Racial discrimination continues to be pervasive in cultures throughout the world. Researchers examined the level of racial discrimination in the United States labor market by randomly assigning identical résumés to black-sounding or white-sounding names and observing the impact on requests for interviews from employers.
In the dataset provided, each row represents a resume. The 'race' column has two values, 'b' and 'w', indicating black-sounding and white-sounding. The column 'call' has two values, 1 and 0, indicating whether the resume received a call from employers or not.
Note that the 'b' and 'w' values in race are assigned randomly to the resumes when presented to the employer.
You will perform a statistical analysis to establish whether race has a significant impact on the rate of callbacks for resumes.
Answer the following questions in this notebook below and submit to your Github account.
You can include written notes in notebook cells using Markdown:
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
data = pd.io.stata.read_stata('data/us_job_market_discrimination.dta')
In [3]:
In [4]:
data_calls = data[['id','race','call', 'education', 'yearsexp']].loc[data['call']==1]
In [5]:
# total résumés in the dataset
n = data.shape[0]
#Totals: callbacks and resumes tagged white-sounding names and black-sounding names
total_call = data['id'].loc[data['call'] ==1.0].count()
total_w = data['id'].loc[data['race'] == 'w'].count()
total_b = data['id'].loc[data['race'] == 'b'].count()
#Callbacks / race-sounding name
call_w = data['id'].loc[(data['race'] =='w') & (data['call'] ==1.0)].count()
call_b = data['id'].loc[(data['race'] =='b') & (data['call'] ==1.0)].count()
#Ratio callback / resumes (white and black-sounding names)
ratio_w = call_w/total_w
ratio_b = call_b/total_b
# Summary
print("Total résumés = %s " % (format(n, ',')))
print("Total callbacks = %d calls (%.2f%% all CV)" % (total_call,(100*(total_call/n))))
print("Resumes tagged with white-sounding names = %s (%.2f%% all resumes)" %(format(total_w, ','), (100*(total_w/n))))
print("Resumes tagged with black-sounding names = %s (%.2f%% all resumes)" %(format(total_b, ','), (100*(total_b/n))))
print("...Callback for white-sounding name = %d (%.2f%% resumes white-sounding names | %.2f%% of all callbacks |)" % (call_w, (100*ratio_w), (100*(call_w/total_call))))
print("...Callback for black-sounding name = %d (%.2f%% resumes black-sounding names | %.2f%% of all callbacks |)" % (call_b, (100*ratio_b),(100*(call_b/total_call))))
print("...Callback for white-sounding name is %.2f%% greater than for black-sounding names" % (100*((ratio_w - ratio_b)/ratio_w)))
In [6]:
pd.crosstab(data.call, data.race, margins=True)
In [7]:
cross_tab = pd.crosstab(data.race, data.call)
In [8]:
print("| Resumes Total | %s |" % (format(n,',')))
print("| white-sounding names | %s |" % format(total_w, ','))
print("| black-sounding names | %s |" % format(total_b, ','))
print("| Callbacks (total) | %d calls (%.2f%% all CV) |" % (total_call,(100*(total_call/n))))
print("| Call for white-sounding name | %d (%.2f%% ws* resumes) |" % (call_w, 100*ratio_w))
print("| Call for black-sounding name | %d (%.2f%% bs* resumes) |" % (call_b, 100*ratio_b))
print("* ws= resumes with white-sounding names | bs= resumes with black-sounding names")
print("Callback for white-sounding name is %.2f%% greater than for black-sounding names" % (100*((ratio_w - ratio_b)/ratio_w)))
In [9]:
#Ratio callback / resumes (white and black-sounding names)
#Ratios were calculated above
p1 = ratio_w
p2 = ratio_b
# Z value (see note above)
Z_SCORE = 1.96
# Total resumes with white-sounding names
n1 = total_w
# Total resumes with black-sounding names
n2 = total_b
print("| p1 | %.2f%% | %% callback / total resumes ws* |" % (100*p1))
print("| p2 | %.2f%% | %% callback / total resumes bs* |" % (100*p2))
print("| Z | %.2f | Z value, based on 95% confidence level|")
print("| n1 | %s | total resumes ws* |" % format(total_w, ','))
print("| n2 | %s | total resumes bs* |" % format(total_b, ','))
print("* ws= resumes with white-sounding names | bs= resumes with black-sounding names")
In [10]:
estimate = (p1-p2)
margin_of_error = Z_SCORE * np.sqrt(((p1*(1-p1))/n1)+((p2*(1-p2))/n2))
low_value = estimate - margin_of_error
high_value = estimate + margin_of_error
print("Estimate = %.4f " %estimate)
print("Margin of Error = %.4f" %margin_of_error)
print("Estimate %.4f +/- %.4f" %(estimate, margin_of_error))
print("Interval: (%.4f, %.4f)" %(low_value, high_value))
In [11]:
# P-hat, p = (x1+x2)/(n1+n2)
p = (call_w + call_b)/(total_w+total_b)
# SEo (see formula above)
std_error = np.sqrt((p*(1-p))*((1/total_w) + (1/total_b)))
# Z value = (p1-p2) / SEo
z_value = (ratio_w - ratio_b)/ std_error
print("P-hat: p = %.4f" %p)
print("SEo: std_error = %.4f" %std_error)
print("| Z | %.4f |" %z_value )
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [12]:
if(z_value > Z_SCORE):
print("False: we reject the null hypothesis!")
print("True: we accept the null hypothesis!")
According to this definition[7]: In statistical hypothesis testing, a result has statistical significance when it is very unlikely to have occurred given the null hypothesis . In other words, Statistical Significance means the effect observed in the sample - greater callbacks (+33%) for white-sounding names - was unlikely to have occurred due to chance alone.
The races - 'b' and 'w' - were randomly tagged on résumés, before to be sent to the employer.
So, ...
The analysis presented does not checked how other important variables could impact in the decision to callback or not a specific candidate; e.g.: education, years of experience, specific occupation etc.
[1] "Statistics in a Nutshell", Boslaugh S., Watters A., O'Reilly (2008): https://www.amazon.com/Statistics-Nutshell-Desktop-Reference-OReilly/dp/0596510497/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1517168318&sr=8-2&keywords=Statistics+in+a+Nutshell%22%2C+Boslaugh
[2] Documentation of "Scipy.Stats.TTest_ind": https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.ttest_ind.html#scipy.stats.ttest_ind
[3] "Distribution of the Difference Between two Proportions". Link: http://www.kean.edu/~fosborne/bstat/05d2pops.html. Last access: 02/03/2018
[4] Z Test and Two proportion Z-Test". Link: http://www.statisticshowto.com/z-test/
[5]"Proportion Z Test", video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Pkyb05DZdZg. Last access: 02/03/2018
[6] "Working with Data Using pandas and Python 3". Link: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/working-with-data-using-pandas-and-python-3. Last access: 02/03/2018
[7] "Statistical significance", definition on Wikipedia. Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance. Last access: 02/05/2018
[8] Video "Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Proportions": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h8dgKTOPuM. Last access: 02/12/2018
[9] "Inference for Two Proportions: An Example of a Confidence Interval and a Hypothesis Test". Video: https://youtu.be/OIYkOiQX3fk. Last access: 02/13/2018
In [13]:
# A simple visual presentation with the total callbacks/race-sounding names
ax = sns.countplot(x="race", data=data_calls[['race', 'call']])
In [14]:
margin_error = Z_SCORE * np.sqrt((p1*(1-p1))*(1/n1 + 1/n2))
low_critical_value = p1 - margin_error
high_critical_value = p1 + margin_error
print("White-sounding names:")
print("Mean: ", p1)
print("Margin of error: ", margin_error)
print("Confidence interval: ")
print("...From = %.2f" %low_critical_value)
print("...To = %.2f" %high_critical_value)
In [15]:
margin_error = Z_SCORE * np.sqrt((p2*(1-p2))*(1/n1 + 1/n2))
low_critical_value = p2 - margin_error
high_critical_value = p2 + margin_error
print("Black-sounding names:")
print("Mean: ", p1)
print("Margin of error: ", margin_error)
print("Confidence interval: ")
print("...From = %.2f" %low_critical_value)
print("...To = %.2f" %high_critical_value)
In [16]:
# Plot tip as a function of toal bill across days
g = sns.lmplot(x="yearsexp", y="education", hue="race",
truncate=True, size=7, data=data_calls)
# Use more informative axis labels than are provided by default
g.set_axis_labels("Years of experience", "Years of formal education")
In [17]:
# Total résumés
n = data.shape[0]
# Total callbacks
n_call = data_calls.shape[0]
# Résumés white and black sounding names
total_white = data['id'].loc[(data['race'] =='w')].count()
total_black = data['id'].loc[(data['race'] =='b')].count()
# Perc.(%) white and black sounding names from total
perc_tot_white = total_white/n
perc_tot_black = total_black/n
# Perc.(%) white and black sounding names with callback
perc_call_white = call_w/n_call
perc_call_black = call_b/n_call
print("Total résumés with callback = %d" %n_call)
print("Perc.(%%) white-sounding names from total = %.2f%%" %(perc_tot_white*100))
print("Perc.(%%) black-sounding names from total = %.2f%%" %(perc_tot_black*100))
print("Perc.(%%) white-sounding names from callbacks = %.2f%%" %(perc_call_white*100))
print("Perc.(%%) black-sounding names from total = %.2f%%" %(perc_call_black*100))
In [ ]: