World University Rankings

We can find, at least, three global university rankings with different methodologies to classify the better schools:

  1. The Times Higher Education World University Ranking:
  2. The Academic Ranking of World Universities:
  3. The Center for World University Rankings:

3. The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR)

The CWUR World University Ranking:

Year Link (website)

3.1 - CWUR (2016 dataset)

2016 ranking

In [54]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

## CWUR 2016 dataset
datacwur2016 = 'data/cwur2016.csv'
cwur2016 = pd.read_csv(datacwur2016)

Top 10 universities

In [46]:

World Rank Institution Location National Rank Quality of Education Alumni Employment Quality of Faculty Publications Influence Citations Broad Impact Patents Score
0 1 Harvard University USA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 100.00
1 2 Stanford University USA 2 9 2 2 5 3 3 3 7 98.25
2 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA 3 2 12 3 15 2 2 2 1 97.12
3 4 University of Cambridge United Kingdom 1 3 10 6 12 8 14 12 45 96.13
4 5 University of Oxford United Kingdom 2 7 13 10 6 11 6 9 19 95.39
5 6 Columbia University USA 4 13 6 9 14 12 15 14 2 94.12
6 7 University of California, Berkeley USA 5 6 21 5 11 4 8 6 21 91.35
7 8 University of Chicago USA 6 11 14 8 17 16 11 17 83 90.72
8 9 Princeton University USA 7 4 15 4 82 25 26 37 109 88.72
9 10 Yale University USA 8 8 26 11 18 6 31 18 41 85.83

Ranking by country (number of instituitions)

In [40]:
cwur2016.groupby('Location').count().sort_values(by=['World Rank'], ascending=[False]).head(5)

World Rank Institution National Rank Quality of Education Alumni Employment Quality of Faculty Publications Influence Citations Broad Impact Patents Score
USA 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224
China 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Japan 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74
United Kingdom 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
Germany 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56

In [44]:

USA                     224
China                    90
Japan                    74
United Kingdom           65
Germany                  56
France                   48
Italy                    48
Spain                    41
South Korea              36
Canada                   32
Australia                27
Taiwan                   21
Brazil                   17
India                    16
Netherlands              13
Austria                  12
Sweden                   11
Turkey                   10
Belgium                  10
Switzerland               9
Finland                   9
Poland                    9
Iran                      8
Ireland                   8
Israel                    7
Greece                    7
New Zealand               6
Portugal                  6
Hong Kong                 6
Hungary                   6
Denmark                   5
Russia                    5
Norway                    5
South Africa              5
Czech Republic            4
Egypt                     4
Chile                     4
Malaysia                  3
Saudi Arabia              3
Thailand                  3
Argentina                 3
Singapore                 2
Slovenia                  2
Colombia                  2
Mexico                    2
Romania                   2
Puerto Rico               1
Pakistan                  1
Croatia                   1
Bulgaria                  1
Cyprus                    1
Uruguay                   1
Uganda                    1
Iceland                   1
Lebanon                   1
United Arab Emirates      1
Lithuania                 1
Estonia                   1
Slovak Republic           1
Serbia                    1
Name: Location, dtype: int64

In [38]:
cwur2016.loc[cwur2016['Location'] == 'USA']['Location'].count()


Brazil's universities

In [49]:
cwur2016.loc[cwur2016['Location'] == 'Brazil']['Institution']

137                    University of São Paulo
326       Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
406                     University of Campinas
518         Federal University of Minas Gerais
574    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
621            Federal University of São Paulo
652          UNESP, São Paulo State University
741            Rio de Janeiro State University
878       Federal University of Santa Catarina
910              Fluminense Federal University
912                     University of Brasília
913                  Federal University of ABC
925               Federal University of Paraná
947           Federal University of São Carlos
961                Federal University of Bahia
965           Federal University of Pernambuco
969          Federal University of Santa Maria
Name: Institution, dtype: object

In [50]:
cwur2016.loc[cwur2016['Location'] == 'Brazil']['Institution'].count()


Ploting World University Ranking / Country (CWUR, 2016)

In [56]:
# Defining a specific Data Frame to plot
cwur_graph = cwur2016['Location'].value_counts()

In [ ]: