CNN Experiments on muvr data

First we need to setup the environment and import all the necessary stuff.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

import shutil
from os import remove
import cPickle as pkl
from os.path import expanduser, exists

This time we are not going to generate the data but rather use real world annotated training examples.

In [2]:
# Dataset creation

import numpy as np
import math
import random
import csv
from neon.datasets.dataset import Dataset

class WorkoutDS(Dataset):
    # Number of features per example
    feature_count = None

    # Number of examples
    num_train_examples = None
    num_test_examples = None

    # Number of classes
    num_labels = None
    # Indicator if the data has been loaded yet
    initialized = False
    # Mapping of integer class labels to strings
    human_labels = {}
    def human_label_for(self, id):
        return self.human_labels[id]
    # Convert an integer representation to a one-hot-vector
    def as_one_hot(self, i, n):
        v = np.zeros(n)
        v[i] = 1
        return v
    # Convert an one-hot-vector to an integer representation
    def as_int_rep(self, oh):
        return np.where(oh == 1)[0][0]
    # Loads a label mapping from file. The file should contain a CSV tabel mapping integer labels to human readable
    # labels. Integer class labels should start with 1
    def load_label_mapping(self, filename):
        with open(expanduser(filename), 'rb') as csvfile:
            dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
            csv_data = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect)
            next(csv_data, None)  # skip the headers
            label_mapping = {}
            for row in csv_data:
                # We need to offset the labels by one since counting starts at 0 in python...
                label_mapping[int(row[0]) - 1] = row[1]
        return label_mapping
    # Load examples from given CSV file. The dataset should already be splitted into test and train externally
    def load_examples(self, filename):
        with open(expanduser(filename), 'rb') as csvfile:
            dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
            csv_data = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect)
            next(csv_data, None)  # skip the headers
            y = []
            X = []
            for row in csv_data:
                label = int(row[2]) - 1
                y.append(self.as_one_hot(label, self.num_labels))
                X.append(map(int, row[3:]))
            X = np.reshape(np.asarray(X, dtype = float), (len(X), len(X[0])))  
            y = np.reshape(np.asarray(y, dtype = float), (X.shape[0], self.num_labels))
            return X,y
    # Load label mapping and train / test data from disk.
    def initialize(self):"Loading DS from files...")
        self.human_labels = self.load_label_mapping(expanduser('~/data/labeled_exercise_data_f400_LABELS.csv'))
        self.num_labels = len(self.human_labels)
        X_train, y_train = self.load_examples(expanduser('~/data/labeled_exercise_data_f400_TRAIN.csv'))
        X_test, y_test = self.load_examples(expanduser('~/data/labeled_exercise_data_f400_TEST.csv'))
        self.num_train_examples = X_train.shape[0]
        self.num_test_examples = X_test.shape[0]
        self.feature_count = X_train.shape[1]
        self.X_train = X_train
        self.y_train = y_train
        self.X_test = X_test
        self.y_test = y_test
        self.initialized = True

    # Get the dataset ready for Neon training
    def load(self, **kwargs):
        if not self.initialized:

        # Assign training and test datasets
        # INFO: This assumes the data is already shuffeled! Make sure it is!
        self.inputs['train'] = self.X_train
        self.targets['train'] = self.y_train

        self.inputs['test'] =  self.X_test
        self.targets['test'] = self.y_test

dataset = WorkoutDS()
print "Number of training examples:", dataset.num_train_examples
print "Number of test examples:", dataset.num_test_examples
print "Number of features:", dataset.feature_count
print "Number of labels:", dataset.num_labels

Number of training examples: 22579
Number of test examples: 5503
Number of features: 1200
Number of labels: 29

At first we want to inspect the class distribution of the training and test examples.

In [4]:
from ipy_table import *
from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np

train_dist = np.reshape(np.transpose(np.sum(dataset.y_train, axis=0)), (dataset.num_labels,1))
test_dist = np.reshape(np.transpose(np.sum(dataset.y_test, axis=0)), (dataset.num_labels,1))

train_ratio = train_dist / dataset.num_train_examples
test_ratio = test_dist / dataset.num_test_examples

# Fiddle around to get it into table shape
table = np.hstack((np.zeros((dataset.num_labels,1), dtype=int), train_dist, train_ratio, test_dist, test_ratio))
table = np.vstack((np.zeros((1, 5), dtype=int), table)).tolist()

human_labels = map(dataset.human_label_for, range(0,dataset.num_labels))

for i,s in enumerate(human_labels):
    table[i + 1][0] = s
table.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))

table[0][0] = ""
table[0][1] = "Train"
table[0][2] = "Train %"
table[0][3] = "Test"
table[0][4] = "Test %"

set_global_style(float_format='%0.0f', align="center")
set_column_style(2, float_format='%0.2f%%')
set_column_style(4, float_format='%0.2f%%')
set_column_style(0, align="left")

TrainTrain %TestTest %

Let's have a look at the generated data. We will plot some of the examples of the different classes.

In [5]:
from matplotlib import pyplot, cm
from pylab import *

# Choose some random examples to plot from the training data
number_of_examples_to_plot = 3
plot_ids = np.random.random_integers(0, dataset.num_train_examples - 1, number_of_examples_to_plot)

print "Ids of plotted examples:",plot_ids

# Retrieve a human readable label given the idx of an example
def label_of_example(i):
    label_id = np.where(dataset.y_train[i] == 1)[0][0]
    return dataset.human_label_for(label_id)

ax1 = subplot(311)
setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
ax1.set_ylabel('X - Acceleration')

ax2 = subplot(312, sharex=ax1)
setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
ax2.set_ylabel('Y - Acceleration')

ax3 = subplot(313, sharex=ax1)
ax3.set_ylabel('Z - Acceleration')

for i in plot_ids:
    c = np.random.random((3,))

    ax1.plot(range(0, dataset.feature_count / 3), dataset.X_train[i,0:400], '-o', c=c)
    ax2.plot(range(0, dataset.feature_count / 3), dataset.X_train[i,400:800], '-o', c=c)
    ax3.plot(range(0, dataset.feature_count / 3), dataset.X_train[i,800:1200], '-o', c=c)
legend(map(label_of_example, plot_ids))
suptitle('Feature values for the first three training examples', fontsize=16)

Ids of plotted examples: [ 4726  2349 13364]

Now we are going to create a neon model. We will start with a realy simple one layer preceptron having 500 hidden units.

In [55]:
from neon.backends import gen_backend
from neon.layers import *
from neon.models import MLP
from neon.transforms import RectLin, Tanh, Logistic, CrossEntropy
from neon.experiments import FitPredictErrorExperiment
from neon.params import val_init
from neon.util.persist import serialize

# General settings
max_epochs = 75
epoch_step_size = 1
batch_size = 30 # max(10, min(100, dataset.num_train_examples/10))
random_seed = 42 # Take your lucky number

# Storage director of the model and its snapshots
file_path = expanduser('~/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm')
#if exists(file_path):
#    remove(file_path)

# Captured errors for the different epochs
train_err = []
test_err = []

print 'Epochs: %d Batch-Size: %d' % (max_epochs, batch_size)

# Generate layers and a MLP model using the given settings
def model_gen(lrate, momentum_coef, num_epochs, batch_size):
    layers = []

    lrule = {
        'lr_params': {
            'learning_rate': lrate,
            'momentum_params': {
                'coef': momentum_coef,
                'type': 'constant'
        'type': 'gradient_descent_momentum'

    weight_init = val_init.UniformValGen(low=-0.1, high=0.1)

        fshape = [5,1],
        stride = 1,
        weight_init= weight_init,


        fshape = [5,1],
        stride = 1,
        weight_init= weight_init,

            keep = 0.9

            keep = 0.9

        activation = Logistic()


    model = MLP(num_epochs=num_epochs, batch_size=batch_size, layers=layers, serialized_path=file_path)
    return model

# Set logging output...
for name in ["neon.util.persist", "neon.datasets.dataset", "neon.models.mlp"]:
    dslogger = logging.getLogger(name)

print "Starting training..."
for num_epochs in range(26,max_epochs+1, epoch_step_size):

    if num_epochs > 230:
        lrate = 0.0000003
    elif num_epochs > 60:
        lrate = 0.00001
    elif num_epochs > 40:
        lrate = 0.00003
        lrate = 0.0001

    # set up the model and experiment
    model = model_gen(lrate = lrate,
                      momentum_coef = 0.9,
                      num_epochs = num_epochs,
                      batch_size = batch_size)

    # Uncomment line below to run on CPU backend
    backend = gen_backend(rng_seed=random_seed)
    # Uncomment line below to run on GPU using cudanet backend
    # backend = gen_backend(rng_seed=0, gpu='cudanet')
    experiment = FitPredictErrorExperiment(model=model,

    # Run the training, and dump weights
    dest_path = expanduser('~/data/workout-cnn/workout-ep' + str(num_epochs) + '.prm')
    if num_epochs > 0:
        res =
        # Save the weights at this epoch
        shutil.copy2(file_path, dest_path)
        print "Finished epoch " + str(num_epochs)
        model.epochs_complete = 0
        serialize(model.get_params(), dest_path)

print "Finished training!"

	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 26, training error: 0.18879
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Epochs: 75 Batch-Size: 30
Starting training...
Finished epoch 26
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 27, training error: 0.17689
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 27
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 28, training error: 0.16732
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 28
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 29, training error: 0.16821
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 29
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 30, training error: 0.15454
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 30
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 31, training error: 0.14773
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 31
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 32, training error: 0.14312
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 32
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 33, training error: 0.13829
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 33
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 34, training error: 0.13373
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 34
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 35, training error: 0.12945
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 35
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 36, training error: 0.11935
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 36
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 37, training error: 0.11506
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 37
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 38, training error: 0.11072
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 38
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 39, training error: 0.10636
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 39
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 40, training error: 0.10155
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 40
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 41, training error: 0.08609
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 41
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 42, training error: 0.08162
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 42
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 43, training error: 0.07943
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 43
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 44, training error: 0.07751
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 44
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 45, training error: 0.07616
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 45
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 46, training error: 0.07479
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 46
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 47, training error: 0.07343
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 47
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 48, training error: 0.07225
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 48
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 49, training error: 0.07110
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 49
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 50, training error: 0.07009
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 50
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 51, training error: 0.06924
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 51
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 52, training error: 0.06819
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 52
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 53, training error: 0.06720
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 53
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 54, training error: 0.06627
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 54
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 55, training error: 0.06550
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 55
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 56, training error: 0.06437
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 56
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 57, training error: 0.06377
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 57
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 58, training error: 0.06272
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 58
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 59, training error: 0.06190
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 59
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 60, training error: 0.06101
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 60
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 61, training error: 0.05833
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 61
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 62, training error: 0.05705
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 62
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 63, training error: 0.05655
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 63
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 64, training error: 0.05618
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 64
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 65, training error: 0.05582
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 65
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 66, training error: 0.05549
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 66
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 67, training error: 0.05523
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 67
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 68, training error: 0.05488
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 68
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 69, training error: 0.05459
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 69
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 70, training error: 0.05430
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 70
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 71, training error: 0.05402
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 71
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 72, training error: 0.05376
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 72
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 73, training error: 0.05347
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 73
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 74, training error: 0.05319
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 74
	DataLayer layer: 3 x (400 x 1) nodes
	ConvLayer cv_1: 3 x (400 x 1) inputs, 16 x (396 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_1: 16 x (396 x 1) inputs, 16 x (198 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	ConvLayer cv_2: 16 x (198 x 1) inputs, 32 x (194 x 1) nodes, RectLin act_fn
	PoolingLayer po_2: 32 x (194 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_1: 32 x (97 x 1) inputs, 32 x (97 x 1) nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_1: 3104 inputs, 100 nodes, RectLin act_fn
	DropOutLayer do_2: 100 inputs, 100 nodes, Linear act_fn
	FCLayer fc_2: 100 inputs, 29 nodes, Logistic act_fn
	CostLayer cost: 29 nodes, CrossEntropy cost_fn

WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 13 samples...
WARNING:neon.datasets.dataset:Incompatible batch size. Discarding 19 samples...
WARNING:neon.util.persist:deserializing object from:  /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
INFO:neon.models.mlp:commencing model fitting
INFO:neon.models.mlp:epoch: 75, training error: 0.05296
WARNING:neon.util.persist:serializing object to: /Users/tombocklisch/data/workout-cnn/workout-cnn.prm
Finished epoch 75
Finished training!

To check weather the network is learning something we will plot the weight matrices of the different training epochs.

In [56]:
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot, cm
from pylab import *
from IPython.html import widgets
from IPython.html.widgets import interact

def closestSqrt(i):
    N = int(math.sqrt(i))
    while True:
        M = int(i / N)
        if N * M == i:
            return N, M
        N -= 1
def plot_filters(**kwargs):
    n = kwargs['n']
    layer_name = kwargs['layer']
    dest_path = expanduser('~/data/workout-cnn/workout-ep' + str(n) + '.prm')
    params = pkl.load(open(dest_path, 'r'))

    wts = params[layer_name]['weights']

    nrows, ncols = closestSqrt(wts.shape[0])
    fr, fc = closestSqrt(wts.shape[1])
    fi = 0

    W = np.zeros((fr*nrows, fc*ncols))
    for row, col in [(row, col) for row in range(nrows) for col in range(ncols)]:
        W[fr*row:fr*(row+1):,fc*col:fc*(col+1)] = wts[fi].reshape(fr,fc)
        fi = fi + 1

    matshow(W, cmap=cm.gray)
    title('Visualizing weights of '+layer_name+' in epoch ' + str(n) )
layer_names = map(lambda l: l[1].name+"_"+str(l[0]), filter(lambda l: l[1].has_params, enumerate(model.layers)))

_i = interact(plot_filters,
              layer=widgets.widget_selection.ToggleButtons(options = layer_names),
                                        min=0, max=max_epochs, value=0, step=epoch_step_size))

In [58]:
print "Lowest test error: %0.2f%%" % np.min(test_err)
print "Lowest train error: %0.2f%%" % np.min(train_err)

pyplot.plot(range(epoch_step_size*26, max_epochs+1, epoch_step_size), train_err, linewidth=3, label='train')
pyplot.plot(range(epoch_step_size*26, max_epochs+1, epoch_step_size), test_err, linewidth=3, label='test')
pyplot.ylabel("error %")

Lowest test error: 9.80%
Lowest train error: 1.24%

Let's also have a look at the confusion matrix for the test dataset.

In [54]:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from ipy_table import *

# confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
predicted, actual = model.predict_fullset(dataset, "test")

y_pred = np.argmax(predicted.asnumpyarray(), axis = 0) 
y_true = np.argmax(actual.asnumpyarray(), axis = 0) 

confusion_mat = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, range(0,dataset.num_labels))

# Fiddle around with cm to get it into table shape
confusion_mat = vstack((np.zeros((1,dataset.num_labels), dtype=int), confusion_mat))
confusion_mat = hstack((np.zeros((dataset.num_labels + 1, 1), dtype=int), confusion_mat))

table = confusion_mat.tolist()

human_labels = map(dataset.human_label_for, range(0,dataset.num_labels))

for i,s in enumerate(human_labels):
    table[0][i+1] = s
    table[i+1][0] = s

table[0][0] = "actual \ predicted"

mt = make_table(table)
set_row_style(0, color='lightGray', rotate = "315deg")
set_column_style(0, color='lightGray')

for i in range(1, dataset.num_labels + 1):
    for j in range(1, dataset.num_labels + 1):
        if i == j:
            set_cell_style(i,j, color='lightGreen', width = 80)
        elif table[i][j] > 20:
            set_cell_style(i,j, color='Pink')
        elif table[i][j] > 0:
            set_cell_style(i,j, color='lightYellow')

actual \&nbsppredicteddumbbell-chest-pressdumbbell-chest-flybarbell-presslat-pulldown-straighttwistangle-chest-presslat-pulldown-angledcable-cross-oversdumbbell-presslateral-raiseside-dipsdeltoid-rowleverage-high-rowpulldown-crunchdumbbell-rowdumbbell-front-risetriceps-dipsrope-triceps-extensionstraight-bar-biceps-curlcable-deltoid-cross-oversrope-biceps-curlstraight-bar-triceps-extensionalt-dumbbell-biceps-curlbarbell-biceps-curldumbbell-side-riseoverhead-pullbarbell-pulluprowingdumbbell-biceps-curl

In [ ]: