In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
import scipy.signal
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
In [2]:
obs_rate = 100
def load_file(filename):
phase = np.fromfile(filename, dtype = 'float32').astype('double')
start = np.datetime64(filename.strip('.f32').split('_')[-1])
timestamps = start + np.timedelta64(1, 'ns') * np.arange(phase.shape[0]) * 1e9 / obs_rate
return xr.Dataset({'phase' : ('time', np.unwrap(phase))}, coords = {'time' : timestamps})
It seems that the DF9NP GPSDO lost lock shortly after 2019-11-20T04:57:30. We exclude the measurements after this moment.
In [3]:
data = load_file('gpsdo_phase_2019-11-17T21:55:29.989819.f32').sel(time = slice('2019-11-17T21:55:31', '2019-11-20T04:57:30'))
In [4]:
(data.coords['time'][-1] - data.coords['time'][0]).astype('float')*1e-9
In [5]:
residual_freq = np.polyfit((data.coords['time'] - data.coords['time'][0]).astype('float') * 1e-9, data['phase'], 1)[0]/(2*np.pi)
In [6]:
f_obs = 10e6
plt.figure(figsize = (12,6), facecolor = 'w')
plt.plot(data.coords['time'][::100], scipy.signal.detrend(data['phase'][::100]/(2*np.pi*f_obs)*1e9))
plt.title('Phase difference (linear trend removed)')
plt.ylabel('Phase difference (ns)')
plt.xlabel('UTC time')
plt.legend(['DF9NP -- Vectron MD-011 (10MHz)']);
RMS phase difference:
In [7]:
In [8]:
def adev(series, skip, freq = 10e9, overlapping = False):
x = series.values/(2*np.pi*freq)
tau = skip / obs_rate
if overlapping:
y = x[:-2*skip] - 2*x[skip:-skip] + x[2*skip:]
z = x[:x.size//skip*skip].reshape((-1,skip))[:,0]
y = z[:-2] - 2*z[1:-1] + z[2:]
return np.sqrt(0.5/tau**2*np.average(y**2))
def get_skips(n):
if n <= 0:
return np.array([], dtype = 'int')
a = int(np.log10(n))
step = max(10**(a-2), 1)
return np.concatenate((get_skips(10**a - 1) , np.arange(10**a, n+1, step)))
def compute_adev(data, overlapping = False):
skips = get_skips(data.coords['time'].size//2)
taus = skips / obs_rate
adevs = [adev(data['phase'], skip, f_obs, overlapping) for skip in skips]
return xr.Dataset({'adev' : ('tau', adevs)}, coords = {'tau' : taus})
Recompute Allan deviations (takes several minutes)
In [9]:
# adevs = compute_adev(data, overlapping = True)
# adevs.to_netcdf('')
In [10]:
adevs = xr.open_dataset('')
adevs_qo100 = xr.open_dataset('')
In [11]:
def plot_adev(a, label):
plt.loglog(a.coords['tau'], a['adev'], label = f'{label}')
In [12]:
plt.figure(figsize = (12,6), facecolor = 'w')
plot_adev(adevs, 'DF9NP -- Vectron MD-011 (10MHz)')
plt.loglog(adevs_qo100.coords['tau'], adevs_qo100['CW-BPSK'], label = 'DF9NP -- Bochum (QO100, 2.4GHz)')
plt.xlabel('$\\tau$ (s)')
plt.grid(which = 'both')
plt.title('Allan deviation');