In [1]:
import df_utils as du
import pandas as pd

In [2]:
df = pd.DataFrame([[-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [.5, 0, .5], [-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1]])

0 1 2
0 -1.0 0 1.0
1 1.0 0 -1.0
2 0.5 0 0.5
3 -1.0 0 1.0
4 1.0 0 -1.0


1. pairwise_correlation( df ): It can calculate the Pearson correlation coefficients(P) for each 2 rows in data frame.

  • df : data frame input

In [3]:
#Try now

def pairwise_correlation(df):
    #Print data first to make it easy to check.
    print(df,"\n\nP value:")
    metrix = pd.DataFrame()
    #Use 'iterrows()' to get rows repeatedly.
    #There are two for loops. 
     The outer for loop is used to get each row, 
     and the inner for loop is to make each row from the outer loop compare to each row(including itself).
    #'np.corrcoef(X,Y)' is used to caculate the Pearson correlation coefficient.
     It will yield the matrix:
            P(X,X) P(X,Y)
            P(Y,X) P(Y,Y)
     So I use 'np.corrcoef(X,Y)[0,1]' just to get value P(X,Y) at positon (0,1) in matrix.
     It can also be used if there are three or more arrays, like 'np.corrcoef(X,Y,Z,......)'.
    #Because the output of rows from 'interrows()' is a series, I use 'tolist()' to make it bacome an array,
     and then can be used in 'np.corrcoef(X,Y)'.
    #I remain the original way I did printing out all the P valuse line by line. 
     After Monday class, I appended all Ps into a data frame, 
     and then change the labels of index and columns by using a list 'labels', 
     and use 'labels.append('row'+str(index+1))' in outer for loop to create labels. 
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        for index2, row2 in df.iterrows():
            P = np.corrcoef(row.tolist(), row2.tolist())[0,1]
            print("P value of row%d and row%d is %.2f." %(index+1,index2+1,P))
            metrix.loc[index,index2] = P
    metrix.columns = labels
    metrix.index = labels
    print("\nTable of P values")
    return metrix

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5
3 -1.0  0  1.0
4  1.0  0 -1.0 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row1 and row4 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row5 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row4 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row5 is 1.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.
P value of row3 and row4 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row5 is 0.00.
P value of row4 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row4 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row4 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row4 and row4 is 1.00.
P value of row4 and row5 is -1.00.
P value of row5 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row5 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row5 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row5 and row4 is -1.00.
P value of row5 and row5 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3  row4  row5
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0   1.0  -1.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0  -1.0   1.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0   0.0   0.0
row4   1.0  -1.0   0.0   1.0  -1.0
row5  -1.0   1.0   0.0  -1.0   1.0
row1 row2 row3 row4 row5
row1 1.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0
row2 -1.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 1.0
row3 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
row4 1.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0
row5 -1.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 1.0

2. corr_rowi_rowj( df , i , j ): It can calculate the Pearson correlation coefficients(P) for selected 2 rows.

  • df : data frame input
  • i : the first row you select
  • j : the second row you select ##### Note: i and j are rows in a data frame, not index in python.

In [4]:
#Try now
def corr_rowi_rowj(df,i,j):

    #Print data first to make it easy to check.

    print(df,"\n\nP value:")
    #'np.corrcoef(X,Y)' is used to caculate the Pearson correlation coefficient.
     It will yield the matrix:
            P(X,X) P(X,Y)
            P(Y,X) P(Y,Y)
     So I use 'np.corrcoef(X,Y)[0,1]' just to get value P(X,Y) at positon (0,1) in matrix.
     It can also be used if there are three or more arrays, like 'np.corrcoef(X,Y,Z,......)'.
    #'iloc[i-1]'is used to locate the row.
     'i-1' is used because the difference between index (from 0) and actual row is 1.
    #Because the output of rows from 'iloc[i-1]' is a series, I use 'tolist()' to make it bacome an array,
     and then can be used in 'np.corrcoef(X,Y)'.
    P = np.corrcoef(df.iloc[i-1].tolist(), df.iloc[j-1].tolist())[0,1]
    print("P value of row%d and row%d is %.2f." %(i,j,P))
    return P
#Note: In this case, row2(row of index 1) and row3 (row of index 2) are compared.

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5
3 -1.0  0  1.0
4  1.0  0 -1.0 

P value:
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.

3. corr_rowi_vs_all1( df ): It can calculate the Pearson correlation coefficients(P) for each 2 rows (not including itself) in data frame.

  • df : data frame input

In [5]:
#Try now
def corr_rowi_vs_all1(df):
    #Print data first to make it easy to check.
    print(df,"\n\nP value:")
    metrix = pd.DataFrame()
    labels = []
    #Use 'iterrows()' to get rows repeatedly.
    #There are two for loops. 
     The outer for loop is used to get each row, 
     and the inner for loop is to make each row from the outer loop compare to each row(including itself).
    #There is a if loop in the inner for loop to avoid calculating P between 2 same rows 
     by checking the index values between 2 rows. I use "P=1" instead of "1" to clearly show it.
    #'np.corrcoef(X,Y)' is used to caculate the Pearson correlation coefficient.
     It will yield the matrix:
            P(X,X) P(X,Y)
            P(Y,X) P(Y,Y)
     So I use 'np.corrcoef(X,Y)[0,1]' just to get value P(X,Y) at positon (0,1) in matrix.
     It can also be used if there are three or more arrays, like 'np.corrcoef(X,Y,Z,......)'.
    #Because the output of rows from 'interrows()' is a series, I use 'tolist()' to make it bacome an array,
     and then can be used in 'np.corrcoef(X,Y)'.
    #I remain the original way I did printing out all the P valuse line by line. 
     After Monday class, I appended all Ps into a data frame, 
     and then change the labels of index and columns by using a list 'labels', 
     and use 'labels.append('row'+str(index+1))' in outer for loop to create labels. 
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        for index2, row2 in df.iterrows():
            if index==index2:
                metrix.loc[index,index] = "P=1"
                P = np.corrcoef(row.tolist(), row2.tolist())[0,1]
                print("P value of row%d and row%d is %.2f." %(index+1,index2+1,P))
                metrix.loc[index, index2] = P
    metrix.columns = labels
    metrix.index = labels
    print("\nTables for P values:")
    return metrix



     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5
3 -1.0  0  1.0
4  1.0  0 -1.0 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row1 and row4 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row5 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row4 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row5 is 1.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row4 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row5 is 0.00.
P value of row4 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row4 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row4 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row4 and row5 is -1.00.
P value of row5 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row5 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row5 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row5 and row4 is -1.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3 row4 row5
row1  P=1   -1    0    1   -1
row2   -1  P=1    0   -1    1
row3    0    0  P=1    0    0
row4    1   -1    0  P=1   -1
row5   -1    1    0   -1  P=1
row1 row2 row3 row4 row5
row1 P=1 -1 0 1 -1
row2 -1 P=1 0 -1 1
row3 0 0 P=1 0 0
row4 1 -1 0 P=1 -1
row5 -1 1 0 -1 P=1

4. corr_rowi_vs_all2( df , i ): It can calculate the Pearson correlation coefficients(P) for a selected row to all the other rows.

  • df : data frame input
  • i : the row you select ##### Note: i is a row in a data frame, not an index in python.

In [6]:
#Try now
def corr_rowi_vs_all2(df,i):
    #Print data first to make it easy to check. 
    print(df,"\n\nP value:")
    metrix = pd.DataFrame()
    labels = []

    #Use a for loop and 'iterrows()' to get rows repeatedly.
    #There is a if loop in the for loop to avoid calculating P between 2 same rows 
     by checking the index values between 2 rows. I use "P=1" instead of "1" to clearly show it.
    #'np.corrcoef(X,Y)' is used to caculate the Pearson correlation coefficient.
     It will yield the matrix:
            P(X,X) P(X,Y)
            P(Y,X) P(Y,Y)
     So I use 'np.corrcoef(X,Y)[0,1]' just to get value P(X,Y) at positon (0,1) in matrix.
     It can also be used if there are three or more arrays, like 'np.corrcoef(X,Y,Z,......)'.
    #Because the output of rows from 'interrows()' is a series, I use 'tolist()' to make it bacome an array,
     and then can be used in 'np.corrcoef(X,Y)'.
    #I remain the original way I did printing out all the P valuse line by line. 
     After Monday class, I appended all Ps into a data frame, 
     and then change the labels of index and columns by using a list 'labels', 
     and use 'labels.append('row'+str(index+1))' in outer for loop to create labels. 

    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        if (index+1)==i:
            metrix.loc[index,index] = "P=1"
            P = np.corrcoef(df.iloc[i-1].tolist(), row.tolist())[0,1]
            metrix.loc[i-1,index] = P
            print("P value of row%d and row%d is %.2f." %(i,index+1,P))
    metrix.columns = labels
    metrix.index = ["row"+str(i)]
    print("\nTable for P values:")
    return metrix


#Note: In this case, row4(row of index 3) is selected.

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5
3 -1.0  0  1.0
4  1.0  0 -1.0 

P value:
P value of row4 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row4 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row4 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row4 and row5 is -1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3 row4  row5
row4   1.0  -1.0   0.0  P=1  -1.0
row1 row2 row3 row4 row5
row4 1.0 -1.0 0.0 P=1 -1.0


1. pairwise_correlation( df ):

In [7]:
def test_pairwise_correlation():
    df = pd.DataFrame([[-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [.5, 0, .5]])
    assert int(du.pairwise_correlation(df).iloc[0,0]) == 1, "Diagonal elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.pairwise_correlation(df).iloc[0,1]) == -1, "Anticorrelated elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.pairwise_correlation(df).iloc[0,2]) == 0, "Uncorrelated elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.pairwise_correlation(df).iloc[1,2]) == int(du.pairwise_correlation(df).iloc[2,1]), "Data not appended properly"

In [8]:

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0

2. corr_rowi_rowj( df , i , j ):

In [9]:
def test_corr_rowi_rowj():
    df = pd.DataFrame([[-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [.5, 0, .5]])
    assert int(du.corr_rowi_rowj(df,1,1)) == 1, "Diagonal elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.corr_rowi_rowj(df,1,2)) == -1, "Anticorrelated elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.corr_rowi_rowj(df,1,3)) == 0, "Uncorrelated elements not handled properly"

In [10]:

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.

3. corr_rowi_vs_all1( df ):

In [11]:
def test_corr_rowi_vs_all1():
    df = pd.DataFrame([[-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [.5, 0, .5]])
    assert type(du.corr_rowi_vs_all1(df).iloc[0,0]) == str, "Diagonal elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.corr_rowi_vs_all1(df).iloc[0,1]) == -1, "Anticorrelated elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.corr_rowi_vs_all1(df).iloc[0,2]) == 0, "Uncorrelated elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.corr_rowi_vs_all1(df).iloc[1,2]) == int(du.corr_rowi_vs_all1(df).iloc[2,1]), "Data not appended properly"

In [12]:

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1

4. corr_rowi_vs_all2( df , i ):

In [13]:
def test_corr_rowi_vs_all2():
    df = pd.DataFrame([[-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [.5, 0, .5]])
    assert type(du.corr_rowi_vs_all2(df,2).iloc[0,1]) == str, "Diagonal elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.corr_rowi_vs_all2(df,2).iloc[0,0]) == -1, "Anticorrelated elements not handled properly"
    assert int(du.corr_rowi_vs_all2(df,2).iloc[0,2]) == 0, "Uncorrelated elements not handled properly"

In [14]:

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.

Table for P values:
      row1 row2  row3
row2  -1.0  P=1   0.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.

Table for P values:
      row1 row2  row3
row2  -1.0  P=1   0.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.

Table for P values:
      row1 row2  row3
row2  -1.0  P=1   0.0


In [15]:
import test_df_utils as ts

In [16]:

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row2 is 1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row3 is 1.00.

Table for P values:
      row1  row2  row3
row1   1.0  -1.0   0.0
row2  -1.0   1.0   0.0
row3   0.0   0.0   1.0

In [17]:

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row1 is 1.00.
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.

In [18]:

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row1 and row2 is -1.00.
P value of row1 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row1 is 0.00.
P value of row3 and row2 is 0.00.

Tables for P values:
     row1 row2 row3
row1  P=1   -1    0
row2   -1  P=1    0
row3    0    0  P=1

In [19]:

     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.

Table for P values:
      row1 row2  row3
row2  -1.0  P=1   0.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.

Table for P values:
      row1 row2  row3
row2  -1.0  P=1   0.0
     0  1    2
0 -1.0  0  1.0
1  1.0  0 -1.0
2  0.5  0  0.5 

P value:
P value of row2 and row1 is -1.00.
P value of row2 and row3 is 0.00.

Table for P values:
      row1 row2  row3
row2  -1.0  P=1   0.0

In [ ]: