In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Ten Million Books


Basic Parsing

  • Marc21
    • author -> 100, 110, 111
    • title -> 244a, 244b
    • pub. location -> 264a,b,c

String Operations

In [2]:
import string
import unidecode
s = "Historia de la Inquisición' "
s = s.decode('utf-8')
s = unidecode.unidecode(s)
s = s.strip()
s = s.strip(string.punctuation)
s = s.lower()

'historia de la inquisicion'

Geo Deduplication

  • Visual inpspection
    • madrid, espana
    • madrid [espana
    • madrid (espana

In [3]:
f1 = "madrid, espana"
f2 = "madrid [espana"
f3 = "madrid (espana"
(f1.split(","), f2.split("["), f3.split("("))
# ... A few more string operations like strip for whitespace etc.

(['madrid', ' espana'], ['madrid ', 'espana'], ['madrid ', 'espana'])

In [5]:
locs = pd.read_csv("../data/locs/just_split_locs.csv")
locs = locs[["Country", "City"]].dropna(how="all")

In [5]:
loc_groups = locs.groupby(["City", "Country"]).groups

In [6]:
"Num. of unique country/city combinations: {0}".format(len(loc_groups))

'Num. of unique country/city combinations: 124533'

In [7]:
import operator
d = {k: len(v) for k, v in loc_groups.items()}
s = sorted(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

In [8]:
"Percent of data set covered by 5000 most common combos: {0}".format(
    sum([count for loc, count in s[:5000]]) / float(len(locs)))

'Percent of data set covered by 5000 most common combos: 0.97185261794'
  • The vast majority of the rest of the combinations are:
    • Impossible to deduplicate
      • Years
      • String fragments
      • Improperly labeled fields
      • ...
    • Deduplicating the 5000 most common becomes a trivial task

In [9]:
text_df = pd.read_csv("../data/geo_cleaned_texts.tsv", sep="\t")

In [11]:
clean_locs = text_df.groupby("slug")

In [14]:
counted = clean_locs.count()["control_number"]

In [20]:
counted.sort(inplace=False, ascending=False).ix[:10].plot(kind="bar")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f26593c99d0>

In [21]:
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
cerv_df = text_df[
        lambda x: fuzz.token_set_ratio("Miguel Cervantes", x["author"]) == 100 or \
        fuzz.token_sort_ratio("Miguel Cervantes", x["author"]) > 90, axis=1)]

In [23]:

Unnamed: 0 control_number title uniform_title author publisher pub_location pub_year translation prev_language slug canonical_city canonical_country
682 682 14379588 don quijote de la mancha NaN cervantes saavedra, miguel de instituto de artes graficas barcelona 1963 NaN NaN barcelona, espana barcelona espana
3211 3211 26175251 novelas ejemplares NaN cervantes saavedra, miguel de v. blasco ibanez madrid 1912?-14 NaN NaN madrid, espana madrid espana
3473 3473 277158502 el ingenioso hidalgo don quijote de la mancha don quixote cervantes saavedra, miguel de zeus barcelona 1968 NaN NaN barcelona, espana barcelona espana
6130 6130 431282582 novelas ejemplares NaN cervantes saavedra, miguel de juventud barcelona 1974 NaN NaN barcelona, espana barcelona espana
9046 9046 433771035 el casamiento enganosoy las dos doncellas el casamiento enganoso cervantes saavedra, miguel de ebro madrid 1977 NaN NaN madrid, espana madrid espana
9639 9639 434249007 el ingenioso hidalgo don quijote de la mancha don quijote de la mancha cervantes saavedra, miguel de gredos madrid d.l. 1987 NaN NaN madrid, espana madrid espana
10281 10281 434685256 o engenhoso fidalgo d. quixote de la mancha NaN cervantes saavedra, miguel de ediclube alfragide 1990 NaN spa alfragide, alfragide
12670 12670 491928954 obras NaN cervantes saavedra, miguel de ediciones atlas madrid 1945 NaN NaN madrid, espana madrid espana
12799 12799 492758475 el ingenioso hidalgo don quijote de la mancha NaN cervantes saavedra, miguel de r. sopena barcelona 1969 NaN NaN barcelona, espana barcelona espana
12913 12913 493641967 obras completas de NaN cervantes saavedra, miguel de tipogr. de la revista de archivos bibliotecas ... madrid 1923 NaN NaN madrid, espana madrid espana

In [24]:


In [34]:
cerv_locs = cerv_df.groupby("slug")
counted_cerv_locs = cerv_locs.count()["control_number"]
counted_cerv_locs.sort(inplace=False, ascending=False).ix[:1]

madrid, espana    5478
Name: control_number, dtype: int64

Author/Text Deduplication

In [48]:
text_groups = text_df.groupby(["author", "title"]).groups

In [49]:
"Num. of unique title/author combinations: {0}".format(len(text_groups))

'Num. of unique title/author combinations: 8682520'

In [50]:
d = {k: len(v) for k, v in text_groups.items()}
s = sorted(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

In [51]:
"Percent of data set covered by non-singleton combos: {0}".format(
    sum([count for loc, count in s[:2000000]]) / float(len(text_df)))

'Percent of data set covered by non-singleton combos: 0.493297250696'

In [52]:
def prob_dist(d):
    probs = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        probs.setdefault(v, 0)
        probs[v] += 1
    return probs
probs = prob_dist(d)

In [56]:

(6, 47136)

In [55]:
plt.scatter(probs.keys(), probs.values())

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f39ad52ed90>
  • Problematic!

    • El ingenioso hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha, Cervantes, Miguel de
    • Don Quixote de la Mancha, Cervantes, Miguel de

    • Rimas, Lope de Vega

    • Rimas sacras, Lope de Vega
    • Rimas sacras para el ..., Lope de Vega
  • String comparisons?

    • 8,682,520 * 8,682,519 / 2 = Tens of Trillions!!!!

In [58]:
num_texts = 8682520
(num_texts * (num_texts - 1)) / 2

  • How many duplicates are there...really?

    • Visual inspection: other than title inconsistencies, data is quite well formatted.
    • Still...enter Datamade's Dedupe library.
      • Chunks of 200,000 records
      • Only about 1% are deduplicated with a confidence of over %10
      • Only about 0.1% are deduplicated with a confidence of over %50
    • However, there are duplicates, but mainly in the non-singleton texts...
    • Best method for handling this? Accept as a source of bias? Try to clean top two million...?

Preliminaries Project

A projected social network of Spanish Golden Age Publishing

In [ ]: