Numerical Integration:
\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}(L_{obs}|\alpha, S, \sigma_{obs}, z) &= \iint\ dLdM\ P(L_{obs}|L, \sigma_{obs})P(L|M, \alpha, S, z)P(M|z)\\ &= \sum_{M=min(MP)}^{max(MP)}\sum_{L = min(L_{obs})}^{max(L_{obs})}\ \Delta_M\Delta_L\ P(L_{obs}|L, \sigma_{obs})P(L|M, \alpha, S, z)P(M|z)\\ \end{align*}Simple Monte Carlo:
\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}(L_{obs}|\alpha, S, \sigma_{obs},z) &= \iint dLdM\ P(L_{obs}|L, \sigma_{obs})P(L|M, \alpha, S, z)P(M|z)\\ &= \frac{1}{N_s}\sum_{M \sim\ P(M|z)}\sum_{L \sim\ P(L|M, \alpha, S, z)} P(L_{obs}|L, \sigma_{obs})\\ \end{align*}Importance Sampling:
\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}(L_{obs}|\alpha, S, \sigma_{obs},z,c) &= \iint dLdM \frac{P(L_{obs}|L, \sigma_{obs})P(L|M, \alpha, S, z)P(M|z)Q(L|L_{obs}, \sigma_{obs})Q(M|L,\alpha, S, z, c)}{Q(L|L_{obs}, \sigma_{obs})Q(M|L,\alpha, S, z, c)}\\ &= \frac{1}{N_s}\sum_{(M,L) \sim\ (Q(M|L,\alpha, S, z, c), Q(L|L_{obs}, \sigma_{obs}))}\frac{P(L_{obs}|L, \sigma_{obs})P(L|M, \alpha, S, z)P(M|z)}{Q(L|L_{obs}, \sigma_{obs})Q(M|L,\alpha, S, z, c)}\\ \end{align*}
In [136]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import rc
from bigmali.grid import Grid
from bigmali.likelihood import BiasedLikelihood
from bigmali.prior import TinkerPrior
from bigmali.hyperparameter import get
from scipy.stats import lognorm
from time import time
rc('text', usetex=True)
data = pd.read_csv('/Users/user/Code/PanglossNotebooks/MassLuminosityProject/mock_data.csv')
prior = TinkerPrior(Grid())
def p1(lobs, lum, sigma):
return fast_lognormal(lum, sigma, lobs)
def p2(lum, mass, a1, a2, a3, a4, S, z):
mu_lum = np.exp(a1) * ((mass / a3) ** a2) * ((1 + z) ** (a4))
return fast_lognormal(mu_lum, S, lum)
def p3(mass, z):
return prior.fetch(z).pdf(mass)
def logp1(lobs, lum, sigma):
return fast_log_lognormal(lum, sigma, lobs)
def logp2(lum, mass, a1, a2, a3, a4, S, z):
mu_lum = np.exp(a1) * ((mass / a3) ** a2) * ((1 + z) ** (a4))
return fast_log_lognormal(mu_lum, S, lum)
def logp3(mass, z):
return prior.fetch(z).logpdf(mass)
def q1(lum, lobs, sigma):
return fast_lognormal(lobs, sigma, lum)
def q2(mass, lum, a1, a2, a3, a4, S, z):
mu_mass = a3 * (lum / (np.exp(a1) * (1 + z) ** a4)) ** (1 / a2)
return fast_lognormal(mu_mass, S, mass)
def midpoints(arr):
n = len(arr)-1
ret = np.zeros(n)
for i in xrange(n):
ret[i] = (arr[i+1] + arr[i]) / 2.
return ret
def fast_lognormal(mu, sigma, x):
return (1/(x * sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp(- 0.5 * (np.log(x) - np.log(mu)) ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
def fast_log_lognormal(mu, sigma, x):
return -np.log(x * sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) - 0.5 * (np.log(x) - np.log(mu)) ** 2 / sigma ** 2
def log10(arr):
return np.log(arr) / np.log(10)
In [219]:
ind = 0
true_mass = data.ix[ind]['mass']
true_z = data.ix[ind]['z']
true_lum = data.ix[ind]['lum']
true_lum_obs = data.ix[ind]['lum_obs']
true_lum_obs_collection = data.lum_obs
In [123]:
print log10(true_lum_obs)
In [71]:
def numerical_integration(a1, a2, a3, a4, S, nsamples=10**3):
masses = midpoints(prior.fetch(true_z).mass[1:])
delta_masses = np.diff(prior.fetch(true_z).mass[1:])
lums_tmp = np.logspace(log10(np.min(data.lum_obs)), log10(np.max(data.lum_obs)), nsamples)
lums = midpoints(lums_tmp)
delta_lums = np.diff(lums_tmp)
integral = 0
for i,lum in enumerate(lums):
integral += np.sum(delta_masses * delta_lums[i] * p1(true_lum_obs, lum, sigma) * \
p2(lum, masses, a1, a2, a3, a4, S, true_z) * p3(masses, true_z))
return integral
In [72]:
def simple_monte_carlo_integration(a1, a2, a3, a4, S, nsamples=10**6):
masses = prior.fetch(true_z).rvs(nsamples)
mu_lum = np.exp(a1) * ((masses / a3) ** a2) * ((1 + true_z) ** (a4))
lums = lognorm(S, scale=mu_lum).rvs()
return np.sum(p1(true_lum_obs, lums, sigma)) / (nsamples)
In [243]:
def importance_sampling_integration(a1, a2, a3, a4, S, nsamples=10**6):
rev_S = 5.6578015811698101 * S
lums = lognorm(sigma, scale=true_lum_obs).rvs(size=nsamples)
mu_mass = a3 * (lums / (np.exp(a1) * (1 + true_z) ** a4)) ** (1 / a2)
masses = lognorm(rev_S, scale=mu_mass).rvs()
integral = np.sum((p1(true_lum_obs, lums, sigma) * \
p2(lums, masses, a1, a2, a3, a4, S, true_z) * p3(masses, true_z)) / \
(q1(lums, true_lum_obs, sigma) * q2(masses, lums, a1, a2, a3, a4, rev_S, true_z))) /\
return integral
In [220]:
a1,a2,a3,a4,S = get()
sigma = 0.05
rev_S = 5.6578015811698101 * S
print numerical_integration(a1,a2,a3,a4,S,nsamples=10**4)
print simple_monte_carlo_integration(a1,a2,a3,a4,S,nsamples=10**5)
print importance_sampling_integration(a1,a2,a3,a4,S,nsamples=10**5)
In [221]:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
In [222]:
def neg_log_integrand(prms):
mass, lum = np.exp(prms)
return \
- logp1(true_lum_obs, lum, sigma) \
- logp2(lum, mass, a1, a2, a3, a4, S, true_z) \
- logp3(mass, true_z)
In [223]:
x0 = [np.log(10**11), np.log(10**4.0)]
ans = minimize(neg_log_integrand, x0, method='BFGS')
print ans
In [224]:
In [227]:
import math
h = np.linalg.inv(ans['hess_inv'])
h[0,0] = h[0,0] * (1/np.exp(ans['x'][0])) ** 2
h[1,0] = h[1,0] * (1/np.exp(ans['x'][0])) * (1/np.exp(ans['x'][1]))
h[0,1] = h[1,0]
h[1,1] = h[1,1] * (1/np.exp(ans['x'][1])) ** 2
np.exp(-44.67666544656812) * math.sqrt((2 * np.pi) ** 2/ np.linalg.det(h))
Let $$f(M,L) = \ln P(L_{obs}|L, \sigma_{obs}) + \ln P(L|M, \alpha, S, z) + \ln P(M|z)$$
Then we use a Quasi-Newton method to solve
$$\ln M_{opt},\ln L_{opt}, H_{ln\ opt}^{-1} = \text{argmin}_{\ln M,\ln L} -\left[f(M,L)\right]$$where we optimize over logarithmic mass and luminosity because otherwise the numerical disparity between mass and luminosity leads to an inaccurate diagonal hessian. Then by the chain rule we have
$$-\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial M \partial L} = -\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial \ln M \partial \ln L} \frac{\partial \ln M}{\partial M} \frac{\partial \ln L}{\partial L} = -\frac{1}{ML}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial \ln M \partial \ln L}$$Hence our desired Hessian is
$$H_{opt} = (H_{ln\ opt}^{-1})^{-1} \odot \begin{pmatrix}M_{opt}^{-2} & M_{opt}^{-1}L_{opt}^{-1}\\ M_{opt}^{-1}L_{opt}^{-1} & L_{opt}^{-2} \end{pmatrix}$$where $\odot$ is elementwise multiplication. Then we can approximate the likelihood as
$$\mathcal{L}(L_{obs}|\alpha, S, \sigma_{obs}, z) = \exp(f(M_{opt}, L_{opt}))\sqrt{\frac{(2\pi)^2}{\det(H_{opt})}}$$To test this approximation we can also see how well $f(M,L)$ is approximated by its Gaussian approximation
$$f(M_{opt}, L_{opt})\exp(\frac{-1}{2}((M,L) - (M_{opt}, L_{opt}))^T H((M,L) - (M_{opt}, L_{opt}))$$
In [209]:
np.linalg.inv(ans['hess_inv']) * (1/ans['x'][0])* (1/ans['x'][1])
In [ ]:
Todo, look at approximation
In [242]:
dm = data.mass[data.z < 0.1].as_matrix()
mmin = dm.min()
mmax = dm.max()
plt.hist(np.log(dm) / np.log(10), normed=True)
space = np.linspace(mmin, np.log(mmax) / np.log(10), 1000)
vals = prior.fetch(0).pdf(space)
# plt.plot(space, vals)
In [ ]: