projx 0.2.8 - Graph transformations in Python

projx provides two ways to interact with graphs:

  • A DSL based on Neo4j Cypher for executing graph transformations using a simple API.
  • A programmatic api that consumes JSON ETL configuration objects and executes graph transformations. Based on orientdb-etl.

Currently only supports networkx.Graph using the nxetl module. The projx namespace also includes the core module functions for operating on networkx graphs: reset_index, match, traverse, project, transfer, combine, build_sugraph.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import json
import networkx as nx
import projx as px
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 14, 7

This is the starting state of the graph.

In [4]:
g = px.test_graph()
        g = nx.Graph([
        (1, 2, {'type': 'works_at'}),
        (1, 3, {'type': 'lives_in'}),
        (2, 3, {'type': 'located_in'}),
        (3, 4, {'type': 'connected_to'}),
        (4, 5, {'type': 'connected_to'}),
        (10, 4, {'type': 'connected_to'}),
        (5, 6, {'type': 'lives_in'}),
        (7, 3, {'type': 'lives_in'}),
        (8, 5, {'type': 'works_at'}),
        (7, 2, {'type': 'works_at'}),
        (8, 4, {'type': 'lives_in'}),
        (7, 4, {'type': 'works_at'}),
        (9, 4, {'type': 'lives_in'}),
        (9, 10, {'type': 'works_at'}),
        (11, 3, {'type': 'lives_in'}),
        (12, 5, {'type': 'lives_in'}),
        (12, 13, {'type': 'works_at'}),
        (13, 5, {'type': 'located_in'}),
        (13, 14, {'type': 'works_at'})
    g.node[1] = {'type': 'Person', 'label': 'davebshow'}
    g.node[2] = {'type': 'Institution', 'label': 'western'}
    g.node[3] = {'type': 'City', 'label': 'london'}
    g.node[4] = {'type': 'Institution', 'label': 'the matrix'}
    g.node[5] = {'type': 'City', 'label': 'toronto'}
    g.node[6] = {'type': 'Person', 'label': 'gandalf'}
    g.node[7] = {'type': 'Person', 'label': 'versae'}
    g.node[8] = {'type': 'Person', 'label': 'neo'}
    g.node[9] = {'type': 'Person', 'label': 'r2d2'}
    g.node[10] = {'type': 'City', 'label': 'alderon'}
    g.node[11] = {'type': 'Person', 'label': 'curly'}
    g.node[12] = {'type': 'Person', 'label': 'adam'}
    g.node[13] = {'type': 'Institution', 'label': 'canland'}
    g.node[14] = {'type': 'Person', 'label': 'bro'}
    return g
px.draw_simple_graph(g, label_attrs=['label', 'type'], edge_label_attr='type')


In [5]:
# Make a "projection" with a networkx.Graph
projection = px.Projection(g)
# Execute a statement like MATCH.

MATCH. The ProjX DSL is based on Neo4j's Cypher.

In [6]:
# This just matches the whole graph.
subgraph = projection.execute("MATCH (n)-(m)") # Just like Cypher
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, label_attrs=['label', 'type'], edge_label_attr='type')

PROJECT. Match a subgraph and project across node type.

In [7]:
# We didn't commit the cursor, so we can use it again like it was rolled back.
# Here we use a match pattern and the transformation ver PROJECT to project a social network.
# To calculate edgeweight, we need to specify a method, and which node types to calculate the 
# measure over. The SET param NEW implicity refers to the new edge created by the projection.
subgraph = projection.execute("""
    MATCH   (p1:Person)-(wild)-(p2:Person)
    PROJECT (p1)-(p2)
    METHOD NEWMAN Institution, City
    SET     label = wild.label
    DELETE  wild
# Edge label here is wildcard match name.
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, edge_label_attr='label')

ETL API - Based on orientdb-etl

In [8]:
project_etl = {
    "extractor": {
        "networkx": {
            "type": "subgraph", 
            "node_type_attr": "type",
            "edge_type_attr": "type",
            "traversal": [
                {"node": { "alias": "p1", "type": "Person"}}, 
                {"edge": {}}, 
                {"node": {"alias": "wild"}}, 
                {"edge": {}}, 
                {"node": {"alias": "p2", "type": "Person"}}
    "transformers": [
            "project": {
                "pattern": [
                    {"node": {"alias": "p1"}}, 
                    {"edge": {}}, 
                    {"node": {"alias": "p2"}}
                "set": [
                    {"key": "name", "value_lookup": "wild.label"}
                "method": {
                    "newman": {
                        "args": ["Institution", "City"]
                "delete": {
                    "alias": ["wild"]
    "loader": {
        "nx2nx": {}

Executing the ETL JSON is pretty easy:

In [9]:
subgraph = px.execute_etl(project_etl, g)

[(0, 10, {'name': {'london': 2}, 'weight': 0.5}),
 (0, 6, {'name': {'london': 2, 'western': 2}, 'weight': 1.5}),
 (5, 11, {'name': {'toronto': 2}, 'weight': 0.5}),
 (5, 7, {'name': {'toronto': 2}, 'weight': 0.5}),
 (6, 7, {'name': {'the matrix': 2}, 'weight': 0.5}),
 (6, 8, {'name': {'the matrix': 2}, 'weight': 0.5}),
 (6, 10, {'name': {'london': 2}, 'weight': 0.5}),
 (7, 8, {'name': {'the matrix': 2}, 'weight': 0.5}),
 (7, 11, {'name': {'toronto': 2}, 'weight': 0.5}),
 (11, 13, {'name': {'canland': 2}, 'weight': 1.0})]

It's actually all ETL, the DSL parser produces ETL JSON.

In [10]:
    MATCH   (p1:Person)-(wild)-(p2:Person)
    PROJECT (p1)-(p2)
    METHOD JACCARD Institution, City
    SET     name = wild.label
    DELETE  wild
""")), indent=2))

  "extractor": {
    "networkx": {
      "type": "subgraph", 
      "traversal": [
          "node": {
            "alias": "p1", 
            "type": "Person"
          "edge": {}
          "node": {
            "alias": "wild"
          "edge": {}
          "node": {
            "alias": "p2", 
            "type": "Person"
  "transformers": [
      "project": {
        "pattern": [
            "node": {
              "alias": "p1"
            "edge": {}
            "node": {
              "alias": "p2"
        "set": [
            "value_lookup": "wild.label", 
            "key": "name"
        "method": {
          "jaccard": {
            "args": [
        "delete": {
          "alias": [
  "loader": {
    "nx2nx": {}

TRANSFER. Transfer edges and attributes from one node type to another.

In [11]:
# Transfer the attributes and edges from all the institutions neighboring cities nodes.
# Here we pass the GRAPH object to the verb MATCH. This allows us to perform the 
# transfomation accross the entire graph, instead of matching a subgraph and then performing the 
# transformation. NOTE - TRANSFER is directional, unlike PROJECT.

subgraph = projection.execute("""
    MATCH GRAPH (c:City)-(i:Institution)
    TRANSFER    (c)-(i)
    METHOD      EDGES Person
    SET         city = c.label
    DELETE      c
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, label_attrs=['label', 'city', 'type'], edge_label_attr='type')

Equivalent ETL JSON for Transfer

In [12]:
transfer_etl = {
    "extractor": {
        "networkx": {
            "type": "graph", 
            "node_type_attr": "type",
            "edge_type_attr": "type",
            "traversal": [
                    "node": {
                        "alias": "c", 
                        "type": "City"
                    "edge": {}
                    "node": {
                        "alias": "i", 
                        "type": "Institution"
    "transformers": [
            "transfer": {
                "pattern": [
                    {"node": {"alias": "c"}}, 
                    {"edge": {}}, 
                    {"node": {"alias": "i"}}
                "set": [
                    {"key": "city", "value_lookup": "c.label"}
                "method": {
                    "edges": {
                        "args": ["Person"]
                "delete": {
                    "alias": ["c"]
    "loader": {
        "nx2nx": {}

In [13]:
subgraph = px.execute_etl(transfer_etl, g)
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, label_attrs=['label', 'city', 'type'], edge_label_attr='type')

COMBINE. Combine two node types creating a new node of a new type.

In [14]:
# Here NEW refers to the newly created node.
subgraph = projection.execute("""
    MATCH GRAPH (i:Institution)-(c:City)
    COMBINE     (i)-(c)
    SET         type = "Geo_Instituion", name = i.label, city = c.label
    DELETE      i, c
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, label_attrs=["label", "type", "city"], edge_label_attr='type')

Equivalent ETL:

In [15]:
    MATCH GRAPH (i:Institution)-(c:City)
    COMBINE     (i)-(c) 
    SET         type = "Geo_Instituion", name = i.label, city = c.label
    DELETE      i, c
"""), indent=2))

  "extractor": {
    "networkx": {
      "type": "graph", 
      "traversal": [
          "node": {
            "alias": "i", 
            "type": "Institution"
          "edge": {}
          "node": {
            "alias": "c", 
            "type": "City"
  "transformers": [
      "combine": {
        "pattern": [
            "node": {
              "alias": "i"
            "edge": {}
            "node": {
              "alias": "c"
        "set": [
            "value": "Geo_Instituion", 
            "key": "type"
            "value_lookup": "i.label", 
            "key": "name"
            "value_lookup": "c.label", 
            "key": "city"
        "method": {
          "none": {
            "args": []
        "delete": {
          "alias": [
  "loader": {
    "nx2nx": {}

MATCH (SUBGRAPH) vs. MATCH GRAPH. MATCH SUBGRAPH is the default behaviour of MATCH.

In [16]:
# Until now, we have been matching just subgraphs, like this only we didn't explicity 
# specify that we were only matching a subgraph.
subgraph = projection.execute("""
    MATCH SUBGRAPH (p1:Person)-(i:Institution)-(p2:Person)
    PROJECT        (p1)-(p2)
    DELETE         i

In [17]:
# We can use MATCH GRAPH to match patterns across the whole graph.
# Notice how this retains the cities as well, and also affects the edge weight calculations.
# This is more often used with TRANSFER and COMBINE (see previous examples).
subgraph = projection.execute("""
    MATCH GRAPH (p1:Person)-(i:Institution)-(p2:Person)
    PROJECT     (p1)-(p2)
    DELETE      i

Edge types can be used as well for matching criteria.

In [18]:
subgraph = projection.execute("""
    MATCH (p1:Person)-[e:lives_in]-(i:Institution)
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, edge_label_attr='type')

In [19]:
subgraph = projection.execute("""
    MATCH (p1:Person)-[e:works_at]-(i:Institution)
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, edge_label_attr='type')

In [20]:
subgraph = projection.execute("""
    MATCH (p1:Person)-[e:works_at]-(wild)
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, edge_label_attr='type')

Perform multiple transformations in a pipeline (example is a bit contrived).

In [21]:
multi_transform_etl = {
    "extractor": {
        "networkx": {
            "traversal": [
                {"node": {"alias": "p1", "type": "Person"}},
                {"edge": {}},
                {"node": {"alias": "i", "type": "Institution"}},
                {"edge": {}},
                {"node": {"alias": "c", "type": "City"}}
            "type": "subgraph"
    "loader": {
        "nx2nx": {}
    "transformers": [
            "transfer": {
                "delete": {
                    "alias": []
                "method": {
                    "attrs": {
                        "args": []
                "pattern": [
                    {"node": {"alias": "i"}},
                    {"edge": {}},
                    {"node": {"alias": "c"}}
                "set": [
                    {"key": "inst", "value_lookup": "i.label"}
            "project": {
                "delete": {
                    "alias": [
                "method": {
                    "jaccard": {
                        "args": [
                "pattern": [
                    {"node": {"alias": "p1"}},
                    {"edge": {}},
                    {"node": {"alias": "c"}}
                "set": [{}]
subgraph = px.execute_etl(multi_transform_etl, g)
px.draw_simple_graph(subgraph, label_attrs=["label", "inst", "type"])

Look for new functionality and support for Neo4j in upcombing releases of projx...