In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload

In [2]:
%autoreload 2

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline

In [4]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import seaborn as sn

import pycollocation

Example: Symmetric IPVP

After a bit of algebra, see Hubbard and Parsch (2013) for details, all Symmetric Independent Private Values Paradigm (IPVP) models can be reduced down to a single non-linear ordinary differential equation (ODE) and an initial condition describing the behavior of the equilibrium bidding function $\sigma(v)$...

$$\sigma'(v) = \frac{(N - 1)vf(v)}{F(v)} - \frac{\sigma(v)(N-1)f(v)}{F(v)},\ \sigma(\underline{v}) = \underline{v} $$

...where $f$ and $F$ are the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function, respectively, for the valuations and $N$ is the number of bidders.

In [5]:
import functools

class SymmetricIPVPModel(pycollocation.problems.IVP):
    def __init__(self, f, F, params):
        rhs = self._rhs_factory(f, F)
        super(SymmetricIPVPModel, self).__init__(self._initial_condition, 1, 1, params, rhs)
    def _initial_condition(v, sigma, v_lower, **params):
        return [sigma - v_lower]
    def _symmetric_ipvp_model(v, sigma, f, F, N, **params):
        return [(((N - 1) * f(v, **params)) / F(v, **params)) * (v - sigma)]
    def _rhs_factory(cls, f, F):
        return functools.partial(cls._symmetric_ipvp_model, f=f, F=F)

In [6]:
def valuation_cdf(v, v_lower, v_upper, **params):
    return stats.uniform.cdf(v, v_lower, v_upper - v_lower)

def valuation_pdf(v, v_lower, v_upper, **params):
    return stats.uniform.pdf(v, v_lower, v_upper - v_lower)

In [7]:
params = {'v_lower': 1.0, 'v_upper': 2.0, 'N': 10}
symmetric_ipvp_ivp = SymmetricIPVPModel(valuation_pdf, valuation_cdf, params)

Solving the model with pyCollocation

Finding a good initial guess for $\sigma(v)$

Theory tells us that bidding function should be monotonically increasing in the valuation? Higher valuations lead to higher bids?

In [8]:
def initial_mesh(v_lower, v_upper, num, problem):
    """Guess that all participants bid their true valuations."""
    vs = np.linspace(v_lower, v_upper, num)
    return vs, vs

Solving the model

In [9]:

In [11]:
polynomial_basis = pycollocation.basis_functions.PolynomialBasis()
solver = pycollocation.solvers.LeastSquaresSolver(polynomial_basis)

# compute the initial mesh
boundary_points = (symmetric_ipvp_ivp.params['v_lower'], symmetric_ipvp_ivp.params['v_upper'])
vs, sigmas = initial_mesh(*boundary_points, num=1000, problem=symmetric_ipvp_ivp)

# compute the initial coefs
basis_kwargs = {'kind': 'Chebyshev', 'domain': boundary_points, 'degree': 2}
sigma_poly =, sigmas, **basis_kwargs)
initial_coefs = sigma_poly.coef

solution = solver.solve(basis_kwargs, boundary_points, initial_coefs, symmetric_ipvp_ivp,

In [12]:

(array([  1.45000000e+00,   4.50000000e-01,  -4.10910803e-16]),
 {'fjac': array([[ -6.23618481e+01,   1.69080235e-01,   1.60354453e-02],
         [  3.92708062e+01,  -1.63341301e+01,  -2.13063120e-02],
         [  0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,  -0.00000000e+00]]),
  'fvec': array([ -4.21884749e-15,  -1.55431223e-15,  -5.55111512e-16]),
  'ipvt': array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int32),
  'nfev': 9,
  'qtf': array([  5.24881846e-08,  -2.00674370e-08,  -4.83700980e-16])},
 'The relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most 0.000000',

In [13]:
sigma_soln, = solution.evaluate_solution(vs)
plt.plot(vs, sigma_soln)

In [14]:
sigma_resids, = solution.evaluate_residual(vs)
plt.plot(vs, sigma_resids)

In [15]:
sigma_normalized_resids, = solution.normalize_residuals(vs)
plt.plot(vs, np.abs(sigma_normalized_resids))

In [16]:
def analytic_solution(v, N, v_lower, v_upper, **params):
    Solution for symmetric IVPVP auction with uniform valuations.
    There is a generic closed form solution for this class of auctions.
    Annoyingly it involves integrating a function of the cumulative
    distribution function for valuations.

    return v - (1.0 / N) * valuation_cdf(v, v_lower, v_upper)

In [17]:
plt.plot(vs, analytic_solution(vs, **symmetric_ipvp_ivp.params))
plt.plot(vs, sigma_soln)

Example: Asymmetric IPVP

After a bit of algebra, see Hubbard and Parsch (2013) for details, all Asymmetric Independent Private Values Paradigm (IPVP) models can be reduced down to a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and associated boundary conditions...

\begin{align} \phi'(s) =& \frac{F_n(\phi_n(s))}{f_n(\phi_n(s))}\Bigg[\frac{1}{N-1}\sum_{m=1}^N \frac{1}{\phi_m(s) - s} - \frac{1}{\phi_n(s)}\Bigg] \ \forall n=1,\dots,N \\ \phi(\underline{s}) =& \underline{v}\ \forall n=1,\dots,N \\ \phi(\overline{s}) = & \overline{v}\ \forall n=1,\dots,N \end{align}

...where $f_n$ and $F_n$ are the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function, respectively, for the valuation of bidder $n$ and $N$ is the number of bidders.

In [75]:
def rhs_bidder_n(n, s, phis, f, F, N, **params):
    A = (F(phis[n], **params) / f(phis[n], **params))
    B = ((1 / (N - 1)) * sum(1 / (phi(s) - s) for phi in phis) - (1 / phis[n]))
    return A * B

In [76]:
def asymmetric_ipvp_model(s, *phis, fs=None, Fs=None, N=2, **params):
    return [rhs_bidder(n, s, phi, f, F, N, **params) for phi, f, F in zip(phis, fs, Fs)]

  File "<ipython-input-76-ea9c9b17a7c9>", line 1
    def asymmetric_ipvp_model(s, *phis, fs=None, Fs=None, N=2, **params):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

To be continued...solving this model will require:

  1. the ability to specify a free boundary condition
  2. the ability to solver over-determined systems

In [ ]: