Transliteration of "Arduino Uno and Solar Position Calculations", by David Brooks

In [1]:
import math

In [2]:
# Paper numbers vs. math.pi. Eventual difference is in the 4th decimal place.
paper_numbers = False
if paper_numbers:
    PI = 3.141592654
    TAU = 6.28318531
    DEG_TO_RAD = 0.01745329
    # Using math.pi matches the Excel results from the paper
    PI = math.pi
    TAU = PI * 2
    DEG_TO_RAD = TAU / 360

In [3]:
hour = 0
minute = 0
second = 0
day = 21
month = 6
year = 2015
zone = 5   # how many hours to subtract from UTC

In [4]:
# From the paper. Denotes a location in NJ near Philadelphia
Lat = 40 * DEG_TO_RAD
Lon = -75 * DEG_TO_RAD

In [5]:
def JulianDate(year, month, day):
    if month <= 2:
        year = year - 1
        month = month + 12
    A = int(year / 100)  # implicit integer
    B = 2 - A + int(A / 4)
    JD_Whole = int((365.25 * (year + 4716)) + int(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + B - 1524)
    # This look sketchy.
    # is month zero-based? Then the table in the paper is misleading.
    # is day zero-based?
    JD_frac = (hour + minute / 60.0  + second / 3600.0) / 24.0 - 0.5
    return int(JD_Whole), JD_frac

In [6]:
for hour in range(10, 25):
    JD_whole, JD_frac = JulianDate(year, month, day)
    T = ((JD_whole - 2451545) + JD_frac) / 36525.0
    L0 = DEG_TO_RAD * (280.46645 + 36000.76983 * T) % 360.0
    M = DEG_TO_RAD * (357.5291 + 35999.0503 * T) % 360.0
    e = 0.016708617 - 0.000042037 * T
    C = DEG_TO_RAD * ((1.9146 - 0.004847 * T) * math.sin(M) + (0.019993 - 0.000101 * T) * math.sin(2*M) + 0.00029 * math.sin(3 * M))
    f = M + C
    Ob1 = DEG_TO_RAD * (23.0 + 26.0/60.0 + 21.448/3600.0 - 46.815 / 3600 * T)
    JDx = JD_whole - 2451545
    GrHrAngle = 280.46061837 + (360 * JDx) % 360 + 0.98564736629 * JDx + 360.98564736629 * JD_frac
    GrHrAngle = GrHrAngle % 360.0
    L_true = (C + L0) % TAU
    R = 1.000001018 * (1.0 - e*e) / (1.0 + e * math.cos(f))
    RA = math.atan2(math.sin(L_true) * math.cos(Ob1), math.cos(L_true))
    Decl = math.asin(math.sin(Ob1) * math.sin(L_true))
    HrAngle = DEG_TO_RAD * GrHrAngle + Lon - RA
    elev = math.asin(math.sin(Lat) * math.sin(Decl) + math.cos(Lat) * (math.cos(Decl) * math.cos(HrAngle)))
    azimuth = PI + math.atan2(math.sin(HrAngle), math.cos(HrAngle) * math.sin(Lat) - math.tan(Decl) * math.cos(Lat))
    print("{:>2}: elevation: {:>8.4f}, azimuth: {:>8.4f}".format(hour - zone, elev/DEG_TO_RAD, azimuth/DEG_TO_RAD))

 5: elevation:   3.9347, azimuth:  62.4369
 6: elevation:  14.4962, azimuth:  71.3769
 7: elevation:  25.6184, azimuth:  80.0108
 8: elevation:  37.0417, azimuth:  89.0132
 9: elevation:  48.4861, azimuth:  99.4738
10: elevation:  59.4964, azimuth: 113.6657
11: elevation:  68.9263, azimuth: 137.1846
12: elevation:  73.4329, azimuth: 178.5533
13: elevation:  69.3859, azimuth: 220.8900
14: elevation:  60.1246, azimuth: 245.2711
15: elevation:  49.1647, azimuth: 259.8137
16: elevation:  37.7304, azimuth: 270.4153
17: elevation:  26.2972, azimuth: 279.4679
18: elevation:  15.1498, azimuth: 288.1025
19: elevation:   4.5468, azimuth: 297.0085