In [1]:
%pylab inline
In [2]:
import json
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [3]:
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 17, 10
In [4]:
b = nx.read_gexf("projections/bipartite.gexf")
g = nx.read_gexf("projections/onemode.gexf")
Bgraph key nodes:
In [5]:
# Key node bigraph degree, nbunch=["793", "759", "686", "1598"])
In [6]:
# Cervantes and Cuesta overlap
len(set(b["759"]) & set(b["793"]))
In [6]:
cerv_books = set(b["759"])
cerv_cuesta_books = set(b["793"])
In [7]:
cerv_book_data = [b.node[n]['lugar'] for n in cerv_books]
# 8 books in Madrid, Cuesta published 7 of them
cerv_cuesta_book_data = [b.node[n]['fecha'] for n in cerv_cuesta_books]
# 1605 -> 1618 Basically worked together throughout the whole period
In [8]:
# Cervantes and Lemos overlap
len(set(b["759"]) & set(b["686"]))
In [10]:
# Lope and lemos overlap
len(set(b["1598"]) & set(b["686"]))
In [11]:
# Lope and cuesta overlap
len(set(b["1598"]) & set(b["793"]))
In [23]:
# authors = pd.Series([n for (n, a) in g.nodes(data=True) if a.get("role") == "author"])
# patrons = pd.Series([n for (n, a) in g.nodes(data=True) if a.get("role") == "patron"])
# printers = pd.Series([n for (n, a) in g.nodes(data=True) if a.get("role") == "printer/editor"])
# signatories = pd.Series([n for (n, a) in g.nodes(data=True) if a.get("role") == "signatory"])
In [57]:
authors = pd.Series(, nbunch=[n for (n, a) in b.nodes(data=True) if a.get("role") == "author"]))
author_labels = pd.Series({n: a["label"] for (n, a) in b.nodes(data=True) if a.get("role") == "author"})
In [58]:
auth_df = pd.concat([authors, author_labels], axis=1)
auth_df.columns = ["num_editions", "label"]
In [59]:
authors = [n for (n, a) in g.nodes(data=True) if a.get("role") == "author"]
patrons = [n for (n, a) in g.nodes(data=True) if a.get("role") == "patron"]
In [60]:
import collections
def get_edges(g, bunch1, bunch2):
edges = collections.defaultdict(list)
for n in bunch1:
nbrs = set(g[n])
for nbr in nbrs:
if nbr in bunch2:
return edges
In [61]:
edge_dict = get_edges(g, authors, patrons)
In [72]:
def aggr_edge_dict(g, edge_dict):
aggr_dict = {}
for k, v in edge_dict.items():
v = list(v)
length = len(v)
aggr_dict[k] = [g.node[k]["label"], length, sum(v), sum(v) / length]
return aggr_dict
In [78]:
auth_noble_aggr_df = pd.DataFrame(aggr_edge_dict(g, edge_dict)).transpose()
auth_noble_aggr_df.columns = ["label", "num_patrons", "total_patron_edge_weight", "avg_patron_edge_weight"]
In [95]:
auth_noble_df = auth_noble_aggr_df.merge(auth_df, on="label")
auth_noble_df = auth_noble_df.sort(columns=["num_editions", "total_patron_edge_weight"], ascending=False)
In [99]:
In [100]:
In [ ]: