She did not know why the photographs had been taken or why
--- --- --- ---- --- --- ----------- --- ---- ----- -- ---
PP  VVD rb  VV   wrb dt  nns         VHD VBN  VVN   cc wrb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] VV
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] cc
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] wrb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336058024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She did not know why the photographs had been '
                             'taken or why'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 623,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'She did not know why the photographs had been taken or why'},
 {'ID': 4155032,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 29, 'md'),
          (30, 32, 'vb'),
          (33, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 46, ','),
          (47, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 54, 'PP'),
          (55, 58, 'VBD'),
          (59, 62, 'rb'),
          (63, 67, 'VVN'),
          (68, 72, 'IN/that'),
          (73, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 84, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155032) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the Kuala Lumpur travel might be significant , and she was not 

told that someone had

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654135,
                     'NER': [(4, 16, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 29, 'md'),
                             (30, 32, 'vb'),
                             (33, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 46, ','),
                             (47, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 54, 'PP'),
                             (55, 58, 'VBD'),
                             (59, 62, 'rb'),
                             (63, 67, 'VVN'),
                             (68, 72, 'IN/that'),
                             (73, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 84, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 16, 'NT'),
                             (24, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654135) PENN in sentence 4155032:

the Kuala Lumpur travel might be significant , and she was not 
--- ----- ------ ------ ----- -- ----------- - --- --- --- --- 
dt  NP    NP     nn     md    vb jj          , cc  PP  VBD rb  

told that    someone had
---- ----    ------- ---
VVN  IN/that nn      VHD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] md
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] vb
                                          [end] 43
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] ,
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] cc
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] PP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] rb
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 4
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336072872>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the Kuala Lumpur travel might be significant , '
                             'and she was not told that someone had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 624,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the Kuala Lumpur travel might be significant , and she was not told '
          'that someone had'},
 {'ID': 4155033,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 37, 'nns'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155033) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

identified Khallad in the photographs .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654136,
                     'NER': [(0, 18, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 37, 'nns'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(19, 21, 'NT'), (22, 25, 'NT'), (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654136) PENN in sentence 4155033:

identified Khallad in the photographs .   
---------- ------- -- --- ----------- -   
VVN        nn      in dt  nns         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336075944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'identified Khallad in the photographs .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 625,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'identified Khallad in the photographs .'},
 {'ID': 4155034,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
          (5, 7, '``'),
          (8, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 15, "''"),
          (16, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 47, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155034) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

When `` Jane '' did some research in a database

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654137,
                     'NER': [(8, 12, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
                             (5, 7, '``'),
                             (8, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 15, "''"),
                             (16, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 47, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654137) PENN in sentence 4155034:

When `` Jane '' did some research in a  database
---- -- ---- -- --- ---- -------- -- -  --------
wrb  `` NP   '' VVD dt   nn       in dt nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] ``
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] ''
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 8
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336093832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "When `` Jane '' did some research in a "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 625,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "When `` Jane '' did some research in a database"},
 {'ID': 4155035,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
          (4, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 24, 'nns'),
          (25, 26, ','),
          (27, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 37, ','),
          (38, 41, 'PP'),
          (42, 47, 'VVD'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 72, 'nns'),
          (73, 75, 'in'),
          (76, 79, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155035) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

for intelligence reports , Intelink , she found the original NSA 

reports on the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654138,
                     'NER': [(27, 35, 'person'), (61, 64, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
                             (4, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 24, 'nns'),
                             (25, 26, ','),
                             (27, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 37, ','),
                             (38, 41, 'PP'),
                             (42, 47, 'VVD'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 72, 'nns'),
                             (73, 75, 'in'),
                             (76, 79, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654138) PENN in sentence 4155035:

for intelligence reports , Intelink , she found the original NSA 
--- ------------ ------- - -------- - --- ----- --- -------- --- 
in  nn           nns     , NP       , PP  VVD   dt  jj       NP  

reports on the
------- -- ---
nns     in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] ,
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] ,
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] PP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 65
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] in
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 27
[name] person
                                          {'end': 63,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 61}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336096232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'for intelligence reports , Intelink , she found '
                             'the original NSA reports on the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 626,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'for intelligence reports , Intelink , she found the original NSA '
          'reports on the'},
 {'ID': 4155036,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
          (9, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 26, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155036) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

planning for the meeting .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654139,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
                             (9, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 12, 'NT'), (13, 16, 'NT'), (25, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654139) PENN in sentence 4155036:

planning for the meeting .   
-------- --- --- ------- -   
VVG      in  dt  nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336111464>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'planning for the meeting .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 627,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'planning for the meeting .'},
 {'ID': 4155037,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 19, 'VHD'),
          (20, 23, 'rb'),
          (24, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 44, 'nns'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 51, 'PP$')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155037) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Because the CIA had not disseminated reports on its

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654140,
                     'NER': [(12, 15, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 19, 'VHD'),
                             (20, 23, 'rb'),
                             (24, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 44, 'nns'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 51, 'PP$')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654140) PENN in sentence 4155037:

Because the CIA had not disseminated reports on its
------- --- --- --- --- ------------ ------- -- ---
in      dt  NP  VHD rb  VVN          nns     in PP$
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] rb
                                          [end] 35
[start] 24
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] nns
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] PP$
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 14,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 12}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336112712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Because the CIA had not disseminated reports on '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 627,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Because the CIA had not disseminated reports on its'},
 {'ID': 4155038,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 24, '``'),
          (25, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 32, "''"),
          (33, 36, 'VVD'),
          (37, 40, 'rb'),
          (41, 45, 'VV'),
          (46, 48, 'rp'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 78, 'NP'),
          (79, 81, 'POS'),
          (82, 86, 'NP'),
          (87, 91, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155038) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

tracking of Mihdhar , `` Jane '' did not pull up any information 

about Mihdhar 's U.S. visa

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654141,
                     'NER': [(12, 19, 'person'),
                             (25, 29, 'person'),
                             (71, 78, 'person'),
                             (82, 86, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 24, '``'),
                             (25, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 32, "''"),
                             (33, 36, 'VVD'),
                             (37, 40, 'rb'),
                             (41, 45, 'VV'),
                             (46, 48, 'rp'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 78, 'NP'),
                             (79, 81, 'POS'),
                             (82, 86, 'NP'),
                             (87, 91, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (65, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654141) PENN in sentence 4155038:

tracking of Mihdhar , `` Jane '' did not pull up any information 
-------- -- ------- - -- ---- -- --- --- ---- -- --- ----------- 
VVG      in NP      , `` NP   '' VVD rb  VV   rp dt  nn          

about Mihdhar 's  U.S. visa
----- ------- --  ---- ----
in    NP      POS NP   nn  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] ``
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] ''
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] rb
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] VV
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] rp
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] POS
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] NP
                                          [end] 90
[start] 87
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 12
[name] person
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] person
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] person
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336127176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "tracking of Mihdhar , `` Jane '' did not pull up "
                             "any information about Mihdhar 's U.S. visa"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 628,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "tracking of Mihdhar , `` Jane '' did not pull up any information "
          "about Mihdhar 's U.S. visa"},
 {'ID': 4155039,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'cc'),
          (3, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 15, 'VV'),
          (16, 18, 'to'),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 36, 'NPS'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 48, 'cc'),
          (49, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155039) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

or about travel to the United States by Hazmi or Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654142,
                     'NER': [(23, 36, 'location'), (40, 45, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'cc'),
                             (3, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 15, 'VV'),
                             (16, 18, 'to'),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 36, 'NPS'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 48, 'cc'),
                             (49, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654142) PENN in sentence 4155039:

or about travel to the United States by Hazmi or Mihdhar .   
-- ----- ------ -- --- ------ ------ -- ----- -- ------- -   
cc rb    VV     to dt  NP     NPS    in NP    cc NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] VV
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] to
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] cc
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 23
[name] location
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336139368>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'or about travel to the United States by Hazmi or '
                             'Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 629,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'or about travel to the United States by Hazmi or Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4155040,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 12, "''"),
          (13, 15, "''"),
          (16, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 22, ','),
          (23, 25, "''"),
          (26, 29, 'cc'),
          (30, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 48, 'wp'),
          (49, 52, 'VBD'),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 76, 'POS'),
          (77, 80, 'NP'),
          (81, 86, 'NP'),
          (87, 91, 'nn'),
          (92, 96, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155040) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 24 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Jane , '' '' Dave , '' and an FBI analyst who was on detail to

 the CIA 's Bin Ladin unit went

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654143,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'person'),
                             (16, 20, 'person'),
                             (33, 36, 'organization'),
                             (70, 73, 'organization'),
                             (77, 86, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 12, "''"),
                             (13, 15, "''"),
                             (16, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 22, ','),
                             (23, 25, "''"),
                             (26, 29, 'cc'),
                             (30, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 48, 'wp'),
                             (49, 52, 'VBD'),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 76, 'POS'),
                             (77, 80, 'NP'),
                             (81, 86, 'NP'),
                             (87, 91, 'nn'),
                             (92, 96, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654143) PENN in sentence 4155040:

'' Jane , '' '' Dave , '' and an FBI analyst who was on detail to
-- ---- - -- -- ---- - -- --- -- --- ------- --- --- -- ------ --
'' NP   , '' '' NP   , '' cc  dt NP  nn      wp  VBD in nn     to

 the CIA 's  Bin Ladin unit went
 --- --- --  --- ----- ---- ----
 dt  NP  POS NP  NP    nn   VVD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] ''
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] ''
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] ''
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] cc
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] wp
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] POS
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                          [end] 85
[start] 81
[name] NP
                                          [end] 90
[start] 87
[name] nn
                                          [end] 95
[start] 92
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] person
                                          {'end': 35,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 33},
                                          {'end': 72,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 70},
                                          [end] 85
[start] 77
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336142248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Jane , '' '' Dave , '' and an FBI analyst who "
                             "was on detail to the CIA 's Bin Ladin unit "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 631,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Jane , '' '' Dave , '' and an FBI analyst who was on detail to "
          "the CIA 's Bin Ladin unit went"},
 {'ID': 4155041,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 22, 'cd'),
          (23, 25, 'to'),
          (26, 30, 'VV'),
          (31, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 46, 'nns'),
          (47, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 68, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155041) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to New York on June 11 to meet with the agents about the Cole 

case .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654144,
                     'NER': [(3, 11, 'location'),
                             (15, 22, 'date'),
                             (57, 61, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 22, 'cd'),
                             (23, 25, 'to'),
                             (26, 30, 'VV'),
                             (31, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 46, 'nns'),
                             (47, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 68, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (47, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 61, 'NT'),
                             (67, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654144) PENN in sentence 4155041:

to New York on June 11 to meet with the agents about the Cole 
-- --- ---- -- ---- -- -- ---- ---- --- ------ ----- --- ---- 
to NP  NP   in NP   cd to VV   in   dt  nns    in    dt  NP   

case .   
---- -   
nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] cd
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] VV
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] nns
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 3
[name] location
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] date
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336172136>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to New York on June 11 to meet with the agents '
                             'about the Cole case .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 632,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to New York on June 11 to meet with the agents about the Cole case '
 {'ID': 4155042,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"), (3, 7, 'NP'), (8, 10, "''"), (11, 18, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155042) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Jane '' brought

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654145,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 18, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 7, 'NT'), (8, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654145) PENN in sentence 4155042:

'' Jane '' brought
-- ---- -- -------
'' NP   '' VVD    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336188040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Jane '' brought"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 632,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Jane '' brought"},
 {'ID': 4155043,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 16, 'nn'), (17, 25, 'nns'), (26, 27, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155043) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the surveillance pictures .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654146,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 27, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (26, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654146) PENN in sentence 4155043:

the surveillance pictures .   
--- ------------ -------- -   
dt  nn           nns      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336189192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the surveillance pictures .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 633,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the surveillance pictures .'},
 {'ID': 4155044,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'dt'),
          (8, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 32, 'PP'),
          (33, 39, 'VVD'),
          (40, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 55, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155044) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

At some point in the meeting she showed the photographs

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654147,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'dt'),
                             (8, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 32, 'PP'),
                             (33, 39, 'VVD'),
                             (40, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 55, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654147) PENN in sentence 4155044:

At some point in the meeting she showed the photographs
-- ---- ----- -- --- ------- --- ------ --- -----------
in dt   nn    in dt  nn      PP  VVD    dt  nns        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] PP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 44
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336190248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'At some point in the meeting she showed the '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 633,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'At some point in the meeting she showed the photographs'},
 {'ID': 4155045,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 13, 'nns'),
          (14, 17, 'cc'),
          (18, 23, 'VVD'),
          (24, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 36, 'PP'),
          (37, 47, 'VVD'),
          (48, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 67, 'PP'),
          (68, 69, 'sent')],
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  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155045) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to the agents and asked whether they recognized Quso in any of 

them .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654148,
                     'NER': [(48, 52, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 13, 'nns'),
                             (14, 17, 'cc'),
                             (18, 23, 'VVD'),
                             (24, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 36, 'PP'),
                             (37, 47, 'VVD'),
                             (48, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 67, 'PP'),
                             (68, 69, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (24, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654148) PENN in sentence 4155045:

to the agents and asked whether they recognized Quso in any of 
-- --- ------ --- ----- ------- ---- ---------- ---- -- --- -- 
to dt  nns    cc  VVD   in      PP   VVD        NP   in dt  in 

them .   
---- -   
PP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] nns
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] cc
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] PP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 37
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] PP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 51
[start] 48
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
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[start] 24
[name] NT
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[start] 32
[name] NT
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[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336200520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to the agents and asked whether they recognized '
                             'Quso in any of them .'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 634,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to the agents and asked whether they recognized Quso in any of them '
 {'ID': 4155046,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 10, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155046) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The agents

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654149,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 10, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654149) PENN in sentence 4155046:

The agents
--- ------
dt  nns   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336203496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The agents'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 634,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The agents'},
 {'ID': 4155047,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'),
          (6, 15, 'nns'),
          (16, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 42, 'wrb'),
          (43, 47, 'VBD'),
          (48, 52, 'PP'),
          (53, 58, 'VVN'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155047) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

asked questions about the photographs- Why were they taken ?

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654150,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'),
                             (6, 15, 'nns'),
                             (16, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 42, 'wrb'),
                             (43, 47, 'VBD'),
                             (48, 52, 'PP'),
                             (53, 58, 'VVN'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654150) PENN in sentence 4155047:

asked questions about the photographs- Why were they taken ?   
----- --------- ----- --- ------------ --- ---- ---- ----- -   
VVN   nns       in    dt  nn           wrb VBD  PP   VVN   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] PP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336216616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'asked questions about the photographs- Why were '
                             'they taken ?'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 635,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'asked questions about the photographs- Why were they taken ?'},
 {'ID': 4155048,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'wrb'), (4, 8, 'VBD'), (9, 14, 'dt'), (15, 21, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155048) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Why were these people

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654151,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'wrb'),
                             (4, 8, 'VBD'),
                             (9, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 21, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 8, 'NT'), (9, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654151) PENN in sentence 4155048:

Why were these people
--- ---- ----- ------
wrb VBD  dt    nns   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336218632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Why were these people'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 635,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Why were these people'},
 {'ID': 4155049,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VBG'), (6, 14, 'VVN'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155049) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

being followed ?

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654152,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VBG'), (6, 14, 'VVN'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654152) PENN in sentence 4155049:

being followed ?   
----- -------- -   
VBG   VVN      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VBG
                                          [end] 13
[start] 6
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336219784>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'being followed ?'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 636,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'being followed ?'},
 {'ID': 4155050,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'wrb'),
          (6, 9, 'vbp'),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 37, 'nns'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155050) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Where are the rest of the photographs ?

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654153,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'wrb'),
                             (6, 9, 'vbp'),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 37, 'nns'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654153) PENN in sentence 4155050:

Where are the rest of the photographs ?   
----- --- --- ---- -- --- ----------- -   
wrb   vbp dt  nn   in dt  nns         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] vbp
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336229000>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Where are the rest of the photographs ?'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 636,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Where are the rest of the photographs ?'},
 {'ID': 4155051,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 23, '``'),
          (24, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 31, "''"),
          (32, 35, 'VHD'),
          (36, 41, 'rb'),
          (42, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 68, 'dt'),
          (69, 85, 'nn'),
          (86, 89, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155051) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The only information `` Jane '' had about the meeting-other than 

the photographs-were the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654154,
                     'NER': [(24, 28, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 23, '``'),
                             (24, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 31, "''"),
                             (32, 35, 'VHD'),
                             (36, 41, 'rb'),
                             (42, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 68, 'dt'),
                             (69, 85, 'nn'),
                             (86, 89, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (36, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (60, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (86, 89, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654154) PENN in sentence 4155051:

The only information `` Jane '' had about the meeting-other than 
--- ---- ----------- -- ---- -- --- ----- --- ------------- ---- 
dt  jj   nn          `` NP   '' VHD rb    dt  nn            in   

the photographs-were the
--- ---------------- ---
dt  nn               dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] ``
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] ''
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] rb
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                          [end] 84
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 88
[start] 86
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 27
[start] 24
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 88
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336230920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "The only information `` Jane '' had about the "
                             'meeting-other than the photographs-were the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
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          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
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  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 638,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The only information `` Jane '' had about the meeting-other than "
          'the photographs-were the'},
 {'ID': 4155052,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 11, 'VVZ'),
          (12, 16, 'IN/that'),
          (17, 20, 'PP'),
          (21, 24, 'VHD'),
          (25, 30, 'VVN'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 44, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155052) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

NSA reports that she had found on Intelink .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654155,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization'), (34, 42, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 11, 'VVZ'),
                             (12, 16, 'IN/that'),
                             (17, 20, 'PP'),
                             (21, 24, 'VHD'),
                             (25, 30, 'VVN'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 44, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654155) PENN in sentence 4155052:

NSA reports that    she had found on Intelink .   
--- ------- ----    --- --- ----- -- -------- -   
NP  VVZ     IN/that PP  VHD VVN   in NP       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] PP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336250152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'NSA reports that she had found on Intelink .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 639,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'NSA reports that she had found on Intelink .'},
 {'ID': 4155053,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
          (6, 13, 'nns'),
          (14, 15, ','),
          (16, 23, 'rb'),
          (24, 25, ','),
          (26, 35, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155053) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

These reports , however , contained

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654156,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
                             (6, 13, 'nns'),
                             (14, 15, ','),
                             (16, 23, 'rb'),
                             (24, 25, ','),
                             (26, 35, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (14, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654156) PENN in sentence 4155053:

These reports , however , contained
----- ------- - ------- - ---------
dt    nns     , rb      , VVD      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] ,
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] ,
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336252264>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'These reports , however , contained'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 639,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'These reports , however , contained'},
 {'ID': 4155054,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
          (13, 18, 'PP$'),
          (19, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 33, 'md'),
          (34, 37, 'rb'),
          (38, 40, 'vb'),
          (41, 47, 'VVN'),
          (48, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 61, 'jj'),
          (62, 75, 'nns'),
          (76, 83, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155054) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

caveats that their contents could not be shared with criminal 

investigators without

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654157,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
                             (13, 18, 'PP$'),
                             (19, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 33, 'md'),
                             (34, 37, 'rb'),
                             (38, 40, 'vb'),
                             (41, 47, 'VVN'),
                             (48, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 61, 'jj'),
                             (62, 75, 'nns'),
                             (76, 83, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 18, 'NT'),
                             (28, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (76, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654157) PENN in sentence 4155054:

caveats that    their contents could not be shared with criminal 
------- ----    ----- -------- ----- --- -- ------ ---- -------- 
nns     IN/that PP$   nns      md    rb  vb VVN    in   jj       

investigators without
------------- -------
nns           in     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] md
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] rb
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] vb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 74
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336266056>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'caveats that their contents could not be shared '
                             'with criminal investigators without'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 640,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'caveats that their contents could not be shared with criminal '
          'investigators without'},
 {'ID': 4155055,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 43, 'POS'),
          (44, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 77, 'cc'),
          (78, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155055) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the permission of the Justice Department 's Office of 

Intelligence Policy and Review

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654158,
                     'NER': [(22, 40, 'organization'),
                             (44, 84, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 43, 'POS'),
                             (44, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 77, 'cc'),
                             (78, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654158) PENN in sentence 4155055:

the permission of the Justice Department 's  Office of 
--- ---------- -- --- ------- ---------- --  ------ -- 
dt  nn         in dt  NP      NP         POS NP     in 

Intelligence Policy and Review
------------ ------ --- ------
NP           NP     cc  NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] POS
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] cc
                                          [end] 83
[start] 78
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 39,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 22},
                                          {'end': 83,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 44}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336268264>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "the permission of the Justice Department 's "
                             'Office of Intelligence Policy and Review'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 641,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "the permission of the Justice Department 's Office of Intelligence "
          'Policy and Review'},
 {'ID': 4155056,
  'POS': [(0, 1, '('), (2, 6, 'NP'), (7, 8, ')'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155056) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

( OIPR ) .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654159,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, '('),
                             (2, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 8, ')'),
                             (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (2, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654159) PENN in sentence 4155056:

( OIPR ) .   
- ---- - -   
( NP   ) sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] (
                                          [end] 5
[start] 2
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] )
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 2
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336279592>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '( OIPR ) .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 642,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '( OIPR ) .'},
 {'ID': 4155057,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
          (10, 12, '``'),
          (13, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 20, "''"),
          (21, 30, 'VVD'),
          (31, 35, 'IN/that'),
          (36, 39, 'PP'),
          (40, 45, 'md'),
          (46, 49, 'rb'),
          (50, 54, 'VV'),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 80, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155057) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Therefore `` Jane '' concluded that she could not pass on 

information from those

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654160,
                     'NER': [(13, 17, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
                             (10, 12, '``'),
                             (13, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 20, "''"),
                             (21, 30, 'VVD'),
                             (31, 35, 'IN/that'),
                             (36, 39, 'PP'),
                             (40, 45, 'md'),
                             (46, 49, 'rb'),
                             (50, 54, 'VV'),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 80, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (70, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654160) PENN in sentence 4155057:

Therefore `` Jane '' concluded that    she could not pass on 
--------- -- ---- -- --------- ----    --- ----- --- ---- -- 
rb        `` NP   '' VVD       IN/that PP  md    rb  VV   in 

information from those
----------- ---- -----
nn          in   dt   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] ``
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] ''
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] PP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] md
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] rb
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] VV
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 68
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 75
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 13
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336280840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Therefore `` Jane '' concluded that she could "
                             'not pass on information from those'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 642,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Therefore `` Jane '' concluded that she could not pass on "
          'information from those'},
 {'ID': 4155058,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 10, 'to'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 23, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155058) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reports to the agents .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654161,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 10, 'to'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 23, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'), (11, 14, 'NT'), (22, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654161) PENN in sentence 4155058:

reports to the agents .   
------- -- --- ------ -   
nns     to dt  nns    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] to
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336296072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reports to the agents .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 643,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reports to the agents .'},
 {'ID': 4155059,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 17, 'VBD'),
          (18, 29, 'rb'),
          (30, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 43, ','),
          (44, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 55, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155059) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

This decision was potentially significant , because the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654162,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 17, 'VBD'),
                             (18, 29, 'rb'),
                             (30, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 43, ','),
                             (44, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 55, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 29, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654162) PENN in sentence 4155059:

This decision was potentially significant , because the
---- -------- --- ----------- ----------- - ------- ---
dt   nn       VBD rb          jj          , in      dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 18
[name] rb
                                          [end] 40
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] ,
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336297320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This decision was potentially significant , '
                             'because the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 643,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This decision was potentially significant , because the'},
 {'ID': 4155060,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 24, 'PP'),
          (25, 28, 'VVD'),
          (29, 32, 'rb'),
          (33, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 45, 'VVN'),
          (46, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 56, 'to'),
          (57, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 68, 'jj'),
          (69, 78, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155060) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

signals intelligence she did not share linked Mihdhar to a 

suspected terrorist

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654163,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 24, 'PP'),
                             (25, 28, 'VVD'),
                             (29, 32, 'rb'),
                             (33, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 45, 'VVN'),
                             (46, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 56, 'to'),
                             (57, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 68, 'jj'),
                             (69, 78, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (46, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654163) PENN in sentence 4155060:

signals intelligence she did not share linked Mihdhar to a  
------- ------------ --- --- --- ----- ------ ------- -- -  
nns     nn           PP  VVD rb  nn    VVN    NP      to dt 

suspected terrorist
--------- ---------
jj        jj       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] PP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] to
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 59
[name] jj
                                          [end] 77
[start] 69
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336311592>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'signals intelligence she did not share linked '
                             'Mihdhar to a suspected terrorist'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 644,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'signals intelligence she did not share linked Mihdhar to a '
          'suspected terrorist'},
 {'ID': 4155061,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 29, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155061) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

facility in the Middle East .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654164,
                     'NER': [(16, 27, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 29, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654164) PENN in sentence 4155061:

facility in the Middle East .   
-------- -- --- ------ ---- -   
nn       in dt  NP     NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 16
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336313800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'facility in the Middle East .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 645,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'facility in the Middle East .'},
 {'ID': 4155062,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 16, 'md'),
          (17, 21, 'VH'),
          (22, 33, 'VVN'),
          (34, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 47, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155062) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The agents would have established a link to the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654165,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 16, 'md'),
                             (17, 21, 'VH'),
                             (22, 33, 'VVN'),
                             (34, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (11, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654165) PENN in sentence 4155062:

The agents would have established a  link to the
--- ------ ----- ---- ----------- -  ---- -- ---
dt  nns    md    VH   VVN         dt nn   to dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] md
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VH
                                          [end] 32
[start] 22
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336327784>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The agents would have established a link to '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 645,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The agents would have established a link to the'},
 {'ID': 4155063,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 29, 'PP$'),
          (30, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 58, 'nns'),
          (59, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 65, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155063) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

suspected facility from their work on the embassy bombings case .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654166,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 29, 'PP$'),
                             (30, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 58, 'nns'),
                             (59, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 65, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(19, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654166) PENN in sentence 4155063:

suspected facility from their work on the embassy bombings case 
--------- -------- ---- ----- ---- -- --- ------- -------- ---- 
jj        nn       in   PP$   nn   in dt  nn      nns      nn   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] nns
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336329704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'suspected facility from their work on the '
                             'embassy bombings case .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 646,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'suspected facility from their work on the embassy bombings case .'},
 {'ID': 4155064,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 9, 'nn'), (10, 15, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155064) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

This link would

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654167,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 9, 'nn'), (10, 15, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (10, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654167) PENN in sentence 4155064:

This link would
---- ---- -----
dt   nn   md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336344072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This link would'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 646,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This link would'},
 {'ID': 4155065,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
          (5, 9, 'VVN'),
          (10, 14, 'PP'),
          (15, 19, 'rb'),
          (20, 30, 'jj'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 42, 'VVG'),
          (43, 47, 'jjr'),
          (48, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155065) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

have made them very interested in learning more about Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654168,
                     'NER': [(54, 61, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
                             (5, 9, 'VVN'),
                             (10, 14, 'PP'),
                             (15, 19, 'rb'),
                             (20, 30, 'jj'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 42, 'VVG'),
                             (43, 47, 'jjr'),
                             (48, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (48, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654168) PENN in sentence 4155065:

have made them very interested in learning more about Mihdhar 
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- -- -------- ---- ----- ------- 
VHP  VVN  PP   rb   jj         in VVG      jjr  in    NP      

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 29
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 60
[start] 54
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336345032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'have made them very interested in learning more '
                             'about Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 647,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'have made them very interested in learning more about Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4155066,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'VBZ'),
          (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 36, 'wp'),
          (37, 42, 'VVD'),
          (43, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 58, 'VBD'),
          (59, 64, 'VBG'),
          (65, 69, 'VVN'),
          (70, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 84, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155066) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The sad irony is that the agents who found the source were being 

kept from obtaining

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654169,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'VBZ'),
                             (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 36, 'wp'),
                             (37, 42, 'VVD'),
                             (43, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 58, 'VBD'),
                             (59, 64, 'VBG'),
                             (65, 69, 'VVN'),
                             (70, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 84, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 64, 'NT'),
                             (70, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654169) PENN in sentence 4155066:

The sad irony is  that    the agents who found the source were 
--- --- ----- --  ----    --- ------ --- ----- --- ------ ---- 
dt  jj  nn    VBZ IN/that dt  nns    wp  VVD   dt  nn     VBD  

being kept from obtaining
----- ---- ---- ---------
VBG   VVN  in   VVG      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] wp
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] VBG
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 83
[start] 75
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336359688>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The sad irony is that the agents who found the '
                             'source were being kept from obtaining'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 649,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The sad irony is that the agents who found the source were being '
          'kept from obtaining'},
 {'ID': 4155067,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 19, 'PP$'),
          (20, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 30, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155067) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the fruits of their own work .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654170,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 19, 'PP$'),
                             (20, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 30, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 19, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654170) PENN in sentence 4155067:

the fruits of their own work .   
--- ------ -- ----- --- ---- -   
dt  nns    in PP$   jj  nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336362568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the fruits of their own work .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 650,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the fruits of their own work .'},
 {'ID': 4155068,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 12, "''"),
          (13, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 30, ','),
          (31, 35, 'VVD'),
          (36, 40, 'jjr'),
          (41, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 56, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155068) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Dave , '' the CIA analyst , knew more about the Kuala

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654171,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'person'),
                             (17, 20, 'organization'),
                             (51, 56, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 12, "''"),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 30, ','),
                             (31, 35, 'VVD'),
                             (36, 40, 'jjr'),
                             (41, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 56, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 56, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654171) PENN in sentence 4155068:

'' Dave , '' the CIA analyst , knew more about the Kuala
-- ---- - -- --- --- ------- - ---- ---- ----- --- -----
'' NP   , '' dt  NP  nn      , VVD  jjr  in    dt  NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] ''
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] ,
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          {'end': 19,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 17},
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336376456>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Dave , '' the CIA analyst , knew more about "
                             'the Kuala'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 650,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Dave , '' the CIA analyst , knew more about the Kuala"},
 {'ID': 4155069,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155069) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Lumpur meeting .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654172,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'), (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654172) PENN in sentence 4155069:

Lumpur meeting .   
------ ------- -   
NP     nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336379432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Lumpur meeting .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 651,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Lumpur meeting .'},
 {'ID': 4155070,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
          (13, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 30, 'VVD'),
          (31, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 44, ','),
          (45, 49, 'IN/that'),
          (50, 53, 'PP$'),
          (54, 58, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155070) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He knew that Mihdhar possessed a U.S. visa , that his visa

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654173,
                     'NER': [(13, 20, 'person'), (33, 37, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
                             (13, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 30, 'VVD'),
                             (31, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 44, ','),
                             (45, 49, 'IN/that'),
                             (50, 53, 'PP$'),
                             (54, 58, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (13, 20, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654173) PENN in sentence 4155070:

He knew that    Mihdhar possessed a  U.S. visa , that    his visa
-- ---- ----    ------- --------- -  ---- ---- - ----    --- ----
PP VVD  IN/that NP      VVD       dt NP   nn   , IN/that PP$ nn  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] ,
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 13
[name] person
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336401032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He knew that Mihdhar possessed a U.S. visa , '
                             'that his visa'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 651,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He knew that Mihdhar possessed a U.S. visa , that his visa'},
 {'ID': 4155071,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 21, 'VVD'),
          (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
          (27, 29, 'PP'),
          (30, 38, 'VVD'),
          (39, 41, 'to'),
          (42, 48, 'VV'),
          (49, 51, 'to'),
          (52, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 62, ','),
          (63, 67, 'wdt'),
          (68, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 77, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155071) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

application indicated that he intended to travel to New York , 

that Hazmi had

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654174,
                     'NER': [(52, 60, 'location'), (68, 73, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 21, 'VVD'),
                             (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
                             (27, 29, 'PP'),
                             (30, 38, 'VVD'),
                             (39, 41, 'to'),
                             (42, 48, 'VV'),
                             (49, 51, 'to'),
                             (52, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 62, ','),
                             (63, 67, 'wdt'),
                             (68, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 77, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654174) PENN in sentence 4155071:

application indicated that    he intended to travel to New York ,
----------- --------- ----    -- -------- -- ------ -- --- ---- -
nn          VVD       IN/that PP VVD      to VV     to NP  NP   ,

 that Hazmi had
 ---- ----- ---
 wdt  NP    VHD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] PP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] to
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] VV
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] to
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] ,
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 59
[start] 52
[name] location
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336403432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'application indicated that he intended to travel '
                             'to New York , that Hazmi had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 652,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'application indicated that he intended to travel to New York , that '
          'Hazmi had'},
 {'ID': 4155072,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 25, ','),
          (26, 29, 'cc'),
          (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
          (35, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 47, 'VHD'),
          (48, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 77, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155072) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

traveled to Los Angeles , and that a source had put Mihdhar in 

the company of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654175,
                     'NER': [(12, 23, 'location'), (52, 59, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 25, ','),
                             (26, 29, 'cc'),
                             (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
                             (35, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 47, 'VHD'),
                             (48, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 77, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (52, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654175) PENN in sentence 4155072:

traveled to Los Angeles , and that    a  source had put Mihdhar 
-------- -- --- ------- - --- ----    -  ------ --- --- ------- 
VVN      to NP  NP      , cc  IN/that dt nn     VHD VVN NP      

in the company of
-- --- ------- --
in dt  nn      in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] ,
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] cc
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 12
[name] location
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336422760>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'traveled to Los Angeles , and that a source had '
                             'put Mihdhar in the company of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 653,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'traveled to Los Angeles , and that a source had put Mihdhar in the '
          'company of'},
 {'ID': 4155073,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155073) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Khallad .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654176,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'), (8, 9, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (8, 9, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654176) PENN in sentence 4155073:

Khallad .   
------- -   
NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336438376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Khallad .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 654,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Khallad .'},
 {'ID': 4155074,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'cd'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 31, 'PP'),
          (32, 36, 'wp'),
          (37, 39, 'PP'),
          (40, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 46, ':'),
          (47, 49, 'PP'),
          (50, 53, 'VVD'),
          (54, 57, 'rb'),
          (58, 67, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155074) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No one at the meeting asked him what he knew ; he did not 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654177,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'cd'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 31, 'PP'),
                             (32, 36, 'wp'),
                             (37, 39, 'PP'),
                             (40, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 46, ':'),
                             (47, 49, 'PP'),
                             (50, 53, 'VVD'),
                             (54, 57, 'rb'),
                             (58, 67, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654177) PENN in sentence 4155074:

No one at the meeting asked him what he knew ; he did not 
-- --- -- --- ------- ----- --- ---- -- ---- - -- --- --- 
dt cd  in dt  nn      VVD   PP  wp   PP VVD  : PP VVD rb  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] cd
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] PP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] wp
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] PP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] :
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] PP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] rb
                                          [end] 66
[start] 58
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336439336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No one at the meeting asked him what he knew ; '
                             'he did not volunteer'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 654,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No one at the meeting asked him what he knew ; he did not '
 {'ID': 4155075,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155075) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

anything .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654178,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654178) PENN in sentence 4155075:

anything .   
-------- -   
nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336450568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'anything .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 655,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'anything .'},
 {'ID': 4155076,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 45, ','),
          (46, 48, 'PP'),
          (49, 52, 'VBD'),
          (53, 56, 'rb'),
          (57, 67, 'VVN'),
          (68, 70, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155076) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He told investigators that as a CIA analyst , he was not 

authorized to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654179,
                     'NER': [(32, 35, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 45, ','),
                             (46, 48, 'PP'),
                             (49, 52, 'VBD'),
                             (53, 56, 'rb'),
                             (57, 67, 'VVN'),
                             (68, 70, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654179) PENN in sentence 4155076:

He told investigators that    as a  CIA analyst , he was not 
-- ---- ------------- ----    -- -  --- ------- - -- --- --- 
PP VVD  nns           IN/that in dt NP  nn      , PP VBD rb  

authorized to
---------- --
VVN        to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] ,
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] PP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] rb
                                          [end] 66
[start] 57
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336451336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He told investigators that as a CIA analyst , he '
                             'was not authorized to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 655,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He told investigators that as a CIA analyst , he was not authorized '
 {'ID': 4155077,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
          (7, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 20, 'nns'),
          (21, 30, 'VVG'),
          (31, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 48, 'sent'),
          (49, 51, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155077) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

answer FBI questions regarding CIA information . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654180,
                     'NER': [(7, 10, 'organization'), (31, 34, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
                             (7, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 20, 'nns'),
                             (21, 30, 'VVG'),
                             (31, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent'),
                             (49, 51, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654180) PENN in sentence 4155077:

answer FBI questions regarding CIA information .    ''
------ --- --------- --------- --- ----------- -    --
VV     NP  nns       VVG       NP  nn          sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 21
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 9,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 7},
                                          {'end': 33,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 31}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336466472>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'answer FBI questions regarding CIA information . '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 656,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "answer FBI questions regarding CIA information . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155078,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 7, "''"),
          (8, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 24, 'VVD'),
          (25, 29, 'IN/that'),
          (30, 32, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155078) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Jane '' said she assumed that if

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654181,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 7, "''"),
                             (8, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 24, 'VVD'),
                             (25, 29, 'IN/that'),
                             (30, 32, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654181) PENN in sentence 4155078:

Jane '' said she assumed that    if
---- -- ---- --- ------- ----    --
NP   '' VVD  PP  VVD     IN/that in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] ''
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336468392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Jane '' said she assumed that if"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 656,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Jane '' said she assumed that if"},
 {'ID': 4155079,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 30, 'to'),
          (31, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 42, ','),
          (43, 45, 'PP'),
          (46, 51, 'md'),
          (52, 56, 'VH'),
          (57, 68, 'VVN'),
          (69, 73, 'PP'),
          (74, 75, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155079) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Dave '' knew the answers to questions , he would have 

volunteered them .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654182,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 30, 'to'),
                             (31, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 42, ','),
                             (43, 45, 'PP'),
                             (46, 51, 'md'),
                             (52, 56, 'VH'),
                             (57, 68, 'VVN'),
                             (69, 73, 'PP'),
                             (74, 75, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (69, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654182) PENN in sentence 4155079:

'' Dave '' knew the answers to questions , he would have 
-- ---- -- ---- --- ------- -- --------- - -- ----- ---- 
'' NP   '' VVD  dt  nns     to nns       , PP md    VH   

volunteered them .   
----------- ---- -   
VVN         PP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] to
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] nns
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] ,
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] PP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] md
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] VH
                                          [end] 67
[start] 57
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] PP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336482376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Dave '' knew the answers to questions , he "
                             'would have volunteered them .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 657,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Dave '' knew the answers to questions , he would have "
          'volunteered them .'},
 {'ID': 4155080,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP'), (8, 12, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155080) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The New York

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654183,
                     'NER': [(4, 12, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP'), (8, 12, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 7, 'NT'), (8, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654183) PENN in sentence 4155080:

The New York
--- --- ----
dt  NP  NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 4
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336485448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The New York'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 657,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The New York'},
 {'ID': 4155081,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
          (7, 11, 'VVD'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 41, 'VVG'),
          (42, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 58, 'wdt'),
          (59, 64, 'md'),
          (65, 69, 'VH'),
          (70, 77, 'VVN'),
          (78, 82, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155081) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agents left the meeting without obtaining information that might 

have started them

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654184,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
                             (7, 11, 'VVD'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 41, 'VVG'),
                             (42, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 58, 'wdt'),
                             (59, 64, 'md'),
                             (65, 69, 'VH'),
                             (70, 77, 'VVN'),
                             (78, 82, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (24, 31, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (78, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654184) PENN in sentence 4155081:

agents left the meeting without obtaining information that might 
------ ---- --- ------- ------- --------- ----------- ---- ----- 
nns    VVD  dt  nn      in      VVG       nn          wdt  md    

have started them
---- ------- ----
VH   VVN     PP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 52
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] md
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] VH
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336494856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agents left the meeting without obtaining '
                             'information that might have started them'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 658,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agents left the meeting without obtaining information that might '
          'have started them'},
 {'ID': 4155082,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVG'), (8, 11, 'in'), (12, 19, 'NP'), (20, 21, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155082) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

looking for Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654185,
                     'NER': [(12, 19, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVG'),
                             (8, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 21, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 11, 'NT'), (12, 19, 'NT'), (20, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654185) PENN in sentence 4155082:

looking for Mihdhar .   
------- --- ------- -   
VVG     in  NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 12
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336497064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'looking for Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 659,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'looking for Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4155083,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 11, 'VHD'),
          (12, 16, 'VBN'),
          (17, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 43, 'POS'),
          (44, 55, 'jj'),
          (56, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 66, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155083) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Mihdhar had been a weak link in al Qaeda 's operational planning 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654186,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person'), (32, 40, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 11, 'VHD'),
                             (12, 16, 'VBN'),
                             (17, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 43, 'POS'),
                             (44, 55, 'jj'),
                             (56, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654186) PENN in sentence 4155083:

Mihdhar had been a  weak link in al Qaeda 's  operational 
------- --- ---- -  ---- ---- -- -- ----- --  ----------- 
NP      VHD VBN  dt jj   nn   in NP NP    POS jj          

planning .   
-------- -   
nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] POS
                                          [end] 54
[start] 44
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336498312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Mihdhar had been a weak link in al Qaeda 's "
                             'operational planning .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 661,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Mihdhar had been a weak link in al Qaeda 's operational planning ."},
 {'ID': 4155084,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 6, 'VHD'), (7, 11, 'VVN'), (12, 15, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155084) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He had left the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654187,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VHD'),
                             (7, 11, 'VVN'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT'), (12, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654187) PENN in sentence 4155084:

He had left the
-- --- ---- ---
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336517544>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He had left the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 661,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He had left the'},
 {'ID': 4155085,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 13, 'NPS'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 26, 'cd'),
          (27, 28, ','),
          (29, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 57, 'md'),
          (58, 66, 'VV'),
          (67, 70, 'dt'),
          (71, 77, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155085) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

United States in June 2000 , a mistake KSM realized could 

endanger the entire

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654188,
                     'NER': [(0, 13, 'location'), (17, 26, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 13, 'NPS'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 26, 'cd'),
                             (27, 28, ','),
                             (29, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 57, 'md'),
                             (58, 66, 'VV'),
                             (67, 70, 'dt'),
                             (71, 77, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (52, 57, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654188) PENN in sentence 4155085:

United States in June 2000 , a  mistake KSM realized could 
------ ------ -- ---- ---- - -  ------- --- -------- ----- 
NP     NPS    in NP   cd   , dt nn      nn  VVN      md    

endanger the entire
-------- --- ------
VV       dt  jj    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] cd
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] ,
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] md
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] VV
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] dt
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336518696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'United States in June 2000 , a mistake KSM '
                             'realized could endanger the entire'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 662,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'United States in June 2000 , a mistake KSM realized could endanger '
          'the entire'},
 {'ID': 4155086,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 20, 'VV'),
          (21, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 41, ','),
          (42, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 55, 'md'),
          (56, 60, 'VH'),
          (61, 63, 'to'),
          (64, 70, 'VV'),
          (71, 73, 'to'),
          (74, 77, 'dt'),
          (78, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155086) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

plan-for to continue with the operation , Mihdhar would have to 

travel to the United

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654189,
                     'NER': [(42, 49, 'person'), (78, 84, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 20, 'VV'),
                             (21, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 41, ','),
                             (42, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 55, 'md'),
                             (56, 60, 'VH'),
                             (61, 63, 'to'),
                             (64, 70, 'VV'),
                             (71, 73, 'to'),
                             (74, 77, 'dt'),
                             (78, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654189) PENN in sentence 4155086:

plan-for to continue with the operation , Mihdhar would have to 
-------- -- -------- ---- --- --------- - ------- ----- ---- -- 
nn       to VV       in   dt  nn        , NP      md    VH   to 

travel to the United
------ -- --- ------
VV     to dt  NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] VV
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] ,
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] md
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] VH
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] to
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] VV
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] to
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] dt
                                          [end] 83
[start] 78
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 48
[start] 42
[name] person
                                          {'end': 83,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 78}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336533928>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'plan-for to continue with the operation , '
                             'Mihdhar would have to travel to the United'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 663,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'plan-for to continue with the operation , Mihdhar would have to '
          'travel to the United'},
 {'ID': 4155087,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'), (7, 12, 'rb'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155087) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

States again .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654190,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'), (7, 12, 'rb'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 12, 'NT'), (13, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654190) PENN in sentence 4155087:

States again .   
------ ----- -   
nns    rb    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336545256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'States again .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 664,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'States again .'},
 {'ID': 4155088,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 16, 'jj'),
          (17, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 29, ','),
          (30, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 41, 'VBD'),
          (42, 45, 'rb'),
          (46, 48, '``'),
          (49, 54, 'jj'),
          (55, 57, "''"),
          (58, 59, ':'),
          (60, 62, 'PP'),
          (63, 66, 'VHD'),
          (67, 75, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155088) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

And unlike other operatives , Mihdhar was not `` clean '' : he 

had jihadist

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654191,
                     'NER': [(30, 37, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 16, 'jj'),
                             (17, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 29, ','),
                             (30, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 41, 'VBD'),
                             (42, 45, 'rb'),
                             (46, 48, '``'),
                             (49, 54, 'jj'),
                             (55, 57, "''"),
                             (58, 59, ':'),
                             (60, 62, 'PP'),
                             (63, 66, 'VHD'),
                             (67, 75, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 10, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654191) PENN in sentence 4155088:

And unlike other operatives , Mihdhar was not `` clean '' : he 
--- ------ ----- ---------- - ------- --- --- -- ----- -- - -- 
cc  in     jj    nns        , NP      VBD rb  `` jj    '' : PP 

had jihadist
--- --------
VHD nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] ,
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] rb
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] ``
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] jj
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] ''
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] :
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] PP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 74
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 30
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336546216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'And unlike other operatives , Mihdhar was not `` '
                             "clean '' : he had jihadist"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 664,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "And unlike other operatives , Mihdhar was not `` clean '' : he had "
 {'ID': 4155089,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155089) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

connections .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654192,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654192) PENN in sentence 4155089:

connections .   
----------- -   
nns         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336565640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'connections .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 665,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'connections .'},
 {'ID': 4155090,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VBD'),
          (7, 11, 'rb'),
          (12, 16, 'jj'),
          (17, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 33, 'wdt'),
          (34, 37, 'VHD'),
          (38, 45, 'VVN'),
          (46, 49, 'PP'),
          (50, 52, 'to'),
          (53, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 69, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155090) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It was just such connections that had brought him to the 

attention of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654193,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VBD'),
                             (7, 11, 'rb'),
                             (12, 16, 'jj'),
                             (17, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 33, 'wdt'),
                             (34, 37, 'VHD'),
                             (38, 45, 'VVN'),
                             (46, 49, 'PP'),
                             (50, 52, 'to'),
                             (53, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 69, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654193) PENN in sentence 4155090:

It was just such connections that had brought him to the 
-- --- ---- ---- ----------- ---- --- ------- --- -- --- 
PP VBD rb   jj   nns         wdt  VHD VVN     PP  to dt  

attention of
--------- --
nn        in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 27
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] PP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] to
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 65
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336566408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It was just such connections that had brought '
                             'him to the attention of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 665,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It was just such connections that had brought him to the attention '
 {'ID': 4155091,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 14, 'nns'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155091) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

U.S. officials .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654194,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 14, 'nns'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654194) PENN in sentence 4155091:

U.S. officials .   
---- --------- -   
NP   nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336577256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'U.S. officials .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 666,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'U.S. officials .'},
 {'ID': 4155092,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'POS'),
          (35, 40, 'nns'),
          (41, 45, 'VBD'),
          (46, 49, 'rb'),
          (50, 58, 'VVN'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155092) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Nevertheless , in this case KSM 's fears were not realized .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654195,
                     'NER': [(28, 31, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'POS'),
                             (35, 40, 'nns'),
                             (41, 45, 'VBD'),
                             (46, 49, 'rb'),
                             (50, 58, 'VVN'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654195) PENN in sentence 4155092:

Nevertheless , in this case KSM 's  fears were not realized .   
------------ - -- ---- ---- --- --  ----- ---- --- -------- -   
rb           , in dt   nn   nn  POS nns   VBD  rb  VVN      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] POS
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] nns
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] rb
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 30,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 28}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336578312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Nevertheless , in this case KSM 's fears were "
                             'not realized .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 667,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Nevertheless , in this case KSM 's fears were not realized ."},
 {'ID': 4155093,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'jj'),
          (23, 27, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155093) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Mihdhar received a new U.S.

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654196,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person'), (23, 27, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 27, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (17, 18, 'NT'), (23, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654196) PENN in sentence 4155093:

Mihdhar received a  new U.S.
------- -------- -  --- ----
NP      VVD      dt jj  NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336593256>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Mihdhar received a new U.S.'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 667,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Mihdhar received a new U.S.'},
 {'ID': 4155094,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 8, 'cd'),
          (9, 13, 'nns'),
          (14, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 29, ':'),
          (30, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 55, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155094) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

visa two days after the CIA - FBI meeting in New York .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654197,
                     'NER': [(24, 27, 'organization'),
                             (30, 33, 'organization'),
                             (45, 53, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 8, 'cd'),
                             (9, 13, 'nns'),
                             (14, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 29, ':'),
                             (30, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (14, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654197) PENN in sentence 4155094:

visa two days after the CIA - FBI meeting in New York .   
---- --- ---- ----- --- --- - --- ------- -- --- ---- -   
nn   cd  nns  in    dt  NP  : NP  nn      in NP  NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] :
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 26,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 24},
                                          {'end': 32,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 30},
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336594696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'visa two days after the CIA - FBI meeting in New '
                             'York .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 668,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'visa two days after the CIA - FBI meeting in New York .'},
 {'ID': 4155095,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 10, 'to'),
          (11, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 27, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155095) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He flew to New York City on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654198,
                     'NER': [(11, 24, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 10, 'to'),
                             (11, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 27, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654198) PENN in sentence 4155095:

He flew to New York City on
-- ---- -- --- ---- ---- --
PP VVD  to NP  NP   NP   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] to
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 11
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336614120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He flew to New York City on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 668,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He flew to New York City on'},
 {'ID': 4155096,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 6, 'cd'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155096) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

July 4 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654199,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 6, 'cd'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 6, 'NT'), (7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654199) PENN in sentence 4155096:

July 4  .   
---- -  -   
NP   cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] cd
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336615944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'July 4 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 669,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'July 4 .'},
 {'ID': 4155097,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'cd'),
          (7, 10, 'VBD'),
          (11, 18, 'VVG'),
          (19, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 26, 'PP'),
          (27, 28, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155097) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No one was looking for him .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654200,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'cd'),
                             (7, 10, 'VBD'),
                             (11, 18, 'VVG'),
                             (19, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 26, 'PP'),
                             (27, 28, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654200) PENN in sentence 4155097:

No one was looking for him .   
-- --- --- ------- --- --- -   
dt cd  VBD VVG     in  PP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] cd
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] PP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336617096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No one was looking for him .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 669,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No one was looking for him .'},
 {'ID': 4155098,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'cd'),
          (12, 13, ':'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 40, 'cc'),
          (41, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 57, 'cc'),
          (58, 63, 'VVZ')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155098) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

August 2001 : The Search for Mihdhar and Hazmi Begins and Fails

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654201,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'date'),
                             (29, 36, 'person'),
                             (41, 53, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'cd'),
                             (12, 13, ':'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 40, 'cc'),
                             (41, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 57, 'cc'),
                             (58, 63, 'VVZ')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654201) PENN in sentence 4155098:

August 2001 : The Search for Mihdhar and Hazmi Begins and Fails
------ ---- - --- ------ --- ------- --- ----- ------ --- -----
NP     cd   : dt  NP     in  NP      cc  NP    NP     cc  VVZ  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] :
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] cc
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] cc
                                          [end] 62
[start] 58
[name] VVZ
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] person
                                          [end] 52
[start] 41
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336622984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'August 2001 : The Search for Mihdhar and Hazmi '
                             'Begins and Fails'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 670,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'August 2001 : The Search for Mihdhar and Hazmi Begins and Fails'},
 {'ID': 4155099,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 25, 'cd'),
          (26, 28, '``'),
          (29, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 35, ','),
          (36, 38, "''"),
          (39, 48, 'VVG'),
          (49, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 55, 'jj'),
          (56, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 68, 'cc'),
          (69, 72, 'rb'),
          (73, 75, 'in'),
          (76, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 83, 'in'),
          (84, 87, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155099) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

During the summer of 2001 `` John , '' following a good instinct 

but not as part of any

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654202,
                     'NER': [(11, 25, 'date'), (29, 33, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 25, 'cd'),
                             (26, 28, '``'),
                             (29, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 35, ','),
                             (36, 38, "''"),
                             (39, 48, 'VVG'),
                             (49, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 55, 'jj'),
                             (56, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 68, 'cc'),
                             (69, 72, 'rb'),
                             (73, 75, 'in'),
                             (76, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 83, 'in'),
                             (84, 87, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT'),
                             (81, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654202) PENN in sentence 4155099:

During the summer of 2001 `` John , '' following a  good instinct
------ --- ------ -- ---- -- ---- - -- --------- -  ---- --------
in     dt  nn     in cd   `` NP   , '' VVG       dt jj   nn      

 but not as part of any
 --- --- -- ---- -- ---
 cc  rb  in nn   in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] cd
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] ``
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] ,
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] ''
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] cc
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] rb
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 76
[name] nn
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] in
                                          [end] 86
[start] 84
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 11
[name] date
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336642408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "During the summer of 2001 `` John , '' following "
                             'a good instinct but not as part of any'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 671,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "During the summer of 2001 `` John , '' following a good instinct "
          'but not as part of any'},
 {'ID': 4155100,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'jj'),
          (7, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 19, ','),
          (20, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 28, '``'),
          (29, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 35, ','),
          (36, 38, "''"),
          (39, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 76, 'POS'),
          (77, 80, 'NP'),
          (81, 86, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155100) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

formal assignment , asked `` Mary , '' an FBI analyst detailed to

 the CIA 's Bin Ladin

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654203,
                     'NER': [(29, 33, 'person'),
                             (42, 45, 'organization'),
                             (70, 73, 'organization'),
                             (77, 86, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'jj'),
                             (7, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 19, ','),
                             (20, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 28, '``'),
                             (29, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 35, ','),
                             (36, 38, "''"),
                             (39, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 76, 'POS'),
                             (77, 80, 'NP'),
                             (81, 86, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(18, 19, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654203) PENN in sentence 4155100:

formal assignment , asked `` Mary , '' an FBI analyst detailed to
------ ---------- - ----- -- ---- - -- -- --- ------- -------- --
jj     nn         , VVD   `` NP   , '' dt NP  nn      jj       to

 the CIA 's  Bin Ladin
 --- --- --  --- -----
 dt  NP  POS NP  NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] ``
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] ,
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] ''
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 54
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] POS
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                          [end] 85
[start] 81
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 29
[name] person
                                          {'end': 44,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42},
                                          {'end': 72,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 70},
                                          [end] 85
[start] 77
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336662696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "formal assignment , asked `` Mary , '' an FBI "
                             "analyst detailed to the CIA 's Bin Ladin"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 672,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "formal assignment , asked `` Mary , '' an FBI analyst detailed to "
          "the CIA 's Bin Ladin"},
 {'ID': 4155101,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 9, 'to'),
          (10, 16, 'VV'),
          (17, 20, 'pdt'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 47, 'nns'),
          (48, 51, 'cd'),
          (52, 56, 'jjr'),
          (57, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155101) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

unit , to review all the Kuala Lumpur materials one more time .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654204,
                     'NER': [(25, 37, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 9, 'to'),
                             (10, 16, 'VV'),
                             (17, 20, 'pdt'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 47, 'nns'),
                             (48, 51, 'cd'),
                             (52, 56, 'jjr'),
                             (57, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 37, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654204) PENN in sentence 4155101:

unit , to review all the Kuala Lumpur materials one more time 
---- - -- ------ --- --- ----- ------ --------- --- ---- ---- 
nn   , to VV     pdt dt  NP    NP     nns       cd  jjr  nn   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] to
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] VV
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] pdt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 38
[name] nns
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] cd
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 25
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336666536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'unit , to review all the Kuala Lumpur materials '
                             'one more time .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 673,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'unit , to review all the Kuala Lumpur materials one more time .'},
 {'ID': 4155102,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 7, 'VHD'),
          (8, 12, 'VBN'),
          (13, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 19, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155102) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She had been at the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654205,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 7, 'VHD'),
                             (8, 12, 'VBN'),
                             (13, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654205) PENN in sentence 4155102:

She had been at the
--- --- ---- -- ---
PP  VHD VBN  in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336677480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She had been at the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 673,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'She had been at the'},
 {'ID': 4155103,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 24, '``'),
          (25, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 32, "''"),
          (33, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 39, '``'),
          (40, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 47, "''"),
          (48, 51, 'cc'),
          (52, 55, 'VHD'),
          (56, 59, 'rb'),
          (60, 66, 'VVN'),
          (67, 71, 'in'),
          (72, 75, 'dt'),
          (76, 82, 'nns'),
          (83, 86, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155103) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

New York meeting with `` Jane '' and `` Dave '' but had not 

looked into the issues yet

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654206,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'location'),
                             (25, 29, 'person'),
                             (40, 44, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 24, '``'),
                             (25, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 32, "''"),
                             (33, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 39, '``'),
                             (40, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 47, "''"),
                             (48, 51, 'cc'),
                             (52, 55, 'VHD'),
                             (56, 59, 'rb'),
                             (60, 66, 'VVN'),
                             (67, 71, 'in'),
                             (72, 75, 'dt'),
                             (76, 82, 'nns'),
                             (83, 86, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (67, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT'),
                             (83, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654206) PENN in sentence 4155103:

New York meeting with `` Jane '' and `` Dave '' but had not 
--- ---- ------- ---- -- ---- -- --- -- ---- -- --- --- --- 
NP  NP   nn      in   `` NP   '' cc  `` NP   '' cc  VHD rb  

looked into the issues yet
------ ---- --- ------ ---
VVN    in   dt  nns    rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] ``
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] ''
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cc
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] ``
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] ''
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] cc
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] rb
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 76
[name] nns
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] person
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336687176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "New York meeting with `` Jane '' and `` Dave '' "
                             'but had not looked into the issues yet'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 674,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "New York meeting with `` Jane '' and `` Dave '' but had not looked "
          'into the issues yet'},
 {'ID': 4155104,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'PP'), (8, 9, 'sent'), (10, 12, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155104) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

herself . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654207,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'PP'), (8, 9, 'sent'), (10, 12, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (8, 9, 'NT'), (10, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654207) PENN in sentence 4155104:

herself .    ''
------- -    --
PP      sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] sent
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336699560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "herself . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 675,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "herself . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155105,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 7, "''"),
          (8, 13, 'VVD'),
          (14, 17, 'PP'),
          (18, 20, 'to'),
          (21, 23, 'VV'),
          (24, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 43, 'PP$'),
          (44, 48, 'jj'),
          (49, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 55, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155105) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

John '' asked her to do the research in her free time .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654208,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 7, "''"),
                             (8, 13, 'VVD'),
                             (14, 17, 'PP'),
                             (18, 20, 'to'),
                             (21, 23, 'VV'),
                             (24, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 43, 'PP$'),
                             (44, 48, 'jj'),
                             (49, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654208) PENN in sentence 4155105:

John '' asked her to do the research in her free time .   
---- -- ----- --- -- -- --- -------- -- --- ---- ---- -   
NP   '' VVD   PP  to VV dt  nn       in PP$ jj   nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] ''
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] to
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] VV
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] jj
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336700616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "John '' asked her to do the research in her free "
                             'time .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 675,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "John '' asked her to do the research in her free time ."},
 {'ID': 4155106,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 20, 'PP$'),
          (21, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 36, 'cd'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155106) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Mary '' began her work on July 24 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654209,
                     'NER': [(29, 36, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 20, 'PP$'),
                             (21, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 36, 'cd'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654209) PENN in sentence 4155106:

'' Mary '' began her work on July 24 .   
-- ---- -- ----- --- ---- -- ---- -- -   
'' NP   '' VVD   PP$ nn   in NP   cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] cd
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 29
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336703304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Mary '' began her work on July 24 ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 677,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Mary '' began her work on July 24 ."},
 {'ID': 4155107,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 14, 'PP'),
          (15, 20, 'VVD'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 40, 'VVG'),
          (41, 45, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155107) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

That day , she found the cable reporting that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654210,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 14, 'PP'),
                             (15, 20, 'VVD'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 40, 'VVG'),
                             (41, 45, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654210) PENN in sentence 4155107:

That day , she found the cable reporting that   
---- --- - --- ----- --- ----- --------- ----   
dt   nn  , PP  VVD   dt  nn    VVG       IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336722152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'That day , she found the cable reporting that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 677,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'That day , she found the cable reporting that'},
 {'ID': 4155108,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 11, 'VHD'),
          (12, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 21, 'to'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 39, 'NPS'),
          (40, 41, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155108) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Mihdhar had a visa to the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654211,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'person'), (26, 39, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 11, 'VHD'),
                             (12, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 21, 'to'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 39, 'NPS'),
                             (40, 41, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654211) PENN in sentence 4155108:

Mihdhar had a  visa to the United States .   
------- --- -  ---- -- --- ------ ------ -   
NP      VHD dt nn   to dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] to
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 38
[start] 26
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336723880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Mihdhar had a visa to the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 678,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Mihdhar had a visa to the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4155109,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 12, 'rbr'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'PP'),
          (19, 24, 'VVD'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 44, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155109) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A week later , she found the cable reporting

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654212,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 12, 'rbr'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'PP'),
                             (19, 24, 'VVD'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 44, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (7, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654212) PENN in sentence 4155109:

A  week later , she found the cable reporting
-  ---- ----- - --- ----- --- ----- ---------
dt nn   rbr   , PP  VVD   dt  nn    VVG      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 2
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] PP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336734344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A week later , she found the cable reporting'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 678,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A week later , she found the cable reporting'},
 {'ID': 4155110,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 15, 'POS'),
          (16, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 41, 'VBD'),
          (42, 47, 'rbr'),
          (48, 58, 'VVN'),
          (59, 61, 'to'),
          (62, 64, 'vb'),
          (65, 68, 'PP$'),
          (69, 74, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155110) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that Mihdhar 's visa application-what was later discovered to be 

his first

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654213,
                     'NER': [(5, 12, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 15, 'POS'),
                             (16, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 41, 'VBD'),
                             (42, 47, 'rbr'),
                             (48, 58, 'VVN'),
                             (59, 61, 'to'),
                             (62, 64, 'vb'),
                             (65, 68, 'PP$'),
                             (69, 74, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 47, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654213) PENN in sentence 4155110:

that Mihdhar 's  visa application-what was later discovered to be
---- ------- --  ---- ---------------- --- ----- ---------- -- --
dt   NP      POS nn   nn               VBD rbr   VVN        to vb

 his first
 --- -----
 PP$ jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] POS
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 57
[start] 48
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] to
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] vb
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 5
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336736168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "that Mihdhar 's visa application-what was later "
                             'discovered to be his first'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 679,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "that Mihdhar 's visa application-what was later discovered to be "
          'his first'},
 {'ID': 4155111,
  'POS': [(0, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 34, 'PP$'),
          (35, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 48, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155111) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

application-listed New York as his destination .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654214,
                     'NER': [(19, 27, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 34, 'PP$'),
                             (35, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654214) PENN in sentence 4155111:

application-listed New York as his destination .   
------------------ --- ---- -- --- ----------- -   
jj                 NP  NP   in PP$ nn          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 45
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 19
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336755208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'application-listed New York as his destination '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 680,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'application-listed New York as his destination .'},
 {'ID': 4155112,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'PP'),
          (19, 26, 'VVN'),
          (27, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 36, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155112) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On August 21 , she located the March

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654215,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'PP'),
                             (19, 26, 'VVN'),
                             (27, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 36, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654215) PENN in sentence 4155112:

On August 21 , she located the March
-- ------ -- - --- ------- --- -----
in NP     cd , PP  VVN     dt  NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] PP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336765192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On August 21 , she located the March'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 680,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On August 21 , she located the March'},
 {'ID': 4155113,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
          (5, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
          (16, 18, '``'),
          (19, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 41, "''"),
          (42, 46, 'IN/that'),
          (47, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 56, 'VHD'),
          (57, 62, 'VVN'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 77, 'NP'),
          (78, 80, 'in'),
          (81, 88, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155113) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

2000 cable that `` noted with interest '' that Hazmi had flown to

 Los Angeles in January

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654216,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date'),
                             (47, 52, 'person'),
                             (66, 77, 'location'),
                             (81, 88, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
                             (5, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
                             (16, 18, '``'),
                             (19, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 41, "''"),
                             (42, 46, 'IN/that'),
                             (47, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 56, 'VHD'),
                             (57, 62, 'VVN'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 77, 'NP'),
                             (78, 80, 'in'),
                             (81, 88, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (47, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 88, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654216) PENN in sentence 4155113:

2000 cable that    `` noted with interest '' that    Hazmi had 
---- ----- ----    -- ----- ---- -------- -- ----    ----- --- 
cd   nn    IN/that `` VVN   in   nn       '' IN/that NP    VHD 

flown to Los Angeles in January
----- -- --- ------- -- -------
VVN   to NP  NP      in NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] ``
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] ''
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] in
                                          [end] 87
[start] 81
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] person
                                          [end] 76
[start] 66
[name] location
                                          [end] 87
[start] 81
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 87
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336767304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "2000 cable that `` noted with interest '' that "
                             'Hazmi had flown to Los Angeles in January'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 681,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "2000 cable that `` noted with interest '' that Hazmi had flown to "
          'Los Angeles in January'},
 {'ID': 4155114,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155114) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

2000 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654217,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654217) PENN in sentence 4155114:

2000 .   
---- -   
cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336779112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '2000 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 682,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '2000 .'},
 {'ID': 4155115,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 15, 'rb'),
          (16, 23, 'VVD'),
          (24, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 48, 'dt'),
          (49, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155115) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She immediately grasped the significance of this information .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654218,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 23, 'VVD'),
                             (24, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 48, 'dt'),
                             (49, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 15, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654218) PENN in sentence 4155115:

She immediately grasped the significance of this information .   
--- ----------- ------- --- ------------ -- ---- ----------- -   
PP  rb          VVD     dt  nn           in dt   nn          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] rb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336780072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She immediately grasped the significance of this '
                             'information .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 682,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'She immediately grasped the significance of this information .'},
 {'ID': 4155116,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 17, '``'),
          (18, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 25, "''"),
          (26, 34, 'rb'),
          (35, 38, 'VVN'),
          (39, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 72, 'NP'),
          (73, 85, 'nn'),
          (86, 87, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155116) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Mary '' and `` Jane '' promptly met with an INS representative

 at FBI headquarters .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654219,
                     'NER': [(18, 22, 'person'),
                             (47, 50, 'organization'),
                             (69, 72, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 17, '``'),
                             (18, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 25, "''"),
                             (26, 34, 'rb'),
                             (35, 38, 'VVN'),
                             (39, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 72, 'NP'),
                             (73, 85, 'nn'),
                             (86, 87, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 34, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (86, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654219) PENN in sentence 4155116:

'' Mary '' and `` Jane '' promptly met with an INS representative
-- ---- -- --- -- ---- -- -------- --- ---- -- --- --------------
'' NP   '' cc  `` NP   '' rb       VVN in   dt NP  nn            

 at FBI headquarters .   
 -- --- ------------ -   
 in NP  nn           sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] ``
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] ''
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 84
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                          [end] 86
[start] 86
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 18
[name] person
                                          {'end': 49,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 47},
                                          {'end': 71,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 69}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336798440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Mary '' and `` Jane '' promptly met with an "
                             'INS representative at FBI headquarters .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 684,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Mary '' and `` Jane '' promptly met with an INS representative "
          'at FBI headquarters .'},
 {'ID': 4155117,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155117) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654220,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654220) PENN in sentence 4155117:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336810440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 684,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On'},
 {'ID': 4155118,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 24, 'VVD'),
          (25, 29, 'PP'),
          (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
          (35, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 46, 'VHD'),
          (47, 54, 'VVN'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 72, 'NPS'),
          (73, 75, 'in'),
          (76, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155118) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

August 22 , the INS told them that Mihdhar had entered the United

 States on January

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654221,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'date'),
                             (16, 19, 'organization'),
                             (35, 42, 'person'),
                             (59, 72, 'location'),
                             (76, 83, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 24, 'VVD'),
                             (25, 29, 'PP'),
                             (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
                             (35, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 46, 'VHD'),
                             (47, 54, 'VVN'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 72, 'NPS'),
                             (73, 75, 'in'),
                             (76, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654221) PENN in sentence 4155118:

August 22 , the INS told them that    Mihdhar had entered the 
------ -- - --- --- ---- ---- ----    ------- --- ------- --- 
NP     cd , dt  NP  VVD  PP   IN/that NP      VHD VVN     dt  

United States on January
------ ------ -- -------
NP     NPS    in NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] PP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] in
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          {'end': 18,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16},
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] person
                                          [end] 71
[start] 59
[name] location
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336811112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'August 22 , the INS told them that Mihdhar had '
                             'entered the United States on January'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 685,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'August 22 , the INS told them that Mihdhar had entered the United '
          'States on January'},
 {'ID': 4155119,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 8, 'cd'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 20, 'rb'),
          (21, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 31, 'cd'),
          (32, 36, 'cd'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155119) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

15, 2000 , and again on July 4, 2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654222,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'date'), (24, 36, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 8, 'cd'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 20, 'rb'),
                             (21, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 31, 'cd'),
                             (32, 36, 'cd'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654222) PENN in sentence 4155119:

15, 2000 , and again on July 4, 2001 .   
--- ---- - --- ----- -- ---- -- ---- -   
cd  cd   , cc  rb    in NP   cd cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] cd
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] rb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] cd
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] cd
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 35
[start] 24
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336827208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '15, 2000 , and again on July 4, 2001 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 686,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '15, 2000 , and again on July 4, 2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4155120,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 17, '``'),
          (18, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 25, "''"),
          (26, 30, 'rb'),
          (31, 38, 'VVD'),
          (39, 43, 'IN/that'),
          (44, 49, 'ex'),
          (50, 53, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155120) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Jane '' and `` Mary '' also learned that there was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654223,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 17, '``'),
                             (18, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 25, "''"),
                             (26, 30, 'rb'),
                             (31, 38, 'VVD'),
                             (39, 43, 'IN/that'),
                             (44, 49, 'ex'),
                             (50, 53, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (44, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654223) PENN in sentence 4155120:

'' Jane '' and `` Mary '' also learned that    there was
-- ---- -- --- -- ---- -- ---- ------- ----    ----- ---
'' NP   '' cc  `` NP   '' rb   VVD     IN/that ex    VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] ``
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] ''
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] ex
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336829800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Jane '' and `` Mary '' also learned that "
                             'there was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 686,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Jane '' and `` Mary '' also learned that there was"},
 {'ID': 4155121,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 14, 'IN/that'),
          (15, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 24, 'VHD'),
          (25, 29, 'VVN'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 60, 'cd'),
          (61, 62, ','),
          (63, 66, 'cc'),
          (67, 71, 'PP'),
          (72, 79, 'VVD'),
          (80, 82, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155121) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

no record that Hazmi had left the country since January 2000 , 

and they assumed he

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654224,
                     'NER': [(15, 20, 'person'), (48, 60, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 14, 'IN/that'),
                             (15, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 24, 'VHD'),
                             (25, 29, 'VVN'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 60, 'cd'),
                             (61, 62, ','),
                             (63, 66, 'cc'),
                             (67, 71, 'PP'),
                             (72, 79, 'VVD'),
                             (80, 82, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (15, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (42, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 71, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654224) PENN in sentence 4155121:

no record that    Hazmi had left the country since January 2000 ,
-- ------ ----    ----- --- ---- --- ------- ----- ------- ---- -
dt nn     IN/that NP    VHD VVN  dt  nn      in    NP      cd   ,

 and they assumed he
 --- ---- ------- --
 cc  PP   VVD     PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] cd
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] ,
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] cc
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] PP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 72
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 15
[name] person
                                          [end] 59
[start] 48
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336848840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'no record that Hazmi had left the country since '
                             'January 2000 , and they assumed he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 687,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'no record that Hazmi had left the country since January 2000 , and '
          'they assumed he'},
 {'ID': 4155122,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
          (4, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 34, 'cd'),
          (35, 36, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155122) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

had left with Mihdhar in June 2000 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654225,
                     'NER': [(14, 21, 'person'), (25, 34, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
                             (4, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 34, 'cd'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654225) PENN in sentence 4155122:

had left with Mihdhar in June 2000 .   
--- ---- ---- ------- -- ---- ---- -   
VHD VVN  in   NP      in NP   cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] cd
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 14
[name] person
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336856264>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'had left with Mihdhar in June 2000 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 688,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'had left with Mihdhar in June 2000 .'},
 {'ID': 4155123,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 17, 'IN/that'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 32, 'VBD'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 46, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155123) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They decided that if Mihdhar was in the United

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654226,
                     'NER': [(21, 28, 'person'), (40, 46, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 17, 'IN/that'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 32, 'VBD'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 46, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654226) PENN in sentence 4155123:

They decided that    if Mihdhar was in the United
---- ------- ----    -- ------- --- -- --- ------
PP   VVD     IN/that in NP      VBD in dt  NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 27
[start] 21
[name] person
                                          {'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 40}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336858472>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They decided that if Mihdhar was in the United'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 688,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They decided that if Mihdhar was in the United'},
 {'ID': 4155124,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
          (7, 8, ','),
          (9, 11, 'PP'),
          (12, 18, 'md'),
          (19, 21, 'vb'),
          (22, 27, 'VVN'),
          (28, 29, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155124) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

States , he should be found .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654227,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
                             (7, 8, ','),
                             (9, 11, 'PP'),
                             (12, 18, 'md'),
                             (19, 21, 'vb'),
                             (22, 27, 'VVN'),
                             (28, 29, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654227) PENN in sentence 4155124:

States , he should be found .   
------ - -- ------ -- ----- -   
nns    , PP md     vb VVN   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] ,
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] PP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] md
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] vb
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336881224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'States , he should be found .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 689,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'States , he should be found .'},
 {'ID': 4155125,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 15, 'rp'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 26, 'sent'),
          (27, 29, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155125) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They divided up the work . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654228,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 15, 'rp'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent'),
                             (27, 29, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654228) PENN in sentence 4155125:

They divided up the work .    ''
---- ------- -- --- ---- -    --
PP   VVD     rp dt  nn   sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] rp
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336882952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "They divided up the work . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 691,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "They divided up the work . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155126,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 7, "''"),
          (8, 13, 'VVD'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 35, 'to'),
          (36, 41, 'VV'),
          (42, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 60, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155126) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Mary '' asked the Bin Ladin unit to draft a cable requesting

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654229,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person'), (18, 27, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 7, "''"),
                             (8, 13, 'VVD'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 35, 'to'),
                             (36, 41, 'VV'),
                             (42, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 60, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 27, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654229) PENN in sentence 4155126:

Mary '' asked the Bin Ladin unit to draft a  cable requesting
---- -- ----- --- --- ----- ---- -- ----- -  ----- ----------
NP   '' VVD   dt  NP  NP    nn   to VV    dt nn    VVG       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] ''
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] to
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] VV
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336901032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Mary '' asked the Bin Ladin unit to draft a "
                             'cable requesting'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 691,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Mary '' asked the Bin Ladin unit to draft a cable requesting"},
 {'ID': 4155127,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 16, 'cc'),
          (17, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 25, 'vb'),
          (26, 29, 'VVN'),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 55, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155127) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that Mihdhar and Hazmi be put on the TIPOFF watchlist .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654230,
                     'NER': [(5, 12, 'person'),
                             (17, 22, 'person'),
                             (37, 43, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 16, 'cc'),
                             (17, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 25, 'vb'),
                             (26, 29, 'VVN'),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 43, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654230) PENN in sentence 4155127:

that Mihdhar and Hazmi be put on the TIPOFF watchlist .   
---- ------- --- ----- -- --- -- --- ------ --------- -   
dt   NP      cc  NP    vb VVN in dt  NP     nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] cc
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] vb
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 5
[name] person
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] person
                                          {'end': 42,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 37}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336903528>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that Mihdhar and Hazmi be put on the TIPOFF '
                             'watchlist .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 692,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'that Mihdhar and Hazmi be put on the TIPOFF watchlist .'},
 {'ID': 4155128,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 27, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155128) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Both Hazmi and Mihdhar were

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654231,
                     'NER': [(5, 10, 'person'), (15, 22, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 27, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654231) PENN in sentence 4155128:

Both Hazmi and Mihdhar were
---- ----- --- ------- ----
dt   NP    cc  NP      VBD 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 5
[name] person
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336914472>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Both Hazmi and Mihdhar were'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 692,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Both Hazmi and Mihdhar were'},
 {'ID': 4155129,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVD'),
          (6, 8, 'to'),
          (9, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 36, 'cd'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155129) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

added to this watchlist on August 24 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654232,
                     'NER': [(27, 36, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVD'),
                             (6, 8, 'to'),
                             (9, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 36, 'cd'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654232) PENN in sentence 4155129:

added to this watchlist on August 24 .   
----- -- ---- --------- -- ------ -- -   
VVD   to dt   nn        in NP     cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] to
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] cd
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 27
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336916104>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'added to this watchlist on August 24 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 693,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'added to this watchlist on August 24 .'},
 {'ID': 4155130,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 77, 'NPS'),
          (78, 79, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155130) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Jane '' took responsibility for the search effort inside the 

United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654233,
                     'NER': [(64, 77, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 77, 'NPS'),
                             (78, 79, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (53, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654233) PENN in sentence 4155130:

'' Jane '' took responsibility for the search effort inside the 
-- ---- -- ---- -------------- --- --- ------ ------ ------ --- 
'' NP   '' VVD  nn             in  dt  nn     nn     in     dt  

United States .   
------ ------ -   
NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 76
[start] 64
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336926376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Jane '' took responsibility for the search "
                             'effort inside the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 695,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Jane '' took responsibility for the search effort inside the "
          'United States .'},
 {'ID': 4155131,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 6, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155131) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654234,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 6, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654234) PENN in sentence 4155131:

As the
-- ---
in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336945704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 695,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As the'},
 {'ID': 4155132,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 21, 'VVD'),
          (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
          (27, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 38, 'VHD'),
          (39, 43, 'rb'),
          (44, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 65, ','),
          (66, 69, 'PP'),
          (70, 75, 'VVD'),
          (76, 84, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155132) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information indicated that Mihdhar had last arrived in New York ,

 she began drafting

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654235,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'organization'),
                             (27, 34, 'person'),
                             (55, 63, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 21, 'VVD'),
                             (22, 26, 'IN/that'),
                             (27, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 38, 'VHD'),
                             (39, 43, 'rb'),
                             (44, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 65, ','),
                             (66, 69, 'PP'),
                             (70, 75, 'VVD'),
                             (76, 84, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(27, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654235) PENN in sentence 4155132:

information indicated that    Mihdhar had last arrived in New 
----------- --------- ----    ------- --- ---- ------- -- --- 
nn          VVD       IN/that NP      VHD rb   VVN     in NP  

York , she began drafting
---- - --- ----- --------
NP   , PP  VVD   VVG     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] rb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] ,
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] PP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 70
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 83
[start] 76
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 10,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] person
                                          [end] 62
[start] 55
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336946568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information indicated that Mihdhar had last '
                             'arrived in New York , she began drafting'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 696,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information indicated that Mihdhar had last arrived in New York , '
          'she began drafting'},
 {'ID': 4155133,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wp'),
          (5, 7, 'VBZ'),
          (8, 13, 'VVN'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 38, 'POS'),
          (39, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155133) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

what is known as a lead for the FBI 's New York Field Office .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654236,
                     'NER': [(32, 35, 'organization'),
                             (39, 60, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wp'),
                             (5, 7, 'VBZ'),
                             (8, 13, 'VVN'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 38, 'POS'),
                             (39, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654236) PENN in sentence 4155133:

what is  known as a  lead for the FBI 's  New York Field Office 
---- --  ----- -- -  ---- --- --- --- --  --- ---- ----- ------ 
wp   VBZ VVN   in dt nn   in  dt  NP  POS NP  NP   NP    NP     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wp
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] POS
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NP
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[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32},
                                          {'end': 59,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 39}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
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[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
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[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336957800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "what is known as a lead for the FBI 's New York "
                             'Field Office .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 697,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "what is known as a lead for the FBI 's New York Field Office ."},
 {'ID': 4155134,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'), (2, 6, 'nn'), (7, 13, 'VVZ')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155134) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A lead relays

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654237,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'), (2, 6, 'nn'), (7, 13, 'VVZ')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654237) PENN in sentence 4155134:

A  lead relays
-  ---- ------
dt nn   VVZ   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 2
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] VVZ
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336961160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A lead relays'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 697,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A lead relays'},
 {'ID': 4155135,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 20, 'cd'),
          (21, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 39, 'to'),
          (40, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 51, 'cc'),
          (52, 60, 'nns'),
          (61, 65, 'IN/that'),
          (66, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 78, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155135) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information from one part of the FBI to another and requests that

 a particular

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                     'NER': [(33, 36, 'organization')],
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                             (12, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 20, 'cd'),
                             (21, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 39, 'to'),
                             (40, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 51, 'cc'),
                             (52, 60, 'nns'),
                             (61, 65, 'IN/that'),
                             (66, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 78, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (66, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654238) PENN in sentence 4155135:

information from one part of the FBI to another and requests 
----------- ---- --- ---- -- --- --- -- ------- --- -------- 
nn          in   cd  nn   in dt  NP  to dt      cc  nns      

that    a  particular
----    -  ----------
IN/that dt jj        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] cd
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] cc
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] nns
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 35,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 33}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336974376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information from one part of the FBI to another '
                             'and requests that a particular'}],
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          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 698,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information from one part of the FBI to another and requests that a '
 {'ID': 4155136,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 9, 'vb'), (10, 15, 'VVN'), (16, 17, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155136) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

action be taken .

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  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654239,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 9, 'vb'),
                             (10, 15, 'VVN'),
                             (16, 17, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'), (16, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654239) PENN in sentence 4155136:

action be taken .   
------ -- ----- -   
nn     vb VVN   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] vb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336977160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'action be taken .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 699,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'action be taken .'},
 {'ID': 4155137,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 39, 'VV'),
          (40, 43, 'PP'),
          (44, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 48, '``'),
          (49, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, "''"),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 66, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155137) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She called an agent in New York to give him a `` headsup '' on 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654240,
                     'NER': [(23, 31, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 39, 'VV'),
                             (40, 43, 'PP'),
                             (44, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 48, '``'),
                             (49, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, "''"),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654240) PENN in sentence 4155137:

She called an agent in New York to give him a  `` headsup '' on 
--- ------ -- ----- -- --- ---- -- ---- --- -  -- ------- -- -- 
PP  VVD    dt nn    in NP  NP   to VV   PP  dt `` nn      '' in 

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] VV
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] PP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] ``
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] ''
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 23
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336994664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She called an agent in New York to give him a `` '
                             "headsup '' on the"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 699,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "She called an agent in New York to give him a `` headsup '' on the"},
 {'ID': 4155138,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 8, ','),
          (9, 12, 'cc'),
          (13, 16, 'PP$'),
          (17, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 31, 'VBD'),
          (32, 35, 'rb'),
          (36, 40, 'VVN'),
          (41, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 56, 'cd'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155138) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

matter , but her draft lead was not sent until August 28 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654241,
                     'NER': [(47, 56, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 8, ','),
                             (9, 12, 'cc'),
                             (13, 16, 'PP$'),
                             (17, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 31, 'VBD'),
                             (32, 35, 'rb'),
                             (36, 40, 'VVN'),
                             (41, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 56, 'cd'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654241) PENN in sentence 4155138:

matter , but her draft lead was not sent until August 28 .   
------ - --- --- ----- ---- --- --- ---- ----- ------ -- -   
nn     , cc  PP$ nn    nn   VBD rb  VVN  in    NP     cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] cc
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] rb
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] cd
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 55
[start] 47
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824336997928>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'matter , but her draft lead was not sent until '
                             'August 28 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 700,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'matter , but her draft lead was not sent until August 28 .'},
 {'ID': 4155139,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 27, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155139) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Her email told the New York

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654242,
                     'NER': [(19, 27, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 27, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654242) PENN in sentence 4155139:

Her email told the New York
--- ----- ---- --- --- ----
PP$ nn    VVD  dt  NP  NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 19
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337008872>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Her email told the New York'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 700,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Her email told the New York'},
 {'ID': 4155140,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 10, 'IN/that'),
          (11, 14, 'PP'),
          (15, 21, 'VVD'),
          (22, 25, 'PP'),
          (26, 28, 'to'),
          (29, 32, 'VV'),
          (33, 40, 'VVN'),
          (41, 43, 'rb'),
          (44, 48, 'rb'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 62, ','),
          (63, 66, 'cc'),
          (67, 70, 'PP'),
          (71, 78, 'VVD'),
          (79, 82, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155140) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agent that she wanted him to get started as soon as possible , 

but she labeled the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654243,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 10, 'IN/that'),
                             (11, 14, 'PP'),
                             (15, 21, 'VVD'),
                             (22, 25, 'PP'),
                             (26, 28, 'to'),
                             (29, 32, 'VV'),
                             (33, 40, 'VVN'),
                             (41, 43, 'rb'),
                             (44, 48, 'rb'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 62, ','),
                             (63, 66, 'cc'),
                             (67, 70, 'PP'),
                             (71, 78, 'VVD'),
                             (79, 82, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (79, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654243) PENN in sentence 4155140:

agent that    she wanted him to get started as soon as possible ,
----- ----    --- ------ --- -- --- ------- -- ---- -- -------- -
nn    IN/that PP  VVD    PP  to VV  VVN     rb rb   in jj       ,

 but she labeled the
 --- --- ------- ---
 cc  PP  VVD     dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] PP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] PP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] to
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] VV
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] rb
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] rb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] ,
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] cc
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] PP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337010408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agent that she wanted him to get started as soon '
                             'as possible , but she labeled the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 701,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agent that she wanted him to get started as soon as possible , but '
          'she labeled the'},
 {'ID': 4155141,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 10, '``'),
          (11, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 21, "''"),
          (22, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 41, 'wdt'),
          (42, 49, 'VVZ'),
          (50, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 63, 'VVG'),
          (64, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 75, 'IN/that'),
          (76, 78, 'PP'),
          (79, 82, 'VHZ'),
          (83, 85, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155141) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

lead as `` Routine '' -a designation that informs the receiving 

office that it has 30

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654244,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 10, '``'),
                             (11, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 21, "''"),
                             (22, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 41, 'wdt'),
                             (42, 49, 'VVZ'),
                             (50, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 63, 'VVG'),
                             (64, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 75, 'IN/that'),
                             (76, 78, 'PP'),
                             (79, 82, 'VHZ'),
                             (83, 85, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654244) PENN in sentence 4155141:

lead as `` Routine '' -a designation that informs the receiving 
---- -- -- ------- -- -- ----------- ---- ------- --- --------- 
nn   in `` NP      '' nn nn          wdt  VVZ     dt  VVG       

office that    it has 30
------ ----    -- --- --
nn     IN/that PP VHZ cd
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:37:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ``
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] ''
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] PP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] VHZ
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337021736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "lead as `` Routine '' -a designation that "
                             'informs the receiving office that it has 30'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 702,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "lead as `` Routine '' -a designation that informs the receiving "
          'office that it has 30'},
 {'ID': 4155142,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nns'), (5, 7, 'to'), (8, 15, 'VV'), (16, 17, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155142) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

days to respond .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654245,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nns'),
                             (5, 7, 'to'),
                             (8, 15, 'VV'),
                             (16, 17, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 7, 'NT'), (16, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654245) PENN in sentence 4155142:

days to respond .   
---- -- ------- -   
nns  to VV      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] to
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] VV
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337041064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'days to respond .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 703,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'days to respond .'},
 {'ID': 4155143,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 13, 'wp'),
          (14, 22, 'VVD'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 41, 'VVD'),
          (42, 44, 'PP'),
          (45, 47, 'to'),
          (48, 51, 'PP$'),
          (52, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 68, 'nn'),
          (69, 70, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155143) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The agent who received the lead forwarded it to his squad 

supervisor .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654246,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 13, 'wp'),
                             (14, 22, 'VVD'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 41, 'VVD'),
                             (42, 44, 'PP'),
                             (45, 47, 'to'),
                             (48, 51, 'PP$'),
                             (52, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 68, 'nn'),
                             (69, 70, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654246) PENN in sentence 4155143:

The agent who received the lead forwarded it to his squad 
--- ----- --- -------- --- ---- --------- -- -- --- ----- 
dt  nn    wp  VVD      dt  nn   VVD       PP to PP$ nn    

supervisor .   
---------- -   
nn         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] wp
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] PP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] to
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337042120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The agent who received the lead forwarded it to '
                             'his squad supervisor .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 705,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The agent who received the lead forwarded it to his squad '
          'supervisor .'},
 {'ID': 4155144,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 9, 'jj'), (10, 14, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155144) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

That same day,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654247,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 9, 'jj'), (10, 14, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (10, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654247) PENN in sentence 4155144:

That same day,
---- ---- ----
dt   jj   NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337048680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'That same day,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 705,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'That same day,'},
 {'ID': 4155145,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 24, 'VVD'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 36, 'to'),
          (37, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 61, 'to'),
          (62, 66, 'VV'),
          (67, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 82, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155145) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the supervisor forwarded the lead to an intelligence agent to 

open an intelligence

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654248,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 24, 'VVD'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 36, 'to'),
                             (37, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 61, 'to'),
                             (62, 66, 'VV'),
                             (67, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 82, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654248) PENN in sentence 4155145:

the supervisor forwarded the lead to an intelligence agent to 
--- ---------- --------- --- ---- -- -- ------------ ----- -- 
dt  nn         VVD       dt  nn   to dt nn           nn    to 

open an intelligence
---- -- ------------
VV   dt nn          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] to
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] to
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] VV
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337049640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the supervisor forwarded the lead to an '
                             'intelligence agent to open an intelligence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 706,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the supervisor forwarded the lead to an intelligence agent to open '
          'an intelligence'},
 {'ID': 4155146,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 17, 'wp'),
          (18, 22, 'rb'),
          (23, 26, 'VBD'),
          (27, 33, 'rb'),
          (34, 36, '``'),
          (37, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 48, "''"),
          (49, 56, 'VVG'),
          (57, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 85, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155146) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

case-an agent who thus was behind `` the wall '' keeping FBI 

intelligence information

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654249,
                     'NER': [(57, 60, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 17, 'wp'),
                             (18, 22, 'rb'),
                             (23, 26, 'VBD'),
                             (27, 33, 'rb'),
                             (34, 36, '``'),
                             (37, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 48, "''"),
                             (49, 56, 'VVG'),
                             (57, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 85, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654249) PENN in sentence 4155146:

case-an agent who thus was behind `` the wall '' keeping FBI 
------- ----- --- ---- --- ------ -- --- ---- -- ------- --- 
jj      nn    wp  rb   VBD rb     `` dt  nn   '' VVG     NP  

intelligence information
------------ -----------
nn           nn         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] wp
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] rb
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] rb
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] ``
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] ''
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 84
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 59,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 57}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337064296>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "case-an agent who thus was behind `` the wall '' "
                             'keeping FBI intelligence information'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 707,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "case-an agent who thus was behind `` the wall '' keeping FBI "
          'intelligence information'},
 {'ID': 4155147,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 10, 'VBG'),
          (11, 17, 'VVN'),
          (18, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 43, 'nns'),
          (44, 45, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155147) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

from being shared with criminal prosecutors .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654250,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 10, 'VBG'),
                             (11, 17, 'VVN'),
                             (18, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 43, 'nns'),
                             (44, 45, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654250) PENN in sentence 4155147:

from being shared with criminal prosecutors .   
---- ----- ------ ---- -------- ----------- -   
in   VBG   VVN    in   jj       nns         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] VBG
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 32
[name] nns
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337067080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'from being shared with criminal prosecutors .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 708,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'from being shared with criminal prosecutors .'},
 {'ID': 4155148,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 15, 'PP'),
          (16, 18, 'to'),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 39, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155148) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He also sent it to the Cole case agents

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654251,
                     'NER': [(23, 27, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 15, 'PP'),
                             (16, 18, 'to'),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 39, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654251) PENN in sentence 4155148:

He also sent it to the Cole case agents
-- ---- ---- -- -- --- ---- ---- ------
PP rb   VVD  PP to dt  NP   nn   nns   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] PP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] to
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 23
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337085064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He also sent it to the Cole case agents'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 708,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He also sent it to the Cole case agents'},
 {'ID': 4155149,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 16, 'wp'),
          (17, 20, 'VHD'),
          (21, 26, 'VVN'),
          (27, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 65, 'VVG'),
          (66, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 77, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155149) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and an agent who had spent significant time in Malaysia searching

 for another

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654252,
                     'NER': [(47, 55, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 16, 'wp'),
                             (17, 20, 'VHD'),
                             (21, 26, 'VVN'),
                             (27, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 65, 'VVG'),
                             (66, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 77, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 55, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654252) PENN in sentence 4155149:

and an agent who had spent significant time in Malaysia searching
--- -- ----- --- --- ----- ----------- ---- -- -------- ---------
cc  dt nn    wp  VHD VVN   jj          nn   in NP       VVG      

 for another
 --- -------
 in  dt     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] wp
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 27
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 54
[start] 47
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337087080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and an agent who had spent significant time in '
                             'Malaysia searching for another'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 709,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and an agent who had spent significant time in Malaysia searching '
          'for another'},
 {'ID': 4155150,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 8, ':'),
          (9, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 33, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155150) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Khalid : Khalid Sheikh Mohammad .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654253,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person'), (9, 31, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 8, ':'),
                             (9, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 33, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654253) PENN in sentence 4155150:

Khalid : Khalid Sheikh Mohammad .   
------ - ------ ------ -------- -   
NP     : NP     NP     NP       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] :
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 30
[start] 9
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337093928>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Khalid : Khalid Sheikh Mohammad .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 710,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Khalid : Khalid Sheikh Mohammad .'},
 {'ID': 4155151,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 13, 'VVN'),
          (14, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 43, 'VBD'),
          (44, 46, 'to'),
          (47, 53, 'VV'),
          (54, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 63, ','),
          (64, 73, 'VV'),
          (74, 77, 'PP$'),
          (78, 86, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155151) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The suggested goal of the investigation was to locate Mihdhar , 

determine his contacts

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654254,
                     'NER': [(54, 61, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 13, 'VVN'),
                             (14, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 43, 'VBD'),
                             (44, 46, 'to'),
                             (47, 53, 'VV'),
                             (54, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 63, ','),
                             (64, 73, 'VV'),
                             (74, 77, 'PP$'),
                             (78, 86, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654254) PENN in sentence 4155151:

The suggested goal of the investigation was to locate Mihdhar , 
--- --------- ---- -- --- ------------- --- -- ------ ------- - 
dt  VVN       nn   in dt  nn            VBD to VV     NP      , 

determine his contacts
--------- --- --------
VV        PP$ nns     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] to
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] VV
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] ,
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] VV
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 85
[start] 78
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 60
[start] 54
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337095752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The suggested goal of the investigation was to '
                             'locate Mihdhar , determine his contacts'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 712,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The suggested goal of the investigation was to locate Mihdhar , '
          'determine his contacts'},
 {'ID': 4155152,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 11, 'nns'),
          (12, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 21, 'VBG'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 42, 'NPS'),
          (43, 44, ','),
          (45, 48, 'cc'),
          (49, 57, 'rb'),
          (58, 65, 'VV'),
          (66, 68, 'dt'),
          (69, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 80, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155152) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and reasons for being in the United States , and possibly conduct

 an interview .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654255,
                     'NER': [(29, 42, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 11, 'nns'),
                             (12, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 21, 'VBG'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 42, 'NPS'),
                             (43, 44, ','),
                             (45, 48, 'cc'),
                             (49, 57, 'rb'),
                             (58, 65, 'VV'),
                             (66, 68, 'dt'),
                             (69, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 80, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 57, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654255) PENN in sentence 4155152:

and reasons for being in the United States , and possibly conduct
--- ------- --- ----- -- --- ------ ------ - --- -------- -------
cc  nns     in  VBG   in dt  NP     NPS    , cc  rb       VV     

 an interview .   
 -- --------- -   
 dt nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] VBG
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] ,
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] cc
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] rb
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] VV
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 77
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 41
[start] 29
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337119080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and reasons for being in the United States , and '
                             'possibly conduct an interview .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 713,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and reasons for being in the United States , and possibly conduct '
          'an interview .'},
 {'ID': 4155153,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 14, 'VVG'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 25, ','),
          (26, 28, '``'),
          (29, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 36, "''"),
          (37, 40, 'VHD'),
          (41, 50, 'VVN'),
          (51, 53, 'PP'),
          (54, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 61, '``'),
          (62, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 68, ','),
          (69, 71, "''"),
          (72, 75, 'dt'),
          (76, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 88, 'nn'),
          (89, 91, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155153) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 20 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Before sending the lead , `` Jane '' had discussed it with `` 

John , '' the CIA official on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654256,
                     'NER': [(29, 33, 'person'),
                             (62, 66, 'person'),
                             (76, 79, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 14, 'VVG'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 25, ','),
                             (26, 28, '``'),
                             (29, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 36, "''"),
                             (37, 40, 'VHD'),
                             (41, 50, 'VVN'),
                             (51, 53, 'PP'),
                             (54, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 61, '``'),
                             (62, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 68, ','),
                             (69, 71, "''"),
                             (72, 75, 'dt'),
                             (76, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 88, 'nn'),
                             (89, 91, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT'),
                             (89, 91, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654256) PENN in sentence 4155153:

Before sending the lead , `` Jane '' had discussed it with `` 
------ ------- --- ---- - -- ---- -- --- --------- -- ---- -- 
in     VVG     dt  nn   , `` NP   '' VHD VVN       PP in   `` 

John , '' the CIA official on
---- - -- --- --- -------- --
NP   , '' dt  NP  nn       in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] ``
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] ''
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 49
[start] 41
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] PP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] ``
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] ,
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] ''
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NP
                                          [end] 87
[start] 80
[name] nn
                                          [end] 90
[start] 89
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 29
[name] person
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] person
                                          {'end': 78,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 76}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 90
[start] 89
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337134600>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Before sending the lead , `` Jane '' had "
                             "discussed it with `` John , '' the CIA official "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 714,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Before sending the lead , `` Jane '' had discussed it with `` John "
          ", '' the CIA official on"},
 {'ID': 4155154,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 9, 'to'),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 19, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155154) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

detail to the FBI .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654257,
                     'NER': [(14, 17, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 9, 'to'),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 19, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654257) PENN in sentence 4155154:

detail to the FBI .   
------ -- --- --- -   
nn     to dt  NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] to
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 16,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 14}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337147080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'detail to the FBI .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 715,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'detail to the FBI .'},
 {'ID': 4155155,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 7, 'VHD'),
          (8, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 20, 'VVN'),
          (21, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 36, 'VVG'),
          (37, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 48, 'dt'),
          (49, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 55, 'POS'),
          (56, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 65, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155155) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She had also checked with the acting head of the FBI 's Bin Ladin

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654258,
                     'NER': [(49, 52, 'organization'), (56, 65, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 7, 'VHD'),
                             (8, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 20, 'VVN'),
                             (21, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 36, 'VVG'),
                             (37, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 48, 'dt'),
                             (49, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 55, 'POS'),
                             (56, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 65, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654258) PENN in sentence 4155155:

She had also checked with the acting head of the FBI 's  Bin 
--- --- ---- ------- ---- --- ------ ---- -- --- --- --  --- 
PP  VHD rb   VVN     in   dt  VVG    nn   in dt  NP  POS NP  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] rb
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] POS
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 51,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 49},
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337148520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She had also checked with the acting head of the '
                             "FBI 's Bin Ladin"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 715,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "She had also checked with the acting head of the FBI 's Bin Ladin"},
 {'ID': 4155156,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155156) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

unit .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654259,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654259) PENN in sentence 4155156:

unit .   
---- -   
nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337163944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'unit .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 716,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'unit .'},
 {'ID': 4155157,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 20, 'VVZ'),
          (21, 23, 'to'),
          (24, 28, 'VH'),
          (29, 33, 'VBN'),
          (34, 41, 'VVN'),
          (42, 44, 'to'),
          (45, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 70, 'md'),
          (71, 73, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155157) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The discussion seems to have been limited to whether the search 

should be

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654260,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 20, 'VVZ'),
                             (21, 23, 'to'),
                             (24, 28, 'VH'),
                             (29, 33, 'VBN'),
                             (34, 41, 'VVN'),
                             (42, 44, 'to'),
                             (45, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 70, 'md'),
                             (71, 73, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (64, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654260) PENN in sentence 4155157:

The discussion seems to have been limited to whether the search 
--- ---------- ----- -- ---- ---- ------- -- ------- --- ------ 
dt  nn         VVZ   to VH   VBN  VVN     to in      dt  nn     

should be
------ --
md     vb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] to
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VH
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] to
                                          [end] 51
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] md
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337164712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The discussion seems to have been limited to '
                             'whether the search should be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 716,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The discussion seems to have been limited to whether the search '
          'should be'},
 {'ID': 4155158,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 46, 'cc'),
          (47, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 64, 'cd'),
          (65, 66, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155158) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

classified as an intelligence investigation or as a criminal one 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654261,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 46, 'cc'),
                             (47, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 64, 'cd'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654261) PENN in sentence 4155158:

classified as an intelligence investigation or as a  criminal one
---------- -- -- ------------ ------------- -- -- -  -------- ---
VVN        in dt nn           nn            cc in dt jj       cd 

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] cc
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] cd
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337183752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'classified as an intelligence investigation or '
                             'as a criminal one .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 717,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'classified as an intelligence investigation or as a criminal one .'},
 {'ID': 4155159,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 10, 'VVZ'), (11, 15, 'IN/that'), (16, 18, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155159) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It appears that no

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654262,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 10, 'VVZ'),
                             (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
                             (16, 18, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (16, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654262) PENN in sentence 4155159:

It appears that    no
-- ------- ----    --
PP VVZ     IN/that dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337185960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It appears that no'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 717,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It appears that no'},
 {'ID': 4155160,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 19, 'jjr'),
          (20, 26, 'nns'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 54, 'dt'),
          (55, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 61, 'cc'),
          (62, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 71, 'in'),
          (72, 75, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155160) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

one informed higher levels of management in either the FBI or CIA

 about the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654263,
                     'NER': [(55, 58, 'organization'),
                             (62, 65, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 19, 'jjr'),
                             (20, 26, 'nns'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 54, 'dt'),
                             (55, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 61, 'cc'),
                             (62, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 71, 'in'),
                             (72, 75, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654263) PENN in sentence 4155160:

one informed higher levels of management in either the FBI or CIA
--- -------- ------ ------ -- ---------- -- ------ --- --- -- ---
PP  VVD      jjr    nns    in nn         in cc     dt  NP  cc NP 

 about the
 ----- ---
 in    dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] cc
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] cc
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 57,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 55},
                                          {'end': 64,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 62}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337195272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'one informed higher levels of management in '
                             'either the FBI or CIA about the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 718,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'one informed higher levels of management in either the FBI or CIA '
          'about the'},
 {'ID': 4155161,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155161) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

case .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654264,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654264) PENN in sentence 4155161:

case .   
---- -   
nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337198248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'case .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 719,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'case .'},
 {'ID': 4155162,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
          (6, 8, 'VBZ'),
          (9, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 25, 'IN/that'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 36, ','),
          (37, 39, 'cc'),
          (40, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 60, 'dt'),
          (61, 70, 'jj'),
          (71, 79, 'nns'),
          (80, 81, ','),
          (82, 85, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155162) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

There is no evidence that the lead , or the search for these 

terrorist suspects , was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654265,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
                             (6, 8, 'VBZ'),
                             (9, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 25, 'IN/that'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 36, ','),
                             (37, 39, 'cc'),
                             (40, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 60, 'dt'),
                             (61, 70, 'jj'),
                             (71, 79, 'nns'),
                             (80, 81, ','),
                             (82, 85, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 60, 'NT'),
                             (80, 81, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654265) PENN in sentence 4155162:

There is  no evidence that    the lead , or the search for these 
----- --  -- -------- ----    --- ---- - -- --- ------ --- ----- 
ex    VBZ dt nn       IN/that dt  nn   , cc dt  nn     in  dt    

terrorist suspects , was
--------- -------- - ---
jj        nns      , VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] ex
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] ,
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] cc
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 61
[name] jj
                                          [end] 78
[start] 71
[name] nns
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] ,
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337199016>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'There is no evidence that the lead , or the '
                             'search for these terrorist suspects , was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 721,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'There is no evidence that the lead , or the search for these '
          'terrorist suspects , was'},
 {'ID': 4155163,
  'POS': [(0, 13, 'rb'),
          (14, 23, 'VVN'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 49, 'jj'),
          (50, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 60, 'dt'),
          (61, 68, 'nn'),
          (69, 75, 'in'),
          (76, 79, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155163) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

substantively discussed at any level above deputy chief of a 

section within the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654266,
                     'NER': [(0, 13, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 13, 'rb'),
                             (14, 23, 'VVN'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 49, 'jj'),
                             (50, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 60, 'dt'),
                             (61, 68, 'nn'),
                             (69, 75, 'in'),
                             (76, 79, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 13, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (37, 42, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT'),
                             (69, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654266) PENN in sentence 4155163:

substantively discussed at any level above deputy chief of a  
------------- --------- -- --- ----- ----- ------ ----- -- -  
rb            VVN       in dt  nn    in    jj     nn    in dt 

section within the
------- ------ ---
nn      in     dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] in
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337210440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'substantively discussed at any level above '
                             'deputy chief of a section within the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 722,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'substantively discussed at any level above deputy chief of a '
          'section within the'},
 {'ID': 4155164,
  'POS': [(0, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 47, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155164) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Counterterrorism Division at FBI headquarters .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654267,
                     'NER': [(0, 25, 'organization'), (29, 32, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 47, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(26, 28, 'NT'), (29, 32, 'NT'), (46, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654267) PENN in sentence 4155164:

Counterterrorism Division at FBI headquarters .   
---------------- -------- -- --- ------------ -   
nn               nn       in NP  nn           sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 24,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 31,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 29}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337233672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Counterterrorism Division at FBI headquarters '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 723,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Counterterrorism Division at FBI headquarters .'},
 {'ID': 4155165,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 32, 'VVP'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, ','),
          (58, 61, 'cc'),
          (62, 71, 'VVD'),
          (72, 74, '``'),
          (75, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 82, "''"),
          (83, 85, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155165) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

One of the Cole case agents read the lead with interest , and 

contacted `` Jane '' to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654268,
                     'NER': [(11, 15, 'person'), (75, 79, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 32, 'VVP'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, ','),
                             (58, 61, 'cc'),
                             (62, 71, 'VVD'),
                             (72, 74, '``'),
                             (75, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 82, "''"),
                             (83, 85, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654268) PENN in sentence 4155165:

One of the Cole case agents read the lead with interest , and 
--- -- --- ---- ---- ------ ---- --- ---- ---- -------- - --- 
cd  in dt  NP   nn   nns    VVP  dt  nn   in   nn       , cc  

contacted `` Jane '' to
--------- -- ---- -- --
VVD       `` NP   '' to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] ,
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] cc
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] ``
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] ''
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 11
[name] person
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337235208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'One of the Cole case agents read the lead with '
                             "interest , and contacted `` Jane '' to"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 724,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'One of the Cole case agents read the lead with interest , and '
          "contacted `` Jane '' to"},
 {'ID': 4155166,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
          (7, 11, 'jjr'),
          (12, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 25, 'sent'),
          (26, 28, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155166) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

obtain more information . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654269,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
                             (7, 11, 'jjr'),
                             (12, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 25, 'sent'),
                             (26, 28, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(24, 25, 'NT'), (26, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654269) PENN in sentence 4155166:

obtain more information .    ''
------ ---- ----------- -    --
VV     jjr  nn          sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 22
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] sent
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337242920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "obtain more information . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 725,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "obtain more information . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155167,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
          (5, 7, "''"),
          (8, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 26, ','),
          (27, 31, 'IN/that'),
          (32, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 53, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155167) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Jane '' argued , however , that because the agent was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654270,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'),
                             (5, 7, "''"),
                             (8, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 26, ','),
                             (27, 31, 'IN/that'),
                             (32, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 53, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (32, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654270) PENN in sentence 4155167:

Jane '' argued , however , that    because the agent was
---- -- ------ - ------- - ----    ------- --- ----- ---
NP   '' VVD    , rb      , IN/that in      dt  nn    VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] ''
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] rb
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] ,
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337244072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Jane '' argued , however , that because the "
                             'agent was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 725,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Jane '' argued , however , that because the agent was"},
 {'ID': 4155168,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 15, '``'),
          (16, 24, 'jj'),
          (25, 27, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155168) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

designated a `` criminal ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654271,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 15, '``'),
                             (16, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 27, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 12, 'NT'), (13, 15, 'NT'), (25, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654271) PENN in sentence 4155168:

designated a  `` criminal ''
---------- -  -- -------- --
VVN        dt `` jj       ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] ``
                                          [end] 23
[start] 16
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337258920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "designated a `` criminal ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 726,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "designated a `` criminal ''"},
 {'ID': 4155169,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 15, 'rb'),
          (16, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 43, ','),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 57, 'VVD'),
          (58, 61, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155169) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

FBI agent , not an intelligence FBI agent , the wall kept him

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654272,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization'), (32, 35, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 43, ','),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 57, 'VVD'),
                             (58, 61, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654272) PENN in sentence 4155169:

FBI agent , not an intelligence FBI agent , the wall kept him
--- ----- - --- -- ------------ --- ----- - --- ---- ---- ---
NP  nn    , rb  dt nn           NP  nn    , dt  nn   VVD  PP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] rb
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] ,
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337260168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'FBI agent , not an intelligence FBI agent , the '
                             'wall kept him'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 726,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'FBI agent , not an intelligence FBI agent , the wall kept him'},
 {'ID': 4155170,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 18, 'VVG'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 46, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155170) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

from participating in any search for Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654273,
                     'NER': [(37, 44, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 18, 'VVG'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 46, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654273) PENN in sentence 4155170:

from participating in any search for Mihdhar .   
---- ------------- -- --- ------ --- ------- -   
in   VVG           in dt  nn     in  NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 5
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 43
[start] 37
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337283496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'from participating in any search for Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 727,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'from participating in any search for Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4155171,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 13, 'PP'),
          (14, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 21, 'PP'),
          (22, 25, 'VHD'),
          (26, 28, 'to'),
          (29, 36, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155171) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In fact , she felt he had to destroy

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654274,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 13, 'PP'),
                             (14, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 21, 'PP'),
                             (22, 25, 'VHD'),
                             (26, 28, 'to'),
                             (29, 36, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654274) PENN in sentence 4155171:

In fact , she felt he had to destroy
-- ---- - --- ---- -- --- -- -------
in nn   , PP  VVD  PP VHD to VV     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] PP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] PP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337289672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In fact , she felt he had to destroy'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 727,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In fact , she felt he had to destroy'},
 {'ID': 4155172,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
          (4, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 31, 'PP'),
          (32, 41, 'VVD'),
          (42, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 70, 'nns'),
          (71, 75, 'wdt'),
          (76, 84, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155172) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

his copy of the lead because it contained NSA information from 

reports that included

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654275,
                     'NER': [(42, 45, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 31, 'PP'),
                             (32, 41, 'VVD'),
                             (42, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 70, 'nns'),
                             (71, 75, 'wdt'),
                             (76, 84, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (21, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (58, 62, 'NT'),
                             (71, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654275) PENN in sentence 4155172:

his copy of the lead because it contained NSA information from 
--- ---- -- --- ---- ------- -- --------- --- ----------- ---- 
PP$ nn   in dt  nn   in      PP VVD       NP  nn          in   

reports that included
------- ---- --------
nns     wdt  VVD     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] PP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] in
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] nns
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 83
[start] 76
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 44,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337291496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'his copy of the lead because it contained NSA '
                             'information from reports that included'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 728,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'his copy of the lead because it contained NSA information from '
          'reports that included'},
 {'ID': 4155173,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 16, 'VVG'),
          (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 41, 'rb'),
          (42, 44, 'vb'),
          (45, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 67, 'POS'),
          (68, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 80, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155173) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

caveats ordering that the information not be shared without OIPR 

's permission .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654276,
                     'NER': [(60, 64, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 16, 'VVG'),
                             (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 41, 'rb'),
                             (42, 44, 'vb'),
                             (45, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 67, 'POS'),
                             (68, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 80, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (52, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654276) PENN in sentence 4155173:

caveats ordering that    the information not be shared without 
------- -------- ----    --- ----------- --- -- ------ ------- 
nns     VVG      IN/that dt  nn          rb  vb VVN    in      

OIPR 's  permission .   
---- --  ---------- -   
NP   POS nn         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] rb
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] vb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] POS
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 63,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 60}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337310728>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'caveats ordering that the information not be '
                             "shared without OIPR 's permission ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 729,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "caveats ordering that the information not be shared without OIPR 's "
          'permission .'},
 {'ID': 4155174,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155174) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654277,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654277) PENN in sentence 4155174:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337313224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 729,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The'},
 {'ID': 4155175,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 11, 'VVD'),
          (12, 14, '``'),
          (15, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 22, "''"),
          (23, 25, 'to'),
          (26, 29, 'VV'),
          (30, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 56, 'POS'),
          (57, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 74, 'NP'),
          (75, 78, 'NP'),
          (79, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155175) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agent asked `` Jane '' to get an opinion from the FBI 's National

 Security Law Unit

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654278,
                     'NER': [(15, 19, 'person'),
                             (50, 53, 'organization'),
                             (57, 83, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 11, 'VVD'),
                             (12, 14, '``'),
                             (15, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 22, "''"),
                             (23, 25, 'to'),
                             (26, 29, 'VV'),
                             (30, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 56, 'POS'),
                             (57, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 74, 'NP'),
                             (75, 78, 'NP'),
                             (79, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654278) PENN in sentence 4155175:

agent asked `` Jane '' to get an opinion from the FBI 's  
----- ----- -- ---- -- -- --- -- ------- ---- --- --- --  
nn    VVD   `` NP   '' to VV  dt nn      in   dt  NP  POS 

National Security Law Unit
-------- -------- --- ----
NP       NP       NP  NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 6
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] ``
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] ''
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] to
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VV
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] POS
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 15
[name] person
                                          {'end': 52,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 50},
                                          {'end': 82,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 57}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337330344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "agent asked `` Jane '' to get an opinion from "
                             "the FBI 's National Security Law Unit"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 730,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "agent asked `` Jane '' to get an opinion from the FBI 's National "
          'Security Law Unit'},
 {'ID': 4155176,
  'POS': [(0, 1, '('),
          (2, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 8, ')'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 22, 'PP'),
          (23, 28, 'md'),
          (29, 33, 'VV'),
          (34, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155176) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

( NSLU ) on whether he could open a criminal case on Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654279,
                     'NER': [(53, 60, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, '('),
                             (2, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 8, ')'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 22, 'PP'),
                             (23, 28, 'md'),
                             (29, 33, 'VV'),
                             (34, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (2, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654279) PENN in sentence 4155176:

( NSLU ) on whether he could open a  criminal case on Mihdhar 
- ---- - -- ------- -- ----- ---- -  -------- ---- -- ------- 
( NP   ) in in      PP md    VV   dt jj       nn   in NP      

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] (
                                          [end] 5
[start] 2
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] )
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
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[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] PP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] md
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] VV
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 36
[name] jj
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 59
[start] 53
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 2
[name] NT
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[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337333992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '( NSLU ) on whether he could open a criminal '
                             'case on Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 731,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '( NSLU ) on whether he could open a criminal case on Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4155177,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 27, 'to'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 58, 'VVG'),
          (59, 63, 'IN/that'),
          (64, 73, 'VVG'),
          (74, 76, 'to'),
          (77, 80, 'dt'),
          (81, 85, 'NP'),
          (86, 87, ',')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155177) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Jane '' sent an email to the Cole case agent explaining that 

according to the NSLU ,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654280,
                     'NER': [(32, 36, 'person'), (81, 85, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 27, 'to'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 58, 'VVG'),
                             (59, 63, 'IN/that'),
                             (64, 73, 'VVG'),
                             (74, 76, 'to'),
                             (77, 80, 'dt'),
                             (81, 85, 'NP'),
                             (86, 87, ',')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 85, 'NT'),
                             (86, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654280) PENN in sentence 4155177:

'' Jane '' sent an email to the Cole case agent explaining 
-- ---- -- ---- -- ----- -- --- ---- ---- ----- ---------- 
'' NP   '' VVD  dt nn    to dt  NP   nn   nn    VVG        

that    according to the NSLU ,
----    --------- -- --- ---- -
IN/that VVG       to dt  NP   ,
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] to
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 48
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] to
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] dt
                                          [end] 84
[start] 81
[name] NP
                                          [end] 86
[start] 86
[name] ,
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 32
[name] person
                                          {'end': 84,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 81}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337341128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Jane '' sent an email to the Cole case agent "
                             'explaining that according to the NSLU ,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 733,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Jane '' sent an email to the Cole case agent explaining that "
          'according to the NSLU ,'},
 {'ID': 4155178,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 14, 'md'),
          (15, 17, 'vb'),
          (18, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 29, 'rb'),
          (30, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, ','),
          (58, 61, 'cc'),
          (62, 66, 'IN/that'),
          (67, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 77, 'NP'),
          (78, 81, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155178) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the case could be opened only as an intelligence matter , and 

that if Mihdhar was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654281,
                     'NER': [(70, 77, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 14, 'md'),
                             (15, 17, 'vb'),
                             (18, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 29, 'rb'),
                             (30, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, ','),
                             (58, 61, 'cc'),
                             (62, 66, 'IN/that'),
                             (67, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 77, 'NP'),
                             (78, 81, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (9, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654281) PENN in sentence 4155178:

the case could be opened only as an intelligence matter , and 
--- ---- ----- -- ------ ---- -- -- ------------ ------ - --- 
dt  nn   md    vb VVN    rb   in dt nn           nn     , cc  

that    if Mihdhar was
----    -- ------- ---
IN/that in NP      VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] md
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] vb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] rb
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] ,
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] cc
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 76
[start] 70
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337356936>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the case could be opened only as an intelligence '
                             'matter , and that if Mihdhar was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 734,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the case could be opened only as an intelligence matter , and that '
          'if Mihdhar was'},
 {'ID': 4155179,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'),
          (6, 7, ','),
          (8, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 23, 'VVN'),
          (24, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 43, 'nns'),
          (44, 49, 'md'),
          (50, 57, 'VV'),
          (58, 60, 'cc'),
          (61, 65, 'rb'),
          (66, 68, 'vb'),
          (69, 76, 'jj'),
          (77, 79, 'in'),
          (80, 83, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155179) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

found , only designated intelligence agents could conduct or even

 be present at any

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654282,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'),
                             (6, 7, ','),
                             (8, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 23, 'VVN'),
                             (24, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 43, 'nns'),
                             (44, 49, 'md'),
                             (50, 57, 'VV'),
                             (58, 60, 'cc'),
                             (61, 65, 'rb'),
                             (66, 68, 'vb'),
                             (69, 76, 'jj'),
                             (77, 79, 'in'),
                             (80, 83, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (44, 49, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654282) PENN in sentence 4155179:

found , only designated intelligence agents could conduct or even
----- - ---- ---------- ------------ ------ ----- ------- -- ----
VVN   , rb   VVN        nn           nns    md    VV      cc rb  

 be present at any
 -- ------- -- ---
 vb jj      in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] rb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 35
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] md
                                          [end] 56
[start] 50
[name] VV
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] cc
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] rb
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] vb
                                          [end] 75
[start] 69
[name] jj
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] in
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337376552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'found , only designated intelligence agents '
                             'could conduct or even be present at any'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 735,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'found , only designated intelligence agents could conduct or even '
          'be present at any'},
 {'ID': 4155180,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155180) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

interview .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654283,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654283) PENN in sentence 4155180:

interview .   
--------- -   
nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337379240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'interview .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 736,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'interview .'},
 {'ID': 4155181,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
          (4, 11, 'VVZ'),
          (12, 14, 'to'),
          (15, 19, 'VH'),
          (20, 33, 'VVN'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 45, 'jj'),
          (46, 51, 'nns'),
          (52, 56, 'wdt'),
          (57, 62, 'md'),
          (63, 68, 'VV'),
          (69, 71, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155181) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

She appears to have misunderstood the complex rules that could 

apply to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654284,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP'),
                             (4, 11, 'VVZ'),
                             (12, 14, 'to'),
                             (15, 19, 'VH'),
                             (20, 33, 'VVN'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 45, 'jj'),
                             (46, 51, 'nns'),
                             (52, 56, 'wdt'),
                             (57, 62, 'md'),
                             (63, 68, 'VV'),
                             (69, 71, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 62, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654284) PENN in sentence 4155181:

She appears to have misunderstood the complex rules that could 
--- ------- -- ---- ------------- --- ------- ----- ---- ----- 
PP  VVZ     to VH   VVN           dt  jj      nns   wdt  md    

apply to
----- --
VV    to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] to
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] VH
                                          [end] 32
[start] 20
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] jj
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] nns
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] md
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] VV
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337392360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'She appears to have misunderstood the complex '
                             'rules that could apply to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 736,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'She appears to have misunderstood the complex rules that could '
          'apply to'},
 {'ID': 4155182,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155182) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

this situation .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654285,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654285) PENN in sentence 4155182:

this situation .   
---- --------- -   
dt   nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337394664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'this situation .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 737,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'this situation .'},
 {'ID': 4155183,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 21, 'rb'),
          (22, 32, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155183) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FBI agent angrily responded:

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654286,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 21, 'rb'),
                             (22, 32, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 7, 'NT'), (14, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654286) PENN in sentence 4155183:

The FBI agent angrily responded:
--- --- ----- ------- ----------
dt  NP  nn    rb      jj        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] rb
                                          [end] 31
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337395624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The FBI agent angrily responded:'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 739,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The FBI agent angrily responded:'},
 {'ID': 4155184,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'wdt'),
          (9, 12, 'VHZ'),
          (13, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 50, 'md'),
          (51, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 66, 'cc'),
          (67, 74, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155184) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Whatever has happened to this-someday someone will die-and wall 

or not-the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654287,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'wdt'),
                             (9, 12, 'VHZ'),
                             (13, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 50, 'md'),
                             (51, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 66, 'cc'),
                             (67, 74, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (46, 50, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654287) PENN in sentence 4155184:

Whatever has happened to this-someday someone will die-and wall 
-------- --- -------- -- ------------ ------- ---- ------- ---- 
wdt      VHZ VVN      to nn           nn      md   nn      nn   

or not-the
-- -------
cc jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VHZ
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 36
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] md
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] cc
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337401128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Whatever has happened to this-someday someone '
                             'will die-and wall or not-the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 741,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Whatever has happened to this-someday someone will die-and wall or '
 {'ID': 4155185,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 11, 'md'),
          (12, 15, 'rb'),
          (16, 26, 'VV'),
          (27, 30, 'wrb'),
          (31, 33, 'PP'),
          (34, 38, 'VBD'),
          (39, 42, 'rb'),
          (43, 47, 'rbr'),
          (48, 57, 'jj'),
          (58, 61, 'cc'),
          (62, 70, 'VVG'),
          (71, 76, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155185) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

public will not understand why we were not more effective and 

throwing every

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654288,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 11, 'md'),
                             (12, 15, 'rb'),
                             (16, 26, 'VV'),
                             (27, 30, 'wrb'),
                             (31, 33, 'PP'),
                             (34, 38, 'VBD'),
                             (39, 42, 'rb'),
                             (43, 47, 'rbr'),
                             (48, 57, 'jj'),
                             (58, 61, 'cc'),
                             (62, 70, 'VVG'),
                             (71, 76, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (71, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654288) PENN in sentence 4155185:

public will not understand why we were not more effective and 
------ ---- --- ---------- --- -- ---- --- ---- --------- --- 
nn     md   rb  VV         wrb PP VBD  rb  rbr  jj        cc  

throwing every
-------- -----
VVG      dt   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] md
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] rb
                                          [end] 25
[start] 16
[name] VV
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] PP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] rb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 56
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] cc
                                          [end] 69
[start] 62
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337403144>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'public will not understand why we were not more '
                             'effective and throwing every'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 742,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'public will not understand why we were not more effective and '
          'throwing every'},
 {'ID': 4155186,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'PP'),
          (12, 15, 'VHD'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 26, 'jj'),
          (27, 29, '``'),
          (30, 38, 'nns'),
          (39, 40, 'sent'),
          (41, 43, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155186) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

resource we had at certain `` problems . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654289,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'PP'),
                             (12, 15, 'VHD'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 26, 'jj'),
                             (27, 29, '``'),
                             (30, 38, 'nns'),
                             (39, 40, 'sent'),
                             (41, 43, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654289) PENN in sentence 4155186:

resource we had at certain `` problems .    ''
-------- -- --- -- ------- -- -------- -    --
nn       PP VHD in jj      `` nns      sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] PP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] ``
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] nns
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] sent
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337426280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "resource we had at certain `` problems . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 743,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "resource we had at certain `` problems . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155187,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VV'),
          (4, 6, 'VBZ'),
          (7, 11, 'VV'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 42, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155187) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Let 's hope the National Security Law Unit

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654290,
                     'NER': [(16, 42, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VV'),
                             (4, 6, 'VBZ'),
                             (7, 11, 'VV'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 42, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654290) PENN in sentence 4155187:

Let 's  hope the National Security Law Unit
--- --  ---- --- -------- -------- --- ----
VV  VBZ VV   dt  NP       NP       NP  NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VV
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 41,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337428104>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Let 's hope the National Security Law Unit"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 743,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Let 's hope the National Security Law Unit"},
 {'ID': 4155188,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'md'),
          (5, 10, 'VV'),
          (11, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 23, 'PP$'),
          (24, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 38, 'rb'),
          (39, 40, ','),
          (41, 51, 'rb'),
          (52, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 69, 'jjs'),
          (70, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 79, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155188) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

will stand behind their decisions then , especially since the 

biggest threat to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654291,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'md'),
                             (5, 10, 'VV'),
                             (11, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 23, 'PP$'),
                             (24, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 38, 'rb'),
                             (39, 40, ','),
                             (41, 51, 'rb'),
                             (52, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 69, 'jjs'),
                             (70, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 79, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (11, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 23, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654291) PENN in sentence 4155188:

will stand behind their decisions then , especially since the 
---- ----- ------ ----- --------- ---- - ---------- ----- --- 
md   VV    in     PP$   nns       rb   , rb         in    dt  

biggest threat to
------- ------ --
jjs     nn     to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] VV
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 32
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] rb
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] ,
                                          [end] 50
[start] 41
[name] rb
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 68
[start] 62
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337438376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'will stand behind their decisions then , '
                             'especially since the biggest threat to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 744,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'will stand behind their decisions then , especially since the '
          'biggest threat to'},
 {'ID': 4155189,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'rb'),
          (7, 8, ','),
          (9, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 17, 'VBZ'),
          (18, 25, 'VVG'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 34, 'jjs'),
          (35, 37, '``'),
          (38, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 50, 'sent'),
          (51, 53, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155189) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

us now , UBL , is getting the most `` protection . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654292,
                     'NER': [(9, 12, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'rb'),
                             (7, 8, ','),
                             (9, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 17, 'VBZ'),
                             (18, 25, 'VVG'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 34, 'jjs'),
                             (35, 37, '``'),
                             (38, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 50, 'sent'),
                             (51, 53, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654292) PENN in sentence 4155189:

us now , UBL , is  getting the most `` protection .    ''
-- --- - --- - --  ------- --- ---- -- ---------- -    --
PP rb  , NP  , VBZ VVG     dt  jjs  `` nn         sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] jjs
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] ``
                                          [end] 47
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] sent
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 11,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 9}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337457416>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'us now , UBL , is getting the most `` protection '
                             ". ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 745,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "us now , UBL , is getting the most `` protection . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155190,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
          (22, 25, 'PP'),
          (26, 29, 'VBD'),
          (30, 33, 'rb'),
          (34, 40, 'VVG'),
          (41, 43, 'rp'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 53, 'nns'),
          (54, 55, ':'),
          (56, 59, 'PP'),
          (60, 67, 'VVD'),
          (68, 72, 'IN/that'),
          (73, 77, 'PP'),
          (78, 82, 'VBD'),
          (83, 85, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155190) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Jane" replied that she was not making up the rules ; she 

claimed that they were in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654293,
                     'NER': [(3, 8, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
                             (22, 25, 'PP'),
                             (26, 29, 'VBD'),
                             (30, 33, 'rb'),
                             (34, 40, 'VVG'),
                             (41, 43, 'rp'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 53, 'nns'),
                             (54, 55, ':'),
                             (56, 59, 'PP'),
                             (60, 67, 'VVD'),
                             (68, 72, 'IN/that'),
                             (73, 77, 'PP'),
                             (78, 82, 'VBD'),
                             (83, 85, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (73, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654293) PENN in sentence 4155190:

'' Jane" replied that    she was not making up the rules ; she 
-- ----- ------- ----    --- --- --- ------ -- --- ----- - --- 
'' NP    VVD     IN/that PP  VBD rb  VVG    rp dt  nns   : PP  

claimed that    they were in
------- ----    ---- ---- --
VVD     IN/that PP   VBD  in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] PP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] rb
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] rp
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] :
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] PP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] PP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 3
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337460200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '\'\' Jane" replied that she was not making up '
                             'the rules ; she claimed that they were in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 747,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '\'\' Jane" replied that she was not making up the rules ; she '
          'claimed that they were in'},
 {'ID': 4155191,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 12, 'jj'),
          (13, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 23, 'cc'),
          (24, 26, '``'),
          (27, 34, 'VVN'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 43, 'sym'),
          (44, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 50, 'sym'),
          (51, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 60, 'cc'),
          (61, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 76, 'in'),
          (77, 80, 'dt'),
          (81, 84, 'NP'),
          (85, 87, 'VBZ')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155191) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the relevant manual and `` ordered by the [ FISA ] Court and 

every office of the FBI is

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654294,
                     'NER': [(44, 48, 'organization'),
                             (51, 56, 'organization'),
                             (81, 84, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 23, 'cc'),
                             (24, 26, '``'),
                             (27, 34, 'VVN'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 43, 'sym'),
                             (44, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 50, 'sym'),
                             (51, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 60, 'cc'),
                             (61, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 76, 'in'),
                             (77, 80, 'dt'),
                             (81, 84, 'NP'),
                             (85, 87, 'VBZ')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 66, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT'),
                             (85, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654294) PENN in sentence 4155191:

the relevant manual and `` ordered by the [   FISA ]   Court and 
--- -------- ------ --- -- ------- -- --- -   ---- -   ----- --- 
dt  jj       jj     cc  `` VVN     in NP  sym NP   sym NP    cc  

every office of the FBI is 
----- ------ -- --- --- -- 
dt    nn     in dt  NP  VBZ
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] cc
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] ``
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sym
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] sym
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] cc
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] dt
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NP
                                          [end] 86
[start] 85
[name] VBZ
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 47,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 44},
                                          {'end': 55,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 51},
                                          {'end': 83,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 81}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 85
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337476008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the relevant manual and `` ordered by the [ FISA '
                             '] Court and every office of the FBI is'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 748,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the relevant manual and `` ordered by the [ FISA ] Court and every '
          'office of the FBI is'},
 {'ID': 4155192,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 18, 'VV'),
          (19, 23, 'PP'),
          (24, 33, 'VVG'),
          (34, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 42, 'sent'),
          (43, 45, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155192) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

required to follow them including FBI NY . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654295,
                     'NER': [(34, 37, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 18, 'VV'),
                             (19, 23, 'PP'),
                             (24, 33, 'VVG'),
                             (34, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 42, 'sent'),
                             (43, 45, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (19, 23, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654295) PENN in sentence 4155192:

required to follow them including FBI NY .    ''
-------- -- ------ ---- --------- --- -- -    --
VVN      to VV     PP   VVG       NP  NP sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] VV
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] PP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 24
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] sent
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 36,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 34}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337484200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "required to follow them including FBI NY . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 749,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "required to follow them including FBI NY . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155193,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 5, 'VBZ'),
          (6, 9, 'rb'),
          (10, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
          (21, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 38, 'VVN'),
          (39, 42, 'VBD'),
          (43, 51, 'VVN'),
          (52, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 67, 'nns'),
          (68, 77, 'VVG'),
          (78, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155193) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It is now clear that everyone involved was confused about the 

rules governing the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654296,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 5, 'VBZ'),
                             (6, 9, 'rb'),
                             (10, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
                             (21, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 38, 'VVN'),
                             (39, 42, 'VBD'),
                             (43, 51, 'VVN'),
                             (52, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 67, 'nns'),
                             (68, 77, 'VVG'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (52, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654296) PENN in sentence 4155193:

It is  now clear that    everyone involved was confused about the
-- --  --- ----- ----    -------- -------- --- -------- ----- ---
PP VBZ rb  jj    IN/that nn       VVN      VBD VVN      in    dt 

 rules governing the
 ----- --------- ---
 nns   VVG       dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] rb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 76
[start] 68
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337498568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It is now clear that everyone involved was '
                             'confused about the rules governing the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 751,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It is now clear that everyone involved was confused about the rules '
          'governing the'},
 {'ID': 4155194,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 11, 'cc'),
          (12, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 39, 'VVN'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 66, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155194) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

sharing and use of information gathered in intelligence channels 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654297,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 11, 'cc'),
                             (12, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 39, 'VVN'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654297) PENN in sentence 4155194:

sharing and use of information gathered in intelligence channels 
------- --- --- -- ----------- -------- -- ------------ -------- 
nn      cc  nn  in nn          VVN      in nn           nns      

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] cc
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 56
[name] nns
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337501064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'sharing and use of information gathered in '
                             'intelligence channels .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 752,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'sharing and use of information gathered in intelligence channels .'},
 {'ID': 4155195,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'), (8, 15, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155195) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Because Mihdhar

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654298,
                     'NER': [(8, 15, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'), (8, 15, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (8, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654298) PENN in sentence 4155195:

Because Mihdhar
------- -------
in      NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 8
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337519336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Because Mihdhar'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 752,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Because Mihdhar'},
 {'ID': 4155196,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
          (4, 9, 'VBG'),
          (10, 16, 'VVN'),
          (17, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 24, 'PP$'),
          (25, 33, 'jj'),
          (34, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 47, 'to'),
          (48, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 63, 'in'),
          (64, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 72, 'NP'),
          (73, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 82, ','),
          (83, 85, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155196) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

was being sought for his possible connection to or knowledge of 

the Cole bombing , he

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654299,
                     'NER': [(68, 72, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
                             (4, 9, 'VBG'),
                             (10, 16, 'VVN'),
                             (17, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 24, 'PP$'),
                             (25, 33, 'jj'),
                             (34, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 47, 'to'),
                             (48, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 63, 'in'),
                             (64, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 72, 'NP'),
                             (73, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 82, ','),
                             (83, 85, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 9, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 72, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654299) PENN in sentence 4155196:

was being sought for his possible connection to or knowledge of 
--- ----- ------ --- --- -------- ---------- -- -- --------- -- 
VBD VBG   VVN    in  PP$ jj       nn         to cc nn        in 

the Cole bombing , he
--- ---- ------- - --
dt  NP   nn      , PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] VBG
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] to
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] cc
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] ,
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 71
[start] 68
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337520296>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'was being sought for his possible connection to '
                             'or knowledge of the Cole bombing , he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 753,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'was being sought for his possible connection to or knowledge of the '
          'Cole bombing , he'},
 {'ID': 4155197,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
          (6, 8, 'vb'),
          (9, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 24, 'cc'),
          (25, 32, 'VVN'),
          (33, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 51, 'jj'),
          (52, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 65, 'jj'),
          (66, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 72, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155197) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

could be investigated or tracked under the existing Cole criminal

 case .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654300,
                     'NER': [(52, 56, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
                             (6, 8, 'vb'),
                             (9, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 24, 'cc'),
                             (25, 32, 'VVN'),
                             (33, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 51, 'jj'),
                             (52, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 65, 'jj'),
                             (66, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 72, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (33, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654300) PENN in sentence 4155197:

could be investigated or tracked under the existing Cole criminal
----- -- ------------ -- ------- ----- --- -------- ---- --------
md    vb VVN          cc VVN     in    dt  jj       NP   jj      

 case .   
 ---- -   
 nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] vb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 9
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] cc
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] jj
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 55
[start] 52
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337535816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'could be investigated or tracked under the '
                             'existing Cole criminal case .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 754,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'could be investigated or tracked under the existing Cole criminal '
          'case .'},
 {'ID': 4155198,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 6, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155198) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No new

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654301,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 6, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654301) PENN in sentence 4155198:

No new
-- ---
dt jj 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337538216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No new'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 754,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No new'},
 {'ID': 4155199,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 17, 'VBD'),
          (18, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 50, 'to'),
          (51, 56, 'VV'),
          (57, 66, 'VVG'),
          (67, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 78, 'NP'),
          (79, 80, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155199) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

criminal case was needed for the criminal agent to begin 

searching for Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654302,
                     'NER': [(71, 78, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 17, 'VBD'),
                             (18, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 50, 'to'),
                             (51, 56, 'VV'),
                             (57, 66, 'VVG'),
                             (67, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 78, 'NP'),
                             (79, 80, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654302) PENN in sentence 4155199:

criminal case was needed for the criminal agent to begin 
-------- ---- --- ------ --- --- -------- ----- -- ----- 
jj       nn   VBD VVN    in  dt  jj       nn    to VV    

searching for Mihdhar .   
--------- --- ------- -   
VVG       in  NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] to
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] VV
                                          [end] 65
[start] 57
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 77
[start] 71
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337538984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'criminal case was needed for the criminal agent '
                             'to begin searching for Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 755,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'criminal case was needed for the criminal agent to begin searching '
          'for Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4155200,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155200) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654303,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654303) PENN in sentence 4155200:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337549832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'And'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 755,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'And'},
 {'ID': 4155201,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 10, 'VHD'),
          (11, 19, 'VVN'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 38, 'PP$'),
          (39, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 53, 'to'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 66, 'jj'),
          (67, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 74, ','),
          (75, 77, 'PP'),
          (78, 83, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155201) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

as NSA had approved the passage of its information to the 

criminal agent , he could

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654304,
                     'NER': [(3, 6, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 10, 'VHD'),
                             (11, 19, 'VVN'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 38, 'PP$'),
                             (39, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 53, 'to'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 66, 'jj'),
                             (67, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 74, ','),
                             (75, 77, 'PP'),
                             (78, 83, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654304) PENN in sentence 4155201:

as NSA had approved the passage of its information to the 
-- --- --- -------- --- ------- -- --- ----------- -- --- 
in NP  VHD VVN      dt  nn      in PP$ nn          to dt  

criminal agent , he could
-------- ----- - -- -----
jj       nn    , PP md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 49
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] to
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 71
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] ,
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] PP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 3}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337550504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'as NSA had approved the passage of its '
                             'information to the criminal agent , he could'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 756,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'as NSA had approved the passage of its information to the criminal '
          'agent , he could'},
 {'ID': 4155202,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
          (5, 14, 'VVN'),
          (15, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 29, 'VVG'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 43, 'jj'),
          (44, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155202) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

have conducted a search using all available information .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654305,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
                             (5, 14, 'VVN'),
                             (15, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 29, 'VVG'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 43, 'jj'),
                             (44, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654305) PENN in sentence 4155202:

have conducted a  search using all available information .   
---- --------- -  ------ ----- --- --------- ----------- -   
VHP  VVN       dt nn     VVG   dt  jj        nn          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 34
[name] jj
                                          [end] 54
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337574216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'have conducted a search using all available '
                             'information .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 757,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'have conducted a search using all available information .'},
 {'ID': 4155203,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 19, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155203) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As a result of this

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654306,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 19, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 4, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654306) PENN in sentence 4155203:

As a  result of this
-- -  ------ -- ----
in dt nn     in dt  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 3
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 3
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337588296>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As a result of this'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 757,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As a result of this'},
 {'ID': 4155204,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 24, 'jj'),
          (25, 31, 'nns'),
          (32, 35, 'wp'),
          (36, 40, 'VBD'),
          (41, 54, 'jj'),
          (55, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 73, 'cc'),
          (74, 85, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155204) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

confusion , the criminal agents who were knowledgeable about al 

Qaeda and experienced

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654307,
                     'NER': [(61, 69, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 31, 'nns'),
                             (32, 35, 'wp'),
                             (36, 40, 'VBD'),
                             (41, 54, 'jj'),
                             (55, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 73, 'cc'),
                             (74, 85, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (55, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654307) PENN in sentence 4155204:

confusion , the criminal agents who were knowledgeable about al 
--------- - --- -------- ------ --- ---- ------------- ----- -- 
nn        , dt  jj       nns    wp  VBD  jj            in    NP 

Qaeda and experienced
----- --- -----------
NP    cc  jj         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 16
[name] jj
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] wp
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 53
[start] 41
[name] jj
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] cc
                                          [end] 84
[start] 74
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 68
[start] 61
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337589640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'confusion , the criminal agents who were '
                             'knowledgeable about al Qaeda and experienced'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 758,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'confusion , the criminal agents who were knowledgeable about al '
          'Qaeda and experienced'},
 {'ID': 4155205,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 27, 'jj'),
          (28, 38, 'nns'),
          (39, 40, ','),
          (41, 50, 'VVG'),
          (51, 58, 'VVG'),
          (59, 67, 'nns'),
          (68, 71, 'cc'),
          (72, 80, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155205) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

with criminal investigative techniques , including finding 

suspects and possible

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654308,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 27, 'jj'),
                             (28, 38, 'nns'),
                             (39, 40, ','),
                             (41, 50, 'VVG'),
                             (51, 58, 'VVG'),
                             (59, 67, 'nns'),
                             (68, 71, 'cc'),
                             (72, 80, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (39, 40, 'NT'), (68, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654308) PENN in sentence 4155205:

with criminal investigative techniques , including finding 
---- -------- ------------- ---------- - --------- ------- 
in   jj       jj            nns        , VVG       VVG     

suspects and possible
-------- --- --------
nns      cc  jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 12
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 37
[start] 28
[name] nns
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] ,
                                          [end] 49
[start] 41
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] nns
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] cc
                                          [end] 79
[start] 72
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337596488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'with criminal investigative techniques , '
                             'including finding suspects and possible'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 759,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'with criminal investigative techniques , including finding suspects '
          'and possible'},
 {'ID': 4155206,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 23, 'VBD'),
          (24, 28, 'rb'),
          (29, 37, 'VVN'),
          (38, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 55, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155206) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

criminal charges , were thus excluded from the search .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654309,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 23, 'VBD'),
                             (24, 28, 'rb'),
                             (29, 37, 'VVN'),
                             (38, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654309) PENN in sentence 4155206:

criminal charges , were thus excluded from the search .   
-------- ------- - ---- ---- -------- ---- --- ------ -   
jj       nns     , VBD  rb   VVN      in   dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] rb
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337598216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'criminal charges , were thus excluded from the '
                             'search .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 760,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'criminal charges , were thus excluded from the search .'},
 {'ID': 4155207,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 14, 'VBD'),
          (15, 23, 'VVN'),
          (24, 26, 'to'),
          (27, 30, 'cd'),
          (31, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 42, ','),
          (43, 46, 'cc'),
          (47, 49, 'PP'),
          (50, 53, 'VBD'),
          (54, 57, 'PP$'),
          (58, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 68, 'jj'),
          (69, 85, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155207) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The search was assigned to one FBI agent , and it was his very 

first counterterrorism

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654310,
                     'NER': [(31, 34, 'organization'),
                             (69, 85, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 23, 'VVN'),
                             (24, 26, 'to'),
                             (27, 30, 'cd'),
                             (31, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 42, ','),
                             (43, 46, 'cc'),
                             (47, 49, 'PP'),
                             (50, 53, 'VBD'),
                             (54, 57, 'PP$'),
                             (58, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 68, 'jj'),
                             (69, 85, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654310) PENN in sentence 4155207:

The search was assigned to one FBI agent , and it was his very 
--- ------ --- -------- -- --- --- ----- - --- -- --- --- ---- 
dt  nn     VBD VVN      to cd  NP  nn    , cc  PP VBD PP$ jj   

first counterterrorism
----- ----------------
jj    nn              
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] cd
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] ,
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] cc
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] PP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] jj
                                          [end] 84
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 33,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 31},
                                          {'end': 84,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 69}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337600232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The search was assigned to one FBI agent , and '
                             'it was his very first counterterrorism'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 762,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The search was assigned to one FBI agent , and it was his very '
          'first counterterrorism'},
 {'ID': 4155208,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155208) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

lead .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654311,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654311) PENN in sentence 4155208:

lead .   
---- -   
nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337619848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'lead .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 763,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'lead .'},
 {'ID': 4155209,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 20, 'VBD'),
          (21, 23, '``'),
          (24, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 33, ','),
          (34, 36, "''"),
          (37, 39, 'PP'),
          (40, 43, 'VBD'),
          (44, 49, 'VVN'),
          (50, 52, 'cd'),
          (53, 57, 'nns'),
          (58, 60, 'to'),
          (61, 65, 'VV'),
          (66, 68, 'dt'),
          (69, 81, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155209) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Because the lead was `` routine , '' he was given 30 days to open

 an intelligence

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654312,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 20, 'VBD'),
                             (21, 23, '``'),
                             (24, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 33, ','),
                             (34, 36, "''"),
                             (37, 39, 'PP'),
                             (40, 43, 'VBD'),
                             (44, 49, 'VVN'),
                             (50, 52, 'cd'),
                             (53, 57, 'nns'),
                             (58, 60, 'to'),
                             (61, 65, 'VV'),
                             (66, 68, 'dt'),
                             (69, 81, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654312) PENN in sentence 4155209:

Because the lead was `` routine , '' he was given 30 days to open
------- --- ---- --- -- ------- - -- -- --- ----- -- ---- -- ----
in      dt  nn   VBD `` jj      , '' PP VBD VVN   cd nns  to VV  

 an intelligence
 -- ------------
 dt nn          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] ``
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] ''
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] PP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] cd
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] nns
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] to
                                          [end] 64
[start] 61
[name] VV
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 80
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337620616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Because the lead was `` routine , '' he was "
                             'given 30 days to open an intelligence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 763,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Because the lead was `` routine , '' he was given 30 days to open "
          'an intelligence'},
 {'ID': 4155210,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 8, 'cc'),
          (9, 13, 'VV'),
          (14, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 30, 'jj'),
          (31, 38, 'nns'),
          (39, 41, 'to'),
          (42, 48, 'VV'),
          (49, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155210) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

case and make some unspecified efforts to locate Mihdhar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654313,
                     'NER': [(49, 56, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 8, 'cc'),
                             (9, 13, 'VV'),
                             (14, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 30, 'jj'),
                             (31, 38, 'nns'),
                             (39, 41, 'to'),
                             (42, 48, 'VV'),
                             (49, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (14, 18, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (49, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654313) PENN in sentence 4155210:

case and make some unspecified efforts to locate Mihdhar .   
---- --- ---- ---- ----------- ------- -- ------ ------- -   
nn   cc  VV   dt   jj          nns     to VV     NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] cc
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] VV
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] to
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] VV
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 55
[start] 49
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337627944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'case and make some unspecified efforts to locate '
                             'Mihdhar .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 764,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'case and make some unspecified efforts to locate Mihdhar .'},
 {'ID': 4155211,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 24, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155211) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He started the process a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654314,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 24, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (11, 14, 'NT'), (23, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654314) PENN in sentence 4155211:

He started the process a 
-- ------- --- ------- - 
PP VVD     dt  nn      dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337642312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He started the process a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 764,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He started the process a'},
 {'ID': 4155212,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'jj'), (4, 8, 'nns'), (9, 14, 'rbr'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155212) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

few days later .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654315,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'jj'),
                             (4, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 14, 'rbr'),
                             (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 14, 'NT'), (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654315) PENN in sentence 4155212:

few days later .   
--- ---- ----- -   
jj  nns  rbr   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337643560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'few days later .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 765,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'few days later .'},
 {'ID': 4155213,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 16, 'jj'),
          (17, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 48, 'jj'),
          (49, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 59, 'cc'),
          (60, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 69, 'POS')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155213) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He checked local New York databases for criminal record and 

driver 's

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654316,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 16, 'jj'),
                             (17, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 48, 'jj'),
                             (49, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 59, 'cc'),
                             (60, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 69, 'POS')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654316) PENN in sentence 4155213:

He checked local New York databases for criminal record and 
-- ------- ----- --- ---- --------- --- -------- ------ --- 
PP VVD     jj    NP  NP   nns       in  jj       nn     cc  

driver 's 
------ -- 
nn     POS
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 40
[name] jj
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] cc
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] POS
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337644616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He checked local New York databases for criminal '
                             "record and driver 's"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 765,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He checked local New York databases for criminal record and driver '
 {'ID': 4155214,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 23, 'cc'),
          (24, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 48, 'VVN'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 62, 'POS'),
          (63, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 80, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155214) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

license information and checked the hotel listed on Mihdhar 's 

U.S. entry form .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654317,
                     'NER': [(52, 59, 'person'), (63, 67, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 23, 'cc'),
                             (24, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 48, 'VVN'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 62, 'POS'),
                             (63, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 80, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654317) PENN in sentence 4155214:

license information and checked the hotel listed on Mihdhar 's  
------- ----------- --- ------- --- ----- ------ -- ------- --  
nn      nn          cc  VVD     dt  nn    VVN    in NP      POS 

U.S. entry form .   
---- ----- ---- -   
NP   nn    nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] cc
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] POS
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 58
[start] 52
[name] person
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337663272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'license information and checked the hotel listed '
                             "on Mihdhar 's U.S. entry form ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 766,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "license information and checked the hotel listed on Mihdhar 's U.S. "
          'entry form .'},
 {'ID': 4155215,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 25, 'cd'),
          (26, 27, ','),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 42, 'VVD'),
          (43, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 52, 'to'),
          (53, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 66, ','),
          (67, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 82, 'NP'),
          (83, 86, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155215) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Finally , on September 11 , the agent sent a lead to Los Angeles 

, because Mihdhar had

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654318,
                     'NER': [(13, 25, 'date'),
                             (53, 64, 'location'),
                             (75, 82, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 25, 'cd'),
                             (26, 27, ','),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 42, 'VVD'),
                             (43, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 52, 'to'),
                             (53, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 66, ','),
                             (67, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 82, 'NP'),
                             (83, 86, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654318) PENN in sentence 4155215:

Finally , on September 11 , the agent sent a  lead to Los Angeles
------- - -- --------- -- - --- ----- ---- -  ---- -- --- -------
rb      , in NP        cd , dt  nn    VVD  dt nn   to NP  NP     

 , because Mihdhar had
 - ------- ------- ---
 , in      NP      VHD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] cd
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] ,
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] to
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] ,
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 13
[name] date
                                          [end] 63
[start] 53
[name] location
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337665960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Finally , on September 11 , the agent sent a '
                             'lead to Los Angeles , because Mihdhar had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 767,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Finally , on September 11 , the agent sent a lead to Los Angeles , '
          'because Mihdhar had'},
 {'ID': 4155216,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
          (10, 17, 'VVN'),
          (18, 20, 'in'),
          (21, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 48, 'cd'),
          (49, 50, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155216) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

initially arrived in Los Angeles in January 2000 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654319,
                     'NER': [(21, 32, 'location'), (36, 48, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
                             (10, 17, 'VVN'),
                             (18, 20, 'in'),
                             (21, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 48, 'cd'),
                             (49, 50, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654319) PENN in sentence 4155216:

initially arrived in Los Angeles in January 2000 .   
--------- ------- -- --- ------- -- ------- ---- -   
rb        VVN     in NP  NP      in NP      cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] cd
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 31
[start] 21
[name] location
                                          [end] 47
[start] 36
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337673960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'initially arrived in Los Angeles in January 2000 '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 768,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'initially arrived in Los Angeles in January 2000 .'},
 {'ID': 4155217,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 10, 'VVP'),
          (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 23, 'jjr'),
          (24, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 37, 'VHD'),
          (38, 42, 'VBN'),
          (43, 50, 'VVN'),
          (51, 54, 'cc'),
          (55, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 70, 'rb'),
          (71, 80, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155217) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

We believe that if more resources had been applied and a 

significantly different

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654320,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 10, 'VVP'),
                             (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 23, 'jjr'),
                             (24, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 37, 'VHD'),
                             (38, 42, 'VBN'),
                             (43, 50, 'VVN'),
                             (51, 54, 'cc'),
                             (55, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 70, 'rb'),
                             (71, 80, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654320) PENN in sentence 4155217:

We believe that    if more resources had been applied and a  
-- ------- ----    -- ---- --------- --- ---- ------- --- -  
PP VVP     IN/that in jjr  nns       VHD VBN  VVN     cc  dt 

significantly different
------------- ---------
rb            jj       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 32
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] cc
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 57
[name] rb
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337692808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'We believe that if more resources had been '
                             'applied and a significantly different'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 770,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'We believe that if more resources had been applied and a '
          'significantly different'},
 {'ID': 4155218,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 14, 'VVN'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 28, 'cc'),
          (29, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 40, 'md'),
          (41, 45, 'VH'),
          (46, 50, 'VBN'),
          (51, 56, 'VVN'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155218) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

approach taken , Mihdhar and Hazmi might have been found .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654321,
                     'NER': [(17, 24, 'person'), (29, 34, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 14, 'VVN'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 28, 'cc'),
                             (29, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 40, 'md'),
                             (41, 45, 'VH'),
                             (46, 50, 'VBN'),
                             (51, 56, 'VVN'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 50, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654321) PENN in sentence 4155218:

approach taken , Mihdhar and Hazmi might have been found .   
-------- ----- - ------- --- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- -   
nn       VVN   , NP      cc  NP    md    VH   VBN  VVN   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] cc
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] md
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] VH
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 17
[name] person
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337711656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'approach taken , Mihdhar and Hazmi might have '
                             'been found .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 771,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'approach taken , Mihdhar and Hazmi might have been found .'},
 {'ID': 4155219,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
          (5, 8, 'VHD'),
          (9, 13, 'VVN'),
          (14, 19, 'PP$'),
          (20, 24, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155219) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

They had used their true

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654322,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'PP'),
                             (5, 8, 'VHD'),
                             (9, 13, 'VVN'),
                             (14, 19, 'PP$'),
                             (20, 24, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 8, 'NT'), (14, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654322) PENN in sentence 4155219:

They had used their true
---- --- ---- ----- ----
PP   VHD VVN  PP$   jj  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337714248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'They had used their true'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 771,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'They had used their true'},
 {'ID': 4155220,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 26, 'NPS'),
          (27, 28, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155220) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

names in the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654323,
                     'NER': [(13, 26, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 26, 'NPS'),
                             (27, 28, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654323) PENN in sentence 4155220:

names in the United States .   
----- -- --- ------ ------ -   
nns   in dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 13
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337723752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'names in the United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 772,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'names in the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4155221,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'rb'),
          (6, 7, ','),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 25, 'nns'),
          (26, 31, 'md'),
          (32, 36, 'VH'),
          (37, 43, 'VVN'),
          (44, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 56, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155221) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Still , the investigators would have needed luck as well

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654324,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'rb'),
                             (6, 7, ','),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 25, 'nns'),
                             (26, 31, 'md'),
                             (32, 36, 'VH'),
                             (37, 43, 'VVN'),
                             (44, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 56, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (26, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 56, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654324) PENN in sentence 4155221:

Still , the investigators would have needed luck as well
----- - --- ------------- ----- ---- ------ ---- -- ----
rb    , dt  nns           md    VH   VVN    nn   in rb  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] ,
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] md
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] VH
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337725384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Still , the investigators would have needed luck '
                             'as well'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 772,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Still , the investigators would have needed luck as well'},
 {'ID': 4155222,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'to'),
          (12, 16, 'VV'),
          (17, 21, 'PP'),
          (22, 27, 'jj'),
          (28, 30, 'to'),
          (31, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 43, 'cd'),
          (44, 48, 'rb'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 56, 'jj'),
          (57, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 69, 'VHD'),
          (70, 75, 'VVN'),
          (76, 78, 'in'),
          (79, 84, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155222) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

as skill to find them prior to September 11 even if such searches

 had begun as early

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654325,
                     'NER': [(31, 43, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'to'),
                             (12, 16, 'VV'),
                             (17, 21, 'PP'),
                             (22, 27, 'jj'),
                             (28, 30, 'to'),
                             (31, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 43, 'cd'),
                             (44, 48, 'rb'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 56, 'jj'),
                             (57, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 69, 'VHD'),
                             (70, 75, 'VVN'),
                             (76, 78, 'in'),
                             (79, 84, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654325) PENN in sentence 4155222:

as skill to find them prior to September 11 even if such searches
-- ----- -- ---- ---- ----- -- --------- -- ---- -- ---- --------
in nn    to VV   PP   jj    to NP        cd rb   in jj   nns     

 had begun as early
 --- ----- -- -----
 VHD VVN   in jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] to
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] VV
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] PP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] to
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] cd
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] rb
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] nns
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 74
[start] 70
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 42
[start] 31
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337743944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'as skill to find them prior to September 11 even '
                             'if such searches had begun as early'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 773,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'as skill to find them prior to September 11 even if such searches '
          'had begun as early'},
 {'ID': 4155223,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 19, 'wrb'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 32, 'VBD'),
          (33, 38, 'rb'),
          (39, 46, 'VVN'),
          (47, 48, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155223) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

as August 23 , when the lead was first drafted .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654326,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 19, 'wrb'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 32, 'VBD'),
                             (33, 38, 'rb'),
                             (39, 46, 'VVN'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 38, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654326) PENN in sentence 4155223:

as August 23 , when the lead was first drafted .   
-- ------ -- - ---- --- ---- --- ----- ------- -   
in NP     cd , wrb  dt  nn   VBD rb    VVN     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] rb
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337747112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'as August 23 , when the lead was first drafted '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 774,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'as August 23 , when the lead was first drafted .'},
 {'ID': 4155224,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 23, 'VHP'),
          (24, 33, 'VVN'),
          (34, 38, 'IN/that'),
          (39, 43, 'rb'),
          (44, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 58, 'VHD'),
          (59, 63, 'VBN'),
          (64, 69, 'VVN'),
          (70, 71, ','),
          (72, 77, 'ex'),
          (78, 81, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155224) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Many FBI witnesses have suggested that even if Mihdhar had been 

found , there was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654327,
                     'NER': [(5, 8, 'organization'), (47, 54, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 23, 'VHP'),
                             (24, 33, 'VVN'),
                             (34, 38, 'IN/that'),
                             (39, 43, 'rb'),
                             (44, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 58, 'VHD'),
                             (59, 63, 'VBN'),
                             (64, 69, 'VVN'),
                             (70, 71, ','),
                             (72, 77, 'ex'),
                             (78, 81, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (19, 23, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 63, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654327) PENN in sentence 4155224:

Many FBI witnesses have suggested that    even if Mihdhar had 
---- --- --------- ---- --------- ----    ---- -- ------- --- 
jj   NP  nns       VHP  VVN       IN/that rb   in NP      VHD 

been found , there was
---- ----- - ----- ---
VBN  VVN   , ex    VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 24
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] rb
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] ,
                                          [end] 76
[start] 72
[name] ex
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 7,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 5},
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337761960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Many FBI witnesses have suggested that even if '
                             'Mihdhar had been found , there was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 776,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Many FBI witnesses have suggested that even if Mihdhar had been '
          'found , there was'},
 {'ID': 4155225,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 24, 'md'),
          (25, 29, 'VH'),
          (30, 34, 'VVN'),
          (35, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 48, 'VV'),
          (49, 52, 'PP'),
          (53, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 68, 'nns'),
          (69, 70, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155225) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

nothing the agents could have done except follow him onto the 

planes .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654328,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 24, 'md'),
                             (25, 29, 'VH'),
                             (30, 34, 'VVN'),
                             (35, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 48, 'VV'),
                             (49, 52, 'PP'),
                             (53, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 68, 'nns'),
                             (69, 70, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 41, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654328) PENN in sentence 4155225:

nothing the agents could have done except follow him onto the 
------- --- ------ ----- ---- ---- ------ ------ --- ---- --- 
nn      dt  nns    md    VH   VVN  in     VV     PP  in   dt  

planes .   
------ -   
nns    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] md
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] VH
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] VV
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] PP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] nns
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337777384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'nothing the agents could have done except follow '
                             'him onto the planes .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 777,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'nothing the agents could have done except follow him onto the '
          'planes .'},
 {'ID': 4155226,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 10, 'VVP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155226) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

We believe

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654329,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 10, 'VVP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654329) PENN in sentence 4155226:

We believe
-- -------
PP VVP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] VVP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337779976>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'We believe'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 777,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'We believe'},
 {'ID': 4155227,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 7, 'VBZ'), (8, 17, 'jj'), (18, 19, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155227) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

this is incorrect .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654330,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 7, 'VBZ'),
                             (8, 17, 'jj'),
                             (18, 19, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 7, 'NT'), (18, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654330) PENN in sentence 4155227:

this is  incorrect .   
---- --  --------- -   
dt   VBZ jj        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337793096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'this is incorrect .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 778,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'this is incorrect .'},
 {'ID': 4155228,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 28, 'md'),
          (29, 33, 'VH'),
          (34, 38, 'VBN'),
          (39, 43, 'VVN'),
          (44, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 59, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155228) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Both Hazmi and Mihdhar could have been held for immigration

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654331,
                     'NER': [(5, 10, 'person'), (15, 22, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 28, 'md'),
                             (29, 33, 'VH'),
                             (34, 38, 'VBN'),
                             (39, 43, 'VVN'),
                             (44, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 59, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654331) PENN in sentence 4155228:

Both Hazmi and Mihdhar could have been held for immigration
---- ----- --- ------- ----- ---- ---- ---- --- -----------
dt   NP    cc  NP      md    VH   VBN  VVN  in  nn         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] md
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] VH
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 5
[name] person
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337794248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Both Hazmi and Mihdhar could have been held for '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 778,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Both Hazmi and Mihdhar could have been held for immigration'},
 {'ID': 4155229,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 13, 'cc'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155229) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

violations or as material witnesses in the Cole bombing case .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654332,
                     'NER': [(43, 47, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 13, 'cc'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654332) PENN in sentence 4155229:

violations or as material witnesses in the Cole bombing case .   
---------- -- -- -------- --------- -- --- ---- ------- ---- -   
nns        cc in nn       nns       in dt  NP   nn      nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 46
[start] 43
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337796744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'violations or as material witnesses in the Cole '
                             'bombing case .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 779,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'violations or as material witnesses in the Cole bombing case .'},
 {'ID': 4155230,
  'POS': [(0, 13, 'nn'), (14, 16, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155230) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Investigation or

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654333,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 13, 'nn'), (14, 16, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654333) PENN in sentence 4155230:

Investigation or
------------- --
nn            cc
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337811304>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Investigation or'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 779,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Investigation or'},
 {'ID': 4155231,
  'POS': [(0, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 21, 'PP'),
          (22, 23, ','),
          (24, 27, 'cc'),
          (28, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 50, 'PP$'),
          (51, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 61, 'cc'),
          (62, 71, 'jj'),
          (72, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155231) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

interrogation of them , and investigation of their travel and 

financial activities,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654334,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 21, 'PP'),
                             (22, 23, ','),
                             (24, 27, 'cc'),
                             (28, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 50, 'PP$'),
                             (51, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 61, 'cc'),
                             (62, 71, 'jj'),
                             (72, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (72, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654334) PENN in sentence 4155231:

interrogation of them , and investigation of their travel and 
------------- -- ---- - --- ------------- -- ----- ------ --- 
nn            in PP   , cc  nn            in PP$   nn     cc  

financial activities,
--------- -----------
jj        NP         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] PP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] ,
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 40
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] cc
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] jj
                                          [end] 82
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337812072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'interrogation of them , and investigation of '
                             'their travel and financial activities,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 780,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'interrogation of them , and investigation of their travel and '
          'financial activities,'},
 {'ID': 4155232,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
          (6, 10, 'VH'),
          (11, 18, 'VVN'),
          (19, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 42, 'nns'),
          (43, 45, 'to'),
          (46, 51, 'jj'),
          (52, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 67, 'in'),
          (68, 71, 'dt'),
          (72, 76, 'cd'),
          (77, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 83, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155232) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

could have yielded evidence of connections to other participants 

in the 9/11 plot .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654335,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
                             (6, 10, 'VH'),
                             (11, 18, 'VVN'),
                             (19, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 42, 'nns'),
                             (43, 45, 'to'),
                             (46, 51, 'jj'),
                             (52, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 67, 'in'),
                             (68, 71, 'dt'),
                             (72, 76, 'cd'),
                             (77, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 83, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 10, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 76, 'NT'),
                             (82, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654335) PENN in sentence 4155232:

could have yielded evidence of connections to other participants 
----- ---- ------- -------- -- ----------- -- ----- ------------ 
md    VH   VVN     nn       in nns         to jj    nns          

in the 9/11 plot .   
-- --- ---- ---- -   
in dt  cd   nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] VH
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 31
[name] nns
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] to
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 52
[name] nns
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] dt
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] cd
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] nn
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337818728>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'could have yielded evidence of connections to '
                             'other participants in the 9/11 plot .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 781,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'could have yielded evidence of connections to other participants in '
          'the 9/11 plot .'},
 {'ID': 4155233,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'jj'),
          (11, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 24, 'PP$'),
          (25, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 40, 'md'),
          (41, 45, 'VH'),
          (46, 54, 'VVN'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 65, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155233) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The simple fact of their detention could have derailed the plan .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654336,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 24, 'PP$'),
                             (25, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 40, 'md'),
                             (41, 45, 'VH'),
                             (46, 54, 'VVN'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 65, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654336) PENN in sentence 4155233:

The simple fact of their detention could have derailed the plan 
--- ------ ---- -- ----- --------- ----- ---- -------- --- ---- 
dt  jj     nn   in PP$   nn        md    VH   VVN      dt  nn   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] md
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] VH
                                          [end] 53
[start] 46
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337821416>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The simple fact of their detention could have '
                             'derailed the plan .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 782,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The simple fact of their detention could have derailed the plan .'},
 {'ID': 4155234,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 17, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155234) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In any case , the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654337,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 17, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654337) PENN in sentence 4155234:

In any case , the
-- --- ---- - ---
in dt  nn   , dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337840168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In any case , the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 782,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In any case , the'},
 {'ID': 4155235,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 19, 'rb'),
          (20, 25, 'VV'),
          (26, 27, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155235) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

opportunity did not arise .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654338,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 19, 'rb'),
                             (20, 25, 'VV'),
                             (26, 27, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 15, 'NT'), (16, 19, 'NT'), (26, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654338) PENN in sentence 4155235:

opportunity did not arise .   
----------- --- --- ----- -   
nn          VVD rb  VV    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] VV
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337841512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'opportunity did not arise .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 783,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'opportunity did not arise .'},
 {'ID': 4155236,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'), (8, 12, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155236) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Phoenix Memo

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654339,
                     'NER': [(0, 12, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'), (8, 12, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (8, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654339) PENN in sentence 4155236:

Phoenix Memo
------- ----
NP      NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 11,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337855112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Phoenix Memo'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 784,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Phoenix Memo'},
 {'ID': 4155237,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 20, 'VBD'),
          (21, 33, 'VVN'),
          (34, 44, 'rb'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 69, 'cc'),
          (70, 73, 'dt'),
          (74, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155237) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The Phoenix memo was investigated thoroughly by the Joint Inquiry

 and the Department

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654340,
                     'NER': [(4, 11, 'location'), (52, 84, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 20, 'VBD'),
                             (21, 33, 'VVN'),
                             (34, 44, 'rb'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 69, 'cc'),
                             (70, 73, 'dt'),
                             (74, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 11, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (34, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654340) PENN in sentence 4155237:

The Phoenix memo was investigated thoroughly by the Joint Inquiry
--- ------- ---- --- ------------ ---------- -- --- ----- -------
dt  NP      nn   VBD VVN          rb         in dt  NP    NP     

 and the Department
 --- --- ----------
 cc  dt  NP        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 21
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] rb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] cc
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] dt
                                          [end] 83
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 4
[name] location
                                          {'end': 83,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 52}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337856072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The Phoenix memo was investigated thoroughly by '
                             'the Joint Inquiry and the Department'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 785,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The Phoenix memo was investigated thoroughly by the Joint Inquiry '
          'and the Department'},
 {'ID': 4155238,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 38, 'md'),
          (39, 44, 'VV'),
          (45, 47, 'PP'),
          (48, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 60, 'rb'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155238) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

of Justice Inspector General.86We will recap it briefly here .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654341,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 38, 'md'),
                             (39, 44, 'VV'),
                             (45, 47, 'PP'),
                             (48, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 60, 'rb'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654341) PENN in sentence 4155238:

of Justice Inspector General.86We will recap it briefly here .   
-- ------- --------- ------------ ---- ----- -- ------- ---- -   
in NP      NP        NP           md   VV    PP rb      rb   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] md
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] VV
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] PP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] rb
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] rb
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337871400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'of Justice Inspector General.86We will recap it '
                             'briefly here .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 786,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'of Justice Inspector General.86We will recap it briefly here .'},
 {'ID': 4155239,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 21, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155239) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In July 2001 , an FBI

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654342,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date'), (18, 21, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 21, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654342) PENN in sentence 4155239:

In July 2001 , an FBI
-- ---- ---- - -- ---
in NP   cd   , dt NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 20,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 18}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337873704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In July 2001 , an FBI'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
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          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 786,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In July 2001 , an FBI'},
 {'ID': 4155240,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 38, 'VVD'),
          (39, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 48, 'to'),
          (49, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 69, 'cc'),
          (70, 72, 'to'),
          (73, 76, 'cd'),
          (77, 83, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155240) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agent in the Phoenix field office sent a memo to FBI headquarters

 and to two agents

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654343,
                     'NER': [(13, 20, 'location'), (49, 52, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 38, 'VVD'),
                             (39, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 48, 'to'),
                             (49, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 69, 'cc'),
                             (70, 72, 'to'),
                             (73, 76, 'cd'),
                             (77, 83, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 20, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654343) PENN in sentence 4155240:

agent in the Phoenix field office sent a  memo to FBI 
----- -- --- ------- ----- ------ ---- -  ---- -- --- 
nn    in dt  NP      nn    nn     VVD  dt nn   to NP  

headquarters and to two agents
------------ --- -- --- ------
nns          cc  to cd  nns   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] to
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 53
[name] nns
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] cc
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] to
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] cd
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 13
[name] location
                                          {'end': 51,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 49}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337887880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agent in the Phoenix field office sent a memo to '
                             'FBI headquarters and to two agents'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 787,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agent in the Phoenix field office sent a memo to FBI headquarters '
          'and to two agents'},
 {'ID': 4155241,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 16, 'jj'),
          (17, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 33, 'nns'),
          (34, 36, 'in'),
          (37, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 64, ','),
          (65, 73, 'VVG'),
          (74, 76, 'in'),
          (77, 80, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155241) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

on international terrorism squads in the New York Field Office , 

advising of the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654344,
                     'NER': [(41, 62, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 16, 'jj'),
                             (17, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 33, 'nns'),
                             (34, 36, 'in'),
                             (37, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 64, ','),
                             (65, 73, 'VVG'),
                             (74, 76, 'in'),
                             (77, 80, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654344) PENN in sentence 4155241:

on international terrorism squads in the New York Field Office , 
-- ------------- --------- ------ -- --- --- ---- ----- ------ - 
in jj            nn        nns    in dt  NP  NP   NP    NP     , 

advising of the
-------- -- ---
VVG      in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] ,
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 61,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 41}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337890952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'on international terrorism squads in the New '
                             'York Field Office , advising of the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 788,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'on international terrorism squads in the New York Field Office , '
          'advising of the'},
 {'ID': 4155242,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 31, 'VVN'),
          (32, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 60, "''"),
          (61, 63, 'to'),
          (64, 68, 'VV'),
          (69, 77, 'nns'),
          (78, 80, 'to'),
          (81, 84, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155242) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' possibility of a coordinated effort by Usama Bin Ladin '' to 

send students to the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654345,
                     'NER': [(42, 57, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 31, 'VVN'),
                             (32, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 60, "''"),
                             (61, 63, 'to'),
                             (64, 68, 'VV'),
                             (69, 77, 'nns'),
                             (78, 80, 'to'),
                             (81, 84, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 19, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654345) PENN in sentence 4155242:

'' possibility of a  coordinated effort by Usama Bin Ladin '' to 
-- ----------- -- -  ----------- ------ -- ----- --- ----- -- -- 
'' nn          in dt VVN         nn     in NP    NP  NP    '' to 

send students to the
---- -------- -- ---
VV   nns      to dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 13
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 20
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] ''
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] to
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] VV
                                          [end] 76
[start] 69
[name] nns
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] to
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 56
[start] 42
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337906184>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' possibility of a coordinated effort by Usama "
                             "Bin Ladin '' to send students to the"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 789,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' possibility of a coordinated effort by Usama Bin Ladin '' to "
          'send students to the'},
 {'ID': 4155243,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 13, 'NPS'),
          (14, 16, 'to'),
          (17, 23, 'VV'),
          (24, 29, 'jj'),
          (30, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 46, 'nns'),
          (47, 48, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155243) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

United States to attend civil aviation schools .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654346,
                     'NER': [(0, 13, 'location'), (24, 38, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 13, 'NPS'),
                             (14, 16, 'to'),
                             (17, 23, 'VV'),
                             (24, 29, 'jj'),
                             (30, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 46, 'nns'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654346) PENN in sentence 4155243:

United States to attend civil aviation schools .   
------ ------ -- ------ ----- -------- ------- -   
NP     NPS    to VV     jj    nn       nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] to
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] VV
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] jj
                                          [end] 37
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] nns
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          {'end': 37,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 24}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337913512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'United States to attend civil aviation schools '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 790,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'United States to attend civil aviation schools .'},
 {'ID': 4155244,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 15, 'VVN'),
          (16, 19, 'PP$'),
          (20, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 33, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155244) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The agent based his theory on the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654347,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 15, 'VVN'),
                             (16, 19, 'PP$'),
                             (20, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654347) PENN in sentence 4155244:

The agent based his theory on the
--- ----- ----- --- ------ -- ---
dt  nn    VVN   PP$ nn     in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337915432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The agent based his theory on the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 790,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The agent based his theory on the'},
 {'ID': 4155245,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 52, 'jj'),
          (53, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 64, "''"),
          (65, 74, 'VVG'),
          (75, 79, 'jj'),
          (80, 87, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155245) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' inordinate number of individuals of investigative interest '' 

attending such schools

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654348,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 52, 'jj'),
                             (53, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 64, "''"),
                             (65, 74, 'VVG'),
                             (75, 79, 'jj'),
                             (80, 87, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654348) PENN in sentence 4155245:

'' inordinate number of individuals of investigative interest '' 
-- ---------- ------ -- ----------- -- ------------- -------- -- 
'' jj         nn     in nns         in jj            nn       '' 

attending such schools
--------- ---- -------
VVG       jj   nns    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 12
[start] 3
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 39
[name] jj
                                          [end] 60
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] ''
                                          [end] 73
[start] 65
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] jj
                                          [end] 86
[start] 80
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337933416>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' inordinate number of individuals of "
                             "investigative interest '' attending such "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 791,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' inordinate number of individuals of investigative interest '' "
          'attending such schools'},
 {'ID': 4155246,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 10, 'NP'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155246) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

in Arizona .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654349,
                     'NER': [(3, 10, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 10, 'NP'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 10, 'NT'), (11, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654349) PENN in sentence 4155246:

in Arizona .   
-- ------- -   
in NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 3
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337935432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'in Arizona .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 792,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'in Arizona .'},
 {'ID': 4155247,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 14, 'VVD'),
          (15, 19, 'cd'),
          (20, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 38, 'to'),
          (39, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, ':'),
          (58, 60, 'to'),
          (61, 68, 'VV'),
          (69, 70, 'dt'),
          (71, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 78, 'in'),
          (79, 84, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155247) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The agent made four recommendations to FBI headquarters : to 

compile a list of civil

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654350,
                     'NER': [(39, 42, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 14, 'VVD'),
                             (15, 19, 'cd'),
                             (20, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 38, 'to'),
                             (39, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, ':'),
                             (58, 60, 'to'),
                             (61, 68, 'VV'),
                             (69, 70, 'dt'),
                             (71, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 78, 'in'),
                             (79, 84, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654350) PENN in sentence 4155247:

The agent made four recommendations to FBI headquarters : to 
--- ----- ---- ---- --------------- -- --- ------------ - -- 
dt  nn    VVD  cd   nns             to NP  nn           : to 

compile a  list of civil
------- -  ---- -- -----
VV      dt nn   in jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] cd
                                          [end] 34
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] to
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] :
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] to
                                          [end] 67
[start] 61
[name] VV
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 41,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 39}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337944840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The agent made four recommendations to FBI '
                             'headquarters : to compile a list of civil'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 794,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The agent made four recommendations to FBI headquarters : to '
          'compile a list of civil'},
 {'ID': 4155248,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 28, 'VV'),
          (29, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 55, 'nns'),
          (56, 57, ','),
          (58, 65, 'VV'),
          (66, 69, 'PP$'),
          (70, 78, 'nns'),
          (79, 84, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155248) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

aviation schools , establish liaison with those schools , discuss

 his theories about

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654351,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 28, 'VV'),
                             (29, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 55, 'nns'),
                             (56, 57, ','),
                             (58, 65, 'VV'),
                             (66, 69, 'PP$'),
                             (70, 78, 'nns'),
                             (79, 84, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 47, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (79, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654351) PENN in sentence 4155248:

aviation schools , establish liaison with those schools , discuss
-------- ------- - --------- ------- ---- ----- ------- - -------
nn       nns     , VV        nn      in   dt    nns     , VV     

 his theories about
 --- -------- -----
 PP$ nns      in   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 9
[name] nns
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] VV
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] ,
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] VV
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] nns
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337947720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'aviation schools , establish liaison with those '
                             'schools , discuss his theories about'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 795,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'aviation schools , establish liaison with those schools , discuss '
          'his theories about'},
 {'ID': 4155249,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 43, ','),
          (44, 47, 'cc'),
          (48, 52, 'VV'),
          (53, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 65, 'to'),
          (66, 72, 'VV'),
          (73, 77, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155249) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Bin Ladin with the intelligence community , and seek authority to

 obtain visa

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654352,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 43, ','),
                             (44, 47, 'cc'),
                             (48, 52, 'VV'),
                             (53, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 65, 'to'),
                             (66, 72, 'VV'),
                             (73, 77, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654352) PENN in sentence 4155249:

Bin Ladin with the intelligence community , and seek authority to
--- ----- ---- --- ------------ --------- - --- ---- --------- --
NP  NP    in   dt  nn           nn        , cc  VV   nn        to

 obtain visa
 ------ ----
 VV     nn  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] ,
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] cc
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] VV
                                          [end] 61
[start] 53
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] to
                                          [end] 71
[start] 66
[name] VV
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337958280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Bin Ladin with the intelligence community , and '
                             'seek authority to obtain visa'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 796,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Bin Ladin with the intelligence community , and seek authority to '
          'obtain visa'},
 {'ID': 4155250,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 31, 'VVG'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 49, 'nns'),
          (50, 51, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155250) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information on persons applying to flight schools .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654353,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 31, 'VVG'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 49, 'nns'),
                             (50, 51, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'), (32, 34, 'NT'), (50, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654353) PENN in sentence 4155250:

information on persons applying to flight schools .   
----------- -- ------- -------- -- ------ ------- -   
nn          in nns     VVG      to nn     nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] nns
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337960776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information on persons applying to flight '
                             'schools .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 797,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information on persons applying to flight schools .'},
 {'ID': 4155251,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'), (4, 19, 'nns'), (20, 24, 'VBD'), (25, 28, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155251) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

His recommendations were not

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654354,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 19, 'nns'),
                             (20, 24, 'VBD'),
                             (25, 28, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (20, 24, 'NT'), (25, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654354) PENN in sentence 4155251:

His recommendations were not
--- --------------- ---- ---
PP$ nns             VBD  rb 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 18
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337982952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'His recommendations were not'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 797,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'His recommendations were not'},
 {'ID': 4155252,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'), (6, 8, 'in'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155252) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

acted on .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654355,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'VVN'), (6, 8, 'in'), (9, 10, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'), (9, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654355) PENN in sentence 4155252:

acted on .   
----- -- -   
VVN   in sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337984104>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'acted on .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 798,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'acted on .'},
 {'ID': 4155253,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
          (4, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 12, 'VBD'),
          (13, 22, 'VVN'),
          (23, 25, 'to'),
          (26, 29, 'cd'),
          (30, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 44, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155253) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

His memo was forwarded to one field office .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654356,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 12, 'VBD'),
                             (13, 22, 'VVN'),
                             (23, 25, 'to'),
                             (26, 29, 'cd'),
                             (30, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 44, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654356) PENN in sentence 4155253:

His memo was forwarded to one field office .   
--- ---- --- --------- -- --- ----- ------ -   
PP$ nn   VBD VVN       to cd  nn    nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] to
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] cd
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337985064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'His memo was forwarded to one field office .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 798,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'His memo was forwarded to one field office .'},
 {'ID': 4155254,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 25, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155254) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Managers of the Usama Bin

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654357,
                     'NER': [(16, 25, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 25, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654357) PENN in sentence 4155254:

Managers of the Usama Bin
-------- -- --- ----- ---
nns      in dt  NP    NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 16
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824337999240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Managers of the Usama Bin'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 798,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Managers of the Usama Bin'},
 {'ID': 4155255,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 71, 'VBD'),
          (72, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155255) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Ladin unit and the Radical Fundamentalist unit at FBI 

headquarters were addressees,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654358,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'organization'),
                             (19, 41, 'organization'),
                             (50, 53, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 71, 'VBD'),
                             (72, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 41, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (67, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654358) PENN in sentence 4155255:

Ladin unit and the Radical Fundamentalist unit at FBI 
----- ---- --- --- ------- -------------- ---- -- --- 
NP    nn   cc  dt  NP      NP             nn   in NP  

headquarters were addressees,
------------ ---- -----------
nn           VBD  NP         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 82
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 4,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 40,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19},
                                          {'end': 52,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 50}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338000680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Ladin unit and the Radical Fundamentalist unit '
                             'at FBI headquarters were addressees,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 799,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Ladin unit and the Radical Fundamentalist unit at FBI headquarters '
          'were addressees,'},
 {'ID': 4155256,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 8, 'PP'),
          (9, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 16, 'rb'),
          (17, 21, 'rb'),
          (22, 25, 'VV'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 40, 'in'),
          (41, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 59, 'cd'),
          (60, 61, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155256) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

but they did not even see the memo until after September 11 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654359,
                     'NER': [(47, 59, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 8, 'PP'),
                             (9, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 16, 'rb'),
                             (17, 21, 'rb'),
                             (22, 25, 'VV'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 40, 'in'),
                             (41, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 59, 'cd'),
                             (60, 61, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654359) PENN in sentence 4155256:

but they did not even see the memo until after September 11 .   
--- ---- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- ----- ----- --------- -- -   
cc  PP   VVD rb  rb   VV  dt  nn   in    in    NP        cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] rb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] rb
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] VV
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] cd
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 58
[start] 47
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338015816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'but they did not even see the memo until after '
                             'September 11 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 800,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'but they did not even see the memo until after September 11 .'},
 {'ID': 4155257,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 11, 'nns'), (12, 14, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155257) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No managers at

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654360,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 11, 'nns'), (12, 14, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (12, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654360) PENN in sentence 4155257:

No managers at
-- -------- --
dt nns      in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338031048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No managers at'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 800,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No managers at'},
 {'ID': 4155258,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'nns'),
          (13, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 45, 'cd'),
          (46, 47, ','),
          (48, 51, 'cc'),
          (52, 55, 'dt'),
          (56, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 77, 'NP'),
          (78, 82, 'VVD'),
          (83, 85, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155258) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

headquarters saw the memo before September 11 , and the New York 

Field Office took no

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654361,
                     'NER': [(33, 45, 'date'), (56, 77, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'nns'),
                             (13, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 45, 'cd'),
                             (46, 47, ','),
                             (48, 51, 'cc'),
                             (52, 55, 'dt'),
                             (56, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 77, 'NP'),
                             (78, 82, 'VVD'),
                             (83, 85, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (26, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 77, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654361) PENN in sentence 4155258:

headquarters saw the memo before September 11 , and the New York 
------------ --- --- ---- ------ --------- -- - --- --- --- ---- 
nns          VVD dt  nn   in     NP        cd , cc  dt  NP  NP   

Field Office took no
----- ------ ---- --
NP    NP     VVD  dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] cd
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] ,
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] cc
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 44
[start] 33
[name] date
                                          {'end': 76,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 56}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338032008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'headquarters saw the memo before September 11 , '
                             'and the New York Field Office took no'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 801,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'headquarters saw the memo before September 11 , and the New York '
          'Field Office took no'},
 {'ID': 4155259,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155259) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

action .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654362,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654362) PENN in sentence 4155259:

action .   
------ -   
nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338047720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'action .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 802,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'action .'},
 {'ID': 4155260,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'PP$'),
          (7, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 34, ','),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 55, 'VBD'),
          (56, 59, 'rb'),
          (60, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 68, 'nn'),
          (69, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 82, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155260) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As its author told investigators , the Phoenix memo was not an 

alert about suicide

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654363,
                     'NER': [(39, 46, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'PP$'),
                             (7, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 34, ','),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 55, 'VBD'),
                             (56, 59, 'rb'),
                             (60, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 68, 'nn'),
                             (69, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 82, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 46, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (69, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654363) PENN in sentence 4155260:

As its author told investigators , the Phoenix memo was not an 
-- --- ------ ---- ------------- - --- ------- ---- --- --- -- 
in PP$ nn     VVD  nns           , dt  NP      nn   VBD rb  dt 

alert about suicide
----- ----- -------
nn    in    nn     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 31
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] ,
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] rb
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] in
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 45
[start] 39
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338048488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As its author told investigators , the Phoenix '
                             'memo was not an alert about suicide'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 804,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As its author told investigators , the Phoenix memo was not an '
          'alert about suicide'},
 {'ID': 4155261,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155261) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

pilots .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654364,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654364) PENN in sentence 4155261:

pilots .   
------ -   
nns    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338059624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'pilots .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 805,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'pilots .'},
 {'ID': 4155262,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 13, 'VBD'),
          (14, 18, 'jjr'),
          (19, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 44, 'cd'),
          (45, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 62, 'wdt'),
          (63, 73, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155262) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

His worry was more about a Pan Am Flight 103 scenario in which 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654365,
                     'NER': [(27, 33, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 13, 'VBD'),
                             (14, 18, 'jjr'),
                             (19, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 44, 'cd'),
                             (45, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 62, 'wdt'),
                             (63, 73, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654365) PENN in sentence 4155262:

His worry was more about a  Pan Am Flight 103 scenario in which 
--- ----- --- ---- ----- -  --- -- ------ --- -------- -- ----- 
PP$ nn    VBD jjr  in    dt NP  NP NP     cd  nn       in wdt   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] cd
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 63
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 32,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 27}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338060392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'His worry was more about a Pan Am Flight 103 '
                             'scenario in which explosives'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 805,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'His worry was more about a Pan Am Flight 103 scenario in which '
 {'ID': 4155263,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
          (5, 11, 'VVN'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 28, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155263) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

were placed on an aircraft .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654366,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
                             (5, 11, 'VVN'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 28, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654366) PENN in sentence 4155263:

were placed on an aircraft .   
---- ------ -- -- -------- -   
VBD  VVN    in dt nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338063272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'were placed on an aircraft .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 806,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'were placed on an aircraft .'},
 {'ID': 4155264,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 11, 'POS'),
          (12, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 25, 'to'),
          (26, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 48, 'VBD'),
          (49, 55, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155264) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The memo 's references to aviation training were broad,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654367,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 11, 'POS'),
                             (12, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 25, 'to'),
                             (26, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 48, 'VBD'),
                             (49, 55, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654367) PENN in sentence 4155264:

The memo 's  references to aviation training were broad,
--- ---- --  ---------- -- -------- -------- ---- ------
dt  nn   POS nns        to nn       nn       VBD  NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] POS
                                          [end] 21
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] to
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338077064>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "The memo 's references to aviation training were "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 806,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The memo 's references to aviation training were broad,"},
 {'ID': 4155265,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'), (10, 22, 'jj'), (23, 34, 'nn'), (35, 36, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155265) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

including aeronautical engineering .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654368,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
                             (10, 22, 'jj'),
                             (23, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654368) PENN in sentence 4155265:

including aeronautical engineering .   
--------- ------------ ----------- -   
VVG       jj           nn          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 21
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 33
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824338078888>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'including aeronautical engineering .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 807,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'including aeronautical engineering .'},
 {'ID': 4155266,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 15, 'VHD'),
          (16, 20, 'VBN'),
          (21, 32, 'VVN'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 56, 'cc'),
          (57, 60, 'PP$'),
          (61, 76, 'nns'),
          (77, 82, 'VVN'),
          (83, 85, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155266) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

If the memo had been distributed in a timely fashion and its 

recommendations acted on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654369,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 15, 'VHD'),
                             (16, 20, 'VBN'),
                             (21, 32, 'VVN'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 56, 'cc'),
                             (57, 60, 'PP$'),
                             (61, 76, 'nns'),
                             (77, 82, 'VVN'),
                             (83, 85, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654369) PENN in sentence 4155266:

If the memo had been distributed in a  timely fashion and its 
-- --- ---- --- ---- ----------- -- -  ------ ------- --- --- 
in dt  nn   VHD VBN  VVN         in dt jj     nn      cc  PP$ 

recommendations acted on
--------------- ----- --
nns             VVN   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 31
[start] 21
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] jj
                                          [end] 51
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] cc
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 75
[start] 61
[name] nns
                                          [end] 81
[start] 77
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358338728>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'If the memo had been distributed in a timely '
                             'fashion and its recommendations acted on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 809,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'If the memo had been distributed in a timely fashion and its '
          'recommendations acted on'},
 {'ID': 4155267,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 13, 'PP'),
          (14, 16, 'VVP'),
          (17, 20, 'rb'),
          (21, 28, 'VV'),
          (29, 31, 'PP'),
          (32, 37, 'md'),
          (38, 42, 'VH'),
          (43, 52, 'VVN'),
          (53, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155267) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

promptly , we do not believe it would have uncovered the plot .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654370,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 13, 'PP'),
                             (14, 16, 'VVP'),
                             (17, 20, 'rb'),
                             (21, 28, 'VV'),
                             (29, 31, 'PP'),
                             (32, 37, 'md'),
                             (38, 42, 'VH'),
                             (43, 52, 'VVN'),
                             (53, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 42, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654370) PENN in sentence 4155267:

promptly , we do  not believe it would have uncovered the plot 
-------- - -- --  --- ------- -- ----- ---- --------- --- ---- 
rb       , PP VVP rb  VV      PP md    VH   VVN       dt  nn   

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] PP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] VV
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] PP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] md
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] VH
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358341512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'promptly , we do not believe it would have '
                             'uncovered the plot .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 810,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'promptly , we do not believe it would have uncovered the plot .'},
 {'ID': 4155268,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 8, 'md'), (9, 14, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155268) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It might well,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654371,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 8, 'md'), (9, 14, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654371) PENN in sentence 4155268:

It might well,
-- ----- -----
PP md    VVN  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] md
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358356552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It might well,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 810,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It might well,'},
 {'ID': 4155269,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 14, 'VHP'),
          (15, 25, 'VVN'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 41, 'IN/that'),
          (42, 44, 'PP'),
          (45, 50, 'md'),
          (51, 55, 'VH'),
          (56, 61, 'VVN'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 82, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155269) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

however , have sensitized the FBI so that it might have taken the

 Moussaoui matter

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654372,
                     'NER': [(30, 33, 'organization'), (66, 75, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 14, 'VHP'),
                             (15, 25, 'VVN'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 41, 'IN/that'),
                             (42, 44, 'PP'),
                             (45, 50, 'md'),
                             (51, 55, 'VH'),
                             (56, 61, 'VVN'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 82, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654372) PENN in sentence 4155269:

however , have sensitized the FBI so that    it might have taken 
------- - ---- ---------- --- --- -- ----    -- ----- ---- ----- 
rb      , VHP  VVN        dt  NP  rb IN/that PP md    VH   VVN   

the Moussaoui matter
--- --------- ------
dt  NP        nn    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] rb
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] PP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] md
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] VH
                                          [end] 60
[start] 56
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 76
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 32,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 30},
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358357512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'however , have sensitized the FBI so that it '
                             'might have taken the Moussaoui matter'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 811,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'however , have sensitized the FBI so that it might have taken the '
          'Moussaoui matter'},
 {'ID': 4155270,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rbr'),
          (5, 14, 'rb'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 31, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155270) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

more seriously the next month .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654373,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rbr'),
                             (5, 14, 'rb'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 31, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654373) PENN in sentence 4155270:

more seriously the next month .   
---- --------- --- ---- ----- -   
rbr  rb        dt  jj   nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] rb
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358377128>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'more seriously the next month .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 812,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'more seriously the next month .'},
 {'ID': 4155271,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'), (9, 18, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155271) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Zacarias Moussaoui

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654374,
                     'NER': [(0, 18, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'NP'), (9, 18, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'), (9, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654374) PENN in sentence 4155271:

Zacarias Moussaoui
-------- ---------
NP       NP       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358378568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Zacarias Moussaoui'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 813,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Zacarias Moussaoui'},
 {'ID': 4155272,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 13, 'cd'),
          (14, 18, 'cd'),
          (19, 20, ','),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 63, 'VVD'),
          (64, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 79, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155272) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On August 15, 2001 , the Minneapolis FBI Field Office initiated 

an intelligence

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654375,
                     'NER': [(3, 18, 'date'), (25, 53, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 13, 'cd'),
                             (14, 18, 'cd'),
                             (19, 20, ','),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 63, 'VVD'),
                             (64, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 79, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 53, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654375) PENN in sentence 4155272:

On August 15, 2001 , the Minneapolis FBI Field Office initiated 
-- ------ --- ---- - --- ----------- --- ----- ------ --------- 
in NP     cd  cd   , dt  NP          NP  NP    NP     VVD       

an intelligence
-- ------------
dt nn          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] cd
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 52,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 25}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358391880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On August 15, 2001 , the Minneapolis FBI Field '
                             'Office initiated an intelligence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 814,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On August 15, 2001 , the Minneapolis FBI Field Office initiated an '
 {'ID': 4155273,
  'POS': [(0, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 37, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155273) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

investigation on Zacarias Moussaoui .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654376,
                     'NER': [(17, 35, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 37, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654376) PENN in sentence 4155273:

investigation on Zacarias Moussaoui .   
------------- -- -------- --------- -   
nn            in NP       NP        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 17
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358394856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'investigation on Zacarias Moussaoui .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 815,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'investigation on Zacarias Moussaoui .'},
 {'ID': 4155274,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 12, 'VVN'),
          (13, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 25, 'cd'),
          (26, 27, ','),
          (28, 30, 'PP'),
          (31, 34, 'VHD'),
          (35, 42, 'VVN'),
          (43, 46, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155274) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As mentioned in chapter 7 , he had entered the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654377,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 12, 'VVN'),
                             (13, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 25, 'cd'),
                             (26, 27, ','),
                             (28, 30, 'PP'),
                             (31, 34, 'VHD'),
                             (35, 42, 'VVN'),
                             (43, 46, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654377) PENN in sentence 4155274:

As mentioned in chapter 7  , he had entered the
-- --------- -- ------- -  - -- --- ------- ---
in VVN       in nn      cd , PP VHD VVN     dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] cd
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] ,
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] PP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358404552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As mentioned in chapter 7 , he had entered the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 815,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As mentioned in chapter 7 , he had entered the'},
 {'ID': 4155275,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 13, 'NPS'),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 30, 'cd'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 36, 'cc'),
          (37, 40, 'VHD'),
          (41, 46, 'VVN'),
          (47, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 61, 'nns'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 78, 'NP'),
          (79, 85, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155275) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

United States in February 2001 , and had begun flight lessons at 

Airman Flight School

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654378,
                     'NER': [(0, 13, 'location'),
                             (17, 30, 'date'),
                             (65, 85, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 13, 'NPS'),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 30, 'cd'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 36, 'cc'),
                             (37, 40, 'VHD'),
                             (41, 46, 'VVN'),
                             (47, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 61, 'nns'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 78, 'NP'),
                             (79, 85, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654378) PENN in sentence 4155275:

United States in February 2001 , and had begun flight lessons at 
------ ------ -- -------- ---- - --- --- ----- ------ ------- -- 
NP     NPS    in NP       cd   , cc  VHD VVN   nn     nns     in 

Airman Flight School
------ ------ ------
NP     NP     NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] cd
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] cc
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] nns
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                          [end] 84
[start] 79
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 29
[start] 17
[name] date
                                          {'end': 84,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 65}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358406664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'United States in February 2001 , and had begun '
                             'flight lessons at Airman Flight School'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 816,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'United States in February 2001 , and had begun flight lessons at '
          'Airman Flight School'},
 {'ID': 4155276,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 22, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155276) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

in Norman , Oklahoma .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654379,
                     'NER': [(3, 9, 'location'), (12, 20, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 22, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654379) PENN in sentence 4155276:

in Norman , Oklahoma .   
-- ------ - -------- -   
in NP     , NP       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 3
[name] location
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358422376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'in Norman , Oklahoma .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 817,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'in Norman , Oklahoma .'},
 {'ID': 4155277,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 14, 'PP$'),
          (15, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 58, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155277) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He resumed his training at the Pan Am International Flight

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654380,
                     'NER': [(31, 51, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 14, 'PP$'),
                             (15, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 58, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654380) PENN in sentence 4155277:

He resumed his training at the Pan Am International Flight
-- ------- --- -------- -- --- --- -- ------------- ------
PP VVD     PP$ nn       in dt  NP  NP NP            NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 50,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 31}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358424008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He resumed his training at the Pan Am '
                             'International Flight'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 817,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He resumed his training at the Pan Am International Flight'},
 {'ID': 4155278,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 30, ','),
          (31, 39, 'VVG'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 52, 'cd'),
          (53, 54, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155278) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Academy in Eagan , Minnesota , starting on August 13 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654381,
                     'NER': [(0, 7, 'organization'),
                             (11, 16, 'location'),
                             (19, 28, 'location'),
                             (43, 52, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 30, ','),
                             (31, 39, 'VVG'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 52, 'cd'),
                             (53, 54, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654381) PENN in sentence 4155278:

Academy in Eagan , Minnesota , starting on August 13 .   
------- -- ----- - --------- - -------- -- ------ -- -   
NP      in NP    , NP        , VVG      in NP     cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] ,
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] cd
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] location
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] location
                                          [end] 51
[start] 43
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] NT
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[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358434664>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Academy in Eagan , Minnesota , starting on '
                             'August 13 .'}],
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 818,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Academy in Eagan , Minnesota , starting on August 13 .'},
 {'ID': 4155279,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VHD'),
          (7, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 24, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155279) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He had none of the usual

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654382,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VHD'),
                             (7, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 24, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (12, 14, 'NT'), (15, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654382) PENN in sentence 4155279:

He had none of the usual
-- --- ---- -- --- -----
PP VHD nn   in dt  jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
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[start] 3
[name] VHD
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[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358453992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He had none of the usual'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 818,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He had none of the usual'},
 {'ID': 4155280,
  'POS': [(0, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 47, 'POS'),
          (48, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 76, 'nns'),
          (77, 78, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155280) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

qualifications for flight training on Pan Am 's Boeing 747 flight

 simulators .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654383,
                     'NER': [(38, 44, 'organization'),
                             (48, 54, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 47, 'POS'),
                             (48, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 76, 'nns'),
                             (77, 78, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654383) PENN in sentence 4155280:

qualifications for flight training on Pan Am 's  Boeing 747 
-------------- --- ------ -------- -- --- -- --  ------ --- 
nns            in  nn     nn       in NP  NP POS NP     NP  

flight simulators .   
------ ---------- -   
nn     nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] POS
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 66
[name] nns
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 43,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 38},
                                          {'end': 53,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 48}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358455336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "qualifications for flight training on Pan Am 's "
                             'Boeing 747 flight simulators .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 819,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "qualifications for flight training on Pan Am 's Boeing 747 flight "
          'simulators .'},
 {'ID': 4155281,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 7, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155281) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He said

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654384,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 7, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654384) PENN in sentence 4155281:

He said
-- ----
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:38:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358470472>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He said'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 819,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He said'},
 {'ID': 4155282,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 17, 'VV'),
          (18, 20, 'to'),
          (21, 27, 'VV'),
          (28, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 40, 'jj'),
          (41, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 57, 'VVD'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 76, 'dt'),
          (77, 79, '``'),
          (80, 83, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155282) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

he did not intend to become a commercial pilot but wanted the 

training as an `` ego

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654385,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 17, 'VV'),
                             (18, 20, 'to'),
                             (21, 27, 'VV'),
                             (28, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 40, 'jj'),
                             (41, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 57, 'VVD'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 76, 'dt'),
                             (77, 79, '``'),
                             (80, 83, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654385) PENN in sentence 4155282:

he did not intend to become a  commercial pilot but wanted the 
-- --- --- ------ -- ------ -  ---------- ----- --- ------ --- 
PP VVD rb  VV     to VV     dt jj         nn    cc  VVD    dt  

training as an `` ego
-------- -- -- -- ---
nn       in dt `` nn 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] VV
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] VV
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 30
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] cc
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 62
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] ``
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358471240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'he did not intend to become a commercial pilot '
                             'but wanted the training as an `` ego'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 820,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'he did not intend to become a commercial pilot but wanted the '
          'training as an `` ego'},
 {'ID': 4155283,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'), (9, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent'), (17, 19, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155283) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

boosting thing . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654386,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
                             (9, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 16, 'sent'),
                             (17, 19, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 16, 'NT'), (17, 19, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654386) PENN in sentence 4155283:

boosting thing .    ''
-------- ----- -    --
VVG      nn    sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358482568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "boosting thing . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 821,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "boosting thing . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155284,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 15, 'VVD'),
          (16, 19, 'rp'),
          (20, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 29, ','),
          (30, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 41, 'jj'),
          (42, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 61, 'VVG'),
          (62, 63, ','),
          (64, 66, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155284) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moussaoui stood out because , with little knowledge of flying , 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654387,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 15, 'VVD'),
                             (16, 19, 'rp'),
                             (20, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 29, ','),
                             (30, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 41, 'jj'),
                             (42, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 61, 'VVG'),
                             (62, 63, ','),
                             (64, 66, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654387) PENN in sentence 4155284:

Moussaoui stood out because , with little knowledge of flying , 
--------- ----- --- ------- - ---- ------ --------- -- ------ - 
NP        VVD   rp  in      , in   jj     nn        in VVG    , 

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] rp
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] ,
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 50
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] ,
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358483624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moussaoui stood out because , with little '
                             'knowledge of flying , he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 821,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moussaoui stood out because , with little knowledge of flying , he'},
 {'ID': 4155285,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 9, 'to'),
          (10, 15, 'VV'),
          (16, 19, 'wrb'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 25, '``'),
          (26, 30, 'VV'),
          (31, 34, 'rp'),
          (35, 38, 'cc'),
          (39, 43, 'VV'),
          (44, 46, "''"),
          (47, 48, 'dt'),
          (49, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 61, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155285) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

wanted to learn how to `` take off and land '' a Boeing 747 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654388,
                     'NER': [(49, 55, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 9, 'to'),
                             (10, 15, 'VV'),
                             (16, 19, 'wrb'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 25, '``'),
                             (26, 30, 'VV'),
                             (31, 34, 'rp'),
                             (35, 38, 'cc'),
                             (39, 43, 'VV'),
                             (44, 46, "''"),
                             (47, 48, 'dt'),
                             (49, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 61, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654388) PENN in sentence 4155285:

wanted to learn how to `` take off and land '' a  Boeing 747 .   
------ -- ----- --- -- -- ---- --- --- ---- -- -  ------ --- -   
VVD    to VV    wrb to `` VV   rp  cc  VV   '' dt NP     NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] to
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] VV
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] ``
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] VV
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] rp
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] cc
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] VV
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] ''
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 54,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 49}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358506760>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "wanted to learn how to `` take off and land '' a "
                             'Boeing 747 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 822,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "wanted to learn how to `` take off and land '' a Boeing 747 ."},
 {'ID': 4155286,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 32, 'rb'),
          (33, 40, 'VVD'),
          (41, 45, 'IN/that'),
          (46, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 65, 'VVD'),
          (66, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 82, 'nns'),
          (83, 84, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155286) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The agent in Minneapolis quickly learned that Moussaoui possessed

 jihadist beliefs .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654389,
                     'NER': [(13, 24, 'location'), (46, 55, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 32, 'rb'),
                             (33, 40, 'VVD'),
                             (41, 45, 'IN/that'),
                             (46, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 65, 'VVD'),
                             (66, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 82, 'nns'),
                             (83, 84, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 32, 'NT'),
                             (46, 55, 'NT'),
                             (83, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654389) PENN in sentence 4155286:

The agent in Minneapolis quickly learned that    Moussaoui 
--- ----- -- ----------- ------- ------- ----    --------- 
dt  nn    in NP          rb      VVD     IN/that NP        

possessed jihadist beliefs .   
--------- -------- ------- -   
VVD       nn       nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] rb
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 54
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 73
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] nns
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 13
[name] location
                                          [end] 54
[start] 46
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358509832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The agent in Minneapolis quickly learned that '
                             'Moussaoui possessed jihadist beliefs .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 824,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The agent in Minneapolis quickly learned that Moussaoui possessed '
          'jihadist beliefs .'},
 {'ID': 4155287,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 24, 'VHD'),
          (25, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 54, 'cc'),
          (55, 58, 'VVD'),
          (59, 62, 'rb'),
          (63, 70, 'VV'),
          (71, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 82, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155287) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moreover , Moussaoui had $32,000 in a bank account but did not 

provide a plausible

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654390,
                     'NER': [(11, 20, 'person'), (25, 32, 'money')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 24, 'VHD'),
                             (25, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 54, 'cc'),
                             (55, 58, 'VVD'),
                             (59, 62, 'rb'),
                             (63, 70, 'VV'),
                             (71, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 82, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 20, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654390) PENN in sentence 4155287:

Moreover , Moussaoui had $32,000 in a  bank account but did not 
-------- - --------- --- ------- -- -  ---- ------- --- --- --- 
rb       , NP        VHD nn      in dt nn   nn      cc  VVD rb  

provide a  plausible
------- -  ---------
VV      dt jj       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] cc
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] rb
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] VV
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 73
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 11
[name] person
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] money
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358528680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moreover , Moussaoui had $32,000 in a bank '
                             'account but did not provide a plausible'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 825,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moreover , Moussaoui had $32,000 in a bank account but did not '
          'provide a plausible'},
 {'ID': 4155288,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 35, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155288) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

explanation for this sum of money .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654391,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 35, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654391) PENN in sentence 4155288:

explanation for this sum of money .   
----------- --- ---- --- -- ----- -   
nn          in  dt   nn  in nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358544008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'explanation for this sum of money .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 826,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'explanation for this sum of money .'},
 {'ID': 4155289,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VHD'),
          (7, 15, 'VVN'),
          (16, 18, 'to'),
          (19, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 31, 'cc'),
          (32, 38, 'VVD'),
          (39, 47, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155289) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He had traveled to Pakistan but became agitated

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654392,
                     'NER': [(19, 27, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VHD'),
                             (7, 15, 'VVN'),
                             (16, 18, 'to'),
                             (19, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 31, 'cc'),
                             (32, 38, 'VVD'),
                             (39, 47, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654392) PENN in sentence 4155289:

He had traveled to Pakistan but became agitated
-- --- -------- -- -------- --- ------ --------
PP VHD VVN      to NP       cc  VVD    VVN     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 7
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] cc
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 39
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 19
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358545544>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He had traveled to Pakistan but became '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 826,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He had traveled to Pakistan but became agitated'},
 {'ID': 4155290,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
          (5, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 20, 'VHD'),
          (21, 29, 'VVN'),
          (30, 32, 'to'),
          (33, 39, 'jj'),
          (40, 49, 'nns'),
          (50, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 69, '('),
          (70, 78, 'NP'),
          (79, 82, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155290) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

when asked if he had traveled to nearby countries while in 

Pakistan ( Pakistan was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654393,
                     'NER': [(59, 67, 'location'), (70, 78, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
                             (5, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 20, 'VHD'),
                             (21, 29, 'VVN'),
                             (30, 32, 'to'),
                             (33, 39, 'jj'),
                             (40, 49, 'nns'),
                             (50, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 69, '('),
                             (70, 78, 'NP'),
                             (79, 82, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654393) PENN in sentence 4155290:

when asked if he had traveled to nearby countries while in 
---- ----- -- -- --- -------- -- ------ --------- ----- -- 
wrb  VVN   in PP VHD VVN      to jj     nns       in    in 

Pakistan ( Pakistan was
-------- - -------- ---
NP       ( NP       VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 21
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] to
                                          [end] 38
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 48
[start] 40
[name] nns
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] (
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 66
[start] 59
[name] location
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358555720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'when asked if he had traveled to nearby '
                             'countries while in Pakistan ( Pakistan was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 827,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'when asked if he had traveled to nearby countries while in Pakistan '
          '( Pakistan was'},
 {'ID': 4155291,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 26, 'dt'),
          (27, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 41, 'nns'),
          (42, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 58, ')'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155291) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the customary route to the training camps in Afghanistan ) .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654394,
                     'NER': [(45, 56, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 26, 'dt'),
                             (27, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 41, 'nns'),
                             (42, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 58, ')'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654394) PENN in sentence 4155291:

the customary route to the training camps in Afghanistan ) .   
--- --------- ----- -- --- -------- ----- -- ----------- - -   
dt  jj        nn    to dt  nn       nns   in NP          ) sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] nns
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] )
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 55
[start] 45
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358558888>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the customary route to the training camps in '
                             'Afghanistan ) .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 828,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the customary route to the training camps in Afghanistan ) .'},
 {'ID': 4155292,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'), (3, 10, 'VVD'), (11, 13, 'to'), (14, 21, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155292) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He planned to receive

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654395,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 13, 'to'),
                             (14, 21, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (11, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654395) PENN in sentence 4155292:

He planned to receive
-- ------- -- -------
PP VVD     to VV     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] to
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358573544>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He planned to receive'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 828,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He planned to receive'},
 {'ID': 4155293,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
          (8, 12, 'nns'),
          (13, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 23, ','),
          (24, 27, 'cc'),
          (28, 36, 'VVD'),
          (37, 39, 'to'),
          (40, 48, 'VV'),
          (49, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 57, 'jj'),
          (58, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 80, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155293) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

martial arts training , and intended to purchase a global 

positioning receiver .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654396,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'jj'),
                             (8, 12, 'nns'),
                             (13, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 23, ','),
                             (24, 27, 'cc'),
                             (28, 36, 'VVD'),
                             (37, 39, 'to'),
                             (40, 48, 'VV'),
                             (49, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 57, 'jj'),
                             (58, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 80, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654396) PENN in sentence 4155293:

martial arts training , and intended to purchase a  global 
------- ---- -------- - --- -------- -- -------- -  ------ 
jj      nns  nn       , cc  VVD      to VV       dt jj     

positioning receiver .   
----------- -------- -   
nn          nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] nns
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] ,
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] to
                                          [end] 47
[start] 40
[name] VV
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 68
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358574600>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'martial arts training , and intended to purchase '
                             'a global positioning receiver .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 829,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'martial arts training , and intended to purchase a global '
          'positioning receiver .'},
 {'ID': 4155294,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155294) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654397,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654397) PENN in sentence 4155294:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358589160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 829,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The'},
 {'ID': 4155295,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
          (22, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 38, 'VVD'),
          (39, 48, 'rb'),
          (49, 57, 'VVN'),
          (58, 66, 'wrb'),
          (67, 69, 'PP'),
          (70, 73, 'VBD'),
          (74, 84, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155295) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agent also noted that Moussaoui became extremely agitated 

whenever he was questioned

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654398,
                     'NER': [(22, 31, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
                             (22, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 38, 'VVD'),
                             (39, 48, 'rb'),
                             (49, 57, 'VVN'),
                             (58, 66, 'wrb'),
                             (67, 69, 'PP'),
                             (70, 73, 'VBD'),
                             (74, 84, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 10, 'NT'),
                             (22, 31, 'NT'),
                             (39, 48, 'NT'),
                             (58, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654398) PENN in sentence 4155295:

agent also noted that    Moussaoui became extremely agitated 
----- ---- ----- ----    --------- ------ --------- -------- 
nn    rb   VVD   IN/that NP        VVD    rb        VVN      

whenever he was questioned
-------- -- --- ----------
wrb      PP VBD VVN       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] rb
                                          [end] 56
[start] 49
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] PP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 83
[start] 74
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 22
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358589832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agent also noted that Moussaoui became extremely '
                             'agitated whenever he was questioned'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 830,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agent also noted that Moussaoui became extremely agitated whenever '
          'he was questioned'},
 {'ID': 4155296,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
          (10, 13, 'PP$'),
          (14, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 31, 'nns'),
          (32, 33, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155296) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

regarding his religious beliefs .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654399,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
                             (10, 13, 'PP$'),
                             (14, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 31, 'nns'),
                             (32, 33, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 13, 'NT'), (32, 33, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654399) PENN in sentence 4155296:

regarding his religious beliefs .   
--------- --- --------- ------- -   
VVG       PP$ jj        nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358592136>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'regarding his religious beliefs .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 831,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'regarding his religious beliefs .'},
 {'ID': 4155297,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 19, 'VVD'),
          (20, 24, 'IN/that'),
          (25, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 38, 'VBD'),
          (39, 41, '``'),
          (42, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 52, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155297) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The agent concluded that Moussaoui was `` an Islamic

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654400,
                     'NER': [(25, 34, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 19, 'VVD'),
                             (20, 24, 'IN/that'),
                             (25, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 38, 'VBD'),
                             (39, 41, '``'),
                             (42, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 52, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (25, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654400) PENN in sentence 4155297:

The agent concluded that    Moussaoui was `` an Islamic
--- ----- --------- ----    --------- --- -- -- -------
dt  nn    VVD       IN/that NP        VBD `` dt jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] ``
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 45
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 33
[start] 25
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358605640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The agent concluded that Moussaoui was `` an '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 831,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The agent concluded that Moussaoui was `` an Islamic'},
 {'ID': 4155298,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 19, 'VVG'),
          (20, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 65, 'jj'),
          (66, 80, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155298) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

extremist preparing for some future act in furtherance of radical


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654401,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 19, 'VVG'),
                             (20, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 65, 'jj'),
                             (66, 80, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654401) PENN in sentence 4155298:

extremist preparing for some future act in furtherance of radical
--------- --------- --- ---- ------ --- -- ----------- -- -------
nn        VVG       in  dt   jj     nn  in nn          in jj     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 10
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 58
[name] jj
                                          [end] 79
[start] 66
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358607560>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'extremist preparing for some future act in '
                             'furtherance of radical fundamentalist'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 832,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'extremist preparing for some future act in furtherance of radical '
 {'ID': 4155299,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'), (6, 7, 'sent'), (8, 10, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155299) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

goals . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654402,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nns'), (6, 7, 'sent'), (8, 10, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 7, 'NT'), (8, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654402) PENN in sentence 4155299:

goals .    ''
----- -    --
nns   sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] sent
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358617736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "goals . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 833,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "goals . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155300,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 16, 'VVD'),
          (17, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 29, 'POS'),
          (30, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 38, 'VBD'),
          (39, 46, 'VVN'),
          (47, 49, 'to'),
          (50, 53, 'PP$'),
          (54, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 71, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155300) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He also believed Moussaoui 's plan was related to his flight 

training .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654403,
                     'NER': [(17, 26, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 16, 'VVD'),
                             (17, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 29, 'POS'),
                             (30, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 38, 'VBD'),
                             (39, 46, 'VVN'),
                             (47, 49, 'to'),
                             (50, 53, 'PP$'),
                             (54, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 71, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (17, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654403) PENN in sentence 4155300:

He also believed Moussaoui 's  plan was related to his flight 
-- ---- -------- --------- --  ---- --- ------- -- --- ------ 
PP rb   VVD      NP        POS nn   VBD VVN     to PP$ nn     

training .   
-------- -   
nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] POS
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] to
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 25
[start] 17
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358618696>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "He also believed Moussaoui 's plan was related "
                             'to his flight training .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 833,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "He also believed Moussaoui 's plan was related to his flight "
          'training .'},
 {'ID': 4155301,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 13, 'md'),
          (14, 16, 'vb'),
          (17, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 48, 'cc'),
          (49, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 57, 'VVN'),
          (58, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 71, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155301) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moussaoui can be seen as an al Qaeda mistake and a missed 

opportunity .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654404,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person'), (28, 36, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 13, 'md'),
                             (14, 16, 'vb'),
                             (17, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 48, 'cc'),
                             (49, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 57, 'VVN'),
                             (58, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 71, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 36, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654404) PENN in sentence 4155301:

Moussaoui can be seen as an al Qaeda mistake and a  missed 
--------- --- -- ---- -- -- -- ----- ------- --- -  ------ 
NP        md  vb VVN  in dt NP NP    nn      cc  dt VVN    

opportunity .   
----------- -   
nn          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] md
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] vb
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] cc
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 51
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 68
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 35,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 28}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358633736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moussaoui can be seen as an al Qaeda mistake and '
                             'a missed opportunity .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 835,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moussaoui can be seen as an al Qaeda mistake and a missed '
          'opportunity .'},
 {'ID': 4155302,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 13, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155302) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

An apparently

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654405,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'), (3, 13, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654405) PENN in sentence 4155302:

An apparently
-- ----------
dt rb        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358636712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'An apparently'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 835,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'An apparently'},
 {'ID': 4155303,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
          (11, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 22, ','),
          (23, 25, 'PP'),
          (26, 29, 'VHD'),
          (30, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 51, 'nns'),
          (52, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 64, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155303) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

unreliable operative , he had fallen into the hands of the FBI .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654406,
                     'NER': [(59, 62, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 22, ','),
                             (23, 25, 'PP'),
                             (26, 29, 'VHD'),
                             (30, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 51, 'nns'),
                             (52, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 64, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (37, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654406) PENN in sentence 4155303:

unreliable operative , he had fallen into the hands of the FBI 
---------- --------- - -- --- ------ ---- --- ----- -- --- --- 
jj         nn        , PP VHD VVN    in   dt  nns   in dt  NP  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] PP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 46
[name] nns
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 61,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 59}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358649928>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'unreliable operative , he had fallen into the '
                             'hands of the FBI .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 836,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'unreliable operative , he had fallen into the hands of the FBI .'},
 {'ID': 4155304,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 12, 'VVN'), (13, 15, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155304) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As discussed in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654407,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 12, 'VVN'), (13, 15, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (13, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654407) PENN in sentence 4155304:

As discussed in
-- --------- --
in VVN       in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358652616>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As discussed in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 836,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As discussed in'},
 {'ID': 4155305,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 25, 'VHD'),
          (26, 30, 'VBN'),
          (31, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 46, 'in'),
          (47, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 59, 'VVD'),
          (60, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 76, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155305) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

chapter 7 , Moussaoui had been in contact with and received money

 from Ramzi

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654408,
                     'NER': [(12, 21, 'person'), (71, 76, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 25, 'VHD'),
                             (26, 30, 'VBN'),
                             (31, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 46, 'in'),
                             (47, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 59, 'VVD'),
                             (60, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 76, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (66, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654408) PENN in sentence 4155305:

chapter 7  , Moussaoui had been in contact with and received 
------- -  - --------- --- ---- -- ------- ---- --- -------- 
nn      cd , NP        VHD VBN  in nn      in   cc  VVD      

money from Ramzi
----- ---- -----
nn    in   NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] cc
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 12
[name] person
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358653576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'chapter 7 , Moussaoui had been in contact with '
                             'and received money from Ramzi'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 837,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'chapter 7 , Moussaoui had been in contact with and received money '
          'from Ramzi'},
 {'ID': 4155306,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155306) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Binalshibh .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654409,
                     'NER': [(0, 10, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'), (11, 12, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 10, 'NT'), (11, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654409) PENN in sentence 4155306:

Binalshibh .   
---------- -   
NP         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358668904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Binalshibh .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 838,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Binalshibh .'},
 {'ID': 4155307,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 16, 'VHD'),
          (17, 21, 'VBN'),
          (22, 31, 'VVN'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 45, ','),
          (46, 55, 'nns'),
          (56, 62, 'md'),
          (63, 72, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155307) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

If Moussaoui had been connected to al Qaeda , questions should 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654410,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'person'), (35, 43, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 16, 'VHD'),
                             (17, 21, 'VBN'),
                             (22, 31, 'VVN'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 45, ','),
                             (46, 55, 'nns'),
                             (56, 62, 'md'),
                             (63, 72, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (56, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654410) PENN in sentence 4155307:

If Moussaoui had been connected to al Qaeda , questions should 
-- --------- --- ---- --------- -- -- ----- - --------- ------ 
in NP        VHD VBN  VVN       to NP NP    , nns       md     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] ,
                                          [end] 54
[start] 46
[name] nns
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] md
                                          [end] 71
[start] 63
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358669864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'If Moussaoui had been connected to al Qaeda , '
                             'questions should instantly'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 838,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'If Moussaoui had been connected to al Qaeda , questions should '
 {'ID': 4155308,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
          (5, 11, 'VVN'),
          (12, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 47, 'wdt'),
          (48, 56, 'VVD'),
          (57, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 75, 'nns'),
          (76, 77, ','),
          (78, 79, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155308) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

have arisen about a possible al Qaeda plot that involved piloting

 airliners , a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654411,
                     'NER': [(29, 37, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VHP'),
                             (5, 11, 'VVN'),
                             (12, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 47, 'wdt'),
                             (48, 56, 'VVD'),
                             (57, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 75, 'nns'),
                             (76, 77, ','),
                             (78, 79, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (12, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 19, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 37, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (76, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654411) PENN in sentence 4155308:

have arisen about a  possible al Qaeda plot that involved 
---- ------ ----- -  -------- -- ----- ---- ---- -------- 
VHP  VVN    in    dt jj       NP NP    nn   wdt  VVD      

piloting airliners , a 
-------- --------- - - 
nn       nns       , dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 66
[name] nns
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] ,
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 29
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358685000>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'have arisen about a possible al Qaeda plot that '
                             'involved piloting airliners , a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 839,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'have arisen about a possible al Qaeda plot that involved piloting '
          'airliners , a'},
 {'ID': 4155309,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 16, 'wdt'),
          (17, 20, 'VHD'),
          (21, 26, 'rb'),
          (27, 31, 'VBN'),
          (32, 41, 'rb'),
          (42, 50, 'VVN'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155309) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

possibility that had never been seriously analyzed by the 

intelligence community .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654412,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 16, 'wdt'),
                             (17, 20, 'VHD'),
                             (21, 26, 'rb'),
                             (27, 31, 'VBN'),
                             (32, 41, 'rb'),
                             (42, 50, 'VVN'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 41, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654412) PENN in sentence 4155309:

possibility that had never been seriously analyzed by the 
----------- ---- --- ----- ---- --------- -------- -- --- 
nn          wdt  VHD rb    VBN  rb        VVN      in dt  

intelligence community .   
------------ --------- -   
nn           nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] rb
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] rb
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358696040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'possibility that had never been seriously '
                             'analyzed by the intelligence community .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 840,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'possibility that had never been seriously analyzed by the '
          'intelligence community .'},
 {'ID': 4155310,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 17, 'wp'),
          (18, 25, 'VVD'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 77, 'nn'),
          (78, 80, 'in'),
          (81, 84, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155310) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FBI agent who handled the case in conjunction with the INS 

representative on the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654413,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'), (59, 62, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 17, 'wp'),
                             (18, 25, 'VVD'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 77, 'nn'),
                             (78, 80, 'in'),
                             (81, 84, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (50, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654413) PENN in sentence 4155310:

The FBI agent who handled the case in conjunction with the INS 
--- --- ----- --- ------- --- ---- -- ----------- ---- --- --- 
dt  NP  nn    wp  VVD     dt  nn   in nn          in   dt  NP  

representative on the
-------------- -- ---
nn             in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] wp
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] in
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          {'end': 61,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 59}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358698536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The FBI agent who handled the case in '
                             'conjunction with the INS representative on the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 841,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The FBI agent who handled the case in conjunction with the INS '
          'representative on the'},
 {'ID': 4155311,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 48, 'VVD'),
          (49, 53, 'IN/that'),
          (54, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 69, 'md'),
          (70, 72, 'vb'),
          (73, 81, 'VVG'),
          (82, 84, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155311) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Minneapolis Joint Terrorism Task Force suspected that Moussaoui 

might be planning to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654414,
                     'NER': [(0, 38, 'organization'), (54, 63, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 48, 'VVD'),
                             (49, 53, 'IN/that'),
                             (54, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 69, 'md'),
                             (70, 72, 'vb'),
                             (73, 81, 'VVG'),
                             (82, 84, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 38, 'NT'),
                             (54, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654414) PENN in sentence 4155311:

Minneapolis Joint Terrorism Task Force suspected that    
----------- ----- --------- ---- ----- --------- ----    
NP          NP    NP        NP   NP    VVD       IN/that 

Moussaoui might be planning to
--------- ----- -- -------- --
NP        md    vb VVG      to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 39
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 52
[start] 49
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] md
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] vb
                                          [end] 80
[start] 73
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 37,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358713960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Minneapolis Joint Terrorism Task Force suspected '
                             'that Moussaoui might be planning to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 842,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Minneapolis Joint Terrorism Task Force suspected that Moussaoui '
          'might be planning to'},
 {'ID': 4155312,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'), (7, 8, 'dt'), (9, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155312) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

hijack a plane .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654415,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
                             (7, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT'), (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654415) PENN in sentence 4155312:

hijack a  plane .   
------ -  ----- -   
VV     dt nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358729000>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'hijack a plane .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 843,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'hijack a plane .'},
 {'ID': 4155313,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 15, 'cc'),
          (16, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 32, 'nns'),
          (33, 40, 'VVN'),
          (41, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 58, 'NP'),
          (59, 65, 'md'),
          (66, 68, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155313) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Minneapolis and FBI headquarters debated whether Moussaoui should


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654416,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'location'),
                             (16, 19, 'organization'),
                             (49, 58, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 15, 'cc'),
                             (16, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 32, 'nns'),
                             (33, 40, 'VVN'),
                             (41, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 58, 'NP'),
                             (59, 65, 'md'),
                             (66, 68, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (41, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654416) PENN in sentence 4155313:

Minneapolis and FBI headquarters debated whether Moussaoui should
----------- --- --- ------------ ------- ------- --------- ------
NP          cc  NP  nns          VVN     in      NP        md    

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] cc
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] md
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          {'end': 18,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16},
                                          [end] 57
[start] 49
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358730056>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Minneapolis and FBI headquarters debated whether '
                             'Moussaoui should be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 843,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Minneapolis and FBI headquarters debated whether Moussaoui should '
 {'ID': 4155314,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 20, 'rb'),
          (21, 23, 'cc'),
          (24, 34, 'VVD'),
          (35, 37, 'to'),
          (38, 44, 'VV'),
          (45, 55, 'jj'),
          (56, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 69, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155314) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

arrested immediately or surveilled to obtain additional 

information .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654417,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 20, 'rb'),
                             (21, 23, 'cc'),
                             (24, 34, 'VVD'),
                             (35, 37, 'to'),
                             (38, 44, 'VV'),
                             (45, 55, 'jj'),
                             (56, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 69, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 23, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (68, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654417) PENN in sentence 4155314:

arrested immediately or surveilled to obtain additional 
-------- ----------- -- ---------- -- ------ ---------- 
VVN      rb          cc VVD        to VV     jj         

information .   
----------- -   
nn          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 19
[start] 9
[name] rb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] cc
                                          [end] 33
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] to
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] VV
                                          [end] 54
[start] 45
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 19
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358744712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'arrested immediately or surveilled to obtain '
                             'additional information .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 844,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'arrested immediately or surveilled to obtain additional information '
 {'ID': 4155315,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'), (8, 10, 'PP'), (11, 14, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155315) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Because it was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654418,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'), (8, 10, 'PP'), (11, 14, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'), (8, 10, 'NT'), (11, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654418) PENN in sentence 4155315:

Because it was
------- -- ---
in      PP VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] PP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358746440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Because it was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 844,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Because it was'},
 {'ID': 4155316,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
          (4, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 33, 'md'),
          (34, 36, 'vb'),
          (37, 47, 'VVN'),
          (48, 49, ','),
          (50, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 57, 'NP'),
          (58, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 68, 'nn'),
          (69, 76, 'VVD'),
          (77, 80, 'dt'),
          (81, 85, 'jjs')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155316) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

not clear whether Moussaoui could be imprisoned , the FBI case 

agent decided the most

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654419,
                     'NER': [(18, 27, 'person'), (54, 57, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'rb'),
                             (4, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 33, 'md'),
                             (34, 36, 'vb'),
                             (37, 47, 'VVN'),
                             (48, 49, ','),
                             (50, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 57, 'NP'),
                             (58, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 68, 'nn'),
                             (69, 76, 'VVD'),
                             (77, 80, 'dt'),
                             (81, 85, 'jjs')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (10, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (48, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654419) PENN in sentence 4155316:

not clear whether Moussaoui could be imprisoned , the FBI case 
--- ----- ------- --------- ----- -- ---------- - --- --- ---- 
rb  jj    in      NP        md    vb VVN        , dt  NP  nn   

agent decided the most
----- ------- --- ----
nn    VVD     dt  jjs 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] md
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] vb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 69
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] dt
                                          [end] 84
[start] 81
[name] jjs
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 18
[name] person
                                          {'end': 56,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 54}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358747496>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'not clear whether Moussaoui could be imprisoned '
                             ', the FBI case agent decided the most'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 845,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'not clear whether Moussaoui could be imprisoned , the FBI case '
          'agent decided the most'},
 {'ID': 4155317,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 19, 'VBD'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 30, 'VV'),
          (31, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 55, 'VVG'),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 67, 'jjr'),
          (68, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 81, 'IN/that'),
          (82, 84, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155317) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

important thing was to prevent Moussaoui from obtaining any 

further training that he

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654420,
                     'NER': [(31, 40, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 19, 'VBD'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 30, 'VV'),
                             (31, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 55, 'VVG'),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 67, 'jjr'),
                             (68, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 81, 'IN/that'),
                             (82, 84, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (31, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654420) PENN in sentence 4155317:

important thing was to prevent Moussaoui from obtaining any 
--------- ----- --- -- ------- --------- ---- --------- --- 
jj        nn    VBD to VV      NP        in   VVG       dt  

further training that    he
------- -------- ----    --
jjr     nn       IN/that PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] VV
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 46
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 75
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 77
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 39
[start] 31
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358762824>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'important thing was to prevent Moussaoui from '
                             'obtaining any further training that he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 846,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'important thing was to prevent Moussaoui from obtaining any further '
          'training that he'},
 {'ID': 4155318,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
          (6, 9, 'VV'),
          (10, 12, 'to'),
          (13, 18, 'VV'),
          (19, 22, 'rp'),
          (23, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 34, 'jj'),
          (35, 41, 'nn'),
          (42, 43, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155318) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

could use to carry out a potential attack .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654421,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
                             (6, 9, 'VV'),
                             (10, 12, 'to'),
                             (13, 18, 'VV'),
                             (19, 22, 'rp'),
                             (23, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 34, 'jj'),
                             (35, 41, 'nn'),
                             (42, 43, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654421) PENN in sentence 4155318:

could use to carry out a  potential attack .   
----- --- -- ----- --- -  --------- ------ -   
md    VV  to VV    rp  dt jj        nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] VV
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] to
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] VV
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] rp
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 25
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358777576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'could use to carry out a potential attack .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 847,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'could use to carry out a potential attack .'},
 {'ID': 4155319,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 11, 'jj'),
          (12, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 24, 'wp'),
          (25, 28, 'VHD'),
          (29, 39, 'VVN'),
          (40, 43, 'PP$'),
          (44, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 66, 'md'),
          (67, 69, 'vb'),
          (70, 78, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155319) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As a French national who had overstayed his visa , Moussaoui 

could be detained

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654422,
                     'NER': [(51, 60, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 11, 'jj'),
                             (12, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 24, 'wp'),
                             (25, 28, 'VHD'),
                             (29, 39, 'VVN'),
                             (40, 43, 'PP$'),
                             (44, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 66, 'md'),
                             (67, 69, 'vb'),
                             (70, 78, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 4, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654422) PENN in sentence 4155319:

As a  French national who had overstayed his visa , Moussaoui 
-- -  ------ -------- --- --- ---------- --- ---- - --------- 
in dt jj     jj       wp  VHD VVN        PP$ nn   , NP        

could be detained
----- -- --------
md    vb VVN     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 3
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] wp
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 38
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] md
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] vb
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 59
[start] 51
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 3
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358779400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As a French national who had overstayed his visa '
                             ', Moussaoui could be detained'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 849,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As a French national who had overstayed his visa , Moussaoui could '
          'be detained'},
 {'ID': 4155320,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'rb'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155320) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

immediately .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654423,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'rb'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 11, 'NT'), (12, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654423) PENN in sentence 4155320:

immediately .   
----------- -   
rb          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358794536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'immediately .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 850,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'immediately .'},
 {'ID': 4155321,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 16, 'VVN'),
          (17, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 29, 'in'),
          (30, 33, 'dt'),
          (34, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155321) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The INS arrested Moussaoui on the immigration violation .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654424,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'), (17, 26, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 16, 'VVN'),
                             (17, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 29, 'in'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt'),
                             (34, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (17, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654424) PENN in sentence 4155321:

The INS arrested Moussaoui on the immigration violation .   
--- --- -------- --------- -- --- ----------- --------- -   
dt  NP  VVN      NP        in dt  nn          nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358795400>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The INS arrested Moussaoui on the immigration '
                             'violation .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 850,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The INS arrested Moussaoui on the immigration violation .'},
 {'ID': 4155322,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'), (2, 13, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155322) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A deportation

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654425,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'), (2, 13, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654425) PENN in sentence 4155322:

A  deportation
-  -----------
dt nn         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 2
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358809864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A deportation'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 850,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A deportation'},
 {'ID': 4155323,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 9, 'VBD'),
          (10, 16, 'VVN'),
          (17, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 30, 'cd'),
          (31, 35, 'cd'),
          (36, 37, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155323) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

order was signed on August 17, 2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654426,
                     'NER': [(20, 35, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 16, 'VVN'),
                             (17, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 30, 'cd'),
                             (31, 35, 'cd'),
                             (36, 37, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654426) PENN in sentence 4155323:

order was signed on August 17, 2001 .   
----- --- ------ -- ------ --- ---- -   
nn    VBD VVN    in NP     cd  cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] cd
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] cd
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 20
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358810632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'order was signed on August 17, 2001 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 851,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'order was signed on August 17, 2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4155324,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 28, 'VBD'),
          (29, 38, 'VVN'),
          (39, 43, 'IN/that'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 85, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155324) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The agents in Minnesota were concerned that the U.S. Attorney's 

Office in Minneapolis

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654427,
                     'NER': [(14, 23, 'location'),
                             (48, 70, 'organization'),
                             (74, 85, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 28, 'VBD'),
                             (29, 38, 'VVN'),
                             (39, 43, 'IN/that'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 85, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654427) PENN in sentence 4155324:

The agents in Minnesota were concerned that    the U.S. 
--- ------ -- --------- ---- --------- ----    --- ---- 
dt  nns    in NP        VBD  VVN       IN/that dt  NP   

Attorney's Office in Minneapolis
---------- ------ -- -----------
NP         NP     in NP         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 84
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 14
[name] location
                                          {'end': 69,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 48},
                                          [end] 84
[start] 74
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358812648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The agents in Minnesota were concerned that the '
                             "U.S. Attorney's Office in Minneapolis"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 853,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The agents in Minnesota were concerned that the U.S. Attorney's "
          'Office in Minneapolis'},
 {'ID': 4155325,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
          (6, 10, 'VV'),
          (11, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 52, 'to'),
          (53, 59, 'VV'),
          (60, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 70, 'jj'),
          (71, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 81, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

would find insufficient probable cause of a crime to obtain a 

criminal warrant to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654428,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
                             (6, 10, 'VV'),
                             (11, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 52, 'to'),
                             (53, 59, 'VV'),
                             (60, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 70, 'jj'),
                             (71, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 81, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654428) PENN in sentence 4155325:

would find insufficient probable cause of a  crime to obtain a  
----- ---- ------------ -------- ----- -- -  ----- -- ------ -  
md    VV   jj           jj       nn    in dt nn    to VV     dt 

criminal warrant to
-------- ------- --
jj       nn      to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] VV
                                          [end] 22
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 24
[name] jj
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] to
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] VV
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 62
[name] jj
                                          [end] 77
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358823880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'would find insufficient probable cause of a '
                             'crime to obtain a criminal warrant to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 854,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'would find insufficient probable cause of a crime to obtain a '
          'criminal warrant to'},
 {'ID': 4155326,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
          (7, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 19, 'POS'),
          (20, 26, 'jj'),
          (27, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 37, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155326) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

search Moussaoui 's laptop computer .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654429,
                     'NER': [(7, 16, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
                             (7, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 19, 'POS'),
                             (20, 26, 'jj'),
                             (27, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 37, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 16, 'NT'), (17, 19, 'NT'), (36, 37, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654429) PENN in sentence 4155326:

search Moussaoui 's  laptop computer .   
------ --------- --  ------ -------- -   
VV     NP        POS jj     nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] POS
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 7
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358838632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "search Moussaoui 's laptop computer ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 855,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "search Moussaoui 's laptop computer ."},
 {'ID': 4155327,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 26, 'nns'),
          (27, 35, 'VVD'),
          (36, 41, 'ex'),
          (42, 45, 'VBD'),
          (46, 58, 'jj'),
          (59, 67, 'jj'),
          (68, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 75, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155327) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Agents at FBI headquarters believed there was insufficient 

probable cause .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654430,
                     'NER': [(10, 13, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nns'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 26, 'nns'),
                             (27, 35, 'VVD'),
                             (36, 41, 'ex'),
                             (42, 45, 'VBD'),
                             (46, 58, 'jj'),
                             (59, 67, 'jj'),
                             (68, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 75, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (36, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654430) PENN in sentence 4155327:

Agents at FBI headquarters believed there was insufficient 
------ -- --- ------------ -------- ----- --- ------------ 
nns    in NP  nns          VVD      ex    VBD jj           

probable cause .   
-------- ----- -   
jj       nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 14
[name] nns
                                          [end] 34
[start] 27
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] ex
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 57
[start] 46
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] jj
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 12,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 10}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358840072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Agents at FBI headquarters believed there was '
                             'insufficient probable cause .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 857,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Agents at FBI headquarters believed there was insufficient probable '
          'cause .'},
 {'ID': 4155328,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 21, 'rb'),
          (22, 28, 'VVD'),
          (29, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 52, 'in'),
          (53, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 64, 'NP'),
          (65, 77, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155328) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Minneapolis therefore sought a special warrant under the Foreign 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654431,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'location'), (57, 77, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 21, 'rb'),
                             (22, 28, 'VVD'),
                             (29, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 52, 'in'),
                             (53, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 64, 'NP'),
                             (65, 77, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 21, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (47, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654431) PENN in sentence 4155328:

Minneapolis therefore sought a  special warrant under the Foreign
----------- --------- ------ -  ------- ------- ----- --- -------
NP          rb        VVD    dt jj      nn      in    dt  NP     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 22
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          {'end': 76,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 57}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358842184>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Minneapolis therefore sought a special warrant '
                             'under the Foreign Intelligence'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 858,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Minneapolis therefore sought a special warrant under the Foreign '
 {'ID': 4155329,
  'POS': [(0, 12, 'nn'),
          (13, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 19, 'to'),
          (20, 27, 'VV'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 40, '('),
          (41, 43, 'PP'),
          (44, 54, 'VVD'),
          (55, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 62, 'in'),
          (63, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 72, 'cd'),
          (73, 74, ')'),
          (75, 76, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155329) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Surveillance Act to conduct the search ( we introduced FISA in 

chapter 3 ) .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654432,
                     'NER': [(55, 59, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 12, 'nn'),
                             (13, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 19, 'to'),
                             (20, 27, 'VV'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 40, '('),
                             (41, 43, 'PP'),
                             (44, 54, 'VVD'),
                             (55, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 62, 'in'),
                             (63, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 72, 'cd'),
                             (73, 74, ')'),
                             (75, 76, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (55, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 62, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654432) PENN in sentence 4155329:

Surveillance Act to conduct the search ( we introduced FISA in 
------------ --- -- ------- --- ------ - -- ---------- ---- -- 
nn           NP  to VV      dt  nn     ( PP VVD        NP   in 

chapter 3  ) .   
------- -  - -   
nn      cd ) sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] VV
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] (
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] PP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 44
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] in
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] cd
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] )
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 58,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 55}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358860936>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Surveillance Act to conduct the search ( we '
                             'introduced FISA in chapter 3 ) .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 859,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Surveillance Act to conduct the search ( we introduced FISA in '
          'chapter 3 ) .'},
 {'ID': 4155330,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 5, 'VV'),
          (6, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 18, 'rb'),
          (19, 20, ','),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 35, 'VVD'),
          (36, 38, 'to'),
          (39, 50, 'VV'),
          (51, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 65, 'nn'),
          (66, 70, 'IN/that'),
          (71, 80, 'NP'),
          (81, 84, 'VBD'),
          (85, 87, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155330) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

To do so , however , the FBI needed to demonstrate probable cause

 that Moussaoui was an

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654433,
                     'NER': [(25, 28, 'organization'), (71, 80, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 5, 'VV'),
                             (6, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 18, 'rb'),
                             (19, 20, ','),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 35, 'VVD'),
                             (36, 38, 'to'),
                             (39, 50, 'VV'),
                             (51, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 65, 'nn'),
                             (66, 70, 'IN/that'),
                             (71, 80, 'NP'),
                             (81, 84, 'VBD'),
                             (85, 87, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (71, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT'),
                             (85, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654433) PENN in sentence 4155330:

To do so , however , the FBI needed to demonstrate probable cause
-- -- -- - ------- - --- --- ------ -- ----------- -------- -----
to VV rb , rb      , dt  NP  VVD    to VV          jj       nn   

 that    Moussaoui was an
 ----    --------- --- --
 IN/that NP        VBD dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] VV
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] rb
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] ,
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 29
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] to
                                          [end] 49
[start] 39
[name] VV
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 86
[start] 85
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 27,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 25},
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 85
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358872168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'To do so , however , the FBI needed to '
                             'demonstrate probable cause that Moussaoui was '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 860,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'To do so , however , the FBI needed to demonstrate probable cause '
          'that Moussaoui was an'},
 {'ID': 4155331,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 26, ','),
          (27, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 47, 'wdt'),
          (48, 51, 'VBD'),
          (52, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 64, 'VVN'),
          (65, 67, 'to'),
          (68, 74, 'VV'),
          (75, 76, 'dt'),
          (77, 85, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155331) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agent of a foreign power , a demonstration that was not required 

to obtain a criminal

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654434,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 26, ','),
                             (27, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 47, 'wdt'),
                             (48, 51, 'VBD'),
                             (52, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 64, 'VVN'),
                             (65, 67, 'to'),
                             (68, 74, 'VV'),
                             (75, 76, 'dt'),
                             (77, 85, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654434) PENN in sentence 4155331:

agent of a  foreign power , a  demonstration that was not 
----- -- -  ------- ----- - -  ------------- ---- --- --- 
nn    in dt jj      nn    , dt nn            wdt  VBD rb  

required to obtain a  criminal
-------- -- ------ -  --------
VVN      to VV     dt jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] rb
                                          [end] 63
[start] 56
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] to
                                          [end] 73
[start] 68
[name] VV
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] dt
                                          [end] 84
[start] 77
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358887976>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agent of a foreign power , a demonstration that '
                             'was not required to obtain a criminal'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 861,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agent of a foreign power , a demonstration that was not required to '
          'obtain a criminal'},
 {'ID': 4155332,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 11, 'cc'),
          (12, 15, 'VBD'),
          (16, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 27, 'jj'),
          (28, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155332) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

warrant but was a statutory requirement for a FISA warrant .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654435,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 11, 'cc'),
                             (12, 15, 'VBD'),
                             (16, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 27, 'jj'),
                             (28, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 50, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654435) PENN in sentence 4155332:

warrant but was a  statutory requirement for a  FISA warrant .   
------- --- --- -  --------- ----------- --- -  ---- ------- -   
nn      cc  VBD dt jj        nn          in  dt NP   nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] cc
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] jj
                                          [end] 38
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358890856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'warrant but was a statutory requirement for a '
                             'FISA warrant .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 862,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'warrant but was a statutory requirement for a FISA warrant .'},
 {'ID': 4155333,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 22, 'rb'),
          (23, 27, 'VH'),
          (28, 38, 'jj'),
          (39, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 53, 'to'),
          (54, 61, 'VV'),
          (62, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 74, 'to'),
          (75, 76, 'dt'),
          (77, 79, '``'),
          (80, 87, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155333) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The case agent did not have sufficient information to connect 

Moussaoui to a `` foreign

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654436,
                     'NER': [(62, 71, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 22, 'rb'),
                             (23, 27, 'VH'),
                             (28, 38, 'jj'),
                             (39, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 53, 'to'),
                             (54, 61, 'VV'),
                             (62, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 74, 'to'),
                             (75, 76, 'dt'),
                             (77, 79, '``'),
                             (80, 87, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (62, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654436) PENN in sentence 4155333:

The case agent did not have sufficient information to connect 
--- ---- ----- --- --- ---- ---------- ----------- -- ------- 
dt  nn   nn    VVD rb  VH   jj         nn          to VV      

Moussaoui to a  `` foreign
--------- -- -  -- -------
NP        to dt `` jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] rb
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VH
                                          [end] 37
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 49
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] to
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] VV
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] to
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] ``
                                          [end] 86
[start] 80
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 70
[start] 62
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358909512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The case agent did not have sufficient '
                             'information to connect Moussaoui to a `` '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 864,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The case agent did not have sufficient information to connect '
          'Moussaoui to a `` foreign'},
 {'ID': 4155334,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 7, ','),
          (8, 10, "''"),
          (11, 13, 'rb'),
          (14, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 24, 'VVD'),
          (25, 28, 'rp'),
          (29, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 39, ','),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 60, 'NPS'),
          (61, 64, 'cc'),
          (65, 73, 'jj'),
          (74, 75, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155334) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

power , '' so he reached out for help , in the United States and 

overseas .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654437,
                     'NER': [(47, 60, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 7, ','),
                             (8, 10, "''"),
                             (11, 13, 'rb'),
                             (14, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 24, 'VVD'),
                             (25, 28, 'rp'),
                             (29, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 39, ','),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 60, 'NPS'),
                             (61, 64, 'cc'),
                             (65, 73, 'jj'),
                             (74, 75, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654437) PENN in sentence 4155334:

power , '' so he reached out for help , in the United States and 
----- - -- -- -- ------- --- --- ---- - -- --- ------ ------ --- 
nn    , '' rb PP VVD     rp  in  nn   , in dt  NP     NPS    cc  

overseas .   
-------- -   
jj       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] ,
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] ''
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] rb
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] rp
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] ,
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] cc
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] jj
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 59
[start] 47
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358928840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "power , '' so he reached out for help , in the "
                             'United States and overseas .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 865,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "power , '' so he reached out for help , in the United States and "
          'overseas .'},
 {'ID': 4155335,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 16, 'POS'),
          (17, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 26, 'cd'),
          (27, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 60, 'in'),
          (61, 64, 'dt'),
          (65, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 74, 'jj'),
          (75, 82, 'nn'),
          (83, 85, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155335) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FBI agent 's August 18 message requested assistance from the 

FBI legal attach� in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654438,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'),
                             (17, 26, 'date'),
                             (65, 68, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 16, 'POS'),
                             (17, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 26, 'cd'),
                             (27, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 60, 'in'),
                             (61, 64, 'dt'),
                             (65, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 74, 'jj'),
                             (75, 82, 'nn'),
                             (83, 85, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654438) PENN in sentence 4155335:

The FBI agent 's  August 18 message requested assistance from the
--- --- ----- --  ------ -- ------- --------- ---------- ---- ---
dt  NP  nn    POS NP     cd nn      VVD       nn         in   dt 

 FBI legal attach� in
 --- ----- ------- --
 NP  jj    nn      in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] POS
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] cd
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] in
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] jj
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] date
                                          {'end': 67,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 65}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358932296>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "The FBI agent 's August 18 message requested "
                             'assistance from the FBI legal attach� in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 866,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The FBI agent 's August 18 message requested assistance from the "
          'FBI legal attach� in'},
 {'ID': 4155336,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'), (6, 7, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155336) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Paris .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654439,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'), (6, 7, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (6, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654439) PENN in sentence 4155336:

Paris .   
----- -   
NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358939528>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Paris .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 867,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Paris .'},
 {'ID': 4155337,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 13, 'VHD'),
          (14, 19, 'VVN'),
          (20, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 31, ','),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 63, 'VVD'),
          (64, 74, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155337) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moussaoui had lived in London , so the Minneapolis agent sought 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654440,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person'),
                             (23, 29, 'location'),
                             (39, 50, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 13, 'VHD'),
                             (14, 19, 'VVN'),
                             (20, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 31, ','),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 63, 'VVD'),
                             (64, 74, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 50, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654440) PENN in sentence 4155337:

Moussaoui had lived in London , so the Minneapolis agent sought 
--------- --- ----- -- ------ - -- --- ----------- ----- ------ 
NP        VHD VVN   in NP     , in dt  NP          nn    VVD    

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] ,
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 73
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] location
                                          [end] 49
[start] 39
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358940488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moussaoui had lived in London , so the '
                             'Minneapolis agent sought assistance'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 867,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moussaoui had lived in London , so the Minneapolis agent sought '
 {'ID': 4155338,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 14, 'jj'),
          (15, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 28, 'rb'),
          (29, 31, 'rb'),
          (32, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155338) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

from the legal attach� there as well .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654441,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 14, 'jj'),
                             (15, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 28, 'rb'),
                             (29, 31, 'rb'),
                             (32, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (23, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654441) PENN in sentence 4155338:

from the legal attach� there as well .   
---- --- ----- ------- ----- -- ---- -   
in   dt  jj    nn      rb    rb rb   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] rb
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] rb
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] rb
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358959720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'from the legal attach� there as well .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 868,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'from the legal attach� there as well .'},
 {'ID': 4155339,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 40, 'VHD'),
          (41, 45, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155339) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

By August 24 , the Minneapolis agent had also

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654442,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date'), (19, 30, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 40, 'VHD'),
                             (41, 45, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 30, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654442) PENN in sentence 4155339:

By August 24 , the Minneapolis agent had also
-- ------ -- - --- ----------- ----- --- ----
in NP     cd , dt  NP          nn    VHD rb  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358973992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'By August 24 , the Minneapolis agent had also'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 868,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'By August 24 , the Minneapolis agent had also'},
 {'ID': 4155340,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
          (10, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 29, 'cc'),
          (30, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 55, 'dt'),
          (56, 72, 'NP'),
          (73, 79, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155340) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

contacted an FBI detailee and a CIA desk officer at the 

Counterterrorist Center

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654443,
                     'NER': [(13, 16, 'organization'),
                             (32, 35, 'organization'),
                             (56, 79, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
                             (10, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 29, 'cc'),
                             (30, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 55, 'dt'),
                             (56, 72, 'NP'),
                             (73, 79, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654443) PENN in sentence 4155340:

contacted an FBI detailee and a  CIA desk officer at the 
--------- -- --- -------- --- -  --- ---- ------- -- --- 
VVN       dt NP  nn       cc  dt NP  nn   nn      in dt  

Counterterrorist Center
---------------- ------
NP               NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] cc
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                          [end] 71
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 15,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 13},
                                          {'end': 34,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 32},
                                          [end] 78
[start] 56
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358976200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'contacted an FBI detailee and a CIA desk officer '
                             'at the Counterterrorist Center'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 869,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'contacted an FBI detailee and a CIA desk officer at the '
          'Counterterrorist Center'},
 {'ID': 4155341,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'), (6, 9, 'dt'), (10, 14, 'nn'), (15, 16, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155341) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

about the case .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654444,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 16, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'), (6, 9, 'NT'), (15, 16, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654444) PENN in sentence 4155341:

about the case .   
----- --- ---- -   
in    dt  nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358987336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'about the case .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 870,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'about the case .'},
 {'ID': 4155342,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 24, 'POS'),
          (25, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 46, 'rb'),
          (47, 56, 'VVD'),
          (57, 60, 'dt'),
          (61, 67, 'jj'),
          (68, 78, 'nn'),
          (79, 81, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155342) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FBI legal attach� 's office in Paris first contacted the 

French government on

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654445,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'), (35, 40, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 24, 'POS'),
                             (25, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 46, 'rb'),
                             (47, 56, 'VVD'),
                             (57, 60, 'dt'),
                             (61, 67, 'jj'),
                             (68, 78, 'nn'),
                             (79, 81, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (57, 60, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654445) PENN in sentence 4155342:

The FBI legal attach� 's  office in Paris first contacted the 
--- --- ----- ------- --  ------ -- ----- ----- --------- --- 
dt  NP  jj    nn      POS nn     in NP    rb    VVD       dt  

French government on
------ ---------- --
jj     nn         in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] jj
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] POS
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] rb
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 61
[name] jj
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824358988488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "The FBI legal attach� 's office in Paris first "
                             'contacted the French government on'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 872,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The FBI legal attach� 's office in Paris first contacted the French "
          'government on'},
 {'ID': 4155343,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 9, 'cd'),
          (10, 12, 'cc'),
          (13, 15, 'cd'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 25, 'rb'),
          (26, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 40, 'VVG'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 77, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155343) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

August 16 or 17 , shortly after speaking to the Minneapolis case 

agent on the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654446,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'date'), (48, 59, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 9, 'cd'),
                             (10, 12, 'cc'),
                             (13, 15, 'cd'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 25, 'rb'),
                             (26, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 40, 'VVG'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 77, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 31, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 59, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654446) PENN in sentence 4155343:

August 16 or 17 , shortly after speaking to the Minneapolis case 
------ -- -- -- - ------- ----- -------- -- --- ----------- ---- 
NP     cd cc cd , rb      in    VVG      to dt  NP          nn   

agent on the
----- -- ---
nn    in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cc
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] cd
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] rb
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          [end] 58
[start] 48
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359003720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'August 16 or 17 , shortly after speaking to the '
                             'Minneapolis case agent on the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 873,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'August 16 or 17 , shortly after speaking to the Minneapolis case '
          'agent on the'},
 {'ID': 4155344,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155344) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

telephone .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654447,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nn'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654447) PENN in sentence 4155344:

telephone .   
--------- -   
nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359019336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'telephone .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 874,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'telephone .'},
 {'ID': 4155345,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 16, 'cc'),
          (17, 19, 'cd'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 41, 'VVN'),
          (42, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 58, 'wdt'),
          (59, 63, 'VVD'),
          (64, 65, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155345) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On August 22 and 27 , the French provided information that made a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654448,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 16, 'cc'),
                             (17, 19, 'cd'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 41, 'VVN'),
                             (42, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 58, 'wdt'),
                             (59, 63, 'VVD'),
                             (64, 65, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (54, 58, 'NT'),
                             (64, 65, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654448) PENN in sentence 4155345:

On August 22 and 27 , the French provided information that made 
-- ------ -- --- -- - --- ------ -------- ----------- ---- ---- 
in NP     cd cc  cd , dt  jj     VVN      nn          wdt  VVD  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] cc
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] cd
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 40
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359020104>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On August 22 and 27 , the French provided '
                             'information that made a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 874,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On August 22 and 27 , the French provided information that made a'},
 {'ID': 4155346,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 28, 'NP'),
          (29, 32, 'cc'),
          (33, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 40, 'jj'),
          (41, 47, 'nn'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 59, 'NP'),
          (60, 61, ','),
          (62, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 78, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155346) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

connection between Moussaoui and a rebel leader in Chechnya , Ibn

 al Khattab .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654449,
                     'NER': [(19, 28, 'person'),
                             (51, 59, 'location'),
                             (62, 76, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 28, 'NP'),
                             (29, 32, 'cc'),
                             (33, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 40, 'jj'),
                             (41, 47, 'nn'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 59, 'NP'),
                             (60, 61, ','),
                             (62, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 78, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654449) PENN in sentence 4155346:

connection between Moussaoui and a  rebel leader in Chechnya , 
---------- ------- --------- --- -  ----- ------ -- -------- - 
nn         in      NP        cc  dt jj    nn     in NP       , 

Ibn al Khattab .   
--- -- ------- -   
NP  NP NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] cc
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] ,
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 27
[start] 19
[name] person
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] location
                                          {'end': 75,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 62}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359031048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'connection between Moussaoui and a rebel leader '
                             'in Chechnya , Ibn al Khattab .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 875,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'connection between Moussaoui and a rebel leader in Chechnya , Ibn '
          'al Khattab .'},
 {'ID': 4155347,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155347) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654450,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654450) PENN in sentence 4155347:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359034216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 875,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This'},
 {'ID': 4155348,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VVN'),
          (4, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 9, 'dt'),
          (10, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 64, ','),
          (65, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 82, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155348) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

set off a spirited debate between the Minneapolis Field Office , 

FBI headquarters,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654451,
                     'NER': [(38, 62, 'organization'),
                             (65, 68, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VVN'),
                             (4, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 64, ','),
                             (65, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 82, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (26, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654451) PENN in sentence 4155348:

set off a  spirited debate between the Minneapolis Field Office ,
--- --- -  -------- ------ ------- --- ----------- ----- ------ -
VVN in  dt jj       nn     in      dt  NP          NP    NP     ,

 FBI headquarters,
 --- -------------
 NP  NP           
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] ,
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 61,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 38},
                                          {'end': 67,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 65}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359047240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'set off a spirited debate between the '
                             'Minneapolis Field Office , FBI headquarters,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 876,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'set off a spirited debate between the Minneapolis Field Office , '
          'FBI headquarters,'},
 {'ID': 4155349,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 7, 'dt'),
          (8, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 17, 'to'),
          (18, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 44, 'nns'),
          (45, 48, 'cc'),
          (49, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 61, 'VBD'),
          (62, 74, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155349) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and the CIA as to whether the Chechen rebels and Khattab were 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654452,
                     'NER': [(8, 11, 'organization'), (49, 56, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 7, 'dt'),
                             (8, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 17, 'to'),
                             (18, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 44, 'nns'),
                             (45, 48, 'cc'),
                             (49, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 61, 'VBD'),
                             (62, 74, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 37, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654452) PENN in sentence 4155349:

and the CIA as to whether the Chechen rebels and Khattab were 
--- --- --- -- -- ------- --- ------- ------ --- ------- ---- 
cc  dt  NP  in to in      dt  NP      nns    cc  NP      VBD  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] to
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] nns
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] cc
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 73
[start] 62
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 10,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 8},
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359050120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and the CIA as to whether the Chechen rebels and '
                             'Khattab were sufficiently'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 877,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and the CIA as to whether the Chechen rebels and Khattab were '
 {'ID': 4155350,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
          (11, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 27, 'jj'),
          (28, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 54, 'VV'),
          (55, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 59, '``'),
          (60, 67, 'jj'),
          (68, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 76, "''"),
          (77, 80, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155350) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

associated with a terrorist organization to constitute a `` 

foreign power '' for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654453,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVN'),
                             (11, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 27, 'jj'),
                             (28, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 54, 'VV'),
                             (55, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 59, '``'),
                             (60, 67, 'jj'),
                             (68, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 76, "''"),
                             (77, 80, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (55, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654453) PENN in sentence 4155350:

associated with a  terrorist organization to constitute a  `` 
---------- ---- -  --------- ------------ -- ---------- -  -- 
VVN        in   dt jj        nn           to VV         dt `` 

foreign power '' for
------- ----- -- ---
jj      nn    '' in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] jj
                                          [end] 39
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 53
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] ``
                                          [end] 66
[start] 60
[name] jj
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] ''
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359061448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'associated with a terrorist organization to '
                             "constitute a `` foreign power '' for"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 878,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'associated with a terrorist organization to constitute a `` foreign '
          "power '' for"},
 {'ID': 4155351,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
          (9, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 30, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155351) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

purposes of the FISA statute .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654454,
                     'NER': [(16, 20, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'nns'),
                             (9, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 30, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 20, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654454) PENN in sentence 4155351:

purposes of the FISA statute .   
-------- -- --- ---- ------- -   
nns      in dt  NP   nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 19,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359076200>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'purposes of the FISA statute .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 879,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'purposes of the FISA statute .'},
 {'ID': 4155352,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 20, 'VVD'),
          (21, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 32, 'VV'),
          (33, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 41, 'VBD'),
          (42, 46, 'jj'),
          (47, 54, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155352) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

FBI headquarters did not believe this was good enough,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654455,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 20, 'VVD'),
                             (21, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 32, 'VV'),
                             (33, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 41, 'VBD'),
                             (42, 46, 'jj'),
                             (47, 54, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (47, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654455) PENN in sentence 4155352:

FBI headquarters did not believe this was good enough,
--- ------------ --- --- ------- ---- --- ---- -------
NP  nns          VVD rb  VV      dt   VBD jj   NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] rb
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] VV
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] jj
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359077736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'FBI headquarters did not believe this was good '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 879,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'FBI headquarters did not believe this was good enough,'},
 {'ID': 4155353,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 7, 'PP$'),
          (8, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 43, 'VVD'),
          (44, 46, 'to'),
          (47, 53, 'VV'),
          (54, 55, 'dt'),
          (56, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 74, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155353) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and its National Security Law Unit declined to submit a FISA 

application .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654456,
                     'NER': [(8, 34, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 7, 'PP$'),
                             (8, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 43, 'VVD'),
                             (44, 46, 'to'),
                             (47, 53, 'VV'),
                             (54, 55, 'dt'),
                             (56, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 74, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 34, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (73, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654456) PENN in sentence 4155353:

and its National Security Law Unit declined to submit a  FISA 
--- --- -------- -------- --- ---- -------- -- ------ -  ---- 
cc  PP$ NP       NP       NP  NP   VVD      to VV     dt NP   

application .   
----------- -   
nn          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] to
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] VV
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 33,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 8}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359079752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and its National Security Law Unit declined to '
                             'submit a FISA application .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 880,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and its National Security Law Unit declined to submit a FISA '
          'application .'},
 {'ID': 4155354,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 27, 'jj'),
          (28, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 52, ','),
          (53, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 62, 'jj'),
          (63, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 80, 'NP'),
          (81, 84, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155354) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

After receiving the written request for assistance , the legal 

attach� in London had

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654457,
                     'NER': [(74, 80, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 27, 'jj'),
                             (28, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 52, ','),
                             (53, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 62, 'jj'),
                             (63, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 80, 'NP'),
                             (81, 84, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654457) PENN in sentence 4155354:

After receiving the written request for assistance , the legal 
----- --------- --- ------- ------- --- ---------- - --- ----- 
in    VVG       dt  jj      nn      in  nn         , dt  jj    

attach� in London had
------- -- ------ ---
nn      in NP     VHD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 40
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] ,
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] jj
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 79
[start] 74
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359098984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'After receiving the written request for '
                             'assistance , the legal attach� in London had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 882,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'After receiving the written request for assistance , the legal '
          'attach� in London had'},
 {'ID': 4155355,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 18, 'VVD'),
          (19, 21, 'PP'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 28, 'PP$'),
          (29, 41, 'nns'),
          (42, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 48, 'dt'),
          (49, 56, 'jj'),
          (57, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 69, ','),
          (70, 85, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155355) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

promptly forwarded it to his counterparts in the British 

government , hand-delivering

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654458,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 18, 'VVD'),
                             (19, 21, 'PP'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 28, 'PP$'),
                             (29, 41, 'nns'),
                             (42, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 48, 'dt'),
                             (49, 56, 'jj'),
                             (57, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 69, ','),
                             (70, 85, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (68, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654458) PENN in sentence 4155355:

promptly forwarded it to his counterparts in the British 
-------- --------- -- -- --- ------------ -- --- ------- 
rb       VVD       PP to PP$ nns          in dt  jj      

government , hand-delivering
---------- - ---------------
nn         , VVG            
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 17
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] PP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 40
[start] 29
[name] nns
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 49
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] ,
                                          [end] 84
[start] 70
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359109832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'promptly forwarded it to his counterparts in the '
                             'British government , hand-delivering'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 883,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'promptly forwarded it to his counterparts in the British government '
          ', hand-delivering'},
 {'ID': 4155356,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 24, 'cd'),
          (25, 26, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155356) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the request on August 21 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654459,
                     'NER': [(15, 24, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 24, 'cd'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654459) PENN in sentence 4155356:

the request on August 21 .   
--- ------- -- ------ -- -   
dt  nn      in NP     cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] cd
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 15
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359112136>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the request on August 21 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 884,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the request on August 21 .'},
 {'ID': 4155357,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 27, 'rb'),
          (28, 32, 'VVD'),
          (33, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 54, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155357) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On August 24 , the CIA also sent a cable to London and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654460,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date'),
                             (19, 22, 'organization'),
                             (44, 50, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 27, 'rb'),
                             (28, 32, 'VVD'),
                             (33, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 54, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654460) PENN in sentence 4155357:

On August 24 , the CIA also sent a  cable to London and
-- ------ -- - --- --- ---- ---- -  ----- -- ------ ---
in NP     cd , dt  NP  rb   VVD  dt nn    to NP     cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] rb
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19},
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359126120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On August 24 , the CIA also sent a cable to '
                             'London and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 884,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On August 24 , the CIA also sent a cable to London and'},
 {'ID': 4155358,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 18, '``'),
          (19, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 50, 'jj'),
          (51, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 73, "''"),
          (74, 78, 'wdt'),
          (79, 88, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155358) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Paris regarding `` subjects involved in suspicious 747 flight 

training '' that described

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654461,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 18, '``'),
                             (19, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 50, 'jj'),
                             (51, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 73, "''"),
                             (74, 78, 'wdt'),
                             (79, 88, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654461) PENN in sentence 4155358:

Paris regarding `` subjects involved in suspicious 747 flight 
----- --------- -- -------- -------- -- ---------- --- ------ 
NP    VVG       `` nns      VVN      in jj         NP  nn     

training '' that described
-------- -- ---- ---------
nn       '' wdt  VVD      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] ``
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] nns
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 40
[name] jj
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 62
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] ''
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 87
[start] 79
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359145640>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Paris regarding `` subjects involved in '
                             "suspicious 747 flight training '' that "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 885,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Paris regarding `` subjects involved in suspicious 747 flight '
          "training '' that described"},
 {'ID': 4155359,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 26, '``'),
          (27, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 45, 'sent'),
          (46, 48, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155359) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moussaoui as a possible `` suicide hijacker . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654462,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 26, '``'),
                             (27, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 45, 'sent'),
                             (46, 48, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (24, 26, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654462) PENN in sentence 4155359:

Moussaoui as a  possible `` suicide hijacker .    ''
--------- -- -  -------- -- ------- -------- -    --
nns       in dt jj       `` nn      nn       sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] jj
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] ``
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] sent
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 24
[name] NT
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[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359148040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moussaoui as a possible `` suicide hijacker . '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 886,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Moussaoui as a possible `` suicide hijacker . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155360,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 27, 'VVD'),
          (28, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 41, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155360) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On August 28 , the CIA sent a request for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654463,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date'), (19, 22, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 27, 'VVD'),
                             (28, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 41, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654463) PENN in sentence 4155360:

On August 28 , the CIA sent a  request for
-- ------ -- - --- --- ---- -  ------- ---
in NP     cd , dt  NP  VVD  dt nn      in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359166408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On August 28 , the CIA sent a request for'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
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          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 886,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On August 28 , the CIA sent a request for'},
 {'ID': 4155361,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'to'),
          (15, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 26, 'jj'),
          (27, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 49, 'jj'),
          (50, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, ':'),
          (63, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 81, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155361) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information to a different service of the British government ; 

this communication

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654464,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'to'),
                             (15, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 26, 'jj'),
                             (27, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 49, 'jj'),
                             (50, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, ':'),
                             (63, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 81, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (35, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654464) PENN in sentence 4155361:

information to a  different service of the British government ; 
----------- -- -  --------- ------- -- --- ------- ---------- - 
nn          to dt jj        nn      in dt  jj      nn         : 

this communication
---- -------------
dt   nn           
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] to
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] jj
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 48
[start] 42
[name] jj
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] :
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 80
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359168904>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information to a different service of the '
                             'British government ; this communication'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 887,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information to a different service of the British government ; this '
 {'ID': 4155362,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 11, 'IN/that'),
          (12, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 27, 'md'),
          (28, 30, 'vb'),
          (31, 39, 'VVN'),
          (40, 42, 'to'),
          (43, 50, 'NP'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 73, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155362) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

warned that Moussaoui might be expelled to Britain by the end of 

August .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654465,
                     'NER': [(12, 21, 'person'),
                             (43, 50, 'location'),
                             (65, 71, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 11, 'IN/that'),
                             (12, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 27, 'md'),
                             (28, 30, 'vb'),
                             (31, 39, 'VVN'),
                             (40, 42, 'to'),
                             (43, 50, 'NP'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 73, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654465) PENN in sentence 4155362:

warned that    Moussaoui might be expelled to Britain by the end 
------ ----    --------- ----- -- -------- -- ------- -- --- --- 
VVD    IN/that NP        md    vb VVN      to NP      in dt  nn  

of August .   
-- ------ -   
in NP     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 20
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] md
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] vb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] to
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 12
[name] person
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] location
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359179368>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'warned that Moussaoui might be expelled to '
                             'Britain by the end of August .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 888,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'warned that Moussaoui might be expelled to Britain by the end of '
          'August .'},
 {'ID': 4155363,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155363) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654466,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654466) PENN in sentence 4155363:

--- ---
dt  NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359194792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The FBI'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 888,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The FBI'},
 {'ID': 4155364,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 9, 'in'),
          (10, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 23, 'VVD'),
          (24, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 55, 'jj'),
          (56, 65, 'nns'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 71, 'dt'),
          (72, 77, 'rb'),
          (78, 79, ','),
          (80, 85, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155364) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

office in London raised the matter briefly with British officials

 as an aside , after

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654467,
                     'NER': [(10, 16, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 9, 'in'),
                             (10, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 23, 'VVD'),
                             (24, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 55, 'jj'),
                             (56, 65, 'nns'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 71, 'dt'),
                             (72, 77, 'rb'),
                             (78, 79, ','),
                             (80, 85, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 16, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (43, 47, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654467) PENN in sentence 4155364:

office in London raised the matter briefly with British officials
------ -- ------ ------ --- ------ ------- ---- ------- ---------
nn     in NP     VVD    dt  nn     nn      in   jj      nns      

 as an aside , after
 -- -- ----- - -----
 in dt rb    , in   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] jj
                                          [end] 64
[start] 56
[name] nns
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 76
[start] 72
[name] rb
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] ,
                                          [end] 84
[start] 80
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 10
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359195752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'office in London raised the matter briefly with '
                             'British officials as an aside , after'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 889,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'office in London raised the matter briefly with British officials '
          'as an aside , after'},
 {'ID': 4155365,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 9, 'nn'),
          (10, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 22, 'rbr'),
          (23, 29, 'jj'),
          (30, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 51, 'cd'),
          (52, 53, ','),
          (54, 57, 'cc'),
          (58, 62, 'VVD'),
          (63, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 74, 'jj'),
          (75, 82, 'nn'),
          (83, 84, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155365) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

a meeting about a more urgent matter on September 3 , and sent 

the British service a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654468,
                     'NER': [(40, 51, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 9, 'nn'),
                             (10, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 22, 'rbr'),
                             (23, 29, 'jj'),
                             (30, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 51, 'cd'),
                             (52, 53, ','),
                             (54, 57, 'cc'),
                             (58, 62, 'VVD'),
                             (63, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 74, 'jj'),
                             (75, 82, 'nn'),
                             (83, 84, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (83, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654468) PENN in sentence 4155365:

a  meeting about a  more urgent matter on September 3  , and sent
-  ------- ----- -  ---- ------ ------ -- --------- -  - --- ----
dt nn      in    dt rbr  jj     nn     in NP        cd , cc  VVD 

 the British service a 
 --- ------- ------- - 
 dt  jj      nn      dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 2
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] jj
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] cd
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] ,
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] cc
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 67
[name] jj
                                          [end] 81
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 50
[start] 40
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359198632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'a meeting about a more urgent matter on '
                             'September 3 , and sent the British service a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 890,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'a meeting about a more urgent matter on September 3 , and sent the '
          'British service a'},
 {'ID': 4155366,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVN'),
          (8, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 17, 'in'),
          (18, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 29, 'cd'),
          (30, 31, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155366) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

written update on September 5 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654469,
                     'NER': [(18, 29, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVN'),
                             (8, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 29, 'cd'),
                             (30, 31, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654469) PENN in sentence 4155366:

written update on September 5  .   
------- ------ -- --------- -  -   
VVN     nn     in NP        cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] cd
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 28
[start] 18
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359214248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'written update on September 5 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 891,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'written update on September 5 .'},
 {'ID': 4155367,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'nn'),
          (9, 12, 'VBD'),
          (13, 16, 'rb'),
          (17, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 39, 'jj'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 53, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155367) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The case was not handled by the British as a priority

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654470,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'nn'),
                             (9, 12, 'VBD'),
                             (13, 16, 'rb'),
                             (17, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 39, 'jj'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 53, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654470) PENN in sentence 4155367:

The case was not handled by the British as a  priority
--- ---- --- --- ------- -- --- ------- -- -  --------
dt  nn   VBD rb  VVN     in dt  jj      in dt nn      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] rb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] jj
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359228136>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The case was not handled by the British as a '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 891,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The case was not handled by the British as a priority'},
 {'ID': 4155368,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
          (5, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 12, 'jj'),
          (13, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 28, 'jj'),
          (29, 46, 'jj'),
          (47, 56, 'nns'),
          (57, 58, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155368) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

amid a large number of other terrorist-related inquiries .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654471,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'in'),
                             (5, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 28, 'jj'),
                             (29, 46, 'jj'),
                             (47, 56, 'nns'),
                             (57, 58, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654471) PENN in sentence 4155368:

amid a  large number of other terrorist-related inquiries .   
---- -  ----- ------ -- ----- ----------------- --------- -   
in   dt jj    nn     in jj    jj                nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] nns
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359230344>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'amid a large number of other terrorist-related '
                             'inquiries .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 892,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'amid a large number of other terrorist-related inquiries .'},
 {'ID': 4155369,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 14, 'cd'),
          (15, 16, ','),
          (17, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 29, 'VVD'),
          (30, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 53, ','),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 63, ','),
          (64, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 75, 'NP'),
          (76, 83, 'NP'),
          (84, 85, ','),
          (86, 89, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155369) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 21 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On September 4 , the FBI sent a teletype to the CIA , the FAA , 

the Customs Service , the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654472,
                     'NER': [(3, 14, 'date'),
                             (21, 24, 'organization'),
                             (48, 51, 'organization'),
                             (58, 61, 'organization'),
                             (68, 83, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 14, 'cd'),
                             (15, 16, ','),
                             (17, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 29, 'VVD'),
                             (30, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 53, ','),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 63, ','),
                             (64, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 75, 'NP'),
                             (76, 83, 'NP'),
                             (84, 85, ','),
                             (86, 89, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT'),
                             (86, 89, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654472) PENN in sentence 4155369:

On September 4  , the FBI sent a  teletype to the CIA , the FAA ,
-- --------- -  - --- --- ---- -  -------- -- --- --- - --- --- -
in NP        cd , dt  NP  VVD  dt nn       to dt  NP  , dt  NP  ,

 the Customs Service , the
 --- ------- ------- - ---
 dt  NP      NP      , dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] cd
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] ,
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] ,
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] ,
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] NP
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] ,
                                          [end] 88
[start] 86
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 23,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 21},
                                          {'end': 50,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 48},
                                          {'end': 60,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 58},
                                          {'end': 82,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 68}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                          [end] 88
[start] 86
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359240328>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On September 4 , the FBI sent a teletype to the '
                             'CIA , the FAA , the Customs Service , the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 894,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On September 4 , the FBI sent a teletype to the CIA , the FAA , the '
          'Customs Service , the'},
 {'ID': 4155370,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
          (6, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 28, ','),
          (29, 32, 'cc'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 43, 'jj'),
          (44, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 63, 'VVG'),
          (64, 67, 'dt'),
          (68, 73, 'VVN'),
          (74, 79, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155370) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

State Department , the INS , and the Secret Service summarizing 

the known facts

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654473,
                     'NER': [(0, 16, 'organization'),
                             (23, 26, 'organization'),
                             (37, 51, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'NP'),
                             (6, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 28, ','),
                             (29, 32, 'cc'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 43, 'jj'),
                             (44, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 63, 'VVG'),
                             (64, 67, 'dt'),
                             (68, 73, 'VVN'),
                             (74, 79, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654473) PENN in sentence 4155370:

State Department , the INS , and the Secret Service summarizing 
----- ---------- - --- --- - --- --- ------ ------- ----------- 
NP    NP         , dt  NP  , cc  dt  jj     nn      VVG         

the known facts
--- ----- -----
dt  VVN   nns  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 6
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] cc
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] jj
                                          [end] 50
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 52
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 15,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0},
                                          {'end': 25,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 23},
                                          {'end': 50,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 37}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359261576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'State Department , the INS , and the Secret '
                             'Service summarizing the known facts'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 895,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'State Department , the INS , and the Secret Service summarizing the '
          'known facts'},
 {'ID': 4155371,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'), (10, 19, 'NP'), (20, 21, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155371) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

regarding Moussaoui .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654474,
                     'NER': [(10, 19, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'), (10, 19, 'NP'), (20, 21, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 19, 'NT'), (20, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654474) PENN in sentence 4155371:

regarding Moussaoui .   
--------- --------- -   
VVG       NP        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 18
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 10
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359272808>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'regarding Moussaoui .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 896,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'regarding Moussaoui .'},
 {'ID': 4155372,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 10, 'rb'),
          (11, 17, 'VV'),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 35, 'POS'),
          (36, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 60, 'IN/that')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155372) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It did not report the case agent 's personal assessment that

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654475,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 10, 'rb'),
                             (11, 17, 'VV'),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 35, 'POS'),
                             (36, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 60, 'IN/that')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654475) PENN in sentence 4155372:

It did not report the case agent 's  personal assessment that   
-- --- --- ------ --- ---- ----- --  -------- ---------- ----   
PP VVD rb  VV     dt  nn   nn    POS jj       nn         IN/that
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] VV
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] POS
                                          [end] 43
[start] 36
[name] jj
                                          [end] 54
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] IN/that
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359273864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "It did not report the case agent 's personal "
                             'assessment that'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 896,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "It did not report the case agent 's personal assessment that"},
 {'ID': 4155373,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 17, 'VVD'),
          (18, 20, 'to'),
          (21, 27, 'VV'),
          (28, 30, 'dt'),
          (31, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 41, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155373) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moussaoui planned to hijack an airplane .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654476,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 20, 'to'),
                             (21, 27, 'VV'),
                             (28, 30, 'dt'),
                             (31, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 41, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654476) PENN in sentence 4155373:

Moussaoui planned to hijack an airplane .   
--------- ------- -- ------ -- -------- -   
NP        VVD     to VV     dt nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 10
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] VV
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359275880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moussaoui planned to hijack an airplane .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 897,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moussaoui planned to hijack an airplane .'},
 {'ID': 4155374,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VVD'),
          (7, 14, 'VV'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 25, 'POS'),
          (26, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 38, 'IN/that'),
          (39, 41, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155374) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It did contain the FAA 's comment that it

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654477,
                     'NER': [(19, 22, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VVD'),
                             (7, 14, 'VV'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 25, 'POS'),
                             (26, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 38, 'IN/that'),
                             (39, 41, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654477) PENN in sentence 4155374:

It did contain the FAA 's  comment that    it
-- --- ------- --- --- --  ------- ----    --
PP VVD VV      dt  NP  POS nn      IN/that PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] VV
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] POS
                                          [end] 32
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359289864>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "It did contain the FAA 's comment that it"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 897,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "It did contain the FAA 's comment that it"},
 {'ID': 4155375,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
          (4, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 26, 'jj'),
          (27, 37, 'nns'),
          (38, 40, 'to'),
          (41, 47, 'VV'),
          (48, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 63, 'nn'),
          (64, 71, 'nns'),
          (72, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 78, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155375) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

was not unusual for Middle Easterners to attend flight training 

schools in the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654478,
                     'NER': [(20, 37, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
                             (4, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 26, 'jj'),
                             (27, 37, 'nns'),
                             (38, 40, 'to'),
                             (41, 47, 'VV'),
                             (48, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 63, 'nn'),
                             (64, 71, 'nns'),
                             (72, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 78, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654478) PENN in sentence 4155375:

was not unusual for Middle Easterners to attend flight training 
--- --- ------- --- ------ ---------- -- ------ ------ -------- 
VBD rb  jj      in  jj     nns        to VV     nn     nn       

schools in the
------- -- ---
nns     in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] rb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] jj
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 27
[name] nns
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] VV
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 55
[name] nn
                                          [end] 70
[start] 64
[name] nns
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] in
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 20
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359291880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'was not unusual for Middle Easterners to attend '
                             'flight training schools in the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 898,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'was not unusual for Middle Easterners to attend flight training '
          'schools in the'},
 {'ID': 4155376,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 13, 'NPS'), (14, 15, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155376) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654479,
                     'NER': [(0, 13, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 13, 'NPS'), (14, 15, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'), (7, 13, 'NT'), (14, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654479) PENN in sentence 4155376:

United States .   
------ ------ -   
NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359306632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'United States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 899,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'United States .'},
 {'ID': 4155377,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 31, 'nns'),
          (32, 38, 'VVD'),
          (39, 41, 'to'),
          (42, 46, 'VV'),
          (47, 50, 'dt'),
          (51, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 79, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155377) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Although the Minneapolis agents wanted to tell the FAA from the 

beginning about

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654480,
                     'NER': [(13, 24, 'location'), (51, 54, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 31, 'nns'),
                             (32, 38, 'VVD'),
                             (39, 41, 'to'),
                             (42, 46, 'VV'),
                             (47, 50, 'dt'),
                             (51, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 79, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 24, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (74, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654480) PENN in sentence 4155377:

Although the Minneapolis agents wanted to tell the FAA from the 
-------- --- ----------- ------ ------ -- ---- --- --- ---- --- 
in       dt  NP          nns    VVD    to VV   dt  NP  in   dt  

beginning about
--------- -----
nn        in   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] nns
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] to
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] VV
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] dt
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 13
[name] location
                                          {'end': 53,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 51}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359307784>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Although the Minneapolis agents wanted to tell '
                             'the FAA from the beginning about'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 901,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Although the Minneapolis agents wanted to tell the FAA from the '
          'beginning about'},
 {'ID': 4155378,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 39, 'VVD'),
          (40, 51, 'NP'),
          (52, 56, 'IN/that'),
          (57, 59, 'PP'),
          (60, 65, 'md'),
          (66, 69, 'rb'),
          (70, 75, 'VV'),
          (76, 79, 'dt'),
          (80, 84, 'jjr')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155378) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moussaoui , FBI headquarters instructed Minneapolis that it could

 not share the more

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654481,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person'),
                             (12, 15, 'organization'),
                             (40, 51, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 39, 'VVD'),
                             (40, 51, 'NP'),
                             (52, 56, 'IN/that'),
                             (57, 59, 'PP'),
                             (60, 65, 'md'),
                             (66, 69, 'rb'),
                             (70, 75, 'VV'),
                             (76, 79, 'dt'),
                             (80, 84, 'jjr')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (40, 51, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (76, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654481) PENN in sentence 4155378:

Moussaoui , FBI headquarters instructed Minneapolis that    it 
--------- - --- ------------ ---------- ----------- ----    -- 
NP        , NP  nns          VVD        NP          IN/that PP 

could not share the more
----- --- ----- --- ----
md    rb  VV    dt  jjr 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 38
[start] 29
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] PP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] md
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] rb
                                          [end] 74
[start] 70
[name] VV
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] dt
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] jjr
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 14,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 12},
                                          [end] 50
[start] 40
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359327016>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moussaoui , FBI headquarters instructed '
                             'Minneapolis that it could not share the more'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 902,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moussaoui , FBI headquarters instructed Minneapolis that it could '
          'not share the more'},
 {'ID': 4155379,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 19, 'dt'),
          (20, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 34, 'VHD'),
          (35, 43, 'VVN'),
          (44, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155379) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

complete report the case agent had prepared for the FAA .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654482,
                     'NER': [(52, 55, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 19, 'dt'),
                             (20, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 34, 'VHD'),
                             (35, 43, 'VVN'),
                             (44, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(16, 19, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654482) PENN in sentence 4155379:

complete report the case agent had prepared for the FAA .   
-------- ------ --- ---- ----- --- -------- --- --- --- -   
jj       nn     dt  nn   nn    VHD VVN      in  dt  NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 16
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 42
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 54,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 52}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359338152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'complete report the case agent had prepared for '
                             'the FAA .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 903,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'complete report the case agent had prepared for the FAA .'},
 {'ID': 4155380,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 15, 'NP'), (16, 26, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155380) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The Minneapolis supervisor

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654483,
                     'NER': [(4, 15, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 15, 'NP'), (16, 26, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 15, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654483) PENN in sentence 4155380:

The Minneapolis supervisor
--- ----------- ----------
dt  NP          nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 4
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359340360>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The Minneapolis supervisor'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 903,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The Minneapolis supervisor'},
 {'ID': 4155381,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVN'),
          (5, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 32, 'to'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 42, 'jj'),
          (43, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 56, 'to'),
          (57, 61, 'VV'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 69, 'wp'),
          (70, 72, 'PP'),
          (73, 80, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155381) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

sent the case agent in person to the local FAA office to fill in 

what he thought

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654484,
                     'NER': [(43, 46, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVN'),
                             (5, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 32, 'to'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 42, 'jj'),
                             (43, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 56, 'to'),
                             (57, 61, 'VV'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 69, 'wp'),
                             (70, 72, 'PP'),
                             (73, 80, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654484) PENN in sentence 4155381:

sent the case agent in person to the local FAA office to fill in 
---- --- ---- ----- -- ------ -- --- ----- --- ------ -- ---- -- 
VVN  dt  nn   nn    in nn     to dt  jj    NP  nn     to VV   in 

what he thought
---- -- -------
wp   PP VVD    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] to
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] VV
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] wp
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] PP
                                          [end] 79
[start] 73
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 43}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359341416>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'sent the case agent in person to the local FAA '
                             'office to fill in what he thought'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 904,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'sent the case agent in person to the local FAA office to fill in '
          'what he thought'},
 {'ID': 4155382,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
          (5, 9, 'nns'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 44, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155382) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

were gaps in the FBI headquarters teletype .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654485,
                     'NER': [(17, 20, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
                             (5, 9, 'nns'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 44, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654485) PENN in sentence 4155382:

were gaps in the FBI headquarters teletype .   
---- ---- -- --- --- ------------ -------- -   
VBD  nns  in dt  NP  nn           nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 19,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 17}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359356840>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'were gaps in the FBI headquarters teletype .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 905,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'were gaps in the FBI headquarters teletype .'},
 {'ID': 4155383,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 14, 'nns'),
          (15, 19, 'VVP'),
          (20, 22, 'to'),
          (23, 27, 'VH'),
          (28, 32, 'VBN'),
          (33, 38, 'VVN'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 52, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155383) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No FAA actions seem to have been taken in response .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654486,
                     'NER': [(3, 6, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 14, 'nns'),
                             (15, 19, 'VVP'),
                             (20, 22, 'to'),
                             (23, 27, 'VH'),
                             (28, 32, 'VBN'),
                             (33, 38, 'VVN'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 52, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654486) PENN in sentence 4155383:

No FAA actions seem to have been taken in response .   
-- --- ------- ---- -- ---- ---- ----- -- -------- -   
dt NP  nns     VVP  to VH   VBN  VVN   in nn       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 13
[start] 7
[name] nns
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] to
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VH
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 3}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359371112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No FAA actions seem to have been taken in '
                             'response .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 907,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No FAA actions seem to have been taken in response .'},
 {'ID': 4155384,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
          (6, 9, 'VBD'),
          (10, 21, 'jj'),
          (22, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 61, 'nns'),
          (62, 65, 'cc'),
          (66, 69, 'NP'),
          (70, 82, 'nn'),
          (83, 85, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155384) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

There was substantial disagreement between Minneapolis agents and

 FBI headquarters as

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654487,
                     'NER': [(43, 54, 'location'), (66, 69, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
                             (6, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 21, 'jj'),
                             (22, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 61, 'nns'),
                             (62, 65, 'cc'),
                             (66, 69, 'NP'),
                             (70, 82, 'nn'),
                             (83, 85, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (35, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 54, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (83, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654487) PENN in sentence 4155384:

There was substantial disagreement between Minneapolis agents and
----- --- ----------- ------------ ------- ----------- ------ ---
ex    VBD jj          nn           in      NP          nns    cc 

 FBI headquarters as
 --- ------------ --
 NP  nn           in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] ex
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 20
[start] 10
[name] jj
                                          [end] 33
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] in
                                          [end] 53
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 55
[name] nns
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] cc
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 53
[start] 43
[name] location
                                          {'end': 68,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 66}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359373416>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'There was substantial disagreement between '
                             'Minneapolis agents and FBI headquarters as'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 908,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'There was substantial disagreement between Minneapolis agents and '
          'FBI headquarters as'},
 {'ID': 4155385,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
          (3, 7, 'wp'),
          (8, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 21, 'VBD'),
          (22, 30, 'VVG'),
          (31, 33, 'to'),
          (34, 36, 'VV'),
          (37, 38, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155385) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to what Moussaoui was planning to do .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654488,
                     'NER': [(8, 17, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 7, 'wp'),
                             (8, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 21, 'VBD'),
                             (22, 30, 'VVG'),
                             (31, 33, 'to'),
                             (34, 36, 'VV'),
                             (37, 38, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 38, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654488) PENN in sentence 4155385:

to what Moussaoui was planning to do .   
-- ---- --------- --- -------- -- -- -   
to wp   NP        VBD VVG      to VV sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] wp
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] VV
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 8
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359384072>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to what Moussaoui was planning to do .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 909,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to what Moussaoui was planning to do .'},
 {'ID': 4155386,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'cd'),
          (7, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 41, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155386) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In one conversation between a Minneapolis

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654489,
                     'NER': [(30, 41, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'cd'),
                             (7, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 41, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (20, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654489) PENN in sentence 4155386:

In one conversation between a  Minneapolis
-- --- ------------ ------- -  -----------
in cd  nn           in      dt NP         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] cd
                                          [end] 18
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 40
[start] 30
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359386184>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In one conversation between a Minneapolis'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 909,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In one conversation between a Minneapolis'},
 {'ID': 4155387,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 16, 'dt'),
          (17, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 37, ','),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 48, 'nn'),
          (49, 59, 'VVD'),
          (60, 64, 'IN/that'),
          (65, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 79, 'POS'),
          (80, 84, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155387) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

supervisor and a headquarters agent , the latter complained that 

Minneapolis 's FISA

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654490,
                     'NER': [(65, 76, 'location'), (80, 84, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 16, 'dt'),
                             (17, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 37, ','),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 48, 'nn'),
                             (49, 59, 'VVD'),
                             (60, 64, 'IN/that'),
                             (65, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 79, 'POS'),
                             (80, 84, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 16, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (65, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654490) PENN in sentence 4155387:

supervisor and a  headquarters agent , the latter complained 
---------- --- -  ------------ ----- - --- ------ ---------- 
nn         cc  dt nn           nn    , dt  nn     VVD        

that    Minneapolis 's  FISA
----    ----------- --  ----
IN/that NP          POS NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] cc
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] ,
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 49
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 75
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] POS
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 75
[start] 65
[name] location
                                          {'end': 83,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 80}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359404264>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'supervisor and a headquarters agent , the latter '
                             "complained that Minneapolis 's FISA"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 910,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'supervisor and a headquarters agent , the latter complained that '
          "Minneapolis 's FISA"},
 {'ID': 4155388,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
          (8, 11, 'VBD'),
          (12, 19, 'VVN'),
          (20, 22, 'in'),
          (23, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 40, 'VVD'),
          (41, 43, 'to'),
          (44, 47, 'VV'),
          (48, 54, 'nns'),
          (55, 57, '``'),
          (58, 62, 'VVN'),
          (63, 65, 'rp'),
          (66, 67, 'sent'),
          (68, 70, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155388) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

request was couched in a manner intended to get people `` spun up

 . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654491,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nn'),
                             (8, 11, 'VBD'),
                             (12, 19, 'VVN'),
                             (20, 22, 'in'),
                             (23, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 40, 'VVD'),
                             (41, 43, 'to'),
                             (44, 47, 'VV'),
                             (48, 54, 'nns'),
                             (55, 57, '``'),
                             (58, 62, 'VVN'),
                             (63, 65, 'rp'),
                             (66, 67, 'sent'),
                             (68, 70, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654491) PENN in sentence 4155388:

request was couched in a  manner intended to get people `` spun 
------- --- ------- -- -  ------ -------- -- --- ------ -- ---- 
nn      VBD VVN     in dt nn     VVD      to VV  nns    `` VVN  

up .    ''
-- -    --
rp sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] to
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] VV
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] ``
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] rp
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] sent
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359406856>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'request was couched in a manner intended to get '
                             "people `` spun up . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 911,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'request was couched in a manner intended to get people `` spun up . '
 {'ID': 4155389,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 14, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155389) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The supervisor

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654492,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 14, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654492) PENN in sentence 4155389:

The supervisor
--- ----------
dt  nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359421992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The supervisor'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 911,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The supervisor'},
 {'ID': 4155390,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 16, 'VBD'),
          (17, 26, 'rb'),
          (27, 30, 'PP$'),
          (31, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155390) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

replied that was precisely his intent .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654493,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 16, 'VBD'),
                             (17, 26, 'rb'),
                             (27, 30, 'PP$'),
                             (31, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654493) PENN in sentence 4155390:

replied that was precisely his intent .   
------- ---- --- --------- --- ------ -   
VVD     dt   VBD rb        PP$ nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] rb
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359422760>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'replied that was precisely his intent .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 912,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'replied that was precisely his intent .'},
 {'ID': 4155391,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 10, 'PP'),
          (11, 14, 'VBD'),
          (15, 17, '``'),
          (18, 24, 'VVG'),
          (25, 27, 'to'),
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          (33, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 45, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155391) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He said he was `` trying to keep someone from

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654494,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 10, 'PP'),
                             (11, 14, 'VBD'),
                             (15, 17, '``'),
                             (18, 24, 'VVG'),
                             (25, 27, 'to'),
                             (28, 32, 'VV'),
                             (33, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 45, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (41, 45, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654494) PENN in sentence 4155391:

He said he was `` trying to keep someone from
-- ---- -- --- -- ------ -- ---- ------- ----
PP VVD  PP VBD `` VVG    to VV   nn      in  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
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[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] PP
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[start] 11
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] ``
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] to
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] VV
                                          [end] 39
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
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[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359436744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He said he was `` trying to keep someone from'}],
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
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  'text': 'He said he was `` trying to keep someone from'},
 {'ID': 4155392,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'),
          (7, 8, 'dt'),
          (9, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 18, 'cc'),
          (19, 27, 'VVG'),
          (28, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 57, 'sent'),
          (58, 60, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155392) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

taking a plane and crashing into the World Trade Center . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654495,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'),
                             (7, 8, 'dt'),
                             (9, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 18, 'cc'),
                             (19, 27, 'VVG'),
                             (28, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent'),
                             (58, 60, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654495) PENN in sentence 4155392:

taking a  plane and crashing into the World Trade Center .    ''
------ -  ----- --- -------- ---- --- ----- ----- ------ -    --
VVG    dt nn    cc  VVG      in   dt  NP    NP    NP     sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] cc
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359438760>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'taking a plane and crashing into the World Trade '
                             "Center . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 913,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "taking a plane and crashing into the World Trade Center . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155393,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 16, 'nn'), (17, 22, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155393) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The headquarters agent

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654496,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 16, 'nn'), (17, 22, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654496) PENN in sentence 4155393:

The headquarters agent
--- ------------ -----
dt  nn           nn   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359457704>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The headquarters agent'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 913,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The headquarters agent'},
 {'ID': 4155394,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVD'),
          (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
          (13, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 21, 'VBD'),
          (22, 25, 'rb'),
          (26, 31, 'VVG'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 41, 'VV'),
          (42, 45, 'cc'),
          (46, 50, 'IN/that'),
          (51, 55, 'PP'),
          (56, 59, 'VVD'),
          (60, 63, 'rb'),
          (64, 68, 'VV'),
          (69, 71, 'in'),
          (72, 81, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155394) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

replied that this was not going to happen and that they did not 

know if Moussaoui

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654497,
                     'NER': [(72, 81, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VVD'),
                             (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
                             (13, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 21, 'VBD'),
                             (22, 25, 'rb'),
                             (26, 31, 'VVG'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 41, 'VV'),
                             (42, 45, 'cc'),
                             (46, 50, 'IN/that'),
                             (51, 55, 'PP'),
                             (56, 59, 'VVD'),
                             (60, 63, 'rb'),
                             (64, 68, 'VV'),
                             (69, 71, 'in'),
                             (72, 81, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (69, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654497) PENN in sentence 4155394:

replied that    this was not going to happen and that    they did
------- ----    ---- --- --- ----- -- ------ --- ----    ---- ---
VVD     IN/that dt   VBD rb  VVG   to VV     cc  IN/that PP   VVD

 not know if Moussaoui
 --- ---- -- ---------
 rb  VV   in NP       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] rb
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] VV
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] cc
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] PP
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] rb
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] VV
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] in
                                          [end] 80
[start] 72
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 80
[start] 72
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359458568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'replied that this was not going to happen and '
                             'that they did not know if Moussaoui'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 914,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'replied that this was not going to happen and that they did not '
          'know if Moussaoui'},
 {'ID': 4155395,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'), (4, 5, 'dt'), (6, 15, 'nn'), (16, 17, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155395) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

was a terrorist .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654498,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
                             (4, 5, 'dt'),
                             (6, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 17, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 5, 'NT'), (16, 17, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654498) PENN in sentence 4155395:

was a  terrorist .   
--- -  --------- -   
VBD dt nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359465800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'was a terrorist .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 915,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'was a terrorist .'},
 {'ID': 4155396,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
          (6, 8, 'VBZ'),
          (9, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 20, 'nn'),
          (21, 25, 'IN/that'),
          (26, 32, 'dt'),
          (33, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 52, 'NP'),
          (53, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 63, 'cc'),
          (64, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 82, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155396) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

There is no evidence that either FBI Acting Director Pickard or 

Assistant Director

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654499,
                     'NER': [(33, 36, 'organization'), (53, 60, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'ex'),
                             (6, 8, 'VBZ'),
                             (9, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 20, 'nn'),
                             (21, 25, 'IN/that'),
                             (26, 32, 'dt'),
                             (33, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 52, 'NP'),
                             (53, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 63, 'cc'),
                             (64, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 82, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (26, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654499) PENN in sentence 4155396:

There is  no evidence that    either FBI Acting Director Pickard 
----- --  -- -------- ----    ------ --- ------ -------- ------- 
ex    VBZ dt nn       IN/that dt     NP  NP     NP       NP      

or Assistant Director
-- --------- --------
cc NP        NP      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] ex
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] cc
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 35,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 33},
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359466952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'There is no evidence that either FBI Acting '
                             'Director Pickard or Assistant Director'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 917,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'There is no evidence that either FBI Acting Director Pickard or '
          'Assistant Director'},
 {'ID': 4155397,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
          (4, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 36, 'VBD'),
          (37, 44, 'VVN'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 72, 'rb'),
          (73, 75, 'to'),
          (76, 80, 'cd'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155397) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

for Counterterrorism Dale Watson was briefed on the Moussaoui 

case prior to 9/11 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654500,
                     'NER': [(4, 32, 'person'), (52, 61, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
                             (4, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 36, 'VBD'),
                             (37, 44, 'VVN'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 72, 'rb'),
                             (73, 75, 'to'),
                             (76, 80, 'cd'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 61, 'NT'),
                             (67, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654500) PENN in sentence 4155397:

for Counterterrorism Dale Watson was briefed on the Moussaoui 
--- ---------------- ---- ------ --- ------- -- --- --------- 
in  NP               NP   NP     VBD VVN     in dt  NP        

case prior to 9/11 .   
---- ----- -- ---- -   
nn   rb    to cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 67
[name] rb
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] to
                                          [end] 79
[start] 76
[name] cd
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 31
[start] 4
[name] person
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359482280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'for Counterterrorism Dale Watson was briefed on '
                             'the Moussaoui case prior to 9/11 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 918,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'for Counterterrorism Dale Watson was briefed on the Moussaoui case '
          'prior to 9/11 .'},
 {'ID': 4155398,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 15, 'NP'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 35, 'jj'),
          (36, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 52, 'VVG'),
          (53, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 66, 'POS')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155398) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Michael Rolince , the FBI assistant director heading the Bureau 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654501,
                     'NER': [(0, 15, 'person'),
                             (22, 25, 'organization'),
                             (57, 63, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 15, 'NP'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 35, 'jj'),
                             (36, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 52, 'VVG'),
                             (53, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 66, 'POS')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654501) PENN in sentence 4155398:

Michael Rolince , the FBI assistant director heading the Bureau 
------- ------- - --- --- --------- -------- ------- --- ------ 
NP      NP      , dt  NP  jj        nn       VVG     dt  NP     

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 45
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] POS
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 24,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 22},
                                          {'end': 62,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 57}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359497800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Michael Rolince , the FBI assistant director '
                             "heading the Bureau 's"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 919,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Michael Rolince , the FBI assistant director heading the Bureau 's"},
 {'ID': 4155399,
  'POS': [(0, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 43, '('),
          (44, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 50, ')'),
          (51, 52, ','),
          (53, 61, 'VVN'),
          (62, 67, 'VBG'),
          (68, 72, 'VVN'),
          (73, 78, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155399) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

InternationalTerrorism Operations Section ( ITOS ) , recalled 

being told about

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654502,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 43, '('),
                             (44, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 50, ')'),
                             (51, 52, ','),
                             (53, 61, 'VVN'),
                             (62, 67, 'VBG'),
                             (68, 72, 'VVN'),
                             (73, 78, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (62, 67, 'NT'),
                             (73, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654502) PENN in sentence 4155399:

InternationalTerrorism Operations Section ( ITOS ) , recalled 
---------------------- ---------- ------- - ---- - - -------- 
NP                     NP         NP      ( NP   ) , VVN      

being told about
----- ---- -----
VBG   VVN  in   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] (
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] )
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] ,
                                          [end] 60
[start] 53
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] VBG
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359500488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'InternationalTerrorism Operations Section ( ITOS '
                             ') , recalled being told about'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 920,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'InternationalTerrorism Operations Section ( ITOS ) , recalled being '
          'told about'},
 {'ID': 4155400,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
          (10, 12, 'in'),
          (13, 16, 'cd'),
          (17, 24, 'VVG'),
          (25, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 46, 'nns'),
          (47, 50, 'cc'),
          (51, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 75, 'IN/that'),
          (76, 78, 'PP'),
          (79, 84, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155400) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moussaoui in two passing hallway conversations but only in the 

context that he might

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654503,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'),
                             (10, 12, 'in'),
                             (13, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 24, 'VVG'),
                             (25, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 46, 'nns'),
                             (47, 50, 'cc'),
                             (51, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 75, 'IN/that'),
                             (76, 78, 'PP'),
                             (79, 84, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654503) PENN in sentence 4155400:

Moussaoui in two passing hallway conversations but only in the 
--------- -- --- ------- ------- ------------- --- ---- -- --- 
nns       in cd  VVG     nn      nns           cc  rb   in dt  

context that    he might
------- ----    -- -----
nn      IN/that PP md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] cd
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] cc
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] rb
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] in
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] PP
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359515240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moussaoui in two passing hallway conversations '
                             'but only in the context that he might'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 921,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moussaoui in two passing hallway conversations but only in the '
          'context that he might'},
 {'ID': 4155401,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'vb'),
          (3, 12, 'VVG'),
          (13, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 33, 'in'),
          (34, 45, 'nns'),
          (46, 57, 'VVG'),
          (58, 63, 'in'),
          (64, 67, 'wrb'),
          (68, 80, 'nns'),
          (81, 84, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155401) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

be receiving telephone calls from Minneapolis complaining about 

how headquarters was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654504,
                     'NER': [(34, 45, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'vb'),
                             (3, 12, 'VVG'),
                             (13, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 33, 'in'),
                             (34, 45, 'nns'),
                             (46, 57, 'VVG'),
                             (58, 63, 'in'),
                             (64, 67, 'wrb'),
                             (68, 80, 'nns'),
                             (81, 84, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (29, 33, 'NT'),
                             (58, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654504) PENN in sentence 4155401:

be receiving telephone calls from Minneapolis complaining about 
-- --------- --------- ----- ---- ----------- ----------- ----- 
vb VVG       nn        nns   in   nns         VVG         in    

how headquarters was
--- ------------ ---
wrb nns          VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] vb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 21
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 23
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 34
[name] nns
                                          [end] 56
[start] 46
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 62
[start] 58
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 79
[start] 68
[name] nns
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 44
[start] 34
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359518024>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'be receiving telephone calls from Minneapolis '
                             'complaining about how headquarters was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 922,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'be receiving telephone calls from Minneapolis complaining about how '
          'headquarters was'},
 {'ID': 4155402,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'), (9, 12, 'dt'), (13, 19, 'nn'), (20, 21, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155402) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

handling the matter .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654505,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVG'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 21, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 12, 'NT'), (20, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654505) PENN in sentence 4155402:

handling the matter .   
-------- --- ------ -   
VVG      dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359532488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'handling the matter .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 923,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'handling the matter .'},
 {'ID': 4155403,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 17, 'VVD'),
          (18, 22, 'pdt'),
          (23, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 31, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155403) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He never received such a call .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654506,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 17, 'VVD'),
                             (18, 22, 'pdt'),
                             (23, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 31, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (18, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 24, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654506) PENN in sentence 4155403:

He never received such a  call .   
-- ----- -------- ---- -  ---- -   
PP rb    VVD      pdt  dt nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] rb
                                          [end] 16
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] pdt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359533544>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He never received such a call .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 923,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He never received such a call .'},
 {'ID': 4155404,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'), (9, 12, 'dt'), (13, 19, 'jj'), (20, 27, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155404) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Although the acting special

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654507,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 27, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'), (9, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654507) PENN in sentence 4155404:

Although the acting special
-------- --- ------ -------
in       dt  jj     jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359555720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Although the acting special'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 923,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Although the acting special'},
 {'ID': 4155405,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 37, 'VVD'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 58, 'nns'),
          (59, 61, 'to'),
          (62, 69, 'VV'),
          (70, 73, 'dt'),
          (74, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155405) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

agent in charge of Minneapolis called the ITOS supervisors to 

discuss the Moussaoui

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654508,
                     'NER': [(19, 30, 'location'),
                             (42, 46, 'organization'),
                             (74, 83, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 37, 'VVD'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 58, 'nns'),
                             (59, 61, 'to'),
                             (62, 69, 'VV'),
                             (70, 73, 'dt'),
                             (74, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 8, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 30, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654508) PENN in sentence 4155405:

agent in charge of Minneapolis called the ITOS supervisors to 
----- -- ------ -- ----------- ------ --- ---- ----------- -- 
nn    in nn     in NP          VVD    dt  NP   nns         to 

discuss the Moussaoui
------- --- ---------
VV      dt  NP       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:39:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 6
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 31
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 47
[name] nns
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 62
[name] VV
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] dt
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 29
[start] 19
[name] location
                                          {'end': 45,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42},
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359556776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'agent in charge of Minneapolis called the ITOS '
                             'supervisors to discuss the Moussaoui'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 924,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'agent in charge of Minneapolis called the ITOS supervisors to '
          'discuss the Moussaoui'},
 {'ID': 4155406,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 17, 'cd'),
          (18, 19, ','),
          (20, 22, 'PP'),
          (23, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 37, 'VV'),
          (38, 40, 'rp'),
          (41, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 53, 'in'),
          (54, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 85, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155406) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

case on August 27 , he declined to go up the chain of command at 

FBI headquarters and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654509,
                     'NER': [(8, 17, 'date'), (65, 68, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 17, 'cd'),
                             (18, 19, ','),
                             (20, 22, 'PP'),
                             (23, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 37, 'VV'),
                             (38, 40, 'rp'),
                             (41, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 53, 'in'),
                             (54, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 85, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 22, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (82, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654509) PENN in sentence 4155406:

case on August 27 , he declined to go up the chain of command at 
---- -- ------ -- - -- -------- -- -- -- --- ----- -- ------- -- 
nn   in NP     cd , PP VVD      to VV rp dt  nn    in nn      in 

FBI headquarters and
--- ------------ ---
NP  nn           cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] cd
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] PP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 36
[start] 35
[name] VV
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] rp
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 8
[name] date
                                          {'end': 67,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 65}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359563816>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'case on August 27 , he declined to go up the '
                             'chain of command at FBI headquarters and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 925,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'case on August 27 , he declined to go up the chain of command at '
          'FBI headquarters and'},
 {'ID': 4155407,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 12, 'nn'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155407) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

call Rolince .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654510,
                     'NER': [(5, 12, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 12, 'nn'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654510) PENN in sentence 4155407:

call Rolince .   
---- ------- -   
nn   nn      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 5
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359579720>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'call Rolince .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 926,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'call Rolince .'},
 {'ID': 4155408,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 12, 'cd'),
          (13, 14, ','),
          (15, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 28, 'VBD'),
          (29, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 66, 'dt'),
          (67, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 82, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155408) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On August 23 , DCI Tenet was briefed about the Moussaoui case in 

a briefing titled

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654511,
                     'NER': [(3, 12, 'date'),
                             (15, 24, 'person'),
                             (47, 56, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 12, 'cd'),
                             (13, 14, ','),
                             (15, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 28, 'VBD'),
                             (29, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 66, 'dt'),
                             (67, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 82, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (37, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 56, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654511) PENN in sentence 4155408:

On August 23 , DCI Tenet was briefed about the Moussaoui case in 
-- ------ -- - --- ----- --- ------- ----- --- --------- ---- -- 
in NP     cd , NP  NP    VBD VVN     in    dt  NP        nn   in 

a  briefing titled
-  -------- ------
dt nn       VVN   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] cd
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 67
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 76
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] person
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359580680>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On August 23 , DCI Tenet was briefed about the '
                             'Moussaoui case in a briefing titled'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 928,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On August 23 , DCI Tenet was briefed about the Moussaoui case in a '
          'briefing titled'},
 {'ID': 4155409,
  'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
          (3, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 20, 'NP'),
          (21, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 30, 'to'),
          (31, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 36, 'sent'),
          (37, 39, "''")],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155409) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

'' Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly . ''

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654512,
                     'NER': [(3, 27, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, "''"),
                             (3, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 20, 'NP'),
                             (21, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 30, 'to'),
                             (31, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent'),
                             (37, 39, "''")],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654512) PENN in sentence 4155409:

'' Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly .    ''
-- ------- --------- ------ -- --- -    --
'' NP      NP        NP     to NP  sent ''
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] ''
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] to
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] ''
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 26,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 3}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359596488>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "'' Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly . ''"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 929,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "'' Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly . ''"},
 {'ID': 4155410,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'), (6, 9, 'VBD'), (10, 14, 'rb'), (15, 19, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155410) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Tenet was also told

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654513,
                     'NER': [(0, 5, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 14, 'rb'),
                             (15, 19, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(6, 9, 'NT'), (10, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654513) PENN in sentence 4155410:

Tenet was also told
----- --- ---- ----
nn    VBD rb   VVN 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] rb
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359598792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Tenet was also told'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 929,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Tenet was also told'},
 {'ID': 4155411,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 21, 'VVD'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 30, 'VV'),
          (31, 33, 'to'),
          (34, 37, 'VV'),
          (38, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 45, ','),
          (46, 50, 'VVN'),
          (51, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 58, 'PP$'),
          (59, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 70, 'in'),
          (71, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 77, ','),
          (78, 81, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155411) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that Moussaoui wanted to learn to fly a 747 , paid for his 

training in cash , was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654514,
                     'NER': [(5, 14, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 21, 'VVD'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 30, 'VV'),
                             (31, 33, 'to'),
                             (34, 37, 'VV'),
                             (38, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 45, ','),
                             (46, 50, 'VVN'),
                             (51, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 58, 'PP$'),
                             (59, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 70, 'in'),
                             (71, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 77, ','),
                             (78, 81, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 14, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 45, 'NT'),
                             (51, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (68, 70, 'NT'),
                             (76, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654514) PENN in sentence 4155411:

that Moussaoui wanted to learn to fly a  747 , paid for his 
---- --------- ------ -- ----- -- --- -  --- - ---- --- --- 
dt   NP        VVD    to VV    to VV  dt NP  , VVN  in  PP$ 

training in cash , was
-------- -- ---- - ---
nn       in nn   , VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] VV
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] to
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] VV
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] ,
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] in
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 66
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] in
                                          [end] 74
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] ,
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 5
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359599944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that Moussaoui wanted to learn to fly a 747 , '
                             'paid for his training in cash , was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 930,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'that Moussaoui wanted to learn to fly a 747 , paid for his training '
          'in cash , was'},
 {'ID': 4155412,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
          (11, 13, 'to'),
          (14, 19, 'VV'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 29, 'nns'),
          (30, 32, 'VVP'),
          (33, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 41, 'VV'),
          (42, 44, 'in'),
          (45, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 53, ','),
          (54, 57, 'cc'),
          (58, 64, 'VVD'),
          (65, 67, 'to'),
          (68, 71, 'VV'),
          (72, 73, 'dt'),
          (74, 83, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155412) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

interested to learn the doors do not open in flight , and wanted 

to fly a simulated

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654515,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 13, 'to'),
                             (14, 19, 'VV'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 29, 'nns'),
                             (30, 32, 'VVP'),
                             (33, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 41, 'VV'),
                             (42, 44, 'in'),
                             (45, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 53, ','),
                             (54, 57, 'cc'),
                             (58, 64, 'VVD'),
                             (65, 67, 'to'),
                             (68, 71, 'VV'),
                             (72, 73, 'dt'),
                             (74, 83, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (42, 44, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (72, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654515) PENN in sentence 4155412:

interested to learn the doors do  not open in flight , and wanted
---------- -- ----- --- ----- --  --- ---- -- ------ - --- ------
jj         to VV    dt  nns   VVP rb  VV   in nn     , cc  VVD   

 to fly a  simulated
 -- --- -  ---------
 to VV  dt jj       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] to
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] VV
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] rb
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] VV
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] ,
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] cc
                                          [end] 63
[start] 58
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] to
                                          [end] 70
[start] 68
[name] VV
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] dt
                                          [end] 82
[start] 74
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359611656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'interested to learn the doors do not open in '
                             'flight , and wanted to fly a simulated'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 931,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'interested to learn the doors do not open in flight , and wanted to '
          'fly a simulated'},
 {'ID': 4155413,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 11, 'in'),
          (12, 18, 'NP'),
          (19, 21, 'to'),
          (22, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 32, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155413) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

flight from London to New York .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654516,
                     'NER': [(12, 18, 'location'), (22, 30, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 11, 'in'),
                             (12, 18, 'NP'),
                             (19, 21, 'to'),
                             (22, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 32, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654516) PENN in sentence 4155413:

flight from London to New York .   
------ ---- ------ -- --- ---- -   
nn     in   NP     to NP  NP   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] to
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 12
[name] location
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359626984>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'flight from London to New York .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 932,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'flight from London to New York .'},
 {'ID': 4155414,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VBD'),
          (7, 11, 'VVN'),
          (12, 16, 'IN/that'),
          (17, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 28, 'VHD'),
          (29, 37, 'VVN'),
          (38, 47, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155414) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

He was told that the FBI had arrested Moussaoui

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654517,
                     'NER': [(21, 24, 'organization'), (38, 47, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VBD'),
                             (7, 11, 'VVN'),
                             (12, 16, 'IN/that'),
                             (17, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 28, 'VHD'),
                             (29, 37, 'VVN'),
                             (38, 47, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (38, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654517) PENN in sentence 4155414:

He was told that    the FBI had arrested Moussaoui
-- --- ---- ----    --- --- --- -------- ---------
PP VBD VVN  IN/that dt  NP  VHD VVN      NP       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 36
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 46
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 23,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 21},
                                          [end] 46
[start] 38
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359645352>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'He was told that the FBI had arrested '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 932,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'He was told that the FBI had arrested Moussaoui'},
 {'ID': 4155415,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 26, 'VVP'),
          (27, 30, 'cc'),
          (31, 35, 'IN/that'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 47, 'VBD'),
          (48, 55, 'VVG'),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 73, 'dt'),
          (74, 77, 'NP'),
          (78, 79, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155415) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

because of a visa overstay and that the CIA was working the case 

with the FBI .

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                             (74, 77, 'organization')],
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                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 26, 'VVP'),
                             (27, 30, 'cc'),
                             (31, 35, 'IN/that'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 47, 'VBD'),
                             (48, 55, 'VVG'),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 73, 'dt'),
                             (74, 77, 'NP'),
                             (78, 79, 'sent')],
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                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654518) PENN in sentence 4155415:

because of a  visa overstay and that    the CIA was working the 
------- -- -  ---- -------- --- ----    --- --- --- ------- --- 
in      in dt nn   VVP      cc  IN/that dt  NP  VBD VVG     dt  

case with the FBI .   
---- ---- --- --- -   
nn   in   dt  NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 25
[start] 18
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] cc
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] dt
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 42,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 40},
                                          {'end': 76,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 74}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359647464>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'because of a visa overstay and that the CIA was '
                             'working the case with the FBI .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 933,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'because of a visa overstay and that the CIA was working the case '
          'with the FBI .'},
 {'ID': 4155416,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155416) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654519,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654519) PENN in sentence 4155416:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359655080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Tenet'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 933,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Tenet'},
 {'ID': 4155417,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
          (5, 7, 'PP'),
          (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
          (13, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 29, 'to'),
          (30, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 42, 'VBD'),
          (43, 51, 'jj'),
          (52, 54, 'to'),
          (55, 58, 'PP'),
          (59, 61, 'in'),
          (62, 65, 'dt'),
          (66, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 72, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155417) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

told us that no connection to al Qaeda was apparent to him at the

 time .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654520,
                     'NER': [(30, 38, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
                             (5, 7, 'PP'),
                             (8, 12, 'IN/that'),
                             (13, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 29, 'to'),
                             (30, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 42, 'VBD'),
                             (43, 51, 'jj'),
                             (52, 54, 'to'),
                             (55, 58, 'PP'),
                             (59, 61, 'in'),
                             (62, 65, 'dt'),
                             (66, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 72, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (52, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654520) PENN in sentence 4155417:

told us that    no connection to al Qaeda was apparent to him at 
---- -- ----    -- ---------- -- -- ----- --- -------- -- --- -- 
VVD  PP IN/that dt nn         to NP NP    VBD jj       to PP  in 

the time .   
--- ---- -   
dt  nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] to
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] to
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] PP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] in
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 66
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 37
[start] 30
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359655656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'told us that no connection to al Qaeda was '
                             'apparent to him at the time .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 934,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'told us that no connection to al Qaeda was apparent to him at the '
          'time .'},
 {'ID': 4155418,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'), (7, 9, 'PP'), (10, 12, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155418) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Seeing it as

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654521,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VVG'), (7, 9, 'PP'), (10, 12, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 9, 'NT'), (10, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654521) PENN in sentence 4155418:

Seeing it as
------ -- --
VVG    PP in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] PP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359671176>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Seeing it as'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 934,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Seeing it as'},
 {'ID': 4155419,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 20, 'VVD'),
          (21, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 32, 'VV'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 58, 'in'),
          (59, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 74, 'NP'),
          (75, 77, 'cc'),
          (78, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155419) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

an FBI case , he did not discuss the matter with anyone at the 

White House or the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654522,
                     'NER': [(3, 6, 'organization'), (63, 74, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 20, 'VVD'),
                             (21, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 32, 'VV'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 58, 'in'),
                             (59, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 74, 'NP'),
                             (75, 77, 'cc'),
                             (78, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654522) PENN in sentence 4155419:

an FBI case , he did not discuss the matter with anyone at the 
-- --- ---- - -- --- --- ------- --- ------ ---- ------ -- --- 
dt NP  nn   , PP VVD rb  VV      dt  nn     in   nn     in dt  

White House or the
----- ----- -- ---
NP    NP    cc dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] rb
                                          [end] 31
[start] 25
[name] VV
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] in
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] cc
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 5,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 3},
                                          {'end': 73,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 63}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359672136>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'an FBI case , he did not discuss the matter with '
                             'anyone at the White House or the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 935,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'an FBI case , he did not discuss the matter with anyone at the '
          'White House or the'},
 {'ID': 4155420,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'), (4, 5, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155420) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654523,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'), (4, 5, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 5, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654523) PENN in sentence 4155420:

FBI .   
--- -   
NP  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359692328>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'FBI .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 936,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'FBI .'},
 {'ID': 4155421,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 17, 'VBD'),
          (18, 22, 'VVN'),
          (23, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 43, 'POS'),
          (44, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 59, 'dt'),
          (60, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 73, 'NPS'),
          (74, 77, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155421) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No connection was made between Moussaoui 's presence in the 

United States and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654524,
                     'NER': [(31, 40, 'person'), (60, 73, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 17, 'VBD'),
                             (18, 22, 'VVN'),
                             (23, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 43, 'POS'),
                             (44, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 59, 'dt'),
                             (60, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 73, 'NPS'),
                             (74, 77, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (23, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 77, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654524) PENN in sentence 4155421:

No connection was made between Moussaoui 's  presence in the 
-- ---------- --- ---- ------- --------- --  -------- -- --- 
dt nn         VBD VVN  in      NP        POS nn       in dt  

United States and
------ ------ ---
NP     NPS    cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 12
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 21
[start] 18
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] POS
                                          [end] 51
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 39
[start] 31
[name] person
                                          [end] 72
[start] 60
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359693288>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "No connection was made between Moussaoui 's "
                             'presence in the United States and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 936,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "No connection was made between Moussaoui 's presence in the United "
          'States and'},
 {'ID': 4155422,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 20, 'VVG'),
          (21, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 38, 'nn'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 46, 'cd'),
          (47, 48, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155422) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

the threat reporting during the summer of 2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654525,
                     'NER': [(32, 46, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 20, 'VVG'),
                             (21, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 38, 'nn'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 46, 'cd'),
                             (47, 48, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (21, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 48, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654525) PENN in sentence 4155422:

the threat reporting during the summer of 2001 .   
--- ------ --------- ------ --- ------ -- ---- -   
dt  nn     VVG       in     dt  nn     in cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:08 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 11
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 37
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] cd
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 45
[start] 32
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359708520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'the threat reporting during the summer of 2001 '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 937,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'the threat reporting during the summer of 2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4155423,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 15, 'cd'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 23, 'in'),
          (24, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 35, 'nns'),
          (36, 37, ','),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 70, 'VVD'),
          (71, 76, 'PP$'),
          (77, 83, 'nn'),
          (84, 87, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155423) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On September 11 , after the attacks , the FBI office in London 

renewed their appeal for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654526,
                     'NER': [(3, 15, 'date'),
                             (42, 45, 'organization'),
                             (56, 62, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 15, 'cd'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 23, 'in'),
                             (24, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 35, 'nns'),
                             (36, 37, ','),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 70, 'VVD'),
                             (71, 76, 'PP$'),
                             (77, 83, 'nn'),
                             (84, 87, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 62, 'NT'),
                             (71, 76, 'NT'),
                             (84, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654526) PENN in sentence 4155423:

On September 11 , after the attacks , the FBI office in London 
-- --------- -- - ----- --- ------- - --- --- ------ -- ------ 
in NP        cd , in    dt  nns     , dt  NP  nn     in NP     

renewed their appeal for
------- ----- ------ ---
VVD     PP$   nn     in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:09 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] cd
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] nns
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] ,
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 63
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] nn
                                          [end] 86
[start] 84
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 3
[name] date
                                          {'end': 44,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 42},
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359710536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On September 11 , after the attacks , the FBI '
                             'office in London renewed their appeal for'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 939,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On September 11 , after the attacks , the FBI office in London '
          'renewed their appeal for'},
 {'ID': 4155424,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'), (12, 17, 'in'), (18, 27, 'NP'), (28, 29, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155424) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information about Moussaoui .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654527,
                     'NER': [(18, 27, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 29, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 17, 'NT'), (18, 27, 'NT'), (28, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654527) PENN in sentence 4155424:

information about Moussaoui .   
----------- ----- --------- -   
nn          in    NP        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 18
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359730632>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information about Moussaoui .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 940,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information about Moussaoui .'},
 {'ID': 4155425,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'to'),
          (15, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 28, 'nns'),
          (29, 30, ','),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 42, 'jj'),
          (43, 53, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155425) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In response to U.S. requests , the British government

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654528,
                     'NER': [(15, 19, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'to'),
                             (15, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 28, 'nns'),
                             (29, 30, ','),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 42, 'jj'),
                             (43, 53, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 19, 'NT'),
                             (29, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654528) PENN in sentence 4155425:

In response to U.S. requests , the British government
-- -------- -- ---- -------- - --- ------- ----------
in nn       to NP   nns      , dt  jj      nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 3
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] to
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] nns
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] ,
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 52
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 15
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359744232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In response to U.S. requests , the British '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 940,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In response to U.S. requests , the British government'},
 {'ID': 4155426,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
          (9, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 19, 'jj'),
          (20, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155426) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

supplied some basic biographical information about Moussaoui .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654529,
                     'NER': [(51, 60, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVN'),
                             (9, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 19, 'jj'),
                             (20, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 13, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654529) PENN in sentence 4155426:

supplied some basic biographical information about Moussaoui .   
-------- ---- ----- ------------ ----------- ----- --------- -   
VVN      dt   jj    jj           nn          in    NP        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:10 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 43
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 59
[start] 51
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359746152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'supplied some basic biographical information '
                             'about Moussaoui .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 941,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'supplied some basic biographical information about Moussaoui .'},
 {'ID': 4155427,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 11, 'jj'), (12, 22, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155427) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The British government

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654530,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 11, 'jj'), (12, 22, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654530) PENN in sentence 4155427:

The British government
--- ------- ----------
dt  jj      nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 12
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359756232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The British government'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 941,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The British government'},
 {'ID': 4155428,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'VVD'),
          (9, 11, 'PP'),
          (12, 16, 'IN/that'),
          (17, 19, 'PP'),
          (20, 24, 'rb'),
          (25, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 43, 'VVN'),
          (44, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 78, 'nns'),
          (79, 82, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155428) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

informed us that it also immediately tasked intelligence 

collection facilities for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
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                             (12, 16, 'IN/that'),
                             (17, 19, 'PP'),
                             (20, 24, 'rb'),
                             (25, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 43, 'VVN'),
                             (44, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 78, 'nns'),
                             (79, 82, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 36, 'NT'),
                             (79, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654531) PENN in sentence 4155428:

informed us that    it also immediately tasked intelligence 
-------- -- ----    -- ---- ----------- ------ ------------ 
VVD      PP IN/that PP rb   rb          VVN    nn           

collection facilities for
---------- ---------- ---
nn         nns        in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:11 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] PP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] PP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] rb
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] rb
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 55
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] nns
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359757096>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'informed us that it also immediately tasked '
                             'intelligence collection facilities for'}],
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          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 942,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'informed us that it also immediately tasked intelligence collection '
          'facilities for'},
 {'ID': 4155429,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'), (12, 17, 'in'), (18, 27, 'NP'), (28, 29, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155429) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information about Moussaoui .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654532,
                     'NER': [(18, 27, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 17, 'in'),
                             (18, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 29, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 17, 'NT'), (18, 27, 'NT'), (28, 29, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654532) PENN in sentence 4155429:

information about Moussaoui .   
----------- ----- --------- -   
nn          in    NP        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 26
[start] 18
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 16
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359759112>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information about Moussaoui .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 943,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information about Moussaoui .'},
 {'ID': 4155430,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 15, 'cd'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 29, 'jj'),
          (30, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 49, 'VVN'),
          (50, 54, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155430) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On September 13 , the British government received new,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654533,
                     'NER': [(3, 15, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 15, 'cd'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 29, 'jj'),
                             (30, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 49, 'VVN'),
                             (50, 54, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (3, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (50, 54, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654533) PENN in sentence 4155430:

On September 13 , the British government received new,
-- --------- -- - --- ------- ---------- -------- ----
in NP        cd , dt  jj      nn         VVN      NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] cd
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                          [end] 39
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 41
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359772712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On September 13 , the British government '
                             'received new,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
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          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 943,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On September 13 , the British government received new,'},
 {'ID': 4155431,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 27, 'IN/that'),
          (28, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 41, 'VHD'),
          (42, 50, 'VVN'),
          (51, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 79, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155431) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

sensitive intelligence that Moussaoui had attended an al Qaeda 

training camp in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654534,
                     'NER': [(28, 37, 'person'), (54, 62, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 27, 'IN/that'),
                             (28, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 41, 'VHD'),
                             (42, 50, 'VVN'),
                             (51, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 79, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(28, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 62, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654534) PENN in sentence 4155431:

sensitive intelligence that    Moussaoui had attended an al Qaeda
--------- ------------ ----    --------- --- -------- -- -- -----
jj        nn           IN/that NP        VHD VVN      dt NP NP   

 training camp in
 -------- ---- --
 nn       nn   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:12 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 36
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 49
[start] 42
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] dt
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 70
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] nn
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 28
[name] person
                                          {'end': 61,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 54}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 36
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359774728>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'sensitive intelligence that Moussaoui had '
                             'attended an al Qaeda training camp in'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 944,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'sensitive intelligence that Moussaoui had attended an al Qaeda '
          'training camp in'},
 {'ID': 4155432,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155432) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Afghanistan .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654535,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'), (12, 13, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 11, 'NT'), (12, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654535) PENN in sentence 4155432:

Afghanistan .   
----------- -   
NP          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359789480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Afghanistan .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 945,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Afghanistan .'},
 {'ID': 4155433,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 9, 'VVD'),
          (10, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 30, 'to'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 41, 'NP'),
          (42, 48, 'NPS'),
          (49, 51, 'in'),
          (52, 55, 'dt'),
          (56, 60, 'jj'),
          (61, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 66, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155433) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

It passed this intelligence to the United States on the same day 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654536,
                     'NER': [(35, 48, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 9, 'VVD'),
                             (10, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 30, 'to'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 41, 'NP'),
                             (42, 48, 'NPS'),
                             (49, 51, 'in'),
                             (52, 55, 'dt'),
                             (56, 60, 'jj'),
                             (61, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654536) PENN in sentence 4155433:

It passed this intelligence to the United States on the same day 
-- ------ ---- ------------ -- --- ------ ------ -- --- ---- --- 
PP VVD    dt   nn           to dt  NP     NPS    in dt  jj   nn  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:13 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 3
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] to
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] nn
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 47
[start] 35
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359790440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'It passed this intelligence to the United States '
                             'on the same day .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 945,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'It passed this intelligence to the United States on the same day .'},
 {'ID': 4155434,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155434) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654537,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654537) PENN in sentence 4155434:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VHD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359801384>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Had'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 945,
  'sentNo': 3,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Had'},
 {'ID': 4155435,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 21, 'VBN'),
          (22, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 39, 'jj'),
          (40, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 51, 'cd'),
          (52, 53, ','),
          (54, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 72, 'nn'),
          (73, 78, 'md'),
          (79, 85, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155435) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

this information been available in late August 2001 , the 

Moussaoui case would almost

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654538,
                     'NER': [(40, 51, 'date'), (58, 67, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 21, 'VBN'),
                             (22, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 39, 'jj'),
                             (40, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 51, 'cd'),
                             (52, 53, ','),
                             (54, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 72, 'nn'),
                             (73, 78, 'md'),
                             (79, 85, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (17, 21, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (40, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 67, 'NT'),
                             (73, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654538) PENN in sentence 4155435:

this information been available in late August 2001 , the 
---- ----------- ---- --------- -- ---- ------ ---- - --- 
dt   nn          VBN  jj        in jj   NP     cd   , dt  

Moussaoui case would almost
--------- ---- ----- ------
NP        nn   md    rb    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] jj
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] cd
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] ,
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 66
[start] 58
[name] NP
                                          [end] 71
[start] 68
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] md
                                          [end] 84
[start] 79
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 50
[start] 40
[name] date
                                          [end] 66
[start] 58
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359801960>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'this information been available in late August '
                             '2001 , the Moussaoui case would almost'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 946,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'this information been available in late August 2001 , the Moussaoui '
          'case would almost'},
 {'ID': 4155436,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
          (10, 14, 'VHP'),
          (15, 23, 'VVN'),
          (24, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 33, ','),
          (34, 44, 'jj'),
          (45, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 56, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155436) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

certainly have received intense , high-level attention .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654539,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
                             (10, 14, 'VHP'),
                             (15, 23, 'VVN'),
                             (24, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 33, ','),
                             (34, 44, 'jj'),
                             (45, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 56, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (55, 56, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654539) PENN in sentence 4155436:

certainly have received intense , high-level attention .   
--------- ---- -------- ------- - ---------- --------- -   
rb        VHP  VVN      jj      , jj         nn        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:14 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 30
[start] 24
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] ,
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] jj
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359825480>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'certainly have received intense , high-level '
                             'attention .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 947,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'certainly have received intense , high-level attention .'},
 {'ID': 4155437,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 12, 'rb'),
          (13, 20, 'VVD'),
          (21, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 31, 'cd'),
          (32, 36, 'IN/that'),
          (37, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 61, 'jj'),
          (62, 68, 'NP'),
          (69, 70, ','),
          (71, 74, 'wp'),
          (75, 77, 'in'),
          (78, 82, 'cd'),
          (83, 86, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155437) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The FBI also learned after 9/11 that the millennium terrorist 

Ressam , who by 2001 was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654540,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization'),
                             (62, 68, 'organization'),
                             (78, 82, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 12, 'rb'),
                             (13, 20, 'VVD'),
                             (21, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 31, 'cd'),
                             (32, 36, 'IN/that'),
                             (37, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 61, 'jj'),
                             (62, 68, 'NP'),
                             (69, 70, ','),
                             (71, 74, 'wp'),
                             (75, 77, 'in'),
                             (78, 82, 'cd'),
                             (83, 86, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 12, 'NT'),
                             (21, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (62, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 86, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654540) PENN in sentence 4155437:

The FBI also learned after 9/11 that    the millennium terrorist 
--- --- ---- ------- ----- ---- ----    --- ---------- --------- 
dt  NP  rb   VVD     in    cd   IN/that dt  nn         jj        

Ressam , who by 2001 was
------ - --- -- ---- ---
NP     , wp  in cd   VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:15 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] rb
                                          [end] 19
[start] 13
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] cd
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] NP
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] ,
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] wp
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] in
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] cd
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4},
                                          {'end': 67,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 62},
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 85
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359827208>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The FBI also learned after 9/11 that the '
                             'millennium terrorist Ressam , who by 2001 was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 949,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The FBI also learned after 9/11 that the millennium terrorist '
          'Ressam , who by 2001 was'},
 {'ID': 4155438,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVG'),
          (12, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 30, 'nns'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 43, 'VVN'),
          (44, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 56, 'in'),
          (57, 64, 'nn'),
          (65, 68, 'wp'),
          (69, 72, 'VHD'),
          (73, 77, 'VBN'),
          (78, 80, 'in'),
          (81, 84, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155438) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

cooperating with investigators , recognized Moussaoui as someone 

who had been in the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654541,
                     'NER': [(44, 53, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVG'),
                             (12, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 30, 'nns'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 43, 'VVN'),
                             (44, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 56, 'in'),
                             (57, 64, 'nn'),
                             (65, 68, 'wp'),
                             (69, 72, 'VHD'),
                             (73, 77, 'VBN'),
                             (78, 80, 'in'),
                             (81, 84, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (44, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT'),
                             (81, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654541) PENN in sentence 4155438:

cooperating with investigators , recognized Moussaoui as someone 
----------- ---- ------------- - ---------- --------- -- ------- 
VVG         in   nns           , VVN        NP        in nn      

who had been in the
--- --- ---- -- ---
wp  VHD VBN  in dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 17
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 42
[start] 33
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] in
                                          [end] 63
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] wp
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] in
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 52
[start] 44
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359838920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'cooperating with investigators , recognized '
                             'Moussaoui as someone who had been in the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 950,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'cooperating with investigators , recognized Moussaoui as someone '
          'who had been in the'},
 {'ID': 4155439,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'jj'), (7, 12, 'nns'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155439) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Afghan camps .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654542,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'jj'), (7, 12, 'nns'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654542) PENN in sentence 4155439:

Afghan camps .   
------ ----- -   
jj     nns   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359841608>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Afghan camps .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 951,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Afghan camps .'},
 {'ID': 4155440,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 12, 'VVN'),
          (13, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 20, ','),
          (21, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 32, 'cd'),
          (33, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 40, 'NP'),
          (41, 47, 'nns'),
          (48, 50, 'in'),
          (51, 62, 'NP'),
          (63, 66, 'VHD'),
          (67, 73, 'VVN'),
          (74, 76, 'to'),
          (77, 85, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155440) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As mentioned above , before 9/11 the FBI agents in Minneapolis 

had failed to persuade

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654543,
                     'NER': [(37, 40, 'organization'), (51, 62, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 12, 'VVN'),
                             (13, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 20, ','),
                             (21, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 32, 'cd'),
                             (33, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 40, 'NP'),
                             (41, 47, 'nns'),
                             (48, 50, 'in'),
                             (51, 62, 'NP'),
                             (63, 66, 'VHD'),
                             (67, 73, 'VVN'),
                             (74, 76, 'to'),
                             (77, 85, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (13, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (48, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654543) PENN in sentence 4155440:

As mentioned above , before 9/11 the FBI agents in Minneapolis 
-- --------- ----- - ------ ---- --- --- ------ -- ----------- 
in VVN       in    , in     cd   dt  NP  nns    in NP          

had failed to persuade
--- ------ -- --------
VHD VVN    to VV      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:16 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 11
[start] 3
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] ,
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] cd
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 46
[start] 41
[name] nns
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] in
                                          [end] 61
[start] 51
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 72
[start] 67
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] to
                                          [end] 84
[start] 77
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 39,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 37},
                                          [end] 61
[start] 51
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359850728>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As mentioned above , before 9/11 the FBI agents '
                             'in Minneapolis had failed to persuade'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 953,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As mentioned above , before 9/11 the FBI agents in Minneapolis had '
          'failed to persuade'},
 {'ID': 4155441,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'),
          (12, 14, 'in'),
          (15, 27, 'nns'),
          (28, 32, 'IN/that'),
          (33, 38, 'ex'),
          (39, 42, 'VBD'),
          (43, 49, 'jj'),
          (50, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 61, 'to'),
          (62, 66, 'VV'),
          (67, 68, 'dt'),
          (69, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 81, 'nn'),
          (82, 84, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155441) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

supervisors at headquarters that there was enough evidence to 

seek a FISA warrant to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654544,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'),
                             (12, 14, 'in'),
                             (15, 27, 'nns'),
                             (28, 32, 'IN/that'),
                             (33, 38, 'ex'),
                             (39, 42, 'VBD'),
                             (43, 49, 'jj'),
                             (50, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 61, 'to'),
                             (62, 66, 'VV'),
                             (67, 68, 'dt'),
                             (69, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 81, 'nn'),
                             (82, 84, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (33, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (59, 61, 'NT'),
                             (67, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 73, 'NT'),
                             (82, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654544) PENN in sentence 4155441:

supervisors at headquarters that    there was enough evidence to 
----------- -- ------------ ----    ----- --- ------ -------- -- 
nns         in nns          IN/that ex    VBD jj     nn       to 

seek a  FISA warrant to
---- -  ---- ------- --
VV   dt NP   nn      to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:17 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] ex
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] jj
                                          [end] 57
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] to
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] VV
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] NP
                                          [end] 80
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 82
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359853896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'supervisors at headquarters that there was '
                             'enough evidence to seek a FISA warrant to'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 954,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'supervisors at headquarters that there was enough evidence to seek '
          'a FISA warrant to'},
 {'ID': 4155442,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
          (7, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 19, 'POS'),
          (20, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 33, 'jj'),
          (34, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 43, 'cc'),
          (44, 54, 'nns'),
          (55, 56, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155442) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

search Moussaoui 's computer hard drive and belongings .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654545,
                     'NER': [(7, 16, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'VV'),
                             (7, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 19, 'POS'),
                             (20, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 33, 'jj'),
                             (34, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 43, 'cc'),
                             (44, 54, 'nns'),
                             (55, 56, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (55, 56, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654545) PENN in sentence 4155442:

search Moussaoui 's  computer hard drive and belongings .   
------ --------- --  -------- ---- ----- --- ---------- -   
VV     NP        POS nn       jj   nn    cc  nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] POS
                                          [end] 27
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] jj
                                          [end] 38
[start] 34
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] cc
                                          [end] 53
[start] 44
[name] nns
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 7
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 15
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359868744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "search Moussaoui 's computer hard drive and "
                             'belongings .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 955,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "search Moussaoui 's computer hard drive and belongings ."},
 {'ID': 4155443,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'cc'), (7, 10, 'dt'), (11, 18, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155443) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Either the British

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654546,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'cc'), (7, 10, 'dt'), (11, 18, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'), (7, 10, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654546) PENN in sentence 4155443:

Either the British
------ --- -------
cc     dt  jj     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:18 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359882920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Either the British'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 955,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Either the British'},
 {'ID': 4155444,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 14, 'cc'),
          (15, 18, 'dt'),
          (19, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 46, 'md'),
          (47, 51, 'VH'),
          (52, 58, 'VVN'),
          (59, 62, 'dt'),
          (63, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 71, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155444) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

information or the Ressam identification would have broken the 

logjam .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654547,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 14, 'cc'),
                             (15, 18, 'dt'),
                             (19, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 46, 'md'),
                             (47, 51, 'VH'),
                             (52, 58, 'VVN'),
                             (59, 62, 'dt'),
                             (63, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 71, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 25, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 51, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (70, 71, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654547) PENN in sentence 4155444:

information or the Ressam identification would have broken the 
----------- -- --- ------ -------------- ----- ---- ------ --- 
nn          cc dt  NP     nn             md    VH   VVN    dt  

logjam .   
------ -   
nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] cc
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] md
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] VH
                                          [end] 57
[start] 52
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] dt
                                          [end] 68
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359883880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'information or the Ressam identification would '
                             'have broken the logjam .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 956,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'information or the Ressam identification would have broken the '
          'logjam .'},
 {'ID': 4155445,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 36, 'VV'),
          (37, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 58, 'rb'),
          (59, 64, 'md'),
          (65, 69, 'VH'),
          (70, 79, 'VVN'),
          (80, 83, 'PP$')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155445) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

A maximum U.S. effort to investigate Moussaoui conceivably could 

have unearthed his

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654548,
                     'NER': [(10, 14, 'location'), (37, 46, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 36, 'VV'),
                             (37, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 58, 'rb'),
                             (59, 64, 'md'),
                             (65, 69, 'VH'),
                             (70, 79, 'VVN'),
                             (80, 83, 'PP$')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (10, 14, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (37, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 58, 'NT'),
                             (59, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654548) PENN in sentence 4155445:

A  maximum U.S. effort to investigate Moussaoui conceivably could
-  ------- ---- ------ -- ----------- --------- ----------- -----
dt jj      NP   nn     to VV          NP        rb          md   

 have unearthed his
 ---- --------- ---
 VH   VVN       PP$
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:19 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 2
[name] jj
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 35
[start] 25
[name] VV
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 47
[name] rb
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] md
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] VH
                                          [end] 78
[start] 70
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] PP$
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 10
[name] location
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359886088>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'A maximum U.S. effort to investigate Moussaoui '
                             'conceivably could have unearthed his'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 957,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'A maximum U.S. effort to investigate Moussaoui conceivably could '
          'have unearthed his'},
 {'ID': 4155446,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'), (12, 14, 'to'), (15, 25, 'NP'), (26, 27, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155446) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

connections to Binalshibh .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654549,
                     'NER': [(15, 25, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'),
                             (12, 14, 'to'),
                             (15, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 27, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'), (15, 25, 'NT'), (26, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654549) PENN in sentence 4155446:

connections to Binalshibh .   
----------- -- ---------- -   
nns         to NP         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] to
                                          [end] 24
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 15
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359897032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'connections to Binalshibh .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 958,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'connections to Binalshibh .'},
 {'ID': 4155447,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
          (6, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 23, 'md'),
          (24, 28, 'VH'),
          (29, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 50, 'nns'),
          (51, 53, 'to'),
          (54, 57, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155447) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Those connections might have brought investigators to the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654550,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'dt'),
                             (6, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 23, 'md'),
                             (24, 28, 'VH'),
                             (29, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 50, 'nns'),
                             (51, 53, 'to'),
                             (54, 57, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (18, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 28, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654550) PENN in sentence 4155447:

Those connections might have brought investigators to the
----- ----------- ----- ---- ------- ------------- -- ---
dt    nns         md    VH   VVN     nns           to dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 6
[name] nns
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] md
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VH
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 49
[start] 37
[name] nns
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] to
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359898280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Those connections might have brought '
                             'investigators to the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 958,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Those connections might have brought investigators to the'},
 {'ID': 4155448,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 16, 'cd'),
          (17, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 23, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155448) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

core of the 9/11 plot .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654551,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 16, 'cd'),
                             (17, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 23, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 16, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654551) PENN in sentence 4155448:

core of the 9/11 plot .   
---- -- --- ---- ---- -   
nn   in dt  cd   nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:20 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] cd
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359916552>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'core of the 9/11 plot .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
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          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 959,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'core of the 9/11 plot .'},
 {'ID': 4155449,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 29, 'VBD'),
          (30, 40, 'VVN'),
          (41, 48, 'rb'),
          (49, 54, 'in'),
          (55, 60, 'cd')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155449) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The Binalshibh connection was recognized shortly after 9/11,

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654552,
                     'NER': [(4, 14, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 29, 'VBD'),
                             (30, 40, 'VVN'),
                             (41, 48, 'rb'),
                             (49, 54, 'in'),
                             (55, 60, 'cd')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 14, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (41, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654552) PENN in sentence 4155449:

The Binalshibh connection was recognized shortly after 9/11,
--- ---------- ---------- --- ---------- ------- ----- -----
dt  NP         nn         VBD VVN        rb      in    cd   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] rb
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] cd
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 13,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359917992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The Binalshibh connection was recognized shortly '
                             'after 9/11,'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 959,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The Binalshibh connection was recognized shortly after 9/11,'},
 {'ID': 4155450,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
          (7, 9, 'PP'),
          (10, 13, 'VBD'),
          (14, 17, 'rb'),
          (18, 20, 'dt'),
          (21, 25, 'jj'),
          (26, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 39, 'VV'),
          (40, 41, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155450) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

though it was not an easy trail to find .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654553,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'in'),
                             (7, 9, 'PP'),
                             (10, 13, 'VBD'),
                             (14, 17, 'rb'),
                             (18, 20, 'dt'),
                             (21, 25, 'jj'),
                             (26, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 39, 'VV'),
                             (40, 41, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (40, 41, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654553) PENN in sentence 4155450:

though it was not an easy trail to find .   
------ -- --- --- -- ---- ----- -- ---- -   
in     PP VBD rb  dt jj   nn    to VV   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:21 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] PP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] rb
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] jj
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] VV
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359924168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'though it was not an easy trail to find .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 960,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'though it was not an easy trail to find .'},
 {'ID': 4155451,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVG'),
          (12, 14, 'PP'),
          (15, 20, 'md'),
          (21, 25, 'VH'),
          (26, 34, 'VVN'),
          (35, 40, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155451) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Discovering it would have required quick

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654554,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVG'),
                             (12, 14, 'PP'),
                             (15, 20, 'md'),
                             (21, 25, 'VH'),
                             (26, 34, 'VVN'),
                             (35, 40, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 14, 'NT'), (15, 20, 'NT'), (21, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654554) PENN in sentence 4155451:

Discovering it would have required quick
----------- -- ----- ---- -------- -----
VVG         PP md    VH   VVN      jj   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] PP
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] md
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] VH
                                          [end] 33
[start] 26
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359926280>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Discovering it would have required quick'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 960,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Discovering it would have required quick'},
 {'ID': 4155452,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 37, 'in'),
          (38, 41, 'dt'),
          (42, 48, 'jj'),
          (49, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 61, ','),
          (62, 67, 'wdt'),
          (68, 73, 'md'),
          (74, 78, 'rb'),
          (79, 83, 'VH')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155452) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and very substantial cooperation from the German government , 

which might well have

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654555,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 37, 'in'),
                             (38, 41, 'dt'),
                             (42, 48, 'jj'),
                             (49, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 61, ','),
                             (62, 67, 'wdt'),
                             (68, 73, 'md'),
                             (74, 78, 'rb'),
                             (79, 83, 'VH')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (33, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 41, 'NT'),
                             (60, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654555) PENN in sentence 4155452:

and very substantial cooperation from the German government , 
--- ---- ----------- ----------- ---- --- ------ ---------- - 
cc  rb   jj          nn          in   dt  jj     nn         , 

which might well have
----- ----- ---- ----
wdt   md    rb   VH  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:22 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] rb
                                          [end] 19
[start] 9
[name] jj
                                          [end] 31
[start] 21
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] in
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 42
[name] jj
                                          [end] 58
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] ,
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] md
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] rb
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] VH
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359927624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and very substantial cooperation from the German '
                             'government , which might well have'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 961,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and very substantial cooperation from the German government , which '
          'might well have'},
 {'ID': 4155453,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBN'),
          (5, 14, 'jj'),
          (15, 17, 'to'),
          (18, 24, 'VV'),
          (25, 26, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155453) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

been difficult to obtain .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654556,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBN'),
                             (5, 14, 'jj'),
                             (15, 17, 'to'),
                             (18, 24, 'VV'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (15, 17, 'NT'), (25, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654556) PENN in sentence 4155453:

been difficult to obtain .   
---- --------- -- ------ -   
VBN  jj        to VV     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 13
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] to
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] VV
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359950760>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'been difficult to obtain .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 962,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'been difficult to obtain .'},
 {'ID': 4155454,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 38, 'POS'),
          (39, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 49, 'cc'),
          (50, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 60, 'jj')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155454) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

However , publicity about Moussaoui 's arrest and a possible

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654557,
                     'NER': [(26, 35, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 38, 'POS'),
                             (39, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 49, 'cc'),
                             (50, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 60, 'jj')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (20, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654557) PENN in sentence 4155454:

However , publicity about Moussaoui 's  arrest and a  possible
------- - --------- ----- --------- --  ------ --- -  --------
rb      , nn        in    NP        POS nn     cc  dt jj      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 18
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] POS
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] cc
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 52
[name] jj
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 26
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359952008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "However , publicity about Moussaoui 's arrest "
                             'and a possible'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 962,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "However , publicity about Moussaoui 's arrest and a possible"},
 {'ID': 4155455,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
          (10, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 22, 'md'),
          (23, 27, 'VH'),
          (28, 36, 'VVN'),
          (37, 40, 'dt'),
          (41, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 60, ','),
          (61, 64, 'dt'),
          (65, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 75, 'in'),
          (76, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155455) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

hijacking threat might have derailed the plot.107With time , the 

search for Mihdhar

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  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654558,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVG'),
                             (10, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 22, 'md'),
                             (23, 27, 'VH'),
                             (28, 36, 'VVN'),
                             (37, 40, 'dt'),
                             (41, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 60, ','),
                             (61, 64, 'dt'),
                             (65, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 75, 'in'),
                             (76, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(17, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 27, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT'),
                             (72, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654558) PENN in sentence 4155455:

hijacking threat might have derailed the plot.107With time , the 
--------- ------ ----- ---- -------- --- ------------ ---- - --- 
VVG       nn     md    VH   VVN      dt  nn           nn   , dt  

search for Mihdhar
------ --- -------
nn     in  NP     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:23 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 15
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 21
[start] 17
[name] md
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] VH
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 41
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] ,
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 65
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] in
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359962472>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'hijacking threat might have derailed the '
                             'plot.107With time , the search for Mihdhar'}],
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          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 963,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'hijacking threat might have derailed the plot.107With time , the '
          'search for Mihdhar'},
 {'ID': 4155456,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 13, 'cc'),
          (14, 17, 'dt'),
          (18, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 50, 'md'),
          (51, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 60, 'VH'),
          (61, 64, 'VVN'),
          (65, 67, 'to'),
          (68, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 82, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

and Hazmi and the investigation of Moussaoui might also have led 

to a breakthrough

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654559,
                     'NER': [(4, 9, 'person'), (35, 44, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 13, 'cc'),
                             (14, 17, 'dt'),
                             (18, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 50, 'md'),
                             (51, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 60, 'VH'),
                             (61, 64, 'VVN'),
                             (65, 67, 'to'),
                             (68, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 82, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 17, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654559) PENN in sentence 4155456:

and Hazmi and the investigation of Moussaoui might also have led 
--- ----- --- --- ------------- -- --------- ----- ---- ---- --- 
cc  NP    cc  dt  nn            in NP        md    rb   VH   VVN 

to a  breakthrough
-- -  ------------
to dt nn          
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:24 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] cc
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 18
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] md
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] rb
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] VH
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] to
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] dt
                                          [end] 81
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 4
[name] person
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359977224>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'and Hazmi and the investigation of Moussaoui '
                             'might also have led to a breakthrough'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
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          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
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          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 964,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'and Hazmi and the investigation of Moussaoui might also have led to '
          'a breakthrough'},
 {'ID': 4155457,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 10, 'md'),
          (11, 15, 'VH'),
          (16, 25, 'VVN'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 34, 'nn'),
          (35, 36, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155457) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

that would have disrupted the plot .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654560,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 10, 'md'),
                             (11, 15, 'VH'),
                             (16, 25, 'VVN'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 34, 'nn'),
                             (35, 36, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 36, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654560) PENN in sentence 4155457:

that would have disrupted the plot .   
---- ----- ---- --------- --- ---- -   
dt   md    VH   VVN       dt  nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] md
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] VH
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359980296>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'that would have disrupted the plot .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 965,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'that would have disrupted the plot .'},
 {'ID': 4155458,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 13, 'NP'), (14, 22, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155458) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654561,
                     'NER': [(0, 22, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 13, 'NP'), (14, 22, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'), (7, 13, 'NT'), (14, 22, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654561) PENN in sentence 4155458:

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
------ ------ --------
NP     NP     NP      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359998376>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Khalid Sheikh Mohammed'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 966,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Khalid Sheikh Mohammed'},
 {'ID': 4155459,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'dt'),
          (8, 12, 'jj'),
          (13, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 28, 'VBD'),
          (29, 38, 'VVN'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 79, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155459) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Another late opportunity was presented by a confluence of 

information regarding

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654562,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'dt'),
                             (8, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 28, 'VBD'),
                             (29, 38, 'VVN'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 79, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 43, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654562) PENN in sentence 4155459:

Another late opportunity was presented by a  confluence of 
------- ---- ----------- --- --------- -- -  ---------- -- 
dt      jj   nn          VBD VVN       in dt nn         in 

information regarding
----------- ---------
nn          VVG      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:25 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 13
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 29
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 53
[start] 44
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 68
[start] 58
[name] nn
                                          [end] 78
[start] 70
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824359999528>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Another late opportunity was presented by a '
                             'confluence of information regarding'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 967,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Another late opportunity was presented by a confluence of '
          'information regarding'},
 {'ID': 4155460,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
          (7, 13, 'NP'),
          (14, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 31, 'VVD'),
          (32, 34, 'in'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 68, 'dt'),
          (69, 75, 'nn'),
          (76, 78, 'in'),
          (79, 83, 'cd'),
          (84, 85, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155460) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed received by the intelligence community in 

the summer of 2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654563,
                     'NER': [(0, 22, 'person'), (69, 83, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'),
                             (7, 13, 'NP'),
                             (14, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 31, 'VVD'),
                             (32, 34, 'in'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 68, 'dt'),
                             (69, 75, 'nn'),
                             (76, 78, 'in'),
                             (79, 83, 'cd'),
                             (84, 85, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 22, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 68, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654563) PENN in sentence 4155460:

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed received by the intelligence community in 
------ ------ -------- -------- -- --- ------------ --------- -- 
NP     NP     NP       VVD      in dt  nn           nn        in 

the summer of 2001 .   
--- ------ -- ---- -   
dt  nn     in cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:26 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 23
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 50
[start] 39
[name] nn
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                          [end] 74
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] in
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] cd
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 21
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 82
[start] 69
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360013896>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Khalid Sheikh Mohammed received by the '
                             'intelligence community in the summer of 2001 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 968,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Khalid Sheikh Mohammed received by the intelligence community in '
          'the summer of 2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4155461,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 12, 'jj'),
          (13, 18, 'nns'),
          (19, 26, 'in'),
          (27, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 44, ','),
          (45, 48, 'cc'),
          (49, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 62, 'nn'),
          (63, 67, 'rb'),
          (68, 73, 'rbr'),
          (74, 84, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155461) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The possible links between KSM , Moussaoui , and an individual 

only later identified

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                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 12, 'jj'),
                             (13, 18, 'nns'),
                             (19, 26, 'in'),
                             (27, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 44, ','),
                             (45, 48, 'cc'),
                             (49, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 62, 'nn'),
                             (63, 67, 'rb'),
                             (68, 73, 'rbr'),
                             (74, 84, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
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                             (19, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (63, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654564) PENN in sentence 4155461:

The possible links between KSM , Moussaoui , and an individual 
--- -------- ----- ------- --- - --------- - --- -- ---------- 
dt  jj       nns   in      NP  , NP        , cc  dt nn         

only later identified
---- ----- ----------
rb   rbr   VVN       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] nns
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 41
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] ,
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] cc
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 61
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] rb
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 83
[start] 74
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 29,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 27},
                                          [end] 41
[start] 33
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360016872>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The possible links between KSM , Moussaoui , and '
                             'an individual only later identified'}],
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  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 969,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The possible links between KSM , Moussaoui , and an individual only '
          'later identified'},
 {'ID': 4155462,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 25, 'md'),
          (26, 32, 'VV'),
          (33, 45, 'jj'),
          (46, 47, ','),
          (48, 55, 'rb'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155462) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

as Ramzi Binalshibh would remain undiscovered , however .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654565,
                     'NER': [(3, 19, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 25, 'md'),
                             (26, 32, 'VV'),
                             (33, 45, 'jj'),
                             (46, 47, ','),
                             (48, 55, 'rb'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 25, 'NT'),
                             (46, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654565) PENN in sentence 4155462:

as Ramzi Binalshibh would remain undiscovered , however .   
-- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------------ - ------- -   
in NP    NP         md    VV     jj           , rb      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:27 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 9
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] md
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] VV
                                          [end] 44
[start] 33
[name] jj
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] ,
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] rb
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 3
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360024008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'as Ramzi Binalshibh would remain undiscovered , '
                             'however .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 970,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'as Ramzi Binalshibh would remain undiscovered , however .'},
 {'ID': 4155463,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
          (9, 11, 'PP'),
          (12, 19, 'rb'),
          (20, 26, 'VV'),
          (27, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 50, 'nn'),
          (51, 52, ','),
          (53, 57, 'dt'),
          (58, 61, 'VBD'),
          (62, 65, 'rb'),
          (66, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 81, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155463) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Although we readily equate KSM with al Qaeda today , this was not

 the case before

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654566,
                     'NER': [(36, 44, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'in'),
                             (9, 11, 'PP'),
                             (12, 19, 'rb'),
                             (20, 26, 'VV'),
                             (27, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 50, 'nn'),
                             (51, 52, ','),
                             (53, 57, 'dt'),
                             (58, 61, 'VBD'),
                             (62, 65, 'rb'),
                             (66, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 81, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 19, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 44, 'NT'),
                             (51, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (62, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (75, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654566) PENN in sentence 4155463:

Although we readily equate KSM with al Qaeda today , this was not
-------- -- ------- ------ --- ---- -- ----- ----- - ---- --- ---
in       PP rb      VV     nn  in   NP NP    nn    , dt   VBD rb 

 the case before
 --- ---- ------
 dt  nn   in    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:28 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] PP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] rb
                                          [end] 25
[start] 20
[name] VV
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NP
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] ,
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] rb
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 43
[start] 36
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360042568>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Although we readily equate KSM with al Qaeda '
                             'today , this was not the case before'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 971,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Although we readily equate KSM with al Qaeda today , this was not '
          'the case before'},
 {'ID': 4155464,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155464) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

9/11 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654567,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'), (5, 6, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 6, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654567) PENN in sentence 4155464:

9/11 .   
---- -   
cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360045832>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '9/11 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 972,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '9/11 .'},
 {'ID': 4155465,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 5, ','),
          (6, 9, 'wp'),
          (10, 13, 'VHD'),
          (14, 18, 'VBN'),
          (19, 27, 'VVN'),
          (28, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 38, 'NP'),
          (39, 43, 'cd'),
          (44, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 51, 'PP$'),
          (52, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 70, 'NP'),
          (71, 74, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155465) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

KSM , who had been indicted in January 1996 for his role in the 

Manila air

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654568,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'location'),
                             (31, 43, 'date'),
                             (64, 70, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 5, ','),
                             (6, 9, 'wp'),
                             (10, 13, 'VHD'),
                             (14, 18, 'VBN'),
                             (19, 27, 'VVN'),
                             (28, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 38, 'NP'),
                             (39, 43, 'cd'),
                             (44, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 51, 'PP$'),
                             (52, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 70, 'NP'),
                             (71, 74, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 18, 'NT'),
                             (28, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 70, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654568) PENN in sentence 4155465:

KSM , who had been indicted in January 1996 for his role in the 
--- - --- --- ---- -------- -- ------- ---- --- --- ---- -- --- 
NP  , wp  VHD VBN  VVN      in NP      cd   in  PP$ nn   in dt  

Manila air
------ ---
NP     nn 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:29 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] ,
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] wp
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 26
[start] 19
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] cd
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 55
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NP
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] location
                                          [end] 42
[start] 31
[name] date
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360059048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'KSM , who had been indicted in January 1996 for '
                             'his role in the Manila air'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 972,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'KSM , who had been indicted in January 1996 for his role in the '
          'Manila air'},
 {'ID': 4155466,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 10, 'VBD'),
          (11, 15, 'VVN'),
          (16, 25, 'rb'),
          (26, 28, 'in'),
          (29, 36, 'dt'),
          (37, 46, 'nn'),
          (47, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 58, ','),
          (59, 69, 'VVN'),
          (70, 74, 'in'),
          (75, 80, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155466) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

plot , was seen primarily as another freelance terrorist , 

associated with Ramzi

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654569,
                     'NER': [(75, 80, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 10, 'VBD'),
                             (11, 15, 'VVN'),
                             (16, 25, 'rb'),
                             (26, 28, 'in'),
                             (29, 36, 'dt'),
                             (37, 46, 'nn'),
                             (47, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 58, ','),
                             (59, 69, 'VVN'),
                             (70, 74, 'in'),
                             (75, 80, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (16, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 36, 'NT'),
                             (57, 58, 'NT'),
                             (70, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654569) PENN in sentence 4155466:

plot , was seen primarily as another freelance terrorist , 
---- - --- ---- --------- -- ------- --------- --------- - 
nn   , VBD VVN  rb        in dt      nn        nn        , 

associated with Ramzi
---------- ---- -----
VVN        in   NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] rb
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 37
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] ,
                                          [end] 68
[start] 59
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 75
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 79
[start] 75
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360062600>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'plot , was seen primarily as another freelance '
                             'terrorist , associated with Ramzi'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 973,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'plot , was seen primarily as another freelance terrorist , '
          'associated with Ramzi'},
 {'ID': 4155467,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155467) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Yousef .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654570,
                     'NER': [(0, 6, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'NP'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 6, 'NT'), (7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654570) PENN in sentence 4155467:

Yousef .   
------ -   
NP     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360069448>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Yousef .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 974,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Yousef .'},
 {'ID': 4155468,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 11, 'dt'),
          (12, 17, 'nns'),
          (18, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 29, 'NP'),
          (30, 33, 'cc'),
          (34, 37, 'NP'),
          (38, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 46, 'cc'),
          (47, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 60, 'VBD'),
          (61, 64, 'rb'),
          (65, 75, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155468) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Because the links between KSM and Bin Ladin or al Qaeda were not 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654571,
                     'NER': [(26, 29, 'organization'),
                             (34, 43, 'person'),
                             (47, 55, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 11, 'dt'),
                             (12, 17, 'nns'),
                             (18, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 29, 'NP'),
                             (30, 33, 'cc'),
                             (34, 37, 'NP'),
                             (38, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 46, 'cc'),
                             (47, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 60, 'VBD'),
                             (61, 64, 'rb'),
                             (65, 75, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (18, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 64, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654571) PENN in sentence 4155468:

Because the links between KSM and Bin Ladin or al Qaeda were not 
------- --- ----- ------- --- --- --- ----- -- -- ----- ---- --- 
in      dt  nns   in      NP  cc  NP  NP    cc NP NP    VBD  rb  

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:30 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] dt
                                          [end] 16
[start] 12
[name] nns
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] cc
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NP
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] cc
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NP
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] rb
                                          [end] 74
[start] 65
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 28,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 26},
                                          [end] 42
[start] 34
[name] person
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360070408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Because the links between KSM and Bin Ladin or '
                             'al Qaeda were not recognized'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 974,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Because the links between KSM and Bin Ladin or al Qaeda were not '
 {'ID': 4155469,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 28, 'nn'),
          (29, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 36, 'NP'),
          (37, 45, 'VVD'),
          (46, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 58, 'jj'),
          (59, 66, 'NP'),
          (67, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 83, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155469) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

at the time , responsibility for KSM remained in the small 

Islamic Extremist Branch

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654572,
                     'NER': [(33, 36, 'organization'),
                             (59, 83, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 28, 'nn'),
                             (29, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 36, 'NP'),
                             (37, 45, 'VVD'),
                             (46, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 58, 'jj'),
                             (59, 66, 'NP'),
                             (67, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 83, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (59, 66, 'NT'),
                             (67, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654572) PENN in sentence 4155469:

at the time , responsibility for KSM remained in the small 
-- --- ---- - -------------- --- --- -------- -- --- ----- 
in dt  nn   , nn             in  NP  VVD      in dt  jj    

Islamic Extremist Branch
------- --------- ------
NP      NP        NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:31 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 27
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 44
[start] 37
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 65
[start] 59
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 67
[name] NP
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 35,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 33},
                                          {'end': 82,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 59}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360098312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'at the time , responsibility for KSM remained in '
                             'the small Islamic Extremist Branch'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 975,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'at the time , responsibility for KSM remained in the small Islamic '
          'Extremist Branch'},
 {'ID': 4155470,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 32, ','),
          (33, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 39, 'in'),
          (40, 43, 'dt'),
          (44, 47, 'NP'),
          (48, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 60, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155470) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

of the Counterterrorist Center , not in the Bin Ladin unit .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654573,
                     'NER': [(7, 30, 'organization'), (44, 53, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 32, ','),
                             (33, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 39, 'in'),
                             (40, 43, 'dt'),
                             (44, 47, 'NP'),
                             (48, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 60, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 53, 'NT'),
                             (59, 60, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654573) PENN in sentence 4155470:

of the Counterterrorist Center , not in the Bin Ladin unit .   
-- --- ---------------- ------ - --- -- --- --- ----- ---- -   
in dt  NP               NP     , rb  in dt  NP  NP    nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:32 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] ,
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] rb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] in
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] NP
                                          [end] 57
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 29,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 7},
                                          [end] 52
[start] 44
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360109544>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'of the Counterterrorist Center , not in the Bin '
                             'Ladin unit .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 976,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'of the Counterterrorist Center , not in the Bin Ladin unit .'},
 {'ID': 4155471,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 26, 'VHD'),
          (27, 34, 'rb'),
          (35, 39, 'VBN'),
          (40, 48, 'VVN'),
          (49, 50, ','),
          (51, 53, 'PP'),
          (54, 60, 'VVD'),
          (61, 69, 'VVN'),
          (70, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 80, 'nn'),
          (81, 82, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155471) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moreover , because KSM had already been indicted , he became 

targeted for arrest .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654574,
                     'NER': [(19, 22, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 26, 'VHD'),
                             (27, 34, 'rb'),
                             (35, 39, 'VBN'),
                             (40, 48, 'VVN'),
                             (49, 50, ','),
                             (51, 53, 'PP'),
                             (54, 60, 'VVD'),
                             (61, 69, 'VVN'),
                             (70, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 80, 'nn'),
                             (81, 82, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT'),
                             (81, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654574) PENN in sentence 4155471:

Moreover , because KSM had already been indicted , he became 
-------- - ------- --- --- ------- ---- -------- - -- ------ 
rb       , in      NP  VHD rb      VBN  VVN      , PP VVD    

targeted for arrest .   
-------- --- ------ -   
VVN      in  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] rb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 47
[start] 40
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] ,
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] PP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 68
[start] 61
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360124776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moreover , because KSM had already been indicted '
                             ', he became targeted for arrest .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 977,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moreover , because KSM had already been indicted , he became '
          'targeted for arrest .'},
 {'ID': 4155472,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155472) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654575,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654575) PENN in sentence 4155472:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:33 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360127848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 977,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In'},
 {'ID': 4155473,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 10, 'dt'),
          (11, 27, 'NP'),
          (28, 34, 'NP'),
          (35, 40, 'VVD'),
          (41, 42, 'dt'),
          (43, 53, 'NP'),
          (54, 60, 'NP'),
          (61, 63, 'to'),
          (64, 68, 'VV'),
          (69, 73, 'VV'),
          (74, 80, 'VVD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155473) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

1997 , the Counterterrorist Center added a Renditions Branch to 

help find wanted

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654576,
                     'NER': [(0, 4, 'date'),
                             (11, 34, 'organization'),
                             (43, 60, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'cd'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 10, 'dt'),
                             (11, 27, 'NP'),
                             (28, 34, 'NP'),
                             (35, 40, 'VVD'),
                             (41, 42, 'dt'),
                             (43, 53, 'NP'),
                             (54, 60, 'NP'),
                             (61, 63, 'to'),
                             (64, 68, 'VV'),
                             (69, 73, 'VV'),
                             (74, 80, 'VVD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 34, 'NT'),
                             (41, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 60, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654576) PENN in sentence 4155473:

1997 , the Counterterrorist Center added a  Renditions Branch to 
---- - --- ---------------- ------ ----- -  ---------- ------ -- 
cd   , dt  NP               NP     VVD   dt NP         NP     to 

help find wanted
---- ---- ------
VV   VV   VVD   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 26
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NP
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] to
                                          [end] 67
[start] 64
[name] VV
                                          [end] 72
[start] 69
[name] VV
                                          [end] 79
[start] 74
[name] VVD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          {'end': 33,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 11},
                                          {'end': 59,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 43}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360136776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': '1997 , the Counterterrorist Center added a '
                             'Renditions Branch to help find wanted'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 978,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': '1997 , the Counterterrorist Center added a Renditions Branch to '
          'help find wanted'},
 {'ID': 4155474,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155474) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

fugitives .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654577,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654577) PENN in sentence 4155474:

fugitives .   
--------- -   
nns       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360139656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'fugitives .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 979,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'fugitives .'},
 {'ID': 4155475,
  'POS': [(0, 14, 'nn'),
          (15, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 22, 'NP'),
          (23, 26, 'VBD'),
          (27, 38, 'VVN'),
          (39, 41, 'to'),
          (42, 46, 'dt'),
          (47, 53, 'nn'),
          (54, 55, ','),
          (56, 61, 'wdt'),
          (62, 66, 'VVD'),
          (67, 70, 'dt'),
          (71, 74, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155475) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Responsibility for KSM was transferred to this branch , which 

gave the CIA

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654578,
                     'NER': [(19, 22, 'organization'),
                             (71, 74, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 14, 'nn'),
                             (15, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 22, 'NP'),
                             (23, 26, 'VBD'),
                             (27, 38, 'VVN'),
                             (39, 41, 'to'),
                             (42, 46, 'dt'),
                             (47, 53, 'nn'),
                             (54, 55, ','),
                             (56, 61, 'wdt'),
                             (62, 66, 'VVD'),
                             (67, 70, 'dt'),
                             (71, 74, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(15, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 46, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 61, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654578) PENN in sentence 4155475:

Responsibility for KSM was transferred to this branch , which 
-------------- --- --- --- ----------- -- ---- ------ - ----- 
nn             in  NP  VBD VVN         to dt   nn     , wdt   

gave the CIA
---- --- ---
VVD  dt  NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:34 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 15
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 27
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] to
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] ,
                                          [end] 60
[start] 56
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 21,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 19},
                                          {'end': 73,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 71}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 17
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360140424>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Responsibility for KSM was transferred to this '
                             'branch , which gave the CIA'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 979,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Responsibility for KSM was transferred to this branch , which gave '
          'the CIA'},
 {'ID': 4155476,
  'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
          (2, 4, '``'),
          (5, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 18, "''"),
          (19, 24, 'nn'),
          (25, 28, 'cc'),
          (29, 32, 'VBD'),
          (33, 36, 'rb'),
          (37, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 50, 'jj'),
          (51, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155476) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

a `` man-to-man '' focus but was not an analytical unit .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654579,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 1, 'dt'),
                             (2, 4, '``'),
                             (5, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 18, "''"),
                             (19, 24, 'nn'),
                             (25, 28, 'cc'),
                             (29, 32, 'VBD'),
                             (33, 36, 'rb'),
                             (37, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 50, 'jj'),
                             (51, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 1, 'NT'),
                             (2, 4, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 39, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654579) PENN in sentence 4155476:

a  `` man-to-man '' focus but was not an analytical unit .   
-  -- ---------- -- ----- --- --- --- -- ---------- ---- -   
dt `` jj         '' nn    cc  VBD rb  dt jj         nn   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:35 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 3
[start] 2
[name] ``
                                          [end] 14
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] ''
                                          [end] 23
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] cc
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] rb
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 40
[name] jj
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 0
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 3
[start] 2
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360159656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "a `` man-to-man '' focus but was not an "
                             'analytical unit .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 980,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "a `` man-to-man '' focus but was not an analytical unit ."},
 {'ID': 4155477,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'), (5, 15, 'jj'), (16, 27, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155477) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

When subsequent information

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654580,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'), (5, 15, 'jj'), (16, 27, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654580) PENN in sentence 4155477:

When subsequent information
---- ---------- -----------
wrb  jj         nn         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 26
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360170408>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'When subsequent information'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 980,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'When subsequent information'},
 {'ID': 4155478,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 11, 'rbr'),
          (12, 20, 'jj'),
          (21, 24, 'in'),
          (25, 33, 'nn'),
          (34, 38, 'in'),
          (39, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 51, 'nn'),
          (52, 53, ','),
          (54, 56, 'dt'),
          (57, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 65, 'VHD'),
          (66, 69, 'dt'),
          (70, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 76, 'in'),
          (77, 86, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155478) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

came , more critical for analysis than for tracking , no unit had

 the job of following

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654581,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VVD'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 11, 'rbr'),
                             (12, 20, 'jj'),
                             (21, 24, 'in'),
                             (25, 33, 'nn'),
                             (34, 38, 'in'),
                             (39, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 51, 'nn'),
                             (52, 53, ','),
                             (54, 56, 'dt'),
                             (57, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 65, 'VHD'),
                             (66, 69, 'dt'),
                             (70, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 76, 'in'),
                             (77, 86, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 11, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (34, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (52, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 56, 'NT'),
                             (66, 69, 'NT'),
                             (74, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654581) PENN in sentence 4155478:

came , more critical for analysis than for tracking , no unit had
---- - ---- -------- --- -------- ---- --- -------- - -- ---- ---
VVD  , rbr  jj       in  nn       in   in  nn       , dt nn   VHD

 the job of following
 --- --- -- ---------
 dt  nn  in VVG      
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:36 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] rbr
                                          [end] 19
[start] 12
[name] jj
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] in
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] in
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 43
[name] nn
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] ,
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] dt
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] nn
                                          [end] 64
[start] 62
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] in
                                          [end] 85
[start] 77
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360171272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'came , more critical for analysis than for '
                             'tracking , no unit had the job of following'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 981,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'came , more critical for analysis than for tracking , no unit had '
          'the job of following'},
 {'ID': 4155479,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'rb'),
          (3, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 10, 'wp'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 32, 'md'),
          (33, 37, 'VV'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155479) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

up on what the information might mean .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654582,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'rb'),
                             (3, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 10, 'wp'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 32, 'md'),
                             (33, 37, 'VV'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (27, 32, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654582) PENN in sentence 4155479:

up on what the information might mean .   
-- -- ---- --- ----------- ----- ---- -   
rb in wp   dt  nn          md    VV   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] in
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] wp
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] md
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] VV
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360186600>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'up on what the information might mean .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 982,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'up on what the information might mean .'},
 {'ID': 4155480,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
          (4, 11, 'nn'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 16, 'in'),
          (17, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 31, 'cd'),
          (32, 33, ','),
          (34, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 46, 'VHD'),
          (47, 55, 'VVN'),
          (56, 60, 'IN/that'),
          (61, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 80, 'VVN'),
          (81, 87, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155480) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

For example , in September 2000 , a source had reported that an 

individual named Khalid

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654583,
                     'NER': [(17, 31, 'date'), (81, 87, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'in'),
                             (4, 11, 'nn'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 16, 'in'),
                             (17, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 31, 'cd'),
                             (32, 33, ','),
                             (34, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 46, 'VHD'),
                             (47, 55, 'VVN'),
                             (56, 60, 'IN/that'),
                             (61, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 80, 'VVN'),
                             (81, 87, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (61, 63, 'NT'),
                             (81, 87, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654583) PENN in sentence 4155480:

For example , in September 2000 , a  source had reported that    
--- ------- - -- --------- ---- - -  ------ --- -------- ----    
in  nn      , in NP        cd   , dt nn     VHD VVN      IN/that 

an individual named Khalid
-- ---------- ----- ------
dt nn         VVN   NP    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:37 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 10
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] in
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] cd
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] ,
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 54
[start] 47
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] dt
                                          [end] 73
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 79
[start] 75
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 86
[start] 81
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 17
[name] date
                                          [end] 86
[start] 81
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                          [end] 86
[start] 81
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360188520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'For example , in September 2000 , a source had '
                             'reported that an individual named Khalid'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 984,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'For example , in September 2000 , a source had reported that an '
          'individual named Khalid'},
 {'ID': 4155481,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 25, 'VBD'),
          (26, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 42, 'nn'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 54, 'NP'),
          (55, 56, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155481) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

al-Shaykh al-Ballushi was a key lieutenant in al Qaeda .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654584,
                     'NER': [(0, 21, 'person'), (46, 54, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 25, 'VBD'),
                             (26, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 42, 'nn'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 54, 'NP'),
                             (55, 56, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 27, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 54, 'NT'),
                             (55, 56, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654584) PENN in sentence 4155481:

al-Shaykh al-Ballushi was a  key lieutenant in al Qaeda .   
--------- ----------- --- -  --- ---------- -- -- ----- -   
NP        NP          VBD dt jj  nn         in NP NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 41
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 53
[start] 46
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 53
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360204040>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'al-Shaykh al-Ballushi was a key lieutenant in al '
                             'Qaeda .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 985,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'al-Shaykh al-Ballushi was a key lieutenant in al Qaeda .'},
 {'ID': 4155482,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 12, 'NP'),
          (13, 18, 'VVZ'),
          (19, 21, '``'),
          (22, 26, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155482) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Al- Ballushi means `` from

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654585,
                     'NER': [(0, 12, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 12, 'NP'),
                             (13, 18, 'VVZ'),
                             (19, 21, '``'),
                             (22, 26, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 12, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654585) PENN in sentence 4155482:

Al- Ballushi means `` from
--- -------- ----- -- ----
NP  NP       VVZ   `` in  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:38 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 13
[name] VVZ
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] ``
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360218888>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Al- Ballushi means `` from'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 985,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Al- Ballushi means `` from'},
 {'ID': 4155483,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
          (12, 13, ','),
          (14, 16, "''"),
          (17, 20, 'cc'),
          (21, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 27, 'VBZ'),
          (28, 32, 'in'),
          (33, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 46, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155483) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Baluchistan , '' and KSM is from Baluchistan .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654586,
                     'NER': [(0, 11, 'person'),
                             (21, 24, 'organization'),
                             (33, 44, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'NP'),
                             (12, 13, ','),
                             (14, 16, "''"),
                             (17, 20, 'cc'),
                             (21, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 27, 'VBZ'),
                             (28, 32, 'in'),
                             (33, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 46, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (28, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 46, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654586) PENN in sentence 4155483:

Baluchistan , '' and KSM is  from Baluchistan .   
----------- - -- --- --- --  ---- ----------- -   
NP          , '' cc  NP  VBZ in   NP          sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] ''
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] cc
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] VBZ
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 33
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          {'end': 23,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 21},
                                          [end] 43
[start] 33
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360220328>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "Baluchistan , '' and KSM is from Baluchistan ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 986,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "Baluchistan , '' and KSM is from Baluchistan ."},
 {'ID': 4155484,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVG'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 24, 'jj'),
          (25, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 40, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155484) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Recognizing the possible significance of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654587,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'VVG'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 24, 'jj'),
                             (25, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 40, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 15, 'NT'), (38, 40, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654587) PENN in sentence 4155484:

Recognizing the possible significance of
----------- --- -------- ------------ --
VVG         dt  jj       nn           in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:39 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 23
[start] 16
[name] jj
                                          [end] 36
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360231080>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Recognizing the possible significance of'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 986,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Recognizing the possible significance of'},
 {'ID': 4155485,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
          (5, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 37, 'nn'),
          (38, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 49, 'jjr'),
          (50, 61, 'nn'),
          (62, 63, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155485) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

this information , the Bin Ladin unit sought more information .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654588,
                     'NER': [(23, 32, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'),
                             (5, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 37, 'nn'),
                             (38, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 49, 'jjr'),
                             (50, 61, 'nn'),
                             (62, 63, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (23, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 32, 'NT'),
                             (62, 63, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654588) PENN in sentence 4155485:

this information , the Bin Ladin unit sought more information 
---- ----------- - --- --- ----- ---- ------ ---- ----------- 
dt   nn          , dt  NP  NP    nn   VVD    jjr  nn          

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NP
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 33
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 60
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 31
[start] 23
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360232232>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'this information , the Bin Ladin unit sought '
                             'more information .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 987,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'this information , the Bin Ladin unit sought more information .'},
 {'ID': 4155486,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'), (5, 7, 'dt'), (8, 19, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155486) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

When no information

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654589,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'), (5, 7, 'dt'), (8, 19, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654589) PENN in sentence 4155486:

When no information
---- -- -----------
wrb  dt nn         
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 8
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360234440>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'When no information'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 987,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'When no information'},
 {'ID': 4155487,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
          (4, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 17, ','),
          (18, 21, 'dt'),
          (22, 25, 'NP'),
          (26, 31, 'NP'),
          (32, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 48, 'dt'),
          (49, 55, 'nn'),
          (56, 57, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155487) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

was forthcoming , the Bin Ladin unit dropped the matter .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654590,
                     'NER': [(22, 31, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VBD'),
                             (4, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 17, ','),
                             (18, 21, 'dt'),
                             (22, 25, 'NP'),
                             (26, 31, 'NP'),
                             (32, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 48, 'dt'),
                             (49, 55, 'nn'),
                             (56, 57, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (16, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 31, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (56, 57, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654590) PENN in sentence 4155487:

was forthcoming , the Bin Ladin unit dropped the matter .   
--- ----------- - --- --- ----- ---- ------- --- ------ -   
VBD jj          , dt  NP  NP    nn   VVD     dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:40 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] dt
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 22
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360251848>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'was forthcoming , the Bin Ladin unit dropped the '
                             'matter .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 988,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'was forthcoming , the Bin Ladin unit dropped the matter .'},
 {'ID': 4155488,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
          (5, 15, 'jj'),
          (16, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 25, 'in'),
          (26, 29, 'dt'),
          (30, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 44, 'VVD'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 58, 'nn'),
          (59, 62, 'cc'),
          (63, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 72, 'in'),
          (73, 77, 'cd'),
          (78, 79, ','),
          (80, 84, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155488) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

When additional pieces of the puzzle arrived in the spring and 

summer of 2001 , they

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654591,
                     'NER': [(52, 58, 'date'), (63, 77, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'wrb'),
                             (5, 15, 'jj'),
                             (16, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 25, 'in'),
                             (26, 29, 'dt'),
                             (30, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 44, 'VVD'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 58, 'nn'),
                             (59, 62, 'cc'),
                             (63, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 72, 'in'),
                             (73, 77, 'cd'),
                             (78, 79, ','),
                             (80, 84, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (48, 51, 'NT'),
                             (59, 62, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 77, 'NT'),
                             (78, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654591) PENN in sentence 4155488:

When additional pieces of the puzzle arrived in the spring and 
---- ---------- ------ -- --- ------ ------- -- --- ------ --- 
wrb  jj         nns    in dt  nn     VVD     in dt  nn     cc  

summer of 2001 , they
------ -- ---- - ----
nn     in cd   , PP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:41 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 14
[start] 5
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] in
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] dt
                                          [end] 35
[start] 30
[name] nn
                                          [end] 43
[start] 37
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] dt
                                          [end] 57
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] cc
                                          [end] 68
[start] 63
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] in
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] cd
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] ,
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 57
[start] 52
[name] date
                                          [end] 76
[start] 63
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 48
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 59
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360254152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'When additional pieces of the puzzle arrived in '
                             'the spring and summer of 2001 , they'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 990,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'When additional pieces of the puzzle arrived in the spring and '
          'summer of 2001 , they'},
 {'ID': 4155489,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
          (5, 8, 'rb'),
          (9, 12, 'VVN'),
          (13, 21, 'rb'),
          (22, 23, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155489) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

were not put together .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654592,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
                             (5, 8, 'rb'),
                             (9, 12, 'VVN'),
                             (13, 21, 'rb'),
                             (22, 23, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 8, 'NT'),
                             (13, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 23, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654592) PENN in sentence 4155489:

were not put together .   
---- --- --- -------- -   
VBD  rb  VVN rb       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] rb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] rb
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360265576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'were not put together .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 991,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'were not put together .'},
 {'ID': 4155490,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 39, 'VVD'),
          (40, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 55, 'jj'),
          (56, 67, 'nn'),
          (68, 78, 'VVN'),
          (79, 83, 'in'),
          (84, 85, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155490) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The first piece of the puzzle concerned some intriguing 

information associated with a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654593,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 39, 'VVD'),
                             (40, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 55, 'jj'),
                             (56, 67, 'nn'),
                             (68, 78, 'VVN'),
                             (79, 83, 'in'),
                             (84, 85, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT'),
                             (79, 83, 'NT'),
                             (84, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654593) PENN in sentence 4155490:

The first piece of the puzzle concerned some intriguing 
--- ----- ----- -- --- ------ --------- ---- ---------- 
dt  jj    nn    in dt  nn     VVD       dt   jj         

information associated with a 
----------- ---------- ---- - 
nn          VVN        in   dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 30
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] dt
                                          [end] 54
[start] 45
[name] jj
                                          [end] 66
[start] 56
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] in
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 84
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360266920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The first piece of the puzzle concerned some '
                             'intriguing information associated with a'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 992,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The first piece of the puzzle concerned some intriguing information '
          'associated with a'},
 {'ID': 4155491,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 12, 'VVN'),
          (13, 15, 'in'),
          (16, 18, '``'),
          (19, 26, 'NP'),
          (27, 29, "''"),
          (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 42, 'NP'),
          (43, 46, 'VHD'),
          (47, 52, 'VVN'),
          (53, 62, 'VVG'),
          (63, 65, 'in'),
          (66, 71, 'NP'),
          (72, 76, 'cd'),
          (77, 78, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155491) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

person known as `` Mukhtar '' that the CIA had begun analyzing in

 April 2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654594,
                     'NER': [(39, 42, 'organization'), (66, 76, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 12, 'VVN'),
                             (13, 15, 'in'),
                             (16, 18, '``'),
                             (19, 26, 'NP'),
                             (27, 29, "''"),
                             (30, 34, 'IN/that'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 42, 'NP'),
                             (43, 46, 'VHD'),
                             (47, 52, 'VVN'),
                             (53, 62, 'VVG'),
                             (63, 65, 'in'),
                             (66, 71, 'NP'),
                             (72, 76, 'cd'),
                             (77, 78, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(13, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 46, 'NT'),
                             (63, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 71, 'NT'),
                             (72, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654594) PENN in sentence 4155491:

person known as `` Mukhtar '' that    the CIA had begun analyzing
------ ----- -- -- ------- -- ----    --- --- --- ----- ---------
nn     VVN   in `` NP      '' IN/that dt  NP  VHD VVN   VVG      

 in April 2001 .   
 -- ----- ---- -   
 in NP    cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:42 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 14
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] ``
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] ''
                                          [end] 33
[start] 30
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 51
[start] 47
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 61
[start] 53
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] in
                                          [end] 70
[start] 66
[name] NP
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] cd
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 41,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 39},
                                          [end] 75
[start] 66
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 70
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360285672>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "person known as `` Mukhtar '' that the CIA had "
                             'begun analyzing in April 2001 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 993,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "person known as `` Mukhtar '' that the CIA had begun analyzing in "
          'April 2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4155492,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155492) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654595,
                     'NER': [(4, 7, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'), (4, 7, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654595) PENN in sentence 4155492:

--- ---
dt  NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 6,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 4}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360297192>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The CIA'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 993,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The CIA'},
 {'ID': 4155493,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VVD'),
          (4, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 12, 'VV'),
          (13, 16, 'wp'),
          (17, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 28, 'VBD'),
          (29, 31, 'in'),
          (32, 35, 'dt'),
          (36, 45, 'nn'),
          (46, 50, 'IN/that'),
          (51, 53, 'PP'),
          (54, 64, 'VVN'),
          (65, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 72, 'NP'),
          (73, 78, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155493) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

did not know who Mukhtar was at the time-only that he associated 

with al Qaeda

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654596,
                     'NER': [(17, 24, 'person'), (70, 78, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VVD'),
                             (4, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 12, 'VV'),
                             (13, 16, 'wp'),
                             (17, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 28, 'VBD'),
                             (29, 31, 'in'),
                             (32, 35, 'dt'),
                             (36, 45, 'nn'),
                             (46, 50, 'IN/that'),
                             (51, 53, 'PP'),
                             (54, 64, 'VVN'),
                             (65, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 72, 'NP'),
                             (73, 78, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 7, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 28, 'NT'),
                             (29, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 35, 'NT'),
                             (51, 53, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654596) PENN in sentence 4155493:

did not know who Mukhtar was at the time-only that    he 
--- --- ---- --- ------- --- -- --- --------- ----    -- 
VVD rb  VV   wp  NP      VBD in dt  nn        IN/that PP 

associated with al Qaeda
---------- ---- -- -----
VVN        in   NP NP   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:43 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] rb
                                          [end] 11
[start] 8
[name] VV
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] wp
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NP
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 36
[name] nn
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] PP
                                          [end] 63
[start] 54
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] in
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 17
[name] person
                                          [end] 77
[start] 70
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 29
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360298152>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'did not know who Mukhtar was at the time-only '
                             'that he associated with al Qaeda'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 994,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'did not know who Mukhtar was at the time-only that he associated '
          'with al Qaeda'},
 {'ID': 4155494,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
          (11, 14, 'NP'),
          (15, 23, 'NP'),
          (24, 27, 'cc'),
          (28, 32, 'IN/that'),
          (33, 34, ','),
          (35, 40, 'VVN'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 73, 'nn'),
          (74, 75, ','),
          (76, 78, 'PP'),
          (79, 82, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155494) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

lieutenant Abu Zubaydah and that , based on the nature of the 

information , he was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654597,
                     'NER': [(11, 23, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nn'),
                             (11, 14, 'NP'),
                             (15, 23, 'NP'),
                             (24, 27, 'cc'),
                             (28, 32, 'IN/that'),
                             (33, 34, ','),
                             (35, 40, 'VVN'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 73, 'nn'),
                             (74, 75, ','),
                             (76, 78, 'PP'),
                             (79, 82, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (15, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 27, 'NT'),
                             (33, 34, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT'),
                             (76, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654597) PENN in sentence 4155494:

lieutenant Abu Zubaydah and that    , based on the nature of the 
---------- --- -------- --- ----    - ----- -- --- ------ -- --- 
nn         NP  NP       cc  IN/that , VVN   in dt  nn     in dt  

information , he was
----------- - -- ---
nn          , PP VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:44 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] cc
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] ,
                                          [end] 39
[start] 35
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 72
[start] 62
[name] nn
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] ,
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] PP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 22
[start] 11
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 15
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 76
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360309576>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'lieutenant Abu Zubaydah and that , based on the '
                             'nature of the information , he was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 995,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'lieutenant Abu Zubaydah and that , based on the nature of the '
          'information , he was'},
 {'ID': 4155495,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
          (10, 18, 'VVN'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 30, 'VVG'),
          (31, 39, 'jj'),
          (40, 49, 'jj'),
          (50, 60, 'nns'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155495) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

evidently involved in planning possible terrorist activities .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654598,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'rb'),
                             (10, 18, 'VVN'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 30, 'VVG'),
                             (31, 39, 'jj'),
                             (40, 49, 'jj'),
                             (50, 60, 'nns'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'), (19, 21, 'NT'), (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654598) PENN in sentence 4155495:

evidently involved in planning possible terrorist activities .   
--------- -------- -- -------- -------- --------- ---------- -   
rb        VVN      in VVG      jj       jj        nns        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 17
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 29
[start] 22
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 38
[start] 31
[name] jj
                                          [end] 48
[start] 40
[name] jj
                                          [end] 59
[start] 50
[name] nns
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360312744>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'evidently involved in planning possible '
                             'terrorist activities .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 996,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'evidently involved in planning possible terrorist activities .'},
 {'ID': 4155496,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 10, 'jj'),
          (11, 16, 'nn'),
          (17, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 30, 'nn'),
          (31, 34, 'VBD'),
          (35, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 48, 'jj'),
          (49, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 70, 'VVG'),
          (71, 74, 'nn'),
          (75, 76, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155496) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The second piece of the puzzle was some alarming information 

regarding KSM .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654599,
                     'NER': [(71, 74, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 10, 'jj'),
                             (11, 16, 'nn'),
                             (17, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 30, 'nn'),
                             (31, 34, 'VBD'),
                             (35, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 48, 'jj'),
                             (49, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 70, 'VVG'),
                             (71, 74, 'nn'),
                             (75, 76, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (17, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 39, 'NT'),
                             (75, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654599) PENN in sentence 4155496:

The second piece of the puzzle was some alarming information 
--- ------ ----- -- --- ------ --- ---- -------- ----------- 
dt  jj     nn    in dt  nn     VBD dt   jj       nn          

regarding KSM .   
--------- --- -   
VVG       nn  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:45 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 15
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 40
[name] jj
                                          [end] 59
[start] 49
[name] nn
                                          [end] 69
[start] 61
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] nn
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 73,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 71}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360334920>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The second piece of the puzzle was some alarming '
                             'information regarding KSM .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 998,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The second piece of the puzzle was some alarming information '
          'regarding KSM .'},
 {'ID': 4155497,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 7, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155497) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

On June

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654600,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'), (3, 7, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'), (3, 7, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654600) PENN in sentence 4155497:

On June
-- ----
in NP  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360337320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'On June'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 998,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'On June'},
 {'ID': 4155498,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
          (4, 8, 'cd'),
          (9, 10, ','),
          (11, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 16, 'NP'),
          (17, 23, 'nn'),
          (24, 28, 'VVD'),
          (29, 33, 'IN/that'),
          (34, 36, '``'),
          (37, 43, 'NP'),
          (44, 46, "''"),
          (47, 50, 'VBD'),
          (51, 59, 'rb'),
          (60, 70, 'VVG'),
          (71, 77, 'nns'),
          (78, 80, 'to'),
          (81, 87, 'VV')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155498) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

12, 2001 , a CIA report said that `` Khaled '' was actively 

recruiting people to travel

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654601,
                     'NER': [(0, 8, 'date'),
                             (13, 16, 'organization'),
                             (37, 43, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cd'),
                             (4, 8, 'cd'),
                             (9, 10, ','),
                             (11, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 23, 'nn'),
                             (24, 28, 'VVD'),
                             (29, 33, 'IN/that'),
                             (34, 36, '``'),
                             (37, 43, 'NP'),
                             (44, 46, "''"),
                             (47, 50, 'VBD'),
                             (51, 59, 'rb'),
                             (60, 70, 'VVG'),
                             (71, 77, 'nns'),
                             (78, 80, 'to'),
                             (81, 87, 'VV')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (9, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (34, 36, 'NT'),
                             (37, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 59, 'NT'),
                             (78, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654601) PENN in sentence 4155498:

12, 2001 , a  CIA report said that    `` Khaled '' was actively 
--- ---- - -  --- ------ ---- ----    -- ------ -- --- -------- 
cd  cd   , dt NP  nn     VVD  IN/that `` NP     '' VBD rb       

recruiting people to travel
---------- ------ -- ------
VVG        nns    to VV    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:46 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cd
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] cd
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NP
                                          [end] 22
[start] 17
[name] nn
                                          [end] 27
[start] 24
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 32
[start] 29
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] ``
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NP
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] ''
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] rb
                                          [end] 69
[start] 60
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 76
[start] 71
[name] nns
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] to
                                          [end] 86
[start] 81
[name] VV
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] date
                                          {'end': 15,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 13},
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360346536>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "12, 2001 , a CIA report said that `` Khaled '' "
                             'was actively recruiting people to travel'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 999,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "12, 2001 , a CIA report said that `` Khaled '' was actively "
          'recruiting people to travel'},
 {'ID': 4155499,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
          (8, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 21, ','),
          (22, 31, 'VVG'),
          (32, 34, 'to'),
          (35, 38, 'dt'),
          (39, 45, 'NP'),
          (46, 52, 'NPS'),
          (53, 58, 'wrb'),
          (59, 69, 'nns'),
          (70, 74, 'VBD'),
          (75, 85, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155499) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

outside Afghanistan , including to the United States where 

colleagues were reportedly

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654602,
                     'NER': [(8, 19, 'location'), (39, 52, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'in'),
                             (8, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 21, ','),
                             (22, 31, 'VVG'),
                             (32, 34, 'to'),
                             (35, 38, 'dt'),
                             (39, 45, 'NP'),
                             (46, 52, 'NPS'),
                             (53, 58, 'wrb'),
                             (59, 69, 'nns'),
                             (70, 74, 'VBD'),
                             (75, 85, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 21, 'NT'),
                             (32, 34, 'NT'),
                             (35, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 58, 'NT'),
                             (70, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 85, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654602) PENN in sentence 4155499:

outside Afghanistan , including to the United States where 
------- ----------- - --------- -- --- ------ ------ ----- 
in      NP          , VVG       to dt  NP     NPS    wrb   

colleagues were reportedly
---------- ---- ----------
nns        VBD  rb        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 18
[start] 8
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] ,
                                          [end] 30
[start] 22
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] to
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] dt
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] NP
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] wrb
                                          [end] 68
[start] 59
[name] nns
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 84
[start] 75
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 8
[name] location
                                          [end] 51
[start] 39
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 35
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 84
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360358248>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'outside Afghanistan , including to the United '
                             'States where colleagues were reportedly'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1000,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'outside Afghanistan , including to the United States where '
          'colleagues were reportedly'},
 {'ID': 4155500,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
          (8, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 25, 'to'),
          (26, 30, 'VV'),
          (31, 35, 'PP'),
          (36, 37, ','),
          (38, 40, 'to'),
          (41, 46, 'VV'),
          (47, 50, 'rp'),
          (51, 68, 'jj'),
          (69, 79, 'nns'),
          (80, 83, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155500) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

already in the country to meet them , to carry out terrorist-

related activities for

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654603,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'rb'),
                             (8, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 25, 'to'),
                             (26, 30, 'VV'),
                             (31, 35, 'PP'),
                             (36, 37, ','),
                             (38, 40, 'to'),
                             (41, 46, 'VV'),
                             (47, 50, 'rp'),
                             (51, 68, 'jj'),
                             (69, 79, 'nns'),
                             (80, 83, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 14, 'NT'),
                             (23, 25, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (47, 50, 'NT'),
                             (80, 83, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654603) PENN in sentence 4155500:

already in the country to meet them , to carry out terrorist-
------- -- --- ------- -- ---- ---- - -- ----- --- ----------
rb      in dt  nn      to VV   PP   , to VV    rp  jj        

related activities for
------- ---------- ---
        nns        in 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:47 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] nn
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] to
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] VV
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] PP
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] ,
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] to
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] VV
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] rp
                                          [end] 67
[start] 51
[name] jj
                                          [end] 78
[start] 69
[name] nns
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 82
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360361032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'already in the country to meet them , to carry '
                             'out terrorist-related activities for'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1001,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'already in the country to meet them , to carry out '
          'terrorist-related activities for'},
 {'ID': 4155501,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'), (4, 9, 'NP'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155501) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Bin Ladin .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654604,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'), (4, 9, 'NP'), (10, 11, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 9, 'NT'), (10, 11, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654604) PENN in sentence 4155501:

Bin Ladin .   
--- ----- -   
NP  NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360380168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Bin Ladin .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1002,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Bin Ladin .'},
 {'ID': 4155502,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
          (4, 16, 'nns'),
          (17, 25, 'VVN'),
          (26, 30, 'in'),
          (31, 34, 'dt'),
          (35, 42, 'nns'),
          (43, 45, 'in'),
          (46, 49, 'dt'),
          (50, 59, 'nn'),
          (60, 64, 'IN/that'),
          (65, 69, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155502) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

CIA headquarters presumed from the details of the reporting that 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654605,
                     'NER': [(0, 3, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'NP'),
                             (4, 16, 'nns'),
                             (17, 25, 'VVN'),
                             (26, 30, 'in'),
                             (31, 34, 'dt'),
                             (35, 42, 'nns'),
                             (43, 45, 'in'),
                             (46, 49, 'dt'),
                             (50, 59, 'nn'),
                             (60, 64, 'IN/that'),
                             (65, 69, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (26, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 34, 'NT'),
                             (43, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 49, 'NT'),
                             (65, 69, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654605) PENN in sentence 4155502:

CIA headquarters presumed from the details of the reporting 
--- ------------ -------- ---- --- ------- -- --- --------- 
NP  nns          VVN      in   dt  nns     in dt  nn        

that    this
----    ----
IN/that dt  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:48 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 15
[start] 4
[name] nns
                                          [end] 24
[start] 17
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] in
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] dt
                                          [end] 41
[start] 35
[name] nns
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 50
[name] nn
                                          [end] 63
[start] 60
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 2,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 0}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 33
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360381320>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'CIA headquarters presumed from the details of '
                             'the reporting that this'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1002,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'CIA headquarters presumed from the details of the reporting that '
 {'ID': 4155503,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
          (7, 10, 'VBD'),
          (11, 17, 'NP'),
          (18, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 33, 'NP'),
          (34, 35, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155503) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

person was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654606,
                     'NER': [(11, 33, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'),
                             (7, 10, 'VBD'),
                             (11, 17, 'NP'),
                             (18, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 33, 'NP'),
                             (34, 35, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 17, 'NT'),
                             (18, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 35, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654606) PENN in sentence 4155503:

person was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .   
------ --- ------ ------ -------- -   
nn     VBD NP     NP     NP       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NP
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] NP
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 32
[start] 11
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360395880>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'person was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1003,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'person was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed .'},
 {'ID': 4155504,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 7, 'NP'),
          (8, 9, ','),
          (10, 13, 'dt'),
          (14, 18, 'jj'),
          (19, 25, 'nn'),
          (26, 29, 'VBD'),
          (30, 35, 'VVN'),
          (36, 37, 'dt'),
          (38, 44, 'nn'),
          (45, 47, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155504) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

In July , the same source was shown a series of

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654607,
                     'NER': [(3, 7, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 7, 'NP'),
                             (8, 9, ','),
                             (10, 13, 'dt'),
                             (14, 18, 'jj'),
                             (19, 25, 'nn'),
                             (26, 29, 'VBD'),
                             (30, 35, 'VVN'),
                             (36, 37, 'dt'),
                             (38, 44, 'nn'),
                             (45, 47, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 13, 'NT'),
                             (26, 29, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654607) PENN in sentence 4155504:

In July , the same source was shown a  series of
-- ---- - --- ---- ------ --- ----- -  ------ --
in NP   , dt  jj   nn     VBD VVN   dt nn     in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:49 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] ,
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] dt
                                          [end] 17
[start] 14
[name] jj
                                          [end] 24
[start] 19
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] nn
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 3
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 26
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360397512>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'In July , the same source was shown a series '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1003,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'In July , the same source was shown a series of'},
 {'ID': 4155505,
  'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'),
          (12, 15, 'cc'),
          (16, 26, 'VVN'),
          (27, 28, 'dt'),
          (29, 39, 'nn'),
          (40, 42, 'in'),
          (43, 49, 'NP'),
          (50, 56, 'NP'),
          (57, 65, 'NP'),
          (66, 68, 'in'),
          (69, 72, 'dt'),
          (73, 79, 'NP'),
          (80, 82, 'PP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155505) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

photographs and identified a photograph of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

 as the Khaled he

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654608,
                     'NER': [(43, 65, 'person'), (73, 79, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 11, 'nns'),
                             (12, 15, 'cc'),
                             (16, 26, 'VVN'),
                             (27, 28, 'dt'),
                             (29, 39, 'nn'),
                             (40, 42, 'in'),
                             (43, 49, 'NP'),
                             (50, 56, 'NP'),
                             (57, 65, 'NP'),
                             (66, 68, 'in'),
                             (69, 72, 'dt'),
                             (73, 79, 'NP'),
                             (80, 82, 'PP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (27, 28, 'NT'),
                             (40, 42, 'NT'),
                             (43, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 56, 'NT'),
                             (57, 65, 'NT'),
                             (66, 68, 'NT'),
                             (69, 72, 'NT'),
                             (73, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654608) PENN in sentence 4155505:

photographs and identified a  photograph of Khalid Sheikh 
----------- --- ---------- -  ---------- -- ------ ------ 
nns         cc  VVN        dt nn         in NP     NP     

Mohammed as the Khaled he
-------- -- --- ------ --
NP       in dt  NP     PP
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:50 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] cc
                                          [end] 25
[start] 16
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] dt
                                          [end] 38
[start] 29
[name] nn
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] in
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NP
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NP
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] NP
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] in
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] NP
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] PP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 64
[start] 43
[name] person
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 27
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 41
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 43
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 64
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 67
[start] 66
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 69
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 73
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360412168>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'photographs and identified a photograph of '
                             'Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as the Khaled he'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1004,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'photographs and identified a photograph of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed '
          'as the Khaled he'},
 {'ID': 4155506,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'), (4, 14, 'rb'), (15, 24, 'VVN'), (25, 26, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155506) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

had previously discussed .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654609,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'VHD'),
                             (4, 14, 'rb'),
                             (15, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 26, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (4, 14, 'NT'), (25, 26, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654609) PENN in sentence 4155506:

had previously discussed .   
--- ---------- --------- -   
VHD rb         VVN       sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] rb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360415048>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'had previously discussed .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1005,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'had previously discussed .'},
 {'ID': 4155507,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 9, 'jj'),
          (10, 15, 'nn'),
          (16, 18, 'in'),
          (19, 22, 'dt'),
          (23, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 37, 'VVD'),
          (38, 40, 'in'),
          (41, 44, 'dt'),
          (45, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 51, 'POS'),
          (52, 55, 'NP'),
          (56, 61, 'NP'),
          (62, 66, 'nn'),
          (67, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 76, 'NP'),
          (77, 79, 'cd'),
          (80, 82, 'in'),
          (83, 84, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155507) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 19 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The final piece of the puzzle arrived at the CIA 's Bin Ladin 

unit on August 28 in a

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654610,
                     'NER': [(45, 48, 'organization'),
                             (52, 61, 'person'),
                             (70, 79, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 9, 'jj'),
                             (10, 15, 'nn'),
                             (16, 18, 'in'),
                             (19, 22, 'dt'),
                             (23, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 37, 'VVD'),
                             (38, 40, 'in'),
                             (41, 44, 'dt'),
                             (45, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 51, 'POS'),
                             (52, 55, 'NP'),
                             (56, 61, 'NP'),
                             (62, 66, 'nn'),
                             (67, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 76, 'NP'),
                             (77, 79, 'cd'),
                             (80, 82, 'in'),
                             (83, 84, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (16, 18, 'NT'),
                             (19, 22, 'NT'),
                             (38, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 44, 'NT'),
                             (45, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 51, 'NT'),
                             (52, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 61, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 76, 'NT'),
                             (77, 79, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT'),
                             (83, 84, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654610) PENN in sentence 4155507:

The final piece of the puzzle arrived at the CIA 's  Bin Ladin 
--- ----- ----- -- --- ------ ------- -- --- --- --  --- ----- 
dt  jj    nn    in dt  nn     VVD     in dt  NP  POS NP  NP    

unit on August 28 in a 
---- -- ------ -- -- - 
nn   in NP     cd in dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:51 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 8
[start] 4
[name] jj
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] nn
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] in
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 23
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] in
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] dt
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NP
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] POS
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NP
                                          [end] 60
[start] 56
[name] NP
                                          [end] 65
[start] 62
[name] nn
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] NP
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] cd
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] in
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 47,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 45},
                                          [end] 60
[start] 52
[name] person
                                          [end] 78
[start] 70
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 52
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 78
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                          [end] 83
[start] 83
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360432648>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The final piece of the puzzle arrived at the CIA '
                             "'s Bin Ladin unit on August 28 in a"}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1007,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "The final piece of the puzzle arrived at the CIA 's Bin Ladin unit "
          'on August 28 in a'},
 {'ID': 4155508,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
          (6, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
          (21, 24, 'NP'),
          (25, 27, 'POS'),
          (28, 36, 'nn'),
          (37, 40, 'VBD'),
          (41, 48, 'NP'),
          (49, 50, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155508) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 9 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

cable reporting that KSM 's nickname was Mukhtar .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654611,
                     'NER': [(21, 24, 'organization'), (41, 48, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'nn'),
                             (6, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 20, 'IN/that'),
                             (21, 24, 'NP'),
                             (25, 27, 'POS'),
                             (28, 36, 'nn'),
                             (37, 40, 'VBD'),
                             (41, 48, 'NP'),
                             (49, 50, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (37, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 50, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654611) PENN in sentence 4155508:

cable reporting that    KSM 's  nickname was Mukhtar .   
----- --------- ----    --- --  -------- --- ------- -   
nn    VVG       IN/that NP  POS nn       VBD NP      sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 14
[start] 6
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 19
[start] 16
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] POS
                                          [end] 35
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NP
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 23,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 21},
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 37
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360448936>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': "cable reporting that KSM 's nickname was Mukhtar "
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1008,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "cable reporting that KSM 's nickname was Mukhtar ."},
 {'ID': 4155509,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
          (3, 6, 'cd'),
          (7, 11, 'VVD'),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 29, 'to'),
          (30, 33, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155509) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 7 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

No one made the connection to the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654612,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'dt'),
                             (3, 6, 'cd'),
                             (7, 11, 'VVD'),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 29, 'to'),
                             (30, 33, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (27, 29, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654612) PENN in sentence 4155509:

No one made the connection to the
-- --- ---- --- ---------- -- ---
dt cd  VVD  dt  nn         to dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:52 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] cd
                                          [end] 10
[start] 7
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 25
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] to
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 28
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360450952>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'No one made the connection to the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1008,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'No one made the connection to the'},
 {'ID': 4155510,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
          (8, 13, 'in'),
          (14, 21, 'NP'),
          (22, 26, 'wdt'),
          (27, 30, 'VHD'),
          (31, 35, 'VBN'),
          (36, 46, 'VVN'),
          (47, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 53, 'dt'),
          (54, 60, 'nn'),
          (61, 62, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155510) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

reports about Mukhtar that had been circulated in the spring .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654613,
                     'NER': [(14, 21, 'person'), (54, 60, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'nns'),
                             (8, 13, 'in'),
                             (14, 21, 'NP'),
                             (22, 26, 'wdt'),
                             (27, 30, 'VHD'),
                             (31, 35, 'VBN'),
                             (36, 46, 'VVN'),
                             (47, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 53, 'dt'),
                             (54, 60, 'nn'),
                             (61, 62, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 13, 'NT'),
                             (14, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 26, 'NT'),
                             (27, 30, 'NT'),
                             (31, 35, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 53, 'NT'),
                             (61, 62, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654613) PENN in sentence 4155510:

reports about Mukhtar that had been circulated in the spring .   
------- ----- ------- ---- --- ---- ---------- -- --- ------ -   
nns     in    NP      wdt  VHD VBN  VVN        in dt  nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 8
[name] in
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NP
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 45
[start] 36
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] in
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 20
[start] 14
[name] person
                                          [end] 59
[start] 54
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 25
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 61
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360469032>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'reports about Mukhtar that had been circulated '
                             'in the spring .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1009,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'reports about Mukhtar that had been circulated in the spring .'},
 {'ID': 4155511,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 15, 'nn'), (16, 21, 'md')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155511) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

This connection might

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654614,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'dt'), (5, 15, 'nn'), (16, 21, 'md')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (16, 21, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654614) PENN in sentence 4155511:

This connection might
---- ---------- -----
dt   nn         md   
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 14
[start] 5
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] md
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360471624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'This connection might'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1009,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'This connection might'},
 {'ID': 4155512,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 9, 'VHP'),
          (10, 21, 'VVN'),
          (22, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 35, 'in'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 44, 'NP'),
          (45, 54, 'nn'),
          (55, 59, 'IN/that'),
          (60, 63, 'NP'),
          (64, 67, 'VBD'),
          (68, 78, 'VVG')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155512) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

also have underscored concern about the June reporting that KSM 

was recruiting

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654615,
                     'NER': [(40, 44, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 9, 'VHP'),
                             (10, 21, 'VVN'),
                             (22, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 35, 'in'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 44, 'NP'),
                             (45, 54, 'nn'),
                             (55, 59, 'IN/that'),
                             (60, 63, 'NP'),
                             (64, 67, 'VBD'),
                             (68, 78, 'VVG')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (30, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 44, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (64, 67, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654615) PENN in sentence 4155512:

also have underscored concern about the June reporting that    
---- ---- ----------- ------- ----- --- ---- --------- ----    
rb   VHP  VVN         nn      in    dt  NP   nn        IN/that 

KSM was recruiting
--- --- ----------
NP  VBD VVG       
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:53 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] VHP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 10
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 28
[start] 22
[name] nn
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] in
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 53
[start] 45
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 55
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NP
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 77
[start] 68
[name] VVG
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 43
[start] 40
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 43
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 64
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360484936>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'also have underscored concern about the June '
                             'reporting that KSM was recruiting'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1010,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'also have underscored concern about the June reporting that KSM was '
 {'ID': 4155513,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
          (11, 13, 'to'),
          (14, 20, 'VV'),
          (21, 22, ','),
          (23, 32, 'VVG'),
          (33, 35, 'to'),
          (36, 39, 'dt'),
          (40, 46, 'NP'),
          (47, 53, 'NPS'),
          (54, 55, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155513) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

terrorists to travel , including to the United States .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654616,
                     'NER': [(40, 53, 'location')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'nns'),
                             (11, 13, 'to'),
                             (14, 20, 'VV'),
                             (21, 22, ','),
                             (23, 32, 'VVG'),
                             (33, 35, 'to'),
                             (36, 39, 'dt'),
                             (40, 46, 'NP'),
                             (47, 53, 'NPS'),
                             (54, 55, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(11, 13, 'NT'),
                             (21, 22, 'NT'),
                             (33, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 39, 'NT'),
                             (40, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 53, 'NT'),
                             (54, 55, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654616) PENN in sentence 4155513:

terrorists to travel , including to the United States .   
---------- -- ------ - --------- -- --- ------ ------ -   
nns        to VV     , VVG       to dt  NP     NPS    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                          [end] 12
[start] 11
[name] to
                                          [end] 19
[start] 14
[name] VV
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] ,
                                          [end] 31
[start] 23
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] to
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] dt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NP
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NPS
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 52
[start] 40
[name] location
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 12
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 21
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 40
[name] NT
                                          [end] 52
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 54
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360487336>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'terrorists to travel , including to the United '
                             'States .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1011,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'terrorists to travel , including to the United States .'},
 {'ID': 4155514,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 10, 'in'),
          (11, 15, 'cd'),
          (16, 21, 'md'),
          (22, 24, 'PP'),
          (25, 27, 'vb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155514) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Only after 9/11 would it be

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654617,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 10, 'in'),
                             (11, 15, 'cd'),
                             (16, 21, 'md'),
                             (22, 24, 'PP'),
                             (25, 27, 'vb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 15, 'NT'),
                             (16, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654617) PENN in sentence 4155514:

Only after 9/11 would it be
---- ----- ---- ----- -- --
rb   in    cd   md    PP vb
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:54 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] in
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] cd
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] md
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] PP
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] vb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360497800>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Only after 9/11 would it be'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1011,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Only after 9/11 would it be'},
 {'ID': 4155515,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVD'),
          (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
          (16, 27, 'nn'),
          (28, 31, 'VHD'),
          (32, 44, 'VVN'),
          (45, 49, 'in'),
          (50, 51, 'dt'),
          (52, 57, 'nn'),
          (58, 62, 'wdt'),
          (63, 66, 'VBD'),
          (67, 71, 'VVN'),
          (72, 74, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155515) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

discovered that Muhktar/KSM had communicated with a phone that 

was used by

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654618,
                     'NER': [(16, 27, 'organization')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'VVD'),
                             (11, 15, 'IN/that'),
                             (16, 27, 'nn'),
                             (28, 31, 'VHD'),
                             (32, 44, 'VVN'),
                             (45, 49, 'in'),
                             (50, 51, 'dt'),
                             (52, 57, 'nn'),
                             (58, 62, 'wdt'),
                             (63, 66, 'VBD'),
                             (67, 71, 'VVN'),
                             (72, 74, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (45, 49, 'NT'),
                             (50, 51, 'NT'),
                             (58, 62, 'NT'),
                             (63, 66, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654618) PENN in sentence 4155515:

discovered that    Muhktar/KSM had communicated with a  phone 
---------- ----    ----------- --- ------------ ---- -  ----- 
VVD        IN/that nn          VHD VVN          in   dt nn    

that was used by
---- --- ---- --
wdt  VBD VVN  in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 11
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 26
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 43
[start] 32
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] dt
                                          [end] 56
[start] 52
[name] nn
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 70
[start] 67
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 26,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 16}],
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 50
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 61
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 63
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360499432>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'discovered that Muhktar/KSM had communicated '
                             'with a phone that was used by'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1012,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'discovered that Muhktar/KSM had communicated with a phone that was '
          'used by'},
 {'ID': 4155516,
  'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 12, ','),
          (13, 16, 'cc'),
          (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
          (22, 32, 'NP'),
          (33, 36, 'VHD'),
          (37, 41, 'VVN'),
          (42, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 50, 'jj'),
          (51, 56, 'nn'),
          (57, 59, 'to'),
          (60, 71, 'VV'),
          (72, 76, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155516) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 13 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Binalshibh , and that Binalshibh had used the same phone to 

communicate with

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654619,
                     'NER': [(0, 10, 'person'), (22, 32, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 12, ','),
                             (13, 16, 'cc'),
                             (17, 21, 'IN/that'),
                             (22, 32, 'NP'),
                             (33, 36, 'VHD'),
                             (37, 41, 'VVN'),
                             (42, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 50, 'jj'),
                             (51, 56, 'nn'),
                             (57, 59, 'to'),
                             (60, 71, 'VV'),
                             (72, 76, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 10, 'NT'),
                             (11, 12, 'NT'),
                             (13, 16, 'NT'),
                             (22, 32, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (57, 59, 'NT'),
                             (72, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654619) PENN in sentence 4155516:

Binalshibh , and that    Binalshibh had used the same phone to 
---------- - --- ----    ---------- --- ---- --- ---- ----- -- 
NP         , cc  IN/that NP         VHD VVN  dt  jj   nn    to 

communicate with
----------- ----
VV          in  
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:55 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] ,
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] cc
                                          [end] 20
[start] 17
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 31
[start] 22
[name] NP
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] VHD
                                          [end] 40
[start] 37
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] jj
                                          [end] 55
[start] 51
[name] nn
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] to
                                          [end] 70
[start] 60
[name] VV
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] person
                                          [end] 31
[start] 22
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 31
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 57
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360509992>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Binalshibh , and that Binalshibh had used the '
                             'same phone to communicate with'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1013,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Binalshibh , and that Binalshibh had used the same phone to '
          'communicate with'},
 {'ID': 4155517,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 14, 'rb'),
          (15, 24, 'VVN'),
          (25, 27, 'in'),
          (28, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 37, 'cd'),
          (38, 39, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155517) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Moussaoui , as discussed in chapter 7 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654620,
                     'NER': [(0, 9, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'NP'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 14, 'rb'),
                             (15, 24, 'VVN'),
                             (25, 27, 'in'),
                             (28, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 37, 'cd'),
                             (38, 39, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 14, 'NT'),
                             (25, 27, 'NT'),
                             (36, 37, 'NT'),
                             (38, 39, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654620) PENN in sentence 4155517:

Moussaoui , as discussed in chapter 7  .   
--------- - -- --------- -- ------- -  -   
NP        , rb VVN       in nn      cd sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] rb
                                          [end] 23
[start] 15
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] in
                                          [end] 34
[start] 28
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] cd
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 38
[start] 38
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360512776>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Moussaoui , as discussed in chapter 7 .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1014,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Moussaoui , as discussed in chapter 7 .'},
 {'ID': 4155518,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'rb'),
          (3, 5, 'in'),
          (6, 9, 'dt'),
          (10, 19, 'NP'),
          (20, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 37, 'rb')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155518) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As in the Moussaoui situation already

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654621,
                     'NER': [(10, 19, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'rb'),
                             (3, 5, 'in'),
                             (6, 9, 'dt'),
                             (10, 19, 'NP'),
                             (20, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 37, 'rb')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 19, 'NT'),
                             (30, 37, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654621) PENN in sentence 4155518:

As in the Moussaoui situation already
-- -- --- --------- --------- -------
rb in dt  NP        nn        rb     
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:56 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] in
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] dt
                                          [end] 18
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                          [end] 28
[start] 20
[name] nn
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] rb
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 18
[start] 10
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 4
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360531240>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As in the Moussaoui situation already'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1014,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As in the Moussaoui situation already'},
 {'ID': 4155519,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
          (10, 11, ','),
          (12, 15, 'dt'),
          (16, 21, 'nns'),
          (22, 24, 'to'),
          (25, 35, 'NP'),
          (36, 41, 'md'),
          (42, 45, 'rb'),
          (46, 50, 'VH'),
          (51, 55, 'VBN'),
          (56, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 63, 'jj'),
          (64, 69, 'nn'),
          (70, 72, 'to'),
          (73, 77, 'VV'),
          (78, 81, 'cc')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155519) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 16 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

described , the links to Binalshibh might not have been an easy 

trail to find and

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654622,
                     'NER': [(25, 35, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'VVN'),
                             (10, 11, ','),
                             (12, 15, 'dt'),
                             (16, 21, 'nns'),
                             (22, 24, 'to'),
                             (25, 35, 'NP'),
                             (36, 41, 'md'),
                             (42, 45, 'rb'),
                             (46, 50, 'VH'),
                             (51, 55, 'VBN'),
                             (56, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 63, 'jj'),
                             (64, 69, 'nn'),
                             (70, 72, 'to'),
                             (73, 77, 'VV'),
                             (78, 81, 'cc')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(10, 11, 'NT'),
                             (12, 15, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 35, 'NT'),
                             (36, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (46, 50, 'NT'),
                             (51, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 58, 'NT'),
                             (70, 72, 'NT'),
                             (78, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654622) PENN in sentence 4155519:

described , the links to Binalshibh might not have been an easy 
--------- - --- ----- -- ---------- ----- --- ---- ---- -- ---- 
VVN       , dt  nns   to NP         md    rb  VH   VBN  dt jj   

trail to find and
----- -- ---- ---
nn    to VV   cc 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:57 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 10
[start] 10
[name] ,
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] dt
                                          [end] 20
[start] 16
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] to
                                          [end] 34
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] md
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] rb
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] VH
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] VBN
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] dt
                                          [end] 62
[start] 59
[name] jj
                                          [end] 68
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] to
                                          [end] 76
[start] 73
[name] VV
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] cc
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 34
[start] 25
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 10
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 12
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 34
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 49
[start] 46
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 51
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 78
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360532872>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'described , the links to Binalshibh might not '
                             'have been an easy trail to find and'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1015,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'described , the links to Binalshibh might not have been an easy '
          'trail to find and'},
 {'ID': 4155520,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
          (6, 10, 'VH'),
          (11, 19, 'VVN'),
          (20, 31, 'jj'),
          (32, 43, 'nn'),
          (44, 48, 'in'),
          (49, 52, 'dt'),
          (53, 59, 'jj'),
          (60, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 72, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155520) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 10 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

would have required substantial cooperation from the German 

government .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654623,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'md'),
                             (6, 10, 'VH'),
                             (11, 19, 'VVN'),
                             (20, 31, 'jj'),
                             (32, 43, 'nn'),
                             (44, 48, 'in'),
                             (49, 52, 'dt'),
                             (53, 59, 'jj'),
                             (60, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 72, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 10, 'NT'),
                             (44, 48, 'NT'),
                             (49, 52, 'NT'),
                             (71, 72, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654623) PENN in sentence 4155520:

would have required substantial cooperation from the German 
----- ---- -------- ----------- ----------- ---- --- ------ 
md    VH   VVN      jj          nn          in   dt  jj     

government .   
---------- -   
nn         sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] md
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] VH
                                          [end] 18
[start] 11
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 30
[start] 20
[name] jj
                                          [end] 42
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] in
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] dt
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] jj
                                          [end] 69
[start] 60
[name] nn
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 47
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 49
[name] NT
                                          [end] 71
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360548392>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'would have required substantial cooperation from '
                             'the German government .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1016,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'would have required substantial cooperation from the German '
          'government .'},
 {'ID': 4155521,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'), (4, 8, 'nn'), (9, 12, 'VBD')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155521) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

But time was

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654624,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'), (4, 8, 'nn'), (9, 12, 'VBD')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'), (9, 12, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654624) PENN in sentence 4155521:

But time was
--- ---- ---
cc  nn   VBD
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] nn
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] VBD
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360550312>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'But time was'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1016,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'But time was'},
 {'ID': 4155522,
  'POS': [(0, 5, 'rb'),
          (6, 7, ','),
          (8, 11, 'cc'),
          (12, 19, 'VVG'),
          (20, 23, 'rp'),
          (24, 25, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155522) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

short , and running out .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654625,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 5, 'rb'),
                             (6, 7, ','),
                             (8, 11, 'cc'),
                             (12, 19, 'VVG'),
                             (20, 23, 'rp'),
                             (24, 25, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 5, 'NT'),
                             (6, 7, 'NT'),
                             (8, 11, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (24, 25, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654625) PENN in sentence 4155522:

short , and running out .   
----- - --- ------- --- -   
rb    , cc  VVG     rp  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:58 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] ,
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] cc
                                          [end] 18
[start] 12
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] rp
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 4
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 6
[start] 6
[name] NT
                                          [end] 10
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 24
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360563624>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'short , and running out .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1017,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'short , and running out .'},
 {'ID': 4155523,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 9, 'NP'), (10, 13, 'NP')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155523) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 3 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Time Runs Out

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654626,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'NP'), (5, 9, 'NP'), (10, 13, 'NP')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'), (5, 9, 'NT'), (10, 13, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654626) PENN in sentence 4155523:

Time Runs Out
---- ---- ---
NP   NP   NP 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NP
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NP
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 12
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360565160>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Time Runs Out'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1019,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Time Runs Out'},
 {'ID': 4155524,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 13, 'VVD'),
          (14, 16, 'PP'),
          (17, 18, ','),
          (19, 21, '``'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 32, 'nn'),
          (33, 36, 'VBD'),
          (37, 45, 'VVG'),
          (46, 49, 'nn'),
          (50, 52, "''"),
          (53, 59, 'in'),
          (60, 63, 'dt'),
          (64, 70, 'nn'),
          (71, 73, 'in'),
          (74, 78, 'cd'),
          (79, 80, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155524) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As Tenet told us , `` the system was blinking red '' during the 

summer of 2001 .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654627,
                     'NER': [(3, 8, 'person'), (64, 78, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 13, 'VVD'),
                             (14, 16, 'PP'),
                             (17, 18, ','),
                             (19, 21, '``'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 32, 'nn'),
                             (33, 36, 'VBD'),
                             (37, 45, 'VVG'),
                             (46, 49, 'nn'),
                             (50, 52, "''"),
                             (53, 59, 'in'),
                             (60, 63, 'dt'),
                             (64, 70, 'nn'),
                             (71, 73, 'in'),
                             (74, 78, 'cd'),
                             (79, 80, 'sent')],
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                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (33, 36, 'NT'),
                             (50, 52, 'NT'),
                             (53, 59, 'NT'),
                             (60, 63, 'NT'),
                             (71, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 80, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654627) PENN in sentence 4155524:

As Tenet told us , `` the system was blinking red '' during the 
-- ----- ---- -- - -- --- ------ --- -------- --- -- ------ --- 
in NP    VVD  PP , `` dt  nn     VBD VVG      nn  '' in     dt  

summer of 2001 .   
------ -- ---- -   
nn     in cd   sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:40:59 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] PP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] ,
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] ``
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 44
[start] 37
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 48
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] ''
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] dt
                                          [end] 69
[start] 64
[name] nn
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] in
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] cd
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 3
[name] person
                                          [end] 77
[start] 64
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 14
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 35
[start] 33
[name] NT
                                          [end] 51
[start] 50
[name] NT
                                          [end] 58
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 62
[start] 60
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                          [end] 79
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360566216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As Tenet told us , `` the system was blinking '
                             "red '' during the summer of 2001 ."}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1020,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': "As Tenet told us , `` the system was blinking red '' during the "
          'summer of 2001 .'},
 {'ID': 4155525,
  'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155525) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 1 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654628,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 9, 'nns')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654628) PENN in sentence 4155525:

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 0
[name] nns
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               [rank] 1
[name] WSL
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360582216>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Officials'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1020,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Officials'},
 {'ID': 4155526,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
          (5, 12, 'VVD'),
          (13, 19, 'in'),
          (20, 23, 'dt'),
          (24, 29, 'nn'),
          (30, 31, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155526) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 6 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

were alerted across the world .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654629,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'VBD'),
                             (5, 12, 'VVD'),
                             (13, 19, 'in'),
                             (20, 23, 'dt'),
                             (24, 29, 'nn'),
                             (30, 31, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (13, 19, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (30, 31, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654629) PENN in sentence 4155526:

were alerted across the world .   
---- ------- ------ --- ----- -   
VBD  VVD     in     dt  nn    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:00 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] in
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] dt
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 18
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360582792>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'were alerted across the world .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1021,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'were alerted across the world .'},
 {'ID': 4155527,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
          (5, 9, 'VBD'),
          (10, 15, 'VVG'),
          (16, 26, 'nn'),
          (27, 31, 'PP'),
          (32, 40, 'rb'),
          (41, 46, 'md'),
          (47, 49, 'to')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155527) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 8 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Many were doing everything they possibly could to

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654630,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'jj'),
                             (5, 9, 'VBD'),
                             (10, 15, 'VVG'),
                             (16, 26, 'nn'),
                             (27, 31, 'PP'),
                             (32, 40, 'rb'),
                             (41, 46, 'md'),
                             (47, 49, 'to')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(5, 9, 'NT'),
                             (10, 15, 'NT'),
                             (27, 31, 'NT'),
                             (32, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (47, 49, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654630) PENN in sentence 4155527:

Many were doing everything they possibly could to
---- ---- ----- ---------- ---- -------- ----- --
jj   VBD  VVG   nn         PP   rb       md    to
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 8
[start] 5
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 25
[start] 16
[name] nn
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] PP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] rb
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] md
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] to
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 8
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 14
[start] 10
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 27
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 48
[start] 47
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360596584>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Many were doing everything they possibly could '
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1021,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Many were doing everything they possibly could to'},
 {'ID': 4155528,
  'POS': [(0, 7, 'VV'),
          (8, 10, 'to'),
          (11, 14, 'dt'),
          (15, 22, 'nns'),
          (23, 24, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155528) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 5 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

respond to the threats .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654631,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 7, 'VV'),
                             (8, 10, 'to'),
                             (11, 14, 'dt'),
                             (15, 22, 'nns'),
                             (23, 24, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(8, 10, 'NT'), (11, 14, 'NT'), (23, 24, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654631) PENN in sentence 4155528:

respond to the threats .   
------- -- --- ------- -   
VV      to dt  nns     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 6
[start] 0
[name] VV
                                          [end] 9
[start] 8
[name] to
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] dt
                                          [end] 21
[start] 15
[name] nns
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 9
[start] 8
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 11
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 23
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360598504>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'respond to the threats .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1022,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'respond to the threats .'},
 {'ID': 4155529,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
          (4, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 10, 'cd'),
          (11, 18, 'nn'),
          (19, 21, 'in'),
          (22, 27, 'dt'),
          (28, 32, 'jj'),
          (33, 38, 'nns'),
          (39, 41, 'in'),
          (42, 45, 'dt'),
          (46, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 55, 'in'),
          (56, 60, 'cd'),
          (61, 70, 'VVN'),
          (71, 74, 'dt'),
          (75, 79, 'nn'),
          (80, 82, 'in')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155529) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 17 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Yet no one working on these late leads in the summer of 2001 

connected the case in

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654632,
                     'NER': [(46, 60, 'date')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'cc'),
                             (4, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 10, 'cd'),
                             (11, 18, 'nn'),
                             (19, 21, 'in'),
                             (22, 27, 'dt'),
                             (28, 32, 'jj'),
                             (33, 38, 'nns'),
                             (39, 41, 'in'),
                             (42, 45, 'dt'),
                             (46, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 55, 'in'),
                             (56, 60, 'cd'),
                             (61, 70, 'VVN'),
                             (71, 74, 'dt'),
                             (75, 79, 'nn'),
                             (80, 82, 'in')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (19, 21, 'NT'),
                             (22, 27, 'NT'),
                             (39, 41, 'NT'),
                             (42, 45, 'NT'),
                             (53, 55, 'NT'),
                             (56, 60, 'NT'),
                             (71, 74, 'NT'),
                             (80, 82, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654632) PENN in sentence 4155529:

Yet no one working on these late leads in the summer of 2001 
--- -- --- ------- -- ----- ---- ----- -- --- ------ -- ---- 
cc  dt cd  nn      in dt    jj   nns   in dt  nn     in cd   

connected the case in
--------- --- ---- --
VVN       dt  nn   in
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:01 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] cc
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] cd
                                          [end] 17
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] in
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 31
[start] 28
[name] jj
                                          [end] 37
[start] 33
[name] nns
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] in
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 46
[name] nn
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] in
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] cd
                                          [end] 69
[start] 61
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] dt
                                          [end] 78
[start] 75
[name] nn
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] in
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 59
[start] 46
[name] date
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 20
[start] 19
[name] NT
                                          [end] 26
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 40
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 44
[start] 42
[name] NT
                                          [end] 54
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 59
[start] 56
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                          [end] 81
[start] 80
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360608008>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Yet no one working on these late leads in the '
                             'summer of 2001 connected the case in'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1023,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Yet no one working on these late leads in the summer of 2001 '
          'connected the case in'},
 {'ID': 4155530,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
          (4, 6, 'cc'),
          (7, 10, 'PP$'),
          (11, 17, 'nn'),
          (18, 20, 'to'),
          (21, 24, 'dt'),
          (25, 31, 'nn'),
          (32, 39, 'nns'),
          (40, 49, 'VVG'),
          (50, 56, 'jj'),
          (57, 66, 'nns'),
          (67, 70, 'cc'),
          (71, 76, 'VBG'),
          (77, 84, 'VVN')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155530) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

his or her in-box to the threat reports agitating senior 

officials and being briefed

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654633,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'PP$'),
                             (4, 6, 'cc'),
                             (7, 10, 'PP$'),
                             (11, 17, 'nn'),
                             (18, 20, 'to'),
                             (21, 24, 'dt'),
                             (25, 31, 'nn'),
                             (32, 39, 'nns'),
                             (40, 49, 'VVG'),
                             (50, 56, 'jj'),
                             (57, 66, 'nns'),
                             (67, 70, 'cc'),
                             (71, 76, 'VBG'),
                             (77, 84, 'VVN')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (18, 20, 'NT'),
                             (21, 24, 'NT'),
                             (67, 70, 'NT'),
                             (71, 76, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654633) PENN in sentence 4155530:

his or her in-box to the threat reports agitating senior 
--- -- --- ------ -- --- ------ ------- --------- ------ 
PP$ cc PP$ nn     to dt  nn     nns     VVG       jj     

officials and being briefed
--------- --- ----- -------
nns       cc  VBG   VVN    
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:02 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] cc
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] PP$
                                          [end] 16
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] to
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] dt
                                          [end] 30
[start] 25
[name] nn
                                          [end] 38
[start] 32
[name] nns
                                          [end] 48
[start] 40
[name] VVG
                                          [end] 55
[start] 50
[name] jj
                                          [end] 65
[start] 57
[name] nns
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] cc
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] VBG
                                          [end] 83
[start] 77
[name] VVN
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 19
[start] 18
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 21
[name] NT
                                          [end] 69
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 75
[start] 71
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360611272>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'his or her in-box to the threat reports '
                             'agitating senior officials and being briefed'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1024,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'his or her in-box to the threat reports agitating senior officials '
          'and being briefed'},
 {'ID': 4155531,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'), (3, 6, 'dt'), (7, 16, 'NP'), (17, 18, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155531) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

to the President .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654634,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'to'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 16, 'NP'),
                             (17, 18, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 16, 'NT'),
                             (17, 18, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654634) PENN in sentence 4155531:

to the President .   
-- --- --------- -   
to dt  NP        sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] to
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 15
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 17
[start] 17
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360626120>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'to the President .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1025,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'to the President .'},
 {'ID': 4155532,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
          (5, 6, ','),
          (7, 12, 'dt'),
          (13, 23, 'jj'),
          (24, 29, 'nns'),
          (30, 33, 'VVD'),
          (34, 37, 'rb'),
          (38, 44, 'VV'),
          (45, 53, 'jj'),
          (54, 64, 'nns'),
          (65, 66, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155532) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 11 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Thus , these individual cases did not become national priorities 


  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654635,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'rb'),
                             (5, 6, ','),
                             (7, 12, 'dt'),
                             (13, 23, 'jj'),
                             (24, 29, 'nns'),
                             (30, 33, 'VVD'),
                             (34, 37, 'rb'),
                             (38, 44, 'VV'),
                             (45, 53, 'jj'),
                             (54, 64, 'nns'),
                             (65, 66, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 4, 'NT'),
                             (5, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 12, 'NT'),
                             (30, 33, 'NT'),
                             (34, 37, 'NT'),
                             (65, 66, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654635) PENN in sentence 4155532:

Thus , these individual cases did not become national priorities 
---- - ----- ---------- ----- --- --- ------ -------- ---------- 
rb   , dt    jj         nns   VVD rb  VV     jj       nns        

                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:03 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] rb
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] ,
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] dt
                                          [end] 22
[start] 13
[name] jj
                                          [end] 28
[start] 24
[name] nns
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] rb
                                          [end] 43
[start] 38
[name] VV
                                          [end] 52
[start] 45
[name] jj
                                          [end] 63
[start] 54
[name] nns
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 5
[name] NT
                                          [end] 11
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 30
[name] NT
                                          [end] 36
[start] 34
[name] NT
                                          [end] 65
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360627368>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Thus , these individual cases did not become '
                             'national priorities .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1025,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Thus , these individual cases did not become national priorities .'},
 {'ID': 4155533,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
          (3, 6, 'dt'),
          (7, 10, 'NP'),
          (11, 21, 'nn'),
          (22, 24, '``'),
          (25, 30, 'NP'),
          (31, 35, 'VVD'),
          (36, 38, 'PP'),
          (39, 40, ','),
          (41, 43, 'rb'),
          (44, 47, 'cd'),
          (48, 54, 'VVN'),
          (55, 57, 'in'),
          (58, 61, 'dt'),
          (62, 68, 'jjr'),
          (69, 76, 'nn'),
          (77, 78, ':'),
          (79, 81, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155533) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 18 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

As the CIA supervisor `` John" told us , no one looked at the 

bigger picture ; no

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654636,
                     'NER': [(7, 10, 'organization'), (25, 30, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'in'),
                             (3, 6, 'dt'),
                             (7, 10, 'NP'),
                             (11, 21, 'nn'),
                             (22, 24, '``'),
                             (25, 30, 'NP'),
                             (31, 35, 'VVD'),
                             (36, 38, 'PP'),
                             (39, 40, ','),
                             (41, 43, 'rb'),
                             (44, 47, 'cd'),
                             (48, 54, 'VVN'),
                             (55, 57, 'in'),
                             (58, 61, 'dt'),
                             (62, 68, 'jjr'),
                             (69, 76, 'nn'),
                             (77, 78, ':'),
                             (79, 81, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (3, 6, 'NT'),
                             (7, 10, 'NT'),
                             (22, 24, 'NT'),
                             (25, 30, 'NT'),
                             (36, 38, 'NT'),
                             (39, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (55, 57, 'NT'),
                             (58, 61, 'NT'),
                             (77, 78, 'NT'),
                             (79, 81, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654636) PENN in sentence 4155533:

As the CIA supervisor `` John" told us , no one looked at the 
-- --- --- ---------- -- ----- ---- -- - -- --- ------ -- --- 
in dt  NP  nn         `` NP    VVD  PP , rb cd  VVN    in dt  

bigger picture ; no
------ ------- - --
jjr    nn      : dt
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] in
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] dt
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NP
                                          [end] 20
[start] 11
[name] nn
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] ``
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NP
                                          [end] 34
[start] 31
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] PP
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] ,
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] rb
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] cd
                                          [end] 53
[start] 48
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] in
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] dt
                                          [end] 67
[start] 62
[name] jjr
                                          [end] 75
[start] 69
[name] nn
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] :
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [{'end': 9,
                                           'name': 'organization',
                                           'start': 7},
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] NT
                                          [end] 9
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                          [end] 23
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 29
[start] 25
[name] NT
                                          [end] 37
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 39
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 56
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 60
[start] 58
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 77
[name] NT
                                          [end] 80
[start] 79
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360637736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'As the CIA supervisor `` John" told us , no one '
                             'looked at the bigger picture ; no'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1026,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'As the CIA supervisor `` John" told us , no one looked at the '
          'bigger picture ; no'},
 {'ID': 4155534,
  'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
          (9, 13, 'nn'),
          (14, 21, 'VVD'),
          (22, 25, 'dt'),
          (26, 35, 'nn'),
          (36, 40, 'wdt'),
          (41, 46, 'md'),
          (47, 54, 'VV'),
          (55, 58, 'dt'),
          (59, 71, 'nn'),
          (72, 74, 'to'),
          (75, 78, 'dt')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155534) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 12 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

analytic work foresaw the lightning that could connect the 

thundercloud to the

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654637,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 8, 'jj'),
                             (9, 13, 'nn'),
                             (14, 21, 'VVD'),
                             (22, 25, 'dt'),
                             (26, 35, 'nn'),
                             (36, 40, 'wdt'),
                             (41, 46, 'md'),
                             (47, 54, 'VV'),
                             (55, 58, 'dt'),
                             (59, 71, 'nn'),
                             (72, 74, 'to'),
                             (75, 78, 'dt')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(22, 25, 'NT'),
                             (36, 40, 'NT'),
                             (41, 46, 'NT'),
                             (55, 58, 'NT'),
                             (72, 74, 'NT'),
                             (75, 78, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654637) PENN in sentence 4155534:

analytic work foresaw the lightning that could connect the 
-------- ---- ------- --- --------- ---- ----- ------- --- 
jj       nn   VVD     dt  nn        wdt  md    VV      dt  

thundercloud to the
------------ -- ---
nn           to dt 
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:04 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 0
[name] jj
                                          [end] 12
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 20
[start] 14
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 24
[start] 22
[name] dt
                                          [end] 34
[start] 26
[name] nn
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] wdt
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] md
                                          [end] 53
[start] 47
[name] VV
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] dt
                                          [end] 70
[start] 59
[name] nn
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] to
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] dt
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 24
[start] 22
[name] NT
                                          [end] 39
[start] 36
[name] NT
                                          [end] 45
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 57
[start] 55
[name] NT
                                          [end] 73
[start] 72
[name] NT
                                          [end] 77
[start] 75
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360653736>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'analytic work foresaw the lightning that could '
                             'connect the thundercloud to the'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1027,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'analytic work foresaw the lightning that could connect the '
          'thundercloud to the'},
 {'ID': 4155535,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155535) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

ground .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654638,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654638) PENN in sentence 4155535:

ground .   
------ -   
nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360655944>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'ground .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1028,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'ground .'},
 {'ID': 4155536,
  'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
          (3, 6, 'VVP'),
          (7, 13, 'jj'),
          (14, 22, 'nn'),
          (23, 27, 'IN/that'),
          (28, 31, 'dt'),
          (32, 40, 'nn'),
          (41, 43, 'in'),
          (44, 47, 'dt'),
          (48, 52, 'nn'),
          (53, 56, 'VBD'),
          (57, 66, 'VVN'),
          (67, 69, 'in'),
          (70, 73, 'dt'),
          (74, 84, 'nn')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155536) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 15 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

We see little evidence that the progress of the plot was 

disturbed by any government

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654639,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 2, 'PP'),
                             (3, 6, 'VVP'),
                             (7, 13, 'jj'),
                             (14, 22, 'nn'),
                             (23, 27, 'IN/that'),
                             (28, 31, 'dt'),
                             (32, 40, 'nn'),
                             (41, 43, 'in'),
                             (44, 47, 'dt'),
                             (48, 52, 'nn'),
                             (53, 56, 'VBD'),
                             (57, 66, 'VVN'),
                             (67, 69, 'in'),
                             (70, 73, 'dt'),
                             (74, 84, 'nn')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 2, 'NT'),
                             (28, 31, 'NT'),
                             (41, 43, 'NT'),
                             (44, 47, 'NT'),
                             (53, 56, 'NT'),
                             (67, 69, 'NT'),
                             (70, 73, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654639) PENN in sentence 4155536:

We see little evidence that    the progress of the plot was 
-- --- ------ -------- ----    --- -------- -- --- ---- --- 
PP VVP jj     nn       IN/that dt  nn       in dt  nn   VBD 

disturbed by any government
--------- -- --- ----------
VVN       in dt  nn        
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:05 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] PP
                                          [end] 5
[start] 3
[name] VVP
                                          [end] 12
[start] 7
[name] jj
                                          [end] 21
[start] 14
[name] nn
                                          [end] 26
[start] 23
[name] IN/that
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] dt
                                          [end] 39
[start] 32
[name] nn
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] in
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] dt
                                          [end] 51
[start] 48
[name] nn
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 65
[start] 57
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] in
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] dt
                                          [end] 83
[start] 74
[name] nn
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 1
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 30
[start] 28
[name] NT
                                          [end] 42
[start] 41
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 44
[name] NT
                                          [end] 55
[start] 53
[name] NT
                                          [end] 68
[start] 67
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 70
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360656712>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'We see little evidence that the progress of the '
                             'plot was disturbed by any government'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1030,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'We see little evidence that the progress of the plot was disturbed '
          'by any government'},
 {'ID': 4155537,
  'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155537) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 2 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

action .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654640,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 6, 'nn'), (7, 8, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(7, 8, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654640) PENN in sentence 4155537:

action .   
------ -   
nn     sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 5
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 7
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 7
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360675752>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'action .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1031,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'action .'},
 {'ID': 4155538,
  'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
          (4, 8, 'NP'),
          (9, 19, 'nn'),
          (20, 23, 'VBD'),
          (24, 30, 'jj'),
          (31, 33, 'to'),
          (34, 44, 'VV'),
          (45, 47, 'in'),
          (48, 56, 'nns'),
          (57, 61, 'VVN'),
          (62, 64, 'in'),
          (65, 67, 'NP'),
          (68, 73, 'NP'),
          (74, 75, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155538) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 14 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

The U.S. government was unable to capitalize on mistakes made by 

al Qaeda .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654641,
                     'NER': [(4, 8, 'location'), (65, 73, 'person')],
                     'POS': [(0, 3, 'dt'),
                             (4, 8, 'NP'),
                             (9, 19, 'nn'),
                             (20, 23, 'VBD'),
                             (24, 30, 'jj'),
                             (31, 33, 'to'),
                             (34, 44, 'VV'),
                             (45, 47, 'in'),
                             (48, 56, 'nns'),
                             (57, 61, 'VVN'),
                             (62, 64, 'in'),
                             (65, 67, 'NP'),
                             (68, 73, 'NP'),
                             (74, 75, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(0, 3, 'NT'),
                             (4, 8, 'NT'),
                             (20, 23, 'NT'),
                             (31, 33, 'NT'),
                             (45, 47, 'NT'),
                             (62, 64, 'NT'),
                             (65, 67, 'NT'),
                             (68, 73, 'NT'),
                             (74, 75, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654641) PENN in sentence 4155538:

The U.S. government was unable to capitalize on mistakes made by 
--- ---- ---------- --- ------ -- ---------- -- -------- ---- -- 
dt  NP   nn         VBD jj     to VV         in nns      VVN  in 

al Qaeda .   
-- ----- -   
NP NP    sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:06 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] dt
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NP
                                          [end] 18
[start] 9
[name] nn
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] VBD
                                          [end] 29
[start] 24
[name] jj
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] to
                                          [end] 43
[start] 34
[name] VV
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] in
                                          [end] 55
[start] 48
[name] nns
                                          [end] 60
[start] 57
[name] VVN
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] in
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NP
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NP
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 7
[start] 4
[name] location
                                          [end] 72
[start] 65
[name] person
                                'name': 'NER',
                                'rank': 1},
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 2
[start] 0
[name] NT
                                          [end] 7
[start] 4
[name] NT
                                          [end] 22
[start] 20
[name] NT
                                          [end] 32
[start] 31
[name] NT
                                          [end] 46
[start] 45
[name] NT
                                          [end] 63
[start] 62
[name] NT
                                          [end] 66
[start] 65
[name] NT
                                          [end] 72
[start] 68
[name] NT
                                          [end] 74
[start] 74
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360676520>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'The U.S. government was unable to capitalize on '
                             'mistakes made by al Qaeda .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1031,
  'sentNo': 2,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'The U.S. government was unable to capitalize on mistakes made by al '
          'Qaeda .'},
 {'ID': 4155539,
  'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'), (5, 8, 'VVD'), (9, 12, 'rp'), (13, 14, 'sent')],
  'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
  '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of full-text sentence (4155539) in chapter8_911report:

[POS] 4 tags

[POS_tagset] PENN

[text] + [annotationSet]

Time ran out .

  '_type': 'fulltext_sentence',
  'aPos': 0,
  'annotationSet': [{'ID': 6654642,
                     'NER': [],
                     'POS': [(0, 4, 'nn'),
                             (5, 8, 'VVD'),
                             (9, 12, 'rp'),
                             (13, 14, 'sent')],
                     'POS_tagset': 'PENN',
                     'WSL': [(9, 12, 'NT'), (13, 14, 'NT')],
                     '_ascii': <bound method _annotation_ascii of POS annotation set (6654642) PENN in sentence 4155539:

Time ran out .   
---- --- --- -   
nn   VVD rp  sent
                     '_type': 'posannotationset',
                     'cDate': '01/30/2014 11:41:07 PST Thu',
                     'layer': [{'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 3
[start] 0
[name] nn
                                          [end] 7
[start] 5
[name] VVD
                                          [end] 11
[start] 9
[name] rp
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] sent
                                'name': 'PENN',
                                'rank': 1},
                               [rank] 1
[name] NER
[_type] lulayer
[label] []
                               {'_type': 'lulayer',
                                'label': [[end] 11
[start] 9
[name] NT
                                          [end] 13
[start] 13
[name] NT
                                'name': 'WSL',
                                'rank': 1}],
                     'sent': <Recursion on AttrDict with id=1824360687656>,
                     'status': 'UNANN',
                     'text': 'Time ran out .'}],
  'corpID': 195,
  'doc': {'ID': 25397,
          'URL': '',
          '_type': 'fulltext_annotation',
          'corpid': 195,
          'corpname': 'ANC',
          'description': 'chapter8_911report',
          'filename': 'ANC__chapter8_911report.xml',
          'name': 'chapter8_911report',
          'sentence': <Recursion on list with id=1824268620296>},
  'docID': 25397,
  'paragNo': 1032,
  'sentNo': 1,
  'targets': [],
  'text': 'Time ran out .'}]

Detailed information about each sentence contained in each document can be obtained by calling the annotated_document() function and supplying the 'ID' number of the document. For detailed information about the info that is for each document, see the documentation on the annotated_document() function.

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