In [1]:
# Draw inline
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import datetime
# Set figure aesthetics
sns.set_style("white", {'ytick.major.size': 10.0})
sns.set_context("poster", font_scale=1.1)
I wanted to take a look at the user data we have for this competition so I made this little notebook to share my findings and discuss about those. At the moment I've started with the basic user data, I'll take a look at sessions and the other csv files later on this month.
Please, feel free to comment with anything you think it can be improved or fixed. I am not a professional in this field and there will be mistakes or things that can be improved. This is the flow I took and there are some plots not really interesting but I thought on keeping it in case someone see something interesting.
Let's see the data!
Generally, when I start with a Data Science project I'm looking to answer the following questions:
In [2]:
# Load the data into DataFrames
path = '../data/'
train_users = pd.read_csv(path + 'train_users.csv')
test_users = pd.read_csv(path + 'test_users.csv')
It's usually a good practice to know the size of the data with which you are working:
In [3]:
print("We have", train_users.shape[0], "users in the training set and",
test_users.shape[0], "in the test set.")
print("In total we have", train_users.shape[0] + test_users.shape[0], "users.")
Let's get those together so we can work with all the data.
In [4]:
# Merge train and test users
users = pd.concat((train_users, test_users), axis=0, ignore_index=True)
# Remove ID's since now we are not interested in making predictions
users.drop('id', axis=1, inplace=True)
The data seems to be in an ussable format so the next important thing is to take a look at the missing data.
Usually the missing data comes in the way of NaN, but if we take a look at the DataFrame printed above we can see at the gender
column some values being -unknown-
. We will need to transform those values into NaN first:
In [5]:
users.gender.replace('-unknown-', np.nan, inplace=True)
users.first_browser.replace('-unknown-', np.nan, inplace=True)
Now let's see how much data we are missing. For this purpose let's compute the NaN percentage of each feature.
In [6]:
users_nan = (users.isnull().sum() / users.shape[0]) * 100
users_nan[users_nan > 0].drop('country_destination')
We have quite a lot of NaN in the age
and gender
wich will yield in lesser performance of the classifiers we will build. The feature date_first_booking
has a 67% of NaN values because this feature is not present at the tests users, and therefore, we won't need it at the modeling part.
In [7]:
print("Just for the sake of curiosity; we have",
int((train_users.date_first_booking.isnull().sum() / train_users.shape[0]) * 100),
"% of missing values at date_first_booking in the training data")
The other feature with a high rate of NaN was age
. Let's see:
In [8]:
There is some inconsistency in the age of some users as we can see above. It could be because the age
inpout field was not sanitized or there was some mistakes handlig the data.
In [9]:
print(sum(users.age > 122))
print(sum(users.age < 18))
So far, do we have 830 users with the longest confirmed human lifespan record and 188 little gangsters breaking the Aribnb Eligibility Terms?
In [10]:
users[users.age > 122]['age'].describe()
It's seems that the weird values are caused by the appearance of 2014. I didn't figured why, but I supose that might be related with a wrong input being added with the new users.
In [11]:
users[users.age < 18]['age'].describe()
The young users seems to be under an acceptable range being the 50% of those users above 16 years old. We will need to hande the outliers. The simple thing that came to my mind it's to set an acceptance range and put those out of it to NaN.
In [12]:
users.loc[users.age > 95, 'age'] = np.nan
users.loc[users.age < 13, 'age'] = np.nan
Let's treat each feature as what they are. This means we need to transform into categorical those features that we treas as categories and the same with the dates:
In [13]:
categorical_features = [
for categorical_feature in categorical_features:
users[categorical_feature] = users[categorical_feature].astype('category')
In [14]:
users['date_account_created'] = pd.to_datetime(users['date_account_created'])
users['date_first_booking'] = pd.to_datetime(users['date_first_booking'])
users['date_first_active'] = pd.to_datetime(users['timestamp_first_active'], format='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
Usually, looking at tables, percentiles, means, and other several measures at this state is rarely useful unless you know very well your data.
For me, it's usually better to visualize the data in some way. Visualization makes me see the outliers and errors immediately!
In [15]:
users.gender.value_counts(dropna=False).plot(kind='bar', color='#FD5C64', rot=0)
As we've seen before at this plot we can see the ammount of missing data in perspective. Also, notice that there is a slight difference between user gender.
Next thing it might be interesting to see if there is any gender preferences when travelling:
In [16]:
women = sum(users['gender'] == 'FEMALE')
men = sum(users['gender'] == 'MALE')
female_destinations = users.loc[users['gender'] == 'FEMALE', 'country_destination'].value_counts() / women * 100
male_destinations = users.loc[users['gender'] == 'MALE', 'country_destination'].value_counts() / men * 100
# Bar width
width = 0.4
male_destinations.plot(kind='bar', width=width, color='#4DD3C9', position=0, label='Male', rot=0)
female_destinations.plot(kind='bar', width=width, color='#FFA35D', position=1, label='Female', rot=0)
plt.xlabel('Destination Country')
There are no big differences between the 2 main genders, so this plot it's not really ussefull except to know the relative destination frecuency of the countries. Let's see it clear here:
In [17]:
sns.countplot(x="country_destination", data=users, order=list(users.country_destination.value_counts().keys()))
plt.xlabel('Destination Country')
The first thing we can see that if there is a reservation, it's likely to be inside the US. But there is a 45% of people that never did a reservation.
Now that I know there is no difference between male and female reservations at first sight I'll dig into the age.
In [18]:
sns.distplot(users.age.dropna(), color='#FD5C64')
As expected, the common age to travel is between 25 and 40. Let's see if, for example, older people travel in a different way. Let's pick an arbitrary age to split into two groups. Maybe 45?
In [19]:
age = 45
younger = sum(users.loc[users['age'] < age, 'country_destination'].value_counts())
older = sum(users.loc[users['age'] > age, 'country_destination'].value_counts())
younger_destinations = users.loc[users['age'] < age, 'country_destination'].value_counts() / younger * 100
older_destinations = users.loc[users['age'] > age, 'country_destination'].value_counts() / older * 100
younger_destinations.plot(kind='bar', width=width, color='#63EA55', position=0, label='Youngers', rot=0)
older_destinations.plot(kind='bar', width=width, color='#4DD3C9', position=1, label='Olders', rot=0)
plt.xlabel('Destination Country')
We can see that the young people tends to stay in the US, and the older people choose to travel outside the country. Of vourse, there are no big differences between them and we must remember that we do not have the 42% of the ages.
The first thing I thought when reading the problem was the importance of the native lenguage when choosing the destination country. So let's see how manny users use english as main language:
In [20]:
print((sum(users.language == 'en') / users.shape[0])*100)
With the 96% of users using English as their language, it is understandable that a lot of people stay in the US. Someone maybe thinking, if the language is important, why not travel to GB? We need to remember that there is also a lot of factor we are not acounting so making assumpions or predictions like that might be dangerous.
To see the dates of our users and the timespan of them, let's plot the number of accounts created by time:
In [21]:
sns.set_style("whitegrid", {'axes.edgecolor': '0'})
sns.set_context("poster", font_scale=1.1)
users.date_account_created.value_counts().plot(kind='line', linewidth=1.2, color='#FD5C64')
It's appreciable how fast Airbnb has grown over the last 3 years. Does this correlate with the date when the user was active for the first time? It should be very similar, so doing this is a way to check the data!
In [22]:
date_first_active = users.date_first_active.apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime(x.year, x.month,
date_first_active.value_counts().plot(kind='line', linewidth=1.2, color='#FD5C64')
We can se that's almost the same as date_account_created
, and also, notice the small peaks. We can, either smooth the graph or dig into those peaks. Let's dig in:
In [23]:
users_2013 = users[users['date_first_active'] > pd.to_datetime(20130101, format='%Y%m%d')]
users_2013 = users_2013[users_2013['date_first_active'] < pd.to_datetime(20140101, format='%Y%m%d')]
date_first_active = users_2013.date_first_active.apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime(x.year, x.month,
date_first_active.value_counts().plot(kind='line', linewidth=2, color='#FD5C64')
At first sight we can see a small pattern, there are some peaks at the same distance. Looking more closely:
In [24]:
weekdays = []
for date in users.date_account_created:
weekdays = pd.Series(weekdays)
In [25]:
sns.barplot(x = weekdays.value_counts().index, y=weekdays.value_counts().values, order=range(0,7))
plt.xlabel('Week Day')
The local minimums where the Sundays(where the people use less the Internet), and it's usually to hit a maximum at Tuesdays!
The last date related plot I want to see is the next:
In [26]:
date = pd.to_datetime(20140101, format='%Y%m%d')
before = sum(users.loc[users['date_first_active'] < date, 'country_destination'].value_counts())
after = sum(users.loc[users['date_first_active'] > date, 'country_destination'].value_counts())
before_destinations = users.loc[users['date_first_active'] < date,
'country_destination'].value_counts() / before * 100
after_destinations = users.loc[users['date_first_active'] > date,
'country_destination'].value_counts() / after * 100
before_destinations.plot(kind='bar', width=width, color='#63EA55', position=0, label='Before 2014', rot=0)
after_destinations.plot(kind='bar', width=width, color='#4DD3C9', position=1, label='After 2014', rot=0)
plt.xlabel('Destination Country')
It's a clean comparision of usual destinations then and now, where we can see how the new users, register more and book less, and when they book they stay at the US.
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