
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Load the data, in this case a sample data. Working with a sample allow us to debug easier and faster!

In [2]:
train_users = pd.read_csv('../data/train_users_sample.csv')
test_users = pd.read_csv('../data/test_users_sample.csv')
sessions = pd.read_csv('../data/sessions_sample.csv')

Make a single DataFrame containing all the users:

In [3]:
users = pd.concat([train_users, test_users], axis=0, ignore_index=True)

Drop useless column(test_users don't have it)

In [4]:
users.drop('date_first_booking', axis=1, inplace=True)


One of the most important features when making predictions, as we will see later, is the age. Being able to extract information about the users' age is essential to our future predictions.

Some users introduced a year instead of their age, translate this year into their age:

In [5]:
user_with_year_age_mask = users['age'] > 1000
users.loc[user_with_year_age_mask, 'age'] = 2015 - users.loc[user_with_year_age_mask, 'age']

Set limits to age:

In [6]:
users.loc[(users['age'] > 100) | (users['age'] < 18), 'age'] = -1

Fill NaNs with -1 to make it more noticiable:

In [7]:
users['age'].fillna(-1, inplace=True)

The age, is really fine grained. We are going to make bins and fit each user in the proper age group:

In [8]:
bins = [-1, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100]
users['age_group'] = np.digitize(users['age'], bins, right=True)


With this snippet we can get the number of unknown things from a given user. This can be usefull for the classifier when deciding where this user is booking.

In [9]:
users['nans'] = np.sum([
    (users['age'] == -1),
    (users['gender'] == '-unknown-'),
    (users['language'] == '-unknown-'),
    (users['first_affiliate_tracked'] == 'untracked'),
    (users['first_browser'] == '-unknown-')
], axis=0)


Cast the dates to proper format:

In [10]:
users['date_account_created'] = pd.to_datetime(users['date_account_created'], errors='ignore')
users['date_first_active'] = pd.to_datetime(users['timestamp_first_active'], format='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')

Convert to DatetimeIndex:

In [11]:
date_account_created = pd.DatetimeIndex(users['date_account_created'])
date_first_active = pd.DatetimeIndex(users['date_first_active'])

Split dates into day, week, month, year:

In [12]:
users['day_account_created'] =
users['weekday_account_created'] = date_account_created.weekday
users['week_account_created'] = date_account_created.week
users['month_account_created'] = date_account_created.month
users['year_account_created'] = date_account_created.year
users['day_first_active'] =
users['weekday_first_active'] = date_first_active.weekday
users['week_first_active'] = date_first_active.week
users['month_first_active'] = date_first_active.month
users['year_first_active'] = date_first_active.year

Get the difference(time lag) between the date in which the account was created and when it was first active:

In [13]:
users['time_lag'] = (date_account_created.values - date_first_active.values).astype(int)

Drop duplicated columns:

In [14]:
drop_list = [

users.drop(drop_list, axis=1, inplace=True)

Session Information

There is a lot of information in the sessions.csv file. We will focus on get a count of each user action and some statistics about their seconds elapsed. Further preprocessing could be benneficial to the final predictions.

In [15]:
sessions.rename(columns = {'user_id': 'id'}, inplace=True)

Frequency Count

This simply counts the number of times an action is made by each user. One thing I learned from this competition is to really understand what you want to do and not begin to code an over-engineered solution(KISS).

In [16]:
action_count = sessions.groupby(['id', 'action'])['secs_elapsed'].agg(len).unstack()
action_type_count = sessions.groupby(['id', 'action_type'])['secs_elapsed'].agg(len).unstack()
action_detail_count = sessions.groupby(['id', 'action_detail'])['secs_elapsed'].agg(len).unstack()
device_type_sum = sessions.groupby(['id', 'device_type'])['secs_elapsed'].agg(sum).unstack()

sessions_data = pd.concat([action_count, action_type_count, action_detail_count, device_type_sum],axis=1)
sessions_data.columns = x: str(x) + '_count')

# Most used device
sessions_data['most_used_device'] = sessions.groupby('id')['device_type'].max()

users = users.join(sessions_data, on='id')

Elapsed Seconds Stats

Now we are going to extract some information about the seconds elapsed per user. Since we don't know exactly what is secs_elapsed, I've assumed that are paused between actions:

In [17]:
secs_elapsed = sessions.groupby('id')['secs_elapsed']

secs_elapsed = secs_elapsed.agg(
        'secs_elapsed_sum': np.sum,
        'secs_elapsed_mean': np.mean,
        'secs_elapsed_min': np.min,
        'secs_elapsed_max': np.max,
        'secs_elapsed_median': np.median,
        'secs_elapsed_std': np.std,
        'secs_elapsed_var': np.var,
        'day_pauses': lambda x: (x > 86400).sum(),
        'long_pauses': lambda x: (x > 300000).sum(),
        'short_pauses': lambda x: (x < 3600).sum(),
        'session_length' : np.count_nonzero

users = users.join(secs_elapsed, on='id')

Encode categorical features

In [18]:
categorical_features = [
    'gender', 'signup_method', 'signup_flow', 'language',
    'affiliate_channel', 'affiliate_provider', 'first_affiliate_tracked',
    'signup_app', 'first_device_type', 'first_browser', 'most_used_device'
users = pd.get_dummies(users, columns=categorical_features)


Now that we have all the info processed we need to save it!

In [19]:
users.set_index('id', inplace=True)
users.loc[test_users['id']].drop('country_destination', axis=1).to_csv('../cache/test_users.csv')