Part 1 : For a single file

In [1]:
import os
filename = ''
if os.path.exists(filename):
    print('File already exists.') 
    print("File doesn't exist.")

File already exists.

In [2]:
import requests 
url = ''
req = requests.get(url)
assert req.status_code == 200
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:

In [3]:
import zipfile
import pandas as pd
csv_filename = 'HCEPDB_moldata.csv'
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename)
data = pd.read_csv(

In [4]:

id SMILES_str stoich_str mass pce voc jsc e_homo_alpha e_gap_alpha e_lumo_alpha tmp_smiles_str
0 655365 C1C=CC=C1c1cc2[se]c3c4occc4c4nsnc4c3c2cn1 C18H9N3OSSe 394.3151 5.161953 0.867601 91.567575 -5.467601 2.022944 -3.444656 C1=CC=C(C1)c1cc2[se]c3c4occc4c4nsnc4c3c2cn1
1 1245190 C1C=CC=C1c1cc2[se]c3c(ncc4ccccc34)c2c2=C[SiH2]... C22H15NSeSi 400.4135 5.261398 0.504824 160.401549 -5.104824 1.630750 -3.474074 C1=CC=C(C1)c1cc2[se]c3c(ncc4ccccc34)c2c2=C[SiH...
2 21847 C1C=c2ccc3c4c[nH]cc4c4c5[SiH2]C(=Cc5oc4c3c2=C1... C24H17NOSi 363.4903 0.000000 0.000000 197.474780 -4.539526 1.462158 -3.077368 C1=CC=C(C1)C1=Cc2oc3c(c2[SiH2]1)c1c[nH]cc1c1cc...
3 65553 [SiH2]1C=CC2=C1C=C([SiH2]2)C1=Cc2[se]ccc2[SiH2]1 C12H12SeSi3 319.4448 6.138294 0.630274 149.887545 -5.230274 1.682250 -3.548025 C1=CC2=C([SiH2]1)C=C([SiH2]2)C1=Cc2[se]ccc2[Si...
4 720918 C1C=c2c3ccsc3c3[se]c4cc(oc4c3c2=C1)C1=CC=CC1 C20H12OSSe 379.3398 1.991366 0.242119 126.581347 -4.842119 1.809439 -3.032680 C1=CC=C(C1)c1cc2[se]c3c4sccc4c4=CCC=c4c3c2o1

Part 2 : For three or more files

Set 1: download and unzip files, and read data.

  • Create a list for all files, and two dictionaries to conect to their url and file name of .csv.
  • Check which file exists by using os.path.exists in for and if loop, and print out results.
  • Only download files which don't exist by putting code in else loop.
  • Add some print commands in the loop to show which file is downloading and tell after it is done.
  • Unzip the files, and use zf list and data lits to read 3 .csv files respectively.
  • Since 3 sets of data are the same kind of data, I first creat a blank data frame outside the for loop, and then use append command to merge all the data.
  • Use shape and tail command to check data.

In [5]:
import os
import requests
import zipfile
import pandas as pd

zipfiles = ['','','']
url = {'':'','':'','':''}
csvfile = {'':'HCEPDB_moldata_set1.csv','':'HCEPDB_moldata_set2.csv','':'HCEPDB_moldata_set3.csv'}
zf = []
data = []
alldata = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(len(zipfiles)):
#check whether file exists.
    if os.path.exists(zipfiles[i]):
        print(zipfiles[i],"doesn't exist.")
#Download files.
        print(zipfiles[i],'is downloading.')
        req = requests.get(url[zipfiles[i]])
        assert req.status_code == 200
        with open(zipfiles[i], 'wb') as f:
        print(zipfiles[i],'is downloaded.')
#Unzip and read .csv files.    
    alldata = alldata.append(data[i],ignore_index=True)
#Check data
print('\nCheck data')    
print('shape of',csvfile[zipfiles[0]],'=',data[0].shape,'\nshape of',csvfile[zipfiles[1]],'=',data[1].shape,'\nshape of',csvfile[zipfiles[2]],'=',data[2].shape, '\nshape of all data =',alldata.shape)
alldata.tail() exists. doesn't exist. is downloading. is downloaded. exists.

Check data
shape of HCEPDB_moldata_set1.csv = (1106498, 11) 
shape of HCEPDB_moldata_set2.csv = (109854, 11) 
shape of HCEPDB_moldata_set3.csv = (1106497, 11) 
shape of all data = (2322849, 11)

id SMILES_str stoich_str mass pce voc jsc e_homo_alpha e_gap_alpha e_lumo_alpha tmp_smiles_str
2322844 1712111 [SiH2]1ccc2csc(c12)-c1sc(-c2sc(-c3scc4ccsc34)c... C24H12OS6Si 536.8398 2.951709 0.279912 162.292795 -4.879912 1.615145 -3.264767 c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1sc(-c2sc(-c3scc4ccsc34)c...
2322845 2304057 [SiH2]1ccc2csc(c12)-c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1ccc(... C22H14N4S3Si2 486.7506 9.335485 1.120744 128.197094 -5.720744 1.798600 -3.922144 c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1ccc(...
2322846 2007035 [SiH2]1ccc2csc(c12)-c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1ccc(... C26H18S3Si2 482.7982 2.498209 0.834995 46.046052 -5.434995 2.433160 -3.001835 c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1ccc(...
2322847 1961981 C1ccc2c1c(sc2-c1scc2cc[SiH2]c12)-c1ccc(cc1)-c1... C25H16S3SeSi 519.6454 2.679067 0.659243 62.544032 -5.259243 2.258468 -3.000775 c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1sc(c2Cccc12)-c1ccc(cc1)-...
2322848 2754558 [SiH2]1ccc2csc(c12)-c1sc(-c2sc(-c3scc4ccsc34)c... C24H13NOS5Si 519.7887 1.272400 0.102802 190.489616 -4.702802 1.490950 -3.211851 c1sc(c2[SiH2]ccc12)-c1sc(-c2sc(-c3scc4ccsc34)c...

Set 2: analyza data

In [6]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import math
alldata['(xi-x)^2'] = (alldata['mass'] - alldata['mass'].mean())**2
SD = math.sqrt(sum(alldata['(xi-x)^2'])/alldata.shape[0])
M = alldata['mass'].mean()
print('standard diviation of mass = ',SD,', mean of mass = ',M,"\n")
alldata['mass_group'] = pd.cut(alldata['mass'],bins=[min(alldata['mass']),M-3*SD,M-2*SD,M-SD,M+SD,M+2*SD,M+3*SD,max(alldata['mass'])],labels=["<(-3SD)","-3SD~-2SD","-2SD~-SD","-SD~+SD","+SD~+2SD","+2SD~+3SD",">(+3SD)"])
count = pd.value_counts(alldata['mass_group'],normalize=True)
print("Count numbers in each group(%)\n",count,"\n")
print("within 1 standard diviation:",count[3],"\nwithin 2 standard diviation:",count[2]+count[3]+count[4],"\nwithin 3 standard diviation:",count[2]+count[3]+count[4]+count[1]+count[5],"\n")
print("Conclusions: mass is nearly normal distribution!")

standard diviation of mass =  59.85315778069101 , mean of mass =  415.564049928 

Count numbers in each group(%)
 -SD~+SD      0.690258
-2SD~-SD     0.139429
+SD~+2SD     0.125102
-3SD~-2SD    0.028574
+2SD~+3SD    0.014762
<(-3SD)      0.001354
>(+3SD)      0.000521
Name: mass_group, dtype: float64 

within 1 standard diviation: 0.690257821433 
within 2 standard diviation: 0.954789120941 
within 3 standard diviation: 0.998125146372 

Conclusions: mass is nearly normal distribution!

Part 3: Compare Part 1 and Part 2

In part 2, I can download mutiple files which are not exist yet, and the length of the code is almost as much as part 1, which means it's much shorther than to replicate codes for 3 times. Furthermore, I just have to add a new file to the list zipfiles by append command, and add its url and .csv filename to dictionaries if there are new collected data files which need to be downloaded. The rest parts of codes are unchanged, which makes it easy to maintain.

In [ ]: