Preprocess MovieLens-20M

In [1]:
import datetime
import json
import os
import time

import numpy as np

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse

import seaborn as sns
sns.set(context="paper", font_scale=1.5, rc={"lines.linewidth": 2}, font='DejaVu Serif')

In [2]:
DATA_DIR = '/hdd2/dawen/data/ml-20m/'

In [3]:
def timestamp_to_date(timestamp):
    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

In [4]:
raw_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'ratings.csv'), header=0)

In [5]:
# binarize the data (only keep ratings >= 4)
raw_data = raw_data[raw_data['rating'] > 3.5]

In [6]:
# sort the raw data accorindg to timestamp
raw_data = raw_data.sort_index(by=['timestamp'])

In [7]:

userId movieId rating timestamp
4182421 28507 1176 4.0 789652004
18950936 131160 47 5.0 789652009
15688196 108467 57 4.0 822873600
12341186 85252 70 4.0 822873600
14452501 99851 1 4.0 822873600
14452517 99851 58 5.0 822873600
14452516 99851 55 4.0 822873600
14452515 99851 52 4.0 822873600
14452514 99851 50 5.0 822873600
14452513 99851 47 5.0 822873600
14452512 99851 45 4.0 822873600
14452509 99851 39 5.0 822873600
14452507 99851 32 5.0 822873600
14452506 99851 31 5.0 822873600
14452505 99851 21 5.0 822873600
3056639 20821 32 5.0 822873600
15688194 108467 11 4.0 822873600
14452504 99851 19 4.0 822873600
14452503 99851 18 4.0 822873600
12341184 85252 60 4.0 822873600
14452502 99851 10 4.0 822873600
12341181 85252 50 5.0 822873600
19424622 134445 11 4.0 822873600
19424624 134445 21 5.0 822873600
19424626 134445 45 5.0 822873600
19424627 134445 58 5.0 822873600
12341159 85252 2 4.0 822873600
12341161 85252 7 5.0 822873600
12341162 85252 10 5.0 822873600
12341165 85252 17 5.0 822873600
... ... ... ... ...
19742824 136690 48394 5.0 1427775557
19742805 136690 1136 5.0 1427775558
19742831 136690 104841 4.5 1427775561
15480802 107073 745 5.0 1427776814
15480822 107073 5971 5.0 1427776816
15480805 107073 1148 4.0 1427776833
15480828 107073 92259 4.0 1427776892
15480823 107073 6016 5.0 1427777118
15480804 107073 858 5.0 1427777123
15480826 107073 58559 4.0 1427777129
15480819 107073 4993 5.0 1427777155
15480821 107073 5952 5.0 1427777157
15480818 107073 4306 5.0 1427777158
15480825 107073 7153 5.0 1427777166
15480816 107073 3793 4.0 1427777169
15480798 107073 527 5.0 1427777203
17877748 123613 109243 4.0 1427779965
8378451 57814 7361 4.0 1427780465
8378452 57814 7438 5.0 1427780468
8378505 57814 108979 5.0 1427780517
8378409 57814 1527 4.0 1427780519
8378407 57814 1274 5.0 1427780571
8378413 57814 1748 4.5 1427780617
8378443 57814 6283 5.0 1427780623
8378393 57814 924 4.5 1427780631
8378423 57814 3527 4.0 1427780657
8378468 57814 48774 4.0 1427780663
8378405 57814 1240 5.0 1427781001
8378415 57814 2311 4.5 1427781083
12898527 89081 52458 4.0 1427782288

9995410 rows × 4 columns

In [8]:
tstamp = np.array(raw_data['timestamp'])

In [9]:
print("Time span of the dataset: From %s to %s" % 
      (timestamp_to_date(np.min(tstamp)), timestamp_to_date(np.max(tstamp))))

Time span of the dataset: From 1995-01-09 06:46:44 to 2015-03-31 02:11:28

In [10]:
# apparently the timestamps are ordered, check to make sure

for i in xrange(tstamp.size - 1):
    if tstamp[i] > tstamp[i + 1]:
        print("not ordered")

Confirmed the timestamps are ordered

In [11]:
plt.hist(tstamp, bins=50)
xticks = np.linspace(tstamp[0], tstamp[-1], 10)
plt.xticks(xticks, map(lambda x: timestamp_to_date(x)[:7], xticks), rotation=90)

Now we select the data from 1995-01-01 to the last day as the dataset (i.e., all the dataset)

In [12]:
start_t = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime("1995-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple())

In [42]:
raw_data = raw_data[raw_data['timestamp'] >= start_t]

Take the first 80% of the data as train and validation set

In [96]:
tr_vd_raw_data = raw_data[:int(0.8 * raw_data.shape[0])]

In [97]:
def get_count(tp, id):
    playcount_groupbyid = tp[[id]].groupby(id, as_index=False)
    count = playcount_groupbyid.size()
    return count

In [98]:
def filter_triplets(tp, min_uc=5, min_sc=0):
    # Only keep the triplets for songs which were listened to by at least min_sc users. 
    if min_sc > 0:
        songcount = get_count(tp, 'movieId')
        tp = tp[tp['movieId'].isin(songcount.index[songcount >= min_sc])]
    # Only keep the triplets for users who listened to at least min_uc songs
    # After doing this, some of the songs will have less than min_uc users, but should only be a small proportion
    if min_uc > 0:
        usercount = get_count(tp, 'userId')
        tp = tp[tp['userId'].isin(usercount.index[usercount >= min_uc])]
    # Update both usercount and songcount after filtering
    usercount, songcount = get_count(tp, 'userId'), get_count(tp, 'movieId') 
    return tp, usercount, songcount

In [99]:
tr_vd_raw_data, user_activity, item_popularity = filter_triplets(tr_vd_raw_data)

In [100]:
sparsity = 1. * tr_vd_raw_data.shape[0] / (user_activity.shape[0] * item_popularity.shape[0])

print("After filtering, there are %d watching events from %d users and %d movies (sparsity: %.3f%%)" % 
      (tr_vd_raw_data.shape[0], user_activity.shape[0], item_popularity.shape[0], sparsity * 100))

After filtering, there are 7992863 watching events from 111148 users and 11711 movies (sparsity: 0.614%)

In [101]:
unique_uid = user_activity.index
unique_sid = item_popularity.index

In [102]:
song2id = dict((sid, i) for (i, sid) in enumerate(unique_sid))
user2id = dict((uid, i) for (i, uid) in enumerate(unique_uid))

In [103]:
with open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'pro', 'unique_uid.txt'), 'w') as f:
    for uid in unique_uid:
        f.write('%s\n' % uid)

In [104]:
with open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'pro', 'unique_sid.txt'), 'w') as f:
    for sid in unique_sid:
        f.write('%s\n' % sid)

Split 12.5% (10% of the total ratings) as validation set

In [105]:
n_ratings = tr_vd_raw_data.shape[0]
vad = np.random.choice(n_ratings, size=int(0.125 * n_ratings), replace=False)

In [106]:
vad_idx = np.zeros(n_ratings, dtype=bool)
vad_idx[vad] = True

vad_raw_data = tr_vd_raw_data[vad_idx]
train_raw_data = tr_vd_raw_data[~vad_idx]

Make sure there is no empty users/items

In [107]:
print "There are total of %d unique users in the training set and %d unique users in the entire dataset" % \
(len(pd.unique(train_raw_data['userId'])), len(unique_uid))

There are total of 111148 unique users in the training set and 111148 unique users in the entire dataset

In [108]:
print "There are total of %d unique items in the training set and %d unique items in the entire dataset" % \
(len(pd.unique(train_raw_data['movieId'])), len(unique_sid))

There are total of 11612 unique items in the training set and 11711 unique items in the entire dataset

In [109]:
train_sid = set(pd.unique(train_raw_data['movieId']))

In [110]:
left_sid = list()
for i, sid in enumerate(unique_sid):
    if sid not in train_sid:

In [111]:
move_idx = vad_raw_data['movieId'].isin(left_sid)

In [112]:
train_raw_data = train_raw_data.append(vad_raw_data[move_idx])
vad_raw_data = vad_raw_data[~move_idx]

In [113]:
print "There are total of %d unique items in the training set and %d unique items in the entire dataset" % \
(len(pd.unique(train_raw_data['movieId'])), len(unique_sid))

There are total of 11711 unique items in the training set and 11711 unique items in the entire dataset

For test data, only keep the users and items that appear in the training/validation sets

In [114]:
test_raw_data = raw_data[int(0.8 * len(raw_data)):]

In [115]:
test_raw_data = test_raw_data[test_raw_data['movieId'].isin(unique_sid)]
test_raw_data = test_raw_data[test_raw_data['userId'].isin(unique_uid)]

In [116]:
print len(train_raw_data), len(vad_raw_data), len(test_raw_data)

6993860 999003 207161

Basic data information: what's the timespan for train/test?

In [117]:
train_timestamp = np.asarray(tr_vd_raw_data['timestamp'])
print("train: from %s to %s" % (timestamp_to_date(train_timestamp[0]), 

test_timestamp = np.asarray(test_raw_data['timestamp'])
print("test: from %s to %s" % (timestamp_to_date(test_timestamp[0]), 

train: from 1995-01-09 06:46:44 to 2009-10-19 06:51:15
test: from 2009-10-19 06:51:53 to 2015-03-31 02:11:28

Numerize the data into (timestamp, user_index, item_index) format

In [118]:
def numerize(tp):
    uid = map(lambda x: user2id[x], tp['userId'])
    sid = map(lambda x: song2id[x], tp['movieId'])
    tp['uid'] = uid
    tp['sid'] = sid
    return tp[['timestamp', 'uid', 'sid']]

In [119]:
train_data = numerize(train_raw_data)
train_data.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'pro', 'train.csv'), index=False)

In [120]:
vad_data = numerize(vad_raw_data)
vad_data.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'pro', 'validation.csv'), index=False)

In [121]:
test_data = numerize(test_raw_data)
test_data.to_csv(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'pro', 'test.csv'), index=False)

In [ ]: