Generate and manage annotations and indices for genomes

In [2]:

Bowtie index

In [1]:
!bowtie-build --threads 4 $fasta_in $ann_dir$ref_out

bowtie2-build --threads 4 $fasta_in "$ann_dir""hg19"
No output file specified!
Bowtie 2 version 2.3.2 by Ben Langmead (,
Usage: bowtie2-build [options]* <reference_in> <bt2_index_base>
    reference_in            comma-separated list of files with ref sequences
    bt2_index_base          write bt2 data to files with this dir/basename
*** Bowtie 2 indexes work only with v2 (not v1).  Likewise for v1 indexes. ***
    -f                      reference files are Fasta (default)
    -c                      reference sequences given on cmd line (as
    --large-index           force generated index to be 'large', even if ref
                            has fewer than 4 billion nucleotides
    -a/--noauto             disable automatic -p/--bmax/--dcv memory-fitting
    -p/--packed             use packed strings internally; slower, less memory
    --bmax <int>            max bucket sz for blockwise suffix-array builder
    --bmaxdivn <int>        max bucket sz as divisor of ref len (default: 4)
    --dcv <int>             diff-cover period for blockwise (default: 1024)
    --nodc                  disable diff-cover (algorithm becomes quadratic)
    -r/--noref              don't build .3/.4 index files
    -3/--justref            just build .3/.4 index files
    -o/--offrate <int>      SA is sampled every 2^<int> BWT chars (default: 5)
    -t/--ftabchars <int>    # of chars consumed in initial lookup (default: 10)
    --threads <int>         # of threads
    --seed <int>            seed for random number generator
    -q/--quiet              verbose output (for debugging)
    -h/--help               print detailed description of tool and its options
    --usage                 print this usage message
    --version               print version information and quit

Bowtie2 index

In [3]:
bowtie2-build --threads 4 $fasta_in $ann_dir$ref_out

  Output files: "/input_data/mm9.*.bt2"
  Line rate: 6 (line is 64 bytes)
  Lines per side: 1 (side is 64 bytes)
  Offset rate: 4 (one in 16)
  FTable chars: 10
  Strings: unpacked
  Max bucket size: default
  Max bucket size, sqrt multiplier: default
  Max bucket size, len divisor: 16
  Difference-cover sample period: 1024
  Endianness: little
  Actual local endianness: little
  Sanity checking: disabled
  Assertions: disabled
  Random seed: 0
  Sizeofs: void*:8, int:4, long:8, size_t:8
Input files DNA, FASTA:
Building a SMALL index
Reading reference sizes
  Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:29
Calculating joined length
Writing header
Reserving space for joined string
Joining reference sequences
  Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:16
bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: 163771623
Using parameters --bmax 122828718 --dcv 1024
  Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test
  Passed!  Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 122828718 --dcv 1024
Constructing suffix-array element generator
Building DifferenceCoverSample
  Building sPrime
  Building sPrimeOrder
  V-Sorting samples
  V-Sorting samples time: 00:01:03
  Allocating rank array
  Ranking v-sort output
  Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:37
  Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks
  Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:00:59
  Sanity-checking and returning
Building samples
Reserving space for 44 sample suffixes
Generating random suffixes
QSorting 44 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates
QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00
Multikey QSorting 44 samples
  (Using difference cover)
  Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00
Calculating bucket sizes
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Split 4, merged 21; iterating...
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Split 2, merged 2; iterating...
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Split 1, merged 1; iterating...
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Split 1, merged 0; iterating...
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Avg bucket size: 9.35838e+07 (target: 122828717)
Converting suffix-array elements to index image
Allocating ftab, absorbFtab
Entering Ebwt loop
Getting block 1 of 28
Getting block 2 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 1
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 2
Getting block 3 of 28
Getting block 4 of 28
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 1
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 2
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 3
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 4
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 1:
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 2:
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 3
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 4
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 3:
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 4:
  bucket 1: 10%
  bucket 2: 10%
  bucket 3: 10%
  bucket 4: 10%
  bucket 1: 20%
  bucket 2: 20%
  bucket 3: 20%
  bucket 4: 20%
  bucket 1: 30%
  bucket 2: 30%
  bucket 3: 30%
  bucket 4: 30%
  bucket 1: 40%
  bucket 2: 40%
  bucket 1: 50%
  bucket 3: 40%
  bucket 4: 40%
  bucket 2: 50%
  bucket 1: 60%
  bucket 3: 50%
  bucket 4: 50%
  bucket 2: 60%
  bucket 1: 70%
  bucket 3: 60%
  bucket 4: 60%
  bucket 2: 70%
  bucket 1: 80%
  bucket 3: 70%
  bucket 2: 80%
  bucket 1: 90%
  bucket 4: 70%
  bucket 1: 100%
  Sorting block of length 69366514 for bucket 1
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 2: 90%
  bucket 3: 80%
  bucket 4: 80%
  bucket 2: 100%
  Sorting block of length 107054429 for bucket 2
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 3: 90%
  bucket 4: 90%
  bucket 3: 100%
  Sorting block of length 119483202 for bucket 3
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 4: 100%
  Sorting block of length 76164057 for bucket 4
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:01:21
Returning block of 69366515 for bucket 1
Getting block 5 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 5
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 5
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 5:
  bucket 5: 10%
  Sorting block time: 00:01:34
Returning block of 76164058 for bucket 4
  bucket 5: 20%
  bucket 5: 30%
  bucket 5: 40%
  bucket 5: 50%
  bucket 5: 60%
Getting block 6 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 6
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 6
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 6:
  bucket 5: 70%
  bucket 6: 10%
  bucket 5: 80%
  bucket 6: 20%
  bucket 5: 90%
  bucket 6: 30%
  bucket 5: 100%
  Sorting block of length 119927651 for bucket 5
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 6: 40%
  bucket 6: 50%
  bucket 6: 60%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:14
Returning block of 107054430 for bucket 2
  bucket 6: 70%
  bucket 6: 80%
  bucket 6: 90%
  bucket 6: 100%
  Sorting block of length 111329630 for bucket 6
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:30
Returning block of 119483203 for bucket 3
Getting block 7 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 7
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 7
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 7:
  bucket 7: 10%
  bucket 7: 20%
  bucket 7: 30%
  bucket 7: 40%
  bucket 7: 50%
  bucket 7: 60%
  bucket 7: 70%
Getting block 8 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 8
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 8
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 8:
  bucket 7: 80%
  bucket 8: 10%
  bucket 7: 90%
  bucket 8: 20%
  bucket 7: 100%
  Sorting block of length 56210234 for bucket 7
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 8: 30%
  bucket 8: 40%
  bucket 8: 50%
  bucket 8: 60%
  bucket 8: 70%
  bucket 8: 80%
  bucket 8: 90%
  bucket 8: 100%
  Sorting block of length 71958774 for bucket 8
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:01:24
Returning block of 56210235 for bucket 7
Getting block 9 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 9
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 9
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 9:
  bucket 9: 10%
  bucket 9: 20%
  bucket 9: 30%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:56
Returning block of 119927652 for bucket 5
  bucket 9: 40%
  bucket 9: 50%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:42
Returning block of 111329631 for bucket 6
  bucket 9: 60%
  bucket 9: 70%
  bucket 9: 80%
  Sorting block time: 00:01:48
Returning block of 71958775 for bucket 8
  bucket 9: 90%
  bucket 9: 100%
  Sorting block of length 116909663 for bucket 9
  (Using difference cover)
Getting block 10 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 10
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 10
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 10:
Getting block 11 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 11
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 11
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 11:
  bucket 10: 10%
  bucket 11: 10%
Getting block 12 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 12
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 12
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 12:
  bucket 10: 20%
  bucket 11: 20%
  bucket 12: 10%
  bucket 10: 30%
  bucket 11: 30%
  bucket 12: 20%
  bucket 10: 40%
  bucket 11: 40%
  bucket 12: 30%
  bucket 10: 50%
  bucket 11: 50%
  bucket 12: 40%
  bucket 10: 60%
  bucket 11: 60%
  bucket 10: 70%
  bucket 12: 50%
  bucket 11: 70%
  bucket 10: 80%
  bucket 12: 60%
  bucket 11: 80%
  bucket 10: 90%
  bucket 12: 70%
  bucket 11: 90%
  bucket 10: 100%
  Sorting block of length 71463388 for bucket 10
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 12: 80%
  bucket 11: 100%
  Sorting block of length 122449757 for bucket 11
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 12: 90%
  bucket 12: 100%
  Sorting block of length 106198633 for bucket 12
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:01:34
Returning block of 71463389 for bucket 10
Getting block 13 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 13
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 13
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 13:
  bucket 13: 10%
  bucket 13: 20%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:40
Returning block of 116909664 for bucket 9
  bucket 13: 30%
  bucket 13: 40%
  bucket 13: 50%
  bucket 13: 60%
  bucket 13: 70%
  bucket 13: 80%
  bucket 13: 90%
Getting block 14 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 14
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 14
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 14:
  bucket 13: 100%
  Sorting block of length 114547269 for bucket 13
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 14: 10%
  bucket 14: 20%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:24
Returning block of 106198634 for bucket 12
  bucket 14: 30%
  bucket 14: 40%
  bucket 14: 50%
  bucket 14: 60%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:48
Returning block of 122449758 for bucket 11
  bucket 14: 70%
  bucket 14: 80%
Getting block 15 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 15
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 15
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 15:
  bucket 14: 90%
  bucket 15: 10%
  bucket 14: 100%
  Sorting block of length 101495912 for bucket 14
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 15: 20%
  bucket 15: 30%
  bucket 15: 40%
  bucket 15: 50%
Getting block 16 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 16
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 16
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 16:
  bucket 15: 60%
  bucket 16: 10%
  bucket 15: 70%
  bucket 16: 20%
  bucket 15: 80%
  bucket 16: 30%
  bucket 15: 90%
  bucket 16: 40%
  bucket 15: 100%
  Sorting block of length 72277302 for bucket 15
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 16: 50%
  bucket 16: 60%
  bucket 16: 70%
  bucket 16: 80%
  bucket 16: 90%
  bucket 16: 100%
  Sorting block of length 112423886 for bucket 16
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:36
Returning block of 114547270 for bucket 13
  Sorting block time: 00:01:32
Returning block of 72277303 for bucket 15
  Sorting block time: 00:02:19
Returning block of 101495913 for bucket 14
Getting block 17 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 17
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 17
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 17:
Getting block 18 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 18
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 18
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 18:
  bucket 17: 10%
  bucket 18: 10%
  bucket 18: 20%
  bucket 17: 20%
  bucket 18: 30%
  bucket 17: 30%
  bucket 18: 40%
  bucket 17: 40%
  bucket 18: 50%
  bucket 17: 50%
Getting block 19 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 19
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 19
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 19:
  bucket 18: 60%
  bucket 17: 60%
  bucket 19: 10%
  bucket 18: 70%
  bucket 17: 70%
  bucket 19: 20%
  bucket 18: 80%
  bucket 17: 80%
  bucket 19: 30%
  bucket 18: 90%
  bucket 17: 90%
  bucket 19: 40%
  bucket 18: 100%
  Sorting block of length 100679308 for bucket 18
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 17: 100%
  Sorting block of length 113135159 for bucket 17
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 19: 50%
  bucket 19: 60%
  bucket 19: 70%
  bucket 19: 80%
  bucket 19: 90%
  bucket 19: 100%
  Sorting block of length 57786489 for bucket 19
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:36
Returning block of 112423887 for bucket 16
Getting block 20 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 20
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 20
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 20:
  bucket 20: 10%
  bucket 20: 20%
  bucket 20: 30%
  bucket 20: 40%
  bucket 20: 50%
  bucket 20: 60%
  bucket 20: 70%
  bucket 20: 80%
  bucket 20: 90%
  bucket 20: 100%
  Sorting block of length 96659056 for bucket 20
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:01:21
Returning block of 57786490 for bucket 19
Getting block 21 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 21
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 21
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 21:
  bucket 21: 10%
  bucket 21: 20%
  bucket 21: 30%
  bucket 21: 40%
  bucket 21: 50%
  bucket 21: 60%
  bucket 21: 70%
  bucket 21: 80%
  bucket 21: 90%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:30
Returning block of 100679309 for bucket 18
  bucket 21: 100%
  Sorting block of length 29805507 for bucket 21
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:55
Returning block of 113135160 for bucket 17
Getting block 22 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 22
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 22
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 22:
  bucket 22: 10%
  bucket 22: 20%
  bucket 22: 30%
  bucket 22: 40%
  bucket 22: 50%
  bucket 22: 60%
  Sorting block time: 00:00:49
Returning block of 29805508 for bucket 21
Getting block 23 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 23
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 23
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 23:
  bucket 22: 70%
  bucket 23: 10%
  bucket 22: 80%
Getting block 24 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 24
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 24
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 24:
  bucket 23: 20%
  bucket 22: 90%
  bucket 24: 10%
  bucket 23: 30%
  bucket 22: 100%
  Sorting block of length 111607091 for bucket 22
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 24: 20%
  bucket 23: 40%
  bucket 24: 30%
  bucket 23: 50%
  bucket 24: 40%
  bucket 23: 60%
  bucket 24: 50%
  bucket 23: 70%
  bucket 24: 60%
  bucket 23: 80%
  bucket 24: 70%
  bucket 23: 90%
  bucket 23: 100%
  Sorting block of length 44391035 for bucket 23
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 24: 80%
  bucket 24: 90%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:29
Returning block of 96659057 for bucket 20
  bucket 24: 100%
  Sorting block of length 106990899 for bucket 24
  (Using difference cover)
Getting block 25 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 25
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 25
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 25:
  bucket 25: 10%
  bucket 25: 20%
  bucket 25: 30%
  bucket 25: 40%
  bucket 25: 50%
  bucket 25: 60%
  bucket 25: 70%
  bucket 25: 80%
  Sorting block time: 00:01:13
Returning block of 44391036 for bucket 23
  bucket 25: 90%
  bucket 25: 100%
  Sorting block of length 95171746 for bucket 25
  (Using difference cover)
Getting block 26 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 26
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 26
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 26:
  bucket 26: 10%
  bucket 26: 20%
  bucket 26: 30%
  bucket 26: 40%
  bucket 26: 50%
  bucket 26: 60%
  bucket 26: 70%
  bucket 26: 80%
  bucket 26: 90%
  bucket 26: 100%
  Sorting block of length 95802932 for bucket 26
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:50
Returning block of 111607092 for bucket 22
Getting block 27 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 27
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 27
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 27:
  bucket 27: 10%
  bucket 27: 20%
  Sorting block time: 00:03:01
Returning block of 106990900 for bucket 24
  bucket 27: 30%
  bucket 27: 40%
  bucket 27: 50%
  bucket 27: 60%
  bucket 27: 70%
  bucket 27: 80%
Getting block 28 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 28
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 28
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 28:
  bucket 27: 90%
  bucket 28: 10%
  bucket 27: 100%
  Sorting block of length 120049009 for bucket 27
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 28: 20%
  bucket 28: 30%
  bucket 28: 40%
  bucket 28: 50%
  bucket 28: 60%
  bucket 28: 70%
  bucket 28: 80%
  bucket 28: 90%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:53
Returning block of 95171747 for bucket 25
  bucket 28: 100%
  Sorting block of length 99007413 for bucket 28
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:03:07
Returning block of 95802933 for bucket 26
  Sorting block time: 00:02:46
Returning block of 99007414 for bucket 28
  Sorting block time: 00:03:26
Returning block of 120049010 for bucket 27
Exited Ebwt loop
fchr[A]: 0
fchr[C]: 763450008
fchr[G]: 1309739408
fchr[T]: 1856187599
fchr[$]: 2620345972
Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk()
Returning from initFromVector
Wrote 877656917 bytes to primary EBWT file: /input_data/mm9.1.bt2
Wrote 655086500 bytes to secondary EBWT file: /input_data/mm9.2.bt2
Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams
Returning from Ebwt constructor
    len: 2620345972
    bwtLen: 2620345973
    sz: 655086493
    bwtSz: 655086494
    lineRate: 6
    offRate: 4
    offMask: 0xfffffff0
    ftabChars: 10
    eftabLen: 20
    eftabSz: 80
    ftabLen: 1048577
    ftabSz: 4194308
    offsLen: 163771624
    offsSz: 655086496
    lineSz: 64
    sideSz: 64
    sideBwtSz: 48
    sideBwtLen: 192
    numSides: 13647636
    numLines: 13647636
    ebwtTotLen: 873448704
    ebwtTotSz: 873448704
    color: 0
    reverse: 0
Total time for call to driver() for forward index: 00:31:50
Reading reference sizes
  Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:32
Calculating joined length
Writing header
Reserving space for joined string
Joining reference sequences
  Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:15
  Time to reverse reference sequence: 00:00:02
bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: 163771623
Using parameters --bmax 122828718 --dcv 1024
  Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test
  Passed!  Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 122828718 --dcv 1024
Constructing suffix-array element generator
Building DifferenceCoverSample
  Building sPrime
  Building sPrimeOrder
  V-Sorting samples
  V-Sorting samples time: 00:01:13
  Allocating rank array
  Ranking v-sort output
  Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:36
  Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks
  Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:01:03
  Sanity-checking and returning
Building samples
Reserving space for 44 sample suffixes
Generating random suffixes
QSorting 44 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates
QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00
Multikey QSorting 44 samples
  (Using difference cover)
  Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00
Calculating bucket sizes
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Split 4, merged 20; iterating...
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Split 3, merged 2; iterating...
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Split 2, merged 2; iterating...
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Avg bucket size: 9.35838e+07 (target: 122828717)
Converting suffix-array elements to index image
Allocating ftab, absorbFtab
Entering Ebwt loop
Getting block 1 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 1
Getting block 3 of 28
Getting block 2 of 28
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 1
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 3
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 2
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 3
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 2
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 3:
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 1:
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 2:
Getting block 4 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 4
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 4
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 4:
  bucket 1: 10%
  bucket 2: 10%
  bucket 3: 10%
  bucket 4: 10%
  bucket 1: 20%
  bucket 2: 20%
  bucket 3: 20%
  bucket 4: 20%
  bucket 1: 30%
  bucket 2: 30%
  bucket 3: 30%
  bucket 4: 30%
  bucket 1: 40%
  bucket 2: 40%
  bucket 3: 40%
  bucket 4: 40%
  bucket 1: 50%
  bucket 2: 50%
  bucket 3: 50%
  bucket 1: 60%
  bucket 4: 50%
  bucket 2: 60%
  bucket 1: 70%
  bucket 3: 60%
  bucket 4: 60%
  bucket 2: 70%
  bucket 1: 80%
  bucket 3: 70%
  bucket 2: 80%
  bucket 4: 70%
  bucket 1: 90%
  bucket 2: 90%
  bucket 3: 80%
  bucket 4: 80%
  bucket 1: 100%
  Sorting block of length 117942128 for bucket 1
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 2: 100%
  Sorting block of length 103666198 for bucket 2
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 3: 90%
  bucket 4: 90%
  bucket 3: 100%
  Sorting block of length 72732200 for bucket 3
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 4: 100%
  Sorting block of length 66774133 for bucket 4
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:01:25
Returning block of 66774134 for bucket 4
  Sorting block time: 00:01:29
Returning block of 72732201 for bucket 3
Getting block 5 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 5
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 5
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 5:
  bucket 5: 10%
Getting block 6 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 6
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 6
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 6:
  bucket 5: 20%
  bucket 6: 10%
  bucket 5: 30%
  bucket 6: 20%
  bucket 5: 40%
  bucket 6: 30%
  bucket 5: 50%
  bucket 6: 40%
  bucket 5: 60%
  bucket 6: 50%
  bucket 5: 70%
  bucket 6: 60%
  bucket 5: 80%
  bucket 6: 70%
  bucket 5: 90%
  bucket 6: 80%
  bucket 5: 100%
  Sorting block of length 114557282 for bucket 5
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 6: 90%
  bucket 6: 100%
  Sorting block of length 115432025 for bucket 6
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:21
Returning block of 103666199 for bucket 2
  Sorting block time: 00:02:40
Returning block of 117942129 for bucket 1
Getting block 7 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 7
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 7
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 7:
  bucket 7: 10%
  bucket 7: 20%
  bucket 7: 30%
  bucket 7: 40%
  bucket 7: 50%
  bucket 7: 60%
Getting block 8 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 8
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 8
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 8:
  bucket 7: 70%
  bucket 8: 10%
  bucket 7: 80%
  bucket 8: 20%
  bucket 7: 90%
  bucket 8: 30%
  bucket 7: 100%
  Sorting block of length 98740313 for bucket 7
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 8: 40%
  bucket 8: 50%
  bucket 8: 60%
  bucket 8: 70%
  bucket 8: 80%
  bucket 8: 90%
  bucket 8: 100%
  Sorting block of length 120687041 for bucket 8
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:41
Returning block of 114557283 for bucket 5
  Sorting block time: 00:02:44
Returning block of 115432026 for bucket 6
Getting block 9 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 9
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 9
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 9:
  bucket 9: 10%
  bucket 9: 20%
Getting block 10 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 10
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 10
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 10:
  bucket 9: 30%
  bucket 10: 10%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:18
Returning block of 98740314 for bucket 7
  bucket 9: 40%
  bucket 10: 20%
  bucket 9: 50%
  bucket 10: 30%
  bucket 9: 60%
  bucket 10: 40%
  bucket 9: 70%
  bucket 10: 50%
  bucket 9: 80%
  bucket 10: 60%
  bucket 9: 90%
  bucket 10: 70%
  bucket 9: 100%
  Sorting block of length 98799048 for bucket 9
  (Using difference cover)
Getting block 11 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 11
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 11
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 11:
  bucket 10: 80%
  bucket 10: 90%
  bucket 11: 10%
  bucket 10: 100%
  Sorting block of length 106167244 for bucket 10
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 11: 20%
  bucket 11: 30%
  bucket 11: 40%
  bucket 11: 50%
  bucket 11: 60%
  bucket 11: 70%
  bucket 11: 80%
  bucket 11: 90%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:53
Returning block of 120687042 for bucket 8
  bucket 11: 100%
  Sorting block of length 60764740 for bucket 11
  (Using difference cover)
Getting block 12 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 12
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 12
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 12:
  bucket 12: 10%
  bucket 12: 20%
  bucket 12: 30%
  bucket 12: 40%
  bucket 12: 50%
  bucket 12: 60%
  bucket 12: 70%
  bucket 12: 80%
  bucket 12: 90%
  bucket 12: 100%
  Sorting block of length 104307603 for bucket 12
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:01:23
Returning block of 60764741 for bucket 11
Getting block 13 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 13
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 13
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 13:
  Sorting block time: 00:02:17
Returning block of 98799049 for bucket 9
  bucket 13: 10%
  bucket 13: 20%
  bucket 13: 30%
  bucket 13: 40%
  bucket 13: 50%
Getting block 14 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 14
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 14
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 14:
  bucket 13: 60%
  Sorting block time: 00:02:30
Returning block of 106167245 for bucket 10
  bucket 14: 10%
  bucket 13: 70%
  bucket 14: 20%
  bucket 13: 80%
  bucket 14: 30%
  bucket 13: 90%
  bucket 14: 40%
  bucket 13: 100%
  Sorting block of length 118148363 for bucket 13
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 14: 50%
  bucket 14: 60%
Getting block 15 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 15
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 15
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 15:
  bucket 14: 70%
  bucket 15: 10%
  bucket 14: 80%
  bucket 15: 20%
  bucket 14: 90%
  bucket 15: 30%
  bucket 14: 100%
  Sorting block of length 72526733 for bucket 14
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 15: 40%
  bucket 15: 50%
  bucket 15: 60%
  bucket 15: 70%
  bucket 15: 80%
  bucket 15: 90%
  bucket 15: 100%
  Sorting block of length 51302171 for bucket 15
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:36
Returning block of 104307604 for bucket 12
Getting block 16 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 16
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 16
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 16:
  bucket 16: 10%
  bucket 16: 20%
  bucket 16: 30%
  bucket 16: 40%
  Sorting block time: 00:01:21
Returning block of 51302172 for bucket 15
  bucket 16: 50%
  bucket 16: 60%
  bucket 16: 70%
  Sorting block time: 00:01:56
Returning block of 72526734 for bucket 14
  bucket 16: 80%
Getting block 17 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 17
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 17
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 17:
  bucket 16: 90%
  bucket 17: 10%
  bucket 16: 100%
  Sorting block of length 111550527 for bucket 16
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 17: 20%
  bucket 17: 30%
  bucket 17: 40%
Getting block 18 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 18
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 18
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 18:
  bucket 17: 50%
  bucket 18: 10%
  bucket 17: 60%
  bucket 18: 20%
  bucket 17: 70%
  bucket 18: 30%
  bucket 17: 80%
  bucket 18: 40%
  bucket 17: 90%
  bucket 18: 50%
  bucket 17: 100%
  Sorting block of length 100808090 for bucket 17
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 18: 60%
  bucket 18: 70%
  Sorting block time: 00:03:06
Returning block of 118148364 for bucket 13
  bucket 18: 80%
  bucket 18: 90%
  bucket 18: 100%
  Sorting block of length 80329239 for bucket 18
  (Using difference cover)
Getting block 19 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 19
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 19
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 19:
  bucket 19: 10%
  bucket 19: 20%
  bucket 19: 30%
  bucket 19: 40%
  bucket 19: 50%
  bucket 19: 60%
  bucket 19: 70%
  bucket 19: 80%
  bucket 19: 90%
  bucket 19: 100%
  Sorting block of length 47393288 for bucket 19
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:09
Returning block of 80329240 for bucket 18
  Sorting block time: 00:02:59
Returning block of 111550528 for bucket 16
  Sorting block time: 00:01:17
Returning block of 47393289 for bucket 19
  Sorting block time: 00:02:49
Returning block of 100808091 for bucket 17
Getting block 20 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 20
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 20
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 20:
  bucket 20: 10%
Getting block 21 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 21
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 21
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 21:
  bucket 21: 10%
  bucket 20: 20%
  bucket 21: 20%
  bucket 20: 30%
Getting block 22 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 22
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 22
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 22:
  bucket 21: 30%
  bucket 22: 10%
  bucket 20: 40%
  bucket 21: 40%
  bucket 22: 20%
  bucket 20: 50%
  bucket 21: 50%
  bucket 22: 30%
Getting block 23 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 23
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 23
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 23:
  bucket 20: 60%
  bucket 21: 60%
  bucket 22: 40%
  bucket 23: 10%
  bucket 21: 70%
  bucket 20: 70%
  bucket 22: 50%
  bucket 23: 20%
  bucket 21: 80%
  bucket 22: 60%
  bucket 20: 80%
  bucket 23: 30%
  bucket 22: 70%
  bucket 21: 90%
  bucket 20: 90%
  bucket 23: 40%
  bucket 22: 80%
  bucket 21: 100%
  Sorting block of length 107637115 for bucket 21
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 20: 100%
  Sorting block of length 121714038 for bucket 20
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 23: 50%
  bucket 22: 90%
  bucket 23: 60%
  bucket 22: 100%
  Sorting block of length 45326504 for bucket 22
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 23: 70%
  bucket 23: 80%
  bucket 23: 90%
  bucket 23: 100%
  Sorting block of length 120387862 for bucket 23
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:01:04
Returning block of 45326505 for bucket 22
Getting block 24 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 24
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 24
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 24:
  bucket 24: 10%
  bucket 24: 20%
  bucket 24: 30%
  bucket 24: 40%
  bucket 24: 50%
  bucket 24: 60%
  bucket 24: 70%
  bucket 24: 80%
  bucket 24: 90%
  bucket 24: 100%
  Sorting block of length 98070715 for bucket 24
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:41
Returning block of 107637116 for bucket 21
  Sorting block time: 00:03:06
Returning block of 121714039 for bucket 20
Getting block 25 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 25
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 25
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 25:
  bucket 25: 10%
  bucket 25: 20%
  bucket 25: 30%
  Sorting block time: 00:03:00
Returning block of 120387863 for bucket 23
  bucket 25: 40%
  bucket 25: 50%
  bucket 25: 60%
  bucket 25: 70%
Getting block 26 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 26
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 26
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 26:
  bucket 25: 80%
  bucket 26: 10%
  bucket 25: 90%
  bucket 26: 20%
  bucket 25: 100%
  Sorting block of length 91071917 for bucket 25
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 26: 30%
Getting block 27 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 27
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 27
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 27:
  bucket 26: 40%
  bucket 27: 10%
  bucket 26: 50%
  bucket 27: 20%
  bucket 26: 60%
  bucket 27: 30%
  bucket 26: 70%
  bucket 27: 40%
  bucket 26: 80%
  bucket 27: 50%
  bucket 26: 90%
  bucket 27: 60%
  bucket 26: 100%
  Sorting block of length 54558042 for bucket 26
  (Using difference cover)
  bucket 27: 70%
  bucket 27: 80%
  bucket 27: 90%
  bucket 27: 100%
  Sorting block of length 122017027 for bucket 27
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:02:34
Returning block of 98070716 for bucket 24
Getting block 28 of 28
  Reserving size (122828718) for bucket 28
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 28
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 28:
  bucket 28: 10%
  bucket 28: 20%
  bucket 28: 30%
  bucket 28: 40%
  bucket 28: 50%
  bucket 28: 60%
  bucket 28: 70%
  bucket 28: 80%
  bucket 28: 90%
  bucket 28: 100%
  Sorting block of length 96934359 for bucket 28
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:01:36
Returning block of 54558043 for bucket 26
  Sorting block time: 00:02:34
Returning block of 91071918 for bucket 25
  Sorting block time: 00:03:26
Returning block of 122017028 for bucket 27
  Sorting block time: 00:02:36
Returning block of 96934360 for bucket 28
Exited Ebwt loop
fchr[A]: 0
fchr[C]: 763450008
fchr[G]: 1309739408
fchr[T]: 1856187599
fchr[$]: 2620345972
Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk()
Returning from initFromVector
Wrote 877656917 bytes to primary EBWT file: /input_data/mm9.rev.1.bt2
Wrote 655086500 bytes to secondary EBWT file: /input_data/mm9.rev.2.bt2
Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams
Returning from Ebwt constructor
    len: 2620345972
    bwtLen: 2620345973
    sz: 655086493
    bwtSz: 655086494
    lineRate: 6
    offRate: 4
    offMask: 0xfffffff0
    ftabChars: 10
    eftabLen: 20
    eftabSz: 80
    ftabLen: 1048577
    ftabSz: 4194308
    offsLen: 163771624
    offsSz: 655086496
    lineSz: 64
    sideSz: 64
    sideBwtSz: 48
    sideBwtLen: 192
    numSides: 13647636
    numLines: 13647636
    ebwtTotLen: 873448704
    ebwtTotSz: 873448704
    color: 0
    reverse: 1
Total time for backward call to driver() for mirror index: 00:32:28

BWA index

In [ ]:
bwa index -a bwtsw $fasta_in

Samtools index

In [ ]:
samtools faidx $fasta_in


In [ ]:
java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary \
    REFERENCE=$fasta_in \ 

STAR transcriptome index

In [ ]:

vg -- genome

In [ ]: