Jupyter notebook for the definition of FD model and modelling/FWI/RTM parameters of DENISE Black-Edition. For a more detailed explanation of the parameters, I refer to the DENISE Black-Edition user manual
Daniel Koehn
Kiel, 24.06.2019
In [1]:
# Import Python libaries
# ----------------------
import numpy as np # NumPy library
from denise_IO.denise_out import * # "DENISE" library
Define name of DENISE parameter file
In [2]:
para["filename"] = "DENISE_marm_OBC.inp"
Give a short description of your modelling/FWI problem
In [3]:
para["descr"] = "Marmousi-II"
What kind of PHYSICS do you want to use? (2D-PSV=1; 2D-AC=2; 2D-PSV-VTI=3; 2D-PSV-TTI=4; 2D-SH=5)
In [4]:
para["PHYSICS"] = 1
Choose DENISE operation mode (MODE): (forward_modelling_only=0; FWI=1; RTM=2)
In [5]:
para["MODE"] = 0
In [6]:
para["NX"] = 500 # number of grid points in x-direction
para["NY"] = 174 # number of grid points in y-direction
para["DH"] = 20. # spatial grid point distance [m]
Load external elastic model:
In [7]:
# Define model basename
base_model = "model/marmousi_II_marine"
# Open vp-model and write IEEE-le binary data to vp array
# -------------------------------------------------------
f = open(base_model + ".vp")
data_type = np.dtype ('float32').newbyteorder ('<')
vp = np.fromfile (f, dtype=data_type)
# Reshape (1 x nx*ny) vector to (ny x nx) matrix
vp = vp.reshape(para["NX"],para["NY"])
vp = np.transpose(vp)
vp = np.flipud(vp)
# Open vs-model and write IEEE-le binary data to vs array
# -------------------------------------------------------
f = open(base_model + ".vs")
data_type = np.dtype ('float32').newbyteorder ('<')
vs = np.fromfile (f, dtype=data_type)
# Reshape (1 x nx*ny) vector to (ny x nx) matrix
vs = vs.reshape(para["NX"],para["NY"])
vs = np.transpose(vs)
vs = np.flipud(vs)
# Open rho-model and write IEEE-le binary data to rho array
# ---------------------------------------------------------
f = open(base_model + ".rho")
data_type = np.dtype ('float32').newbyteorder ('<')
rho = np.fromfile (f, dtype=data_type)
# Reshape (1 x nx*ny) vector to (ny x nx) matrix
rho = rho.reshape(para["NX"],para["NY"])
rho = np.transpose(rho)
rho = np.flipud(rho)
Define coordinate axis
In [8]:
x = np.arange(para["DH"], para["DH"] * (para["NX"] + 1), para["DH"])
y = np.arange(para["DH"], para["DH"] * (para["NY"] + 1), para["DH"])
# convert m -> km
x = np.divide(x,1000.0);
y = np.divide(y,1000.0);
Plot external model
In [9]:
cmap = "magma" # colormap
# define minimum and maximum material parameter values
vpmin = np.min(vp)
vpmax = np.max(vp)
vsmin = np.min(vs)
vsmax = np.max(vs)
rhomin = np.min(rho)
rhomax = np.max(rho)
# plot elastic model
Write model to IEEE-le binary file
In [10]:
# model basename
model_basename = "marmousi_II_marine"
# location of model files
para["MFILE"] = "start/" + model_basename
# writing P-wave velocity model to IEEE-le binary file
name_model = model_basename + ".vp"
f = open (name_model, mode='wb')
data_type = np.dtype ('float32').newbyteorder ('<')
vp1 = np.array(vp, dtype=data_type)
vp1 = np.rot90(vp1,3)
# writing S-wave velocity model to IEEE-le binary file
name_model = model_basename + ".vs"
f = open (name_model, mode='wb')
data_type = np.dtype ('float32').newbyteorder ('<')
vs1 = np.array(vs, dtype=data_type)
vs1 = np.rot90(vs1,3)
# writing density model to IEEE-le binary file
name_model = model_basename + ".rho"
f = open (name_model, mode='wb')
data_type = np.dtype ('float32').newbyteorder ('<')
rho1 = np.array(rho, dtype=data_type)
rho1 = np.rot90(rho1,3)
To check if the models are correctly written to the binary files, you can use the Seismic Unix function ximage
In [11]:
print("ximage n1=" + str(para["NY"]) + " < " + model_basename + ".vp")
print("ximage n1=" + str(para["NY"]) + " < " + model_basename + ".vs")
print("ximage n1=" + str(para["NY"]) + " < " + model_basename + ".rho")
Spatial FD operator coefficients are based on Taylor series expansion and optimized according to Holberg (1987)
In [12]:
# Order of spatial FD operator (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12)
para["FD_ORDER"] = 8
# Maximum relative group velocity error E
# (minimum number of grid points per shortest wavelength is defined by FD_ORDER and E)
# values:
# 0 = Taylor coefficients
# 1 = Holberg coeff.: E = 0.1 %
# 2 = E = 0.5 %
# 3 = E = 1.0 %
# 4 = E = 3.0 %
para["max_relative_error"] = 3
Estimate the maximum frequency in the source wavelet, which can be modelled by the given FD grid discretization and spatial FD operator
In [13]:
# maximum modelling frequency based on grid dispersion criterion for spatial FD operator
freqmax = calc_max_freq(vp,vs,para)
If you want to model higher frequency wave propagation, you have to decrease the spatial gridpoint distance DH by resampling the model
In [14]:
para["NPROCX"] = 5 # number of processors in x-direction
para["NPROCY"] = 3 # number of processors in y-direction
Check if the spatial domain decomposition is consistent with the spatial FD grid discretization. The following conditions have to be satisfied
In [15]:
If the domain decomposition conditions are not satisfied, you have to add additional gridpoints at the bottom and right model boundary.
Calculate maximum time step DT according to the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) criterion
In [16]:
para["DT"] = check_stability(vp,vs,para)
If you want to apply a FWI, keep in mind that the FWI will change the velocity model. Therefore, the maxium seismic velocities in the model will increase and you should choose a smaller time step than the DT derived from the CFL criterion
In [17]:
para["TIME"] = 6.0 # time of wave propagation [s]
para["DT"] = 2.0e-3 # timestep [s]
In [18]:
# receiver x-coordinates
drec = 20. # receiver spacing [m]
xrec1 = 800. # 1st receiver position [m]
xrec2 = 8780. # last receiver position [m]
xrec = np.arange(xrec1, xrec2 + para["DH"], drec) # receiver positions in x-direction [m]
# place receivers at depth yrec [m]
depth_rec = 460. # receiver depth [m]
yrec = depth_rec * xrec/xrec
# assemble vectors into an array
tmp = np.zeros(xrec.size, dtype=[('var1', float), ('var2', float)])
tmp['var1'] = xrec
tmp['var2'] = yrec
# write receiver positions to file
basename_rec = 'receiver_OBC'
np.savetxt(basename_rec + ".dat", tmp, fmt='%4.3f %4.3f')
Define type of seismograms SEISMO:
SEISMO=0: no seismograms
SEISMO=1: particle-velocities
SEISMO=2: pressure (hydrophones)
SEISMO=3: curl and div
SEISMO=4: everything
In [19]:
# type of seismogram
para["SEISMO"] = 1
How does DENISE read receiver positions from a file? In case of a fixed spread geometry you only need a single receiver file (READREC=1). If you want to model streamer geometry or more generally variable acquisition geometry with changing receiver positions for each shot, you have to define a separate receiver file for each shot (READREC=2)
In [20]:
para["READREC"] = 1
Define location and basename of receiver file, defined above, without ".dat" extension
In [21]:
para["REC_FILE"] = "./receiver/" + basename_rec
Define the seismogram properties
In [22]:
para["NDT"] = 1 # seismogram sampling rate in timesteps (has to be set to NDT=1 if you run FWI)
# location and name of seismogram output files in SU format
# particle velocities (if SEISMO=1 or SEISMO=4)
para["SEIS_FILE_VX"] = "su/DENISE_MARMOUSI_x.su" # filename for vx component
para["SEIS_FILE_VY"] = "su/DENISE_MARMOUSI_y.su" # filename for vy component
# curl and div of wavefield (if SEISMO=3 or SEISMO=4)
para["SEIS_FILE_CURL"] = "su/DENISE_MARMOUSI_rot.su" # filename for rot_z component ~ S-wave energy
para["SEIS_FILE_DIV"] = "su/DENISE_MARMOUSI_div.su" # filename for div component ~ P-wave energy
# pressure field (hydrophones) (if SEISMO=2 or SEISMO=4)
para["SEIS_FILE_P"] = "su/DENISE_MARMOUSI_p.su" # filename for pressure component
In [23]:
# source x-coordinates
dsrc = 80. # source spacing [m]
xsrc1 = 800. # 1st source position [m]
xsrc2 = 8780. # last source position [m]
xsrc = np.arange(xsrc1, xsrc2 + para["DH"], dsrc) # source positions in x-direction [m]
# place sources at depth ysrc [m]
depth_src = 40. # source depth [m]
ysrc = depth_src * xsrc/xsrc
# number of source positions
nshot = (int)(len(ysrc))
# z-coordinate = 0 due to 2D code [m]
zsrc = 0.0 * (xsrc / xsrc)
# time delay of source wavelet [s]
td = 0.0 * (xsrc / xsrc)
# center frequency of pre-defined source wavelet [Hz]
fc = 10.0 * (xsrc / xsrc)
# you can also use the maximum frequency computed from the grid dispersion
# criterion in section 3. based on spatial discretization and FD operator
# fc = (freqmax / 2.) * (xsrc / xsrc)
# amplitude of source wavelet [m]
amp = 1.0 * (xsrc / xsrc)
# angle of rotated source [°]
angle = 0.0 * (xsrc / xsrc)
# define source type:
# 2D PSV case
# -----------
# explosive sources (QUELLTYP=1)
# point forces in x- and y-direction (QUELLTYP=2,3)
# 2D SH case
# -----------
# point force in z-direction (QUELLTYP=1)
src_type = QUELLTYP * (xsrc / xsrc)
# write source positions and properties to file
basename_src = "source_OBC_VSP.dat"
# create and open source file
fp = open(basename_src, mode='w')
# write nshot to file header
fp.write(str(nshot) + "\n")
# write source properties to file
for i in range(0,nshot):
fp.write('{:4.2f}'.format(xsrc[i]) + "\t" + '{:4.2f}'.format(zsrc[i]) + "\t" + '{:4.2f}'.format(ysrc[i]) + "\t" + '{:1.2f}'.format(td[i]) + "\t" + '{:4.2f}'.format(fc[i]) + "\t" + '{:1.2f}'.format(amp[i]) + "\t" + '{:1.2f}'.format(angle[i]) + "\t" + str(src_type[i]) + "\t" + "\n")
# close source file
Define location of the source file:
In [24]:
para["SOURCE_FILE"] = "./source/" + basename_src
Do you want to excite all source positions simultaneously (RUN_MULTIPLE_SHOTS=0) or start a separate modelling run for each shot (RUN_MULTIPLE_SHOTS=1)
In [25]:
Define shape of the source signal (QUELLART)
read wavelet from ASCII file = 3
SIN^3 wavelet = 4
Bandlimited spike wavelet = 6
Klauder wavelet = 7
$\rm{k=(FC\_SPIKE\_2-FC\_SPIKE\_1)/TS}$ (rate of change of frequency with time)
$\rm{f_0=(FC\_SPIKE\_2+FC\_SPIKE\_1)/2}$ (midfrequency of bandwidth)
In these equations, t denotes time and $f_c$ is the center frequency. $t_d$ is a time delay which can be defined for each source position in SOURCE_FILE. Note that the symmetric (zero phase) Ricker signal is always delayed by $1.0/f_c$, which means that after one period the maximum amplitude is excited at the source location.
In [26]:
para["QUELLART"] = 6
If you read the wavelet from an ASCII file (QUELLART=3), you have to define the location of the signal file (SIGNAL_FILE)
In [27]:
para["SIGNAL_FILE"] = "./wavelet/wavelet_marmousi"
In case of the bandlimited spike wavelet you have to define ...
If FC_SPIKE_1 <= 0.0 a low-pass filtered spike with upper corner frequency FC_SPIKE_2 and order ORDER_SPIKE is calculated
If FC_SPIKE_1 > 0.0 a band-pass filtered spike with lower corner frequency FC_SPIKE_1 and upper corner frequency FC_SPIKE_2 with order ORDER_SPIKE is calculated
In [28]:
para["FC_SPIKE_1"] = -5.0 # lower corner frequency [Hz]
para["FC_SPIKE_2"] = 15.0 # upper corner frequency [Hz]
# you can also use the maximum frequency computed from the grid dispersion
# criterion in section 3. based on spatial discretization and FD operator
# para["FC_SPIKE_2"] = freqmax # upper corner frequency [Hz]
para["ORDER_SPIKE"] = 5 # order of Butterworth filter
In case of the Klauder wavelet you have to define the sweep length TS
In [29]:
para["TS"] = 8.0 # sweep length [s]
Do you want to write the source wavelet to a SU file for each shot (WRITE_STF=1)?
In [30]:
para["WRITE_STF"] = 1
Plot acquisition geometry relative to the subsurface model. Red stars denote the source positions and cyan triangles receiver positions
In [31]:
cmap = "inferno"
In [32]:
para["L"] = 0 # number of relaxation mechanisms
para["FL"] = 40. # relaxation frequencies [Hz]
In [33]:
# free surface boundary condition
para["FREE_SURF"] = 1 # activate free surface boundary condition
# PML boundary frame
para["FW"] = 10
para["DAMPING"] = 1500.
para["FPML"] = 10.
para["npower"] = 4.
para["k_max_PML"] = 1.
In [34]:
para["SNAP"] = 0
para["SNAP_SHOT"] = 1 # compute and write snapshots for shot no. SNAP_SHOT
para["TSNAP1"] = 0.002 # first snapshot [s] (TSNAP1 has to fullfill the condition TSNAP1 > DT)
para["TSNAP2"] = 3.0 # first snapshot [s]
para["TSNAPINC"] = 0.06 # snapshot increment [s]
para["IDX"] = 1 # write only every IDX spatial grid point in x-direction to snapshot file
para["IDY"] = 1 # write only every IDY spatial grid point in y-direction to snapshot file
para["SNAP_FILE"] = "./snap/waveform_forward" # location and basename of the snapshot files
In [35]:
para["LOG_FILE"] = "log/Marmousi.log" # Log file name
In [36]:
para["ITERMAX"] = 600 # maximum number of TDFWI iterations at each FWI stage defined in FWI workflow file
para["JACOBIAN"] = "jacobian/gradient_Test" # location and basename of FWI gradients
para["DATA_DIR"] = "su/MARMOUSI_spike/DENISE_MARMOUSI" # location and basename of field data seismograms
para["INVMAT1"] = 1 # material parameterization for FWI (Vp,Vs,rho=1/Zp,Zs,rho=2/lam,mu,rho=3)
# Adjoint source type
# x-y components = 1; y-comp = 2; x-comp = 3; p-comp = 4; x-p-comp = 5; y-p-comp = 6; x-y-p-comp = 7
para["QUELLTYPB"] = 1
# Optimization method
para["GRAD_METHOD"] = 2 # PCG = 1; LBFGS = 2
# PCG_BETA (Fletcher_Reeves=1/Polak_Ribiere=2/Hestenes_Stiefel=3/Dai_Yuan=4)
para["PCG_BETA"] = 2
# store NLBFGS update during LBFGS optimization
para["NLBFGS"] = 20
# store wavefields only every DTINV time sample for gradient computation
para["DTINV"] = 3
# FWI log file location and name
para["MISFIT_LOG_FILE"] = "Marmousi_fwi_log.dat"
In [37]:
# gradient taper geometry
para["GRADT1"] = 21
para["GRADT2"] = 25
para["GRADT3"] = 490
para["GRADT4"] = 500
para["TAPERLENGTH"] = (int)(para["GRADT2"]-para["GRADT1"])
# apply vertical taper (SWS_TAPER_GRAD_VERT=1)
# apply horizontal taper (SWS_TAPER_GRAD_HOR=1)
para["SWS_TAPER_GRAD_HOR"] = 1
# exponent of depth scaling for preconditioning
para["EXP_TAPER_GRAD_HOR"] = 2.0
# Circular taper around all sources (not at receiver positions)
para["SRTSHAPE"] = 1 # SRTSHAPE: 1 = error_function; 2 = log_function
para["SRTRADIUS"] = 5. # --> minimum for SRTRADIUS is 5x5 gridpoints
# Read taper file from external file
para["SWS_TAPER_FILE"] = 0
In [38]:
# model location and basename
para["INV_MODELFILE"] = "model/modelTest"
# write inverted model after each iteration (yes=1)?
# Warning: Might require a lot of disk space
para["INV_MOD_OUT"] = 0
In [39]:
# upper limit for vp
para["VPUPPERLIM"] = 6000.
# lower limit for vp
para["VPLOWERLIM"] = 0.
# upper limit for vs
para["VSUPPERLIM"] = 4000.
# lower limit for vs
para["VSLOWERLIM"] = 0.
# upper limit for density
para["RHOUPPERLIM"] = 3000.
# lower limit for density
para["RHOLOWERLIM"] = 1000.
# upper limit for Qs
para["QSUPPERLIM"] = 100.
# lower limit for Qs
para["QSLOWERLIM"] = 10.
In [40]:
para["EPS_SCALE"] = 0.01 # initial model update during step length estimation
para["STEPMAX"] = 6 # maximum number of attemps to find a step length during line search
para["SCALEFAC"] = 2. # scale step during line search
# evaluate objective function only for a limited number of shots
para["TESTSHOT_START"] = 25
para["TESTSHOT_END"] = 75
para["TESTSHOT_INCR"] = 10
In [41]:
# Activate trace muting (yes=1)
para["TRKILL"] = 0
# Location and name of trace mute file containing muting matrix
para["TRKILL_FILE"] = "./trace_kill/trace_kill.dat"
In [42]:
# Basename of picked traveltimes for each shot
# Time damping parameters are defined in the DENISE
# workflow file for each FWI stage
para["PICKS_FILE"] = "./picked_times/picks_"
In [43]:
(a) Move model files to the directory DENISE-Black-Edition/par/para["MFILE"]
In [44]:
print("mv " + model_basename + ".vp DENISE-Black-Edition/par/" + para["MFILE"] + ".vp")
print("mv " + model_basename + ".vs DENISE-Black-Edition/par/" + para["MFILE"] + ".vs")
print("mv " + model_basename + ".rho DENISE-Black-Edition/par/" + para["MFILE"] + ".rho")
You can also copy the model files to a HPC cluster using SCP.
(b) Move source file to the directory DENISE-Black-Edition/par/para["SOURCE_FILE"]
In [45]:
print("mv " + basename_src + " DENISE-Black-Edition/par/" + para["SOURCE_FILE"][2::])
(c) Move receiver file(s) to the directory DENISE-Black-Edition/par/para["REC_FILE"]
In [46]:
print("mv " + basename_rec + ".dat DENISE-Black-Edition/par" + para["REC_FILE"][1::] + ".dat")
(d) Move DENISE parameter file to the directory DENISE-Black-Edition/par/
In [47]:
print("mv " + para["filename"] + " DENISE-Black-Edition/par/")
(e) Within the DENISE-Black-Edition/par directory you can start the DENISE modelling run with
In [48]:
print("mpirun -np " + str(para["NPROCX"]*para["NPROCY"]) + " ../bin/denise " + para["filename"])
If you want to run a FWI, you also have to define a FWI workflow file
In [49]:
print("mpirun -np " + str(para["NPROCX"]*para["NPROCY"]) + " ../bin/denise " + para["filename"] + " FWI_workflow.inp")